biggreenstache7 · 6 months
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took the vavr pill
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l3gacymashups · 3 months
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whats up guys
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newjenns · 2 years
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hypnoticauthoress · 4 months
Fly High Sink Deeper is a fast-paced, lesbian sci-fi adventure set in the year 5030. It's a story about the ways people change, and the fact that even in the darkest of moments, there is light. Drama, humor and horror, all wrapped in a compelling far future setting!
Link below!
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Aevum-Aion Talon Abraxas
Prayer to Aion “Hither to me. King, I call you God of Gods, might, boundless, undefiled, indescribably, firmly established Aion. Be inseparable from me from this day forth through all the time of my life.” -Demotic spell
Alternate version “Hither to me. King, I call you God of Gods, might, boundless, undefiled, indescribably, firmly established Aion. (statement here)” -Demotic spell
Hymns to Aion “I call upon thee that didst create the earth and bones and all flesh and all spirit, that didst establish the sea and that shakest the heavens, that didst divide the light from the darkness, the great regulative mind, that disposest everything, eye of the world, spirit of spirits, god of gods, the lord of the spirits, the immoveable Aeon, Iao hear my voice.” -PGM
“Come to me! You who are master above the earth and below the earth, who look to the west and the east and gaze upon the south and the north, O master of all, Aion of Aions! You are the ruler of the universe, Ra, Pan, 271 (h)arpenchnoubi / brintate- nophri briskylma arouzar bamesen kriphi niptoumi chmoumaophiIA IOY IYO All OYO AEEIOYO BAUBO BAUBO PHORBA PHORBA OREOBAZAGRA oyoieea er.” -Greek Magical Papyri
“Hail, entire system of the acrid spirit,LSY PHOWOA. Hail, spirit who extends from heaven to earth, ERDENEU, and from earth which is in the middle chamber of the / universe unto the borders of the abyss, MEREMOGGA.’~’ Hail, spirit who enters into me, convulses me, and leaves me kindly according to the will of god, 1013 ZANOPHIE. / Hail, beginning and end of the immovable naNre, DORYGLAOPHON. Hail, revolution of untiring service by heavenly bodies, ROGYEU ANAMI PELEGEON ADAKA EIOPH. Hail, radiance of thc universe subordinate / to the solar ray, IEO YEO IAS AI EOY OEI. Hail, orb of the night-illuminating, unequdy shining moon, A10 RBMA R~DOUOPLA. Hail, ail spirits of the acrid images i ROMIDOUE AGANASOU OTHAUA. Hail to those to whom the greeting is given with blessing, to brothers and sisters, to holy men and holy women. 0 great, greatest, round, incomprehensible figure of the universe, heavenly ENROCHESYEL; / in heaven, PELETHEU; of ether, IOGARAA; in the ether, THOPYLEO DARDY; watery, IOEDES; earthy, PERBPHIA; fiery, APHTHALYA; windlike, IOIE Ed AYA; luminous, UPIE; dark-looking, 1 IEPSERIA; shining with heavenly tight, ADAMAU~R; moist, fiery, and cold spirit.1 glorify you, god of gods, the one who brought order to the universe, AREO PIEUA; the one who gathered together the abyss at the invisible foundation of its position, PERO MYSEL / o PENTONAX; the one who separated heaven and earth and covered the heaven with eternal, golden wings, RODERY OYOA; the one who fixed the earth on eternal foundations, ALEIOOA; the onc who hung up I the ether high above the earth, AIE OE IOYA; the one who scattered the air with self-moving breezes, OIE OYO; the one who put the water roundabout, OBPELYA; the one who raises up hurricanes, ORISTHAUA; I the one who thunders, THEPHICHYONEL; the one who hurls lightnings, OURBNES; the one who rains, osIORNI PHEUGALGA; the one who shakes, PERATONEL; the one who produces living creatures, APZSIGYLOA; the god of the Aions; you are great, lord, god, rulcr of theMI, ARCHIZ~ / NYON TH&NAR METHOR PARY PHEZOR THAPSAMYDO MAKOMI CHBLOPSA.” -PGM IV. 1115-66
