#nari x jaemin
Relationship with NCT Dream
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WinWin and Nari were actually the main ones who took in Renjun after he entered SM
Nari knows what it's like living in a foreign country, how difficult, frustrating, and annoying it can be, so she wanted to help him - especially since he came alone at such a young age
Many late-night conversations about what Renjun has superstitions on (ex: aliens); Nari would listen to him and add in her input when necessary - but also conversations about their life and struggles they may be having
They like to meet up every once in a while to do some Art things to de-stress and catch up
One of Nari’s biggest protectors - if something goes bad towards Nari, he’s there to help and defend her, especially from Sasaengs. He is one of the members who gets to see her emotional, sensitive side, so he gets very defensive and protective when someone says something rude about her - or to her
They can also be very savage towards the other members much to the members’ dismay
She is lowkey the reason why he became the savage person he is - she made sure to raise him to know to not let people's opinions deter him on his goals and happiness (she is very proud of it)
A lot of gossip and teasing spoken through Mandarin kkkk
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His eye-smile makes her smile back instinctively and happily, showing her own eye-smile
A very soft sibling duo (though to be honest, if Doyoung is involved, then they’re basically a cute small family jdhkgjbg)
Genuinely finds him very funny and is ready to scold the other Dreamies if they keep teasing him about being ‘nojam’
There are many cases when he would call her, or she would visit him late at night when he can’t sleep the night before NCT goes on a variety show due to his anxiety and worry of not being funny :(
Nari is basically Jeno’s #1 fan; making sure he gets all the support and love he deserves - especially since he’s the type to keep it all in if he’s feeling hurt
Jeno really appreciates and cares for Nari, so if she’s in any danger/harm, he’s ready to protect her no matter what - one of her bodyguards, in a way
He likes playing the guitar for her even though she knows how to play the guitar
Although he may not express it a lot, he really looks up to her and is always looking to her for approval and love and support - which she gives him wholeheartedly
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The most stressful child out of all of the members
Always up to mischief, being cheeky and savage - but you know what? Nari is always there to snap back and humble him down FAST hehe (one of the reasons why he loves her; is because she can fight back and most of the time beat him)
Very clingy towards Nari, always crying out, “EOMMAA!” when something doesn’t go his way
Although she’s the mother figure to him, at the same time, she can also play around and do pranks with him - that’s when his eyes shine with hearts and admiration towards his mother-figure
Haechan to Doyoung: This is why Noona is my favourite, and why I listen to her more than you
But in all seriousness, he can go to her when he’s feeling down or is struggling with something - like when he had insecurities about his tan skin, she was there to cheer him up and be more confident in his own body. And if someone messes with him, she's always ready to throw hands and fight someone and let her cold exterior truly come true
We barely see Haechan get angry or upset, though most of the time whenever he’s in that mood, it’s because somebody was messing with his Noona
Although she jokes a lot about what a troublesome child he can be, whenever hate comes his way, she is ready to fIgHt someone - as in, Mama Bear swoops in, ready to attack
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Jaemin's natural loving personality really captured her attention the first time they met
Yes, she was in a loving family, she knew how to love, but through Jaemin she really learnt what love and care was - he is a whole other level
He is one of the reasons that made her soften up throughout the years and not seem too scary to almost everyone
He also inspired her to help more in charities and donations, so you would see them together participating for UNICEF and other charities together
Nari is one of his main muses when it comes to photography - he loves taking photos of her and editing them to perfection
One of his pillars and main supporters when he was on hiatus; Nari was always contacting him, updating him on what NCT are doing and the plans, making sure to encourage him to be patient and that they were all waiting for him to get better
Jaemin is actually one of the few younger members that Nari can lower her guard around, and be vulnerable with
There’s just that special connection between the two since the first time they met
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One of her other cheeky kids
You know how Chenle looks up to Taeyong when it comes to the rapping/performance area? He is the same towards Nari
Really looks up to her - because she’s basically the main person who helped him after he came to Korea with a lack of knowledge of the Korean language, and because of how badass she is
His mother is very grateful to Nari for looking after her son - and would actually nag Chenle and be like, “You listen to your second mother when you go to schedules together, and look out for her as well -”
Chenle is always visiting her to give his mother’s hot pot since she’s half-Chinese and misses the food every once in a while
You know how Chenle barely shows to the other members that he’s struggling with something, or feeling down? Yeah, well, that’s cuz he shows that side to Nari only - especially in the beginning when he first came to Korea; cried a lot and was scared, so he would always lean on Nari in those times - especially since she could speak his mother tongue, it was easier for him to express his heart to her
So whenever Nari struggles in something, it breaks his heart, and he will want to help her/protect her no matter what
He likes buying things for her even though he doesn’t need to - would just be minding his own business walking around the shops or something, and he would see something and be like, “Ooh, I’m gonna buy that for Noona.” and just buy it on a whim to give to her. She does the same to him - their other duo nickname is, 'Rich Mum and Son'
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Basically raised him since the day they met on his first day at SM despite the language barrier in the beginning
Whenever he needed help - whether it be for evaluations or daily life, he would go to her
Back when he used to go to school, she would always be there ready to pick him up from school to head to practice, buying him snacks along the way
He was actually one of the people that helped Nari with her dancing when they were trainees - so if you ever wonder how she became good at dancing even though she started at SM, you have Jisung to thank hehe. He also tries and helps her with her Korean like he does to Chenle - sometimes they would have mini Korean classes together, the three of them
Jisung really grew up under his biological family and Nari’s love and support, so you will actually see some small characteristics he kind of picked up on from Nari if you look closely
Because of this close attachment, he really worries/cares/protects her passionately as he would for his family - so in the Mind Camp, he also mentioned that he works/lives for his family and Nari, who has helped raise him in the idol industry
Jisung is basically her son, so she is ready to do anything and everything for him just like he would for her - the two are very whipped for each other.
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NCT 127 // NCT Dream // NCT U // WayV // SuperM // Other Male Idols
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fullsunrise · 7 months
Welcome to my fanfic masterlist! I’ll be updating as frequently as possible
M = Mature (18+)
Delicate (M)
Chapters: Preview, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Pairing: Haechan x Original female character Minor characters: Jaemin, Jeno, Yuta, Johnny, Mark, Jisung Genre: Angst, University AU, Slow Burn Warnings: Alcohol consumption, smoking, brief mentions of abuse, sexual themes, light smut Summary: As she lifted the unlit cigarette to her chapped lips, Haechan realized right then and there just how delicate she was. He wouldn't dare say this to her, though. Not when she was only one step away from shattering before him. He knew deep down that he would pick up the pieces without a second guess. That's what he always did. Clean up her messes over and over again. It didn't matter how many times he would try to mend the damage, he was only a temporary solution to numb the pain.
Playing With Fire (M) - Preview, Final
Pairing: Johnny x Original female character  Minor Characters: Jaehyun Genre: Office AU, Light Smut, Angst Warnings: Heavy sexual themes, light smut (non-explicit), alcohol consumption, Johnny is a bully Summary: Johnny from Sales. Even thinking about him made Nari’s eye twitch. Ever since she was forced to work with him on her latest project, he made it his sole mission to make her life a living hell. Never once in Nari’s career has she had to work with someone so egotistical, cunning, and above all else, annoyingly attractive.
Into a Dream (M) - Preview, Final
Pairing: Mark x Original female character Genre: Fluff, smut Warnings: Descriptive sex, CNC elements (Characters are both consenting adults!), somnophilia, basically no plot whoops Summary: All Mark wants to do is fall asleep with his arms wrapped around his love, but the late night hour plagues his mind with a burning desire that he can't ignore.
