#natti natti
rottingcompost · 2 years
2023: inflation and recession and also extremely high electricity bills
Economy "expert": now that pay negotiations are coming up for employed people, dont just focus on getting more money
Like yeah they want people to try and focus it with fully paid for workplace education but fucking really? When literally everything is getting extremely expensive, including for example rent in a lot of places because some idiots thought that letting landlords charge whatever they want was a good idea! When most food item become stupidly expensive, like vegetables and meat, to the point where some people genuinely have stopped eating either or! When fucking electricity bills are the highest they have been for years and they dont seem to stop rising! When said electricity prices are even worse for people higher up north than like fucking Stockholm because heating requires electricity, and the fucking bullshit government pulls with the energy crisis is to give money TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARENT EVEN HIGHER UP NORTH?!
I am so fucking done with this piece of shit country, and the piece of shit economy experts who clearly dont give a shit! Someone please just nuke Sweden and dont even try to start over with the hellhole. Just leave it and never try again
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natti-ice · 2 months
18+ mdni
that reality check hitting after reading smut
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filmauteur · 6 months
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Gay USA (1978) Directed by Arthur J. Bressan, Jr.
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dailyworldcinema · 5 months
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Anders als die Andern (Different from the Others) (1919) Directed by Richard Oswald
"Widely considered the first feature-length film aimed specifically at a gay audience, made all the more significant for its humanistic depiction of gay men and its explicit plea for the end of their social and legal persecution." (x)
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earth4angels · 2 months
𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
modern!jacaerys x f!reader ─── smut, vanilla sex, jace is a mama's boy, a lil english major who's serious about his academics, basically a goodie two shoes. reader is an adventurous cheerleader babe. p in v, love making as secretly as possible with his family at home (i know theyre freaky). not fully edited.
summary: finals season has arrived and jacaerys is worried about his championship game and passing his classes. he just did not think you would change the way of how studying could even work.
jace nation tag list: @jacaerysgf @star611 @jules420 @intheheartoftheking @gracexthoughts @astrxq @reyndaisy @hxtd @smurfelle @nanaldy @valdezthg @littleblackcatinwonderland @nixtape-foryou @starrgurl46 @ethereal-athalia @stelleduarte @canyonmoon-2 @ambrosia-v-black @chuuritoz @melsunshine @frombloodandfire
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“Get it together jace,” Jacaerys muttered, his hands running through his already messy hair. His fingers tapped rapidly through the page of his text book as if the answers were going to appear magically to him.
“Jace. Mom has been calling you to eat for the past fifteen minutes, you know she hates lateness,” Lucerys stood by the doorway of his brother’s room a slight smirk on his face as he looked at his brother who now slammed his face onto the book.
“Geesh… and I thought I was terrible, you’re even worse,” Luke joked. Jacaerys only moved his head to peek at his younger brother before he threw a pen at his head.
“Get out Luke, tell Mom I am no-“
“Tell me what exactly? If you think I am going to let you go to sleep without eating, you are absolutely wrong my dear,” Rhaenyra crossed her arms, a stern look on her face that had Jacaerys scrambling on his feet to meet her.
“Sorry mother,” he muttered, he scratched his neck before he twirled his fingers around, Rhaenyra sighed. She entered the room with soft steps, Jacaerys had now stopped his nervous ticks the moment he felt his mother’s touch.
“You got this my sweet boy. You’re the bravest, and smartest boy, I have raised you well. I know you will finish strongly, or am I wrong?”
Jacaerys widened his eyes, “No mother.”
Rhaenyra ran her fingers through the mess of hair, she smiled softly, “Now, wash up. Your brothers are waiting for you, Daemon bought that movie you and Luke begged him to buy.”
Luke exclaimed excitedly before he ran down the hall to the dining room, Rhaenyra and Jace heard him thanking their step-father over and over. They chuckled together.
