#nalia wagner
yuriko-mukami · 11 months
His Possession Ecstasy 01
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
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Yuriko ran her fingertips along the library shelf, roaming forward silently. Ruki had gone to get them drinks and for Yuriko something to eat. He hadn’t been eager to leave her alone but there was nothing to worry about in a public library. Yuriko was sure of that. She picked up a book about magic, hoping it to reveal something new even though she knew it wouldn’t. And she should have been studying. Ruki had brought her here for school matters since she had said she needed a change of pace. The walls in the manor had started to fall over her.
“You are Yuriko, aren’t you?” A gentle voice made Yuriko lift her head from the book. She met a pair of forestry eyes and fiery red hair. Blinking, she realized she had seen this woman before in this very same library.
“Umh… Nalia-san.”
“Please, don’t be so formal. I wanted to know if you truly are alright. You don’t look happy.” Nalia closed in and leaned toward Yuriko, keeping her voice as a mere whisper. “If the Vampire is bothering you, tell me. I… I made it out of a similar situation.”
A similar situation? But Nalia didn’t know Ruki. Would that mean… that she had a connection with the Sakamakis? Yuriko shook her head; she had too many things going on. No way, she could worry over this too. “I’m okay. The Vampire doesn’t bother me… I’m with him willingly. Mukami Ruki is my boyfriend, so you don’t need to be so worried. I promise.”
“Mukami…” Nalia frowned. “I see. But don’t hesitate to contact me, if you need me. And remember this: silver is your friend.”
“Silver is my friend.” Yuriko blinked. The words didn’t make any sense to her, but Nalia seemed to know something about the Vampires. So, Yuriko hid the sentence in her mind. Perhaps one day she would understand the meaning of it.
“So, what are you doing here?” Nalia straightened up, smiling as if she hadn’t said anything cryptic at all.
“Oh? Umh… well… studies…”
Nalia peeked at the book Yuriko was holding. “Are you studying magic? You know, these human books can’t really help you. There are better sources in the Demon World.” The last words were recited so quietly that probably no one else in the library could hear them.
“I… I… No… this book isn’t for my studies! I meant for high school… midterms… coming and… umh…”
“Oh, you are a high school student?”
Yuriko nodded, pushing the book back on the shelf. She stared at the tomes, not truly seeing them, and wondered why Nalia was so interested in her. Suddenly, the woman patted her arm.
“It seems like you have something bigger in your mind than the midterms. You don’t need to tell me now. I’m still a stranger to you. But perhaps one day, we can be friends.”
“Friends?” Yuriko turned to look at Nalia, blinking. Aside from Elizabeth, Nalia was the first one in years who said she wanted to become friends with her. A warm wave coursed through Yuriko’s chest, and she couldn’t hide her smile when she nodded. “I would love that…”
Yuriko took Nalia’s hand, squeezing it. “I… I have a lot going on right now… but… but… when things start to settle down… Then… then we can meet and talk more. Don’t worry, Ruki would never hurt me…”
…kind of… I guess he might, but he doesn’t mean anything bad with it…
“So, I’m safe. There are just important things I need to take care of…” Yuriko tried to convince the woman with her smile. “Anyway… you gave me your number. So, I can text you when everything is calmer.”
Suddenly, something hit Yuriko’s nose… A familiar scent.
Death lingered in the library.
Still holding Nalia’s hand, Yuriko turned her head and sniffed. The scent was closing in. And just then a small girl appeared between the shelves. Her dark hair wasn’t as long as it used to be, but she had cut it to reach only to the small of her back. The light blue eyes were glimmering together with a shaking smile.
“I… I’m back…”
Yuriko let go of Nalia’s hand and hurried forward. “You… you really came back… Eli-chan…!” Gasping, Yuriko covered her mouth, for she knew she shouldn’t raise her voice in the library. “I can’t believe this. Oh my gosh! You really came back!”
Mumbling non-words through her hand, Yuriko felt how rivulets ran down her cheeks. Her gaze turned moist and hazy, there was no way she could see through her glasses anymore. “I missed you so much, Eli-chan!”
Reaching down, Yuriko hugged Elizabeth and squeezed the tinier girl against her chest. Fragile as always but also tough and very much real in her arms. Elizabeth was alive after all. Well… as alive as a zombie could be.
“Ahem…” Nalia cleared her throat. “I should be going. I’ll look forward to your message, Yuriko.”
Before Yuriko had time to answer, the redheaded woman hurried past the girls, waving her hand as she went. Soon, she disappeared behind the shelves. Yuriko decided to text her later but right now her focus was on the friend she had just gotten back.
Tiny fingers reached for Yuriko’s cheeks, wiping away her tears. Yet, her vision stayed fuzzy. She pulled off her glasses, sighing as she was finally able to see Elizabeth properly.
“Your eyes have changed, Yuri-Yuri…” Elizabeth blinked as she stared at Yuriko. “What happened…?”
“Eh…?” Confused, Yuriko opened her mouth but closed it right after. Her eyes? Her eyes! “Oh my gosh!” Hastily, Yuriko looked at her hands, but they weren’t tickling now. There was no fire coming out anywhere… Yet, Elizabeth was sure…
“Yes… they are amber-yellow…” Elizabeth sniffed. “And your scent is different… tastier… But don’t worry, Yuri-Yuri, I would never take a bite of you.”
Still puzzled, Yuriko gazed at her friend. Right now, she didn’t care about her eyes. “Of course, you wouldn’t! Oh my gosh, Eli-chan! I can’t believe that you are finally here!”
Again, Yuriko’s vision was blurred but this time only with tears that burst out. Elizabeth kept wiping them away over and over again until finally, the river stopped flowing. Embracing her friend again, Yuriko breathed in the scent behind the grave, not minding the chills it made run along her spine.
“I… I didn’t want to cry…” Elizabeth started to sob, clinging to Yuriko now who she hugged with all her strength. “And that letter I wrote to you… I’m sorry it came out sad… And all those letters you wrote to me… I’m so sorry…”
“Eli-chan…” Yuriko sank her face into Elizabeth’s hair. “It’s… it’s alright. I’m not mad about it. You… you wrote what you had to write; I understand that. I was sad that you had to leave… but… but… I know you only did it because you had no other choice.”
Heart fluttering, Yuriko kept holding on to Elizabeth as if she never wanted to let go again. Right now, she couldn’t even ask for anything more. “What matters is that… you are here now. What are you going to do? I hope we can keep doing fun things together again…”
“Oh… Yuri-Yuri… there are so many things I need to tell you. Come and sit with me…” Elizabeth backed down from the embrace and took Yuriko’s hand instead, pulling her toward a couch. Yuriko didn’t resist but curled into a corner, placing a pillow on her lap while Elizabeth nestled right next to her.
