c-rankin93 · 6 years
Ya know. I haven’t done this for a while 💁🏻‍♀️
Here’s something, don’t ask me when it is. Or how it started. Long time no see MMFD fandom ✌🏼
P.s I know I’ve got other works not completed. I got bored easily, didn’t feel my fan fic writing was exciting enough. This shit is hard, but every now and then I come back and have a snoop xoxo
Title: One Shot Wonder
(Insert) - this has nothing to do with the main story line, only the main characters.
Rae POV:
Fucking rain again. One day, I just needed one day of sunshine in this shitbox of a town. But, of course, Stamford new how to kick me up the rear when going gets tough. Why I chose to stay here was beyond me, I would rather be living it up in a city somewhere on the other side of the country. Actually, fuck this continent, take me somewhere else. Anywhere else.. Well, right now anyway.
Yeah, I’ve had a bad day. The day Oasis release their reunion album - on vinyl only! Is the day my car decides to shit itself, and the clouds open up and piss all over my already bad day. So now here I am trudging through the puddles that have collectively grouped together, (I swear just for me), just to get my copy before it’s sold out. Stamford is a small town, Jono told me Thursday that they were only getting a limited amount of copies and that he had lots of interest in them already. I ain’t missing out. Even if that means being cold, shitty, and wet like rag doll. I’m getting my hands on a copy.
If only you had taken finn up on his offer the other day.
My subconscious snaps. Or really I should say my inner bitch. I imagine her as a tall, thin blonde, with banging legs and a great rack. All the things I’m not. But hey, she does look great cracking the whip and lighting a fire up my ass when I over think shit.
Like with Finn, a gorgeous man barking up the wrong tree. Well, I think he’s barking up my tree. He’s sweet, and broody. A total god from his head to his toes. He’s asked to do things with me, and go places but I shut down completely when I’m around him. My intelligent brain turns to complete moosh, and I blush like a bloody beetroot. All red and clammy, total suttering mess. And still he call me girl, and the odd ‘love’.
I shake my head. I’m over thinking once again, he’s just being polite. I must just keep him entertained, I mean my mouth has a mind of its own. Yap, yap, yap. When I’m not stuttering. He smiles, laughs, and gives feed back. Comfortable... Just friends. Yeah, that’s it. Friends.
I stepped over another puddle, only to side step into another. Nice going Rae, you’ll look like a wet noodle by the time you arrive at the record store. Scare all the customers away, then I can get my hands on that sweet, sweet candy. I was another 5 blocks away atleast, down Lane drive until I reach Sturt Avenue, which of course leads to Main Street. Which oldly enough hosts 80% of the shops around this cramped town. It was only just before 8am, close enough to their open time to make me panic and pick up speed.
I didn’t hear them at first. I was to focused on getting to the shop to register what was happening around me. When I felt the pull on my arm did I then realise someone was trying to get my attention, in a very informal way. I stopped, and moved way from the touch immediately. “Calm down darl. Didn’t you here me calling ya name?” Of course my day just had to get worse.
Liam was there looking a little bit disheveled but otherwise clean. He had become a lot more rounder around the middle since I had seen him last. His face aged beyond his years, it had been nearly 10 years since I hooked up with him in freshman year at a college in Leeds. It was not pleasant and I was very drunk. I blame Chloe, and Izzy, and chop, and Archie for that night. They practical poured the liquor down my throat all night, my 18th birthday. I was the baby of the group, even though I didn’t look like it. I started when I was only 17, high grades in high school allowed me to graduate early.
Chloe, also a freshman, or aka the queen of the gang. Blonde, skinny, wealthy and an absolutely sweetheart. She looks like she drags her fingernails down a chalkboard for a living, and trust me she has her moods. But she has been my best friend for 10 years. Izzy, a bubbly little petite ginger and also a freshman. Chop, who was a senior was a typical textbook “clown”, and had a wickedly dirty mouth. I think my then virginal ears use to bleed back then. Archie, my beautiful boy. Gay and as sexy as hell, in a I’m in love with a nerd sort of way. My crush on him lasted 2 weeks when we first met. Until he drunkenly let it slip on our ‘first date’ I just laughed and popped the top button on my jeans there was no need for me to remain uncomfortable anymore. Then there was finn, who arrived at our school in his senior year, when I was a junior. He was hot, broody and a total jock. Not that he acted that way. No he was an old soul.
