#nah imma jog
namenvafan · 11 months
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Loving how Wolfwoods idea of dodging bullets is to hunch down slightly and do a little jog
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chaussetteblanche · 5 months
UGH UR LUKE ONES ARE TO GOOD😣😣imma new reader of yours but there to good do u think you can do a a child of hades with luke and maybe its a grumpy x sunshine type of thing😓☺️
thank you so much baby !! and thanks for requesting, i hope you like it !!
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pairing : luke castellan x child of hades!reader summary : a few moments of your relationship with luke word count : 1.4k warnings : none, fluff
"Baby, have you seen my sweatshirt?" Luke's voice brought you out of your thoughts. You closed the book you were reading and placed it in your lap, looking up at him as he approached. "Which one?" "The grey one, you know, my favourite. I've been looking for it all morning." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, tousling it slightly. "Nope, haven't seen it, sorry," you shrugged apathetically and returned to your book. Luke pursed his lips and placed his hands on his hips. "I could've sworn I left it in your cabin the other night, d'you think your brother maybe took it?" he asked hesitantly. "Nah, that's not like him." You brushed him off easily, trying to concentrate on your book.
Luke trudged forward and leaned down on the armrests of your seat, bringing his face close to yours. The pleasant smell of his body wash reached you as he moved closer. "Good morning, sunshine." He tilted his head to the side, smiling softly at you.
"Morning." You looked up at him, unimpressed but holding back a smile. He'd come up with the nickname when you'd first started dating. It was entirely ironic and you hated it. Well, you didn't actually hate it but you acted like you did, which made Luke love it even more. He pouted and pressed a chaste kiss to your mouth. "Will you tell me if you see my hoodie?" "Sure thing. I'll see you later." "Later, baby." He pressed another short kiss to your mouth and walked off. When he was a good fifteen meters away from you, he turned around. "YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL TODAY, SUNSHINE!" he hollered. Everyone in the vicinity turned around to look at you and Luke, chuckling. Your cheeks burned and you hid your face behind your book, grumbling to yourself. "Good luck finding your sweatshirt after that, Castellan."
You crossed him on your way to training. He beamed when he saw you and jogged over, running a hand through his hair. "Hey, sunshine. Gimme a hug, yeah?" "Clingy, much?" you asked as you opened your arms for him. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in your neck. "You okay?" you questioned into his hair, one hand coming up to run through his soft curls. He nodded and lifted his head to look at you. "Just tired, is all. You?" "Yeah, I'm okay. I'll see you at capture the flag?" "You sure will, babe." He pressed a kiss to your cheek and jogged off.
Later in the afternoon came capture the flag. You always ended up on the same team because people knew it was useless to put you in opposite sides. You simply wouldn't even try to fight or stop each other.
"Y/N, what are you doing? Go after him! He's got the flag!" Your team captain growled at you, gesticulating wildly. "No." Your arms were crossed as you leaned against a tree, watching him run off after you'd basically handed him the flag you were supposed to guard. You bit back a smirk, feeling proud of him. "I can't believe this," your team captain mourned, throwing his helmet onto the ground with a clatter.
"Luke, she's getting away!" Clarisse cried out as she reached the tall child of Hermes, out of breath after having chased you through the forest. You'd slipped right under all their noses and grabbed the flag from her. Luke watched as you turned around, a rare smile playing at your lips as you raised the flag in victory, laughing loudly. "Goddammit," Luke groaned, running a hand over his face, "that smile." He shook his head, a lovesick look in his eyes. Clarisse cursed loudly. "YOU GET 'EM, BABY!" Luke yelled before you were out of earshot. You flashed him a brilliant smile and he swore that he could have died right there and then and been happy. Clarisse stomped her foot, positively fuming as she cursed Luke out.
You had both been stationed strategically by Annabeth. You were near the river, supposed to stop anyone on the other team from crossing. Luke rested his head on your shoulder, stifling a yawn. "I'm tired," he all but whined, rubbing his eyes. "I'm tired," you repeated in a mocking voice. He pulled away from your shoulder, faking an offended look. "Are you making of fun of me? How dare you? Your chivalrous boyfriend, exhausted from the trials and tribulations of his hard life as a half-blood and you-" "Oh, shut up." You pulled him closer by the leather straps of his armour, pressing your lips against his. He effectively stopped talking, pulling you closer to him by the hips as he kissed you deeply. You tilted your head to the side and parted your lips, tangling a hand in his hair. He let out a small groan and went to deepen the kiss when you were interrupted.
"YO! LOVEBIRDS!" a voice called loudly, followed by the sound of rapid footsteps. You pulled away from Luke with a groan, turning around to find a member of the opposite team holding your flag bolting towards you at full speed, followed closely by a boy on your team. You stuck your leg out, effectively tripping the boy on the other team. He fell harshly onto the ground with a groan and you pulled out sword, pointing it at his neck. He cursed and dropped the flag onto the ground. You looked at the boy from your team, who was doubled-over, catching his breath. "Yes?" you deadpanned. You heard Luke laughing behind you and cracked a small smile.
That night, after dinner, you accompanied Luke to his cabin. He swung your intertwined hands back and forth as you walked. "How come you were so tired today?" you asked softly, turning away from the sunset to look up at Luke. He shrugged, not giving you an explanation. "How're you sleeping?" "Not much," he confessed quietly. "I go to bed and I just lie awake. And when I do finally fall asleep, I get them, y'know, nightmares." Your heart ached for him and you squeezed his hand. Every half-blood dealt with nightmares and sleeping problems, but some more than others. Luke had it the worst. He didn't like talking about it either and you were often forced to overlook and keep your mouth shut about the dark circles under his eyes for the sake of preventing an argument. When you reached his cabin, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Sleep well." "Thank you, baby. You too. And thanks for walking me back." He kissed you once more before letting go of your hand. You watched him enter his cabin, your stomach churning at the thought of him spending another sleepless night.
That night, you who couldn't sleep. Thoughts of Luke, his insomnia, his nightmares and more clouded your mind. You twisted and turned for hours before finally getting fed up. You got up, rubbing your eyes and steadying yourself on the wall as you put your shoes on. You quietly exited your cabin and made your way to the Hermes one. The door was open halfway, as it often was. So many people sleeping in the same room left quite a disgusting smell if the air didn't circulate. You slipped inside without a sound and headed for Luke's bed. It was a trip you'd made many times before and you knew exactly that he was the on the left bottom bunk four beds away from the front door. It was dark and you couldn't see if he was sleeping or not. You started taking off your shoes, not making a sound.
"Sunshine?" he asked, his voice gravelly, as he sat up in bed, the covers pooling around his hips. "I couldn't sleep. Kept thinking 'bout you not being able to sleep, so I thought I'd come over and we'd help each other out." Your voice was quiet as you spoke and you pulled the sleeves of the sweatshirt you wore over your hands. You shuffled on your feet next to his bed. "That's actually really sweet, sunshine," he cooed before lifting the covers and scooting to the side. He knew he always slept better with you by his side but had never asked you before. He didn't want to be a burden. "C'mon, pretty girl, get in."
You didn't have to be told twice before you slipped under the covers and slotted yourself comfortably against him. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your cheek. His warmth and the weight of his arms comforted you immediately and you could feel sleep already weighing on your eyelids. "Good night, sunshine." "Good night, Luke."
You were just drifting off to sleep when a few minutes later he spoke again. "Is that my sweatshirt?" You froze, suddenly wide awake. You didn't say anything for a few seconds before answering. "No...?"
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spyder-junkie · 1 year
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
this one was short because we’re bringing mama Rio in the next part
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The next thing you notice about miles is he is NOTT a good texter.
nonetheless, you work with him, trying your best to pick a day where your schedules to meet up.
“Dont worry about it, mami. Just be cute when I get there.” Miles’ voice rings out through the phone as you look for an outfit. You can hear the clicking of his game controller through the phone.
Its 12:00pm right now, Miles was coming to you meet you at 1:30
“Mkay.” You mumbled, putting different shirts up to your chest in the mirror.
“Ill see you when you get here.” You say, looking at the phone.
“nos vemos pronto, hermosa.” He says, hanging up the phone.
you take extra care while getting ready. You were not quite sure if this was a date, but spending the day with Miles still had your stomach in a twist.
You close the clasp on your necklace just as your phone dings with a text from miles.
You grab your bag, jogging through your apartment to the front door.
Miles bares a little smile when your eyes meet his.
“You look nice, ma” He says, stepping aside so you can lock the door behind yourself.
“Youre not too bad yourself.” You smile,
Miles leads you away from your apartment building and down the block. Its mildly warm outside, and the sun is out.
As you walk to begin to notice Miles’ hand continuously brushing yours. Then slowly his fingers crawl into your palm until your hands are clasped together.
You look over at miles, who is exaggeratedly looking at the sky and pretending to whistle with a goofy smile.
You giggle, holding his hand tightly.
You didnt even know Miles had a sense of humor.
“You feelin’ icecream?” He asks suddenly, pointing to an icecream spot on the strip.
“Always.” You reply, letting him lead you inside.
The place is cute, summer beach themed, and empty momentarily.
Miles smirks down at you as you browse all the flavors in the display case.
“What are you gonna get?” You ask, not looking away from the glass.
“Vanilla.” Miles’ answer is quick.
“What? Thats so borninggg.” You say.
“I havent really gotten into crazy flavors.” He shrugs.
You shake your head.
“Pick a flavor for me then.”
You look back at him, then at the case again.
You choose brownie for yourself, and cookies and cream for Miles.
And as soon as the woman behind the counter hands you the cones, Miles is at the counter, paying for the both of you before you can protest.
The two of you find a bench down the block to sit at afterwards, enjoying your ice creams peacefully.
“You like it?” You ask, gesturing to his icecream.
“Mhm, its real sweet.” He says
“Wanna try?” He extends his cone towards you.
You shyly take a lick from his ice cream, savoring the flavor thoughtfully.
“Its good.” You smile.
“Wanna try mine?” Miles doesn’t think too hard about it, pulling in a bit of yours with his lips.
His face scrunchs up for a moment.
“Yours is MAD sweet.” He says.
“You dont like sweet things?” You ask, turning to face him on the bench.
“I like you.” He says suddenly.
“But nah, im not huge on sweets.” He goes back to eating his ice cream
The two of you go to a park afterwards, spending the day outside.
Youre still there just as the sun begins to set.
“Its gonna be dark soon.” You say, staring up at the sky with your head in Miles’s lap. He was seated upright on the grass, you laid against him.
