theuninck · 4 days
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Nanothermite Dust by Jan Theuninck, 2024
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collapsedsquid · 1 year
Going back in time to give nanothermite to the weather underground so they can stop the world trade center from ever having been completed.
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world-of-news · 5 months
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turniok · 1 year
🤯💥 9/11-Verschwörung aufgedeckt 💥1- Es waren Nanothermite in den Trümmern
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stuartbramhall · 5 years
Making Sense of 9-11
Making Sense of 9-11
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Solving 9-11: The Original Articles, Volume II
By Christopher Bollyn (2019)
Book Review
Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn makes a very strong case (the first that really makes sense to me) that 9-11 was primarily orchestrated by Israeli intelligence, via dozens of commercial enterprises they have established in the US. Assisting them in the conspiracy and coverup were various Bush…
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depressocafe · 4 years
I went through Hell to get these pics but whatever. Here they are. All the other realities and people Honerva destroyed when she destroyed the other reality strands.
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This looks to be the planet Rolo, Nyma, and Beezer faked a distress signal on so they could steal a voltron lion. It was home to Centaur like aliens. Probably killed by Zarkon.
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And what's interesting about this one is that this appears to be the planet in which the Haggar, Zarkon, and the Druids first tested the Komar on.
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Judging by the buildings this is probably the city pidge (Katie Holt) went to in search of the unilu that sold Nanothermite Titanium Boron so she could find her brother in the episode, reunion.
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This appears to possibility be the mermaid planet Lance and Hunk crashed on however the aliens appear rather different. Evolution maybe or perhaps this is a different water planet.
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A cheerful family having a picnic.
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An Olkari enjoying a good book.
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Kinda blurry I know but what interests me about this one is that we saw this planet before as well, but it had a very different race living in it. The planet was liberated from the galra by Lance, Hunk, and the blade of Marmora. In the reality we follow it was inhabited by dark skinned and fluffy eared aliens.
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Two lovers enjoying a day together.
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The aliens voltron saved from Morvok enjoy music and dancing with one another.
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This one is bright and I'm sorry for that. There's a much clearer picture on the internet that you can find very easily. It's a family enjoying the day together at a fair.
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mcdirtywork-blog · 7 years
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1 of the ULTRA resilient "tube in a tube", grade-A structual steel interior columns and exoskeleton of the Wtc towers being constructed in 1967. What any freshman physics student will tell you is essentially a giant pressurized aluminum beer can with wings (a jumbo jet) could fly right through exactly 1 sq. acre of grade-A structual steel coming right out the other side of the building as we've seen on television replayed so many times, let alone leaving a signature "Road Runner crashed through the wall on Looney Tunes" cut out. #nanothermite #iamthefaceoftruth #abeldanger #fieldmcconnell #christopherbollyn #bollyn #pilotsfor911truth #scholarsfor911truth #ae911truthers #rebekahroth #methodicalillusion #methodicaldeception #methodicalconclusion #keno'keefe #davidicketour
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korrektheiten · 3 years
Der rauchende Colt
Compact: Stürzten die Twin Towers nicht wegen der Flugzeugeinschläge zusammen, sondern weil sie gesprengt wurden? Wissenschaftler haben in den Trümmern den Explosivstoff Nanothermit gefunden. Dieser Artikel erschien im COMPACT-Spezial 31: „9/11 – Der Putsch des Tiefen Staates“. http://dlvr.it/S7MvRy
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butteredonions · 7 years
Voltron Terminology: Season Three
A list of places, objects, phrases, and new characters introduced in Season Three. All spelling is from the subtitles. Might be missing one or two. Good luck, content creators!
