#n i was like lol kinda joel vibes
insomnya777 · 5 months
etho the kinda mf to own a typewriter
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lahooozaherr · 8 months
What Was I Made For?
Part 2
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Please note: This blog stands with Palestine. If you are interacting with my account and TLOU related posts, I ask that you PLEASE visit these links. Be critical and mindful while partaking in TLOU content and be aware that creator Neil Druckmann is a Zionist.
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: FLUFFY FLUFF, Joel is very soft and deserves softness, slight angst if you squint?, yearning, “first date jitters”, a smooch!! Honestly that’s kind of it, nothing wild happens in this. As always, let me know if I missed something 🫶🏻
Chapter Summary: Since your recovery, you’ve settle into town and your routine nicely. Tommy sets you up with a job at the stables caring for the horses after their morning patrol, where you regularly see Joel. The two of you spend a lot of time together and Ellie has noticed. Joel asks if you’ve ever ridden a horse before, and upon discovering you haven’t, asks you take you on a horseback ride.
A/N: I had to rewrite parts of this, sit and contemplate, daydream, etc until I was finally somewhat satisfied with what I wanted to do in this chapter. So if it’s seems kinda clunky I apologize lol. I’m planning to make this a three parter so we’ll get to the fun in the next part! I can’t make promises on when since a lot of my writing is very dependent on my mood and how creative I feel. But I’ve also started my Death Worker apprenticeship and it gives me enough homework to space out for the month, so I have to keep balance! I hope yall enjoy this little installment. It’s a special little project for me, I just want Joel to be happy and to have someone that brings out his ability and need to process his grief.
Joel Vibes Playlist
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Joel continued to visit you as you recovered, bringing you some of your meals and discussing the books you shared interest in. Sometimes you’d share moments of vulnerability with him when you spoke of your past, and he’d do the same. He was guarded over some parts, but you understood. It can be terrifying to share that much about oneself.
You offered him a kind of softness and compassion he hadn’t come across in a very long time. That’s not to say he hadn’t, Tess was compassionate in her own ways, albeit her tough exterior, and he had immense respect for that.
He wasn’t used to it and at times he’d find himself questioning if he’s too harsh around the edges. But you never withdrew from him, you welcomed him with a warm smile everyday. You displayed a genuine interest in his company, it had become a comfort for you. Inadvertently, it had become a comfort for him as well. A balm for his aches that he didn’t know he needed.
Ellie had started to notice the times he had been absent, usually after his morning patrol.
“I haven’t seen a lot of you lately,” Ellie noted as she takes another bite into her breakfast. Joel leans against the counter with his coffee mug and takes a sip before replying, “when I’m not doing patrol I’ve been checking on that woman I told you ‘bout.”
“Oh?” Ellie’s face brightens, the corners of her lips turning upward into a mischievous grin. “You got a girlfriend now, old man?”
Joel shoots a glare back at her, “no.” It doesn’t deter her and she smirks, “if you have to deny it like that then she probably is.” He releases an exasperated huff before taking another sip from his mug, “I’ve just been checkin’ on her. That’s all.”
“Whatever you say,” Ellie stands from her place at the table and walks to the sink beside him to deposit her dishes. Joel gives her shoulder a pat and squeezes with his free hand, she returns the gesture by placing her hand on his and squeezing back.
She heads for the door and turns back to him as she opens it and calls out, “it’d probably do you some good!” Shooting him finger guns as she backs out, he rolls his eyes.
Eventually, you’d meet her and her unending curiosity. Ellie wanted to figure out what drew Joel to you. Eating meals with her and Joel was refreshing, allowing you that feeling of belonging in this world again. Ellie was a firecracker with the mouth of a sailor and you grew to adore her all the same. She enjoyed your company and sensitivity towards her and her interests.
Your recovery was swift, you were in good hands with the town’s doctor. Upon the day she cleared you with a clean bill of health, Joel’s brother Tommy and his wife Maria helped set you up in one of the houses in town. The house was currently being used by a few other unrelated individuals, basically creating a roommate situation. You didn’t mind at all, you were immensely grateful. This was far better than your situation back in your previous QZ.
They took time to show you around town, showing you where everyone meets up to eat in town. Various “shops” in town, trading was “currency” of course. They helped you aquire you some new clothes and essentials
Tommy suggested bringing you on to work in the stables in the mornings, helping care for the horses when they returned from that shift of patrol. After getting to know you and what he’d been told by Joel, he felt that your delicate touch was just what was needed to care for the horses. He also knew how therapeutic it could be to be with them.
His suggestion was met by an immediate ‘yes’ by you. You were mostly excited to start doing your part. You had never worked with horses before but you were sure you’d get a hang of it in due time.
Horses are gentle creatures, you remember hearing of forms of therapy done alongside them from the days before. You could see why, they were calm for the most part. You had slightly worried about being intimidated by them but that subsided when you were introduced to them.
The stable-hands you worked alongside were thorough and patient when they trained you. Teaching you how to feed, brush and even untack the horses upon their returns. You got along with them quickly and with ease. It had been too long since you’d been able to give love and care to an animal.
Being in this position also meant seeing Joel very regularly. Whether that was on purpose by Tommy or not, you weren’t sure. But you didn’t mind, you treasured your bond you’d created with him in such a short amount of time. It had also been too long since you felt connected to another human being.
When he’d return from patrol, you’d welcome him back as you helped him remove the saddle from his horse, Old Beardy, a beautiful and well mannered horse. He’d stick around to chat about what he’d seen that morning as he helped brush his coat as you fed him. When the horse would nicker at you and nudge you with his snout, you’d return the gesture with affectionate scratches and cooing.
Joel would watch you in admiration, an old and almost unfamiliar feeling that had been simmering under the service had started to take root. Everyday it sprouts new leaves and blossoms. Although it was undeniable, he’d been afraid to name it. A while ago he had told himself he can’t let “someone like himself”, rough edges and all, dim your light. He had only recently begun to explore what it meant to be a father again, he wasn’t sure if he was fit to re-explore having something more with you.
