#like he’d obviously be MORE happy for james and once he got to know her sirius is 100% a lily rights truther
ronanwazlib · 2 years
why are some people so insistent that lily disliked or even hated sirius n vice versa?? sirius has a friend shaped spot in his heart specifically reserved for loving lily potter née evans, actually. if u even care.
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athenasparrow · 1 year
“you left your underwear back at my place.” Jily
Because this made me laugh when I read it
I hope this makes you laugh too @liiilyevans 😂
Rating: M
Send me a prompt
When Lily wakes up, it’s to a pounding headache and a bitter taste in her mouth that informs her – in a voice that sounds eerily like Petunia – that she shouldn’t have downed the five flaming vodka shots at the end of the night. But Marlene had already ordered them and it would’ve been such a waste.
Lily groans and reaches for her phone, determined to tell Marlene off for making her feel so damn horrible, but she's rather distracted by the message that blinks innocently at her on the screen.
Unknown: Hi : D You left your underwear at my place. Let me know when you're awake - I can drop them off.
Lily stares at the message...someone has obviously typed in the wrong number; it was hazy, but she remembers getting in the cab alone. And her underwear was still–
Oh no.
Lily frantically yanks up her dress, staring in horror at her very knickerless–
Lily: Who is this?
Had she shagged the cab driver? She couldn’t remember if he was cute or not. Oh god, what if she’d given in to the building super who had been hitting on her for months. He was like fifty! That would explain why he had her number. Shit, double shit. 
Lily: Is this Horace? 
Unknown: Wait, you're shagging Slughorn?
A wave of pure relief swept through Lily; she was not – thank god – shagging her super.
Lily: No! No more questions!
Who are you?
I’ve woken up with no knickers and am now checking the opening hours for my nearest chemist so I can go buy a fucking pregnancy test.
And get an STI screening!
I do not have time for games right now!
Tell me who you are and return my knickers at once!
Woah, hold on a sec
You don’t need a pregnancy test or an STI screening
At least not because of last night
And how would you know that genius?
Unless you’re infertile and a virgin there’s a chance of both!
Again, who am I speaking with?????
Unknown: I am neither infertile nor a virgin
Lily: Then you don’t “know” shit, do you?
Unknown: But we did not have sex last night
Lily: Oh!
Unknown: And this is your neighbour, James
Lily: I don’t have a neighbour named James!
James: I beg to differ. Listen, can you answer your door?
Even with that warning, Lily still jumped when a sharp rap sounded in her apartment. She had quite a few things to say to this man! She didn’t have a neighbour named James; she would know, she’d been living in this apartment for three years. Alice and Frank lived down the hall – they were looking for a bigger place since the arrival of their little one – in number seven. Arabella – a lady who had more cats than square metres – lived in number six. Number five held a charming set of twins – Gideon and Fabian – who Lily was happy to flirt with every time they got mail at the same time. She was in number five and number four–
Oh no.
Lily doesn't have time to stop her hand as it reaches out in front of her and opens the door.
Fit bloke from number four.
He looks even more delicious and Lily is suddenly rather regretful he’d said they hadn’t shagged. But she’s distracted from that thought by the sudden assault of memories.
“Pads?” James calls, hearing the door slam shut. He barely glances up from his phone as he frowns at the latest next his mother’s sent him. 
He does jump up at the ensuing crash – and rather loud silence in place of his brother’s usual greeting – running to the hallway and greeted with a rather strange sight.
The beautiful redhead from number five is sprawled out on his floor and seems to be giving her shoe a rather harsh verbal lashing.
“What are you making me trip for, you stupid thing!”
“Are you sure it’s the shoe that made you trip and not the several glasses of whatever you’ve been drinking?” James interrupts with a laugh.
She spins around, obviously caught by surprise, before letting out a triumphant yell as she yanks one heel off, then the other, tossing them carelessly over her shoulder. James winces at the mark the first one leaves on his wall but decides it’s nothing when her second shoe narrowly misses the vase his mother had gifted him.
“I think you’re in the wrong apartment,” James says kindly. She looked quite plastered. “Would you like me to–”
“I’m not in the wrong apartment!” Lily interrupts confidently. “You’re fit-man!”
“I’m James actually?” James says, rather bewildered. “And if anyone is fit here, it’s you!”
The redhead looks rather delighted at his compliment. “That’s excellent that you think so! This will work rather nicely then!”
“What will work nic– Hey! What are you doing?” 
Jame thinks it’s a fair question since she’s hiked up her dress – he was not going to look – and was tugging her deep blue lacy knickers – no looking! – down her pale legs. 
“Well, how are we supposed to do it with them on?” The redhead says, shooting him a look that James thinks is supposed to mean duh when in reality, he’s quite far from understanding anything at the moment.
“It?” James asks, clearing his throat and happy she doesn't appear to notice he sounds like a frog.
“Don’t you know what sex is?” And now she’s giggling at him, bright and free and drunk.
“I know what sex is,” James feels the need to clarify. “But we can’t do it right now.” No matter how much I wish we could.
“Why not?” She demands, her eyes wide – and mesmerising – and horrified as she stares at him.
“Because you’re drunk,” James breaks to her gently, fighting back a laugh. “And I don’t even know your name.”
“Lily.” A pause. “I suppose it would be odd to have sex with me when you don’t know my name.”
James nods vigorously, glad she’s seeing some sense. Hopefully he can convince her to go back to her apartment so he doesn't have to keep telling his cock to stay the fuck down. 
“It’s a pity I’m drunk,” she tells him. “I was really hoping for an orgasm before bed, it really helps me sleep, you know?”
James chokes on the very air he was supposed to be breathing. He does know but he’s not going to tell her that. “I suppose you’ll have to sort that out yourself."
Lily heaves a long sigh like he’s announced Christmas has been cancelled. “Are you sure you can’t help me?” she pouts.
You’re sure James, he tells himself sternly. 
“I’m sure,” he confirms. “You’re drunk.” He says this out loud for his benefit as much as for hers.
“So you would help me if I wasn’t drunk?” 
I would bury my face between your legs and make you cum over and over again.
“Would love to,” James says instead. “If you still want to of course.”
“I’ll still want to,” Lily declares surely and James hopes so, but he won’t hold it against her if she doesn’t. “Oh no!”
“Oh no what?” 
“I’m going to be sick.”
Well shit. 
James scrambles to his feet, thankful the bathroom is in the hallway as he helps her stand and rushes her to the toilet. He holds her hair as she retches into the toilet and offers her a glass of water when she’s done. 
“Now I’ve ruined it” Lily sighs regretfully as she leans her cheek against the toilet seat.
“Ruined what?”
“My sexiness! This is decidedly un-sexy.”
He shouldn’t be flirting – she's drunk – but James can’t help but reassure her. “You could throw up in my toilet all day long and I’ll still think you're beautiful.”
“You would?”
“I would. But let’s talk about this tomorrow, okay? I think you could use some sleep.”
“You’re fit and nice. Do you think I could marry you someday?”
“How about we go on a sober date first,” James proposes, shoving aside the image of her in a white dress that his traitorous mind procures.
“If we must,” Lily hums, letting him pull her up. She grabs a pen off his console and – rather neatly, given how drunk she is – writes her number on his arm. “Now you can find me again!”
She looks so pleased with herself that James doesn’t remind her he only needs to walk three metres to her door. Instead, he grabs her shoes as he guides her out his door and down the hallway. When he sees her safely to bed – her eyes are already heavy – he slips out to leave her in peace. 
Damn. Her knickers.
He grins as he reaches into his pocket for his phone, typing in the numbers neatly scrawled on his arm.
James: Hi : D You left your underwear at my place…
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blue-bujo · 9 months
Bowled Over (Roy Kent x Reader): Chapter Eight
You work at a bowling alley and a young girl named Phoebe has a birthday party there. You catch her uncle's eye.
Roy Kent x female reader
Will try to update roughly every two weeks
Chapter Eight: Roy Kent, Baby Whisperer
(7.2k words)
Warnings: Roy Kent-level language (you know what you're in for), insecurity, mentions of sex, tooth-rotting fluff
Summary: Roy takes a big step and asks you to come to a team dinner at Ola’s, where you get to properly meet the greyhounds and their families.
Author's note: Buckle in for a long one! This is to tide you over, because I probably won't be posting a new chapter in January; we've got family birthdays three out of the four weekends, so I don't want to stress about getting something out in time. Happy New Year, and I'll see you with a new chapter in a month!
You had great fun driving Roy’s SUV for the next few weeks. It was large and expensive, so people tended to give it a wide berth. And since you didn’t have to walk to work, you were getting to sleep a bit later, which was doing wonders for you.
It was amazing that Roy let you use the Beast without any hesitation, that he trusted you that much. That he wanted to spend time with you, and keep you around, and know you deeper. Things were going very well between the two of you.
Lettie was completely invested. She wanted to know every single detail, and had done her homework on Roy once you’d revealed that he was a public figure. She’d questioned every single text and phone call that made you smile during a shift, demanding to know exactly how Roy was treating you right. You’d even caught her telling the other members of staff that you were dating “a football legend.”
Roy had gotten a kick out of that when you’d told him one date night. It was at your favorite restaurant, a little hole-in-the-wall Italian place where he was unlikely to be spotted by paparazzi. Rumors were starting to swirl that he had a “mystery girl,” which both thrilled and terrified you, but thankfully no pictures had been sneakily snapped. Yet. You were still able to enjoy your anonymity, laughing and twirling pasta with the man you’d been lucky enough to meet while you worked his niece’s birthday party.
“So let me understand this, she tried to tell Snack Bar James that he’d forever missed out on catching you because now your standards are too high for the likes of him?” Roy’s eyes were crinkled at the edges as he tried not to grin.
“Pretty much,” you laughed. “I think we were both relieved. Lettie’s been trying to set us up for the entire year he’s worked with us, but he’s obviously more interested in Ashley in the pro shop.”
“Still, that Lettie’s a fuckin’ savage,” said Roy, respect heavy in his gruff voice. Then he took a bite of his chicken parmesan and sighed happily, looking at you.
“What?” you asked.
“Nothing. Just- this is nice. Us. I’ve been enjoying myself.”
“That’s good to know, considering we haven’t really done anything. What with your knee and everything.”
You both glanced down to the offending appendage in its articulating brace. Roy would hopefully get the okay from physio the following week to begin putting weight back onto it and using it more normally, but you were enjoying being the chauffer for now. It leant itself to quiet days in, calm conversations and movie nights snuggled on the couch, sometimes with Phoebe as well. It was hardly any different from your quiet existence before, except you weren’t lonely anymore.
“You’re kidding about doing nothing, right?” The man put down his fork and trained his gaze on you. It was one of the things about him that you loved best; he made sure that those around him felt seen. “This isn’t nothing, it’s fucking everything. I get to be a normal bloke with you, hearing the petty gossip of normal people. I haven’t had this in pretty much my entire adult life. I love this.”
He paused, his mouth open like he wanted to continue the thought. Like he might want to say that he loved you, but he didn’t say anything more. It disappointed you more than you expected; you realized that you maybe cared more deeply for him than you thought. Maybe you loved him.
A grunt jolted you out of your thoughts. Roy was looking at you tensely.
“I just fucked that up. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
And it was you were confused by your own feelings, so it was okay that he was taking responsibility for acting on his. He reached for your hand and held it tight.
“I’m an idiot. I know. Can I make it up to you?”
Your attention piqued, you nodded. “Yes, you can. How are you making it up to me?”
You watched as he took a breath, sat up a little taller, and asked, “Come to a family dinner with me?”
“A family dinner?”
“Well, we call them family dinners. Sam started it. It’s really a team dinner.”
Up to now, Roy had kept his football life separate from his dating life. You were excited that he seemed ready for his circles to start converging.
“Are you really sure you want me to come?” you asked. “That’s a big step, Roy.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. The boys have a pool going on why my mood’s been so abnormal, and I’d love to prove them all wrong. They think it’s because I’m on painkillers or some shit.”
“Didn’t you tell them that you’re not taking anything stronger than Tylenol?”
“Of course I fucking did, but they didn’t believe me. What do you say? Want to help me prove them wrong?”
“I would love to help you prove them wrong, but only if I get a cut of the pool,” you giggled. “Considering I’m the cause of it, I deserve it.”
Roy rolled his eyes. “Fine, you get a cut of the winnings if you can convince any of those idiots to share with you. Happy?”
“Yes, very.”
“Fuckin’ right.”
The two of you smiled at each other over your pastas. You were happy, even more so that he wanted you to start meeting his team. He’d been very protective of them, and of you, and you suspected of himself in keeping his worlds apart. You could understand it; it was always more comfortable keeping things in their separate placed. But you were pretty excited that he deemed you worthy of introducing into another part of his life.
“What are team dinners like?” you inquired. Then you took a large bite of your dinner so he’d have to say more than two words.
“They’re fine,” grumbled the man in response. “Once a month we all go to Ola’s, and Sam has us try some new Nigerian dish he’s thinking about putting on the menu. Richard brings wine, because he’s fucking French, and the lads destroy a week’s worth of training with how much they eat. It’s nothing fancy. People bring dates if they’ve got any.”
“But not Roy Kent,” you pointed out. “The day he brings a date will be one for the books.”
If it was possible for a man to look nervous while eating chicken parm, Roy was doing it as he thought about bringing a girl to a team function. You smiled reassuringly at him and tapped his foot under the table with yours.
“It’ll be great. I’ve already met them anyway, so now it will just be a reintroduction, which is much less awkward,” you promised. “I’ve been meaning to catch Jamie for a few weeks now.”
“To thank him for chauffeuring you around on the days I work! He must really like you for him to do that, and I need to thank him for being good to you.”
Roy could obviously tell that you were trying to push his buttons, but took the bait all the same. “The only thing he is to me is a prick. Please don’t encourage him. He’s been trying to corner me in the car park for the past two weeks to see who’s been dropping me off. I’m trying to protect you from him for as long as possible.”
His logic made no sense. “By inviting me to meet him and the rest of your idiots?”
“Beat ‘em to the punch,” he said. “We do it on my terms instead of theirs, so I control the conversation. It’s tactics, just like on the pitch.”
You threw one last jab. “I thought Nate was the tactics man?”
Those expressive eyebrows scrunched down. “Fuck you, babe.”
You finished your meals, ordered dessert, and ended your date night. After dropping Roy off at his house, you went home to your flat. You fell asleep thinking about the team dinner, three nights away, and how lucky you felt to be getting more serious with the man who insisted he didn’t care about it but obviously wanted you to go with him. The man who wanted you.
The day of the team dinner, you pulled up to Nelson Road early. You and Roy had decided that it would be easier for both of you to be the first to the restaurant and have the attention spread out, rather than arrive together later and be bombarded by the entire team at once. You’d thought you’d timed it so that nobody would see you idling in the parking lot, but after a moment, you realized there was someone in the Aston Martin parked next to you.
It was Jamie Tartt, and he was sitting in the passenger seat of his own car waiting for you to notice him. Once you did, he hopped out and motioned for you to roll down the window.
“And what are you doin’ in Coach’s car?”
“Driving,” you quipped.
“Driving Coach’s car?” the man probed. “When Coach just so happens to have someone driving him around while his knee is unusable? And when there are rumors that he’s got a girl?”
You did your best to keep your face neutral. “I know, it’s quite a coincidence, but stranger things have happened. Coach Kent and I just happen to have the same taste in cars.”
It wasn’t a lie, just not wholly the truth. Now that you had driven the Beast for a while, you loved it. Jamie eyed you good naturedly and didn’t say anything else, content to lean in the window. You could see why Roy found him annoying at times, but also why he would probably die for him. His manner was so casual that he was completely disarming.
“What are you doing here, Jamie?” you questioned. “No one else is here, so training can’t be done yet.”
“Me? Nothin’. Just forgot me headband.”
Your eyes darted to the elastic currently holding back his floppy hair. Strands were flying away; it had obviously been there for a while. You raised an eyebrow to let him know you weren’t fooled by his lie.
He shrugged. “All right, you caught meh. I’ve been trying to catch Coach’s driver for weeks, but haven’t managed it until today. I was hoping the rumors were true about our old man finding a girlfriend, and I’m really glad it’s you.”
“Oh? Why?”
“Because it’s right, innit? He hasn’t looked at anybody the way he looked at you at the bowling alley. Not since Keeley, and that look was different.”
Keeley. The model, and previous girlfriend. You felt extremely insecure every time you thought about her with Roy, despite his insistence that you didn’t need to. “I don’t know about that. Keeley’s famous.”
With a scoff, Jamie challenged, “And do you think that matters to Granddad? He only does what he’s sure of. Anyways, he’ll be out soon, and I don’t want him to see me out here. I told him I were being sick so he wouldn’t ask any questions. Are you coming to family dinner tonight?”
Nodding, you replied, “Yes, but it’s a secret. You can’t tell the team. It’s going to be a surprise.”
“I won’t tell, swear down.” He started bouncing back and forth between both feet. “I better get back inside. I’ll see you tonight!”
“You sure will. Oh, and Jamie!” you called as he jogged away.
“Thank you for driving Roy on the days I can’t. We both appreciate it, even if he’s too tough to say anything.”
Jamie grew two inches taller under your praise. He pointed at you and smiled. “Oh, he definitely needs to keep you around. See yah, Splits!”
The young man bounced back into the stadium, leaving you to wait for Roy. You didn’t see the prick in Jamie the way Roy had described him to you, but then, you weren’t in charge of him. You supposed somebody that chipper could be a bit of a handful. But you were pleased; the first interaction with somebody know you were the girlfriend had gone well, and the information hadn’t even been a surprise. It boded well for tonight.
Roy was upstairs; you could hear the steady thumping of his crutches as he got ready for the dinner. He’d finally mastered navigating the stairs, thank goodness, so you didn’t feel the need to run back and forth grabbing clothes and toiletries for him. This gave you time to do your makeup. Admittedly, you didn’t need long, as you were pretty minimal when it came to painting your face, but you were nervous, and kept messing it up.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t met the team before, and your conversation with Jamie had gone well earlier today, but tonight was your public debut as Roy Kent’s girlfriend. After tonight, there was no going back. There would probably even be press hiding somewhere, waiting to be the first to confirm the news that Roy was seeing somebody new.
“What’re you doing? You’re staring into space?”
Roy’s gruff voice startled you, and you almost stabbed yourself with your mascara wand. You hadn’t heard him come downstairs, but his reflection in the mirror was leaning on the doorframe, like he’d been watching you for a little bit, his face soft.
“You are so quiet when you want to be, it’s scary,” you scolded, turning to face him. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“Sorry. I don’t mean to be scary; it just happens.” He looked at you, a small smile curving his lips. “You look great.”
With a scoff, you told him “I look okay at best. I’m not done yet.”
Roy stepped closer and looked you up and down carefully. “No, you look done and you look incredible. Don’t change one thing. What the fuck has you so freaked out?”
“After tonight, there’s no hiding,” you said in a small voice. “If I make a bad first impression, or a photographer gets a picture of me mid-sneeze, or choking on my food or something, that’s it. I will forever be the idiot that you took pity on.”
“No, you’ll be the young and beautiful date of a washed-up old has-been.” Roy kissed the top of your head. “The team will go easy on you. Its me they’ll be fucking with.”
You looked up at him, hovering above your hair. “Do you promise?”
“I promise. Now finish up, so we can get going. I want to beat everyone there.”
“Okay. I’ll be out in a minute,” you said, turning back to the bathroom mirror. Roy’s reflection swung away on its crutches, and you quickly put on the rest of your mascara before pulling the green sweater over your head and doing your hair. When you walked into the living room a few minutes later, Roy was gazing up at you with the look that Phoebe called his heart eyes.
“Is that the same jumper you wore on our first date?” he asked.
“Yeah. I remember you liked it, but I don’t have to wear it if it’s not right.”
“It’s perfect,” said Roy fondly. “They’ll all love you.”
You both walked to the car, and Roy put on his cheesy pump-up playlist for you. It only got through a few songs before you arrived at Ola’s, but it had the desired effect, and you were less anxious about the impending ordeal.
Roy was looking around as you parked the Beast. “I don’t see any of their cards,” he grunted. “Let’s get inside while we’re still in the fucking clear.” He reached toward you and squeezed your hand. “Ready?”
Squeezing back, you braced yourself and hopped out. Sam Obisanya’s restaurant, Ola’s, was a cute little corner unit deeper than it was wide. Airy curtains obscured most of the dining room from outside view, but you could see inside enough to know that you and Roy were the first ones there, as planned. Two people were bustling in the back when you opened the door for Roy, and while one ducked into the kitchen, the other approached.
“Coach!” called Sam, smiling widely. “Welcome! I’m so glad you could make it, although we’re not quite ready for everyone yet.”
Roy was obscuring you from Sam’s view while you followed him in. “Wanted to make sure that the close parking spots would be open, so we came early.” Your boyfriend stepped to the side as he said “we,” and pulled you to him.
Only for a moment, Sam faltered, then his eyes lit up as he recognized you, and realized the rumor about his coach was true.
“You’re the lady from the bowling alley!”
“Guity,” you chuckled, extending a hand to properly introduce yourself, but before you could do that, Sam took it in both of his and shook it warmly.
“I am so very glad that you are here, and that you are with Roy! What is your name?”
Roy introduced you before you could respond, and the sheer amount of pride in his voice made your heart melt a bit. He was acting like he didn’t deserve to be on your arm, not the other way around. And he was smiling, unashamedly.
“I am so glad to officially meet you,” beamed Sam, “and so glad that Coach gets to be with someone so lovely. I do hope that you enjoy yourself tonight.”
“I’m sure I will. Thank you, Sam. If the food is as good as the restaurant looks, I’m in for a treat.”
“Do you want to sit down, babe?” Roy gestured to a table in the corner, out of view of the door.
After a last smile at Sam, you joined Roy. He practically threw himself into a chair, and then carefully stretched his knee out onto one of the extra seats.
“That didn’t go so badly, as far as introductions go,” you told him.
The man grunted. “Sam is the golden child of the team. I wasn’t worried about him. It’s the other ones that’ll be idiots about it.”
The other ones showed up shortly thereafter. From your corner, you and Roy watched the team slowly trickle in. Coach Shelley and his fiancée were the earliest, and both lit up when their gazes settled on you. Jade planted herself next to you and told you how happy she was that there would be another girl there to talk to when Roy and Nate inevitably started talking tactics. You liked Jade; she could hold her own.