“Imma walk you home, ma.” Miles says, looking down at you, while you watch the sky.
“Gonna make sure there arent any more men following me?” You joke.
“That shit wont happen again, not while Ive got you.”
And he means it.
He keeps his hand in yours on the walk home, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.
When the two of you reach your door, hes giving you a pretty smile.
“Be careful, okay?” Miles’ eyes widen as you press a small kiss to his cheek.
“Im always careful.” He says, pressing his hand to his cheek
you give him a flat stare.
“Aight aight, not always. Mi mal, hermosa.”
You shake your head, wishing him goodbye with a warm smile.
tags: @kezibear @urmotherswhor3 @ladylovegood-69 @thetoetickler @cumbermovels @cozmicwonder @yams-ley @sh-tposter2021 @vampjacinda @roadkillmeal @animechick555 @the-smut-plug @iluvdi0r @stevenknightmarc @yoashh @kitsunna @caffeine-mess @arachnenotes @erensbbg @nightshxdex @el-chiste @3alvatore @sh-tposter2021 @miatjie @agstuffsworld @ella34435 @iluvdi0r @pulling-out-my-eyes @vakiui @bigpepperpicker @swaggybae @tsukisaiki @osebb
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vannahmontannah · 8 months
I It was 6am in the morning, raining heavily outside. It was thundering and the droplets pounded loudly on the window pane.
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You wake up from your slumber and you turn to your other side. Behind you is your sneaky link. You guys have been seeing each other for two years. He’s a bit on the chubbier side but he isn’t too big. You place your hand on his mocha soft skin as you cuddle up under him as the rain is spiraling. 🌀 you both lay naked in bed, as he had just got through acting out those text messages 😵.
He starts to wake up and look down at your dark skin and the new growth on your locs.
“It’s raining hard out there,” he said.
“Yes it is…”
He yawns and stretches as you lay on his chest. He gets up and you stare at his naked body as he is searching for his belongings. You admire how good he looks regardless of what size he is…you see nothing but his beauty.
“I know you’re staring, you creep,”
“And is,”
“It’s cool…I’m sorry to just up and leave like this, but I have work later on,”
“You’re good. I can make you some food later on, if you’d like,”
“What you making?”
“Anything you want, baby,”
“…I want cream cheese and spinach stuffed salmon. You think you can make that?”
“You for real?”
He smile as he puts his pants on. He puts the rest of his clothes on and sits on the bed next to you. He caresses your head, running his fingers through your locs. You loved the attention he gave you and wanted him all to yourself, but he is not interested in a relationship and has been firm on that since day one. Your feelings have grown stronger each day and the tie would be hard to break. Of course he doesn’t know that…
“You gonna go in this rain?”
“I’m only a few minutes away,”
“You don’t wanna stay a little longer?”
“Nah…imma see you later tonight,”
“You gone walk me to the door?”
You both get up out the bed and went downstairs to the front door. You put a blanket over your body to prevent people from looking at her exposed body. She opened the door and the rain had gotten louder. You took one last look at him before he left. He bent down and pulled you in and passionately kissed you on the lips. You grabbed his cheeks and deepened the kiss and added some tongue. You now had both hands around your waist. You gradually move your hand down his body and grope his private part, but he grabbed your hand and placed it on your his chest and smirked.
“You have to wait until tonight, babygirl,”
“I know. But I promise it’ll be better than yesterday,”
“Okay, imma hold you to it,”
He ran out the door and jogged to his car. You watched him as got in his warm car and started the engine. You wished he stayed longer, but you knew he couldn’t.
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jennsterjay · 11 days
I Gotta Feeling (That Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night)
Format: Fan-fiction
Rating: Not Rated
"Whew, that was fun" Miles said as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.
"For real! Man, you should get on stage again" Ganke joked.
"Haha, nah you're not daring me to do that again…but I’ll tell you what, we can go a few rounds in Tekken when we get back home" Miles said.
'Back home' Ganke smiled. He liked that.
"Best two outta three?" Ganke asked.
"You already know, and imma win this time" Miles smirked as he got up and offered his hand.
Read on Ao3 and read an excerpt down below, and enjoy X'D
Meanwhile in Earth-42….
It was June 1st, 201X when dynamic duo Miles G. Morales and Ganke M. Lee, were at local skate park…chilling and doing tricks, on their first day of Summer.
Miles was sitting on the nearby pavement steps as he watched Ganke do a few rounds and kick flips that he had been trying out. Every now and then Miles would cheer him on as he saw Ganke's smile before Ganke would dare him to join in, and the two would share the skateboard, switching places.
This time it was Ganke's turn, and Miles watched him as he listened with one ear and had an earbud in in the other. Miles was mostly listening to his favorite hits from the internet and his childhood. The last new thing he listened to were some diss tracks that everyone was talking about right before school let out. After listening to them and thinking 'damn that's crazy', he went back to listening to his own Rap, RnB, Rock, and video game music that Ganke put him on.
He was currently listening to a song on shuffle called ‘Sunflower’ which reminded him of the summers of his past…and fit with the sun shining on them for their pleasant day.
When the last melody of the song faded out, and a new song played, Miles recognized the tune as he saw Ganke jogging towards him.
"You wanna go a turn G?" Ganke asked with a smirk.
"Nah I'm good, we can sit for a minute…I got a song we can listen to" Miles smirked.
Ganke smiled and put his skateboard down as he joined Miles on the pavement steps.
"Bet, what song is it?" Ganke asked.
Miles passed him an earbud, as he scooted closer and left the other earbud in his ear as the cord attached to his phone was left dangling between them.
"I'll let you see if you can guess" Miles said with a smile.
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shhheep · 2 years
everyone shut up im going to talk about my cringe modern izoomootsoo au i keep thinking about
gonna use weird spelling bc if this shit pops up in the tags imma be so embarrassed
ok so like izoomi, since he got super busy with work, kinda stopped exercising so like he started jogging around the city to get back into things ykno. and then he chanced upon mootsoo doing daily jogging too and they kinda bond over these daily exercising bc they bump into each other a lot
IDK WHY THEY WORKING OUT ok i just think it would be cute 😤😤😤 running tgt hee he
so like izoomi gradually starts you know 👉👈😳 cringe but falls for him 🙄 so he’s like trying to get even closer, your regular stupid shenanigans ensue.
ofc im gonna add toosagoomi are you insane. mootsu invites izoomi over his house bc ykno theyre friends !!! theyre buddies !!!! and izoomi is like heh 😏 we’re like best buds now right heh 😏 and then hes like going around the house and mootsoos like yea my bedrooms super pog wanna see my cool collection of smth cool idk what
but before izoomi opens the bedroom door, fucking hiiizen opens it from the other side, just woken from a nap, barely clothed and hes like “who tf are you” and ofc izoomi like waltuh white falling scene in head bc hes assuming all sorta of things.
and then mootsoos like HIIIZEN ?! why didnt you tell me you were coming over for a nap and hizens like i did stupid, did you check your phone and mootsoos like oh oops 😋 oh ya izoomi this is hiiizen hes a close buddy of mine who sleeps over and steals my food a lot bc my place is closer to his work than his place, sorry about that !!! and izoomis like OUHH HAHA I SEE 😁
another time izoomi visits, rings the door and its naaankai instead bc mootsoos somewhere else and izoomis like WHO IS THIS GUY uhm hiiii is mootsoo here and naaankai is like nah sorry ^^ and hes like 🥲🥲🥲 who is this other cool and tall and handsome and smart looking feller !!?!???
naaankai and hiiizen on their own time are like “that guy totally likes mootsoo” “fo sho, ganbatte”
anyway everyone thinks mootsoo isnt aware BUT HE ISSSSSS OK he makes the actual moove and catches izooooooomi by surprise 😁😁😁
also izoomi is roommates with hooorikawa bc THEY MUST ALWAYS BE TOGETHER
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Alaska is a menace
When he comes in from a jog, all sweaty and panting, instead of going to shower he'll lay on me
"Alaska stop, you know I hate sweat."
"Oh yeah?" He pulls me closer, breath fanning over my neck and I shiver. "That's not what you were saying last night."
"And what was I saying last night?"
"You don't remember? You were begging, crying for me to fuck you. Had you all hot and sweaty, damn near panting like a dog mama."
Someone hold me back I'm gonna beat his ass
Nah girl cuz imma beat him too if he FUCKING dares to put his sweat on me
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kawasaki-division · 3 years
Akihabara Division: DayBreakers Drama Track 2 - What’s Important
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Life moves on and Kosuke's founded DayBreakers. Now, when he receives a question, his group mates help him find the answer, even if they do so unintentionally. But at the same time, Kosuke’s reluctance to start DayBreakers grows.
~DayBreaker Sharehouse~
Haruto: Goooood morning!
Kosuke: (drinking tea) Good morning Haruto.
Natsuki: You’ll fall on your face running around like that.
Haruto: You’re no fun! Today’s a great day! We get to rap!
Natsuki: We’ve never rapped before, and we have school later. Learn by yourself.
Haruto: *pouts* (turns to Kosuke) *whispers* Guess we know who the evil twin is.
Kosuke: *chuckles* I don’t think I’m the one to decide that.
Natsuki: I object. You’re far too direct with your words.
Haruto: And who’s to say that’s a bad thing! You literally just rhymed without thinking!
Natsuki: And you twist people’s words, that makes you the evil one.
Kosuke: Should I even be here for this conversation?
Haruto: It makes me the nicer twin! 
Natsuki: It makes you the hyperactive twin.
Haruto: You need energy for rapping after all!
Kosuke: *sigh* I’ll be going to class now.
[Gets bag and leaves]
Haruto: Do you think we’re pushing him too hard?
Natsuki: That’s all you.
Student A: Hey Kosuke! How’re ya doin’?
Kosuke: Good thank you, and you?
Student A: We’re all stressing over our deadlines is guess, Not everyone’s as talented as you.
Kosuke: No, I just work a lot.
Student A: Whatever you say man. See you in class.
Kosuke: (nods) See you.
[walks to class and sits down]
Teacher: Now then your next assignment is a themed piece, the prompt is shown on the board right now and it will be due in two weeks.
Student B: What’s important to us?
Student A: A broad prompt again I guess.
Student B: Ahhhh, time more sleepless nights.
Kosuke: (opens door) I’m home.
[No response]
Kosuke: I guess they’re out late.
[sits down]
Kosuke: What’s important to me…
[begins writing]
Haruto: We’re baaaack!