He was scared that he would hurt whatever he touched. That he would fail to protect, again.
You, on the other hand, are aware of the crush you’ve been harboring. Although there was that little, nagging voice in your head that would ask how someone as independent and strong as Joel could have those kinds of feelings for you.
You’d sometimes catch the way he looks at you when you’re focused on your work in the stables. Or the warmth he regards you with compared to others. You weren’t sure if he returned your feelings exactly, but you’d caught on to small gestures of his.
It was hard to deny the way your heart sped up in your chest when you’d greet him in the mornings. How it felt to have his eyes on you, his undivided attention. Sometimes guiding you by the small of your back when he walked with you through town, on the way back from the stables or your meals.
But how does one court another in an apocalypse?
“Mornin’, Joel,” you turn to see Joel returning Beardy to his stall, back from his morning shift.
He returns your greeting with nod and a smile as he begins to remove the horse's saddle, “Mornin’ sweetheart.”
You turn back to your task of cleaning your brush, hiding how you fight back against a grin that twists your lips and the warmth spreading across your cheeks.
You finish up and join Joel at his side, handing him a brush. He takes it from your hand, brushing his against yours in the process. Beardy turns his head towards you and bumps his nose against your arm, he knows what time it is. With a loving roll of your eyes, you remove an apple from the apron you wore, “Yeah yeah boy, I’ve got you, don’t worry.”
Joel truly admires the way you interact with the horses. You move around them with confidence and intention, he’s pleased to see his idea of suggesting this job for you to Tommy seemed to really suit you. You’ve really come out of your shell since your recovery. You were very thoughtful and attentive to the horses you worked with daily.
“I haven’t thought to ask ‘til just now,” Joel begins as he works to brush the horse's shoulder. “Have you ever ridden one?”
You snicker, “ironically, no. I’ve somehow come this far in life without the privilege.”
Joel is almost surprised, people are typically kind of afraid of the animal at first. You acted as if you’d always been around them.
Joel fights to look neutral as he offers, “I could….take you on a ride…”
He pauses and you glance at each other quickly as he almost nervously adds, “I mean, if you want.” To not seem overly dependent on your answer, he gives an indifferent shrug, but the smile behind his gesture betrays him.
With an excited sparkle in your eye, you perk up and smile, “Really? When?” You never shy away from showing your emotions or how eager you are. He also appreciates that about you, it’s helped provide some kind of a balance in his life. Regular connection with someone in touch with their emotions he finds safety and refuge in. “Emotion” is something he just only shows to a select few.
“How about this next day off?”
“You mean it?”
“When have I ever not meant what I said, sweetheart?” He flashes a smug grin and you shake your head with a chuckle.
“That’s very true. In that case, I’d love to.”
Joel finishes his brushing and sets the tool aside on a hook, “Alright, I’ll be at your house first thing in the morning? Before sunrise, I think you’d like seein’ that.”
You remove your apron and hang it, adjusting your coat as you do. You walk up to him and state, “It’s a date.”
He’s caught off guard and slightly frowns, not in disagreement but having trouble processing what you just said. A date.
You frown back and a sinking feeling almost lands in your abdomen, then his lips curve into a smile. A warm, humored one.
“It’s a date.”
Relief washes over you in the form of a big grin you can’t seem to fight off anymore, biting your bottom lip. He tosses you a wink before turning to leave the stables.
Maybe calling it a date wasn’t such a good idea, because it’s added much more pressure than you’d originally intended. You don’t date in this kind of world, do you?
You’ve spent a good 30 minutes bouncing back and forth between outfit choices, the very few you own. Pieces that are more about durability and appropriate for weather and not so much…attractiveness. But you wanted to at least try.
One of your roommates, Lisa, passes by your door on the way back from the bathroom you share, noticing you fidgeting at your outfit.
“You’re up early,” she takes notice, she herself is getting ready for her own morning shift. It’s your day off and unusually early for you to be up and about.
Her voice startles you and you turn to greet her, “Morning, Lisa.”
“Morning! You got something goin’ on today?”
“Yes, uh…” you become flustered as heat threatens to take over your face. “I’m going on a horseback ride with Joel.”
Her face lights up, “are you finally going on a date with grumpy Joel?”
“You really shouldn’t call him that. And yes? No? Maybe? What do you mean ‘finally’?”
She smiles knowingly and folds her arms across her chest, “I don’t know, it’s not like you spend most of your free time with him. On top of time you get to see him when you’re working.”
“Is that….bad?”
“Not at all, girl. I just think it’s about damn time.”
You blow a raspberry at her and chuckle as you make final touches on your outfit, she mimics you and taps your shoulder with the knuckles of her fist, “you look good, stop worrying.”
Joel approaches the door to your home. He’s nervous, if he’s being honest with himself. He can’t remember the last time he’d even been on a date, even before the outbreak. He was way more invested in being a father and running his business.
He rubs his hands on his jeans, palms slightly sweaty. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and knocks on the door. You open it shortly after, whispering to him a “good morning” before quietly exiting and closing the door behind you. He echoes the greeting in a similar tone of voice, being mindful of your roommates you share the home with.
When you smile it makes his stomach turn over, a weird dance between anxiety and peace plays inside of him. He feels so out of practice, but something about your energy helps ease those worries and grounds him.
The walk to the stables is quiet, something he chalks up to it being so early for the two of you on your mutual day off. But really, his mind is also racing, so it’s just a convenient excuse for him to gather himself on the way there.
When the two of you have Old Beardy prepared and ready, he looks to you, “you ready?”
A glimmer of joy is in your eyes, “absolutely!”
“Alright, let me help you up.”
“Oh, right,” you say hesitatingly, looking over the horse and saddle wondering how this will work. A chuckle rumbles in his chest before he kneels beside you, holding out his hands laced together.
“I’ll lift you up. Just step here and swing your leg over.”
He can still sense your hesitancy and offers you more reassurance, “don’t worry, I’ve got ya. I won’t let you fall.”