Midnight Dare - Final
Pairing: Haechan x Original female character Minor Characters: Johnny, Mark Genre: Humor, Romance Warnings: Sexual themes (very suggestive), mentions of alcohol, Haechan has a big dick (oops) Summary: New year's eve one-shot inspired by the prompt, "Their friends dare them to kiss a stranger at midnight and they are just tipsy enough to actually do it."
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injoontz · 5 months
𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ━ 𝐥.𝐣𝐧
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pairing. lee jeno x fem!oc starring. lee jeno, kwon nari (oc) featuring.  na jaemin, oh yein (oc) genre. college au warnings. drinking, smoking word count. 1.3k
synopsis. in which lee jeno tries to win over her heart again ↳ jeno!college x fem!oc
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It wasn’t like Nari wasn’t used to parties. She frequented them often actually. It wasn't hard to find them in Seoul if you knew the right people.
She spent most of her time during the day studying and most of her nights either sleeping or partying. She enjoyed the bustling environment and getting to watch people interact at parties. She also liked that there was free alcohol.
“Hey,” Yein scooted in next to Nari on the couch, her cheeks flushed with an Asian glow. “Are you going to drink at all tonight?”
Nari gave Yein a long look, deciphering how much her friend had to drink and how much more it would take for her to be wasted. Nari took the drink out of Yein’s hand and gave her friend a gentle smile.
“No, I’ll make sure you get home safely,” Nari replied, “No more drinks for you by the way. Sober up for a little and come back to me in an hour,”
Yein pouted, “Unnie,” she leaned her head on Nari’s shoulder and Nari switched the hand she held Yein’s drink in. “Please, Nari, I promise I’ll be safe,” while whining and pouting, Yein leaned closer to Nari, pushing her body against hers and reaching for the cup. Nari, however, just smiled at the younger girl and stretched out her arm, out of reach from Yein.
“You can have some later,” Nari said, “Drink some water for now,” 
Yein sighed and stood up from the couch to leave Nari, but stopped when Nari called out to her.
“Hey, Yein, don’t even think about heading back to the bartender,” Nari shouted after her. Yein grumbled something under her breath, but Nari knew that even drunk she knew better than to ignore her words.
Nari glanced down at Yein’s cup before getting up from the couch to throw it away. Weaving in and out of people, Nari found a comfortable spot to lean against on the wall. Crossing her arms, Nari watched as people chatted idly amongst themselves, some people were making out in a corner and others were playing games in different rooms.
“I’m surprised to see you here,” a voice said.
Nari looked over and saw Jaemin settling in next to her against the wall.
“Why’s that?” Nari asked.
“You don’t usually come on Sundays,” Jaemin replied.
Nari hummed gently to herself before flashing him a smile. Jaemin's heart leapt to his throat.
“If you smile at me like that I might fall in love with you,” Jaemin said.
Nari’s smile turned into a smirk, “Oh? I’m flattered, but you’ll have to find another pick-up line if you’re really that interested,”
Jaemin smirked back at her, “Since when were you this openly confident, Kwon?”
Nari shrugged, “I’m just enjoying myself tonight. I’m on babysitting duty, so no drinks for me,” but she pulled out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes as she said that.
Nari smirked before pointing outside. “Care to join me?” she started moving toward the backyard without hearing Jaemin’s reply though.
Nevertheless, Nari knew that Jaemin would follow her. She would entertain his curiosity until he got bored of her and left to go find someone else to talk to. That’s usually how her encounters with him went.
Once outside, Nari leaned against the wall of the house and lit the cigarette. She took a deep inhale before letting out a gentle puff of smoke into Jaemin’s face. He coughed as he inhaled it but otherwise was completely mesmerized by the younger girl in front of him.
“No drinking, but smoking is okay?” Jaemin mocked.
“How else do you think I’m here?” Nari replied, “You’ve never seen me completely sober at one of these events,”
“You wouldn’t last two seconds,” Jaemin agreed.
Lifting the cigarette to her lips, Nari took a long inhale before letting it all out into the air in front of her.
“Those smell horrible,” Jaemin cringed.
“But they feel great,” Nari replied.
“Do they though?”
“Eh, just enough to take the edge off,” Nari said.
“You should try something that smells better,” Jaemin offered.
“Like what?”
“A vape,”
“I’ll pass for now,” Nari said and took another drag of her cigarette.
“Smoking is bad for your lungs,” Jaemin said as he pulled out a vape and handed it to her. Nari glanced at it before pocketing it. Jaemin scoffed but said nothing.
“Technically, they’re both bad,” Nari replied.
“Whatever, suit yourself,” Jaemin shrugged, “But a girl like you shouldn’t smell like that shit. It’s unattractive,”
“Perfect male repellent,” Nari hummed gently. 
Jaemin chuckled before turning away from Nari and heading back inside. Nari’s shoulders finally relaxed as she took in the much quieter atmosphere outside of the house. People were much calmer outside, obviously having stepped out into the cold night to try and sober up a bit before heading back into the party.
Somewhere inside the house, Jeno was making his way through the crowd. Though he wasn’t short, the mass of bodies all around him still made it difficult to move and see around.
Catching a glimpse of pastel pink hair, Jeno pushed his way toward his cousin and grabbed her shoulder tightly. Yein turned around and her face broke into a giant smile when she saw Jeno.
“Jeno!” she exclaimed.
Jeno gave her a long look, “How much have you had to drink?”
“Don’t worry! Nari told me to stop for a bit!” Yein replied, a giant stupid grin plastered to her face.
Jeno smiled a bit and nodded before a thought crossed his mind. He hasn’t seen Nari at all that entire night, only glimpses here and there of the taller girl.
“Where is she by the way?” Jeno asked.
“Hmm?” Yein gave him a confused look, “She was over by the couch earlier, but I saw her leave with Jaemin just a few minutes ago,”
Subconsciously, Jeno’s mouth pressed into a thin line. He gave his cousin a gentle pat on the shoulder before saying he was going to go find Nari. Yein merely nodded and waved him off so that she could continue dancing with her friend.
As Jeno made his way toward the couch, he saw Jaemin entering the house from outside. Jaemin caught Jeno’s gaze and pointed outside to the backyard. Understanding what he was saying, Jeno his way to the door and stepped outside.
Jeno could smell the smoke before he even stepped outside. With a disappointed frown on his lips, Jeno leaned against the wall next to Nari, who sat with her back against the wall.
“You know I hate it when you do that,” Jeno said.
Nari’s mouth turned up into a smirk, but her eyes were glued to a couple conversing with their friends. The guy had his arm draped across his girlfriend’s shoulder and she leaned against him with a bubbly smile on her face. 
“Aww, is poor Nono worried?” Nari’s voice dripped with a fake sweetness that Jeno found addicting. Even after all this time, she always managed to find a way to make his stomach flips.
“Never mind,” Jeno rolled his eyes and moved off the wall to leave. He stopped when he felt his hand being held back. Turning around, he saw Nari’s hand wrapped around his wrist, her eyes never leaving the couple.
“Sorry,” she apologized, her sarcasm was replaced with a genuineness that was so sincere that Jeno knew she couldn’t have been faking it. 
“Can you stay?” Nari asked.
Jeno sighed but there was a hint of a smile on his face. He sat down next to her and Nari immediately put out her cigarette, stabbing the tip of it into the cement to put out the embers.
“Why do you put up with me?” she asked Jeno.
“Because I like you,” Jeno replied easily.
“You love too easily,” her reply was immediate. “You could do better,”
“I don't want to do better. I want you,”
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©𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐳, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
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najaemism · 2 years
heart can't lose [63]
PAIRING. lee haechan x fem!oc
SUMMARY. fourth year pre-med student and neo university student council president, haechan lee does not have the time for relationships. instead, he focuses his attention on his studies and extracurriculars, so as not to disappoint his parents. that is until hera seo came along—and everyone starts to wonder if the university’s golden boy would finally let his heart lose.
