#mystic messenger day 7
anli-rambles · 1 year
It's been 7 years and I'm still bothered by this one mistranslated quote from Day 8 in Jumin's route in the 3:30PM chat bc it fuels the Jumin slander and I won't stand for it 😤
Bc the English version goes like this : MC : You’re not thinking of me as a replacement for your pet, are you ? Jumin : Well, the use is fairly similar.
BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT HE'S SAYING IN THE KOREAN VERSION. HE SAYS ‘엘리자베스 3세가 떠난 시기에 내 곁에 오게 되어서 그렇게 생각하는 건가 ?’ “Do you think so because you came to me at the same time Elizabeth the 3rd left ?”
He's not saying the 'use' is similar, he's acknowledging that the timing of events (MC coming into his life right before Elizabeth goes missing) may look suspicious but he assures her that it's not the case and she doesn't have to worry about that and that he knows she's completely different.
I'm honestly thinking about posting the entire translation of his route (and Jihyun's too — dear God his route is a disaster when it comes to bad translation) from Korean to English at this point lol
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momomallowart · 1 year
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ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔっ🌹💗 my love 💗
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nebulous-tundra · 2 years
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elvendara · 1 year
@mysme-fictober & @juminweek2019
Michael's Edition
7 October 2023—VAMPIRE Jumin Week—Quality Time
Centuries passed in the blink of an eye. He lifted his hand to watch the reflection off the ruby on his ring. How long ago had he acquired this item? Too long ago for sure. With a sigh he stood and made his way to the window. Hiding in the shadows was easy, second nature. Pulling the curtain aside he narrowed his eyes at the intrusive light of the sun. It wouldn’t kill him, not now, but it wasn’t pleasant either. Even after all this time, he still remembered the warmth of the sun on his skin.
Turning away in a huff he marched towards the bedroom. This damned house felt like a prison, a self-imposed one, but still. Perhaps he should simply sleep and be done with it. But oh there was so much life out there! He grit his teeth, clenching his jaw. As a vampire he had lived many lifetimes, loved many, become richer than the gods, but now, now…he was exhausted.
He had sired no children when alive so there was no lineage he could care for. Those he’d loved had all grown old and died, some had abhorred him, calling him evil and cursing him, some had embraced him, begging to join him in undeath. All had torn his heart, what was left of it, in pieces. He wondered why he still had some shred of humanity when most of his kind had sloughed it off almost immediately. They laughed at him, at his continued need to act human.
He had left them long ago, to live fully among humans, but now, now that his latest love lay in the ground, rotting, for nearly a decade…he couldn’t muster the strength to care. The self-imposed isolation had come about from a desire to reset. He had begun to be lethargic, burdened by the constant loss. Sleep, it’s what a vampire did when becoming overwhelmed. He did not want to, but he knew enough to know that he needed to step back. To leave humanity and be on his own. To reevaluate what he wanted out of this continued existence.
And what did he want? An eternity of drinking wine and blood, of loving and losing? They all ended up in the grave as he watched them wither away. Tears sprang from his eyes as the faces of those he’d loved filled his head. All of them vibrant and vital, becoming slower and slower with age. Age that came all to quickly, in the blink of an eye. Why did he do that to himself? Why not turn one of them and have a companion forever?
He knew why, this existence was not one he would willingly foist on another, no matter how much he desired it. The one who had made him had done so for selfish reasons, and when even his presence no longer was enough, he’d left. Left Jumin alone to navigate his new existence. Those years, those decades had been devastating. He’d been no more than a hungry animal, running on instinct alone, surviving against his own will.
Once he’d mastered himself, he vowed to never take another life. And he’d held to that promise. Sustaining himself with animals might not be the most satisfying, but it was what he needed to do for himself.
Sitting once more he poured more wine into his cup and sipped it. Solitude is what he needed now. To think. To contemplate eternity and his place in it. A small smile played around his lips, time, he had plenty of that didn’t he?
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thesoleilla · 2 years
Flufftober Day 7: Movie Marathon
Fandom: mystic messenger
Ship: Saeyoung x Reader (+Saeran and Vanderwood hanging in there, being third wheels is hard hang in there buddies)
Just a movie marathon with them, what do you want me to say
Now that all of you were safe, freed from horrible working conditions or bomb threats; you wanted to celebrate it. What was a better way than binging all of the barbie movies? Okay, maybe not all of them but the plan was to wake up at 5, watch barbie, eat while watching barbie, watch barbie and do that until you all fell asleep.
