#mysmefanfic: oneshot
myuntoldstory · 3 years
Mystic Messenger | Wine
AO3 | FF.net
Fifth prompt of Jihyun Week: Rain | Bells
This is not an entry to Jihyun Week 2020. I'm basically just trying to finish the series I created in AO3.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 1, 459
Summary: "This… is nothing like he ever imagined.
Nothing like those two years, when he kissed her every day."
Set after Jihyun Kim's Good Ending. On the night of their first date, Jihyun kisses her for the first time.
Their first kiss is in the rain.
Soft, warm, pliable… her lips glide so effortlessly against his. This is new territory—terrifying, life-changing… exhilarating. And he explores it with her. He tries to remember the colour of them before this moment, before the rain. Distinctly, he recalls the softest pink, alluring and inviting. With this, the colour will be more vivid, provocative. And the taste of her… rainwater and something else… sweet, yet bold at the edges…
Cherry wine. Jumin gave it to them.
The start of all this.
This… is nothing like he ever imagined.
Nothing like those two years, when he kissed her every day.
It all started that night. Amidst the dense darkness of the woods, she wrapped her arms tight around him. It was a vice-like hold that ignited an urge within him. It was the urge to return her embrace, to fall into the temptation to love again. Everything was not right. Every part of him still belonged to someone else, to his sins… to the guilt and shame that was his lifeblood. He could not return her feelings—he should not. Not like that. Not when she offered hers to him with all her heart and soul. Hurting her at her most vulnerable would have killed him. So his arms stayed at his sides. He didn’t move an inch.
It was the right decision.
Yet it also wasn’t.
So after he left, day after day, until he saw her again, he kissed her.
In that moment, inside that café, on the couch, on his bed, by the window, out the balcony, in the park, during the morning, in the middle of the night, the woods, the meadow, the river, the sea, sunshine, shadow, dawn, dusk, twilight… every day, wherever and whenever, he showed her the progress of his growth, the love he nurtured within him.
One that was worthy of her.
Of them.
Now, he is kissing her. In the downpour. At night. Rainwater and cherry wine tingling on his tongue. The palms of his hands cradling her warm cheeks.
This… is not the plan—not that he has any. All he wants, for now, is to know her and for her to know him. To reacquaint without threat, darkness, or despair. Two years they cherished their love for each other, but it is still young… unsure. Where will they take this? How far? It’s only the two of them now… how will it go? What will they do? These questions… he has no hope of answering it alone. It’s for them to explore together. Along the way, he wants to instil within her confidence in his newfound strength. He desires her trust, to believe him when he tells her that everything will be okay.
It was only meant to be dinner. To start. Nothing else. Perhaps a walk in the fountain park behind the restaurant. It was Jumin who helped choose the place, vouching for its ambience. Jihyun trusted his friend more than anything… so, a couple of hours before he picked her up he stopped by Jumin’s office. He needed to parse through the nervousness making a mess inside of him. As always, Jumin’s words comforted him. After talking, his friend decided then it was the best time to gift him two bottles of cherry wine. It’s best paired with dessert, Jumin said, but drink it with dinner anyway.
And it led to this.
The appetiser was awkward; their first glass of wine did not help. Yet the mood shifted with no difficulty. By the main course, with their third glass of wine, laughter and chatter surrounded them. He never talked so much in his life. Her stories compelled him, teasing emotions out of him that he had not felt in a long time. Earlier that evening he knew little about her, but in an hour it was as if they’d known each other for years. The second bottle of wine arrived with the dessert, which they all polished off within forty minutes. At that moment they started talking about things that bared their soul. Their secrets exposed the more their inhibitions lowered. She learned of his ordeal in those two years; he listened as she talked of her trials in her enduring wait for him.
When they decided to go and walk in the park, they were a little more than drunk.
And the rain, perhaps to sober them, decided then to pour.
Thinking of taking shelter, he took her hand, but she asked to dance. Underneath the sheet that drenched the whole city of Seoul, she asked him to hold her close and dance with her. It was the wine talking, he knew. As nice as it was to dance in the rain, he didn’t want her to risk illness… yet he couldn’t find it in himself to worry so much. The wine talked to him too, whispering things as sweet as the fruit it came from. This was his freedom—he could hug her and not have to feel guilty about it. Why was he stopping himself?
Pulling her to him was the best thing he did—probably ever. He moulded her to his body, discovering things about the shape of her. Now, he was the one… finally, he let himself fall into the temptation to love again. It was glorious, like returning home after a long time away. That was her—home. His home. The only place he ever wanted to return to.
And for her he danced, to the melody only both of them could hear.
As the rain calmed he came to a realisation.
They had stopped.
He didn’t know how or when. All he knew next was that they no longer swayed. He simply gazed at her. He took her in, memorising the way she looked in this ephemeral moment. She would look lovely on a canvas, in a fantasy of vivid colours tampered with neutrals. Gently, fingertips shaking, he brushed her wet hair aside.
In all his imagination, he never considered this. Her skin glowed underneath the streetlamps. Drops of rain glistened like crystals on the surface. There were dustings of pink across her cheeks; she could be blushing, it could be the wine. The colour was not as pink as her lips, but enough to make her look beguiling. Her eyes were a deep brown, but with the right light they would look like pools of honey. And what galaxy she held in them, the lights reflected on the glassy surface.
And those lips. Pink—so pink. So soft-looking. They were the very same that said his name, that encouraged him, that showed him a different way to live. They tried their best to absolve him of his sins, yet taught him all his mistakes. They held so much power and looking at them now… they tempted him, asking him to show what he had learned all these years.
To show his love.
The magic of the evening hummed throughout his body. The cherry wine sang in his veins, burning his cheeks. It made his heart pound with the rhythm of urgency. It beat against this frightening thought, this very real possibility that… if he didn’t do this now then he wouldn’t ever be able to. Now was the time. His sentence was over. The penance accomplished. It was beyond due… for him to pay her back.
And so he does.
Tenderly. Carefully. For this is a moment where everything converge. Everything that happened… was for this moment to manifest. This won’t break them, but it will make them. It’s up to him—and her—to decide what they will be. All he has to do now is offer the possibilities to her, with the gentle press of his lips. In cupping her face he assures her that if she does decide to accept him… that he will do his best. That’s all he can do, all he can offer her for now. All that’s left is the wait, one he’s willing to endure—two years or more if it comes to that.
But thank God, he doesn’t have to.
She accepts him. Quickly. Almost expectedly. His relief is like resurfacing from the water after submerging for too long. By wrapping her arms around him she tethers him to earth, to her, to himself. She opens herself to him, answering his question. It’s like receiving salvation he doesn’t even realise he’s been waiting for.
He thought about this, constantly. How would it be? What would it be like? But any of those dreams were incomparable to reality.
In those two years… he imagined kissing her. Every day.
Now… he no longer has to.
All thanks to that bottle of cherry wine.
18 notes · View notes
myuntoldstory · 3 years
Mystic Messenger | Cinereous
AO3 | FF.net
Sixth prompt of Jihyun Week: Dream | Tranquility
This is not an entry to Jihyun Week 2020. I'm basically just trying to finish the series I created in AO3.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 4, 104
Summary: “I… never deserved to love anyone in the first place…”
Set during the 1pm 8th Day phone call. Lux takes a much needed break after caring for V after his rescue. She has a dream that causes her to have hope for his future. She decides to call him and tell him about it, but his words on the other side may have just convinced her that everything, indeed, is hopeless.
For the first time, Lux takes a break.
It's at Seven's insistence. V gives him enough stress; if she also falls ill then his heart will definitely fail. So, for his sanity, she leaves V in their care for a short while. Since she's desperate for some fresh air, she tells the agents that she'll be resting outside. After a stern warning in safety and self-preservation, Seven sends her off.
That's how she ends up underneath a great tree just a short distance away from the cabin. She wraps her arms around herself with a sigh. The hideout's in an open area, allowing her to see a gorgeous view of the mountains. With a faraway stare, she traces the jagged shapes with her gaze. Weariness begins to weigh on her as she relaxes.
She closes her eyes...
... But opens them again when the echoes return.
V's pain... his torture... the sound of it won't leave her head. All she could do was listen at that time. In this mess she created that was the extent of her usefulness. Sit, chat, listen... that was it. Wouldn't that make her the worst? With her naivety she caused this... yet, she couldn't even help the man who risked his life for her. As he choked and gasped and cried... all she amounted to was listening.
A lump forms in her throat and she swallows it down. The past twelve hours... was like hell. V's anguish cut into her soul. And it wasn't only his physical pain. The things he had said in delirium... it made her hurt for him. That kind of pain... it's ingrained so deep within him that dislodging it requires a miracle. What makes it worse is that every negative thought he accepts nurtures it. With his own hands, he digs it deeper, making it more impossible to remove.
Because of this she takes charge of caring for V. He worked so hard and suffered so much for her sake. Compared to that her efforts aren’t much. Still, she wants to do what she can for him. It is her turn. This isn't enough and it will never be, but the least she can do is help him through this.
In the early days, she didn't understand why he worried so much for her.
But those past twelve hours, as he writhed in pain...
She understood...
Now, all she thinks about is him—his health, safety, happiness…
If anything happens to him…
Lux sighs.
Good thing he seems to be improving—if the way he looked this morning was any indication. It's all thanks to Vanderwood, Seven's associate. Even with this, she was useless, only delegated to helping the agent as he purged the elixir from V's system. Yet, even as the poison leaves his body, the one in his heart remains. How can she begin to heal something like that? What kind of antidote does it need?
As she puzzles these questions, her lids grow heavy. The exhaustion finally catches up to her. Yawning, she closes her eyes. A short nap... that's all she needs. Stealing a few minutes of rest will ease the tension a bit. After that... she'll return to V’s side.
Within minutes, she’s sound asleep.
The next time she opens her eyes, she finds herself looking into another's... gentle and mint coloured. She looks into them with love, happiness, and pride... because he did it. Everything he wanted for himself, all that she hoped for him... he achieved them all. Now in his hands is the one thing she wished for him. All the effort he made himself, the burden he carried alone with no complaint—he never gave up. He fought... and he won.
And the change in him... nothing short of miraculous. Gazing at him, she realises that she's seeing him for the first time. This man, the one standing in front of her, is him—as a human being. Alive. And God, how she loves him. For taking the courage to step out... she loves him more. Now he lives for himself—loves himself. The person before her makes her heart so full she's about to burst.
He holds her hands tightly, as if he's telling her that he will never let her go. She doesn't want him to. Tears spring from her eyes as he says the words she longs to hear. How his eyes sparkle with love and vitality. She wants to stay by his side, to walk with him on every journey he takes. She wants to see through it all with him, now until the end of time.
Laughing through her tears, she reaches out and cups his cheek. Then, she gently combs through his new hairstyle. He leans into her touch, gazing at her with such tenderness that it makes her cry more. For the first time in a long time she's happy. Their future is now something she looks forward to
Then, in the distance, she hears something…
Lux wakes up with a start, disoriented from the sudden transition from dream to reality. Looking around, she recognises the mountains while her mind reeled with incoherent thoughts. To calm herself she takes in a few deep breaths of fresh oxygen. What she saw... was a dream. It wasn't real--it wasn't, but... a cautious smile tugs at her lips. It can be. It will be. She'll work hard to make it so. The vision is so full of hope that it feeds the optimist in her, convincing her that everything will be okay.
The sound that roused her was her message tone. It's Seven, telling her to return and continue resting in the cabin. Sighing, she rises to her feet and embarks on the trek back to the cabin. After sending a text back her smile finally breaks out. She should call V and tell him about her dream. He exuded such happiness in that vision—though it's not real, in that place he reached peace. If he thinks about that, even just the possibility of it, then it will give him hope too.
The phone rings as she brings it to her ear. It connects after a few seconds. Smile widening, she's about to say his name when his pained, heavy breathing stops her. The joy in her expression vanishes. Icicles prick her nerves as a cold feeling spreads from the pit of her stomach. Her steps hasten.
"H-hello...?" he rasps.
"V!" she cries. "V, are you okay? What's wrong!?"
He sounds like he's struggling to breathe. Every shaky breath he takes brings shudders down her spine. It pushes the cold to crawl into her heart. She breaks at a run as she waits for his answer. With each step she silently begs V to say something, anything, comfort her and tell her that he's okay.
"I feel..." he pants, "hot..."
The cabin is close. Another minute and she can reach the door. Half of her wants to end the call and alert the agents... but the sound of his agony is so great that she can't leave him. He sounds like he did back then, during his torture. That time when she couldn't do anything. She listens now as she did back then... but at least this time around she can go to him. She can help.
At least with this... she can be by his side.
"I'm on my way!" she says. "Hang on!"
“I… never deserved to love anyone in the first place…”
Lux almost freezes at his words. The sharpness of it grazes her heart. No... please, not again. She runs faster, bracing to hear more of the hurtful words he wounds himself with. A plethora of comforts and assurances gather at the top of her head. It's useless and hopeless, like before when they treated him for the first time... but still, she readies herself to say it to him anyway.
“V, listen—”
“I’m… a person… who only… hurts others… it’d be best… if I could get lost somewhere where I couldn’t meet anyone… and die there…”
“V… V, don’t say that…” she says, a lump forming in her throat.
Tears sting the back of her eyes, but she refuses to cry. She swallows down the lump in her throat. Since she started this whole mess she had not shed a tear. Now is not the time to do so. V had been strong for her; now she has to be for him. She can't be weak, not when she has no right to. Though she bleeds for him every time he hurts himself... she must be strong. For him. She must be.
"V, listen to me," she pleads as she bursts through the door.
The commotion takes the agents by surprise. A cursory look at their faces reveals their shock at her urgency, but she has no time for them. She ignores them as they yell and demand answers from her. She rushes through the living room towards the hallway leading to the bedrooms.
"Listen—you're not that kind of person, okay? J-just... please, listen to me, okay? Trust me, please."
V's room is the first door. She reaches towards the knob, ready to burst in—
“How could I?”
She pauses. His words are both a demand and a plea. Tears start to well up her eyes and she squeezes them closed to prevent them from falling. Gritting her teeth, she takes her hand off the knob, curling it into a fist and pounding it weakly against the door. The rambling may come from the elixir, but the words all come from within him. What frustrates and kills her is that no matter her effort it will never reach him. It's like she's fighting against the inevitable.
“Look at what I have done…” he continues, “Rika… RFA… you…”
But it’s not your fault! She wants to say to him.
“How can I… who have endangered everyone…”
No, it was me. I endangered everyone… because I was stupid…
The words she so desperately wants to scream at him can't find its way out of her lips. She bites the bottom as it starts to tremble. The tears persist behind her lids. She is a hairsbreadth away from betraying her own pain, but she must not. She has to be strong for him. There will be time to be weak later, but right now he needs her. And she must not be weak in front of him.
"I'm really sorry..."
She shakes her head at his apology. "No..."
“Why… do you… even… care for me…?”
“Because I like you, V…!”
The words, whispered and pained, escape her lips.
Silence follows.
“I—I want…” she continues, hesitating, “I want to be by your side…”
Regret follows at the tail end of her confession. She grimaces. Of all the things to tell him at this moment. How silly of her to let this slip when, right now, nothing she says ever heals anything. This is the first time she tells him plainly how she feels... and it won't even reach him. It won't even come close to touching his heart. These words of hers will not do a single thing to tether him to anything worth living for.
“By my side…?”
She almost cringes at V's shocked voice. Nervousness and anxiety overtake her. She finds that she doesn't want to hear it right now.
His answer.
“S-sorry... forget what I just said—”
“W-where are you now?”
Her eyes snap open and she looks at the door in surprise.
“I’m right here.”
“Lux, I... want to hear your voice in person…”
“Not just your voice… I want to see you…”
There's a change in his voice—urgency? Desperation... no, it's yearning... for what? Her? Her heart, tormented and confused, pounds in her chest as her mind reels. She yearns for him too. More than anything. Though she's been by his side all this time she still wants to see him; she wants to hear his voice. She wants to hold his hands and offer him comfort. She wants to help him.
She reaches for the knob again.
“I’m coming in—”
“N-no...! No…”
She stops.
“You should… take your time… I cannot let you see me right now…”
“It’s okay, V—”
“It’s not—I cannot… make you another victim…”
With a sad smile, she shakes her head in disagreement.
He should stop being so kind…
Because if this keeps up… she has no choice but to fall.
“I’m sorry… I’ll hang up now before I say anything more strange…”
“I’ll be there soon, V.”
“Okay…” he sighs. “Be careful…”
As soon as the call ends her hand falls and hangs limply at her side. When the tension dissipates she finds her legs feeling weak. She lets it give out under her and slowly, she slides down against the door. Sighing, she presses her forehead against the wood. V suffers on the other side... but she needs time to compose herself.
While she takes a few deep breaths, she feels a warm, heavy hand on her shoulder. She looks up to see Seven sitting on his haunches beside her. With his face turned away she can't see his expression, but she appreciates the gesture all the same. To tell him she's okay, she pats his hand. Nodding, he stands up and begins to walk back to the living room.
"If you need anything..." he says. "Well, you know."
“I will; thank you.”
Lux sees him off, watching until he's gone. Finally, she stands. Anxiety rolls within her like a storm, but she steels herself. Squaring her shoulders, she breathes deep and opens the door. The sight that greets her breaks her heart, but... somehow, thankfully, it's not as bad as she expects.
Lux left V on the bed when she took her break. Now, he's on the floor, sitting against it. His head is bowed, long hair covering his face. Every breath he takes makes his shoulders shake. Some spots on his shirt had darkened with sweat. Assessing the situation, she decides on what to do first. Pocketing her mobile, she walks straight to the drawers to pick up a fresh shirt. Then, she turns to him. Lowering on her haunches, she puts her arms around him and tries to lift him up. At that moment, he comes to. She gives him an encouraging smile as he gazes dazedly at her.
“L-Lux…” he mumbles. “Y-you’re… here…”
“I am, V,” she says with a huff. “I’m here.”
“Thank God…” he sighs, relieved. “Thank God…”
“How did you end up on the floor?”
“I’m sorry… I don’t know…”
Lux sighs as she bears all his weight. They're in an awkward position and it's straining them both by the minute. Though V's thin and a bit lanky, their differences in weight are still significant. She debates on calling any of the agents for help, but... the bed is just there. Coming to a swift decision, she renews her grip.
“In any case, let’s get you up,” she says, breathless. “You’re not out of the woods yet; if you stay on the floor you’ll get sicker... okay, V?”
“Up on the bed, then,” she says. “Come on—one, two…”
Biting her lips, Lux pushes them both to their feet. V tries his best, but this latest episode left him weak. Still, thanks to his effort she has an easier time sitting him on the edge of the mattress. He wobbles and sways forward, almost toppling off. To steady him, she holds onto his shoulder. Gently, she brushes his damp hair aside to get a good look. His face is wet with sweat. The shade of his skin is deathly pale. Though his eyes are open there’s a blank look in them that worries her.
She starts when he grabs hold of her hand.
“What’s wrong?” she says softly.
V catches his breath, unable to answer immediately. Then a jolt races across her body as his blank eyes turn to her. Gradually, light returns within them. Lux catches a hint of focus that tells her he's coming back to life... or at the very least he's coming out of his void and into the present.
"I'm so glad to see you..." he sighs. "Are you okay? Are you safe?"
"I'm okay." She intertwines their fingers together, squeezing. "See?"
He nods, weakly squeezing back.
“You’ve sweated a lot,” she says, stroking her thumb across his skin. “Let’s dry you off and change your shirt, okay? It will be uncomfortable resting with damp clothes.”
Gingerly, she extricates herself from him. Without her supporting him he looks frail, but at least he can now hold himself up. She brings the clean shirt to him before turning to the basin filled with water. It was good thinking, tidying up and changing everything before taking that break. Now, she doesn’t have to worry about the water and washcloths. She takes one from the nightstand, soaking it into the water before wringing the excess.
“Are you able to take your shirt off?”
She looks away as she waits. After a few minutes, she turns to him, suppressing a wince at the state of his body. It’s bad enough that he’s one meal skip away from skin over bones… yesterday the marks on his body were a fresh, bright red. Now they’ve darkened to bruises. Her bottom lip trembles as her eyes look over the evidence of the torture he endured. Would he have them if she did more?
She doesn’t know…
She won’t ever be able to know.
For now… for now, all she can do is help him.
Swallowing down the impending tears, she leans towards him.
“I’m sorry for this,” she whispers. “I’ll be careful, okay?”
V nods. Slowly, she runs the washcloth against his skin. He shudders and she mumbles another apology. As she wipes the sweat off she’s careful not to apply too much pressure on any bruises she can’t avoid. She watches for his reaction, for any signs of pain, but there’s only an almost serene expression on his face. His eyes are closed, a sign of trust she doesn’t believe she deserves.
“I’m sorry,” he says after a while.
“For what?”
“For making you see me like this… I’m sorry you had to care for me.”
“V, don’t be sorry,” she says. “This isn’t your fault.”
“It is,” he says. “I don’t deserve your help… or any of this…”
Lux’s mouth set in a thin line. Out of everyone in this cabin, she’s the one who deserves the least amount of help. After everything he ever endured because of her, he’s still protecting her. He still cares. If they switched positions he would go above and beyond to convince her not to apologise.
“Everyone deserves help, V,” she says. “Even the sinners.”
“I don't…”
He trails off and she's finally run out of words to fight against him. She continues with the rest of the clean-up in silence. Every few seconds she checks in on him and every time she catches him watching her. There is a focus in his gaze, the sort that makes her cheeks warm. It's like he sees only her. What a dangerous thought to entertain. He's only looking out for her, as he has always done before. After cleaning him up she helps him with the new shirt; after, she tucks him into bed. Vanderwood's hastily scribbled schedule for the antidote rests on the nightstand. She consults it as V waits, learning that he is due for another dose.
"Drink this," she says, pressing the prepared medication in his palm.
Without a word, he obeys. Lux takes the time to tidy up before resuming her perch on the chair beside him. She smiles when V glances at her, relieved when he smiles back—albeit weakly. Every few seconds his eyes start to flutter. The antidote must be taking effect, which is good. He needs all the rest he can get. She watches as drowsiness sets in him. When he closes his eyes her gaze drifts to his body. Should she ask Vanderwood to do something about his injuries? When they first treated him Vanderwood said there were no broken bones, but... still, those must be painful.
She blinks, surprised.
"Yes, V?" she says.
He doesn't answer immediately.
"What you said... on the phone before... you came in..."
She frowns. "Which one?"
The moment the words leave her lips she immediately regrets it. There's only one thing in their phone conversation that's worth addressing. After everything that transpired she forgot about it. Her heart races with nervousness. Is he going to answer her? Now? But she's not ready for it. At this moment she doesn't want to hear it.
"Don't worry about that," she says. "It's nothing."
"Lux, please, it's not nothing."
"Right now it is," she insists. "Let's focus on you, V, okay? Your recovery is far more important. And with everything that's going on, we can't afford distractions."
"… As you wish.”
"… Thank you."
"Then... in place of that allow me to apologise."
"For what?" she says, wary. Is he going to reject her after all?
"For my words earlier... I know they trouble you. I'm so sorry."
"Oh..." she sighs, relieved—terrible, but at least she can handle this. ”Don't apologise... it's okay."
"It's not," he says. "I'm sorry for making you see me like this. It must be scary, dealing with me in my delirium. My physical state is no better... you shouldn't be seeing any of this."
"V... your injuries are not your fault."
"Perhaps not..." he sighs, "but I want to protect you from seeing such terrible things. You should only see good things... things that warm your heart and puts your mind at ease. I fear what all this will do to you in the future."
"I appreciate that," she says with a small smile. “But… well, I want to take care of you no matter what. The things you say… the things I see… it won’t stop me from caring for you. Because I want to be just here, beside you.”
Her smile widens slightly at his reddening cheeks.
“Will you apologise for that too?” she teases.
“I… don’t think it will be appropriate.”
“Yes,” she chuckles. “So don’t worry, okay? Just rest—for me. The faster you recover the better I’ll feel.”
“All right? Don't think about anything… just concentrate on sleeping."
Swallowing hard, he nods. "Okay..."
As silence falls upon them once more, Lux reaches out on instinct and holds his hand with both of hers. To help him sleep, she runs her thumbs across the back in a soothing massage. Every so often she squeezes, smiling whenever he squeezes back. Compared to what they're all capable of... this is the only thing she can do. She doesn't even know if it's helping. She doesn't know much of anything, which is why she managed to mess up everything and hurt everyone.
V should have left her in Magenta. It would have been for the best.
“Is this okay?” she says, voice catching.
“Yes…” he sighs. “Your hands… warm… gentle…”
She decides to stay beside him until he wakes... until he no longer needs her. As she watches over him the dream sneaks into her mind, taunting her. The opportunity to talk to him about it had passed already. Still, she wants to tell him all about it. At the same time, she must be honest with herself. With the way things are now it doesn't seem like it will make any difference. He wouldn't have held onto the possibility of hope.
She focuses on him again. "Yes, V?"
“I’m… happy to see you… hear your voice…”
Her eyes widen. Softly spoken, laced with sleep, what he said somehow unlocks something within her. The tears she worked so hard to hold back now spill over her eyes. Her lower lip trembles and she bites it to keep from making any sound. With a soft sniffle, she smiles, sad and helpless. After wiping them away, she squeezes his hand.
V might not hold onto hope right now... nor does he believe in any form of peace and salvation for himself. But she can do it. She will do it. For him... she will believe in everything he doesn't. Little by little, she can impart it on him. Until he's able to accept it and do it himself. Until he reaches that place, the very same in her dreams. Until then...
She will hope for him.
14 notes · View notes
myuntoldstory · 3 years
Mystic Messenger | Champagne
AO3 | FF.net
Final prompt of Jihyun Week: Birthday
This is not an entry to Jihyun Week 2020. I'm basically just trying to finish the series I created in AO3.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 4, 656
Summary: “You are a miracle, Kim Jihyun.”
It's Jihyun's first birthday after his return. To celebrate, the members throw a charity party for him. As the after-party rages on, he steps out to get some rest. His beloved, Lux, joins him. A romantic moment follows, making him grateful for his existence in the universe.
Out on the balcony, Jihyun sits on one of the chairs.
Behind him, through the glass doors, the after-party is in full swing. It is past midnight; the party guests have left hours ago. The members, however, are keen to keep the good mood going… as well as finish every single bottle of alcohol supplied. Jihyun smiles at Hyun’s voice—clear, soulful, and smooth. The musical actor sings one Broadway song after another. Enthusiastic cheers greet every powerful note he belts out; there’s always one that’s the loudest out of all of them. Undoubtedly, they belong to Jaehee.
With a deep sigh, Jihyun lets the exhaustion of the day wash over him. His time away had eroded some of his stamina. Before, he would’ve remained inside and continued to enjoy the festivities. Now… he feels like an empty gas tank. A refuel is what he needs. After some time to himself he should be ready to head back. Although… he feels a little guilty for ducking out. After all, the members worked so hard to organise this party for his homecoming and his birthday…
And Lux…
Jihyun smiles.
Lux, his beloved, worked especially hard. From caring for the guests to the logistics, she exerted all her effort. Jihyun feels a surge of pride for her. On the outside, party planning seems simple, but it is an involved affair. Today, from the moment she arrived, Lux had not stopped working. Even in the days leading to… she divided her time equally between her job and being the party coordinator. After all that, she still found time for him. It was exhausting work, but she never dropped her smile or dimmed her cheerfulness. Calling her an inspiration is an understatement.
As he left for some solitude he found her having fun with the kids, messing around with the helium balloons. It was his intention to bring her along with him, to spend time alone, but he decided to leave her be. After everything that had happened, out of everyone in this place, she’s the one who deserves to have the most fun.
Relaxing against the chair, Jihyun crosses his legs and taps his foot in time with the music. He tips up his head, gazing at the star-speckled sky. This moment feels romantic thanks to Hyun singing in the background. How he wishes his beloved is beside him. The night has its own serenade of the wind and cries of nocturnal creatures. Somehow, it harmonises with the melodies coming from inside.
At this time, Seoul is in slumber, but the city remains alight. The sky is an inky expanse of midnight blue, occasionally glittering with stars. How fortunate that he can still make out some constellations. During his travels, he had the chance to glimpse the Milky Way. The tapestry of the night was so dense with stars that it brought tears to his eyes. They were beautiful, those places… even transcendent. However, it’s not as comforting as the sparse skies here.
It really does feel good to be home.
“Kim Jihyun!”
The sound of heels clicking across the floor alerts him. Before he can do anything a pair of arms appear from behind him. They close around his shoulders and hold him tight against the back of the chair. Suddenly, something warm nuzzles against the side of his neck. A wet, open-mouthed kiss presses into his sensitive skin, making him gasp.
“Lux,” he breathes, clearing his throat. “Darling…”
“You’re here!” she cries, voice muffled. “I’m so relieved!”
“Of course I’m here, my love…”
Jihyun brings his hand up, gently petting her hair as he kisses the side of her head. His beloved tightens her hold. Whining, she presses her face harder against him. Concern wells up within him as he hears the unmistakable sound of her sniffling. He rubs her arms with his other hand, attempting to console her. The desire to help her overwhelms him, but he doesn’t know where to start.
“What’s wrong? What do you need?”
“I thought you left!” she exclaims. “I panicked!”
“Me? Leave? I wouldn’t dare.” He kisses her again. “Not without you.”
“Aw, you are so nice!”
Lux presses close to him, as if she’s trying to eliminate as much space as possible. Jihyun sucks in a breath, shivers running throughout his body as she brushes against a sensitive spot. Lips pressing hard together, he turns his face away to hide the blush blooming across his cheeks. Then, he closes his eyes as every muscle in his body tenses. She’s moving her mouth, now caressing that very same spot again and again.
It takes him seconds to realise she’s actually talking…
Or… well, rambling…
“… Nicest, kindest, goodest man I’ve ever known. Like you’re sooo nice! Really nice! Like, super nice! You’re kinder than the kindest person on earth! You are so good it really drives me crazy! I just want to put you in my pocket and cherish you!"
Her words, passionate and half-wailed, make his face burn hotter. Eyes wide, he turns to her. At the same time, she lifts her head and looks at him. In that moment, everything makes sense. She’s dazed. Her face is a bright, traffic light red. There’s also a distinct glassiness in her eyes—the classic look of someone who had one too many drinks. Yet, the tears clinging to her lashes are real… so are her words.
If they are born out of drunkenness then he’s relieved…
“Thank you,” he says, chuckling. “I appreciate that very much.”
It seems his words touch Lux. Tears well in her eyes, but they don’t fall. Her lower lip trembles as she sobs. Then, making a happy noise, she squeezes her cheek against his. Jihyun chortles, wincing slightly when she rubs against his face with force. He caresses her arms again, this time with affection.
“You are so cute!” she nearly squeals. “So nice! So cute! So—whoa!”
“Watch out!”
The chair almost topples as Lux loses her balance, stumbling with a giggle. Jihyun plants his feet on the floor to steady them. At the same time, he holds onto her arms to keep her from falling. He waits for her to straighten, keeping his hold firm, but not so tight that it hurts her. Once he’s certain that she’s no longer in danger, he takes her hands and guides her to the chair next to him.
“Sit down, darling,” he says. “You’ll be more comfortable—!”
Lux plops on his lap, knocking the air out of him.
“You’re right,” she laughs. “This is definitely—!”
Lux yelps as Jihyun wraps one arm around her back and the other under her knees. In one, smooth motion he pulls her tight against him. This causes the hem of her dress to hike dangerously high up. So, he pulls it down to cover her thighs, smiling mysteriously when Lux faces him in shock. It could be the dim light, but somehow her face looks redder. The colour calls for his caress, but he restrains himself.
“Is this okay?” he says. “I have to ensure you’re seated properly.”
“I… yes…”
His beloved seems to be in a stupor. Jihyun seizes the chance to wrap his arms around her waist and hold her tight against him.
“This is so you don’t slip off,” he explains.
His beloved doesn't say a word. Jihyun regards her, wondering if he's gone too far. Then, to his surprise, she loops her arms around his neck and hugs him tight. She knocks the air out of him a second time. Still, he's happy to return the gesture. The tempo of his heartbeat picks up at their closeness. He can feel every rise and fall of her chest, the warmth of her breath over his ear.
“You are so thoughtful!” she wails. “I really, really like you!”
The words set his poor cheeks, which have never recovered, aflame.
How has he not spontaneously combusted yet?
Still, he smiles. “You’re more thoughtful than me—”
Lux pushes away from him. Then, using both hands, she squeezes his cheeks together. With a little pressure, she coaxes him to look up at her. Jihyun blinks, eyes wide in wonder. His beloved has a petulant expression on her face. Added with a rather pronounced pout, she looks quite youthful and innocent. His heart twinges, a strange sensation of pleasure and pain mixed together. Right now she's... utterly adorable. Of course, she's always cute, but in that moment... she's more so—in a way that words cannot describe. He feels it within himself, the way his chest feels tight like it's on the verge of exploding. It flusters him; he doesn't know what to do.
