#nat strawn
letsgethaunted · 7 months
Guess who got married, Haunties???? 😍 😍
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Cat Ballou
A woman seeking revenge for her murdered father hires a famous gunman, but he’s very different from what she expects. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Catherine ‘Cat’ Ballou: Jane Fonda Kid Shelleen & Tim Strawn: Lee Marvin Clay Boone: Michael Callan Jed: Dwayne Hickman Shouter – Sunrise Kid: Nat King Cole Shouter – Sam the Shade: Stubby Kaye Jackson Two-Bears: Tom Nardini Frankie Ballou: John…
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natstrawncult · 4 years
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cib-napped · 5 years
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“Let’s get the fuck out of here, dude! I feel like I’m in Harry Potter! I fucking hate spiders, dude!”
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littletroutfingers · 6 years
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ohyucky · 6 years
yes dramatic colors and camera angles!
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monsterjammed · 6 years
imo Toi's such an underrated character
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alabasterstoned · 2 years
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♡ get to know me ♡ Favourite Podcasts [1/∞] → Let’s Get Haunted
There was a werewolf, a 700lb.. no 500lb werewolf and he has twisted thumbs and he says “gadara” - and gadara is a story where Jesus dispels some demons into pigs and saves some people. So... is this werewolf... Jesus?
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the-hidden-village · 6 years
Orlove Diamond children facts
These are all facts that me and nat decided on, because not only do I find them to be funny, they’re actually pretty cute. (In my opinion XD)
He has several kids. When I mean several, I mean like hundreds of these little buggers. Poor bastard lost count of just how many he has a while ago.
His nut is so powerful that it just hits the ground and sometime later a kid pops out of the ground sometime later. This is canon. 👏🏽Nothing 👏🏽can 👏🏽beat 👏🏽his 👏🏽nut. 👏🏽
This is the exact reason why he has so many damn kids. Nothing can beat his nut. One of the kids came out of a fucking volcano, Greg’s dick might destroy Diamonds, but Orlove’s dick creates them. He might be responsible for 1/3 of the Diamond population by now, I don’t know. You’d have to ask him.
Almost all of his children are modeled and named after flowers. They can come in any color, and can be modeled after a specific subtype of flower.
The only child that is not modeled after a flower is Strawn-Wagner Diamond, who is the spawn between him and Lady Excelsior.
Orlove can tell if a gem is his kid if the gem’s cut glows black when meeting him for the first time.
The kids bedrooms are on the third floor of his castle. While the castle was first still being built, Prudence had him design extra floor plans in case of them ever having a large court. Or a bunch of kids. At the time, he thought it to be silly, but now he’s just thankful he listened to her and did it.
The eldest child is Flora Diamond, the only spawn ever produced between Prudence and Orlove.
He only met her very recently, and burst out into tears when he realized who she was. Orlove has been keeping her and all the other children that have been coming out of the woodwork at his castle, along with his court.
All of the children that pop out of the ground have an automatic instinct to find their parental unit as soon as they come out of the ground. The first thought they have is an image of the castle, and that they need to find it.
His children will hide in the pockets of his clothing, and often he won’t notice that there’s one of them hiding in there!
All of them are greatly spoiled by him, as he sees them as his pride and joy.
Sometimes, when he goes out for walks with his horse, he’ll come back with one or two gemlings in tow.
When going out on a family trip, all the kids follow him in line, so it looks like a line of baby ducks following a parent duck! Except for Pansy, she has to have a holster attached to her so she doesn’t run off.
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letsgethaunted · 3 months
NEW VLOG ALERT 🚨 ‼️ 🔔 Head over to www.patreon.com/letsgethaunted and watch the new LGH vlog on Tier 2! We went ghost hunting and Nat channeled spirits through a radio (allegedly) 👻 👽 🔮 PS NEW LISTENER STORIES LIVE ON WEDS
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imadethisfor · 6 years
@DogMomUSA I just woke up and read this so I made this for u https://t.co/4fsyRMfxNA
I just woke up and read this so I made this for u pic.twitter.com/4fsyRMfxNA
— Nat Strawn (@NatStrawn) August 7, 2018
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natstrawncult · 5 years
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letsgethaunted · 1 year
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You can vote once per day till April 26th!!! :D
Let's Get Haunted is an all-female, independent podcast produced, written, recorded, and edited completely by two best friends named Nat and Aly. A true "DIY Podcast", Let's Get Haunted started on the floor of Nat's bathroom with the worst sound quality one could ever imagine. From there, the hosts began teaching themselves about all facets of podcasting, from SEO and algorithms to audio engineering and software programs. Despite both working fulltime "day jobs", Nat & Aly have earned a reputation for putting out unique and interesting content at any cost, even when they had no fixed recording location and had to lug mics and cords between the homes of Nat's Tinder dates to record episodes.
What began as a hobby with less than 5,000 streams per month in 2019, has since grown into a loving community of misfits, hellbent on tackling the dark side of the world together, over 4 million streams strong worldwide. 
While the subject matter of Let's Get Haunted focuses around the paranormal, the "Haunties" - as its community is called - channels its energy into creating positivity out of "haunted" (aka negative) situations. 
Each episode centers around an intriguing mystery in history from around the world. Past episodes have featured a wide variety of guests and interviews with experts such as scientists, war veterans, ex-CIA operatives, professors, comedians, and Company CEOs.
Before diving into the juicy topic at hand, co-hosts Aly and Nat kick off each episode with banter about their personal lives and things that matter to them that week, a segment coined "Personal Hauntings". Despite any misfortunes or frustrations the week has brought about, LGH seeks to find the humor in any situation. From the time Aly was attacked in a parking lot by a guy wielding a sword to the time Nat went to jail, Let's Get Haunted doesn't shy away from sharing the more outrageous moments in their personal lives.
After going through their "Personal Hauntings", the hosts then dive into the episode topic of the day, or the "Haunting Du Jour". From stories of the Cold War to cultural folklore to cryptids, you're guaranteed to never be bored and always learn something new!
Above all, LGH seeks to remind the world that, though we're all a little bit haunted on the inside (we all have our trials and demons to overcome), that doesn't mean that we can't pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and soldier on. 
Over the past calendar year, Let's Get Haunted has accummulated the following accolades:
...a permanent studio space in L.A.!
…a consistent, organic increase in monthly streams by 32%!
…nominated for the Best Entertainment Podcast in the 2022 Podcast Awards!
…winners of the Silver Award in the “Weird” Category of the 2022 Signal Awards!
…achieving virality on TikTok with an audience size increase of 870% on the app!
…achieving a spot in the Top 1% most-shared podcasts on Spotify (GLOBALLY)
…achieving a spot in theTop 1% most-followed podcasts on Spotify (GLOBALLY)
...and much, much more!
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letsgethaunted · 9 months
if this setup only took 5 seasons, imagine what it will look like in 64 more seasons
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
The Haunted Episode w/ Lets Get Haunted | Beyond the Pine #163
LGH Appearances on other Podcasts
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letsgethaunted · 1 year
"The drunk Sugar Fine 7 podcast." Beyond the Pine #77
LGH Appearances on other Podcasts
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