Izzy and Chop got married 2 years ago, stayed in Leeds and started a family. One baby, a adorable peach fuzzy little boy named Timmy. Chloe married a screenwriter named johnathon 5 years ago, they both moved to London together straight after university. They are a beautiful couple, who would rather share dogs and careers, than a baby. Archie is dating a handsome man by the name of Eric, nearly coming up a year. Currently traveling Europe, destination Italy. I got a postcard the other day. Finn and I decided to both move back to Stamford after university, I more so for my mum who was still of a bitter old women since my dad walked out, and lonely non the less. Finn graduated with a business degree, and I majored in English literature. He opened a small mechanic shop, east of Main Street. He even went back to school to earn his trade as an auto technician so he could do most of the work himself. And I, I brought the old book shop, and on the side I do some free lancing writing for different publishers. We both sit quite pretty these days.
“Jesus Rae, you looking a bit wet there love. Didn’t know you would be that happy to see me” Liam tried to joke. Failing miserably, but not noticing I couldn’t give a fuck because he was to obsorbed in himself and what he said. I had known Liam since I was 5, but only by name and face, not until university that is. And ever since then whenever he sees me he will always, always try to get my attention. I didn’t see him very often, but he was hard to shake off.
“Is there something you needed Liam? I’m kind of in a rush and...” I was cut of mid sentence by obnoxious snort from liam. His whole demeanour changed. He became tight and Ridget, his jaw squared and now he was sporting a pretty pissed off scowl. Wow, that’s different.
“Ya always have some excuse don’t cha Rae. I’m only trying to be nice to ya, but your always mugging me off, making me look like a twit” he spat with distain, I stepped back further until I didn’t care that I was standing directly in a puddle. I just wanted distance. But that didn’t work. I was suddenly pushed up against an old bus stop, scared and fucking mad.
“Liam get off me! I will scream if you do not let me go right now!” I sounded panicked but that was only because I was petrified. This had never happened to me, willingly or otherwise.
“Oh shut up you dumb whore. Ya should I should of just taken ya that night. Yan were so ready for me” he breathed in my face and That’s when I smelt the beer on his breath, and notice how bloodshot is eyes truely were. He was drunk, the bastard is out of his fucking mind and drunk
“I will scream if you do not let me go. I will defend myself, so fuck off” I tugged my left hand out of his grip, which he had pinned against the glass. I then through my left elbow directly into his face. The momentum of the elbow dazed Liam and he went stumbling back as he clutched his jaw in pain. I was now successful free from his hold. I kicked him straight in the dick and watched the big guy fall. Acting like a total pansy, crying and swearing, and that made me happy. I kicked him again, this time in the stomach - just for good measure.
“You think it’s O-fucking-Kay to grab me or anyone else like that you dirty Bastard!” Kick! “I’ve had a fucking, shit morning and now here you are to make it even worse” kick! “You ever come near me or if you even think about me or communicating with me in any way again I will chop your dick off and feed it to you” kick! I backed up a bit more when Liam started to pull himself off the ground, slowly but surely. So, maybe I wasn’t being as rough with him as I though I was.
Running seemed cowardly, but even with my epic fit just moments ago it didn’t get anyone’s attention, I didn’t want to be alone with this maniac. Run.
“Oh no you fucking don’t” crunch! I spun around just in time to see Liam practically melt to the ground, and Finn shaking his fist. Finn! Where did he come from? “Rae! Rae, are you alright? Are you hurt?” He was panting slightly, and once again my brain turned to moosh. “Are you in shock?” I shook my head, and he relaxed slightly.
“Finn- uh, where- where were you?” I stuttered. “I always go for a run before I’m off to the shop, this is my route, I just happened to be coming around the corner to see you kicking the shit out of him” he pointed to Liam’s unconscious body “I thought you’d be alright but when you tried to get away, he tried to grab you again. So I did the only thing I could think of” he blushed, he actually fucking blushed.