Why barbie may you ask? Well, go ask Saeyoung. To this day; nobody knows what went through his brain when he proposed it. Only thing we know is that nobody disagreed for some reason. You were all arguing before that but the second Barbie was mentionned everybody calmed down and settled for that.
Well, no matter how much of a bad decision this was, it was still there and now you all had to suffer the consequences. Except Saeyoung of course who was overjoyed about this, to your relief; at least someone would enjoy this.
The morning was hard. 5 am for barbie movies?! Who got that terrible of an idea?! Your lovely boyfriend of course!
They were all used to losing sleep, considering their background so they were rather normal but you? You looked like you were about to DIE from being tired! Still, you carried on to eating your breakfast, while starting the first movie : Barbie as Rapunzel, the only reason for the choice being Saeyoung's wish to dress as Rapunzel this morning, that he justified by this film.
Saeyoung just kept dramatically repeating the lines, while Saeran yelled at him to shut up and Vanderwood immediately left (first person down).
After a lot of yelling, Saeyoung finally shut up; and resorted to saying his dramatic lines roght on your ear instead, making your tummy all tangly and your whole body hot; which he didn't fail noticing and teasing you about.
Eventually, Saeran got tired of being a third wheel and left.
So now it was officially a couple's movie marathon! Well... a couple's barbie movie marathon... what was more romantic than that?
This continued on for a while, your boyfriend talking how much better than them you were each time a new character appeared on screen.
Eventually, you ended up sitting in his lap and falling asleep; during one of the princess movies, you lost track of which anyways.
Only thing you knew, is that when you woke up you had silly drawings on your face, and that a certain someone wouldn't stop kissing you.
"Oh! Did my princess get bored of watching a classic princess for the whole day? Well, you are indeed a lot more interesting..." He kissed your cheek "good morning dear!"
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Thanks for reading! Might have problems keeping up with the rest of flufftober since I'm having some mental health issues and a BIG amount of homework; but I still hope you're enjoying these! By the way, some of my flufftober posts have been doing numbers so.. consider looking at my other stuff or even subscribing maybe? Idk do as you please just saying lol
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kirexa · 1 year
What a wonderful sibling reunion<3
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libra-kirishima · 1 year
Mystic Messenger Characters + Their Toxic Traits ✨
Feat. Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, Seven, and V
Short headcanons inspired by this post I've made about My Hero Academia characters and their toxic traits x
! fem reader, brief mentions of sex !
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Insanely jealous. He's barely able to restrain himself from barking like a dog when he sees you talking to another man
- and he will come up to you mid-conversation and embarrass you in front of this man because Zen wants him to know who you belong to.
Has some mildly sexist views on women
- Speaks for you even if you're right next to him. Will order for you at restaurants without being asked. If someone asks you a question and Zen thinks he knows the answer he'll answer it for you as if you aren't capable of answering for yourself.
- Tends to believe that you're fragile and vulnerable and that he needs to protect you because you're a woman
- Will help you with chores but he believes it's your job to cook
- Doesn't ever let you take control during sex. He thinks that, as the man, he is supposed to be the one on top and in control. He's a pleasure dom but sex is always done his way because he never lets you take the lead.
Canonically homophobic
Lacks self awareness
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King of putting things off. Ignores problems in the relationship for as long as he possibly can until one day it all comes to the surface and he bursts into tears
Avoids conflict to the point of concern. He'd rather lie to himself that everything is fine between the two of you than address an issue in your relationship because he doesn't want to start a fight.
Struggles to make time for you. A lot of your dates are hanging out together while he studies in his room or at the library.
Shamelessly codependent
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Also terrible at making time for you
Always working. If she's not working under Jumin then she's always working on improving the coffee shop. She doesn't know how to function when she's not working 24/7 and under constant stress
She takes things so personally. She'll never tell you she took something you said personally but you can tell.
Lowkey a grudge holder. If you two get into an argument she'll bring up something you said to hurt her feelings two years ago.
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Wants to take care of you but "taking care of you" can mean doing things that are very controlling sometimes
- extremely resistant at first to the idea of you having a job or going to college since he can provide for both of you
- hates taking "no" for an answer if he thinks he knows better than you. If you're sick with a cold he'll go against your wishes and call a doctor no matter how many times you insist that you're fine.