Puig – saved by Lance and Hunk in s3ep1, attacked again later by the Galra General Ladies. Call themselves the Puigians. Ulippa System – Throk is transferred out here. The planet/system has ice worms. Va’Kar quadrant – the Paladins set a course to this place during their search for Lotor and the comet. Planet Kythra – a tribal desert people, featuring the same large feathered ears as the aliens who rescued Matt. Pronounced “keeth-ra”. Tando people – live in the Valurian quadrant, and wear flappy loose pants. Paglium quadrant – the yellow and blue lions were spotted here between season two and three. Planet Thayserix – planet made of dense gases with unusual magnetic poles that cancel the sensors. Atmosphere has areas full of Red Syntian Nitrate, which is a highly combustible gas that goes BOOM when you shoot through it with “amplified emissions of light.” (In summary: lasers bad. Ice guns okay.) Daibazaal - original home of the Galra. The comet that Voltron was made from crashed here. Rygnirath - home of the original Yellow Paladin, Gyrgan the Dalterion Belt - home of the original Green Paladin, Trigel Nalquod - home of the original Blue Paladin, Blaytz
Terms and Objects
Red Syntian Nitrate – a highly combustible gas found in parts of Thayserix’s atmosphere. See above. Skort pantaloons – flappy loose pants traditionally worn by the Tando people. Bogwaggle-cape – can be trained to sing theme songs. Coran had one back in the day. Nanothermite titanium-boron – the bomb that broke Matt out of galra prison Tel-Galax exploration shuttle – one of King Alfor’s deep space vessels. The team come upon it half-suspended between realities. Note: This ship in particular is Commodore Trayling’s ship. Non-cogs – a term used by trans-reality Alteans that refers to people controlled by the hokril. Hokril – a device that plugs directly into one’s brain via the back of the skull. This device saps the fighting force from a person – from “enemies”. Used by the trans-reality Alteans to bring “peace”. Klygarg – a computer or database of some sort. Transmissions can be logged on this device, which needs a password to activate.
Note: the comet that Voltron was made from, as well as Lotor’s new battle-ship, is never specified by name. The ship (and Voltron) are said to be made from the “ore” produced by the comet – but the comet itself currently has no specified name.
By King Groggery the Infirm! – used by Coran as an exclamation. Fun fact: King Groggery the Infirm is also on the Altean currency that Coran tries to bribe the mall-directory!Unilu with in Space Mall (Season 2.7). By the ancients – another one of Coran’s exclamations. Hold your gazurgas, everyone! – thank you, Coran. And I’m the Phoblan of Gargalax – Shiro’s taller captor uses this as a sarcastic statement of disbelief, similar to “sure, and I’m the King of France.” By willow! – Gyrgan exclaims this at least twice.
Guns of Gamara – really, Sven?
Lotor’s Generals Ezor – awesome. ‘ribbon-hair’ Galra Narti – blind with a kitty. Also has tail. Zethrid – big fluffy ears. Always down to fight. Acxa – the Galra Keith met in the weblum. Note: the subtitles spell her name differently almost every time.
Original Paladins Zarkon, from planet Daibazaal – original Black Paladin King Alfor, from planet Altea – original Red Paladin Gyrgan, from Rygnirath – original Yellow Paladin Trigel, from the Dalterion Belt – original Green Paladin Blaytz, from Nalquod – original Blue Paladin
Miscellaneous Commander Throk – attempts to undermine Lotor Commander Trayling - was in charge of the exploration shuttle the Paladins discover. Sven – ………. General Hira – the pink-haired Altean met in the trans-reality. Refers to Allura as ‘Empress.’ Her companion with the spectacles is never named. Moxilous – a “non-cog” controlled by the Alteans in the trans-reality Vakala – tiny alien on the ice planet fake!Shiro/Kuron lands on. Their companion, the larger alien, is not named. Subject Y0XT39 – approved for use in Operation Kuron. Note: Shiro’s fugitive number is 117-9875. (Season 1.10) General Raht – assigned by Haggar to keep an eye on Prince Lotor. Honerva – Haggar’s original name Kova – Honerva’s cat. Same species as the cat that Narti uses to see through – possibly the same cat? Maybe season 4 will tell us.
Go forth and create!
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---Prof Dr Niels Harrit about nanothermite on 9-_11 - YouTube from Gregory Hunter on Vimeo.
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verschwoerer · 4 years
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Thermit / Nanothermit .. schon mal gehört davon?
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La Lune
Read it on Ao3 | Read it on FFN
It’s a long flight back to Olkarion. And both Pidge and Matt have questions they’re not sure if they’re ready to ask.
“Hey, Matt?”
“You have a grave.”
Matt, in the back of the Green Lion’s cockpit, studying the Lion’s mechanics in fascination, froze, turning to look at his sister in shock. She refused to meet his eyes, instead staring stubbornly ahead of her, her gaze locked on the view of the cosmos outside the lion.
It was in the way she said it; the way her voice quivered almost imperceptibly, how it almost broke on that last word, how there was an entire world contained in that single word, how it only barely covered up the sea of emotion she was trying to restrain.
“You…saw that?”
“It’s where your transponder code lead.” Again, there was a sea of unspoken words in that simple sentence, a story of desperation and heartbreak and tenuous hope.
