#n now that ive solved my job problem... there is the issue of my guy problem JDJDJDJDJJD
bangcakes · 1 month
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spideynewt-blog · 6 years
Lost (The Maze Runner: Minho imagine)
A/N: Hey guys. This is my second imagine. There are two writers on this page, me (Nic) and Tina. From now on we’ll write at the top who the author is. If you guys have any requests, let us know. 
Author: Nic
Word Count: 1,680
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The smell of coffee was overpowering as Y/N entered the small yet extremely busy café. “Hey Y/N! Over here!” Teresa called out to the clearly exhausted girl. Waving in response, she weaved her way through the crowd to the table her friend was sitting at. Teresa stood, embracing her friend. Y/N shrugged off her blazer, draping it over the back of her chair before taking a seat, a yawn sneaking out of her mouth before she could say a word.
“Someone’s tired. Long night at the lab?” Teresa asked. She worked longer hours than anybody and still managed to look flawless. Her skin was a perfect porcelain without a wrinkle or blemish in sight, with her flowing curling locks pinned away from her simple yet beautiful face, ready for the day ahead.
“It was indeed. Janson wants the new workspace ready by the end of the week, but I just don’t think it’s possible. There’s too much equipment at headquarters to bring over. And then I’ve got to find away to transport the infected test subjects without letting them loose on the city. I just don’t think I can do it T.” Y/N ranted, letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in.
“Everyone knows there’s a lot of pressure on you right now, but if anyone can do it it’s you. Ava and I were actually wondering if you’d like to come to the HQ today and look at the test patients. Might give you some ideas. She even suggested you could talk out any issues your facing with her. She has a great problem solving mind.” Teresa suggested, showing nothing but kindness and support. “But Y/N tell me honestly, are you still not getting any sleep?”
Any sign on Y/N’s face of excitement regarding her proposal disappeared as she asked that question. Anyone who knew Y/N knew that she hadn’t slept in months, maybe even longer. “T, why would you ask that? You know ever since..… No. Do you know what? I don’t even want to think about it. Not now. I’m already having a stressful week.  I’m getting three hours a night, max. But that’s enough”
“No Y/n it’s not! I’m worried about you. We’re worried about you.” Teresa’s eyes showed sympathy, the emotion both the young women despised the most.
“I can’t do this right now Teresa. I don’t have the energy or the attention span so can we please just head to WCKD and get this over with.”
“Of course and if there’s anything you ever need. I’m always here”. And with those words, they both stood, Teresa bringing her coffee as they walked out the still overly crowded store and began heading towards the largest skyscraper in the city.
The walk to the WCKD tower was a short distance from where the coffee shop was located. For most of the duration of the journey, neither of the girls chose to acknowledge the elephant in the room, the giant wall separating them, from the rest of the world, from it.
“How long is that wall really going to work?”
“Indefinitely I suppose.” She was lying. Everyone knew it but no one wanted to argue it. Y/N couldn’t help but think about the people she lost, mostly outside of the giant concrete walls that felt more damaging than protective. Her gaze lingered at the wall before zooming across the landscape before her. Perfectly laid pavement paths, fountains, organized road traffic, orderly commuters, beautiful (mainly glass) buildings. The city was perfect. It made her sick to think about all those outside just wanting to get in and be protected by the damn walls Y/N hated so much. She’d give it all up in a heartbeat to be reunited with her best friend, and she wondered if Teresa felt the same.
The minute they walked through the glass doors, the extensive security measures were blatantly clear. Three rows of different security checks and badge scanners laid before them. “Don’t worry about it, Ava was expecting you.” Teresa’s smile was warm and inviting as they both started to go through security.
After passing the extensive security checks, Y/N followed the brown haired beauty into the elevator. Growing up, Y/N had always been jealous of Teresa’s natural beauty and intelligence and how she seemed to gain the attention of most adults, and later boys. After navigating what felt like a maze of levels and corridors, they arrived at a gigantic door, that towered far above their heads to the ceiling.
A silent knock came from the left as a soft voice called out “Enter” in response. Y/N pushed the door open gently to reveal an older lady, who’s face she recognized so well, dressed in all white. “You must be Y/N. It is pleasure to meet you. Ive heard only good things from Janson and Teresa.”
