#nanami was his older brother his father his mentor his friend
haikyooot · 3 years
emi ur tags on that reblog how could u make me this sad klsjflsjdf GOD
because gege created nanami 😭 and made him that way.
someone who saw how corrupt and low the average human could get, but didn't become nihilistic...saw how there was good in the world, but didn't try to hide himself under those comforts. he could have ran, he could have abandoned it all and sought simplicity. he said he hated it all, but did everything and more anyway. just one man lost and forgotten in the fabrics of time. a good man who did what he could to preserve the good he saw in the world. he's the one and only.
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pcvensies · 3 years
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*.• Si vis amari.
I. The Moon.
in which 18 year old gojo satoru is left in charge of 6 year old fushiguro megumi, with the help of 17 year old nanami suki (oc).
word count: 2180
0. Prologue | II. The Sun
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Suki listened from the kitchen, as the white haired boy explained the story to her brother, sat at the dining table.
The kid, Fushiguro Megumi as he had explained, waited patiently for his dinner in the living room, watching TV with fake interest, ears fixed on the conversation that was taking place in the other room.
The blonde girl poured the boiling water in the pan, hard noodles floating on it, and she turned around to the boys, lower back resting against the kitchen.
Satoru looked at her, trying to decipher her expression, while Kento simply sighed, rubbing his temples with his index fingers.
“So you killed a man, and he put his kid’s life in your hands to, what? Mentor him?”, the blonde asked, as his sister remained quiet.
Suki disconnected from their conversation, trying to process everything she had heard. The Zenin’s were not good people, that she knew. And if that kid’s father had denied them, and dirtied their name, Fushiguro wasn’t safe with them. But why put the responsibility on Gojo? Wasn’t that man meant to kill him?
She sighed softly, humming as she turned around and stirred the noodles, adding a small packet of spices on top.
Fushiguro Toji. She was sure she had heard it before, somewhere. Perhaps in class, or training with the older students? She couldn’t remember. But if his death wish had been for Gojo to protect his kid, it was to respect, right? As crazy as it was. But would the kid be actually safe? Was an eighteen year old the best option to raise a kid? Eighteen year old Gojo Satoru, of all eighteen year olds?
However, the question that mattered the most to her was why now. From what he had said, Fushiguro senior had died a year or so ago. Why take the kid now? What had been the inflexion point?
“Dinner’s ready”, she finally said.
Gojo frowned, eyes back on her. He couldn’t hear any kind of emotion through her voice. He had no idea what she was thinking, and it angered him. Suki always had had that ability, to turn it off and simply don’t feel, to hide her thoughts.
Kento got up from his chair, getting two plates, one for the kid and one for the white haired boy, and Suki walked to the living room.
“Eavesdropping is bad education, you know?”.
The kid looked at her with a plain expression, and the blonde girl sighed, waiting for him to walk to the kitchen. The kid sat next to Kento, and in front of Satoru. Suki took the plates that had been left next to the stove, and served two rations, handing one to the kid, and another to Gojo, who looked up at her with an eyebrow raised.
Nanami simply rolled her eyes, her hand on the back of his head turning it to look at the plate, a silent sign for him to just eat. She could tell he hadn't had dinner either.
Kento looked at his sister with that look, and Sue sighed softly, looking back at him with that other look. To the boys, it didn’t mean anything, but the Nanami’s were having a conversation just with their eyes.
“So…”, the girl cleared her throat, moving her eyes from her brother to Satoru, “Are you taking him to the school tonight? To sleep, I mean”.
“Not sure how our dear sensei would react to that. I’ll figure something out”, he said unimportantly, looking at the kid, “Pretty sure I can find somewhere for him to stay until I know how to tell Yaga about him”.
Satoru didn’t really want to have that talk, if he was honest. He knew what Yaga would say already, and it wasn’t something he wanted to hear. In fact, Kento had also said what he thought he would: that it was crazy, and irresponsible. But Suki, she hadn’t said anything. Her behavior around the kid was careful, with respect, but informal.
If he didn’t know her, he’d say she was angry. But it was something else, he just couldn't put his finger on it.
“He can stay here tonight. And you should too”.
He looked at the girl, then at Kento, and chuckled softly.
“You worried we’ll end up sleeping in the streets, Nanami?”.
“No. I’m worried you’ll end up dead in a ditch, and him with the Zenin’s. Plus, it’s Christmas vacation, tell Yaga you’re celebrating with us and will go around just to train”.
“I can defend myself quite right, thank you, I don’t need—”.
The sound of Suki’s punch hitting the table silenced the boy, and the blonde girl sighed softly, calmly even, closing her eyes and opening them slowly.
