biggreenstache7 · 6 months
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took the vavr pill
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l3gacymashups · 1 year
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vavnansiiva face studies kinda sorta
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 12/02/2024
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume DQ
Rip credited to "Green Monika Takeover"
Requested by crickqt! (Discord)
If you're truly deep in the trenches of SiIvaGunner like I am, then over the course of reading all of these blog posts, you may have noticed a rather...curious omission from my coverage. I've covered jokes both obscure and relevant, storylines big and small, rips of every part of the spectrum from Outertale to Loopdeloop Griddy to Sex - Steve Harvey. Yet all of these have one thing in common: They're all from within the SiIvaGunner channel. And as should perhaps be expected, SiIvaGunner is far from the only place where high quality ripping occurs nowadays.
SiIvaGunner was, of course, not an entirely original concept to begin with - mashups using video game music have existed for ages, and Chaze the Chat himself has made it no secret that the channel was an evolution of a subculture from SoundCloud, inspired heavily by the works of toonlink, as I mentioned back in Aphex. Yet the channel certainly carved out its own niche and style: its presentation as bait-and-switch mimicry of the actual GilvaSunner channel, paired with the mysterious insistence on full anonymity of each rip's creator, gave SiIvaGunner its own feel, one that it would only further refine as the fanbase grew and lore began to develop. For those first nine months, there was nothing else on YouTube like SiIvaGunner.
Yet when the channel's true "ending" was announced in the last quarter of 2016, near the end of Season 1, several people were distraught to see it go after just a few months. And keep in mind, it took until February of 2017 to get any sort of confirmation that SiIvaGunner was actually going to be sticking around beyond occasional events - and before November 2016, we didn't even know if the channel would return at all. So it comes as no surprise that, on October 1st 2016, we'd see the birth of the first true "fan channel" aiming to continue SiIvaGunner's legacy - TimmyTurnersGrandDad. And even as SiIva returned, TTGD grew to form a fanbase of its own, its own smaller community, with many of SiIva's rippers even contributing different things to both channels in parallel.
I'll be completely earnest with you all - the reason I haven't covered fan channels on this blog before is due purely to my own lack of experience with them. I've been glued stuck to SiIva alone since 2016, and the rabbitholes of the various fan channels simply appear too vast and deep to go down the same way I myself do here on this blog for the main channel. But, TTGD aside, there is one fan channel that deserves special mention, one that has quite often intermingled with SiIvaGunner itself and has such an immediately recognizable identity from all others - the namesake of V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​a​-​V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​r itself, Vvvvvavvvvvvr.
To put it concisely, while TTGD aimed to initially be a SiIvaGunner successor, then moved to be more of a SiIvaGunner alternative, the nature of the Vvvvvavvvvvvr channel has always been a fair bit more...dubious. You'll notice it just from clicking on the channel yourself - everything from the profile picture, to the header, to the titles and thumbnails of the videos uploaded to the channel have a far more chaotic, unpolished, almost "trashy" feel to them. This is because, with little exception, Vvvvvavvvvvvr aims to be almost entirely unfiltered - with minimal quality control and a submission process open to anyone, its effectively a big sandbox for rippers of all skill levels to submit to, the output almost best described as the SiIvaGunner equivalent Twitch Plays Pokémon. And much like that phenomenon, Vvvvvavvvvvvr somehow, through the unfiltered voices of hundreds of contributors, managed to find its own voice, its own set of recurring jokes, and eventually develop its own lore to tie it all together.
References to Vvvvvavvvvvvr aren't exactly a rarity on SiIvaGunner, either. The YTPMV Rock my Forum, as featured on LAST YTPMV^2 OF 2016 by ripper Xarlable, eventually took off as Vvvvvavvvvvvr's primary channel meme; almost every time the meme has been referenced on SiIvaGunner since, has been in tribute of the fan channel. V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​a​-​V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​r, then, is no exception - uploaded during the period of which the Vvvvvavvvvvvr had supposedly ended for good, its a loving tribute to just about every joke featured prominently on the channel, in the form of an incredibly varied medley rip. Scatman John, Reese's Puffs Rap, The Michael Rosen Rap, Chadtronic, Rock My Forum - its not as if these memes have never been featured on SiIvaGunner before, but they're (to my understanding!) such core parts of Vvvvvavvvvvvr in particular, that their usage in combination here makes the tribute's intentions clear.
As if that wasn't clear enough, certain segments of the fast-paced C-R-O-W-N-E-D are dedicated to referencing specific Vvvvvavvvvvvr rips (formally "vips") on an individual basis. A section using sentence-mixed AVGN clips, for instance, uses the same clips, sentence mixed in a similar fashion, as Crazy Bus Tylenol. There's references like this strewn all about this dense medley, yet as many in the comments have made clear - none of them get in the way of V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​a​-​V​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​v​-​r just being a fantastic rip on its own, without any context or knowledge of the fan channel itself.
