dragonflymentoring · 4 years
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😭 Why do I bother.... Wrote a post... Wanted to link it to tumbler but needed to sign in. Forgot my password... Left Insta and although I copied my post it's disappeared 😭 Lesson learnt - save draft in future 😂 So what was I going to waffle about...? As you can see I've shared a stunning photo 😂📸👌🏼 I haven't seen this view for a few days... Smallage is off school. So we've no routine. Lazy mornings and the like! Thought as I'm awake early I'd get some peace 😂 But it's like 'he's' got a radar... 🚫🧨📢 He wakes up early. No peace. Breathe, unclench the jaw... So looking for the positives 👀➕ We're up early, jobs will be done sooner and we can get home sooner. Ever have that conflicting feeling, you want to get out the house/away from things but hate being away from the house 😣 Yeah that's me. #mumlife #mum #countrylife #countrylass #farm #selfcare #mentalhealth #myrightmind #blogger #blog https://www.instagram.com/p/CHw54cPgs0U/?igshid=52iryg6xtxrv
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txgrll · 7 years
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#nationaldayofprayer #jesuschrist #myrightmind
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dragonflymentoring · 4 years
Be authentic they say! How, when you don’t know what authentic you looks like? When you’ve spent so long keeping ‘you’ hidden to fit in or to conform to the demands of society, family or your peers.
Feeling numb is authentic isn’t it? That’s how I’ve felt for years. Feeling not much of anything. Sometimes there’s glimmers of the old me, the younger me, happy, joyful, excited and enthusiastic, but that doesn’t last long. 
I’ve been a people pleaser for so long I’ve lost my authenticity. I know the ‘anger’ and ‘frustration’ is authentic but that’s not the real me. It’s a product of the people pleaser I became to fit.
But what if I find my authentic self and she’s so different to who I am now that my Hubby doesn’t love her anymore? That would crush me. But what’s hiding the real me doing to me? I keep testing the waters with Hubby and we’re still good. But I’m still not sure who I am!
I know I’ve changed to fit the world. People might say I’m an extrovert because I talk and am quite forthright. That’s not the real me. I’m an introvert really, as shy as my Hubby was when I met him, quiet and reserved. I can do extrovert, but that’s not who I am.
I know the real me is making an effort to show herself, but it’s scary coming out, isn’t it? 
It’s not too late, #myrightmind will win over and my authentic self will shine. I just have to be patient and give her the time and help she needs.
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