“I wasn’t asking, Satoru”.
The white haired man clenched his fists under the table, looking at the short girl with a serious face. Kento looked at her too, eyes opened with surprise at the sudden first name usage from his sister, and her very clear (to him, at least) worry.
“Fuck off, Suki”, the blue eyed boy said, getting up, and looking at her. But his expression soon changed, and he chuckled softly. “I’m sleeping with Nanamin, ‘cause that attitude you have today? Huh-uh, no thanks”.
Suki’s face changed at his words too, a smile cracking up as she rolled her eyes, and picked up the now empty plates, as her brother turned to the white haired boy.
“Excuse me, no, the hell you’re not. You get the carpet, and because I feel bad enough for you already”.
“Nanamin… don’t argue with me, not in front of the kid…”, the boy replied, pouting at Kento, and the blonde rolled his eyes, a small smile plastered on his face.
Suki left both plates at the sink, and told the two boys to go look for a movie to watch. They both looked at her, then at each other, then at the kid, and nodded understandably.
Megumi was annoyed. He didn’t want to be there, he wanted to go away and get as far away from that white haired tall baby as he could. Gojo was loud, extra, and incredibly annoying. He didn’t need Gojo to take care of him, nor whoever Yaga was. But something about the twins, Suki and Kento, made Gojo a little less annoying.
They didn’t look at him with utter admiration like the people on the streets did, girls and boys turning their heads his way and Megumi’s. They spoke to him like he was just another person, ignoring any kind of honorifics or respect, even when they seemed to be younger.
“He can be really stubborn when he wants, right?”.
The girl spoke, and Megumi looked her way, his blank expression never changing.
“Not much of a talker, huh? It’s okay, silence is okay with me”.
She gave him a sweet smile, and started cleaning the dishes, her back to the kid. She hummed a little song as she did, and Megumi felt his eyes start to get heavy, some silence finally forming around him. He hadn’t realised how tired he actually was until now, arms warm and stomach full.
He looked around slowly, eyes landing on various pictures displayed on the cabinets and bookshelves. Lots of pictures of the twins, from when they were his age, to their tenth birthday, to them now. A picture in which he could recognise Gojo, with another two girls and another boy seemed to be hidden behind a flowerpot.
“Do you want to go to sleep now, or later, Fushiguro?”, the girl asked, and he shrugged, trying to hold a yawn, “You can have my bed, and I’ll take the couch. Kento will lend you some old pyjamas to sleep on, too, and you can go to sleep or come watch the movie with us, okay? Your choice”.
She seemed like a genuinely cool person to the kid. She didn’t let Gojo’s arrogance put her down, nor did she allow him to let it get over his head. She spoke surely, without any shame to take charge of the situation.
But she wasn’t scary, or rude. Not even cold. At the same time, she seemed sweet. Allowing him to choose for himself, lending her room, and not forcing him to talk. There wasn’t a trace of condescension on her voice as she spoke to him neither, having a conversation like she would with anyone her age.
When she finished the dishes, she picked a glass from a cabinet, and filled it with water.
Megumi followed her around the apartment, his school backpack hanging from his shoulder, the sweater she had given him now folded in his arms.
Suki’s room wasn’t very big, but it was cool. She had Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling all over the room, and a long desk, between the window and the bed, with lots of books and a computer. There were also many little plants around, and a big mirror next to the window, framed with many polaroids of her and her brother and friends, but also of plants, street animals, and sunsets.
One of the walls was the color of wine, as were the bed sheets and the windowsill, and the other three were covered in lots of posters and more pictures. There were even some plants and vinyls hanging from the walls.
“Okay, wait here”, she interrupted the silence, as Megumi continued to explore with his eyes.
The closet was inside the wall, white wooden doors contrasting against the dark paint, as were the bedframe and the desk.
“Here”, she said as she came back, handing him the small pyjamas, and leaving the glass of water in the nightstand, “When you’re ready, you can sleep or come with us, in the living-room, okay?”.
The dark haired kid nodded, taking the things from her hands and sitting in the corner of the bed, still looking around the walls, reading the posters.
“If you need anything, just call me, alright?”.
He nodded again, and Suki gave him a little smile, and turned around to leave the room, already regretting allowing the boys to choose the movie, when the kid finally answered:
“Thank you, Nanami-chan”.
( . . . )
“God, that was scary”, Kento complained, picking up the empty soda cans from the table as Suki turned off the TV, stretching out on the couch, as Satoru´s head rested on her shoulder, “I can’t believe he fell asleep with your yelling”.
