#naruto as a story is just. every abandoned lonely boy falls a little in love with naruto uzumaki
mokutone · 1 year
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somewhere a switch flipped. suddenly you want to like people. you want to be liked. you want to be of use to these people who are becoming precious to you, not just for your own survival, but for their happiness
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unwiltingblossom · 5 years
Hey there. Sasusaku may know me, but Zutara probably doesn’t. I’m not in the ATLA fandom, but I have observed enough to notice something that intrigues me about Zutara, aside from the fact I’d totally board the ship if I were foolish enough to watch a show knowing I was going to fail (actually, consider me proto-Zutara I guess because I think I liked it in the movie. Maybe I liked Kataang. Maybe I liked both. Can’t remember. moving on.)
I think it’s interesting that somewhat unintentionally Sasusaku and Zutara illustrate pretty clearly the difference between Japanese fandom and western fandom, in a way that Sasusaku already shows to a lesser degree.
There’s a bunch of fundamental differences in these two ships, I’m aware, but at their core, I feel they’re much the same. Call it ‘same energy’, if you will. Yet in one story they end up together and the writer keeps adding more things to insist that they are, and in the other one they end up apart and the writers keep trying to delegitimize the pair more and more.
In Sasusaku’s case, not only do they marry and have a child, the writer has stated that he always intended them to be together, and given various interviews and novels and mini comics for them.
In Zutara’s case, the writers seem to contradict themselves claiming they didn’t plan it, and that while it’s interesting, they mock anyone who actually thinks it would be a good idea or would happen, claiming their relationship would be unhealthy and unhappy.
Now this is interesting, because there are parallels with how fandom reacted to Sasusaku (and if ATLA ever got released in Japan I’d be curious how the fandom reacted to Zutara). In Japan, Sasusaku has always been one of the, if not the, top ships. Mostly what beats it out is slash, because fujoshi are gonna fujosh. Fans love it, went crazy for its ending, and loved all the scenes it got leading up, joking about them getting married and such offscreen.
In the west, however, while Sasusaku is still super popular, it gets a LOT of pushback. People like to insult it, insist it’s abusive and horrible, claim that Sasuke and Sakura could never be happy, and that anyone who honestly thinks they should be together should never get into a relationship for their own safety, because they’re romanticizing abusive relationships and will be hurt.
Sure sounds familiar, right?
Well, I’ll do you one better. Because you’ll see often the complaint that “I wish Sakura had just been strong and realized she didn’t need a man, becoming an independent etc” or “This is really harmful to Sakura’s character, because it forces her to abandon the things she loves and live subservient to Sasuke as some wife”
These are, almost without exception, lies. What they’re almost always saying is actually “I wish she would have grown up past Sasuke and married instead (Naruto/Lee/Kakashi/Sai/a girl), but if she couldn’t do that, then at LEAST she should have been alone!” they just cut off the first part because it reveals their bias.
And frankly, there’s a lot of parallel between Narusaku, who had a childhood crush on Sakura because a part of him thought she’d give him the recognition he needed and becomes the sage of six paths hero who saves the world from war in the end, and...well. Kataang. Which basically seems to have been a puppy crush on the first girl he met, that he nurtured into love over years as he became the Avatar hero who saved the world from war in the end. Both have a brother/sister or mother/kid relationship with the female in question through their quest (Sakura treats Naruto much like an annoying little brother and Naruto + Minato both recognize Sakura as ‘like his mother’, and Katara has a very motherly relationship with Aang most of the time until they start kissing)
Most importantly, I feel there’s a lot of parallels to be found in Sasusaku and Zutara.
Sasusaku runs on a baseline of Sasuke being extremely hostile and cold to everyone, refusing to let anyone in, and Sakura reaching out to him and through his defenses over and over despite this. She is the first person that he admits the reason for his behavior to -before Naruto or anyone else, he begins to explain to her that his brother killed everyone - and they have a mutual respect. Sasuke acknowledges her skills and smarts, and considers her to be the one light in his life, the ‘spring breeze’ and ‘the one who filled his lonely existence with love’. Despite this, he betrays her and everyone else, choosing his revenge over his happiness, but even through the many years of isolation and hatred, his response to Sakura always has a softness that isn’t there for anyone else. He saves her when he doesn’t need to, he listens to and responds to her before anyone else, and he even offers to let her go with him on his quest. Yes, it’s because she’s a healer who can replace Karin, but do you really think he couldn’t have used Naruto at his side, the other one the village rejected and turned against, who might want revenge? Juugo and Suigetsu aren’t healers, but he keeps them anyway because they’re useful. Sakura is the only person in the Leaf he offers to join him.