Oh… well, no…
He does know… what he wants to do…
To kiss the pout from her lips…
That’s his desire.
Before he can act on it, though, Lux leans in until their noses brush together.
“Don’t argue,” she scolds, narrowing her eyes.
“My love—”
“Don’t argue.”
“Okay,” Jihyun chuckles. “I won’t… thank you very much.”
Giggling, she beams. She relaxes her hold, now cupping his cheeks and caressing them with her thumbs.
“Good boy,” she says. “I’ll give you a reward.”
Jihyun feigns a look of surprise and points at himself.
“Yes! What do you want?”
Humming loudly, he tilts his head and looks to the sky. Though he wants to play along, he desires no reward from her. His beloved is no object or possession, yet she is the best reward he can ever hope for. With her in his life, it’s impossible to ask for anything more. As he gazes back at her, smiling at her cute expression, his eyes dart to her lips. An idea occurs to him.
“A kiss, then,” he says.
She frowns. “What? That’s it?”
He holds onto her hands and leans into her touch.
“Darling,” he murmurs. “Your kiss is all the reward I ever want.”
Lux’s eyes widen before she snorts and giggles. “Kim Jihyun…”
“Yes, my love?”
“The way you talk sometimes… you’re like Prince Charming.”
“Is that a bad thing?” he chuckles.
“Absolutely, it is,” she says, deadpan. “I get shy when you do that and I have to work up the nerve to do things. Do you know how hard it is? To want to kiss someone, but also feeling all embarrassed about it? It is hard, Kim Jihyun—super hard.”
She’s being honest again. Now, she’s got him feeling shy himself. Still, he continues to gaze at her, unwilling to miss even a second of this. He waits for her, heart fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings. Then, she leans in closer. Instinctively, he closes his eyes. To his surprise, he receives a big kiss on his cheek instead. Opening his eyes, Jihyun catches a glimpse of Lux’s lashes as she leans in again, this time kissing his other cheek. When she presses another on the tip of his nose he can’t help grinning.
“Lux,” he chastises, playful. “This is not what I meant.”
“Oh, dear,” she says innocently, kissing his temples. “I’m so sorry. I thought this is what you want—you said you wanted kisses, right? I’m giving you kisses… what kind of kiss did you mean?”
His beloved kisses his forehead. Then she peppers a few more on his face before venturing down along his jaw... and then underneath. Jihyun shivers when she reaches his neck. This game has become dangerous. Her teasing pecks provoke a desire within him—one that is inappropriate to act on a balcony, in the open, with their friends having oblivious fun a short distance away. He takes her wrists, pulling her towards him. Without missing a beat, he presses their lips together. In his hands she stills with a gasp, delighting him.
"Kim Jihyun," she mumbles after he pulls away. "You are sneaky."
"Oh, yes," he quips. "But I'm not sorry."
They lean towards each other, sharing in their amusement and joy. Jihyun brings her hands to his lips, returning her kisses by pressing a few across her knuckles. Then, he reaches up to brush stray strands of hair away from her face, cupping and caressing her cheek. This sort of playfulness is something they haven't explored together before. He finds himself enjoying every detail of this moment. Not that he’ll ever be glad of her intoxication, but right this moment a small part of him is glad that she’s drunk. Otherwise, he wouldn’t see this side of her.
“I must say,” he whispers, “you are cute drunk.”
His beloved makes a noise of disapproval.
“I’m not drunk, Kim Jihyun,” she says. “I’m tipsy—there’s a difference.”
There it is again, that petulant expression. It makes laughter bubble up from his chest and spill from his lips. The outrage that she shows him next makes him laugh more. But he can see it. Lux is serious about him understanding the specifications of her current state. Clearing his throat, he nods, schooling his expression to that of contrition.
“I’m sorry, darling,” he says. “Of course you are.”
“Can I tell you a secret?”
He blinks at the sudden change in subject, but takes it in stride.
“A secret?”
“Yeah—no one knows about it… but I think it’s okay to tell you.”
With a smile, he sits back to get a proper look at her. He winds his arms around her waist again, holding her close as she leans against him with her hands on his chest.
“I’d love to know,” he says. “Please tell me.”
Lux grins. “I know my constellations.”
He chuckles. “Do you? Would you like to name some for me?”
She turns to the skies. Jihyun tightens his hold around her, keeping her snug against him. With his smile widening, he perches his chin on her shoulder and leans his head against hers. She lifts one hand and points. He follows her finger with his gaze as she traces a wide 'M' shape between almost invisible stars.
“There’s… Cassiopeia,” she says.
Jihyun closes his eyes for a second, heart swelling with affection. This tone... he recognises it. He heard it just the once, when he visited her at her work. It's gentle, soothing... perfect for educating and guiding inquisitive minds. Opening his eyes, he squeezes her as she continues to trace the shapes and give name to them.
“On the top right is Cepheus. Below are bits of Andromeda… and then to the left is Perseus…”
She lowers her hand and smiles at him.
“Cool, right?”
“Very cool,” he says, snuggling against her cheek. “My astronomer.”
Lux giggles, leaning her full weight against him. Silence falls between them as they immerse in this moment, wrapped in each other. As they watch the night sky the festivities continue behind them. Jihyun laces his fingers with Lux. Behind them, through the doors, are the noise of life. Shining beyond the balcony are the city lights, Seoul's very own stars. Surrounding him, giving him warmth, is his beloved—his heart, his angel.
This is it, he concludes.
This is the culmination of those two years... of the trials that befell them in the years prior. This is what they fought for—what he worked so hard for. In the future, when these moments happen upon him again and again... he won't stain it with darkness. He'll be present, appreciative that he's alive to experience such wonderful things.
“You know how stars make up the constellations?”
Jihyun smiles at Lux’s voice, squeezing her gently.
His beloved takes a deep breath.
"Those stars... the elements made them. Ancient elements, born from the core of an explosion that existed from nothing. When it happened they flew across the vast emptiness of space. It took a lot of years, but eventually, they came together to create... everything. From the constellations, galaxies, planets... to the oceans, mountains animals... even little things like paintbrushes, pianos... and then, of course, people like teachers, artists, kings... they're all made of the same stardust."
Jihyun listens as she speaks, enthralled by her words.
"Eventually, they came together to make you. It started billions of years ago when they created the earth... and everything it needed to make us. Somehow they made it so that on one specific day, on a specific time, to two specific parents... you were born. The universe, with its ancient stardust, made a place for you."
A lump forms in Jihyun’s throat as a contemplative chuckle escapes Lux's lips.
"What are the chances, right?" she continues. "For everything to be in the perfect place and time for you to exist—well, it's miraculous. You are a miracle, Kim Jihyun. There's no one like you; you're unique in every way. The stardust that created me is the same that created you, but... different, combined in one of the trillion other ways. There's only one you... and there will never be another."
Then, she turns to face him. His eyes widen. She’s smiling… but it’s so gentle, so tender that it takes his breath away. His chest twinges at the sight, painfully making him aware of just how much—how much he loves her. There's clarity in her eyes now. What she had said was no longer a ramble, but something that came from deep within her soul. The corners of his eyes feel wet; at the same time, hers begin to glisten.
She leans forward until her forehead rests against his. She places her hands on either side of his face. She caresses with her thumbs, bringing forth emotions that threaten to overwhelm him. They're doing so right now, pushing at his throat and stinging the backs of his eyes. Swallowing hard, he gazes into her eyes.
"I guess with that longwinded speech," she says with a soft chuckle, "what I'm trying to say is that I am so, so glad that it's your birthday today. I'm glad you're born on this date all those years ago."
His lower lip trembles.
“I’m glad you’re here and alive,” she continues. “If you were gone… it would have been a loss… it would have been a waste…"
With that, tears finally escape from the corners of his eyes. The desire to be closer to her crashes over him. He draws her to him. His beloved wraps her arms around his neck, embracing him tightly as he moulds her against his body. A quiet sniffle escapes him as he pets the back of her head. What can he do for her? She has given him so much, but he has nothing that can ever repay it all. There is nothing of his that's worth her warm, selfless love. Even now... he's still uncertain whether he deserves something so precious. Yet, without a doubt, he's blessed for receiving it. This is a part of her that can hurt so easily... yet she gives it to him completely, with vulnerability. To him, who had hurt her before.
He doesn't want to hurt her ever again.
And because he loves her too... he doesn't want to reject this anymore.
“I’m so happy,” he whispers, closing his eyes as a few more teardrops fall. “I’m glad I’m alive. I don’t regret being here—with you, sharing this moment, hearing you say such words… receiving your love. I’m thankful that I’m with you… and my friends who care so much for me. What a blessing that impossible explosion was. If it hadn't happened, I wouldn't be here—you wouldn't... our friends wouldn't... we wouldn't be together like this... I wouldn’t have known such happiness…”
She laughs, joyous, sniffling and sobbing in between. “Good boy.”
Smiling, he kisses the shell of her ear as she ruffles his hair a bit.
“You’re very, very good—wow,” she says, surprised. “Your hair is soft—like, really, stupid soft. It’s softer than down feathers—no, wait, softer than rabbit fur! And rabbit fur is so soft!”
“Ah,” he chuckles at her abrupt change in subject again. “Is it really?”
Lux ruffles his hair purposefully now, fingers running through the locks. Jihyun breathes deep, taking in fresh air and the perfumed scent of his beloved. He closes his eyes, concentrating on the way her curious gestures soothe him. After kissing her ear again, he relaxes against the chair as she continues to comb through his scalp.
“You have to tell me what conditioner you use,” she says.
He laughs. “You’re really cute drunk—”
“Kim Jihyun, what did I say?”
“Forgive me, my love—tipsy.”
“That’s right—ah!”
Jihyun jumps at his beloved’s loud outburst.
“Han Jumin!” Lux calls.
Jumin? Jihyun straightens and looks over the back of the chair. True enough, his best friend stands before the door, carrying a gift bag. Jumin stares at them with an impassive expression. For one whole minute, a rather strange silence falls between them. Then, without a word, Jumin turns on his heels and starts to walk back to the door. Unsurprised, Jihyun chuckles.
“Han Jumin, don’t run away!”
At Lux’s command, Jumin stops. He faces them again.
“Come here, come here!” she continues. “Help me up!”
“Oh, be careful, darling.”
Lux beckons Jumin with a wave of her hand and he approaches. Jihyun scoots forward, giving his beloved plenty of space as she wiggles around in an attempt to hop off. Jumin stops beside the chair in time, sticking out his hand for Lux to take as she gets off. Jihyun takes her other hand, helping steady her as she stands straight. With a loud word of thanks to both of them, she smooths down her dress.
“Are you going back?” Jihyun says, standing too.
"Then, let me help you.”
"Okay,” she giggles. “But first—you, sit.”
Turning to Jumin, Lux reaches up, rising on her toes to hold onto his shoulders. The differences in their heights, for some reason, makes Jihyun want to laugh. He bites his lip to keep from making an unnecessary fuss. Instead, he keeps a watchful eye on his beloved, making sure that she doesn't stumble or hurt herself. She guides Jumin to the chair next to the one Jihyun previously occupied.
“Mr Best Friend,” she says. “Keep this wonderful man company, okay?”
“You’re drunk,” Jumin retorts flatly.
“Tipsy,” Jihyun corrects, smiling back at Lux when she beams at him.
“Also,” she says, “I’ve sobered up a little—watch.”
Now turning to Jihyun, Lux takes his hand, lacing her fingers through his. Jihyun shares a glance with Jumin, chuckling when she leads him to the doors. It should be the other way around, with him leading and helping her in case of accidents. But, somehow, as his beloved says, she seems to have sobered up. At the very least she's walking as steadily as any other sober person does. When they reach the doors they stop. Lux glances at Jumin, raising her brows. After a second or two of staring, Jumin turns his head away, but Jihyun catches one corner of his lips quirking up. Smiling, Jihyun turns to Lux as she faces him again.
“I’ll keep an eye on everyone,” she says, squeezing his hand.
“Please take care,” he says.
“I will.”
“And… perhaps it’s best to stop drinking…”
She giggles. “Don’t worry; I drank my last before I went to you.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
Lux lifts their intertwined hands. A blush spreads across Jihyun’s face as she kisses his palm. With a parting smile, she turns to leave, but he finds himself unable to let go. She stops, turning back to him with a questioning look.
He smiles at her.
"May I ask for one more kiss?”
She bites her lip with a chuckle. Even so, she closes the distance between them.
“You have to duck down a little,” she says.
He obeys, leaning towards her. Smiling, she rises on her toes and kisses him. He brings his hand to her cheek, caressing her. Carefully, he deepens the kiss. She clings to him, bringing their hands to her chest. The mad fluttering of her heart imprints itself on his skin. They immerse into this moment as they continue to kiss. Together, they share in this glorious miracle of existence, of being together.
“Happy birthday,” she murmurs after pulling away.
He kisses her forehead. “Thank you… for everything.”
“Of course—you two enjoy.”
And with that, he lets her go. The moment she opens the doors, she unleashes the cacophonous sounds that, amazingly, continue on despite the lateness of the hour. He watches her skip to Yoosung, enveloping him in a big hug. Everyone else then piles on in a group hug. Jaehee is the last to join, needing to be dragged in by Zen. Still, she's happy to put her arm around his back. Smiling, he walks back to Jumin.
“She consumed more than ten glasses of champagne,” he says.
Jihyun blinks before chuckling. “Is that so?”
“Before that, she and Zen were having a drinking contest of some kind.”
“Ah… yes, I saw,” he sighs lovingly. “Amazing, isn’t she?”
“Not as amazing as her ability to remain coherent after all that.”
"Yes, that too.”
“Now, I feel comfortable gifting her more than two bottles of wine.”
“… By that you mean you’ve been holding back before…?”
"If she cannot hold her alcohol then it is likely that she doesn't drink recreationally, yes?" Jumin says, opening the gift bag and producing two wine glasses. “If that is the case then giving more than two bottles will be a waste.”
“Right,” Jihyun chuckles. “Of course.”
“Anyway, enough about that.”
Jihyun watches as Jumin then produces a widely flared wine bottle. A glimpse of the parchment-coloured label brings a surprised smile to his face. Jumin remembers. A memory comes to him—ancient history now, but still… pleasant. They were in France… the three of them. He and Jumin sought out this specific bottle and upon finding it gazed at it with longing. Jumin wanted to buy it and drink it together... but for Jihyun it was so special that he wanted to consume it at a special event…
Like, say, during a certain wedding reception…
As it turns out fate has different plans for him.
Better plans.
“I thought we were saving this for a special occasion?” he says anyway.
“An occasion cancelled due to deceitful circumstances,” Jumin says flatly. “And what more special than your birthday? Your return and well-being? You finding the happiness that always eluded you in the past?”
“Still… it’s no wedding,” Jihyun jokes.
“No, it is not,” Jumin agrees, popping the cork.
“Against the day that marks your coming into existence? It does not compare, Jihyun.”
Taken aback, he can’t help grinning at Jumin’s candidness. First Lux and then him… there must be something special about this particular birthday. The two people he loves most in this universe can’t help their honesty. He decides to accept the luxurious gift, resuming his seat and watching as Jumin pours the wine into the glasses. With a word of thanks, he takes the one Jumin offers him. Together, they clink their glasses in silent cheers before drinking.
The taste of the wine dances on his tongue; Jihyun breathes deep to savour it. Unicorn Wine… that’s what people call it. The moment the first drop hits his palate he understands why. This must be what the mythical nectar of the gods taste like. It’s bold, smooth, dry, and acidic—truly an explosion of flavour and texture. There is no other wine in the world that tastes like this… Jihyun thinks back to his beloved’s words with a smile. And then underneath… a faint hum of sweetness that makes everything vibrate. It’s uncharacteristic, not belonging to the wine… rather it’s born out of this moment—this special moment.
And it fits. Somehow.
He glances at Jumin and meets his eyes. They smile at each other.
“Happy birthday, my dear friend.”
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myuntoldstory · 3 years
Mystic Messenger | Sapphire
AO3 | FF.net
Fourth prompt of Jihyun Week: Warmth | Canvas
This is not an entry to Jihyun Week 2020. I'm basically just trying to finish the series I created in AO3.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character (Named)
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 3, 274
Summary: "Mr Kim... you're meant to paint a bouquet on my back."
The intimate moment where Jihyun paints flowers on Lux's back.
Lux lies front-down on the king-sized bed. A blanket covers her bottom, leaving her naked legs and back exposed. Supporting her from underneath is a pillow, providing comfort as she peruses the RFA app. A few days ago she started inviting guests for the upcoming party. She wonders if any had replied. Checking her inbox she finds a few new messages. She wastes no time in getting to work, typing out replies that will hook the guests into attending.
"Do you mind picking for me, darling?"
A box, held by Jihyun's long-fingered hand, enters her field of vision. She leans on her arms, taking the box as her beloved kisses the top of her head. After giving each other a smile, he walks off. The moment he leaves her gaze she looks at the box. It's one-fourth the size of a shoebox. Inside are a few small body paint pots. Setting her mobile aside, she does as he requests. She examines each pot, realising they're all the same colour in various shades and tints.
“It’s all blue,” she says, surprised.
“Because blue is your colour."
Lux hears the smile in his voice. There's affection in there that makes her blush and bite her lip in a smile. Looking through the box, she picks the colours that catch her interest. By the third pot, something occurs to her. She looks at Jihyun over her shoulder. He stands at his work table, wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of dark linen pants. The colour of his clothes makes his hair more vivid. He's busy preparing so he doesn't notice her, but she's happy to gaze at his broad back. Watching the graceful way he moves as he gathers his supplies is hypnotising. She steals a few seconds to admire him before speaking up.
“How many do you need?”
Jihyun hums, "Let's go with... three to five?"
Nodding, she returns to her task. It’s difficult. They’re all beautiful, though they're the same colour. It takes her a few minutes, but she manages to pick the ones she likes. As she chooses the final pot, Jihyun returns. He places a wide tray on the bed next to her; on it lie a few brushes, a couple of small plastic palettes, and a jar of water.
"How did you go?"
He kisses the top of her head again. She beams.
“I have my colours.”
“Very good; thank you very much.”
Lux giggles as he kisses her once more. He takes the chosen colours and places them on the tray. Taking the box he walks off again. He returns to her within seconds, sitting beside her on the bed. Then, he leans down and gives her a proper kiss. He caresses her cheek, inciting butterflies with each pass of his thumb across her skin.
“Are you ready?” he murmurs.
“Whenever you are.”
Lux makes herself comfortable as he straightens. She flattens herself on the pillow, folding her arms and resting her cheek on her hands. There's no knowing what to expect, but she trusts Jihyun completely. She starts as, without warning, she feels his lips brush against her shoulder blade. Jihyun chuckles and kisses the other side. As his kisses spread across her skin she relaxes. He marks a path from the nape of her neck down along the slope of her spine. Laughter overcomes her as he covers her back with affection.
"Mr Kim," she teases. "You're meant to paint a bouquet on my back.
"I will," he says. "But first I must paint my love."
His words bring another bout of laughter. At the same time, her cheeks redden with bashful warmth. The words he tells her sometimes... it makes her want to hide. Yet... it fills her to the brim with love and happiness. Right now she wants to wrap him in her arms… but she stays still. For him, she doesn’t move an inch. This is his way of showing his love, of telling her he loves her. Always she’s happy to accept these little gifts, even when it overflows… until he’s satisfied…
They're soft, his kisses. Tender and gentle, like him. Each imprints a warm feeling within her. The intimacy of this moment arouses her a little... but more than that it comforts her. In the centre of that warm feeling is safety. Being with him makes her feel protected. With him, she'll never be in danger... because he will always be beside her.
The kisses come to a slow stop.
"Right," Jihyun says. "Let's get started."
"Aw, no, already?" she whines teasingly. "I was enjoying myself."
For that, he kisses her shoulder as she rises on her arms. She gazes at him, returning the smile he gives her.
“Do you need anything before I start? This will take a while.”
“No, thank you, I’m all right.”
“Are you certain?”
He kisses her cheek. Lux watches as he turns to the tray. Silence falls between them, lasting minutes. It feeds the anticipation growing in the pit of her stomach. For some reason, this is all getting her a little flushed. She hastily flattens herself back on the pillow. This time she presses her face against her hands. Is it her or is the room warm?
“You know…” she muses, voice muffled, “this is kind of pervy…”
Jihyun laughs softly.
“I believe you mean tasteful,” he teases.
“Very sexy, then,” she concedes with a laugh. “Criminally sexy.”
“Viscerally sexy,” he says, sighing. “This sight of you tempts me so…”
He kisses her again. This time, on her ear. The tip of his tongue brushes against the curve of the delicate shell, setting her face aflame. She bites her lips, more than a little embarrassed, but unwilling to show how much he flusters her.
“I can tell you the same thing, Mr Kim Jihyun.”
Chuckling, he gives another kiss. How generous he is with them today.
“Please let me know when you’re uncomfortable.”
Lux nods and feels him move. The bed dips this way and that as he finds a comfortable position. He legs brush against her ribs, tickling her. There's silence for a few minutes. As she waits she wonders what flowers he'll paint for her, what the arrangement will be like. He says that blue is her colour... how will he use it to create her representation? She can’t wait to see it, the result of his love.
“This will be a bit cold.”
Jihyun’s warm hand rubs her back as she steels herself. The first touch is cold, but not as icy as she imagines. Thanks to his consideration she doesn’t flinch at all. The brush travels in a line from the small of her back to the middle. It repeats, seeming to diverge in different directions.
Overcome with the desire to see him, she lifts her head. The first thing she notices is the tray. Now that it's closer she sees paint pots of green, white, and purple along with the ones she chose. Then, her eyes go to Jihyun. When they lock gazes it startles her. He winks, making her smile. The sight of him satisfies her so she happily resumes her position. She closes her eyes as she relaxes, concentrating on her beloved.
In time she grows accustomed to the temperature of the paints. Now, all she feels is his expert technique, the measured way he applies pressure. Every time she watches him paint on normal canvases she observes how careful he is. But now that she is one... she can't help feeling that he's extra cautious. That makes her heart flutter. No matter the circumstances he always thinks about her.
Silence settles between them and Lux knows better than to disturb it. Jihyun concentrates on her back, from the top to the bottom. After a while he begins to spread out to the sides, the brushstrokes more delicate in its pressure. When he reaches a particularly ticklish spot, she flinches away with a giggle.
“Sorry,” she gasps. “That tickled.”
“I’m so sorry, darling.”
She takes a peek at his progress. “Did I ruin anything?”
“Not at all.” He smiles at her before kissing her neck. “I’ll be quick.”
“It’s okay; no rush.”
“No rush? Then…”
She jerks away as he runs his fingertips along her side.
“Jihyun, don’t!” she yelps with a giggle.
He laughs, but stops at that. Soon enough, they return to the same relaxed atmosphere. Both of them undergo a meditative silence. Lux closes her eyes, listening and feeling for everything Jihyun does. The tray clatters from time to time. Water sloshes in the jar as the brush swirls through it. If she strains her ears enough she can hear the sound of the brush gliding against her skin. Every few seconds Jihyun’s fingers press lightly into her, trying to get more control.
The minutes start to feel like one chain link of eternity attached to another. Lux had entered a lull, hovering between sleep and consciousness. At that moment, Jihyun shifts. The bed jostles as he moves around and gets off. Lux opens her eyes, looking to see him pick up the tray and walk off. She watches him walk around to the other side, placing the tray carefully near her head. Then, he sits down and smiles at her.
“I thought you were asleep,” he says, reaching out to pet her hair.
“No… just closing my eyes.”
“Are you okay?”
The way he’s touching her… if she were a cat she’d be purring by now.
“I feel like I’ll sink right into the mattress.”
He chuckles, “You’re feeling very comfortable, then?”
“That’s good.”
Jihyun picks up a fine-detailed brush and a light blue paint pot.
“I’m halfway done, my darling,” he assures her. “I will be another… thirty, forty minutes?”
“It’s okay, Jihyun… take your time.”
She smiles when he kisses her forehead. Lux lays her head down again and closes her eyes. Soon, all is silent between them again. Once more she feels his brush on her skin; by now she’s associated it with his touch. In that way, she can’t help feeling that this… is intimate in some way. They’re both vulnerable, doing this. For her part, she’s happy to do this with him—for him. She hopes that he feels the same with her.
Soon, Lux begins to feel stiffness on some spots on her back. It's the paint drying. With Jihyun working so long she detects the smell of it, a little acrid and very chemical. Her nose wrinkles, but it’s not so offending that it bothers her. She puts it out of her mind, concentrating on Jihyun’s every movement.
Finally, after what seems like hours, Jihyun heaves a big sigh. That must mean he’s finished. Opening her eyes, she finds him getting off the bed and taking the tray. Their eyes meet and with a grin, she rises on her arms as he combs her hair from her face.
“How are you feeling?” he says.
“Stiff,” she admits with a chuckle. “But I’m okay."
"You’re finished.”
“I am, yes… how did you know?”
Her smile widens slightly.
“How does it look?” she says instead.
A radiant and proud look crosses his face.
“It’s breathtaking—thank you very much for your patience.” He leans down to kiss her cheek. “Stay there a moment, darling. I’ll get my phone.”
Lux nods and he walks off. She stretches her limbs with a strained groan, careful not to disturb his artwork in any way. While Jihyun cleans up she ganders a peek over her shoulder. From her angle, all she sees is a soft concoction of blue, white, green, and purple. She hears footsteps coming and glances at Jihyun as he approaches the bed with his mobile phone. He climbs on the bed and kneels beside her. Reaching out, he caresses her hip, fingers slipping below the blanket.
“I’ll have to straddle you,” he warns softly. “Is that okay?”
“That’s fine.” She smiles.
“But you don’t have to worry; I won’t sit on you.”
“Then, if you don’t mind…”
Understanding his silent request, she assumes her previous position on the bed. She feels Jihyun moving around her, manoeuvring so that his legs are on either side of her hips. Though he holds himself above her, she still feels a bit of weight on her thighs. The shutter sound effect of the camera pierces the silence as he takes his photos. Her gaze wanders around. Idly, she wishes there’s a mirror in front of her so she can see him—his posture, the way his fringe falls over his eye when he bows his head, the focus on his face as he works…
Blood rushes to her cheeks as soon as the thought leaves her mind.
What, exactly, is she thinking about…?
“Would you like to see?” Jihyun says.
Lux sighs in relief at the distraction. “Of course!”
Jihyun hands her his phone as he sits in front of her. She makes a sound of awe as soon as she sees the photo. That he took a full photo of her is a little embarrassing, but… it’s beautiful. As he promised, he painted a bouquet on her back, in a colour that he said fits her. The main flowers are roses so blue they looked like they grew in winter. Surrounding them are delphiniums, hydrangeas, thistles, forget-me-nots, nigella, orchids, irises, and bluebells. The blooms change in shade, reacting to a light source that only Jihyun sees. Scattered around to break the sea of blue are baby’s breaths, lily-of-the-valley, and ferns. A white ribbon binds them together, almost wrapping around her waist.
“I might have gotten carried away with the flowers…” Jihyun says.
She chuckles at his sheepish tone, reaching out to squeeze his hand.
“It’s perfect.” She kisses his palm in reassurance. “Too bad it’s on my back. I wish I can see it with my own eyes…”
“Should I paint another on your front?”
There is seductive playfulness in his voice that makes her blush again.
“That will definitely make it pervy,” she says.
He leans down and kisses her as she laughs. She hands the mobile back and he looks at the screen with a happy expression. This moment will always be one of her favourites, when he looks at any of his works with joy. Before… after their ordeal, there was a time when any mention of art brought him pain. Jihyun embracing his passion and facing it head-on is a sight that she will never tire of.
“I really like this…” he says.
After scrolling through he looks at something across the room. She doesn’t have to guess to know that he’s looking at his camera, perched on his work table. There’s a longing look in his eyes that makes her almost giggle. This man with his heart in his sleeve. Can he be any cuter?
“Is it okay if I take pictures of you?” he says.
It’s not even a question. “Perfectly okay.”
With a beam, Jihyun almost jumps off the bed. Leaning on her arms, she watches him over her shoulder with a happy smile. He takes his camera and attaches a lens on it. Then, he walks to the windows and opens the curtains a little to let some natural light in. After, he arranges the sheets on the bed, making certain areas fold a certain way. Finally, he turns to her and, with a smile, reaches out to caress the shape of her bottom lip.
“May I take the pillow?” he says.
Kissing his fingertips, she nods. He puts the camera on the bed before carefully taking the pillow from underneath her. After setting it aside, he arranges the blanket on her. He covers her thighs, leaving her calves and feet exposed.
“Comfortable?” he says.
“Yes,” she says. “Where do you want me?”
“As flat as you can, darling.”
She follows his instruction, flattening herself on the mattress. Meanwhile, he continues to fix the blankets and sheets.
“Good… and your arms…”
He touches her elbows and, again, she folds them. With Jihyun’s gentle direction she props her chin on her stacked hands. Then, he unclips her hair. His hand brushes against her shoulders as he arranges her hair around. After that, he does a few more adjustments. It takes minutes, but definitely not as long as when he’s doing the artwork itself.
“Perfect,” he says. “Hold still for a few minutes.”
Easy. She doesn’t move an inch, listening to the real sound of the camera shutter clicking every few seconds. He moves around, trying to get the perfect angle. Sometimes, he instructs her to move her arms in a new position. In their time together he's taken so many pictures of her... but somehow she feels closer to him at this moment. For some reason, she's feeling especially exposed and yearns for his presence.
“I think... we’re back to being pervy,” she muses aloud.
His answer to that is a simple chuckle. The camera shutter continues to go off
“Okay,” he says after a while. “You can sit up if you like, darling. It should be dry.”
It’s not until she tries sitting up that she realises how stiff her whole body is. Jihyun helps her, keeping her steady and covered as she straightened and stretched. She glances at the camera sitting beside him and reaches out with a questioning smile.
“May I?” she says.
He gives her the camera and when she takes it, her eyes widen at the image that greets her from the small digital screen.
“Jihyun…!” she breathes in awe.
The picture is of her—that is her… but at the same time, it’s not. The bed fills the whole frame, making her look solitary. The lighting and composition would make this a good black-and-white image. She… the woman on the screen looks sophisticated, mature... sexy. Like a goddess who submits to her mortal lover as he worships her body this way. The bouquet is his offering… because nothing beautiful and worthy of her exists in this world. So, instead, he creates something from his heart...
For nothing may be perfect for her.
Not even his love…
But it’s enough.
“Is it still pervy?” he teases.
She giggles, “It’s sexy… and tasteful too…”
With a tender smile, Lux runs her finger on the artwork.
Kiss marks, bites, bruises...
These are the marks people leave on their lovers.
Jihyun, with his gentle heart, does this.
This is his mark. With this, he tells the world that she is utterly and irrevocably his.
And that makes her… so happy.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Jihyun says, cheerful.
“Yes!” she gushes as she clicks through the different images. They differ in framing and angle, but it’s all perfect. “You can put this up in a gallery!”
Lux jumps when Jihyun takes the camera from her.
“No?” she says, baffled.
“No.” He shakes his head, looking at the screen. “This is only for me.”
She gazes at him in surprise as he cradles the camera to him as though she might steal it and actually sell it to a gallery. She giggles when she catches his lips jutting out in a petulant pout. Now overflowing with affection for him, she reaches out to take fistfuls of his shirt. With a grin, she pulls him to her and gives him a big kiss. Jihyun pauses in surprise before he cups her cheek and kisses her back just as ardently.
“I love you,” she says against his lips.
He smiles in their kiss.
“I love you too.”
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myuntoldstory · 3 years
Mystic Messenger | Unbridled Passion
AO3 | FF.net
A late Valentine's Day entry. Enjoy!
Rating: T
Pairing: Zen | Ryu Hyun/Main Character (Named)
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 8, 542
Summary: Zen is doing a lipstick ad! But he's doing it with a female model—all fine and good until he discovers who that female model is. What will he do? Will he maintain his professionalism or will he cast all that aside for a short fit of passion?
Unbridled Passion
Zen steps out of the studio with a sigh. Suddenly, his phone rings. Brows furrowing, he takes out his mobile and accepts the call without looking at the screen.
"I have a job for you."
Tension sets in his shoulders at the voice.
“... CEO-in-line,” he says.
“You do know Elizabeth, yes? C&R’s makeup brand?”
Of course. Han Jumin only launched it last year. Despite its infancy, Elizabeth climbed up the top ten or five lists of any reputable name in any industry. Some say that that spoke of the trustworthiness of the company. In Zen’s opinion, it was a clear example of capitalist nepotism. The speculations surrounding the name were wild. Either Chairman Han named it after his new lover or his son had finally found a soulmate.
Oh, if only they knew…
“Yes,” he answers.
Jumin sighs.
Then, he fires off.
“We are launching a limited-edition collection for Valentine’s Day. The marketing team has made you their first choice to model for the lipstick line. I must emphasise that they’re hoping, avidly, that you are available.”