You trust him implicitly, you have ever since you’ve built your relationship with him. So without fear, you move as he instructs. When you successfully land on the saddle, you let out a squeak in triumph.
Joel pats your leg as he stands back up. “Atta girl,” he remarks in his southern-drawl.
That embarrassing heat begins to crawl back up your spine. What did he just say? But you love it, can he say it again please?
Joel lifts himself up and settles right behind you in the saddle, caging you in his arms. His broad chest against your back is warm and all encompassing. You haven’t been this physically close to him since he rescued you. It’s electrifying, a feeling you crave more of.
Joel has similar feelings about this, but stays professional. He has to. This isn’t that kind of date, or so he tells himself.
Beardy begins to trot in response to Joel’s whistle and commanding movements. You gasp in amazement and laugh, Joel can’t help but smile to himself as he listens to your small reactions.
Soon, the two of you’re out the gate. The sky is still somewhat dark, but a light in the distance signals that sunrise is on its way. Joel has the perfect spot in mind.
“How’re you doin’, sweetheart?”
“I’m great, this is so fun,” you respond joyously. His laugh in response is deep and rich as he signals the horse to speed up just a little bit.
The surrounding area is quiet, save for sounds of crunching snow under Beardy’s hooves and Joel’s breathing. You debate if you should break it and say anything, but you can’t seem to come up with anything. You don’t really want to. It’s so peaceful, it’s just perfect. If it’s like this every morning, you almost wish you could join him on his patrol.
“Oh, hold very still,” Joel’s voice drops an octave as he lowers his lips next to your ear to murmur, lightly brushing, and it sends shivers down your spine. You hope he doesn’t notice. “Look.”
You look around and see a family of deer, a Doe and her two babies. They don’t notice the two of you, Joel had stopped to a standstill just a few yards from them. The scene is serene and makes your heart swell. It’s amazing how life goes on in the wild despite the outbreak. If anything, it has thrived even more so.
“Beautiful,” you’re careful to whisper so you don’t disturb the moment.
He’s caught himself watching you again, instead of the deer family. It feels like witnessing the world again, through your eyes. You hold an appreciation for the small things that he’s taken for granted before.
Joel nudges Beardy and turns his reins to walk beside carefully, avoiding the small family. They go on eating, undisturbed.
“It’s just right up here,” he states. After a few turns, he brings you to a small hilltop. The sun is just starting to rise as you arrive and Joel gives himself a mental pat on the back for his perfect timing.
“Oh, Joel….” You trail off, the view of the sunrise and landscape leaves you speechless as you take it all in. The snow before you is untouched and smooth. It sparkles in the growing light of the sun rising over the mountains. The sky itself looks like a beautiful painting with purple bleeding into red, pink and orange hues.
“This is…this is breathtaking, I don’t know how else to say it,” you profess to him.
“I know, it makes you just stop, doesn’t it?”
Almost instinctively, you lean back into Joel’s chest and relax. You feel him freeze and almost regret your action until you feel him quickly settle that fear, feeling his chest press against your back in return. You wish you could tell him his embrace makes you feel the safest you ever have.
The tranquility of the moment lingers on until you speak, “thank you, Joel.”
“You don’t have to thank me for this.”
“I mean, for everything. You’ve been so kind and welcoming to me since I came here. You saved me.”
You turn your upper body to face him, he looks back into your eyes with his deep brown irises. Suddenly, you could slice the tension in the air with a knife.
“Thank YOU, also,” his lips purse.
“Me? For what?”
“For helping remind me why I’m here. Why I’m STILL here.”
“Oh gosh, you didn’t need me for that…” you begin to turn your head away until suddenly, his large palm cups your opposite cheek and brings you back to face him.
Your breath hitches in your chest when your eyes meet his. Joel’s eyes are dark and formidable, but you’ve found the hints of compassion and warmth in them recently. This time is no exception, chocolate eyes conveying how genuine he is. He always means what he says.
The initial shock of him maneuvering you to face him subsides quickly, as if it’s natural of him to do this. He wonders if he’s being too forward when you nuzzle your cheek into the palm of his hand. He lets out a quiet sigh of relief.
“That means the world to me,” emotion breaks through your voice, tears begin to break through at the corners of your closed eyes.
Joel wraps his arms around your shoulders and brings you close to him, placing a faint, soft press of his lips to the top of your head. Your quickened heartbeat threatens to expose you to him but you don’t seem to care, because maybe it’s time he knew.
Maybe it’s time he knew what he really means to you.
“Could we get down for a moment? I’d like to stretch my legs.”
“Hm? Sure thing,” Joel agrees. He jumps down from the horse and turns and reaches up to assist you. It seems the tables have turned from you using this moment to confess when he brings you down into his arms, encasing you in his embrace.
He doesn’t move and neither do you, as you search each other’s faces. Your lips part, you try to find the words you need but they’re as lost as you are in his eyes. You watch as his eyes dart down and back up to yours as the tip of his tongue quickly darts across his lips.
A fire is lit in his chest, one that he had assumed was gone for ages. It became an ember when he met you, and now it scorches as he holds you in his arms. He can’t find the words either, but he’s more of a man of action.
His face inches closer to yours and you take the cue and mimic him. When he sees this, he takes the plunge and closes the gap and gently, experimentally presses his lips onto yours.
With butterflies in your chest and a boost of confidence, you take advantage of the angle he has you in. Bring your arms up and wrap them around his neck to deepen the kiss.
His lips are as soft and pillowy as they look, a puff of air escapes his nose as he slowly molds his lips to yours. His aquiline nose pushes against yours, he feels like a puzzle piece made to connect to you. You can smell him, a mix of the smell of firewood, pine and a smell that's unique to him.
You feel one of his hands lift up to grip the back of your hold to himself steadily against you. It’s like he refuses to part and come up for air, continuing to take short breaths through his nose. But soon enough he’s forced to pull away, if ever so slightly.