Natsuki: Hello, Kosuke.
Kosuke: (smiles) Welcome home. 
Haruto: Whoa, Ko-chan! You’re home early!
Natsuki: No. We’re late.
Kosuke: The two of you look worse for wear. Were you…
Natsuki: Beating each other up with the hypnosis mics? Yeah.
Haruto: We didn’t beat each other up! We had fun!
Natsuki: Your version of fun entails getting hurt.
Haruto: It’s called a thrill you stick in the mud!
Natsuki: Well I’m more thrilled to be at home, and getting ready for dinner. Now go take a shower. You’ve been stinking since who knows when.
Kosuke: Oh right! I forgot to get dinner ready. Is yakisoba okay for tonight?
Haruto: Yeah man that works!
[jogs off]
Natsuki: No running! *sigh* You seem busy. Assignments?
Kosuke: (nods) Yeah, we have a prompt that I can’t seem to pinpoint.
Natsuki: Well, we’ll be able to think once Haruto knocks himself out after dinner.
Kosuke: (chuckles) You too?
Natsuki: (sits down) Group presentation. It’s whatever, not like I know the people.
Kosuke: Right, and you’re not a people person.
[gets up and opens fridge]
Natsuki: Mhm. At least you get to learn alone.
Kosuke: Not sure how that’s a good thing
Natsuk: Suit yourself.
Everyone: Itadakimasu.
Haruto: So Kosuke. You got time tomorrow? Y’know, to practice?
Kosuke: Oh… I should, where and when?
Natsuki: We went to the park today at around 5
Haruto: Yep! Same as today!
Kosuke: Sure, that works.
Haruto: Rapping’s pretty hard ain’t it? You TDD guys got a lot of talent!
Kosuke: N-no, not really.
Haruto: C’mon! You can’t say that! Just think about it!
Kosuke: Well. Thanks I suppose. 
Haruto: Anywho! Clear out your schedules cuz we’re having fun tomorrow!
Kosuke: W-wait! I’m not so sure-
Natsuki: Where do you plan to drag us?
Haruto: (laughs) You’ll just have to wait and see!
Natsuki: This is absolutely exhausting.
Haruto: Debbie downer...
Natsuki: No, I’m being reasonable.
Haruto: Imma text Kosuke to see if he’s there.
[sends message]
Natsuki: Doubtful.
[phone dings]
Haruto: Well rid yourself of that doubt dear brother ‘cause he’s there! C’mon!
[Starts running]
Natsuki: (keeps walking)
Haruto: Yooooooo!
Kosuke: (laughs) Haruto, there’s no need to be so intense. 
Haruto: Nah, I’m just getting pumped.
Natsuki: And we wonder what allows such dopamine to pump through you at all hours of the day.
Haruto: I did not understand one of those words but let’s go!
Kosuke: Well then. I guess the two of you can go first against me.
Natsuki: I have slight reservations.
Kosuke: No, please don’t, it’ll be alright.
Natsuki: *sigh* Fine.
[Mic activates]
The trap is set, the hunter is me. There is no hope, you cannot flee. Serrated metal blades will ensnare your legs Your infinite struggles will only make you bleed. I’ll look you in the eye as I face you now. I’m quick as can be, you can’t make a sound!
Kosuke: (flinches) Hrng! … Wow Natsuki! That's really impressive!
Haruto: I know right! Practice pays off! And now it’s my turn!
[Mic activates]
Adrenaline runs through every single vein! Any attempt to stop will end in vain. Yeah this burning flame won’t be dying anytime. It envelopes my heart, my heartbeat untamed. String or metal, I’ll break any chains! Freedom is infinite, like the wind it flies!
Kosuke: (falls on knees, then gets back up) I shouldn’t be surprised. (chuckles) Of course, please brace yourselves.
[Mic activates]
Understand this technique that you could never replicate. Confront my style as we fight face to face! You could never take this from me with a poorly crafted fake. I’ll have to hold back emotions threatening to burst out. Unless you’d like to be consumed by every word I shout! So keep that in mind and be sure to think twice!
Natsuki and Haruto: Arghh!!! (Get knocked back)
Haruto: Jesus Ko-chan! You literally blew us away!
Natsuki: Agreed.
Kosuke: *heavy breathing* Haha… I guess I did… (whispers to self) Freedom is infinite… huh?
Student A: Man Kosuke! You delivered again! This one kicked my butt, but it looks like you kicked its instead.
Student B: What can you expect from such a genius, he got in straight outta highschool.
Kosuke: It’s not much really. I had some help with the inspiration.
Student B: It still looks incredible though. What did you decide on?
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Kosuke: I chose freedom.
Student A: Well, I guess that makes sense!
Student B: Oh! By the way, good luck with the DRB.
Student A: That’s right! We’ll be cheering you guys on!
Kosuke: A-ah! Thank you!
Haruto: Hey Ko-chan! Let’s go practice again tomorrow!
Kosuke: Ah, sorry you two, I won’t be free for the next few days, you can go on without me.
Haruto: Dawww man! Well, do what you do I guess.
(runs out)
Natsuki: What a pain.
Kosuke: (laughs) Maybe just energetic.
Natsuki: Anyways, I’ll be going too.
Kosuke: Huh, you seem eager to go.
Natsuki: Don’t make it out to be something else. The DRB is coming up and if getting hurt is inevitable, might as well be the ones to come out on top.
Kosuke: Right.
Natsuki:... See you later.
(Door shuts)
Kosuke: *sighs* Oh my god, I’m being trapped again.
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ambivalent-auguries · 3 years
✩ // akizawa & ethan
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Who is more likely to raise their voice? Neither, they don’t do that, they just ignore each other and get quiet oooop Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Ethan oop Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Akizawa I see you Who trashes the house? Neither, they’re not like that Do either of them get physical? Nah they are too mature for that lol How often do they argue/disagree? They keep shit in until it all blows over oop Who is the first to apologise? Ethan, he’s weak af
Who is on top? We don’t use labels like that lol Who is on the bottom? I said we don’t use the labels fine probably Ethan more lol Who has the strangest desires? Neither, they are not that kinky  Any kinks? Ethan likes low voices, scratches, being grabbed/grabbing, Aki likes edging oop  Who’s dominant in bed? Both  Is head ever in the equation? Yep yep If so, who is better at performing it? Ethan takes the point on this one sorry Aki lol Ever had sex in public? Nah they tame  Who moans the most? They are too manly for extended moaning sorry Who leaves the most marks? Ethan oops Who screams the loudest? Neither lol Aki is too silent bro lol Who is the more experienced of the two? Aki, I feel  Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Make love ofc they are in love stop trying to break them up Andre  Rough or soft? Soft with some roughness  How long do they usually last? A good while lol Mostly because of Aki  Is protection used? Yeah Does it ever get boring? Sometimes  Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? On their balcony loool At night, summer night damn that’s hot lol
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? They don’t rn BUT THEY FUCKING WILL If so, how many children do your muses want/have? One lil person and a dog lol Who is the favorite parent? GOD do not tell Ethan, but Aki is lol Who is the authoritative parent? Ethan oop Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Akizawa is a weak man  Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Neither really do that Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? BOTH they are there cheering the loudest when they are both so quiet as individuals lol but their lil baby is playing basketball and skating and they are there for every fucking minute lol Who goes to parent teacher interviews? They both go and stare the teacher into submission lol Who changes the diapers? They would fight about it, they both do it lol Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Ethan, because he doesn’t want Aki to get up but Aki gets up anyway and they just rock the baby together to sleep Who spends the most time with the children? They both try to Who packs their lunch boxes? Ethan because he’s the cook in the family - animal shaped pancakes are a staple uwu Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Akizawa because they want them to be safe Who cleans up after the kids? They both do Who worries the most? They both worry, Aki just a tad more Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Ethan haha He would read to the baby often
Who likes to cuddle? They both do uwu Who is the little spoon? Depends on their mood Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Ethan loool he a bit of a fiend  Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?  ETHAN poor man is WHIPPED How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? They are chill with being entangled with each other  Who gives the most kisses? Ethan, altho Aki tries to match Ethan  What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Watching sports, going out for food and drinks Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Couch while watching TV  Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Ethan oop lol Sorry, Aki, you have a good ass - that’s Ethan’s defence lol How often do they get time to themselves? Plenty of time to themselves when their jobs don’t intervene
Who snores? Neither?? If both do, who snores the loudest? N/A Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share the bed comfortably If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? They like being close together, but not suffocating each other Who talks in their sleep? Neither What do they wear to bed? Jogging bottoms and t-shirt  Are either of your muses insomniacs? Nope Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Nah Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Side by side, Ethan might slip a leg between Aki’s Who wakes up with bed hair? Aki lol and it’s endearing as hell  Who wakes up first? Usually Ethan, altho they are both early risers Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Ethan does the cooking What is their favourite sleeping position?  They just spoon or face each other on their sides with their arms thrown around each other, sometimes Aki will snuggle close and Ethan will keep his arm beneath his head Who hogs the sheets? Aki because Ethan is a furnace anyway lol Do they set an alarm each night? Nope they are good at adulting Can a television be found in their bedroom? Nah it’s in the living room Who has nightmares? Neither, sometimes maybe Ethan  Who has ridiculous dreams? Neither Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?  Aki is expansive, but he doesn’t take that much space lol Who makes the bed? Both do, depends What time is bed time?  A reasonable time most times, but sometimes they will be out together  Any routines/rituals before bed? Aki makes sure his clothes for the next day are all good, Ethan checks lights are turned off  Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? They both are lol They don’t talk to each other before coffee lol
Who is the busiest? Aki altho Ethan is plenty busy Who rakes in the highest income? I’s say they’re p close, Ethan maybe just a bit more Are any of your muses unemployed? Nope Who takes the most sick days? Neither lol they both push through it  Who is more likely to turn up late to work? NEITHER they are both so fucking early it annoys me lol Who sucks up to their boss? They are both their own bosses look them being boy boss over here  What are their jobs? Aki owns an onsen, Ethan is a figure skating coach, they are both great lol Who stresses the most? Aki, although he doesn’t show it Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? They do enjoy them, altho Aki’s job takes a toll on him Are your muses financially stable? They are, they are so good, so mature 
Who does the washing? Akizawa, because Ethan usually cooks Who takes out the trash? Ethan probably Who does the ironing? Akizawa, Ethan just throws his shirts in with Aki’s work clothes lol Who does the cooking? Ethan does and Aki loves it Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Neither, Aki is not THAT bad lol Who is messier? They are both like average lol Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Aki cause he’s not that used to living with people lol Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Neither Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither Who is the prankster around the house? Imagine Aki being a prankster loool Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Neither, they’re p good Who mows the lawn? Akizawa better put those arms to use and put on a show for Ethan gdi loool Who answers the telephone? Ethan Who does the vacuuming? Ethan Who does the groceries? They both do, but Aki usually just buys stuff when Ethan tells him to on his way from work lol Who takes the longest to shower? Neither  Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Ye they are not fans of bubble baths lol
Is money a problem? Nope How many cars do they own? Two (?) They each have one Do they own their home or do they rent? They own because they are stable, mature adults look at them go Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Not near the coast Do they live in the city or in the country?  They live in like the suburbs ALMOST Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yeah sure lol What’s their song? THEIR SONG IS SAD BRO I SOB What do they do when they’re away from each other? Work, they go on with their lives lol Where did they first meet? A sports bar  How did they first meet? GOD this is so cute, so basically, Ethan was at the bar and Aki came along and a match was on and they both supported the same team and the team was losing badly and Aki goes: Imma buy a drink if they miss the next one and Ethan was like: damn you fine; well, he thought that and yeah, they had a nice night and why am I crying rn omg  Who spends the most money when out shopping? Neither, they are good with money uwu Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Neither lol Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Ethan does, Aki lowkey gets worried also Aki lowkey gets angry when Ethan chuckles at him tripping, they are cute lol Any mental issues? Ethan struggles with depression Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither, they are so manly you wouldn’t even believe it omg Who kills the spiders around the house? Neither, Ethan vacuums them lol Their favourite place? The bar they met in uwu Who pays the bills? They both share them Do they have any fears for their future? Here it comes... Losing the other person SOB Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Ethan is uwu Who uses up all of the hot water? Neither lol Who’s the tallest? Ethan just a bit Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Ethan oop  Who wanders around in their underwear? Neither of them do Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Neither lol What do they tease each other about? Ethan teases Aki about his stern expression, Aki teases Ethan for being soft as hell lool Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Have you seen their sense of fashion?... Do they have mutual friends? Nope Who crushed first?  They both kinda fell into it, but Ethan would have, Aki is a great man, of course he would have crushed and kept quiet lol Any alcohol or substance related problems? Ethan struggled with alcohol abuse Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Only if they’re together lol Who swears the most? Ethan lol
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cals-sunflower · 5 years
Poker face
Request: I was wondering can you make a Zion imagine where you are his partner for the react poker face challenge and you guys show pda and cute moments during all three rounds ( you can look it up on YouTube ) 💕💕
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You and the guys of Prettymuch were doing the Poker Face YouTube video. The partner set up was perfect. Nick and Brandon, Edwin and Austin, and you and Zion. You were so confident that you were gonna beat Zion. Y’all walk into the building and get set up.