“I call on you, who are greater than all, the creator of all, you, the self-begotten, who see all and are not seen. For you gave Helios the glory and all the power, Selene [the privilege] to wax and wane and have fixed courses, yet you took nothing from the earlier-born darkness, but apportioned things so that they should be equal. For when you appeared, both order arose and light appeared. All things are subject to you, whose true form none of the gods can see; who change into all forms. You are invisible, Aion of Aion. ” –PGM XIII. 1-343
“I praise you, the one and blessed of the eons and / father of the world, with cosmic prayers. Come to me, you who filled the whole universe with air, who hung up the fire from the [heavenly] water and separated the earth from the water. Pay attention, form, spirit, / earth and sea, to a word from the one who is wise concerning divine Necessity, and accept my words as fiery darts, because I am a man, the most beautiful creature of the god in heaven, made out of spirit, / dew, and earth.” -Greek Magical Papyri
“Hail, whole cosmos of the aerial Spirit, ΦΩΓΑΛΩΑ Hail, Spirit who extends from heaven unto earth, ΕΡΔΗΝΕΥ Hail, Spirit who extends from earth which is in the middle of the cosmos unto the ends of the abyss, ΜΕΡΕΜΩΓΓΑ Hail, Spirit who enters into me, convulses me, and leaves me kindly according to the will of God, ΙΩΗ ΖΑΝΩΦΙΕ Hail, beginning and end of nature that cannot be moved, ΔΩΡΥΓΛΑΟΦΩΝ Hail, revolution of untiring service by heavenly bodies, ΡΩΓΥΕΥ ΑΝΑΜΙ ΠΕΛΗΓΕΩΝ ΑΔΑΡΑ ΕΙΩΦ Hail, radiance of the cosmos subordinate to the rays of the Sun, ΙΕΟ ΥΗΩ ΙΑΗ ΑΙ ΗΩΥ ΟΕΙ Hail, orb of the night-illuminating, unequally shining Moon, ΑΙΩ ΡΗΜΑ ΡΩΔΟΥΩΠΙΑ Hail, all spirits of the aerial images, ΡΩΜΙΔΟΥΗ ΑΓΑΝΑΣΟΥ ΩΘΑΥΑ Hail to those whom the greeting is given with blessing, to brothers and sisters, to holy men and holy women! O great, greatest, round, incomprehensible figure of the cosmos, of heaven ΕΝΡΩΧΕΣΥΗΛ in heaven ΠΕΛΗΘΕΥ of the ether ΙΩΓΑΡΑΑ in the ether ΘΩΠΥΛΕΟ ΔΑΡΔΥ of water ΙΩΗΔΕΣ of earth ΠΕΡΗΦΙΑ of fire ΑΦΘΑΛΥΑ of air ΙΩΙΕ ΗΩ ΑΥΑ of light ΑΛΑΠΙΕ of darkness ΙΕΨΕΡΙΑ shining with celestial light ΑΔΑΜΑΛΩΡ moist, dry, hot, and cold Spirit! I glorify you, God of gods, the one who brought order to the cosmos, ΑΡΕΩ ΠΙΕΥΑ the one who gathered together the abyss at the invisible foundation of its position, ΠΕΡΩ ΜΥΣΗΛ Ο ΠΕΝΤΩΝΑΞ the one who separated heaven and earth and covered the heaven with eternal, golden wings ΡΩΔΗΡΥ ΟΥΩΑ the one who fixed the earth on eternal foundations ΑΛΗΙΟΩΑ the one who hung up the ether high above the earth ΑΙΕ ΩΗ ΙΟΥΑ the one who scattered the air with self-moving breezes ΩΙΕ ΟΥΩ the one who put the water roundabout ΩΡΗΠΗΛΥΑ the one who raises up hurricanes ΩΡΙΣΘΑΥΑ the one who thunders ΘΕΦΙΧΥΩΝΗΛ the one who hurls lightning ΟΥΡΗΝΕΣ the one who rains ΟΣΙΩΡΝΙ ΦΕΥΓΑΛΓΑ the one who shakes ΠΕΡΑΤΩΝΗΛ the one who produces living creatures ΑΡΗΣΙΓΥΛΩΑ the God of the Aiōns! You are great, Lord, God, Ruler of the All! ΑΡΧΙΖΩ ΝΥΟΝ ΘΗΝΑΡ ΜΕΘΩΡ ΠΑΡΥ ΦΗΖΩΡ ΘΑΨΑΜΥΔΩ ΜΑΡΩΜΙ ΧΗΛΩΨΑ” -Greek magical papyri
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kissingcullens · 7 months
Shared Narratives: Namibia and Palestine's Collective Stand Against Apartheid and Genocide
“This online panel discussion speaks to the German genocide of the Namaqua and Ovaherero peoples in Namibia, contemporary struggles in Namibia and the United States, and solidarity with Palestine.