Some of the second team came in next. They all greeted you warmly, and heaped verbal abuse on Roy for taking so long to settle down. One of them, Paul, was the oldest on the team since Roy’s retirement, and promised you a few stories of their time playing together before his daughter pulled him away.
The defenders and midfielders arrived together, minus Jan Maas, who was apparently late to everything. Isaac McAdoo shook your hand seriously.
“He’s good to you, yeah?” he asked.
“Of course I’m fucking good to her!” Roy spluttered. “You’ve known me for years!”
“It’s always the ones you think you know,” Isaac said darkly. He looked you in the eye, still holding your hand. “If he ever stops being good to you, you call me and I’ll fuck him up for you. You’re at a family dinner, so you’re one of us now.”
“I’ll let you know if that ever happens,” you promised, trying your hardest not to laugh at how Roy was gripping one of his crutches like he was going to hit Isaac with it. The captain wisely moved out of reach before that could happen.
Most of the team didn’t seem all that surprised to see you. You saw a few bank notes changing hands throughout the course of the night, but everyone was more or less calm about you being there. Roy even halfway relaxed, until Jamie came in with Jan Maas in tow.
“The dinner can start now, ‘cos the party’s arrived!” he called as he came in, arms wide. “Splits! What are you doing here?”
Jamie was acting like your parking lot conversation had never happened. He plopped down next to Roy and stared at him cheekily. “Coach, I’m surprised at yah. Keeping a lovely lady all to yourself? Not cool.”
“And why should I have to share every fucking detail of my life with a prick like you? You’d only make a huge deal out of it and lord it over the whole team that you knew something about me that no one else did, and then no one would leave me the fuck alone.”
“Roy,” you interrupted, sensing that the rant would have been a long one, “Jamie already knows. He saw me driving your car when I came to pick you up.”
Eyes narrowing, Roy could only growl. You and Jamie grinned at each other.
“I think it’s great, man. You needed some happiness in your life, and she seems to be giving it to you. We all knew something was going right for you, and it definitely wasn’t your knee.”
Your boyfriend’s nostrils flared once, but then he looked at you and softened, just the slightest bit.
“All right, fair enough,” he admitted. “Life isn’t terrible right now, even with my shit knee.”
“She must be special, to make you that happy. You aren’t having any sex right now with your knee like that,” deadpanned Jan Maas.
There were shouts. Half the team jumped out of their chairs anticipating a fight. You reached out to grab Roy’s shoulder, as did Jamie, you noticed. Bad knee or not, you wouldn’t put it past Roy to lunge at the taller man after a comment like that. He had already grabbed one of his crutches and was brandishing it like a club.
Coach Shelley was talking the team, and the dutchman, down. “That was uncalled-for, even for you, Jan. There are ladies present.”
“You don’t need to worry about me, Coach. I can handle it,” Colin Hughes joked. It made everyone else relax, but Roy was still furious.
“I’ll kill him. I swear to God, I’ll fucking kill him.” His growl certainly sounded murderous. “Embarrassing you like that.”
“I’m not embarrassed,” you liked. “You told me he could be rude.”
Jamie shook his head disapprovingly. “Rude and Dutch. That was mental. He’s lucky our old man here is laid up.”
“I could still kick his ass, just let go of me!”
“How about some dinner?” Sam shouted over the din in his dining room. “Simi and I have some new dishes for you all to try.”
“Shouldn’t we wait for the Beards?” someone from second team asked.
“Who knows when they’ll show up?” someone else called sarcastically. “Queenie probably pitched another fir, and they’re never on time anyway.”
You looked to Roy. “Queenie?”
A growl; Roy seemed incapable of speech as he glared at Jan Maas. Jamie answered your question.
“Coach Beard’s daughter. They named her after the chess piece. Poor babeh hasn’t forgiven them for it. She’s always screaming.”
A few of the men loudly agreed that dinner should be served before Coach Beard and his family arrived so everyone else would be able to eat in peace. You weren’t sure that any team function could be considered “peaceful,” but agreed that dinner shouldn’t wait. Sam and his chef Simi – you couldn’t figure out whether they were dating or not – brought out countless platters of delicious food, and you all dug in. With every bite, you found yourself falling in love with Nigerian cuisine. Even Roy’s bad mood couldn’t stand up to it, and soon he was listening intently to the conversations around him, his hand on your knee under the table.
You quickly learned that not many people kept to one seat. Higgins and O’Brien found their way to your table to learn more about bowling from you, and you spent an enjoyable few minutes talking strategies, moreso for O’Brien’s benefit than Higgins’. The reserve keeper had enjoyed the team bowling night so much that he was considering joining a league. You would have been happy gushing about your sport all night, since everybody at work had already heard everything you had to say, and O’Brien was willing to listen. Higgins, too; you learned that he was registered for a tournament that you were also competing in at your alley, and he wanted to know which oil patterns were going to be laid. But your conversation was cut short when the door to the restaurant opened, and a screaming toddler was dragged in by her parents.
You recognized Coach Beard; he was often shown next to Roy during match broadcasts. The woman with him must be his wife Jane, who Roy had told you was slightly insane, but in a different way than Beard was. The two-year-old looked more like Jane, and was crying as only an unhappy toddler could. Half of the team looked sympathetically at Beard, Roy included, and the other half looked annoyed. Queenie didn’t seem to be popular.
She didn’t stop crying and whining. For twenty minutes, the Beards, and eventually everybody else, tried to cheer her up while they ate, but it was useless. People started scooping her up and passing her around, just trying to keep her occupied long enough for her to forget she was upset.
It didn’t work.
People were starting to get antsy, looking at the exit as if contemplating how quickly they could reach it. Wives and girlfriends were still trying to soothe Queenie, while Beard and Jane scarfed down a meal. Jade reached out for a turn, and put her purse in front of the girl to distract her. You would be the next victim if Jade couldn’t calm her down.
Unfortunately, digging through a purse wasn’t what Queenie wanted. She looked like she was gearing up for another fit. The adults at your table exchanged glances.
“Does anybody have a better idea?” challenged Jade.
You could only shrug. The only children you had in your life were the kids in the youth league, and they were older. Toddlers didn’t make any sense to you. Nate also seemed to be at a loss. After waiting a moment, Roy let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.
“All right, give her here,” he grumbled, holding out his hands. “Don’t any of you know any kids? Fucking amateurs, all of you.”
Once he had Queenie, Roy stood her up in his lap, holding her up by her hands. They looked at each other seriously, as if acknowledging each other’s existence. Roy did the same thing with you, you realized; every time he spent time with you, he ignored his surroundings to focus on you. Then Roy lowered her hands, and rather than stand on him, the toddler chose to snuggle up on him, her front pressed against his chest. He wrapped an arm around her and tucked his chin into her curls, which she’d wedged under his head.
Ola’s was silent. Mouths hung open in shock, eyes stared at the manager. He glared at everybody.
“What are you all staring at?”
“She stopped,” Beard said, awestruck. “She hasn’t stopped in days.”
“You’re the fuckin’ baby whisperer,” chuckled Jamie.
“You’re forgetting about Phoebe. She was small once. I learned with her.”
Roy was speaking to the room, but he was looking at Queenie burrowed into his chest. There was something so gentle in the way that he was with her; you hadn’t even seen it with Phoebe, maybe because she was older. It was like he was marveling at her, or in her willingness to trust him. Seeing this gruff man melt made you fall a little deeper for him.
The team was stunned at this peaceful side of their coach. Across the dining room, Beard and Jame were having a hushed conversation. Roy was choosing to ignore all of them; he was focusing on Queenie, who was starting to look like she was going to fall asleep as he rubber her back.
“Incredible,” Nate murmured. “I didn’t know you had this in you, Roy.”
“No reason to let it out at Nelson Road,” he grunted. “Now shut up. She’s not going to stay quiet if you idiots wake her up.”
Rather than say anything else, the assistant coach went to another table with Jade. Jamie followed suit, leaving you with Roy and Queenie.
“She really trusts you, Roy,” you observed quietly.
“Any reason why? Have you babysat her before?”
“No. I think she can tell that I’m just as scared of the world as she is, and she takes some comfort in that.”
“Roy Kent is scared? What does Roy Kent have to be scared of?”
Your boyfriend finally tore his eyes from Queenie to look at you.
“Roy Kent the footballer wasn’t scared of anything. But Just Roy… He’s effing terrified of life after football, and how great it’s turning out to be, and how much could be lost if he effs it up.”
It was startlingly honest. You’d never heard Roy that open before, even when it was just the two of you. Kids were apparently his weakness, which kind of made sense. He was fiercely protective and took care of everybody he cared about; children needed caring for more than adults did, so he probably felt even more himself while he had someone small to protect. Plus, he apparently related to how he thought kids viewed the world, which probably contributed even more to his being comfortable enough to share.
Your thoughts were moving too fast and with too much emotion for you to articulate anything, so you reached out to gently play with Queenie’s hair. Roy, his chin still in those curls, snuck a quick kiss onto your hand and smiled contentedly at you. It would have been a tender moment, had Jane and Coach Beard not chosen it as their moment to approach. Some of the usual grumpiness settled back onto your boyfriend’s face once he noticed them.
“Roy,” Jane began in what could only be described as a wheedling tone.
“What do you want?”
“We were hoping we could ask you to watch Queenie for a bit. You’re so good with her, and she’s been so difficult the past few weeks…”
Beard interrupted. “We’ve got to do some stuff around the apartment, and it will be a whole lot easier without a 25-month-old screaming the entire time.”
“It will only be about an hour,” continued Jane. “We’ll be quick.”
They looked pleadingly at Roy, who rolled his eyes. He didn’t have to think for long.
“Fine, but only because she’s effing asleep, and because I’m still injured, which are two very good reasons for me not to move.”
“Thanks, Roy,” said Beard. “We’ll be quick.”
“Effin’ hope so. If you’re not back in an hour, like you said, I won’t be doing the training reports for the rest of the month, you will. That’s my condition.”
“Deal.” Coach Beard took his wife’s hand. “We appreciate this, Roy.”
There was a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “You’re wasting valuable time. Now scram.”
You heard something that could almost be a laugh come from Roy as he watched the could run off.
“What are you laughing about?”
“I just got out of a month’s worth of reports,” he chuckled smugly. “It’s a ten minute trip to their flat, if they run the whole way, and they won’t. They can’t keep their hands off each other.”
“So you just agreed to babysit a difficult toddler for who knows how long, just to get out of doing some paperwork, because you know your coworker would be distracted by his wife?”
“Pretty effing smart, right?”
Roy was quite pleased with himself. He even kept conversation up for a few minutes more than usual before he let it die, and by then, Sam and Simi were bringing out the next course. Yor table was given a wide berth – nobody wanted to risk waking Queenie – but you and Roy were fin with that, and enjoyed having a break from everyone’s attention.
Until Dani Rojas walked over.
“Hola, Roy! Have you seen Coach Beard?”
At this point, it had been well over an hour since he and Jane had left.
“No, they went home to get some things done without Queenie in the way.”
“Oh. So you are babysitting, yes?”
With a suspicious look at you, Roy answered, “Yeah. Why are you fu- effing asking?”
“No reason, really. Mostly, I wanted to tell you how good it is to see you and Señora Splits here together. You look like a real familia, sitting here with the little Queen.”
You felt some color rise to your cheeks, and saw how Roy shifted his weight uncomfortably. First Jan Maas bringing up the sex thing, and now Dani Rojas bringing up a family, kids! This team definitely wasn’t shy.
“Oh! I apologize, you just started dating. These topics are probably uncomfortable, yes?” Dani glanced between you and Roy apologetically, reacting to your reactions. “I’m sorry. Please, forgive me.”
“Dani,” growled your boyfriend as he put his hands over Queenie’s little ears, “fuck off. Now, please.”
The striker retreated back to his original seat, which left you and Roy alone again. You subconsciously started twisting a ring you always wore, your mind racing as you contemplated everything. Did you want kids? You’d never really had the urge, unlike the girls you’d grown up around, who’d had baby names picked out by the age of twelve. Nothing specifically bothered you about kids, but you’d never been in a hurry to have any. But seeing Roy in front of you, murmuring softly to Queenie…
Maybe, with the right person, domestic bliss wasn’t unattainable.
“What’re you thinking about? You’re doing your ring twisting thing.”
You weren’t ready to have this conversation yet. Not here, where a footballer could interrupt at any second. You chose to ask your own question instead.
“What were you saying to Queenie just now?”
“I was saying sorry for swearing, just in case she heard me tell Dani to eff off.” The corners of his mouth were threatening to turn upwards. “I’ve been trying so hard all night not to corrupt this baby the way I’ve corrupted Phoebe, but at some point, you have to say it.”
“I was wondering why you were censoring yourself,” you smiled. “It’s been strange.”
“Yeah. Not how I expected my night to go, but it’s been all right. My knee’s killing me from having this one in my lap all night, and I need to use the toilet, but other than that.”
“Where are the Beards? It’s been closer to two hours. You should try to get two month’s worth of reports out of it.”
The twinkle returned to Roy’s eyes as he realized the genius of your suggestion. Then he shifted Queenie higher, probably to relieve some pressure from his knee.
“Knowing those two, they’re probably all over each other. Hopefully not making another of these little gremlins, because they don’t give enough attention to the one they already have.”
“Do you think it’s an attention issue?” you asked. “She’s had attention all night.”
Before he answered you, Roy let out an aggravated sigh. “No, she’s been handled all night. None of that lot actually interacted with her, they just passed her around trying to distract her. Kids are people, too, you know. They want to feel included the same way adults do. Honestly, babe, you coach youth bowling, how do you not know this?”
“I guess I’m just good at seeing them in the context of bowling, where it’s my job to watch after them,” you mused. “But I may not be a natural like you.”
You expected the man to respond with something sarcastic, but he looked thoughtfully at Queenie once more. As did you. As much as you didn’t want to have the conversation here in the open, seeing him so comfortable with her felt like it might be a small glimpse at a future. The two of you hadn’t been together long – only six weeks – but it was serious, and future wasn’t out of the question for you.
Gradually, you felt Roy’s gaze on you. All harshness was dissolved from his face.
“I know you don’t want to talk about this in public, and I’m with you on that, but I want you to know… I don’t hate this. I think I’ve known since Phoebe was born, but I hadn’t really thought about it until my career went up in flames and I had to effing retire. I think I want a family to take care of. Kids. Or just one, I don’t know. But I need you to know that before we fu- effing go any further. We can talk about it later, when you’re ready. If you’re ready. You don’t have to be, and if it was too early to say, I’m really sorry. I can be –“
“Roy, stop.” His voice was getting high and strained, and he had yet to take a breath; you had to make him stop to breathe. “I think it may be something I want, too. It’s okay.”
And it was, you realized. The man in front of you, holding the toddler that wasn’t yours, could be something very serious. He’d taken a chance on you, somebody decidedly outside his world, and brought you in. He’d given you his trust and his weakness, and become a steward of yours. He was the baby whisperer. He could be the endgame.
It was all so simple. He could be it. And he seemed to think that you might be it, too.
“Oi, take Queenie for a second.” Always abrupt, Roy seemed to be switching topics. “I can’t stand it anymore; I have to get up before I piss myself, and before my good knee locks up.”
You held your hands out, and Roy passed you a drowsy toddler. You made sure to acknowledge her before she settled, as he had, and she didn’t fuss as she nestled into you, using one of your boobs as a pillow. Roy was already stumping away towards the back of the restaurant, and the team was busy passing around a dessert, so you were alone with your thoughts. It may have just been biology, or attraction, or the fact that sex had been reference more than once tonight, but cradling a sleepy little kid that had been handed off to you by the man you were currently seeing was doing something to your insides. A yearning was suddenly there. You could imagine a tiny, foul-mouthed menace running amuck.
Roy was it.
Roy was so distracted that he hadn’t noticed he was washing his hands with sanitizer until it found a paper cut. He swore and corrected his mistake, then looked his reflection dead in the eye in the mirror.
The man hadn’t seen himself wear this expression before. In the press, he’d always looked angry, all hard angles and glares. Having Queenie all night had melted it all away, and Just Roy, staring back at him looked… Fond? He wasn’t sure. It was something soft.
He reached for a paper towel to dry his hands, his mind spinning. Taking care of Queenie all night had ignited something warm in his chest, which felt suspiciously like his heart. But it wasn’t really about Queenie, was it?
No, it wasn’t. It was about the woman who’d been beside him, who hadn’t flinched through this whole night. And its many twists, turns, and blunt footballers. Splits had exuded grace all night, and he hadn’t consciously noticed until this moment how peaceful his normally-raging thoughts were whenever he was with her.
Just Roy was wearing heart eyes when he looked back in the mirror.
“Fuck. She’s the one.”
As he hobbled out of the toilets and back to the table, Roy knew with more certainty than he’d ever had in his life. He wanted to serve her, to protect her, to have her, to love her. For her to hold his kids as gently and tenderly as she was holding Queenie right now, who hadn’t even noticed the return of her parents.
Fuck being Roy Kent. He wanted to be Just Roy with her. Splits was it.
She smiled up at him when he got closer.
Why was she asking if he was better? Oh, right, his quick retreat to the toilets, which had been a bit of a lie because he’d needed to get his emotions in check more than he’d actually needed to go.
“Yeah, much better, thanks. How was Queenie?”
“An angel,” Splits answered. “You’re onto something with this whole acknowledgement thing. I was just telling the Beards.”
Jane was wearing an irritated expression, probably mad that other people were telling her how to manage her own child. Beard just looked thankful that said child wasn’t currently screaming. They both looked red and puffy around the mouth. Roy was pretty sure that they’d been making another fucking gremlin, and to his surprise, was insanely jealous.
Fuck, he was falling hard. It scared him how intensely sure he was that Splits was the one.
He had to get out. It was too much, being around his team, his family.
“Are you ready to go?” he questioned, more harshly than he’d meant to.
She shrugged. “Yeah, we can go. Is your knee bothering you?”
“Something like that. Beard, you were gone for two hours, not one, so I’m expecting two months of training reports.”
Coach Beard was nothing if not fair. As he took his daughter from Splits, he nodded stoically. “Fine. You held up your end.”
“Well said.”
Roy pulled out his girlfriend’s chair and turned for the exit. He’d wanted to sneak out, but the whole team saw them leaving and called out goodbyes. Sam, of course, thanked them for coming. Jamie, less predictably, shouted, “Good night, Kents!”
In his peripheral, the manager could see Splits was stifling a smile and waiting for his reaction. Roy didn’t correct Jamie, only flipped him off without turning around. He ushered his girl out of Ola’s to the Beast, then turned on one of his playlists. He texted his father as she drove them home.
Me: Need to talk. Call tomorrow?
Dad: About fucking time. Your mother’s upset you haven’t told us.
Me: ???
Dad: typing…
After a moment, his father sent a link to a post on The Sun’s social media. It was a photo, sniped through the window of the restaurant, of him in profile holding Queenie and kissing Splits’ hand as she played with the little girl’s hair. They’d been caught, but he fought down the anger rising in his throat. He typed out one last message.
Me: It’s new, but she’s fucking amazing. Do you still have Nan’s stuff?
With that, he closed his texts and pocketed his phone. He reached over for Splits’ hand, resting on the center console while she waited for the light to change, and took it.
It was missing a vital piece of jewelry. He needed to fix that.
Tag list: @preciousbabypeter @harry-bowie-mercury @amieinghigh @onceuponaoneshot @chewymoustachio @my-neurodivergent-world
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘝𝘐𝘐 - 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙚) || sub!bucky barnes x dominatrix!reader
(𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘐) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘐𝘐) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘐𝘝) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘝) (𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘝𝘐)
𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 || the finale.
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 || 3.5k
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 || fluff, angst, implied smut, domestic goodness, more EMOTIONS!!!
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six months ago...
Bucky wrung his hands a few times before knocking on your door, feeling his heart beat a little faster when he could hear the sounds of your footsteps on the other side. He'd been dreaming of a day like this for so long— the day he finally acted on this secret obsession he had, the day he stopped fantasizing and started realizing— but all this time, part of him had never really thought he'd go through with it. I mean, there's a pretty big difference between jerking off to videos of dominant women and actually getting spanked, slapped, and choked by a dominatrix after paying her an insane amount of money per hour.
But frankly, Bucky needed a big difference from what he'd been doing. He'd been alone for a little too long, he needed someone else's touch before he lost his mind. And he knew that he needed something more substantial than a hook-up, someone who wouldn't expect him to be dominant at all. Even in a kink-less, vanilla hook-up, there’s still an onus of dominance, that’s what Bucky had realised. He’s still supposed to initiate, to guide, to be fully in control… and he hates how it feels to be in control. He’s not used to it, and it doesn’t feel right, and it just makes him sure he’ll do something wrong. So here he was, standing at your door, hoping you’d take away his freedom to do something wrong.
The latch turned and you opened it.
You looked great. Too great, almost overwhelming. Even better than the pictures on your website.
You looked so much softer than the women he saw whenever he searched up femdom porn (yes, that was pretty much the first thing he did once he figured out google— thankfully he had also figured out incognito mode), but your presence was twice as commanding. Your eyes scanned over him quickly and your face stayed annoyingly stoic.
You invited him in; And since then, you’d had him wrapped around your finger.
Even knowing to a certain extent what he was getting into, he could’ve never prepared for how quickly he’d fall for you. Not that he was exactly new to the feeling, but he thought guilt might eat him alive: because of course he felt awful for developing real feelings for you. You were just doing your job and he was falling into the same trap that probably every dumbass client fell into.
Or maybe they actually knew what they were doing and understood how to separate fantasy from reality. He couldn’t decide which one was worse.
He spent a few hours trying to decide while staring up at his ceiling— certainly a better way to spend the time than being social or taking care of unfinished business, right?
But leave it to you to change everything with just three words. Make me yours.
He hadn’t stopped thinking about those words— or about the way you said them— since the moment you spoke them. He hadn’t stopped changing his mind on if he could really believe you were his or not. He wanted to, more than anything; and in those brief moments he did, he felt a joy that he had no idea what to do with.
