keepingitneutral · 1 year
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Lookout Tower, Lake Naplás, Szilas, Cinkota Forest Park, Hungary,
(Budapest Nature Reserve)
Robert Gutowski Architects
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josephquinnstyle · 5 months
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Joseph Quinn is wearing Canali's Napla Leather Work Jacket in Matt Black for 'Man About Town'
PRICE: £2,200/$2,747
•Work jacket with shirt collar
•Single-breasted fastening with buttons
•3 patch pockets
•Cuffs with buttons
•Back vent
•Inside patch pocket
•100% lambskin
•Made in Italy
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takovanormalnielie · 7 months
Mám to!!! Tu práci jsem dostala! Jsem na sebe tak hrdá. Napla jsem všechny síly a dokázala jsem ze sebe ukázat to nejlepší. Jestli to tam ostatní přišli prostě zkusit, tak já jsem se o tu pozici šla utkat. Nicméně tím teprv všechno začíná, ale nemám strach. Vím, že dokážu, co si zamanu. Od doby, kdy jsem vzala osud do vlastních rukou, mi všechno postupně vychází. Najednou ten život totiž žiju naplno. Hned jsem si i domluvila schůzku s novou vedoucí a vysvětlila jí celou mojí situaci a vyslovila přání nastoupit už jako Elie. Byla se vším naprosto v klidu a ubezpečila mě, že mám u ní podporu a že okamžitě zakročí, pokud se mnou bude mít někdo problém. Vyšlo mi to. Celej rok hraju gamble o všechno. Nechci jen část, půlku, nebo kousek. Chci všechno! Tranzici, lásku, rodinu, práci a hudbu. Pomalu mi jedno po druhým vychází. Světe, dávej si na mě bacha, protože já už se jen tak nezastavím!
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jocolatemousse · 1 year
Doc, bahala ka na mag-figure-out dito kung napla-placebo effect lang ba ako o hindi. Hahaha ayoko na mag-isip 😵‍💫
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gloria0110 · 2 years
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#文末優惠 #限時限量名額 😎看我頭毛使出隱分身術,一根變五根,不是 #植髮 也不是 #接髮 ~~ 彰化花壇 @樂朵 增毛師讓我照片再也不需要用美圖秀秀修圖了! 明明以前我覺得我頭髮蠻多的,但突然某一天發現,可能因為年紀,可能因為長期吹染整燙,跟慣性的分邊和綁馬尾,讓我的前額兩側毛量變少,髮際線也有後移跟慣性的中分線處 #頭頂髮旋分線明顯 ,之後拍照,多少會用修圖補一下覺得比較空的地方~ 之前也有考慮植髮,但價格不斐,所以暫先打消了念頭,這是是朋友推薦的髮廊,剛好要南下工作,就提前一天下去,結束還可以去找住彰化的姐妺,睡個一晚,隔天南下,真是太完美了~ 🎉樂朵髮沙龍外觀裝潢看起來就很簡約時尚,店內寛敞,入口處的候位區,在陽光灑落下,超適合拍照的! 看了一下牆面上的髮品也都是一線的知名髮品,再看了下設計師給我的價目表,覺得店家好佛心,幾個療程我在台北都有體驗過,在這裡價格好親民, 店長Rita專業的跟我分享了, #微奈米增量技術 不是完成後就完全不用理它,頭皮需要好好的養護,不然很快就會掉了,所以建議我施作前可以先加強一下頭皮的養護~ 🍀我選了 #頭皮養護賦活SPA 會先使用代謝凝膠去除頭皮上的角質,原本是透明凝膠狀,碰到頭皮後,會變成乳白色的,把頭皮上的髒汙一起帶走,溫和不刺激,用在臉上都可以,接著洗頭時會使用頭皮髮浴的洗髮精,讓原本失衡的頭皮,可以回復到油水平衡,淡雅舒服的香味,躺在洗髮椅上都快睡著了,再來會護髮,用熱毛巾讓保養品成分完整吸收到頭髮裡,回座位後使用奈米噴槍讓SC調理露幫頭皮補充水份,再用頭皮水強化頭皮,最後是使用 #O3高週波儀 使用在頭皮上,會釋出臭氧來殺菌、分解金屬物質及一氧化碳、去除頭皮臭味及活化細胞,用的時候會有一點酥麻感,像戀愛的感覺~~哈! 🎉頭皮健康,就可以來進行頭毛隱分身術了,沒有使用任何化學黏劑沾附頭髮,無痛,無麻醉,沒有任何侵入性傷害,使用日本100%的科技髮絲,這次配合店家活動,接了400根,前額左右各200根,接好後可以燙染無顧慮,無傷髮的問題,也可以使用電捲棒,隨意變化造型,本來以為過程會很久,但其實不到2小時就完成了接髮,看看前後的比較,前額兩側看起來不會��麼空了,真是讓人太開心了~~ 💕現在幫大家跟店家要到了優惠,憑此文,12/31前預約頭皮療程或增毛,限額15位,店家加贈價值$1500的兩段結構修護保養(護髮),超讚超讚,有需要的朋友,趕快手刀訂起來~ *店內兩位 #增毛師Kevin. Rocky.Rita ,也有提供教學服務,有需要的朋友,歡迎去電洽詢~ @leduo14951314 LE DUO 樂朵髮沙龍 彰化縣花壇鄉南口村中山路二段312巷1號 10:00-19:00 04-7880911 官網:https://pinms.com.tw/leduo-hair/ 粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063850667957 #員林 #花壇 #大村 #秀水 #頭髮空洞 #分線明顯 #增量 #科技髮絲 #不是接髮 #不是植髮 #視覺增髮 #頭髮稀疏 #產後掉髮 #壓力掉髮 #JBH認證技術 #不傷髮 #不褪色 #不會彈性疲乏 #salon #髮型設計師 #美容師 #美容院 #napla #娜普拉 #パーマ #デザイナー #ヘアケア #カスタマイズされた (在 樂朵髮沙龍 Le Duo Hair Salon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8Lbf3BExH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