Anyway. Although they’re enemies most of the story, her love for him endures and she keeps trying to reach out to him. Every once in a while he responds, catching her when she falls, caring about her harm. The eventual nexus of their relationship is after his final battle with Naruto - which he puts her to sleep during, because she jumped in the way and almost got killed last time, and he doesn’t want her to do so this time - is her kneeling over him laying on his back, healing him, crying. He apologizes until she finally accepts his apology, and canonically this is the moment he realizes he loves her (though it’s much longer before he acts on this in a real way).
I won’t presume to fully summarize Zutara, because I am but an observer. However, I do know that they begin as enemies, that she is able to break through his cold shell with her kindness and compassion, so that he opens up to her about things he either never does to anyone else, or doesn’t to anyone else for a long time. I do know that he betrays her trust, and that they don’t truly mend fences for a long time because of their antagonistic relationship and betrayed trust. I also know that one of their later moments involves a scene where Zuko is on his back and she’s kneeling over him in tears, and he thanks her.
Plenty of details are different, but there’s all sorts of similar themes, notes, and visual parallels. Zuko’s appearance during later episodes looks very similar to Sasuke’s appearance after his duckbutt hair stage, Sakura’s color scheme is usually red and Sasuke’s is blue, and of course Katara is blue while Zuko is red. Sakura is a healer (I can’t think of anything water related, no), and Sasuke uses fire (when it’s not illusions or lightning). You can definitely make a convincing argument to say these relationships are pretty close to the same thing portrayed in different media with a different story shaping their behavior.
So then, why is it that one of them ended up together and has a happy family life and is considered to be the ‘good end’, while the other one didn’t end up together and is considered to be the ‘bad end’ were they to get together?
Why also did Kataang get together and become the ‘perfect’ couple that everyone should have seen coming and agree with, but Narusaku was nothing more than jokes to tease the audience with occasionally and was completely sunk multiple times in canon before they both married other people?
Well...I think it’s a difference of cultural sensibilities directly affecting the outcome of the same story.
In the west, essentially, the woman is the ‘prize’ for the hero at the end of the journey. If he finishes his homework and saves the day, his reward is the woman he’s been pining after for ages. It doesn’t matter whether she openly wants him or not, there will be little ‘checkpoints’ through the story where you see that secretly she does want him as he gets better and ‘more heroic’, so anything he does in trying to woo her is ‘acceptable effort’, essentially. And more importantly, the person who has love needs to ‘deserve’ that love. The heroine has to get with a ‘good’ person like the hero because the antihero isn’t ‘good enough’ for her. He’s the ‘bad boy’ that she flirts with but then grows out of so she can marry the nice guy instead. And it’s this to an extreme. If she marries the ‘bad boy’, then she’s consigning herself to a lifetime of abuse or unhappiness, because she can’t be happy with someone who isn’t as good as her. This is tripled if they have an antagonistic relationship, like if they’re at war with each other and have been enemies. (this doesn’t work in reverse. A bad girl can marry a good guy if she sufficiently redeems herself and goes good, because men can’t be abused in this cultural standard) Instead, the antihero generally ends up with a woman of similar morals if he marries - another bad girl turned good, another rogue figure, something like that. That’s because it’s what he deserves and in turn what she deserves.
Weirdly enough, it works in reverse for attractiveness - hot women marry down, but not hot men. But that’s neither here nor there right now. The point is, you can see how on this scale the ending NEEDS to be by western standards Kataang, Maiko, Narusaku, Sasukarin. The tarnished and dark man MUST marry the tarnished woman of ‘inferior morals’, while the good and pure hero MUST marry the heroine, because she must be his prize for his heroism and success, and  he is the only one worthy of her goodness, therefore the only one who can make her happy.