“Welcome the guys of Prettymuch. We’re so excited to have you here with us today”, Katie the producer said. You smiled at the camera.
“This is Y/n. My girlfriend of a year now, almost going on two”, Zion said as he grabbed your hand and placed a small kiss on it. You blushed and told him to stop. Katie then explained the game and how Poker Face worked. The first round was nice or mean comments.
“Honestly, I’m actually confident with this. Baby you’re going down!”, you yelled to Zion. He looks at you and laughs.
“Babygirl you’re not gonna win but nice try beautiful”, Zion says. You lightly kick his leg under the table and stuck your tongue out at him in a playful manner.
“Okay Zion, you can open your box first”, Katie says to Z. Zion opens his part of the box which has the nice comments and keeps the straightest face while looking at you.
“Already Zion, are you going to keep it or switch?”, Katie asked.
“Imma keep this”, Zion says with a light smirk. You don’t even know what to do.
“Now Y/n, keep it or switch it?”, Katie turned to you. Everyone’s now looking at you and you become nervous.
“Umm I’m gonna keep it. I fully trust Caleb”, you said. But you realize you messed up when Zion laughs.
“Baby I’m sorry”, Zion laughed. You pouted like a little kid. Zion reached over the table and rubbed your cheek. You kissed his hand and smiled.
You both open the box and of course yours says mean comments. You pout again but Z comes over the table to your side and kisses your cheeks.
“I love you mama”, Zion said while going to sit back down.
“I love you more baby”, you smiled. You guys began to read the comments and your first one was really mean.
“My baby Zion and his baby Simba are mad cute”, Zion read.
“Yeah my babies are cute but mine says ‘someone tell Y/n that the world doesn’t revolve around her’. Okay ouch imma go cry in the corner”, you said and joked around.
“I was in my feelings last night and then I remembered Zion exists and now I’m aiiight”, Zion read and laughed.
“You know what I’m not finna lie , Zion is handsome asf so like”, you said.
“And you’re beautiful my love”, Zion says.
“Alrighty mine says ‘why is Zion even with her’. You know I think that to myself everyday because I be on some crackhead shit sometimes”, you laughed.
“Nah but like she really does but so do I. We’re perfect together”, Zion says. You lightly kicked him again.
“Y/n it’s your turn. You can open the box now”, Katie says.
“Yee it’s my turn”, you clapped. You opened the box and you had a look of disgust.
“Switch it. I already know she got the bad jello”, Zion laughs. You switch the box.
“What do I get if I eat this”, Zion says and looks at you.
“My love and affection!”, you said.
“Okay fuck it I’ll keep it”, Zion says. You get up and hugged him. His arms are around your waist and you put his head to your chest.
“I love you I love you I love”, you said and then sat back down after kissing his head.
“You can open your boxes now”, Katie said.
“Gracias babe”, you smiled. You both eat the jello and Zion chews his for a while and then spits it out.
“No way I’m swallowing that”, Zion says.
“I’m sorry baby”, you said and rubbed his back.
“Am I still kissable?” He asked you.
“Ew disgusting but you took one for me so come kiss me. Just don’t open your mouth”, you said. He leaned over and kissed you quickly.
“Thanks mamas”, he said and kissed your forehead. The next round started and Katie said there was either a real dog or a dog treat. Zion opens his first and the starts signing Poker Face. You looked at him and laughed.
“I’m gonna swap it”, Zion said and then starts singing again. You looked at him and decided you wanted to switch it.
“I’m also gonna swap it”, you winked at him. He face fell and then you knew you picked the right choice.
“Open your box in 3 2 1”, Katie says. You open your box to see real dog and show it to the camera.
“I hope my son doesn’t get mad at me”, you laughed. Zion also laughs with you.
“I’m sorry but you mean OUR son”, Zion says. You rolled your eyes.
“My son period but gotcha bitch”, you laughed again. They pass you Zigi the dog.
“Awe baby, hi! You’re so cute”, you say to the dog as she licks your cheek. Zion took a bite of the dog treat and spits it out.
“You definitely owe me one babe”, Zion said and pointed his finger at you. With Zigi still in you arms, you leaned and kissed his forehead.
“How was it you guys”, Katie asked. You laughed and shook your head.
“I thought it was fun because my lovely boyfriend Caleb was a real one for me as always, right baby?”, you said. Zion nods his head smiling.
“Yeah you already know mamas”, Zion said. After you all got done filming, you went back to the house. Arriving to the house, you immediately jog to Zion’s room (aka your room too) and changed your clothes. You changed into a pair of black shorts, one of Zion’s hoodies, and fuzzy socks. Simba came in the room and jumped on you.
“My son! Aw hi papa”, you say to Simba in a baby voice. Zion was standing in the doorway watching you and Simba. While you were changing he went to brush his teeth from eating that nasty dog treat and the jello.
“Mamas you gotta stop being so cute with our son”, he says to you while walking over to you and Simba.
“Sometimes I just I need to show my son the love he deserves”, you say.
“The nerve of your daddy to say that”, you said to Simba.
“I’m definitely gonna need you to start saying daddy more often”, Zion said. You playful punch his shoulder.
“Caleb our kid is here listening. Stop it”, you said to him not being serious at all.
“I think I have to actually make you have my kids now”, Zion smiled and kissed your cheek.
“Maybe one day babe”, you winked. All three of you cuddled with Zion behind you holding your waist and you held Simba taking a nap together.
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slackingsatan · 5 years
Levi trying to work out without a spotter for his first time, and getting hurt?
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Maybe I should try working out. Levi thought as his insecurities bottled up. His boyfriend might be dumb at simple things, but he’s the definition of perfect. He’s outstanding and a professional at what he does, and he’s got a killer bod with a handsome face on top. Nico loves Levi’s waist that he called him Lil Squishy, but then Levi’s kinda gradually feeling insecure with the stomach and waist fats (NICO LOVES DEM BABY FATS. LIL SQUISHY. THANKS @hellishlevi)
“What time do you usually jog, Hunky Skyscraper?” Levi asked subtly.
“Why the sudden question, Lil Squish?” Nico replied.
“W-Well, it’s just that you’re always gone when wake up and it’s because you jog.” Levi pouted because of the Lil Squish. “So how about I join you?”
“Ohhh. Mhmmm sure, tomorrow 5am?”
“Yes, please.”
Levi didn’t wake up early. Nico tried to wake up, but he also wants Levi to rest well.
So that was a failed attempt to get fit. Levi annoyed that he didn’t wake up early and when he woke up Nico’s preparing breakfast.
“Since when did you cook?” Levi said while going down towards the kitchen.
“Well just for today.” Nico laughs while covering up the mess he’s made. “I thought I’ll surprise you.”
“It’s not a surprise when there’s a missing giant upstairs and there’s a smell of burning toast.” Levi smirks and then proceeds to take over Nico’s cooking.
“Ha-ha very funny”
“Why thank you, Mr. Muscles”
“My pleasure, Squish”
“Can’t you come up with nicknames that doesn’t end up with Squish?”
“How about honey?”
“Nah, too cheesy!” Levi laughs with the idea calling him honey.
“Well then it’s either Lil Squishy or Squish”
“NO.” The small bean once again pouts with annoyance.
“Mhmm sure hun.”
“Didn’t I tell yo- Oh that actually doesn’t sound bad!” Surprised, Levi actually likes the nickname. Well it’s better than having a nickname with Squishy.
“What is -”
“You calling me hun.”
“Mhmm okayyy.. Hunn”
They both laughed. Nico would still call him Lil Squishy from time to time.
Tomorrow for sure, I’ll work out. Levi thought and planned it. He searched the closest gym and googled some basic workouts. He, also, googled what dumbbells or gym equipment to use.
Sunday arrived, and Levi went out and secretly hid like an extra pair of clothes for the gym. Mwahaha bye bye fats.