hi, so, i never said that you and katsukispicycaramel are the same person, please, i said that you really reminded me of her, i know you felt uncomfortable, i said that i was sorry (in anon, here), and then in another blog someone commented about the same thing but in another way (the person just went and said “katsukispicycaramel is salemwritesxx”) so i just gave my opinion, i think the ‘aesthetic’ is pretty similar TO ME, and that can just be a coincidence, i made sure to say “i'm not 100% sure about that” instead of just saying “it's katsukispicycaramel”
also, about the anons who are saying those things to you: just to make sure it's not me. here, i just said that time that you really reminded me of her for some reason, and i apologized to you
it’s okay, i am not angry at you for voicing an opinion and i also never said you implied that we are THE SAME like you said, you just said we have similar stuff, which, at the time, just made me uncomfy and angry but we talked, we both apologized and i never thought anything of it. so sorry you felt forced to come off anon for this!
i am angry and fed up with people who deny who i am and who will not believe me no matter what i do becaus in their heads “ksc = salem” which... over having a similar aesthetic? over having similar banners? both of us speaking german? both of us liking popular characters? really THAT’S all it takes to be the same fucking person? all these youtubers who have the same basic white, pastel aesthetic who do journaling videos are ALL the same then. cuz that’s everyone’s logic here - we have the same aesthetic, we are the same. 
and people telling me i blocked blogs that talked about ksc negatively - no. i DID NOT! i blocked ONE blog which was something they did i just didn’t like and had nothing to do with ksc. i dont know where these lies are coming from, but everyone always had access to my blog despite that one person cuz ultimately i have always felt the same way about ksc like the blogs that called her out - but things got out of hand, like i said, call her ass out but other blogs i followed said she was getting death threats and i’m sorry that’s where i draw a line but anons on this fucking site have no fucking decency whatsoever as i saw this morning.
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tartsdmegazaprot · 4 years
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Naplás-tó 🌿🌴🌳💧
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thirdlifesstuff · 4 years
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yujiunyu · 5 years
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. . #ヘッドスパ #炭酸シャンプー . 結構な頻度で@kiriyama_yuya のとこでヘッドスパやってもらうんやけど 毎回スタッフにパワープッシュされるんで買ってみた笑 . ムースみたいに泡で出てきて シャンプーとコンディショナーの間に #頭皮マッサージ しながら浸透させて終わり😁 . 3日に1回くらいでいいらしい。 . でも力加減とかわからんしやってもらうほうがいいわ笑 . #imprime #napla #sodashampoo #シャンプー #美容院 (Deux Age) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8cYtoxA52J/?igshid=128xhm56vsmzt
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popbee · 5 years
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日本品牌 Napla 自 1954 年所創立,擁有自己的生產工廠,座落於徳島縣,所有產品都堅持使用四國地區第一清流「穴吹川」優異的水質製成,加上踏入美髮行業的早,已經累積了相當多經驗,多年來更成為髮型師、消費者的愛用品牌,有名的除了染髮系列產品,造型、洗護髮也讓許多日本人愛不釋手,簡約包裝上的「N.」便是造型系列最好認明的標誌。
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回到「微濕髮」要怎麼打理呢?便是靠 Napla 的束感造型乳,添加乳木果油與天然植物萃取成分,剛剛好的滋潤不會有質地油膩,看起來像是沒洗頭的反效果,同時帶有空氣感的半濕潤效果,是讓這款 Styling Serum 漸漸傳出好口碑的原因。使用方法很簡單,僅需要再髮型打理好之後,依法量按壓適當的造型乳於手心,雙手搓揉均勻分布後,先從內側開始,以手指頭梳理頭髮的感覺,一邊撥鬆一邊造型,剩餘的量剛好整理表面,不會擔心塗抹過多的量。一直想試試看油髮又不知道該怎麼下手嗎?不妨可以參考下面影片自己動手造型!