He frowned as he turned his back towards the mirror, looking over his shoulder to watch his finger run over the fading scars on his back. They’d be gone for good in less than a week, but he knew you had left plenty of permanent marks on him— just unfortunately not those that anyone else could see. He liked the way these scars looked under your fingertips much more than his; he liked everything about being in your arms.
Since you’d texted him to ask if you could have a serious talk with him soon, he worried he wouldn’t get to feel that again. In fact, nothing worried him more.
He was typically antsy as he waited for you to answer the door— he had been since that very first time so long ago— but this felt entirely different: not as jittery, but a thousand times more anxious.
At first he’d been wishing you’d answer it right away, but then he heard your bolt turn and panic landed on him like a dangling anvil dropping on a cartoon character. Suddenly the last thing he wanted was for you to open that door, to be standing there looking all perfect and shit, to smile at him and greet him and invite him in. He didn’t want it; he couldn’t take it.
But you did it all anyway, though it was obviously and immediately a new situation entirely, compared to every other time you’d done it.
You were dressed differently, still formal but definitely toned down. Nothing sexual, at least not objectively. And your smile, though it still made his heart skip a beat just like always, was noticeably softer and maybe a bit sadder.
He stepped in past you, and you surprised him by sitting next to him on the couch rather than across from him on your chair. “Do you want, like, water or anything?” you asked, breaking the silence for a moment.
“No, I’m fine,” he nodded.
Bucky had gotten pretty good at silence these past few years; it didn’t bother him, in fact he barely even noticed it. But this silence made him remember why everyone else hated silence so much: it was heavy and thick and made him overcome with the need to blurt something out. “Everyone calls me Bucky,” he finally admitted. You smiled.
“Do you want me to call you that?” you asked.
He considered your question, trying to imagine you saying it. “I… I used to think it would be better, but now I like the way you say ‘James’ too much.”
“If you thought it would be better, why did you ask me to call you James?” you pressed.
“Because I didn’t want you to know who I was.”
“I know who you are,” you informed him. “I always knew.”
He swallowed as the pit formed in his gut, glancing away to hide from your gaze. “You did a good job of… of pretending you didn’t. You never seemed scared of me.”
“Because I wasn’t. And I’m not.”
He couldn’t imagine how; but then again, if there was any truly fearless woman, he figured it would be you. “I thought you’d beat me up better if you knew what I’d done,” he admitted, almost smiling but not exactly feeling very happy. “Thought you might want… revenge.”
“Surprised that didn’t make you want to tell me.”
He laughed a bit at that. “Yeah, fair enough.”
You asked him a very different question next, one that made his throat suddenly dry: "Have you ever had something that was all your own?" you spoke gently.
"Not for a long time…" he trailed off, letting his eyes unfocus as he stared down at your floor before finding the courage to look up at you again. “Is that what you wanna be?” he asked, already wishing he hadn’t said anything in case it was too presumptuous, but you just smiled back at him in a shy sort of way.
“Something like that,” you mitigated.
His eyes darted around your face— from your eyes glancing away, to your lips that you gnawed on for a moment, to the little crease between your brows— and he found himself leaning forward before he even realized it. “Can I kiss you?” he asked quietly.
You didn’t answer, you just kissed him first; he was so relieved that you did it, too, that you took control so easily and just let him melt into your kiss. As good as it felt to submit to you, he enjoyed the new freedom he had in this moment as well— the freedom to reach up and grab your waist, to brush his hand over your hair, to tilt his head and deepen the kiss further.
It was hard to define exactly where it went from innocent to sensual to sexual, but by the time you were straddling his lap and running your fingers through his hair, it was definitely sexual.
“I want you,” you breathed against his lips.
“Have me,” he offered immediately, “I’m yours. Always was.”
He breathed in sharply when you moved your hips just right to rub up against his swelling cock through his jeans, making him grip your waist a bit harder. “Good boy,” you whispered. “You’re so good, James.”
He believed you this time, finally.
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For your first real date, he took you to Coney Island. Not the classiest affair, and he promised to take you somewhere really nice next, but you didn’t mind. It was jarring to see you in casual clothes for the first time, something summer-y and light which was everything opposite to how he was used to seeing you; but he liked it, and he liked knowing a secret about you as you walked through a crowd of carnival-goers that were none the wiser.
He walked you through the fair and explained how he remembered it, showed you the few things that hadn’t changed much. He bought you a hot dog and even won you a prize at one of the games; that one where you throw a baseball and it measures your pitch speed? Yeah, it’s rigged, but he pitched lefty and it seemed to even everything out. (It’s not cheating, okay? It’s beating them at their own game, literally.)
So with a massive teddy under one arm and his waist wrapped in your other, you two walked through the winding pier, under twinkling lights and over walkways towering over the ocean below. And then you fooled around a bit on the ferris wheel. It was the ideal Coney Island experience, for sure.
Bucky didn’t have a ton of friends, per se, but he was excited for you to meet them. Meeting friends was certainly a step, though; hopefully a step you were willing to take, but he didn’t want to ask you to do it without at least having a title to introduce you with.
“I want you to be my girlfriend,” he finally told you.
“I kinda thought I already was,” you laughed.
And so, with more pride than he might have ever had for anything before, Bucky finally got to take you to meet everyone (‘everyone’ being a mix of his friends and his coworkers, who may or may not be his friends because he couldn’t always tell) and say “I want you guys to meet my girlfriend.”
Of course you were amazing with all of them; you continued that tactful “I know who you are but I’m pretending I don’t to be nice” thing that you’d started with him, and everyone seemed to appreciate it. You cracked a couple jokes, everyone laughed.
You lied about how you and Bucky met, or at least answered very strategically. Everyone at least pretended to believe you.
Afterwards, they all said something about how great you were or about how lucky he was. The only thing he ever said back was “I know.”
Now that he could kiss you without breaking any rules, he never wanted to stop. He hardly ever did, actually. He kissed you basically whenever he could get the chance; you two didn’t even go out much anymore because he wasn’t very good at keeping his hands to himself, but you weren’t exactly complaining about staying in. You were too busy kissing him back, and teasing him mercilessly while you were at it, to do that.
You had already found the fastest way to get him needy and begging, not that any way took very long. If you kissed him while you straddled his lap, wrapping your arms around him and slowly grinding against him, he lost it in minutes. And you really seemed to get a kick out of watching him lose it, just as much as always.
It made him realize that the way you looked at him before, in sessions and scenes together, was a lot less of an act than he’d assumed at the time. He just thought you were a really good actress, or that he was really whipped; and maybe the first was true, and the second was absolutely true, but regardless it had become clear that you had it almost as bad as he did from the beginning. It gave him even more respect for how well you controlled yourself, he certainly hadn’t had much self-control at the time— after all the whole ordeal was about losing control, and occasionally about trying to gain it back.
He didn’t ask you to quit your job. He didn’t want or expect you to; but you did cut down your hours, which gave the two of you more time together.
To be totally honest, part of him got a bit titillated to imagine you with your other clients. He didn’t like the idea of other men touching you, but he smirked at the thought of them begging to touch you and being denied; he liked knowing that you didn’t do with them even half of the stuff you’d done with him when he was your client.
But he wasn’t your client anymore. He was your boyfriend, and he wanted the world to know it.
six months later...
He let you struggle to reach the top shelf for a moment, just because you looked cute on your tip-toes with the tip of your tongue sticking out of the corner of your mouth, before he finally relented and helped you grab the bottle of rice wine vinegar.
“Thanks,” you smiled as he set it in the cart.
After that you let him grab everything, content to stand on the end of the cart and push you around as you reminded him what else you needed.
“We’re out of Captain Crunch!” you remembered as he passed the cereal aisle, pointing to try to get him to turn.
“Yes, and we need to stay that way,” Bucky explained sternly, “that shit is addictive. Only way to avoid it is to not have it in the house.”
You frowned but accepted that he was absolutely right, though you groaned when he took you to the refrigerated section to stock up on chicken breasts. “I swear, you would eat these for breakfast if you didn’t think I’d judge you for it,” you joked.
“What’s wrong with chicken breasts?”
“They’re just so… bland!”
“Not if you season them right,” he corrected.
“Which you don’t,” you rolled your eyes. “Come on, at least splurge on some chicken thighs. They’re basically the same but so much more flavorful.”
“Fine, but no more making fun of my cooking,” Bucky decided, placing the breasts back on the shelf and grabbing two packs of thighs instead. “I’m still adapting to 21st century sensibilities.”
“Right,” you nodded, though he caught your smile in the corner of his eye— you knew he couldn’t exactly claim to still be as conservative as he was raised to be in every way.
Like any well-planned grocery run, it ended at the frozen section where you got some fruit bars and frozen vegetables (you had this theory that frozen vegetables tasted better in fried rice than fresh ones, and so far you’d proven him right) and he got a pizza to have for dinner in a pinch. When shopping alone before, he always did self-checkout to avoid being seen anymore than he had to… he still did it with you, but he didn’t even think about who might be looking at him, because all he saw was you.
You drove for this trip, and he always felt oddly soothed by riding passenger with you at the wheel. He liked to close his eyes and lean back a bit, or occasionally look over at you (but if he did it too much you complained that he was being creepy and distracting you). It shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that he enjoyed the feeling of you taking control, considering everything, but it was one of those little ways that he hadn’t expected. He just felt so comfortable, so safe with you, and never he felt like he was a burden for asking you to take the lead when he didn’t trust himself with it. And that applied to everything— driving, cooking, speaking up in crowds, all those little things that sometimes made him anxious.
There were some things he didn’t have any trouble being dominant about, though. He was very protective of you, for example, and tended to be uptight about how late you went out for walks or where you should be going alone. And he didn’t struggle to ask you for what he wanted— he was getting a lot better at asking for help, specifically.
He used to ask you to say that you loved him, instead of just saying ‘I love you’ himself, because for some reason it was easier to make you do it first. It started as something he’d beg for in the throes of passion, fingers digging into your skin as his eyes watered (as they often did in intimate moments): please, say you love me— jus’ need to hear you say it, please? And you were always sweet about it in return, of course I love you, James, my good boy, I love you so so much. But then he’d ask you to say it whenever he felt like it— he’d come up behind you while you were reading or cooking or something and kiss the top of your head or the shell of your ear and try to act nonchalant as he asked you love me, right?
You’d laugh and roll your eyes before you answered, but it was, thankfully, always a ‘yes.’ Eventually you figured out how often you needed to say it to make him stop asking all the time, which was probably a little too often.
“I love you,” you blurted out randomly as you turned on your signal and leaned a bit to make sure it was safe to make a left— case in point.
“I love you too,” he answered back with a smile.
“I don’t mind saying it so often,” you added, “but you know that I love you even when I’m not saying it, right? I love you all the time.”
It was a simple question, probably mostly rhetorical, but it hit him harder than he expected. “Yeah, I know,” he managed to get out evenly enough that you didn’t notice he was tearing up a bit.
He put the groceries away while you took the trash out; you liked to keep the fridge pretty organized, and it was an adjustment at first, but by now Bucky had it down pat. Before you, he hadn’t even considered that the contents of a refrigerator could be aesthetically pleasing.
Dinner was leftovers in front of the TV— you two were almost done with Frasier, but after that you had ten seasons of Friends to get through. You had tried to encourage him to watch more challenging stuff— you know, True Detective, Hannibal, dark cerebral stuff with arguably more artistic merit than classic sitcoms— but Bucky had had enough darkness in his life that he didn’t need it in his fiction. Maybe he’d find the time to catch up on the last 80 years of dramas and murder mysteries after he caught up on the last 80 years of comedy.
After dinner you were going to do yoga and Bucky, not in the mood to embarrass himself with that, retired to the bedroom a bit early to read his book— he’d heard a lot about this Harry Potter guy and now that he was on the fourth book and could hardly put it down, he understood the hype. He related a bit to the unwilling war hero in its protagonist; most of the time the series enthralled him, but occasionally something would hit too deep and he’d have to put it away for a couple days. At the moment, though, he was in one of the easy parts where it was just about schoolwork and childhood antics.
He instinctively glanced at the door when he heard you open it— he wasn’t sure how long it had been time-wise, but he’d gotten through quite a few pages— but he only quickly looked up at you as you shut the door behind you, before returning his attention to the book he was reading. “So, Bucky…” you began.
“Yeah?” he mumbled.
It wasn’t any one thing that got his attention— not just the tone of your voice or the way it got a bit deeper, not just the look you gave him, not just the way the air of the room seemed to shift all at once. It was everything about you that made his body react instantly. He shut the book and set it aside, sitting up straight to look at you expectantly.
And you seemed to notice his instinctual obedience, considering you just barely smirked at him, raising an eyebrow as he spoke his reply: “Yes, Mistress?”
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messers-moony · 3 years
Gone | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Fem!Potter!Reader
Summary: Remus gets extreme deja vu when Harry asks to learn the Patronus charm.
“Come on, James!” Remus exclaimed to the frustrated boy, “You got this. Think of something happy.”
James sighed, “I am!”
“Obviously not.” Sirius retorted, smirking with his arms crossed.
“What’re you thinking of, James?” Y/n asked.
“Hanging out with you guys.”
Remus paced, “What about that summer?”
“Which one?” James retorted.
“The summer where we all hung out at your guys’ place?” Remus recalled, “We all went to that muggle beach and hung out.”
“Try it, James.”
The spell was complex. Even for NEWT level students, it was tricky to complete. But just like everything else, Sirius and Remus excelled in doing it. They were always the smarter ones in the group, whether Sirius acted like it or not. The boy was indeed quite brilliant for his age. James almost wanted to blame it on his upbringing.
James sighed and relaxed all his muscles. He was taking a deep breath in and exhaling just as deep, thinking of that particular summer. The summer going into their sixth year. Sirius was splashing around in the ocean. Remus was reading a book with Y/n sleeping on his chest beneath the thing they called an umbrella. Lily was lying beside him with Marlene, talking up a storm.
He raised his wand and muttered the incantation, “Expecto Patronum.”
Silver streams began to form from his wand. It took a minute before it developed a true corporeal Patronus. Y/n gasped and smiled brightly. Sirius was smirked victoriously, and Remus was smiling. James had done it. After so many days of working at it, James finally did it!
“James, look!”
Expectantly James opened his eyes and saw a silver stag prancing around the room. His eyes could’ve filled with tears at the relief of finally accomplishing the spell. His smile was airy, and weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. Suddenly he felt ten times lighter, as if he was walking on clouds.
“It’s- It’s a stag.”
Sirius snorted, “No shit.”
Remus felt an extreme sense of deja vu when Harry asked him to perform the Patronus charm. He almost wanted to say no. It brought back so many memories of sitting in an empty classroom with his friends all around him as he helped James perform the spell. It took hours and many late nights, but James had finally succeeded.
Harry came in and began to observe the room around him, “You're sure about this, Harry? This is very advanced magic. Well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level.”
“If Black can fight the Dementors, I need to know how too.”
James and Harry were so similar in many ways. Their stubbornness and their strive to know more. It made Remus stare longer than intended because all he could hear was James’ voice, “Remus, I need to know this!”
“Very well. The spell I'm going to teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Ever hear of it?” Harry shook his head, “A Patronus is a kind of positive force. For the wizard who can conjure one, the Patronus works something like a shield. The Dementor feeds on it instead of him.”
The trunk Remus had in his office began to rattle; he snapped his fingers to bring Harry’s attention back on him, “But in order for it to work, you must think of a memory. And not just any. This memory needs to be a very happy one. And powerful.”
Harry nodded in response, “Got something? Good. Let it fill you up. Lose yourself in it. Then speak the incantation: Expecto Patronum.”
“Without your wand...” Remus added.
“Expecto Patronum...”
Professor Lupin smiled, “Right then. Shall we?”
Harry nodded and raised his wand as Remus began to open the trunk, “Concentrate, Harry. Concentrate...”
Y/n whined, “You aren’t concentrating, James!”
“I am, though!” James spat frustratedly, throwing his wand across the room, “I’m really trying!”
“I don’t get it!” James continued, “How come you can do it perfectly, and I can’t.”
“Because I have a happy memory.” Y/n replied.
James turned, “What’s your memory, huh?”
She and Remus blushed, “Probably best you don’t know.”
The case flung itself opened, “Expecto... Patronum...”
The candles began to flicker as coldness filled the room. Harry started to tremble, staring at the dementor cloaked in its darkness as it continued to get closer to him, “Expecto... Expecto...” His wand clattered to the floor.
“Riddikulus!” Remus shouted, and the Boggart was sent back into the case.
Remus fished through his pocket to grab a chocolate frog and placed it into Harry’s trembling hand, “Quickly.”
Harry took a bite, “That's one nasty Dementor.”
“Boggart, Harry. The real thing would be much, much worse.” Professor Lupin informed, “Just out of interest, what were you thinking of? What memory did you choose?”
“The first time I rode a broom.”
“That's not good enough, Harry. Not nearly.”
“Remus, I promise I’m trying!”
Remus sighed, “I know that, James, but your happy memory isn’t good enough.”
“How is my little sister being born not good enough!”
“Do you even remember it?”
James looked offended, “‘Course I do! It was the day that I learned to love someone more than myself.”
“As touching as that is.” Sirius interjected, “We need a new memory.”
James groaned.
Harry looked toward the window, “There's another. It's not happy exactly. I mean, it is. It's the happiest I've ever felt. But it's... complicated.”
“Is it strong?”
Remus could see Harry’s big green eyes staring back at him, the way Lily used to when she was desperate. It was the same look she gave him, begging to have James ask her out one last time after he claimed on giving up on her. It was the last time he ever saw that look in her eyes.
“Then let's try it.”
He took a deep breath, “Think, Harry, think-“
“Just do it!”
Remus blinked and opened the trunk again. The dementor appeared again. The dry coldness filled the air once more. Harry’s hair began fluttering as the breeze of cold began to hit him. He clenched his jaw staring at the cloaked figure before him.
“Expecto Patronum!”
Despite his trembling, he continued to hold his wand. A silver stream flew from his wand, making a barrier between himself and the dementor. The cloaked figure began to falter, and Harry’s legs felt like Jello. Professor Lupin stood in front of him before removing it once more. The dementor disappears in the case, and Harry lets his arm drop.
Remus stares at him with the same proud look he gave James, “Well done.”
“I think I've had enough. For today.”
The Marauders made their way up to the boy's dormitory. Sirius had fallen upon his bed staring at the ceiling. Remus had pulled Y/n to lay in front of him with his back against the headboard. James flipped face-first onto his bed. He was groaning upon feeling the soft material beneath him.
“I think I've had enough. For today.”
Sirius snickered, “Jokes on you, mate. You have Quidditch practice in an hour.”
“Cancel it.”
“No.” Sirius replied, “We go against Slytherin in just a couple of days. We need this practice.”
James scoffed, “We don’t need it.”
Y/n and Remus chuckled at the bickering boys. Remus knew that in an hour, he’d have to let her go so she could do her duty as Seeker, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to make more happy memories with her, more memories to create a Patronus with. He dug his nose into her hair, breathing in deeply.
If Remus tried hard enough, he could still smell her shampoo or her perfume. He sat on the same stairs Harry had moments ago, watching the night fade slowly. The stars were bright, and he could make out almost every constellation. Sirius and him used to sit in the Astronomy tower together mainly after Sirius got a letter from his parents. So he’d talk about the stars and what they mean.
Pitifully Remus waved his wand, “Expecto Patronum.”
A beautiful silver wolf appeared from the tip of his wand. It jumped around him and looked around cluelessly as if looking for something. Tears filled Remus’ eyes as he stared at the glittering wolf that was slowly disappearing but prancing around the room, looking for its old friend. The beautiful female wolf that used to nuzzle its nose and lick its cheek.
“It’s gone.” Remus croaked, “It’s all gone.”
The wolf had dissipated into thin air and had left a crying Remus sitting on the stairs.
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cursestothemoon · 4 years
hellooooo<3 so, ive always loved the idea of Harry having an older protective sister(he really need one😭) could u pls do a headcanon of how she protects harry and their relationship? annnnddd how she also is dating Fred?? my heart needs it, pls and thank u❤️
(also i switch from third person pov to second person in the middle of this so im sorry :) but its fine ) 
i know a common headcanon/ fancanon for harry’s sister is that she looks like lily 
but hear me out 
Y/n Potter who looks exactly like James 
i mean to the T
and Lily would always make little teasing comments about how both her kids look like their dad and james is just :)
just picture it 
dark brown, wavy hair that was just tussled enough at all times
blue eyes
and the round rimmed glasses that James used to wear
i made myself cry
lets talk protecting harry first then we will get into dating fred 
so she’s older meaning she’d be in Hogwarts for before him
let’s say she's two years older
George and Fred’s year
and she’d hear the whispers about her 
and i think she wouldn't tell harry
she would know the story of how their parents died and who harry was to the wizarding community but in an effort to protect Harry’s innocence and childhood for just a little while longer she wouldn’t tell him
at least not until he got to school then she’d be the one to tell him everything 
she is fiercely protective of Harry 
if someone so much as looked at him funny she was chewing their head off 
Harry might’ve been like James 
but Y/n Potter is James 
down to the way her eyes would narrow at someone in class when they made a rude comment 
or she’d try to charm her way out of trouble 
or charm Harry out of trouble
Mcgonagall almost cried 
she needed a moment 
ok Y/n would take the first week or so just to show Harry around Hogwarts 
she did not care if she was late
Harry was going to feel comfortable 
she is also part of the team, a chaser
will get spend most of the first few games with Harry making sure he’s ok
yeah malfoy doesn’t stand a chance
never did
10/10 would use the cloak to prank him
all the time
nothing is out of limits 
especially after he’s been nasty to Harry and his friends
growing up harry gets all embarrassed when she protects him because hes 15!1!1! he can handle it 
she is kinda hurt 
very dramatic 
“y/n... please”
“where are you going?”