“Where are you going, hun?” Nico asked the suspicious tiny bean.
“U-Uh well I’mma go out with Dahlia.” Levi replied, his voice almost cracked.
“Ohh okay. Be safe.” Nico said and gave Levi a goodbye kiss.
Phew that was close. Levi called Dahlia and told her to lie for him, like it’s a top secret mission, and he went to the nearest gym. 
Good thing there’s like a free day trial. Levi sighed with relief and tried to work out without assistance.
I’ll go to the gym later. Nico thought while he drinks a cup of tea. 
THIS IS HARDER THAN I THOUGHT. Levi thought, he’s exhausted already. COME ON LEVI, YOU CAN DO THIS. He tries to use a different set of dumbbells. 5… 6… sevenn— I’M BEAT. 
“Uh dude, you sure you don’t need assistance?” A buff guy approached Levi since he noticed that he’s been alone and struggling.
“I-I… I’m okaay.” Levi said, trying to catch his breath.
“Dude you should use lighter dumbbells, and try to put the dumbbells back in place ok?” Buff guy advised. “I’mma bounce, keep doing you lil man!”
“O-Okay t-thanks!”
He’s right, I-I should use lighter weights. And I should probably not leave any dumbbells scattered around. I’M SO TIRED.
Levi’s going to place the dumbbells back to their right places, when he tripped because of the dumbbell behind him. One of the dumbbells he’s carrying dropped to his foot, while he fell down.
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH FFUCK” Levi screams because of the pain.
People noticed him and tried to assist him. Then, someone carried him and said “SOMEONE GIVE ME A FIRST AID KIT STAT. AND PLEASE GIVE US SOME SPACE. I am a doctor!”
Levi looked towards the person carrying him while in pain. The voice actually sounds like…
Nico went to the gym. The nearest gym is actually where Nico frequently works out. He’s about to do cardio when suddenly he heard a loud scream. People gathered around the injured person.
NO. It can’t be! Nico thought, and rushed towards the injured person.
“Jesus, Levi! What the hell!” Nico’s furious and also concerned about Levi’s well-being. “Can SOMEONE give me  A FIRST AID KIT?” He’s checking if there’s a fracture or if the injuries are bad. The mob backed away and some searched for a first aid kit.
“I-I can explai-”
“Stay still! You’re injured!”
Levi wasn’t expecting Nico to be here at this time… at this place. 
FUCK ME. Levi thought. I actually made Nico pretty mad.
“Here you go, mate” A gym personnel gave Nico the First Aid Kit.
“Thank you.” Nico replied and took action.
Luckily, Levi was just sprained. Levi explained what happened to the gym personnel, because they need to record of the incident and that the gym isn’t liable. Nico backed him up and lied that he introduced this place and went late.
“A-About what happened-”
“You know you’re LUCKY it’s just a sprain and some minor injuries!” Nico’s still quite mad about the incident. “You could have gotten a fracture, for heaven’s sake!”
[awkward silence]
“I’m sorry.” Levi broke the silence.
“What were you thinking! Going without a spotter… and then lying to me that you’re going out with friends!” Nico’s pained to see Levi getting hurt, and angry at the fact that Levi lied to him and got injured. He’s close to crying a little because he should have been there for him. He should have been there to protect him. He can’t even look him in the eye.
“I-I’m sorry! I-I’m insecure, alright?!” Levi finally lets it out. “I’m not comfortable with my body! And l-look at you… you’re perfect! A handsome hunky skyscraper stuck with a couch potato like me. I’m just Lil Squishy, just like you said. So I tried to work out. I know it’s unreasonable and I-I’m sorry for lying to you. I just want you to be surprised when I do get some results - s-so I can be worthy of you or something. I didn’t realize that it’ll be difficult!”
Silence envelopes the room once more until Nico looks at Levi in the eye and responds.
“Levi. Hun, you’re perfect as you are! I love your body, every part of it. From your cute hair, to your cute little feet. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to see you being uncomfortable with the nicknames I gave you. If you really want to work out, ask me! Tell me! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a muscular build. I actually love your baby fats. You’re huggable and soft like a teddy bear… You’re smart, and you’re amazing at the things that you do… You deserved to be loved by me just as I deserve your love. And please share to me what troubles you, okay? No more lies. The last thing I want to see is you getting hurt!”
“Yeah, It’s my fault. SORRY.” Levi said sincerely, and smiled because he’s lucky to have Nico as his boyfriend. “And thank you. Y-Y’know you can still call me Lil Squishy… if you want. It doesn’t bother me anymore; because if you’re okay with me, then I should be much more okay with me. I-I promise I’ll tell you if something’s bothering me.”
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babybluepeaches · 6 years
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Permission pt.3 {a killmonger fic} 
pt.1  /   pt.2
AN: Holy cliffhanger! Just when you and Erik think you’re out of danger for the night, you realize you could be getting arrested. Non protected exhibitionist smut for my ladies and fellas, don’t try this at home! (or outside)
“Fuck,” Erik says, settling for ripping the zip ties binding your arms off rougher than originally intended. Once you’re free, you two waste no time jogging to the back of the house and escaping out the back door. When you burst out, neither of you stop running. Full of adrenaline from the altercation, you both sprint 4 blocks until you come across a gated residential area.
“C'mon,” Erik says, as he grabs your hand and pulls you in the direction of the buildings. Your pace slows and you two are as silent as deer in the forest.
You watch Erik’s face while you both go stealth mode. So alert, he seems like he’s a different Erik than the one you’ve been taking night drives with. When he saw you were in danger it’s like a switch flipped in him.
While you two are mid-sneak, Erik seems to hear something you don’t. He quickly pulls you both into the shade, pressing your bodies together. You’re both perfectly still.
After a moment you hear it too, footsteps and light conversation. After some eavesdropping you can tell they’re security guards walking in a nearby area.
You would look, but you trusted Erik’s stillness and stayed put. It was your first breather since the incident and you decided to take in your environment. You and Erik hid against a shaded wall by the residential pool. Erik has you tightly pressed up against his chest, one hand around your back and one on your ass. His breath was in your ear, and the reflection of the pool casts blue light onto his skin. While his chest raises your body up and down, you can’t help but think about him taking down those men so expertly. His combat was so smooth, you were embarrassed that you even worried about him. He didn’t even need your gun, he was obviously a natural fighter. That intensity you saw in him, you’ve never seen anything like it.
“Aye,” Erik says softly, after you’re both sure you’re alone, “You good?”
You pull back to look and him and you find his eyes searching your body for injuries, yet he doesn’t relinquish his hold on you.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you look at your hands resting on his studded chest and add, “He didn’t hurt me.”
“Good,” he strums his fingers across your butt and seems relieved.
You look up at him and brush your hand through his bangs, his breath still thudding in his chest.
“You were amazing,” you say.
A smile slowly pulls at Erik’s lips, “Yeah, like I was about to let you get iced by the Joker.”
You almost bust out laughing and you have to quickly cover your mouth to keep it from escaping. Seeming grateful at your mood change, Erik pulls you up his body to sitting position. You instinctively wrap your legs around his torso, and quickly and silently he flips you both around so your back is against the wall.
“Nah, nah, ssssh” he whispers as you giggle through your hand, “We gotta be quiet.”
Nothing seems to stop your giggle fit from increasing. You almost got killed by a wanna be white trapper, Erik is James Bond, and he just called the nigga the Joker, what had your life become?
Erik removed the hand stopping your laughter, and only a little escapes into the air before your lips are met with his.
This definitely shuts you up, and your find yourself melting into him. He was strong enough that you felt comfortable being held up by him. Your lips separate and he kisses down your neck slowly and deliberately.
You gasp as you feel his teeth in your skin, and you involuntarily raise your leg. This gives Erik’s hard-on perfect access to your crotch, and you whimper softly when you feel it. The sound doesn’t linger long before Erik’s hand covers your mouth.
“If you want me right now, Imma need you to be silent, ight?” Erik says rubbing his hard dick against you. “Can you be silent for me?”
You nod, and grind your hips against his in response.
“Promise?” he whispers, as he unzips the front of your jeans agonizingly slowly. Your eyebrows knit together as you try not to make a sound, but your nod convinces Erik he can remove his hand. Once he does, your claws are sinking into his tattered shirt and using it to pull his lips into yours. You slide your warm tongue in to mingle with his, and you hear him start and stop a moan in its tracks. It wasn’t going to be you making the noise. You give his tongue a playful suck and pull back to look at him. His eyes have that lustful challenege look to them again. You like that. Erik reaches down and pulls your already unzipped zipper apart even further, causing it to rip your pants in half with a quiet snap. “What did you just-” you whisper, but Erik’s hand, which now has incredibly easy access, slides into your underwear. You gasp and grip his upper body as your toes curl. Erik shoots you a vicious smile before diving in to kiss you again while he rubs just where he knows will make you super wet. You’re almost putty in his arms but your fingers brushing against his zipper make his movements on you a little less persistent. You smile and unzip his pants, pulling his fingers out of you simultaneously. Without warning you slide his dick right into your wetness. You watch his eyes roll back and you use his body as leverage to fuck him yourself. Seeing him weaken made you give a small laugh, you had won. Erik’s hands slide up your hips softly, and hold you gently around your back. Just when you thought you had won, Erik spreads your legs father apart and starts fuckking you good into the wall. Fuck, fuck me, you’re mouthing, and before you know it, you’re beginning to say it out loud. This causes Erik to cover your mouth with his hand again, you dazedly nod in agreement. Too far gone to care who’s winning, you’ve never fucked this nigga raw before and his dick was heavenly. Erik moves the hand that was over your mouth to gently hold your throat. Slowing the pace of his hips, he makes sure you feel every inch of him while he steadily adds pressure to his hold on your neck. He watches your face contort in silent pleasure. Painfully aware of your vow of silence, your eyes fluttering and your increased wetness is the only affirmatives you’re able to offer Erik. Your nails sink into his back and he has to suppress a grunt, you smile weakly but have no more tricks up your sleeve to pull on him, you were about to cum. You whisper that you’re close into Erik’s ear and he removes his hand from your neck to start ferociously fingering your clit. You gasp loudly as the pressure builds, and neither can stop the loud moan you make as you buss on him. This causes Erik to quickly pull out and cum himself. You two stay in this position for a moment panting, smiling weakly at each other. After a minute you hear movement from the poolside. Still completely shaded, you two freeze, glancing over to see some loud college kids going for a late swim. Looking back at each other you both almost burst out laughing, and Erik gently pulls you off him and sets you down. You both quietly grab the rest of your clothes and put them on, except your newly ripped jeans of course. Erik grabs your hand and run pulls you to run off the property, back to the streets. Once you’re free you both let your loud laughter out. You run back to where your car is parked, giggling like kids the whole way. When you finally get back to the car you jump up on Erik and he catches you. “Did we just escape opps?” you question him with a smile, raising your eyebrow. “Did you just make your shirt into a dress?” Erik says, giving your long black shirt a tug which makes you laugh again. “Moves! She different! Y'all she different!” Erik exclaims, referencing those Nick Fraser stunting vines. “Shut up, let’s get out of here,” you say. Erik carries you around the car to the drivers side and let’s you down. When you get in y'all are blasting Fuck the Police by the N.W.A. followed by Imagine That by Nas, in celebration of your non-arrest. While you’re driving back to Erik’s place you light one of the blunts you keep in the whip, sharing it with Erik. He rapped to Nas and you sang the Lauryn Hill parts. It felt like all that terrible shit that occurred tonight never even happened.  
