holespoles · 1 year
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Nanahoshi "knitted rabbit"
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mvvocaloidgifs · 7 months
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ben-talks-art · 1 year
Top 10 favorite animated Female Characters
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Since it's International Woman's day, I thought it would be fun to talk a little bit again about some of my favorite animated female characters in media.
I go into details and cover more characters on this list so I'll try not to just repeat myself too much and just offer some overall thoughts on why I like these people.
Also, be careful with possible spoilers.
Catra, from She-Ra
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I like the overall sense of tragedy that surrounds this character, how all she wants is to feel loved and accepted but because she just happened to be on the bad guys' side she keeps facing defeat after defeat, both from the heroes' side and from her own allies that keep abandoning her.
She's just so used to getting trashed by life that she can't even see the people that do try to be on her side anymore but instead of trying to change she just keeps digging deeper and deeper into her own downfall because that's all she knows.
She's someone who's lost and needs help but she's also so angry at those that ended up finding happiness without her that she won't even admit that she needs help, and I find it so interesting to watch her path of self-destruction while still hoping that she can realize her mistakes one day.
Lake, from Infinity Train
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Very similar to Catra, another character who just keeps getting the short end of the stick, but this time she doesn't let her misery mold who she is, in fact, what's so cool about Lake is that she keeps rejecting the idea of letting anyone mold who she is.
She refuses to accept the cards that she was given and instead keeps trying to find new cards, or a new table, or a new player, just anything to change her situation because she refuses to accept she was born to not be happy and continues to seek for that happiness, no matter how far it might be.
Reagan, from Inside Job
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My little ball of antisocial-ness. Reagan is that person that's just so used to living in her own little world that she's just totally unprepared to deal with the actual world around her.
She's an absolute mess when it comes to dealing with other people and getting out of her comfort zone, but when she does get into her comfort zone she just turns into a total badass who's always in control of the situation.
I love seeing the constant shift between Reagan the little dork and Reagan the boss lady. It just works so well to create such a likable and charming character that I never get tired of watching.
Kumoko, from I'm a Spider, so what?
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Speaking of charming dorks...
If Reagan is an antisocial mess, Kumoko is an antisocial natural disaster. She spent years locked in a dark cave away from any form of civilization with her only other options of frequent communication being her own inner voices, which ended up driving her insane and in return making an absurdly funny and crazy Deadpool-like character.
This is one of those characters I could just hear going on rambles for forever. One moment she might be talking about food, and the next she might be talking about blowing up the world. Every second her thought process keeps shifting from one thing to another, and observing how she comes to these conclusions is always so engaging.
She's just so freaking funny and charming.
Asa, from Chainsawman part 2
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Another antisocial mess!
Asa is kinda of a mix from the characters from before, in the sense that, she's terrible at dealing with people, AND she also keeps getting sh*t on by life.
But what I really, really respect about her is that she never uses that as an excuse to be a bad person. Even though she has all the reasons in the world to be the worst human being alive, she never ever makes her problems be someone's problems, she never uses her pain as an excuse to hurt others, even though people keep tempting her to.
Asa is what I describe as the basic essence of being a true hero, someone who doesn't let their misery change who they are and what they believe in.
Makima, from Chainsawman
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One of my all-time favorite antagonists.
Talking about Makima involves a lot of spoilers so if you wanna know more just click on these past posts:
-Why I like Makima
-Bad Person vs Bad Character
-The importance of "Fun to Watch"
Nanahoshi, from Jobless Reincarnation
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This is the character that taught me the importance of struggles in storytelling, why characters need walls to overcome, conflicts to defeat, challenges to face, and how facing these challenges show their true character.
She's another person who, just like Catra, Lake, Asa, and others, had a lot of bad luck in life, but again, how she chooses to face these challenges is what makes her awesome.
She kept fighting and moving forward even when things seemed hopeless and as a result, she ended up becoming one of the great genius of the world she lives in. She's the kind of person you wanna root for and want to celebrate whenever she does get a win.
She basically said "no, I'm not gonna let the fact that the entire world is working against me keep me down!"
Aggie, from Paranorman
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This one is just fascinating.
A young girl who ended up receiving punishment for something completely out of her control and decided to take revenge by dishing out 100 times more punishment to her offenders.