In Japan, it’s just not really like that. The hero doesn’t need to get the girl in the end as his reward, and in fact it’s often the girl who gets the man she’s always wanted by the end of the story. This is because ‘patience and dedication’ is seen as more praiseworthy and deserving of reward. Because the heroine stuck with the love she had even when that person wasn’t ‘deserving’ of it yet, her love should blossom and be returned to her. Much more focus is on enduring and quietly continuing onward in spite of difficulty, basically. Orihime must get Ichigo because she loved him from the beginning. Same with Naru and Keitaro, Hinata and Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke, Juvia and Grey. They ‘make their love choose them’ instead. In fact, who the man wants is sometimes just played off as a joke, such as in Black Clover where Asta is determined to marry a nun while there’s a princess not-so-secretly swooning over him. It’s not hard to guess how that story is going to end.
Anyway, because the qualifications of what makes an ‘acceptable romance target’ differs in  Japan, worrying about whether the girl is ‘good enough’ or the man is ‘good enough’ for the romance is less important, only whether they’re dedicated or patient enough.
It’s not saying one is better than the other, whether using the man as the prize or the woman as the prize is the correct way of writing it - and there are exceptions, plenty of Naruto’s couples are written just because they go well together, there’s western stories where the girl gets the bad boy after he’s redeemed himself and it’s fine - but the differences are there to be seen.
And, weirdly enough, I think is what ultimately determined the different endings between Naruto and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
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ombreecha · 6 years
Feelings, and Heart
Series: Same Skies Fandom: Naruto Pairing: SasuSaku Rated: T Prompt: I thought I lost you @sasusakusss , and 100% inspired @yomi-gaeru Note: Totes didn’t know what to do with this and then I saw Yomi-Gaeru’s fanart His Side of the Story and got the angst and feels to do this request.
To need was never a question. To want was something even less. He had a singular goal. One simple, and yet undeniably complex goal. Nothing but that was the forefront. The only concern. The only thing that held tight within his mind.
Feelings. They’re a disgusting and very human thing. He couldn’t be human with a goal that twist moral compasses and moral lines.
They’re messy. They get in the way. They unnecessary for his goal. His plan. His future.
That’s why he can’t let them tie him up, and tie him down. That’s why he’s moving forward and cut all those disgusting and so very human things away.
Because that’s what he has to do as an avenger—that’s what he was meant for. Title of heir be gone, and in it’s place that of one meant to get revenge for those who could no longer.
He doesn’t need a lot to do this. He doesn’t want for something messy or disgusting. What he will do is simple cause and effect. Complex in how it will be achieved and nothing short or less.
To inflict a punishment or penalty—that’s what he was born to do.
That heart he’s built walls around. It’s been barricaded to perfection. It’s just another thing that’s so undeniably messy, and meant to get in his way. It’ll slow down his foot work. It’ll tamper with his mind. It’ll make him hesitate when he swings his sword—and when those eyes glow.
That’s why he keeps it locked up tight with no key.
He’s not a little boy anymore. His feet are no longer small and seeking to carry him away. His hands aren’t too small to wrap around the hilt of his sword as he stands firm against those who decided to misjudge their place. There’s no more heart as he stares down the road littered with bodies—he’s the one creating them.
This hatred may be heavy, but it’s lighter than just letting go. It’s a purpose and a line cut in the sand. He stepped over it long ago. Nothing and no one would shake this resolve. This determination.
This calling.
No—he doesn’t need much. All that’s required is power. He’s sold himself long ago. This is all that he could want for. Power was but a construct brought by mortal minds. All one needed to defeat and to complete this calling of his.
Without feelings he won’t revert to that child crying and submerged in terror. Without heart he won’t tremble as he cuts another person’s loved one down. He’s lost too much. They can all feel the way he does, and when the time comes they too can follow the path he’s walked.
They’ll just have to gain even more power than even he has. They’ll have to sell more than what he has—if they even have anything more to give. —because he’s given away every part of himself in the name of this goal.
He is the heir to the Uchiha clan. He is Sasuke Uchiha, and he is an avenger.
Sasuke Uchiha is powerful.
