#namjoon a-z
namchyoon · 1 year
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everyday archive by @ rkive for anon 🤍
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raplinenthusiasts · 2 years
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🤍 x 3
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lizziexmeow · 1 year
[ Namjoon Story 🌟 IG ]
230819 - 19:21 KST - @/rkive
> My #Zflip5
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lycheeemolala · 11 months
Do you guys think the members get edits of each other on their fyp/explore pages
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evillemons · 6 months
~ a manifestation of his ideal girlfriend. Continuation into part 2 and part 3. Masterlist here.
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• Jungkook’s ideal type has been the hardest for me to imagine out of all the members. He is such a curious and adventurous person and seems to lack a level of certainty in his life.
• Because I can envision Jungkook with completely dichotomous types, I’m going to approach his section a little differently than the other members. Here are the two possibilities:
The bad bitch
• ABG vibes. Sexy, mischievous, and a little naughty.
• Appears intimidating on the outside (like JK) and probably also has an intimidating personality (not like JK) (looks like they could kill you, would kill you).
• A little impulsive and a high sensation-seeker.
• May come across as cold to most people, but would show vulnerability around the people she trusts.
• The creative type. They might’ve met during a dance class or photoshoot.
• MBTI: ISFP. Adventurous, artistic, bold, and expressive.
• Her and JK would have a lot in common in terms of their styles and interests, but she would be more brazen and opinionated.
• He’s probably a little intimidated by her but finds her incredibly sexy and alluring at the same time.
• Her style consists of casual streetwear that’s a little edgy, and a love for tattoos and piercings (very Gen Z).
• Leather jackets, cargo pants, chunky boots, cropped t-shirts.
• Potentially a little androgynous looking with her slim figure and dark, baggy clothes.
The good girl
• A good-natured, smart, kind, patient woman.
• Sweet inside and out (looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll).
• While not necessarily a “career woman” like Namjoon's girlfriend, she might have a more traditional 9-5 life.
• She would be very mature and maybe a little older than him.
• He would admire her wisdom and life experiences (like the way he does with RM).
• Generally confident, self-sufficient, and knows how to take care of herself.
• Someone who is friendly and easy to talk to, but not overly loud or extroverted.
• MBTI: ISTJ or ISFJ. Ambiverted, respectful, caring, trustworthy, and dependable.
• They would likely meet by chance during a normal outing or through a mutual friend.
• Feminine and petite. Maybe also elegant and well put together.
• Big, sparkly doe eyes to match his own.
• In the office she would dress modestly and professionally, but would like to wear sundresses on the weekends.
Other notes:
• Like Yoongi, Jungkook is attracted to many different types of people and wouldn’t discriminate based on Race/Ethnicity. Being the youngest, he is quite well traveled and unbiased.
• Sexual orientation wouldn’t matter too much either, but I can see him being a little jealous or insecure if she has dated women or a lot of other men in the past.
• He definitely seems to be attracted to women with some sort of sex appeal. Not too audacious in their sexuality, but not too cute or innocent either.
• He is shockingly independent, and while he would want to feel like he can take care of her, he wouldn’t want someone who is overly needy or lacks self-sufficiency.
• Equally as competitive, perfectionistic, and hardworking as him.
• I do think she would be somewhat athletic or fit, as working out seems to be a priority in his life.
• Even though I can see JK being rather experienced in casual sex, I don’t think he would take choosing a partner lightly. When it comes to a relationship, he would be very picky and want something that is real, loyal would allow him to learn and grow.
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b7ngt4n · 8 months
The Last Remaining | Part 06
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-> South Korea was left abandoned after a 'zombie' virus sweeps the nation. Left to save themselves, Y/N and a group of seven men, who she's found safety in, rely on each other to stay alive as they travel to the south side of the country on the hunt for a rumoured 'z-free' haven. But nothing is ever easy. Especially when they find it's not only just zombies they need to watch their backs for.
-> A female reader x BTS zombie apocalypse AU
-> Genre: Post-apocalyptic, action
-> Warnings for Part 6: swearing, violence
-> Word count: 3,208 words
-> Interactions are greatly appreciated xoxo 💖
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Part 06: Sensei Jimin🧟
“Are you alright? Did those bastards hurt you? I swear to God if they touched you in any way—”
Jungkook bombarded you with questions as soon as you all sat down to rest at a random intersection, after running at least two blocks away without a break. You were busy trying to catch your breath while Jungkook looked like he barely broke a sweat. You were still in shock and overwhelmed at what you’ve just witnessed. A disturbing doctor, nearly being tricked into eating zombies, cannibalism, the list can go on.
Just seeing Jungkook and being with him healed your soul. You were thankful to be alive and you were thankful he was alive too. So much so you had pulled him into a hug without even thinking about it.
It was one way to immediately shut him up. He stood paralysed, unsure how to breathe, think, or act. When the gears in his brain started to work again, you felt his strong arms wrapped around your waist bringing you closer to his warm body. Jungkook could literally feel your racing heartbeat through your back. And you could feel his through his chest. He was all you needed to remind you life was worth the little things.
“Thank you Kook,” you mumbled into his chest. Hearing you shorten his name like that had him feeling butterflies in his stomach. Only his close friends occasionally called him ‘Kook’, but it hit different coming out of your mouth. He wanted to hear you call him that ten more times. “Thank you for coming back and saving us. Saving me.”
He leaned his chin on your head, grateful you were safe in his arms, “always.”
“Is everyone okay? Nobody ate the soup, right?” Namjoon asked everyone, hands on his knees as he recharged his physical battery.
You and Jungkook pulled away from each other to join the rest. Everyone replied an exhausted ‘no’ between breaths to Namjoon’s question. You sat down next to Yoongi, checking up on him and thanking him for his rescue mission efforts. Jungkook went to go sit down next to Jin, who had some teasing tricks up his sleeve.
“Jungkook definitely had a spoonful or two. Did anyone see how fast he picked up that bowl?” Jin teased him, playfully nudging him as Jungkook hit him on the shoulder in retaliation. Hoseok and Taehyung bursted out laughing.
“Our Jungkook-ie’s a true gentleman now,” Jimin joined in on the teasing on his brother as the four of them all laughed together. Jungkook rubbed at the back of his neck in embarrassment. His round cheeks turned a faint rosy pink colour as he met your gaze. You were smiling at him, softly laughing along with the cheeky men. Seeing your smile made him forget he was ever self-conscious.
“Jokes aside, my arm feels like it's going to fall off,” Yoongi groaned, sliding off a chunky army backpack from around his shoulder and ditching it on the ground. He unzipped it to reveal handguns, ammunition, walkie-talkies, and body gear packed inside, "take your pick lady and gentlemen."
The boys were in awe of the different type of gems the duo managed to get their hands on. While they crowded around Yoongi, Namjoon gently pulled you to the side.
"I'm sorry Y/N," he apologised causing a puzzled frown on your face, but before you could ask any questions he continued, "you were right to be suspicious about those missing zombie parts. And I feel very ashamed I shut you down like that. I feel like if I listened to you, maybe we could've avoided that entire thing," he sighed heavily, looking down while burying his head in his hands.
You shook your head in disagreement, "there was no way we could've known any of that was going to happen. So please don't blame yourself," you tried to comfort him, but it did very little. He was still disappointed in himself and remained quiet, lost in deep rumination. That's when you had a thought.
"Who's idea was code purple?" you whispered to him softly after a moment of silence.
He glanced up at you, thinking for a second before answering, "it was mine."
"What's the reasoning behind it?" you asked. Namjoon didn't understand the sudden interrogation behind code purple but he answered your question regardless.
"I made it up in case we ever got split up and had to try find each other again. We decided if that were to ever happen, we just had to trust each other and that it'd all work out somehow and we'd all meet again," he explained to you nonchalantly. It was a very intellectual idea. You admired his sense of foresight.
"I think code purple is what saved us," you told him, giving him a small smile. He stared at you blankly like he didn't get your point, "you saved us Namjoon,” you clarified, emphasising on the 'you,' making sure your message got into his head.
"If you hadn't have set up that system, how could Yoongi and Jungkook have understood the situation? How could they have found us? With breadcrumbs?" you joked sarcastically, making him chuckle, a positive sign your pep talk was getting somewhere, "you make smart moves Namjoon. I understand why they look up to you so much," you referred to 'they' as in the boys. Briefly glancing at them, the younger ones were playing with handguns like they were in an action movie only to get scolded by the older ones.
"Don't let someone who deceived you doubt yourself and your abilities," you patted his shoulder just as Jungkook called you over, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
“Is he alright?” he whispered lowly into your ear as he kept an anxious eye on his brother.