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by napla 娜普菈 (@napla_taiwan) on May 29, 2019 at 2:38am PDT
延伸閱讀: 除了平瀏海之外,韓國女生最愛用的髮捲還有這 3 招絕對要學起來! 怎麼她們都是逆齡生長!這些韓國女星的 Before & After 你認得出來嗎? 韓國大創上架後便不停缺貨,別小看這把可以吹出完美弧度的「髮捲梳」!
Follow us on Facebook: fb.com/POPBEE Follow us on Instagram: Instagram.com/POPBEE
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hair-make-lucir · 5 years
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3hairsalon · 6 years
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皆様のおかげでもうすぐ2周年! 本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 3月3日ご来店のお客様に、ささやかではございますがプレゼントをご用意しております。 ご来店心よりお待ちしております。 ※ 数に限りがございます。品切れの場合はご容赦ください。 N.ポリッシュソープ 〈ボディ&フェイス&ハンド用ソープ〉 100%天然精油とシアバター由来のやさしい泡で自らうるおう肌になる… マンダリンオレンジ&ベルガモットの香り 80ml #鳥取市 #美容室 #美容院 #napla #エヌドット https://www.instagram.com/p/Bud2MWVhwd3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qu5gswt0zx7v
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putschki1969 · 4 years
みんなの質問に答えるよ!~その①~ Answering everyone’s questions ~ Part 1 ~
OMG, she is the most precious human being on this planet. Her videos are getting cuter every time. And that adorable dango-hairstyle! Kill me now!
❗Please support Wakana❗
❗Join her Fan Club❗
❗Read my TUTORIAL here❗
All you need is a proxy service like TENSO and a credit card. PLEASE consider joining! Wakana is providing so much awesome content. It’s totally worth the annual membership fee of 4.000 yen! I want to motivate people to join Wakana’s fan club so I will not share the content publicly. However, I really don’t like withholding content so I will resort to the following plan 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ 👉LIKE and REBLOG my posts about Wakana’s fan club content 👉Leave a REPLY explaining why you currently cannot join the fan club / If you have already done this, just say you would like to receive a link 👉I will send you a Google Drive link via direct message 👉DO NOT SHARE the link or its content anywhere
A detailed summary can be found below the cut 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
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This is her second try at filming the video. The first time she tried to answer all the questions and the video turned SUPER long (she talked for about 2 hours). That’s why she decided to film everything again and make two separate parts. This is part 1.
Question 1: What made her choose her current house that she moved into a few years ago? The fact that she can see the sky clearly because there are no high buildings around her.
Question 2: What kind of supplements is she taking? She is taking a bunch and she has those super cute containers for every day of the week. She introduces one of her favourite supplements, RSP Nutrition BCAA 5000. It promotes muscular endurance and decreases fatigue. A friend recommended it to her [Note: I wonder which friend? *coughs* Keiko *coughs*]
Question 3: Her hair care routine? She has very long hair but in the humid wheather it turns frizzy and slightly curly so she always makes sure to use a special round brush to straighten her hair while drying it. She also uses a serum by a brand called Aujua. It takes care of dryness and leaves the hair soft, manageable, and moisturised. When she is going for a specific style, like an up-do (e.g. dango hair in the video XD) she uses a styling serum by by a brand called nAplA.
Question 4: What does she use as the base for her make-up? Aside from her concealer which she already introduced in her previous video, she usually uses a light and natural-looking base. And there is something she uses every day underneath her make-up. It’s her &be UV Milk. She uses it for her face and body actually. It’s very soothing and not sticky at all. Everyone should try using it if they can find a bottle.