As Jace scored the winning goal, the team swallowed him onto the ground, he groaned. He only wanted to see the one person that motivated him, that came to every single one of his games to cheer for him loudly that he felt no trophy could ever top the love he had for you.
The crowd cheered loudly, Jace managed to escape the sweaty bodies of his teammates before he was wrapped with a warmth so familiar, he knew it was you. He caught you in his arms the moment you ran up to him, your smile making him feel weak in the legs. He would bring the world and the stars for you if you’d ask.
Your pom-poms covered both of your faces as you leaned down to kiss him, since you had jumped on him, your legs wrapped around his waist - he held you up, his arms tightly holding your thighs, pressing you close. Your rosy lipstick now stained his already plump lips.
He groaned in satisfaction, you pulled away, giggling when he chased you for another kiss, “Congratulations Targaryen, you’re now going to the championship game.”
He smiled stupidly, from where he was looking at you, you looked like a bright star, your hair was held back by a headband that matched the color of his jersey. Your eyes covered in shiny glitter that he helped put on before the game because according to him, he wanted to try to put some on you. You were beautiful, and all his.
He leaned up to kiss you deeply, feeling your fingers dig deep into the slightly wet curls of his. The world vanished then, and Jacaerys wanted you more than ever, but it was not a place where he wanted to devour you.
You pulled away, he groaned again in annoyance, “Hold on tiger. You stink. And your mother and brothers are waiting to celebrate your win.”
He opened his eyes to see you with a teasing face, he narrowed his eyes in suspicion, you had a cunning smile. He did not want to question it yet so he placed you back onto the floor, without saying a word he took your hand interlacing it with his, both of you meeting his overly excited family that covered him in confetti. He thought life couldn’t get any more better than this.
His bed bounced as pushed his glasses upward, stopping them from slipping off his nose. He knew you were with him, but he paid you no mind as he mumbled the words from the slides to himself.
You leaned your head onto his shoulder, watching him study the same presentation over and over. You sat beside him, quietly biting onto your cinnamon roll that Rhaenyra begged you to take to Jace as well since she knew he was bound to skip dinner.
“Hm,” he nodded his head slightly, letting you know he was listening to you. He truly was not though, he had a pen between his teeth biting on the top cap. You sighed.
“Mm,” again he responded nonchalantly.
You rolled your eyes having enough. You took the laptop from him, shutting it close as you tossed it lightly onto his bedside table. You watched him widened his eyes, his arms reached to fight you but you beat him as you pushed him down onto the bed, sitting right on top.
His glasses moved upward, touching his forehead just a bit. You chuckled as he groaned in annoyance nonetheless his hands moved to hold your waist.
“Y/n… I need to study… you know I have to get good scores on the finals to keep my spot as top student.”
You smiled softly, your hands trailing down his chest to the toned body of his. His eyes fluttered, he enjoyed you touching him, he squirmed under you feeling his erection grow. He was shy to admit that even the slightest things you would do made him excited.
“You studied enough. You and I both know you’ll pass. Just how we also know, you will win the game,” Your fingers reached up to his face, pulling his glasses back to its original spot, you had always loved him with glasses. He huffed softly, his eyes moving upwards to try and avoid your strong gaze that had him digging his fingers softly into your waist.
“You’re only human jace, give yourself breaks hm?”
“I hate when you’re right,” he mumbled.
You laughed, tapping his nose lightly. His eyes moved back to your face, you leaned down to place a soft kiss on his nose you felt him breathe in deeply. He moved his head to reach your lips where he captured your warm lips with his.
You sighed into his mouth, enjoying the way his tongue licked your bottom lip. Your lips parted giving him access to taste you, he moaned when he got a taste of the sweetness from the bun you ate.
With his teeth, he pulled your bottom lip, sucking it lightly, you let him grinding your hip against his hardening erection hidden under the sweatpants you wanted to get rid of.