“He’s fine,” you assured him, reaching out to rub his hand gently, “just needed a little motivation that’s all.”
And as if on cue, Namjoon stepped in to calm an overly excited Taehyung and Jimin from mishandling a gun before he addressed everyone, “it’s time we get the fuck out of here.”
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According to a tiny tourist paper map Yoongi found back at the police station, the next city to pass through was Osan. There was no way of making it there before nightfall. And there was no way any one of you wanted to stay another night in Suwon.
Once you all had journeyed as far as the sunlight allowed you to, Namjoon declared to spend the night at an old camping grounds close by. The boys found their confidence levels boosting with every kill they made with their new equipment. It was a bigger upgrade from their last weapons — a rusty axe and pepper spray. You, on the other hand, were still incapable of properly killing a zombie.
The only thing you felt confident using was a taser. It was simple for a simple girl like you. Just aim and tase. But that wouldn’t be very effective if you were ever swarmed. Plus the batteries could run out at any time, making it a very unreliable source.
The only other things you’ve used in the apocalypse have been a baseball bat and your pocket knife — sort of. You used your baseball bat to push away zombies to create enough distance for you to run away rather than kill them. And the only time you used your knife was to threaten Jungkook and Jimin the first time you guys met. Which according to Jungkook didn’t scare them at all. Only the boys have been killing zombies. You, so far, have been a bit useless.
You weren’t proud of it. You were actually embarrassed about it. So when the boys got busy building a fire and trying to catch fish from the nearby lake, you took it upon yourself to get some training in.
About a minute away, you found a good empty space of ground next to the lake to practice your shooting. You weren’t very familiar with guns. You assumed the one you had taken was a handgun, considering it was one of the smaller ones that fit nicely in your hand.
“You got this Y/N, you know what you’re doing” you motivated yourself, trying to convince yourself you had it under control. You held the gun in both your hands, arms fully extended as you aimed at a tree trunk in front of you.
Just as you were trying to adjust to the feel of it and sussing out your aim, you heard a low groan that did not sound so human. Appearing from behind a tree trunk was a thin and very rough looking zombie. Its clothes had been ripped and its blue-ish skin was covered in dirt, perfectly camouflaging into the brown nature. It looked like it’s been lurking in the woods for a while based off the state it was in.
It was still a good distance from you, not in much of a rush to get to you. It gave you enough time to aim at it, making it your very first target. Closing one eye for the most accurate aim, once you were satisfied you could hit him you pulled the trigger. But to your surprise, nothing came out.
You frowned, pulling it again but nothing came out again. And the zombie only came closer, closing the gap between you two.
“Shit! Why won’t it shoot!” you yelled, your frustration getting to you as you prepare to run before it’s too late.
“Turn off the manual safety,” you heard a familiar voice call from behind you, glancing back to find Jimin coming out from the bushes. Before you could yell what safety he quickly specified, “turn down the lever on the left side!”
You didn’t notice it before, the tiny lever on the side of the gun. The zombie was only an arms length away from you as you immediately pulled the trigger without properly aiming. Luckily, the bullet shot right into the zombies chest, killing it for the second time.
“Shit,” you breathed out, panting from the adrenaline pumping through your veins. Jimin appeared at your side, shaking his head in disapproval as he slipped the gun out your hands.
“Do I have to start keeping an eye on you missy?” he raised a brow while tucking the gun away in his pants, but not before turning on the manual safety.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as he chuckled at your clumsiness, “I was just getting some training in, no big deal.”
Jimin gave you that ‘are-you-serious?’ look as he placed his hands on his hips, “no big deal but you nearly got yourself killed? Yeah I think we will leave the gun training for later,” he responded sassily making you giggle.
He picked up two long sturdy branches lying on the floor, handing one to you while he kept the other.
“Do you know how to sword fight?”
Of course you didn't know how to sword fight. Just another thing to add to the list of talents you don't have.
Jimin shared he learned kendo for about 8 years when he was younger. He explained to you that it was a form of Japanese martial arts with bamboo swords. It taught him all the basics of sword fighting. He enjoyed the thrill of it, fueling his innocent little dreams of wanting to become a pirate.
As he grew older, so did his love and hobby for sword-fighting. When he became old and mature enough he began to learn kenjutsu and iaido, which were more comprehensive and traditional forms of japanese sword-fighting.
"So you're like a samurai?" you joked as he adjusted your awkward-not-very-samurai-like stance, laughing at your comment.
"I guess so?" he answered, not so sure if he'd ever consider himself to be. But now that he was actually using his sword-fighting skills in the real world, especially to kill, he figured he might actually just qualify.
You spent nearly two hours learning the proper stance, how to hold your 'sword', as well as basic attack and defense techniques. Once you managed to roughly memorise those skills, Jimin decided to put your knowledge to the test by making you spar with him. That's when the sweet and kind Jimin you knew transformed into the merciless sensei you never knew was hiding inside him.
He did not go easy on you. He was very strict, quick to point out when you weren't using the proper stance, or if you weren't hitting him properly, or even if you were being too slow. Nor did he allow you many breaks. He told you it was for your own good, and although you did agree with him, part of you just wanted to collapse on the ground and do nothing for an hour.
By the time Jungkook came to interrupt your training session to inform you both dinner had been cooked, the sun had already set. There was a cool spring breeze in the air that gave you goosebumps, but that didn't bother Jimin's teaching mode. The first thing Jungkook noticed about you was how exhausted you were. But from the brief moment he saw you sparring he could tell you've learned a thing or two.
You were impressed to find a well-lit campfire and grilled fish awaiting you. The boys were huddled around the campfire, sharing bowls they stole from the grounds keeper's cabin between each other. Yoongi stood up, handing you a bowl of grilled fish and what appeared to be vegetable soup.
"Hope it's not too early to be having soup," he laughed with a mouthful of food lodged in his mouth, comfortingly patting your shoulder.
The rest of the night was followed by conversations, laughter, and stories from what life was like before the apocalypse as you all sat around the fireplace. In that brief moment it felt like there no apocalypse to begin with. You actually felt a sense of normality after the longest time of the most bizarre things ever known to man happening to you. It just felt like you were with a group of friends who spontaneously decided to go camping one day. You felt like you've known the boys forever. In a way their presence soothed you. To hear Hoseok's contagious laughter, to listen to Jimin's expressive story-telling, to eat Jin's well-cooked dinner despite the circumstances, and to feel protected by Jungkook. The world could end but as long as you're surrounded by your new friends, you felt like nothing could hurt you.
As the night deepened and the boys dozed off one by one, you on the other hand were wide awake. You had never struggled to fall asleep this much before. Even after twisting and turning your entire body. Maybe it was the uncomfortable hard ground or the chilly breeze against your skin. But you just could not fall asleep.
The only other person who was awake was Jin. He was first in line to stay up and keep watch. You offered to take over his job for him and let him have a sleep. He turned down your offer, keeping you company as you both talked for a bit. Until his eyes became redder and drier, he knew he was losing the battle between him and his self conscious begging him to sleep.
You were lucky the moon was full and shining above you, blessing you with its moonlight. The fire had to be put out before everyone slept to prevent attracting attention from zombies. You used to be terrified of the dark. Yet here you were. Sitting in the dark, outside, in silence, with just yourself. Strangely, it wasn't as scary as you previously believed. Matter of fact, it was somewhat relaxing.
Where you had set up camp was right next to the lake. You left your spot from next to Jungkook and went to sit on the bank, next to the water. The lake was gorgeous under the moonlight, taking your breath away. It reflected the off-white moon, the clusters of stars in the sky, and the silhouette of forest trees on the horizon. You could hear the calming sounds of water, crickets, and frogs croaking. It sounds gross but having a break from hearing the groan of zombies or something being killed was a nice change.
"You still up?"
Jungkook's voice startled you out of your thoughts. You turned around to find him rubbing his eyes as he yawned and stretched his arms, before making himself comfy next to you.
"Couldn't sleep," you sighed, your gaze lingering on the moonlit landscape in front of you.
"I understand that, you've been through quite a lot," he whispered softly. You felt his hand rest on top of yours, his thumb caressing your skin.
You let silence fill the atmosphere. It was somehow the loudest silence you've ever experienced.
"The last time I fell asleep," you started, glancing at him to find his big brown eyes giving you their fullest attention. Even in the dark under the restricted moonlight, you could still see his sparkling eyes, "I woke up and you weren't there."
Jungkook's relaxed expression immediately melted into concern as he pulled you into him without hesitation, "I'm sorry I left you by yourself."
