#mysdev chatter
mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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Fanon design for Glamrock Bonnie before Ruin's Glamrock Bonnie. This guy's more based off the wall art in the main atrium. Y'know, big purple bunny with a vest.
Honestly I love them both- feel horrible for canon Glambon though. Terrible. He doesn't deserve to be in that condition. I have art for him too but this one's the furthest along as far as doodles go-
For this AU I see them as consecutive models, like- teal Bon was the first go, got Murdered, then purple Bon was put in as a replacement. He ended up getting got too but the bitch came back ready to give a Florida man a run for his money
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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I wasn't planning on posting any doodles of mine to Tumblr but y'know. I was inspired so I say fuck it
so Here- have my AU's variety of Eclipse (also known by Nisshoku in that AU)
Oh and a weensy little doodle of my junior mechanic character, Rachel Winslow. Niss do bleps. Don't ask how, I've got a whole lore bit in my brain and there's no way I'm gonna go into it for a doodle post-
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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woopsie is WIP time. Even though all I ever make is WIPs and sketches 😔
I'm actually probably gonna blow this one up and line it later. maybe.
also, easy as they are I hate bear legs they conflict with my style/what I'm used to so fucking badly and I think it shows--
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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mwap mwap mwap
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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WELL I finally grew at least half a pair and decided to post these. Eclipse's pattern was done last minute so he's kinda- yeah. And don't get me started on the fact he doesn't have two sets of forelimbs-- there's no way I'm drawing that on an animal with semi-regular proportions! Such complicated designs makes it hard enough! @A@
But anyway- Sun and Moon. They're not exactly foxes rather than animatronics in this AU, but fun fact: back in Japan, they had no physical bodies! They were sentient AI projected onto a live screen to entertain, and they often frequented the forms of foxes! Y'know, 'cause foxes are important in Japan. But they could become many different things, for the sake of telling a story! I'm pretty sure that's why Hoshi has that golden "celestial" form, over on her page- probably to go along with this Emperor Sun & Samurai Moon bit my friend & I were talking about.
I've debated if these are the sort of forms they take, as far as their headspace/innerworld goes, but idk. They might alternate. Given it's a nonphysical space they could probably be whatever the hell they wanted but it's always nice to have something to default to. Hoshi's the only one that's always a fox no matter what.
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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grrrr raar imma kick a mountain lion
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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my first time drawing Moon and he's already dead
rest in bits you strangely attractive moon clown
I have a thing for jesters, I noticed. hm.
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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Hmmmm. Bittergiggle.
Fuckin Bittergiggle.
I spent the entire evening arguing with myself as to whether or not I wanted to give him hugs and pets or snap him like a twig. I think it's safe enough for me to say now that I'd rather hug him than strangle him. :'V
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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Aaaand we gotta Bendydump!
(...I draw so damn small, this needs to stop-)
He's a spunky little guy! Doesn't exactly speak, or rather refers not to, and instead makes lots of whistles, squeaks and chirps! He's super friendly and likes to play, and is the definition of "I do all my own stunts".
Silly little guy, more based around the Bendy from the cartoon vs the cardboard cutouts.
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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Hitting off on a different note; my boy Inktrap. "Stage name" was Venus Inktrap (will explain briefly) but it got shortened to Inktrap because who tf is gonna call him That.
Story behind Inktrap is from an old RP actually- kinda nonsensical malarky. I had a Bendy RP character at the time and him n' my friend's Flowey (yes, Undertale) got in a tussle against big bad Error Sans (also Undertale) because he was beating up a dinosaur. tl;dr some shit happened, Bendy and Flowey fused (more like Flowey got drowned in ink) and BOOM
Inktrap was born. He ended up becoming his own character because I liked him so much and now he's one of my favorites. He originally looked a lot different but I think the slimmer look fits him. Like a big ol' inky plant-lizard-guy. Doesn't speak (he can only gurgle) and is often kinda clueless about stuff. Still a dangerous boi, but doesn't actually wanna hurt anyone.
He also has a little cat-dino friend named Snowfanger! Snowy for short. Inktrap will protect her with his life and in her defense is one of the few times he's an active threat.
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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This AU isn't just Rachel and Niss I promise.
I just happen to be practicing drawing them because humans nor the DCA/Eclipse are my forte. at all.
(EDIT: mk so remembering to draw Niss's arms is gonna be a bitch. great)
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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Some older doodles of my boy Withered Bon and his ghost kid Alex.
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
well I got hit with a bit of a bamboozle that has me cackling for no reason re: headcanon and true canon heights
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Rachel - 5'2
Funtime Freddy - 6'5"
DCA - 7'0"
Bittergiggle - 9'0"
Huggy Wuggy - 17'0"
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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Decidedly posting some old doodles of my fluffy lil Springtrap boi, known better as Mystery.
Not possessed by no purple murdery man. Only the skeleton remains within him, and he's simply acting on that lovely OG Spring Bonnie programming. He's a sweet lil thing, wouldn't hurt a fly.
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mystery-amalgamate · 1 year
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Woopdeedoo, back to the little dino Snowy- imma say more about her. She's a pureblood Deinodaeraptor who managed to simultaneously lose sight of her pack, get all chewed up and find her way through The Fog into a random reality. I use The Fog as a proxy for getting characters from one dimension to another. It's pretty silly.
tl;dr of Snowy is that she managed to find (or rather, lose her way) into a reality where she met Inktrap. He wasn't sure what to do with her at first, and almost decided to eat her. But he ended up being more curious than hungry and simply tailing her from then on, protecting her from various threats along the way.
Neither Snowy nor Inktrap speak, but they have their own little language as far as gurgles, purrs and chatters go.
This one was such a doozy to explain ugh
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