“Huh…” Zen mumbles in surprise. “Can’t say I’ve modelled for makeup before.”
“Ah… are you uncomfortable with wearing makeup?”
“Dude, seriously?” he snorts.
“Is that not a valid question?”
“No. Did you forget where I work? I wear makeup twenty-four-seven. I wear more makeup than most women in the world. I know it sounds unbelievable because my face is so handsome that it doesn’t need makeup, but—”
“Yes,” Jumin interrupts. “Thank you, I understand.”
Zen purses his lips. “So they want me to wear lipstick?”
“In a way.”
“In a way?”
“Your part in the campaign involves a female model—don’t ask me who. The team is still searching for your perfect partner. According to them, there are not many that can stand equally to your beauty.”
Zen laughs happily at that.
“Well, they’re not wrong.”
The sound that answers him is doubtful.
“I should sign up just for that,” he continues. “When is it, anyway?”
“Around late October.”
“Can you do it?"
"Hang on…”
Zen pulls out his planner from his bag. When he flicks to the calendar so many important dates already jump out at him. He has a few things in the pipeline for that month: variety shows, photoshoots, recordings, ad spots, and table reads. It’s not bursting, but it’s full enough. There are still a few days he can do… if Han Jumin is willing to adjust.
“Well…” he drawls, snapping the planner shut. “They did ask for me so it doesn’t feel right for me to reject it. I don’t have a lot of free days, though. Can I send you the details?”
“Send it to Jaehee.”
“Okay,” he says. “Then I’ll do it.”
“Excellent,” Jumin says. “We’ll talk. In the meantime, Jaehee will contact you with further information. Once everything’s locked in we’ll also arrange a meeting with you and the team to hash out the details.”
“If you have any questions or need to discuss any concerns contact us first. We’ll do our best to sort it out. I must stress the importance of resolving any issues early on—this launch runs on a tight schedule.”
Zen nods. “Got it. I’ll call if I need anything.”
There’s shuffling noises on Jumin’s end. Zen senses the call is over.
“Thank you, Han Jumin,” he hurries to say.
“Of course.”
And the line cuts off.
Zen emerges from the bathroom, fresh and fluffy from a good shower and skincare regime. He hears the melodious sound of the piano filling the apartment and smiles. Venturing into the kitchen, he grabs a can of beer, snaps it open, and takes a generous swig. Then, he makes his way to the source of the music. When the melody transitions to the opening phrases of one of his songs, his smile widens.
Picking up the cue, he sings. Eventually, he sees the love of his life sitting before the digital piano. His gaze falls to her fingers, admiring the way they dance over the keys. When she turns to him and beams he just about melts. How beautiful she looks. The mere sight of her makes him feel at home. She comforts him and makes him want to do so many things to show his love for her.
Zen had spent so many years by himself. It was lonely, but he got used to it. Then, out of nowhere, she came in—beautiful, wonderful, kind, courageous, and so full of love. Little by little she carried the weight of his burden with him and made his barren days feel so alive. She took his hand and taught him many things, opening his eyes to the unyielding fact that he was not alone. There was no shame in asking for help, no shame in reaching out.
She taught him what love felt like again.
All kinds of love.
His heart. His Lux.
Zen sits next to her. She doesn't miss a beat and he doesn't falter. A feeling surges up from the base of his spine to the top of his head. It rises like a wave and crashes upon him in instantaneous epiphany. This is one of those important moments. They're creating a memory right now—one they'll remember and reminisce in the future. They might even recreate it from time to time. He smiles at the nostalgia that already fills him. He wraps his arm around her shoulders, twirling his fingers around the ends of her hair. Soon enough the song ends. Zen’s voice fades after Lux lifts her fingers.
“Your voice is so beautiful,” she sighs.
His cheeks warm at her heartfelt compliment.
“Aw, babe…”
“I can’t get enough of it.”
“Well, I can never get enough of your playing,” he quips.
“It’s not annoying?” she teases.
“Babe!” he gasps. “Never! How can you even think that? You make every song sound so beautiful. It’s magical—I feel every emotion so much that it sweeps me away.”
“Aw,” she chuckles.
“Also, your hands are super cute!”
He takes her hand, gently running his thumb across her knuckles.
“I love watching them dance…”
He places the beer on the small table beside the piano. Then he returns to Lux, taking her by the chin and coaxing her to gaze at him. The deep brown of her eyes reminds him of damp earth after the rain. She’s looking at him in a way that pins him to the bench. His thumb traces the outline of her lips. At her shiver, he leans down and captures her mouth.
His heart pounds in his chest when she kisses back, her slender fingers circling his wrist. The utter softness of her lips never ceases to delight him. Just the feel of them is enough to tempt him, to urge him to sweep the tip of his tongue across the seam of her mouth. It takes him an effort not to push further. Any more and he’ll be unstoppable.
It’s too soon for his liking, but he tapers the kiss off. Zen opens his eyes just as Lux opens hers. Seeing them so dilated doesn’t surprise him; his must be too. Zen licks his lips to catch the last remnants of her, thumb tracing the edges of her mouth again. Gaze drifting down, he finds that they’re pinker and fuller—god, all the more tempting. How desperately he wants to answer their call, to nibble and suck until they swell.
“I really want to kiss you again,” he sighs.
“Then why don’t you?”
The question, whispered, almost unravels him. Groaning, he presses his forehead against hers—a bad idea. Her lips are now closer. Zen bites his own to fight against the urge. It feels like a losing battle, though, because he doesn’t want to stop. With difficulty, he pulls away and compensates himself by kissing her forehead.
“We’re having a good moment right now,” he reasons, combing back wayward strands of hair from her face. “I want to stay like this with you for a bit longer.”
With a smile, she returns to the piano and plays a cheerful piece. The heady, intimate atmosphere between them dissipates, but it doesn’t encourage distance. As the playful melody fills the air, Zen straddles the bench. He wraps both arms around Lux loosely. Leaning in, he buries his nose in her hair, inhaling deeply to take in the scent of peonies. A feeling of calm washes over him, soothing his electrified nerves. What a blessing she is to indulge him like this.
“Honey, I have something to tell you,” he says.
“What’s up?”
“Han Jumin gave me work.”
He kisses her temple before moving on to the shell of her ear. Then, his chaste pecks travel to the back. He nuzzles close for a few seconds because the peony scent is the strongest there. He pushes her hair to one side before continuing on, keeping his mouth closed. For now, he doesn't start anything. He's been bursting with affection for her the whole day that he only wants to shower her with them.
“You know Elizabeth, right?” he continues.
“Hmm? Yeah, of course.”
"... Not the cat."
"Oh," she laughs. "The makeup brand, right?"
"That's the one."
"What about Elizabeth?"
“Well, they’re launching a collection for Valentine’s Day,” Zen explains, hugging her close.
“Ah, okay… and they want you to model for them?”
“That’s it.”
“I see—oh! Right, yeah, Jaehee was talking about this days ago!”
“Was she?”
“But she didn’t mention anything about you modelling.”
“Well, Han Jumin only called me today.”
“I’ll be working with a female model... I don’t know who yet.”
“Makes sense; it is for lipstick.”
Zen resumes kissing her, now paying attention to her jaw. As he goes underneath he feels the fluttering of her pulse on his lips. Upon reaching the side of her neck he takes his time to cover every patch of skin. Then, he begins to concentrate on one spot before suckling—gently so he doesn’t leave a mark. He tightens his arms around her as she melts against him. The desire for Lux always lies in wait deep within Zen. Feeling her shallow breaths ignites that. The kisses he gives her from then on are wet and open-mouthed. Lux sighs shakily, the little whimper at the end sending a jolt throughout his body.
“Will you be wearing lipstick, Zen?” she teases, a little breathless.
“Maybe,” he laughs. “That’s okay, right, babe?”
“What? You wearing lipstick? Of course!”
Lux speaks with such enthusiasm that it takes him a second to realise what he just said. When he does he laughs, squeezing her tightly and smacking a sound kiss on her cheek.
“You cutie,” he says. “I mean working with a woman.”
“Oh, right,” she chuckles.
“What do you think?”
“Well, I love you for your consideration,” she says, leaning into his embrace. “But don’t worry about me, Zen. You’re doing it for work so I understand—it’s okay.”
“Are you sure?” he persists. “If you’re uncomfortable…”
“I’m not.”
She stops playing as she faces him, her hands clapping together.
“I can’t wait to see them! I’m sure it’ll be amazing!”
Zen must be dreaming.
It's the day of the shoot and he had just arrived in the studio with Seongjin, his manager. Jumin and Jaehee greeted them at the entrance. After making introductions and small talk with everyone involved, they escort him to the dressing rooms. It's there he sees someone so unexpected that it makes him question reality. At first, he doesn’t recognise her due to the distraction of the shoot. It’s not until their eyes meet that every single detail sparks familiarity in him. He knows that face. Of course, he does. It’s the most beautiful face he’s ever seen in his life.
“Holy shit,” he gasps.
“Zen!” Lux says, waving with a grin.
The sound of her voice triggers something inside him. Instantly, he forgets everything—where he is, who’s around, why he’s here—and marches over to her. Reaching out, he pulls her flush against his chest. This can’t be real… but the warmth permeating through his clothes is no illusion. God, she’s real. He is not dreaming.
The love of his life is here with him.
“Honey!” he whispers, tightening his hold. “Oh my god…”
“Z-Zen…” Lux mumbles shyly. “We’re not alone…”
“I don’t care. This is the best surprise I ever had.”
After one last squeeze, he pulls away, but keeps his hands on her shoulders. His gaze can't help darting to her lips. Already he feels the pull, yet he stops himself from making a move. Now that he knows she's real, reality sets in. He recognises where he is and who's around him—details he needs to keep in mind from now on. As desperate as he is to kiss her, he can’t do it in public… in work of all places.
But… that doesn’t mean he can’t tell her how he feels.
“I am so happy you’re here,” he rambles. “My heart is so full—you came to surprise me, right? How did you get here? Did you come here yourself? You should have called Seongjin, he wouldn’t mind—”
“Wait,” she giggles, “one question at a time—”
“Ever heard of self-restraint, Zen?”
Because of Lux's presence, Jumin's sardonic question barely fazes him. Still, he sighs impatiently at the interruption. Zen gives her a petulant pout, making her laugh. Then, he faces the corporate heir with an unrepentant expression.
"Speak for yourself," he quips. "If your cat dropped by your office I guarantee you'll clear your day and spend it doing whatever you do with her."
Jumin quirks a brow. "There is no way I will ever allow Elizabeth the 3rd to venture outside my apartment unsupervised—"
"Sir," Jaehee interjects.
Jumin stops and sighs. "Anyway, Lux is not here to visit."
The conversation takes a sudden turn that it gives Zen mental whiplash. He furrows his brows.
"What are you saying? Of course, she is."
"She is not."
Zen's hackles rise when Jumin takes Lux by the arm. Every muscle in his body tenses. He wants to push Jumin away from her, but he holds himself back. It's unreasonable to think that Jumin is literally stealing his girlfriend away. He has to content himself with scowling when the corporate heir puts his hands on Lux's shoulders.
"She is the model working with you today," he reveals.
Zen blinks. Then, he glances at Lux who smiles.
"Say that again?" he says, dumbfounded.
"Er... I'll say hello to Jaehee and Seongjin," Lux interjects.
Jumin lets her go with a sigh, leaving her free to do as she pleases.
"The search for your partner reached a boiling point that threatened the collapse of the team. Time was running out and yet they continued to struggle. So, to help, I threw Lux's name in the lot." Jumin crosses his arms. "In the first place, it's misguided to focus on beauty when the concept is passion. They should've focused on compatibility."
Zen stares at Jumin.
“Are you fucking serious?” is all he can manage.
"I wasn't, actually."
“Stop screwing around,” Zen grits, irritation rising.
"I'm not," Jumin says. "I gave them an ultimatum: either they pick someone or I sign someone unknown and undesirable."
Did Han Jumin just call Lux undesirable? Zen scowls at that.
"Undesirable, am I?"
Lux emerges from behind Jumin, an amused smile on her face.
"As a model, yes," he deadpans, turning to her.
Giggling at the answer, she accepts it with a nod. Then, she returns to Zen's side. The moment she's close enough, he immediately puts his arm around her. Then, he pats her head comfortingly. She looks up at him in askance and he gives her a soft smile.
"Don't listen to him," he says. "I desire you a lot."
"Oh!" she says, cheeks pinking in an instant. "Wow, thank you—"
"Anyway," Jumin interrupts. "It all worked out in the end."
"It didn't, jerk," Zen snaps. "It backfired. They chose her."
"Lux wasn't the first choice," Jumin says. "The one meant to be here today turned out to be... an overzealous fan of yours. She manipulated the system to get on the shortlist. Of course, we decided it would be best to remove her before she removed you to somewhere. Lux was all we had left.”
"Yes. The unsuccessful applicants moved on to other projects... you know how that goes. Lux had no such commitments so... here we are."
Zen's mouth can’t help gaping in shock at that. When he turns to Lux she shrugs, confirming every single word of Han Jumin's crazy explanation. With a sharp sigh, he runs his fingers through his hair, trying to make sense of all this.
"Are you really upset?" Jumin continues incredulously. "Isn’t this more beneficial for you? You’ll be working with the person you love most—it’s something only couples can dream of.”
“Of course I’m happy!”
The words escape Zen with more volume and force than necessary. It rings across the hallway, echoing at great distances. The people in the studio have most likely heard it too. Every part of him freezes when Jaehee and Seongjin turn to him with surprised faces. Han Jumin's knowing smirk just about makes everything worse. Zen's cheeks heat up and with a defiant noise, he turns his back on them to hide his embarrassment.
"Problem solved, then," Jumin says after a few painful seconds. "Should have signed her on from the start. Anyway, though we are all friends here, do keep in mind that you're here for a purpose—so keep it professional."
At the sound of footsteps, Zen looks over his shoulder to see Jumin leaving them alone. He watches the corporate heir engage Jaehee and Seongjin in conversation. With a snort, he turns to Lux, who gazes at him with an amused expression. The dusting of pink on her cheeks is her only reaction to his declaration earlier. Zen pats her head again.
"He didn't force you?" he says.
"Not at all."
"He didn't push this job on you?"
"No, no..." she says, shaking her head. "He called me this morning and explained everything. He said I'm the only one who can help you with this. I mean... I don't know how because he's right, I'm not model material, but... if it helps you then I'm willing to do whatever."
"Oh, honey," he sighs, cupping her cheek. "You're too good sometimes."
"It's not about being good," she says, holding onto his hand. "I'm here to help you, in whatever way I can."
"Which makes you good... but that's okay; it's one of the things I love about you."
The colouring on her cheeks grows vivid as she chuckles shyly.
"You're going to have to be patient with me, though."
“Well, yeah, it’s my first time after all.”
Zen's hand slip off her cheek as his eyes widen. Lux beams at him, clueless to what she just implied. Why does that sound so sexy? The words are innocent. It has no double meaning and no sexy undertones. Even when she says it with a shy voice and bright pink cheeks, there is no way she means it like that. It's so alluring, but it shouldn’t be. He should take her words as it is—ignore the heat that spreads from his core to the rest of his body.
"Anyway, I'll be in your care today," Lux continues, taking his hands and squeezing them. "Zen sunbae."
Alarms, bells, and whistles blare in his head. The blush that had just left his face comes back full-force. Now he’s glowing from his forehead all the way down to his collarbones. God, even his ears feel hot; it wouldn't surprise him if it's steaming. His heart pounds, beating against his chest. Blood rushes to his ears... before going to a place inappropriate in their current situation.
Damn it all to hell.
“Zen?” Lux prompts.
Oh, no. Her voice erodes his self-control. Everything within him weakens for her, screaming for her touch and attention. Why aren't they alone right now? Why are they here? If they were at home he would've already shown her his overwhelming desire... in ways that pleasured them both. But they can't and it's killing him. With a defeated groan, he drops the full weight of his head on her shoulder.
“Hmm? What’s wrong?” she says, voice softening. “Are you okay?”
He shakes his head.
“No?” she exclaims, now rubbing his hands—god, that makes everything worse somehow. “What are you feeling? Are you hurt anywhere? What can I do?”
Well, she can do him… but he can’t say that out loud.
"Uhm... when we go home today—ah, no..." he mumbles, sighing in frustration as he rubs his forehead on her shoulder. "Today's no good... you'll be so tired after today. Uhm... tomorrow..."
He nods. "Tomorrow... let me have all of you. Please."
“I want you so badly right now, but I’m holding back because of work. So today’s going to be hard for me—give me a reward? For being good?” he caresses her fingers before twining them together. “I want to spoil you to the point where you forget everything else except for me.”
“Can I have that?”
"Enough flirting; it's time to work."
Zen's lips purse at Jumin's voice. Sighing, he straightens and catches sight of Lux. She has bowed her head so her hair curtained around her face. Sighing guiltily, Zen hides her behind him to give her time to compose herself. Then, he faces Jumin with a defiant look, daring him to comment on the moment Zen shared with Lux just minutes ago. The corporate heir stays silent. They stare at each other, unintimidated. It doesn't take long for more people to file into the hallway, artists and stylists contracted to prepare Zen and Lux for the photoshoot. Han Jumin narrows his eyes at Zen in warning before walking away. Jaehee hurries after him. Seongjin shoots him an expectant look before walking into one of the dressing rooms.
"Are you okay, honey?" Zen asks Lux, turning to her.
"I am."
"Will you be okay?" he pats her head again, glad that she's looking like her normal self. "You haven't done this before... it's okay if you're nervous."
"I am a bit," she admits, "but you're here so I'm at ease."
His heart skips a beat at that.
"I'll help you," he promises. "If you have questions or if you don't understand something let me know. I'll guide you so don't worry too much about anything."
"I'll do my best. I won't let you or anyone down."
Smiling, he ruffles her hair gently. “I know you won’t.”
“Just like that!”
“Beautiful! You’re doing well, Lux!”
Zen watches with a happy smile as Lux strikes all different kinds of poses. At the start, her nerves got the better of her. The way she hesitated and was reluctant to do anything betrayed her shyness. Often, she looked to him for guidance. With encouraging smiles, he gestured at his face and body to show her what to do. That’s not all. Their photographer today, the world-famous Jiyeong, showered her with encouragement and praises. Thanks to that, and the kindness of the staff, Lux's confidence grew. Now, she looks more at ease.
Jumin and Jaehee had left ages ago. Seongjin also departed to attend some meetings, promising to return in a few hours. With no real authority to police and scrutinise him, Zen can’t help feeling wary. It'll be so easy for him to cast off all professionalism and indulge in the novelty of working with Lux. Yet, as he watches her work, he finds the strength to control himself.
It's because he doesn't see it often. This focused and dedicated Lux, who puts in a hundred and ten per cent effort in her work, is inspiring. She’s a sight to behold. Whenever Zen picks her up from her work he sees her co-workers fawning over her. He thought he understood… but he knew nothing. She makes no commentary or demands. Any instruction she receives she follows. Any and all criticism she accepts with dignity. She never lets it deter her from doing her job or partaking in discussions. She’s a true professional. Her easy-going personality is such a positive influence for the staff that they work with more enthusiasm.
Considering the industry he’s in, it’s refreshing to see.
“Okay—next,” Jiyeong says, putting down her camera to instruct Lux. “I need you to lift your chin a little—perfect. Now, twist your body a bit to the right and give me a serious look—not too serious…very good! Stay like that.”
The camera clicks away. As he watches, Zen catches Lux’s eyes dart to him. His smile widens. When it happens a few more times he gestures for her to concentrate. The way the corners of her lips twitch gets his heart fluttering. With one last glance, she gets back on track. If it were up to him he’d want her eyes on nothing and no one else but him. Still, he’s proud of her hard work and dedication. How lucky is he to be with someone like her.
Lux’s solo session lasts for another half hour. Then, Jiyeong calls for a small break for a set change, touch-ups, and to check on the photos. Zen watches Lux's makeup artist reapply the lipstick on her. It's the signature of the collection, aptly called Passion. That warm and vivid red colour contrasts with her skin. To match is a red lace sleeveless dress that gives a see-through illusion. It's both classy and sexy, both of which makes Lux irresistible. As he keeps his eyes on her the word sunbae, wrapped in her sweet voice, starts to echo in his head again. Ah, it would be so nice to see her like this at home… where he’s free to peel that dress off her as slowly as he wants to.
Unfortunately, all he can do is content himself with seeing her in it today.
The next hour is a true test of his patience. This next session is the main objective. Zen and Lux follow Jiyeong's instructions for the poses and everything else. Soon, he finds himself holding her in different ways. It's well and good at first—he's even proud of his restraint. Yet, gradually, the poses become more intimate. That familiar feeling of frustration crawls up his spine as he enacts them all with a straight face—well, the face Jiyeong tells him to make. The damn word continues to echo in his mind, now taking on a taunting characteristic. Thoughts of kissing her and holding her pervade his mind, refusing to leave. Reminders of Lux's efforts are the only things that help him hold onto that sliver of calm and control. He’s a professional, damn it. He can’t disrespect her like this.
This might be the most difficult job he's ever done in his life. To be so close to the woman he loves and yet not allowed to do anything about it. It destroys him. It's maddening, a perverted kind of torture designed only for him.
The last pose involves Zen holding Lux against the wall, face half-buried in her neck. The instruction is to look passionate and lustful. Both he can do... but he hopes he's not showing more than that. He's suffering deep inside; hurting to the point that he almost feels it in his body. The scent of peonies intoxicates him. This is the most intimate pose they've done today. He's so close to her skin that with a simple nudge his lips could be pressing against it... doing things that would produce the sweetest sounds from her.
But he can’t.
But he can't. That has been his goddamn mantra the whole day and it's getting old.
When will this day finish?
Zen returns to the dressing rooms after a quick break. When he finds his room empty he figures everyone must have taken breaks too. He decides to pay Lux a visit. He skips out and goes to the door right next to his. Upon finding it ajar, he peeks in. The sight of her immediately makes him smile. She stands by the vanity table, perusing her phone. From his angle, he can't see her whole reflection in the mirror—only her eyes. What an alluring sight. It seduces him, bringing the desire he's been keeping at bay to a calm simmer in the pit of his stomach.
Zen stands there for so long that, eventually, Lux looks up from her phone. Now he sees her completely. A jolt runs through his body when their eyes meet in the mirror. She smiles at him, the beauty of it so overwhelming it takes his breath away.
"Hey, sunbae," she says, playful.
Ah, shit. Not that word again. Something within him snaps, as though his resolve is suddenly made of twigs. The craving he's been holding back rushes in like a tidal wave, eroding his self-control like sand. He steps inside the room, closing the door behind him. He strides towards her with purpose, wrapping his arms around her waist when he's close enough. He pulls her flush against his body, delighting in her gasp.
"Zen!" she exclaims in a whisper.
He doesn't say a word, unable to help himself from kissing the back of her neck. He doesn't bother being chaste—keeping his mouth open and tongue peeking out so he can get a taste of her. He looks at her reflection from underneath his lashes... and almost falls apart at her enamoured look. The flush on her cheeks tempts him to make a mess of her.
“Where’s everyone?” he says against her skin.
“Uhm… on a break,” she says, a little breathless.
"So we’ll be alone for a while."
Zen turns her to face him. God, she is so heart-wrenchingly cute right now. Still, he doesn't miss a beat, taking her by the waist and lifting her to sit on the vanity. He settles between her parted knees, hands planted on either side of her hips for balance. Her hands are warm through his shirt and he wishes to feel them on his skin. As if she read his mind, she brings her hands up to caress his neck. He shivers as she pulls him close, so close their breaths mingle. Unable to wait anymore, he leans down to kiss her—yet, at the last minute he stops, a hairsbreadth away from her mouth. The product they're modelling for is right there, glistening on her lips. It's sexy and seductive and right for her... he wants to kiss it off...
But he can't.
He looks into her eyes and sees the confusion in them. He’s done everything with purpose up until now… all this hesitation makes him look a bit foolish. He wants to kiss her; he's so desperate for her it hurts... but not on the lips. So where? Just then Lux shifts and his eyes fall to her throat. Inspiration strikes. Ducking his head, he presses a wet kiss over her pulse point. It barely calms him. Her surprised gasp goads him into licking a thin line from the dip of her collar to the top of her neck. Then, he covers every inch of her delicate skin with kisses. Her restrained whimpers brings a pleasurable shiver down his spine.
"You didn't answer me earlier," he says in a low voice.
A quiet moan escapes her when he skims the edge of his teeth over her throat. Her neck is so sensitive—definitely the easiest way to get the most arousing sounds from her. He continues his affections, mindful not to disturb anything about her appearance.
"A-answer what?" she murmurs.
"About my reward."
"Your... reward...?"
It's a little magical, seeing her neck redden before his eyes. Zen follows the path the heat takes, enjoying the way her hands fist around his shirt. The urge to touch her too overwhelms him and he brings his hands to her knees. He inches them up past the hem of the dress, pressing his fingers into the softness of her thighs. It won't be wise to wrap her legs around him—that sort of thing will only lead to trouble. As it is he's already toeing beyond the line... but damn does he want to.
"Will you let me have you tomorrow?"
At that, she leans away. "You said it's for being good."
Smiling seductively, he leans close again to rub their noses together.
"Aren't I being good?"
"Well, not right now!"
He laughs.
"Well, I was going to…" he says, “but you called me sunbae! I’ve never heard anything so sexy… and even worse, they put you in this dress and, ugh, you’re so, so, so sexy, honey. I just want you all to myself!”
She raises a sceptical brow. "It's sexy when I call you sun—"
With a panicked yelp, he hovers his fingers over her lips. Understanding the gesture, Lux closes her mouth with wide, surprised eyes. Zen shakes his head at her. Already his heart pounds in anticipation. His core heats up in excitement at hearing her call him that again... but he can't hear it. Not unless he's willing to abandon all common sense.
“If I hear it again I won't be able to control myself,” he warns.
She nods. “Okay.”
"It's a good thing you haven't been calling me that the whole day." Sighing, he presses their foreheads together. "If you did then I would've gotten us both in trouble."
"Well, that's a relief, isn't it?"
With a chuckle, her arms wind around his neck. Zen catches her intent and as she reaches up to kiss him he leans away with a hesitant whimper. A sheepish look crosses over his face when she leans away slightly, frowning in confusion. Neither of them speaks, communicating in some silent conversation. Lux quirks a brow and reaches up again and once more Zen dodges her. With a huff, Lux settles back down.
"Don't get me wrong," Zen blurts when her lips pucker in the most sinful of pouts. Both pleasure and pain squeeze his heart in its vice-like grip. She is killing him. "It's not that I don't want—I want to, okay? I want to kiss you. I'm so desperate it's making me hurt—"
“Then why don’t you?”
A weird sense of déjà vu overcomes Zen. He shakes his head.
“Your lipstick,” he explains. “I can’t ruin it.”
A look of realisation replaces her pout... and then after that, amusement.
"But I can kiss you, right?"
"I—wait, what?"
Suddenly, she cups his face in her hands. The smile she gives him makes his stomach flip. Within those deep brown depths of her eyes is a mischievous sparkle that looks a whole lot like trouble. Zen loves it... but he is also wary of it at the same time. He gazes at her, unsure of what's happening as his body prickles with nervous excitement.
“Don’t move,” she commands.
God, she can demand him to hug a cat and he’ll do it.
"Uh... okay, as my princess commands," he says, bringing his hands to her waist to steady himself.
She leans forward and he tenses when she presses her lips against his. Only for a second. When she pulls back he chases after her, but she takes him by surprise by kissing one corner of his lips. For the next few seconds, she gives him these quick kisses, roaming all over his jaw and neck. It's driving him mad, these teasing pecks. It's making a mess of him inside, pushing him towards his breaking point. A shiver runs down his spine when she undoes a button on his shirt so she can reach his collarbones. When he felt the warm tip of her tongue against his skin a growl escapes him.
He can’t take this anymore.
Taking control, he cups her jaw, pressing firmly to open her mouth. Then, without preamble, he kisses her. Without a doubt he has cast away any common sense... but the feel of her lips… soft, pliable, warm. After holding off for so long kissing them is like getting that first gulp of air after almost drowning. It relieves him, but... it also makes him want more. With her mouth open, he wastes no time tasting her, relishing in the same, desperate way she tangles with him.
He wants to spend the rest of the day kissing her like this...
All too soon for his liking, he tapers the kiss off. He hears her disappointed whine and to compensate, he strokes her jaw. He sighs once they have parted, keeping his eyes closed in fear of what he'll see. But he does open them eventually... and to his pleasant surprise, it's not as bad as he feared—a little smudged, but nothing they can't fix. Their eyes meet and his breath hitches when she turns her head a bit to kiss his thumb.
The familiar voice is like a douse of cold water. He meets Lux's panicked look and immediately helps her down the vanity. In the next second the door bursts open. Zen turns around in time to see Seongjin at the doorway. He steps in front of Lux to give her more time. It doesn't escape his notice that Seongjin's staring at them with wide eyes. He's probably surprised to see Zen in Lux's dressing room. Zen grins at his manager to ease the tension, clearing his throat against the hard throb of his pulse in his neck.
With a deep sigh, Seongjin purses his lips.
"You two..." he says, unimpressed.
Seongjin crosses his arms. "Did you look at the mirror?"
"What do you mean—"
"Lux! Let's continue with—oh my god, what happened to your face!?"
The outraged exclamation comes from Lux's makeup artist, who emerges behind Seongjin. Zen turns to Lux as she emerges from behind him and... shit. Though not a hair on her looks out of place, the solid smear of lipstick on the corner of her lips is unmissable. How did that happen? He had only smudged it when he kissed her. Lux gazes at her makeup artist in confusion and when she looks at him he gestures at the mirror. He almost cringes at her gasp when she sees what's happened. She turns back to the makeup artist, eyes wide and panicked.
“Ms Lux? Are you ready?”
To complete the ensemble, Jiyeong pops in. Zen tenses when she catches sight of them, one brow rising high at the state of their appearance. Then, she tilts her head. Absolute mortification overwhelms him when an unmistakeable knowing smile stretches her lips. He shields Lux again as the photographer approaches them, her smile growing wider.
"Taking the concept to heart, eh?" she says with a teasing tone.
Zen winces. "Well..."
"But this look... it's interesting," she muses, waving his hesitation away. "I'm getting inspired... I can do something with this—I'd like some solo shots of you, Zen. Will that be all right?"
"Huh?" Zen blurts, blinking at this unexpected turn. "Oh... uhm, yes, sure—whatever you think is best."
"But they look like a mess," the makeup artist interrupts.
"Not really," Jiyeong shrugs, turning from the couple. "Anyway, this is a good fit for the concept—definitely better than the pristine look they had before. Now, come on, let's finish up so we can go home."
She walks off, leaving the four of them in the room looking a little dumbfounded. Seongjin shakes his head at Zen, gesturing for him to get out of the room. The makeup artist walks further into the room with a sigh, but her ire seems to have fizzled. Accepting the disapproving look from the makeup artist, Zen catches Lux's eyes. He winces in apology, which she accepts with a shrug and a smile. He goes to leave, but before that he catches sight of himself in the mirror. His eyes widen, seeing the vivid red lipstick marks around his lips, throat, and neck. Then he catches sight of something else. Lifting his hand, he sees a smudge of Passion on his thumb.
Well, that explains that.
It's Valentine's Day.
Zen stands by the bar, observing the hall as he waits for the drinks. To celebrate a successful launch and for selling out before the target date, C&R throws a party for everyone involved in the project. There is a palpable cheerful atmosphere in the air. Zen smiles at the attendees laughing and talking animatedly with each other. Everyone worked hard for this project, after all. It's always a good thing, to celebrate the positive outcome of a job well done.
Up on the wide monitors around the hall are the final products, the evidence of all that hard work. A slideshow presents images of the collection as well as the ads, one after another.
As Zen's wait continues, he catches photos of Lux. He can't help smiling at his love’s beguiling expressions, showing off the warm vivid red of the lipstick. Then, a jolt electrifies his nerves when he sees his own photos. They're the ones Jiyeong took after that moment he had with Lux. The lipstick marks are so red it’s almost embarrassing to see it on him. Still, it’s tasteful. This is one he will put on the front page of his portfolio. Jiyeong is undoubtedly a master at her craft. She made him look more beautiful than he already is.
When the drinks arrive he takes them to their table. Lux is exactly where he left her, perusing her phone in her wait. One different thing is a white nondescript box, held together by a bright red ribbon. As he comes closer she looks up, meeting his eyes and beaming in a way that makes his heart flutter. He places the drinks on the table before settling beside her.
"What's this?" he says, gesturing at the box.
"Jumin dropped by and gave me a gift," she says, smile widening. "For Valentine's."
He freezes at that. "He... what?"
"I guess he likes me..." she muses before giggling. “That’s fine, right?"
"Honey," he whines, pouting. "That's not funny."