"It's not your fault Kook," you wiggled out his grip to see his face and look him in the eyes, "it's just the shit world we live in. I can't trust this stupid world and the stupid things they do."
You felt ridiculous tearing up as it was just something of the past, but you felt ten times more embarrassed as you felt the tears roll down your cheeks. You couldn't look him in the eye anymore, glancing down as your face turned an angry red in shame.
Jungkook cupped your hot cheeks, wiping away your tears with the pad of his thumb. You felt a sense of deja vu, thinking back to the first time you met. Except this time, you didn't try cut his hand off.
"You're right to not trust the world," he muttered, gently pulling you closer to rest his lips on your forehead, giving you a light peck, "but you can trust me, okay? I'll always find a way back to you."
You couldn't say or do anything but just quietly cry in his arms as he comforted you. You aren't sure what came over you. Nor did you understand why you were so attached to Jungkook and why he was so attached to you. Why was he so willing to protect you? To take care of you? And always come back to you as he says? And why do you let him? Was it the lack of love in your life that made you crave his? Was it because your self-conscious felt safe enough around him and the rest of the boys that you've developed an unhealthy attachment to them?
You weren't so sure or understood anything in life anymore. The last thing you remembered before finally drifting off to sleep was Jungkook's body snuggled up close to yours as he gently caressed your hair.
Until you jolted up the next morning to Hoseok's frantic voice piercing your eardrums,
"He's gone!"
(a/n: HERE SHE ISSS after a long weeks hiatus she has returned ladies & gentlemen!! i hope u enjoyed this part. honestly this part is lowk a let down after a weeks absence i’m so sorry like there’s no drama or action 🙄🙄 but don’t worry, as u can tell by my cliffhanger 🤭, the nxt part is for sure going to be more eventful!
i love u all thank u so much for reading n loving this series i rlly enjoy writing this series and can’t wait to write out all my ideas i’ve planned for this series 💖 till nxt time, stay sexy kids xoxo😛😛😘😘)
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li-bruh · 2 years
masterlist ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
・❥・ Please remember, that English is not my first language. Even though I constantly put in effort to improve and expand my vocabulary, try and have patience with me.
・❥・ M I N O R S D O N O T I N T E R A C T!
࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪. ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪. ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪. ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:・゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.
a t e e z ♡ Seonghwa in bed ♡ Hongjoong in bed ♡ Hongjoong's kinks ♡ Wooyoung in bed ♡ Mingi in bed ♡ San in bed ♡ Yeosang in bed ♡ Jongho in bed ♡ Yunho in bed ♡ Wooyoung's kinks
b t s ♡ Yoongi in bed ♡ Hoseok in bed ♡ Jungkook in bed ♡ Namjoon in bed ♡ Namjoon's kinks ♡ Taehyung in bed ♡ Jimin in bed ♡ Jimin's kinks ♡ Jin in bed ♡ Jungkook's future spouse ♡ Junkgook's kinks
e n h y p e n ♡ Jake in bed ♡ Jake's kinks ♡ Jay in bed ♡ Jay's kinks ♡ Jay's ideal type ♡ Jay as a boyfriend ♡ Heeseung's ideal type
n c t ♡ Renjun in bed ♡ Renjun kinks ♡ Mark in bed ♡ Ten in bed ♡ Jaehyun in bed
s t r a y k i d s ♡ Hyunjin's ideal type
s e v e n t e e n ♡ S.Coups in bed ♡ Vernons kinks
c h i n e s e z o d i a c s i g n s ♡ Short notes on the signs
m i s c ♡ birthstones ఇ flowers ఇ colors
‎* .♡ *:·゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:·゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆‎* .♡ *:·゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ * .♡ *:·゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
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kim namjoon ✰ a 90s & early 2000s playlist (5/7)
01. en vogue - don't let go (love) // 02. outkast - ms. jackson // 03. o-town - liquid dreams // 04. ja rule - always on time (feat. ashanti) // 05. *nsync - digital get down // 06. r.e.m. - losing my religion // 07. fugees - killing me softly with his song // 08. smilez and southstar - tell me // 09. jay-z - izzo (h.o.v.a.) // 10. sinead o'connor - nothing compares 2 u // 11. fabolous - into you (feat. tamia) // 12. rage against the machine - guerrilla radio // 13. missy elliott - gossip folks // 14. aaliyah - are you that somebody // 15. the roots - the seed (2.0) // 16. lit - my own worst enemy // 17. biggie - mo money mo problems // 18. crazy town - butterfly // 19. boyz II men - motownphilly // 20. jagged edge - let's get married (remix feat. run)
please feel free to reblog & share your own choices! ✌️
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lizziexmeow · 1 year
[ Namjoon Posted 🌟 IG ]
230813 - 18:51 KST - @/rkive
> @/samsungmobile #GalaxyZFlip5
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dreamofbona · 1 year
Moot game!
moots if they were in a kpop group!
oh wow this is fun! thx for the game anon!!
@kpopstanmeg as leader: idk how to explain this but i get leader vibes from meg. i think part of it is the user itself - like simple, sophisticated, and it gives leader. and also the "enha.com" - again like gets the point across and just makes sense, works, just based on the set-up of meg's blog i feel like she would do a great job keeping the members organized and focused. and then she'd probably want to leave every five seconds as all leaders do.
@chaewon-slays/@xo-lesserafim as the maknae, main dancer: deni gives a lot of maknae/dancer energy, i see a lot of riki lol i don't know how to explain it. i totally see deni being the maknae of the group tho. i'm getting a lot of like riki and chaewon energy, and both can be incredibly chaotic and hilarious so yeah maknae/dancer
@hello-flosch as main rapper: i get a mix of namjoon and hobi vibes from viccy, like there's such a mix of things on their blog, kpop and memes and book stuff and i could totally see a gen-z namjoon or hobi having this kind of blog. the mix of content also gives creativity, so i could totally see viccy writing some insane verses.
@vizstars and @misoxhappy as main vocalists: i tend to associate writing with singing (idk why) and so maybe it's cuz of the niki spiderman fic but i totally see kei and viz as main vocalists. like singing and writing are both about voice and sound flowing, so yeah.
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wannabegwenstacy · 1 year
Eden's Favorite BTS Fics: A03
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Updated: 3/29/2023
A/N: I tend to read member x member on both A03 & Twitter so if thats what you are looking for then precede. If you are looking for reader insert I suggest checking out my tumblr fic recs since I tend to read those on tumblr.
⇣Below cut⇣
Galaxy Series on A03 by Lilmochimoch
Pairings: Poly Bangtan. Jungkook’s POV most of the time.
Genre: Fantasy / Modern Magic / Mythical
The Impossible Door:  Part 1
Chapters: 20
Total Wordcount: 144,627
Summary: Jungkook is sick of being stalked by a door. So when the door shows up in his apartment one day, he finally decides to open it.
(Alternatively, Jungkook has a busy enough life trying to manage school and two jobs, now this strange door keeps appearing everywhere he goes. The day he opens it, he’s thrown into a new kind of adventure that might be the greatest thing that’s ever happened to him, but might also be his greatest mistake.)
Tags: Jeon Jungkook/Everyone, Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Immortals, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, OT7Drama & Romance, Jeon Jungkook is a Little Shit, Gen Z humour, Boys aren’t sure how human’s work, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, minor injury, hardworking kookie, Protective Bangtan Boys | BTS, Dimension Travel, night security guard jungkook, Angst, Powers/Abilities, Blood and Injury, Hurt Jeon Jungkook, Rating May Change, Racism between non-human/human, Fluff, Implied/Referenced Sex, Homophobia, Sexual Tension, Implied/Referenced Suicide, References to Depression, Feels, Polyamory, Gun Violence, Explicit Language, Homophobic Language, Praise Kink, Strength Kink, My First Smut, Smut, Drugs, Gangs, Violence, Healthy Relationships, Switch Jeon Jungkook, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Temporary Character Death, Jeon Jungkook Dies, but I bring him back I swear, he doesn’t stay dead
To You: Part 2
Chapters: 42
Wordcount: 356,441
Summary: Sequel to An Impossible Door. The guys are faced with more adventures and more struggles as they learn how to be a family. Pasts come back and old hardships are faced once again, but through it all, they have each other.