“Thanks. I-I, thank you” I was glad that the rain had decided to let up at that point. Whilst I looked like a drowned rat, he on the other hand looked amazing. Slightly pink cheeks from the run, a beanie firmly in place of his head. His waterproof rain jacket look shinny from the water droplets, and mine started to squelch every time I moved -perfect.
“That’s alright. Where were you off to? In the rain” he looked puzzled, well until I explained to him what has happened throughout my crap-sastic morning.
“I would of done the same thing, maybe if it was blur” he cheekily replied. “Look I live honestly 3 houses down” he pointed to a lovely red brick house “I know you said you didn’t need a ride, but do you really want to walk the rest of the way after what just happened?” He questioned and I evaluated in my head whether it was a good idea or not.
Liam let out a small grown and I practically leaped off the ground and moved further away from his body. I was scared, I didn’t want to take the chance of this happening again. “I’ll take up your offer thank you” I nodded and smiled.
“Finally!” He murmured.
“Wha- what do you mean finally?”
“Are you really that oblivious, Rae?” I nodded. “I’ve had a crush on you for the last 6 years, and in those 6 years I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to do something with you, or offer for me to take you somewhere, and you always turn me down. In a Rae kind of way” I shrugged it off, but I could tell that I really hurt him. I had a small inkling that he was interesting but in all fairness, I never in a million years thought it was true. I just thought he was being polite.
“I’m sorry” I murmured.
“Me too. I should of just told you how I felt, I was a coward.”
We walked side by side over to his house, leaving Liam still laying on the pavement where he belonged. Today has been a total unexpected shock.
“Do you wanna go out with me? Do you want to, like, do something today or tonight? With me. Of course, like as a date?” Oh, he was nervous and It was so cute to see.
“Yes I would. I’m a bit wet though, and don’t you have work?”
“I’m the boss, I choose my own times. Plus Barry is already working, I’m sure he will do fine by himself. I’ll give him a ring when I get inside. And I’m also sure we can swing by your house after the record shop so you can get into some dry clothes. I’d offer to go by your house first if I didn’t know you better, but I knew you’d never go for it after you see the time.”
8:13am FUCK!!
I marched fast over to the passenger door and waited what felt like a whole year for Finn up run inside and get his keys, opting to stay in his running gear. We jumped in the car and he started the ignition.
“Ready girl?” He turned to look at me. I swear he meant more then just ‘are you ready to go to the shop’, no this felt more personal, special even. I smiled because yes I was ready.
“Of course. Lead the way and I’ll follow”
They lived happily ever after - together!
The end
This was not edited. I wrote this in a few hours. So it probably total garbage, but that’s Ohkay :)
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sweetheart111 · 7 years
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cekinikgenler-blog · 7 years
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fears-come-true · 7 years
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My mad fat diary♡.
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girlsautumnleavs · 7 years
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Aww he is so cute:3
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melodrama01 · 7 years
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Bir şeyin ağırlığı, diğer her şeyi de yıktı…
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helaj · 8 years
Tv series
Awkward or My mad fat diary? Like for Awkward Reblog for MMFD
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tumblermoiseu · 8 years
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💜My Mad Fat Diary💜
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c-rankin93 · 7 years
SHE'S NO YOU - Background + Ch.1
As promised, it's here! ###PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE READING THIS FIC!!### A/N: This book is based in 2016, in New York City. Finn is CEO of his own company, and his Ex-wife Rae is a Senior Architect at her Friend Chloe's Company. Together, they have Two beautiful children, Josh who's 7, and Ruby who's 6. Both in there mid-30s, thry despise each other after an ugly divorce. They are both very family oriented, both with plenty of Siblings. I wanted a different twist to my MMFD fic, especially for Finn.  