rains-of-words · 2 years
That's the advantage of insomnia. People who go to be early always complain that the night is too short, but for those of us who stay up all night, it can feel as long as a lifetime. You get a lot done.
Banana Yoshimoto, N.P
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saikaberry · 1 year
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Books [45] 요시모토 바나나 - N.P
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p-redux · 2 months
Follow up to my last post regarding Sam Heughan allegedly going camping last weekend with a mystery woman...
So, it came to my attention that another blogger connected the dots between Sam Heughan posting on Instagram from the Scottish countryside and a woman posting she was camping in what looks like the same exact spot. The other blogger went on to say something along the lines of not liking Sam's behavior due to who this woman is. And that she wouldn't post the woman's name as a result. This understandably created a lot of chatter and curiosity. People bombarded me with Anons and DMs about it. Certain people on my Team had a suspicion of WHO the woman is. The other blogger loves to claim that she's neutral and simply posts info. But the reality is she is very judgmental of Sam, and more importantly, she surrounds herself with CONFIRMED Sam haters, disgruntled ex-shippers, and Purv aka me haters. That's a FACT and theres no denying it. All anyone has to do is look at the bloggers who leave comments and likes on her posts--all KNOWN Sam haters, disgruntled ex-shippers, and long time haters of moi. The narrative this blogger perpetuates is that Sam is a man whore, and in this instance, a pervert for being with this woman. (She's young. Legal, but young.)
I, on the other hand, believe ALL dating is good, as long as it's between CONSENTING ADULTS. Sam is SINGLE. He can date whoever he wants and as many or as little women as he wants. And like I said in my previous post, Sam isn't deceiving anyone. Unless these women just landed on the planet, they all have social media and know how to use Google Search. They can SEE and READ about who he's dated or dating. I don't know about you, but every woman I know, the second they're interested in a guy, the first thing they do is conduct an extensive Internet search on him. Women are more efficient than the F B I when they want to find out info on a man. 🧐 Facts. And, on my blog, I don't use initials, for the most part, I write out full names, so any woman Googling Sam's dating history has LOTS to read about. 😉
I don't think Sam is doing anything wrong: he's dating multiple women, it's all consensual, and they are all of legal age. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Nothing, dammit, absolutely nothing.
So, if you want a blog that supports Sam and is glad he has an active love life, this is it. For the love of God, he's so fucking hot, who would turn down that golden delicious Scottishness? Not I, lasses, not I. Amirite? 🤗 If you want to be a prude with your panties in a bunch over consensual dating between a hot actor and the women who clearly can't resist his charms, the Sam hater blogs are waiting with open arms to brainwash you. Go there.
Okay, so onto what the other blogger posted. I was sent these screencaps. Sam posted this a few days ago. 👇
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Closer shot of the mountains and sky. 👇
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The mystery woman in question posted this. 👇
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Here it is lightened up by me. 👇
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Seems like the same place. The other blogger said she was sent screenshots of the mystery woman posting from the same place. And the caption in the top right stating she was camping. The other blogger cropped out most of the pic, except the top of the back of the woman's head. 👇
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I lightened up the pic. It looks like she has blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. 👇
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Someone on my Team obtained some info that led her to the account of a young female Scottish athlete. It seems that the other blogger is outraged with Sam's "behavior" simply because the woman is 19 years old. Yes, that's young, but again, she is a legal adult. And Sam is famous, there's ton of info online about him. I'm sure the woman Googled him before she got in a tent or camper with him. JS. She and Sam mutually follow each other. 👇
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It was also pointed out to me that the only set of pics of his that she liked on Instagram is the one he posted when they allegedly went camping together. 👇 What a coinky dink. 🤔😊
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She's an accomplished athlete, college student, blonde, Scottish. What's not to like? Again, two single, CONSENTING ADULTS. If that's a problem for anyone, then that's literally YOUR problem. Sam seems verra happy with his life. And any woman who spends little or lots of time with him, I'm sure is happy as well. Again, what is the problem? None that I can see. But, hey, I love sex, and camping, and Scottish lads who look like this. 👇🤷‍♀️
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PS. I'm not going to post her name FOR NOW because there is no concrete confirmation it was her. It's all circumstantial evidence at the moment. If I get something more concrete, then I'll post her name. In addition, I've gotten other DMs wondering if the outrage is because the woman isn't this athlete, but is one of the new cast of Blood Of My Blood. But, outrage over two actors on parallel shows dating would be weird since it happens all the time. Who knows...
That's what I have for now. If it's not the athlete in question, it doesn't really matter, the point is Sam is dating around, enjoying life. Sounds good to me. If you figure out who she is, please, don't be an asshole, and go harass her. Thanks.
As for the haters already frothing in my Anon Asks, keep 'em coming. I LOVE to laugh and laugh and laugh at your idiocy. Go ahead, make my day. 😘
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 11 months
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Ivan Kuzmich Makarov (Russian, 1822-1897) Portrait of N.P. Loshkareva, 1860 Odessa Art Museum, Ukraine
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schalotte · 3 months
i feel some sort of processes . happening. inside my mind and soul
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i12bent · 1 year
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N.P. Mols (March 27, 1859 - 1921) was a Danish animal, landscape and genre painter. He trained at the Academy in the 1880s and regularly showed at the Charlottenborg Forårsudstilling.