Tags: Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok/Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin/Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Everyone, Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Yeontan (BTS), Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Immortal Kim Namjoon | RM, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Phoenix Min Yoongi, OT7, Drama & Romance, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Minor Injuries, Protective Bangtan Boys | BTS, Dimension Travel, Fae Park Jimin, fae Kim Taehyung, Homophobia, Racism between non-human/human, Blood and Injury, Smut, Feels, Healthy Relationships, Violence, Praise Kink, Strength Kink, Voyeurism, angel Kim Seokjin, Dragon Jung Hoseok, Rating May Change, Polyamory, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Switch Jeon Jungkook, Dom/sub, Domestic Fluff, Dom Kim Namjoon | RM, Dom Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Bottom Park Jimin (BTS), Bottom Kim Taehyung | V, Power Bottom Min Yoongi | Suga, Switch Kim Seokjin | Jin, Switch Min Yoongi | Suga, Possessive Behaviorin A HEALTHY WAY, past emotional abuse, Homophobic Language, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Bad Parenting, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Past Conversion Therapy, Minor Character Death, Sex Toys, Torture
;Eternally: Part 3 
Chapters: 5/__ still updating!
Wordcount: 31,052 still updating!
Summary: Stepping through that door so long ago had not been a mistake. It was not something he would ever come to regret. Regardless of the hardships he’d faced and would come to face. Jungkook, even now, as a war waged on around them, couldn’t bring himself to regret a single moment.
Tags: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Jeon Jungkook/Everyone, Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok/Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin/Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Bad Parenting, conversion therapy, Original Character(s), Original Character Death(s), Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Healthy Relationships, Polyamory, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Blood and Injury, Violence, Gun Violence, Read the series tags, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Torture, Ki-jung sucks, yes it made the tags, Adventure, Drama, Magical Realism, Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Phoenix - Freeform, dragon - Freeform, angel - Freeform, Scout Protection Squad, Immortal, Weather Fae, Water Fae, so much love
Opening Doors: Side Stories
Summary: Collection of adventures requested and missing from the main story of the Galaxy Series.
Vitrail on A03 by Melarose
Pairings: Jungkook/Taehyung (side pairings in later chapters too)
Genre: Fantasy / Witches / Familiars
Chapters: 9
Total Wordcount: 164,872
Summary: For Jeon Jeongguk, a newly graduated witch hoping to become a powerful mage, the biggest mystery of his life has always been his missing familiar. He prays he’ll be assigned a mentor who will help him find it, eagerly awaiting the chance to prove himself. Instead, he’s assigned to the infamous Kim Taehyung, the reclusive groundskeeper of the Arboretum who seems to cultivate more secrets than he does plants.
Tags: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Namjoon | RM, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Witch Jeon Jungkook, Witch Kim Taehyung | V, Top Kim Taehyung | V, Bottom Jeon Jungkook, pls dont read based on dynamic its not significant, Mention of blood, Violence, Heavy Angst, Slow Burn, Familiars, Eventual Smut, Fluff, lots and lots of magic, Jeon Jungkook & Park Jimin are Roommates, headmaster yoongi, Scholar Namjoon, Healer Seokjin, Witch Park Jimin (BTS), Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, abusive parenting, Nightmares, Minor Character Death, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Temporary Character Death, Alternate Universe - College/University, Themes around death and death magic, no MC death ever though, Please read notes!, i keep being told the angst is just sad and not really heavy
Eden’s Notes: I love this world so much!! also witch taehyung is such a cutie and sweetheart. I adore his character.
The Truth’s Worth by @Lecrit on A03
Pairings: Kim Seokjin x Min Yoongi (jung hoseok x kim namjoon as a side)
Genre: Modern Royalty AU / Friends with Benefits / Slow Burn
Chapters: 24
Total Wordcount: 223,093
Summary: “I’m the future king and I’m gay. I can’t afford dating or romance,” Seokjin says, calm and far more collected than the situation should call for. “I can afford convenience, though, and someone for whom a purely physical arrangement is mutually beneficial. What I have with Yoongi is good. Convenient.” .. “Can’t you just say ‘fuck buddy’ like the rest of us?” Taehyung groans, somehow both frustrated and still deeply amused. At Seokjin’s pointed glare, he grins, wide and saccharine, and adds, “Your Royal Highness,” with a derisive bow.
or Prince Seokjin lives in a world of lies and gold; things start to change when on a stormy night he meets Min Yoongi, who makes him reevaluate the truth’s worth.
Tags:  Modern Royalty, Friends With Benefits, Slow Burn, Closeted Character, side namseok, Jeon Jungkook & Kim Seokjin | Jin are Siblings, yoongi doesn’t like rich people, seokjin is nice and doesn’t tell him he is a rich people, Emotional Constipation, Angst, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope & Min Yoongi | Suga are Best Friends, a whole lot of sibling feels, Secret Relationship, Panic Attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Smoking, References to Depression, i apologize for the lack of oprah in this fic, Coming Out, Angst with a Happy Ending
Eden’s Notes: (will update after i finish last chapter. just had to put it on here because i love it it that much so far.)
bubblegum by @raplinelover on A03
Pairings: Kim Seokjin x Kim Namjoon x Jeon Jungkook (jung hoseok x kim taehyung & park jimin x min yoongi as a side)
Genre: Soulmate AU / Established Realationship / Polyamory
Chapters: 14
Wordcount: 100,490
Summary: Ice cream is a food reserved only for your 22nd birthday. It’s then that the flavor your taste will determine which soul matches yours. Seokjin tasted bubblegum first. A couple years later it was Namjoon’s turn. As everyone expected, the perfect couple were soulmates.
Then, Jungkook turned 22.
Tags: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | JinKim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Choi Yeonjun, Son Chaeyoung, Im Nayeon, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Polyamory, Getting Together, Slow Burn, In a way, Namjin are already together, exploring relationship, Established Relationship, Developing Relationship, Alcohol, Recreational Drug Use, Anxiety, Anxiety Disorder, Flawed characters, imperfect characters, sex under the influence
Eden’s Notes: This is probably my favorite Soulmate fic i’ve ever read just based on the fact that the world it takes place in is very thought out and realistic for a soulmate au (it just makes sense the way things play out). The writing is quite beautiful and paints a good picture of the anxieties that the characters face when coming in contact with each other and their world in the AU. Highly recommend this fic!
浮世 U K I Y O by Sharleena
Pairings: Min Yoongi x Park Jimin (kim taehyung x jeon jungkook & kim namjoon x kim seokjin as a side)
Genre: Gang World AU / Urban Fantasy / Angst / Smut
Chapters: 22
Wordcount: 410,772
A story of tender tides and unmoving hummingbirds.
Tags: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Drug Lord Yoongi, Succubus Jimin, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Gang World, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Kinda, It’s just the settings, Alternate Universe - Criminals, Violence, Blood, Disturbing Themes, Slow Burn, Side Relationships - Freeform, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Shibari, Brothels, Seelie Taehyung, Banshee Hoseok, Dark, Bottom Park Jimin, Top Min Yoongi | Suga, Light Dom/sub, Self-Lubrication, cameos of other idols, side Taekook - Freeform, side namjin, Scent Marking, Finger Sucking, Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Come Eating, Slight Pain Kink, Praise Kink, Cock Slapping, Gunplay, Past Child Abuse, 
Eden’s Notes: okay so as of writing this I haven’t finished it yet but let me just say EVERYBODY and their MOM has told me to read this fic…and rightfully so. Overall it’s really well written and is placed in an elaborate world. It’s quite heavy on angst and smut as well as some violence. If you can stomach that then I definitely recommend this fic to you!
Like Everything Glows by annie_vi
Pairings: Jeon Jungkook x Park Jimin (side pairings: min yoongi x kim namjoon, kim seokjin x kim taehyung and a small past fling between jeon jungkook x jung hoseok)
Genre: Alternate Universe - Merpeople / Mythical Beings & Creatures / Strangers to Lovers / Slow Burn / Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Chapters: 10
Wordcount: 180,305
Summary: Jeon Jeongguk watches the sun rise and set on the water every day without wondering what may lie far beneath the surface. One nighttime walk along the beach upheaves his entire life, sending his human morals into a tailspin as he questions what his beliefs really are.
Tags: Aquatic Veterinarian Jungkook, Merman Jimin, Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Strangers to Lovers, Slow Build, INCREDIBLY SLOW BURN, a hell of a lot of world building, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Eventual Smut, Minor Violence, mildly graphic content, Jeon Jungkook is a Sweetheart, Jimin is a curious little thing, side hopekook that’s so soft please trust me, side namgi, side taejin, Mating, Mating Bond, Soul Bond, marine biologist namjoon, Genius Min Yoongi | Suga, Aquarist Hoseok, taejin are mermen, look there’s just a lot of marine aquatic shit going on here, suspend your beliefs for just a moment, this shit is both soft and self indulgent, Jungkook has no idea what to do with Jimin tbh, Jimin just wants to learn about humans, just trust me, Happy Ending Additional Warnings In Author’s Note, Tags Are Fun, bet you didn’t see THAT one coming huh!