She laughs. "All right, all right. It is a gift, but it's not for Valentine's."
"What is it for?"
"For a job well done."
At that moment the slide shows the one photo Jumin said brought them almost all the sales. Lux was against the wall. Zen had one arm wrapped tightly around her waist, pressing her flush against him. The angle of the shot made most of the lipstick marks on him visible. Hazy and lustful can best describe his expression as he gazed at Lux—as if he wanted her to kiss him again, and again. Well, that probably wasn't far off. With his other hand, he held her chin, tilting her head towards him. Resting just at the edge of the lipstick smear was his thumb, as though passion had caused such a thing. Lux wasn't looking at him; instead, she turned those seductive eyes at the camera.
"I'm still embarrassed," Lux says when the photo fades away and another takes its place. "They literally used the photos we did after we—"
“Got taken over by our passions and made out?”
He whispers the words in her ear, enjoying the way she jumps.
“Zen!” she scolds, giggling with bright pink cheeks.
“Well, it doesn't even qualify—I only kissed you once.”
“I kissed you plenty, though.”
He grins at her smug tone of voice. “Exactly. So...really, what happened was that you preyed on me.”
Lux laughs, but says nothing to deny his playful accusation. Oh, how he wants to kiss her right now. The good thing about their current situation is that he doesn't have to worry about anything. They can go to a quieter place and spend time together without consequence. He finishes his drink and waits for Lux to finish hers before holding her hand.
“Let’s go out the balcony,” he says.
Her eyes light up and she nods. “Okay.”
The area is empty when they step out. Lux goes straight to the railing, leaving Zen to walk after her. The location of the party is in a high-rise building, showing off a glittering view of Seoul at night. But that’s not what occupies his mind right now. The woman before him does, with her hair blowing in the breeze. Placing her box on the chair, he reaches inside his jacket pocket to bring out the gift he has for her on this special day.
“Zen! Come look at the—"
He stands in ready as she turns to him. The joyful smile on her face freezes in surprise. Then, her gaze drops to the white leather box in his hand. When she looks at him again he grins, opening the lid to reveal a necklace. Lux gasps, now looking a little alarmed.
"W-what's this for?" she says, breathless.
"A Valentine's Day gift for you," he answers with a chuckle.
She approaches him, hand outstretched. When her fingertips touched the necklace her shoulders sagged. A mixture of happiness and acceptance crosses her face. Zen is only happy to watch her reaction. He picks up the necklace. After setting the box aside, he moves behind her to put it on. He makes sure to brush his fingers over her skin as much as possible as he joins the clasp. He’s rather proud of his choice: intertwined silver vines adorned with red roses, held by a fine silver chain. The crystals glitter from the lights of the city. When he finally clasps it, he caresses the nape of her neck.
“And to celebrate your first ever photo shoot," he continues.
She faces him, touching the necklace with glimmering eyes.
“Zen,” she says, “You didn’t have to do all this.”
“Babe, you know by now I only do whatever I want to.”
“Don’t I know it,” she chuckles.
Slipping his arms around her waist, he nuzzles her cheek. He smiles when she wounds her arms around him and holds him close. Every minute he holds her his heart swells with love and affection. It’s a miracle that he hasn’t shattered in a million pieces by now. Maybe it's because of how tightly she holds him; she's keeping him together.
"Why this necklace?" she says, pulling away to look at him.
Smile widening, he touches the necklace with his fingertips.
"Well... red for my eyes," he says with a wink. "But also red roses for love and passion. I guess it's a bit silly... but I want to do whatever I can to show my love for you."
"Oh, Zen..."
"So when you wear this think of me, okay?"
"Of course!" she hugs him again. "It's not silly... when I wear this necklace you're all I will ever think of. Thank you so much, Zen... I love you so much."
"I love you too," he chuckles, stroking her back.
Inside the hall the party goes on, oblivious to the loved up couple standing entwined on the balcony. All his life Zen wondered what his happiness would be like. He was grateful for the people in his life and he was happy with his career. There was nothing, good or bad, that he'd give up for the sake of something better. But during the nights he ventured up the rooftop garden, when he looked at the stars, he wondered what would complete it... what would it take for this feeling of contentment to become happiness.
This is it, he concludes. The answer to his question is right here in his arms. Standing on a balcony, quietly embracing the love of his life... that's all it takes for him. With this he feels complete... happy. Life will go on and some days it won't be easy, but... with Lux beside him he can go through anything.
He hopes he is the same for her. That he completes her too.
"Uhm..." Lux says after what seems like a long while. "I actually have something for you too."
She steps away and Zen watches as she approaches the chair to take the box. Upon her return he raises his brows in question, blinking when she holds it out to him. This is the very same she said Han Jumin gave her as a gift. Is it meant for him? He takes it, taking Lux's encouraging nod as permission to open it. He undoes the ribbon, giving it to her before lifting the lid. What he sees makes his brows furrow.
It's... lace. A red, lacy... thing. Is this really for him? It's more like something for Lux—oh. Recognition lights Zen's features. Memories of the photoshoot assail him. He'll never forget the distinct image of Lux wearing this delectable red lace dress. It has been a fantasy of his ever since, taking it off her in the privacy of their home.
"I remember you passionately telling me how much you loved me in this dress," Lux teases with a giggle. "So I asked Jumin if I can have it. I told him I was willing to pay, but he's kind enough to give it as a gift because I helped out in the photoshoot."
Zen shakes his head in disbelief. "Babe, you didn't have to do this..."
"I also do what I want."
"Don't I know it," he says with a wink.
She giggles. "And... I have an ulterior motive."
"Wow, babe, you're so naughty!"
Zen embraces her, pulling her close to him. This time he presses his face to her neck. He peppers light kisses on her skin, delighting in her gasp. This playfulness excites him. He hopes they never lose this. In the years to come he wishes for this part of them to remain the same—enjoying this spark, sharing in this love and desire they have for each other.
"What do you want?" he says in her ear, voice soft.
"My reward."
A shiver ripples all over his body at her answer.
"And what reward does my princess desire?"
"All of you."
At that, he gives a throaty laugh. He remembers the desperation behind his words. It was such a greedy request, wanting to possess her like that. Still, Lux indulged him. The day after the photoshoot was glorious as she pampered and spoiled him to the point where she was all he thought of. It was funny because that was what he intended with her.
“I’m already yours.”
With that, he kisses her gently, anticipation welling up within him at the thought of pleasing her. For her, he's willing to do anything. Be anything. For her love, he'll give her his everything—his life, his heart, his body and his soul.
From the day he met her until his last breath... he will always belong to her.
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myuntoldstory · 4 years
Mystic Messenger | Seashell
AO3 | FF.net
Third prompt of Jihyun Week: Fate | Ocean
This is not an entry to Jihyun Week 2020. I'm basically just trying to finish the series I created in AO3.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character (Named)
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 8, 169
Summary: Set six months after Judge or Forgive.
The whole RFA travel to Jumin's beach house for an epic summer day! It's all fun and games until Jihyun sees Lux in a cute bikini for the first time. Now he has to deal with the jealousy and possessiveness that overcomes him.
Whatever will he do?
“How is everyone getting there?”
Jihyun glances at Lux and then back to the road. They're on the highway, driving to one of the Han family's beachside vacation houses. The sun climbs ever higher with the arrival of summer. So are the temperatures. Almost everyone in the country is scrambling to go somewhere cool. They're no different. The drive is long, but Jihyun doesn't mind. With Lux beside him, time will cease to exist.
"As you know the original plan was to go together," he answers.
"Yes, Jumin offered his cars."
"Right. But at the last minute Saeyoung decided to drive."
"Ah! So it's him and Saeran together."
"Yoosung and Hyun too."
"Yes. They all decided to go together," he continues. "Yoosung always enjoys riding in Saeyoung's cars. As for Hyun... well, he made it clear he'd rather die of heatstroke than travel with Jumin."
"Of course," Lux laughs.
Jihyun smiles uneasily. Last night's chats were... particularly lively. Zen's candour about spending time in Jumin's company is always something to behold. While the children found it hilarious, Jihyun was glad Lux had gone to sleep. She didn't have to witness the profanities and insults flying around. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop her reading the whole thing over breakfast. At least she found it funny.
"Anyway," he says, "Jumin and Jaehee went ahead to set up."
"Which leaves us two."
They stop at a red light. Jihyun glances at Lux again. She beams back at him and his affection for her grows about a hundred times. He returns her smile and pets her hair. If they aren't in a car right now and he's not driving she'd already be in his arms. Within him she inspires so much love—one that's gentle, warm, and safe. It fills him to the brim, bringing with it happiness that he's still learning to understand.
"Are you okay being stuck with me?" he jokes.
She reaches out and squeezes his wrist gently as the lights turn green.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Jihyun drives up the street leading to Jumin's house. He catches Lux's awestruck expression and smiles. On either side of the street are houses of varying extravagance. They sit behind gardens so lush and intricate it would make a landscape artist cry. Though this area is public, the community screams exclusivity. With the rich and powerful gathered in one place, no one dares to challenge their demand for privacy.
It's all nostalgic for Jihyun. Most of the houses in the area had not changed at all. The Han family have many, many vacation houses in the country and overseas. He's fortunate enough that they invite him to a few. This particular one was one he frequented with Jumin when they were younger. It's been years since he was last here. Memories of his childhood assail him the closer they get to the house.
“Is that—no way, is that Jumin’s?”
Jihyun doesn’t have to look at Lux to know what she’s referring to.
“Yes,” he answers.
“Wow…” she breathes. “It’s the biggest around here.”
“It’s to assert dominance,” he quips.
Lux laughs as he goes up the driveway and around the house to the garage. There are staff members already waiting for them. They're quick to shuffle to the car as soon as he turns the engine off. After assuring the couple that they'll sort out everything, the staff ushers them inside. Jihyun says many words of gratitude before taking Lux's hand and leading her up the stairs.
“You know your way around,” she remarks.
“I have been here before.”
“Ah, right; of course.”
Her tone of recognition makes him smile. He squeezes her hand.
"When we were children they'd always ask us where we'd like to go during the summer. We always chose this house. You can say this was our playground."
"Only you two?"
"Only us two."
“And… how did you amuse yourselves?”
"Oh… many things."
"What about games?"
"Oh, yes. Absolutely. We played hide-and-seek... tag... puzzles... sometimes we invented our own games. Sometimes... well, sometimes we just lie on the floor and discuss life's fascinating questions."
"What kind of questions?"
He grins at her.
"Like... does clean sand really squeak when you step on it?"
"And does it?" Lux teases.
"It sure does."
They both laugh.
"Most of the time we relaxed," he continues. "We're not the sort to be rambunctious. We read books, debated, discussed current affairs.. normal things—well, normal for us."
"That sounds calmer than the summers I had as a child."
Jihyun kisses her hand.
"Now that, I'd love to hear about."
He expects a story, because Lux tells him everything, but instead, she smiles... vague and mysterious.
"Maybe next time—"
Jumin's voice, regal and imposing, reverberate as they enter the living room. He stands by the double doors leading to the beach. Jaehee, meanwhile, stands beside him. She concentrates on her phone, but at Jumin's word she looks up at them and smiles. Finally, curled on the couch is Elizabeth the 3rd. She lifts her head at the new arrivals.
"Hello!" Lux exclaims.
She rushes ahead to hug Jaehee. Jihyun approaches Jumin, exchanging a brief, but tight hug with him. It's a rare sight to see them wearing anything other than corporate suits. They look young in their loose, casual attires. They still exude an air of unapproachability, but at least they're not as intimidating.
“Hello, beautiful,” Lux coos at Elizabeth, gently petting her head.
Elizabeth purrs in greeting.
"Where is everyone?" Jihyun says.
Jumin and Jaehee exchange looks.
"Saeran called," Jaehee replies.
"Everything okay?" Lux says.
Jumin sighs in exasperation.
"Apparently, they're taking the scenic route," he says. "It is worth noting that while Saeran talked Yoosung and Zen yelled about being lost."
"I'm not surprised," Lux chuckles.
"No," he agrees.
"Well... we'll wait for them, then," Jihyun says.
With a nod, Jumin opens the doors. Cool sea air breezes in, whipping Jihyun's hair in every direction. He breathes deep, tasting salt at the back of his throat. This is a relief compared to the stifling humidity of the city. Beyond the doors is the beach with its white sand and green-blue waters. Sunlight pours over the gorgeous view, bathing everything in white-gold light.
“Do as you please,” Jumin says. "The staff will serve lunch later.”
“Great!” Lux exclaims, clapping her hands. “I’m dying for a swim—come on, Jaehee!”
Lux takes Jaehee’s hand, but Jaehee hesitates, darting an uncertain glance at Jumin. Sensing his employee’s stare, Jumin meets her eyes and crosses his arms. There’s an impassive expression on his face that says nothing and yet everything all at once. Jaehee looks back at Lux and winces apologetically.
“I still have a few things to deal with,” she says.
“Nonsense! It’s your time to relax—right, Jumin?”
Jihyun watches the exchange with a smile. There’s determination underneath Lux’s playful question. He discovered that they're similar in that regard. While their expressions say one or nothing, it's different to what they feel. By Jumin's non-expression Jihyun knows he wants to keep Jaehee on the clock. Lux, however, will not accept that. Jihyun sides with his beloved in this one. One should enjoy their time off and Jaehee needs a break more than any of them.
"You can leave the rest for later," Jihyun interjects.
Jumin glances at him and then sighs.
"Fine," he says.
“Thank you, sir!” Jaehee’s own beam reveals her relief.
“Good,” Lux says. “Let’s go change, Jaehee!”
Slipping his hands in his pockets, Jihyun watches over Lux with a smile. When they're gone he appraises the living room, once again feeling nostalgic. Everything remains the same... except for the furniture. He crouches before Elizabeth and gently pets her. He remembers Jumin and himself as children, playing and talking together. In this house they built a solid friendship in the face of those who only sought to use them.
“Good girl, Elizabeth,” he says.
Elizabeth meows sleepily.
“Nothing’s changed,” he continues, standing up.
“The furniture has,” Jumin replies, sidling next to him.
“Well, yes,” Jihyun laughs. “I mean in general…”
“Oh… yes, nothing has changed.”
Jihyun lays his hand on the couch and turns to his friend with a smile.
“It’s been years since we’ve been here,” he continues.
“When was the last time? I’m afraid I’ve forgotten.”
“It was the month before our finals.”
“Ah—yes. That’s right. To study.”
“And to avoid our fathers’ nagging.”
“And that.”
Jumin returns his smile, but it vanishes.
“When we stopped coming here father turned this house into his love nest.”
Jihyun lifts his hand. “Oh.”
“I made sure the place was properly cleaned.”
“… Good to know.”
A pause passes between them. Jihyun cracks first and laughs. Soon after Jumin laughs along with him. The crashing sound of the waves drowns the sound of their amusement. Still, it reverberates in the living room, permeating the walls with life. Now, the place feels a little more like the home it used to be.
“How is uncle anyway?” Jihyun asks. “Where is he this summer?”
“US,” Jumin answers. “His new woman wants to go to Beverly Hills.”
Jumin's displeasure is palpable. Jihyun pats his best friend's shoulder. Upon hearing footsteps he looks over his shoulder... and his jaw almost drops. Lux and Jaehee emerge from the hallways in their swimsuits. This is the first time he's ever seen her in one and... God, he is not prepared.
She wears a polka-dotted bikini in a deep sapphire colour. The top seems to be a tiny version of a cropped blouse with off-shoulder puffed sleeves. The bottoms are in a skirt style, but much shorter. Draped over her shoulders is a white lace garment. It's so sheer that it leaves nothing to the imagination. With her hair loose around her shoulders in gentle waves, Jihyun can't help thinking that she's... cute.
Devastatingly cute.
An unfamiliar emotion rises within him the more he gazes at her. It's uncomfortable, making him want to squirm. Underneath all the love and attraction he feels is... anxiety and possessiveness. She's too cute. Under normal circumstances, she already exudes a charming kind of allure no one can ignore. The swimsuit exacerbates that. If it's obvious to him... then it's obvious for everyone else too.
And… he doesn’t know if he likes that.
Still, he musters a smile and offers his hand to her.
"Look at you," he says.
With a shy smile, she slips her hand in his.
"What do you think?" she says, hesitant.
"Me?" he says, surprised.
She nods.
“Let me see."
He twirls her around—an action he regrets because she looks even more beautiful up close. She takes his breath away. When she faces him again he adjusts her shawl-like cardigan, making sure it covers her. Upon realising what he's doing, he stops. He senses nervous anticipation from her.
"Very cute," he says, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
She beams, sending butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
"That makes me happy!"
Her words stun him... so does the way she glows as she looks at herself.
"It's been a long time since I've swum so none of my old swimsuits fit anymore. I saw this while I was shopping and loved it. I thought it looked good, but I can never be too sure, you know?"
"Trust me, my love; it suits you."
And it does—it suits her too well. A significant part of him wants to take her back to their room and have her change to something more... covered. In fact, he's more than willing to buy her a one-piece suit... but he can't ignore her happy smile. She loves this particular one and he shouldn't take that from her. But why does he want to? He can't understand why he's agonising over other people seeing her like this... why he wants to be the only one to see her in this outfit.
"Is this where I tell you two to get a room or something?"
Jihyun jumps at Jumin's flat question. With reddening cheeks, he realises he's been too absorbed with Lux. She's blushing too, but unlike his embarrassment, she sticks her tongue out at Jumin. Meanwhile, Jaehee stands between them, looking like she wants to be anywhere else.
"We're off," Lux says, turning back to Jihyun.
“Be careful,” he says.
She rises on her toes and he leans down so she can kiss his cheek. After that, she and Jaehee make their way to the lounge chairs below the deck. Jihyun watches them with a dim smile. He's not keen on letting her go, dressed like that... but he doesn't have a legitimate reason to stop her. Suddenly, the wind blows a strong gust. Lux's hair flies everywhere, but, most alarmingly, her lightweight cardigan whips right back. The sleeves slip off her shoulders and down her arms.
“Wait!” Jihyun calls.
The words tumble out of his lips before he knows it. His body moves of its own accord. He unbuttons his polo and shrugs it off, revealing a white undershirt. He approaches Lux as she waits for him and hands her the garment. She blinks in confusion, but holds onto it.
“Why are you giving me your shirt?” she says.
Without saying anything, he readjusts her cardigan. Then he takes his shirt and wraps it around her shoulders, making sure it completely covers her. Why is he giving her his shirt? He steps back the moment he's finished and she looks at what he's done. Then, she glances back at him, perplexed. As they stare at each other, he scrambles for a reason for his strange behaviour... which will be interesting because he's not even sure himself.
"The sun," he blurts. "It's the sun. It's bright, uhm... too bright. And too hot. I don't want you to get sunburned so..."
God, how ineloquent can he be? He almost cringes at his stammered words, but somehow manages to suppress it. Lux tilts her head at him. Then, she glances at the sky and squints at the bright light that shines on her face.
“It is scorching,” she concedes. “Might need sunscreen.”
"You do," he agrees. "Until then... wear this, please?"
Her easy acquiescence alleviates his anxieties... but at the same time, it highlights how unreasonable it is. His arms are tense as he debates taking the shirt back and keeping it on her. In the end, his hands hang limp at his sides.
"Have fun," he says.
"Come join us soon!"
He nods. Jaehee's gone ahead, picking a lounge chair and settling on it. Lux catches up to her, taking the one next to Jaehee's and depositing her belongings on it. To Jihyun's dismay, she sheds the shirt and the cardigan. As if that is not enough, it turns out that the top and bottom of Lux's swimsuit is removable. The real bikini is underneath, exposing more of her to the world.
“The sun.”
Embarrassment floods Jihyun at Jumin’s statement. Clearing his throat, he crosses his arms and looks at his friend who sidles beside him with a vague smile.
“It’s blistering,” Jihyun insists.
“I didn’t say it wasn’t,” Jumin chuckles.
He leaves it at that and the two simply watches on. Jihyun examines the whole strip of beach. There are a significant number of families and friend groups taking advantage of the day. What gets his attention is a group of college boys playing soccer near the water. The moment they notice Lux and Jaehee their once enthusiastic play became distracted. The complicated emotions churning within him spikes at what he sees. For one, wild second he wants to take Lux back inside the house.
And that... troubles him.
“Got it!"
“Nice—shit, it hit the net!”
“Yes! This is our chance—Lux!”
At Yoosung's frantic command, Lux runs towards the net with an excited cry. The ball falls short and to reach it she dives into the sand. The ball soars high—enough for Jihyun to jump and spike it to the other side. It whips past Saeyoung, Jaehee, and Zen, hitting the spot behind them with a solid smack. Yoosung whooped at their victory while Jihyun hurried to help Lux. She's laughing, much to his relief. He brushes sand off her as Yoosung, Saeyoung, and Zen engage in competitive banter.
"You're not hurt?" he says.
"No, it was amazing!" Lux gushes. "You looked so cool spiking that ball!"
Warmth that has nothing to do with the heat unfurls within him. With a shy smile, he combs his hair back.
"You're quite cool yourself," he says. "Very athletic—I don't see many people dive in the sand like that."
"Oh, I just did what I had to," she chuckles. "Also… well, I was quite active when I was younger—you know: climbed trees, jumped on and off things, played games, explored places…”
“Caused trouble?"
He imagines his beloved as a cute, rambunctious child, and can't help teasing her. In his mind he sees a tinier version of her, with pigtails and the brightest grin… perhaps covered in dirt from playing too much outdoors. His imagination is quite different to what she looks like now, with her wide eyes and cheeks so pink that it begs for his caress. The next time she speaks it's with a steady gaze and he finds himself trapped within those deep brown depths.
"I didn't cause... that much trouble..."
"Ah, but you are a troublemaker."
"Hey, lovebirds! It's time for another round."
Zen's voice interrupts them. Jihyun turns to everyone with an shy smile. When he glances at Lux again he finds her smiling too, but it's unrepentant despite her still blushing. Then, she turns to the others and yells at them too. All good-natured, of course.
"You guys are too slow!" she says. "Let's go!"
With a laugh, Zen holds up his hands. "All right, honey, relax."
"Actually," Jaehee interjects, "I'm tired."
"What!?" Yoosung protests, "but we're on a roll here!"
"You relax too," Zen scolds before turning to Jaehee. "Go ahead."
"Thank you—have fun."
With a relieved smile, Jaehee makes her way to the lounge chairs.
"Well..." Yoosung sighs, "We need one more person—Saeran! Come play!"
Saeran, who's been watching them play from the lounge chairs, waves his hands in protest. It's a rather half-hearted gesture. Jihyun smiles to himself. Within the young man's pastel green eyes happiness glints... a cautious hope at being included in this new family.
"I don't play sports," he says.
"It's okay!" Lux calls, waving him over. "Come play!"
Saeran rises from the chairs and approaches with hesitation.
"I'm not responsible if you guys lose," he warns, taking Jaehee's place.
"All good, little bro," Zen assures him, ruffling his hair. "Just pass the ball to us."
"Yeah," Saeyoung agrees. "We'll crush them."
“You can try,” Yoosung taunts.
Jihyun takes his position as Yoosung readies the ball, but before he can serve, a soccer ball bounces next to Lux. She yelps, jumping in surprise. Alerted, Jihyun glances to where the ball came from. To his displeasure, one of the college boys is jogging towards them. He's making a beeline for Lux.
"Sorry!" he calls with a grin.
"No worries," Lux replies, fetching the ball.
A protest hangs at the tip of Jihyun's tongue as she meets up with the boy. She returns the ball, but the boy holds onto her hand as he engages her in conversation. Apprehensive agitation fills Jihyun at the sight of the boy's charming smile. Thankfully, Lux disengages and returns to them. It's a good thing she doesn't notice the lingering stare the boy gives her as he returns to his friends.
"Are your shoulders getting red?" he tells her.
"Are they?"
Lux looks at them, confused. Of course she's confused—there's nothing to find. To his surprise, though, she shrugs. She asks for a time-out and runs to the chairs, taking his shirt and donning it on as she runs back. The whole thing leaves him feeling rather dumbfounded.
"I can borrow this, right?" she asks him with a smile.
"Erm... of course," Jihyun replies.
"Hey!" Yoosung yells impatiently. "Can we start!?"
"Go!" Lux shouts back with a laugh.
The game resumes. Despite his shy countenance, Saeran holds his own. Jihyun's heart swells with pride at the sight of him enjoying himself. Making him prouder is Lux's energy. They're about even in scoring, but the way she participates in every point makes the game that much more fun.
As they get into the rhythm of the game, a familiar soccer ball soars in the middle of their makeshift court. It bounces near Lux again, taking her by surprise. The same college boy returns, asking for the ball back. Lux looks unbothered as she picks up the offending object and jogs to return it to him. Jihyun is a little miffed now, especially when the boy once again holds onto his beloved's hands. It's small comfort that she's now covered. The boy engages her in conversation and Jihyun wonders what they're talking about. It seems the boy's inviting Lux to join them, but she's quick to shake her head and end the conversation.
Soon enough the volleyball game continues.
And then it happens a third time.
With a gentle stopping gesture to Lux, Jihyun takes the ball this time. When he approaches the boy he's satisfied to see the crestfallen expression on his face. He takes a bit of inspiration from Jumin and Lux, wearing a polite smile and a friendly demeanour.
"This is yours," he says, handing the ball with more force than necessary.
Stumbling, the boy takes the ball. "Thank you...?"
Since Jihyun's not Lux, the boy's keen to return to his friends. He pivots on his feet, but Jihyun hasn't released the ball yet. He renews his grip, causing the boy to almost trip over his own feet as his hands fail to follow his body. With an indignant expression, he opens his mouth... but closes it promptly when Jihyun cuts him off.
"I hate to ask," he says, "but I'd like to ask you and your friends to play more carefully. This is the third time your ball has wandered to our side and my poor girlfriend can only do so much. She's not here to fetch things for strangers."
“… Girlfriend?”
Recognition lights in the boy's eyes as they flicked over to, undoubtedly, Lux. Jihyun takes the opportunity to release the ball. The boy stumbles back and with a mumbled promise to be careful he returns to his friends. Jihyun goes back to his side with a sense of justice... until he sees his beloved and her concerned frown. Now underneath the pleasant hum coursing through his body is a bit of sheepishness.
"Are you okay?" she says.
He takes her hand and kisses the back. She smiles at him, reassured yet bemused, squeezing his fingers. Exhaustion that has nothing to do with the game overcomes him. He needs to rest... and take a good look at himself... examine what he's been feeling the whole day.
"I'm taking a break," he says.
"Okay—do you need me?"
"Always," he smiles. "But I'm fine, my love. Have fun."
"All right..."
Jihyun hesitates. "If you don't mind... keep this on?"
He straightens the collar of his shirt. Lux inclines her head and smiles back.
"Because of sunburn, right?"
"... Yes."
"I will."
With that, he returns to the lounge chairs. She continues to play with Zen and the group. Soon enough, Jaehee joins them again. Did she ever notice his strange behaviour? She's so clever that she must have. Yet, she still accommodates him and fulfils his childish wishes. Shouldn't he apologise? Or at the very least let her know how he feels? It's only fair to her, isn't it?
For the rest of the afternoon, he watches over her, mind in turmoil.
That one college boy never wanders to their side again.
The lapping sound of the waves drowns the clicking of Jihyun's camera. He's been taking pictures—mostly of Lux, but also the members at their happiest. They're an active bunch. After a competitive session of volleyball, the battle continues on to swimming. Lux sat out while Zen claimed victory on that one. After that, they moved on to sandcastles where the twins made it their mission to build a fortress. The games continue on as they do any and all beachside activities under the sun.
Jumin, meanwhile, stayed on his lounge chair. He switched between reading books and consulting all his devices. The members attempted to invite him, but after his swift rejection, they never tried again. Lux, of course, was the exception. At every activity she called on him with no restraint, only laughing at the face of every rejection.
Ever since Jihyun's request, Lux keeps herself covered. Though the longer he watches the more foolish he feels. He must have confused her; she's smart enough to not buy his excuses. Still, she does as he asked, not even uttering a single protest or question. Because of that, her effort means all the more to him.
He finds Zen in his viewfinder. Lowering the camera he sees the actor jogging towards him. His wet hair resembles mercury, accentuating the colour of his eyes. Everyone nearby gazes upon him with admiration, but Zen doesn't notice. He ducks under the umbrella and sits next to Jihyun, shaking water from his hair. Jihyun hands him a towel with a smile.
"Everything all right?" he says, dabbing his face. "You sick or something?"
"Just tired," Jihyun replies.
Zen looks across the sand and Jihyun follows his gaze. A long distance away, Lux and the rest of the group play by the water. While everyone else's sandcastle vanishes with the waves, the twins' stand strong. As Lux chases Yoosung around, Jihyun notices how careful she is not to wet his shirt. He almost winces. All because of his childishness...
"Uhm... listen. I don't want to meddle or anything, but..."
At Zen's hesitant words, Jihyun looks at him.
"What's wrong?"
"Lux... is worried. About you."
Ah... the one thing he's been trying to avoid.
"She's worried?" he says, dismayed.
"Well—okay, more like she's worried she's offended you."
"Offend? Me? She'd never do that!"
"I know," Zen assures him. "I know, don't worry. I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding. After all, you're that couple that has nothing to fight about... like, at all. None."
Jihyun sighs. He knows he’s being ridiculous, but until Zen's words he didn't realise just how much. He dares a glance at him, almost grimacing at the knowing smile directed at him. Maybe he can talk to Zen about this... after all, he's the one who understands love and romance the most. At the very least Zen can confirm how much of a fool he is.
"I just..." he drawls, hesitant, "Think... that Lux's suit is, well, revealing."
"Revealing?" Zen says, confused. "It's a bikini."
"It's too revealing," he insists.
There's a pause. Jihyun turns his head to avoid Zen's studious eyes. Then, suddenly, the actor chuckles.
"Okay, I get it."
"You do?"
"It's been a minute since I dated," Zen sighs. "But I haven't forgotten what it's like to be jealous and possessive. The suit made her cuter. Right? You realise that everybody else can now see how beautiful she is."
Jihyun blinks, surprised.
"That's right."
"And it bothers you," Zen continues. "You don't want anyone else seeing her that way. You want to be the only one. Right? You want to be the only one in her life, the only one who can see her being this cute. You want her to see only you... how am I doing?"
Accurate, but Jihyun's hesitant to admit that.
At that moment Lux and the group return from the sea. Zen pats his shoulder.
"I get it," he assures him.
"Ah, right..."
"But talk to her," he advises. "I can tell you right now that you have nothing to worry about... but this is something you need to hear from her. Communication is always the best thing."
Jihyun smiles and nods. "Okay, thank you, Hyun."
"Sure thing—I mean, who else can give this kind of advice?" Zen jerks his thumb towards an oblivious Jumin. "Mr Robot over there?"
"Hyun, please," Jihyun admonishes with a laugh.
The group arrives. Zen stands up and offers Lux his place. She takes it, sitting next to Jihyun with a huff. Smiling, she leans against him and he wraps his arm around her shoulders. Her hair is dripping wet, which makes the semi-dry state of his shirt a feat. The other members stands before him, soaked. The water's plastered their hair to their faces—it's the most striking look for Yoosung, who now resembles his younger self... only with blond hair.
"Jaehee says there's a café on the island,” he says. “Let’s go!”
He points to a dome-shaped spit of land in the middle of the sea.
“I’ll stay,” Lux says. “I’m tired.”
Yoosung pouts. “No! Why—”
"All right!" Zen cuts in.
Jihyun looks at him in surprise. Zen winks at him.
"What about you, Jihyun?"
"I'll stay too," he replies, returning Lux's smile.
"Great. In that case... CEO-in-Line! You're up!" Zen calls.
Jumin lifts his head from his laptop and glares at Zen over the frames of his sunglasses.
"Excuse me?"
"You're coming with us," Zen commands with a smug grin.
"Be our guide, Jumin!" Yoosung says.
"At least one of you have GPS," he drawls, displeased. "Surely you don't need me..."
Jumin trails off as his eyes meet with Jihyun's. He lost his steam as soon as he got it. Jihyun blinks in pleasant bemusement. What an inscrutable stare... what could his friend be thinking? Then, to his surprise, Jumin rises to his feet. With a huff, he straightens his clothes and adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"Fine," he says.
Saeyoung whoops. "Adventures in a mysterious, abandoned island!"
"It's not mysterious," Saeran says, confused. "There's a cafe there."
"And it's hardly abandoned," Jumin scoffs. "I'll have the staff set up the boat. Assistant Kang."
He stalks off to where the boats are docked.
"Oh—yes, sir."
Jaehee hastens to follow him. Before that, she gets her mobile and cardigan from her belongings. As she walks off, she waves to Jihyun and Lux.
"I'll see you two later."
"Don't work too hard," Lux says with a wave.
"I'll babysit the kids," Zen says.