You rubbed harder, your panties now soaked from the need of wanting him. He let go of your lips as he let out a whimper. You sat on top still rubbing, twisting your hips in small circles to entice him. With half lidded eyes and small drool on the corner of his lips you wanted him so much more than before.
“Shh. I’ve got you,” you whispered, you ran your tongue down his neck finding a spot only you knew ruined him.
Right above his ear, in between his collarbone you placed a kiss and then you sucked hard, enjoying the small whimpers he let out. His hands working fast but clumsily pulling and tugging the straps of your sundress. He needed you, now.
He swallowed, “Please my love. Off,” he tugged the straps hard.
You heard a tear of fabric between your soft kisses that you left on his neck, you breathed in a laugh. You pushed him hard onto the bed, he grunted, you leaned back on your feet enjoying the flush on his cheeks, the curls surrounding him making him look angelic.
The sun was barely going down, and with the little sunlight still left, it touched Jace’s skin, his bright brown eyes covered by his slight fogged glasses from the amount of heavy breathing he was doing.
“Y/n… please…” he whispered, licking his lips watching you slowly tug down the straps, pulling down your bra as well. You watched him gasp slightly, taking in the view of the delicacy of your skin.
“Seven hells… how did I get so lucky?”
You hummed, getting rid of your dress completely, only sitting on top of him in your lace panties. He watched you hungrily, ready to bounce on you but held back, he wanted to take his time with you. Kiss all the little freckles on your body, find new spots that made you whisper his name as in a prayer.
He wanted to find all the new things that made your body quiver, flourish in his hands, his mouth. His mouth suddenly felt dry, he wanted to taste you so bad.
You smiled wickedly, your hand reached forward, grabbing his index cards he had also written to study. You looked through them fast before you tossed them somewhere on the floor.
Leaning forward, you grabbed his hands, placing them on your breasts, sighing blissfully when out of habit his thumbs flicked your now perked buds.
“Every right answer you give me, you’ll be allowed to touch me,” you whispered, smiling even wider when you felt him twitch underneath you.
Jacaerys was competitive, and he wanted to have you so badly but he also wanted to prove to you he was smart. He thought this was better than any study group he ever had, his fingers twitched against your breasts, wanting them deep in your cunt just to watch you bend in an angelic position, all because of him.
For once, he was greedy, he wanted to watch you have power over him. He licked his lips again, anticipating every moment that will occur. He thanked the old gods and new for gifting him you.
“First question,” you sat with his hands still on your breasts, enjoying the lust on your boyfriend’s eyes, the way sweat started to form on his forehead, the twitch of his eyebrow as he tried to read you, to the way his lips parted, his breaths coming out in sharp huffs.
“Name all the kings we had, from first king to now.”
Jacaerys struggled, he regretted now the position he was in, he couldn’t focus having you bare only in silk panties, your skin glowing, hair loose and curled at the tips. He just wanted to make love to you. He held his breath, his hands shaking, noticing, you smirked.
“Uh.. Um…” he cleared his throat, his eyebrows slightly scrunched together as he tried to think, “Aegon, the conqueror,” you hummed.
You let his hand go down the middle of your breast, to your stomach, hearing his breath hitched you stopped.
“I uh… Aenys,” he stuttered, finding it hard to stay still.
Again, you moved his hand to your navel, letting go of his hand as you waited for the rest of the answer to come out of your struggling boyfriend who remained obedient.
“Maegor, Jaehaerys, Viserys…” his voice straining.
You smiled, “Good job my love. See? The answers are flowing out of you.” You stood up then, he sat up quickly, his body in heat running with adrenaline from wanting you. Your fingers pulled the bands of your panties to slide them off your legs. Jacaerys’ mouth fell slack.
You tapped your finger to your chin as in thought, you moved as you spoke to sit on his lap, your legs spread on either side of his own. “Ah.. why is the reason that dragons are the symbol of the Targaryen family?”