So when this woman he’s thrown aside and left upon the bench yells to him it’s an issue on a deeper scale. When this woman who begged for him to stay before he abandoned them sits here begging once again makes his foot shift it’s a problem. When this woman who cried back then is crying once more and it produces a tremble he has to suppress he knows immediately she’s a complication.
That beat inside his chest isn’t meant to take place from a simple show of tears. He’s seen so many of them now. They’re there when he cuts the next obstacle out of his way, and in the memories he’s had to push aside. Tears—they’re a display so disgusting and revolting.
Such messy things.
He cut his bond with her so this wouldn’t happen. He cut her out, and threw her away as if she was nothing—so when she sits there and cries it’s something that shouldn’t affect him.
She meant nothing then, and she’ll mean nothing now. He doesn’t need her tears.
There’s no reason why her eyes should glow through such tears. He’s the one with power, and eyes that could do so much more. He could turn her world, and warp it till she broke and crumbled. Yet, he hasn’t done it yet. It hurts when she looks at him like that. His heart shouldn’t waver nor sink from those viridian. It’s heavy and without place. It holds no right to be where it sits—it should be locked away and yet those viridian are peering deep within.
It’s enough to rile him up. Send his mind running. He’s got to do what he has too. He can’t let this woman keep him from his goal. He’s given up everything for it—he can’t let her take it away with words, and looks.
That’s why he turns from her and shows his back. He needs to remind her she’s unimportant. That she is no one in his world, and will never be someone in his world.
That’s why when his fingers curl within his palm and his other hand twists within his shirt he’s vexed. He’s angry and knows there’s no choice, but to get rid of her here and now. If she doesn’t exist she can never stop him. She can never make him waver.
He had been too kind back then. Too kind in letting her live.
He’s older now. Wiser even more. So he knows he’ll kill her once and for all.
She’ll never be important. He threw her away just as he had his title of heir—but it seems she’s far too stubborn to know what’s best for her.
Perhaps that’s what has him twist quickly, and rush forward without remorse. She never expects it, and neither do the others. He has no time to play romance—he has no future with that.
Now she doesn’t either as her blood spills like an old bitter wine. Soaking and spilling from here his hand sits protruding from her chest.
Those tears just keep falling though—and that mouth keeps moving.
He was powerful that’s what he thought. He was Sasuke Uchiha, and Sasuke Uchiha held power.
That’s what he believes—wants to believe. Yet, he isn’t to want for anything more than just power.
Needs and wants—she had caused this disgusting mess. These so very human emotions.
They’re so unnecessary. More so than even herself.
She would of taken all of his pain onto herself if she could have. That’s what she claims.
This woman needs to be buried deep within the earth. Why was she so annoy—
He is alarmed and unprepared so when he shoots up within his bed, and his fingers twist almost painfully within the sheets he’s not sure what to make of it all. His breathing has escalated, and then there’s the sweat that drips from his head. The desperate attempt for oxygen has him shaking before he feels the press of fingers upon his back.
“Anata?” that voice of hers sounds so similar to when she had cried for him to stop—frightened and pained.
The drag of his eyes comes so slow as if staring at her will turn these sheets red—redder than even that of his birthright. Vision shaky but daring a glance. She’s exactly as she should be wrapped within the sheet he’s clutched upon for dear life. There’s nothing within her chest.
His hand hasn’t ripped through her without remorse for the sake of his vendettas, “What’s wrong?”
All too familiar and close those fingers are grabbing a hold of his face with nothing else but him holding her attention. The press of his head against her chest as him all the more startled.
Feelings. They’re messy and so very human. He had finally allowed himself to feel something and be tied down.
He was tied to her in a way that could never be changed—the wedding band upon his lone figure proof enough.
Heart. It caused him to hesitate, and it was heavy in its place. He had finally lowered the walls and welcome her within them.
Given her a key he didn’t even know there was—perhaps it had always existed since that night she had begged him to stay.
She had been something—and that’s why he releases his grip from the sheets to press his fingers upon her back.
He had lost one of his hands in which to hold onto her. If he had not let go of her once before telling himself repeatedly she had been always been something perhaps he’d still have two.
“It’ll be okay.” her voice is low as she seeks to comfort him and give more of herself to him.
He had sold his soul, and he had soul his being. She was giving him everything she could just the same.