Ron was giggling on the couch in the common room he thought this whole scene was hilarious 
ron thinks she is so cool
ok i think she’d also have these little bits of lily that would shine through
unlike harry and james, who could just inhale near a book and get just above average grades
she took pride in studying and being able to sit down and absorb material 
Lily always passed with flying colors because she was a good student who wanted to prove herself 
it was the satisfaction of spending hours studying and being able to retain the information and apply it to earn an amazing grade that she loved
she passed this on to you
as well as her kindness to people who she believed deserved it
and quick wit
you two also had the same hands 
you had everything else from James but your hands looked like your mothers
down to the way your nails grew and fingers held a quill
snape hated it
because he really couldn’t hate you
he was weird around you though
hes just weird
where he'd bully and embarrass Harry 
he couldn’t do that to you because you wouldn’t give him the chance to
you knew the material
you knew the answer 
and he hated how when your hand shot up it looked just like Lily’s 
but you were making the stupid face James would when he’d concentrate 
you did not like snape
at first you were impartial 
then when you heard how rude he was to Harry...
it was also over for him
he didn’t stand a chance 
you had an affinity for pranks, fiercely protective, and you had gall 
your hand writing also looked like Lilys and snape had a rough time grading your essays
tough for him 
also if any rumors went around about harry you were quick to make them actually about you
harry is the heir of slytherin?
actually no Y/n Potter is, there is no evidence but we just heard that it was her somewhere 
you didn’t care as long as no one was being rude to Harry
so you don’t go with them on the hunt for Horcrux 
and you’d be going insane not knowing how they were or if they were ok
because all your life you had been able to protect to some extent 
but you were completely helpless now
you could do nothing
and then at the battle of hogwarts 
no one stood a chance
the feeling of seeing harry again
beaten, bruised, but still alive 
it was overwhelming
then seeing Hagrid crying in his seemingly dead body
also overwhelming
because you had failed 
you couldn't protect him 
and he heard you scream first 
it was loud and strangled and Harry felt so bad but he knew he had to do this 
I like to think Y/n Potter is the one who killed Voldemort in the end 
you cant argue with me on this sorry
lets talk
dating freddie
so he’d probably notice you here and there starting in first year
but he was an eleven year old boy and girls were not on his radar right now
but he thought you were funny and pretty cool 
and your round glasses that were just a little too big for your adolescent face made you look cute 
then you tried out for the quidditch team with him and George 
you were amazing 
not only did you have James natural talent for the sport but that paired with Lily’s tactical thinking and quick mind
you were unstoppable 
you were brought on the team as a seeker 
and you were good at it too, but it wasn’t you’re favorite position
it entailed a lot of waiting and not really moving until you caught sight of the snitch
it was your excellent flying mixed with the fact that you literally had no sense of self preservation that made you a really good seeker
you'd just
nose dive 
if you hit the bottom you hit the bottom oh well 
but when Harry showed up you were happy to give him your position as seeker and take on the more exciting (at least to you) job of chaser
it was your quidditch playing that really got fred’s attention
because you were good 
and during team lunches or team hang outs you were always the life of the party
not because you were avidly trying to be 
but like james, people jus gravitated to your goofiness and happiness 
it was about the middle of fifth year fred realized he had a crush on you
and little man was panicked 
you had noticed fred before that
but he was always just the funny guy on the team 
but as everyone knows the potter’s have a thing for gingers 
and it was when they came to pick you and Harry up from the Dursley's just before the quidditch world cup that you saw how attractive he really was 
please its james and lily all over again
you become the funniest person in the room when he’s around
always smiley
freddie bug
it would get to the point you'd be just blatantly flirting 
and fred bluSHES
usually he is the one to pick up girls
he has the charm
likes to make them blush
he could barely get a compliment in between your flirting
“Morning Freddie bug, looking cute as always.”
George thinks it both hilarious and disgusting
ron just thinks its disgusting 
but fred is ultimately the one to make the first move to be more than just friends who flirt when the yule ball comes around
he asks you
“Potter! Potter!”
“You, me, Yule ball....”
and as he’s pantomiming it (ya know like in the movie) he also pantomimes a very heavy make out session then what you could assume would be kisses all over your face
it was now your turn to blush as you agreed to go with him
you guys started dating after that :)
“i see why you’re with me. it’s my hair isnt it?”
“what? no its no-”
“you probably wouldn’t even look my way if i didn’t have red hair. you potters are unbelievable.”
“you are such a dummy”
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Without Me - Chapter 5
The one where Bucky Barnes is the infamous artistic fuckboy, breaking hearts all over campus until one day, fucking random girls isn’t enough anymore.
Bucky Barnes has been making a name for himself long before the new girl started uni and became roommates with his friend Natasha. He’s sure of himself and he knows what he wants so there’s no doubt in his mind that once he makes a move, she’ll give in to him. It just so happens that she’s not the type to sleep with people she doesn’t know, and since he’s not looking for a relationship, where does that leave them?
For general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist.
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
I tried to control my own laughter at Natasha’s tone of outrage, just as Bucky reappeared with the beers he’d left to grab. “You’re telling me the first time I let you two have a movie night of your own, she ends up in the hospital? I swear to God, James, I will murder you in your sleep if anything else ever happens to her while you’re nearby.”
His expression is what made me lose it. “Jesus, Natasha, she didn’t end up in a hospital, we went to get stitches there. In and out. You make it sound like she had to spend the night or something.”
I accepted the beer he offered, and tried not to think too much about how my body felt warm under his gaze, as it trailed over my body. This was probably the first time he saw as much of it, since I finally felt comfortable enough around him to wear shorts to his place.
“It’s still unacceptable.” Natasha’s mistrust and horror rekindled the humour of the situation for me, making me start laughing again as the warmth vanished when Bucky’s eyes stopped on me as he narrowed them.
“Aren’t you going to help me here?” Giggling, I reached out to pull him to the sofa before answering, “Nope.” He looked like he was about to playfully argue, but something made him give up. I didn’t mind, mostly because I was happy to have found the perfect position to watch the movie we had gathered to see, and it was the perfect balance between cuddling him and still giving him enough space so he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable about it.
“What is this movie about, anyway?” Natasha didn’t answer, but she was busy with her phone in hand, trying to get Wanda and the guys to come quicker so we could get the movie night started, but when James didn’t make any attempt to answer, I turned around to find him already staring at me, an inscrutable look in his eyes.
“What?” I asked, already smiling and expecting him to make a joke, but the only response I got was the repetition of my own question, leaving me confused. “I asked you what this movie was about.” Finally, it seemed like my words were registered in his brain. He blinked a few times while shaking his head, and I knew I was frowning as I waited for his answer, but if he noticed, he made a point to ignore it.
“Oh, it’s about this haunted house that drives people insane. Apparently, there’s an amazing plot twist, that’s why Nat wanted to see it.” Every single muscle of my body froze and I even stopped breathing as I realized that I was just about to watch a freaking horror movie. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Of course, having James this close meant that he not only noticed, but felt my terror as I turned to meet his eyes and without even saying anything, showed him exactly what the problem was.
Right then, the others arrived. While Nat got up to help the boys bring in even more beers and Wanda rearranged the snacks, James remained with me, at first laughing, but then slowly growing more and more serious as he realized just how terrified I was.
“Hey, relax. It’s just a movie.”
Obviously, I knew that, and thankfully, James was sensitive enough to know that if it made me this worried, it couldn’t be that easy to relax me. Sighing, he wrapped his arm on the back of the sofa behind me, and surprisingly enough, even though we still barely knew each other, just the gesture of proximity eased the terrible surprise a little bit.
Guess going to the hospital with someone really does make you trust them implicitly.
“I’m right here, okay? I’ll tell you to close your eyes in the worst parts. You don’t even have to look at the tv if you don’t want to.” His eyes were so sincere, and so freaking blue. I don’t know how I hadn’t noticed it before.
He was right. I’d be fine. It was just one movie.
“Okay.” I forced myself to take in a huge breath, in the hopes of calming myself down, and then Steve came closer to say hi and I was distracted enough to forget about the reality of my situation for a few minutes.
That was, of course, until the movie started.
Bucky’s P.O.V.
Oh, man. She really was terrified of horror movies - I realized with each jump and shudder that threw her into my arms. It would have been incredibly amusing if I wasn’t so infatuated with how freaking adorable she looked, still insisting on watching the movie through the gaps between her fingers despite how scared it made her.
“You’re too cute,” I teased after one particular scene that made her end up over my lap, face buried in my t-shirt. When she realized what had happened, she scrambled to get back to her previous spot, but I just tightened my arms around her. “It’s alright, just stay here. I’ll protect you.”
She rolled her eyes at my wink, but relented, relaxing her body against mine as she turned her eyes back towards the TV. And all I could think was how comfortable it felt, how comforting it was.
I liked having her weight on me. She smelled good, nothing like the heavy perfumes or the booze I was used to inhale in the women I slept with. It made me want to nuzzle my face in the crook of her neck, breathe her in.
But that would be weird. So I obviously didn’t, opting to just relax against the sofa and try to focus on the movie, even though something had undeniably stirred inside of me.
I felt like I needed to move, like there was this sudden burst of energy threatening to spill from me, and it seemed incomprehensible. Maybe it was the adrenaline from the movie, even if I wasn’t paying it all that much attention?
It was the only reasonable explanation though, so I went with it. Squinting at the screen, I forced myself to stare at the character who was speaking, until the words finally began to make sense to me. Her body adjusted on top of mine, and she inadvertently rubbed her ass over my crotch, making me stifle a groan.
“Sorry,” she whispered as I shuddered. “Are you comfortable like this?” And I couldn’t say that I wasn’t. With my cock nestled between her ass cheeks, the only question was how long it would take for her to become uneasy as it began to harden.
“Here, let’s do it like this.” I adjusted her so we wouldn’t go through another awkward moment right when we were just starting to warm up to one another. She went willingly, resting back against my chest with her ass on the sofa this time, as I watched her from the corner of my eyes.
The fact that she was able to stir up this sort of reaction from my body without even trying didn’t leave my mind all night.
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willowbleedsonpaper · 3 years
Happy With You
Sirius Black x Female Reader
W.C. : 2800
Request: Hiii wifey ;) may I request a fic for the love of my life sirius black? Maybe the reader is james’ little sibling?Also, lots of yearning/ mutual pining please 😭 but please pleaseeee make it a happy ending cause shattered part one left me HEART BROKEN
A/N: Thanks for the request lovely! I had so much fun writing this I hope you and everyone enjoy it.
| Masterlist | Request are open |
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Maybe it was the way she spoke, like her words were written in the finest sheets of parchment by all the blessed people that got to listen to her, as if her voice carried the melody of a siren and attracted everyone in her direction. It definitely had that effect on Sirius Black.
Sirius wanted to follow her to every place she set foot on, listen to her talk as full of passion and excitement as she always did. She had a magnet to her, a magnet that pulled him and made him want to talk to her all the time. Or just be with her, sitting on grass just outside of the castle as she played and ran, maybe he’d play with her. Laughter flowing with the cold breeze as he wrapped his arm around her waist and spun her in the air.
That wasn’t her voice.
“Merlin, we’ve lost him.”
But it was close enough.
“Huh?” Sirius murmured, lifting his head from the book open in the desk in front of him. He shook his head softly, eyes focusing on round glasses before he could see beyond the lens and into brown eyes. Not quite the ones he was hoping for, though. “What is it?”
“Never seen you so invested in something.” James chuckled. If only he knew. “Do you get what the professor is talking about?” he asked, spinning the book in the air to see if maybe he got it upside down with no luck, the book was on the right side and just as it was supposed to be read “I reckon he stopped speaking English hours ago.”
Sirius laughed at that, turning to see Peter just as confused as James and then to Remus, the only one actually taking notes “Moony gets it.” he said, pointing towards the brown haired boy with a small grin. “Ask him.”
“Oh, we know Moony gets it.” James said humorlessly, snatching the book from Sirius’ hands “He’ll explain to us later, but I need to understand now.” He turned back on his seat, stealing glances from Remus’ papers as Remus moved slightly to the left, giving James a better view.
“Do you get it?” Sirius whispered in Peter’s direction, the boy calmly taking notes as he nodded.
“I think so.” he answered “Just found the part in the text that he’s talking about. But the professor already asked James, he didn’t know the answer and he’s about to get detention that would get him out of the next Quidditch practices. He 's desperate.”
“Figures.” Sirius laughed under his breath, shaking his head as he started taking notes about what he thought was important or worth remembering “Maybe whisper the answer to him next time.”
“I’m barely understanding myself.” Peter murmured, turning to Sirius “I thought you would know, we lost you to that book for a minute there.” He said, pointing to the same page Peter had opened in his book, but Sirius just shook his head “Just as lost as you.” he mumbled, but the hint in his voice was clear that he didn’t mean the class.
You stood next to your professor’s desk, your friend just behind you as you asked the few questions you still had about your class that just ended. That was when the loud voices reached your ears and you smiled internally, James was close.
“...and that would be the more complicated uses of the charm.” the raspy sound of your professor’s voice ceased and you had to stop yourself from running out of the classroom right there and then. He is always with him.
“Thank you, professor. I understand better now.” you smiled at him, taking your friend’s wrist as you slowly started to walk “We’ll see you next class.!” you said, your face a blur as you ran outside dragging your friend with you.
“What 's the rush?!” she yelled over the fuzz of the students changing classes and the wind flowing in your ears. Her hand shot up in the air, holding down the hat on her head as you sped through the halls following the trail only they could leave.
“They were here.” you informed her, avoiding all the people in your way.
“Godric, you’re out of your mind.” she laughed, but followed you anyway.
Just as the hallways started to get clearer you got the advantage of finding the four heads you were looking for, just standing in the middle of the entrance to the castle like they owned the place. Somehow, you knew they did and no one had the courage to admit it. They knew it too well and had no need to put it into words. Yes, they got detention and caused more trouble than the entire school together, but most of Hogwarts loved them and they got away with more than they should be able to, even professors had a soft spot for them. They had a nameless power over Hogwarts and they knew it. But you had power over one of them.
“James Potter!” you yelled, marching towards them as you still held onto your friend's hand.
His head snapped up to you, the momentarily fear that he showed on his face quickly turning into a grin as he ran towards you with open arms. You squealed, leaving your friend's side to run to him, bodies crashing as he hugged you tightly.
“Hello, little one.” he said excitedly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as he ruffled your hair, the groan leaving your mouth only making his grin grow.
“I'm almost as tall as you.” you complained, standing on your tiptoes to see him eye to eye for one second “See?” you said, the effort making you drop to your actual height, the low giggles coming from your friend making you get away from James. “And only a year younger.” you said matter of factly, taking his hand and guiding his arm away from you, just it time to see his friends catching up with him. “Hello boys.” you greeted them with a smile. They all thought you had a light to you that they loved, your first days at Hogwarts had been spent with them and they immediately made you feel like a part of their group. The feeling had stuck until the present day, even if you had your own friends and didn’t spend much time with them as you once did, they had grown to look out for you in their own ways. They all saw you like a little sister and you saw them all like family, but the ache in your heart screamed to this day for something more from a certain someone, your eyes lingering a second longer on him before you turned back to James.
“What did you do now?” you said accusatively, crossing your arms over your chest. You had seen the terror slide from his face the moment he saw it was you calling his full name, he had done something and you knew it.
“Nothing.” he answered defensively, his face tensing as he turned away from you. “We actually have to get to class so I’ll see you later , you goblin.” he stretched his arm, ruffling your hair again before he took off running. “Bye Willow!” he yelled, waving his hand in the air as your friend did the same.
Remus, Peter and Sirius said their goodbyes quickly, following James closely as you and Willow stood there watching them go, only you noticing the slow steps that Sirius was taking, his head turned towards you as he waved his hand. Your giggle echoed the stone walls as he winked in your direction, a smile forming in your face as he finally disappeared from your sight.
“Merlin, that lasted forever.” Willow breathed out.
“What lasted forever?” you asked her, starting to walk beside her.
“Please, I had to fight the urge to cover my eyes.” she said, laughing in the end. A silence followed her words and she turned to see your confused face as you walked “You and Sirius?” she explained in a whisper, as if the words were forbidden to anyone to say out loud.
You continue walking, your confusion only growing as you stared at her “Wh-What about me and him?” you asked with a string of voice, the sound making Willow relax as she flashed you with a smile.
“Are you that oblivious or you're just in denial?” she asked incredulously “He obviously has a thing for you.” You shushed her quickly, covering her mouth with your hand when her voice raised, the sudden motion capturing the attention of a couple of older students. You smiled tightly in their direction, letting go of your hold on Willow as she stuck her tongue out in your direction, the other students gave you an awkward look but carried on their way without a second look in your direction.
“No need to announce it to the entirety of Hogwarts.” you muttered under your breath, a knowing smile on your friends lips as she nodded successfully.
“So you agree he has a thing for you?” with a huff you nodded, rolling your eyes at the squeal she let out. Her hand took hold of your shoulder and she shook you gently “And do you?” she asked “Do you feel something for him?”
Suddenly, your eyes found every single detail of the castle interesting, your eyes landing on every wall with the most intense curiosity as to avoid Willow’s eyes, but there was no escaping her glare “Oh, c´mon!” you hissed, covering your face and dragging your hands down your face “Have you seen him? Of course I have a thing for him.”
Willow laughed but kept her now warm gaze calm on you “But do you have feelings for him?” she asked.
You snapped out of the embarrassed state you were in, turning to her with a frown “I don’t know.” you admitted.
Truly, you didn’t know.
The weekend arrived at Hogwarts, the sunlight shining softly through the windows and over the faces of those closest to them as the birds sang just outside to greet the early risers.
You groaned as soon as the sun caressed the side of your face. “Five more minutes.” you mumbled, covering your face with your pillow, turning to the opposite side with your back to the window.
The quiet room soon was filled with soft snores that you tried to ignore, the noise only growing louder as you pressed the pillow harder against your face. Your eyes snapped open and you rose, supporting your weight on your forearms as you glared to the bed right to yours. One minute passed, then two and then three and you thought you held back enough. Your hand reached for your pillow, throwing it with all your force towards Willow’s face.
Her sudden scream was muffled by the tangled covers that got all over her face as she fell from her bed. The entire mess of limbs and sputter of words lasted for only a second before she emerged from her covers, her eyes instantly landing on you “What was that for?!” she demanded, taking the pillow from beside her and throwing it back.
Ducking her throw, you narrowed your eyes “You’re loud,” you said, getting out of bed “and I’m hungry.”
“I looooove pancakes.” Willow murmured as she took a seat, getting her plate and starting to serve the food without another thought.
A breathy laugh left your lips, taking your spot right in between James and Willow “What Willow means is good morning.” you said with a smile. It had become a habit to have breakfast with James on the weekends when your house didn’t matter and everyone could enjoy their meals without colors keeping them from other students.
“And she lives.” James laughed at the sight of you “You’re an early bird now?”
You glared at him, glancing at Willow once before you huffed heavily “You can blame the bear having breakfast over there.” you said, pointing at her.
She limited to wave a dismissive hand in your direction, her focus on the food in front of her more than in any other thing.
Everyone laughed at your friend’s behaviour, the sleep still in her eyes as she ate. She was oblivious to all the eyes in her.
“Can someone get me the syrup, please?” you asked, reaching your hand in the air. A familiar warmth in your fingertips made you raise your head, your hand lingering there for a moment before you smiled “Thank you.” you told Sirius, a glint in your eyes as you stared at him. His own smile didn’t go unnoticed by you and that sense of calm filled you once more. How could someone so chaotic be such a calming presence to you?
Breakfast became your favorite moment of the week. It was the moment of the week where you had an excuse to be near Sirius, where you could sit next to him and no one would question it. Breakfast became more than just being able to sit close to him or accidentally brushing your hands together. Saturday mornings became your mornings, just you and Sirius. As if the world knew it was the only time and place you could share knowing glances, where smiles looked brighter and the feeling of butterflies wilder. Sirius could swear that holding your hand underneath the table was the best feeling, one where he could swear your skin felt softer and your palm warmer. No one could say a thing, because it was just you and him. Y/N and Sirius.
In those short minutes or rapid hours no words were needed.
But Sirius loved taking risks.
You look lovely, by the way he would whisper in your ear, away from the noise and praying eyes of the rest of your friends.
Soon, the time you two had on the weekend over breakfast wasn’t enough. You started meeting late in the evenings when most of the students prefer to stay inside the castle to avoid the chill air. You two had no problem with it, you had come to enjoy it.
“Tell me more about it.” he asked you gently, his back resting against a tall tree. He held your hand in his, both intertwined and resting against your chest. “I’ve never heard of it before.”
You looked up at him, your head resting on his lap as you thought about it “Well, some muggles believe in witchcraft but not like we know it. You see, we have magic and come here to study it but only a few of us. They believe everyone can perform a spell with the right motivation, they use all kinds of herbs and crystals that we don’t.” you said, your free hand moving with your words as if it was a melody and you were directing “Some of them work with their ancestors and work hard to heal. It’s a completely different kind of witchcraft. They do spells, charms and rituals but not like we do, they even do it dancing. Can you imagine?” you asked, lifting from your position to look at him.
If it weren’t because you waited for his answer he could’ve stayed there watching you. For a moment he swore you were gleaming and he never wanted to let the image go from his mind. He saw you in a different light for the first time, one he hadn’t been able to see you from before. “Dancing?” he asked.
You nodded eagerly, standing and pulling him with you. You let go of his hand and started to move, spinning in your spot with your robes flowing around your bare feet. You took little jumps and started to move your hands with the flow of your hair just above your head.
He really couldn't resist.
You had closed your eyes at some point, giving him the chance to run up to you, the squeal that left your lips didn’t cover his laugh, his arm secured around your waist as he spun you in the air. You were both laughing, the sun setting behind your backs as he finally set you down and then he realized, he felt like all this was coming out of his dreams.
His arms stayed around your waist, swaying gently to the sound of your humming, his head resting comfortably on top of your head. “Are you happy?” he asked you.
You expected for your heartbeat to go crazy, for the palms of your hands to start sweating but all you felt was an overwhelming calm taking over you. You sigh, resting your back against his chest as he held you “I am.” you told him “I feel happy with you.”
@iwritesiriusly / @trinimalfoyyy / @megaprincesscakes / @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend / @amourtentiaa / @zaidlyn / @aconfusedslytherin / @animprxperworld / @aconfusedslytherin / @the-lonely-poet-loves-to-weep / @dreamcxtcherr / @angelsandsorcery / @badass-yn
@destourtereaux / @ktyflwr / @nehireerdogan / @medalloway-blog / @waxsealed-letters / @j-cat / @aleksanderwh0r3
Sirius Black
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mindofharry · 3 years
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In which bucky realises the mistake he made and does everything in his power to get you back.
losing you masterlist: here!
smut!! fluff!! angst!! i’m so fucking in love with this series. mean!bucky, sex and a bit of grovelling! ALSO!!! thank you for 2k, i never expected to get this far with this page. writing has always been a passion for me so thank you guys for taking time out of your day to read my stuff. i appreciate and love you all immensely <3 happy reading!