It’s been too long since you’ve ever shared something so intimate with someone, and surely you’ll be addicted after this. Kissing Joel Miller is sensual and slow, right off the bat. You probably look drunk on his kiss but you don’t care, if your feelings weren’t obvious before they really were now.
“I, uh-I…” Joel stammers, blushed from the cold and being unused to speaking his feelings. You lean in and kiss him again, effectively shutting down his attempt to speak. When you part from him, you look into his eyes smiling as you exhale a breath.
His heart races in his chest and he doesn’t remember the last time it did this in response to something other than adrenaline or fear. He asks himself if you can read his mind when you place your hand over it. But really, you just wanted confirmation.
His smile in return is wide, showing his teeth and exhilarated as he does so. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him exude such happiness.
You cup the back of his head with both of your hands, gently nudging him towards you. You touch your forehead to his and close your eyes and he joins you.
“It’s ok Joel, I’ve got you.”
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@nerdieforpedro @joeldjarin @orcasoul
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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porcelainvino · 23 days
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thank you @sopheadraws for tagging me :D
i’m using my main playlist that i’ve been adding songs on since like 2019 ; disclaimer i don’t have any glee songs on that playlist because i try to separate my glee songs with my “normal music”…. the term “normal” is very reaching but you get my point
1. the cast of mamma mia! (2008) covering “young n****z” by 2pac
no… i don’t think they would sing a song about young black life and trauma uM TERRIBLE START
2. kalush covering “crucified” by army of lovers
nah kalush mainly does songs in ukrainian and their style and vibe wouldn’t fit this song
3. billy joel covering “crocodile rock” by elton john
might slay actually.. tbh i have not listened to them in a while, i mostly listened to them in my old white man music era in 2019 lol, but i think he’d probably eat with crocodile rock
4. marilyn monroe covering “super graphic ultra modern girl” by chappell roan
5. megan thee stallion covering “фен-шуй” by gluk’oza
hmmm maybe not. at least not this song specifically, one of gluk’oza’s older songs would be a cooler cover in my opinion,, this is also excusing the fact that this song is entirely in russian oops
6. trixie mattel covering “carnival” by the cardigans
yeah i think this cover would actually be pretty good! i can picture it in my head like when trixie did those singing livestreams during covid this is that vibe
7. jinkx monsoon covering “one way or another” by blondie
yess she’d eat this shit up no other comments
8. sopor aeternus & the ensemble of shadows covering “cupid’s chokehold / breakfast in america” by gym class heroes
unironically would eat this up like could you imagine a goth version of this song LMAOO also sopor HAS done goth covers of songs so i’d trust her with this
9. käärijä covering “mamma mia” by abba
this is how finland can still win eurovision 2023 JK JK i think this would be an okay cover
10. babymetal covering “ghuleh / zombie queen” by ghost
OBVIOUSLY they’d eat this shit up like if you squint a little, babymetal and this song kinda match
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hepatitushepatits · 1 year
Artists I think the qsmp eggs would like =]
By planetziggy.exe
Chayanne: Puppet, Dayglow, JAWNY, Puma Blue, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Mad Tsai, Gorillaz, Vundabar, GHOST,
Dapper: Ghost, Rob Zombie, System Of A Down, Staind, Starset, Creed, Korn, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Malevolent Creation, Krisiun, Broken Hope
Just.. hard metal. Like death metal. Similar to my headcanons of q!Bad's music taste.
Ramon: Dr. Dog, Steve Lacy, Tracy Chapman, Phil Ochs, Pete Seeger, Woodie Guthrie
Just my brother's taste in music, lol.. Ramón is definitely into the classics but also indie.
Leonarda: Valentín Elizalde, Fother Muckers, Calle 13, La Lá, Flema, Elvis Crespo, Soft Cell, Days N' Daze, Black Eyed Peas
Trump: Illapu, ELAKORD, Coolio, Los Aldeanos, Orishas, Coldplay, El B, Al2 El Aldeano, Zacklanta, Emma Dos Santos, Lamp, Lisa Ono
I have this strong feeling that he would just love cuban rap, cuz it kinda reminds me of Maxo's songs.
In contrast, I feel like bossa-nova fits his vibe, too... maybe more like japanese bossa-nova, tho.
JuanaFlippa: Sin Bandera, Ani DiFranco, Citizen's Utilities (my uncles band =]]]), Katerpillar (a band my mom is friends with 😭), Tori Amos, Kevin Kaarl, Whatever Dad, Bob Marley
Tilin: Peach Pit, XXXTENTACION, Steve Lacy, Beach Bunny, Black Eyed Peas, Mac Miller
Bobby: High Sunn, Coma Cinema, Will Wood, Bo Burnham, Lemon Demon, Tom Lehrer, The Mountain Goats, WILLIS, Gusttavo Lima, Daddy Yankee, Hatsune Miku (yes seriously hatsune miku), LucieToo, SHISHAMO, La Lá, Plastic Girl in the Closet, satomoka, iri, sikisi, Blu-Swing, Los Bukis, Calle 13, Los Enanitos Verdes, Mad Tsai
Idk! I feel like he would've liked more... Japanese indie? Shoegaze? Idk what it's called lol. Or comedy music...
Tallulah: Beach Bunny (specifically like the Pool Party album?), Lovejoy (or like anyone related to them)(James Marriott, The Arctic Monkeys, Crywank, etc), Selena, Queen, Surf Curse, Jet, Gorillaz, (NOT ME PROJECTING HEHEHEH)(I have so many more but it'd be too long and my head hurts so)
Richarlyson: Tribalistas, 4AM, IVYSON, Terno Rei, Ave Sangria, Tim Bernandes, Medulla, Lil Peep, kate gill, Daughter, Billy Joel, Plain White-T's, Current Joy's
He's so garage indie rock coded lol.
Pomme: Stupeflip, Gwizdek, Nekfeu, Népal, Orelsan, Caperezza, Marracash, Willie Peyote, Pinkshift, iri, mildrage, Knosis, DAZZLE VISION, BABYMETAL, yoasabi, nouns, Natori
Pomme's just that one weird girl. She's always super nice but she wants to eat cement 🥰. Screamo music is her jam I reckon
Yeah, idk.. I'll be updating this prolly, so stay tuned for that.