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“So… I don’t think the soldiers come here anytime soon now…” Elizabeth ended the long talk about the war against the zombies. Yuriko couldn’t understand all of it but she was simply happy to have her friend back. “My aunt made some arrangements… and Shin wasn’t too happy about them. But this way, I’m protected.”
“Umh… arrangements?” Yuriko frowned. Somehow that word made her skin crawl. Her father had tried to make some for her and those were creepy.
“Yes. I won’t be living in my aunt's apartment anymore. She didn’t want to come back here even though I wished so. We had to look for another option and she contacted someone very powerful. That man promised to help me out and now, I’m to live with his sons.”
“Eh? What? With whom exactly?” Yuriko couldn’t understand who could be so powerful that the war wasn’t a threat to Elizabeth anymore.
Elizabeth averted her gaze. “I know you think about it a similar way as Shin… and for a good reason. But I’m not in danger, that man promised it.”
“Just tell me, Eli-chan…”
Still not looking at Yuriko, Elizabeth nodded. “I will be living with the Sakamaki brothers in their mansion. I’m provided my own room there and can go to school again… and I can meet you whenever. But Yuri-Yuri…” Finally, Elizabeth lifted her face. “...Yuri-Yuri… you must promise me that you won’t come to see me. I know… that Laito did something terrible to you. I can’t forgive him… and I can’t forgive myself if I put you in that kind of danger. So, stay away. We can meet in other locations.”
Yuriko’s heart sank. Elizabeth would be living with those terrible boys… and while she said they could meet elsewhere, Ruki rarely allowed Yuriko to leave the manor. She hadn’t been in the school ever since the Laito incident.
I must talk to Ruki. I want to go to school… It’s equally important along with other matters. And I wish to spend time with Eli-chan.
Nodding more to herself than to Elizabeth, Yuriko sighed. “I won’t come there, and I figure out a way for us to meet regularly.”
“Then I’m glad…” Elizabeth let out a smile that finally reached her eyes. “Now… Yuri-Yuri… what is going on? You need to tell me everything. You have changed…”
And Yuriko told. Well, not everything. She left out how Ruki had almost killed her father but mentioned Keisuke’s plan to sell her out for her relatives to get her brother back and the appearance of her fire.
“Yuri-Yuri… I heard something when I was waiting for Shin at the school… That happened before I had to leave…” Elizabeth gazed around and leaned in, continuing with whispers. “Shin was talking with Carla… and they mentioned the foxes in the Demon World. Carla said something like the foxes needed to be put in their place and reminded them of the pact. I think Shin agreed with him. I didn’t know what it meant back then, so I didn’t pay too much attention to it… but now… it seems different. Could those foxes be the same who hold your brother captured?
Yuriko was nodding rapidly. That must be it! And it meant that Shin indeed knew something! The information could be critical for saving Yuuto. Finally, there was a beacon of hope.
“I must speak with Shin then…” Yuriko beamed.
“Well… that might be a bit difficult…” Elizabeth coughed. “He is… in rage. I feared he could have done something to my aunt because of the deal. He didn’t want me to move in with the Sakamakis but I said I must obey my aunt. No matter that Shin actually came to look for me… I don’t know how he figured out where I was…”
Yuriko swallowed. She had passed the information to Shin.
“He was too late. The deal had been made. Now, he isn’t speaking to me at the moment… I hope this will change… It pains me…” Elizabeth sniffled.
Yuriko’s heart squeezed as her friend started to sob. She pushed the pillow aside and pulled Elizabeth in her arms instead. “Oh… Eli-chan… You love him, don’t you?”
Elizabeth buried her face on Yuriko’s shoulder. “I… I think I do… Yuri-Yuri…”
Patting Elizabeth’s back, Yuriko sighed. She wished she could do something but right now, there was nothing… But then again, perhaps she could at least send a text to Shin and ask him to forgive Elizabeth. He had taken interest in the girl, so surely, he would reconsider…
“Everything will be alright… Eli-chan… in one way or another… I promise you.”
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nalia-tsukino · 2 years
Nalia's Turning into a Kitsune
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About the Turning
The fox goddess Inari is able to turn humans into half kitsune or full kitsune and also half kitsune into full kitsune. Since the turning is a divine gift, Inari must recognize an appropriate reason before she agrees.
To perform the turning, Inari holds a hand above the head of the human or half kitsune and lets the divine power flow.
Probably the turning itself, personal feelings and impressions always proceed differently.
Kitsune turned by Inari belong to the Zenko.
Yuuto and his family took Nalia in as a friend of the Zenko. Although being only human, she was accepted and integrated from the beginning. Still, Nalia felt the difference. After learning that turning into a kitsune was possible, her wish to become one grew. The goddess Inari recognized her yearning and offered a deal that Nalia accepted.
Nalia only wanted to become a half kitsune. She wished to be like Yuuto in order to feel even closer to him and to grow old together under the same conditions.
At the moment, Nalia does not attach much importance to her skills. But of course, she is grateful for them and happy with them. However, she does not want to be a super kitsune.
Experiences and Impressions
During her turning, Nalia could feel the magic flowing into her. Overwhelmed by the process, she was unable to think.
Her eyes changed color and became typical kitsune amber-yellow.
Hot, teal flames enveloped her entire body.
It was difficult for Nalia to breathe.
After the turning was done, she passed out for a moment. The fire disappeared along with her consciousness.
When Nalia woke up again, she had her greenish, human eyes again instead of the fox eyes.
Nalia felt the magic flowing through her body. But other than that, she did not feel very foxy.
Within a short time after the turning, the initial feeling of being flooded with magic disappeared. Except for the high sense of smell and hearing, she was like a normal human.
Inari explained to Nalia that she first had to find her inner fox and her inner human. Unfortunately, she did not know how to do this. Nalia could not sense her inner fox and just felt human.
A few days later, Nalia experienced something that made her very angry. Suddenly, her foxfire appeared and her hands were on fire. At the same time, her eyes changed color and became amber-yellow.
After Nalia calmed down a bit, her eyes became greenish again. With willpower, she managed to let the hot flames grow cold.
Through this incident, Nalia could finally feel her inner fox.
Whenever Nalia gets angry, her whole body tingles and her eye color changes. The tingling is a sign that her fire is about to break out.
In any case, Nalia does not want to hurt anyone or burn anything down, she tries everything possible to calm down and hold back the flames.
After the Turning
Nalia found out about her true origin.
Nalia can bring out and control her foxfire by will.
However, every now and then she has difficulties to hold back and/or control it because of her fieriness.