NARI WASN’T SURE what time it was already. All she knew was that it had been a while since they left the cinema, she and Jaemin just walking side by side as they made their way to his condo building. 
“You should just stay over,” Jaemin said, catching her off guard.
“God knows what time it is already, Nari, you can just stay over. You only have afternoon classes tomorrow, right?” 
“Right,” she muttered, nodding her head. “But is that okay with you, or—”
He chuckled, cutting her off, and she couldn’t help but turn her head to glance at him, catching a glimpse of the small smile on his lips. 
If she felt like her heart was burning inside her chest at the sight of him like that—smiling, with his face aglow because of the lights from the streetlights—she’d never admit that to anyone.
“Of course, it’s okay,” he said, turning to her, “it’s not like you’re a stranger or something. I’ve had other people stay over before.”
Nari couldn’t help but wonder if “other people” included Hera. 
She quickly shook the thought out of her head, which Jaemin had noticed, brows furrowing as he looked at her.
“You okay?” he asked with a laugh. “Why are you suddenly shaking your head?”
“It’s nothing,” she waved off. “Just tired.”
He let out a sigh. “This is why we should have just rescheduled watching the movie for the weekend,” he said. “You were already tired with your internship, you didn’t need to come here.”
“And I told you, it’s fine,” she countered, “there would’ve been a lot of people if we watched during the weekend. Plus, you wanted to watch the movie already, didn’t you?”
Jaemin didn’t respond after that, and she found herself turning to look at him again, only to see that he had stopped walking.
“Jaem?” she called, stopping a few feet away from the boy.
“You know, it’s really fine with me that they’re together, you don’t need to always try and make me feel better.”
She didn’t know if she should feel guilty that as of lately, the reason that she had been hanging out with him was because she wanted to, not because she thought he needed to get his mind off Hera. 
Somehow, the thought of him thinking that that was the reason kind of stung, how for her this was something that she wanted, that she really just liked being with him, but for him it was just some sort of distraction, something to make him stop thinking about the girl he had been in love with for years, just for a moment.
Despite all that, she only smiled at him and nodded. “I know, Jaem.”
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SIXTY THREE. | prev / masterlist / next
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TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @archivedmkl @najaeminluvbot @jiye0n0 @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @hrjchive @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @juune04 @nctasdfghj @hyckio @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @mahae66 @kkotjia
HCL TAGLIST. @aedreamzy @moonsclover @rrnhyuck @reinde3r @daegalfangirl @yixingtion @dandelionxgal @thesunsfullmoon @yangsbff @y3jiishot @purpleheejin @prdshobi @vantxx95 @goldryush @minavenue
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enjennie · 2 years
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A story wherein Mark and Nari's friends are so tired of them pretending they've gotten over the other (when they clearly haven't). Join them and their friends as they clown themselves and venture on a journey of moving on, self discovery, feelings and a whole lot of partying which might eventually bring them to one question: Should we try again?
Pairing: mark lee x oc
Special mention: na jaemin
Genre: exes to lovers, angst, fluff, college au, mutual pining and (kind of) forced proximity. Social media AU!
Warnings: Profanities up ahead! Drinking, parties and college students with their feeling all over the place.
Status: Ongoing.
a/n: Hi! This is my first smau here on Tumblr, but this AU was first released on twt. I lost motivation to write it back then so hopefully I finish it this time (pls plsss nag me to finish it). Formerly a filo AU, I decided last minute to change it to english and republish it here :) Enjoy!
Taglist: Please send an ask to be added!
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a. Nari, Mark & Friends
01. Finals week
02. The groupchats
03. Party rock is in the house tonight
04. Who???
05. Renjun ever so great
06. Chilly car ride
07. Mystery jacket
08. Best friend
09. Fast forward Monday
10. Cockblock
11. Coffee?
12. Coffee buddies
13. Renjun's part-time
14. Baker Mark?!
15. Ulterior move
16. The Meeting
17. It's a date
18. Jaemin's past
19. Unexpected occurence
20. Drive
21. Because I Love You
22. Caught in the rain
23. Daegal
24. Surprise visit
25. Coffee's gone cold
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mminhos · 6 years
Mine | Chapter One |
Characters: Nari(OC) x Minho x Jisung, Chan, Woojin, Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin, Hyunjae(OC), Jaemin(OC), Chaeyoung(OC) more could be added
Summary: They say life has unusual twists. Some are expected, some are not. Some are gladly welcome, some are hated. My life hadn't had any of that. It was boring, it was plain, it was dull. Until I met him. Or should I say, until I met them.
Even though it was still August, the weather was particularly gloomy. The sun was blocked out by grey clouds and the wind was rather cold. People, however, still went around as their average day, so the streets of Seoul were just as busy as if it was a sunny day.
It was Summer, but Nari still had homework to do. She sighed as she crossed the street, stepping out of the way to avoid the children who were happily holding their hot chocolates, but clearly not looking where they were going.
Smiling, she turned left once she'd crossed and entered the café she always visited during school days, Hugs with Mugs.
The cafe was surprisingly empty, with only a few people sitting in and waiting in the queue to order. Nari joined it, glancing up at the menu and scanning the drinks section. After deciding her order, she replied to a few of her friends on Snapchat and put her earphones back into her bag. Soon enough, the cue finished and Nari headed to the counter, still looking at the floor.
“What can I get you miss?”
Glancing up, she stared at the boy standing in front of her. Nari was expecting Minjae, the usual barista that she had became friends with overtime, but it wasn't. This boy was shorter than him, with black hair, several piercings; including a lip one, and half a sleeve of tattoos on his right arm.
The boy smirked at her, before tapping his pen on the counter and coughing.
“Listen love, I know I look like a snack. but I ain’t the menu, stop staring”
Nari aggressively coughed, before looking down at the floor again and flushing red.
“uhm s-sorry. Could I please have a caramel frappuccino?”
The boy smirked again, before typing the order out onto the computer and grabbing a cup.
“Sure princess. what's the name?”
“N-Nari. Its Nari”
“mhm pretty name. I'll bring it over princess”
Nari smiled awkwardly, before walking away, grabbing a napkin on the way. She took a seat next to the window, watching the citizens of Seoul walk by. Taking out her phone, she replied to a few Snapchat messages and watched her friends’ stories, chuckling at some of the party images one of her friends had thrown last night.
The presence of someone standing next to her made her look up from her phone, only to see the boy from before standing next to her, holding her drink in his hand, a smirk evident on his face. He placed it down on the table and Nari smiled at him.
“thank you…”
Nari stopped, obviously not knowing what the boy’s name was. She glanced up at his name tag, before looking up at his face.
“Minho. Thank you Minho”
“Welcome princess”
Minho grinned, before turning round and walking back towards the counter. Nari watched him as he walked away, before glancing back down at the cup to see a smiley face next to her name. Shaking her head, she took a sip of her drink and pulled out her maths textbook. She skimmed through the pages, before landing on the right one and started to work.
Meanwhile, Minho ended up serving a few more customers that had walked in. After giving the last customer their change, Minho grabbed a cloth and headed over to the tables that needed to be cleaned. He glanced at Nari every now and then, slightly smiling at her concentrated expression.
“Are you just gonna eye fuck her or are you gonna actually speak to her?”
Minho jumped and span round, only to see Chaeyoung; a fellow worker at the cafe, standing there with a slice of chocolate cake.
“I'm not eye fucking her. And besides, I have a boyfriend”
“Dude, can you not give a slice of cake out of simple kindness then?”
Minho stared at Chaeyoung, to the cake and back at her again. Sighing, he placed the cloth in Chaeyoung’s hand and took the plate out of her other. Chaeyoung tapped him on the back and gave him a soft shove in the direction. Minho walked over to Nari, who was still in absorbed in the textbook. He coughed, gaining her attention.