Rae (32): Linda (65) & Karim (50) (step-dad to all siblings), Robert (38) + family, Julian (35) + son, Mark (34). Rae + Siblings: dad passed away when Rae was 6 months old. He wasn't very loving, and died a lonely man. - Finn (35): Gary (69) (Finns mum non-existent) & Veronica (58), Natalia (31) + family, Daniel (25) + GF, Mika (23), AND FINALLY FINNS LAST BROTHER IS... ARCHIE! (33) Just to explain Finns family... Finns mum and Gary had a small fling before he started dating Veronica. Finns mum Julie turned up with a 3 month old baby boy claiming it was Gary's (this point he was seeing veronica). She gave Finn to Gary and took off with a wad of cash.. never to be seen again. Finn calls Veronica ma, and is the only mother he has known. Together Gary and Veronica had Archie, Natalia, Daniel and Mika. (DNA tests confirm Finn is Gary's son) - SO much information to take in, but I thought I'd give you a bit of information about everyone. Chloe, chop, archie and izzy will have aperences in this book but I wanted this to focus more on Rae and Finn!! As always ignore my grammar mistakes and spelling! Not too good at editing. --- CHAPTER ONE - DIVIDE --- "Kids hurry up, your father will be here any minute now" I yelled up the stairs whilst I finished organising their weekend bags. It was a constant battle to get them moving after 6pm. If it wasn't to go to the toilet or get food, I swear my childen wouldn't shift away from that idiotic TV. "Josh! Don't forget to pack your inhaler this time" I called over my shoulder. "There's no freaking way I'm dropping that off again" I mumbled to myself, thinking about the awful scene. He called me lousy mother for not packing it, and I called him a dick for not double checking it was there. Yep, it wasn't a Rae and Finn 'chit-chat' without a smidgen of abuse thrown around. Verbal abuse, of course. He wasn't a violent person, but a slip of his tongue could pack a punch. "Got it mum" Josh smiled. His spiderman onsie was a little big for him. It had been flying off the shelves when I walked into Target a few weeks ago. I grabbed the closest one, running away from the dog pile mother's had formed in the Isle. He looks adorable, and turns out they are his favourite pj's. Bonus! "Good. Now can you please tell your sister to hurry up and brush her teeth whilst I finish getting ready" I cooed. When he turned around, i cheakily patted his bum. I chuckled at the little scowl he gave me. It always reminded me so much of his father, it was honestly heart breaking. The little facial expressions he gives you, and them chocolate brown eyes were everything. Joshua did make me miss the man that tore my life apart, just that little bit more everyday. I went to the mirror, trying to ignore the small argument that was going on from the upstairs bathroom. Currently, (by the sounds of things) Ruby is giving her brother another ear full about using her princess toothpaste; very expensive toothpaste may I add. Even at the age of 6, I could see my little girl becoming a diva. I re-applied my nude lipstick, smacking my lips together for effect. Then straightened out the skirt of my black dress, making sure there were no wrinkles. Lastly, I tussled the soft curls in my hair, and deemed myself acceptable for the rest of the population. It was already 7:25pm, and I had a company dinner at my one of my families restaurants. It was still a 20 minute drive by taxi (if the traffic was good), and at this rate I was going to be late for the 8pm start. Between the kids messing around upstairs and Finn's tardiness, my frustrations would soon boil over. I say 7pm, he comes 30 minutes late. Of course, I couldn't expect anything better from the deceitful man. "Mooooom, do we have to go to dads? Can't I just come with you?" "Ruby we've been over this four times-" I sighed. "But-" "No! It's your dad's weekend and your going to spend time with him honey. He loves you. He wants to spend time with you" I ran my fingers through her curly brown hair that was a complete mess on top of her head. Another thing for him to complain about I guess. "I love daddy too. I just wish she wasn't there all the time". I couldn't help but awkwardly drop to my knees in front of my little girl. I lifted her chin and kissed her plump cheek, this seemed to become a annual accurance everytime she was set to spend every second weekend with Finn or even the two school pick ups he did on Tuesday and Thursday. I couldn't stand the bitch she was talking about as much as the next person, but I couldn't tell a 6 year old that. It sadden me that she felt this way but the one time I tried to express that to my ex-husband, he went off on another crazy rant about slandering his girlfriend to our children. It nearly caused us another day in court.  "You need to tell daddy that" I stroked her cheek and got to my feet just as the bell rang. "I don't want him to be angry with me..." she sniffed. I could see my daughters eyes glisten with unshed tears. As a mother, you never want to see your children cry, doing everything in your power to make them happy. This unfortunately was something that I couldn't help fix, without world War 3 breaking out in my living room. "Baby he would never get mad at you. Now go get cleaned up and hurry back. I'll go let daddy in" she nodded, headed back towards the bathroom whilst I went towards the large wooden door of my town house. "Finally" Finn grumbled as I opened the door. He stood there in his work clothes, since it was a Friday night I understood why. He looked as dashing as always in his suit and tie. I was glad he went for the light colours today, normally it was always red and black. He looked handsome. As always. "Well hello to you too" I mused sarcasticly. Leaving the door open, I didn't even wait for his grunt reply and just simply went to the kids