- Never learned how to let someone else be in charge of something so he also never lets you take control during sex.
Resistant to change
Makes important decisions without you based on what he thinks you would want
Can come across as very apathetic at times. He thinks he's offering an objective point of view that will help soothe your emotions but instead it can feel like he doesn't care about them because you're being unreasonable.
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Has gotten into the habit of lying about the dumbest shit, so it can be difficult to tell whether he's being serious or messing with you
Doesn't help with household chores because he doesn't find them mentally stimulating
Gets really bad depressive episodes. He doesn't want Saeran to see him like that so he bottles everything up until he can't anymore and will take all his emotions out on you sometimes.
Has never had to communicate how he feels before meeting you, so he never learned how. A lot of the time you're relying on your intuition because he doesn't talk to you about it. Part of him still believes nobody cares about how he's feeling.
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Incredibly passive. Getting him to voice what he wants is like pulling teeth.
Codependent and in denial about it. Thinks he's just really in love with his wife.
Has a tendency to completely ignore how he's feeling because part of him is desperate to please you.
Tends to think in absolutes. Has a very black and white view on most things
Struggles to believe that he deserves you and that makes him crave validation, but he never wants to voice to you that he needs validation.
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cheritzteam · 1 year
[MM] Announcement on Mystic Messenger 7th Anniversary Event, 2023
Hello, this is Cheritz.
How was your June with the twins?  
The twins had a great time reading your childhood stories.
They also said they were happy to have someone special celebrate their birthday with them again this year :)
It's July, where half the year is gone and the second half starts. 
Do you remember what special anniversary is coming up?
It's July 9th,
We sincerely hope that you've had a happy and enjoyable seven years of sharing stories with the members on Mystic Messenger.
We hope you'll stay with us for many more years to come! 
So, are you ready to join us for our 7th anniversary celebration?
Check out the announcement below to learn more! 😉
< ① 7th Anniversary of Mystic Messenger : Mystic Wedding Day >
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The theme of this year's RFA party is "Wedding"!
Maybe it's just the mood, but it seems like the members are more eager than usual.
Please come prepared with a nice outfit that fits the dress code!
Upload a post on social media using the hashtag #MM_My_WeddingLook sharing the wedding look you want to wear in the template provided! Don’t miss out on the chance to be one of the 15 lucky participants who will receive 50 hourglasses⌛ as a prize♥
Also, upload a post on social media using the hashtag #MM_Happy_7thanniv to celebrate Mystic Messenger’s 7th anniversary and try your chances at winning 50 ⌛ hourglasses as a prize>ㅁ<)9
< ② Game-Access Event >
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If you access the game during the event below, you'll see a commemorative title image for Mystic Messenger’s 7th anniversary! Enjoy the game with the new title image and celebrate the 7th anniversary together.
Title Illustration : July 6th(Thur) - July 19th(Wed) (KST)
< ③ Mystic Messenger L-shaped Folder Ver.10 Released! >
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July 6th, celebrating our 7th Anniversary, L-shaped Folder Ver.10 will be released!
Don’t miss out on the chance to see our special birthday illustrations and seasonal illustrations in larger size as real life merchandise! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
< L-shaped Folder Ver.10 >
2022 Valentine Day
2022 Yoosung★’s Birthday
2022 ZEN’s Birthday
2022 Children’s Day
2022 707&Saeran’s Birthday
6th Anniversary
2022 Summer
Detailed notice will be uploaded at Cheritz Market after release.
Also, to celebrate our 7th anniversary, we are offering a 15% discount on emoticon cushions on Cheritz Market!
If you have been hesitating to purchase them, please don’t miss your chance★.
Cheritz Market discounted period : July 6th (Wed) 2PM - July 13th (Wed) 2PM (KST)
Link to Cheritz Market : http://shop.cheritz.com 
Did you enjoy the announcement of 7th Anniversary events?
We would like to express our gratitude in advance for joining the special wedding day held to celebrate 7 years with RFA.
We hope you'll stay with Mystic Messenger for many more years to come! 
Thank you!
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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Welcome to the fourth annual installment of Visions of Temptation - the multifandom kinktober content creation challenge hosted at my blog.