Selling everything she had down to her name.
She was the someone who gave more than even he could. That’s why she’s here beside him. Unwavering, and firm.
He had thought he lost her. His mind had twisted and turned just like what he could do to others with a simple glance. Karmatic in reminding him his blessings, and what all he should consider himself lucky to have gained.
He had lost it all—and he could have lost her too thanks to him being an avenger.
The words are coming up and no voice behind it to follow. Just a shift of his mouth—I thought I lost you.
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shannaro-kamo · 7 years
SasuSaku Meta Masterpost
This post has comprehensive lists of large swaths of the SasuSaku meta on Tumblr. I’m including both my own posts and those made by others. Some of the links under “Others’ posts” link to my reblog rather than the original post so that if someone deactivates their blog and thus the original post, it’ll still be possible to view the post on my blog (without me having to go back and find my reblog). This is for my own sanity, and hopefully this will come in handy for the SS fandom in general. :)
My posts
Sakura’s actions, feelings, etc.
Sakura tries to understand Sasuke during the war
Sakura’s knowledge of Sasuke and his past is extensive
Karin was not more selfless than Sakura by any means
It’s impossible for Sakura to be selfish and a doormat at the same time—especially because she is neither of those things
Sakura understands Sasuke better than most antis ever will
Sakura vs. Hinata
Sakura doesn’t guilt trip Naruto
Ino and Sakura
Sakura tries to learn all she can about Sasuke to help him
Ino and Sakura, again
Sakura’s guilt etc.
Sasuke’s actions, feelings, etc.
Sasuke needed to sever his bond with Sakura to become “strong,” just as he had to sever his bond with Naruto
Debunking the notion that Sasuke shows signs of being homosexual
Sasuke and PTSD
Thoughts of Team 7 cause Sasuke to unleash his first Amaterasu
The adorable Team 7 dynamic
Sasuke and Fugaku parallel
SasuSaku in general
BoruSara and “heteronormativity”
Sasuke and Sakura don’t need to use their fists to communicate, thankfully
Naruto and Harry Potter
Sasuke cannot be compared to a middle school bully, so don’t even try
Fandom problems
“Respecting” rejections — NaruSaku fandom hypocrisy
“Tag stalking” is not a thing
The Naruto Fandom in a nutshell
Sasuke’s and the SNS fandom’s hypocrisies
Stop breaking down people for shipping problematic hetero ships while you ship an equally problematic gay ship
When the SNS / Anti-SS fandoms actually think “boys will be boys”
Sakura and Naruto have nearly identical motivations for wanting to get Sasuke back, so stop creating a double standard
Saying Hinata and Sakura “ruined” the lives of Naruto and Sasuke IS misogynistic
Heteronormativity in the SNS fandom
“Nice guys finish last” is touted by NaruSaku fans, and it’s misogynistic
Naruto is far more demanding of Sasuke than Sakura is
More anti hypocrisy about NaruSaku, SuiKarin, SasuSaku, NaruHina, etc.
If you didn’t care about Sakura throughout the story and didn’t pay attention to her, then you probably don’t know shit compared to someone who does love her and did pay attention to her.
People will listen when Karin says something, but not when Sakura does because hypocrisy
The SNS fandom plays the victim
More SNS fandom hypocrisy
Some Sasuke fans are bigger fangirls than Sakura
Sakura hater bingo
Haters and headcanons
Ship wars, Kishimoto, and bullshit hate towards the women of Naruto
Miscellaneous discourse
The SS fandom is not composed of sheep
“True fans”
When antis don’t get it
Kishimoto, Interviews, Studio Pierrot, etc.
On Kishimoto respecting the wants and needs of female characters
Sasuke Shinden stuff
Karin’s “reason” for loving Sasuke is a contrived retcon
Kishimoto projecting himself onto Sasuke and Naruto
SP makes it clear that Ino was two-faced
Kubo is not better than Kishimoto
Others’ posts
Blogs featured especially prominently: madara-fate, its-naruto-universe
Sakura’s actions, feelings, etc.