Above: Kystboerne drager vod i landingen, 1898 - oil on canvas (SMK)
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wildoute · 9 months
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darabeatha · 2 years
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/ YOU KNOW- the first time I heard his voice, I was surprised over how deep it is! for some reason I thought his voice would sound something like S.akurai T.akahiro’s (A.rthur and M.erlin’s va) but it is a completely different thing!
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gisatako · 1 year
Che ne so, può anche darsi che io faccia finta di non sperarci proprio perché ci spero troppo.
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solxs · 5 days
Hoy descubrí que en los sueños todo es posible ¡incluso reencontrarte! pasar la tarde con un amor que no has visto en años y que posiblemente no volverás a ver.
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
With a history of short-term governments in Nepal’s 15 years of democratic progression, the current reconfiguration is no surprise, and it will be no surprise if the Maoists get back again with the Nepali Congress in months and years to come.
Power sharing, political discontent, ideological differences, underperformance, and pressure to restore Nepal to a Hindu state – a long list of reasons reportedly forced the Maoists to sever ties with the Nepali Congress. While the Nepali Congress expected the Maoist leader and current prime minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal (also known by his nom de guerre, Prachanda) to leave the alliance, it did not expect an overnight turnaround. [...]
Dahal reportedly conveyed to the Nepali Congress chair, former Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, that external pressure forced him to join hands with CPN-UML and form a new government.
If this assertion is true, China emerges as a plausible factor, given its historical inclination toward forging alliances with leftist parties in Nepal. This notion gains credence in light of China’s past efforts, such as its unsuccessful attempt in 2020 to mediate the conflict between Oli and Dahal.
On the other hand, India has enjoyed a comfortable working relationship with the Nepali Congress and the Maoists. Although Maoists were a challenging party for New Delhi to get along with when Dahal first gained the prime minister’s seat in 2008, the two have come a long way in working together. However, the CPN-UML has advocated closer ties with the northern neighbor China; Beijing suits both their ideological requirements and their ultra-nationalistic outlook – which is primarily anti-India. [...]
India faces challenges in aligning with the Left Alliance for two key reasons. First, the energy trade between Nepal and India has grown crucial over the past couple of years. However, India strictly purchases power generated through its own investments in Nepal, refusing any power produced with Chinese involvement. With the CPN-UML now in government, Nepal may seek alterations in this arrangement despite the benefits of power trade in reducing its trade deficit with India.
Second, India stands to lose the smooth cooperation it enjoyed with the recently dissolved Maoist-Congress coalition. During the dissolved government, the Nepali Congress held the Foreign Ministry, fostering a favorable equation for India. Just last month, Foreign Minister N.P. Saud visited India for the 9th Raisina Dialogue, engaging with top Indian officials, including his counterpart, S. Jaishankar.
As concerns arise for India regarding the Left Alliance, there is also potential for shifts in the partnership between Nepal and the United States, a significant development ally. Particularly, there may be a slowdown in the implementation of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) projects. Despite facing domestic and Chinese opposition, the Nepali Parliament finally approved a $500 million MCC grant from the United States in 2022, following a five-year delay.
China perceives the MCC as a component of the U.S.-led Indo-Pacific strategy, countering its BRI. Hence Beijing aims to increase Chinese loans and subsidies to Nepal to enhance its influence.
To conclude, the re-emergence of Nepal’s Left Alliance signals a shift in power dynamics, impacting domestic politics and regional geopolitics. With China’s influence growing, Nepal’s foreign policy may tilt further toward Beijing, challenging India’s interests. This shift poses challenges for India, particularly in trade and diplomatic relations, while also affecting Nepal’s partnerships with other key players like the United States.
[[The Author,] Dr. Rishi Gupta is the assistant director of the Asia Society Policy Institute, Delhi]
6 Mar 24
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p-redux · 2 months
Update to the Sam Heughan camping info...
Yesterday, I posted this 👇
Today, I got word from one of the Team that the 19 year old athlete is NOT the woman who went camping with Sam. I repeat, the 19 year old athlete is NOT dating Sam. The blogger who originally found the camping pic is attesting to this. Interestingly enough, I got an Anon saying the woman in the camping pic is not an athlete and is 21-22. Also, got an Anon saying the other blogger said they've spent time together before. And I'm told the other blogger said she's also not an actress, so that rules out anyone from Blood of my Blood
In summary, the woman in the camping pics in the same place as Sam last weekend is: not an actress, not an athlete, and she and Sam have spent time together before. And now an Anon added that she's 21-22. But who knows if that's true or not. If anyone knows the identity of the woman, hit me up in DM.
As always, negative comments about Sam or the women he dates will be deleted. Thanks, peeps!
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viagginterstellari · 7 months
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A path through the woods - Imfolozi N.P., 2023
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chapter-cory · 9 days
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Turning Scars Base into it’s own national park:
The stunning Magic Mountain N.P. at the foot of a volcano, with redwood forests and wetlands and the biggest wildlife conservation area on HC10 (aka. the Scar Zoo)
Come Explore!
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mutant-distraction · 14 days
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After the killing and eating of an old buffalo, a pride of lions is digesting, resting and enjoying the sunset as well as the wonderful view over the mighty Luangwa River. Life is beautiful!
Spotted in South Luangwa N.P, Oct. 2016.
📸 Sebastian Homuth Photography
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fuckyeahplattenbau · 3 months
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Advertising on a matchbox: 10 years of the largest supplier of apartments in the ČSSR (Fourth Czechoslovak Republic). Bytostav n.p. - Ostrava
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