Question 5: Where did she get the shark plushie in the background and what’s on its head? LOTS of people asked that question. Wakana thinks her shark is wearing a hat but she could be wrong. Also, she got that as a present from her relatives. it’s very fluffy and soft, the perfect size. She loves it. When her relatives saw if for the first time, they knew it was meant for Wakana so they gave it to her as present.
Question 6: The same question about her Teto plushie? She got that at a Ghibli exhibition in Roppongi. There was a souvenir store and she obviously couldn’t resist.
Question 7: How did she become a shark lover? [Note: She has actually talked about that so many times, why are people still asking this?] Her usual story about watching Jurassic Park in the cinema with her dad and brother. She was super scared but started to be interested in dinosaurs. At one point she came across megalodon (ancient dinosaur-shark). She was absolutely blown away by its size and immediately fell in love. She is happy that the fans seem to like her obsession with sharks, that allows her to make more and more shark merch XD She also loves shark movies (the ones where they are portrayed the way they actually are) and of course she loves going to the aquarium and watch them swim.
Question 8: Her go-to snacks and favourite ice: She prefers savoury snacks so her favourite snack might be “kaki no tane”. Especially the Ume&Shiso flavour. She likes everything with ume (plum) flavour like the Suppa-Mucho Ume chips for example. Generally, she is a fan of sour snacks so she also likes vinegar and lemon flavours. Her favourite ice and recommendation for everyone is PariPari Bar.
Question 9: What’s her usual air-con/heater temperature setting? When she sleeps she has her temperature set at around 27,5 degrees celcius. In the summer time when it is super hot she will turn on the A/C in the room adjacent to her bedroom so some cool air flows through the house and into the bedroom when she sleeps. Right now her room is at around 26 degrees celcius, she turned it down a bit for the video because she gets hot easily when she talks a lot. [Note: Does Wakana actually think that 26 degrees is a cool temperature? Wow. I honestly can’t deal with anything above 22 degrees in my apartment]
Question 10: Someone wants to see her accessory collection: She has a lot so she can’t show everything but she is showing us what she is wearing these days, She prefers gold over silver. She likes round shapes (not only with earrings but also with necklaces - like the choker she puts on).
Part 2 will follow soon! Everyone, please look forward to it! She says these Q&A videos are super hard because she can’t keep things short. She can’t answer with a single sentence, she just keeps on talking. These 10 question actually took her about 30 minutes to finish but she managed to edit it so the video is only 15 minutes XD
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stukkeruva2000 · 4 years
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Naplas roxx meg mindig... bar amiota megcsinaltak kurva sokan vannak :D De megerte akkor is...
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
“can i just ask a very stupid question? what even is the aesthetic that is so similar?”
i'm going to answer that in my opinion if that doesn't make you feel bad. the thing that made me think it's similar was because your masterlist is in docs and her was in docs too (this is what i remember, maybe i'm hallucinating because sometimes that happens), the “↳”, you know? she used that too. and i thought the style of the image of the post was also similar. I don't know, it's pretty confusing to me and i'm kinda scared that it was me who started all this thing and now some people is thinking you are katsukispicycaramel even if it's not clear if it's true or not
sorry if my english is so bad, it's not my native language :-)
of course i don’t mind, cuz i really wanna know. 
ok ok i get it. yeah that makes sense! 
if it’s ok i wanna explain my thought process behind the masterlist thing cuz i can see why that could be a point that everyone makes connections where there aren’t any. before i started my blog i followed ethanharli, goshidori and frenchbreadswriting very regularly (this is also why i know the other side of the argument about ksc and that she got death threats) and one thing that stood out to me was that french used google docs! which i really liked cuz sometimes, on other blogs, i had the problem that their tumblr masterlist links weren’t working, idk if you ever had that problem? but when i reread stuff on google docs on french’s list, i never had a problems connecting to the link but i didn’t like how the mobile version looked so i tried excel instead and found the mobile version as a masterlist just more pleasing to look at, so that is where i got the idea for putting a masterlist together outside of tumblr. 
from what i gathered by just looking at her backup acc, she used to put the title in the(really eye hurting) banner? which i don’t do. i was more inspired by goshidoris banners that had the character name and a picture of them on it, i just thought i’d write x m reader in it to grab peoples attention more when they scroll through the character tag. i didn’t think that something like that would start such a controversy...
for the ↳ i don’t have any explanation, guess that’s just coincidence when i searched “arrow symbols” to make my posts more organized. and when i write my uni notes i also use ↳ so that’s why i probs chose it too, it was familiar lol
and dw your english is not bad, i understood everything clearly :)
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en-futubandera · 4 years
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