A short-sided change of her eye color will happen again and again due to strong emotions like anger, joy, sadness, disappointment and fear. Since Nalia is very emotional and fiery, she will never manage to control the eye color changing.
At first, Nalia does not notice her fox eyes. But over time, she can feel the difference.
When the emotions subside, Nalia's human eyes return. Depending on the situation and the emotion, her fox eyes may only flash for a brief and barely noticeable moment.
Nalia can change into her fox form completely or partially by will.
Since her turning, Nalia is a fox in her own dreams.
Nalia will not be able to go into other person's dreams.
Furthermore, she will not learn to seperate her kitsune star pearl.
She will learn to communicate with the spirits of the deceased.
Also, she will learn to enable beloved ones to talk with the spirits of the deceased when her power is heightened because of Samhain.
In addition to high sense of smell and hearing, she now has increased regenerative abilities and a higher pain tolerance.
Her skills are weaker than those of a full kitsune.
She is not immortal, but will have a longer lifespan than a human.
Nalia's appearance has not changed. The greenish eyes and red hair have remained.
However, her eye color can turn to the typical foxy amber-yellow.
If Nalia changes to her fox form or only brings out her fox ears and foxtail, her eyes remain amber-yellow regardless of her emotions.
In her fox form, Nalia has pinkish red fur. Her tail tip and ear tips are darker red. Her paws, neck and chest area are white.
Nalia's foxfire is teal.
Due to her origin, Nalia will not get more tails.
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Protection from the Yako
Now that Nalia is a female kitsune, the Yako pose a danger to her. Afraid of being kidnapped into the Demon World, she asked Inari for help. The goddess blessed Nalia's engagement ring, giving her protection from the Demon World's kitsune. To remain hidden from the Yako, Nalia must always wear the ring. If she does this, the Yako will not notice her kitsune nature. However, if Nalia touches them, they are able to smell the kitsune in her and expose her.
To the Zenko, she is still recognizable as a kitsune.
Energy Snatching
Yuuto and Nalia, as half kitsune, snatch each other's energy during sexual intercourse or other sexual actions. What one loses, the other gets back from the other.
Similar to energy snatching from humans, it causes tingling sensation, enjoyable feeling that fills the body and mind, heightening the pleasure. But afterwards both feel normal. The typical feeling of being more awake and not being able to sleep is absent.
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General Kitsune Lore and Headcanons (written by @yuriko-tsukino-rp)
Note: The kitsune lore of Nalia's story is based on actual folklore stories but mixed with @yuuto-tsukino's and my own input.
This post is a work in progress and will be updated in the future.
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yuuto-tsukino · 2 years
The Fire Within
to @nalia-wagner-rp
I with fire of blue flames
You, the flaring power, made me burn brighter
Us hand in hand forever, never letting go of love
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Commission made by @dlyuiannii. Thank you so much for this amazing piece of art~
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afi-mukami · 2 years
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BOLD what applies. ITALICIZE what sometimes applies. STRIKE what doesn’t. REPOST & DON’T REBLOG.
likes artificial watermelon, sleeps in what they are already wearing, eats their cereal with milk, listens to music with earbuds, hates the summer, can recite passed the first four digits of pi, eats frosting out of the jar, doodles on their notebooks, can bake cookies, has a garden farm, has had a snowball fight, eats pancakes without syrup, prefers shorts over pants, can name more than ten superheroes, has a plan for the zombie apocalypse, uses the same password for everything, can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds, watches anime, hasn’t read harry potter, can say ‘i love you‘ in more than one language, prefers mechanical pencils, thinks space is cool, takes personality tests more than once to make sure, can’t tie their shoelaces, has a purse, likes salads, likes cool colors better than warm colors, knows how to braid hair, reads biographies, can ice skate, knows their mbti, reads astrology charts, prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy, plays video games, reads the newspaper, likes chocolate ice cream best, doesn’t cuss, memorizes song lyrics, collects coupons, has a preferred order at starbucks, likes movie theater popcorn, has seen a play, listens to music with headphones, owns a hoodie, would rather own cds than online copies, has written a poem, can shuffle cards, subscribes to a magazine, double dips when eating, drinks directly out of the milk container, keeps a journal
Tagged by @nalia-wagner-rp
Tagging @eri-talks @memulia @lelymypiilo @bobateasilverpearl @christa-sakamaki-roses
And anyone else who wants to do it. No pressure, of course.
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mermaid--bride · 2 years
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BOLD what applies. ITALICIZE what sometimes applies. STRIKE what doesn’t. REPOST & DON’T REBLOG.
likes artificial watermelon, sleeps in what they are already wearing, eats their cereal with milk, listens to music with earbuds, hates the summer, can recite passed the first four digits of pi, eats frosting out of the jar, doodles on their notebooks, can bake cookies, has a garden farm, has had a snowball fight, eats pancakes without syrup, prefers shorts over pants, can name more than ten superheroes, has a plan for the zombie apocalypse, uses the same password for everything, can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds, watches anime, hasn’t read harry potter, can say ‘i love you‘ in more than one language, prefers mechanical pencils, thinks space is cool, takes personality tests more than once to make sure, can’t tie their shoelaces, has a purse, likes salads, likes cool colors better than warm colors, knows how to braid hair, reads biographies, can ice skate, knows their mbti, reads astrology charts, prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy, plays video games, reads the newspaper, likes chocolate ice cream best, doesn’t cuss, memorizes song lyrics, collects coupons, has a preferred order at starbucks, likes movie theater popcorn, has seen a play, listens to music with headphones, owns a hoodie, would rather own cds than online copies, has written a poem, can shuffle cards, subscribes to a magazine, double dips when eating, drinks directly out of the milk container, keeps a journal
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Tagged by @yuriko-tsukino-rp​ @nalia-wagner-rp​ and @ruki-mukami-dl​​
Tagging @askazusablog​
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
Original Characters in Yuriko's Story
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Part 1: Spring and Lily [This will get a rewritten version later] Part 2: His Possession Part 3: Her Calamity Part 4: Their Elysium
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The main character of the story. A 19-year-old girl who thinks she is a human... until she meets Mukami Ruki who breaks the seal within her blood. It is revealed that she is a Kitsune from her mother's side. As she learns about her big brother, it becomes her wish to save him from the Demon World while she is also searching for her mother. Yet she can't help entangling her destiny with Ruki's who eventually helps her to save her brother.
Read more about Yuriko
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Yuriko's big brother who was taken to the Demon World when he was about 5 years old. Ever since he has been living there with his mother's grandparents. He wishes to connect with his sister and live with her in the Human World. With his Kitsune skills, he has been able to pull Yuriko into his own dream space, the In-Between. He is eventually saved from the Demon World and is now starting his new life.