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my thoughts from the DIY article
"I didn’t know anything about horn arranging when I was 23. Now I know quite a bit about it, and I was able to bring that to the record" horn arranginggg HHHHH !!!!! YSISGRHD
"making the same movie" a lotta patrick's movie scoring ideas in here, loving it (not to mention LFTOS' 80s fantasy movie vibes yess)
pete called SMFS w/ neil avron being like a homecoming
almost half the record made in one week jfhsjdgsj this is PASSION im so excited
not to mention pete wasn't sure about it n all ("pandemic baby") so the fact that he's here is representative of how much he wants to do this record now
and then the other half made after the hella mega tour, sorta inspired by that. I fucking love green day okay this is a dream come true (besides maybe a billy joel or freddie mercury collab rip or an actual collab w/ green day or i could go on tbh shh)
time to listen to Danny Elfman and Fiona Apple ig
"It’s a big record, full of orchestras, rock guitars, horn arrangements and the wide range of musical references you’d expect from a group of guys with such diverse tastes." Not sure who's saying this but yeah AHHHH makes me happy
"I started pushing for more streamlined choruses that were easier to sing and easier to discern," patrick about SRAR
"[With this new album], our manager sat me down and said not to do that."
I like the idea of patrick being hulk cause it means he's also bruce banner and that kinda checks imo
Quote: Sometimes you’ll be out to dinner with another band and you’ll be like, ‘My guy does this’, and they’re like, ‘Don’t you hate him?’ Like no, actually. It’s possible to not have egos and get on pretty well.
I believe that is about green day specifically based on another interview if it wasn't obvious. some joke about them listening to GD's green room door lol
bronx is HOW OLD???
something something lyrics are personal to everyone in the entire audience isnt that magical im gonna cry
seriously I am so fucking excited
overall we've heard most of this already (this might be an interview that has already happened and I am just behind the times tbh lmk) but it feels very good to hear
March 24th is in a few weeks time to scream
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💬 - A private correspondence
J-MONEY: Brandy.
ME: Joel.
J-MONEY: Delete this conversation afterwards.
ME: always do, boss man.
J-MONEY: Head office is on my ass about your last mission.
ME: oh, you mean the super straightforward one you gave me as a break that was definitely not supposed to turn into anything complicated or have any paradox mons involved?
J-MONEY: Yes, that one.
J-MONEY: I am sorry about how that ended up for you.
J-MONEY: But head office is on me for why you weren't able to make an arrest in that case. They know you were able to capture a paradox mon, and want to know why you "failed to leverage that advantage properly"
ME: idk man the bitch was fast! She fuckin got me, fair n square.
ME: but I know they don't actually care about me getting hurt. Just reference my last report about how paradox mons just kinda follow the vibe. Even when captured they can't actually be commanded like other pokemon, yada yada
J-MONEY: I did. They think that "following the vibe" should have led great tusk to restrain Gonzap, not launch her into the stratosphere.
ME: No, my vibe wasn't definitely "just get her outta here". Didn't want to be caught between whatever is the deal between her and Honoria.
J-MONEY: You we're face-to-face with one of the most wanted criminals in the world. Head office expected you to make an arrest.
ME: idgaf what head office expected. I dont arrest people. Full stop. You know why, we've talked about this.
J-MONEY: Frankly Brandy, I dont really care to have a ethical debate about the prison industrial complex right now.
J-MONEY: I don't mind covering for you most of the time. I know you, I know you approach your responsibilities with compassion when it comes to vulnerable populations. But this isn't the first time you've let a criminal walk free, and head office is starting to lose patience.
J-MONEY: They're trying to weave a narrative that you're somehow in line with these criminals and betraying the union. This could go very poorly for you if you dont start playing the political game here .
ME: are you fucking kidding me??? I'm more loyal to the rangers than *anyone*.
J-MONEY: I know, you're a little too intense at time if we're being honest.
ME: We dont have quotas! Most people agree that we shouldn't even be able to make arrests!
J-MONEY: Yes, which is why you're success coupled with your refusal to do so is so annoying to them. They're afraid your example will be used to strip that authority, and they're going to find a way to cut you out unless you give me something to get them off my back.
ME: hollllyyyy stormy seas. The divide between these desk jockeys and actual rangers is insane.
ME: fine
ME: Tell them that. Idk. The effects of getting tased fucked with the capture connection I had set up and made great tusk panic. I'll tell the union shrink that I was afraid I was gonna die, and that fear probably got sent to great tusk.
ME: I did piss myself. I tried to write it in the report even.
J-MONEY: Thank you. I'm going to leave out the part about you wetting yourself. Life threatening trauma is good to have on record as proof you aren't secretly working with poachers.
ME: hey man, whatever it takes I guess.
J-MONEY: also you were out of uniform today. I did see you.
ME: lol
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theteasetwrites · 1 year
Thoughts on Pedro Pascal's characters? I've noticed I get some similar vibes from Joel that I get from Daryl (granted I haven't watched all of TLoU yet). As soon as I realised that I kinda sat there like... Ah, well this *gestures to my debilitating obsession with salt 'n pepper bearded "macho" men who have secret and wounded hearts of gold* checks out.
How does one put on one's dating profile "Must exude dilf energy but not have an age gap that'll send my mother into cardiac arrest." ? Asking for a friend.
(I haven't updated my phone yet but I'm going to sign off my anons with the new pink heart emoji because FINALLY)
Oh well tbh I don’t personally have any attraction to the man and I have not watched TLOU (not really interested tbh). I have seen a lot of people comparing the show to TWD and its characters and eh idk not for me. But to each their own ofc!