The youngsters protest at the label and at Zen babysitting them. With a  proud glow, the actor takes all three of them by the arm and urges them to follow Jaehee. They say their goodbyes before jogging off. Zen stays behind to grab his shirt and to say his goodbyes.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he teases. "Or... maybe... do? Be safe, is all I'm saying."
With another wink, Zen is off. His playful warning brings a light flush to Jihyun's cheeks. He turns to Lux and finds her watching over the departing members with a smile. He realises then that she hasn't dried off yet. He reaches for her towel and drapes it over her head. Gently, he squeezes and dabs excess water out of her hair. Lux giggles, putting her hands over his and helping him. He relaxes as the quiet settles around them.
"Are you okay?" Lux says.
"I am."
"That's good to hear."
He stops when she looks up, her smile now directed at him.
"I missed you when you weren't with me, though."
Her honesty hits him straight in his heart. What does he do with that information? He drops his hands with a defeated sigh. The next second warmth blooms on his cheeks. To top it all off she gazes at him steadily, intensifying everything. Then she starts to chuckle, making everything just the tiniest bit embarrassing.
"You're blushing," she teases, touching his cheek.
"It's because of those honest lips of yours," he murmurs, brushing his thumb along her mouth.
Lux's cheeks instantly went pink. Too cute.
"Jihyun, that's not fair," she whines, hiding her face.
He laughs, endeared at how even her ears are glowing. He kisses her palms before helping her dry up some more. Over time his anxieties melt away. He now realises how trivial this all is. Here she is, sitting with him and looking only at him. The words she says are for his ears only. Those cute reactions of hers are not for anyone else. Her bright presence in his life assures him that he has nothing to worry about. He never had the cause to worry. Now, he feels like he'd done her great injustice.
“Are you really tired?” he says
She lowers her hands.
“Jihyun, this is amazing!"
Smiling, Jihyun follows Lux as she sheds her cardigan and hurries to the water. This is an area he and Jumin discovered during one of their many adventures. It's situated on the other side of the residential area, hidden by high-rise rocks and cliffs. He and Jumin happen upon it when they decided to explore the area. After reaping the rewards of their discovery, they agree to keep the place a secret. Lux is the first person he brought here. Jihyun wonders if he ought to have asked Jumin first... but it's Lux. Jumin will understand.
He places the blanket on the sand as Lux chases the waves. This place seems to be the same too. The sand is whiter than the beach; the ocean so clear and the perfect shade of sapphire—the colour made for Lux. But it's strange... has it always been this bright? He doesn't remember it being so... sparkly. Is it the brightness of the sun? Or is it that Lux's presence makes everything more brilliant?
Lux waves at him and he waves back.
"Go on, darling. I'll set everything up."
"Do that later!" she laughs. "Come on!"
Oh, he can't win against her. Dropping everything, he runs to her. As soon as he gets close she splashes at him. The water catches the edges of his hair and shorts, drenching them. He splashes back at her, laughing at her happily shocked face. They engage in a water fight, which in turn becomes a game of tag. With Lux's speed, he's always the one chasing her. Sometimes she slows down enough for him to catch up, only to slip away when he gets too close. After a few minutes of running things come to a head. They face each other as the sea laps at their feet. Lux looks for escape while Jihyun tries to find a way to capture her. They smile teasingly at each other, challenging the other to make a move. Lux does so first and Jihyun picks up her trajectory. When she's close enough he lunges and wraps his arms around her waist. She yelps in surprise as he pulls her to him. She loops her arms around his neck, hugging him and laughing when he twirls her around. After doing a complete circle he lets her down. Gently, she cups his face.
"Now, you're more relaxed."
She has noticed.
He winces. "I wasn't before, was I?"
She shakes her head. "No."
"I am so sorry, my love."
"It's okay," she says, caressing him. "I was just... worried that it's because of me."
"No," he says quickly, holding onto her hands. "No, it's not you—never you..."
"Yes, really."
"Then what's wrong?"
Though Lux smiles, within the depths of her eyes is an emotion he knows all too well. She acquainted him with it when she cared for him during that tumultuous time. It was all he knew when she cared for him after the attack. It's concern—for him. The difference this time around is that she worries that she wronged him somehow. His sheepishness at his childish action now turns into full-fledged guilt.
"Uhm... I never felt jealous before," he begins, voice low and uncertain. "Well, at least not in the context of a relationship. I felt it when I saw you for the first time wearing this... but I didn't recognise it until much later. And… I struggled with how to deal with it."
“You were jealous... because of the swimsuit?”
“You wanted to wear it?” Lux says, brows furrowing.
He laughs at her innocent question.
"No, darling," he says, lowering their hands and pressing them against his heart. "I mean... you look beautiful. And so adorable. Too adorable. I feared you would attract a lot of attention. I didn't like that. I wanted to keep you to myself, to be the only person to see you like this. The thought of other people seeing what I see bothered me. I wanted to be the only one..."
"Oh..." she whispers, eyes widening.
"And it didn't help when that boy kept trying to get your attention."
"Which boy?"
"The one with the soccer ball."
"Oh... oh. Is that what he was doing?" Lux says, surprised. "I thought he's just terrible at soccer."
Her answer dumbfounds him. Jihyun gazes into her eyes. He's trying to find whether she's joking or teasing, but... her eyes tell of her seriousness. She didn't know. She didn't see what he did. Before he knows it he's laughing. There is no need to worry. Not that her noticing worries him... but somehow her obliviousness to all this relieves him.
"You were jealous, huh?" she says with a smile.
"Jealous and possessive."
"That's why you keep asking me to cover up?"
"That's right."
"You love me that much?"
"I do, yes."
She giggles. "I love you too."
She wraps her arms around him. She buries her face in his chest as he hugs her back and kisses the top of her head. Without any people around there’s just the water and the whistling of the sea breeze as it whips around them. A sense of peace settles over him as they stand together for a few minutes. He didn't know what to expect after telling her his feelings... but it doesn't surprise him that she meets him halfway with understanding. That's her... gentle and kind, non-judgemental and patient.
"I mean... on the one hand, I'm relieved. I thought I did something."
"No, darling."
"My swimsuit doesn't offend you?"
With a smile, he looks her over. She does look adorable on her swimsuit—and attractive. Too attractive. This look of hers tempts him to hold her tight and kiss her until the sun no longer shines. It seduces him with the idea of holing up in their room for a day... so they can spend ample time discovering each other. But he controls his urges, settling for kissing her hand instead.
"Of course not," he says, winking, "I said you looked cute, didn't I?"
"You did... but we both know that you're too kind sometimes." She runs her hand along his back. "I love this outfit, but I don't love it more than you. You mean a lot to me so... I would have been happy to change if it bothered you."
Jihyun stares at her, a little awed. She talks as if it's no big deal, but it touches him. Since his return, they've spent a lot of time together... but her selflessness and love still amazes him. How can someone like her exist? What has he done in his past life to meet someone like her?
"Thank you," he says. "I appreciate you saying that."
Lux nods and they separate. He smiles curiously when she inclines her head towards him.
"Uhm... you've never been jealous, you say? Ever?" she says.
He thinks about it. Jealousy... is not usually a concept that applies to him. He hears about people being jealous of him. When it came to his relationship... there was never a sense of possessiveness with Rika. He never feared for her loss. There was no need for it. They were so wrapped up in each other, so filled with obsession that there was no room for anything else... least of all jealousy. In fact, what he had was the extreme opposite end—he felt like he had a lot to give.
And so he pushed it upon Rika.
But that's all in the past.
"I think not..." he winces. "Is that bad?"
"Of course not," she says, taking his hands and squeezing. "It's fine if you've never felt jealous before... it only means that your experiences are different from other people."
"I mean... not everyone can say they've climbed mountains to take photos, right? Not everyone can say they've felt the same exhilarating will to live as you did."
"No," he chuckles. "I suppose not."
They smile at each other.
"Thank you for talking to me," she says. "I appreciate it."
"Of course... I never want to hide things from you."
"Then... please never stop telling me things," she continues, squeezing his hands again. "Anything you feel and experience... anything that troubles you or you don't understand... please come to me. Talk to me. I want to figure it out with you."
Love bursts overwhelmingly within Jihyun's chest. He envelops Lux in another embrace. This woman is a miracle. Her brightness doesn't scorch. Her kindness doesn't suffocate. Her understanding doesn't erode. She is the balm that soothes, the gentle force that brought peace in his life. Before he left two and a half years ago it's been a constant thought in his mind, how he doesn't deserve her. He still thinks that sometimes... but more than that she inspires him to be better—for him and for her. To be someone worthy of living... worthy of her.
“I will do that.”
"I can see the house. We'll be there in a minute."
"Okay, Jumin. Please tell everyone to take care on the sand."
Jihyun ends the call and turns to Lux. She's in the kitchen, standing by the stove and stirring the pot before her. The sight is so domestic that he can't help imagining her as his wife. He indulges himself in the fantasy of them finally being together in every way... and that today is like any other in their happy, married life. Suddenly, she looks at him. There must be something in his gaze because she gives him a shy smile.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" she says.
"You're beautiful," he answers.
Her smile widens, but the next second she bites her lip—as if she's stopping herself from grinning. She waves him over and he's happy to amble over to her side. Within the pot bubbles a broth that's red in colour. Underneath the surface are various vegetables and some seafood. The smell is incredible. Jihyun's stomach rumbles in hunger as the aroma assails him. Lux stirs for a few more seconds before ladling a small amount. She blows on it before offering it to him. Leaning forward, he takes a small sip. Oh, it's delicious. The taste is well-balanced, with the perfect mix of salty and spicy. He can pick up each individual flavour, but they all dance in harmony on his tongue.
"How is it?" she says.
He smiles at her hopeful look. "Amazing."
"Yes, this is excellent."
"I'm glad—"
"Hello, lovebirds!"
At the booming words, Jihyun looks to the double doors. Zen emerges from them with a teasing expression. With a wink at them, he glides past the kitchen and towards the bedrooms before Jihyun and Lux can say anything. In his wake are snippets of conversation and commotion. The next to appear is Jumin, whose hair looked rather damp. Jihyun can tell he's not that thrilled to have been on an adventure with the youngsters... but he seems rather refreshed.
"Welcome back!" Lux chirps.
"What's this?" Jumin says.
"I let the staff off early," Jihyun explains.
"We decided to cook for everyone," Lux says.
Following behind Jumin is Jaehee and the kids. As soon as Yoosung emerges he breaks from the group and rushes to Lux's side. The twins follow suit, surrounding her on all sides. Jihyun watches with a happy smile as Lux beams at them in greeting. Without prompt, she offers them a taste. Though she did most of the cooking he can't help feeling a surge of pride for her at their elated reactions.
"Good?" Lux asks Saeran, patting his head.
With a blush, Saeran nods.
"It's so good!" Yoosung compliments.
"Better than the Madam's," Saeyoung says.
Lux gasps, "No way, she's an excellent cook!"
She, Saeyoung, and Jihyun break in laughter at this.
"So I'll count on you two, then," Jumin interjects.
"Oh, yes," Jihyun replies.
With that Jumin walks off to the bedrooms.
"Thank you for all your effort," Jaehee says with a smile and then she's gone too.
"Go get cleaned up," Jihyun tells the three. "Everything will be ready when you're done."
At that, Saeyoung hooks his arms around Saeran and Yoosung.
"I have a surprise later at the beach," he grins. "Look forward to it."
"Pray for your lives," Yoosung quips.
"Set your affairs in order," Saeran deadpans.
"Hey, don't do me dirty like that!"
They explode in rambunctious laughter as Saeyoung drags them away. They're so loud that their voices bounce along the walls. The threesome bicker and banter until the dim hallways swallow the noise. It's only the two of them again. Jihyun gets started on cutting the rest of the vegetables. He smiles when Lux embraces him from behind.
"A surprise..." she says, "Sounds exciting."
He chuckles, "Knowing Saeyoung it's going to be interesting."
As everyone cleans up, Jihyun and Lux finish cooking dinner. They set up the table, going for a minimal look rather than anything fancy. By the time the group gathers again, the hearty spread is ready for them. They waste no time in having a feast. Soon, the whole thing becomes a chaotic, but enjoyable affair. Saeyoung continues to rope Saeran and Yoosung in trouble. Zen captures Jaehee's entire attention with his charm and stories. Jumin looks utterly unaffected. Meanwhile, Lux looks happy to be part of it all.
As for Jihyun... this is healing. They didn't usually gather like this before Lux. They never had a vacation together nor did they have feasts. They didn't treat each other like strangers, either; they went out for meals and coffee... but it didn't feel as tight-knit as they do now. Lux's presence makes everything feel natural. It's like they've been doing this for years. Nowadays they feel more like a family than... individuals who decided to gather together and do some good. It's warm. It's comfortable.
It feels like home.
After dinner, Saeyoung invites them all to return to the beach. The whole area is dark now; everything combines together in one black mass. The outdoor lighting of the houses barely illuminates anything. With flourish, Saeyoung reveals his surprise, which is fireworks. There are so many kinds, from rockets that go in the air to sparklers that people can hold. As the kids set up the rockets, the rest of them play with the sparklers. Zen lights one and takes as many selfies with them as possible. At first, Jumin refuses one, but at Zen's insistence he now stoically holds a lit sparkler. Zen then offers Jaehee one and she takes it with a smile. Soon, he includes her in his selfie session.
Lux's voice draws him to her. She holds a few sticks of unlit sparklers. He smiles, taking the ones she offers him. After taking the lighter from Zen, he lights them up. Lux takes her mobile and takes pictures of them holding the fireworks as well as a few selfies. They view the pictures after and Jihyun's chest warm at the images of them together.
“Everyone!” Saeyoung calls.
The sound of rockets whistling has him and Lux looking up. The rocket soars up in the sky and then comes apart in an explosion of bright red. Another one flies up, lighting in blue. The next one is in green. One by one each rocket illuminates the heavens with a rainbow kaleidoscope of colours. It's a show that's a treat for the eyes, brighter than the stars, brighter than the moon's reflection on the ocean.
Jihyun is so awed that he starts when he feels slender arms wounding around his waist. He glances down at Lux, who gazes at him with the happiest smile. As her feelings reach him he feels he can walk on air. He wants to hold her tight and never let go. He wants to keep her by his side. For now, he contents himself with wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Pressing her tight against him, he sneaks a quick, gentle kiss while everyone watches the fireworks.
This is it, he realises as she kisses back.
This is happiness.
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myuntoldstory · 4 years
Mystic Messenger | This Feels Like Falling in Love
AO3 | FF.net
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Zen | Ryu Hyun/Main Character (Named)
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 2, 384
Summary: "That fateful night when she knew… she loved him too."
Set after Zen's good end and after end. An exploration of one of the many nights in Zen and Lux's time as a couple. Lux decides that she sleeps better with Zen than without him.
This Feels Like Falling in Love
There's a knock on the door. Lux looks up from the sink as it opens and Zen peeks in. The hesitant expression on his face melts into happiness as their eyes meet in the mirror. He beams at her and she smiles back, turning the faucet off and wiping her hands. After showering she tends to resemble a drowned rat... but somehow Zen still looks at her like she's the most beautiful girl in the world.
"Hello, handsome," she greets.
Zen opens the door fully, releasing the steam. As she removes the towel and readies the hairdryer, she catches him watching her. Before long, his arms slip around her waist, pulling her to his solid body. With a happy hum, he kisses the side of her neck and squeezes gently. Chuckling shyly, she plugs the appliance in.
“You smell really good,” he sighs, perching his chin on her shoulder. “Almost done?”
"Yeah," she replies. "I just need to dry my hair."
"Do you need help with anything?"
She contemplates his question, looking in the mirror and ruffling her damp hair. He watches her every move, garnet eyes focused in the same way they do when he reviews monitors and dailies. When their eyes meet he grins. Her heart skips a beat at his brilliant, handsome face. Unable to help herself, she turns to him and kisses his temple, hugging his arms when he squeezes her waist again. His needy affection inspires her. Returning his smile, she gestures at the hairdryer.
“Then, do you mind helping me?” she says. “With my hair?”
“I’d love to!”
After kissing her shoulder, he guides her to sit on the tub. Then, he walks out of the bathroom, returning seconds later with a round brush in hand. He stands behind her and soon she hears the loud whirring of the hairdryer. A blast of hot air hits her, warming her cooling body. She can't see what he's doing, but she feels him dividing her hair into sections. Then, he runs the hairdryer along each lock, using the brush to detangle. Lux sighs as her muscles relax; she gives into Zen's tender touch as he dries her hair. It's like being in a salon, except he's extra careful and gentle with her. She can tell he doesn't want to hurt her... even with something expected like hair pulling or stubborn tangles.
"Are you going to sleep after this?" he says.
"I want to, yeah..."
As if to prove it a yawn overcomes her as she sinks further into warm comfort. The lids of her eyes grow heavy as Zen continues to spoil her. With him, she's always so relaxed. There's unwavering security in his presence that she never senses the need to be on guard. Around him, she can be vulnerable like this... because he'll treat her kindly. Because he'll treat her with so much love. It makes her want to be greedy; she wants more... more of his time and affections. The corners of her lips tug up in inspiration. She looks up at him with a tempting smile.
"Come to bed with me?"
Zen pauses as desire flit across his face.
"I want to," he says, "I really do, but..."
Her smile turns understanding as he trails off.
"You still have work to do," she says.
"I'm sorry, princess."
"It's okay."
Zen leans down and she receives his apologetic kiss. She raises her hand to his cheek, stroking gently as he runs the tip of his tongue across the seam of her mouth. A warm feeling spreads within her, feeling like an internal hug. Then, she picks up the absence of noise. When Zen pulls away and she catches her breath, she realises that the hairdryer is off. After another kiss to her forehead, he tidies up.
"I'm done," he says with a smile.
With his help, she stands up. She looks into the mirror and gasps at how gorgeous her hair looks. It's shiny and sleek. His technique brought significant volume to her usually flat hair. Hesitantly, she touches it, afraid of ruining the masterpiece.
"Oh, my darling said my name!"
At his giddy reply, she meets his eyes in the mirror, returning his happy grin. The absolute joy he exudes makes him radiant. He's sparkling, brighter than the lights... brighter than anything in the world. Biting her lips, she smiles to herself as she continues to watch him. Her cheeks redden at his brilliance; he's like her own personal sun.
"Did I do something right?" he teases, hugging her to him again.
"You did something amazing," she says. "You are incredible."
"Well, the stylists taught me... but it's nothing compared to what they do."
He hides his face in her neck and she giggles at the sight of his bright red ears. People who say he’s self-absorbed don’t know him. Those who say he’s narcissistic don’t bother to look deep within him. It’s tragic… how the world is missing out on this… this cute side of him. No one knows that the smallest compliments still fluster him. That he’s so humble, recognising the skills of others.
Oh well.
More for her.
She takes his hand and leads him out of the bathroom.
“I kind of feel like I shouldn’t be sleeping with this hair,” she jokes.
Once in the bedroom he takes the lead and helps her to bed.
“What do you mean?” he says with a confused frown.
Giggling, she does a little dance and whips her hair back and forth.
“Shouldn’t I go out and show it off?”
Zen bursts out laughing at her little display. After pulling the covers up her legs he leans down and captures her lips properly. They share chuckles between kisses as a playful mood settles over them. Before long they pull away from each other. With an amused smile, he taps her nose as she reclines against the pillows.
"You're too cute for your own good," he says.
She crinkles the appendage, earning another bout of laughter.
"And so beautiful," he continues, brushing strands of hair away from her face. "Too beautiful. Actually, you're so gorgeous that I'm scared you'll cause some heart attacks if you go out now."
She blushes at his compliment. "Do I... give you heart attacks?"
"Every day," he sighs. "I'm surprised I'm not dead yet."
"It's true."
"Well, you give me heart attacks too," she giggles.
He cups her cheek and brushes his thumb against her lips. Then he winks at her.
"Why do you think I kiss you all the time?"
"For... resuscitation?"
"Then... you better kiss me again."
That's all the permission Zen needs. He hovers over her as he kisses her again. This time he's more persistent, bolder. Lux opens her mouth to him, whimpering as his tongue sweeps inside to taste her. Her hands fist around his shirt as she holds on to him. Meanwhile, he cups the back of her head and keeps her in place. The need to breathe separated them, but Zen doesn't stop. She bites her tingling lips as he rains kisses down her jaw and throat.
"S-sure you don't want to come to bed now?" she says, breathless.
Zen groans with regret. "I really need to work on this script."
"Okay," she says after a disappointed sigh.
He raises his head and her breath hitches at the sight of him—flushed with kiss-swollen lips. The pupils of his eyes are wide with desire for her. But the smile he gives her is tender. She returns it, closing her eyes as he presses a tender kiss on her forehead.
"Sleep, babe," he says. "You have work tomorrow too."
"All right."
"I won't be long," he promises. "I'll turn in soon."
"Good night, darling."
After another kiss he extricates himself. Lux watches him walk away and after one last smile he turns off the lights. He pulls the door, but leaves it ajar for her. She finds comfort in that sliver of light. Unlike the darkness of a closed door, that sliver of light means he's not far away. She can still go to him. He's still available. He'll still welcome her.
Lux turns, a little sad at the emptiness of his side of the bed. It reminds her of that night after he rescued her from that would-be kidnapper. The moment she stepped into his apartment he gave her his bedroom and took residence on the couch. He was so careful with her. He always gave her space and made it clear that he didn't want to take advantage of her vulnerability. He stayed resolute even after her many assurances. She had to concede that he had a point; certain impulsive things tend to happen out of trauma. It was no good to push things towards the point of regret.
So, she followed his lead.
But... it didn't soothe her loneliness... or save her from her fear.
Lux sighs and tries to go to sleep, but now that she remembers the past restlessness settles in her body. She tosses and turns for a few minutes, trying to find the best position to sleep. How frustrating. Minutes ago she all but nodded off. Now attempting to do so makes her feel all kinds of wrong. After one last attempt, she sits up with a huff. She combs through her hair with regret... she's ruined Zen's masterpiece by now. Glancing at the door, she makes a swift decision. She throws the covers back and pads out of the room.
Arriving in the living room, she smiles at the sight that greets her. Zen sits on the couch, surrounded by open books. His foot taps in beat with the music flowing from the speakers. After careful listening, she recognises it as the songs he needs to learn for his next production. His eyes are focused again as he reads the script before him. Every few seconds he takes the pen tucked behind his ear and writes some notes on the pages. Sometimes, he consults the books before him. The glistening mask on his face somehow tops the whole picture. Now, he looks like the perfect image of a relaxed, yet professional actor.
Sighing, he sets the script aside before removing the mask. That's when he notices her standing just out of the hallway. Though the mask covers his face she catches concern replacing his surprise. He disposes of the mask and beckons her over. Like a child who doesn't want to get in trouble, she approaches with caution.
"What's wrong, honey?" he says, patting the residue into his skin.
Lux winces. "I don't want to bother you."
"Never. What's up?"
"I can't sleep without you."
As soon as the words leave her lips her cheeks redden. They burn hotter when she sees Zen's stunned expression. That was a little too honest. Also, she said that a little too quickly. Looking around she realises that he is as busy as he says. Isn't it selfish of her to go to him for comfort when he also has his own things to take care of?
"I mean... all my sleepiness went away," she corrects. Then she feigns a wide yawn, complete with the teary eyes. "I just wanted to see what you're up to and... well... I'm sleepy now so I'll go back to bed."
She turns from him, embarrassed.
"Good night—"
“Come here, babe.”
Zen talks before Lux leaves the room. She faces him again, eyes widening when she sees what he’s doing. One by one he closes the study materials and places them in a neat stack on the coffee table. Then, he opens his arms to her. A kind smile now replaces his stunned expression, making her heart skip a beat.
"I don't want to bother you," she repeats.
He winks. "Honestly, after leaving you I couldn't concentrate."
Her cheeks heat up more at his honesty. She doesn't want to stand in the way of his productivity... but when he opens his arms wider and waves her over she can no longer resist. She skips to him, nearly barrelling into his arms in her haste. After some manoeuvring, she's snuggled against him and the back of the couch. They share laughter as she plucks the pen from his ear and placed it somewhere that's easier to access. He wraps his arm around her shoulders, gently petting her hair. She lays her head on his shoulder. Then, she carefully pulls his hair out of hiding, curling her fingers around the silky locks. With a smile, she looks up at him. He kisses her forehead.
“Comfy?” he whispers.
She nods with a deep breath. He smells like his favourite soap and laundry detergent. Underneath is the refreshing scent of the facial mask—aloe vera and cucumber. Lux takes another deep breath, letting the smell of him calm every inch of her body. Craning her neck, she presses a gentle kiss on the underside of his jaw, smiling at his pleased sigh. The beginning of drowsiness slips into her consciousness, weighing on her lids once more.
Silence falls between them as he resumes reading. Lux's gaze blurs as her stare goes far away. The steady rhythm of his heart... the way he caresses her hair... the melody coming from the speakers... it turns out they're the perfect remedy for her restlessness. Once in a while, he hums along, soothing her worn nerves further. The moment she settles in his arms the past is just that. The anxiety that had her in its vice-like grip is now completely gone. He fills her mind, easing her to a state of peace. She holds onto his shirt as drowsiness continues to weave through her consciousness.
As she continues to slip under, she realises that she's felt like this before. This particular moment feels so familiar that she's sure it's already happened. She closes her eyes, hoping it will help her concentrate and bring up a memory. She plans to open them again, but now she finds that she can't. Oh well... she still wants to remember what it was...
She remembers.
She called him…
He read her Cinderella…
And told her she was his Prince Charming.
That fateful night when she knew… she loved him too.
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myuntoldstory · 4 years
Mystic Messenger | Behind the Scenes
AO3 | FF.net
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Zen | Ryu Hyun/Main Character (Named)
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 6, 990
Summary: "This... this is real."
Set after Zen's Valentine's Day dlc.On Valentine's Day, 
Lux received comfort and reassurances from Zen after he discovered the rumours surrounding him and his co-star, Jocelyn. That's the end of it. Lux feels no insecurities as the rumours reach an all-time high, not even when Zen leaves for a month-long location shoot.
But one kissing scene changes everything...
Behind the Scenes
“I don’t want to leave you… it’s bad timing.”
Lux smiles helplessly at Zen, squeezing his hand.
On Valentine's Day, Zen discovered the rumours surrounding him and his co-star, Jocelyn. Back then the media and public speculated in reckless fun, but now everyone believes that the two are in a real relationship. They have all but discounted Zen's announcement as a sham… that he and Lux are.
It angers him. He's angry for her.
As for what Lux feels about it... well, does it matter?
They love each other. That's the truth.
It should be enough.
"I want to come with you if that's any consolation," she chuckles.
Zen smiles back at her, kissing her hands.
"Screw the contract, honestly," he sighs. "I want them all to see us together, even on my work trips. If they see how perfect we are for each other they'll think twice on the bullshit they spread every day."
"Mmm," she agrees. "But sadly work's called both of us away."
Zen pulls her in a tight embrace. Lux circles her arms around him, holding on as she buries her face in the crook of his neck. Inhaling deeply, she comforts herself with his favourite cologne, his clean scent that’s just underneath. The consoling way he rubs her back almost brings tears to her eyes. The moment they met he's always put her first. Even now, when he's advancing in his career, he continues to look out for her. Why should she worry about what everyone else says? He never fails to show her how much he loves her.
"I'll miss you," she murmurs. "So much."
"I'll miss you too, babe," he says. "I miss you already."
With a sigh, she steps back. She feels the reluctant flex in Zen's arms, but he follows her lead. Holding onto his shirt, she stares into his garnet eyes. Within the glittering depths are longing and concern. She smiles as he cups and caresses her cheeks.
"Take care, okay?" she says, leaning into his touch. "Don't work yourself sick. Also, do enjoy yourself. Jeju's a beautiful place so take the time to heal."
"Your wish is my command, my princess," Zen says with a small bow. "But without you beside me, I can never fully heal. You're the best elixir in this whole universe, after all."
"Zen..." she laughs, blushing.
"Don't be sick too, okay?" he continues. "Stay healthy. Eat well."
"I will."
"Let's do our best."
“And let’s think about each other—at least once a day.”
“I’ll think about you every minute,” she promises.
“Me too,” he beams. “Let’s meet each other in our dreams.”
“Of course,” she says. “And I’ll text you every day.”
“It’s okay if you don’t reply; I just want to tell you things.”
“Same goes for you.”
“And we’ll video call each other.”
“As much as possible.”
She laughs. “We’ll be fine.”
“We will be.”
Then, tenderly, Zen kisses her. Lux holds onto his hands, savouring the moment. His lips glide gently against hers, making butterflies flutter in her stomach. The very edge of his teeth brushes against her mouth in the most careful nibbles. She feels it, the way he yearns for her, kissing her like it's the last time. Through her response, she accepts his feelings and offers her own.
"Goodbye, darling," he murmurs against her lips.
"See you in a month."
"See you later."
"Yes," she chuckles.
Finally, they let go of each other. Zen opens the door to reveal Seongjin, his manager. He wears an expectant expression tinged with impatience. When he sees Lux, though, he smiles politely. She bows to him in greeting as Zen picks up the suitcases and makes his way out. Lux watches from the door as Seongjin catches up to him and helps him load the luggage in the van waiting outside the complex. Then, Seongjin opens the door and gestures for Zen to go inside first. Before that, Zen looks over his shoulder and blows her a kiss. Beaming, she blows one back.
And in an instant, he's gone.
Lux's happy expression dims. Sighing, she closes the door.
ZEN, Lux
My love~
We’re really meant for each other~
I was just about to call you…
and suddenly I get your text!
Isn’t that amazing?
No matter how far apart we are
we’re still connected~
What can I do for you, my princess?
I just want to know if you’re home yet~
You said you’re out of the airport by 7, right?
My babe is worried for me~
I love you so~ much!
Actually, I just got out.
Seongjin’s driving me home.
I’m so relieved you arrived safely!
I want to see your handsome face~
Hopefully, time passes by quickly.
I can’t wait…
I really want to spoil you…
You get off at 9, right? :(
Are you okay?
But I am okay! ^^
I love how you worry about me. <3
You know how the start of the year’s always busy.
Two hours left, though! It won’t be long now~
We can see each other again!
I’m counting down the minutes~
Lux reads the messages with a happy smile. The past two hours have been unbearable knowing that he's waiting for her at home. Now, finally, she's done—she can finally see him. Unable to contain her excitement, she sends a message telling him that she'll be home soon. Her heart leaps as he replies back, saying that he's waiting for her. She sends a few hearts before closing the app.
Looking up from her phone, she sees Seojun, her mentor, peeking in.
"Seojun, hey," she greets.
"Finally," she sighs in relief. "I'm going home. You?"
"Same." He gestures to the hallway. "Let's walk out?"
Seojun waits as Lux closes the door to her office. Then, they both make their way through the hall towards the staircase. In this late hour, the staff department is almost a ghost town. Two or three offices still have their lights on as, like her, some staff work overtime. The rest is dark and empty, making the hallway they're walking through dim and eerie.
"He's back today, right?"
Lux starts at the sudden question. Glancing at Seojun, she finds him looking expectantly at her with a teasing smile. The corners of her lips tug up as the words sink in. Zen is no longer far away—granted it will still take a few trips for her to reach him. Despite that little detail, she takes comfort in one truth.
Zen is home.
"He is," she says, cheeks reddening. "I can't wait to see him."
"Good effort," he compliments. "You hung in there."
"Seojun," she laughs. "This isn’t the first time he goes on location shoots."
"Yeah, but all those other times weren't surrounded by crazy rumours."
Lux tenses at that. "Right... true."
"Didn't it get worse after he left?" Seojun continues with a disapproving tone. "Weren't there pictures floating around? Everyone's speculating about it."
She shrugs with a helpless smile.
"Yeah, well..."
"That's rough."
Lux looks at her mentor again and finds him wincing.
"There's nothing in them, though," she defends.
"I know that," he agrees. "Everyone else? Whew..."
"I can't do anything about that."
"Which sucks for you."
Biting her lips, she says nothing.
"Does he assure you at least?"
"He does," she replies quickly. "He never forgets me."
They descend the stairs to the ground floor. Everywhere else is dark, testifying to the lateness of the hour. In many areas the only lights remaining are ones in the hallway. They're for the stragglers and the cleaners who prepare the school for another busy day. As they approach the entrance Lux sees a small group of people at the doors. Wow, there must be more people taking overtime than she realises.
"You're strong, as always," Seojun comments.
"Come on."
"Seriously. This would've destroyed anyone—understandably."
"But you? Like a Ginko tree. Completely unbothered."
Lux shrugs.
"I wouldn't say that," she admits. "It's definitely weird and... yeah. Zen announced our relationship to the world... everyone knows I'm his girlfriend, but still... I mean, it happens, right? Isn't that expected of the industry?"
"Where the currency is gossip and rumours? Yeah."
She chuckles weakly. "Exactly."
"Of course, none of this is my business," he continues. "As long as he prioritises you and protects you from all this nonsense, that's all that matters."
"He is," Lux confirms. "I appreciate you worrying, though."