suitcases. "Everything is packed. Josh now has two puffs of his inhaler at night as well as in the morning, just until his completely over this small cold he can't seem to shake. Doctors aren't worried but it's just for precaution". "Why wasn't I notified about this doctors appointment Rae! I'm his father I should of been there" Here we go again. "I did call your office, your mobile was busy..." I slipped on Joshua's jacket on his shoulders, not even bothering to acknowledge Finn whilst I talked to him. "I left a message with your assistant-girlfriend whatever. If she didn't give you the message then it's not my problem". "RUBY, HONEY. HURRY UP OR MOMMY WILL BE LATE" I called just before I heard the pitty patter of her feet. "Hey dad" Josh cuddled his dad once i finished buttoning up his jacket. They had always had a strong relationship, it's something I've admired. From birth he cared more about his father's soothing voice then the women that carried his little body around for nine months. Not that I cared, I was glad that their relationship was so close, I always had my little boy but Finn had his mini me. You could tell that made him proud. "Hey buddy, how was school?" A genuine smile radiated Finn face. He crouched down so he was looking up at Joshua whilst he talked about his day, and how Mrs. Thorne gave him a gold star of his creative writing story.  "Hi daddy" Ruby's timid voice sounded off when she walked towards her brother and father. They both didn't notice, so I didn't feel the need to acknowledge it either. Another kick to the stomach, as a mother. "There's my beautiful little girl! Have you been keeping mom and joshy on their toes" he grinned picking up ruby's little body and giving her a squeeze. "Well Joshua has been using my toothpaste again..." I left them to talk by the door and ordered a taxi. I looked at the time again as I slid on my coat, and grabbed my bag off the kitchen counter. 7:40pm. I was definitely going to be late for the dinner start, but I new they wouldn't be ordering food til at least 8:30pm. Thank God. "You two go to James and he will help you guys get into the car" he nodded to his driver who stood waiting. "I'll grab your suitcases and meet you there. I just have to talk to mommy, Ohkay?" They both nodded, then gave me both a kiss goodbye. Trotting off towards James yelling Hello as they got situated in the car. I waved towards James and smiled, he had once been my driver when Finn and I were married, he was a lovable old chap that use to talk my ear off. I miss our little chats. "Where are you going?" The question didn't come across one, more of a demand to tell him why I was dressed up and heading out on this rare occasion.  "Work dinner. Not that it's any of your business..." I couldn't help but flush at our proximity. This was probably the closest we had been in years, and that was only because he was standing directly in my way. "Your little boyfriend not taking you out I see, how disappointing". He smirked watching the anger build within me. He knew I was a ticking time bomb, I always have been. I can't help that I take after my mother in that aspect but he has no right talking about Greg and our Relationship. Yes, we have both 'moved somewhat on'. "Excuse me! What does Greg have to do with this Finn" I sneered. "What about your girlfriend where's she? Spending all your money on another boob job?" Shit. Why did I have to open my big, fat mouth. He fed me the bait, and I took it. "Liv is actually at her sister's house if you must know. Tonight it's just the kids and I" I relaxed when he didn't scream back at me. It was still weird to watch his demeanor go ridged, and know I was the one to cause it. "And if you must know-" I fucking knew he would have more of an input. "I quite like Liv's tits the way they are, firm and perky. Unlike someone I know, maybe you should get yours done". "You mother fu- how dare you fucking body shame me! These 'saggy' tits of mine fed both of your kids for nearly two years each, giving them the best start in life. You asshole" His face was stoic, but I could see in his brown eyes there was a hint of underlying sadness- regret even. "Rae I didnt-". "Get out!" "Wait-". "I said get out of my house Finn. Now! Before I grab our kids out of that car. How dare you treat me like that". I was too mad to cry, too angry to even care anymore. Even though Greg and I's sexual relationship wasn't as active as I hoped, I knew for a fact he liked my body. After two kids, who used my body like a factory I was proud I managed to maintain my weight for once. No more late night snacks, and unhealthy foods. I didn't want to go back to my former obesity stage, high school was not kind to me. He grabbed the suite cases with a sigh and headed for the door just as the taxi pulled up. No more words were exchanged. We both knew it would damage this non existing relationship more. -- There's chapter one... I hope you liked it. And there will be more too come. If you want to be tagged just tell me. If not, it's all cool bro :) @lily-pop-2 @eveerez @i-dream-of-emus
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itsreneeland · 7 years
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Al final, se aprende algo.
