xkuja · 2 years
Love having you on my Dash because not only are you incredibly talented both in the writing and in the art and have a vibrant personality, but you also keep my love for Final Fantasy 9 alive everyday and for that I thank you.
Thank you for still following my dumb peacock thing man after all this time.
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cameoamalthea · 4 years
Hello, hope you are doing well today. Are you still accepting people in the We Love Artagan discord server?
We are always open and excited for new members to join! 
(please fill free to reblog and/or share this link)
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gcnsliingcr-blog · 7 years
@mybikeasmypride liked for Valentine’s
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Ruluf did not know whether his partner had plans for the day. However, the gunslinger already had something cooked up just encase the other was free tonight. But first things had been first. “Here.” A tin had been handed towards him and stared. “... Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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exsiliumductoris · 7 years
"Hey, Veld, who exactly is that silver haired guy who hangs around your office? And I'm not talking about Sephiroth." He'd had a brief meeting with the guy before, but still had no idea who he was, or where he came from, much less the relations he had with his boss.
Veld’s lip curled despite himself at the mention of the pest who had decided to take up residence in his office.
“His name is Kuja. I don’t know why he’s here, where he came from, or how to get rid of him. If you have any ideas, please, feel free to make him go away.”
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tailoringdata · 8 years
No Rest For The Wicked {Alak | Alvis}
It’d been about two years now. Two whole years since he’d ran away from home. Living on his own, running around in a gang had been tougher than he thought. Tough, but also fun and exciting. At least until he’d gotten into more trouble than he could handle. He hadn’t been fully prepared for just how deep, dark, and seedy the under belly of Midgar could be. He’d ended up stealing from the wrong people, getting himself almost killed. But his life had been spared, because they found a use for him.
Almost everyone knew about Don Corneo’s brothel, infamously known as the HoneyBee Inn. What wasn’t as well known was it wasn’t just a place to meet a cute, bosomy girl in a bee outfit. Girls weren’t the only thing you could buy for a good time. That’s where Alvis came in. Except he didn’t go by that name during his working hours. Everyone knew him better as Ruan. Sounded so close to ‘ruin’. Which was exactly what he did for his clients. He ruined them for sex, making them feel so good they never failed to come back for more.
It hadn’t always been like that of course. When he’d first started, he’d still been growing and developing physically. Still learning how his body worked. If it hadn’t been for a well seasoned teacher, he probably would never have become as skilled as he was today. By this point, he’d filled out nicely, his body fully developed for the most part, though he likely still had a few inches left to grow.
That night was just like any other night. He was relaxing in the break room, enjoying a smoke before he started his shift. It was the busier time of the year. If he did well, he’d be able to pull in more than enough money.
It had taken Alak a long time to work up the courage to explore the Honeybee Inn. Given his youth, he was under strict orders to be out of public sight when the working boys and girls started their shifts... but before then, he had the run of the place.
And now he was taking advantage of it.
Clutching the small sewing kit he’d found to his chest like a talisman, he wandered the Inn curiously, ducking shyly away from the teasing some of the girls saw fit to bestow on him.
Finding a door labelled break room, he pushed it open and peered inside.
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parvuslegum-blog · 8 years
“Don’t hide from me.”
Don't hide from me. Like it was easy to do. Like Emma hadn't spent the entirety of her life trying to juxtapose hiding where no one could see her and being noticed. History told her to be as unseen as possible, her father's voice in her head reminded her that she was worthless if she wasn't standing out."I'm not hiding from you." She answered curtly, because right now, her only instinct was to hide and run and get away from everything, especially her partner. No. Not her partner anymore. She hadn't been a Turk in years, but it still seemed so fresh.Her fingers fumbled with the key to her apartment door. The worst she fumbled, the harder she shook, until the key slipped out of her hands to the ground."Did Elena put you up to this idea?" She grunted, leaning down to grab her key, taking a moment to try and contain herself. Why else would he be asking her to dinner, after years of looking right over her to everyone else? "You don't have to do everything she says, you know."
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mybikeasmypride · 8 years
❝ I don’t go shopping I get and retrieve. I have a narrow focus, unlike some people. ❞
“Do not compare your shop lifting to my occasional splurges,” Alvis told her flatly. “Not my fault I got money to spend and you don’t. Which means I still manage it better than you.”  