"We're friends, Lux; of course I'd worry."
They stop at a crossed path close to the entrance. A flash catches Lux's eyes and, with a confused frown, she glances towards the crowd gathered at the doors. She thought they are all overtime workers going home. Now that she's paying proper attention she finds them all tittering. Every few seconds a flash pops up, which she realises comes from mobile phones. What is happening over there?
"Well, I'm parked on the other side," Seojun says.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," Lux replies with a smile. "Good work."
"You too."
With that, he's off.
Lux watches over him with a smile. Then, she turns her curious attention to the hubbub near the doors. Her nosiness gets the better of her and she approaches the crowd. The murmurs and giggles increase in volume the closer she gets. An atmosphere of excitement has clearly settled over them. She also sees a few people swooning over whatever it is they're looking at. How mysterious.
“Excuse me…” she says.
Someone from the crowd turns to her. Lux blinks as they gasp.
"Lux!" they exclaim. "O-of course!"
They shuffle away, catching the attention of people nearby. To her further surprise, they react the same way upon seeing her. Soon, she finds herself a clear path leading to the object of her curiosity. She bows at their courteousness before walking through. The first thing that catches her gaze is another small group that's gathered ahead of the doors.
Lux's heart leaps at the voice. With wide eyes, she focuses on the crowd... and sees a familiar tuft of silvery-white hair. Next, she catches a pair of glittering garnet eyes, gazing at her with happiness. At that moment the world and everything in it cease to exist. It's her... and him, the one who has her heart. Suddenly her chest twinges in pain as she feels the length of their days apart. Yes, a month was that long—too long to spend without him.
Her feet carry her to him before she even thinks about it. A happy smile tugs at her lips as his eyes follow her. The distance between them shortens, but it still feels far away. She wants to jump into his arms and wrap herself around him, but she steels herself. It's hard. She wants to make sure he's real and that this isn't all a dream...
"Zen!" she exclaims, stopping beside him. "What are you doing here?"
"Being a good boyfriend and picking you up," he answers, chuckling.
He reaches out and gently pets her head. Lux relaxes at his touch, so much that she feels it in her shoulders. Relief overwhelms her like a flood. The next second Lux blinks in surprise. This gesture is not new between them... but somehow, at that moment, it's comforted her more than any other time he's done it.
“Surprised?” he teases.
To her further confusion, tears wet her lashes. “Yes—”
“But Zen isn’t Jocelyn your girlfriend?"
The question brings a stop to everything. Lux freezes in shock. She turns to the group gathered before them. Embarrassed, she recognises her carelessness. She is so eager to see Zen that she forgets that they are there. None of them are from the school, she notes. They're also young. On top of that, they look at her with suspicion and disapproval.
Reality, at that point, hits Lux like a bullet.
Suddenly, she's conscious of herself, of her relationship with Zen. The rumours surrounding him and Jocelyn become this very real thing. She grips the strap of her bag as her chest twinges with a different kind of pain. For all her blasé attitude towards this scandal she now finds herself at a loss of how to respond.
“Oh, that funny rumour.”
Zen's playful sigh brings Lux to the present. She watches him as he returns to his fans and continues to sign for them. He briefly meets her eyes. His expression softens for a second before he wears a professional and friendly face. It's different from the happy look he had before. Though she missed the atmosphere before she arrived, she assumes it's different from what it is now. Zen exudes distance. From the stricken way some of the fans look… it doesn't seem like a good thing.
“I’m not dating Jocelyn. I have a beautiful girlfriend already.”
An awkward feeling wraps around them. It's so suffocating that Lux grips her bag strap tighter. Looking over the group again she notices that some continue to smile obliviously. Others seem to be on the verge of cringing. This is her fault, isn't it? Her presence has caused a divide for what should have been a happy moment between Zen and his fans. The one who asked the question looks like her world fell apart.
“O-oh… no, I’m sorry…”
"It's all right," Zen assures her. "I'm sorry to my girlfriend, though; she's been so patient and forgiving with me through this. That makes her the greatest, don't you think?"
A murmur of agreement spreads throughout the group. The girl who asked the question nods fervently. Lux sighs with a helpless smile when Zen glances at her and winks. In the next second the atmosphere lightens and becomes friendlier. All the fans are now beaming and tittering around him.
"Ready to go, babe?" he says, signing the last of the autographs.
"Whenever you are."
Once done, he helps her up the motorcycle. Then, he puts the helmet on her, arranging her hair to make sure it's not caught on anything. She protests when he gives her his jacket, but he insists with a gentle shush. Despite the helmet muting the sound, she can somehow hear some whoops and hoots. Her face reddens when she looks around and finds that they still have an audience. Zen opens the visor, prompting her to turn to him.
"Hold on to me, okay?" he says.
Lux nods.
He gets on and she wraps her arms around his waist. As he starts the engine she presses herself onto his back. She waves to her co-workers who wave back enthusiastically. Zen, meanwhile, says farewell to his fans. With that, he rides them off the campus and into the main road.
Lux's hold around Zen turns vice-like as he weaves through the cars. He slows to a stop at the lights when it turns red. As they wait, Lux runs her hands along his torso. She starts when he takes her hand. To her surprise, he presses it to his helmet in a sort-of kiss. Her face warms. She presses her head into the middle of his back, shaking it in embarrassment. Through all the layers between them she still feels the deep rumble of his laugher. The light turns green and they're off again.
The whole trip takes ten minutes. Lux relaxes as she sees their building. Zen goes into the parking area and stops at a spot, turning off the engine. With a sharp sigh, he takes off his helmet. Then, he hops off and helps Lux, assisting with her helmet. Smiling gently, he combs back her mussed hair.
"Are you okay?" he says.
"Yes," she assures him. "But what about you? Did you get cold?"
Smile widening, he lifts her hands and kisses them.
“What cold? Your arms warmed me up plenty,” he says, winking.
She still hasn't recovered from his display earlier. Wordlessly, she takes the helmet and wears it again. With a hearty laugh, Zen hugs her head and kisses the top of the helmet before taking it off once more. She catches his radiant, happy grin and it steals her breath away.
“Zen, your handsomeness makes it hard to breathe.”
“Then, my princess, let’s go home before you faint,” he teases.
Taking her hand, he leads her home. He opens the door with a flourish and lets her go in first with a sweeping bow. She turns to him the moment the door closes, gasping when a desperate kiss meets her. Zen advances on her, making her step back and press against the door. She clutches his shirt as he cups her face, placing little kisses all over her lips.
"Zen..." she whispers when he pulls away. “I missed you..."
"God," he laughs, breathless. "That sounds dangerous."
"What does?"
"The way you whispered..."
She chuckles. “Did I wake up the beast?”
He kisses her forehead as she wraps her arms around him in a tight hug. He slips his arms around her waist and pulls her flush against him, moulding her body to his in a tighter embrace. Seconds of silence pass as they reacquaint with each other. Lux has to come to terms with his month-long absence in her life.
“I’m home, honey…” he whispers in her ear. “I missed you so much.”
“Welcome home—”
The sudden sound of knocking had them both jumping. They laugh as the emotional atmosphere of their reunion dissipates. After one last kiss to her forehead, Zen goes on to answer the door, urging Lux to go on and settle in.
“Waiting for something?” she says.
“I ordered delivery,” he says with a grin.
He opens the door, revealing a delivery girl whose beaming smile falls in abject shock at the sight of him. She drops the plastic bags full of takeaway. Zen reaches out and catches them with a panicked yelp. Chuckling at the scene, Lux goes further inside the apartment. As she goes into their bedroom she can’t help feeling… comfortable, like everything’s back in place. Without Zen’s bright presence the apartment had been painfully quiet. Hearing his voice down the hall erases the dark mark of loneliness that settled within her since he left.
Finally, he’s home.
And it feels like she’s back home too.
“This way.”
Lux follows Seongjin as he leads her.
After returning from his location shoot, Zen only had a day of rest. Then he's back to early morning pickups and late-night drop-offs. As her schedule returns to normal levels, his maintains its busy state. At the very least she’ll be with him, no matter how late. She prefers that to not being with him at all.
Ever since Zen discovered the rumours he has been inviting her to visit him on set. Because of work she's unable to find the best time. Now with her schedule back to normal she was freer. After some planning, she decided on a day to visit. In the morning she told Zen that she’d drop by. The happiness he exuded was enough to energise her for years. She planned to go there on her own, but when she got out of work Seongjin was waiting for her. She was so touched that she couldn't refuse.
Now she follows him to where Zen is.
The production had sealed off a large area for the shoot. Various lights and equipment surround the perimeter. Several people walk in and out of it, sometimes to check on equipment and sometimes to consult other people. The bigger lights circle a small area inside the perimeter. From the cameras that surround that area, Lux assumes that’s where the shooting location is.
Seongjin leads Lux inside the perimeter and towards the smaller area. He weaves through the bustling staff, finding a spot for her to stand in. As she follows him she catches a few people glancing at her in recognition and surprise. To prevent any awkwardness she bows to every one of them.
“You can stand here,” Seongjin whispers, guiding her to a specific spot. “They’re in the middle of a shoot right now so I’ll let him know you’re here when they take a break, okay?”
“Of course,” she murmurs. “Thank you, Manager.”
“No worries—now, behave.”
He brings his finger to his lips and she nods.
The director calls for quiet and commands action. Lux smiles proudly as she watches Zen in his element. He looks so perfect—natural. It’s like he’s born for this very purpose. She never tires of watching him behind the camera, it’s like she’s privy to a private stage performance. Shows and movies always add elements to make a scene feel a certain way. But with this, she sees the power he has, how he enthrals with his skill alone. He leaves no doubt that the character he wears can exist in the real world. On top of that, he also elevates his co-stars. Next to him, Jocelyn’s demure acting is all the more endearing and adorable.
She continues to watch as Zen sits on the bench. He and Jocelyn talk. There’s cautious flirtatiousness to their conversation. The shyness Jocelyn exudes makes Zen’s confident playfulness attractive and charming. Their teasing rises to a peak as Jocelyn walks off in a huff. Suddenly Zen grabs hold of her wrist and pulls her to his lap. Lux starts when the people around her gasp. Looking around, she finds most of the staff gazing adoringly at the two, completely taken with the scene unfolding before them.
As the scene continues on she overhears a conversation behind her.
“God, it’s so romantic—I’m so jealous!”
“Yeah, it looks so good—no wonder they’re in a relationship.”
“What do you mean?”
“Eh? What are you asking—aren’t they dating?”
“What? No, they’re not!”
“No? But they’re all reporting about it!”
“It’s all just rumours! Zen already has a girlfriend!”
“What—oh, the conference thing? I thought that was fake!”
The smile on Lux’s face falls and her heart sinks.
Discomfort churns in her stomach. Gradually hurt replaces the pride she feels. Zen and Jocelyn look into each other’s eyes, and Lux recognises his expression with a pang. He’d stare at her like that sometimes. She clutches her bag strap, eyes wide and glimmering as he leans in and captures Jocelyn’s lips in a chaste kiss. All around her she hears the staff melting at the sight.
Pain twinges in her chest, twisting her in a way that makes her want to keel. A lump forms in her throat as tears sting the back of her eyes. Zen kisses Jocelyn with such gentleness that’s familiar to Lux. He’d kiss her that way too. When Jocelyn responded by cupping his face, she wants to scream at them to stop.
Time goes at a standstill. The scene seems to go on for way too long. Are they still acting or is this real? From where Lux stands she feels the magic between them—inexplicable, but compelling. It’s so intimate and private that she wants to take her eyes away... but like a spectacular train wreck, she can’t stop herself from watching.
She wants it to stop.
The director’s yell breaks the spell. Zen and Jocelyn separate as the crowd breaks into enthusiastic but scattered applause. Lux releases the breath she didn’t even notice she’s been holding. She hears it, the praise Zen and Jocelyn receive as a couple. This despite that she’s right there… despite that some of them had seen her coming in.
Unable to take any more she turns to walk away. She weaves through the crowd, speeding until she steps out of the perimeter. After that, she slows to an amble, heart over her chest to calm her pounding heart. Tears continue to sting her eyes and she has to bite her lip, almost breaking the skin, to prevent herself from crying.
His voice is like a douse of cold water. She keeps walking, only stopping when Zen’s gentle hand touches her shoulder.
“Where are you going?” he says.
She doesn’t face him. “I’m going home.”
“Home? But…”
Both of his hands are now on her shoulders. She tries not to flinch as they slide over her upper arms.
“But we just saw each other,” he protests softly.
She blinks away the tears that persistently push through.
“I know… I’m sorry, but I’m not feeling well.”
“You’re not well?”
He turns her to face him. She keeps her head down, trying not to show her face, but as expected he tenderly lifts her chin. He exposes her to him as he looks over her and places a gentle hand on her forehead. Reluctantly, she looks at him. She sees his eyes widen, but whether that's because he feels something, or he sees how close to tears she is, she doesn’t know.
“I should take you to a doctor,” he says.
“You’re still working,” she reminds him with a weak smile.
Avoiding his gaze once more she takes his hands off her. Stepping back, she puts a considerable distance between them. Against her wishes, a sniffle escapes her lips. She catches Zen reaching for her, but she crosses her arms and his hands drop to his side.
What’s wrong with her? Why is she being like this?
“I’ll sleep this off,” she assures him.
A pause passes between them and Zen sighs.
“Okay…” he relents, voice low. “Okay. I’ll let Seongjin know—”
“No, don’t bother him,” she says hurriedly.
“But, babe—”
“He went through so much trouble dropping me off here.”
“But it’s night and you’re not well…”
She casts a quick glance at him, assailed with guilt at his troubled face.
“I’ll be fine,” she insists.
He hesitates, but then nods.
“Okay, darling… but text me when you get home, okay?”
“I will.”
Zen looks like he’s struggling to say something. Lux waits, anxious, but he shakes his head.
“No, nothing… thank you for dropping by,” he says, smiling tenderly. “It made me really happy to see you.”
The bottom of her lip trembles at his words, at his ready acceptance and protectiveness. Even when she’s acting like this he treats her with gentleness. Though she's imperfect for him... though she gives no explanation for her actions, her attitudes... still he shows her how much he loves and cares for her.
She doesn’t deserve him…
As she begins to walk off he reaches out, this time grasping her wrist. Zen pulls her towards him and to her panic, she realises that he’s going to kiss her… kiss her like he kissed Jocelyn. Those perfect lips had been on another’s minutes ago—and not just anyone. It’s not right. All this feels out of place. Before he reaches her she turns away, leaning back so he doesn’t come into contact with any part of her. Tense silence falls between them. She doesn’t need to look at him to know how confused and hurt he must look. Self-loathing and guilt almost succeed in making her cry. She pulls from him and quickly strides off.
Over an hour later she’s back in their apartment. Cleaned up and dressed, she now lies on the couch. She stares at the television, which shows a variety show in low volume. Despair churns inside of her along with guilt, jealousy, and self-loathing. She hates herself for how she acted towards Zen. Rejecting him was not what she intended, but it was instinct. She wanted to protect herself, but it ended up hurting him.
How pathetic is she…?
Tears now escape her eyes as the scene replays itself in her head. It torments her. The way it looked so romantic, so real… of course, everyone would read a relationship into it. It makes sense for people to think that it’s them that are together. Zen always kisses her that way… always looks at her with the same kind of gentleness that moves her. But somehow he and Jocelyn make it a reality. She sniffles as irrational possessiveness wells up in her. For the first time, she feels like nothing in her relationship with Zen is legitimate. Nothing. Not the kisses, the touches… not even the words.
Because no one sees it, it doesn't exist.
But they see it in a show and somehow that’s more real.
What does that mean for her? How can she be sure that they’re real?
The sound of keys jangling makes her sit up in panic. Quickly, she grabs the tissues to wipe her face and nose. As the door opens she composes herself, managing a weak, welcoming smile as Zen steps inside. At the sight of her, his eyes widen in surprise.
“Oh, babe!” he says softly, closing the door. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “You didn’t.”
He strides towards her, dropping his things on the floor. She scoots to the very corner of the couch as he sits next to her. It takes effort for her not to recoil as he cups her face, brushing away her fringe to feel her forehead. She watches him as he looks over her, but is unable to meet his eyes. When the tips of his fingers skimmed underneath her eyes she nearly cringes. Are her eyes still red? She can feel how puffy they are. Does he notice?
“How are you feeling?” he says, voice subdued.
She’s about to say that she’s fine, but memories of that kissing scene flash in her mind. She can’t find it within herself to lie. Sighing, she takes his hands off her and stands up, avoiding his eyes as she turns towards the kitchen.
“Have you eaten?” she says. “There are still some leftovers—”
She stops.
“What’s wrong?” he says.
A jolt runs through her body. “I-I don’t know what you mean…”
“Back on set you looked like you were about to cry,” he reveals, voice full of concern and hurt. “But… just before I got home you really were crying, weren’t you? You’ve been crying for a while…”
The tears emerge again. “Zen…”
“Did something happen on set? Did—did I do something?”
“No! You didn’t do anything.”
“But someone did? Did they say something to you?”
“Nothing like that.”
“Then… please, babe, tell me what’s wrong…”
Lux opens her mouth to tell him it’s nothing, lips poised to utter the first vowel, but Zen coaxes her to turn and look at him. He holds both of her hands, face full of worry. Underneath the apartment lights his eyes glimmer and she sees herself reflected in its crimson depths. What a wretched image she makes. Zen doesn’t deserve to see this. Tears well in her eyes, her lower lip trembles as she struggles to answer.
Dismay crosses Zen’s face. He kisses her hands and guides her back to the couch. Once again sitting beside him, she looks down on her lap. Her vision blurs as tears sting the back of her eyes. Biting her lip, she tries her best to not let a single drop fall as Zen tucks her hair behind her ears.
“Honey,” he pleads. “Talk to me, please.”
Lux sighs, reluctant to say a word. This is her problem, not his. It’s not that she doesn’t want to include him… more like she doesn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. The way she feels is not his fault—in fact, he does his best to protect her from all this… but somehow it still reached her. It still hurt her. She let it. She needs to sort this out on her own; he doesn’t need to know…
But he deserves to.
“I get it,” she says. “What they say about you and Jocelyn.”
With a quick glance, she catches horror crossing his face.
“Darling, it’s not true,” he says quickly. “None of it. I love you so much. You’re the only one for me. I would never, ever cheat on you—god, I honestly would rather die first. If you want to check my phone I’ll give it to you. You can ask anybody on set—”
“I know,” she replies hurriedly. “I know. I didn’t mean it like that—that’s not what I was thinking about. I know you wouldn’t do that. I trust you completely.”
He sighs in relief, but he still looks worried. “Then what’s wrong?”
“Me,” she confesses.
That stuns him. Somehow that forces the tears to fall. Admitting this makes her feel so pathetic. She can’t help feeling like the annoying, clingy girlfriend. Someone so selfish and greedy who doesn’t have the strength or attitude to be in a relationship with an actor of Zen’s calibre.
“I’m what’s wrong,” she continues, sobbing. “Everyone loves you two together. You’re perfect for each other. Your chemistry is so magical that you must be in love. They believe what they see in you two—they prefer it.”
“Babe…” Zen whispers. “Babe, that’s not true—”
She shakes her head at his placation, sniffling.
“But you hear what they say,” she says. “We’re not married yet. They don’t see us together so it must not be real. Your press conference was a setup. Our relationship is fake... even your fans believe her to be your girlfriend…”
Zen doesn’t say any more as she continues to spill her dark feelings. Word after word tumbles from her mouth with no sign of stopping. She’s desperate to. This turn of events is not something she wants. She hates how she’s weak, how a simple thing like this unhinges her so easily. Zen’s life as an actor will always have this. She must be stronger; that’s what he needs from her.
“And… god, I don’t know,” she sighs in defeat. “I saw that kissing scene—how everyone reacted to it and I understand. You two are magical together. Even I believe it. And they know her—they trust her. You two make much more sense than we do and… god, I’m sorry.”
She pulls her hands from his and buries her face in them as she sobs in earnest. As she struggles to calm herself she worries about Zen’s reaction. How disappointing is she to him now? He always calls her these beautiful and nice things. But now that he sees that she doesn’t embody a single one will he still like her? She wants to stay by his side and support him in everything he does… but after this, there might not be another chance.
“I’m sorry,” she gasps, rubbing her face and combing back her hair before grabbing more tissues. She avoids his eyes, afraid of what he looks like in the face of her weakness. “I’m sorry—don’t worry about it. It’s just… all the rumours got to me and made me weak. I didn’t mean to be a cry-baby and make you uncomfortable with all this.”
She ignores him and stands up, quickly shuffling to the kitchen.
“I’ll prepare some dinner for you, okay—”
Zen captures her wrist. A yelp escapes her as he pulls her to him. Part of her expects to sit on his lap, but to her surprise, she falls on the couch instead. Her breath leaves her in a huff as she lands on the cushions. A few seconds of silence pass before she realises that she had squeezed her eyes closed.
Slowly, she opens them, inhaling sharply at the position she finds herself in. Her hands are flat on his chest while his… one is on her thigh, the other rests at the back of her head, holding her in place. The way she fell had her legs draped over his lap. They’re so close together that their breaths mingle as they breathe. He wears an impassive expression… but in the depths of his eyes is an emotion so intense that it makes her heart race. She swallows hard, nerves on haywire because she can’t tell what he’s thinking. Somewhere she hears the clock ticking. It accompanies the building tension, counting down to something…
He takes her lips in a passionate kiss.
Lux freezes in shock as his mouth glides over hers. She doesn’t know what to think, how to react as the intensity of his actions washes over her. A flush spreads over her cheeks as the tip of his tongue teases the seam of her lips. Then he follows with a few gentle nips with his teeth. A fire ignites within her, sparked by the man she loves. Gradually, she kisses back—
But the image of that kissing scene invades her mind, tainting this moment. Discomfort now replaces the warmth that started to spread in her body. Once again this feels all wrong. She tries to push him away, to push away the reality that she mistakenly believed she was ready for.
In response, he presses her closer to him. A whimper escapes her throat as he deepens the kiss, carefully sweeping his tongue inside her mouth. He tastes of mint toothpaste; combined with his cologne it makes for an intoxicating combination. He starts to stroke her thigh, every touch erasing the image of that shoot from her mind. It vanishes completely when he suckles her bottom lip. Now her mind is full of him, of the way he overwhelms her heightened senses.
The need for air separates them. Their eyes meet briefly before Zen nuzzles her neck. Leftover tears escape Lux’s eyes as they breathe heavily together. She bites her tingling lips. Meanwhile, Zen rains kisses along her neck; he pays attention to a particular spot before gently suckling. She thought he was marking her, but he barely applies real suction. She takes the comfort he offers her, turning her head to kiss the shell of his ear.
“This… this is real,” Zen says. “This kiss, this moment… it’s real. It will always be real. It’ll be the most real thing in our whole lives. If you ever feel unsure… then just come to me. Tell me and I’ll remind you. I’ll give you all the proof you need.”
Her chest twinges at his words.
He hugs her to him, his heart hammering against her palms.
“I’m so sorry, babe. I’m sorry you had to see the kissing scene—no, I’m sorry for allowing a situation where seeing it hurts you. I should have done more; I should have given you more confidence. I shouldn’t have listened to them and just… showed the world how much we love each other…”
“Zen, you don’t have to apologise…”
“No, I do. I won’t do publicity with Jocelyn anymore. I won’t take any offers for romance shows,” he says. “I’ll also ask the agency to change the contract and give us freedom. Let’s go on dates, okay? I’ll tell the world that I’m yours and only yours. That should shut them up.”
“Please don’t. You don’t have to…” Lux protests quietly. “I’ll be all right. Just... all this got to me and made me a bit weak. I don’t want to hold you back from acting—you love acting. If you start making compromises then you won’t get what you want.”
“I do love acting.”
Lux looks at him as he lifts his head. Their eyes meet.
“But I love you more.”
The sincerity of his words overwhelms her to the point of tears. Her face flushes in embarrassment and in a panic, she covers her face with her hands. Zen’s husky, amused laugh mortifies her and she refuses to budge when he tries to pry her hands away. It doesn’t make her feel better when he contents with kissing her knuckles.
“Honey, I want to see your adorable face,” he cajoles.
“No, it’s embarrassing!”
“More embarrassing than what you look like when we—?”
With a squeak, she presses her fingers to his lips. His triumphant chuckle makes her realise what he succeeded in making her do. Finally, though, she relents and laughs with him. At that moment they have returned to focusing on each other, on the love they have only for one another.
“Better?” he murmurs.
She nods gratefully and he kisses her fingers.
“You can be greedier with me, you know,” he says. “I’d love it if you are. I love you for your consideration—I appreciate it so much… but I hope you know that I’ll do everything for you. I’m so ready to give every part of myself to you… all you have to do is ask.”
She hesitates, looking into his eyes, which sparkles with love.
“I’ll be by your side as you have been on mine, right?” he reminds her.
“Okay,” she smiles helplessly at him before looking away. “Then…”
“Yes, my princess?”
“Then… spoil me a bit more,” she requests. “Just until this show ends. After that I’ll be fine and you don’t have to anymore, but until then…”
He laughs, nipping her fingertips. “It will be my pleasure.”
She sighs in relief.
She tenses as their eyes meet. He winks at her.
“I can’t guarantee that I’ll stop after the show ends.”
She bursts into soft giggles, relieved at his playfulness. With one last peck on her fingers, he pulls back. He’s about to put some space between them when she reaches out and holds onto the sleeve of his shirt. He stops and gives her a questioning look.
“I’d like to continue,” she says.
She nods. And he doesn’t need telling twice. He gives her another kiss—this time urgently, with more heat. The flame he’s sparked within her now blazes into an indistinguishable fire. She yelps as he sweeps her in his arms. He carries her to the bedroom, kissing every part of her he can reach, eliciting more laughter out of her.
The things happening outside of their relationship… doesn’t matter.
They love each other. That’s the truth.
It will be enough.
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myuntoldstory · 4 years
Mystic Messenger | Mint
AO3 | FF.net
Second day of Jihyun Week: Cafe | Letters
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character (Named)
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 2,781
Summary: Set after Another Story. Not compliant with Judge or Forgive. Combines some elements with Jaehee's Good Ending/After Ending. Jihyun's return after two years shocked Lux so much that she questioned whether it even happened. When he visited her two days after the party she had the opportunity to assure herself that he was there to stay.
"Jaehee, do you need help?"
Lux poked her head in the doorway of the office. Jaehee sat at the desk, papers in both hands. There was a pen tucked between her fingers. At the question she looked up, blinking. Though the customers wouldn't notice, Lux picked up Jaehee's exhaustion. Her poor friend looked ready for a nap. Despite that, though, her eyes sparkled—which it never did when she worked for Jumin.
"I'm okay, Lux, thank you," she answered, smiling.
Lux knitted her brows, "Are you sure?"
"Okay... well, I'll go ahead and wipe everything down."
Jaehee nodded and returned to the papers, "Thank you."
Quietly, Lux closed the door. Then, she tightened her apron as she grabbed everything she needed from the utility closet. She started with stacking the chairs, making sure they were out of the way. After, she wiped down the tables; she made sure each surface sparkled before moving on.
Thoughts of the party intruded her thoughts and she had to smile at her own obsessiveness. It was all still surreal. Didn't she dream it all? It was like any other party... with the exception that he finally returned. To them. To her.
And the words he said... they were the very same she longed to hear for the past two years. Being a woman in love, she wasn't immune to the occasional daydream. In the past couple of years, she'd been imagining him saying the words. Sometimes, she imagined him saying them in different places: the airport, at a fountain, in a meadow... when it became reality in the party, of all places, she decided she'd become delusional.
But then... he took her hand. He gathered her in his arms. His warmth enveloped her and it brought her back to that fateful night. Back then, she was the one who hugged him. The things he said were words of hurt, loneliness, emptiness—it made her realise he needed comfort. That he needed it for a while. She remembered how stiff and awkward he was, how he couldn't return the gesture.
This time... this time he was the one. He hugged her and she was so surprised that she couldn't return it. She didn't know what to do or how to respond—she was still trying to make sure it wasn't all a dream.
She would've loved to spend the entire night talking to him but she had to fulfil her duties. It was hard, knowing he was in the room but they couldn't be together yet. It was the most baffling kind of torture. As soon as the event ended Zen shoved them into a corner and assured them that he and the others would clean up. He all but ordered them to talk.
And they did, thanks to him. It was awkward at first. They never lost connection—so many messages passed between them in the past two years. Yet, it's like their image of each other no longer matched with reality and they had to adjust. When they caught up, though, she noticed how he took her hand and never let go. More than once she got lost in his eyes because he gazed at her as if she was the only person in the world for him.
Unfortunately, it all came to an end. Jumin invited Jihyun to spend time with him and catch up. But before one of Jumin's cars drove her away, Jihyun promised to see her again. It was a promise so real that ever since she's been checking her phone, email, and voicemail for any signs from him.
That was two days ago.
Since then she hadn't heard from him. She had to wonder if she actually dreamt it all up. Could it be that her daydreams had finally manifested into some bizarre reality? It came to a point where she had to check with some of the members that what happened was real. After expressions of concern they assured her that, yes, Jihyun was home.
With a tired sigh, she straightened her back and stretched. She was almost done. As she resumed her work the entrance bells rang. Her shoulders jerked in surprise—did they forget to lock up? She turned around, already putting on her apologetic expression.
"I'm sorry, we're closed—oh!" she gasped, eyes widening.
The door swung closed and before it stood Jihyun.
He looked so different that it still confused her. Her mind still saw a man with chin-length hair and all the world's misfortunes clear on his expression. Now, before her was a man with neater hair and a brighter smile. At first glance, he seemed like a stranger to her. However, Yoosung said during the party that he resembled himself before Rika's "death".
But alive, Seven then interjected.
Jihyun stepped forward, "Good evening."
"Hello," she replied. "W-what are you doing here?"
As he ambled forward, he brought his hands behind his back as he looked around with interest. He wore a white shirt again, unbuttoned at the throat. This time he didn't wear any accessories. There was a golden tone to his skin, evidence to the fact that he lived his life out in the world.
"Jumin told me you and Jaehee opened a cafe," he said and then flashed a playful grin. "Well... more specifically he complained that you brainwashed his best assistant to quit the perfect, most stable job in the world for a business that had little chance of success."
"Yes," Lux quipped. "He tells me every time he comes by for coffee."
He chuckled, "He's been visiting?"
"Almost every day, Jaehee says."
"He didn't tell me that."
"Well, he wouldn't, would he?" she said with a shrug. "Besides, what's he saying about brainwashing? I simply told Jaehee that she deserves more in her life. She deserves more than spending twenty hours every day at work."
"Jumin says her job's more than enough," he teased.
"Yeah, no."
Their eyes met at that and they laughed together.
"Anyway, I wanted to see the cafe," Jihyun continued.
Lux bit her lip, "Just to see the cafe?"
He laughed again. He's the image of handsome confidence... but it didn't escape her notice how the shells of his ears have a bright pink tinge. The subtle show of shyness was so endearing to her that she couldn't help smiling at him.
"Well, no," he admitted, "but it looks like I interrupted you."
"Ah..." she drawled, "yeah... it's okay. I'm nearly done."
"Then, is it okay if I sit and wait?"
"Of course!"
She guided him to a table nearest to the counter, helping him take a chair to sit on before resuming work. Her heart fluttered madly in her chest at seeing him again but she tried not to show how flustered she was. As she restarted she heard footsteps emerging from the office. She looked up and saw Jaehee appear with a concerned frown.
"Is everything okay?" she said. "I heard a customer come in but I didn't hear them leave—ah, hello V—no, wait, I'm sorry. I mean, Jihyun."
"Good evening, Jaehee," he replied and waved.
"How are you?" she asked.
Lux continued on resuming her task as the two caught up.
"I'm well, thank you," he said. "Jumin told me about the cafe so I thought I'd come and take a look. I apologise for visiting after business hours without calling. I thought I'd visit when you're not busy."
"It's fine, Jihyun. You're welcome any time."
"Thank you... this is a wonderful place, Jaehee. The modern European interior looks refreshing. I'm certain your customers love to come here and relax."
"I appreciate that." The pride was clear in Jaehee's voice. "That is exactly the concept I aimed for. As a former employee, I know what it's like to need a place with a relaxed atmosphere."
"Well, I'd say you achieved it."
"Thank you very much," Jaehee said. "Now, would you like to have some coffee or tea? You're welcome to try some of the samples that came in today.”
“Lux has been good with talking to the suppliers."
Lux's cheeks warmed a little at the compliment. Jihyun chuckled.
“I’d love that.”
“Excellent. Lux? Coffee?”
Lux flashed Jaehee a smile, “Yes, thank you.”
The sounds of the espresso machine filled the cafe as Jaehee prepared the drinks. As Lux finished up she felt a curious niggling at the back of her neck. She looked over her shoulder and found Jihyun watching with a happy smile. When their eyes met his smile widened and he winked. Lux flushed but did return the smile. She made quick work of finishing. By the time she sat across Jihyun, Jaehee had already served the steaming beverages. There were only two cups. She glanced at Jaehee who was taking her apron off.