Eden’s Notes: The fact that I found this fic through a twitter moot when we were discussing well written fantasy fics or to be crude I guess monster fucking in fics…but don’t let that be a factor in your decision to read this fic because it’s so soft and well written. (There is smut towards the end don’t be confused there was a reason it came up in conversation) I read the whole of this in 3 days before work, on my break, and after work till 2 am. I. COULDN’T. PUT. IT. DOWN. the angst had me in actual tears and the fluffy parts had me rolling around in bed giggling. I love this fic so much!! 
Double Take by yoongiyoongi
Pairings: Jeon Jungkook x Kim Namjoon (side pairings: I feel like it would be a spoiler so i’ll just let you read and see)
Genre: Strangers to Lovers / Exes to Lovers / Fluff and Smut / Angst / First Time
Chapters: 6
Wordcount: 139,871
Summary: “I think saving your virginity for marriage is stupid,” Namjoon said, almost whining. Jungkook huffed. “Is this always on your mind?” “When I’m with you?” Namjoon asked, equally incredulous, “Yeah. It is. A lot.” “What’s your best-case scenario for this conversation, Namjoon?” Jungkook asked plainly. “Well,” Namjoon thought, “Best-case…you agree that being a virgin is stupid and then we do something about it.” “And if I don’t agree that being a virgin is stupid?” Jungkook inquired. “Then you keep being a stupid virgin,” Namjoon mumbled. “Good chat,” Jungkook told him.
In a cool, 90s vintage way, Jungkook always thought he’d save his virginity for the person he married. In a normal, 2021 way, Namjoon would rather he didn’t.
Tags: Virgin Jeon Jungkook, Himbo Kim Namjoon | RM, Loss of Virginity, rip massive spoiler, Strangers to Lovers, Fluff and Smut, Sharing a Bed, Blow Jobs, Riding, Rimming, i can’t remember everything they do this fic is so long, they are just incredibly domestic and dramatic, Angst, jungkook has an incompetency kink he just won’t admit it, namjoon has a mild degradation kink except he doesn’t know what that word means, (and jungkook doesn’t wanna tell him), Exes to Lovers, and they were ROOMMATES, Service Top Kim Namjoon | RM, reporting for duty, bratty bottom jeon jungkook (why isn’t this an established tag army yeorobun), Anal Sex, First Time, Roleplay, Infidelity Roleplay (just trust me), Light Bondage, bunny kink alkdjljkds, Found Family, Protective Bangtan Boys | BTS, Happy Ending
Eden’s Notes: A03 really has some of the best writing I have had the pleasure of seeing. This fic is like a whole book/movie series wrapped up into a little ~140k worded package. It was a rollercoaster of both positive warm, cozy, fluffy first love emotion and screaming at your phone because the characters are ambiguous negitive emotion. I almost don’t have the words to describe actually how good it is. You just really need to read it to experience it. 
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seokjinsonlyone · 6 months
Twin 👀🎶 where have you been 🎶🎶
You requested and I came/lh
This is less like a list and more like general thoughts I guess, but what do you associate the bts boys with? Like colors or songs specifically. Cause I always associate Joon with blue or like a forest green and Hobi with rainbow colors fr. I always also associate mf doom with Namjoon tho (I could go on about this and about bts individual rap influences but that’s for another day 🙃/lh)
But girlie how have we been? I hope you’ve been doing good 🫶
looolll twiiiinnnnn i’ve been good i think im a sleepy girlie all the time bc i wake up so early everyday but i’ve been well!! thank you for always askiiinnnggg 💞 and thanks for asking this question bc i love it omg
as for colors i don’t even know if there’s like a specific color i put them with personally i think i just go by their mic colors LOL
so joonie blue, hobi red, tae green, jk purple, yoongi black, jin pink, and jimin yellow although do i see jimin as yellow???? maybe white???? undecided on that front
as for songs tho hmmm
i know for sure earlier i was listening to for all the dogs again right and another late night came on and i was like oh i know me and tae would be vibing to this also idgaf with yeat like we would get down so bad to those songs fr but also! whenever i’m listening to like laufey or d4vd or any of those like alt pop jazz type songs i think of tae [another late night // drake ft. lil yachty | this is how it feels // d4vd ft. laufey]
when it comes to hobi like whenever i listen to j cole i think of him for obvious reasons LOL but also okay so during hobis birthday live in 2021??? he was wearing that blue and green sweater it was like a field and it had clouds on it anyway during that live he was playing all the r&b girlies so whenever i listen to like sza or summer walker mariah the scientist MUNI LONG 👀 i think of him like i just know he get it [no role modelz // j cole | love galore // sza ft travis scott]
so for joon i specifically remember him like live updating us on his listening progress when donda dropped so kanye and joon go hand in hand for me like sorry as problematic as he may be his music is so good especially like early 2000s ye like college dropout/graduation era unparalleled truly [all falls down // kanye | no church in the wild // kanye, jay z, frank ocean]
i associate jk with the (k) pop scene! so like the girlies like ms ariana grande newjeans lesserafim which i mean is his own doing like i’ve just seen him sing their songs one too many times like i can sooooo imagine him doing the smart choreo and it pains me that i won’t be able to see it 😪 and the boyssss like justin bieber primarily the kid laroi i remember he had a prettymuch song in his playlist once so when i listen to them i think of him but also silk sonic bc that album had him down bad in 2021/2022 [ditto // newjeans | stay // the kid laroi ft justin bieber | leave the door open // silk sonic]
now with yoongi obviously when i’m listening to trap music i think of him bc that’s the kind of music he be listening to so like 21 savage lil durk kendrick but also the other type songs i associate him with have less to do with him and more to do with the fact that his guitar became his third arm so whenever there’s like a more acoustic guitar based song brain goes yoongi <3 [a lot // 21 savage ft j cole | backseat freestyle // kendrick lamar | the only exception // paramore]
i’ve always felt that jin really just be listening to whatever top 40 hit he hear on the radio or is floating around the internet at the time so fr fr it’s not even any specific genre or style i associate him with like i could really see him listening to anything but i mean if i had to choose probably ballads the most i think bc that’s the kind of music he be singing OH and coldplay they go together obviously and frfr that like movie montage music like the kind of songs you would hear playing after the climax of a movie and the main protagonist is forlornly going through their days living through the consequences of their actions a how to save a life type beat kinda music [easy on me // adele | true love // coldplay // rich baby daddy // drake ft sza and sexyy red]
and finally we have mr park jimin i associate him with usher bc that’s his man crush so whenever i wanna feel the plight of a black man i throw on the confessions album and i imagine me and jimin getting into it i feel like i should associate him with hip hop more bc that’s what he be into like even after hearing face it just be throwing me off that thats the type wave he be on LOL i think it’s bc he’s my soft precious baby like he literally sang serendipity and then his this is jimin dance videos the stuck with you choreo like those vibes cannot be easily shaken [burn // usher | irene // jimmy brown | up down // t pain ft b.o.b.]
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b7ngt4n · 9 months
The Last Remaining | Part 05
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-> South Korea was left abandoned after a 'zombie' virus sweeps the nation. Left to save themselves, Y/N and a group of seven men, who she's found safety in, rely on each other to stay alive as they travel to the south side of the country on the hunt for a rumoured 'z-free' haven. But nothing is ever easy. Especially when they find it's not only just zombies they need to watch their backs for.
-> A female reader x BTS zombie apocalypse AU
-> Genre: Post-apocalyptic, action
-> Warnings for Part 5: swearing, violence, gore
-> Word count: 5,357 words
-> Interactions are greatly appreciated xoxo 💖
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Part 05: Code Purple 🧟
The sky was painted a pretty ombré of yellow, orange, dark blue and purple. If it weren’t for the circumstances you were in, you would’ve definitely taken a photo and stayed to watch the sun set. But the sun setting was your number one problem at the moment as you hadn’t found shelter yet. Who knows what kinds of things could go wrong at night. Or what could kill you. Eat you.
Suwon was your average zombie-town. Not a single living thing lurking around apart from zombies. But there was something off about them.
They were more slower and less aggressive. Compared to Seoul Z’s, Suwon Z’s were angels. They were a breeze to get rid of, which was very fortunate for you guys as the only weapons on you were yours and Yoongi’s pocket knives. Other than that, it was up to everyone to go old school with their good ol’ fists.
But you noticed something very odd about these zombies. Something that couldn’t just be a weird coincidence.