“Oh, Pidge—”
“I noticed your birthday was wrong,” she continued, “and I was able to decode it to find your coordinates. I’m glad I had a copy of the book with me, or otherwise—” Her voice broke.
“Pidge, I am so sorry,” he murmured, coming over to stand beside her. He reached out to put a hand on her shoulder, and she relaxed into his touch.
“I’m fine,” she insisted, clearly not fine. “It just…really freaked me out.” She pulled off her helmet to wipe furiously at her eyes.
He sighed and pulled her into a hug; never mind the fact that she had a Lion to pilot, never mind the instruments and the control panel; never mind how cramped the cockpit was with them both trying to squeeze into the confined space. “You shouldn’t have had to see that,” he murmured. He held her tight as she buried her face into his chest, one hand cradling the back of her head.
“Why do you have a grave?” she choked. “What the hell happened that made you need to fake your own death?”
“There were people looking for me,” he murmured. “It was better that I just…disappear.”
“People looking for you,” she echoed.
“I kind of garnered a reputation for myself when I joined the rebels,” he said with a shrug. “Not to mention the fact that I was technically a ‘fugitive prisoner from the empire’ or whatever. There was a bounty on my head. I mean, you saw that first hand.”
“So you pretended to die?”
He sighed. “Wasn’t really my idea, to be honest,” he confessed. He pulled back from the hug, looking intently into the damp eyes of his sister. “I’m so sorry, Pidge.”
She smiled; it was tenuous, small, strained, and did nothing to mask the obvious pain she was in. “I’m fine,” she repeated. “You left coordinates. You left the code on your headstone, with coordinates leading exactly to where you were. I still found you.”
“That was a message for Dad,” Matt replied. “I mean, I’m glad you had the book to decode it, and I’m glad you found me! But yeah; I left that for Dad…so if he came looking for me, he’d know I wasn’t dead, and he’d know where to find me.”
She nodded numbly, pursing her lips, trying to steady her breathing.
His expression was pensive, studying her face intently. “How did you find that?”
“I was just following the trail,” she replied, pulling her legs up into the seat with her to sit cross-legged. “There was the video footage we found, which lead to that weapons dealer who sold the nanothermite titanium boron, who told me where to find Te-osh, and then she gave me your transponder code, which I followed to….” She paused, as if realizing the had started to ramble, before simply finishing, “…there.”
He glanced at her, his voice taking on a hopeful tinge. “You saw Te-osh?”
Pidge gasped, her hands coming up to cover her mouth. “God. Matt…I’m so sorry.”
Everything slowed down around him as the meaning of her words sank in. He deflated, and she reached out to wrap her arms around his torso. After a moment, he returned the hug. And for the third or fourth time since finding each other, they melted back into an embrace.
“I was too late to save her,” Pidge whimpered, so faint that Matt could barely hear her. “I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault,” he insisted hoarsely.
“This is war, Matt. We’re in the middle of a war.” She paused, hiccuping. “I’m in the middle of a war.” His arms tightened around her, holding her close. “I’ll be honest, this isn’t exactly what I was expecting when I left Earth,” she continued, and her hands clenched his cloak. “But here I am.”
“You shouldn’t have to do this.”
“But here I am,” she repeated, pulling away just enough so she could see his face. She gently ran her thumb over the scar on his cheek, and he gave her a sad smile.
“Here we are,” he agreed.
She sniffled, letting go of him to sit up straight in her chair, wiping at her eyes. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she whispered.

“Sorry, I—”
“Don’t you dare say you’re ‘fine’ again.”
She laughed hollowly, tears starting to prickle at her eyes once more. “This is fucked up.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “Yeah it really is.”
They fell back into silence. Matt leaned up against the console beside her, determined to keep her where he could see, refusing to lose sight of her again.
After a long moment, he asked one of the questions that had been burning in his mind. “Do you have any leads on Dad?”
She hesitated before she answered, taking a deep breath. “It was easier to find you,” she confessed. “I had a photograph from before you left, and I was able to run that through a facial recognition program scanning the Galra data servers. I don’t even know where to start for Dad.” She looked over at her brother, her expression sad-yet-hopeful, asking him silently, yet not daring to say the words out loud.
His eyes were downcast. “I haven’t seen him since we were taken,” he whispered. “I have no clue where he is now, or if he’s okay, or….”
Or if he’s even alive.
The words hung unspoken in the air around them.
