lisaalexander · 2 years
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Love what you see
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snake-oiled-chief · 2 years
@nastylamb​ liked your post 
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“D-Dabi! I um...you saw nothing”
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@nastylamb started following you
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   Casually pokes Giran who was still tied up in a chair. ‘’Hmm, you alive still old man~” The Cryomancer taunted playfully.
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hellfirexandxashes · 2 years
@nastylamb​ | X
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“Wait, really?” Rappa questions, a bit taken aback that Taishiro was willing to cave so easily to the brawler’s unspoken demand. He had expected some resistance, but then again, Tai was a good guy so he probably was especially weak to seeing a helpless poor soul in need of care. Of course Rappa being tenacious about things he wanted might have also played a part in it.
Rappa adjusts the malnourished dog in his arms, earning his mask a quick lick and even a nibble as he laughed, smile visible as he had unzipped the mask a while back. “Thanks a bunch, Tai! Your spare key is still above the door frame, right?” Pretty telling that Rappa had a habit of knowing where Taishiro kept his spare key to his private residence. 
The dog itself had shrunk back when Tai reached for her, tail giving a submissive wag before she cautiously sniffed at the hand that was scratching at her ear. A cold nose pressed against Taishiro’s wrist as she sniffed at him, before giving the hero a lick as well, her tail wagging slightly faster now.
“Awww look Tai, she already likes you! She bit me a few times when I was trying to get her out of the dumpster, but she warmed up to me, as ya’ can tell.”
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escapedartgeek · 2 years
Which specific character archetype are you ?
Your result: the Scholar
Someone who'd give away most things, perhaps everything, for knowledge, for understanding, for meaning. A person living in the world like it's an experiment; a person oddly generous when others least expect it.
tagged by: @nastylamb
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sunlitxshifter · 2 years
‘ feels safe and secure, doesn’t it? it’s an illusion. ’ ( w love from eraserhead <3 )
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"Yes, this cardboard box you shoved me in is just the perfect picture of safety and comfort." Yukio hisses, although he makes no effort to escape just yet, having been caught by Eraserhead of all people after he had tried and failed to snatch some random passerby's lunch.
And then the fucker had snatched him and put him in a damn box to carry around.
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tiredheroes · 2 years
“ i am so fucking smart. ”  (from jin for chelsea <3)
Chelsea chuckled at the comment, “please, at least you didn’t try to pierce your own bellybutton with a safety pin and some rubbing alcohol. That wasn’t my brightest idea.” Her hand wandered to her naval piercing, a pink heart-shaped gem that seemed to clash with the rest of her style, “you made me laugh, that counts for something, right?”
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burnrite · 2 years
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“Let’s go shopping! We’ll need disguises though..”
Not a problem for someone like Toga, but the other might stick out like a sure thumb in his catsuit! She tapped her chin, trying to think up plausible backstories for them, her lips curling into a fanged grin.
“I’ll be the super cool cutest college student who’s on spring break!” she announced with a giggle. “I’ve always wanted to go to college! You can be..”
She stared long and hard at him, analyzing, sizing up, before her fist gently plopped into her open palm, head nodding as she figured it out.
“You can be Jin.”
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anarchyhorde · 2 years
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          “you haven’t been stressing yourself too much lately, have you? i’ve had some students say they’re worried about you.” she says with a soft, concerned, smile. In the woman’s hands are a container of leftovers from the other days {habit, she always makes too much for just her}. there’s a small laugh, dismissing her statement because she’s promised not to tell it was the students who had her checking on him to begin with. 
      “have you taken a break yet? if anyone needs one right now, it’s probably you.” 
caridad starter || @nastylamb​
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little-dxvil · 2 years
♡ (for a muse of your choosing)
Send me a ♡ and I’ll bold what I want to see with our muses and italicize things I may be open to!
chose: mirio togata
I want our muses to be: friends | ex-friends | rivals | rivals with sexual/romantic tension | enemies | enemies with sexual/romantic tension | lovers | ex-lovers | partners/coworkers | pen pals/internet friends | friends with benefits | soulmates
Our muses met: as children | as teenagers | as adults | just recently
(for romance) Our muses’ relationship is: still exciting and lively | stable | starting to feel awkward | in jeopardy | romantic, but the sexual attraction is fading | sexual, but the romantic attraction is fading | toxic and self-destructive | unrequited, with my muse pining after yours | unrequited, with your muse pining after mine | determined by fate
(for rivals) Our muses’ relationship is: awkward | fiery | friendly | petty | mostly for show | losing its spark | starting to develop into something more | one-sided, with my muse considering yours a rival | one-sided, with your muse considering mine a rival | determined by fate
(for enemies) Our muses’ relationship is: dangerous to themselves | dangerous to others | based on family matters | based on professional matters | based on lies/misunderstandings | unpredictable | passionate | nothing personal at first, but changes with time | determined by fate
(for friends) Our muses’ relationship is: stable | sickeningly sweet | the kind of close friendship that makes others jealous | falling apart | based on shared interests | based on circumstance (like school or work) | based on family ties | developing into something more (romantic/sexual) | developing into something more (antagonistic) | determined by fate
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tears-n-snow · 2 years
@nastylamb​ liked your post ““Hawks is kinda cute~””
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“Oh goodness! You look like an angel, sir!”
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snake-oiled-chief · 2 years
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            He won't do anything, he guesses. Not for now. Well, he'll let one arm rise up, going to wrap around Shino's waist, pinning the man to his warm chest. "Comfortable?"
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    Shino sighed, leaning into his warmth and hiding his face against the crook of the pyromancer’s neck with a hum of content. “Always. Being reptilian as I am, your heat is quite soothing~”
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compatiissante · 2 years
@mischievmagic & @nastylamb -- 
coughs and drops THIS.
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hellfirexandxashes · 2 years
❛  the only thing i’m not good at is modesty, because i’m great at it.  ❜  ( jin to rappa <3 )
@nastylamb | Jin's the most modest guy Rappa knows
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"Sure, I'd say it's one of your better qualities. Not as good as your humor though." Is Rappa being sarcastic? Genuinely supportive? Doesn't understand what modesty is? Who knows, and it's really hard to tell with the constant bird mask he still wears.
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escapedartgeek · 2 years
“ can i just record you doing that? “ ( from dave <3 )
"I mean if you want something that'll likely warp your camera a bit. Sure. I don't mind.. have a little documentation of the eerie Zora special."
They offered a bright, wide smile as they are twisting, turning - clearly in a vaster and more expansive form than they are used to showing people.
It didn't seemed to faze Dave any. But of course it wouldn't. Dave was Dave and he had seen all sort of things. It was why they hung out so often in the first place.
"Consider it an original.. performance piece even." They couldn't help but laugh, joke at the absurdity of the idea.
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islandpuffs · 7 years
nastylamb replied to your post “I cant believe how dependent I’ve become on makeup. I didn’t wanna be...”
i know how u feel but it's ok to wear makeup!! i do mine randomly as therapy sometimes :0 it isn't hurting u and if that is what u need to feel comfortable with urself that's ok
thank ^^
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