When you pull up to Erik’s place you park and pull the lever on your seat so that it reclines, and you shoot Erik a playful smile.
“Soo, now that I’m nice and lifted,” you give a grand gesture with your joint in hand, “You gonna tell me what that was back there?”
Erik smiles and wipes his beard, avoiding your gaze, “Mmm what what was?” he asks, knowing full well what you’re referring to.
“Uh uh don’t play with me Erik! You took out 4 armed,” you pause for dramatic effect, “men, with your bare hands!“
He smiles and folds his arms, looking down at them, “I done worse.”
“Word?” you say, sparking the blunt back up and sitting it between your lips.
“Mmm,” a pause “I used to be military. SEALS.”
You turned to look at him, blowing out a cloud. He seemed apprehensive about sharing this information. His pose was closed off, so you reach over and feel his scarred chest through the tears in his shirt.
“They let you in the SEALS with these?”
He chuckles and lays his hand on top of yours, rubbing both of your hands across the bumps.
“Nah. I actually did this when I was a black op.”
You raise your eyebrows but don’t stop Erik from guiding your hand over his skin, it seemed to soothe him.
“No wonder you thrashed those niggas,” you smile in disbelief.
He pushed his loc bangs back and sighed.
“Yeah but I didn’t kill ‘em,” he mutters, seeming relieved, “Any of ‘em.”
He leans back and you inhale the blunt.
“Is that what these are from?” you rub your thumb over one of his individual scars, “Kills?”
“From the military?”
You eye him curiously and raise your eyebrow, “Just the military?”
He stares back at you, and for the first time since you knew him, he drops his eyes from your gaze.
“Hmm,” you side eye him and take a few more puffs, “You gonna tell me?”
He chuckles darkly, “Nah.”
You smile and shake your head, “Deadass? You just gonna keep your dark past a secret?” You settle back in your seat and take a few more hits, “I knew it.”
He snatches the blunt from your fingers “Yeah,” he takes a smoke “I’m bout to keep my dark past a secret,” he smiles, but his voice falters.
“E,” you break the silence he created and shift your focus from the window to him, “Of all people you think, I’m gonna judge you about a grimy past?”
He sighs after a moment and says, “Yeah. You right.” Erik warns you about the length of the story he’s about to tell, but you don’t care. To your surprise he starts at the beginning, when he was a kid. Oakland was your hood too, so you were sucked in from the jump. He then tells you a LOT of wild shit, Wakanda, his cousin the Black Panther, how his revenge drove him to kill, how he tried to take the throne. You listened without a peep, just passing Erik the blunt when it was his turn. You just let him vent, sinking down in your seat.
“I didn’t understand, shit,” he laughed, “at that time I was just tryna get him to choose me… Choose us.”
When he said “us” and you knew he didn’t mean just you and him. He meant the genetic “us”. African people that had been denied Wakanda and got stuck in the trap of systematic oppression. The us, who’d been left behind. Just like him.
“But, yo, aint none of that shit T'challa’s fault man,” Erik says and you can tell by his sentence he’s sufficiently high. Next thing you know he’s politely requests the blunt, which you pass, thankful that he’s finally loosening up.
“T'challa was just doing what he had to do.” Erik took a long inhale and exhale, when the smoke cloud covered the windshield he continued, “Being king.”
“Mmm,” you let his statement sit before asking, “Did you kick his ass at least?”
He laughs, “Yeah. Technically I died though, so I guess that round goes to him.”
“You what?”
“Yeah. Wakandan technology might as well be magic though,” he ashes your blunt, handing it over to you, “My little cousin’s Jimmy Neutron headass brought me back from the edge.”
“What’s that like?” you ask, taking a smoke.
“Being dead?”
“Its the alive again part thats really fucked up,” you smile at his remark and smack his arm.
“Nah but really, I’m not allowed to just be Killmonger anymore. Now I gotta be Erik,” he sighs, “That’s why I didn’t kill any of them niggas tonight.”
Erik passes you the blunt thats burning its last life away, you take it carefully and ask, “But you wanted to?”
He looks at you like you’re stupid, “They were hurting you Y/N. Of course I wanted to.”
“Mmm,” you nod and bite down on your lip to attempt to hide your smile. Doesn’t work.
Erik glances at the clock, 5:43am.
“Fuck, I gotta go. Imma see you though,” he opens the car door and gets out. Before he starts walking you call to him to wait. Grabbing a big hoodie out of your backseat, you toss it at him. He looks down at his tattered and semi-bloody shirt and nods in agreement that he should probably cover up.
“Erik?” you lean over the passenger seat to look at him.
“Wassup?” he says, bending his head down to meet your gaze. “If you’re supposed to be leaving behind a life of danger and crime, what the hell are you doing hanging out with me?” you settle back into your seat and lay your head on the stirring wheel. “I guess I like yo dangerous ass,” he smiles playfully at you, pulling your hoodie over his head. This is when you assume he’s about to walk away, so you chuckle and start the car. “Hey,” Erik calls back at you. When you look at him, you see him form a fist and softly kiss his knuckles. He offers his fist out for you to dap. Smiling into your kiss, you do the same to your knuckles and press your fist to Erik’s. The indirect kiss gave you a momentary warmth before the connection was broken. “Ight E, see you,” you put the car in drive and Erik gives you an affirmative head nod. He shuts the door and let’s you go after your too-late night, and it won’t be the last one.
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shereighties · 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
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"Kalo venue kawinan lo indoor, gue gajadi dateng ya Boy" #Sikap™️ Oh yeah I said that to the girl who has sincerely being my friend, no matter how absurd I am as a human being, since 9th grade because Imma paranoid hypochondriac bitjjj. Tapi ternyata kadar sayang gue ke dia jauh lebih tinggi daripada keparnoan gue. Namanya bucin udah mendarah daging yakan. Jadi gue bismillah aja terjadilah padaku menurut kehendak-Mu dah selama acara berlangsung. Palingan gue jadi sering ngilang karena sesekali kabur ke rooftop biar gag kelamaan berada di dalem ruangan. Dan buat ngudud juga. Ehe. Nah, nanti 2030 kita bikin foto macem gini lagi ya Boy. Tapi gantian kita tuker posisi, gue yang jadi manten. Nanti yang jadi groom-nya Theo Hutchcraft. Okeh? Okeh. #Halu™️ 😆 PS: Gue lepas masker cuma pas foto doang. Dan pas ngudud di rooftop hotel. (at favehotel Puri Indah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKbfB9QAHwh/?igshid=18ec9nrkf4cp
0 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 13:30:08 GMT
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Perjalanan menuju sebuah momen bernama pernikahan itu beda2 buat setiap orang. Ada yang mulus wiw kek jalan tol baru diresmiin, ada yang grudak2 kayak jalanan inpres, ada juga yang ndut2an kek jalanan komplek banyak gajlukannya. Ini kedua kalinya gue ikut nemenin road to seorang sahabat menuju pernikahan. Dan jujur aja, kontras bat perjalanan sahabat gue yang ini sama yang nikah di 2016 lalu. Biasa yang ini anaknya mah adem2 gada drama di kehidupan sehari2, eh jelang nikah ada aja drama dan kejadian gag terduga dari sana sini. Jadi kek lagi di sinetron dah pokokmen. Dia yang mau nikah, guenya ikutan stres. Ada gasih yang kek gue juga? #CariTemen™️ Tapi semua gujlak gajluk drama road to #EbyRahmadKawin bisa dilewatin dengan cool sambil senyum simpul sama perempuan yang satu ini. 23 Desember 2020, dia fix punya teman hidup yang bakal temenin petualangannya hingga akhir masa. Keren banget dah pokokmen. Nih anak setrong bat gag nyangka hahah. Makasih ya udah ajak gue buat terlibat di salah satu momen dalam hidup lo. Seneng bat gela ahahah aku merasa disayang~ #Baper™️ Abis ini gue udah gaperlu lagi daragdugdug ikut persiapan nikah karena sahabat gue yang cuma 2 biji udah pada nikah semua. Bhay gue mau istirahat! PS: Gue cuma lepas masker pas mau foto doang (at Happy Moment) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKYL57MgRFF/?igshid=uwdta1htmcrb
0 notes • Posted 2021-01-23 06:45:21 GMT
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Gatau sejak kapan gue demen banget liat lakik yang pake cincin kawin. Kayaknya sih sejak liat Benedict Cumberbatch ya. Kek, gue mesmerized gitu liat foto2 dia kalo lagi pake cincin kawinnya. Abis dari situ gue selalu 😍 tiap liat tangan lakik yang jari manisnya bercincin. Terus setelah kakak kaporit gue married sama dedek gemes kaporit, semakin rutin dah dijejali (almost) daily dose of tangan-lakik-dengan-cincin-kawin. Mana emang tangannya udah bagus bat kan tanpa perlu jarinya dipakein cincin geh. Hadudu~ 😌 ✋🏼 @maulshiro (at Di Dalam Mobil Mewah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJkf-G0AQRX/?igshid=3h30p6wdudhf
0 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 05:00:06 GMT
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I am a self-proclaimed advocate for donating blood and always get bummed every time I got 'disqualified' because my blood pressure is too low. But let me tell you a secret: Gue sebenere takut anjir donor darah. Lu bayangin eta jarum gede banget ditusukin ke lengan lu. Aimak. 😖 But I kept coming for more and trying so hard to be qualified for it. Chugging a cup of coffee, run a 100 m jog to the venue, and do jumping jacks to make my blood pressure could stay at the minimum. Yah namanya juga masokis ya. Takut2, sakit2, tapi tetep mau2 lagi karena sensasinya enak. 😆 Foto ini diambil sama Boy Kicik pas gue lagi berkonsentrasi mengalihkan pikiran dari lengan yang akan ditusuk jarum. Awalnya gue merem, tapi disuruh melek sama si Boy karena mau difoto. So now you can see the horror I felt coming from my eyes. Iya, itu pas baru disuruh tarik napas sama petugasnya. Sambil melotot, gue maki2 ini anak kicik macem2 aja orang lagi inhale-exhale karena mau ditusuk jarum segede sedotan sjw pake disuru melek segala karena mau difoto hadeh. Ini dondar pertama gue di 2021 dan dondar kedua bersama @queenindo_. Kalo buat kuinindo mah ini udah dondar ketiga. Gue gag ikutan yang kedua karena 'gasengaja' begadang. Ehe. And you know what, gue naek level kantong darah di dondar kali ini. Biasanya cuma 250cc, kemaren darah gue diambil 350cc. Yay me! 🥳 Ini adalah kegiatan rutin Queenindo nampaknya karena udah 3 kali juga diadain. Paling gak 3-4 bulan sekali bakal ada donor darah. Yang kali ini bekerjasama dengan @mostradio1058fm dan @musbadul. Lumayan lah, jadinya Queenindo tetep masih gerak sedikit meski masih di masa pandemi yang bikin kita2 pada gaberani ngumpul dan craving banget nonton live music. Sumpah serius kami butuh live music segera dasar pandemi pantek! Anyway, jangan lupa donor darah rutin, gays! Kalo mau tau soal donor darah dan perintilannya tapi mager gugling *judging eyes*, boleh tanya2 di kolom komen yah. 😀 (at Museum Basoeki Abdullah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL3l-xdATQG/?igshid=1ntnf7bhbpuxy
1 notes • Posted 2021-03-01 08:00:58 GMT
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Not mine, found it on Tumblr. Credit to the artist//Bukan bikinan gue, boleh ngembat dari Tumblr Hey Eyang! Today you would have been celebrating your 75th birthday. But after your 45th birthday, God had decided that it was the last birthday to be celebrated on earth with the ones you love and love you. After that, you must celebrate it with the angels up there until the end of time. God must love you so much, Eyang. 😉 I hope you'd seen us mortals still celebrating your life every years from up above. Even long after you've gone. Thank you for being YOU and teaching us to be the lover of life with all those songs you've sung. Happy eternal birthday, my legendary musical prostitute! 🌹 When I look and I find, I still love you... 💖 Sincerely, The One Who Were Born Too Late Freddie Mercury September 5th — Eternity ☁
2 notes • Posted 2021-09-05 16:05:41 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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cxxxoticarchive · 6 years
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“Ya should stop by any time, princessah. It’s been a while, ain’t it?” Exotic laid his words smoothly  with honey sounding voice as he grinned with all of his wet diamonds that soon sunk into his bottom lip while he kept his eye focus on SZA who sat beside him at the VIP section. 