Read more about Yuuto
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Yuuto and Yuriko's father. A human who married a Kitsune woman without knowing about her background. He never wanted a second child. His goal was to get his son back from the Demon World. While Yuuto was indeed saved, he didn't want to reconnect with his father after everything. Keisuke left Kaminashi City and no one knows his current whereabouts.
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A Kitsune woman who ran from the Demon World to be with the human man she loved. She had two children with Keisuke but started to fall into depression after Yuuto was taken away. She disappeared when Yuriko was in high school. When Yuriko arrived in the Demon World, she found out that Hisoka had been executed for her crimes.
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Yuriko's ex-girlfriend. The girls met in the middle school and started dating in the first summer of high school. Unfortunately, their classmates found out about the relationship and didn't take it well...
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A Kitsune man living in the Demon World in a Kitsune village. He has raised both Hisoka and Yuuto.
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A young woman who Yuriko meets in a library and who seems to have a lot of information about the Vampires. Yuriko still doesn't know what exactly is Nalia's connection with them but it appears that the woman knows the Sakamaki family well. She is currently trying to get her life together and is looking for new friends.
Nalia belongs to @nalia-tsukino.
Read more about Nalia
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Yuriko's best friend and a zombie who she meets after starting at Ryoutei Academy. Elizabeth has a crush on Tsukinami Shin. She attends to first year of high school while hiding from people who wish to get rid of zombies. Unfortunately, she had to run away from Japan until her aunt made a deal with the Vampire king and now, she is living with the Sakamakis.
Elizabeth belongs to Alice.
Read more about Elizabeth
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A young man who appears in Her Calamity.
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A young man who appears in Her Calamity. Rumors say that he is the cutest fox in the city.
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A bunny who appears in Her Calamity.
??? belongs to @eri-talks who also made the bunny sprite
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yuriko-mukami · 10 months
His Possession Ecstasy 08
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
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The rain didn’t stop. Yuriko sighed, staring at the backyard of the Mukami manor. Once again, Ruki had been called to Eden by the Vampire king, and there was nothing Yuriko could do about it. But perhaps this time it was a good thing.
Leaving the window, Yuriko sneaked closer to Yuma’s room. She still hadn’t seen even the tip of the nose of the girl who was behind the door, but she had heard her pleas. No matter what Ruki was saying, Yuriko felt in her heart this couldn’t be right.
“Yuriko-chan… where are you… going…?” Azusa’s voice stopped Yuriko just when she was about to move to the hallway, leading toward Yuma’s room.
“Umh… I was going to pick up a book from Ruki’s study…”
Azusa stepped in front of Yuriko. “There are… many books in… the library…” Perhaps he still remembered how Yuriko had slipped from the girl’s bathroom right under his nose since he seemed now to be more aware of her than ever.
“Yes… you’re right, Azusa-kun. I’m sorry. I’ll go back upstairs…” Yuriko turned around, roaming the stairs and finally into her room, closing the door behind her. Sighing, she sat down on the bed, pushing her school bag aside. It fell on the floor, spilling everything on the carpet. “Oh, darn it!”
Getting up again, Yuriko started to collect her things back into the bag. But… there was something that shouldn’t have been there. She sat on the floor and held the book in front of her. The book about magical transformations. It was so odd that the school library had such a tome. Now, when Yuriko peeked at the pages, she realized that the font was curvy, and the paper had a tint of roughness in it. It felt old but not fragile.
Unlike the lower beings, the Founders have the true power of transformations, for they can take the form of any animal connected to demonic species. For instance, Vampires are only able to morph into bats, and Vibora only into snakes, but there are no such limitations for the Founders. We are of higher rank, above all other creatures that have ever roamed these realms.
However, the art of transformation requires skills and hard work. It is not uncommon for the young Founders to fail in this and therefore they must be properly educated…
Yuriko tilted her head to the side. So, this was a book about Shin’s species, the mysterious Founders Ruki hadn’t told too much about. He had simply said that they were dangerous, and should be avoided. But from Yuriko’s point of view, the same could be said about the Vampires.
Turning the page, Yuriko lifted her brows. Someone had scribbled into the marginal with messy handwriting: “Make sure your will is strong enough to recover your belongings while transforming”.
Recover belongings? Yuriko blinked. Like clothes or eyeglasses? She leafed further, absorbing herself into the book. Turning page after page, she couldn’t stop reading. This book was like a treasure handed directly to her, yet she couldn’t completely push away a guilty conscious since she had simply tossed it into her bag without properly borrowing it.
Though I wonder if anyone can even borrow those books in that cellar library… Yuriko nibbled her bottom lip while reading further. Suddenly, a new word jumped into her eyes.
Gasping, Yuriko rushed further into the text. Why were the Kitsune mentioned in this book about the Founders?
The Kitsune are not originally a demonic species, hence their transformation skills are different from actual demons. Due to their divine origin, their skills are closer to the Founders but, obviously, they will not ever surpass our mightiness. Thus, they remain lesser and are to serve us in various ways as our ancient agreement has stated.
Was this what Shin had meant? He had said something about Yuriko’s kind being servants to his. And what did the divine origin mean? How had the Kitsune been turned into demons? With every piece of new information came more questions.
While the Kitsune are often morphing into foxes, it is not impossible for them to turn into other beings as well. They are able to change their physical traits such as hair and eye color at will and the most experienced individuals have the means to alter their looks completely which makes these foxes nasty tricksters by their nature. They are not to be trusted but they are useful as spies because of this peculiarity alongside their dream walking and fire competency.
I have personally studied Yako Kitsune’s abilities. They seem to persevere skillsets similar to the Zenko. To ensure this stays as it is, it is important to support cross-breeding between these two clans and lure more Zenko into the given land of the Yako. That way we can secure our hold on these unique morphs and use them for the purposes of protecting our position against those who might try to impugn our rule of the realm.
The Yako? The Zenko? Yuriko was even more confused after reading. Were those different Kitsune clans? It seemed so. But then… was Yuriko a Yako or a Zenko? 
“Oh! Yuuto said…!” Yuriko’s brother had mentioned the Yako without any further explanation. That must mean they both belonged to that clan… the clan that had submitted to the Founders. “So… Shin meant what he said… My kind are his servants. But… but… I never signed up for anything like that…”
I need to write this down! Yuriko abandoned the tome on the floor and groveled at her desk. She snatched the first notebook her hand touched and started to scribble her notions there, nibbling the top of her pen every now and then. She leafed through the Kitsune parts of the atlas and made sure every interesting detail was saved into her notebook as well.