He’d been at a point in his life where sometimes thieving and shoplifting had been a necessity. It wasn’t… it shouldn’t be necessary for a Turk, unless that was the mission. 
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xkuja · 3 years
What was your muse’s first sexual experience?
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     You know, it’s actually not something I’ve thought on in much depth beyond that he first lost his V-card in order to manipulate his place on the social ladder in Treno about a half-year after his exile.
      But honestly, his first sexual awakening was likely in front of a reflective surface. With himself. In Bran Bal.
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     "As with all things, it is but a means to an end.”
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chronicparagon · 2 years
💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
[I made a lot of friends here! Some I met in real life or see on social media outside Tumblr. I would love to tag as many as possible. If I missed anyone, please let me know via im or ask. I included people I have known for some time or met irl but I want to include everyone who wants to be mentioned.]
One friend would include you. I actually spent a week with you and had a lot of fun. The trip to the zoo and playing video games together were my faves. We go to each other Animal Crossing islands too and I love seeing the improvements on yours.
@theamazingchickenman - I visited him twice and he is always fun to hang out with. I had a blast at the arcade with him and my sister, dinner at the rainforest cafe, and the aquarium. We also went to a zoo and witnessed the porb (puffin orb). I always have fun when I see CM-mun! He’s a wonderful friend.
@the-expatriate - I known the Mun as far back as my FF7 rp days. I love seeing updates about her and her cat. My hope os one day, we will meet.
@quantumseraph-blog - It’s been a very long time since I heard from them. But I miss them a lot. We met a few years ago, even went through a haunted house together. I still think about them and that adventure. I hope they are doing well.
@pinklocksoflove - We often talk on Discord. I would love to talk more but things have been a bit hectic on my end. However, I appreciate the pictures of their muses and cats that they send. I think Karine is adorable too.
@sunflower-dancing - We sometimes talk but I consider the mun as a lovely friend. I like their portrayal of Saphir and their OC’s are wonderful!
@skullboysfinale - Another great multi-muse rp blog! The mun is someone I enjoy talking and plotting with and look forward to their updates on their muses!
@makoheadrush - one of my first rp partners here. She inspired me to try fanfic writing which I still do from time to time. I see her on other social media platforms and I love seeing updates about her trips, pets, and cooking.
@lickmyemr - Another friend who I met in FF7 rp. I miss her but I still see her on other platforms more and I’m glad she is doing well.
@tredispade - I known the mun for a few years now since I used to rp only FF7. I moved on to expand to other rpcs focusing on horror rp but I am always open to writing with them and catching up when give the chance.
@shutupreno - Known them for years. We used to send each other stuff from time to time. I still have their post cards and the French coin they got in their trip to Europe. I pinned the cards to my board in my room along with the cards from friends and family and tickets, one of my omamoris, and stuff from my travels. I keep the coin at my workstation. I think of it as a good luck charm. It’s special to me because they thought of me by sending it.
@mybikeasmypride - It’s been a long time since I heard from them, but I miss them. They’ve been a good friend. We got pretty close and talked on Skype several years ago. I still have the woodblock burning that’s a picture of Reno and the scarf they made. Sometimes, I wear it when it’s cold out.
@myfreespirit23 - I write and talk with them on and off Tumblr. I love seeing their muses like Joe and the story we created for them. I hope to talk with the mun more soon and write with them more!
@beloved-death - I’m grateful for Val! They have a great multi-muse blog with Mason being my favorite. I enjoy talking with Val, too. I think we followed each other for several years now but it was around last year when we got closer, which I am happy for!
@whispers-in-daydreams - I met her through two mutual friends, Rene and Blair. I’m glad I crossed paths with her because she is an amazing writer and friend. We share picture of our cats and updates while also writing threads and reply to ic asks. She is lovely and so are her muses!
@s-talking - Blair is someone I look up to as a writer, artist, and friend. He’s a dear friend of mine and I love his muses like Envy. I write more horror and dark romance because he and Rene are big inspirations. I always love seeing his ferrets and we share a love for animals. I always wish the best for him and I hope we will be friend for a long time.