“Namjoon,” you stopped the person closest to you. He was confused, about to ask why you stopped him in his tracks as you both fell to the back of the group. But he noticed the slight frown on your face, and that you weren’t looking at him but something behind him.
He followed your gaze, finding himself looking down a narrow and dim alleyway. He didn’t see it at first but when he saw it, he finally understood why it had your attention.
There on the ground was the upper body of an alive zombie crawling your way with one arm. There was no lower body. It had been cut off from the hip down, leaving its pelvic bone horrifically exposed. It was using its hand to drag itself across the pavement. But it was very gradual. Like it was trying so hard to get to where it wanted to go but was on the verge of giving up. There was just something so miserable about watching it struggle.
But the pity party wasn't the problem. Ever since you arrived, every zombie you’ve come across had some parts of it missing. It could be something small like an ear or an eye or something larger like two arms or a foot.
“Tell me you’ve noticed it too, how all these zombies are missing body parts,” you remarked, glancing at him.
“Yeah I noticed,” he sighed heavily, crossing his arms as he watched the hopeless half of a zombie slowly crawl its way to you, centimetre at a time.
“It can’t just be a coincidence, right?” you speculated, sharing your thoughts with him. He agreed with you, but it was difficult to find a reasonable explanation to this.
“Maybe they started eating each other? Ran out of humans?” he suggested, shrugging his shoulders. But you weren’t convinced.
“There’s no way,” you denied, pointing at the legless and single-armed zombie as you inspected it closer, “that doesn’t look like a bite mark to me.”
Namjoon had to admit you were right. The cut was too clean to have been bitten off, which completely crosses off his assumption. Could it have been a bear? A rabid mutated bear that feeds off of zombies? Or a gigantic mother zombie who is much more ruthless compared to normal ones? Many questions were raised that he honestly didn’t want to know the answer to.
“It’s suspicious, yes,” he admitted, “but let’s not focus too much on it. We still need to find a place to spend the night. Not to mention, food, water, and weapons. These guys are somehow the least of our problems right now,” he referred to the crawling zombie who was still somehow nowhere close to you. It barely made any progress.
“Okay, yeah, you’re right, let’s go,” you sighed, agreeing with him that you did have more important things to worry about. He patted you on the shoulder as you both rejoined the group further down the street. But your suspicions still weighed in your mind.
“Joon, we found a supermarket with food, water, torches, bandages, pain-killers, and other useful supplies like that. It was unlocked but we checked and it doesn’t seem like anyone’s inside,” Hoseok informed Namjoon as soon as he arrived. He nodded, observing the supermarket’s store front before giving it the all clear.
“Good job guys. Let’s stay here for tonight and make a move tomorrow morning,” Namjoon instructed, giving Jin and Hoseok beside him a pat on the back.
Everyone settled in very easily. You tried to as well, but the odd feeling in your gut made it difficult. It just wouldn’t go away. You felt uncomfortable in this city, like something was off about this place. You didn’t know if it was because of the zombies or something else about the town was bothering you. But it was strong enough that it affected you and the way you acted. And enough for the boys to notice too.
“You’ve been quiet,” Jungkook spoke from behind you as you were mindlessly browsing the crisps aisle. You jumped, glancing back to find Jungkook’s familiar face as you held your chest in an effort to calm your racing heart. He noticed you were badly shaken by his sudden appearance, something he did not intend to do.
“Hey,” Jungkook murmured in a gentle voice, placing his hands on your shoulders to turn you around, “it’s just me.”
You made eye contact with him. His frantic eyes and pinched eyebrows made you realise just how much this zombie mess was getting to your head.
“Sorry,” you apologised, embarrassed he had to see you like that, “I’m going crazy,” you shook your head, burying your face into your hands.
Jungkook breathed out, chuckling to himself, “We all are Y/N. It’s what the apocalypse does to you.”
You lifted your head up to see a small grin had appeared on his face. He grabbed a large packet of Doritos from the shelf behind you (your favourite flavour too), ripped it open, and settled down on the floor, “so I’m guessing this is somehow connected to whatever Namjoon and you were talking about earlier.”
You joined him on the floor, sitting opposite him as you both shared the packet of chips, “Yeah, but it’s kinda stupid now that I think about it,” you reflected your honest thoughts out loud to him.
“Nothing you think or say is stupid,” Jungkook replied, staring at you.
A shy smile appeared on your face as you looked away, unable to hold eye contact as you felt your cheeks heating up.
"Come on, let me know what's going on in that pretty head of yours," he said with handsome and intriguing eyes you just couldn't say no to.
You giggled at his smooth words and the cheeky smirk he had on his face, "I just thought it was weird how every zombie here was missing body parts, that's all."
He didn't say anything, just stared at you. A sour smile appeared on your face, "I told you it was stupid."
"No, I noticed it too," he admitted, you glanced at him, "and I think it's weird too. It doesn't seem like a coincidence to me."
You sighed in content, "right? I just know there's something more to it. Just have no idea what," you quietly trailed off, eyebrows furrowing together as you still couldn't think of a reasonable explanation to your theories.
"And I'm sure we'll find out when the time's right," Jungkook assured you, reaching out to cup your hand between his, "but you will not put yourself in harms way, I won't let you."
You frowned at him but continued to listen to him as he spoke, "I know we just met, but I really like you alive Y/N. I just want you to be safe. Whatever happened to those zombies, I don't want happening to you."
Your heart may have skipped a beat or two. Did he just confess he liked you? It was like a scene from a romance movie you would watch on TV. You just never knew how much butterflies it could give you in real life.
"Okay," you nodded, frown instantly melting away as a soft smile appeared on your lips, "I understand."
"Your hands are cold. Come here," he whispered tenderly, arms outstretching towards you. You didn't really need to move as Jungkook used his muscles to bring you himself. He turned you around, pulling you close so you rested nicely on his chest. He wrapped an arm around you to keep you warm and close.
"I heard skin on skin contact can help raise body temperature," he muttered an excuse against your head, you could feel his lips touching your hair.
Just as you were about to look up at him and say something, he stopped you, "Don't move or it won't work."
It was no use arguing with Jungkook when he was like a big fluffy bunny that had wrapped you up into his own personal pillow- burrito. Not that you were against it anyways. You were so close to him that you could hear his heart pounding against his hard chest. It was beating fast, like he'd just gone for a run even though you guys have been sitting here for the past 10 minutes. You nearly burst out laughing right then and there at his cuteness. Jeon Jungkook, you're not slick.
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You woke up to chatter between Namjoon and what sounded like a woman. You were in a different spot from where you last remembered, which was against Jungkook's chest. Your head was resting on towels, ones you previously saw on the shelf, and a thin blanket had been placed on top of you. The sky was no longer a pitch black but the sun shine was up and shining from the east, indicating it was the next morning.
"Yes Dr Baek, your hospitality is much appreciated but we're just about to head off-" you heard Namjoon say before being abruptly cut off.
"-Nonsense. We have showers, fresh clothes, and I will cook up a fresh soup for you all," she interrupted him, insisting him to take up her offers.
You looked around to find everyone mostly awake. You nudged the closest person next to you, Hoseok, and whispered discreetly to him, "what's going on?"
"Not that sure, I woke up to Namjoon talking to her too," he informed you, nodding toward the short, hunched-back black-and-grey-haired woman when he said 'her', "she's been telling him she and the remaining survivors of Suwon are in the city hall. And has been asking Namjoon and us to have a rest there."
You liked the sound of having a rest despite having a 5 hour sleep (which was the most you'd ever get in the apocalypse), "sounds nice. I could use a shower right now," you admitted, disliking how you've been sitting in your own dirt for a couple days now.
"Yeah, me too," Hoseok agreed quietly.
"Okay Doctor, we will stay until the afternoon. After that we will be on our way," Namjoon suggested a compromise to her. The Doctor's saggy cheeks and wrinkle lines lifted as she grinned, showing off what looked like dentures.
"Oh, everyone back at the hall will be so happy to have guests over," she gleamed, wrapping a hand around Namjoon's arm to help guide her out, taking him with her.
"Follow me, chop chop, this way!" she called behind her as Namjoon beckoned Jin to follow behind him closely. Jin was out the door as soon as he signalled for Hoseok to pack things up quickly and join them. Everything moved so fast and it didn't feel like any one of you had a choice. It was only when you counted five other heads, you noticed there were two missing.
"Jimin," you two were the last in the supermarket as Hoseok and Taehyung had already left with your bag freshly packed of supplies, "where's Jungkook and Yoongi?"