The first thing bucky notices about you not being here, is the how quiet and lonely his apartment is. Usually, your moans, whimpers and giggles fill the small space. Not anymore. The only noise he can hear is you saying those words to him.
“You’re selfish and mean. And i deserve better”
It felt like it was ringing in his ear, no matter how loud the tv is or the children running up and down the hall, it was on a continuous loop. Selfish. Mean. Deserve better. It was meant to be no strings attached, something to let off a little steam. But then bucky got those butterflies, he wanted to take you dancing, take you to meet his friends. He didn’t like the feeling, so he didn’t the only thing he knew how to do.
Push you away.
Bucky didn’t like how he felt with you, he couldn’t understand it. He felt like he couldn’t be that person for you no matter how fucking hard he tried, bucky couldn’t be the one you cuddled up with after a stressful day. He couldn’t be the one cooking dinner for you. And he most definitely can’t be the person loving you, he’s just not programmed for that. Bucky hasn’t felt love in decades. He doesn’t know how to process it yet.
Bucky knew what he did was wrong and now laying on the ground, his back against the hard wood, the only thing he wanted was you. Y/N.
Bucky wanted Y/N.
He decided then and there, he would fix himself up, go to his therapist. And get you back.
Back in your apartment, you were still in your dress, only this time your make up was smudged and your date was cancelled. Who were you kidding? Nobody could replace bucky barnes, nobody. Fuck, you love him so much. This feeling, it’s so big. It feel like it’s taking up all of your body, this fire so big that no one can put out. Bucky is a drug, and you’ve definitely become addicted.
After what felt like hours staring at your wall, you decide it’s best to head to bed and just forget about what a disaster this night has been.
“So” Dr Raynor said, crossing her legs over. Bucky was sat in front of her, his legs bouncing up and down as his therapist tried to figure him out. Bucky hated therapy. He hated everything to do with it, he would rather be put in jail than do this bullshit sharing feelings thing.
But if he wanted any chance of getting you back, in his bed, kissing him than he would do it.
Bucky barnes was officially smitten.
“Tell me” Dr Raynor said, leaning foward. “What’s going on, james?” She asked and bucky sighed placing a hand over his eyes.
“I need help” He said and Dr Raynor nodded. “Well, yeah. That much is obvious” She teased making bucky roll his eyes.
“With a girl” He said and his therapist grunted leaning back in her seat. Bucky hasn’t been this embarrassed since middle school when he peed his pants and had to go home early, everyone laughed at him in the playground. He never forgot that, but right now, his therapist trying to keep her laughs in made him feel a little small and fragile.
“Fine. I’ll find someone else” He mumbled, moving to get up. Dr Raynor settled herself down and held her hand up to stop him. “Oh, be quiet. Tell me about this girl” She said putting her notebook down. Bucky looked down at his hands and smiled.
It almost startled the therapist, she’d never seen him smile like that. Or ever, for that matter.
“Y/N” He started.
“Y/N is the most beautiful and wise woman i’ve ever met” He said. “Always there for me, willing to do just about anything i asked her to do. Fuck, she’s the best thing that’s happened to me, since well ever” Bucky said and the therapist nodded.
“But i fucked it up. Said somethings i didn’t mean and now she won’t even look me in the eye. I was so shitty to her just because i couldn’t admit my own feelings.” Bucky groaned and Dr raynor nodded agreeing.
“James, what do you want me to tell you? You messed up, now go and apologise” She said and buckys eyes widened. “I can’t just apologise to her” He said and his therapist lifted her hand up.
“Exactly. Problem solved”
Bucky made a noise of complaint while dr raynor packed up her stuff. “See you next week, lover boy” she said walking out of the room and leaving bucky to his own thoughts.
Flowers? Chocolates? Dancing? A poem? What do women like you, like these days? God, he’s still way too new in this world to be thinking about these things. But he really fucking needs you. He needs you and your jokes, you and your witty nature.
Bucky just needs you, and he’s about to do anything in his power to get you back, starting with an apology.
You were sitting in your living room a glass of wine in your hand and new girl on in the background. Your mind was somewhere else, you’ve just felt off all day. You keep zoning out, not being able to concentrate. Is this what a broken heart feels like? A knock on the door brings out of your thoughts and back to reality. A shitty fucking reality. You sigh and put your wine down on the table and make your way over the front door, you nearly tripped over your stiletto heels on the way there. You didn’t move them last night because you were so exhausted and out of it.
Opening the door you see bucky. Just the man you didn’t want to see, you begin to close the door in his face when his foot blocks it. “Please, just hear me out” He begged and you sighed crossing your arms over your chest.
“Can i come in?” Bucky asked and you scoffed.
“Why should i let you come in? Do you remember what you did the last time?” You said and bucky placed a hand over his eyes, obviously frustrated. You didn’t understand why, he made your place in his life pretty clear.
“I should come in because i need to apologise to you. For everything. The way i treated you and the things i said. I need to apologise, so please let me in”
You sighed and opened up the door wider and walked down the hallway. You sat back down on the couch taking a gulp of you wine. You were so easy, you thought. You barley put up a fight, you should’ve just closed the door in his face. But you did want to hear what he had to say, what bullshit apology he’d come up with.
“So?” You said and bucky nodded sitting beside you.
“I miss you” He started and you rolled your eyes. “No, fuck. I do miss you, but i’m sorry. I’m really fucking sorry” Bucky said grabbing your hand. You wanted to pull away but you just couldn’t, his hand felt so good in yours. You leaned over and put your wine on the coffee table. Bucky took that as permission to take your other hand.
“I had feelings for you, no i have feelings for you. I just, i’m not good at expressing myself, i’m working on it. My therapist told me to get you flowers and shit, but i left them in my apartment and this is just a whole mess” Bucky ranted, you had to bite your lip to make you not burst out with laughter.
“You talked about to your therapist?” You asked, giggling. Fuck, even your laugh is beautiful. What is there not love about you?
“I’m sorry” He said, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. “I have feelings for you, and i didn’t know how to express that. So i pushed you away and treated you so badly. I’m going to apologise for that until the day i die. I just, i like you a lot Y/N” he said and you could feel your cheeks burn.
You really weren’t expecting that.
“My thought process was that i would never be that person, you know that boyfriend who’s ready to cook dinner and take the dogs for a walk” He said and you nodded understand.
“But i’m willing to do that for you, if you’d give me another chance”
You looked up at him, staring into those beautiful wide eyes. This is what you’ve been waiting for.
He moved closer to you bringing a hand to your cheek. “Please, i have hundreds of flowers and like 10 boxes of chocolates back in my apartment. Come back with me? Please?” He asked, so much vulnerability could be heard. You sighed and looked around.
You didn’t deserve what happened, but you know he’s sorry. Maybe a little more grovelling? Make up sex is the best, though. You contemplate a little longer and then nod.
“Yeah, i’ll stay at yours for a bit”
Bucky nearly cried when you said that. Maybe he’d actually have a chance.
He helped you up from the couch and watched you get your shoes. He could get use to this. “You ready?” He asked holding out his hand, you nodded taking it. It felt nice to be wanted.
After a short walk to buckys apartment, your met with (literally hundreds) of yellow flowers. You could cry, he did this all for you? You lift your hand to your mouth and look around the room.
“Do you hate it? I can get better-“
You interrupt him with a peck to the lips. He was shocked, but he didn’t hesitate with kissing you back. He placed both of his hands on the side of your head and as you gasped, he slipped his tongue in.
“Fuck, i missed you” you said in between kisses, you moved your hands to his chest. Bucky pulled away and moved back.
“I just want you to know, that i wasn’t planning on seducing you or anything. If you want i have sex we will, if you don’t, then we’ll watch a movie. There’s no pressure” He said reassuring you. You smirked and pecked his lips.
“Why don’t we go to your bedroom?”
Bucky pulls you along to his room, lifting you up once he opens the door. “Your room is messy” You said and Bucky laughed. “Hasn’t been the same without you” He said and you pouted, kissing his lips.
“I’m sorry about that, let me help you?” You said taking your shirt off, leaving you only in your pjs short and bare breasts. Bucky was staring at you intently, making your nipples harden. He reached out and ran his fingers across your nipples making you moan with pleasure. His finger was cold and just what you needed.
“Strip and then you’re going to ride me. Been too long princess” Bucky said and you nodded quickly taking your shorts and skimpy underwear off.
“Fuck” Bucky said as you lay down on the bed, legs wide open. You were dripping wet, your hands coming down to play with yourself a little. “You’re gorgeous,” He said, kissing the inside of your thigh.
“Seems like you’re wet enough for me, yeah? i’ll play with you more later” He said and you nodded, just wanting him to be in you.
Bucky rolled over and took a condom out from the door, he quickly got out of his clothes and you almost moaned at the sight of him putting on that condom. He really does like hot doing anything.
Bucky lays down his head on his pillow and you quickly and swiftly move to sit on his lap, your knees either side of him.
You placed his cock, in your dripping pussy and loved the sound he made. Bucky groaned, his hands coming to your hips immediately, to guide you at a good pace. Your hands moved to his chest, scratching at it slightly, bucky moaned at that too. Pain kink, you figured that out pretty quickly. You began to move your hips and created a good rhythm.
“Oh, god” You whimpered, as you bounced on Bucky's cock.
“Missed you, and this” Bucky said and you nodded, your hips bucking.
You begin to move faster and faster, the bed frame hitting against the wall and bucky groans and your whimpers the only thing you can hear. God, you missed him and his cock so much. Bucky is so deep inside of you, you can feel everything. He’s so good at this, sometimes he doesn’t even have to try.
“This…. is so good…..” You said whimpering, leaning down to peck his lips. Bucky responded, moving his hands to your breasts and giving them a squeeze.
“Are you gonna cum?” He asked, bucking his hips up fucking you faster. You nodded and moaned.
“Please! Oh fuck” You screamed, feeling that pleasure start to build up. As the both of you came down from your highs, bucky brought you into his chest.
“I’m never losing you again”
Taglist: @formulamendes @ityagirljay @josegandulfo @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @beminetokeep @jbcalway @lxdyred @idkwhttocallmysrlf <33
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Requested - Yes - Anon - Can I have a fake dating au with james potter but also with focus on sirius & reader if that’s ok? thank you.
Prompts - fake dating
You knew this was a bad idea. 
It was a terribly, horrible, utterly stupid idea.
Yet you still said yes.
You knew you’d be the one to suffer, the one to get hurt, because of this idea but you also knew from the minute it was proposed that you wouldn’t be able to say no. Not only because you had fancied James Potter since second year but also because you’d never been able to resist those puppy dog eyes. 
You had always known how much James had liked Lily, always had to listen to him pining about her for hours at a time. You suspected Sirius and Remus knew about your crush as they often tried their hardest to get him to shut up, though once he got started on the subject of Lily Evans there really was no silencing him; short of using a silencing charm.
You had just left the library after a few hours of studying when James Potter had appeared with an overly friendly smile on his face, giving away straight away that he wanted something. You rolled your eyes, expecting to get pulled into a prank of some sort.
“What now, Potter? I’m still serving detentions for your last bloody prank.” You told him, smiling as he laughed and threw his arm around your shoulders. This wasn’t uncommon for him to do but it always made you fight back a blush.
“Ah c’mon, Y/N, don’t be like that.” He continued to laugh before shaking his head. “Don’t worry, this time it isn’t a prank. Actually, I’ve been thinking-” He began but was cut off by you snorting. “Hey, they’re not all bad ideas! Anyway, I want you to be my girlfriend.” 
The words made you stop in your tracks causing James to stumble as his arm was still around you. Your eyes widened as you looked at him like he’d grown an extra head.
“I’m sorry?” You said for lack of anything else to say. Your mind was working a mile a minute but you weren’t able to make much sense of it, yet alone say something cohesive. 
“Not my real girlfriend obviously.” He continued, seemingly unaware of the mess inside your head. “Just my pretend one, you know to make Lily jealous.” 
You knew you should say no, knew that nothing good could come of this for you. You knew it would end in heartbreak and you didn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize your friendship with James. 
“James,” You began, fully intent on telling him that you couldn't do it but James seemed to pick up on your tone and immediately widened his eyes, looking at you like a wounded puppy.
“Please Y/N/N, I’ll owe you one forever. I really think this will work.” He pleaded with a pout, “Please, I really like her.” 
With a sigh you gave in, not thinking about how easily you did.
“Fine, I’ll help you.”
Two weeks of dating James Potter was torture. 
Ok maybe you were being slightly dramatic but the point still stood. Fake dating James meant you had all the luxuries of being his actual girlfriend whilst a voice in your head screamed at you that he didn’t actually like you. 
He walked you to classes, held your hand, kissed your cheek, cuddled with you on the sofa and everything else one would do with a partner. Hell, the two of you had even gone on a fake date which had been one of your favourite times during Hogwarts and the worst.
You had, however, noticed that Lily did seem to be taking more of an interest in James, always finding a way to get close to him, having him teach her things about Quidditch despite not caring one bit for the sport. She found any and every excuse to be his partner in classes, leaving you with Peter which usually ended in disaster, especially in potions where you were both equally as bad as each other.
Your mood since fake dating James was unpredictable, one moment you were happy and smiling in the company of your friends and the next, when reality sunk in, you wanted to be as far away from everyone as possible.
Right now you were feeling like the latter and found your way down to the black lake one afternoon when classes were over. Your mood all day had been foul but you plastered on a smile that didn’t hide anything and continued with your act. 
You knew it was going to come to an end soon, these past few days James had been attached to Lily’s side and you were shocked by just how bad it hurt to see them together.
Sitting down with your back against a rock, you stared ahead at the horizon. It was a beautiful day, usually a day like today would find you, Sirius, Remus, James and Peter sprawled out under a tree enjoying each other's company, planning pranks or completing homework that was due the next day.
Today, you were sitting alone staring at the black water that stretched for miles and it seemed fitting.
It wasn’t long until you were interrupted by somebody sitting down next to you and wrapping their arm around you, pulling you into their chest.
“I’m sorry.” Were the words that it took for you to start crying. Usually you refused to let yourself cry over something as silly as a boy but right now you didn’t care.
Sirius looked down at you crying on his chest and frowned. He knew how much you liked James, he knew the two of you would make the best couple if only James could pull his head out of his arse and realise the girl who actually cared about him had been right in front of him since they were eleven.
Sirius had watched you silently pine for years, watched you listen to James go on and on about Lily and he tried to point James in your direction but the boy was too oblivious. 
Watching Lily fawn over James when she thought he had moved on was infuriating for all the Marauders to watch. Lily liked having James there, she liked having someone like her the way James did and it made them want to smack James round the head so he realised it too.
Sirius couldn’t say how long he sat holding you in his arms, eventually you had stopped crying but made no move to get off him and he wasn’t complaining. You were his best friend along with the other three boys, he loved you like a sister and seeing you like this hurt him.
“I really like him.” You confessed quietly, feeling a weight lift from you as you admitted it aloud for the first time.
“I know you do.” Sirius replied just as quietly.
“Lily doesn't care for him.” 
“No, no, I don’t think she does. I think she quite likes the idea of James always there, maybe as a backup or just as an admirer, but she doesn’t care for him.” Sirius agreed.
“Why couldn’t I have just fancied you? Or Moony?” You groaned, tilting your head back so you could pout up at him.
Sirius laughed, his eyes lighting up as he did.
“Well nobody said you had good taste. Just be thankful it’s Prongs and not good ol’ Wormtail.” The two of you laughed as you scrunch your nose at the thought.
As tea time was nearing the two of you didn’t want to move but the need for food outweighed the peaceful atmosphere the two of you created.
“You ready?” Sirius asked as he pulled you up, his arm immediately going back around your shoulder.
You took a deep breath before shaking your head, “no.”
A week later and you and James had ‘broken up’. 
He began dating Lily almost immediately after and you avoided him like the plague. Despite avoiding him you continued to watch him from a distance, noticing that he didn’t look half as happy as one would expect after getting with their crush since third year. 
At first you thought you were the only one to pick up on it before Sirius said something, the other Marauders agreed and then some of the Gryffindors started whispering about it too.
Three weeks into James’ real relationship with Lily found James Potter hunched over a map that showed every student. His eyebrows were knitted together as he searched for one name in particular, his eyes lighting up as he read Y/F/N Y/L/N.
“Oi!” Sirius called as James darted for the door, “Where are you going?” 
James didn’t bother to reply, instead he ran down the stairs and out of the common room. Quickly he found you wandering the corridors, just coming from Professor McGonagall’s classroom.
He was no idiot, he knew you were avoiding. Ok maybe he was an idiot because he didn’t know why. All he knew was that three weeks of actually dating Lily had left him feeling odd, he felt like he should enjoy her company more, should’ve liked kissing her and holding her hand more but for some reason he couldn’t get you out of his mind. The weeks he had spent fake dating you meant more to him than his relationship with Lily.
He tried, oh boy had he tried, but after the first week he knew something was wrong. Two weeks in it struck him that he liked you and three weeks in was when he finally had the nerve to break up with a furious Lily Evans.
Now all he had to do was convince you he was the biggest idiot in Hogwarts, not like that would be hard to achieve, and convince you what an awful mistake he had made.
“Y/N!” James called causing you to stop in your tracks. You debated whether you could walk away but eventually curiosity won over.
“James.” You said, voice void of any emotion.
“Listen,” He began, a hand coming up to nervously rub the back of his neck, he looked around and gestured to the empty classroom, “can we talk?” 
After you mumbled a yes James turned and held the door open for you.
“I broke up with Lily.” He said abruptly after a few moments of silence.
Your head shot up to look at him as your eyes widened in shock. All James ever spoke about was Lily and now that he finally had her, he’d broken up with her?
“I broke up with Lily.” He said again, “three weeks with her and she never once made me feel anything special but you, Merlin Y/N, a couple of weeks fake dating you had me feeling like I could do anything, like I could be anything. I could’ve punched myself when I realised I liked you, all this time I’ve been pining over Lily and for what? For the girl I actually like, for the girl who actually makes me happy, for the girl who’s been by my side since the day we stepped foot into this castle to be right in front of me this entire time. Merlin’s beard, Y/N, I’m such an idiot but I want nothing more than to be your idiot.”
You were lost for words, it took a moment for James’ words to register in your mind and you prayed this wasn’t a joke, no, you thought, James wasn’t that cruel. Time ticked by as you struggled to form an answer, obviously you wanted nothing more than to say yes but you couldn’t help but have doubts.
“Y/N?” James asked after a minute or two had passed.
“Sorry.” You mumbled before looking back at him. “James, surely you don’t mean this. I mean Lily-” You began but he cut you off.
“I liked the idea of Lily but let's face it she never liked me. That doesn’t mean I’m turning to you as a last resort or a backup or whatever else you’re thinking. This is me realising that i was a bloody idiot and that fake dating you was the best thing I’ve ever done.”
You couldn’t help the blush or the small smile that made its way onto your face and James’ face lit up as he saw it too and he grinned at you.
“Well we can both agree on one thing, you are a great, big idiot.” You said causing him to laugh and you couldn’t help but join in.
“But I’m your idiot, right Y/L/N?”
“Right Potter.” You said with a grin off your own.
James was more than happy to kiss the smile off your face and you had no complaints either.
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Hi, happy Shared Birthday Month, cause it's my birthday month as well!! Can I please prompt you a WinterIron, where Bucky and/or winter soldier is a science nerd and a massive Tony Stark stan? Happy with setting in any era, any rating 😄 Thank you! You are amazing and I love your stuff!
Happy late birthday! Sorry it took me a bit to get to this prompt but here is a cute no-powers au, featuring some minor Natasha/Steve and some science from a paper my lab group read in group meeting yesterday (check the ao3 story for the paper citation). Sorry I didn't come up with something more original for the science but this was on my mind.
As always, everything I write is also on ao3.
“Okay, Steve, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me—for us,” Bucky quickly corrects when Steve shoots him an amused look. “So what are we going to do?”
“We’re going to sit quietly in the audience,” Steve says.
“And what are we not going to do?”
“Shout that our best friend would like to bang Tony Stark like a screen door in a hurricane,” Steve dutifully repeats what Bucky has been telling him for the whole drive to the studio. He gives Bucky a sly smile. “Even if it’s true.”
Bucky swats his skinny arm lightly, enough to sting but not so hard that it’ll bruise Steve’s arm, which bruises like a peach. He still can’t believe he managed to win the tickets to watch the live taping of the one hundredth episode of Tony Stark’s show, It’s Only Science If You Write It Down. He’s been following the show since its first episode five years ago. Growing up, Tony Stark was to him what Britney Spears was to other kids. Stark was always in the news for his innovative inventions for his father’s company. Everyone had thought he would take over SI after his parents’ deaths, but instead he’d handed the company over to Pepper Potts, a then-unknown young woman working in SI’s financial department. Stark still held the majority of shares in the company but he’d turned his focus to becoming the next Bill Nye, along with his best friend. Bucky had stumbled across one of the articles about him when he was young and immediately developed one heck of a crush on him that hadn’t at all disappeared with age.
And now he’s here, attending the first ever live taping of Stark’s show.
It’d be a dream come true if only Steve wasn’t the one attending with him. Don’t get him wrong, Stevie’s great, but he’s also convinced Bucky needs to date more often and he’s very… enthusiastic about making sure that everyone they meet that Bucky thinks is even the slightest bit cute knows that.
Stark is the crush to end all crushes. He knows that Steve knows it. He also knows what Steve is like, and he thinks he’ll die of shame if Steve feels the need to let Stark know it too.
“You have your inhaler, right?” he asks as the line creeps forward.
“Yes, mother,” Steve sighs, patting his pocket. “And an EpiPen in the other pocket and my meds in my wallet.”
They’re reminded to keep their phones firmly in their pockets by the surly security guard—incongruously named Happy, according to the badge he’s wearing—at the front door and then ushered inside the studio, only to be stopped by a young woman with a clipboard as they’re climbing the risers.