@spectralhunter - Rene is a great person! I love his muses and I’m always happy to see him on my dash. His muses are becoming stronger characters and I love his ideas like with Takumi and his pet rat, Hunter. I’m working on fanart for Hunter (and Mrs. Saebom) and plan to finish those soon.
All in all, I always look forward to seeing him when I get the chance.
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exsiliumductoris · 8 years
mybikeasmypride replied to your post: [stubbornly continues working, even though he...
get your eyes checked old man i’m fucking gorgeous
I’d have to be a desperate man to pay for a bony hoe like you.
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vicomte-trottoir · 2 years
Tag 9 people you’d like to know/catch up with!
Tagged by : @ladylaguna (sorry I've taken this long to answer!)
Last show : Good omens ! Watched during February, unexpectedly adorable surprise. This made me regress back to my demons/angels teen obsession XD
Currently watching : Full House. Never watched any soap operas as a kid, caught one episode on TV and I'm currently starting season 7. It's good to see some light stuff and turn my brain off from time to time.
Currently reading : Las Malas, by Camila Sosa Villada. I think the English title is Bad girls. Very funny to read, full of steam, it's impossible not to fall in love with these trans gals from Argentina. Almost done with it, relished every page.
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Non fiction : Hmmm. That would be a Freddie Mercury biography, but I don't remember the guy who wrote it.
Last book : Gens de Pékin by Chinese writer Lao She, it's a collection of short stories about the life of Beijing people at the beginning of the 20th century. I mean, ordinary people. Delightful read, although I missed a lot of references. I bless the translators' explanations.
Tagging : @cipalia , @mybikeasmypride , @trupowieszcz , @silverjackdaw & @vampsb4tramps ! Feel free to ignore, ofc ❤️
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parvuslegum-blog · 8 years
For the life of him, Alvis could not understand women. As far as he knew, the date had gone really well. The food was good and they talked and laughed like they always did. Albeit it was a little more awkward than usual at first but, as far as he knew he’d done everything right. He’d held open every door, pulled out her chair for her. The only thing he hadn’t done was lay down his jacket over a damn puddle for her to walk across. And only because it hadn’t rained in a while.
So why, why was she suddenly walling him off? She mentioned Elena and If he followed the trail of thought and conversation, she started acting weird when he’d mentioned the younger sister.
“Even if she set this up, I wouldn’t have come if I didn’t want to,” Alvis said, stepping between her and the door. It wasn’t like Emma hadn’t already known Elena was involved. “What’s gotten into you, huh? What did I do wrong this time?”  
Alvis had stepped in front of her, blocking off the door and she frowned, staring forward at his chest. She'd enjoyed the date, even thought for a minute maybe it had all been his idea. That there was finally something between them. She stopped, giving a soft sigh, realizing that she was doing it again. Walling up, pushing away. She reached out, gently touching his arm. "No, you didn't do anything, I'm sorry. I just -" She sighed, nudging him gently out of the way to enter her apartment, but letting him inside as well. "I figure if Elena put you up to it, that was the end. You only really did it because she told you to. And I enjoyed myself, and I was worried it wasn't the same for you. Just got into my own head again. I'm...sorry." She took off her jacket and slid off the heels that she'd worn - and been dying to get off the whole time. "It was really nice tonight. Any normal girl would have had the time of her life. And I did, really. Sorry for being confusing again." She stepped over towards Alvis, straightening his tie a bit - half an old habit she had never broken.
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Rude picks out three Date outfits for @mybikeasmypride ;
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revivedxfighter · 5 years
Happy Holidays!! - Rod
She knows that Rod owns a motorcycle. It’s something that helped Harmony select the gifts that she thinks would make the Turk look cool, well, cooler than he already is, and also be safer and more comfortable when he is on his bike. With that in mind, she picks up something that has both style and comfort, perfect for the expert biker like Rod. 
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exsiliumductoris · 8 years
mybikeasmypride replied to your photo: Those difficulty stats though.
Okay so Veld is that hidden video game boss specifically designed to wreck peoples’ shit
It’s true though. You’re just happily running through the forest and all the sudden BAM you run into the hidden Turk Dad and he makes you use every last one of your ethers and two of your party members are dead and you only have one phoenix down left and just when you’re down to your last 100 HP, he says ‘Hi Dead, I’m Dad.’
Then you remember that you’ve not saved in a while.
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