“Thank you Ava, that means so much. And thank you for agreeing to talk to me. I know you’re extremely busy and the work you do is so important so I really do appreciate it.” Y/N’s smile didn’t falter, keeping up the happy-go-lucky facade so many believe in.
“Of course my dear. I can’t imagine how hard your job has been without being able to see the full extent of what you are having to export.” Ava explains offering Y/N some water, which she accepts, before moving over to the large window wall overlooking the city.
“It has been difficult, but every job has its challenges. I understand that what WCKD do is fundamental to our survival and I didn’t want to interrupt anybody.” No one could deny the view was truly amazing from that height. The way the sun bounced off the glass buildings and echoed through the closed in space created by the concrete barrier, between them and the scorch.
“Well let’s eliminate one of those challenges. Teresa please give Y/N a full access pass so she can see what she is dealing with.” Ava commanded. This was the first sign over the intimidating nature Y/N had heard lied within Ava.
“Fu.. full access? Are you sure?” Teresa stumbled, clearly nervous about Ava’s request.
“Yes Teresa.” Ava gritted her teeth as Teresa gulped. “We have nothing to hide here.”
Y/N was suddenly alarmed by the tense atmosphere in the room. “I will give her a guided tour myself to ensure young Y/N is shown everything she needs to see. You are more than welcome to come alone Teresa, if you’re busy work schedule will allow it?” Both Ava and Y/N turned toward Teresa.
“I’ll clear my schedule if I have to”
“Very good.” Ava’s soft smile she had initially displayed when the two entered the room, once again lit up her ageing face.
“And this is the trials ward.” Ava gestured to the many separate labs all separated by windows that were made of anything but glass. Test patients were banging on the windows but not even seeming to dent the material. Y/N made note of the extremely sturdy material, wanting to take every precaution available to ensure the infected did not get loose in the streets of the city.
“So 40 infected. How many immunes?” Y/N asks both Ava and Teresa, to busy scribbling away on her notepad to look up at the two women, now wearing pristine white lab coats.
“25.” Teresa said sheepishly. This caused Y/N to look up, moving a stray strand of hair behind her ear to get a better look at Teresa’s expression. It was hard to read. Somewhere between scared and secretive. “And one extremely special case. Subject A5”
“Male or Female?” Y/N fired back quickly.
“Male.” Teresa answered just as quick. Ava removed herself quietly, entering one of the nearby labs to inspect progress.
“How old?”
“I’d say so.”
“Hm.” Y/N pondered. “I better take a look. If he’s as important as your nervousness suggests, he’s going to need extra preparation and procedures.”
“No Y/N I’m really not sure that’s a good idea.” Teresa exclaimed suddenly. Y/N was confused at Teresa’s sudden outburst. Realizing she wasn’t going to take her to the ‘special immune’, Y/N entered the door she’d saw Ava leave through.
“Ava,” the scientist turned to face Y/N. “Would it be possible for me to see Subject A5?”
“Yes, of course. He needs to be kept under close watch, especially during this move.” Y/N nodded in compliance. “Follow me.” The three women walked in unison, Ava, followed by Y/N, followed by Teresa, down the long corridor of lobs and holding rooms full of immunes until the reached a glass door with an additional security pad.
Ava tapped in a code that neither girl paid much attention to, respecting Ava’s authority. As they entered the next wing of the complex building, the clinical white walls became a navy blue and grey with compliments of white. The atmosphere was calmer than the labs before. There were less people running round, showing the immense pressure of their work on their faces. It was odd.  Y/N knew something was wrong.
Ava stopped in front of a steel door and opened it, in what felt to Teresa like, slow motion. The sudden movement of the door caused both young women to jump suddenly, and as Y/N stepped into the light and saw subject A5 for the first time, she felt as though her world was being torn apart and glued together all at once.
She remembered the good memories she had of the two building blanket forts together, spending hours inside watch movies and eating ice creams. She remembered the water fights in the summer and the Hot Chocolate by the fire in the winter. She remembered it all. The laughter. The tears. Their first fight. Their first kiss. Their only kiss.
Y/N turned to Teresa, tears threatening to fall. “Minho?” It was barely a whisper.
A/N: There could be more parts to this if you you would want to read them
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