“Hi,” she says with a sphinxlike smile that makes Bucky want to check that his wallet is still in his pocket. “Which one of you is Bucky Barnes?”
“Uh, that would be me,” he says, raising his hand slightly.
Her eyes catch on the silver sheen of his prosthetic. They don’t register anything other than idle curiosity, but Bucky still awkwardly tucks the arm away. It’s been almost ten years since the accident, but he’s still not used to the looks he gets when people see it.
“I’m Natasha,” she says. “Mr. Stark’s personal assistant. JARVIS noticed you when you entered the studio. Mr. Stark wanted me to inform you both that there’s been a change to the contest winnings.”
Dread starts to pool in Bucky’s stomach but it doesn’t have long to settle before her smile gentles and she adds, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. He just wanted to invite the two of you backstage after the show is over.”
Bucky’s mouth drops open. Steve reaches over to close it and asks, “Why?”
To Bucky’s surprise, Natasha gives Steve a clear onceover, seemingly pleased by what she sees. “Mr. Stark wouldn’t like me to give away his secrets, but I’d imagine it has something to do with the way he spilled his coffee all over his front when he saw your friend’s picture.”
“Really?” Steve asks skeptically. “A notorious playboy tripping all over himself for this yahoo here?”
Natasha laughs, hard enough that Bucky mutters, “It wasn’t that funny.”
Once she’s calmed down, Natasha says, “He’s not as bad as you think. A lot of it is just reputation. And yes, as soon as he got a look at him, he was demanding I figure out a way to get him backstage.”
“What am I, chopped liver?” Steve demands, taking an indignant stance.
Natasha hums, eyes going dark. “Oh no, you got invited backstage because I wanted to meet you,” she purrs. “I’ll come find you boys later. Enjoy the show.”
She saunters off, putting just enough of a sway to her step that Bucky suspects if he were attracted to women, he’d be mesmerized. As it is, he’s the one who has to reach over to close Steve’s jaw this time.
They take their seats and a few minutes later, Tony Stark and James Rhodes walk on set. They’re quietly talking to each other as the crew bustles around them, makeup artists darting up to make sure their faces look perfect. Stark is dressed in a t-shirt that says Engineers do it on the test bench—which is a terrible joke really and shouldn’t make Bucky want to laugh as much as he does—and well-worn jeans that perfectly mold to the shape of his bubble butt. Rhodes could be dressed in a paper sack for all that Bucky notices him.
Steve leans over and whispers, “You sure that I can’t yell that you want to bang Tony Stark like a screen door in a hurricane? Natasha made it sound like he’d be open to it.”
“You do,” Bucky hisses back, “and I’ll tell Natasha you were looking at her rear when she walked away.”
Steve makes an indignant noise and sits back in his chair, sulkily crossing his arms.
“Quiet on set!” the director yells. “And… action!”
“Hi!” Tony Stark says, smiling right at the camera. “I’m Tony and this is Rhodey and you’re watching Disney Channe!”
“He’s kidding,” Rhodes says long-sufferingly. “You’re watching It’s Only Science If You Write It Down.”
Later, Bucky wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what the show had been about. He’d spent the entire show too entranced by Tony’s voice and charisma to pay any attention to the actual science, which is a bit of a shame. He really does like science—he wouldn’t be getting his PhD in physical chemistry if he didn’t—but he can’t tear his eyes away from Tony long enough to actually watch the experiment. It’s fine; he can always watch the show later when it’s released (and maybe, if he’s lucky, he’ll have Tony to watch it with).
It seems like both an eternity and only a moment before the show wraps. Tony and Rhodes leave to thunderous applause, only coming back out for quick bows before disappearing backstage again. Bucky and Steve stay seated while the rest of the audience filters out slowly until Natasha comes to get them. She and Steve chat quietly as she leads them backstage but Bucky can only listen with half an ear; he’s too nervous about meeting his personal hero.
Rhodes is leaving the room Natasha leads them to. He breathes a sigh of relief when he spots the three of them. “Good, you’re here,” he says, specifically looking at Bucky. “Maybe you can calm him down. He’s been bouncing off the walls since he saw your picture.”
“Really?” Bucky squeaks. He clears his throat and tries again. “Really?”
“Really. He read all your papers last night—twice.”
“He has?”
Rhodes nods. “He really likes your piece on inelastic electron wave packet scattering.”
“Yeah? What did he—”
“You’ll have to ask him,” Rhodes interrupts. “I might be a rocket scientist but chemistry isn’t my preferred field of science. If you don’t mind, I’ve got a date to get to.”
He pushes the door open, letting them in, and leaves. Natasha slips through the door, followed immediately by Tony saying, “Where are—oh god, they left, didn’t they? I knew this was too much. Nat—”
“They’re right outside,” Natasha says smoothly. She opens the door further, revealing the two of them awkwardly standing there. Bucky’s gaze darts around a fairly nice dressing room before finally landing on Tony, who is blinking back at him with a wide-eyed, slightly stunned look.
“Hi,” he breathes out.
The corner of Tony’s mouth twitches up in the tiniest of smiles. “Hi.”
“Great, now that that’s out of the way, get out,” Natasha says, giving Tony a shove so that he stumbles out of the room, right into Bucky’s arms. She reaches out and grabs Steve, pulling him inside. “Don’t disturb me for the next hour.”
“Uh,” Steve begins, but he doesn’t actually look upset by this turn of events, so Bucky doesn’t worry—too much, anyway.
He does, however, turn to Tony and ask, “Is he going to be okay?”
“Oh yeah, he’s fine,” Tony says breezily. “Natasha’s just very direct.”
Now that it’s just the two of them alone in the hallway, it’s a little more awkward. Bucky opens his mouth twice to say something, only to shut it again as soon as he realizes his question is stupid. For his part, Tony shoves his hands deep into his pockets and rocks back and forth on his feet.
Then the sound of what is obviously Steve moaning floats through the door. Bucky cringes and jerks his thumb in the direction of the door. “We should—”
“Yep,” Tony agrees.
They get all the way back to the set before they stop. They look at each other for a beat before dissolving into giggles. “Oh my god,” Tony says, clutching his sides. “I knew she moved fast but—”
“Well, Steve doesn’t move fast at all,” Bucky says, “so you can see where I’m a bit lost.”
That sets Tony off into another round of laughter. Bucky is calming down a bit so he takes the moment to admire the way Tony laughs with his entire body. It takes Tony a moment to realizes he’s being stared at. When he does, his laugh tapers off as he gives Bucky a lingering look.
“I’m Tony,” he says eventually.
“Wow, that’s really unfortunate.”
“You’re not wrong,” Bucky agrees. “Blame Stevie for that one.”
“Childhood friends, huh?”
“Literally played naked together in the kiddie pool.”
Tony grins. “That sounds familiar.”
“You and Rhodes—”
“Oh no, but if you ever get the chance to meet Janet Van Dyne, remember to ask her about the time she thought she could make a living selling mud pies.”
Bucky takes a moment to marvel that this is his life now, that Tony thinks nothing of giving him dirt on the most prolific fashion designer of their generation. “So, uh, Rhodes told me you read my papers?”
Tony’s eyes light up, and, wow, he looks really pretty when he’s excited. “Yes!” he exclaims. “I want to hear your thoughts on the—uh—the time-dependent density functional theory model.”
“I’d love to,” Bucky says honestly. He bites his lip. “Maybe over coffee?”
A delighted smile spreads across Tony’s face. “I’d really like that.”
He holds out his hand for Bucky to take, which he does. Tony’s hand is small and warm, fitting perfectly against his. They stand there, smiling at each other like idiots, until the surly security guard pokes his head around the corner and asks, “Boss, do you need me to drive you?”
Tony jumps. He shoots Bucky a sheepish grin and then calls over his shoulder, “No, I think we can walk, Happy.”
“Are you sure? There’s—”
“It’s only two blocks.”
“Yeah, but—”
“You know what, Happy. You should go see if Natasha needs you to drive her somewhere. I think she’s got a date too.” While Happy is distracted, Tony tugs Bucky towards a side door he hadn’t noticed earlier. “Come on,” he mutters. “Before Natasha decides to kill me for sending Happy to interrupt her.”
“You could not antagonize her,” Bucky points out.
Tony shoots him a mischievous grin. “Where’s the fun in that?”
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the-dream-team · 3 years
A fluffy little one-shot for @efkgirldetective's summer of jily week two prompt: swimming with friends // Today we're younger than we're ever gonna be <3
“What in Merlin’s name is that smell?” gagged Sirius, bringing his towel up to cover his nose.
Mary swotted him with a bright green foam noodle. “That’s just the chlorine, you knob. It’s a chemical Muggles use to keep the water clean.”
“The water’s not clean?” squeaked Peter, his beady eyes widening.
“Take a look around Pettigrew,” laughed Mary, gesturing wildly. “There are about a trillion little kids running around with saggy trunks and juice-stained mouths, it’s not exactly the Prefect’s bathroom here.”
The group of teenagers took a moment to survey their surroundings. Sirius was right, the thick summer air reeked of chlorine wafting from unnaturally electric blue swimming pools, packed with screaming children, brightly colored floaties, and haggard parents. Behind the main pool, reaching up to the sky, stood two impressive slides, winding and bending in every direction before opening up into a smaller basin. Once every minute, the slide discarded a new, squealing child into the water with an eruptive splash.
Lily eyed the Muggle kids with some trepidation. “Are we too old to be here?” she asked, eyes shifting as she clutched her copy of Herbology for Potioneers a little closer to her chest. “It feels like everyone else is about a decade younger than us.”
“Don’t worry too much about that, Evans,” said James, a bright smile aimed in her direction. “Today we’re younger than we’re ever going to be, anyway!” He nudged her affectionately, resulting in a rosy hue that spread across her cheeks as their bare shoulders made contact.
“Alright,” announced Remus after barely dodging a rogue beach ball, “let’s find a place to put our towels before these buggers realize we’re easy targets.”
They managed to snag a row of plastic lounge chairs beside the wave pool to dump their belongings on before Sirius set his sights on the towering waterslides across the park.
“You said these slides were crazy fast, right MacDonald?” Sirius asked, a dangerous gleam in his eye.
“They’re the fastest in Britain,” grinned Mary, tossing her sunnies aside. “And you get some serious air on your way out, it’s the closest thing Muggles have to flying, I’d argue.”
Lily tensed and quickly diverted her attention to her book, though her eyes remained still as she stared at the pages. Almost no one noticed her sudden discomfort.
“That’s bloody brilliant,” grinned Sirius. “Last one to the top has to buy us a round of those mushie drinks.”
“They’re called slushies, Padfoot.”
“Call them whatever you want, Moony, but I want a blue one.” Sirius discarded his t-shirt onto a chair and kicked off his sandals in preperation. “Prongs, do you think we could convince the lifeguards to let us go down the slides together?”
But James wasn’t paying attention to Sirius. “Nah, go ahead without me,” he said, eyes trained on Lily as she continued intently staring at her book. “I think I’m gonna start out a little slower with the lazy river. Evans, care to keep me company?”
Lily’s eyes snapped up to see Sirius’ dropped jaw, Mary’s raised eyebrows, and James’ steady smile.
“Oh,” she said, her voice finding a higher octave than usual, “sure, I could join you.”
“Fine,” grumbled Sirius, pulling the others along with him, “but I’m coming to find you at that dopey river after our first round on the slides. I won’t let you be boring all day, Prongs.”
James shrugged, barely paying the others any mind as he extended a hand to Lily. She watched their friends saunter off before accepting his help to stand up.
“Hold on there, Evans,” said James, plucking her book from her hands and tossing it back onto their pile of towels, “I can’t have you doing homework; today is all about having fun!”
“Then why aren’t you going with the others to the slides?”
He paused, considering her question with a smile. “Because you’re way more fun than a couple of waterslides.”
Before she had a chance to respond, James pulled her away from the chairs and towards the center of the park, their bare feet slapping against sizzling cement as they navigated around young children and indifferent lifeguards.
The lazy river lived directly across from the concession stand, perfectly situated for parents who wanted to keep an eye on their floating kids while they enjoyed a cool beer and a basket of hot chips. The river wound itself around an impressive structure resembling a fairytale castle, complete with canons that sprayed water onto passerbys and waterfalls that poured over plastered mountainsides and into its surrounding moat.
At the water’s edge sat a pile of tubes, growing hot under the unrelenting midday sun. James released Lily’s hand to secure them two floats, missing her subtle disappointed huff at the loss of his grip when he turned his back on her. But by the time he handed over her tube, she’d managed to rearrange her face into a neutral smile.
“After you, Evans,” he said with a little bow, extending an arm towards the gently rolling river.
She rolled her eyes at the exaggerated chivalry, but stepped forward nonetheless, carefully placing her tube in the water and lowering herself into the center. The water, cool and refreshing, lapped against her backside and kissed her heels as she hung her legs over the tempered rubber.
James took a different approach, choosing to throw his own tube unceremoniously into the water before giving himself a running start to cannonball onto it. Lily screeched as he nearly jumped directly on top of her.
“You prat!” she laughed, splashing water on his face, covering his glasses in little droplets.
“You know you love me,” he teased, a glint in his eye.
The pink glow that spread across her cheeks could have passed as a light sunburn, but the way James’ eyes flashed suggested he’d picked up on the truth. His dimples appeared despite the attempt to keep his grin at bay.
“So, Potter,” she started, choosing to change the subject, “what drew you to the lazy river, other than the obvious similarities you share?”
James drove an imaginary dagger into his chest. “You wound me, Evans! But if you must know, I thought it’d be the perfect place to chat with you.”
If the river’s current hadn’t continued pulling them along, Lily might have thought time had stood still. “To chat?”
“Yeah,” he responded as though it were obvious, “the playground would be too noisy with all the kids running around, it seems like we would’ve spent more time underwater than above it at the wave pool, and the hot tubs are simply not weather appropriate.”
“With me?”
It was finally James’ turn to look surprised. “Of course! I’ve spent my whole summer mucking about with the boys, but I’ve hardly seen you since Peter’s party and I missed talking with you.”
Lily tried passing off her pleased burst of laughter as a scoff. “I always forget how forthright you are.”
“I’m an open book,” he replied, sticking her with a pointed stare she couldn’t see as she averted her own gaze, attempting to hide her growing blush he had already clocked.
“I wish I could be more like that,” she spoke to the distance, to the cloudless expanse of sky, hoping it would relay the message to the boy whose intertube continued bouncing rhythmically against her own as they traveled in endless circles.
“As a kid,” she continued, “I loved playgrounds. Gravity melted away when I sailed off swings and soared through slides, when my magic took over before I even knew what I was. But the uncontrollable flying always scared my parents, so when my family visited parks, I’d be kept on the sidelines, hidden away to avoid causing a scene. I guess I got pretty good at hiding.”
“Do you want help practicing?”
Lily jerked her attention back to James and his easy eyes, his ruffled hair. “What?”
“Do you want help practicing being an open book?” he repeated simply. “I happen to be an expert and I’d be happy to lend my talents.”
His cheeky grin earned him a light splashing and an only-slightly-exasperated huff. “You know what, fine. Teach me your ways, Potter.”
“Alright,” he said, eyes brightening as he adjusted his position on his tube to face her more fully, “we’ll start with easy questions and then get gradually harder from there. The only rule is that you have to answer honestly.”
Lily sunk slightly into the hole of her intertube, but nodded, resting her chin on her folded arms, fingers mindlessly dipping in and out of the passing water below.
“First off, who is your best friend?”
“That’s your easy question?” Lily guffawed.
“What?” asked James, watching her curiously. “I already know the basics. Your favourite colour is forest green, you like chocolate biscuits best, and your sister is a piece of work. Now, who is your best friend?”
“Mary, I guess?” said Lily, brows furrowed slightly. “We immediately clicked since we first met, what with us both being Muggleborn, and after Sev was out of the picture…”
“I’m familiar with this part,” James grimaced, his focus shifting to his fingernails. “So, next question. If you had to be sorted into a different house, which one would you choose?”
“Hufflepuff,” she responded without blinking. “Closest to the kitchens, obviously. Next question.”
“Respectable,” he chuckled. “How about… do you prefer Butterbeer or Firewhiskey?”
She paused, catching his eye for longer than she’d planned. “You probably already know the answer.”
The corner of his mouth twitched upwards with a jolt of hope. “Butterbeer spiked with Firewhiskey?”
“Butterbeer spiked with Firewhiskey.”
James leaned forward slightly, his arm extending absentmindedly to reach for the cloth handles on Lily’s tube to pull her closer. “Like the ones we made at Peter’s birthday party last month?”
Their hands mingled together in the water between their tubes, pruned fingers brushing against each other as the current pushed them together. “Exactly like the ones from Peter’s birthday.”
He was near enough to count every sunkissed freckle spattered across her nose. She could practically fall into his growing dimples.
“Oi, Prongs!” came the disappointing voice of Sirius Black from the concession stand’s picnic tables. “You can’t hide from us all day, mate!”
“Maybe not,” James called back, a lopsided smirk sliding across his face, “but I can try!”
Before Sirius had a chance to respond, James sunk through the center of his intertube and disappeared under the water’s surface. Lily peered into the river, wondering if he could have possibly brought his Invisibility Cloak with him to the park, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted when a hand grabbed her ankle under the water. It tugged lightly, willing her out of her tube and into the depths of the lazy river.
Once fully submerged in the water, Lily squinted her eyes open to see her new surroundings, blue like the sky with ripples of sunlight refracting through the flowing stream, circular shadows overhead from the tubes they left on the surface, roaming away like drifting clouds searching for different horizons. A hand found her arm and spun her around, bringing her face to face with James, his glasses attempting an escape into the river’s flow, tiny air bubbles escaping through his nose and growing smile.
He pulled her across the width of the river, through a shower of bubbles from the underside of a waterfall, and into still water again before finally leading them both to the surface. They broke back into the world with gasping breaths and laughter, finding themselves in a dark, quiet alcove behind one of the castle’s waterfall features. The lazy river continued on as they stood together in their hidden cave, separated only by a wall of tumbling water. Despite no longer being pulled by the river’s current, the two found themselves drifting closer and closer to one another.
“Do you have any more questions?” asked Lily, her whisper echoing around and joining in with the soft roar of the waterfall.
James tried to control the beating of his heart, which must have been reverberating all around their little retreat based on how loudly he heard it pounding in his ears.
He cleared his throat. “Did you want me to kiss you that night at Peter’s party?”
She inhaled sharply. “Yes. Next question.”
“Do you want me to kiss you now?”
She barely got the word out before James’ lips found hers, crashing down like a wave against the shore, pulling them into a riptide of racing hearts, fluttering eyelashes, and sighing breaths. They kissed and kissed and kissed until their heads spun, either drunk off the thrill of new beginnings or thoughts of Firewhiskey-spiked Butterbeer. Or possibly it was the intoxicating combination of magic mixed with chlorine.
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emotionallyits2009 · 4 years
deancas fic rec list!
hello everyone! happy christmas to those who celebrate it, my gift to you is my fic rec list that i said i would make like a month ago. the only thing it is organized by is canonverse vs alternate universe. tried to cover a variety of subjects but there are in particular many fics of the genre “postcanon where cas is human and he and dean live together and slowly finally get their shit together” because i know what i’m about, son. HOPE U ENJOY. and if you wanna talk about any of them or rec me other fics please do. :) 
where the weeds take root by deathbanjo, 30k, explicit “Are you happy? Y’know. Just—being here,” Dean says, gesturing to the yard with his beer bottle. “Being with—I mean, you used to fight in celestial wars and—and save the world. Now you’re growing vegetables and talking about chickens.” There are many fics set in a post-canon universe where Cas is human and he and Dean live together and slowly fall into a relationship. Imo this one is the best of the best of that genre. This was one of the first fics I read back in July when I was getting Back Into Supernatural where I was like oh fuck I’m like in this. Dean builds Cas planters and bookshelves and a chicken coop and they fight and work through it.
Cuckoo And Nest by komodobits, 10k, explicit For a long time, Castiel thought that every earthly possession other than the immediately necessary was excess to requirement. But Dean – Dean who named his car, who keeps a photograph of his mother in his wallet, some thirty-plus years after her death, who still has the crumpled ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign with a sleeping pelican emblazoned on it from the Microtel outside of Roanoke where he first kissed Castiel, clumsy and unsure, under the unsteady fluorescence of an exhausted bathroom bulb – is sentimental. It puzzles Castiel, where Dean draws the line between what is meaningful and what it is worthless. Really Gets the dynamic of Cas doesn’t think Dean wants him to stay/Dean thinks Cas will leave the first chance he gets. Also a nice example of Cas thinking he’s not wanted if he’s not useful/powerful and being told otherwise. Another all-time fave!
lonely hearts by outphastthemoat, 4.5k, gen He thinks he might give up having his own anything just to be able to step foot inside the room next door and sit on the edge of Dean’s bed instead. This one is for the CAS GIRLS who know what LONELINESS feels like.
Helionneiros by aeli_kindara, 24.2k, mature In which Dean visits his mother, and Claire takes Cas on a hunt. I’m always on the lookout for more fic with Claire and Jack. Jack doesn’t show up until the end here but the relationship between Cas and Claire is really nice.
Crawl by aeriallon, 11k, explicit It’s been almost four years since Castiel left Kansas; he'd eventually settled in an island town where he has a job, a house, and a life without the Winchesters. Every winter, Dean drives down to the coast to see him. Another fic where Cas is human but in this one he took some time for himself and got some distance from the Winchesters! He gets to be competent and weird as a human and we love that for him. I must warn you all that this fic contains one use of the phrase “making love” which would normally put me right off but it’s still worth reading. The first of a three-part series.
home where you hold me by microcomets, 1.6k, gen Cas and Dean, in the moments between their battles, ache for quiet spaces. Technically this is a coda to 10x20 but you don’t need the episode for context. Short and very sweet.
Build a Home by domesticadventures, 20.1k, teen After they save the world, Dean expects Cas to come back to the bunker with them. He doesn’t. This one is so cute it’s like what if once they were done saving the world Sam and Dean actually invited other hunters to move into the bunker with them. Obviously Dean wants that to include Cas but doesn’t know how to use his words.
the taste of gravel in the mouth by deathbanjo, 22.4k, explicit This is what Cas gave up Heaven for: greasy diner food, shitty motel rooms with even shittier cable, long car rides spent in complete silence except for the same six tapes playing over and over again, and a burnt-out husk of a man who can barely hold a conversation anymore. Angst fic! They go on a road trip and Dean is severely fucked up post-Mark of Cain.
