#nabito zenin
owarinaki · 17 days
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Jujutsu Kaisen S2 [BD Vol.6] EP15 part 8
EP15 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11 ; 12 ; 13
Jujutsu Kaisen Blu-ray Disc Recap [All LINKS]
OP1 // OP2:: ED1 // ED2
EP1 : EP2 : EP3 : EP4 ; EP5 : EP8 : EP9 : EP12 : EP13
EP14 : EP15
Feral Gojo : Sukuna Gifs
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ponderingmoonlight · 2 months
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Chapter 2: Reluctant Allies
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Pairing: Gojo x fem! reader
Warnings: language, domestic violence, thank y'all for sharing your experience with me, it helped me so much understanding childhood trauma and made me transform it into this fic <3
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„I heard about your failures, (y/n).”
Your mouth reacts faster than your mind.
“Maybe I’d do better if you get me away from that ass school”, you mutter more to yourself than your father.
A brutal slap sends you straight back to reality and your heart into your throat. Fuck, you’re not talking to Gojo Satoru here, your time at Jujutsu High didn’t do you any favour apparently. The man in front of you wearing that dark blue kimono is none other than your father. Or better said, the man who is responsible for your lousy existence on this planet.
Being a father is a wide stretch for that monster.
“Watch how you talk to me, (y/n). I sent you to Jujutsu High in order to become better than that Gojo brat, so that you bring honor to the Zenin clan. But all you accomplished this far is a grade 2”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
The stinging smell of sake sticks to his presence like glue and makes your guts turn almost instantly. When will this madness finally stop? What on earth are you supposed to do when Gojo Satoru is the honoured one? You studied the way he fights over and over, tried to gain as much information as possible regarding his abilities. But still…
“The only way to get better than him is to kill him”, you press out.
“Maybe you’re simply not strong enough, (y/n). I told you right from the start you can’t surpass me, even though you’re older than me-”
“I’m your twin sister, you fucking fool”, you spit at the other man who emerges from the shadows like the frightful little monster he is.
Since the day you were born, you held a strong dislike for Naoya and how he was worshipped in contrast to the way they treated you. The genius, the youngest, the most promising of Nabito’s children who left you standing in the rain, who forced you into Jujutsu High. If there’s a reason apart from the fact that you are a Zenin for your miserable life, it’s him.
Him, who’s now standing in front of you like a statue with a shit-eating grin plastered on his usual so cold features.
“And still, you are the weakest out of this whole clan. I could wipe you from the surface of earth without even blinking, so watch how you talk to me, brat.”
You know all too well that his words aren’t true. No, you trained your ass off these last months, surpassed your classmates by miles. The teachers at Jujutsu High told you over and over how special you are, that you are stronger than any jujutsu sorcerer these last decades. If it wasn’t for him…
Fucking Gojo Satoru. If they wouldn’t constantly compare you to him, they’d begin to see how well you do, that you are just as capable as Naoya is. But instead, they forced a task on you you’ll never be able to achieve. How on earth are you supposed to be better than the honoured one? You clench your hands into fists so tight that blood spills and lift yourself off the ground, cheek hurting like hell. No, no matter how unimaginable the task is, you have to do it, you have to prove them wrong. Even if it means that you need to beat him, even if it means you are forced to spend even more time with that douchebag.
You will beat Gojo Satoru, no matter what it costs. 
“Just watch me surpass you then, Naoya.”
“I can’t wait to see you try, loser.”
-back at Jujutsu High-
“Wait a minute, what the fuck is he doing here?”
All you wanted to do was going to the training field and running your heart out when Masamichi Yaga stopped you mid-way. Your heart is still pounding roughly against your ribcage in sheer anger, cheek hurting like hell from the well-timed slap your father gave you earlier this day. And now there’s him, Gojo Satoru, sitting on a chair with his long legs stretched out onto the table in front of him and Geto rolling his eyes.
Well, seeing that dumb smirk on that idiot’s face definitely makes you wish to be back at the Zenin’s estate though.
“Would you sit down before causing a scene, (y/n)?”, your teacher mutters while squeezing the bridge of his nose in sheer annoyance.
You snort to yourself while crossing the room, carefully avoiding those devilish blue orbs like a plague on the way to the free seat next to Geto. To be honest, you never allowed yourself a feeling similar to affection when it came to your comrades. No matter how many times Yu brought you sweets, no matter how often Geto trained with you. The second a spark of feelings other than disinterest and anger ascends, you do anything in your power to trample it to death. No, in your world, there is no place for stupid things like that.
Not even Geto’s charming smile can change this.
“I’m sat. Now tell me why that douchebag is breathing the same air as me.”