I’m gonna be honest with you, I’m one of those insufferable people who refuses to watch popular tv shows lmao. I mean I might watch them eventually, like I did with TWD and I am only now watching Stranger Things. I’m not proud of it but that’s just how I am 😔 I swear I’m not a hipster/stuck up I’m just idk lol maybe I will watch TLOU someday tho
I asked @haruhey what I should say for this ask (bc she likes Pedro more than anyone I know) and she said this so
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I have no idea what any of this means but there ya go 💕💕💕
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snowquills · 3 years
ok this wont be coherent like at all but . end roll is consuming my brain so here's your little au pspsps 3rd life enjoyers you wanna think about end roll so bad
also end roll spoilers if you care lol
-the 3rd lifers are the townsfolk, grian is russell
-idk if they're all aged down in this, they might be to fit the og game its up to you
-ALSO im not thinking of this as like . character = end roll's exact character role, its more . who do i want to see <3
-im interesting i swear i just gotta get this outta the way
-anyway <3
-mumbo is chris because i wanted to include him and also grian mentioned him
-maybe, if his guilt is high enough, it triggers an event with him??? like going to a desert town with scar in your party??
-"i wonder if mumbo would be proud", says the serial killer, to someone he killed
-anyway joel is tabasa, he's less of a big brother figure and more like a general shopkeeper?? you get lil tidbits of information from him . also you can pet the dogs <3
-scar is gardenia, except he cant cook for shit so his HP up move is bringing out jellie to play with
-in-game probably pushes for them to be a duo - joins in early game, they plan to make a monopoly . it doesn't work
-scott n jimmy are dogma and cody, nd the hobbit hole is where the church is
-instead of the religious motif they're more like . chill
-offer a place of peace (and scott sells potions), generally neutral-grian leaning
-yumi = cleo because i think she deserves a gun
-cleo sells weapon upgrades, but if guilt is too low after a certain time she gets hostile nd threatening
-mireille and samson are martyn and ren - martyn thinks of them in terms of a knight and his king, but ren gets worried when he's hurt :( kinda like pearl and rose from SU, that kinda dynamic
-etho is kantera because i think it would be nice
-the other hermits are people he knew in the past?
-grrr i wanna put in impulse and bdubs but i dont know WHERE please someone talk to me about this i NEED to get it out of The Brain
-anyway . storyline ish
-after the "3rd life murders" as they're called in media, the watchers (a branch of the govt dedicated to reform) bring up a new drug
-they test it on grian since he's on death row anyway lol might as well yk
-the green lives are how they are at the start of the happy dream, just straight vibing
-but then grian and scar hang out and remember his death (something to do with heights, like his yellow + gardenia)
-and scar is on his "yellow life"
-so every time someone remembers what happens, they're . not hostile, but a lil wary, even subconsciously
-and after enough guilt events, when the world begins to break down, that's when they hit their red lives
-and its like . yk when everyone gets all glitched? and they talk about how russell killed them? yeah its that
-thats the red life
-but wait it can get more fucked up
-at the end of the game, instead of the indecent/toxic one, its like
-a massive warped amalgamation of the previous battles
-so whatever their final bosses were, it's that
-and depending on how grian handles it, and his relationship 2 them
-the boss gets harder or easier
-anyway . i think it ends like 3rd life and the true ends lol
-maybe grian decides to stay in the dream? is he overwhelmed by guilt?
-who knows lol
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blowout1981 · 4 years
Same anon who asked that question, now that I think about it, they don't really mess with kids tbh. If a kid fucks with Laddie or them, they'll just scare them pretty bad and might even throw the kids' weight around. But if they do decide to eat a kiddie (which i lowkey kinda doubt but you never know with them) they might kill a 15 or 16 year old. Dwayne gives me major parental vibes, and Marko is about 16 or 17, so I dont really think the Boys would INTENTIONALLY eat a preteen or younger.
Christ I already typed up a long-ass response to this and for whatever reason tumblr deleted it and didn’t post .... man. Sorry if I seem annoyed I promise I am not at you, just at the fact I have to type everything up again 😔
Anyways!!! Yeah, I totally agree with this interpretation tbh. I think they mainly mess with kids, like scare them away, in order to keep up their reputation and instill fear in them early on. In the movie, they only ever go after adults. And also, their victims aren’t exactly great people either?
There’s the security guard/cop who has banned them from the boardwalk and also... acab lol. Then there are the surf n#zis. With a name like that, they certainly can’t be good people lol, like they were definitely credited as that for a reason. Reason being, to make it clear that they aren’t exactly sympathetic people. They seem to strike first at the carousel, while the boys don’t really do anything back. The most that is done to have provoked them is David looking to be flirting with a girl. So the boys weren’t the instigators there really. There are two examples of the boys going after them. The first is that couple in the car, who are explicitly seen as being the ones who stole the comics from the Frog’s shop and also were present at the carousel if memory serves right. I don’t think the boys care about shoplifting , they definitely do plenty themselves, and I don’t think they are vigilantes. I just find it interesting that Joel Schumacher explicitly shows all the victims of the boys not being great people. The second instance is the bonfire scene of course, and there appears to be surf n#zis present there that were at the carousel as well. Given what is shown, I wouldn’t say these characters deserve to DIE, but it’s interesting. I mean, actually, if the surf “n#zis” are credited as such for a deeper reason than just an edgy name, then yeah, they probably, sort of , definitely do.
Back to your actual ask though and less of my unnecessary rambling.... none of their victims are kids or preteens. They left the Frogs plenty alone and didn’t seem to give any indication of wanted to hurt them until they went and killed Marko. So it could definitely be argued that the boys were more than justified in retaliating. Maybe I’m a little too much of a vampire apologist lol... Also, I agree that Dwayne absolutely gives off parental vibes. He definitely has a soft spot for Laddie and possibly kids in general. There’s also that insanely brief tiny scene in the background where Paul and Dwayne are helping Laddie up onto a platform in the cave.
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So maybe this implies that the boys all feel similarly?
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cloudfiveclub · 5 years
enemies wouldn’t ➵ r.c.
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Summary ; Y/N hates Richard Yashel Camacho with all her heart but definitely not with her pussy. 