While I don't fall into that category in particular, as I'm of course aware of the fan channels that are more active now than ever - I am still very much an outsider. Yet I've once again been privy to take a peek down the rabbithole through this request, and I learned a lot about Vvvvvavvvvvvr as a result: Its a genuinely valuable platform with a fun and zany community, however small it may appear from the outside looking in. The near complete lack of filter or quality control means that anyone, even you reading, could submit something to the channel, a first step toward a great ripper's journey - a good number of SiIvaGunner's members who first joined around 2018-2021 got their start by contributing things to fan channels just like Vvvvvavvvvvvr. And though I may never become a full-on fan to the same degree I am SiIva itself, I'm of course eternally grateful and happy for their existence - through collaboration and teamwork, these channels help keep the art of high quality ripping alive.
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caramelcyclops · 2 years
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(actual conversation i had with a telegram scam bot, i don't advise to do this) Featuring telegraamsgunner, run by supahsta, design by L3GACY: https://www.youtube.com/@TELEGRAAMSGunner
Posted using PostyBirb
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kitsune24fox · 4 months
Diamonds for Tears💎 was released 16 years ago, which is my first and one of my favorite tracks in Revolution Roulette. Congratulations and let's watch one of the live performances of this song😉
Join our channel so that you don't miss important events: Poets of the Fall: PAQ
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7grandyears · 2 years
i dont care what people say. i LOVE when people make fan spinoffs and shit. i love when people take what they're given and build off of it. that shit is awesome. i love when people use their creativity to build off of something preexisting. i love when people are inspired by something and decide to make something similar. that shit is awesome
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I'm getting so many old videos and channels that subtitle and upload 80s, 90s and 2000s pop culture content and most of the time it's ahjusshis and them just uploading all of their vcr recordings, if you're interested here goes! :
This channel uploads some subtitled clips of Jang Heebin 1995, 1981 and 1961 as well as some other stuff.
This person used to upload Kim Wan Sun videos!
Distant Memories/Memory Distant uploads content like variety shows and stages from actors and singers, that they recorded on their VCR from the mid 90s to 2000s. They also have a blog here and a post where they sent Lee Jiyeon a postcard/fanletter and she responded here !
victory lee is a channel that has exclusively 80s and early 90s content. They have very extensve knowledge and a database.
This channel has more of a trot and ballad music vibe and they post a lot of compilations.
Sungdy is a Yang Soo Kyung fanchannel that uploads her videos. Another channel for Yang Sookyung is Soo.
Lastella is a Ha Soo Bin fan channel and has a lot of Soo Bin's performances and music videos, tv appearances etc.
Time Machine 90s also uploads videos from the 90s and 2000s from their own collection.
As you can see from the name, towhitecastle is a H.O.T. fan but uploade bad quality videos of 1st gen idol groups and artists. Going into their comment sections is like riding a time machine to 2005 and it is interesting to see how the conversations were about the "new gen", just how we talk about the current new gen today.
jk Kim ahjusshi is more of a classic Korean Pop Music uploader. He uploads 50s,60s and 70s pop and trot standards as well as modern folk music and even contemporary gugak.
I'll keep on reblogging this post whenever I find some more channels!
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knightofgames · 1 year
As someone who's been a huge fan of SiIvaGunner for the past 7 years, I have a pretty good feel for what kinds of uploads they would allow. I've wanted to see my own rips on the channel for years, but never submitted any, and now I have an "enormous" back catalogue of several dozen mashups I'd like to submit. So many that I could never fit descriptions for all of them in one email. Are there any SiIvaGunner members who'd be willing to talk to me on Discord about them in bulk? Thank you.
i feel bad for saying this because this sounds like you have a lot you'd love to share, but i wouldn't recommend trying to submit rips in bulk, messages or otherwise.
allowing people to send rips via discord DMs WAS a thing near the start of the channel's life, but around 2017, it was dropped, as it became a hassle to only have 1 person that could relay feedback to the original ripper.
it might be a bit of a pain to do so, but the 1-rip-per-email system really helps us sort through the fansubmissions we get, and effectively mark/categorize what's been considered, what's been rejected outright, what's been accepted or sent back with recommended fixes, etc. there's nothing wrong with sending a bunch of e-mails in a row, of course! it's just only having 1 rip in an email helps a lot with gmail's limited tagging abilities. if all 37 or however of your rips were just Chip the Ripper mashups and you sent them all in a blinding fury in 37 separate emails, all with the correct metadata, they'd all get reviewed, and we'd get back to you on as many as we can.