Jacaerys tried, he truly did want to show off his intelligence but he couldn’t concentrate anymore. How could he concentrate when he had you on his lap, nude, your curls falling onto your shoulders giving you a glow so beautiful he was breathless.
“Seven hells y/n, I can’t do this,” he moved so quick you were startled that you ended up bumping your head onto his headboard. His eyes panicked, the lust from his eyes softening, “Baby, baby i am so sorry!”
You laughed loudly, taking his face into your hands where you pulled him to give him a kiss. He moaned into your mouth, his hands pulling your hands above your head, interlocking it with his.
“You didn’t answer the question Jacaerys,” you muttered into his lips. He moaned in annoyance over the fact you kept pulling away from him when all he wanted was to shower you with love.
“No offense, but you talk a lot my love, I just want you,” Jace fluttered his eyes, looking down on you his light brown eyes shadowed with a mischievous glint that had you swallow.
He nodded, his glasses sliding down more, you pushed them up again, his curls were a mess and damn… he looked ethereal. He was all yours, the pride in your chest swelled as as the love you felt for him did too.
You both smiled at each other before he kissed you again, his lips grazing your cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, everywhere he could touch, you giggled. Jacaerys felt like he could fly, the need to feel you, to connect with you felt heavy on his head.
He took a moment to observe the environment, he was quick, in a moment he heard everything, the laughter of his younger brothers, the sound of his mother talking over the phone. His cheeks blossoming crimson, the idea of having you while his family were so close bought an excitement to him.
He nibbled on your neck before whispering, “We have to keep quiet, mom…” he paused, feeling embarrassed, “anyone can hear us if we’re loud.”
You smirked, feeling the heat boil, “then try not to make me scream out,”
Jacaerys pulled away his eyebrows furrowed as if you said something offensive, “Oh? If i don’t, then I am not deserving of you my angel.”
Everything happened so fast, Jacaerys felt like he only blinked for a second, one second he was tasting you, leaving small marks on your neck then he was under you again, his chest bare, his boxers suddenly feeling hot.
You sat on top again, licking your lips admiring the work you made, a wet kiss on his chest turning red. Jacaerys felt sweat drip from his forehead, he needed to have you, now. But, he knew the reward would soon calm if he was patient - though he did not want to wait.
“Tell me my love, why are dragons the symbol of your family? If they are myth, why is it symbolic?”
Jacaerys rolled his eyes as his head tilted back, “Are you… Are you serious?” he whined, he thought he escaped this.
You tighten your lips together to hold back from laughing, “Oh i am serious babe. Now answer, or else.. I’ll go downstairs and play with Joff, i’ll ignore you all day.”
Jacaerys for the sake of his bulge feeling like it was ready to explode, tried.
He closed his eyes, scanning memories of the information he studied, “It was said that Targaryens are closer to the gods due to their faith in old traditions. Dragons are a symbol of power but also peace. Our family-“ suddenly he hissed, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
Your teeth pulled the band of his boxers down, as your hand’s massaged the muscular thighs of his, you paused when you heard nothing but hard breathing, “I didn’t tell you to stop Jacaerys.”
He whimpered, “Dear gods…” he cleared his throat, “Our family symbol being dragons is to remind us of our history, to remind us why helping our people is also building a foundation for a better future, that is why our law firm is uh-“ he moaned when he felt your lips kissing up his toned chest.
“Our law firm is the most popular, and is one of the first establishments holding a strong position in justice.”
You stopped, Jacaerys was breathing hard as if he had ran through a marathon, “You really need to stop overthinking you won’t pass your exams, you are smart.”
Pressing a slight kiss on his lips, you sat up again, “Good job baby,” you moved his shaky hand to your body again, however Jacaerys had other plans, he sat up meeting you face to face.
“You are the world’s best person to ever grace us, I am so lucky to have you,” he whispered all the while his fingers grazed the apple of your cheeks, you couldn’t avoid the amount of love his eyes held you just needed him. The sexual tension between you was too strong to ignore.