Finally, Yuriko leaned her back against her desk. This had been a surprise. While it didn’t help with her current problem, she now understood a bit better where she came from. So… a Yako. Her mother had probably run to the world of the humans as her diary stated. Maybe she hadn’t liked to submit to the Founders or something like that. But now, both Yuuto and she were stuck there.
Shin could just free them, right? But… somehow, I feel like he won’t do it… Yuriko nibbled her pen. So, first… I need to find a way to help Komori-san… and then search for the gate. With this information, I should be able to learn to be a better Kitsune. I can do all this!
“Yosh!” Yuriko was about to close her notebook when her eyes caught its second page. Nalia’s phone number was written there.
Oh! She had contacts who could help with the Vampire matters…! Hastily, Yuriko wrote a message to the woman, asking if she could help her “friend in need”. 
Now, the next step was to learn to transform without losing clothes… Yuriko got up and started to undress. She tossed most of her clothes on her bed and put her glasses on her desk, leaving only her underwear on.
“I… I can do this!”
Still, it took most of the morning for Yuriko to be able to transform back and forth without losing her clothes. Finally, in the early afternoon, she forced her body back to her human form only to realize that the seventh set of underwear was on her again.
Ruki’s not going to like that I made most of my panties disappear… I have lost so many recently. But the thought was lost when Yuriko heard her phone buzzing on the desk. She put her glasses on, grabbed the phone, and tapped the message.
Come and see me in this cafe as soon as possible!  – Nalia
But how…
Yuriko glanced out of her window. It was still raining but not pouring anymore. Still, she wasn’t allowed to leave the manor on her own. Yet, if she asked for this, none of the Mukamis would accompany her. They seemed to think it was okay to keep the Komori girl here even though she kept crying for Sakamaki Shu.
“Oh…” Straightening up, Yuriko hurried to the closet and pulled out the tightest jogging clothes Ruki had agreed to buy her. She dressed up as fast as possible, grabbing her phone and a tiny tote bag with her. Pushing the phone into her bra, she hurried to get her sneakers from the entrance hall.
“Yuriko-chan… what are you… doing now…?” Azusa was on Yuriko’s tail the minute she picked up her shoes.
“Umh… I thought I would go to the backyard to practice transforming. You know how important it is to Ruki that I learn it properly.” Yuriko shifted her weight from one leg to another and tried to look at Azusa as innocently as possible. She truly was a terrible person, doing this once again to him.
“Then… I’ll come with… you…” Azusa leaned down, reaching for his shoes.
“That’s okay, Azusa-kun… please.” Yuriko squirmed and lowered her voice on purpose. “I… I don’t know if Ruki mentioned this… but… but… I still end up naked many times during the transformation… And he wouldn’t want you — nor anyone else — to see me like that. So… I was thinking of going to the back corner of the yard where those huge bushes shadow everything. So, then no one accidentally sees me… without any clothes…”
It took a while before the information sank into Azusa but finally, he nodded. “Ruki… would not like… it. You’re right… Yuriko-chan… But stay in… the yard.”
“Don’t worry, I will. Later we can make dinner together~” Yuriko forced the corners of her mouth to curl up. She pressed the shoes against her chest and hurried to the garden entrance before putting them on. “I try to be fast!”
With that, Yuriko was out and jogging to the corner she had mentioned. She already knew that there was a tiny gate there too. It led to a path that went to the forest, and that was her direction now too. She sneaked out and ran for the woods, only stopping when the manor was far behind her, and she couldn’t see it anymore through the trees.
I can’t be sure I succeed… Yuriko sighed and started to undress once again. She tugged her jogging clothes and glasses into the bag with her phone, then focused on the second task. Her muscles were already complaining, yet she pushed past the aching and called out her inner fox. Luckily, it seemed that the more she did this, the more natural the change started to be for her body.
A few minutes later, the forest had grown enormous while Yuriko was tiny. She grabbed her bag into her mouth and darted on the move, hurrying toward the city. Even though the forest was full of scents, Yuriko could detect the stained smell of the dwellings too. Sprinting as fast as she could, her tiny paws patted the ground as she searched her way to the cafe.
Since Yuriko couldn’t appear in a public place as a fox, she stopped at a park, hiding in bushes while she transformed back. She couldn’t resist a smile as she realized her underwear was still on. She took the rest of her things from the bag, dressed up, and then jogged toward the cafe, arriving there out of breath and rather sweaty. A few people gave her a nasty stare but for once in her life, she didn’t care. Instead, she searched for Nalia with her gaze and almost rushed to the woman’s table.
“Did you have to run away?” Nalia pulled a chair for Yuriko and pushed her water glass in front of the exhausted Kitsune.
“...umh… not really. I’m going back right after this…” Yuriko tugged her sweaty hair behind her ears. She would need a bath and a long sleep when the day would be over. “I can’t stay long though, so please, listen to me…”
As briefly as possible, Yuriko talked about the girl who was locked in Yuma’s room. She didn’t mention names for no one outside of the family probably knew it was Yuma who had taken the girl.
“So… the point being, I think… that the girl is part of the Sakamaki family. I don’t know much about them except that they are the important Vampires…” Yuriko gulped down some water. “I think this girl deserves to be with her family… and… and… I don’t want mine to get into trouble. Is it possible for you to arrange that she is saved but the Mukamis don’t get problems?”
Nalia was silent for a long time, playing with her wild curls. There was a curious undertone in her scent, yet Yuriko brushed the notion aside, drinking more water and waiting for a response.
“It is difficult. The families have their disagreements, I think. This could cause trouble.” Nalia stopped, seeming to ponder. “But… I have a friend who can be trusted. I will tell him where they can find this important girl… and I will say that my special friend is in the house too and should not be harmed. I can promise you that.”
So, Nalia didn’t give her word that the Mukamis wouldn’t be in trouble. That disheartened Yuriko a bit, but she could also understand that it could be difficult to control the actions of the Vampires. All she could do was hope for the best.
“Thank you so much. I hope the girl will get back home soon.” Yuriko nodded, trying to look like they were having a normal conversation. “And… I will thank you properly later. Right now, I have some things of my own going on.”
“May I ask what are those? I hope the Mukamis aren’t putting you in danger.”
Yuriko swayed the air with her hand. “Oh no, of course not! But… but… umh… How should I say this…? My brother is in a pinch, and I wish to help him. So, I need to focus on that.”
“Oh? I see. Family is important. I wish all the best to you and your brother then.” Somehow it seemed like Yuriko’s words had calmed Nalia down a bit.
Thanking Nalia once again, Yuriko hurried out. Her legs were heavy, and when she reached the park, she was sure she couldn’t morph anymore. Yet somehow, she managed to pull that off. And when she was back in her fox form, a sappy smell hit her nose, making her skin crawl. The mere thought of the source of it speeded up her steps and soon, she was running out of the city and back to the woods.