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girlsautumnleavs · 7 years
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He is so jealous. Ugh ,I love him
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queflojeralavida · 7 years
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littlesunflower20 · 8 years
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Rae and Finn 😍
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kokoachan · 8 years
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c-rankin93 · 7 years
A/N: This chapter is more about family as you soon will tell. And you get to see a sneak peek into Finns head. --- CHAPTER THREE: SMILE FOR THE CAMERA --- RAE POV: "He did what!" I was currently at my parents house in Hoboken, New Jersey lounging out in the family room with my eldest brother Robert. My parents were playing in the backyard with the grandkids except my eldest nephew Tomas who was in the kitchen with his mother Maria- Robert's wife of 20 years. Robert was the only one of my three brothers that still resided in New York, as a Family Lawyer he took his job very seriously. He help me with my divorce and the custody battle I had to endure during Finn and I's separation. He was (and still is) overly protective of me. He and Finn had been great friends, and over the years we took family vacations together. But the moment I finally revealed what happened between Finn and I, he became even more overbearing, and even vengeful towards a certain someone. I guess he was hurt, a friendship destroyed and a little sister broken. It was a beautiful disaster. Julian the second oldest is currently living in San Francisco with his four year old son Parker. He went through a nasty breakup from his ex-wife Becca 6 months ago after finding out she was embezzling money into an off sore account of her estranged lover. His small doctors practice nearly went bankrupt due to the money loss but our parents stepped in and helped him financially to stay afloat. Becca was currently serving an 8 Year sentence in prison and her mysterious lover disappeared with nearly $500,000. He decided to stay in San Francisco and continue on with the life he built with his son, but frequently visited New York. Mark, the youngest of my brothers was also over the other side of America as well, pursuing his dream in Los Angeles. He packed up and left straight after high-school with the families support to become an actor. Over the years he has done well for himself, after staring in small commercials, then he moved on to TV drama, before getting his big break at 26. He stared as the supporting roll in one of Hollywood's greatest movies. He got noticed, then got famous. He kept to his bachelor life style, and I didn't ask him about the different women he was photographed with. I had just explained to Robert what had happened this morning over breakfast and what Olivia had said to me. To say he was mad was an understatement, he had practically choked on his beer the moment I told him about my uninvited guests. "Yeah well I can't stop him from seeing Josh on his birthday can I? But did he really need to bring her?" Robert understood my emotions. He was the only one out of my entire family that knew what really happened, between Finn and I. "Yes you damn well can Rae! That is your house, your property and if you don't want someone there you can tell them to leave. Invite Finn in sure but kindly remind him to leave his baggage at the door" Robert fumed and I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. "I'm seriously Rae, don't let him walk all over you! That asshole needs to be taken down a peg or two" I sighed knowing that the more I talked about the situation, the more angry my brother would get. So in true Rae fashion I changed the subject. "So anyways! Are you excited about Tomas starting collage next year?" My eighteen year old nephew was a prodigy of his old man. I knew one day he would be a brilliant lawyer and husband, it was just a matter of time. Robert beamed and the mention of his eldest boy. "Of course! The kid got into Harvard for fuck sakes" he laughed, "not even I did that well. I tell you what, I can't wait to see him successfully one day". That was just typical Robert, he was the kindest man you would ever meet but if you messed with his family he would back hand you quicker then a women at a black Friday sale. "You know Elissa and Emery are going to be artist just like there momma" his daughters Elissa, 15, and Emery, 10, were splitting images of there beautiful mother Maria. Both had dark chocolate hair and golden brown eyes, they could never do anything wrong in Robert's eyes because they looked to much like their mother. Who was a pretty well known artist in New York, both girls had talent but in different areas. Elissa enjoyed painting faces and was brilliant at it, she has won numerous awards at school. And Emery loves mixing