“Douchebag? I hope you’re not talking about me, disgusting (y/n).”
Gojo’s sing-sang voice stings in your ear, annoys you straight to your already troubled core. God, how are you supposed to avoid him when you get forced together by that cursed school every single time? You have already seen him twice this week, way too much for even a month.
“Why can’t you just shut up once, Gojo scum?”
“You calling me a scum when your family is out there murdering? Look at your pathetic self, (y/n). Your cheek wasn’t bruised when I saw you yesterday. What happened, huh? Daddy must have been pretty upset with your dumbass as it seems. I know you went on a little family trip this morning, looks like it was definitely worth it. Send your father my kindest regards.”
Something inside you snaps. Before Geto is able to get a hold of your trembling body, you get off your chair and yank Gojo’s puny figure towards the ground, eyes locked with his dirty gaze. Oh, that asshole knows exactly what buttons he has to press in order to send you over the edge, he knows exactly that your family will always be your weak spot.
And Gojo Satoru definitely has no problem with using that knowledge to destroy you from the inside out.
“Do you really think you can hurt me with your words? Don’t you think I’m used to hearing stuff like this after years of living with that family?”, you suddenly press out.
For a split second, Satoru’s eyes widen in surprise. That look on your face, it reminds him of the day when he met you, when you heard your nanny’s voice shouting after you. A spark of…
Pain. Despair. Anger.
 It wasn’t a secret to anyone how badly members of the Zenin clan were treated by their own family. Fuck, after all he always witnessed those fresh bruises decorating your body when you came back from a trip home. How many times Geto told him to not talk about your family, to not stress you any further when you returned from your family. It was in his nature to make fun of you. You’re a Zenin, right? The worst enemy of the Gojo clan, right?
But for the first time since his childhood, a gleam of sorrow sparks up his usual so cold heart when it comes to you. He really feels…sorry.
Until your eyes get as cold as before. Until his mind snaps back to reality with a shake of his head, back into the word where you pin him against the ground, ready to beat the shit out of him.
“Cry about it.”
The words escape his lips automatically, trained on mocking you at any given opportunity since he was a child.
Without saying another word, you lift yourself off the ground and press him down with your foot one last time before Geto finally gets a hold of you and drags you backwards. Oh, you are so used to his cruel words that they don’t even hurt you anymore. No, instead a numb feeling takes over your chest, drags the wave of emotions that ran over you away. You rip your gaze away from him and return to your seat, wordlessly staring at the teacher in front of you.
“So, what’s the point of this pity party?”, you question.
“I have a mission for you.”
“A mission for me?”, you repeat in sheer disbelief.
Oh, this feeling crawling up your spine makes your guts turn. Normally, getting called in like this and being assigned with an important mission is the best that can happen. After all, a lot of these missions lead to you ranking up to a grade 2. But being in the same room as him…
Your eyes drift over Gojo ever so slightly, catching the way he already stares at you with wiggling eyebrows.
“A mission for all of you”, the man standing in front of you clarifies.
Fuck. You don’t even care about the way he explains the mission, how Geto scolds Gojo for not listening and making dumb jokes. No, all you can do is stare at him in sheer horror. Him, the honoured one sitting only one seat away from you. All this time you were forced into going on missions with others, but luckily it was never him. Somehow you always managed to stay with Yu or Geto. Fuck, why not Nanami? You were supposed to stay away from him, to get better than him. But instead you’ll have to work with him by your side? Him, Gojo Satoru?
“Ain’t no way I’m going with that white ferret by my side.”
You’re already jumping out of your seat, ready to leave the room without looking back. Fuck that mission, fuck the potential of getting better. Nothing is worth spending one or even more days together with that douchebag.
“Even if it means getting ranked as grade 1 if you’re successful?”
Wait…what? Your ears perk up, eyes darting towards the tall man standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest. Is he serious about that? Getting ranked as a grade 1 would surely benefit you in your goal, especially since Naoya and your father are special grade 1 sorcerers… You’ve been here for a few weeks, already ranked up to a grade 2. It would bring honor to your family if you achieved getting ranked up just below the special grade so rapidly.
And this would mean you’re finally gaining a tiny bit of freedom, a tiny bit of the appreciation you fucking deserve.
“Come on, (y/n). I will keep an eye on him. We’ll get it done together.”
There it is again, the oh so charismatic smile of the black-haired man next to you. Is this really worth it? Your mind wanders back and forth, head almost exploding underneath the pressure. If you decline an important mission like this, your father will beat the shit out of you. But on the other hand, he’ll punish you as well as soon as he finds out that you purposely spend time with Gojo Satoru. Still…
Your nails dig into your thighs, head lowered. This is the best chance you get in order to become a special grade and beat that douchebag sooner or later.