"Where's yours?" Lux said.
"I'm going," Jaehee replied happily.
"Going?" Lux exclaimed. "But—"
Jaehee stopped her with a wave of her hand.
"Don't worry, Lux; you and Jihyun are welcome to stay."
"Are you going somewhere?" Jihyun said curiously.
"Home," Jaehee quipped. "You two have fun."
Lux watched, a little dumbfounded, as Jaehee took her belongings and walked off. Before stepping out she made sure to lock the door. Then, with a jaunty wave, she was gone and out of sight. Lux blinked and turned to Jihyun. After sharing a shocked look they chuckled at the situation they found themselves in. She wrapped her hands around the cup as Jihyun took a sip.
“This is good,” he complimented.
Lux smiled, “Thank you very much.”
"You must have worked very hard to get these samples."
"Oh, no. I just used what I learned from being a party coordinator."
Jihyun smiled at that, "I'm glad we helped you in that way."
"Yes, but I learned more than that from you and the RFA," Lux replied.
There were his ears again, glowing pink at her compliment.
"Me coming here suddenly must have surprised you," he continued.
She chuckled and nodded.
"A little bit."
He winced, "I intended to visit earlier but Jumin wanted to spend time with me and catch up. He said I made him suffer—and, well, I consider him my brother more than anything else."
"It's okay," she assured him. "It's your time to spend."
"Thank you for understanding," he smiled in relief. "I had to remind him that I made you suffer too. I've made you wait for a long time and I shouldn't be making you wait longer. That's when he told me about the cafe."
Lux's cheeks warmed at his words, "You said that?"
"I did."
"That's funny actually... when I didn't hear from you after the party I had to wonder if I dreamt you up. I had to ask some of the members if you were real."
Jihyun's eyes widened, "Did you?"
She laughed, "Yes... I was going to ask Jumin but I didn't want to worry him if it did turn out that you weren't real and it was all just in my head."
"Oh, no. I'm so sorry!"
Jihyun was chuckling but she couldn't mistake the guilt that flashed across his face for a second. Now she felt a little remorseful for making him feel that way. It wasn't meant to be a guilt-trip… more of a silly anecdote.
"I'm here now," he continued.
Lux hesitated before replying, "Yes... you are here."
After that, their conversation turned to more positive subjects. Lux learned that he moved around a lot, learning from every place he explored. He met so many people and grew because of them. He learned things about life his father never taught him... things that his mother tried to let him see. In turn, Lux told him her stories and experiences, answering every question he asked. She tried her best not to show how lonely it had been without him. He needed to heal and she wanted to give him the space to do so.
"I'm relieved that you've been happy and healthy this past couple of years," Jihyun said. "I'm sorry for being away so long. It must have been hard for you. Thank you very much for being patient with me and for welcoming me when I returned."
Lux's throat tightened and she mustered a smile for him.
"The RFA had been very helpful," she said, "so I wasn't alone. I'm lucky compared to you. The journey you had to go through by yourself must have been harder."
"It was hard, yes," he said softly. "But I had you to think about. I had your encouragements to return to whenever I felt like giving up. You and the RFA... you all gave me the strength to keep going."
"I'm happy to hear that, Jihyun."
They both smiled at each other. Then, Jihyun glanced at the clock.
"Oh, where did the time go?" he said. "It's midnight."
Lux glanced at the clock too, "Oh, wow, you're right."
"Let me drop you off," he said, standing up.
"Are you sure? I don't mind taking a taxi."
She stood up as he smiled at her.
"Please, it's no trouble. I'd rather see you home personally."
"Thank you," she replied.
Lux took the cups and Jihyun stood by as she cleaned up. They walked out of the cafe together after she grabbed her belongings. After she locked up, he walked her to his car and helped her get in first. Then, he went into the driver's seat and they were on their way.
The drive was quiet but comfortable. Every so often they'd look at each other and smile. Jihyun had turned on the radio and she smiled in appreciation at the classical music reverberating from the speakers. Chopin's nocturne relaxed her body, making her sink into the leather seat. The street lamps outside broke up the long expanse of darkness ahead. With fewer cars going past them now the whole atmosphere was that of quiet solitude.
"After being overseas for so long," Jihyun said softly as he made a turn. "The streets here felt foreign to me. Before, I knew my way around... now, I had to relearn a few things."
"It seems like you're doing well," she said.
"I'm relieved... I was worried I'd forget what home felt like."
Soon, he drove through a suburban area. He had to ask her for directions for which she was happy to provide. In no time at all, they arrived at her home. Jihyun looked out the windshield in interest as she prepared to step out.
"I haven't seen your home before," he said. "This is very nice."
"It is, yes," she answered, chuckling.
"Well, good night," he continued. "I'll see you soon."
She was about to open the door but his words made her stop.
"You will, won't you?" she asked suddenly. "See me again?"
“What do you mean?”
Lux looked up at him and saw his confused smile.
God, did she sound like a crazy person?
"I mean..." she said nervously. ”You are here, aren't you? I know what I said back in the cafe and I know you said you're here... but a part of me still can't believe it. I'm worried that this is all a dream—that I'd wake up and realise you're still gone."
As she rambled Jihyun's smile dissipated to surprise. Then there was that same look of guilt again. She didn't want to hurt him but at the same time, she wouldn't dare believe anything... because he's been gone for so long. As they gazed at each other the look of guilt on his face made way for a gentle smile. He faced her fully and then held out his hands.
"Here," he said.
She hesitated and looked at them—long-fingered and soft-looking. She sensed what he was trying to do... but what if she reached out and he disappeared? She wasn't sure if she preferred to confirm her fears this way than by simply waking up. She looked into his eyes and he gazed back steadily at her. In his eyes was assurance, a gentle plea to trust him. In their short time together he never gave her reason not to.
This time shouldn't be different.
Sighing, she gulped and slipped her hands in his.
"I am here," he said. "I won't go anywhere anymore, I promise."
He squeezed her hands and she squeezed back. The warmth of his skin permeated hers. He rand his thumbs over the backs of her hands. He was gentle and tender... and somehow that was all the proof she needed to know this was real. He was telling her the truth. With a relieved smile, she nodded.
"I believe you."
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myuntoldstory · 4 years
Mystic Messenger | Gold
AO3 | FF.net
First day of Jihyun Week: Fairytale | Temptation
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 1,342
Summary: Set in day 9 of V's Another Story route.V experienced temptation only once in his life: when his mother reconnected with him and showed him another way of living his life. After she died tragically it never happened again. However, when she embraced him during one of the biggest trials of his life... everything changed.
All V ever knew in his childhood was his father. V lived in his shadow, absorbing it into his own. As he walked the path his father laid for him he learned not to want for inferior things. Money, success, winning… those were the only things that mattered. Everything else outside of that must bolster him or otherwise discarded. V wanted to be a good son—the best son. He followed every doctrine thrown his way, weaving its threads through his DNA.
Until his mother entered his life.
V had his wall, unmovable and solid. Yet his mother, with her gentle and unconditional love, walked through his defences. Inevitably he got to know her and spend time with her. And for the first time, V was curious. What would it be like to look around? What else existed outside the path he walked on? He asked himself questions before he realised he asked them. He wanted to know though he knew it was wrong. Often, his eyes turned to his mother who seemed to hold all the answers. His world, which was so strictly grayscale, now had pops of colour that started to spread. If he took that step he would’ve learned so many things; he wouldn’t have grown up so hollow. His mother encouraged him to reach out and it strengthened his curiosity.
But… it wasn’t stronger than his father’s grip.
So he resisted.
And the result of that resistance… it hurt too much to think about.
This was a part of his life he never revealed. He buried this so deep inside that no evidence of it showed on his outward appearance. Jumin knew, of course; he was the only one—and even then his knowledge was that of a witness’. It was all dark, ugly, and shameful. V never spoke about it.
So what was it about her?
What magic did she have that had the words spilling from his lips without his control? Why hasn’t she walked away? They only met eight days ago. Just by knowing him she’s experienced so many terrifying things. Everything he told her was enough to disgust or scare people into leaving... but here she was. She stood before him. Around him were her arms.
She held him.
No one’s ever held him like this. Not since his mother. He pushed away from her support and love when she offered it to him. His harsh rejection ended in tragedy. After everything he’d done he shouldn’t be experiencing something like this. As he continued to talk, her arms tightened around him. His heart warmed in her gentle care. With her he was safe.
“I keep thinking… I want to be positive with you,” he said.
V gazed at her. Her hair looked black in the dark. With every breath, her shoulders shook. Around him her arms felt like twigs. Within the walls of Magenta, she appeared strong and resilient. Now, though… somehow she looked so fragile and vulnerable.
“Maybe I’m leaning on you…” he continued softly to himself.
She was the one holding him, supporting him, even though she was the one that needed all those things. That thought brought a strange feeling within him. Inside his emptiness, something sparked to life. It wasn’t curiosity, like with his mother—rather it was desire.
He wanted to hold her.
Though he had no right to. He shouldn’t be selfish.
Still, he raised his arms—slowly.
“These ideas used to make me uneasy,” he said, voice shaking. “But when you agreed to them… they’re renewed. Now, they mean something different.”
He circled his arms around her. He closed his eyes and whispered, “Thank you so much for coming into my life. Thank you so much… I would do anything for you…”
A weight dropped on his shoulders at the sound. The light within him extinguished. He knew what it was before it manifested itself. It was her presence—strong and imposing, impossible to ignore to those attuned to it. Sighing, he dropped his arms. Though he didn’t get to hold her he still felt a significant loss. Though she still held him he already missed her.
“Please, excuse me,” he said, shaking his head. “I got a little emotional. It’s been a while since I last talked about my mother...”
“It’s okay,” she assured him, squeezing her arms around him. “You can talk about her as much as you want… I’m always here to listen to you.”
The sincerity in her words was unmistakable. He smiled.
“I appreciate that.”
She nods.
Soon after, though, his smile dropped. He sighed with guilt and reluctance as he said, “I’m sorry to ask, but… do you mind giving me a moment?”
At this, she looked up at him and frowned.
“Are you sure?” she said. “It’s dark and dangerous out here...”
Her pupils were wide, trying to see him in the dark. She looked especially delicate and innocent. There were strands of hair stuck to her cheek and he so badly wanted to brush them away. But he didn’t because he shouldn’t; now was not the best time.
“I’ll be fine,” he assured her. “The drug’s almost worn off, and Luciel might be looking for us.”
She stepped back. Now that she no longer hugged him he felt a little less, a little emptier. Within and around him it was no longer warm. He wanted to tuck her hair behind her ear, but he shouldn’t—somehow that fact made the desire so much stronger. It was something he had to fight against.
“Please go ahead,” he said. “If he asks about me then please let him know I’ll return after getting some air.”
“Okay…” she said dubiously. “If you’re sure…”
“I am,” he smiled. “Watch your step. The mountain paths are rocky.”
“Then, please excuse me…”
She made a little bow and then started making her way to the cabin. He watched her walk down the path, hoping that she didn’t trip over any uneven ground. Then, his smile dissipated. Once, she looked back at him and he waved to assure her, which she returned before continuing her trek. He saw the cabin from where he stood; he made certain she was inside before facing the darkness.
“I know you’re here,” he said. “How did you find me?”
There was no answer to his question for a few seconds. A niggle of doubt appeared in his mind. Perhaps it was the drug and it had made him paranoid… but there was no mistaking this feeling. He couldn’t mistake her presence. Then, suddenly… there. The branches of a nearby tree rustled and something moved in the shadows. Her black dress made her part of the darkness but her golden hair stood out from the inky backdrop. She held herself regally, much different from the Rika he knew. As he gazed at her beatific expression he sensed something was wrong.
“Luciel was careless,” she answered softly. “The coordinates leaked.”
V looked around, trying to see past the darkness. He knew what he was looking for but he couldn’t muster the nerve to voice it. As Rika stood before him he wouldn't meet her eyes; he tried to look over her shoulders, waiting for... something to happen.
“Don’t worry,” Rika continued. “I’m the only one who came.”
That worried him more. Sighing, he gave up and looked over his shoulder at the cabin instead. Surely it was only a few minutes ago since she went inside but somehow it felt like hours. He wanted to be there with her, maybe actually hug her as he desired to do before. But he couldn’t. Not when he still has so many things to do to amend for his sins, so many more things to do to make everything right. So when the time came for her to leave that cabin… she and everyone he ever loved was safe. He sighed, closing his eyes and offering a silent apology to her.
Then, he turned back to Rika and closed the distance between them.
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myuntoldstory · 6 years
Mystic Messenger | Naked
AO3 | FF.net
Day 6 of @jihyunmcweek​: Inspiration | Bad End
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 732
Summary: During a quiet morning Jihyun draws MC, his muse.
In the silence the sound of graphite scratching against paper was loud.
It was a sound Jihyun loved.
The two years he spent travelling was a journey of self-discovery… and forgiveness. To live on he had to desire life and dreams and love. He had to live it for himself. And to live he had to learn. Like everyone else he had desires and needs—that was his right as a person. He learned to believe that. His love for the arts always existed, but it was only ever a seedling—protected, but never nurtured. To actively grow something was a slow, painstaking process. He started small—nature, animals, fruit, architecture. The sound was a friend that whispered to him and guided his hand.
If he were honest with himself, though, from the very start there was always one he wanted to draw—one person whose form and lines he wanted to trace. But she was so perfect that he knew no matter his skill he couldn’t do her justice. How could he hope to capture something so pure?
The graphite swept down the page as he drew the line of her hips. His lips curved up slightly. Once she saw what he drew that beautiful face of hers would redden in embarrassment. Right now she lied on their bed asleep. She wore his shirt and her hair fanned across the pillows. On his sketchbook was the exact same scene… except she wore nothing. The way the blanket wrapped around her was beautiful; her skin contrasted with the dark colours and the folds cascaded over her body smoothly. This was one of those moments where he shamelessly used his artistic license—including the shirt was distracting and unnecessary.
His smile widened. To call her his muse was an understatement. She was more than that. Everything about her was the lifeblood of his works. If it weren’t for her—her support and love—none of this would be possible. If they had not met without a doubt he wouldn’t even exist in this good world. He wouldn’t have given himself the chance. Despite his absence she stayed by his side and cared for him and loved him. He wanted to paint her more than ever. Admittedly, he worried about ruining her image, but there was no perfect way to show his gratitude and love than to represent her in something he loved to do.
Now, he lost count of how many works he’d done of her. In creating each and every one he had been honest. Every brushstroke contained his love. Not one image of her dissatisfied him because he drew her exactly as he saw her: someone bright with a pure soul and beautiful heart.
“What are you doing?”
His heart swelled with affection at her husky voice. “Drawing something beautiful.”
“Elizabeth 3rd?”
“Well, Jumin would agree with you.” Jihyun paused as he looked at her. Adorable couldn’t adequately describe her with her messy hair and bleary eyes. With the large bed frame and his shirt she appeared smaller than she was. It was as if he rescued a fairy overnight and had her sleep on his bed. “But no. Not her.”
Her brows rose in curiosity, but he didn’t say anything else. Seconds passed by as they stared at each other. Jihyun then smiled when her cheeks pinked, chuckling when she averted her eyes. Well, better not tease her for too long. He stood from the chair and sat beside her. He placed the sketchbook in her hands and watched her.
“Oh my God. I’m naked,” she gasped as she gazed upon the page. “Why am I naked?”
“The blanket looks good on you.”
“But I’m naked.”
“Well, it’s tasteful naked,” he reasoned, also looking at the sketch. She was on her side, eyes closed and expression peaceful. Her hair fanned across the pillows. Wrapped around her were the blankets, cascading gently down her curves. He covered her appropriately, but left her hips, legs, and shoulders exposed. “I didn’t show much.”
Sighing, she ran her fingers over the page. “I’m the least interesting subject.”
“You’re not.” He pulled her to him. “I always want to draw you.”
“You think too highly of me.”
“Actually, I think of you as you are.”
She chuckled and looked up at him. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he murmured, kissing the top of her head.
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myuntoldstory · 6 years
Mystic Messenger | Dreams of Bluebells
AO3 | FF.net
Half Awake, Fully In Love | To Rest Deservedly | Ikelos’ Gift | Sleeping Underneath Perseids
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 2, 522
Summary: Set after the good ending of Another Story. Final part to Half-Awake, Fully in Love. The day before the opening of Jihyun's first ever art exhibit, Lux found that she meant more to him than she ever thought possible.
Dreams of Bluebells
He slept so peacefully.
Lux sat on the edge of the bed. He looked so young—so much that she couldn’t believe he and Jumin were the same age. Smiling, she caressed his cheek and brushed hair away from his eyes. He nuzzled into her palm. She loathed waking him; this was the first proper rest he had in months. The exhibition progressed with no major trouble. After all his effort and hard work Jihyun deserved this.
But it was not over yet.
She shook him gently. “Jihyun? Wake up, handsome.”
He didn’t stir.
“Jihyun?” she tried again.
This time he groaned and attempted to cover himself. “Five… minutes…”
“You have to, I’m sorry.” With guilt, she stopped him. If today weren’t so important she’d let him sleep the whole day. She’d even skip work to care for him. It’s been a long time since they spent any significant amount of time together at home. Just a bit more. “The gallery, remember? We have to be there early.”
Pouting, he pulled on the blanket. “Sleepy…”
“I know, darling.” She lowered his hands, smiling when he finally opened his eyes… to gaze pleadingly at her. Oh, no. Not that look. That look compelled every fibre of her being to let him sleep. Biting her lips, she leaned close. “How can I motivate you?”
Jihyun rolled on his back and stared at her. Lux blushed. Though his expression remained groggy, in his eyes was an invitation and a challenge. To her amusement, however, he blushed as well and averted his gaze. When he spoke again his voice lowered in pitch, sending shivers down her spine. “A… kiss would do.”
“A kiss.”
“Otherwise, I’d stay here.”
Bold and assertive—a dangerous combination. If they weren’t rushed she’d attack him then and there. As such, it was a struggle not to acquiesce to his soft-spoken demand. A kiss. She could do a kiss. To tell herself that she didn’t desire to would be a lie. Nodding, she closed the distance between them, but then stopped and tapped his nose. “After we’re getting up, yes?”
Without hesitation, she claimed his lips. Distantly, she heard a low moan… did it come from her or him? It didn’t matter; what did was the man underneath her. He pressed close to her in a lazy, relaxed way. All sense of reality vanished as his fingers skimmed along her jaw and down her neck. Waves of sensation crashed over her, surrounding her, keeping her focused on him. In return, she buried her hands in his hair and relished in the groan that definitely came from him as she tugged firmly.
The need for air forced them to separate. Jihyun lifted his head and dazedly, Lux realised that she now looked up at him. When did they move? She opened her mouth to ask, but Jihyun made a noise of defeat and nuzzled against her throat. She gasped at the feel of his tongue against her skin. “I-I-I thought you just wanted to kiss?”
Jihyun looked at her again, his already crimson cheeks becoming redder. Then he averted his eyes. Meanwhile, his fingers played insistently with the buttons of her blouse. “I change my mind.”
She laughed and drew a shy chuckle from him. Her gaze fell on the clock. Honestly, she hadn’t the heart to deny him anything the moment she sat beside him. She cupped his cheek and traced the line of his lips. “Okay.”
He kissed her again and she gladly received him, pressing herself close as he unbuttoned her blouse. Each pass of his hands against her skin was a brand that reached inside her, stirring her desire for him. As his kisses travelled down her throat to her collarbones everything about schedules were forgotten.
They were late by twenty minutes.
Lux refused to blush when Jihyun winked at her. But she did smile at him. Luckily, the Director forgave them when they arrived. Since then he and Jihyun were in deep discussion, leaving Lux to inspect the nearly completed venue. After Jihyun returned his attention to the Director, she resumed her perusal of the hall. The organisers did a splendid job with the décor. Each piece complemented the colours of Jihyun’s works well. It was as if his warmth enveloped her, opening her eyes to a beautiful world. Excitement stirred within her chest; she couldn’t wait to see what it would all look like tomorrow night.
She stopped as something caught her eye. Before her was an empty wall, a gap in all the beauty that surrounded her. There were no décor or anything, though it seemed to be waiting for one of Jihyun’s works, but as far as she knew they were all ready for display—covered by delicate sheet to protect them.
“Are you okay?” Jihyun’s hand rested on her lower back.
“Oh…” she smiled up at him and gestured at the wall. “Just… the space is empty.”
“Ah. Some of the décor had not arrived yet.”
“So late,” she frowned. “Everything will be ready in time, right?”
“Of course.” Then, he chuckled. “Otherwise, they’ll have Jumin to answer to.”
“Oh? Not you?” she asked teasingly.
“Sadly, anger is not my forte.” He then held her hand and led her out of the gallery. She followed him after one last worried look at the empty space. “Come on, time to drop you off.”
Lux returned to her office. In her arms was a stack of exam paper booklets, waiting to be marked. Once through the door she sighed in relief; she couldn’t wait to be rid of the weight. She rushed to the desk and placed the booklets on what free space was available. After clearing the surface of unnecessary clutter, she pulled back her chair—and stopped.
Sitting on the chair was a nondescript white box tied with copper-coloured ribbon. She blinked at the box before walking back to the door to check the nameplate attached to it. She was in the right office. Was the box meant for her? With another sigh she closed the door and returned to the chair. Well, one way to find out.
The ribbon was released of its knot, pooling on the chair as she lifted the box. Upon revealing the contents she gasped. There was a dress lying on a bed of delicate tissue paper. On top of the dress was a card in her name in Jihyun’s writing. Hands trembling she picked up the card and read the note.
My love—
Please do me the honour of spending the night in your pleasurable company.
Let us meet at 8pm at the gallery.
All my love,
What was he planning? Lux smiled and kissed the card before placing it on a safe area, with the ribbon. She lifted the dress, marvelling at the delicate butter-soft material. The colour was blue—almost lilac. She held the dress against herself and found the hem falling just above her knees. He bought something so beautiful with her in mind. Somehow the thought of that made her giddy.
Well, she couldn’t refuse such an invitation, could she?
 “You are beautiful.”
“Oh, Jihyun, so are you.” Blushing at his emphatic compliment, she reached out to straighten the tie of his suit. He pulled her into an embrace, one she returned tightly. For a few seconds they clung to each other; then, with a kiss on her temple, he stepped away. She held onto his hand and squeezed gently. “What are we doing here?”
“You’ll see.” He winked.
Lux followed as he led her through the doors. During the day the whole place bustled with people; now it was just silence. Ever present and oppressing, it seemed to make every move she made louder than it was. She smiled as she met Jihyun’s gaze. “Where is everyone?”
“The Director was kind enough to close early and lend me the place tonight.”
“I see.” She continued to look around. “It’s so different at night.”
He kissed the back of her hand. “Indeed—like a different world.”
“Yes—oh wow!” she gasped as they entered one of the halls for his exhibition. It was complete. The works were at the walls, the décor in their appropriate places. Lux walked ahead and Jihyun let her go as she circled the hall. “They finished everything!”
“Just in time. Beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Yes!” she returned to him and kissed his cheek. “Is this what you wanted to show me?”
“Not quite… it’s around here.” He took her hand again and they walked further inside into the adjoining hall. The décor in this area was complete as well, completely transformed from how she saw it this morning. Jihyun didn’t stop this time; Lux was happy to follow him and revel in the beauty his works immersed in. “Now, this should be familiar.”
“Hmm?” at his words she looked ahead. It was a section in which the centrepiece was one of Jihyun’s works, covered with a sheet. The décor around it were a colour palette of green, blue, and gold. She turned to Jihyun in confusion, but then a memory flashed in her mind. She was looking at him in the same way this morning. “This was the empty space, isn’t it?”
“It’s not empty anymore.”
“Is… it another work of yours?”
To her surprise his cheeks pinked and he avoided her eyes. She waited, unwilling to coerce him, watching as he adjusted his tie and cleared his throat before facing her completely. “It is.”
“Is this what you want to show me?” she prompted, squeezing his hand.
“It is.” He released her hand and approached the covered work. “This is new… sort of.”
“Sort of?”
“I completed this before I returned to you.”
Her eyes widened. They’d discussed, at length, his time overseas. He told her how it was a slow process, a struggle to grow and accept himself. He managed some simple sketches, bits and pieces in watercolour and acrylic. He showed her his attempts, embarrassed because they weren’t good enough to show to anybody. But it made her proud and happy—he was creating and that was the best thing he had ever done. He did it for himself, because he loved it.
But this. This was something they didn’t talk about. She approached him. “Before returning?”
Reluctantly, Jihyun nodded and took the sheet in his hand. “This is for you.”
“Okay.” She rubbed is arm soothingly. With a sigh, he pulled the sheet and with a loud echoing rustle it slid from the frame and pooled at the floor. Lux gasped at the artwork revealed to her. She stepped forward, eyes wide and lips trembling.
Before her was a painting for a bluebell field underneath a clear sky, the backdrop of which were mountains and a great lake. The field led to a church and a graveyard—a normally sombre or macabre sight, but for Lux it brought a sense of calm. The most surprising of all was the figure amongst the blooms, wearing a white dress. At first she thought it was any woman, but… that long brown hair and that particular stance… “This… this is… is this… me?”
“It is,” Jihyun said.
Lux didn’t know what is was—was it his helpless smile? Or the knowledge that he painted her before he even returned to her? It could be a combination of those two. Whatever it was it struck her right in her heart; a sensation of pleasure-pain that brought tears to her eyes. She tried to say something, convey what she felt to him, but all she could manage was a sob as the first drops fell from her eyes. She covered her mouth.
“Uhm… when I travelled I saw many beautiful places,” he said as she continued to gaze upon the painting. A lump formed in her throat, forcing more sobs out of her. “Some so breathtaking I wished you were with me to see it too.” He stepped away and disappeared behind her, though she continued to feel his warm and comforting presence. “One was a bluebell field in Scotland—the flowers were magnificent; the colours suited you perfectly. I painted that field and comforted myself with thoughts of a life with you. To see you walk among the blooms would have given me joy. I… think that was the day I realised I… love you.”
“Jihyun…” Lux turned to face him, but to her shock she found him standing before her, face red, hand presenting a small open box which contained a ring. It was a rose gold band, shaped into an infinity knot. Along the knot was a set of sapphire stones. She looked at him in disbelief and saw tears clinging on his lashes.
“I love you,” he said. “You saved me. With you I learned so much. Now, I’m closer to the man I wanted to be, someone I accept and cherish… someone who deserves you.” He took her hand and kissed it. “This ring is my promise to you.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not—not ready to be engaged against just yet,” he admitted with regret. “But I do want you for the rest of my life. I want to experience this world with you, Lux. I will make you happy. I will protect you and treasure you. And when I’m ready I will marry you and—”
“Yes!” she embraced him tightly. “Yes! Yes, yes!”
Jihyun clung to her. “Yes?”
“Yes.” She leaned away and cupped his face, wiping away the tears that nearly flowed down his eyes. “I will be right here when you’re ready.”
“Thank you… thank you!” Jihyun drew her into his arms again, embracing her tightly. In his arms she felt it, the love he had for her—the miracle that was his second chance at life… at love. She hoped, as she hugged him just as tight, that he could sense her feelings for him in her arms. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They held each other for a while. It was a moment she’d remember forever. To think that even as he went off on a journey to discover himself he still thought about her. When he didn’t communicate with her she had accepted the possibility that he had forgotten about her or that his feelings for her had changed. But this… to imagine a life with her—to include her in something he loved to do… it was the greatest honour. It was one she’d cherish for the rest of her life.
“This piece is wonderful,” she told him as they separated.
“I appreciate that.” He smiled shyly at her as he lifted her left hand, kissing the back before slipping the ring on her finger.
Lux’s own cheeks flushed as she watched. It was like getting engaged. She suppressed the urge to grin widely; this was making her too happy. “I’d love to see the places you went to.”
“You do?” he looked at her, eyes widening.
“Yes… please take me there one day.”
“I will.” He kissed the ring. “I promise.”
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myuntoldstory · 6 years
Mystic Messenger | Sacrifice
AO3 | FF.net
Day 3 of @jihyunmcweek​: Angst | Cinema
Spoilers for Jihyun’s route under the cut! Read at your own risk or only if you’ve finished Jihyun’s route.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: Angst. Self-hate. Mention of blood.
Word Count:872
Summary: AU where MC is stabbed instead of Jihyun. Twelves hours after the surgery, MC had not woken up. V waits and desperately hopes that she does.
It’s been twelve hours.
V stared at the door with empty eyes. It’s been twelve hours and she had not woken up.
Ever since their escape all he ever knew of her was her liveliness. Her voice was warm and kind. The deep brown of her eyes showed no malice... just love and joy and humour. She was not the one to hide, her face showing a range of emotions from... from bright smiles to heart-wrenching worry. That was all he knew of her. For five days she was his world and he wanted to keep her safe. He didn't want to leave her side, standing by when they wheeled her from the operating theatre to her room. Seeing her pale skin, her lifeless face... it was enough to make him want to tear himself apart.
He deserved to be in that room. To be on that bed. The one fighting for their life should be him. Not her. Never her. She didn't deserve this. Any of it. He should have protected her better. That was the job he took, wasn't it? Because she was innocent, pure, and everything was his fault... he wanted to protect her. He made it his duty. If he could at least keep her safe and unharmed, then—
But he couldn’t even do that. He couldn’t even do something so simple. His strength was not enough. He couldn’t keep her from harm. He was not enough. God, he couldn’t do it for the RFA, for Saeran, for Rika… how dare he delude himself into believing he could do it for her? Now her blood was on his hands too. He didn’t deserve this life. He didn’t deserve to live.
He didn’t answer. A cup of coffee then crossed his vision. Finally, he looked up and saw Jumin’s passive face. He took the cup with a sigh. He didn’t even deserve such kindness from his friends—people whom he proclaimed to love and yet lied to in the same breath. “Thank you.”
“You are welcome.” Jumin sat beside him. “Any news?”
“I see.” Jumin sipped his coffee. “Do not lose faith. She will awaken soon.”
“She shouldn’t be unconscious at all.” V opened the lid of the cup and stared into the coffee. The liquid was dark… like her blood that night. His skin crawled at the memory and he replaced the lid. Thick and metallic in scent, there was so much of it. It poured out of her and stained his hands, her dress, and the dried dirt path. The scene replayed like a broken record in his mind: the knife, Rika coming at him, a blur of blue, and MC… collapsing on him. He gritted his teeth and bowed his head. Her faint voice and stuttering words echoed in a loop in his mind. It should have been him. That knife was meant for him.
“Blaming yourself will not help.”
“But it is my fault, Jumin,” V said, voice low. “All of it. She saved me. She’s been saving me.”
“And it nearly killed her. My life has no worth—none. It doesn’t deserve saving.”
“Jihyun… please don’t say such things.”
“But it’s true.” Tears stung the back of his eyes. God, he had no right to cry over this. MC was the one in the hospital; she was the one suffering an injury. If anybody deserved to cry it was her. “It would have been fine if it was me in there because I’m worth nothing.”
“But she saved me.” The tears seeped from the corner of his eyes and down his cheeks. At first it was one after another; the next second it became a continuous stream that he couldn’t stop. His shoulders shook as the force of his grief and pain crashed over him in overwhelming waves. “S-she gave my life value. S-she thought it was worth s-saving me.”
“You are worth saving, Jihyun.” Jumin’s hand was heavy on his shoulder.
“I’m not. It’s value I d-don’t deserve.” He wiped at his eyes, but the tears wouldn’t stop. “I couldn’t p-protect you and the RFA. Now I f-failed to protect her.”
“But you did protect her.” He squeezed V’s shoulder. “She’s alive because of you.”
“Then why is she in a hospital bed and not me?” V demanded, finally looking at Jumin. His friend’s expression was no longer passive. Concern was clear on his face, dark eyes at a loss of what to answer. “I’m supposed to be the only one! The only one! She’s supposed to be safe! She was supposed to be…” he bowed his head again as the tears completely took over. This couldn’t be the end for her—it just couldn’t. She had to wake up.
She had to—God, please wake her up.
Or else he would never forgive himself.
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myuntoldstory · 6 years
Mystic Messenger | Colombina
AO3 | FF.net
Day 1 of @jihyunmcweek​: Watercolour | Carnival
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: N/A
Word Count:1,855
Summary: Not canon compliant.  A year into his travels, V finds himself in Venice in time for the Carnival. As he spends a lonely night in a ball, he encounters a woman who asked him for a dance.
“What a unique hair colour.”
V blinked as the words broke through his daze. He glanced at the source: a woman standing beside him. She wore an off-shoulder blue ball gown with a lace style silver detailing. Like most of the guests in the palazzo her face was covered by a mask. It only covered the top half of her face, stopping at her cheeks. The design was intricate, with the colours and decoration matching the dress. Jewels, crystals, and feathers surrounded her eyes, drawing attention to them. What deep brown eyes they were—upturned with short lashes. It reminded him of… no. Better not go down that thought.