Aggie is amazing because she represents the pain and suffering of prejudice as well as its futility. She shows that in its basic form, mindless hate is just a force of destruction that does nothing but break and corrupt, taking over you and molding you into becoming something you never wanted to be, and even worse, spreading it to others.
She's the embodiment of so many powerful themes and messages while still at the end of the day being just a simple little girl, one that got hurt by the world and now is doing all she can to show how that pain can affect you and those around you.
Momiji, from Good Luck Girl
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My all-time favorite mentor character. I like how she represents one of the most important parts about the process of teaching and guiding someone, that being the frustration of teaching someone who doesn't want to be taught.
Even though the girl she's trying to help doesn't give a damn about her, Momiji still continues to stay by her side and helped her realize what she's missing by living life the way she's living, and what she could gain in return.
She's the best mentor because she's the mentor that doesn't give up on her student or gives up on the lesson she's trying to teach while also not caring too much about being appreciated, and just caring about doing her job.
Michi, from Even if you don't do it
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Michi is the character that teaches the importance of loving yourself just as much as you love others.
For the longest time, she assumed that being happy was about trying to accept others and their needs while keeping inside her own needs and her own wishes of happiness.
She assumed that all the things that kept bothering her weren't worth thinking about it because she never felt her problems were important or big enough to be actually dealt with, and only after a long time of piling these things up was that she realized... She wasn't happy, and more than that, she had the right to be happy, even if that meant saying "no" to what other people asked of her.
I feel like this is such an important theme to talk about, the idea of remembering you matter just as everyone else and your needs matter just as everyone's needs, and watching her journey as she realizes that and finally manages to find peace in her life felt extremely satisfying.
And that's about it, I think. Hope you have a great International Women's day!
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johannepetereric · 1 year
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"There's no sorrow in your heart."
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2015mai24 · 2 years
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mastacell · 9 months
Too Much At Once! Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation Season 2 Episode 9 Review
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wikiablogger · 2 years
Nanahoshi's Mansion
Nanahoshi's Mansion is the
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legsandassman · 28 days
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animepopheart · 7 months
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★ 【WangZA】 「 今天是什么日子? 」 ☆ ⊳ shizuka // mushoku tensei ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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orveez · 4 months
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kimisute!!!! yippeee!!!!!!
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vocaloid-tunes · 5 months
Rubik's Cube | Nanahoshi Kangengakudan feat. Hatsune Miku
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axtreaa · 8 months
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mvvocaloidgifs · 7 months
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Why I like Nanahoshi
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As I go through my list of favorite fictional characters I keep finding myself surprised by what it is about each of them that makes me like them so much.
I was surprised that the reason I liked Xanatos was due to his cheerfulness, or that I like Bill Cipher from the way they take advantage that he is an animated fictional villain, by Catra being a combination of various things I like merged into one, or even Rachel's simple but really intriguing motivation.
The reason to like a character honestly can be anything. You may like them because of the way they talk, or their design, their goals and ambitions, their backstory, and so on.
When it comes to Nanahoshi, I find that I really like her due to what an interesting twist on the concept of Isekais she represents.
(Warning! This will be a long one... I kinda go on a rant.)
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For those who are unaware, "Isekai" is a term that is related to stories about a character going from one world to another, usually a magical world, where the fun is in seeing how someone from planet Earth manages to finally live the dream of most kids, that being, entering a fantasy adventure like the ones we used to watch in cartoons, play in games, or read on books.
Stuff like Owl House, Amphibia, Konosuba, Reincarnated as a Slime, Sword Art Online, Alice in Wonderland, and of course, Jobless Reincarnation. The idea is usually some form of escapism that allows you to get out of your boring daily life and enter an environment where all the skills and knowledge that were until now basically useless are now incredibly relevant and turn you into some sort of superhero or at least give you some form of advantage over the new place you're going to go.
I have a love/hate relationship with Isekais. I really like the idea of basically entering a fantasy story while knowing all I know about fantasy story tropes and seeing how things turn out... But I have gained a really big personal problem with this concept over the years, and it can basically be summed up in this line:
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"He should be rewarded for his bad life..."
Over the years Isekai stories have basically turned into power fantasies where the idea isn't to explore a new world, it's to allow someone who never did anything special to suddenly become special.
