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nadiasindi · 1 month
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2020cookie · 15 days
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junktex · 10 months
AE911Truth's attorney takes on court's ruling
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americanmysticom · 1 year
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The Triumph of the Official Narrative: 
How the TV Networks Hid the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition on 9/11
Graeme MacQueen and Ted Walter
September 8, 2022
In this article, we shall concentrate not on reporters in the field, as in Part 1, but on the news anchors and their guests who were tasked with discovering and making sense of what was happening. As we trace the supplanting of the explosion hypothesis with the fire-induced collapse hypothesis, we witness the great shift toward what quickly became
the Official ‘Narrative’.
View pdf on CloudDrive: ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS for 9-11 TRUTH https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZWEutVZQJhqgu1Hw2XoepvELMGh1QPLmP4X
[Though the scapegoat is said to be ‘Neocon Zionists’ second only to ‘Radical Muslims’ - the prism of the Globalist Deep State Physical, Financial and Psychological attack on Americans, for the purpose of raping America - puts these confusing and conflicting 'Media Narrative breadcrumbs’ into question.
new details about events that lead up to Sept. 11 and how new pentagon lawsuits show the CIA may have been involved
Col. Tony Shaffer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laiE01XSMes
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lesbian-lemma · 3 years
Just in case anyone's wondering - and I really don't care about conspiracy theories - but it was def an inside job...
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saulsplace · 4 years
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WTC 7 niet ingestort door brand, concludeert studie: ‘Kolommen begaven het vrijwel gelijktijdig’
Wetenschappers van de vooraanstaande Universiteit van Alaska Fairbanks hebben woensdag hun eindrapport naar buiten gebracht over het onderzoek naar WTC 7, dat bij de aanslagen op 11 september 2001 volledig is verwoest.
Zeven jaar na dato oordeelde het Amerikaanse overheidsinstituut NIST dat het gebouw was ingestort als gevolg van kantoorbranden.
De wetenschappers concluderen na vier jaar onderzoek dat WTC 7 op 9/11 niet ingestort kan zijn door brand.
Vrijwel gelijktijdig
WTC 7 is ingestort doordat alle kolommen in het gebouw het vrijwel gelijktijdig begaven, zeggen zij.
“Onze studie laat zien dat de branden in WTC 7 niet kunnen hebben geleid tot de verwoesting [van het gebouw],” zei hoofdonderzoeker Leroy Hulsey.
De studie is gefinancierd door Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), een organisatie waar meer dan 3000 architecten en ingenieurs bij aangesloten zijn.
Nieuw grootschalig onderzoek
“Wij zijn trots dat we de Universiteit van Alaska Fairbanks en professor Hulsey hebben mogen steunen bij het uitvoeren van wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de verwoesting van dit gebouw,” zei oprichter van AE911Truth Richard Gage.
“Het is nu aan de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap, de media en overheidsfunctionarissen om een nieuw grootschalig onderzoek op te starten,” voegde hij toe.
“Wij hopen dat onze bevindingen nauwkeurig bestudeerd zullen worden en leiden tot nieuwe onderzoeken,” zei Hulsey.
Download het eindrapport hier.
Om 21.00 uur is er een presentatie over de onderzoeksresultaten:
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leaslichoma · 2 years
Top 3 pieces of evidence that 9/11 was an inside job
#1: The twin towers were designed to withstand an impact from a Boeing 707
https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/faqs/360-faq-2-were-the-twin-towers-designed-to-withstand-the-impact-of-the-airplanes ; https://youtu.be/YW6mJOqRDI4 ; https://www.chicagotribune.com/nation-world/sns-worldtrade-engineers-story.html
#2: Jet Fuel can’t melt steel beams, nor could the fire they caused weaken the fire-proofed beams enough for total collapse
World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, and 7 are the only known fire-proofed steel frame buildings to have allegedly collapsed due to a fire in history. https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/faqs/649-faq-3-has-there-ever-been-a-total-collapse-of-a-steel-frame-fire-protected-high-rise-besides-world-trade-center-buildings-1-2-and-7 Additionally, if you look at footage of the collapses, the Twin Towers and WTC 7 came down all at once, greatly resembling a controlled demolition.
#3: Somehow, molten steel was found anyway.
A number of witnesses have claimed to witness molten steel or other metals, such as this fire fighter https://youtu.be/cCdRA09pztM . This video seems to show molten metal flowing out a window before the collapse https://youtu.be/OmuzyWC60eE . Here is a list of some witnesses : https://www.ae911truth.org/images/PDFs/Molten_Steel_Witnesses_FINAL_3_14_16_v2.pdf
While I don’t have time to go into every detail and list 7 sources for everything, I hope you find this worthy of consideration, and I encourage you to investigate the matter yourself.
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nadiasindi · 9 days
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beautiful-story · 4 years
Justice Rising | 9/11 in 2020
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know4life · 4 years
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RT @NOIResearch: Definitive VIDEO PROOF that on 9/11 World Trade Center Building #7 was PRE-WIRED for demolition with explosives. Osama Bin Laden and "islam" could not have been involved. @AE911Truth https://t.co/2I1waoWJiG
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americanmysticom · 1 year
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How 36 Reporters Brought Us the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition on 9/11
Ted Walter and Graeme MacQueen
July 8, 2020
The widely held belief that the Twin Towers collapsed as a result of the airplane impacts and the resulting fires is, unbeknownst to most people, a revisionist theory. Among individuals who witnessed the event firsthand, the more prevalent hypothesis was that the Twin Towers had been brought down by massive explosions.