“Only under one condition.”
All pairs of eyes are set on you as thick silence hangs in the room. You raise your head again proudly, the deadly gleam in your eyes making even Gojo stop in his tracks.
“What is it?”
“Don’t you dare to talk to me, let alone get in my way, Gojo scum”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
“Oh dear Zenin brat”, the white-haired boy sighs, casually lying back in his chair.
“Don’t you dare to cry for my help, then.”
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Tags: @whereismysane @risuola @colouringfrogssittinginleaves @livmarauder @sapphireandange @madaqueue @chilichopsticks @sugurulefttesticle @boba-is-a-soup @jennapancake @kentocalls @mrshlf @byakuya61085
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shcherbatskayas · 3 years
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based on chapter 138, this is my best guess as to what the zenin family tree looks like! this is a lot of speculation tbh, but i wanted to take a stab at it. justifications for each choice will be under the cut
so, early on in the chapter, obi makes it clear that naoya is naobito’s son, and it’s confirmed when naoya refers to nabito as his father. that’s a 100% certain thing. from here on in, things get more uncertain.
in the room prior to the announcement of naobito’s death, naoya thinks about how his older brothers and uncles are losers, and he’ll certainly inherit. and in the room to possibly inherit is obi (explicitly called naoya’s uncle, and thus naobito’s brother) and jinichi. with jinichi eligible to inherit, he’s either obi or naobito’s son, since he doesn’t look nearly old enough to be their brother. and in the chapter, he never refers to obi (who’s in the room with him) as his father. that means he’s probably naobito’s son, and thus naoya’s brother! or half brother, but for the sake of making this chart easy to read, i went with brother. 
now, here’s where things get interesting. naoya said brothers, with an s. that means naoya has at least two brothers, and when he sees jinichi, he makes a comment about how he wished he and toji had switched places. that implies that jinichi and toji are closely related, and judging by their ages? brothers, since you probably wouldn’t make that remark about cousins. and if jinichi and toji are probably brothers, and jinichi and naoya are probably brothers, then naoya and toji are probably brothers!!! if a equals b and b equals c, then a equals c, babes. all of this would make megumi naobito’s grandson, which is also why he’s in the run to inherit.
but it doesn’t stop there! oh no, it keeps fucking going. what about maki and mai?
according to my best guess, they’re oni’s daughters. when thinking about who’s going to get the inheritance, naoya refers to obi’s daughter as “out of the question.” one can assume daughters are automatically excluded because of earlier sexist zenin nonsense, but why think about obi’s daughter now. answer: obi probably has a daughter who wants to inherit and be the head of the zenin family, and we know for SURE that maki wants to run this bitch, so it’s probably her. however, that statement is vague enough that obi could have another daughter, or his daughter could be maki and mai’s mother. i went with maki and mai as obi’s daughters, though, because a) all of that and b) the wiki says so.
now, what does that mean for zenin family relations? a couple things.
a) maki and mai are toji, jinichi, and naoya’s cousins
b) megumi is maki and mai’s second cousin! although tbh all of my second cousins are aunts and uncles, so anytime megumi’s being a brat, maki or mai have the right to hit him with that “don’t disrespect your aunt” despite being one (1) year older than him
c) naoya is on the hunt to kill his nephew. very nice work, naoya.
d) tsumiki has the weirdest fucking step family in the world. imagine having naobito zenin as your step grandfather, even if you never see him. what the fuck. i’m so glad that my step grandfather was a normal dude
i’m gonna stop here, but honestly, i can keep going. i’m living for this zenin nonsense. i’d pay gege so much money for the full family tree, complete with names for all of these nameless women and tsumiki’s nameless bio dad. 
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faerienextdoor · 3 years
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Rules !!
I do not write nsfw or dark content on this blog. So not send a req with either.
Read my carrd before interacting please!
I may write some sensitive content but it will always be tagged. I will not write anything like incest, pedophilia, huge age gaps, transphobia or homophobia, etc.
Do not trauma dump in my ask box
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Only send reqs when they're opened and for fandoms/characters I write for!!!
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I write for...
Jujutsu kaisen
Genshin impact
Attack on Titan
Characters from each fandom I will NOT write for...
Naoya or nabito zenin
Or anyone in the zenin family that isn't maki, Mai, megumi, or toji.
Any content for mahito will be fluff
Genshin impact:
Attack on Titan:
Rod reiss
That bitch that made the chair :|
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Feel free to dm me to be friends or mutuals :)
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