There are so many stories where the premise is basically "You're in a new world with infinite magic! Or infinite ammo! Or infinite strength! Or infinite money! Infinite whatever, and now, every attractive person wants to marry you, every evil person is jealous of you, and every nice person wants to spoil you!"
Isekais have basically turned into "It's your turn now to be happy!" stories, where the goal is to convince the audience that the main character deserves to be praised by giving out the most bare bones of reasons. maybe their parents died, or maybe they never had a girlfriend, or maybe they sacrificed themselves to save someone from being hit by a car.
The overall goal is to make you believe they earn all the praise they're receiving... And I... freaking hate that mentality.
If you read a few of my posts from my list, you should know I just adore seeing a character's relationship with different forms of struggle. I love, love, love watching people being challenged and put to the test to see how they will overcome their hardships so that when they finally do it I can shout "You son of a b*tch! You did it!!"
I like seeing people earn their victories, and I like learning how they do it so that it can inspire me to do the same with my personal challenges... Which is why it annoys me to no end that so many Isekai stories are about just handing over victories on a silver platter.
They have basically turned into entitlement stories. "You've been a good boy in your old life, so now you're entitled to a new life of luxury!" it's the message I get from them most of the time. No struggle, no challenges, here is your reward because we gave some bullsh*t reason to justify that you earned it.
You're basically taking away one of the most vital components of storytelling, the goddamn conflict!
If there is no wall to overcome, the victory of the main character ends up feeling hollow.
But whatever… What the heck does any of that has to do with Nanahoshi?
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To put it simply, she was the one that taught me all that.
Her story is basically a very clever twist on the trope of Isekai power fantasy.
For starters, she doesn't get superpowers after going to a new world. She actually becomes the only person unable to use any form of magic, which means her life has turned into a never-ending minefield where anyone can just destroy her if she ever gets careless.
There is also the fact that she doesn't like this new world. She actually had a boyfriend and a family that she lost because of the transfer and now all she can think about is how to get back.
And to top it all off, she finds out that she's dying as her body doesn't have the means to handle the atmosphere of this new world like the rest of its residents, and hardly anyone knows how to help her out because it's a problem they never had before.
But it doesn't even stop there, because while has to deal with all that, one of her best friends, another human from Earth that also came to this new world, did get a body that can handle magic, much more magic than the common citizen no less, so he ended up becoming a very famous figure known for defeating many monsters and saving dozens of lives, basically regarded as a genius.
Nanahoshi is so tragic because, aside from all these hardships, she still has to constantly look at what she could have been, an invincible hero in a fantasy world. But instead, she ended up as someone that everyone has to take care of at all times due to how fragile she is.
It's such an interesting setup. You go to another world, but instead of living the dream, everything just becomes worse. It gets to a point where just simply eating a nice meal becomes the highlight of her day because everything else is just so miserable.
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All this girl wants is to go home and stay safe and yet she's constantly going through so much.
There is a chapter in particular in the novel that just destroyed me where she breaks down crying about all the things she had been enduring since she arrived, all the things she misses from her world, and just how jealous she is of her friend for having the most perfect life one could ask while she doesn't even know if she will make it to the next day.
I love Nanahoshi because she taught me the value of struggles in storytelling. Struggles are a great way to get you invested and to get you to relate with a character, after all, who doesn't have struggles in life?
Her story is so interesting, and to me, so inspiring that it even got me to make my own novel, where the premise is focused on a girl trying to get home from a fantasy world and all the hardships she faces and the psychological pressure she endures.
The actual novel of "Jobless Reincarnation" itself I have some very mixed feelings on... But the character of Nanahoshi is someone that means a lot to me.
I love her journey trying to deal with the challenges of this world and getting back home, I love her premise of being a twist on the concept of a power fantasy isekai, I love what she represents with the idea of never giving up even when things seem at their worst, I love what she teaches not only to me as a writer for the importance of struggle in a story but as a person for learning to respect the hardships of others...
I just love her! Nanahoshi is awesome!
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Favorite character list>>
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milkyerinys · 8 months
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look at my lawyer dawg im going to jail 😭
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cervidaecorpse · 1 month
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Sorry, command "character_coming_out_of_the_monitor_with_suggestive_implications" was not recognised.
Innitiate defence: "invasion_of_the_smol".
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