colour, some would call it abstract but to her it was just pure fun. "I've got my work cut out with them don't I?" Robert mused taking a long swig from his beer bottle before sitting it down on the coffee table. "No, more like you've got your work cut out with Robert junior over there" I pointed wards the glass doors that looked out into the backyard just as the Feisty little 7 year old crash tackled his grandpa with the help of Ruby who was laughing along. "Military school" he mumbled. I laughed, little Robert had always been upto no good, but he did it in the most innocent way. "Come on" I slapped Robert's leg then stood up to stretch, "we better go join the others instead of having our bitch and moan session. I'm sure mom is running around out there with her new camera trying to take photos". Laughing, we reminst about the first few weeks after Karim had brought her the camera, let's just say she went through two 16 gig memory cards, and hundreds of dollars worth of prints. -- I kissed the top of ruby's head, her eyes were already fluttering shut which didn't surprise me. Flicking off the light, then walked out of the room. Goodnight my princess. I walked down the hallway to Josh's room and poked my head in. He had already passed out, soft snores echoed in the room. I quickly tucked him in, kissing his soft brown hair. Goodnight my little man. Today was a big day, after the little spat I had with Finn the rest of the day went off without a hitch. Ice skating was a blast with Chloe, and her kids, Harry and Stephen. It was the first time in years I had stepped foot on ice and having two little humans depend on me to keep them upright was quite amusing. After that we had a nice long walk through central park before dinner and cake at mom and Karim's house. They kids had enjoyed the company of their 4 cousins, and I couldn't help but smile at how close they were. It made me wonder if they were as close with Finn's family as they were mine, especially Finn's 4 year old neice Sophia. I grabbed an ice cold beer out of the refrigerator and possistioned my rear end nicely on my plush couch. I chose to leave on whatever TV show that was already on, and continued watching without paying attention to what was happening. As the credits rolled by I heard a loud knock on the door. Sighing, I took the last few sips of my beer and shuffled towards the door. Gregory was standing there with a dopey smile on his face and a large blue box in his hand. He bent over and gave me a peck on the lips. A smile curved on my face the moment he wrapped his arms around me. We walked back toward the couch, not leaving an inch of space between us. He bent forward placing the blue box on the table quickly and wound is arms back around me. "How was your day beautiful?" Gregory whispered nibbling on my ear lobe. "It was good! Joshua had a great day and passed out as soon as he got back home. How was your day?" I replied choosing to keep my encounter with Finn out of it. "Oh it was fine, sold a penthouse in Manhattan today. It came with a nice fat commission to which I plan on spending on you. Maybe a weekend to Hawaii?" He continued to kiss my neck. "Oohh... well maybe one day we can enjoy that lovely vacation. And thank you again for today! I know you wanted to enjoy Joshua's birthday with us but thank you for letting me have this time with th-". He kissed me softly on the lips to shut me up, no doubt I was rambling on once again. "Its fine sweetheart. I got a sale and you got time with your kids, Plus we have tomorrow. And tonight..." he wiggled his eyebrows and licked his lips. My body was dragged upon his and our lips crashed together. It had been weeks since we had last had sex and I was more then ready for him. I needed him right now, I needed to forget for a moment, I needed to feel that earth shattering orgasm. I needed to feel human again. -- FINN POV: I had dragged myself from the comfort of my silk sheets at 5am this morning. Olivia had managed to stick to her side of the bed last night thank God, I hated waking up with her short blonde hair tickling my face. Putting on my joggers and a t-shirt I laced up my sneakers and walked towards the kitchen to have a quick shake before heading to the gym down stairs in my apartment. This was my Daily accurance, I needed to exercise before I sat in my office all day behind paper work and my laptop. Running my own company was hard work, long hours and no sleep. I had been living this way since I graduated college, the only balance I once had in my life were my kids and wife. But now that had all changed because of Rachel. We had just gotten back from Aspen Monday night after I had taken Olivia and her God awful family away for her birthday. I had nearly cancelled after the ruckus Olivia had caused with Rae in front of my kids on my son's birthday, but I knew if I did that the nagging would increase and i wasn't in the mood for that. I