#n sirius is experiencing a change to their dynamic but
ronanwazlib · 2 years
why are some people so insistent that lily disliked or even hated sirius n vice versa?? sirius has a friend shaped spot in his heart specifically reserved for loving lily potter née evans, actually. if u even care.
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thephoenix-hq · 5 years
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☞ NAME: Edgar Bones. ☞ AGE: Twenty-One (08.01.1958). ☞ BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood. ☞ HOUSE: Former Hufflepuff. ☞ GENDER: Cis-male. ☞ FACECLAIM: Jessie Usher. ☞ TRIGGER WARNING: Drug addiction and overdose.
Edgar and his twin sister, Amelia, grew up in high society. Their father worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, their mother a cultural journalist for the Prophet. Due to the high demand of their careers and the incessant need to supply their children with superficial goods, the Bones twins were almost entirely brought up by their house elves. They lived in a gated community in a muggle neighborhood and spent more time with their non-magic neighbors than those inside their own community. That’s not to say that they never saw them at all. The Bones were regular attendants of society balls and ministry galas. It was all out of expectation more than desire. In fact, the best memories Edgar had of wizards growing up weren’t the parties or the frequent absence of his parents. It was the holidays. They never missed a big holiday. They’d pack their bags and spend the week at the McKinnon’s manner in Inverness.
Edgar enjoyed it because he was surrounded by a family who loved each other deeply and therefore loved them, too. There were six boys of varying ages, one that was his age, one that was only a year or two older, another that was about three years younger, and Marlene - who was two years or so his junior and could rough it with the best of them until she was about thirteen and suddenly became a ‘proper girl.’ It was something Edgar cherished endlessly, feeling slightly jealous of them only when it was time to leave and he was reminded in an instant that he wasn’t actually related to them. In Hogwarts, Edgar quickly found his love for late nights and sneaky endeavors. By his fourth year, he was already known around Hufflepuff house as the resident play boy. Over that summer, his muggle friends taught him the ways of various street drugs and his fascination was almost immediate.
While in school, it never posed a problem. He would be in classes by day, get his work done over dinner, and finish out the night in any way of his choosing. Edgar somehow had an endless supply of wizardly party favors that, magically, went unnoticed by the professors entirely. It wasn’t until after school that the obsession started to become harrowing. He didn’t have to work. His parents allowed him to live in their empty house, Amelia left for a travel year, and his muggle friends were still in school for another year or so. He could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. The desire to stay Up became frantic and desperate - until one night in late February when everything went south, fast.
- J U N E 1 9 7 9 -
It had been three months since the night that changed the course of Edgar’s life. Staying focused proved much harder than he could’ve imagined and his days had been filled with meaningless busy work, just to stay grounded. Albus Dumbledore showed up while Edgar had been trying to build a bench the muggle way. Frustrated, covered in dirt with a wrench in hand, the sight of his old professor had been both surprising and welcoming. When Albus explained the situation to Edgar and asked him to join the Order of the Phoenix, he immediately agreed. It wasn’t so much about the cause, though he had never had the same mindset as his pureblooded comrades at the society parties, but the undeniable ability to stay focused wasn’t something he could pass up on.
← C O N N E C T I O N S →
← Amelia Bones
Growing up, they were the only thing standing in the way of a completely lonely childhood. With the frequent absense of their parents, Edgar and Amelia relied on each other. Being the more mature one of the two, Amelia always tended to take care of Edgar. For a while, he thought it was simply their dynamic. It’s how they worked and neither of them minded it. He started to see the weight on Amelia’s shoulders as they grew older, though. Taking care of her brother wasn’t something she did just because anymore. She did it because she felt like she had to. When she returned from her year trip to Paris, he could see how much happier she was and it suddenly made sense to him. He had been the weight. After that, he told himself he’d stop causing her such trouble but it didn’t happen right away. Edgar continued to struggle for a while, each morning Amelia seeming to pick him up off the ground and right his wrongdoings. She hadn’t been back for very long when he started hiding from her, not letting her see when he was in such a state. That night in February, he managed to get himself to Saint Mungo’s. He check himself in, got himself cleaned up, and made a promise to himself that Amelia would never find out. He asked to live with her after that, along with the promise to stay clean, and she had happily taken him in. Has since been living in London with her and Marlene.
→ Sirius Black
Edgar wouldn’t necessarily consider himself a dealer. He didn’t try to sell it, but if someone came to him looking for a way to get their hands on certain things, he usually had it and wasn’t opposed to making a little bit of his own money. Sirius Black, when he wasn’t clowning around with his mates, would be found within the same circles as Edgar - both during school and later on. They weren’t necessarily close, but they knew each other. In fact, Edgar was almost certain Sirius had been there the night he almost met his demise. There was too much fear that Amelia would find out about it to ask.
← Gideon Prewett
Edgar knows what happened. Dumbledore told each one of them the story when he asked them to join. A set up led to the death of Fabian Prewett. Even days later, Edgar had been left thinking about it. What would he be doing if Amelia had been murdered in the same way? A boiling rage filled him at the mere thought. He would likely be seeking endless revenge. He couldn’t imagine a life without her. Edgar felt the pull to check on Gideon, be his friend in some way, but he could also feel the irritation that radiated off of him in violent waves. Gideon didn’t like Edgar and Amelia. Edgar couldn’t blame him, really. It must’ve been incredibly painful to be around other twins, the constant reminder that yours was absent in your face.
→ Emmeline Vance
There was a feeling in the back of Edgar’s throat that he hadn’t experienced before. His usual activities were growing heavy, like he didn’t want to do them anymore but he kept finding himself in the midst of a cloudy room anyway. The feeling started as a lump that he couldn’t swallow, but shortly it grew painful. It was burning his tongue, making it swell. The lump felt like it was ticking and twitching in his esophagus. He gasped, realizing that he hadn’t been breathing. The feeling evaporated immediately, leaving behind a tangy, cotton feeling. He relaxed, laughing at his own ridiculousness. But then he felt his heart skip a beat. Then it was racing. He realized he was sweating profusely, his vision blurring in and out of focus. His stomach was churning, brain pounding in his skull. He couldn’t feel his fingers or toes. The realization hit him all at once. Edgar was overdosing. He wasn’t exactly sure how he did it, but he made it to Saint Mungo’s. His memory was failing him but he knew he had smashed his knees on the concrete right outside the emergency room. A mediwitch, who had been outside smoking a pipe, dashed over to him and helped him to his feet. There was sick down his front; had he thrown up? Edgar lost consciousness somewhere between those first few steps and actually getting into the hospital. When he awoke next, he was in a room he didn’t recognize. There were bright, florescent lights above his head and a pale healer he recognized stood over him, her fingers checking the pulse in his neck. That healer had been Emmeline Vance. They had never been close, but he knew her from school and he begged her not to tell anyone what had happened. She agreed to keep his secret as long as he promised to stay sober. This spurred an unlikely friendship that met weekly to talk about what he had done since they last saw each other. He needed those meetings. They gave him something to focus on, someone to impress.
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