►under the cut you will find both lists written down in blank format. You’ll also find a short explanation of some lesser-known kinks you might encounter above.
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███  RULES
▍This challenge features kinktober dialogue & kink prompt lists for everyone over the age of 18.
▍It’s absolutely free to use across all fandoms, with a main focus on otome. If you’re a writer, artist, visual graphic creator, etc., you can use these lists to create your kinktober works.
▍You can share this with your followers and open requests using these lists.
▍There are a total of 62 kinks, two for each day of the month of October, and additionally 31 dialogue prompts. It’s up to you whether you choose to use prompts from one of the lists or both, and to combine them or not. You don't have to follow just one list - mix and match them if you'd like!
▍Make sure to put content warnings where needed.
▍This challenge won't have a masterlist featuring the works created for it, meaning that it won't have a deadline either - feel free to complete it at your own pace.
▍About credit: Make sure to mention the challenge itself and its creator, me. I’d be happy to see your works, so please tag me when using my list here on tumblr! Posting to other sites is fine, as long as you credit me properly :)  
▍In order for us to find each other's works and appreciate them, please make sure to use the tag " #visions of temptation 2023 " !
▍Don't hesitate to reach out if you have a question! My askbox is always open!
▍Remember to have fun and not stress over this long challenge!
targeted fandoms: Ikeseries (Ikemen Prince; Ikemen Vampire; Ikemen Revolution; Ikemen Sengoku; Ikemen Genjiden; Ikemen Villains + other cybird games); Tears of Themis; Obey me!; Mr. Love: Queen's Choice; Count of Darkness; Voltage games; Mystic Messenger; Light and Night + all other mobile/console otome you can think of. Remember, this is just the focus of the challenge - you can write for any fandom at all!
Depending on how much free time i've got on my hands, I'll also be checking out your works and reblogging them on my main blog, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly - under the tag "#vot 23 reblogs" :)
If you're wondering if I'm taking requests for my challenge, make sure to check my blog beforehand. At the moment of posting this, requests are closed - but that might change in the future.
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both lists in blank format + handy explanation of some of the kinks under the cut.
Happy creating, everyone and may you have a great October! ❤
Kink list:
Day 1 - Oct 1st - Cowgirl Position | Doggy Style
Day 2 - Oct 2nd - Biting/Marking | Dacryphilia
Day 3 - Oct 3rd - Angry Sex | Vanilla Sex
Day 4 - Oct 4th - Jealousy/Possessiveness | Voyeurism
Day 5 - Oct 5th - Spit-roasting | Double Penetration
Day 6 - Oct 6th - Sex Toys/Object Insertion | Glove Kink/Uniform Kink
Day 7 - Oct 7th - Public Sex/Outdoor Sex | Sex in a vehicle
Day 8 - Oct 8th - Facesitting | Deep-throating
Day 9 - Oct 9th - Praise Kink | Degradation
Day 10 - Oct 10th - Somnophilia | Cockwarming
Day 11 - Oct 11th - Frottage | Accidental Stimulation
Day 12 - Oct 12th - Bondage | S&M
Day 13 - Oct 13th - Hypnosis/Aphrodisiacs | Begging
Day 14 - Oct 14th - First Times | Guided Touching
Day 15 - Oct 15th - Shower Sex/Bathtub Sex | Scent Kink
Day 16 - Oct 16th - Pegging | Choking
Day 17 - Oct 17th - Anonymous sex/One night stand | FWB
Day 18 - Oct 18th - Omegaverse/Breeding | Size Difference Kink
Day 19 - Oct 19th - Phone Sex | Wet Dreams
Day 20 - Oct 20th - Oral Sex | Anal Sex
Day 21 - Oct 21st - Not Wearing Underwear | Sexy lingerie
Day 22 - Oct 22nd - Mirror Sex | Striptease
Day 23 - Oct 23rd - Coming Untouched | Overstimulation
Day 24 - Oct 24th - Against the Wall | Bent Over a Table/Desk
Day 25 - Oct 25th - Morning Sex | Edging/Orgasm Denial
Day 26 - Oct 26th - Body Worship | Aftercare
Day 27 - Oct 27th - Temperature Play | Knife Play/Gun Play
Day 28 - Oct 28th - Impact Play | Food Play
Day 29 - Oct 29th - Nipple Play | Body Part Fetish
Day 30 - Oct 30th - Dirty Talk/Voice Kink | Come Fetish/Creampie
Day 31 - Oct 31st - Monsterfucking/Non-human Characters | Sexual Roleplay
Dialogue list:
"Sorry, I was just thinking of all the ways I can ravage you."