She steeled herself, deliberately turning her attention back to the starry expanse outside her Lion, tightening her grip on the joysticks of the Lion’s controls. “So we keep looking.”
“You won’t have to do it alone,” he promised. “I’m here. And I’m not going to stop looking for him. We’ll find him together.”
And Shiro.
“I know,” she said flatly, and he caught the disheartened tone that tinged her voice.
It struck him then how much she’d grown, both physically and emotionally. She wasn’t the same little girl that she’d been when he and their dad had left Earth for Kerberos.
She’s too young for all this, he thought hollowly.
And he realized he didn’t even really know how old she was. He didn’t know how long it had been since he left Earth, how long he’d spent in Galra captivity, how long he’d been with the rebels.
He remembered when he first started hearing rumors of Voltron. They’d started as fairytales, an old legend that the prisoners had told. But then they’d gotten more tangible. Confirmed sightings, photographic and videographic evidence (however blurry and unfocused), planets he’d visited that had been liberated, refugees he’d met with who had seen them.
His rebel group had been wanting to establish contact with Voltron for a while now, hoping to forge an alliance. They’d just never been sure how to reach the Paladins. They’d always been a distant intangible ray of hope, that maybe someday….
And now his baby sister was a Paladin.
“We have so much to talk about,” he said with a strained laugh. “But I can think of absolutely nothing to say.”
It was too painful. There were too many wounds they could jostle, too many things they’d locked away, too much that they weren’t sure if they were ready to ask about yet.
“How….” He paused. “How long has it been?”
Pidge hesitated, her fingers jittering against the joysticks. “I don’t know exactly,” she eventually replied. “We have a calendar at the castle that’s synced with Earth; we can check that when we get there.”
“But roughly?”
Another pause, as she counted back the months in her head. “It’s been about a year-and-a-half since you left for Kerberos,” she said. “Maybe closer to two years? I turned fifteen not too long ago.”
She had been thirteen when he and their father had left Earth.
He was a silent for a while. “Two years,” he echoed numbly.
Matt offered her a hesitant smile. “Happy birthday?”
She laughed dryly. “Thanks.”
Fifteen. That answered that. She’s too young for all this, he thought again. She was too young to even enroll at the Garrison, let alone go out to space. Which still begged the question: how had she even gotten out here in the first place? She’d brushed off the question earlier, saying something about how it was a long story, and that she’d explain everything once they’d gotten “back to the castle.”
She’d also brushed aside anything regarding the other Paladins, merely telling him that they were from Earth too, and that he’d be meeting them soon enough. The prospect of seeing other humans excited him; he hadn’t seen any since he’d been separated from Shiro and his dad—which, from what Pidge told him, had to have been over a year ago.
And the last time before that had been before he left Earth, back at the Kerberos launch, when he’d hugged his sister and mother goodbye.
Matt looked up, looking at his sister now, taking in again how much she’d changed since he last saw her. “How’s Mom?”
“I….” Pidge took a shaky breath. “I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since we left Earth, and that was months ago….”
“What did you tell her?”
She almost laughed. “Nothing?”
His expression fell. “What?” he demanded.
“I think about her a lot,” she said, her voice trembling. “I mean. I just left. I didn’t really get a chance to explain anything to her. We found the Lion and then we just…weren’t on Earth anymore. She’s…she’s all alone now. What has she been doing?”
He looked at her in shock, letting her words sink in. “So she has no clue what happened?” he asked. “To me, and to Dad. To you? You didn’t tell her anything?”
She shook her head. “Didn’t exactly have a whole lot of time to prepare before we left.”
He frowned. “Why’s that?”
“It was all just really. Sudden,” she said simply. “I mean, it started off as just another normal day. But then we were on the roof, and the alien radio chatter was going crazy—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. I’m gonna need you to back up.” Matt blinked, his eyebrows furrowing. “The what now?”
“Alien radio chatter,” she repeated. “After…well, after Kerberos, I started scanning the cosmos, looking for any signs as to what might have happened to you.”
He shook his head, an awed smile snaking its way onto his face. “How the hell did you manage that?”
“I used some old tech of yours as a base,” she replied. “Remember, the thing you had that’d let us contact Dad when he was off-planet? I used that as a starting point and just jumped off from there.” She shrugged, as if this was no big deal. “And I started picking up on stuff that definitely wasn’t from humans.”