The club was crowded yet the private corner that these two occupied was pretty silent, more to it, the aura was intimate so Exotic and SZA didn’t had to yell to hear each other. “I thought you’re such a busy young man these days, I didn’t want to bother nor take your precious time, handsome.” Solana kept a soft but playful smile over her plump lips, her hand found it’s place on Exotic’s chest as if she tried to adjust the shirt that he wore but instead her fingers left a trail of rubs on his toned pecks that were hidding under the fabric of designer. “Stahp playin’, ya kno Imma always find a minute or two for ya.” Exotic kissed on his teeth yet a smirk still was there holding his lip corners up. Now look at this motherfucker, will he ever stop flirting on left and right? Will he ever stop shooting those tempting stares at people who sparked the interest in him? Questions that really need answers, but for right now, Solana had to hide eyes from this seducer as the melodic giggles left past her duos. “You the one who playing, boy.” She gently pushed his chest before Exotic caught her hand into his and plastered a careful kiss over her slender fingers, and of course, his eyes never left her beautiful face forcing the singer to look at him. “I ain’t playin’, just stop by and find shit out by yaself, nah mean...” He murmured still holding her hand in his own. The female’s lips parted as her breath stuck in her throat, just like a hypnotized bunny she kept staring into his deep, dark eyes, eyes that were smirking at her yet luring her to move closer to his face. Just a little more closer, to his warm lips... “Exotic.” A deep voice boomed behind Exotic who was inch away from Solana’s lips. Exotic slowly turned around to look back at Skepta while SZA coughed and began fixing her wild curls wishing she could disappear from here. “Wsuh bruh?” Xotic questioned Skepta as he looked up at the male from his seat. “Get up. We need to talk.” He said and turned around before walking away. By the sound of Skepta’s voice Exotic knew damn well he should follow. “Imma be right back, senorita.” He left a promise along with a petal soft kiss on Solana’s hot cheek and got up from his seat before jogging after Skepta. “What’s the deal brabra?” Exotic questioned soon as he caught up with Skepta who was walking down the long hallway of the club. Skepta didn’t reply, he just kept going. Exotic’s brows furrowed with his lower lip poking out stubbornly as the shade of confusion masked his face. “It’s about the business?” Exotic did another try looking up at the tall male and searching answers on his face but Skepta’s facial expressions remained steal. Sucking in his lip, Exotic rubbed the side of his neck as he obediently kept walking along with Skepta. Soon they stepped outside the club and leaving it was the last thing Exotic tried to do. “Yo, can we stay for a lil longer?” Exotic asked but almost did a step back once Skepta turned his face towards him. The glare that he threw at the younger male made Exotic feel like his insides got twisted up in a tight knot. Of course it meant the answer is no.
“Get in the car.” Skepta threw a demand to Exotic as he opened the passenger door of his Bentley. Not trying to argue with Skepta who already seemed to be pissed fuck knows why, Exotic lowly huffed to himself and got in the car. He fixed dreads in his ponytail and pulled out his phone to shoot Solana a message and let her know that he had to leave, and soon as his fingers began to type Skepta got in the car and snatched Xotic’s phone away and threw it on the dash. “Yo, the fuck dawg?” Exotic barked out as he got disturbed by Skepta’s sudden action. Although, he wasn’t ready to for what followed next. Skepta threw his hand out reaching for the chain on Xotic’s neck and with the harsh pull he dragged Exotic closer to himself to get in his face. “Watch who you yell at, boy.” Skepta said with low, and it seemed like it was a smooth voice but damn you could hear the demon himself speaking. Skepta twisted his wrist and with that easy motion he wrapped the chain around his hand which links tightened around Xotic’s neck. “So you out here flirting with bitches, Exotic?” He asked looking dead in the younger male’s eyes. Exotic’s fingers clenched into the chain but Skepta did another twist of his wrist and the loop around the neck tightened, now the metal bit hard on Exotic’s skin around his neck. “I ain’t flirting with nobody! Fuck!” He gasped out as the chain wrapped tighter around his neck with another movement of Skepta’s hand. Exotic tried to gulp for some air but Skepta roughly pulled on the chain which caused the painful hug on the neck, and another twist of Skepta’s wrist got Exotic struggling to catch some air. “Now you gon’ lie in my face? You think I’m stupid and I haven’t seen shit?” Skepta asked calmly as Exotic’s face was oh so close to his own. Exotic couldn’t reply straight away, he needed some air so he tried his best to suсk it in while the chain that he used to love now choked the shit out of him. “Papa, please..” Exotic, a proud motherfucker turned into one who now begged the other male to release the grip. But instead, Skepta only wrapped the chain around his wrist some more. Chocking and gasping for air, Exotic’s eyes rolled back as his mind began drifting away due to the lack of air, but now, as deeper he fell into nowhere the less he could care about anything..
A harsh slap across the face dragged Exotic out of the black out. His eyes opened and he hungrily gulped for air, but, instead of breathing normally he began to cough. His neck burned, his throat felt sore and dry so he wrapped his hands around it trying to stop the cough since it felt like he was about to cough his lungs out. Through his watered eyes, Xotic peeked over at Skepta who now drove the car and kept his attention on the road. It was the first time in Exotic’s life when he didn’t fight back. He always been a fighter, he never allowed nobody to treat him wrong or put hands on him, he always fought back, harder and tougher. But this time he gave up; or, lets say, he didn’t even try to stand up for himself. Looking at this man’s handsome face Exotic was wondering how the fuck he ended up like this. It always been like Exotic would come after your life no matter who you are, but this time? Not saying anything, Exotic looked out the window not really understanding how he felt, but it was something new. He was broken and humiliated. That’s how ya’ll be when you fall for someone?
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theewrites-tf2 · 6 years
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(I really loved this one, hope you enjoyed!)
“Alright ladies, listen up! Winner of this little training exercise, will NOT be rewarded, because the sweat, blood and tears that emerge from your bodily orifices onto this holy, UNITED ground is a reward ENOUGH! Now, that being said, the loser will be required to scrub the toilets, floors and my trench-walking, corpse-kicking BOOTS with their only toothbrus-”
“Ya, that ain’ happenin’.” Sniper grumbled, watching with a firm expression as the barking American finally shut him mouth, looking crestfallen. The American sputtered, and the Australian took the time to look at the shorter Bostonian, who was smiling crookedly.
“What, Ya scared?” He chuckled obnoxiously, and once again, Lawrence Mundy couldn’t help but question his superiors decision of hiring this, this... Manchild.
When he had first been hired to this base in the middle of nowhere, he appreciated the fact that none of his coworkers seemed overly chummy. The Frenchie was a arse, and would continue to be one, hardhat kept to himself, big guy was someone to avoid (as was his raven-haired, crazy eyed friend with the birds that kept eyeballing his chest almost... eagerly. It was very uncomfortable.) Lawrence had yet to meet the last two team members, their ‘Demoman’ was still still missing... And this brat just showed up from nowhere, claiming to be their Scout.
While swinging around a baseball bat, which coincidentally slipped from his grasp into Snipers front window.
Of course, the only reasonable solution without selling the boy off as a chatty crash-dummy was a race. Loser pays for the replacement window, winner gets to silently judge, and openly mock them for all eternity. 