Sakura is not selfish
Sakura does not guilt trip Sasuke
Sakura’s selflessness
Sakura never burdened Naruto with anything
Sakura is neither abusive nor a fangirl in Gaiden (or anytime for that matter)
Why Sakura is a feminist character
Sakura’s feelings for Naruto
Sakura saving Naruto’s life—and his dream
Sakura’s growth
Why fangirling is mostly positive
People Sakura has impressed in canon
Ino and Sakura
Sakura’s backstory is underrated
Sakura hugging Naruto is important
Some beautiful Sakura moments
Sakura defending Sasuke
Sakura is a queen
Stop hating part 1 Sakura
More people being impressed by Sakura
Karin responding to Sakura’s sadness
Sakura encouraging the Konoha soldiers
Sakura can triumph over Tsunade because Sakura doesn’t maintain her youthful looks with her seal
Sakura during the Pain arc etc.
Sakura and Tsunade
Defending Sakura
Sakura IS the strongest kunoichi
Sakura didn’t abandon Ino for Sasuke
Negative claims about Sakura nullified
Sakura holds her own when surrounded by OP bastards
Sakura greatly affected the story
Sakura develops the most naturally
“Even the roughest woman is tender to the guy she loves”
Sakura is smarter than u
Sakura’s development in two panels
Sakura and Chiyo saved the Sand Village
Identifying a fangirl
Sakura’s personality around Sasuke
Sakura hate is pathetic
Sakura hate is ridiculous
Crying on the battlefield
Tenderness again
Sasuke’s actions, feelings, etc.
“Don’t get in our way, Naruto”
“One and only friend”
Sasuke never wanted to hurt Sakura
Sasuke wasn’t going to allow Sakura and Kakashi to fall into lava
Sasuke’s actions speak louder than his words
Sasuke is connected to Konoha through both Naruto and Sakura
Sasuke is whipped (with canon receipts)
Sakura the cheerleader
Sasuke & Affection: The Meme
Sasuke being surrounded by cherry blossoms in the anime
Defending angry characters
The extremely problematic ship that is SNS
Uchiha Love
Why SNS is unhealthy for Sasuke
Sasuke is attentive to Sakura and acknowledges her abilities
Why Sasuke stays away from the village after the war
Sasuke being some type of annoyed at Naruto for leaning on Sakura
Sasuke asking Sakura who hurt her in the FOD
Some people need to stop defending Sasuke so hard
Sasuke shows that he cares about Sakura throughout the series
Sasuke and cats
Konoha caring about Sasuke
Everyone in Naruto is sad
Sasuke does not awaken Amaterasu for Karin
Sasuke’s perspective
Sasuke wasn’t bluffing at Orochimaru’s hideout
Sasuke making sure Sakura is okay
The selflessness of Sasuke’s mission
Sasuke worries about Sakura being alone
Negative claims about Sasuke nullified
Sasuke acknowledging Sakura
Hints of jealousy
Sasuke being “OOC”
Sasuke and Fugaku in terms of showing affection
Sasuke quote to Sakura about the curse mark
Sasuke quote telling Naruto to save Sakura
Sasuke winking at Sakura
Sasuke and asexuality
Sasuke’s remorse
SasuSaku in general
It was obvious that SasuSaku was in the running for being endgame
Sarada’s resemblance to Sakura
Debunking various bullshit arguments
Home is family
“Sex doesn’t mean love” misses the point entirely
Sakura being the “missing puzzle piece” of Team 7
Things SS has that SNS doesn’t
Sasuke giving Sakura...a salad
Long distance relationships
Just a cute fanart interpretation of the SS timeline
SS beats NH and NS at having the most manga panels
Sakura fills Sasuke’s lonely existence
A summary of every chapter containing SS
What Sakura has done for Sasuke
Romantic SS > Romantic SK and Romantic SNS
Sasuke and Sakura weren’t in a relationship during the war, so pre-700 SS cannot be called abusive
Analysis of the forehead poke
Sarada bringing Naruto lunch reminds him of team 7
Comparing Sakura and Itachi
Sasuke and Sakura acknowledging each other first at reunions
The not so little things
Sasuke being proud of his girls
Sasuke and Sakura being (relatively) balanced in power & mutual respect
Just another analysis
SS content masterpost (chapters, interviews, etc.)