"Open wide and let me see."
"It can wait. I must have you now."
"Don't play innocent now. I know you want this."
"Lie down and let me love your body."
"You let out such beautiful sounds when I touch you here."
"I can keep you right where you are all day."
"Does it excite you that we can get caught any second?"
"Time for revenge."
"I'll take good care of you. I'll be gentle."
"You're not the one giving orders here."
"You've got a pretty mouth. It'll look even better pleasing me."
"Feel it. You did this to me."
"Where else do you want me to touch you?"
"Oh, but it's so fun to make you beg."
"You poor thing, you're shaking with pleasure."
"Should I bend you over this table? Is this what you want?"
"I need you to be quiet." "Make me."
"Mark me so everyone knows I belong to you."
"You're shameless, seducing me at such a time."
"Touch yourself for me. Look at me while you do it."
"Oh, that's a new reaction. I like it."
"I'll spoil you rotten until you can't take it anymore."
"That's a dangerous game you're playing."
"How does it feel when we both please you at the same time?"
"All this and you still want more?"
"Maybe if you try asking nicely, I'll fuck you."
"I can't stand you sometimes. And I want you so bad."
"I love that dirty brain of yours."
"If only you could see yourself now."
"I already want to fuck you again."
some prompts explained...
Voyeurism - secretly watching someone participate in sexual activities or do something private and intimate like taking off their clothes. An idea is person A catching person B masturbate accidentally but lingering by the door just a little longer...
Frottage - Rubbing against another person's body/part of the body.
Mirror sex - Sex in front of a mirror.
Dacryphilia - Crying during sex.
S/M - Sadism and masochism.
Spitroasting - A three-way sex act in which a person is penetrated orally and either anally or vaginally.
Omegaverse - taken from fanlore. org: A kink trope wherein some people have defined biological roles based on a hierarchical system. 
Somnophilia - Intercourse while a sexual partner is asleep.
Anonymous sex - Here is an idea: masquerade balls.
FWB - Friends with benefits, no feelings attached.
Impact play - Slapping a sexual partner, could be across the face or spanking for instance.
Sexual roleplay - doctor/patient play, boss/employee play, all kinds of play pretend.
Hope these could be of help! Remember, you can always come ask if something's unclear. Once again, happy creating! ❤
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thenewrises · 9 months
enjoy my brain rambles (18+ MDNI)
idk the last time i did a theory/full lore post on anything since 17 year old me played mystic messenger in 2017 (IN FUCKING PHYSICS!!!!!) but for some reason 14 days with you has been on the forefront of my brain for over a year so. also it's so funny how not into yandere games/dark romance i was years ago but the moment i started college and started reading shit like ACOTAR (not dark romance but like... y'know... rhys...) i am like damn... what if someone was THAT into me me... (this does not include haunting adeline i fucking hate that book)
anyways sorry for the ramble!!!! some fun stuff i have found in the last idk few days of perusing old stuff, new stuff, etc.
also, a lot of hints i've found have been followed up by "👀". this is not the case with everything but just a lil tidbit i noticed! :)
The official 14DWY blog is @14dayswithyou
edit: put 18+ mdni in title because the game is 18+! should have mentioned that LOL
Ren's name!
I have been super interested in finding out his name, which i will send guesses sometime to the ask box when i have more as to not spoil anything if i'm right. BUT, i can share everything i have collected! i do know we will know more about him in day 7 possibly but i want to hopefully give some help if anyone wants to guess like me!