Suki chuckled softly, shaking the man next to her as her brother walked to the kitchen to throw everything away, then went to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Gojo groaned, sitting up and yawning, and rubbed his eyes.
“You cool?”, the girl asked, and the blue eyed boy nodded, giving her a smile as he rested his head back on the couch, facing the ceiling.
“Long ass day, it’s tiring always being the coolest person in the room”.
Suki chuckled, getting up, and Satoru pouted at the sudden cold by his side. The girl walked to the bookshelf, picking up a copy of Verne’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, and opening it to reveal a small box of cigarettes.
The white haired boy chuckled at her, sunglasses slipping down the bridge of his nose, and Suki sent him a serious look, not wanting her brother to hear.
She walked to a glass door, moonlight coming through it and lighting up the room, and she opened it with one hand, as she lit the cigarette with the other. Gojo watched her silently, her small frame walking out to the small balcony.
Suki was a confusing person to most of the people, but she was pretty easy to read once she opened up. Satoru knew she was worried, he had finally realised what the emotion was when she sat next to him for the movie, allowing him to rest his head on her shoulder. She could tell he was tired.
“Are you okay, ‘toru?”.
Her voice hung on the room for a minute, Gojo’s heart jumping at the first name basis again. She knew he wasn’t, and she was giving him the chance to talk about it by asking directly.
But he wasn’t ready, not yet.
The boy got up from his comfortable place on the couch, and walked slowly to the balcony. Suki was sitting on the floor, legs hanging outside of the surface between the handstand’s bars. Gojo settled next to her, legs crossed and blue eyes locked on the moon, as he held his weight with his arms behind his body.
His fingertips brushed against the girl’s, and he looked down at her. The blonde girl was looking up too, but not at the moon. Her honey eyes squinted lightly, trying to distinguish the stars.
She wasn’t the biggest fan of physical touch, he knew, so he left his hand there, allowing her to make whatever next move she pleased.
Gojo smiled at the weight of her head against his shoulder, just like he had done before, acknowledging the trust Suki had on him, and her intention of supporting him.
She was like that sometimes, she never made anyone speak, or tell her what they didn’t want to word out. She simply offered her presence, and a pure, genuine understanding.
“You cool?”, asked the boy this time, eyes fixed back on the sky.
“Very. Stars look better from this angle, just that”.
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n/a: does anyone want to be on the taglist for when i post ?? idek if anyone actually likes this but yeah if u wanna be tagged on updates, lemme know! <3
also anything related to this fic will be posted on #sivisamare.lulu so i can keep things organised!! check it out for suki’s fc and me making memes of my own fic hehe :)
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grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
Ubuyashiki Sora's Contacts
Lucifer - The Sir (Sora thinks she's funny, Lucifer would prefer it if she just used his named in her contacts.)
Mammon - Weirdo (He's a weirdo, no two ways about it.)
Leviathan - Player One (She thought it was unique.)
Satan - Sweater Dude (She refused to use his name for the first three weeks. Refused.)
Asmodeus - Fashion Police (Asmo snorted once when she used he term, Sora has hung onto it ever since.)
Beelzebub - The Giant (Sora is ninety pounds of spite, motherly affection, and hair-brained ideas. She also recognizes the fact that Beel could squash her like an ant... Not so much with his brothers.)
Belphegor - ...Of TERROR! (Her idea of a joke. Belphegor was just glad she didn't go with 'Snugglebug'.)
Diavolo - Tormenter (ALL of the Ubuyashiki siblings has some beef with Diavolo. Sora's is more playful once everything is resolved, her siblings? Not so much.)
Barbatos - The Collaborator (However, Sora is the only one who has a rap sheet with Barbatos. It's more comical than anything though.)
Luke - New Little Brother (Didn't even think. The moment the boy gave her his number, this was the name already in the name bar. She was possessed by a higher being. It was meant to be. He got adorably huffy for several hours.)
Simeon - Christopher Peugeot (He's not living it down, plus she likes to see Leviathan absolutely freak the fuck out everytime he catches sight of the name.)
Solomon - The Sorcerer (Solomon set it himself, she can't change it. Period. It amuses him.)
Diana Hambleton - Witchy Apprentice (Set by Solomon alongside his own contact information. Diana gets twitchy whenever it's brought up, mostly because Solomon is set as 'Beloved Mentor' in her contacts. She hates him.)
Spade Hambleton - Time Traveling Cat Husband (Again, Solomon set the contact name. She can't change it, Mammon's convinced she has a thing for him because of the 'Cat Husband' moniker. Sora doesn't even have the Goddamn context for three fourths of his name.)