Warning(s) ; swearing, unprotected sexual intercourse (wrap it before you tap it, kids!)
Word Count ; 2.6k+
Author’s Note ; let me know if you want a second part LOL. didn’t really know how to end it off so it’s kinda lame towards the end but enjoy thirsty people xx
disclaimer | these are only based on my own opinions and imagination and are purely fictitious, as such they in no way accurate or true
Richard Camacho was the walking definition of an asshole. 
You hated him. Loathed him. His entire being made you want to fling yourself off a cliff. You could never stand to be anywhere near the man, but unfortunately, as Clara's intern, you were pretty much stuck with him 24/7.
That being said, you did love the rest of the boys dearly. All of them were very sweet to you and you thought of them like the the brothers you never had, but the Dominican just seemed to push every one of your buttons whenever he opened his mouth. He crossed every line that you had drawn and seemed to derive happiness from pissing you off.
You had tried tolerating it for the first month or so, simply choosing to align yourself more with Joel, who in your opinion, was much more up your alley. Whenever he started poking fun at you, you made sure to bite your tongue. After all, you were still an intern, and you had worked hard to get this opportunity. You didn't want some man-child to be the cause of you being kicked out by accident.
But then on that one particular day, he decided to open his big fat stupid mouth and list off all the flaws you carried. Apparently you were too uptight, too bossy and had too small boobs. As if that were even a criteria to be able to manage his dumb band. You were already in a pretty bad mood that day, and you had snapped at him in front of the whole team without hesitation. To say that you got in trouble was an understatement. You were reprimanded for "bad conduct" and "inappropriate behaviour" like you were the one being a dick in the first place.
Thankfully, Clara had favoured you, so you got off with a warning to control your emotions. Still, your hate for the latino only tripled in size after that incident, and your despise increased with each passing day. After that, everyone had also pretty clearly gotten the message the two of you did not get along well at all, so the petty insults you hurled at each other on a daily basis became routine for everyone. Though, you did note that he seemed to get away with harsher slander compared to you; no doubt because of his celebrity status.
Yes, you hated him to put it simply, and you didn't care how... stupidly perfect his dumb face could be. But this wasn't the time to be worrying so much about him. You had better things to think about that him.
It was the last show of the USA tour, and the boys and the rest of the crew had decided to go out for celebratory drinks. You had declined the invitation politely. You were exhausted from all the back-to-back travelling that you had been doing the last few weeks, and an early night and nice bath sounded a lot more appealing than going out to get dead drunk.
You snatched up Chris's shirt from the dressing room floor which he had left lying around, draping it over the back of the couch. You shuffled around the dressing room, doing your best to make it more or less presentable and neater before you returned back to your room to finally get some rest.
You sighed in relief when you finally snatched up the last article of clothing from the ground, placing it in the pile of clothes that had built up on the back of the sofa. You were just about to make your way out, when the door opened up. And in strolled Richard.
You couldn't help but let your eyes roll to the back of your skull when you saw him walk in. His face similarly dropped into an annoyed expression when he saw you, eyebrows furrowing in irritation at your presence.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, not bothering to hide the annoyance in your voice. "Thought you left with the others to go out." 
Richard avoided looking at your face, gritting his teeth as he stepped in and let the door shut behind him. He walked round you, making a beeline for the dressing tables.
"I changed my mind. And I think I left my phone here," he replied shortly, eyes sweeping across the tables. He reached out, shifting some items around as he searched for his phone. You snorted when he said that.
"Richard Camacho chose not to go out for drinks? That's new. Finally decided to stop your alcoholic habits?" you retorted meanly, unable to stop the insult from tumbling past your lips. 
Richard paused his actions, standing up straight and glaring at you incredulously. You returned his stormy gaze stubbornly, holding your ground as you pushed all thoughts of him being attractive when he was mad out your mind. Your stupid hormones always did this to you.
"Why do you insist on being such a bitch all the time?" 
You narrowed your eyebrows at him, realising that while there was some form of truth in his words, it also would not be true if it wasn't for him being such a dick all the time. So you told him exactly that.
He scoffed at your reply, shaking his head.
"Whatever. I'm out of here. Let me know if you find my phone," he said coldly, striding over to where you were standing by the door to make his way out. 
"Knowing me I'll throw it in the trash," you muttered sarcastically, folding your arms and rolling your eyes again. 
You had said it softly enough to be passed off as a snarky comment, but loud enough in hopes he would hear it. And he did. He stopped walking abruptly, right next to you. You could practically feel the anger radiating off of him. All of a sudden, you felt small.
Too small.
His overall vibe just felt off and it made you nervous. You shifted your gaze over to him to look him the eye, and you hated it. He was staring back down at you with murder blazing in his irises. You both stared each other down for what felt like several minutes, but you figured it was only something like ten seconds. The corner of his lips tipped up, and he smirked at you almost in disbelief; like it was his first time finding out how unbelievably stubborn and rude you could be.
"I hate you," he jabbed monotonously.
Your eyebrows knitted together, and your teeth grounded down against each other.
"I hate you more," you retaliated lamely, your hard tone faltering slightly at the last word as you realised how childish you sounded. 
"I hate you so much even if you were the last person on earth I wouldn't have sex with you," Richard glowered, stepping closer to you to get up in your face. 
You swallowed at that, your mouth going dry when he said that.
"That's kinda offensive," you couldn't help but reply back meekly, your heart and mind pathetically insulted by his poor comeback. 
Then his lips were on yours.
It wasn't a soft kiss. It was rough. You could feel all the frustrations he channeled into the kiss, no doubt because of you. His hands slithered round your waist and yours went round his neck, pulling him closer to you as your mouths moved against each other hungrily. The both of you stumbled back, and he moved his foot up to kick the door shut. He didn't bother locking it, and you prayed no one would walk in for the next twenty or so minutes.