Namibia has been in the news lately around its defense of South Africa and its ICJ challenge of the genocide in occupied Palestine and rebuke of Germany, which has yet to give reparations for its campaign of ethnic extermination and collective punishment between 1904 and 1908.
This event was co-sponsored by Community Movement Builders, the Black Alliance for Peace Atlanta Citywide Alliance, and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement.
Hosts: - Toivo Asheeke: Activist and Scholar - Nanre Nafziger: Organizer and Scholar - Mercia Kenouho Kandukira, Writer and Researcher Panelists: -Hildegard Titus: Decolonial Activist, Journalist, and Film-maker -Thrive Vinomaandero Mahua: Author, Activist, and Entrepreneur -Keith Vries: Artist, Activist, and Poet"
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bananacat76 · 6 months
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scribble nanr man
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frozen-yogurt-proto · 11 months
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sperry Mens Striper II CVO Sneakers Canvas.
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cainshitincorporated · 2 months
sometimes i think about how "our" (jane's) former friends of several years threw a collective hissy fit over the idea that a victim of severe sustained emotional and psychological abuse with limited to nonexistent coping mechanisms might have, y'know, a mental illness, be in a state of precarious mental health much of the time, and occasionally be suicidal, especially when confronted out of the blue. it was treated as if it was manipulation that i got suicidal when "our" "friends" came down on me rather than a very natural and rational response that was entirely consistent. hell, the clown even KNEW i was the one shouldering all the specific memories of our abuse and that's why i'm Like That. i confided that fact in her, and the bitch just ignored it (most likely not out of malice so much as utter mindlessness). and it's not like this even came up all that often, just when they were being especially insensitive sacks of shit. and they knew, from our history, that being aggressive and leveraging guilt against me made me want to drill a hole through my arm. and they decided the best way to go about "dealing with me" was to buddy up with a rapist lover, ""pro-shipper"" and all-around freak to ferry me into a private server where they'd all collectively bombard me with their stupid grievances while i had nobody to back me up, like an episode of fucking intervention. brilliant fucking maneuver by the greatest minds of our generation, who could say why it didn't fucking work when the idea was so solid
and the alleged morality of the whole thing was rich, to be honest. zii was- and i assume still is, in the event that she's not already dead- a fucking freak who should have never gotten to be near as many vulnerable people as she was. she was at her psychological wit's end most days, lived in her trash-filled bedroom eating nothing but pizza and soda, and had regular fits of rage and suicidal thoughts that put mine to fucking shame that she broadcast anywhere and everywhere that would let her. and to be clear, all that shit is fine with me, until you run a hypno kink server where other mentally ill people and in some cases still very young and impressionable people are utterly unsafe and you have no meaningful moderation in place to protect them. sorry, did i say meaningful, i meant any moderation whatsoever. or a clear picture of rules. in your highly sensitive kink server. zii regularly admitted that she advertised the server on her twitter in a sad, desperate bid for attention, which was all she ever wanted. a big popular server with lots of people brought together by her, to make her feel like her sad little life mattered. and one of those members just so happened to be a serial manipulator who tried to proposition jane into sex she didn't want and tried to hypnotize her into never rejecting her sexual advances, as well as repeatedly exposing jane to graphic images of kink she was uncomfortable seeing as a means of trying to condition her into liking it via exposure therapy. and that person got… a warning and a stern finger wagging, and was still allowed and active in the server at the time we left. that's not even enabling, that's collusion. or it would be, but i'd honestly have to respect zii if she was that sinister, and the actual reality is just the much sadder fact that she was a pathetic little freak without a life worth living trying to find meaning however possible, no matter who got hurt. i really do hope she's learned her lesson and nipped the actual origin of her problems in the bud