This time, Yuriko didn’t bother to transform back into a human in the forest. Instead, she ran all the way to the backyard of the Mukami manor and stopped only when she reached the bushes she had claimed to use as her cover for practicing. 
Slowly, Yuriko began her transformation. Heavy raindrops hit her fur, but she tried to push the unpleasant sensation away and focus. But she was so tired… exhausted, totally out of energy. Suddenly, everything around her started to dim. Her legs swayed and her mouth gaped, but no voice came out as the darkness consumed her. 
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yuuto-tsukino · 2 years
I heard a rumor... Is it true that your fiancée is doing your hair? Show us the hairstyles she makes for you~
"Hah? Who's spreadin' rumors now? What the hell? How's that any of your business?"
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(( Ahem... Yuuto, I've said this before but you could... answer a bit more nicely. Nalia would love that too, I'm sure.
"Hmph! It's not their —"
(( Please?
"Haa... Fine. So, Nalia kinda likes to open my ponytail... like this."
[Shows a pic.]
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"And sometimes she makes me a half ponytail. I dunno how she manages it... If I try that myself it always comes out messy but she makes it looks nice."
[Shows another pic.]
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(( Thanks, that was nice of you~
"Hmph, I don't get it why people are curious 'bout such thingies..."
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
Maniac 07
Yuriko’s Story
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Maniac 07
The library was huge and old. Yuriko gasped as she tried to gobble everything up with her eyes. The endless rows of shelves full of tomes, some of them ancient-looking, some so new Yuriko could almost still smell the ink in the air. The pleasing silence wafted around them, interrupted only by hushed words and soft steps.
“Oh my gosh, Ruki!” Even though her voice was a mere whisper, Yuriko clapped her hand over her mouth. It felt so unsuitable to even speak in this library of dreams.
“It is the oldest library in the area with the widest collection of books. Though I doubt this visit will help us to figure out the way to the realm of the kitsune, we should start our search here.”
“Umh… but where do we continue if we don’t find the answers here?” Yuriko swallowed. If this place couldn’t help them, then there probably weren’t chances at all. Yuuto didn’t know what the gate looked like in the world of humans, he couldn’t remember it clearly, and their mother’s diary didn’t give too many clues. It was more about sentimental venting, difficult to read and digest. The sadness was written between the actual lines; it was painted in the tear dots on the pages and in the unwritten words.
Mom was so sad… all the time. I thought it was because of me, but it was probably because of Yuuto. She missed him so much that… in the end, I didn’t matter. For Dad, either. But still, I wish to find them both. Yuuto and Mom; they are waiting for me to open up that gate and let them run free. 
Nodding without words, Yuriko stepped between the shelves together with Ruki. His hand was cold in hers but made her heart warm. The marble floor made their steps echo slightly even though Yuriko did her best to pace lightly. They headed through the corridors of high dark-wooden shelves to the furthest end of the library.
“These books are written by humans. We will go through them just in case.” Ruki reached the upper shelf and pulled out a huge tome about Japanese mythological creatures. Yuriko crouched down, scanning through the shelves to find some other book that could give them valuable information.
The day went on quietly. After lunch, Yuriko excused herself to visit the restroom. So far, they had found nothing useful. Though by now, Yuriko knew perfectly well how humans saw the kitsune. Not that she had been clueless before, everyone knew about the kitsune and their connection to Inari o-kami. Though… that part seemed to be only mythology. Yuriko couldn’t imagine that o-kami had some kind of relation to the Demon World. But in the end, it wasn’t so surprising that humans had gotten some parts of the story mixed. Not everything written about the vampires was true either.
Walking back from the restroom, Yuriko’s eyes spotted a title on one of the shelves and she stopped for a moment. Never before had it occurred that she should read something about sexual health but…
…I really don’t like… condoms. There must be other options… I can peek quickly and then go back to Ruki… It’s not like we are going to find anything about the kitsune anytime soon but this can be solved now.
With that thought, Yuriko slipped to the shelves she hadn’t visited before. Hastily, she went through books, searching for one with the answers she wanted.
I should know more about these things… It’s so embarrassing to ask anyone…
Suddenly, Yuriko’s fingers hit against other ones, and her side collided with another just a second later.
“Umh… I… I… apologize!” Yuriko turned as her face was painted with heat. She met green, sparkling eyes and red curls that framed a pretty face with an honest smile. The young woman seemed a bit older than Yuriko, a bit taller too but only slightly, and she was a foreigner, the fact that made Yuriko already sweat. Her English wasn’t good.
“I apologize.” Words came out in Japanese and with a bow. Yuriko hastily bowed her head and smiled. She noticed the accent but it was different from the series and movies she had watched. The woman didn’t sound like an American person.
Yuriko was about to turn back to the bookshelf but warm fingers wrapped around her wrist. The sudden, unfamiliar touch made her flinch. Never had a stranger touched her like this.
“Please excuse my rudeness. I know it's none of my business. But are those... bite marks?” The woman lifted Yuriko’s wrists, which, indeed, had three pairs of marks Ruki had left on her as a sign of his love. Her heart jumped to her throat and her gaze ran through the library as she tried to think what to say. “Don't be scared. I can help you if needed. I have some kind of connections.”
“Umh… I don’t need help. I’m… happy…”
“I thought like this too. Are you sure?”
So pushy! But the woman didn’t seem mean. The ocean eyes were genuine and the worry radiated through them better than any spoken language could ever tell. And did Yuriko understand correctly? Did the woman have experience with vampires? Yuriko surely hoped that she wasn’t talking about the Sakamakis, for the kitsune girl knew on a very personal level what that family was like.
“I… I am sure. My boyfriend and I… We are very happy together.” Yuriko spoke slowly, pronouncing words as well as she could to make sure that the other understood her point. “But… umh… excuse me for asking. You clearly know about the vampires, so… Is there a reason why you are so worried about me?”
“Well, not all of them are good.”
Yuriko couldn’t deny that. Still, she found it odd that a mere stranger took such an interest in her. 
“I'm sorry. I should introduce myself first. I'm Wagner Nalia,” the woman continued and let go of the wrist when Yuriko stayed silent and switched her weight from one leg to another. “I didn't mean to be so pushy and bother you. But I just couldn't ignore those marks on your wrist. They reminded me of... Anyway, not that important. I just hope that you're really okay. Wherever you got into... It can be dangerous.”
“I’m Tsukino Yuriko. Nice to meet you, Wagner-san.” The words dropped automatically from Yuriko’s lips with another tiny bow. She nibbled her bottom lip, pondering what she should say or do. Her fingers still held the book back on the shelf, so she finally decided to pull it out. The Safe Way of Loving, title struck her eyes, making her face flare. And she couldn’t help but notice the lifted brows of the woman.