He pushed your hair back, his eyes mapping out the beauty marks on your face. You were so beautiful, he would never once stop repeating it, “I love you, with every ounce of my heart,” and that was when your heart flew out of your chest.
He laid you onto his bed, both of you shaking with need to have each other. His lips traced every bump, every inch of your body until he reached the valley of your breasts. The metal of his glasses making your skin crawl with goosebumps.
“All mine,” he whispered. His fingers traced the perky buds of your breasts before he took one in his mouth, moaning as if he was having the best dessert - in a way he was. Your body lifted from the bed, mind clouded with him only.
“Jace,” you pleaded now, needing him to stop his slow pace, you just needed him inside you. You felt him shudder at the way you said his name.
He pulled back, your eyes shaking in need but Jace was worse, his eyes filled with need, hidden behind those glasses of his he was overwhelmed with the love he had for you.
You felt his bulge nudge your core causing you to tilt your head back, moaning softly, you heard the gasping of your boyfriend who struggled what to do next. He never wanted to rush into things but he needed you, he wanted to explore more of you but he just needed to be inside, to carefully love you and show you.
You made the decision to guide him, you and Jacaerys were not always active, majority of your relationship was very innocent and you didn’t complain, simply being in the arms of your boyfriend was enough. Jacaerys only needed you close to feel the love you felt for him as he did you.
He never disrespected you, always showed you respect and love in small and big ways. His family adored you, with his mom already calling you her daughter she never had. Daemon adored your stubbornness, mentioning how you reminded him of his younger days. To Jace, that was enough.
So when you guided him inside of you, feeling the tip of his erection inside you, both of you gasped, holding each other in desperate need of love. He shook in your arms as your legs wrapped around his waist, he didn’t move feeling too overwhelmed from your heat.
“t’s okay,” you whispered, your heart full, and as you locked eyes with the one man who you swore your life to, he pushed all the way in, the tears seeping from your eyes.
He held you in his arms tightly, whimpering as you tugged the wet curls of his, pulling out and pushing in with such care that had you breathing out choked sobs from the love you felt. He only prepped small kisses, whispering the love he held for you.
“I love you, I love you,” he whispered into your mouth, his hands wiping the tears from your cheeks, feeling his own pool. Your fingers marked half moons onto his shoulde blades, marking beautiful trails of your love as he pushed into you harder, faster.
You removed his glasses then, finally coming to face his eyes that were scrunched together in concentration and if it was another occasion you would’ve laughed but you kissed his face holding onto him as your noses bumped into each other clumsily.
“You feel so g-good,” he muttered, his hand holding onto your right hand, you said nothing as you took him in, feeling the little bubble in your tummy ready to release.
“J-Jace,” you stuttered, squealing when he finally hit that one spot inside you, “OH! Don’t stop… donnn-t stop.”
He knew you were close, you held onto his hair tighter, your eyes rolled onto the back of your head as you bent your neck all the way back displaying your entire neck to him. He pushed harder, making it a mission to have you see stars, he watched you carefully, hearing how you muttered his name like a prayer.
He was so close, but he held back, his cheeks were warm, as he felt the need to come inside you with just watching you wither in his embrace. All that was heard was the bed squeaking, the headboard of his bed slamming against the wall, and as much as he wanted to keep it quiet, he couldn’t. He just needed you.
“My pretty angel, all mine,” he whispered again, he had let go of your hand reaching down on your sensitive bud where he rubbed in circles, you moaned loudly and he reacted so fast he covered your mouth with his as he swallowed your slight screams.
He felt the stutter of your hips and the shocks that your body was going through, and suddenly he felt the tightness of your warmth wrapping him hard that his chest felt on fire.
He closed his eyes allowing the pleasure to sweep him out of the world, with one last push he allowed to come inside you hearing you sigh in bliss, your body still shaking, the tears dry on your cheeks.