He slammed you against the wall, hands gripping tightly onto your wrists and you whimpered from the sharp pain that shot through your head. He grunted, skipping a verbal apology as his lips moved down your neck. Richard bit down on your shoulder, causing you to jerk. He sucked on the same spot, moving his tongue over it as he marked you.
You frowned, slapping his shoulder in defiance. You didn't give him the right to leave hickeys on you.
He grunted, simply kissing back up your neck and leaving a few more love marks along the way. You moaned shakily as he did so, mentally kicking yourself for even enjoying this so much. An ache had started to form between your thighs, and you wiggled against him, trying your best to arch up to rub against his denim jeans.
He pulled back, and you took the opportunity to lift up his shirt, and he assisted you by raising his arms up. He did the same to you. Except he just grabbed the collar and tore downwards, letting your jaw drop as an evil rip sounded through the room.
"I liked that fucking shirt, you asshole." 
"You'll like my dick more," he said in a matter-of-fact kind of tone. A blush spread across your cheeks when he said that. 
He popped the button of your jeans open, shoving his hand in and causing a moan to tear through your throat as his fingers came into contact with your clit. He didn't spare you, rubbing rough circles into your sensitive nub and reducing you into a blubbering mess. His fingers wiggled down towards your entrance, spreading your arousal across your outer lips.
He smirked at your flushed expression as he spread your folds apart, and you whimpered as your hole pulsed around nothing, begging for a release.
"Already so needy?" he questioned cockily, and you let out an annoyed huff between your whiny moans. You wanted to slap that stupid smile off his face. He spun you around carelessly, not bothering to wait for a reply as he yanked your pants and panties down. You felt him kneel down, and a whimper escaped your lips as he spread your cheeks, exposing your dripping cunt.
"That's a pretty view," you heard him mumble, and you blushed harder if that were even possible. Still, you couldn't bite you tongue, and a snarky remark still managed to slip through your lips.
"I bet you say that to every girl," you snorted, deciding to tease him by wiggling your ass a little. You gasped when his hand came down hard on your bum, and a pool of wetness rushed out.
"You talk too much," he hissed, standing back up and trapping you against the wall.
Your back was pulled flush against his chest, and you gulped when you felt his hard on press against the curve of your ass.
Fuck, how big was he?
You heard his zipper pull down, and you dared yourself to turn round to-
Oh my fucking gosh.
He was huge.
His cock stood fully erect, veiny and just... long. He was thick too, and the dirtiest and most unholy thoughts invaded your mind when you caught sight of his dick.
He must've read your mind, because he pushed you flat against the wall and brought his lips down to your ear and said just a simple sentence.
"It'll fit."
It pissed you off how arrogant he sounded, and you opened your mouth to bite back, but was cut off by the head of his cock sliding up between your folds and teasing your entrance.
You moaned shakily, letting your head loll back onto his shoulder as he pushed the head in, before siding back out. He did the same a few more times and you eventually picked up what kind of game he was playing at.
God, he is so fucking annoying.
You pushed back against him, but he kept you locked in place as he continued his teasing actions, only fuelling your frustration and arousal. 
"Could you stop making this so fucking difficult?" you snapped, shivering when you felt his lips on your neck. He hummed, and you felt his smirk against your skin. 
He finally gave in, sliding his member into you slowly, every inch that entered you causing you to moan loudly. Your walls stretched deliciously around his girth, and the slight soreness only made you even wetter. He grunted behind you as clenched around him, welcoming him eagerly. The position made your pussy grip him tightly, and it took everything in Richard not to cum immediately. 
He gave you a few seconds to adjust, but started to move when your fingers dug into his biceps desperately. He pulled out all the way, before sheathing his cock back into your dripping hole again. He pressed in all the way each time, and your mouth hung open at how incredibly deep his cock could reach inside you. 
"God, I hate you," you whimpered, almost mad at how easy he could make you feel so good. He was your enemy for god's sake, and here you were, letting him take you backstage in the dressing room. 
His chest rumbled as he let out an amused chuckle. 
"Yeah? Your pussy don't seem to hate me though," he shot back, reaching down and spreading  your cheeks apart. He fucked himself back into you, and a strangled cry tore through your throat as the slight change allowed him to delve in deeper. 
His cock gleamed each time he pulled out, your juices pretty much flowing non-stop from how turned on you were. He had barely gotten a few more thrusts in when your legs started to tremble, and you creamed round his cock, your high washing over you without much warning. He kept up his thrusts, helping you through your orgasm. He didn't falter even after you came, instead only speeding up, slamming into you roughly.
"Damn, baby," he whistled lowly into your ear, amusement evident in his voice. "Already cumming? I'm just that good, huh?" he teased. 
You couldn't find it in you to bite back at him at the moment, too immersed in the way his cock was moving in and out of you, and the only way you responded to that was with a whiny moan. You weren't going to lie, he was fucking good. You had never reached a high from vaginal penetration alone, and Richard was the first guy who had achieved it. 
“Oh, Richuki, don’t stop,” you begged, reaching your arm back to grip onto his. 
He angled his hips differently, thrusting awards and you mewled loudly when he slammed into your G-Spot. You came immediately again, and he kept up his movements, abusing your hole again and again. Your legs felt like they were going to give out any moment, and you thanked heavens that Richard as somewhat holding you up properly with his arm wrapped around your waist. 
He groaned lowly, and you knew he was close when you felt him twitch inside you. You encouraged him silently, pressing your ass against him to give him the 'OK' to cum inside you. He spilled his load into you with a contented groan after a couple more thrusts. You moaned along with him as he filled your pussy up, the warm feeling of his cum more than welcoming. 
He didn't pull out immediately, and the two of you stayed where you were at the wall, panting heavily as you tried to register the fact you had just let your mortal enemy cum inside you. 
Richard rested your head on your back, exhaling slowly. He cleared his throat, gaining your attention.
"You're still a bitch you know that?"
You turned your head round to glare at him when he said that. He really told you that when his cock was still inside your pussy?
"Fuck you, Camacho." 
A smug smile graced his lips when you said that, and you instantly knew what he was going to say. 
"You already did." 
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