“Please, call me Nalia, and an honorific isn’t really needed. I can’t get used to that tradition… though, of course, I use those whenever needed, Tsukino-san.”
“I… I can hardly drop it if you use my last name. Then, please, call me Yuriko.”
“Yuriko.” The voice came behind her, not from Nalia’s mouth, making Yuriko flinch once more. Again, she had wandered further than she had promised. Slowly, she turned sideways, giving Ruki an apologetic smile which he didn’t return. “We have research to do. Do tell me why you are here and not with me where you are supposed to be.”
“I do apologize,” Nalia jumped into the conversation. “I was… kind of confused and somehow lost. Yuriko looked so friendly, so I asked her for help. It wasn't her fault. I'm the one who is to blame here.”
“Is that so, Yuriko?”
Yuriko squeezed the book in her hands. While she appreciated what Nalia had just done, she couldn’t stand the idea of lying. She wanted no further trouble with Ruki but to find peace and balance for them both.
“It’s not. I’m sorry, Ruki. I was searching for… for… this…” Yuriko showed the book, her cheeks now flaming as a smirk wiped through Ruki’s lips. It was brief, barely there before it disappeared.
“This is a matter we discuss at home, not with strangers, but you do not need such a book.” Ruki picked up the title from Yuriko’s hands and put it back on the shelf. “But I appreciate your honesty. Such a good girl. Now, let us go back. We still have work to do.”
Ruki took Yuriko’s arm and pulled her closer but before they were able to leave, Nalia stepped in front of them and held out a tiny notebook for Yuriko.
“You dropped this when we collided. Here, have it back. I hope you both will have a nice day. Goodbye.” And with that Nalia hurried between shelves. Yuriko stared at the notebook in her hands but slipped it into her bag, not really understanding why Nalia had given it to her. Surely it wasn’t hers but she didn’t wish to cause more chaos, so she kept her mouth shut and followed Ruki back to the corner where they had been reading for the whole morning.
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Ruki put a bowl of soup in front of Yuriko and sat down across the table with his own. The kitchen was silent. Oddly soundless even, Yuriko noticed. By now she had gotten used to loud family dinners which sometimes ended with fights over the food. But not this evening. The other Mukamis were nowhere to be seen.
“Umh… Where is everyone?” Yuriko was rather sure that they had been talking about the dinner when they all had sat at the breakfast table before she had headed to the library together with Ruki.
“They went out for dinner. I asked Kou to take the others to a family restaurant he saw another day during work.”
“Oh? I love those!”
“Is that so? Maybe we can go with them next time.”
Yuriko nodded, but she still found it odd that this time only the others had gone there. Why had Ruki asked such a thing? Usually, he was very adamant that they all ate together and only excused the idol in the family because of his work.
“Yuriko…” Ruki took her hand just when she was about to grab her spoon. His cold fingers laced with hers and a thumb caressed her knuckles with slow movement. “I noticed what kind of book you were checking in the library. Tell your master what is going on in that beautiful mind of yours.”
“I… I… umh…” Yuriko’s gaze was on the soup sooner than she was able to form a coherent thought and her cheeks felt hotter than the said delicacy in front of her. 
“Are you not happy with our current situation? Is there something you wish to change, Yuriko?” Ruki released her hand, taking her chin instead and lifting it. As a sign that she should not avert her gaze, she noted to herself. 
Why was it so difficult to talk about this matter? It was the most natural thing in the world when it came to lovers, so saying the words shouldn’t have been a struggle, yet Yuriko needed to gather all her courage and still, her lips quivered along with her words.
“I… am happy but…” Yuriko swallowed. Ruki’s thumb stroked her chin slightly as his gaze bored into hers. “The condoms… I… umh… you know… I wish to feel you… completely… so I thought… Mom never talked to me about this but books could…”
The smirk that rose on Ruki’s lips made Yuriko’s stomach churl. Was he glad or was he laughing internally at her stupidity? Of course, she knew she should go to a doctor but before that, she wanted to be prepared, wanted to be sure what kind of solution would be the right one for her. For them.
“You should eat your soup.” Ruki brushed Yuriko’s chin one more time before taking his spoon and tasting the food. She followed his example but it was surprisingly difficult to hold the spoon steady even though the taste of the vegetables sparkled pleasantly on her tongue, reminding her of another time Ruki had served this same soup to her.
“So, you wished to get rid of condoms, do I understand you correctly?”
Yuriko nodded. How could Ruki talk about the matter with such ease? He must have much more experience than her… Yuriko blinked and pushed the disturbing thought away. She didn’t need to know how many… other people Ruki had… Yeah, she better not think about that at all.
“Hmmm… I am not against that, hence I also wish to feel you in every possible way,” Ruki said as it was the most casual thing ever. Yet Yuriko almost choked on the spoonful of soup, coughing and hurrying to drink water as her face felt as hot as it was midday in July. “My concern is that you are not a human, and neither am I. We do not know what kind of side effects human medication can cause you or if it even works for you at all, nor do I want a human doctor making any operations on you. So, what we need is a doctor from the Demon World.”
Yuriko tried to focus on her food, absorbing every word from Ruki. Her heart bounced slightly faster than probably was good for her but she simply couldn’t help it now. Ruki was so serious, he really took the matter into consideration. He was willing to solve the problem with her… and now it hit Yuriko, that this was why he had asked Kou to take the others out. Somehow the thought made warmth spread through her chest even though the topic of the evening was turning her into a more jumpy rabbit than the sneaky fox she was supposed to be.
“It fits very well indeed, this timing of yours,” Ruki continued. “We will need to visit Karlheinz-sama’s library for books that it holds. We can combine the two visits.”
“Umh… Karlheinz-sama?”
“He is a very important person to us all. You do not need to know the details but he has a remarkable library. If there is any true information about the kitsune it can be found there. I will arrange a visit and we can take you to a local doctor while we are there. I will make sure we get the protection that will work on demonic beings.”
Once again, Yuriko nodded, making a mental note about this person who was so important to Ruki. Maybe one day he would tell her more about himself, his past, and his relatives but Yuriko didn’t want to pressure him. Instead, she ate her soup in silence, feeling like the heat would never leave her face.
When Yuriko pushed her bowl further on the table, she gave a tiny smile to Ruki. “Thank you for the food, it was as delicious as always~”
“I am very happy that my cooking pleases you, Yuriko.” Ruki got up, walked past the table, and stopped next to her, holding out his hand for her. Yuriko blinked, yet she took the hand and let Ruki pull her up and into his embrace. “My angel, I promise you that I will take good care of you. Fear not, I am sure there is a magical solution that will make it possible for me to make your wish come true.”