(Not In Name) ❌ - T, D, Z, S
(In The Name) ✅ - N, R, A, E
does not begin with - E, R, B, A, P
does not end with - N, L, Y
extras ⁃ 8 letters (could be more) ⁃ not traditionally masculine ⁃ american ⁃ emerald has three letters (E, A, R are my guesses) ⁃ clarence (two letters right spot) ⁃ emerson (one letter right spot) ⁃ marienne (one letter right spot) ⁃ his sister called him ren
so, with this in mind i have a few ideas. it seems the letter "R" is in the fourth position in his name. the letter "E" seems to be at the end of his name. i believe his name may be unisex or possibly more typically feminine, but he was named by his mother after her two friends (which i believe are Teo's relatives). some guesses about the name i have are: i believe his name may begin with an L or F, but this is just a guess i have but i do not believe it begins with a C. either "ren" is in his name altogether or another variation such as rien. but! this is just a theory (matpat... thank u).
some extras:
_ _ _ r _ _ _ e
edit: upon some scrolling before bed i am starting to believe their name may end in “rence” or “riene”. will update but that’s where i’m landing right now.
edit 2: may ALSO end in renie!
2. Ren's hands!
so we know ren has scarred hands from an accident prior to the events of the game before he ran from home. i don't know exactly what caused the scarring, but i believe it was some kind of altercation with his father from the sounds of it. it was said that ren left his mom in absolute hysterics when he left, so i believe there are a few things that could have happened.
i don't know if ren's father would hurt his mother but let's assume he wouldn't, maybe ren was presenting more masculine, talking back to his father, becoming a "threat" towards taylor, who knows! whatever happened, ren got into an altercation with taylor that ended in the scarring. I believe it has something to do with fire, taylor may have been set of fire somehow. maybe taylor wanted to burn the house down. OR, maybe ren tried to burn the house down with taylor in it...
it's possible that taylor may have tried to harm ren's mother that he attempted to save his mom and burn his father/harm his father. whatever happened, hana was not present for this as i believe this is when ren ran away from home IF this is how it happened.
maybe what happened to his hands was much longer before he left. i've seen some questioning that when leon had a birthday party, he invited hana but she did not go for reasons unknown. what this could mean is that something happened WHEN hana still lived there before she was sent off to school. maybe this was when ren got the scars on his hands. maybe taylor tried to harm ren due to him simply being male, maybe it was something else. maybe ren fought back. maybe taylor tried to hurt ren's mother, causing him to be punished by his father. all i know is, ren in an ask has said “I-I didn’t mean to… He— I didn’t have much of a choice…”
3. Playlist!
a while ago, saint put out this playlist and explained that characters and endings are connected to the songs. from other's guesses and my own curiosity, i went through and did some eliminations and found these to be the most possible to be connected:
shapeshift - ren
almost had me - violet
glimpse of us - leon
angel - ending
god complex - ending (possibly leon)
EDIT: gun - ending (most likely bad)
heart-shaped hologram - EDIT: I believe this is ren's introspection now
these could be inaccurate! but from what i have seen i think these are the best guesses for some of the songs. maybe i'll try to guess more in depth, but for now, this is just from what i've read up! 14 days also has the potential to be an ending, but once again this may be another post.
i am so out of my mind. but it is so fun to evaluate lore i have always loved doing it and this game itched my brain. i reccommend this game if you're interested in horror and are 18+ then i say check out this game! read the warnings ahead of time, but i find it funky fresh
anyways womp womp, redacted come home, emo boy by ayesha erotica lookin' ass
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tujoflo · 11 months
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cringetober day 18 - old art redraw
2023 - 2017
I can't believe mystic messenger was released 7 years ago
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pixlezz · 2 months
mystic messenger in 2024 pt 2
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full disclosure i finished yoosungz route a while ago. like the last last Sunday lmao but thiz took forever because I've been really busy with art fight lmao
i liked zenz route a little bit more than yoosungz route but it was really fun to play through thiz one .] i kinda wished he still played video game through the route but i get why he didn't do so, as for the ending twist. i kinda got that spoiled so it wasn't much of a surprise but he was really sweet and i liked to play though that route
also in case this post makes itz way back to two of the people who reblogged i'd like to say thiz in particular
to the person who reblogged saying the importance of sleep schedule i fear i have fucked it up already. not to the extent of waking up at three am (i truly could not do that) but i woke up at like 6/7 am for like three whole weekz (or however long zenz + yoosungz route combined was) and i have never been more exhausted since i was also staying up to catch the last chatz of the night 😭 i will admit though, i kinda slacked off with yoosungz route and woke up late and missed a shit ton of chatz for him dot dot dot. but yeah ! me starting to wake up late fucked up my opportunity for jaehees route (more on that later)
and to the person who reblogged saying to play cheritz other game !! i perhapz will !! i want to at least finish jaehees route, sevens route and juminz route. i probably will skip V's route and unknownz route simply because i will likely never get 500 hourglasses and i only have 190 lmao
and finally my failed jaehee route. when i finished yoosungz route, i decided to jump in to do jaehees route. itwas going good but on day six. erm. i fucked up because i missed quite a few chatz and unknown came and went "nah bro, you ain't give a shit? thatz wild you don't get to play." and i got the bad ending.