“Here princess”
Nari glanced from the cake to Minho and back again, confusion taking place on her face.
“I didn't order any cake though…”
“So you don't want it then? Sure thing princess, I'll take it back”
“Oh no you won't. I'm not refusing free chocolate cake. Thank you Minho”
“Welcome princess”
Minho glanced at the textbook and then to Nari’s scribbles on her mistakes.
“Its best if you work out what 10% is first. That way, you can add up everything easier”
Nari stared at her textbook and then looked up at Minho, smiling in disbelief.
“What? I did go to school you know”
“Not its not that. Thank you Minho”
“No problem. Give me a shout if you need anymore help, or cake”
Minho winked, before making his way back to the counter, to which Chaeyoung was standing behind, a look of accomplishment on her face.
“Move aside Cupid, Chaeyoung is onto your ass” Chaeyoung mumbled to herself, before placing a cloth onto the work surface and heading into the kitchen.
About an hour had passed and Nari, sadly, was still nowhere near finishing her homework. She had finished the first few pages, Minho’s advice helping a lot. However, she had been stuck on the same question for the past fifteen minutes, and it was clear she wasn't getting anywhere.
She’d also been glancing at Minho for those past fifteen minutes, hoping he could somehow mind read and realise she needed help.
“if you weren't so bloody shy, you’d be away with this homework, idiot” she mumbled to herself, before lying her head down onto the table and groaning.
Walking out of the kitchen with clean plates, Chaeyoung looked over at Nari and then to Minho, who was busy putting plates away into the cupboards. Placing the plates down, she made her way over to Minho and leaned against the counter next to him.
“Hey Minho, that girl is practically begging you with her eyes for you to shift your ass over there and help her”
“She's what?”
Huffing, Chaeyoung grabbed Minho by the arm and yanked him up to full height and brought him to the counter, so he had full view of Nari, who still had her head on the table.
“So.. move your ass and go and help her”
Chaeyoung pushed Minho out of the counter and watched smugly as he made his way over to the girl, crossing her arms proudly.
“Ran Cupid out of his job, well done Chaeyoung” she mumbled to herself, before continuing to put the plates away as well.
Minho swerved in and out of the customers getting up to leave, before stopping beside Nari, who was currently staring at the textbook.
“hey princess, do you need any more help?”
“uhh yeah I do actually”
Minho nodded before moving closer to Nari and leaning his hand onto the table.
“show me then”
Nari moved the textbook towards Minho and pointed at the paragraph worth of questions. Chuckling, Minho read over the instructions and then the questions, before explaining what to do, all to a confused looking Nari.
“Understand now princess?”
“no, sorry. It just doesn't make sense to me at all”
Nodding, Minho grabbed a chair, spinning it round and placing it next to Nari. He sat down and shuffled in closer, making sure Nari could hear him better. Starting again, he got about halfway through his explanation, when Minho felt Nari’s eyes on him. Grinning smugly, he turned his head and cocked an eyebrow at her.
“listen princess, if you actually want to understand this, you have to listen to me and not just stare at me”
Nari shot her vision away from Minho’s face and looked at the textbook, her cheeks blushing a light red colour. Minho smirked, before pushing his fringe back with his hand and exhaling.
“Sorry” Nari mumbled, so quietly that Minho almost didn't hear it. “Can you explain again please?”
Nodding, Minho began to talk again, going a tad slower than before. Soon enough, Nari understood it and did all the questions without any difficulty at all. She was going to thank Minho, but he had already flipped the textbook page and started explaining what to do on the next set of questions.
Not that Nari minded. She could do with the help. And the company.
Several hours had passed, and it was now reaching 6pm, when Minho finally glanced at the clock.
“Shit, my shift finishes in five minutes” Minho grumbled, before standing up and pushing his chair back underneath the table.
“I should go home as well now. Thank you for helping” Nari smiled, packing her textbook and pencil case into her bag.
“No problem princess” Minho smiled, turning away and then turning back again. “Which direction do you need to go?”
“Uhh i cross the road and then go left” Nari said slowly, looking at the boy.
“I live in that direction too. I’ll walk with you for a bit if you want?”
Nari nodded, making Minho smile and turn away, jogging towards the ‘STAFF ONLY’ room, before shouting that he just needed to get his stuff.
A few minutes later, Minho came out, a black backpack slung over his shoulder and a leather jacket. He winked at Nari, before shouting goodbye to Chaeyoung, who only replied back with “GET LOST LOSER”
Minho shook his head, before standing in front of Nari and smiling.
“So princess, you ready to go?”
They’d been walking in silence since they’d left the cafe, which was about seven minutes ago. Both Minho and Nari would sneak peeks at each other and soon enough, Nari grew tired of the non existent conversation.
“So, how come you're working at the cafe?” She asked
“Well, you know Chaeyoung? She's new there too, and she's one of my best friends’ girlfriend. So she asked the owner if I could join there as well, to ‘get me out of the house’ apparently”
Nari laughed, nodding in amusement before smiling to herself. She hadn't even noticed that they had reached the estate that she lived on. Minho continued to walk, only stopping when he realised that Nari wasn't walking next to him.
“Hey princess what you doing?”
“I- uhh- I live on this estate” Nari mumbled, fiddling with her fingers
Minho recoiled, looking from Nari to the estate. He swallowed hard, a wave of sadness coming over him, but he quickly buried that down.
“Oh, so you're a rich girl then?” Minho asks
“Don't say that. My mum’s family is successful, so it kind of runs down the family”
Minho nodded, adjusting the straps on his backpack before smiling at Nari.
“Well, see you soon princess”
“Yeah, see you soon Minho”
Nari watched as he walked away and down the street, before she walked onto the street. She looked at the drive that lead onto her house, sighing at the sight that none of her parents’ cars were on there. Her thoughts drifted to Minho again, a smile making its way onto her lips, but there was also a feeling of weariness that he gave her. Nari didn't know why, she knew she had to keep some sort of distance from Minho.
Or would she?
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Meeting Chwe Boyoung
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Summary: Nari meets someone she never expected to meet. (Boyoung x Nari crossover) Based on Boyoung's post, The Multiverse
A/N: I didn't tag anyone in this because this is a post we've already read before in the previous blog - it changed a little bit, but nothing big, so I didn't tag anyone ^^
A soft knock was heard behind Nari’s bedroom door, making the woman call out gently for the person to come in. She assumed that one of the members must have come back to the dorm early from their dinner outing; Nari felt like staying back at home to relax rather than go out with the others - goodness, the poor woman has been slightly overworking due to NCT 127 and WayV preparations as well as NCT as a whole in general (not that the public is aware of, having preparations for their next NCT comeback and all…).
When the door opened, she did not expect to see a young woman sniffling, face stained with dry tears and looking very defeated. Nari had no idea who this young woman was, but at the moment, she looked very defeated, sad, and in pain - Nari’s motherly instincts kicked in despite not knowing who she was. “Oh my…” Nari felt her eyes soften at the sight of the young woman, reminding her of the Dreamies. “Are you alright, honey?”
“N-No!” the stranger whimpered, bursting into tears. Instantly, Nari held her arms out for a hug, the young woman falling into her arms as she cried heavily. Seeing her cry made her think of Jisung for some reason; must be because she looked around his age.
“Aiyaa~” Nari cooed, patting her back comfortingly. “It’s okay, it’s okay, let it all out, take your time honey, take your time~”
She doesn’t know how long the two stayed in their position; the stranger hugged Nari around the waist tightly as the two sat on Nari’s bed, but eventually, the cries stopped, and the woman pulled away from Nari to wipe her face sheepishly. “Are you okay?” Nari asked her calmly, helping brush loose strands of hair away from her damp face.