Ruki lifted Yuriko’s hand, kissing her knuckles. Her heart skipped a beat and she gasped as his other hand enveloped her waist, pressing her even closer.
“And we will find the way to your brother. You are not alone in this, Yuriko. I will not let your father play out his plans and I will help you to save your brother. Put your trust in your master, will you?”
“I will… in both of these matters.” 
“Good girl~ You truly know how to please your master.” Ruki sealed their agreement with a kiss. His hand traveled along Yuriko’s spine until he reached her nape, taking a tight yet gentle hold of it while his tongue traced her bottom lip until she opened her mouth. He didn’t leave any inch of her crevice unexplored, playing with her tongue, until she panted and grabbed his shirt, searching for support when her legs were about to give in.
Chuckling, Ruki collected Yuriko in his arms bridal style. She leaned her cheek on his shoulder, holding him by his nape as he carried her out of the kitchen through the silent manor and finally into his bedroom. As he lay her on the bed, she couldn’t help but wonder if she truly needed her own room. It was more like a place to put her things but this bed felt like the place she belonged. In these sheets together with this man, this vampire who had captured her heart and soul made her his and gave her a new life.
“I’m so happy that we met, Ruki…” Yuriko breathed into his lips as he pulled her to another smooch.
Yuriko approached the white two-tailed fox that stared at the sky on the edge of the cliff. Once again, there was no moon, only stars.
"Little sister has arrived once more. Wanna listen to me this time?"
Yuriko sat down next to Yuuto, curling her tail around her paws. She let out a sigh. Yuuto was always so angry, he had been ever since they had started talking. Things had changed after that moment and there was no going back anymore. Not that Yuriko even wanted to go back to the past. She missed her mother but other than that her present-day seemed brighter than anything else. Ironic, because by choosing a vampire by her side, she had chosen the night.
"Still stubborn, I see."
"Well… I guess we have that in common."
"Haa… the difference here is that you don't know what's good for you. The bloodsuckers are nothin' but a threat. I don't wanna see you dead."
"You won't. Ruki wouldn’t kill me. He wouldn’t kill anyone."
"Yeah, right. And kitsune can turn invisible."
"Actually, we read a book that said it's possible for the kitsune…"
"Then that book is bullshit."
Ruki had said the same thing, though he had chosen a different way to put his words. Yuriko nodded. She hadn’t believed that part either. 
"But the point is that Ruki is helping me with this. We are going to save you… somehow. He wishes to help me."
"He has wrapped you around his finger. Damn, Little sister. Why are you so easily fooled?"
"You'll see. We are going to do it."
Yuriko leaned against Yuuto, enjoying their shared warmth. One day, she would see him for real and her mother too. Then she would have her complete family, old and new combined. 
"What a silly little fox pup you're, Little sister… Gotta admire that eagerness and good faith of yours."
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Thanks: To @nalia-wagner-rp for making sure that your character is written correctly. And @ruki-mukami-dl for the help with writing Ruki.
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yuuto-tsukino · 2 years
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"She said yes. Gotta love that!"
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
♡ Rukiko & YuuNa ♡
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Chibis I've made during this year. I'm all in with these ships~
Rukiko: @ask-ruki-mukami & Yuriko YuuNa: @yuuto-tsukino & @nalia-wagner-rp
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nalia-tsukino · 2 years
You are my flame, my home, my safe haven and my great love
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🦊 Commission made by @dlyuiannii. Thank you so much for this amazing piece of art. I love it so much! 🦊
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nalia-tsukino · 2 years
Drunk shin,
you..... are you a good person?
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[Nalia stared at Shin puzzled.]
"Um... Yes, I think so..."
[A certain, unpleasant smell creeps into her nose.]
"Say... Could it be that you're drunk?"
[The young woman stopped closer.]
"May I help you and take you home?"
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nalia-tsukino · 2 years
Cooking together
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🦊 Oh my... @cutelih made this wonderful gift for me!!! YuuNa cooking together!!! Thank you so much, hun!!! I just love it!!! Love you!!! 🦊
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yuuto-tsukino · 2 years
YuuNa - Pocky Day 2022
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(( Hello sweetheart~ A little bird told me that you might like a Pocky Day YuuNa drawing. I know that I'm not much of an artist. But I hope you still like this. The base is from Pinterest.
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yuriko-mukami · 2 years
"Hello Yuriko~"
[Nalia placed a big blue gift bag with a pink ribbon on it on the table. Smiling, she rushed towards Yuriko and embraced her.]
"Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best!"
[After a long hug the redhead points to the gift bag.]
"Yuuto and I have something for you."
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[Nalia watched Yuriko excitedly unwrapping the gifts.]
"Yuuto helped me to make the sakura mochi. We thought they would be fitting since cherry blossom season has just begun."
[She giggled happily.]
"We bought red bean paste in Okinawa and used it for your special day's gift."
[Nervously, Nalia looked at the other presents.]
"The bookmark should be something special and Yuuto likes kitsune related things. So he chose this one for you. I prevailed in my choice of the book and the lavender shower gel. We hope you like everything."
[She hugged Yuriko again.]
"Have a great birthday~"
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"Hello~ It's so nice to see you again!"
[Yuriko smiled widely. She hadn't expected visitors but having some made her very happy. She gazed at the gift bag, surprised, and then hugged Nalia warmly.]
(Hmm, she has a bit different scent than she used to... It must be because of the change.)
"Oh my... Thank you so much, Nalia and Yuuto~ I'm so happy that you came to visit me today."
[Yuriko started opening up the bag slowly and carefully, peeking in before lifting the things out one by one.]
"Ooohh! Sakura mochi! I bet they taste very good, especially because you made them. Your kitchen skills are amazing. And Yuuto helped you? That's something!"
[The thought made Yuriko giggle. She sniffed the mochi and couldn't hide her smile.]
"We should share these. Ah, they smell so delicious! Red bean paste is so good~"
[Yuriko looked at the bookmark, nodding.]
"It's so lovely! I really like the colors and it really is special. I'll use this from now on~ Ooh? And a book. This looks so interesting. I can't wait to read it!"
[Pressing the book against her chest, Yuriko let her smile sparkle to Nalia. Soon, she picked up the lavender soap, eyes glimmering.]
"I love this scent! And it goes perfectly with my shampoo. Awh, Nalia, Yuuto, thank you! Thank you really!"
[Putting everything aside, Yuriko hugged both her brother and his fiancée. She almost couldn't believe her luck. She really was spending her birthday with her family and friends. Getting presents was nice but this thought made the day for her. She wasn't alone which was the best gift ever.]
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