“And you were getting this from Earth?” He was shocked, mildly appalled. If Pidge had been able to pick up on that stuff from Earth, then the Garrison must have been able to as well. Had they known that there was alien life out there? Alien life that was potentially hostile?
How long might the Garrison have known about the Galra?
Pidge had a grave expression on her face, and Matt realized that she was no stranger to these thoughts. “Yep.”
He closed his eyes, pinching at the bridge of his nose. “Jesus.”
“I swear, I’m gonna punch Iverson in the face,” she muttered.
And despite everything, he laughed. “I would not stop you,” he said. “In fact, I’d probably help you.”
“I can see the headlines now,” she said with a grin. “‘Holt Siblings, Presumed Dead, Beat Up Garrison Commander’.”
He laughed again, and she joined in, the two of them dissolving in a fit of giggles. “We could take him,” Matt said.
“Oh, we so could,” Pidge agreed. She sobered, her laughter tapering out. “It’s good to have you back, Matt.”
He smiled at her fondly. “Good to be back.”
The mood in the cockpit of the Lion had brightened considerably, and Matt relaxed in the comfortable silence.
Something in the Lion shifted, almost as if it were purring, and Pidge sat up a bit straighter. She tapped at her console, pulling up a window showing a starmap with a plotted trajectory course. “We’ll be reaching Olkarion soon,” she announced. She turned to look at him over her shoulder, smiling, and he saw that some of the sparkle had returned to her eyes. “I can’t wait for you to meet everyone.”
Title comes from ‘La Lune’ by Madeon (since Madeon’s music makes up the bulk of my VLD writing playlist, and damn does La Lune fit this story)
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rauthschild · 5 years
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Evidence Proving Saudi Arabia Downed Ukraine Airliner Over Iran With Advanced Nanoweapon Appears Confirmed
By: Sorcha Faal
A heavily redacted highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today appearing to confirm the terrifying warning that “nanoweapons are paving the road to human extinction”, states that victim clothing evidence being examined from the Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737 that caught fire in flight on 8 January shortly after takeoff from the Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA-OIIE) in Iran, show conclusive proof of nanothermite impregnation —thus explaining a fire so intense its crew tried to turn around and bring it back to land, but failed when it exploded in mid-air—is an advanced technology the Government of Canada began examining with their research study titled “Nanomaterials And Their Applications In Textiles”—a study contributed to by Professor Osama Mohsen from the University of Alberta—a Saudi citizen and highly-trained engineer Ph.D. candidate whom the SVR placed on its international watch list in 2018 after Saudi Arabia ordered all of its students to leave Canada, but excluded him from this order—an exclusion believed based upon Professor Mohsen’s knowledge of the shocking nanoweapon advancement made by US scientists at Purdue University in January-2018—an advancement that saw these US scientists using a custom inkjet printer to deposit nanothermite on cloth and other materials—the effects of which saw the nanothermite produced using this process being able to be ignited just as quickly and powerfully as thermites applied in traditional ways—with one of these US scientists stating: “It burns at 2,500 Kelvin [over 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit]…It generates a lot of thrust, a lot of heat, and makes a nice loud shockwave”—which near exactly matches what happened to the Ukrainian airliner that exploded over Iran—an airliner carrying at least 10 faculty, students and alumni from the University of Alberta—two of whom, Pedram Mousavi and Mojgan Daneshmand, would have no fears of wearing clothing items gifted to them by their colleague Professor Mohsen—but who are now among the 63 Canadian citizens killed in this attack—and are Canadian citizens Saudi Arabia had previously threatened to kill in a plane attack—a threat seemingly made good on in the “fog of war” skies over Iran.
Saudi Arabia sends plane catastrophe threat Tweet (above) to the citizens of Canada.
According to the very limited portions of this highly-classified SVR report permitted to be discussed among various Ministries, a nanometer is a billionth of a meter, while a human hair is about 80,000-100,000 nanometers wide—and the manipulation of matter at this scale offers innovative tools to expand the limits of what is possible, allowing for the creation of new materials or the modification of existing ones—as at the nanoscale, the properties of materials can differ fundamentally from their characteristics at the macro scale—for example, despite weighing one-sixth as much as steel, carbon nanotubes are 100 times stronger.
By 2006, this report notes, over 300 consumer products were nanobased—which led to warnings being issued about the dangers of nanotechnology whose full implications of had yet to be assessed—with the greatest concerns being raised over nanobased skin creams and toothpaste, as well as kitchen and clothing items being impregnated with nanosilver to kill bacteria—concerns, however, sidelined the following year when Russia used nanotechnology to develop the world’s most powerful non-nuclear bomb in 2007.