“Y-Yeah, I should be okay now,” the woman smiled at her sheepishly. “Thanks…”
“No worries,” Nari smiled back, moving to rest against her headboard. She stared at the young woman curiously. “Now…can I ask why you are here? I’ve never seen you before, and I have no idea how you came here without me hearing the front door opening…” A thought entered her mind that made her pout. “Are you a relative of one of the members who I didn’t know about? If so, that is very low of them, and I will scold them later for that.” Nari tried to think of which member would do this. Her face darkened at another suggestion. "If you're a sasaeng -"
“No, I’m not…I’m not a relative of the members,” the stranger admitted with the smallest cringe. "And I'm not a sasaeng. No way..." She lifted her hand up to show the Sling Ring to Nari. “I’m from another universe.”
“Ohhh?” Nari leaned forward to stare at the jewellery with interest. She recognised it, being a MARVEL fan and all, so her interest was piqued.
“Yeah,” she nodded. “In my universe, I’m Jaemin’s childhood best friend -” Her face flashed with pain momentarily, seeming to reminisce on a painful memory, “-and together we’re in NCT. I’m the only female member in NCT.”
Only female member in NCT?
"Prove it," Nari narrowed her eyes at her suspiciously. "Tell me something about NCT that the public doesn't know."
Boyoung blinked. "Uh...Johnny Oppa once danced to Barbie Girl shirtless while he had those extensions in his hair during Gimme Gimme era. Mark Oppa had recorded it and sent it to the Dreamie group chat."
No one knows that except the members.
“That’s cool,” Nari grinned, holding her arms out to her side. “Because that’s me in this universe, the only female member in NCT.”
“Really?” the stranger tilted her head in curiosity, Nari internally cooing at the cute action, “Can I ask what your name is?”
“Oh, of course!” Nari beamed. “My name is Park Nari.”
“My name is Chwe Boyoung. I thought I was going to meet another version of me, I didn’t know I’d meet a different person…”
“Can I know who you’ve met already?”
Boyoung recounted the events from when she had her disagreement with Jaemin in her original universe (Nari pouted at the fact Boyoung couldn’t see how amazing she truly was), all the way to leaving the recent different-Jaemin in his universe all alone. “How peculiar,” Nari mused once she heard the whole story. “You’ve met the version of you if you didn’t grow up in your upbringing, being happy and all that, and then you met an angry version of yourself that didn’t move on from the past and pushed people away, and then you met a universe where you…” Her smile faltered, “...unfortunately lost the battle to your hardships…”
“And now I am in a universe where I don’t exist,” Boyoung added dryly.
“Eh, it’s alright,” Nari waved off, “I’m pretty sure there’s a universe where neither of us doesn’t exist, and we’re just someone’s imagination.” Nari blinked at what she just uttered. She had no idea why she said that…
“Right, anything could happen…” Boyoung agreed, snapping Nari out of her mini confusion.
“But you know what I can see in your journey?” Nari asked her with a raised eyebrow. The young woman copied her action.
“How they all speak the same message.”
“Which is?”
“Gratification, and moving onwards,” Nari answered in a reflective tone, waving her hand absently as if it was nothing - when really, it was something to take in. “That you have the chance to move on and become a better version, that you should be grateful for where you are.”
“...huh…” Boyoung blinked. But Nari could read her better than Boyoung thought; she can see the small denial in her eyes despite the journey she’s been through in the past few hours.
“And you know what I’m going to say?” Nari smiled cheekily with a wink.
“The same things the other universes said, I presume?” Boyoung returned with a half-hearted eye roll.
“Well, it’s because it’s true,” Nari shrugged, relaxing back against her headboard. “You need to see that you are not who you used to be, you’re not the old you that was lost and weak; but you’re a new person who can move on and become better - and people around you have seen it, except you. And I bet you, through these multiverse travels, you’re realising how lucky you are right now, and how grateful you are, right?”
“...right…” Acceptance and defeat are reflected in the young woman’s eyes. It reminded Nari of when she had to confront for the first time that she was constantly pushing people away, not letting anyone through her walls and into her heart. It wasn't until it had to be literally yelled at to her for her to realise the seriousness of how guarded she was to even her own members.
“So, what are you going to do?” Nari asked rhetorically, speaking the answer quickly before Boyoung could say anything. “You’re going to go back home, admit that you’re changing for the better, an show the members how grateful you are,” Goodness, Nari needed to express this to her own members as soon as they came back from their dinner outing.
“You’re such a mum,” Boyoung snickered. “Are you the mother figure in NCT?”
“Yeah, I am,” Nari smiled fondly at the thought of her members. “How interesting is that? I’m one of the older members in NCT and seen as an older sister or mother figure, but you’re the maknae of NCT. You must be so lucky having the members loving you.”
“Same to you,” Boyoung nodded. “You’re their role model, they love you a lot and would do anything fo you, I am guessing.”
“Right,” Memories of the members wanting to help her in certain situations played in the back of her mind. “I love them just as much…”
“From what I can see, there’s always something that’s trying to pull us back,” Boyoung noted thoughtfully. “Mine is my upbringing…do you have any struggles?”
“Oh, you know it!” Nari giggled in bittersweet. “Um…I tend to put a barrier up between me and people, so I don't get close to them. I tend to push people away and not show my true emotions and thoughts. So, people mistake me for being cold and rude.”
“Really?” Boyoung gaped. She had no idea they were similar.
“Yeah,” Nari winced, scratching the back of her neck. “Uh, it's a habit I had growing up, to be honest. But the members are trying to help me open up to people, especially Taeyong - I don't deserve him, I swear -”
“Huh? You and Taeyong Oppa?” Boyoung interrupted her with a confused frown.
“Ohhh…” Nari’s eyes widened slightly in realisation. “You know how you and Jisung have a thing going on? Well, in this universe, I am in a relationship with Taeyong.”
“Really?” Boyoung almost squealed, even going as far as to jump on her spot on the bed. “You and Oppa? Wooowww what is it like?”
“It’s great!” Nari perked up. Although she tried not to, a big smile was forming on her face at the thought of her lover. “We’re best friends, have helped each other in our lowest moments and everything…I really love him. I don't know where I would be without him.” Ever since the two decided to open up themselves to change and become their true selves, while also communicating with one another, they have been unstoppable.
Nari moved to sit beside Boyoung again instead of against the headboard, nudging her shoulder lightly with hers. “You should do that with Jaemin.”
“Jaemin and I aren’t -” Boyoung winced.
“I know, pabo,” Nari rolled her eyes. “But he’s still your best friend, the one who hasn’t given up on you. He deserves to be acknowledged as well, you know?”
“Yeah, I know,” Boyoung grinned small. “I’m really lucky to have him and the others in my life.”
“Aren’t we all?” Nari joked, referring to all versions of Boyoung (and maybe even herself), the two giggling briefly. “So…you know why you’re travelling through universes now, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Boyoung sighed, seeming to relax her shoulders as if a weight was lifted off of them, “I know now.”
“That’s good, that’s good, I’m glad~”
Just then, a new portal opened up, having heard Boyoung’s longing and accepting heart to go back home for good. “Time to go home, I guess,” Boyoung seemed to have recognised it was a portal to her original universe, hopping off Nari’s bed quickly to stand in front of the portal. Nari moved quickly after her in an attempt to get a closer look at what Boyoung’s universe looked like. From what Nari could see, it was another version of her own room, it was just decorated to Boyoung’s style - and Nari can definitely see the room scream out Chwe Boyoung.
“Remember what you learnt in these travels, Boyoung,” Nari reminded her in a motherly tone. “Don’t let this all go to waste.”