Unknown Quantities by xylodemon, 8.6k, explicit No one ever tells Dean anything. Another nice getting-together fic.
Creature of Habit by trinityofone, 5.2k, teen The more you love someone, the more you want to kill them. Or: How Cas developed some bad habits, and Dean coped surprisingly well. This one is ancient by destiel standards (written during season 5) but it manages to nail the married couple vibes they give off in later seasons. Cas is a bitch and Dean likes him so much. <3
The (Mostly Accidental) Courtship of Dean Winchester by Tuesday, 11.2k, mature Angelic marriage rites were never intended to go quite like this. Another old one that is a lot of fun! They get Accidental Angel Married and if you don’t enjoy dumb fanfiction tropes like that I don’t know what to say to you.
Vena Amoris and Other Old-Fashioned Bullshit by pyrebi, 4k, teen In which angelic marriage bonds are apparently stupidly easy to trigger, Cas wages multidimensional war in Heaven, Dean can't catch a break like ever, Sam rather enjoys being a dick, love saves the day, and nobody consummates anything. The OTHER accidental angel marriage fic written in 2010. 
Crazy Diamonds by pantheon_of_discord, 24.8k, explicit A week ago, Dean was pulled out of Hell. Now, he’s apparently woken up in 2018, and the angel that a mere twenty-four hours beforehand had threatened to chuck him back into the pit is sleepily pouring himself coffee and wearing Dean’s second-favourite Zeppelin shirt. It all seems like a perfect happy ending, but with Hell’s scars still so fresh, Dean can’t imagine how he could have possibly gotten there. At the same time, the Dean who went to sleep in the bunker, right next to Cas, wakes up on Bobby’s couch in 2008. He’s instantly bombarded with questions by a Lilith-obsessed brother and a man who’s been dead for years, and must decide between keeping his finally-perfect life intact, and the lives he could save by re-writing history. Regardless of these choices, both Deans are trapped in the wrong decade, and their only way back lies with a Castiel still very much under Heaven’s thumb – one who might find the future Dean describes difficult to believe. Time travel is FUN. There’s an excellent part where (minor spoilers) future!Dean is like, “Guess what, asshole? You like me so much you marry me!!!!!!!!!!!” to 2008!Castiel that made me laugh out loud the first time I read it. Also just a good reminder of how most problems in life are temporary and if you could go back in time to talk to your younger self you’d be like, “Hey man. Chill out. You get through it.”
The Path of Fireflies by museaway, 63.7k, mature After his humanity is restored, Dean wakes up in bed with Castiel, a wedding ring, and no memory of the past twelve years. There’s a lot of amnesia fic and djinn fic out there were Dean wakes up ~suddenly together with Cas~ but I like this one in particular because he’s initially very confused and kind of a dick about it until he acknowledges that being with Cas makes him happy.
take the long way home by dothraki_shieldmaiden, 95k, explicit Three months ago, when Dean decided to retire, he thought his life was going to end up differently. He'd thought that he might get to have it all, Sam, Cas, Jack, and nice little place to live. Instead he gets Sam and Jack off on their Summer of Love Tour, radio silence from Cas, and a never-ending road trip consisting of himself. Still reeling from the loss of his grace, Castiel travels the country in search of hunts. Driven by a need to prove his usefulness, he pushes himself beyond all limits of endurance. Together, with the help of a few friends, a crumbling Victorian house, and a stray cat, Dean and Castiel patch themselves back together and create a home together. Do you wanna read almost one hundred thousand words of Dean and Cas having extremely intense feelings but refusing to voice them aloud? Haha of course you do that’s why you’re here. There’s also a lot about Cas adjusting to being human and being depressed about it which might resonate if you’ve ever felt weird about having a body. To be honest the author could stand to use a few more commas but there were also half a dozen moments that made me put my phone down and drag my hand slowly over my face and whisper “oh my god” to myself which is like, the ultimate measure of a good fanfiction so it gets to be on the list.
like moses and batman and james dean by saltyfeathers, 31.6k, explicit dean used to turn tricks. over a decade later, he met cas. Have you seen the fanon (apparently pioneered by Mr. Jackles “Original Deankin” Ackles himself) that Dean used to prostitute himself to feed himself and Sam when they were younger? Are you interested in exploring that concept in fanfiction? Well, this is the only fic you need. Mind the tags on this one! It’s not what I’d call happy but it’s good.
Some Assembly Required by narrow_staircases, 47k, mature It’s September of 2005, and Dean Winchester, in an attempt to outrun old mistakes and painful memories, finds himself in southern Kentucky on a wild goose chase. He’s completely certain this weird religious movement he’s “investigating” is a hoax, despite the miraculous healings people report, and he’ll be back on the road in a day or two. Things are looking up when he meets Cas, an awkward (and gorgeous) graduate student who’s actually doing honest-to-god research into the local tent revival meetings. When that research takes a weird and personal turn, Dean’s left to face two very serious realities: one, this may be a real case after all, and two, he’s fallen way harder for Cas than he should ever have let himself. Stanford-era AU of Dean trying to avoid his father and getting in over his head on a case.
Alternate universe:
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets, 57k, mature Only a very few people in the world know that the celebrated and reclusive poet Jack Allen is just Kansas mechanic Dean Winchester, a high school dropout with a few bucks to his name. Not that it matters anymore; life has left him so wrung out he never wants to pick up another pen. Until, that is, a string of coincidences leads Dean to auditing a poetry course with one Dr. Castiel Novak. The  professor is wildly intelligent, devastatingly handsome...and just so happens to be academia's foremost expert on the poetry of Jack Allen. Mundane AUs in this fandom have to be really, really good to catch my attention and this one is! It’s exactly what it says in the summary and the characterization is spot-on. 
Out to Drift by deathbanjo, 20.9k, mature Dean drives a black car with a loud engine. He lies too easily. He keeps a gun in the back of his jeans, and Castiel isn’t sure, but he wouldn’t be surprised if Dean has killed someone before. Two people in fucked-up unstable situations meeting and forming a connection. Honestly guys I really just love deathbanjo.
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hello, excuse me if this makes you uncomfortable but my birthday is September 14 and I have very few friends and therefore I did not receive congratulations or gifts, could I please ask for something with drarry and scorbus? something like Harry and his children living in the manor anda Lucius and Narcissa still alive, I know it's out of your comfort zone and if you can't or don't want to then sorry for the inconvenience🥺😖
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Hello friends, First thing- Happy birthday to the nonnie who requested this. Second thing- Yes! For your birthday and for the other lovelies who have requested Scorbus, I will write one (1) Scorbus fic. I will do my best but I've got to be honest- I don't have any real feelings about Scorbus (I don't read much of it and didn't enjoy The Cursed Child). So we'll have to see how it turns out.
cw: talks about hospice care and future death (not of a main character- we're talking about Lucius, no death will take place in the fic) without further ado, here's the best take I can give you. <3
"But Daaad," Albus whined, "I don't want to go!"
"I know, bud," Harry replied, instantly regretting calling his 15-year-old 'bud', as he helped Lily find her bag.
James came in and flopped on Albus' bed, "It's just because he-"
"Shut up!" Albus shrieked, pouncing on him and smothering him with a pillow.
"Boys-" Harry started even as the boys started screaming and wrestling and Lily started to cry about not being able to find something. "Enough!" he shouted, casting a shield charm between the boys. "All of you," he said, "Let's just take a breath."
"But-" multiple voices rang out.
"No buts," he interrupted. "Deep breaths. Right now."
(Read more below the cut)
Everyone glared at him but at least they stopped talking.
"Okay," he said, "James, please stop intentionally trying to bother your brother."
Albus stuck his tongue out at him.
"Al, please finish packing. Lily, your straightener is in the bathroom under the sink."
They let out a collective groan.
"Look guys," he said. "I know. I know it's hard when I have to go to work. I know being in a house where someone is about to die is difficult. But Draco is a good friend and if I can help Lucius pass on, I need to do it. Okay?"
All of his children nodded sullenly.
"Besides," he added, "The manor is huge. You won't even have to see Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. And," he said, smiling at Albus, "Scorpius will be there. I'm sure he'll be glad to have a friend, yeah?"
Albus rolled his eyes and just muttered, "Can you get out so I can pack, please?"
With a sigh, Harry nodded and left, thinking for the thousandth time that single parenting was really fucking hard.
He hadn't expected this to be his life. Harry had expected that he'd join the aurors or that he'd go on to be a quidditch player.
Working as a hospice care healer had never been in the plans. But there was no denying that he was good at it; he wasn't grossed out by all of the ways that bodies failed as a person began the process of dying. He didn't mind the late nights and early mornings. He actually usually enjoyed listening to stories from his patient as they reflected on their lives. And death didn't bother him. He'd spent nearly twenty years in this profession, he was good at his job, and he liked it.
Still, as he stood looking at the Manor, nerves that he hadn't felt in years settled in. He couldn't be sure if it was because the Manor still gave him the creeps all these years later, if it was because it was Lucius Malfoy and they'd never had the best of relationships, if it was because he was anxious about how Draco would handle his father's death, or something else entirely.
"Let's go," Albus snapped, impatient and anxious.
He nodded once and stepped up onto the top step and rang the door bell.
Draco opened the door, looking exhausted.
"Hey," Harry said softly, aching to hold him, to take him into his arms and hide him away from the rest of the world and all that was happening to him.
But they didn't do that. Not in public, not where anyone could see them including their families. Maybe especially their families. "Hi," Draco replied and Harry knew he was wishing for the same thing. "Thanks for coming."
"Of course," he said because there hadn't really ever been a choice. He loved Draco and he would do anything that would help make this easier. "Let me just get these guys settled in and I'll check in with your dad, okay?"
He nodded, "I have you guys set up in the West wing," he said as he started inside, "I know this is probably not the way you were hoping to spend your summer hols-" Draco started.
"It's okay," Lily said, falling into step beside Draco. "I'm sorry about your dad," she added.
"Thank you," he replied.
And Harry smiled, if nothing else, he and Ginny still agreed it was important to raise their kids to practice kindness.
It was a long day. The first day at a new job almost always was, lots of intake paperwork, lots of working to make sure they had all their doses right in order to keep their patient comfortable, and inevitably lots of input from the patient's family.
By the time Harry had gotten everything set up and diagnostic spells and alerts in place, Lucius was sleeping comfortably in the hospice bed, Narcissa on the cot beside him.
Only Draco remained awake, watching Harry work from the sofa in the corner.
When he finished he nodded to the door and Draco followed him out. "You okay?" he asked softly once the door closed.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" he whispered.
"Yeah, love," he replied, giving Draco's hand a quick squeeze. "Of course."
Draco nodded once and led the way through the halls to a different wing entirely. He opened the last door on the left and let Harry in first.
Harry looked around curiously. He'd obviously seen Draco's room in his own home but not the room he occupied when he stayed at the Manor.
"It's actually not the room I stayed in as a child," Draco informed him as he made his way to the drawers to pull out two pairs of pajamas. "It gave me nightmares," he said, "after everything in this awful house."
He hummed, "It must be hard," he said gently, slipping into the comfortable clothes Draco had tossed him. "A lot of trauma wrapped up in an already challenging event." He folded down the covers and climbed in, making a space for Draco so he could curl up in front of him.
"Harry?" he asked once he'd settled back against him and pulled Harry's arm snug around his waist.
He hummed, pressing a kiss to the smooth, soft skin of Draco's neck.
"Do you think you might want to tell our families about us?"
Harry froze, "Do you think you might want to tell our families?" he asked.
"I asked first."
"Personally," Harry said, "Yes. I would like that. I don't like keeping things from my kids and you're," he swallowed. It was silly to be nervous, he'd said this before, but he couldn't help the surge of adrenaline. "I love you, Draco. You're important to me. But the real question is do you want to tell them? You dad-"
"My father is a bigoted arse," he snapped. "And yes he is dying but Harry you make me so happy and I just," he sighed. "I don't want to keep it a secret anymore. If he hates it, he hates it but I don't want him to go from this life thinking that he got to control mine."
Harry didn't quite know what to say.
"I'm awful. I know. I-"
"Draco," he said, squeezing him a little tighter, "I wasn't judging you. I don't think you're awful. Grief and death affect us all differently. If that's what you want, let's do it."
"Let's tell our kids first."
Harry called a family meeting the next day after he'd check on Lucius and they'd done a bit of exercise and gone for a walk.
In retrospect, this might not have been the best thing to call it. Family meeting had never had the best associations and the last one they'd had was to tell the kids that he and Ginny were getting a divorce.
His kids were cagey, Scorpius was withdrawn, and Draco was honestly a bit erratic.
"Okay," he said, smiling at the room, only Lily smiled back. "So we," he said pointing back and forth between him and Draco, "have some news."
"Oh Salazar, please no," Albus whispered.
Harry gave him the look the one every parent had perfected by the time their child was three. "It's good news," Harry said.
"We're together," Draco blurted.
James barely looked up from his book as he said, "Called it."
Lily said "Like together-together?"
And Albus promptly burst into tears, fleeing the room.
"Albus!" Scorpius shouted, jumping up and chasing after him.
Harry and Draco looked at each other. "Maybe he thought that Ginny and I would get back together someday?"
James rolled his eyes, "That's not it. He and Scorpius are like," he waved a careless hand, "a thing."
Draco's eyes widened.
"Oh," Harry said. "And no one could have said something about this before?"
James shrugged, turning the page, "I tried to say something yesterday and you told me to shut up."
"I did not use those words," Harry said.
"Yeah, but that's what you meant."
Harry opened his mouth to argue, he was careful about his words, never wanting his kids to feel like they were unloved and unheard.
"It's fine, dad," James said, waving him off, "You should talk to Albus."
He was right, they really did need to talk to Albus and Scorpius.
When they found them, Al and Scorpius were sitting together on one of the swings and Al was still crying.
"Alright," Harry said, transfiguring a couple of sticks into chairs. "Let's talk about this."
"You're the worst," Albus shouted at him. "It's like you're intentionally trying to ruin my life without even knowing you're doing it."
It took everything in Harry not to point out the fallacy in that logic. Draco, too, if the sharp intake of breath was anything to go by. "Could you tell me more about why you feel that way?" Harry asked, gently squeezing Draco's thigh.
"Because he thinks you're going to ask us to break up," Scorpius said, biting his bottom lip.
"And even if you don't, everyone's going to think it's weird," Albus said, a hiccoughing sob escaping.
"Think what's weird?" Draco asked.
"If you guys are dating and we're dating," Scorpius said.
Harry nodded, "I think I understand," he said. "But honestly, guys, we're not going to ask you to stop dating and it doesn't really matter what other people think."
"Easy for you to say," Albus sniffled, "You're Harry Potter. Everyone already loves you."
"I agree with you dad," Draco said, "other people's opinions are irrelevant. It's not as though you were raised together or anything like that."
"Well everyone already hates you anyway," Albus snapped, "So why would it matter?"
"Albus," Harry warned, "Apologize."
"No, it's alright," Draco said. "I used to be a lot like you, you know," he said. "I used to really care about what other people thought and how they felt."
"What changed?" Scorpius asked curiously.
"Your mum, actually," he said, with a little smile. "She helped me to look at myself and see who I really was, not the person that people believe me to be. She helped me to recognize that other people didn't define me, I did." He shrugged, "At the end of the day, if I chose to listen to them I was still the one defining myself that way."
"That," Albus started, wiping his nose on the back of his hand, "Makes sense."
"Good," Draco said, nodding once.
Harry squeezed his hand, "Right, well, congratulations, you two. Please be sure if you decide to make things physical you talk to one of us about protection spe-"
"Dad!" Albus shrieked, covering his ears. "Shut up! Shut up! Merlin save me."
Draco laughed, attempting to stifle it with a cough and failing in Harry's opinion.
"I'm just saying," Harry said, holding up his hands in defeat. "We should probably have this conversation at some point."
Albus shook his head and Scorpius had turned as red as a beet.
"Well. I'm off, then. Back to work," Harry replied.
Draco took his hand, "I'll walk you," he offered and they headed back to the house.
"Well," Harry said, once they were a good distance away. "That was unexpected."
"Was it, though?" Draco asked. "The way Scorp talks about Albus," he trailed off. "Well, let's just say he reminded me a little too much of me at that age."
"Had a crush on me that long have you?"
He laughed, "Longer. My father was just too bigoted to take my ramblings for what they really were."
Harry leaned over and pecked his cheek, "Well, I after that, I think that telling your parents will be a piece of cake."
See the rest of my drabbles here
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Hey i love your stories! Can you please write a fanfic where after Lily rejects James yet again, Sirius starts to give James hints that he is into him. Also make Harry time travel to the past while all this is happening. And Harry witnesses a cute Prongsfoot or Jirius or Starbucks. And learns the truth about himself that us parents are James Potter and Sirius Black ?
((A/N: Trans Sirius-- with a brief mention of a trans pregnancy since most of this fic takes place in Hogwarts))
Sirius rubbed a hand in circles against James's back for comfort. Or at least, he hoped it was comforting him, but he wasn't sure if it was having the intended effect. "It's not that bad, mate," Sirius said.
"She looked at me like she wanted nothing more than for me to drop dead," James muttered.
Sirius swallowed and plucked up some courage-- he was always in short supply of it when it came to James. "That's what I mean. She's not interested. Maybe it's time for you to... try with someone else. Someone that already knows you and likes you for it."
"Mm. Yeah," James said, sounding resigned, "maybe." He looked over at Sirius with a small, sad smile. "What happened to 'don't worry about it, Prongs, she'll come around'?"
"You're miserable like this," Sirius said. "If chasing after her is going to make you this sad, I don't care if you end up happily married with five kids, ten years from now. I would rather you be happy now, and only get more happy in the next ten years, rather than be utterly miserable in the beginning."
James laughed, and his smile lost the sadness. "Thanks, Padfoot."
That was more progress than he'd had in the last year. He smiled back.
"You make it sound like there's someone just waiting to date me," James said. They were laid out on the Quidditch Pitch, looking up at the cloudy sky. They'd started by pointing out the clouds that they found shapes in, then they started making up elaborate lies for what they saw, then the conversation-- as it so often did when they were talking without direction-- turned to Lily. From there, James admitted that he thought Sirius was right about not trying to date her anymore, and Sirius told him that he would have better opportunities in the future.
"Maybe there is," Sirius said, feeling like his throat had something stuck in it. "Have you taken a look around lately? You're great, and I'm sure someone has noticed that-"
"Mister Potter!"
They both sat up. Professor McGonagall was striding towards them, so they scrambled to their feet. "We're allowed to be out here," James said, sounding both defensive and confused. They weren't going to get in trouble, were they? It wasn't after hours, and the Quidditch Pitch wasn't off limits.
"You need to come with me, immediately."
"I didn't do anything wrong for once," James said, sounding more confused than ever. Sirius felt much the same.
"You are not in trouble," she said, sounding frustrated. "There's a matter the Headmaster needs to see you about."
James started forward, and Sirius did too.
"Your presence is not required, Mister Black," she said.
Sirius stopped in his tracks, blinking at her. Where James went, he went. The professors hardly bothered to give them separate detentions anymore, since they knew there was no point in it. He shared a look with James, and they both shrugged. James left with Professor McGonagall, and Sirius sank back onto the pitch.
Well. Sod everything. He felt like he'd been about to make some progress. James barely thought about other people as a romantic option, and he certainly didn't think of Sirius that way. He'd been about to broach it as a possibility. A very minor possibility. Barely a nudge in the right direction.
He knew what would happen if he told James flat out that he was interested in him: panic and rejection. James would panic when he heard that Sirius fancied him because he hadn't expected it, and when James heard something he didn't expect of this magnitude, he'd run away. James only ran when it was family. His parents. Sirius. Nobody else. Sirius wasn't quite sure when he became part of 'family' and not simply 'best mate', and he didn't know if it excluded him from being a possible partner or not. Once James started thinking about other people, it would be easier to see if he stood half a chance.
Harry could never remember seeing his parents. He'd known them when he was a baby, obviously, but that had been it. The complete beginning and end of his time with them. He didn't have any memories. All he had were the photos that Hagrid had kindly given him, and the handful of stories that people had told him. The pictures were great. Harry could look through them a dozen times and not be bored. The stories were barely existent. They were tidbits more than anything else. 'Your father loved Quidditch' and 'your mother was clever'. They weren't full stories about a prank his father had done, or something his mother had done while she was Head Girl. No stories. Just personality traits. He wanted... more. More memories for his parents that were long gone.
He wanted to feel some sort of connection to them. He hadn't meant for that to be taken to an entirely new level, but he should hardly be surprised that his magic had led him to it. Led him directly to his parents at Hogwarts, while they were in sixth year.
"I didn't mean for this to happen," Harry said apologetically to Professor Dumbledore, but he couldn't take his eyes off his father. He was only a couple years younger here than he was in the most recent photos Harry had of him. It was strange to think that only a few years from now, the teenager in front of him would be a father. Harry tried to imagine himself doing that, and he couldn't.
"I'm your father?" James asked numbly.
"Yeah," Harry said, adding a nod unnecessarily.
"Who's your mother?"
"Lily Evans."
James's eyes went wide. "Evans? That's- that's not possible. She won't give me the time of day."
"I've been told that you start getting on in the next year or two."
"Told?" Professor McGonagall asked, and Harry hesitated.
"I'm not sure I should say," he hedged.
"Mister Potter," Professor Dumbledore said, and Harry looked over automatically, but the Headmaster was talking to his father. "Could you wait outside for a minute?"
For a second, it looked like he was going to refuse. A small part of Harry hoped that he would, that he'd demand to spend as much time with his future son as he could. But the moment passed and he gave a short nod before leaving the room.
"He's my kid from the future!" James hissed into the mirror.
Sirius's eyes went wide. He looked as shocked as James had felt. "What?"
"That's not all. He said that his mum is Evans!"
"Apparently we start getting on in the next year or so. He didn't get to tell me more before they made leave the room, but can you imagine? Me and Evans? It was starting to feel like a fantasy, but- I guess we make it."