“It’s natural, isn’t it?”
“What makes you say that?” he smiled politely.
“Oh, I know—I mean, you don’t seem the type to dye.” She returned his smile and his own fell at the sight of it. The exact shape of her lips... the kindness emanating from it... it was exactly like... but it wasn't. It couldn’t be. He was here in Venice while she was five and a half thousand miles away, in Seoul. The person before him had her eyes and smile, but it wasn’t her.
The music changed. Before the band played a waltz; now, it transitioned into a slow ballad. V looked away from his new companion to the dancefloor. Groups of people departed, leaving behind couples. A sigh escaped his lips as yearning struck him. How wonderful would it be if she were here. They could have talked like they used to. They could have danced.
“Well? Shall we dance?”
V’s attention returned to his companion. She offered her hand to him in invitation. There was that smile again—so much like hers that he was in serious danger of imagining her to life in a stranger. He winced. “I apologise. I’m not really a dancer—”
“Just one?” her smile widened, dropping her hand and taking the skirt of her dress in her fists. She twirled around and then stopped, giggling as she smoothed the wrinkles she created. “It’s my first time in a ball wearing a gown; I’m feeling very much like a princess.”
He couldn’t deny that. “You do look like one.”
“And you look like a prince,” she quipped, offering her hand again. “It’ll be like a fairy tale.”
There was no way V resembled any kind of fairy tale prince. However, it would be rude of him to argue against something that made his companion happy. He stared at her hand. It was beautiful, dainty and delicate—something he’d like to sketch. One dance wouldn’t be so bad. After all, she was kind enough to approach and befriend him. “Well, in that case I am happy to oblige.”
He held her hand… and something fluttered in his chest. He glanced down and found that his hand dwarfed hers. In his mind was a memory, one he revisited often during his loneliest hours. He had done this before in another time, another place… with another person. Longing stirred in his chest, making him wish for things he shouldn’t have… at least not yet.
In his daze, he had not realised that his companion was pulling him to the dancefloor until he almost tripped on one of the steps. He caught himself before he fell, following her until she stopped at the very centre of the floor. Gazing at her, V tried to find something unique about his companion... something different. But it was difficult. Her eyes, her smile… and even the way she talked now reminded him so much of—
The tempo changed and they moved in time with it. Seamlessly, they fell in unison with the other dancing couples. It was like the lessons he took when he was younger, though not as strict. He’d already made several mistakes, but his companion followed him without complaint. She smiled at him and he smiled back, but it was half-hearted.
“You don’t live here,” she stated.
“I don’t, no.”
“Been travelling long?”
“Yes…” he trailed off thoughtfully, “actually, I’ve been travelling for a year now.”
“What a brave journey,” she gasped, “it’s just my first night here and I’m already homesick.”
“To be honest, I’m feeling quite homesick myself,” he admitted, now averting his eyes. It’s as if he’d just confessed to her, but she wasn’t here. Saying it to a stranger somehow seemed worse than telling her. As if it was a secret he intentionally kept from her. “But… I’m not ready to return.”
“I see.” The sound of her sighing prompted V to look at her. Her expression remained polite, though she no longer smiled. Did he say something to offend her? Their eyes met and hers glistened in a way that reminded him of tears. V blinked and stared again… no. It was the lights of the hall playing tricks on him. “And… what brings you to Venice?”
“Oh… I wanted to partake in the carnival.”
“Me too. I haven’t been before.” She looked around in wonder. “It’s colourful, isn’t it?”
“Very. It’s vibrant and energetic… the people here seem happy.”
“I think so too.” When she looked back at him, her smile had returned. The lights sparkled in her eyes like stars and it dazzled him. “And? Where next?”
“The rest of Italy… and the rest of Europe.” He smiled. “I’m excited, actually.”
“You are?”
“Well, Europe is the mecca of western art, you see.” His smile widened. During his travels he had gotten more comfortable in talking about his passion. It was such joy to talk about art, the things he knew about it, and the things he learned. “Respected artists lived in different parts of this continent. It was always a dream to learn from them—study their style and skill closely. And their histories, their experiences, harrowing and otherwise. It would be like finding kinship—”
“What’s wrong?” she said as his smile faded.
His eyes roamed over the design of her mask. He had been talking to her as if she was someone else… and she didn’t even know. It was unfair. To him, his companion, and her. He shouldn’t let his loneliness cloud his judgement so easily. “I apologise. It wasn’t my intention to be so familiar.”
“I don’t mind. That was lovely to hear,” she chuckled. “You’re an artist, aren’t you?”
He flushed. “M-me? I’m not—”
“You are an artist.”
He nodded with a conceded sigh. “Well, yes. I’m just starting, though.”
“Good.” She looked around as the ballad transitioned to something upbeat. They, along with the other couples, stopped. “Oh… what a shame, the music’s ended.”
Well, that was that. He stepped from her, but kept holding onto her hand. Around them, more people joined the floor and danced to the music. He led her to a quieter place off the dancefloor to avoid the crowd. Then, he smiled gently and bowed—like a prince. Because somehow he felt like he was in a fairy tale too. “Thank you… for the pleasure of your company.”
She giggled and curtsied. “No, thank you for indulging me.”
He kissed the back of her hand before letting go. “I hope you have a pleasant evening.”
She smiled and with a final nod, he walked off. He resisted the urge to look back. It was a horrible truth to admit, but he wanted to catch a last glimpse of who his companion resembled. How rude of him... he didn't even get her name. Still, he was grateful for her. For a few minutes she made him feel like himself again—the part of him that he had left behind back home. He weaved through the crowd. Could he bridge the gap just a little? Though he wasn’t ready, he longed for a respite from his loneliness. If he called… would they be disappointed at his lack of contact? Would she?
“Wait.” Slender fingers wrapped around his wrist. “B-before I let you go… I want to know.”
He looked over his shoulder and saw his companion. Smiling, he faced her. “Yes?”
Her fingers tightened. “What you’re doing now… is it what you want?”
“It is,” he answered.
She nodded fervently. She now held his wrist in a vice-like grip. What questions she asked him. As he gave her his full attention, something prickled at the back of his mind, but he couldn’t make sense of it. “And right now… are you happy?”
“I… yes. I am happy.”
“Good.” She smiled shakily. V saw tears slide down the mask and along her jaw. Why was she crying? He wanted to help her, but at the same time he was confused. He stood, unable to act, as she released him. She bowed her head and reached around the back. “I’m glad to hear that because if you weren’t then it’d make me sad.”
The ribbons of the mask slid down. V’s heart beat furiously against his chest. The thoughts in his head exploded into pieces and connections that he struggled to solve. Meanwhile, his companion peeled the mask from her face and looked up, revealing a face he longed to see the whole night. “Lux…”
“Hi,” she said, wiping at her eyes and sniffling. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to trick you—”
He took her hands, staring at her in disbelief. After not seeing her for a year—after not talking to her and hearing her voice... after the many flights he cancelled because he knew he was not good enough to see her yet… she was here. She was really here. She was in his arms, a reality he had not prepared himself for. “Am I dreaming?”
“No…” she embraced him tightly.
“But why?” he leaned away from her, gaze running over her face. He cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears away. Each passing touch was confirmation that he wasn’t dreaming. It was her. It was her all this time. He had been talking to her. Those eyes, that smile… it belonged to her. It was a shame that he didn’t recognise her. He was so deep in his own loneliness that he saw her everywhere, but knew that it couldn’t be her. To have her really here, standing before him… it was nothing short of a miracle.
“I wanted to make sure you’re okay,” she said, holding onto his hands.
Of course. Chuckling, he nodded. He couldn’t stop looking at her. She was the same as a year ago. It was as if he never left. But he did. The memory of his departure was so clear to him. She shed so many tears as he said his farewell to her. His heart ached the more distance he put between them. Leaving was not necessary, he could have found himself back home… but he wanted to be reborn in a new place. He was certain she was cross with him for leaving after all they’d gone through. He convinced himself that she didn’t want to see him again. But here she was. Here she was.
He embraced her. “I miss you… so much.”
She nodded against his shoulder. “I miss you too.”
40 notes · View notes
myuntoldstory · 6 years
Mystic Messenger | Sleeping Underneath Perseids
AO3 | FF.net
Half Awake, Fully In Love | To Rest Deservedly | Ikelos’ Gift
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 3, 901
Summary: Set after the good ending of Another Story. Life pulls Jihyun and Lux apart as they focus on their careers. Both desire to see the other... but to reunite, they would have to be brave with each other.
Sleeping Underneath Perseids
“You are miserable, Jihyun.”
“Am I?” Jihyun replied with a serene smile as Jumin sidled beside him.
“You’ve been staring at this for twenty minutes now.”
“Critiques stare at them for longer—”
“Not blankly.”
The smile froze on his face. “Well…”
“Additionally, your participation today was appalling.” Jumin crossed his arms and inspected the work Jihyun had, indeed, been staring at blankly for a while. It was an abstract piece that played with colours and shades. “You sighed more than you talked; I fear for the function of your lungs.”
Jihyun winced. “Uh…”
“And you haven’t been communicating with the gallery staff? The event planners?”
“That’s...” he trailed off at his friend’s piercing stare and smiled sheepishly. “Have I not?”
Jumin sighed and shook his head. “Assistant Kang counted at least thirty unanswered emails redirected to our public relations department this past month.”
“Oh, no… I should apologise.” Jihyun accepted the guilt that assailed him. Jumin wouldn’t lie; he had been slacking off, hadn’t he? Retrospectively, he hadn’t been proactive or engaged as he was—as he ought to be. With his first exhibition so close it was shameful of him to fall into disinterest. It was a disservice to the people who gave their aid and resources to ensure his success. Not to mention the many people who supported him.
But he couldn’t help it; he couldn’t concentrate.
“Worry not,” Jumin assured him. “I settled the matter. They’re happy to forgive you.”
“Thank you, Jumin. I owe you.” Again. Relief did not assuage Jihyun’s guilt. He shouldn’t be leaving all his responsibilities on Jumin. The exhibition was his desire, a milestone he craved as an artist. It wouldn’t hurt to apologise himself the next opportunity he got.
“Pay it now. Tell me what’s wrong.”
Jihyun sighed—alarm crossed Jumin’s face—and perused the artwork once more. The blue hues reminded him of her. The colour complemented her hair, made her eyes brighter. He’d love to give her a dress in that exact colour and paint her wearing it... if they ever got time. “I miss Lux.”
“Did she go somewhere?”
“No,” he chuckled, glancing at Jumin. “She’s busy.”
“Busy—ah.” He nodded knowingly. “The date of her concert has been set.”
Jihyun smiled proudly. “Indeed. She’s also composing for her school.”
“What for?”
“They’re holding a musical festival next month.”
“That’s on top of her normal duties.”
“I see. Well, that will make her busy.” Jumin moved on. Jihyun followed him, hands slipping in his coat pockets. The next work they stopped at was also abstract. The shapes and lines in the composition exuded a sense of solidity and structure. “You’ve been busy as well.”
He sighed. “Yes.”
“But you still see each other every day, no?”
Jihyun smiled sadly, but didn’t answer. Technically, yes, they did see each other every day. Barely. It was selfish, but… it was driving him mad. Nowadays, they hardly talked—just a brief exchange of words to keep the connection. He missed their conversations, the sound of her voice… her sweet laughter. Without her in his arms every night he drowned in emptiness—one born out of finally knowing what love was only to lose it, even if it was a little.
Of course, they did their best with what they had. Calls... texts... they'd inundated the messenger with their chats. Luciel teased them about it. Yoosung and Hyun lamented their lack of partners. At home they shared small gestures and loving touches, simple things meant to comfort. It was a reminder that they were still here and together.
But even then…
“It’s not enough,” he admitted, wincing when he caught Jumin’s surprised look. “Too greedy?”
“I’m not the best judge,” Jumin answered. They moved on again, their shoes clicking against the marble flooring. The third work they perused was still abstract. The paint was spattered on, each spot and streak of colour placed to evoke emotion and thought. “And? Did you tell her this?”
“I...” Jihyun hesitated. Jumin looked at him again and he flushed.
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to trouble her.”
“Resentment breeds from kindness,” he warned with a sigh. “You don’t want her to worry, so you hide—that is who you are. However, soon you might find yourself wondering why she doesn’t sense your feelings herself.”
“Resent her? Me?” Jihyun’s eyes widened. “Would I?”
“You’re not the type.” Jumin shrugged. “But you have changed.”
When Jumin moved on again, Jihyun didn’t follow this time. Could he resent Lux for their time apart? It was hard to imagine. They weren’t busy for the sake of it. Their careers had taken a progressive turn neither of them could or ought to prevent. They had endured so much to arrive here, in a time where both of them were happy with themselves and each other. Easily discarding opportunities… didn’t feel right.
But. Right now, he needed her—craved for her in a way that was almost frightening. Regardless of the work she had to do, he desired to monopolise her time and affections. If it were up to him he’d locked both of them up at home and not come out for a month. What did such possessiveness mean? Was he not far off? Would he, again, ultimately hurt the one he love?
“From what I’ve observed,” Jumin said, catching Jihyun’s attention. Relieved, he turned to his friend and found him poring over his phone, typing and swiping at the screen. “Grand romantic gestures are the perfect way to present your feelings.”
“Grand…” he tilted his head, “romantic gestures?”
Jihyun waited, but Jumin said nothing more. This time he moved on, circling the hall and inspecting the rest of the artworks. The architectural and interior aesthetic of the gallery was pleasing. Certain partitions and walls were made of glass. It exuded an illusion of openness, exposing the art and giving the guests breathing room. It was something Jihyun wanted in his exhibition: for his works to envelop people without overwhelming them.
Jumin’s phone crossed Jihyun’s vision. He took the device and read the article displayed. “There’s a meteor shower happening.”
“Take Lux to it. Surely she can spare a night? Give her a bouquet and arrange dinner.”
Smiling sadly, Jihyun returned the device. “She returns home late nowadays.”
“You visit her at work, do you not? Whisk her away—I hear women love that.”
His smile turned sheepish. Whisk her away? Disturbing her at her workplace made him want to cringe. Wouldn’t that be disruptive and disrespectful to her? “I never visit during work hours; I pick her up after. Besides, I couldn’t possibly disturb her when she’s working hard—”
“Jihyun,” Jumin interrupted with a longsuffering sigh. “My father’s girlfriends stomp into the office demanding shopping allowance from him. That is incomparable to you visiting your beloved at her workplace so you can spend more time with her.”
“I don’t know, Jumin…”
“You love her.”
“I do.”
“Focus on that.” Jumin pocketed his phone and started making his way to the exit. Jihyun followed beside him, now looking at his feet in thought. “You have courageously faced art. Now, you must be brave with her.”
“I’ll… think about it.” 
Jihyun gripped the bouquet. In his chest swirled many complex emotions, making him jittery. Lux sat at the piano on the stage across the hall, her hands rested on the keys. She was always beside him, so close to him that it was all he ever knew. Watching her from afar was a rare occurrence he savoured... because she was always different. It was like meeting her for the first time again and again. It was apt; he had never seen her in her work environment until now. His skin prickled as he witnessed a side of her he never saw. She was so beautiful… and he longed to tell her. But should she? Perhaps it was a bad idea for him to visit unannounced.
Beside her stood Seojun, her mentor and workmate. They were amidst a discussion; occasionally, Lux would play a few phrases and then write notes on the music sheet. His chest twinged as the two laughed and leaned close to each other. What a natural pair they made. Her mentor exuded such sophistication that Jihyun felt it from where he stood. It matched Lux perfectly. When Lux told Jihyun that Seojun was married with children, it was a relief—not that he was actually worried. Still, the close relationship between him and Lux were undeniable.
Shock raced down his back as Seojun caught his eyes, but he managed a polite smile which was returned. Seojun whispered to Lux and Jihyun’s smile widened when she turned to look at him. The way she brightened warmed his heart—however, it leapt about a thousand miles when she hopped off the stage instead of using the steps. He opened his arms and waited as she ran to him.
“Jihyun!” she cried, launching herself at him. He caught her easily, everything within him relaxing as his arms bore her weight and the scent of her shampoo surrounded him. For the first time in weeks he was finally safe… home. “I can’t believe it! I’m so happy to see you!”
His cheeks warmed and he hugged her tighter. “You are?”
“Of course I am!” chuckling, she leaned back. “No work today?”
“Oh, no.” Her expression was the happiest he had ever seen. And it was all directed at him. She looked like that because of him. He caused her happiness. That alone was enough to make his heart full. “I thought I’d see you and… well, give you this.”
She gasped as he presented the bouquet to her. Taking the flowers into her arms, her expression softened. “You’re so sweet, Jihyun. Thank you.” The beginnings of a blush dusted her cheeks and it took Jihyun all he had not to caress her skin and feel the warmth for himself.
“Lux,” he said softly.
“Yes?” she replied as she brought the petals close to her nose.
The words formed on Jihyun’s tongue, but he hesitated to say them. Though she stood before him now he still missed her; she was still so far away from him. Could he reach her now even with the right words? Could he even dare to be selfish with her? As he struggled, he noticed Lux hide behind the bouquet. All his worries vanished. He stepped toward her. “Lux? Are you okay—are you crying?”
“N-no…” she said, stepping back.
“I did something, didn’t I?” he couldn’t mistake the soft sound of her sniffling, the way her voice was weak and unconvincing. Now, his heart ached at the sight of her upset. He approached her until the space between them no longer existed and cupped her cheeks, wiping at her eyes. “I’m so sorry. Please, tell me what it is.”
“These are tears of joy.” She lowered the flowers and his heart broke. However, when she met his eyes she smiled—it was shaky, but it was a real smile. Relieved, he returned her smile and waited as she attempted to speak. She took a big breath. “Y-you visited me a-and gave me f-flowers and—and I just miss you. I really, r-really miss you.”
“Oh, my love.” He kissed her forehead. With a small smile, he admitted defeat. She beat him to it. Then again, she was always braver and more forthcoming with her emotions than he was. Jumin was right; he must also be brave with Lux. As she had always been with him. “In that case then I’d love to—”
“I am so sorry for interrupting.” Seojun’s voice shattered the fragile bubble around them. “Lux, we need you now.”
All tension left Jihyun’s shoulders. Defeated a second time. He dropped his hands as Lux stepped back and looked at her mentor. He watched the two of them. She wasn’t crying anymore; the only evidence that she had was the redness of her nose and eyes. “Ten minutes, please? I’ll be there.”
Seojun nodded and walked off. Jihyun turned to her. “Are you okay?”
“Of course,” she smiled at him and he smiled back. “You were saying something.”
“Oh…” he stalled by wiping the last traces of tears from her eyes and smoothing her hair back. “I wanted to know if you’ll come home late again tonight.”
With a grimace, she nodded. “I am so sorry.”
“Can’t be helped.” He petted her hair and she giggled. “I’ll have dinner ready.”
“You’re so good to me.” She embraced him. “I don’t deserve you.”
Jihyun disagreed, but said nothing. He kissed the top of her head. “Go now, they need you.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
A few seconds passed. Jihyun tilted his head to gaze at Lux. “You’re not letting go.”
“You’re not either.”
He chuckled. “All right. On the count of three?”
She sighed. “One.”
They separated, but Jihyun could not help himself and leaned close to kiss her cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you.” She cupped his cheek. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“Yes.” She dropped her hand and walked off. He watched her, waving when she looked back at him. She waved back and jogged back to the stage. Upon her return, Seojun was the first to talk to her. However, soon enough many other gathered around her. He smiled at the sight of her laughing and talking, imprinting it to his memory before he exited the hall.
A week after.
Jihyun didn’t attempt to whisk Lux away again. Perhaps being publically spontaneous or doing grand romantic gestures were not for him. It was more Hyun’s style… or Jumin’s, since he was the one who suggested the idea in the first place. It would be forcing something to happen for the sake of his need and feelings. That was how he lived three years ago… no more. He resigned to wait. They love each other—that was a fact he’d risk his life on. This separation would not last forever. When they reunite he’d make sure to let her know thoroughly how much he missed her. He knew she’d do the same.
For now, however, he had to focus. Lux did her best so he shouldn’t be slacking off.
He was at the gallery again, with Jumin. The exhibition was two weeks away. The staff and event planners were at the final stages of preparation. This time Jihyun took the lead, paying attention to every detail and making decisions. This was a crucial time to ensure the event would run smoothly; if anything were to go wrong it would be his responsibility. He didn’t want to disappoint himself or everybody who believed in him.
Especially Lux.
As Jihyun and Jumin talked with the gallery director the sound of clicking caught their attention. Looking up, Jihyun’s breath caught. It was Lux. She was hurrying towards them. Though blue was a colour that belonged to her, she was a vision in her white and red dress. She was so beautiful that for a second Jihyun was certain he had dreamt her existence.
“I’m sorry for intruding,” Lux said cheerily. “I’m here to steal the love of my life for the night.”
She stopped by his side and he gazed at her in awe. The love of her life? His cheeks warmed and when he caught the gallery director’s stare they practically burned. To hide his embarrassingly red face, he lowered his head. However, he couldn’t help smiling. The love of her life. No one’s ever called him that before. Such a declaration made him lightheaded.
“Go on, then,” Jumin answered. Jihyun lifted his head and found him smiling at them. “However, do return him safely. He still has an exhibition to host, after all.”
“Yes, sir.” Lux then took his hand, winking at him when he glanced at her. “Let’s go.”
“O-okay.” Stumbling over his feet, he followed her as she pulled him towards the direction she came from. He looked over his shoulder at his best friend who waved them off with an approving nod. He returned the gesture before turning his attention back to Lux, who was leading him out of the gallery. As they descended the steps, he noticed his car parked along the curb. “May I ask where we’re going?”
“It’s the last meteor night!” she said. “No way we are missing it.”
They got into the car and they were off. Jihyun couldn’t believe what he just heard. So she knew about the meteor shower as well… and wanted to take him to it? The thought melted his heart… but she was not meant to be here tonight. She had rehearsals tonight and had to practice for her upcoming concert. “But… what about rehearsals?”
“I skipped,” she admitted with a sheepish smile. “I’m sure the conductor is livid, but he’s a married man. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“Oh, Lux… you didn’t have to.”
She took his hand and squeezed gently. “I want to.”
Jihyun smiled. He kissed her cheek and let the conversation end as she concentrated on driving. He didn’t stop holding onto her hand, however, and only let go when she needed two hands on the wheel; when she didn’t anymore he took her hand back. What he did might be making Lux uncomfortable, but he wanted to indulge in his selfishness. He hadn’t been close to her in so long that now he had her, he didn’t want to let go.
It's been an hour and Jihyun was worried for Lux. Not only had she been driving, she'd also been engaging him in conversation. She was fine, though, smiling at him when he gazed at her in concern. The bright city lights that surrounded them were now far behind; there was nothing but darkness. Looking out the window he saw the outline of trees. It was dense at first, but soon it thinned and gave him a dim view of open fields. Soon after, Lux drove them up a hill that led to a cliff lookout. In the distance were car lights and… Jihyun squinted. There were silhouettes of people sitting on either the hood or the roof of the cars.
“We’re here,” Lux announced as parked into a free spot. Smiling at him, she lowered the roof. “Come to the backseat with me?”
Without the roof, they now had a full view of the night sky. Jihyun couldn’t help staring up as he got out. The city lights were so bright that seeing a star would be a miracle. In complete darkness there were tens of thousands of them, overwhelming in their naked beauty. Oh, how he wished he had his camera right now. Lux should see them too. He glanced at the back seat… and whatever he wanted to say vanished. She sat there and beside her was an open picnic basket. From its depths she pulled one box after another. The effort she might have gone through… Jihyun’s heart was full. “You made dinner too?”
“Stargazing is not as fun on an empty stomach,” Lux said. “Come on.”
He got into the back seat. “But you must have been busy today…”
“I got out of work early,” she giggled. “And Yoosung was kind enough to help me.”
He pulled Lux into his embrace. She froze—he must have surprised her, but he couldn’t help himself. He didn’t want to. In this moment, he wanted to let her know everything. “I miss you. I missed you so much.”
“I miss you too.” She stroked his hair—it’s been a while since she did that. Tears seeped from the corners of his eyes and down his cheeks—he’d probably ruined her dress. He couldn’t stop himself. The amount of love he had for the woman in his arms was too much that his body needed to express it in any way it can. All too soon they separated. Lux gasped and brushed her fingers across his cheeks. “Oh no, I made you cry!”
He held onto her hands and smiled. “These are happy tears.”
“I’m glad you’re happy,” she chuckled and continued to wipe the tears away. “Shall we eat? The shower will start in half an hour.”
Jihyun nodded and took the box Lux handed to him. Quietly, they ate. It was an activity he hadn’t enjoyed in a while with their schedules forcing them to eat apart or fast. Soon enough, they stared to talk—actual conversations this time and not the stilted small they had to endure. He learned new things about her rehearsals and the musical event in her school. He also updated her with his work and the encouragements she gave him made his heart soar. It was like he was getting to know her all over again.
“Uhm…” Lux intoned after they finished the last of the dessert. “I want to thank you.”
Jihyun blinked. “Me?”
She smiled, nodding. “I appreciate your patience. Mostly, I appreciated you coming to see me.”
“Oh, that’s nothing—”
“It’s everything.” She held his hand and squeezed. “What you did… gave me courage to do this. I wanted to see you whenever I had free time… it sounds silly, but I was so worried that I’d disturb you and I end up never doing anything. But then you visited me and… I realised I should be braver when it comes to loving you.”
Compared to this what he had done was such a small thing. However, to find that it was enough to positively influence her… it was heady. In a strange cycle, it made him courageous in return… he wanted to do more for her. “Then… I’ll come see you in the future… wherever and whenever.”
“Please do. I’m always happy to see you,” she said. “I’ll do the same.”
He caressed her cheek. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“Oh, I’m not that great—oh, it’s starting!”
Lux pointed at the sky. Jihyun looked up and to his delight saw silver streaks as one meteor after another zipped across the sky. It was a glorious sight—as if precious stones were strewn all over the sky, but it was too fragile, burning to nothing before humans could even capture them. After setting the boxes and the picnic basket to one side, Lux pressed herself close to him and he wound his arms around her shoulders.
“Please wait for me a bit more,” she said softly.
She leaned her head on his shoulder and he kissed the top. Lux said she wasn’t that great, but he couldn’t disagree with her more. Like the ephemeral meteors above them, people like Lux were the type that any person could only encounter once in their entire life. Often they didn’t linger, only imprinting themselves in the memories of the people they’ve touched. Their presence was brilliant, but gone in the blink of an eye. Jihyun was incredibly lucky that in his arms was one such person and that she had decided to stay with him.
He looked at her, smiling to see her sleeping soundly. She worked so hard today that he didn’t have the heart to wake her… even for something as incredible as meteor showers. He let her sleep, tucking her hair behind her ear.
She had waited for him for two years.
For her… he was ready to wait forever.
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myuntoldstory · 6 years
Mystic Messenger | Beautiful Moonlit Night
AO3 | FF.net
This was a joy to write, just because I had way too much fun thinking about Vanderwood trolling MC and V. Anyway, this is set right after the 8pm Day 9 phone call---if you didn’t get that call V basically tells MC some of his memories of Jumin and Seven. It’s one of my favourite calls in the route so I wanted to write what I imagined would be the aftermath of it. Finally, I took some artistic license with the phone call excerpt, adding and removing a line just so the conversation flows better.
Now, on to the thing!
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: V | Jihyun Kim/Main Character
Warning: N/A
Word Count:1,224
Beautiful Moonlit Night
"I think the meds are almost worn off now."
"Would you like me to get you a glass of water?"
V smiled at Lux's prompt question. It made his chest warm in a way that was comforting… yet restless at the same time. To feel like this… was a possibility he believed had left him long ago. He was fortunate to learn about her compassion and sincerity—to experience them was a privilege he didn't deserve. Her presence, warmth, and strength has made such impact in his life these past days that he now knew that without her, he wouldn't have been able to do this alone.
He needed her.
Was it acceptable to feel such things?
"No, no. I'll find you," he hurried to say as he got off the bed.
"Will you?"
There it was again, that teasing note in her voice. He smile widened. "I'm heading over, so I'll be right there soon."
She chuckled and the call ended. V shuffled his way out of the room. A quick peek into the living room showed Vanderwood. He sat on the couch, looking at his own laptop with a thoughtful expression on his face. Normally, he'd sense anybody's presence, but he seemed to be so focused in that moment that he didn't even notice V. Luciel, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found though he just passed by V's room not two minutes ago. Not that V was surprised; that boy was fast—it was slowing down that he needed to be conscious of. He moved on to the kitchen, not keen on disturbing the agent. As he got closer he saw Lux standing by the island counter and relaxed. He didn't even realise he was tense until he saw her. "Lux."
She already had a glass of water ready for him. She pressed it into his hand as soon as he was close enough. "Here."
"Thank you," he smiled at her. "Are you okay?"
She smiled back. "Yes, thank you—now drink, go on."
He tipped the rim to his lips and took careful sips of the water. Over the glass, he noticed Lux still gazing at him with the same, happy smile. His heart fluttered at the attention. More than that, he was astonished at how adorable she was, looking so happy. It suited her perfectly. He wanted to ask why she was looking at him that way. Should he? Would she tell him? It would be a privilege to know the reason for her smile. Perhaps he could—no, best not to go down that train of thought. He lowered his glass and chuckled. "May I ask why you're smiling?"
"I'm just happy that you sound better." She took his free hand and squeezed gently. She was warm, soothing against his cold skin. He looked at their hands, the flutters contained within his chest escaping to spread all over his body. "I've been so worried."
"I apologise," he said and looked at her again. It’d be nice… if she held onto him like this for a while longer. A part of him told him that he didn’t deserve such things, especially from someone like Lux. But… was it so bad to wish for things like this? To desire such intimacy for himself? He ought to disengage… but he didn’t want to. He wanted to revel in her warmth for a bit more. "I never meant for you to care for me so extensively."
"Please, don't apologise." She squeezed his hand again. It made him happy when she did that. "You were drugged, V. That's not your fault. All that matters to me is that you're recovering well."
His cheeks warmed. "You're too kind."
"Thank you," she chuckled. "You know, I… really loved the stories you told me."
"About Jumin and Luciel?"
"Yes." To his surprise, her cheeks pinked. "Uhm… it's your voice, you see."
He blinked—and for some reason his own face felt hotter. "M-my… voice?"
"I didn't really realise until then. You really love the RFA, don't you? With all your heart—especially Seven." There it was again, that comforting squeeze. "They're your family, aren't they?"
"Yes, they are." Her eyes were sparkling. He told her that the moon was beautiful outside… but now he knew it couldn't compare to the stars in her eyes. He dearly wished he had his camera right now… or a brush. He wanted to capture her looking like this; he wanted to paint the joy in her eyes with colours that suited her. "They're the family I… hold very close to my heart—you are a part of that, of course."
The way she brightened stole his breath away. Now he really wished he could capture her beauty at this moment. "I appreciate that, V. I think of you and the RFA as family too."
"I am happy you think so." He placed the glass on the counter and held her hand in between his. This time, he was the one to squeeze… that felt nice too. It’s as if he gave her comfort. He looked at their hands, how his completely dwarfed hers. She seemed so innocent… but she actually had immense strength to remain calm and carry him and the rest of the RFA through this crisis. Compared to what she had given whatever he did in return would be inadequate, but still… he was glad to finally reciprocate. He looked at her again—and found they were suddenly close. Were they this close before? With his terrible vision it was fortunate that he could still notice details like the rich brown of her eyes, the highlights in her hair. He ought to step back and give her space, but… there was something compelling in the miniscule space between them, some commanding force that told him to stay. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, couldn’t stop the way his gaze returned to her smile like a magnet—
"Now kiss…"
Lux jumped and squeaked at the loud whisper. V, startled, stepped back and released her hand. The two of them looked to the doorway where Vanderwood stood with his arms crossed and an expectant, amused expression on his face. V was frozen. He had the urge to tell the man not to misunderstand the situation… but that might serve to worsen things. As such, his burning face already did that on its own anyway.
The awkward silence stretched. Eventually Vanderwood’s expression changed to that of exaggerated disappointment. He dropped his arms with a sigh. “No kiss? Boo, you kids are boring.” He then marched to the fridge to fetch a drink. Without another word or glance at them, he waltzed out as though he had not caused a disturbance at all.
V turned to Lux as she laughed. It looked like she wasn’t offended. He allowed himself a relieved sigh. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to be so forward.”
"It’s okay, V." Still chuckling, she handed the glass back to him. “We’re just talking.”
"Of course.”
"Finish your water, then. I’ll help you back to bed."
"Okay.” He lifted the glass and then paused, looking down. "If it’s all right… I’d like to talk more…"
“I’m happy to stay for as long as you like.”
He glanced at her. She looked happy. He smiled. “Thank you.”
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