“I won’t,” she assured the older woman with a smile. “I’ve learnt my lesson.”
“That’s good,” Nari nodded.
“Can you do something for me?” Boyoung requested, turning around to face Nari, her back to the portal.
“Make sure to tell the members how grateful you are to have them in your life and to love them unconditionally,” Boyoung shuffled in her spot shyly. “The members deserve the whole world.”
“They do, they really do,” Nari almost whispered, feeling emotional from the love they both clearly had for their members. Nari was glad to have met Chwe Boyoung. If only she was from Nari’s universe; Nari would have treasured her and looked after her and loved her the way she deserved. And maybe through Boyoung, Nari would have learnt to appreciate the members a few years ago and be open to them - or maybe she and Boyoung would both be stubborn and not open up until years later. Who knows?
With one last wave of goodbye, Boyoung walked through the portal, back home.
The sound of the front door being unlocked echoed in the quiet dorm, followed by the loud laughter of the members and them teasing Doyoung like usual.
Nari was quick to fulfil Boyoung’s request.
“Noona!” Haechan cheered, dashing to her side before Doyoung could whack him for teasing the older member. “I missed you!”
“I missed you too in those few hours!” Nari snickered, pressing multiple kisses on the top of his head that made him laugh at the ticklish feeling. Although the 127 maknae was a bit confused to receive such physical affection, he couldn't complain. “Love you~”
“Mh, love you too, Noona~!”
“Hey, do we get this treatment as well?” Johnny pouted, hand flying to his heart dramatically. Rolling her eyes, she pulled away from Haechan (ignoring his whines) to hug her American best friend tightly. “Whoa,” Johnny raised his eyebrows at the intense love he was receiving, though returned it. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing,” she hummed, moving away from him to hug Jungwoo next who accepted her hug with a squeal. “I just wanted to remind you guys how much I love you and am grateful to have you in my life.”
“Don’t worry, we feel the same,” Jaehyun assured her as it was his turn to receive a hug from her.
“I know,” she nodded, “But I still wanted to express my love and gratitude to you guys.”
“And we’ll happily accept it,” Taeyong declared, swooping forward to encase his arms around her waist, pressing kisses all over her face. While she giggled at her boyfriend’s affection, the others groaned in mock disgust.
“Alright, keep it PG, here, we have some kids!” Yuta teased, nodding in Mark and Haechan’s direction. As everyone laughed at the teasing and continued to joke around with one another, Nari admired them all in the arms of her wonderful boyfriend, leaning her head on his chest.
Yes, she was very lucky to have them in her life, just like how Boyoung was lucky to have her members in her life.
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yakcult-archive · 7 years
I was tagged by @diaryofalonelydiva 💕
Answer all the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to know better!
A: Age - 19
B: Birthplace - Irvine, CA
C: Current time - 2:40 pm
D: Drink you had last - Caramel iced coffee with whole milk
E: Easiest person to talk to - @astral-fairy-tactician
F: Favorite song - D (Half Moon) by DEAN (ft. Gaeko)
G: Grossest memory - The 2 times I've thrown up infront of my boyfriend
H: Hogwarts house - Slytherin
I: In love - with my boyfriend Chris, life, and too many bias'
J: Jealous of people - I try not to be
K: Killed someone - you'll never know ;)
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again - me @ namjoon, yoongi, Johnny, jooheon, etc.
M: Middle name - Nari
N: Number of Siblings - 0, I'm an only child :)
O: One wish - meet BTS and tell them how much they have influenced and helped me :)
P: Person you called last - My cousins Jaemin and Hyun bc they are little shits who spammed me with FaceTime calls last night
Q: Question you’re always asked - It's either: "how old are you" or "what's your ethnicity"
R: Reasons to smile - Visiting my boyfriend in a week and Kcon with Kayla and Taylor :)
S: Song you sang last - Stuck by Monsta X
T: Time you woke up - 6ish am
U: Underwear color - black
V: Vacation Destination - I wanna go to SK to see my family or to Japan
W: Worst habit - Letting what others say about me take an effect on me
Y: Your favorite food - Miso Pork Belly Ramen
Z: Zodiac sign - Capricorn
I tag: @thatmilky @ardentlyjae @jjungdork
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piinkhair-blog · 7 years
kpop idols the hets can’t have 3.0
thanks to everyone who gave their input in helping make this list better than ever!
all of vixx (especially sanghyuk, taekwoon, hakyeon, ravi)
heechul, ryeowook, kyuhyun (super junior)
jaejoong, junsu, yuho (tvxq)
all of got7 (especially jackson and bambam)
all of bts (especially yoongi, hobi, and jimin)
taeil (block b)
all of monsta x (especially wonho, minhyuk, and hyungwon)
hansol, a-tom, jenissi, xero (topp dogg)
zuho, rowoon, chani, inseong, taeyang, and jaeyoon (sf9)
all of imfact (especially jian and sang)
26, woosoo (masc)
sungjin, wonpil (day6)
all of seventeen (esepecially jeonghan, seungkwan, wonwoo, hoshi, and joshua)
seungjun, inseong (knk)
jonghyun, key, taemin (shinee)
all of cross gene (especially takuya)
luhan, sehun, chanyeol (exo)
xiao, sunyoul, jinhoo (up10tion) 
woosang (double a)
all of map6 (especially jjun and sign)
hon (mr mr)
johnny, taeyong, ten, haechan, winwin, jeno, jaemin (nct)
kisu, daeil (24k)
jinjin, eunwoo, moonbin (astro)
youngjae, jongup, zelo, and himcham (b.a.p)
minhyuk, peniel (btob)
e’dawn, shinwon, yan an, yuto (pentagon)
jo kwon (2am)
ren (n’uest)
byungchan, sejun, seungsik (victon)
hanbin, jinhwan (ikon)
taehyun (winner)
bm (k.a.r.d)
seungyoun (uniq)
hanbit (mercury)
all of twice (especially sana, momo, and chaeyoung)
somin, jiwoo (k.a.r.d)
all of mamamoo (especially moonbyul and hwasa)
iu (solo)
amber, krystal, luna (f(x))
ailee (solo)
nari (wassup)
jimin (15&)
jo sojin (9muses)
all of exid (especially hani, solji, le, and hyerin)
cheetah (solo rapper)
all of red velvet (especially seulgi and irene)
yuna (aoa)
hyuna (4minute)
dara, park bom (2ne1)
jisoo, lisa, rose, (blackpink)
all of gfriend (especially sinb and eunha)
bora, hyorin (sistar)
sunny, yoona, yuri (snsd)
all of wjsn (especially eunseo and dayoung)
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najaemism · 2 years
heart can't lose [20]
PAIRING. lee haechan x fem!oc
WARNINGS. language
SUMMARY. fourth year pre-med student and neo university student council president, haechan lee does not have the time for relationships. instead, he focuses his attention on his studies and extracurriculars, so as not to disappoint his parents. that is until hera seo came along—and everyone starts to wonder if the university’s golden boy would finally let his heart lose.
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“WE HAVEN’T HUNG out like this before, have we?” Jaemin asked, seemingly thinking out loud while his eyes were still trained on the television in front of them, where an episode of some sitcom was playing.
Nari, who had been sitting beside him on the couch, turned her head to look at the boy before asking, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” he paused, placing the bowl of popcorn they had made earlier down on the coffee table before continuing, “we’ve been in the same friend group since high school, but we’ve never hung out alone before,” he clarified.
“Huh,” she said in realization. “I guess we’ve never really had a reason to hang out alone before.”
He hummed. “Well, you’re great company, Nari,” he told her before adding, “when you’re not trying to burn down your own apartment by cooking, that is.”