By 2015, this report continues, fearful concerns about the geopolitical consequences of nanotechnology raced to forefront—the most important issues of which were:
Military And Security Potential – Some of the most groundbreaking innovations in the defense industry rely on nano-enabled applications, which span the different phases of military operations. Examples include nanostructures for invisibility cloaks for concealing soldiers, vehicles or weapons; a wide range of smarter and more devastating weapons; and, with the use of carbon nanotubes, lighter and stronger armour and vehicles. Nanotech could also change the future of communications through microscope computers, help develop high-power lasers, or help improve soldiers’ uniforms, by incorporating thermal, chemical and biological sensing systems.
Diplomacy – Nanotech will significantly alter the nature of warfare and weaponry, including nuclear weapons, with inevitable consequences for disarmament diplomacy. The tendency towards increased miniaturization, nanoengineered high-explosives, high performance sensors and many other devices will require new negotiations of standards of arms controls and compliance with international law.
Rather than the world as a whole addressing the military, security and diplomatic implications of nanotechnology, this report points out, every nation has retrenched into its own ideological paradigm while racing forward—such as the United States, whose National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) has been flooded with almost $27 billion in government funding since 2001—and most dangerously, Saudi Arabia, whose King Abdullah Institute for Nanotechnology receives uncounted billions-of-dollars for its secretive nanoweapon and technology research—made dangerous because Saudi Arabia is locked in a Cold War-style stand-off with Iran—a volatile nearing catastrophe fact that for years has seen Iran and Saudi Arabia glowering at each other across the Persian Gulf, like America and the Soviets across the Iron Curtain—with both of them acting out of fear of encirclement, just as the US and the Soviet Union did—thus creating the asymmetrical warfare battleground existing between Iran and Saudi Arabia where nanoweapons have now been introduced to deadly effect.
As previously documented by the Foreign Ministry, this report concludes, President Donald Trump has initiated his “Iranian Chaos Theory Masterplan” to extricate his nation and its military forces from the Middle East before the looming war between Iran and Saudi Arabia unleashes even more unimaginable nanoweapon horrors—a war Iran has just demonstrated in its “missile charade strikes” in Iraq against US bases its ability to hit with pinpoint accuracy any target it chooses—a fearful demonstration of pinpoint accuracy Israel immediately responded to by suddenly revealing its space age laser system to shoot down incoming missiles and declaring “We are entering a new age of energy warfare in the air, land and sea”—thus further proving that those who are expecting a war looking like those of the past, would be better served reading science fiction novels so they can discover what is really going to happen—like Trump did as a child while sitting at the knee of his uncle John G. Trump—one of the smartest men in American history, who was given all of the research done by one of human history’s greatest geniuses Nicola Tesla—and makes explainable why Trump has just created his United States Space Force military branch—as he knows that science fiction has now become science fact.  
President Donald Trump makes “Vision of Light” entrance (above) before speaking to the American people on 8 January 2019—and as one would expect any Space Force Commander to do.
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world-of-news · 1 year
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regal-trigel-blog · 7 years
We will take down the Empire - Verse
Okay! So the basic run down for this verse is that, basically, Trigel managed to avoid being killed by the Empire during Zarkon’s takeover and has been hiding away in the far-off-reaches of the universe. This is were she begins to form her plans, where she starts to build her rebellion. Of course it starts off small with a few of her followers recognizing her as the Original Green Paladin. But overtime, she starts to wear a mask and due to the climate of the planet that her rebellion inhabits/has their base of operations hidden on, her appearance has altered to help her blend in. Therefore many don’t know that she is the First Green Paladin, which is fine by her since she doesn’t need that circulating while they are in the mists of a war. She is very secretive but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care for those who follow her, she never sends them on missions without fully planning all the details. She along with some of their technicians created the nanothermit-titaniumbourn bomb.
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stuartbramhall · 6 years
9-11: Anatomy of a Great Deception
9-11: Anatomy of a Great Deception
9-11: Anatomy of a Great Deception
RT (2017)
Film Review
The first 9-11 Truth documentary I’ve seen on RT, this film takes a unique approach to explaining why 9-11 was an inside job. It’s based on independent filmmaker Dennis Hooper’s 2014 documentary 9/11: Anatomy of a Great Deception.
Hooper was always troubled by the Secret Service failure to evacuate President Bush from the school he was…
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