absolute skill issue i was devistated. let me kiss girlz guyz... plz i just wanted to kiss jaehee ☹️ (also i know jaehees route isn't romantic don't burst my bubble and let me be delusional)
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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The Soul Body
The soul body generates electromagnetic energy in the form of visible light, which is interconnected with our chakras. This energetic field, often referred as our “aura,” changes based on our emotional or physical well-being. The word aura comes from the Sanskrit words, aur and wer, meaning to “raise or hold suspended.” In yogic tradition, Kundalini energy or “serpent power” rises from the root chakra to the crown.
Serpents are ancient symbols of transformation and growth that represent the harmonious duality of life and death, light and dark, good and evil. In Hebrew, these “serpents of fire and light” were known as seraphim, the angelic beings who protected the “throne of god” in the Seventh Heaven.
In Judaic mysticism, Uriel is the archangel of wisdom, who gave the book of secrets to Metatron. In Kabbalistic thought, this wisdom is the way of the return through the “Tree of Life”.
In Greco-Roman tradition the two serpents on the Caduceus of the messenger gods Hermes and Mercury, were symbols of peaceful power and diplomacy. In alchemy, two serpents represented the balance of opposing forces. This is similar to the Taoist philosophy of yin-yang. Yin is the silvery moon energy (female/night) that receives light. Yang is the golden sun energy (male/day) that penetrates dark. They create life in a harmonious dance between chaos and peace.
By imagining these two serpents of light moving in harmony through the seven worlds of our chakras we can create balance within our self.
Message: This is a time to create balance in all areas of life. If we are feeling stuck or are in chaos, remember that this is temporary, for all things change. Imagine being at peace with change as an opportunity to create a new way of being. By connecting with our chakras, we can improve our internal flow of life force energy, and find the peace we need within us.
“It is not the body, nor the personality, that is the true self. The true Self is eternal. Even on the point of death we can say to ourselves. My true Self is free. I cannot be contained.” – Marcus Aurelius –
Chakra – Color – Seven Worlds
1.Root – Red – Physical World
2. Sacral – Orange – Emotional World
3.Solar Plexus – Yellow – Mythic World
3.Heart – Green – Energetic World
5.Throat – Blue – Past World
6.Third Eye – Violet – Present World
7.Crown – White – Future World
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elvendara · 2 years
Bobbing for Apples
October 7th 2022
“Take a picture it’ll last longer.” Saeyoung bumped shoulders with Yoosung as he sat next to him at the table.
The blond blushed and tore his eyes away from the red-head he’d been watching. “I don’t know what you mean.” He huffed.
Saeyoung laughed and put an arm around the younger man’s shoulder, pulling him close. “Don’t worry. I approve!”
“Shut up!” Yoosung pushed his best friend away, running a hand through his yellow strands trying to straighten it back up after the assault.
“So you have a thing for my brother. I get it, he’s totally handsome!” Saeyoung teased.
Yoosung rolled his eyes, “You’re only saying that because your twins.”
“Are you saying we’re not handsome?” Amber eyes behind horn-rimmed glasses flared wide in feigned offense.
“Don’t be ridiculous!”
“Look.” Saeyoung put an arm around the man again, becoming more serious. “It’s OK you know.”
“I told you, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yoosung said, but his voice just kind of trailed away.
There was silence for a bit, as Saeyoung decided how to proceed. “If you aren’t ready, then I won’t push. And…I’ll stop teasing you, but…it’s gonna be really hard!” he lay his forehead on his shoulder and gave a large and dramatic sigh.
Yoosung rolled his eyes again, he seemed to do that a lot around the older man. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Why was he so hesitant? His feelings for Saeran were obvious to everyone. Saeyoung wasn’t the first person in the RFA to have teased him about it. At first he’d thought it was just an innocent crush. He respected Saeran, saw how strong he was to have endured so much in his short life. He admired his commitment to becoming a better person, to becoming someone he could be proud of. Somewhere along the way those feelings had grown.