Eirny Hambleton - Emergency Contact??? (Diana's supposed half-sister, married to a vampire named Bridget, and is apparently a Hunter. Honestly, Sora has no fucking clue. The woman has only called to tell her that she was the one responsible for looking over her siblings, which she appreciates, but there was a lot of screaming involving 'Useless Hotel Managers', 'Tea Parties', and 'Goddamnit Rupert!' in the background.)
Bridget - Teacup Lady (All Sora knows about this woman is that Satan owes her half a dozen favors over a priceless tea set, and that she might be the vampire Eirny's married to.)
Marchosias - Sias (Marchosias's general preference when it comes to nicknames.)
Phenex - Bane Of My Existence (The brother's all have Phenex listed as some sort of expletive, alongside Mephistopheles, Sora's... Nice enough to just be slightly insulting.)
Mio - Cuzzo (This is in english, Mio set it, Sora is eternally confused as to why, it's not a word. She doesn't understand it's use.)
Yuzuru - Bargain Buddy (A store once owed them two hundred dollars.)
Nagisa - Nagi (The only one who insisted on his own nickname.)
Minato - Mina (Woefully resigned.)
Rukia - Ruki (Besides thinking it a bit boyish, Rukia's actually okay with this.)
Asuka - Asu-chan (Asuka endeavors to change this nickname at some point. Until then, she's stuck with it.(
Yachiko - Yachi (It was mandatory! She's her little sister.)
Yaeko - Yae (Again, mandatory, all of her other siblings have nicknames in her phone and real life, it is a decree.)
Yasuo - Yasu (Same as his triplets. He's slightly more indigent about it though.)
Reiji - Rei (Still kept out of habit, old childhood nickname from when Sora could only pronounce half of his name.)
Iwata Mamoru - Secret Mother (Childhood friend, bit of a mother hen, which... is kind of justified considering the fact that he saw Sora nearly die the first time they met as kids. Utterly confused by the entire demon situation. Is a year older then her and Reiji. One of the potential guys Sora is probably dating whenever any of her other siblings end up in the Devildom. And yes. Sora still gets caught up in otome shenanigans, demons or no.)
Yamasaki Kishiko - Reiji's Fling (She gets pissed off whenever this name is brought up. Reiji's current girlfriend. Two years older than her and Reiji.)
Kasamatsu Jun - Bitch Baby (He pissed her off shortly before she got booted to the Devildom. The other childhood friend, and one of the other potential guys Sora is probably dating when she isn't involved with the Devildom.)
Akiyama Takeshi - Mamoru's Guy??? (Demonology expert, involved with the same organization Allegra and Luka are apart of. Met Mamoru at a coffee shop by 'accident', knows Solomon. Somehow. He owes Diana several thousand Grim, only in her phone in the timelines where she or Mio weren't the ones sent to the Devildom.)
Igarashi Shiori - Quiet Neighbor (One of the Ubuyashiki's next door neighbors, incredibly quiet and reserved. One of the people Sora might be dating in the alternate timelines.)
Igarashi Nanami - Loud Neighbor (One of the Ubuyashiki's next door neighbors, is the younger sister of Shiori and incredibly outgoing.)
Allegra Berlusconi - Girl With A Gun (Held her at gunpoint before giving her her contact information, a normally very cheerful, and somewhat naive, beyond that though. Has fierce conviction, and kind of squeezes Luke half to death when the first meet. Grew up with Luka Bianchi. An exorcist.)
Luka Bianchi - Exorcist (The young man in charge of Sora's neighborhood church, is only in her phone during the timelines where one of her siblings is the one in the Devildom. Is actually an exorcist from an organization, and is officially ordained. He and Allegra are noted to be romantically involved.)
Ubuyashiki Takeru - Father (The Ubuyashiki siblings father, a small time business man. He sports black hair and grey eyes.)
Ubuyashiki Ushio - Mother (The Ubuyashiki siblings mother. A red head with a fiery personality to match, and has dark purple eyes. An actress of some fame.)
Urisha 'Uri' Matthews - Cockroach (Personally set, an inside joke apparently. The nineteen year old half-human daughter of Dantalion, and heavily favors her mother in pretty much everything but hair color, and a supposed wannabe 'recruit' of Solomon's. Mostly a self-taught witch. Was almost the second exchange student before Diavolo found that Lilith still had living descendants. Trying to float under the radar until Luka calls in a favor in all timelines and she gets dragged into the story during season three. Has four pacts with preexisting demons, those being of Sitri, Gremory, Oriax, and Marchosias.)
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