Jimin glanced behind him, as if to check there wasn't anybody around to listen, "they left earlier in the morning to see if they could find any weapons."
You nodded, unsure as to why that would be much of a secret, "okay, well we have to go find them to tell them we're going to the city hall." But Jimin gave you a 'not so sure that's going to happen' look.
"I think it's best they join us later," he told you, an evident frown appearing on your face that he cannot ignore, "let's check the hall out first. And if it's safe, we'll go get them."
You crossed your arms and sighed, "we can't just leave them," your disappointment doesn't go unnoticed by him.
He placed an arm on your shoulder to assure you, looking you dead in the eyes, "trust me I'd never leave my brothers behind," he promised you.
"Look," he revealed a permanent marker hiding in his hands. You watched as he wrote the letters 'CP' on the wall next to the door. It was small enough to not attract attention but big enough to see if you looked from the right angle.
"What does that mean?" you questioned, staring at it and thinking of all the possible meanings behind it. But Jimin shook his head with a smile as he dragged you out the store to quickly catch up with the others.
But not before he quietly whispered into your ear, "it stands for 'Code Purple'. It means trust."
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Jungkook and Yoongi were happy to have successfully found handguns and rifles at the local police station. They were lucky to find all the goods in there: loaded magazines, radios, walkie talkies, and a paper map. Just about all you guys needed to get back on your feet, literally. But Jungkook's smile immediately faded when he came back to an empty supermarket.
He couldn't help but think and worry about you first before his best friends who are like family to him. Was it selfish? Probably. Did he betray bro code? Probably. He felt like shit not thinking of his bros first. Like he was betraying his family for a girl he just met. He didn't want to feel this way towards his brothers, but there was no avoiding the way his heart felt about you.
The moment he first saw you wasn't even when he first met you. No. Jimin and him had been watching you since Kang very loudly pulled up to the gas station. The two of them were just about to scavenge it out for supplies when you made a very grand and unique entrance. Jimin insisted on waiting for you all to leave to check out the gas station like planned, but Jungkook had forgotten all about the plan the moment he laid eyes on you. He thought you looked so beautiful and so graceful. But what boiled his blood was when he saw the way Kang treated you. He saw your hands tied up and him pushing you around like you were a rag doll. He was so pissed off that he was just getting away with this in broad daylight because it was the fucking apocalypse. He took his opportunity to save you when he saw Kang running towards the back of the store. He knew you were trying to make an escape. He couldn't just stand by and let you lose an unfair battle. He was up and moving before he realised it, giving Jimin no choice but to follow and help out the youngest one save you.
"Where the fuck did they go?" Jungkook exclaimed, quickly browsing down the aisles only to find it was only him and Yoongi there. He was panicking, losing his mind, while Yoongi quietly stood there examining the store.
"Relax Jungkook, they're fine," Yoongi tried to calm him while Jungkook paced around. He turned to glare at him, flames of rage in his eyes that Yoongi had never seen before in him.
"You don't know that," he said harshly, clenching his jaw as he leaned against the shelf to try and think more clearer. Yoongi knew the reason he was so worked up was because of you. Jungkook was anxious for you. He noticed Jungkook picking at the skin of his finger, a habit of his when he's anxious.
"But I do," Yoongi replied, pointing at the wall before Jungkook could ask questions. Jungkook had to pause, squint, and look closer to notice the letters 'CP' written in permanent marker. He glanced at Yoongi, unsure what happened while he was gone but knowing he just had to trust you all. But one thing's for sure, they knew they had to find you guys.
"Look," Yoongi pointed outside through the window to a street pole across the supermarket. Jungkook listened, looking closely to see the letters 'CP' written again in marker.
Yoongi heard the sound of Jungkook's boots clunking against the floor before hearing him say, "let's go."
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Jimin's words had been repeating in your head ever since you left the supermarket. Trust. Trust was such a powerful thing. So powerful it could make or break something or someone. In times of uncertainty, trust was the most valuable thing a person could have. It all just came down to whether that person chooses it, or not.
Along the way, Dr Baek told you guys all about life in the city hall since the apocalypse. The communal system she had set up, led by herself, seemed to work very well for her and those living in the hall. They had assigned each other different roles, each proving its own use to their way of life. Watch guards who kept the building perimeter secure of zombies, gardeners who produced fresh greenery in their own makeshift indoor garden, radio comms who had goals of repairing their battered radio signal, the maids who assisted Dr Baek with every task she gave, and Dr Baek being the only chef of the house who prepped everyone's meals. You had to admit it was very impressive what the Dr had set up.
As soon as you had arrived, the Dr ordered the maids to take you to get cleaned up. You enjoyed a cold but refreshing shower. The feeling of water and soap running down your hair and body was all you had been yearning for. They also gave you a plain t-shirt and skinny jeans while they took your clothes for washing, which you never consented to but thanked them for anyway.
The maids took you to the entrance of the main meeting hall when you finished. You found the others to already be waiting for you, all freshly showered and newly dressed too. Nobody seemed to understand what was happening as the maids quietly gathered you all. Once you were all there, they opened the doors to the hall. Inside revealed Dr Baek who stood on the small stage, in front of a podium, and every other survivor was seated in the front row chairs facing her. Everyone's attention turned to you all, the strangers on their door step.
"Here they come now everyone," Dr Baek announced as the maids ushered the group of you down the aisle. You all listened, awkwardly making eye contact with all the survivors as you walked past them. You swiftly counted about twelve heads, thirteen if you included Dr Baek. They watched you with blank faces and black pupils that never left you for a second. You were unsure whether they were happy, scared, sad, or angry. One thing's for sure their stares made you feel uncomfortable.
"Give a round of applause for our newcomers," Dr Baek shared excitedly into the microphone as you all stood in front of her, facing the crowd. The survivors began to clap all at once, and managed to stop all at once too, something that kind of creeped you out.
"They will be staying in the east wing-" the Dr began her speech, but Namjoon stopped her.
"Um, we aren't staying," he clarified to her, glancing at the very unwelcoming crowd, "we're just passing by, like I told you before," he gently reminded the old woman.
Dr Baek tilted her head, silently thinking to herself before she let out a chuckle, "silly me, how could I forget?"
There was something suspiciously fake sounding about her voice, like she was lying straight to your faces. Even Jimin had the same odd feeling as you caught his gaze from the corner of your eye.
"Well, everyone, it's quite sad our new friends cannot stay with us for long. Hence why we shall hold a special lunch in the dining hall now to send our beloved friends off," she declared to everyone. It was silent as the crowd blankly stared at you all as usual. You all exchanged glances between each other.
"You wouldn't leave with an empty stomache now, would you dear?" Dr Baek asked Namjoon in a way that he felt like he didn't have a choice.
He mustered a smile, "of course not Dr Baek," he glanced at you all, "we'd love to have lunch with you." You could see the message in his eyes: we're leaving straight after this.
"Brilliant," she smiled with her fake teeth, "everyone please make your way to the dining hall. Maids, please escort our friends," she ordered, before disappearing into another room with the assistance of two maids.
Her maids silently took you all to the dining hall before everyone else left. They took you around the east side of the building. You glanced outside the windows, finding the sun well above your heads. It was already midday, and you all were still stuck here. Jungkook and Yoongi crossed your mind in that instant. You wondered if they were okay, if they got Jimin's message, and if you'd ever see them again. Especially Jungkook.
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Speaking of Jungkook, the duo had followed the clever trail of CP's left behind. They easily recognised it to be Jimin's handwriting. When the trail stopped, they found themselves looking at Suwon City Hall. Both men were confused. Why the city hall?
That was until they spotted movement from inside through the windows. Yoongi used binoculars he found at the police station to get a closer look. And just as he had hoped, he saw you all. Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and you. He confirmed it to Jungkook who practically snatched the binoculars out his hands to catch a glimpse of you before you disappeared again. You appeared calm, not afraid, but you were surrounded by unfamiliar people, people dressed in the same maid's uniform. There had to be about four leading the six of you. They didn't look like they've caused trouble. But the two also knew they would've been searched for to make a move all together. Obviously, they were left out the picture for a good reason. And both of them knew the reason.
They explored the perimeter from a distance, conducting their safest bet at sneaking in was through the back door. Jungkook and Yoongi were not exactly sure what they were doing. All they knew was that you all were heading to the east side of the building and right now the pair were at the south-west side.
They agreed to move to the east, mostly because Jungkook persisted and Yoongi wasn't one to say no to him. Jungkook needed his eyes on you. He had to make sure you were okay and not hurt.