stepped onto the treadmill and started off at a walking pace, letting my muscles warm. Her beautiful face flashed though my head, her creamy skin, the hairpin curve of her plump lips, her button nose, her silk like hair- fuck! My body tumbled to the ground hard, I had missed a step which caused me to trip all because I was thinking about her. Not my girlfriend that laid asleep in my sheets, but my ex-wife. Pulling my legs to my body in frustration and leading my elbows on my knees I looked to the ceiling still thinking about her. Over two years since I had touched her intimately, kissed her lips... My heart still ached everytime I saw her, but I couldn't show her how much she ruined me. No, instead I channelled that built up frustration into pure hate towards Rae. I couldn't help it, she took away my kids, my life, my fucking air. I groaned picking myself up of the hard floor and turned off the treadmill. I made my way over towards the boxing bag, forgoing the gloves I collided my fist hard into the bag. Memories of the night my world came apart washed over me, it was a disease I couldn't fight. 'Rae, honey. I'm home' Smack! My fist collided with the solid leather. I felt nothing. 'Rae?' Smack! 'Kids?' Smack! 'Hello? Anyone home?' Smack! Smack! Smack! Then I distinctly remember the words scribbled on a yellow post-it note in Rae's hand writing, along with the divorce papers. 'Fuck you' Smack! --- Grimacing I looked at the paperwork that had piled up in front of me, red tags with sign here scribbled across them poked out. It would take me all day just to read all the new contracts I was taking on in the new year and according to Olivia my deadline was only 4 hours away. "Olivia" I buzzed through the intercom. "Can you ring Archie and tell him to come to my office immediately". "Of course Finny" she replied. A grimace shuttered through me. It was a nickname she had picked up just after we started dating, it was a habit I thought she would break but I was beginning to loose hope. No more then 15 minutes later Archie lazily strolled through the door not even bothering to knock. "I was summoned" he announced grinning. "Yeah, clear your schedule. I need you to help me read through these contracts so I can sign them off. Apparently Liv decided to leave this to the last minute and I have-" I looked towards my watch. "3 hours and 44 minutes to get them done before they are sent to your department to be organised into financial groups" I signed. It was only 9am and I was already exhausted, I had no idea how I was going to finish this in the time frame I had. There was atleast 40 small business contracts to sort through, but if there was anyone I knew that could help me it would be my brother, Archie. "Fuck man! Why do you let her do this shit?" He groaned typing away on his phone, no doubt messaging his assistant Charleene about the turn of events. "Don't start" I growled flipping a page before signing. "I'm just sayin-" "Enough!" I yelled slamming my hands down on my desk. "Christ Arch, I know Ohkay... I know". "Look I'm sorry I shouldn't of said it, but your not happy man. You haven't been since-" he stopped before he finished, no doubt he saw the pain flash through my eyes. Archie picked up a contract and started to flick through it, awkward tension permeated the air. To say my family where welcoming of Olivia was an understatement. They had all adored Rae, especially my parents who treated her like a daughter. When they asked me what caused the divorce all I could do was shrug, I had no fucking idea so what was I to tell them. They took my silence as an admission that I had fucked up somewhere, that I had wronged her but all I did was love and cherish that women. Of course Ma and Archie had tried to contact Rae but she had obviously blocked their numbers, after 4 months they gave up trying just like I did, when bent Olivia over my desk and fucked her. That was the night I finally understood that my marriage was over, the life I knew before was gone and the women I loved more then life itself had left. "Since my wife left me?" "Finn" my brother sighed, rubbing his hand through his hair. "Have you even asked her why she left?". I shook my head in honesty. I had tried to talk to her but my pain turned into misery, my grief turned into anger and the only way i could express myself was by yelling at her. "Maybe you should" Archie replied, picking up another contract. "You don't think I have? I tried for months to get her to talk to me. The most I got was a slap to the face and her repeating how vile I am. Fuck, I don't know what happened. I-... It been 2 years and I still love her..." "You have the kids tonight right?" I nodded. "Well when you drop them off talk to her..." Thats better said then done I thought. --- @i-dream-of-emus @milllott @eveerez @lily-pop-2 @arathewallflower @hey1tskat1e @I88cym @mmfdfanfic
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