Nari feigned an offended reaction as she took a throw pillow from beside her and hit him with it, eliciting a laugh from him. “I’d have you know, Jaemin Na, that I am an amazing cook,” she then said.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “The burnt pancakes say otherwise, Nari Cho,” he said and she slightly shoves him with her shoulder, the pair laughing as he had pushed back with the same force.
“Honey, I’m home!”
Nari and Jaemin turned their heads at the sound of their friend’s voice upon entering the apartment, and as soon as she entered the living room, her brows furrowed upon seeing her two best friends shoulder to shoulder on the couch. “Did I interrupt something?” she asked curiously.
“No,” Nari replied, “your best friend was just insulting my cooking skills.”
“I mean… you did burn your omelet the other day,” Hera said. “You are like… the poster child for bad cooking,” she added, making Nari throw a pillow at her.
“That reminds me of Mark—god, that guy couldn’t even cook eggs properly,” Jaemin suddenly brought up. “You should meet him,” he added.
Nari perked up at the mention. “Maybe I should.”
“You sound way too excited to meet Mark,” Hera pointed out. “Aren’t you already seeing that history major, Dejun?”
The older’s eyes widened. “Renjun told you?”
“He tells me everything, Nari,” Hera said confidently, walking towards the pair and sitting down on the floor across them, pulling the bowl of popcorn closer to her.
“I doubt that,” Nari countered, narrowing her eyes at her. “Has he told you who he was with when he saw us?”
Hera sat up straight. “No, he was dodging the question about it. Who was it?”
“Wait—is Renjun seeing someone?” Jaemin then asked, but Nari only shrugged in response. “Him and Yangyang are always together whenever he isn’t doing his plates or in class, I thought he didn’t have the time to actually date someone,” he said.
“So am I,” Nari said. “I always spend time here, in the apartment doing plates or in class. I’m not ‘seeing’ Dejun, we just… hang out,” Nari explained. “Like you and Haechan,” she said, although Hera could hear the teasing in the latter’s tone.
“That reminds me—what is going on with you and Haechan?” Jaemin asked, now leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees as he looked at his best friend.
Hera’s eyebrows furrowed at the question. “What do you mean, ‘what’s going on?’ Why does everybody keep thinking that something is going on?”
Nari scoffed, picking up the remote control to pause the show that they weren’t watching anymore. “Please, Hera, since you’ve met him like, what, three weeks ago? You’ve been talking to him a lot, plus all the times you two spent together where you ‘accidentally’ see each other,” she pointed out. “And the Sunken Garden in Neo University? Really? Couples go there all the time!”
“They do?” Hera asked. “Jaemin brought me there last year when I visited NU, don’t you think it’s possible Haechan only brought me there as a friend, just like Jaemin?”
The older girl turned her head to look at Jaemin, whom she noted had an unreadable expression on his face. “Sure, let’s say you are just friends—but do you really not have some sort of attraction to him?” Nari then asked as she looked at her best friend.
“I mean—yeah, he’s cute, but I wouldn’t date him,” Hera said matter-of-factly. “And yeah, maybe he’s smart and shit, he’s really easy to talk to, and maybe it was nice talking to him practically everyday these past few weeks… and he literally just gave me his old books to read—but that’s… that’s just, in like, a friendly… way… or something.”
“It’s interesting,” Jaemin finally spoke. “He’s always so busy—I already told you he’s a ‘priorities over everything’ kind of guy, right? That he would always be so busy that he didn’t have time for anything else, just his studies and the student council?”
“Yeah?” Hera replied hesitantly. “But I think that was a bit exaggerated, I mean, he didn’t seem like he was actually that busy all the time.”
“It’s not an exaggeration, you can ask the others if you want,” Jaemin said. “We always joked about him being in a relationship with his priorities because he does put them over anything else, even his friends. He would go hours before replying to any of us, you know that? He wouldn’t even text anyone first unless you’re Mark or if he needs something from you, but it seems like these past few weeks, he has been talking to you constantly,” Jaemin explained.
“Maybe he just isn’t that busy nowadays,” Hera reasoned.
Jaemin smiled at her, shaking his head. “Believe me, he is”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked. “And how did we even get here, weren’t we just talking about Nari and Dejun a while ago?”
Nari laughed. “You’re the one who asked why people thought there’s something going on with you and Haechan.”
“And you’re the one who brought him up!” she countered. “Look, what are you two even trying to imply here?”
“That maybe, Hera, something is going on, neither of you just want to acknowledge it,” Jaemin replied. She was about to say something, but Jaemin was quick to cut her off. “I know you’re going to say that you two just met, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to harbor some kind of feelings towards someone, Hera.”
“Yeah, maybe like… a crush, or something,” Nari suggested.
Hera forced out a laugh. “What are we, in high school?” she asked. “I don’t have a crush on Haechan, and I do not have ‘some kind’ of feelings for him, either.”
Nari and Jaemin glanced at each other, while Hera watched the pair in confusion, wondering how leaving the two alone once suddenly made them the expert on her own feelings.
But then again, they were her best friends, so maybe they did know something… but this was still her feelings. Haechan was just a guy that she met a few weeks ago, and sure, they had been talking a lot, but it was just friendly conversations.
Surely, no one could possibly have feelings for someone that fast… right?
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TWENTY. | prev / masterlist / next
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NOTE. updating again<3 happy 20 parts besties, we still got a long way to go :DD
TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @drvrslcense @najaeminluvbot @jiye0n0 @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @pudulee @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @hae06 @nctasdfghj @aerev @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @mahae66
HCL TAGLIST. @aedreamzy @moonsclover @rrnhyuck @reinde3r @daegalfangirl @yixingtion @dandelionxgal @thesunsfullmoon @yangsbff @y3jiishot @purpleheejin @prdshobi @vantxx95 @googiewaterbottle @minavenue @xpsychoticpandax @n0hyuck
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najaemism · 2 years
heart can't lose [10]
PAIRING. lee haechan x fem!oc
WARNINGS. college students drunkenly singing to bon jovi, alcohol consumption
SUMMARY. fourth year pre-med student and neo university student council president, haechan lee does not have the time for relationships. instead, he focuses his attention on his studies and extracurriculars, so as not to disappoint his parents. that is until hera seo came along—and everyone starts to wonder if the university’s golden boy would finally let his heart lose.
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EVERYONE STARTED CHEERING as soon as the familiar intro of the Bon Jovi song had started playing, also known as the song that had been Hera and Jaemin’s go-to karaoke song since they were in high school.
“This ain’t a song for the brokenhearted!”
Among their group of friends, it was Jaemin and Hera who knew each other the longest, having been best friends since they were kids. Their parents had been college friends, their mothers being best friends, which meant that they pretty much grew up together. There had been a point where some had assumed the two would eventually get together, but not once had their friendship been anything more than that, and people that knew them longer knew that their relationship as best friends was better than of a romantic one.
However, it was Nari and Renjun who were the most convinced back when they were in high school that something would definitely develop between the two, but now that they had known the pair for years, they had pretty much dropped the idea.
Well… mostly.
“It’s my life, it’s now or never! I ain’t gonna live forever!”
The others started singing along with them as the chorus came, drunkenly screaming out the lyrics, at that point not caring about Hera and Nari’s neighbors as they sang their hearts out.
“Oh!” Nari suddenly perked up, picking up Hera’s phone from the table. “Hera, someone texted you!” she informed, looking at the phone before glancing up at her.
“I’ll check it later—“
“Who is it from?” Jeno asked.
Jaemin swiped the phone from Nari before Hera could, while she hurriedly jumped towards him to prevent him from reading anything, the song getting forgotten by the pair (while the others, especially Chenle and Renjun, were still singing—screaming—along).