in many cases the rest of them were just sad, pathetic pushovers who didn't have a strong moral stance on anything and no backbone to speak of, shifting allegiances on a whim and turning on me because i'm an easy villain by design. sure, nanre was a clueless racist who couldn't take a hint, enabled and supported zii's worst decisions, wasted my fucking time and energy on her subpar TTRPG ideas and did nothing to actually protect the people who looked up to her while pretending she cared. but she was at the end of the day, more than anything else, a helpless, brainless oaf getting dragged into holes her own freak of a partner dug them into. if i had to clean up after zii all day i'd lose my fucking mind too. in a sense, they're perfect for each other
and ultimately, the saddest freak of the lot was lunette. she really didn't have a clue. i almost feel bad for her, because she was such a passive and mindless piece in the broader communities she occupied. no shock that the woman who talked like she was 20 years older than she was, whose ideas never reached higher heights than mildly bemusing, whose identity was comprised of bland tropes and cereal box levels of creative writing, would turn out to be a wet paper towel whose morals were just as easily shredded. i don't know that she even has enough of a fucking brain TO have changed her mind, enough agency to have made her supposed choice. i genuinely don't think she made a principled stance born of becoming fed up with my pattern of behavior and finally deciding to grow a backbone and stand up to me. that i would respect. i think it came down to something as simple as not wanting to have to think about it anymore. it was all too hard. easier to keep having a good time and never question the company you keep. easier to ignore it and keep doing what you love, uncritically engaging with the mold on the floor that constitutes your fandom interests. i don't even hate her, because i don't know if she has the capacity to process it
not a one of them is arch nemesis material. not a one of them is, as they believe, a brave hero standing up against the big bad wolf. they're clueless fools and dangerously reckless freaks writing off any need for critical thinking about their allies, their supposed fellow heroes. i fucking wish i could be the villain of this story. but i'm afraid an edgy, suicide-baiting brat with a penchant for monologuing just can't hold a candle to the genuine evil you have to have inside yourself to be best buddies with zii or suki
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alfalfamale · 7 months
kfosdijg kookok nanr ndjnbwnen rtz auwe haiz hhd hhdaiih gdgg gazet fafdfft fdarwrrd dffr ffr dfarwz bmnnrwq dawpawie
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rlgoinglpt · 1 year
Nakakagalit 'yong budget cuts sa education at health sectors, 'no? Tapos may hinayupak na kung magrequest ng confidential funds ay parang may pinatago sa kaban ng bayan. Tapos kapag na-call out, nanre-red tag.
AHHHHHH P****** I**!!!!
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l3gacymashups · 5 months
being a vavr (character) and nanr (character) fan is so fucking difficult because im always drawing and writing deeply profound stuff about 2 fuckers who look like THIS!!!!!
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canadianabroadvery · 1 year
“ ... we must examine is the failure of the left to articulate and bring into public critique the neoliberal model that all the candidates fully endorsed. Many young Nigerians believe if Nigeria works, it will work for everyone, and that “good governance” is the answer to the myriad problems the country faces. The politics of disorder and the intentionality of chaos are often overlooked in favor of the “corrupt leader” indictment. The left was divided between the Labor Party, whose presidential flag bearer ran on a neoliberal rather than pro worker or socialist platform, and the African Action Congress, who ran on a socialist manifesto, but failed to capture the imaginations of young people or win them over to socialist politics and ideology ...”
The Elephant - Explaining Society to the People
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hypnoticauthoress · 10 months
After three years
Of work
Of self-doubt
Of personal improvement
Life changes
And more work
I am immensely happy and proud to annouce
That my first novel
Fly High, Sink Deeper
Is available for purchase!!!!!
Get it here:
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looking at Bruce and Nanre's cat made me remember all the times Chomo would come into my room just to eat Bruce's food then hiss at him in his own room when he wanted to eat his own food. i miss Chomo so much
Oh don't worry Chomo still asserts dominance over cats who are much bigger than her, or at least she does with the one who's a pushover. The other cat we have here doesn't take shit from anyone
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