His amethyst eyes wandered back to the now red-head who had terrified him in the beginning. The man was next to MC, Saeyoung’s wife. MC was smiling from ear to ear but Saeran was still so stoic, he rarely smiled. It was a sight to see however and Yoosung felt immense pride when he was the cause of the slight upward movement.
As he watched, mint-green eyes caught his but instead of looking away, he held the gaze. Those eyes went from cold and rigid, to soft and warm and he was delighted to see a small uptick on the corners of those lips. His heart skipped a beat, and he felt a rush of heat flush through his body.
Before he could really think about what he was doing, he stood, shaking Saeyoung’s arm off him and headed towards the other twin, never taking his eyes off him. He saw the surprise in them, and maybe…hope? As he neared the taller man he reached out and grabbed a hold of his hand, tugging gently.
“Hey, want to bob for apples with me? I’ve never done it, but it looks like fun.” He had no idea what he was saying…apples? But he saw those beautiful green eyes light up, and a genuine smile emerge.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Saeran said and followed the blond without hesitation.
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
Bee's Flufftober 2023 Masterlist!
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Hello and welcome to my masterlist for Flufftober 2023! Here you can find all of my (planned/posted) works for each day's prompt, featuring various characters! I hope you enjoy, and happy October everyone! :D
Flufftober 2023
Day 1: "I've got you" feat. Keigo Takami/Hawks (BNHA)
Day 2: Family, Friends, Loved Ones feat. Satoru Gojo (JJK)
Day 3: "Wait, you love me?" "I always have." feat. Kento Nanami (JJK)
Day 4: Cinderella Moment feat. Denki Kaminari (BNHA)
Day 5: ___ + 1 feat. Rintaro Suna (Haikyuu)
Day 6: Corn Maze feat. Saeyoung Choi/707 (Mystic Messenger)
Day 7: Porch Swing Alternate Prompt - Hot Chocolate feat. Izuku Midoriya (BNHA)
Day 8: Rainy Day feat. Kim Jihyun/V (Mystic Messenger)
Day 9: Hate At First Sight feat. Atsumu Miya (Haikyuu)
Day 10: Love of my Life feat. Toge Inumaki (JJK)
Day 11: Sweet Tooth feat. Satoru Gojo (JJK) + Alternate Prompt - "Oh no, you're a morning person!" feat. Historia Reiss (AOT)
Day 12: Fire and Ice feat. Katsuki Bakugo (BNHA)
Day 13: Wrong Number feat. Hanta Sero (BNHA)
Day 14: "I hate it" "No you don't" feat. Tetsuro Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Day 15: Emergency, Confession, Adventure feat. Asmodeus (Obey Me!)
Day 16: Singing One Another to Sleep feat. Belphegor (Obey Me!)
Day 17: Encouraging Someone to Achieve a Goal feat. Eren Jaeger (AOT)
Day 18: "Did You Plan For This to Happen?" feat. Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu)
Day 19: Keeping Someone Safe feat. Aren Kuboyasu (Saiki K)
Day 20: Pumpkin feat. Tanjiro Kamado (KNY)
Day 21: Swoon feat. Shoto Todoroki (BNHA)
Day 22: Picking Apples feat. Osamu Miya (Haikyuu)
Day 23: Trinket feat. Fumikage Tokoyami (BNHA) + Alternate Prompt - Candles, Lanterns, Fairy Lights feat. Tooru Oikawa (Haikyuu)
Day 24: (Melting Emoji) feat. Kyojuro Rengoku (KNY)
Day 25: Nook feat. Kusuo Saiki (Saiki K)
Day 26: Fireplace feat. Saeran Choi/Ray (Mystic Messenger)
Day 27: Outdoor Event (Picnic) feat. Yuta Okkotsu (JJK)
Day 28: Soothing Touch feat. Tomioka Giyuu (KNY)
Day 29: "Hey, wake up!" feat. Shota Aizawa (BNHA)
Day 30: Self Worth/Self Love feat. Satan (Obey Me!)
Day 31: Dreams do Come True feat. Armin Arlert (AOT)
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kirexa · 1 year
(I'm very sure he is not. Give him. Hugs and support he needs it)
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He also had a whole chat yesterday being serious. When he tried to joke around like normal it was very forced. I'm worried about him
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