View pdf on CloudDrive: ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS for 9-11 TRUTH https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZWEutVZQJhqgu1Hw2XoepvELMGh1QPLmP4X
[Though the scapegoat is said to be ‘Neocon Zionists’ second only to ‘Radical Muslims’ - the prism of the Globalist Deep State Physical, Financial and Psychological attack on Americans, for the purpose of raping America - puts these confusing and conflicting 'Media Narrative breadcrumbs’ into question.
new details about events that lead up to Sept. 11 and how new pentagon lawsuits show the CIA may have been involved
Col. Tony Shaffer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laiE01XSMes
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verschwoerer · 5 years
Explosives used on 9/11 say commissioners
For the first time ever, an elected body in the United States is stating that it is “beyond any doubt” that explosives – not plane impacts and fires alone – destroyed the three World Trade Center towers on Sept. 11, 2001. 
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Commissioners from the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District, located near Queens, New York, unanimously passed a historic resolution on July 24 that calls for a new investigation into all aspects of 9/11 and which cites “overwhelming evidence” that explosives were planted in all three towers prior to 9/11. The resolution states that the district’s Board of Fire Commissioners “fully supports a comprehensive federal grand jury investigation and prosecution of every crime related to the attacks of September 11…”
“It was a mass murder,” Commissioner Christopher Gioia said in an interview. “Three thousand people were murdered in cold blood.” Gioia, who wrote and introduced the resolution, says the toll on his department from the events of that day has been devastating. Members Thomas J. Hetzel and Robert Evans died at Ground Zero on 9/11. Others, including commissioners Philip Malloy and Joseph Torregrossa, have become ill from exposure to the toxic air during rescue and recovery operations.
“We’re not leaving our brothers behind,” Gioia said. “We’re not forgetting about them. They deserve justice, and we’re going to see that justice is done.”
Ever since a friend alerted him several years ago to the seemingly inexplicable collapse of Building 7, Gioia has poured his passion and time into researching the subject. He found that despite there being only small and isolated fires on just a few floors, the 47-storey building came down symmetrically, into its own footprint, in just under seven seconds on 9/11.
The official investigation into the collapse was conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) — an agency under the U.S. Department of Commerce — which somehow concluded that normal office fires were responsible for the failure of the structure. But the findings of independent 9/11 researchers working with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) later forced NIST to admit that the building came down at free-fall for at least one-third of its seven-second fall. This is something that could only happen if all the supporting columns failed virtually simultaneously. Despite this admission, NIST sticks to its original conclusion.
Gioia decided to take action when he learned that the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry had submitted to Geoffrey Berman, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, a petition containing powerful evidence that contradicts the official 9/11 story. Berman agreed to comply with the law requiring him to impanel a special grand jury to examine this evidence. Although he may not yet have followed through, the Lawyers’ Committee continues to apply pressure.
University study confirms fires not the cause
The fire district resolution is not the only dramatic development on the 9/11 front in recent days and weeks. In March, a joint federal lawsuit was launched against the FBI by AE911Truth, the Lawyers’ Committee, and family members of 9/11 victims. It contends that the agency has failed to perform a congressionally mandated assessment of 9/11 evidence known to it that was not considered by the 9/11 Commission.
And perhaps the most powerful step forward came on Sept. 3 with the long-awaited release of the ground-breaking Building 7 Study (A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7) by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). The four-year study, conducted by Dr. Leroy Hulsey, Ph.D., and two other researchers, is a “finite element analysis” that uses computer modelling based on the original blueprints for the building. Its purpose is to determine whether the official explanation for Building 7’s destruction stands up. It doesn’t.
The executive summary of the study states: “… fires could not have caused weakening or displacement of structural members capable of initiating any of the hypothetical local failures alleged to have triggered the total collapse of the building, nor could any local failures, even if they had occurred, have triggered a sequence of failures that would have resulted in the observed total collapse.”
This leads Hulsey and his colleagues to this: “It is our conclusion based upon these findings that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of all columns in the building and not a progressive collapse involving the sequential failure of columns throughout the building.”
The Hulsey study will be unveiled at events in Fairbanks, Alaska, and Berkeley, California, over the next few days. Comments on the draft study will be welcomed until the end of October, after which a final version will be released.
This is just the latest major move to spread the truth about 9/11 to a much wider public and to get justice for those who died both that day and in the subsequent wars that were launched using 9/11 as justification.
“I would say to anybody who believes in this country that it’s time to make a stand; you can’t let this go,” Gioia says. “Because if they’re going to murder 3,000 people, what are they going to do next?”
For more information on the evidence, see websites of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. Also, see text of the fire district resolution and the Building 7 Study. Craig McKee is an award-winning Montreal journalist who has contributed to numerous publications over the past 30 years. He is a writer for AE911Truth as well as creator of the website Truth and Shadows (truthandshadows.com). https://commonground.ca/explosives-used-on-9-11-say-commissioners/
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mcdirtywork-blog · 7 years
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1 of the ULTRA resilient "tube in a tube", grade-A structual steel interior columns and exoskeleton of the Wtc towers being constructed in 1967. What any freshman physics student will tell you is essentially a giant pressurized aluminum beer can with wings (a jumbo jet) could fly right through exactly 1 sq. acre of grade-A structual steel coming right out the other side of the building as we've seen on television replayed so many times, let alone leaving a signature "Road Runner crashed through the wall on Looney Tunes" cut out. #nanothermite #iamthefaceoftruth #abeldanger #fieldmcconnell #christopherbollyn #bollyn #pilotsfor911truth #scholarsfor911truth #ae911truthers #rebekahroth #methodicalillusion #methodicaldeception #methodicalconclusion #keno'keefe #davidicketour
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didanawisgi · 2 years
Hmm 🤔
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