“Nah mate, just curious about what kinda windows I want. Tinted, shatterproof, magnetic... Imma make ya bank account barren with this purchase.” He said darkly, but the boy only laughed. “Yeah, ooooookay,” He chortled, before casually hopping from foot to foot, looking smug. Sniper only chuckled, getting into game mode as he stared at the ‘race track’ Soldier had set up. The rattlesnake-filled tires would be easy to jump over, the gasoline coated climbing wall would be a bit challenging, but Lawrence could managed.
Looking at the scrawny, baseball-loving shortie next to him, Sniper deemed this a quick win.
Then Soldier pulled a rocket launcher seemingly from nowhere, and all those presented flinched and took a step back.
“ALLLLLLLRIGHT! ON THE COUNT OF HAWAII!” He bellowed, and Scout frowned. “On the count of... what?” Spy sighed from his leisurely spot to watch the chaos. “He’s going to go through all the American states, based on time of statehood granted. Just go on Virginia.” Sniper and Scout looked at each other, and shrugged in agreement.
“DELAWARE. PENNSYLVANIA. NEW JERSEY. GEORGIA-” Sniper cracked his knuckles, and Scout only watched with that stupid grin still on his face. Sniper honestly didn’t care too much about this window being redone, but the boy had been cocky since minute ONE of his presence on base, and he had just about enough of it. Knocking this brat and his ego down a few pegs would be entertaining, as well as a good stretch.
“VIIIIIIIIRGINA!” Sniper snapped up, and in a panic, quickly pushed his feet off the ground and scrambled forward in a starting lunge. For several feet, he was cursing about how panicked and awkward his first steps had no doubt looked, then he slowed when he realized... 
The kid hadn’t even gotten up yet, and was calmly whistling and skidding his foot over the dirt as the Australian slowed down. Sniper blicked, once, twice then snarled, walking backwards. “Wha’ the HELL are ya doin’?!” He snapped, and the kid only grinned, “Conservin’ energy... Go on ‘head, Ill catch up!” He promised, and Sniper fumed.
“Bloody lil’ fu- ACK!” As he turned, Sniper managed to forget all about the snake filled tires, and as he struggled to regain his balance when he walked straight into one, he found himself eye-to-eye with a rather pissed-off elderly rattlesnake. His arms went out, and he caught himself from falling face-first into the hole, and sighed in relief as the horrifying moment passed... Then he froze as he heard running foot-steps coming straight for him.
“Thank’s for the boost, Aussie!” Was the last, crowing sentence Lawrence was aware of, before Scout used the man as a sort of springboard, feet slamming and pushing down on the Australians back before launching off.
The next thing the man was aware of, was a huge, sharp tidal wave of pain, as he was unceremoniously dragged out of the snake-filled tire. “Now THAT is a battle scar!” Whooped the Soldier, who poked at the several snake bites that freckled the convulsing man’s face. Medic quickly jogged over, eyes lighting up in interest. “Oh, that is certainly and interesting reaction to poison!” The German then blinked and grinned, “Ah, perhaps now ve can see how zhe infamous ‘respawn’ works, ja?” Lawrence hissed as another wave ran through him, and his vision began to darken around the edges, “Urgh... just kill me, mate...”
Medic rolled his eyes, waving his hand dismissively. “Bah, you’ll live,” A blink. “Ah, no, you von’t... Still, it’s for a cause, Herr Mundy!” Sniper groaned as his new ‘teammates’ casually left his body there, eagerly discussing how the famous ‘respawn’ system worked. Sniper closed his eyes as the poison began spreading through his system, and ignored the footsteps that padded towards him... Then the Bostonian coughed and Sniper cracked an eye open to glare at the sheepish-looking brat.
“So, uh...” The kid reached up to wipe some sweat from his brow, as he looked down at the glaring, dying Australian. “... Yeah, so, this means I ain’t buying ya windows right?” Scout asked tentatively. Lawrence glared for a moment longer, then felt his strength give away and closed his eyes... Not before using the last of his mobility to sweep his long arm under the Bostonian, and smirked when he heard the boy go, screaming rather shilly, into the dreaded tire o’ scales.
And Sniper was still smirking, after the respawn trip and even when he was replacing his new window. ‘Worth it...”
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tf2ships-theewrites · 7 years
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(Guess this is an AU of TF2 Comics, cause I decided that for this, it was Scout and Pauling that went to Australia to pick up the Sniper! Hope you enjoy!)
(Urgh, If I had the drawing talent, this would’ve been a comic... Oh well! Hope the written version is good enough!)
Scout was debating whether or not to either just park the car like Pauling said, or drive it through Snipers front window. Either option had pros and cons, but both were still worth serious debate.
Grey Mann fired them about six months ago, after taking control of MannCo. Six months, Scout had been in prison for breaking into a bank with spy, long story. And six months was the last time he’d spoken to his... pal, Sniper. ‘Boyfriend it too strong to use for the prick who returns your letters and doesn’t pick up the phone,’ Scout thought bitterly, going for another casual donut-circle in Snipers front lawn.
When Pauling informed the recently rebanded mercs that they needed to find Sniper, Scout hadn’t hesitated and demanded to go with her to pick him his pal. Only about an hour away from the Australians house, did Scout realize how fucking nerve wracking this really was.
He finally turned the ignition off and sputtered to a stop, glaring at the house. Ten minutes had gone by, and no Pauling and no tall Australian had come out yet...
Which means it was time for the Bostonian to go in.
Scout hopped out and jogged in. Like a dummy he was, he decided to leave his baseball bat, and strode up the creaky porch steps to his pal’s home. He hesitated at the door, before narrowing his eyes when he realized it was slightly ajar. Throwing caution to the wind and his irritation rising, Scout barged into the home. “YO! Sommebody bettah have a DAMN good reason to waste my time!” He snapped, then blinked as he looked around the interior of the home. “Damn...”
It was dark, dusty and Miss Pauling was unconscious and tied up in the living ro-
“Oh SHIT.” Scout whispered-yelped, lunging over and shaking the woman. “Pauling, PAULING! Ah, c’mon...” He glanced around for a knife or something, strings of violent curses poring out of his mouth. He stood and ducked around the hallway, trying on the light switch for what he hoped was the kitchen.
Flicking the switch didn’t work, so he held his arms out, hoping to run into a counter or something as he squinted in the sunset-dimly lighted room. “C’mon, c’mon...” Scout muttered, praying to run into something.
Instead, something ran into him from behind, wrapping its long, strong arms around his chest and neck, yanking him back. The Bostonian cried out, nails snapping to the arm around his neck, digging into the skin. “H-hey, HEY!! Lettme go you f*cker!”
“’right, Alright, girlie..” The gruff, thick accented voice behind him muttered, and Scout felt the cold press of a needle tip against his neck. “Let’s go for a lil’ dirt na-” Scout decided no to that, and bit down on the man’s arm with his buckteeth.
“ARGH, Dammit!” The man shoved him away, and Scout swung around to kick the guy’s ass to the ruins of Atlantis... Then he saw the familiar croc-tooth lined hat, crooked yellow aviator glasses and those stupid, clear blue eyes looking back at him...
“Oh my god. Ren?”
Lawrence Mundy blinked and straightened, still gripping his bitten arm. “Jerm?” The Australian sniper grinned, eyes lighting up for a moment. “Babe, wha... how...” His eyes widened and the the grin faded as Scout finally found the knife he was looking for. “Ah, sh*t.” Scout let out an enraged scream, launching himself at the taller Australian.
“Urgh, Babe, BABE! n-Now, lets just, CALM DOWN.”
“LIKE HELL YOU LIVING STICK! Imma shove this cleaver so far into ya, ya won’t be blinkin’ for the next century!”
“Oh, bloody hell...”
The aggressive wrestling went on for a few more minute, until Sniper wisened up and tackled his smaller boyfriend to the ground. “Alright, Babe, please!” He snapped, pinning the younger man down. “Can ya just listen for two seconds, ‘m askin’ ya nicely!” Scout snarled, trying to catch him with his cleaver -armed hand, but sniper snapped out to grab the offending arm and pin it down, though he was fighting for control. “Nah, ya don’ get to explain sh*t! Where have ya BEEN?!” Sniper blinked, then frowned. “Well... been here.”
Scout snarled, making another lunge at him, “Nuh-uh, explain the letters sent back, explain the frickin’ phone calls! Ya got a lot of explainin’ ta do, Ren, now start talkin’!” Sniper exhaled deeply, before nodding. “If ya stop calm the hell down, the yes.” Scout glared, and the two looked at each other for a long moment, before he finally released his knife, raising his brow in expectation.
“My parents... passed on a few months ago.” Sniper starts and Scout scoffs, “Tragic, I was in jail with Spy.” He snapped, not caring about how insensitive he sounded. Sniper rolled his eyes, what else was he expecting. “Well, turns out I... I wasn’t their son.” At this, the Bostonian actually blinked in surprise, and Sniper took that as a go-ahead. “Been tryin’ to find my birth parents, figure out... who I am.” Scout gave a small smile, “So some self-discovery crap?” Sniper chuckled, and some of the tension eased. “Yeah, somethin’ like that...”
“Still doesn’t explain ignorin’ me.” Scout said gloomily, and Sniper winced. “Guess I just... got caught up.” He said lamely, and Scout rolled his eyes, avoiding his apologetic grin. It dropped slightly, before the Australian ducked down, lightly kissing the Bostonian on the nose.
“‘m sorry.’
Another between his brows. “’m sorry.”
“This ain’t workin’ for me.”
“’m sorry.” 
“... Nope. Nothin’.”
Forehead was next, then his cheek, then the other one...
Sniper continued this charade for a moment, before leaning over the blonde, breath ghosting above his lips. “’m sorry.” He muttered, and Scout was stone faced for a minute... Before sighing. “Dammit, that’s cheatin’.” He whined, and Sniper only grinned in triumph, sealing their lips in a long awaited kiss.
Sniper hummed agaisnt the man, almost melting back into the familer act. Then, he happened to remember the tied up woman he had to question before burying in a shallow grave. Withan almost mournful grumble, he pulled back and jabbed his boyfriend in the neck with a moonshine filled syringe.
Scout snapped his eyes open, and Sniper only grinned slightly. “Sorry love, don’ want ya up and about for what ‘m gonna do. We’ll catch up later.” He promised, sealing one last kiss as Scout struggled to keep his eyes open, before the sudden overwhelming alcohol count filling his system sent him into probably one of the quietest drunken slumbers in his life.
‘Stupid Aussie,’ Scout thought, and though he swore to kick Mundy to the next century, he couldn’t help but feel happy to be back around his... Pal.
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