Debunking the notion that Naruto is driven by romantic feelings to want to save Sasuke etc.
An analysis of Gaiden
Whether you see it or not, Sasuke loves Sakura
The appeal of SS
A hefty analysis of chapters 482-484
Top 3 Sakura moments and Top 3 Sasuke moments
SS is not anti-feminist
Comparing SS to real life
The many sweet moments of Gaiden
The fake confession and “reasons”
Gaiden didn’t hurt SS
Kakashi in 693
Sakura ended Sasuke’s inability to love with her love
The desert scene
Comparing the development of SS to the development of other Naruto ships
The only thing Gaiden “ruined”
SS in part 1
Anti goggles vs. unbiased reading goggles
Stop criticizing SS for not being fluffy
Fandom problems
Tumblr “homophobia”
The SNS fandom’s view of “homophobia”
Girls aren’t crazy for being possessive
Denying canon still happens unfortunately
Stop bashing Sakura while blindly praising Hinata
When the SNS fandom says that the term “brotp” is a homophobic slur
Overlooking or excusing abuse in gay ships is not helping the LGBTQ community, never has, and never will
Again, stop sugarcoating abuse in queer relationships, especially while ranting about abuse in heterosexual relationships
Stop whining about crosstagging when it’s not thereStop whining about crosstagging when it’s not there part 2
Stop invalidating girls’ feelings
The SNS fandom objectifies Karin as a babymaker for SNS (and still denies Sakura’s motherhood)
The SNS fandom bullies the SS fandom
Sakura isn’t the only fangirl in Naruto by far, but it’s rare you hear about it
People are jealous of / threatened by Sakura
The ignorant reasoning behind Sakura hate
Anti “logic”
STFU about “fake fans”
SNS fandom hypocrisy, again
When Misty lovers are Sakura haters
Why people really hate the ending
@ people who only sympathize with “cope shippers”
Antis have the reading comprehension of Sarada, a child
When antis think they know the story better than the author himself
“Fangirl” and housewife Sakura can still beat your ass
Don’t be an ingrate who thinks Kishi is actually a bad writer
More slapstick hypocrisy
NH fandom hypocrisy
Naruto was never focused on romance in the first place
Most of the Naruto girls have done nothing wrong, yet they get the most shit out of all of the characters because of shipping
STFU about fiction affecting reality, it’s not that serious
Making fun of “self-insertion” makes you an asshole
When antis are threatened, they go low
Tumblr gets confused about who to defend and who to attack
Gross things antis do
This fandom has a fucked up way of judging characters
A summary of the anti fandom
“I’m not a shipper but...” doesn’t help your case
Shipping isn’t everything
Hetero!SNS would still be platonic
Protect the female characters of Naruto
SNS fandom hypocrisy, again
“Usuratonkachi” and “you’re annoying”
The vicious cycle of the anti fandom
Sawyer calling out hate
Antis attack the wrong things
Hetero!SNS analysis
Antis still attack the wrong things
People attacking the wrong things in general
Kishimoto, Interviews, Studio Pierrot, etc.
Gaiden was a middle finger to those who harassed Kishimoto
Studio Pierrot and the tsundere trope
Stop guilt tripping Kishimoto
Sasuke Shinden fact-checking
Studio Pierrot didn’t need to make Sakura punch Naruto during Sasuke Shinden
How SP handled Sasuke’s travels
Sasuke’s seiyuu on SS
Sarada’s VA wants the SSS family to go on a picnic
SP not seeming to mind NH compared to SS
The smirk
Kishi talking about not wanting to write romance
Kishi’s assistant preaching respect
Sasuke’s seiyuu talking about Sasuke “fearing” Sakura
Brazilian SasuSaku song
Being nice
Shikamaru and Naruto have a beautiful friendship
Naruto SD Lee and Sasuke moment
SS moment voted most impressive in Japan
SD comic ft. dandyism jutsu
Portugese SS
SS posters
Order the characters were created in
Animator’s sketch of a SasuSaku kiss
Sasuke’s seiyuu doing sexy dialogue?
Naruto letting Sakura go
Kindness is not weakness
Chibi Sasuke blushing
Sarada calling her parents “mama and papa”
On eyeglasses and genetics
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