He was so excited that he didn't notice how subdued Sirius was. "Merlin, Pads, it's incredible! I can't wait to get to know him. He'll love you. I bet you haven't changed a bit," he said, grinning.
"Ha, yeah, sounds like me."
James heard footsteps on the stairway. "Got to go."
He tapped the mirror to end the connection before Sirius could finish getting the word out. He'd apologise for it later, if Sirius was feeling peeved. He shoved the mirror back in his robes. Some of the professors knew that they had them, but there was no reason to wave it around under their noses and risk it being confiscated.
By some stroke of fate, Harry got to be alone with Sirius. It made him feel more comfortable than anyone else. He didn't know why, because it's not like Sirius as a teenager was anything like Sirius as an adult. He didn't have the weight of Azkaban on him. He had none of the death, none of the experiences from war. Not to say that he was innocent and carefree here. His parents were utter rubbish, and he'd already run away to live with Harry's father and grandparents.
He was so different that at times, it seemed like he was a different person altogether, but his laugh was the same. When he laughed, Harry knew that he was the same person underneath it all.
It just... made him feel better to be around him.
"Missing home?" Sirius asked. They'd been told to stay inside. Naturally, Sirius had suggested they go out to the Great Lake. Harry had never done it before; it wasn't safe for him, not in his time with who he was. It was beautiful though, with the night sky clear and reflecting on the surface.
"No," Harry said. 
Sirius raised an eyebrow in doubt.
"Missing my friends."
"Ah. I can understand that." Sirius retrieved a pack of smokes from his pocket. He tapped one out into his hand and offered it to Harry.
He hesitated before accepting it. "I've never had one before," he admitted, figuring that it was obvious in the way he was holding it.
"Too afraid your parents will catch you?" Sirius asked with a grin, like the idea of Harry not wanting to get in trouble with his parents was very amusing to him.
"Not really. More like... who would have offered one to me? I'm barely passing my classes with how busy I am."
"Busy with what?" Sirius asked. He didn't think it was a question that was like walking into a minefield, but it was.
"Can't say," Harry said. "How do I light this?"
Sirius snorted, but not unkindly. He flicked out a finger, a flame dancing above his skin. It reminded Harry of when he'd met Remus on the train to Hogwarts in third year and he'd been holding fire above his palm as easy as anything. He lit the end of Harry's cigarette. "Don't try to take too much at once. Small puffs until you get used to it."
Harry smoked the whole thing, chatting back and forth with Sirius. Mostly it was Sirius laughing at him and Harry asking for advice on how to hold it and asking if it was supposed to taste this bad-- the answer was yes.
"So do we get on?" Sirius asked, after he'd vanished the butts and they were just sitting by the lakeside again with nothing to do. "In your time?"
"I'm not supposed to say," Harry said, clamming up.
"Oh, c'mon. It's not the end of the bloody universe if you tell me that I do alright as a godfather. You must like me at least a little bit, if you're spending time with me now. Or I guess you could be running away from your lovebird parents with the eyes they're making at each other," he added, sounding too bitter about it considering he was talking to their son. A son who, as far as he could tell, loved his parents very dearly, even if he wasn't allowed to give any sort of details or stories.
"Do you not like them together?" Harry asked.
"Hard to dislike something you've never seen," he grumbled. "You know who you remind me of?" he asked suddenly.
"My dad?" Harry replied wryly.
"I was going to say my younger brother, actually. Regulus."
"You have a brother? I mean, I knew that you did, but. Well, you've barely mentioned him before."
"Hm," Sirius said shortly. He'd kind of hoped that Regulus left their parents too. In the future, that is. Evidently, it was a hope that never panned out. "Well. That's who you remind me of," he said, throwing on a grin that he didn't feel but looked fine enough. "The hair might be Potter, but your face screams Black."
Harry laughed. "I've never heard that one before. I'll have to remember it when I get back. Ron will get a kick out of it."
"That your best mate?"
"Yeah. He's been with me through everything. Most everything," Harry amended, because there had been that spat during the beginning of the Triwizard Tournament.
"I take it that's an 'everything' I don't get to know about?"
"I hope I handle it well while it's happening then. Since I know you come out of it alright," he said, nudging Harry with his elbow.
Harry grinned knowingly.
"Ugh, don't tell me I become a swot in my old age," Sirius groaned.
"Not at all. You're just protective."
"That makes sense. You're James's kid, after all. And you do have this air about you that says you need looking after."
"And so you offered me a smoke?"
"I've always been a rebel, even to my own instincts," Sirius said loftily.
Harry laughed again.
They quieted, and a chill wind stirred their hair.
"I've always wondered-" Harry started to say, then stopped himself.
"I'm not supposed to ask questions that give you hints about my time. No matter how much I might want to know the answer," he tacked on with a mutter.
"Couldn't you ask me when you get back?"
"Like you'd tell me if I did. You're so evasive sometimes."
"I'm evasive, but what I'm more of right now is curious. Ask me what you wanted to know, and we'll keep it between us. I won't even tell James, and if you remember us from your time, I'm sure you realise what a unique offer this is."
Harry only gave a small smile. "You sure?"
"I don't know if you noticed that I didn't promise to answer," Sirius said with a smirk.
"Oh come on. I'm asking something I'm not supposed to ask, and you won't promise your favourite godson an answer?"
"I don't remember you being my favourite godson yet."
Harry put his hands together in a pleading fashion.
"Merlin, you look like Regulus. He used to use that face on me back before Hogwarts." And it had always worked. "Fine, what did you want to ask?"
"Do you fancy someone? As far as I know, you've never dated or- been interested in anyone."
Sirius clapped a hand on Harry's back. "Sorry to have to disappoint you, Prongslet." He got to his feet and stretched his arms over his head. Wow. As if it wasn't enough to know that he didn't end up with James, he had to learn that he never moved on. He stood on the sidelines and pined uselessly. Great. "I'm going back inside, and I get the feeling not to leave you alone."
Harry gave a faint smile. He knew that he'd overstepped, but there was no taking it back. Sirius didn't seem to be too upset with him, so he'd be grateful for that much at least. "Probably for the best."
"You feeling alright?" Sirius asked quietly. Everybody else was asleep. If they were smart, they would've casted a silencing spell around their curtains, but there was never any guarantee. Besides, Sirius didn't know if that etiquette was the same in Harry's time as it was here.
Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall had agreed to let Harry stay in their dormitory with them (if none of them minded, which, of course, they didn't). The house elves had brought up an extra bed for Harry to sleep in, so they didn't even have to come up with new sleeping arrangements.
"I thought you'd be over the moon that you and Evans end up together," he continued, when James didn't jump at the opportunity to tell him what was wrong.
"Yeah, I thought so too," James whispered back. "And I was at first."
"Then what's wrong?"
He reached up and ruffled his hair. He knew that Evans didn't like it when he did that, so he'd started stopping himself from doing it when they were out in the corridors or in class. "I'd been thinking about what you were saying. About moving on and dating someone else. Or at least looking at someone else. It had started to sound fun, y'know? Besides, she's a prefect and... tightlaced. I don't really know how much fun we'd have together." He breathed in, then out, sounding tired. Tired beyond the fact that it was late and in spite of there being no classes today, it had been a long day. "I guess it works out," he said, but he didn't sound convinced.
"It's just me here," Sirius reminded him, bumping their shoulders together.
"Lily's great, right? She's beautiful and smart, and she's definitely the catch of the school. I'd be totally lucky to date her. I was just really starting to believe that we weren't right for each other. I guess it's not sitting right because I was starting to accept that it was never going to happen. And- okay don't tell Harry this, but I don't think he looks that much like her."
Sirius nodded. "I was thinking the same thing."
"Right?" James said, invigorated by Sirius agreeing with him. "He looks like you!" He wasn't so excited that he didn't remember to keep his voice down, but the route he went made Sirius frown a little.
Yes, he'd thought that Harry looked a bit like Regulus, but he'd figured that was him projecting protective instincts and misplaced family feelings or whatever the fuck. "You think?"
"Are you kidding? You have the same smile."
"Oh well in that case, there's no one I'd rather raise a kid with," Sirius said, too honest but able to make it a joke with a smile and another nudge to James.
"Me either," James said, nudging him back with a grin.
Harry silently watched the exchange. He wanted to feel some sort of sadness or betrayal that James didn't want to be with his mother, but... well, he was starting to suspect that maybe Lily wasn't his mother. Lily hadn't looked very much in the photos like Aunt Petunia, but there had been a familial resemblance. He'd even been able to link it between Lily and Dudley, no matter how much he's sometimes wished he could unsee it.
He'd spent hours trying to find his own similarities to his family, and he'd never managed it. Not with Lily or the Dursley's, at least. Everyone said that he looked like James, and it was an easy connection to make. Mrs. Weasley had taken a picture of him with Sirius once, and every time he looked at it, he'd felt like he finally had someone he could call family. There were a lot of Black family members, weren't there? Maybe someone in his family tree was Harry's mother. It sounded ridiculous to say on its own, but it made more sense to him than Lily did right now.
He'd try to get some sleep tonight. He wasn't sure how well that would work, but in the morning, he'd see if he could learn more. He was supposed to go back to Professor Dumbledore's office in the morning to see if they could learn more about how to get him back to his own time. If anyone would know how to check who his real parents were, it would be the Headmaster.
His father and godfather had gone to bed a while ago, and there was only the sound of breathing to fill the otherwise silent room. He would've preferred if there was someone talking. Not necessarily Sirius, just somebody. He didn't usually have this problem. Ron had a tendency to talk in his sleep. They usually weren't fully formed words, just syllables that never went anywhere. He hadn't realised how much he'd gotten used to it in the Hogwarts dormitory until now, when it was gone.
He'd been pretty confident in his plan until then, feeling alone in the quiet of the room with people that barely knew him. Also that cigarette he'd smoked made him feel icky, and he didn't think it had gotten out of his system yet.
He wasn't sure there was anything to test. Everyone had believed him the second he said he was James Potter's son. When he'd said that his other parent was Lily, they had paused and looked closer at him before deciding to move on with their questions. He'd thought, originally, that it was because they couldn't believe James and Lily got together. Now he wasn't sure. In fact, he was sure that that had nothing to do with it. It's because he didn't look like her.
The only one that had accepted it straight away was James, and he'd changed his mind later, thinking that Harry didn't look that much like Lily. And with the way he'd been talking to Sirius, Harry wouldn't be surprised if Sirius was his other parent. Well, that's a lie. He'd be very surprised. Mostly because there wouldn't have been any reason for Sirius to keep it from him. Even if they'd had a good reason to tell the lie to begin with, there wouldn't have been any point by the time Sirius and Harry finally met.
None of this made any sense, and the people in this time couldn't even answer his questions; none of them knew why they would've lied, or the circumstances surrounding the things they could've possibly lied about.
He rolled onto his other side and sighed. Why couldn't his life ever be simple? He'd always thought that he knew his parents were, and he was pretty sure he'd been wrong about that. Did he have any proof? No, not yet, but he didn't really have proof that he was Lily's son, either. Everyone said it, but what did that mean in a world where he'd somehow been entered into the Triwizard Tournament under a fourth school that didn't exist, had magic that he hadn't known about for the first ten years of his life, and had time traveled decades, something he'd been told in no uncertain terms was impossible.
He woke up the next day, half expecting to find that he'd gone back to his own time without doing anything.
He sat up and looked around. Nope. Peter was doing his tie in the mirror, and Remus was walking around like a zombie. He glanced towards the other two beds and saw that their curtains were still drawn.
Harry went back to the future. He said gave goodbyes to everyone, but with Sirius, he hugged him tight like he never wanted to go. "I know it doesn't mean anything to you right now," he said quietly, as he was holding on, "but I love you. And I'm not mad." He'd given Sirius a squeeze before letting go, followed by a sad smile, and then he turned to go into the Headmaster's office.
Sirius didn't know how to feel about that as a goodbye. Sure, he didn't know Harry that well, so the preface of 'doesn't mean anything to you right now' made sense, but why had he been so sad about it? And for that matter, Sirius already knew that Harry was his godson. The love was pretty heavily implied. What did he mean about not being mad? What would he have been mad about? Maybe that's what he'd meant about Sirius not understanding right now. Of course, if that was true, then it didn't make sense why he'd said 'I love you' first. Maybe he'd done it because he felt it was more important than him not being mad. None of it made any sense to him.
He was sure he'd understand. It would only take ten years or so.
Well, it didn't take ten years, but Sirius finally figured it out. When he got pregnant. Pregnant and vulnerable, and in the middle of a war.
He was pregnant, and Lily looked him straight in the eye and said, "We'll tell everyone it's me."
"What?" he asked, numb and not wanting to jump to the wrong conclusion.
"You and James have been hiding your relationship because it's not safe. This won't be any better, and you'll need help. We can tell everyone that I'm the one who's pregnant, that way you're safe. When the war ends, we can be honest, but for now..."
This is why Harry had thought his other parent was Lily. They'd told everyone that she was. Something must have happened to make it where they couldn't tell the truth. Some part of the spell gone wrong or summat, and that was enough to make Sirius hesitate, but not enough to make him say anything other than, "If you're sure," because Harry did live long enough to be a teenager this way, and that wasn't guaranteed if he said no.
When he told James what Lily offered, all he did was hold Sirius and kiss his head. "If you're sure," he said, and Sirius laughed a little. He wasn't sure about this, but what other choice did they have? “Whatever you need to do to feel safe, we’ll do it. Anything for you, love, you know that.”
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deadbiwrites · 4 years
hey, for the ask thing, can you do #9 under random: “You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.”
This one was so fun!!
Kara doesn’t drink, usually.
It’s not like, a thing, that she doesn’t drink. Some sort of moral or religious blah blah whatever, it’s just that she… doesn’t.
So when she’s dragged out to the bar for Nia’s 21st birthday, she expects it to be more of the same- her friends will get drunk, Brainy will dominate at the trivia game that’ll inevitably be crawling across a screen at the bar, Nia will flirt with Brainy, Alex will stare and sigh at Sam all night, James and Mike will inevitably get at each other’s throats (how they manage to play on the same team without killing each other, Kara will never know), Mike will flirt with her and be hurt when she shoots him down, James will pull out his camera and take candids that Alex will doubtlessly demand to see and then delete immediately, and Kara will eventually wrangle them all into her minivan and drive them back to campus.
A typical Thirsty Thursday with her closest friends (and also Mike, for some reason).
Except that tonight, instead of Al’s, the dive they usually flock to, they’re at some martini bar downtown. And though the reasoning makes sense (Nia can’t really openly celebrate her 21st at the bar she’s been frequenting for the past 2 years with a fake ID), and it is her birthday and she wants to go someplace-
“Swanky,” Alex murmurs as Sam lets out a low whistle behind them.
This is barely a bar, it more closely resembles a set from a 30’s noir movie, with the large chandeliers dripping crystal overhead and the rich, polished wooden floor underfoot. For crying out loud, there’s a live jazz band- not a quartet, a full band- across what is clearly a dance floor, and the waiters and waitresses are all dressed in vests and ties (and not the cheap kind Kara had to wear for the week she worked at the catering company).
In short, it’s gorgeous, and glamorous, and she’s infinitely glad she’d asked Nia what she should wear because her usual jeans-and-a-sweater combo surely wouldn’t fly here, but the suit she wore to her cousin’s wedding this past summer definitely does.
They’re greeted by a friendly but slightly harangued-looking hostess, who quickly ushers their group to a large booth in the corner. Each of them peruses the drink menu, and quickly realize that they have no idea what any of the cocktails listed actually are.
"Yeah, great, this is- I love doing a Google search to get drunk," Alex grumbles sarcastically as she scrolls through her phone, pulling a face at something or other. "How many of these have absinthe in them? Jesus."
Kara laughs. "What, no green fairies for you tonight?"
"It was one time!"
"Aw, we still like you even though you're afraid of the mean, scary alcohol," Sam coos at Alex, smile tinged with an edge of teasing and Alex melts like so much wax before a flame.
"Make out already," Nia jeers. When they both flip her off she turns to Kara, seemingly confused. "That was a legitimate suggestion, though?"
"I know. One day," Kara hums, throwing her arm around Nia’s shoulder and pulling her into a half-hug.
Their waiter appears, smooth and charming and managing to get Winn firmly under his spell in a matter of seconds. But in Winn's defense, he has a perfect smile, great hair, and a British accent.
Poor boy never stood a chance against all that. They each place their orders for a fancy drink, and when the waiter, Jack, turns his attention to Kara, Alex interrupts with, "She wants a Potion D'Amour."
"Oh, a love potion," he muses, smiling at Kara. His eyes catch on something and his smile widens. "I know just the lady to make it for you. Back in a tick."
And he's off before Kara can protest. Resigned, she turns to her sister. "Why?"
Alex rolls her eyes fondly. "Just take a sip. If you don't like it, one of us will finish it for you.”
“Fine, fine.”
So, as it turns out, Kara likes the love potion. A lot.
“It tastes like berries,” Kara marvels.
“We know, Kara, you told us when you were drinking the last one,” Alex chuckles.
“And the one before that,” Nia adds.
“You guys are so nice. I love you all so much.”
“Well at least she’s a happy drunk,” James chuckles.
“‘m not drunk,” Kara insists. “‘m always happy, ya butts.”
“Sure Kar, and the sky is red.”
Kara frowns as her friends all laugh. “Rude. Who wants another one?”
They all raise a hand, and Kara moves off in the general direction of the bar.
Or, well, she does her best.
“Hey there! Did you need something, luv?”
It’s Jack-the-waiter, looking at her with some bemusement.
“Yeah! Hi, sorry. Um, they all want more drinks, and I just, um…”
“Needed a break?”
She slumps in relief. “Yeah. Is that bad? Like, I love them and all, but I think I’m kinda drunk and they’re… a lot.”
Jack chuckles. “Trust me, I understand. If you want a minute of quiet, there’s a stool on the end of the bar that no one ever sits in. Got your name on it.”
“Thanks! You’re a very good waiter. Hey, d’you have any drink recommendations? Maybe one a little, um… lighter?”
“‘Course I do luv. Really fancy, too. C’mere, I’ll tell ya,” Jack says, motioning her close. When Kara is a few inches away, he tells her the secret. “It’s called ‘coffee’.”
Kara laughs as he winks and moves away to another table. She spots the empty barstool he’d mentioned and ambles over, dropping into it with a sigh. From here, she has a view of approximately nothing, given its location behind a pillar, and she leans back against the wall, the cool wood paneling chilly even through her jacket and shirt. 
“Long night?”
Kara’s eyes flutter open (when did they close? Maybe she is drunk…) and across from her is quite probably the most beautiful person she’s ever seen in her life.
The girl smirks, quirking a brow upward. “You okay there?”
“Yeah. I um, I think I just had too many love potions.”
“Oh, so it was you ordering those,” the pretty, pretty girl drawls. “They’re a pain in the ass to make, you know. Mostly the garnish, but still, I’m tempted to be annoyed with you, for being so high-maintenance.”
“Oh, Jack said he knew the girl for the job!” Kara says. “They were really good, I usually don’t even drink, but those were great.”
“Well well, keep talking, I thrive on flattery,” the girl jokes. She extends a hand. “Lena.”
“Kara, Kara Danvers. Wow, your hands are big.”
Lena barks a delighted laugh. “You have all the subtlety of a hand grenade, Kara Danvers.”
Kara flushes. “Oh, that’s- wow, sorry.”
“You’re fine. Like I said, I thrive on flattery,” Lena says, throwing her a very cute two-eyed wink. She turns suddenly, fixing a polite, professional smile on her face. “Good evening, sir. What can I get for you?”
“Another round for my friends. And your number, gorgeous.”
Lena remains polite, face impassive even as Kara hastily ducks out of sight under the bar. “What drinks did you and your friends have?”
“I dunno, fancy stuff. The waiter guy probably knows- my friend was supposed to come get us another round, but she probably bailed.”
“Oh yeah? Not much of a partier?” Lena asks, eyes darting to (hidden) Kara.
“Nah. Don’t get me wrong, Kara can be cool, but she’s a little… uptight. Needs to relax every once in a while.”
“So what’s your story, beautiful? You come here often?”
There’s a beat of silence before Lena drawls, “Well I work here, so… I’d have to say yes…”
Kara claps a hand over her mouth to muffle the laugh she can’t keep inside.
This obviously throws Mike off whatever game he thinks he has. “Oh, that- right. Um. That was a joke.”
“Of course, sir. I’ll ask your waiter what your order was- do you know who he is?”
“Um… he has a beard?”
“Jack, his name is Jack,” Kara mutters under her breath.
“Right. I’ll ask him. Did you need anything else?”
“No, thanks.”
There’s an extended silence before Lena says, “You can come up for air now, Kara Danvers.” 
Kara peeks over the edge of the bar, flushing again when Lena snickers at her.
“Good friend of yours?”
“No. He’s- I don’t even know why he’s here? Like one day we all hated him and then the next he was always around. Nia doesn’t even like him, and it’s her birthday.”
“Really? Good that she doesn’t- seems like a douche.”
Kara barks out a laugh, smothering in quickly and grinning behind her palm as Lena grins slyly over at her without turning her head. “He is a douche. He always asks me out even though I’ve told him no, like, a million times.”
Lena frowns at this, turning her attention fully to Kara. “Does he?”
“Yeah. My sister hates his guts, and so does our friend James, but somehow he just… sticks around.” Kara shrugs. “He’s pretty harmless, just really annoying.”
Lena hums, gaze narrowed. “He’s not worth your politeness, Kara.”
“Eh. Besides, I’m kinda doing the same thing to you, right? Just like, demanding all your attention?”
Lena bobbles her head side to side. “I’d say it’s a bit different.”
“Why, because I’m drunk?” Kara laughs. “‘m sorry about that, by the way.”
“First off, I don’t think you’re all that drunk,” Lena confides, leaning over the bar so . “Those drinks really aren’t all that strong. And secondly, there’s a difference because I am actually enjoying your attention, Kara Danvers.”
“Oh. Oh, okay. Cool,” Kara mutters to herself.
Lena smirks. “So, Kara Danvers- even though I already know the answer to this-, do you come here often?”
“Um, no. But I think I might start…”
Lena’s sly grin morphs into a broad smile, dimpling her cheeks and making her eyes shine in the low bar light. “Good.”
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