“It’s from…” Jaemin had the phone raised to keep it away from Hera, squinting at the phone to read the name properly before his eyes immediately widened upon realization. He turned his head to look down at Hera and ask, “Since when were you and Hae—“
Hera was quick to cover the boy’s mouth, pulling his arm down and snatching the phone from his hand before slipping it inside her pocket. “Just keep singing, Na,” she told him, before going back to singing the song as if nothing had happened.
Jaemin stared at her for a few seconds before lightly shaking his head and singing along again, while Nari, who had been watching the whole exchange between the two best friends, only let out a scoff and shook her head before taking a sip from her drink.
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TEN. | prev / masterlist / next
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TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @drvrslcense @najaeminluvbot @jiye0n0 @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @pudulee @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @hae06 @nctasdfghj @aerev @studywoo
HCL TAGLIST. @aedreamzy @moonsclover @reinde3r @daegalfangirl @yixingtion @dandelionxgal @thesunsfullmoon @yangsbff @y3jiishot @purpleheejin @prdshobi @vantxx95 @googiewaterbottle @minavenue @xpsychoticpandax @n0hyuck @bbnana @emysorry @shwizhies
— unable to tag: @rrnhyuck
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najaemism · 2 years
heart can’t lose [16.2]
PAIRING. lee haechan x fem!oc
WARNINGS. language
SUMMARY. fourth year pre-med student and neo university student council president, haechan lee does not have the time for relationships. instead, he focuses his attention on his studies and extracurriculars, so as not to disappoint his parents. that is until hera seo came along—and everyone starts to wonder if the university’s golden boy would finally let his heart lose.
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"HEY, SOMETHING CAME up,” Jaemin said as he slipped his phone back into the pocket of his hoodie. “But Hera’s with Haechan, at the Sunken Garden—you know where that is?” he asked.
Nari’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Well—yeah, I know where it is, but what came up?”
“I just remembered that I have a paper that I haven't finished, but anyway—” he lightly shook his head to change the topic— “Since you’re here, you can just go there by yourself. I was only gonna go because Hera was alone and the guy she ghosted was around here earlier,” he explained, making Nari snort.
“That guy was here? Luke, right?”
Jaemin nodded, chuckling. “Yeah, she was freaking out that he’d see her—but yeah. Sunken Garden. They’re waiting there—her and Haechan—and you two can go home after, is that alright?”
Nari noticed that Jaemin looked like he was in a rush, making her more curious and worried at the same time. “Are you okay, Jaem?”
“Huh?” his brows raised at her question. “Of course, just some last minute work I have to do,” he assured her, sending her a smile. “I'll go ahead, yeah? Just tell Hera something came up so I couldn't go see her.”
“You sure you don’t want to go and see her?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I gotta go.”
Nari hesitantly nodded. “Okay. I’ll go find Hera, then.”
Jaemin only waved goodbye at her before he walked away, leaving Nari standing near the campus cafe. She watched him go, a sigh escaping her lips before she shook her head.
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SIXTEEN (ii). | prev / masterlist / next
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TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @drvrslcense @najaeminluvbot @jiye0n0 @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @pudulee @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @hae06 @nctasdfghj @aerev @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @mahae66
HCL TAGLIST. @aedreamzy @moonsclover @rrnhyuck @reinde3r @daegalfangirl @yixingtion @dandelionxgal @thesunsfullmoon @yangsbff @y3jiishot @purpleheejin @prdshobi @vantxx95 @googiewaterbottle @minavenue @xpsychoticpandax @n0hyuck
166 notes · View notes
najaemism · 2 years
heart can’t lose [16.1]
PAIRING. lee haechan x fem!oc
SUMMARY. fourth year pre-med student and neo university student council president, haechan lee does not have the time for relationships. instead, he focuses his attention on his studies and extracurriculars, so as not to disappoint his parents. that is until hera seo came along—and everyone starts to wonder if the university’s golden boy would finally let his heart lose.
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“WHAT IS IT with us seeing each other in coffee shops all the time?”
Hera didn’t need to look up to know who the voice belonged to. Instead, she had placed her phone down on the table from having texted Jaemin just as Haechan pulled the seat in front of her to sit down. “It happened two times—and what are you doing here?” she asked.
Haechan snorted. “I study here, Hera, in case you forgot.”
Hera rolled her eyes. “No, I know that, I mean, aren’t you supposed to be in class? Jaemin is still in his.”
“We have different schedules.” He shrugged. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I came here with my friend, Nari. She had to meet with someone from the architecture department,” she replied.
Haechan hummed, nodding before reaching over to pick up her drink—an iced americano that was still half full—only to place it back down with his nose scrunched. “All the ice melted already,” he said.
“I know,” she deadpanned, pulling the drink across the table back to her and taking a sip from it, letting her eyes look around to check if Nari was coming back, but instead she saw a few students looking in their direction.
“They’re looking at us,” she stated, looking back at Haechan.
He glanced around as well to check before asking, “Is it bothering you? We can go somewhere else if you want?”
Hera contemplated whether she would agree to leave with the boy or not—although some students looking at them felt slightly awkward, both Jaemin and Nari knew that she was there, and she wouldn’t want to be too much of a hassle for her friends to go look for her if she did leave the campus cafe.
But somehow, the idea of going somewhere else with the university’s student body president seemed appealing, and it wouldn’t hurt to spend some time with Haechan, would it?
“Where would we go?”
Haechan grinned at her before he stood up and motioned at the glass doors of the cafe with his head. “Follow me.”
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SIXTEEN (i). | prev / masterlist / next
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TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @drvrslcense @najaeminluvbot @jiye0n0 @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @pudulee @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @hae06 @nctasdfghj @aerev @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @mahae66
HCL TAGLIST. @aedreamzy @moonsclover @rrnhyuck @reinde3r @daegalfangirl @yixingtion @dandelionxgal @thesunsfullmoon @yangsbff @y3jiishot @purpleheejin @prdshobi @vantxx95 @googiewaterbottle @minavenue @xpsychoticpandax @n0hyuck
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trashlord-007 · 3 years
Your Podcast Name~
I've been tagged by @cloudyhaos @taemin-jaemin @trippy-dejun @deobis-moon @127-citizen ♡ thank you all!!
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Mine is~
Blitzers (7), Omega X (11) : History's Best Kept Secret.
@exogotmeoncrack @biaswreckingfics @sinpiesinpie @hwa-luvs @vanillakylee @myeoning-call @naturalogre @kingleedo @malzenn @julyarchives @stealerz @exosbloodline @exo-l-atina @3-racha-chan @yutahoes @sleep-is-4-da-week @bananapepper420 @seoulmates98 @aaliyah421 @kpop-choco @sapphirekhun1109 @piratekingjoong @yukheislipsx @hinataek @erotikkook @theunluckylistenermusician @aurorasillusion @peachhyychenle @najatheangel @1dsoul1 @cosmiclatte28 @cheolbooluvr @doieblr @ashfire295 @cherryeoo @drunk-on-yuta @pink1mink1ming1 @jennexe @ahsshilee-me @rai-scutum @blckpinkmilk @bbeary @minshookie29 @ka-nari @canadianwatermelon + whoever wants to do it! I'm at my 50 mention limit so I can't tag everyone ✌😔
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najaemism · 2 years
to the first anon who asked miss ma’am author right here that it would be nari x jaemin tysm cause now we know and we are sure 👀🤣
hope you’re doing just fine lovelyyy! can’t wait for the the rest of your work to be published ❤️💋
always rooting for u ✨💕🙌🏻
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USHWUSSHSHSHS i still cant confirm nor deny anything 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
aaaaaa and thank u!!! i hope ur doing fine, too!<3333
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najaemism · 2 years
finally figured it all out it’s hera x haechan, nari x jaemin & erin x mark MWAHAHAHAHA
- 🍙
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is that your final answer bestie 😳😳😳😳😳
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