They snuck between hallways, checking every corner they turned at to make sure the coast was clear. They would provide no help to you guys if they got caught. They didn't know how dangerous these people were. They had to assume the worst.
After entering and exiting out of similar hallways, Yoongi and Jungkook found themselves in what seemed like an industrial kitchen. But the first thing they both noticed was the horrid stench hitting their noses.
"What the fuck is that smell?" Jungkook cursed under his breath to Yoongi as he plugged his nose and glanced back at his older brother.
"No idea," Yoongi whispered back, his face scrunching in disapproval. Just as Jungkook saw the exit and was going to make a beeline for it, Yoongi tugged on his shirt sleeve.
"What?" he asked, turning back to find Yoongi staring in horror at the kitchen bench. Jungkook followed his gaze, and nearly threw up the instant noodles he ate before.
There on the metal table was the body of a zombie that had been violently mangled and sliced. The eyes rested on a plate, its limbs were crushed and put inside a bowl, and its legs were brutally cut up into slices and chunks.
Jungkook felt the noodles coming up, finding the nearest pot to let it out, only to find a mutated zombie boiling in water. And he swore the pupils on its eyes looked up at him. He ended up vomiting in the corner.
"We need to find them now," Yoongi told him after he finished, drawing out his gun from its holster.
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Somehow, when you made it into the dining hall everybody was already seated. You noticed seating was separated by gender, boys sitting on the left side and girls sitting on the right side. The dining hall consisted of a long rectangular table facing vertically in the middle of the room. It was decorated in a classic gold table cloth with candlesticks lined down the middle. The maids sat you down in a velvet cushioned chair. You hated every awkward second that passed.
The main doors opened to reveal Dr Baek. Followed behind her was a maid pushing a tray cart filled with bowls of what appeared to be soup. A wicked stench hit your nose as the cart passed by, causing your face to scrunch up as the maid served everyone's bowls. Glancing across at the boys, they seemed to have smelt the stench too. And by glancing at everyone else and judging by their blank faces, this might just be weirdly normal to them.
Dr Baek sat at the head of the table. Unfortunately, you had the blessing of having the seat right next to her. She gave you a wide smile, showing off her dentures. You forced a smile back before looking down at your food, uninterested in making small talk. You inspected it and it did not smell or look appetizing whatsoever. The soup juice was a transparent dark green colour while there were small chunks of what looked like brown beef. You wanted to be grateful for having food during the apocalypse, but you would rather starve than eat whatever was in that bowl. No offence to the Dr but you literally felt like throwing up.
"You may all eat," the old woman announced. At that moment, all the survivors dug into their bowls, slurping up the entire thing like it was their last meal. On the other hand, you and the boys were struggling to even breathe near the food.
The old woman glanced at you, sensing how tense you were, "I made this soup myself. It's a beef soup. It's not the best but I'm just using whatever I have," she sighed, making you feel a bit bad.
Jin poked at the beef with his spoon, "and where'd you get the beef from?"
She glanced at him, hesitating before she answered, "from a can."
"This," you frowned, holding up a chunk of beef in your spoon to eye level, "is from a can?" you asked in disbelief, eyebrows raised. It looked like it had been expired, eaten, thrown up, run over, and then put into your bowl.
"Yes, it's very delicious and good for health my dear. I think you should have a bite," the Dr insisted you, "it would make me very happy. And then you're free to leave."
You fought everything inside you to not roll your eyes. Fine, you thought, if it means we finally get to leave.
But just as you were about to suck it up and take a spoonful in your mouth, the main doors burst open.
"Jungkook? Yoongi?" you exclaimed in disbelief at the two men reappearance. They stood in the doorway, pointing guns at everyone.
"Don't eat the food!" he yelled at the same time as you spoke, pointing his gun at the unfamiliar faces, unsure who his target should be, "it's made of zombies!"
You pushed the bowl away in disgust, nearly hurling right then and there. The boys did the same, quickly getting out their seats. This was your cue to leave. The survivors all crawled underneath the table, shaking in fear from Yoongi pointing a gun at them. This was your first time seeing their faces move a muscle.
Just as you were about to get up, an old flabby arm wrapped around your neck, pulling you back into Dr Baek's chest. She had you in a headlock, but you couldn't fight back when you felt the tip of a sharp knife pressed against your cheek.
"I'll rip this girls face off and make a soup out of it!" she screamed, bursting your eardrums as you flailed about in her arm. She was surprisingly strong for someone her age.
"No!" you cried, fingers trying to make room between your neck and her arm. She was going to strangle you to death before she peeled your face off.
"Get the fuck away from her!" Jungkook demanded her, aiming his gun straight at her. But there was no way he could get a clean shot without risking hitting you. And the Dr knew that.
"You seem to care about this girl a lot, young man," she noticed, her voice hiding sinister intentions you would've never expected from a small elderly woman like her, "eat my soup and I'll let your doll run free."
Jungkook glanced between the crazy woman, the soup, and you. He knew he'd reached another level of insanity when he genuinely started considering her offer. He would do anything for you and he meant it. And if that meant eating zombie chow to make sure you were safe, he'd do it.
"Okay," he muttered, lowering his gun as he stared at a bowl full of zombie soup. He felt round two of vomit coming up. But he had to do this. He had to. For you.
"No! Don't!" you yelled at him. You bit down with your teeth as hard as you could on Dr Baek's flabby wrinkly arms. Luckily it did not take much for her to pull away shrieking. At that moment you heard a gun shot. It rung in your ears. You dived to the floor, unsure where that shot hit, but the adrenaline pumping through you had you quickly crawling away.
Chaos erupted in the dining hall again as the survivors quivered in fear from the gunshot while Dr Baek screamed in agonizing pain. You found Jungkook kneel down in front of you, the same sight you saw when you first met him, giving you a sense of deja vu. He pulled you up to your feet, instructing you that you needed to go. But you were so happy to see him. You started tearing up as you pulled him into a hug. You inhaled his soft scent of cologne and men's deodorant, something that would only remind you of him. He hugged you back only tighter. But it was only a couple seconds long before you both pulled back. Jungkook's hand found yours as he quickly led you out.
You spared a quick glance back to find Dr Baek slumped over unconscious in her chair. Her entire upper body was covered in crimson red and you noticed a small bullet-shaped hole in her shirt. But what creeped you out the most was the way the survivors had crowded around her in a circle. Their creepy black pupils stared at her, not in grief or sorrow, but in hunger. The last thing you saw was the circle slowly closing in before they sunk their teeth into her raw flesh.
(a/n: well 😀 so that’s that! BAHAHA this part took a few days hope you guys didn’t mind too much 💙 but i’m so incredibly happy and proud i finally get to share this part w my beautiful readers 🫶🏽 hope it wasn’t too gross n u managed to get thru it 😭 n honestly didn’t expect the story to take such a romantic turn w y/n & jk so fast 😭😭 really it js happened n i liked the flavour it bought to the story so yeah their relationship changed a bit too fast for my liking but i think it’s cute yk hope yous like it 😊👍
and wow i js want to say props to those writers who b writing a whole as 15k wc chapter like how tf. 2000+ is good for me but WOW 5000+ took me out like i srsly thought i wrote double what i wrote 😭 IDK HOW PPL MANAGE TO WRITE SO MUCH BUT SHOUTOUTS TO YOUS 😀👍 anyways love u all so much thank u so much for the love on this series xoxo 😘)
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abcthv9597 · 7 months
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240303 - Namjoon on Weverse:
Translation from miiniyoongs on Twitter:
💜 do you rest on weekends??
🐨 yes
🐨 i started watching reels* for the first time after coming here
🐨 im learning from the mz generation
* t/n: reels as in instagram reels
** mz generation refers to millennials + generation z
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enchantedtomeethyun · 2 years
♥ Masterlist ♥
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Holding Hands
Swiftie Gf
SleepOver With You
A To Z Chan (Mature)
A To Z Namjoon (Mature)
FWB Chan
What Loving Him Is Like: Hyunjin
ᴍɪɴɪ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ
Cruel Summer (Chan)
Back To December (Felix)
StarGirl (Hyunjin)
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bangtanhoneys · 5 months
If Grace could choose a song to represent every boy in her life, what song would she choose?
Hi anon, thank you for clarifying you just want the BTS boys in the list in another ask. So here we go!
Seokjin: safety net (originally Ariana Grande)
Yoongi: apeshit (Beyonce and Jay Z)
Hobi: 24K magic (Bruno Mars)
Namjoon: late night talking (Harry Styles)
Jimin: Style (Taylor Swift)
Taehyung: summer wind (Frank Sinatra)
Jungkook: my you (Jungkook)
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