if you arent for-sure on any specific rips, our official fanserver discord (linked under the channel description, or On This Text if i do the formatting right) does have a channel dedicated for feedback on submissions. there are also fanchannels like TimmyTurnersGrandDad that are of the same quality as siiva that you can submit your rip to for feedback, and due to the lower amount of submissions, might get back to you a bit faster.
however if you submit to fanchannels, remember that theyll actually go up on there.. some people forget and submit to multiple channels at once. Which makes me very sad. a little sad man crying
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opinion on siivagunner fancontent? More like art and writing than fanchannels but if you wanna talk about those too go ahead
i love all fanart very much!!! sadly i don't see much fan writing except that one non consensual siiva x voice fic with flowey the flower that got deleted off fanfiction.net (i miss it dearly) but then again i also don't usually have the attention span to read that kinda stuff. i still appreciate it
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Mí nuevo canal de Youtube dedicado a la saga The Legend Of Heroes u otros videojuegos de Falcom :)
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biggreenstache7 · 9 months
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i be poppin bottles
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l3gacymashups · 5 months
being a vavr (character) and nanr (character) fan is so fucking difficult because im always drawing and writing deeply profound stuff about 2 fuckers who look like THIS!!!!!
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I'm opening this blog to be able to store my collected pictures, videos and edited press material ablout Ronnie Radke and Falling In Reverse. I don't plan to follow a timetable or to be up to date with all events, this is my personal collection. None of the pictures or videos are my own, unless I claim them to be. I try to mark source to the pictures found on the web (I might skip that though sometimes).
I run several blogs and social accounts. You can publicly follow:
YouTube Fanchannel with shorts and videos about RR/FIR
Blogspot Fansite with the history of band Falling In Reverse (Bilingual, Eng-Hun)
Facebook Fanbase group for (mainly) Hungarian FIR fans (Hun)
I'm open to go mutual or to get in touch with FIR fans, feel free to message, ask, submit/suggest, etc. I won't tolerate hate speech and I will instantly block Ronnie Radke haters from my page.
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fandommemequeen · 2 years
moments of being a siiva fan that altered my brain chemistry:
cluelessly finding my first rip from a fanchannel in like 2017 and feeling like i uncovered some big secret that this one specific upload of the super mario bros 2 ending theme sounded like afterlife in the limelight
rewatching the siivagunner arg explained vid with no idea abt the lore
not realizing someone accidentally put a rip in a kirby study music mix until i heard snow halation [dont ask me how i was familiar with snow halation but not familiar beyond a very surface level with siivagunner i still dont know either]
happy stimming to the hand crushed by a mallet blammed rip
discovering the lore for the first time and getting OBSESSED
my crappy theories i typed up in a google doc
taking chads words in the reboot true ending to heart and striving to create without cringe culture holding me back
starting my webcomic @digiverse-reboot, which was very much inspired by siiva lore and the ccc
discovering kfad
the curse of the fallen angel event
getting my first siiva poster
loading my fave rips onto a cheap mp3 player from amazon
getting my english teacher to play snow halation before class for the holidays
THE SHEER EXCITEMENT i felt when haltmanns archives file 15 was uploaded on the anniversary of the ccc
field of hopes and dreams (PAL version) - deltarune
voiceless on my 2021 spotify wrapped
working on a lore explanation google slides presentation to make lore infodumping easier
getting my second siiva poster
gilvasunner deletion. /neg
getting my art accepted into the 2022 wood man bday gallery
making a voice cosplay that looks frickin awesome
staying up till midnight on xmas eve to watch the goodbye to a world fusion collab
making siiva fanart as the first thing i made on my new drawing tablet
finishing said lore explanation google slides presentation
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swordsandparasols · 7 years
Oh My General-the new cdrama about a general who is exposed as a woman and then forced to marry a silly playboy prince-is finally out, so it’s time for another round of the eternal wait to see if it gets subtitled.
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7grandyears · 1 year
Want to follow back but first want to know what media you're interested in, could be a show or music artist, book series, podcast, etc. (not like a make-or-break question, just want to get to know people and what they like before I follow them)(Plus certain media is a throw off to me but its more personal than anything and theres like a 2% chance of you even Knowing which one I'm referencing so)
here's a big list of stuff we like, in no particular order
siivagunner + all related fanchannels (music) (special interest)
mashups as a genre (music) (special interest)
guitar hero/clone hero (games) and its community
vvvvvv (game)
simpleflips (youtuber)
any mario media really (games + etc)
any dream emulator games (specific faves are lsd dream emulator/cement mixer simulator/hendecad) (games)
undertale/deltarune (games)
mediocre ride (comic)
c418 (music)
drum and bass as a genre (music)
uuhh yeah thats all i can think of. i know most of our interests are pretty niche ... oops ^^;
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