You held Jace against you, brushing his hair back, hearing him try to level his breathing back to normal. You did not want him to pull out of you but you needed to pee.
He kissed your breasts before he slowly pulled out, both of you shuddering, he then kissed you deeply. He said nothing, but neither did you, both of you basking in the love.
You watched as he pulled you into his arms, carrying you into his bathroom, he looked beautiful. You sat in the toilet as he prepared a bath, and took the moment when he went to get you clothes to pee.
When he came back he had a hoodie of his and a pair of boxers for you to wear, you childishly made grabby hands, he chuckled before he pulled you to the bath tub with him.
The silence was comfortable, until a thought hit you, “Jace?”
You leaned your head back to look at him, he was smiling with his eyes closed, “Yeah?”
“I think.. I saw Luke’s feet at some point by the door,”
Jace snapped his eyes open in a panic, one look at you, who looked at him with your own set of eyes that held panic, he laughed loudly, you joined him.
Lucerys did in fact stopped by his brother’s door, he only wanted to ask if you wanted to play mario’s kart, but that flew out the window when he heard his brother’s moans. So he sat in the family room with a traumatized look on his face thinking he wished dragons were real so he can ask to get eaten instead.
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chaey2k · 4 months
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        ✿  ‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̥°̩̥‧̥·̊ ✿ °̩̥‧̥‧̥ ‧̥˚̩̩̥͙·‧̥·̊‧̥ ✿
        #⃝ 🍥🦭   Kiss  of  Life !!
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romugh · 6 days
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pairing- nerd!natasha romanoff x reader
cw- 18+!!; top!reader, gp!bottom!natasha, handjob (n rcv), blowie (n rcv), cockwarming, praise kink, breeding kink, unprotected sex
wc- 2.3k of pure smut
a/n- quick drabble as i'm working my way through BIOLOGY stuff as an ASTROPHISICS and ARCHITECTURE STUDENT. make it make sense?? I CANNOT DO THIS ANYMORE. not proofread, wrote this in like ten minutes as i was eating an apple :D
synopsis- you're studying biology, natasha comes in, you're doing biology (with her).
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The past four hours had been a never-ending slog of human reproduction notes, diagrams of genitals, and biological functions that seemed completely irrelevant to your degree. You were an astrophysics major — the mysteries of black holes and quantum fields were your calling, not the intricacies of testes and ovaries. Yet here you were, neck-deep in textbooks, scribbling notes on a subject you didn’t care for in the slightest. Your biology exam was in two days, and every second spent on it felt like time wasted.
Your hand ached from writing, and your eyes burned from staring at diagrams. The irritation crept up further, gnawing at you, until the sound of the door creaking open drew your attention. You didn’t even need to look up to know who it was.
“Hey,” Natasha’s soft voice greeted you. There was a tentative innocence to her tone, one that always tugged at your heart in a way you could never quite explain. Natasha, your shy and awkward girlfriend, a literature major who found comfort in the written word more than social situations. Your Natty — so soft, blushing, and oh-so-easy to tease.
You glanced up, the sight of her instantly pulling you from your academic misery. Natasha stood in the doorway, blonde hair slightly tousled from the nap she’d taken, round glasses sitting low on her nose, and your oversized shirt hanging loosely on her small frame. The shirt swallowed her whole, the sleeves falling past her hands, and you couldn’t help but smirk at how effortlessly adorable she looked. The fact that her boxers were barely visible under the hem of the shirt only made it worse.
She stood there for a moment, awkwardly shifting on her feet, and something about the way she looked at you made a surge of desire shoot through your veins. Natasha was always so shy, always so unsure about these moments. But that only made your pulse quicken, knowing just how easy it was to make her come undone.
“Natty,” you called, your voice low and teasing. “Want to help me study?”
She blinked, eyes wide behind her glasses, but she stepped closer, that innocent curiosity mixed with a soft blush spreading across her cheeks. Her bare legs peeked out from under the shirt, the fabric brushing against her thighs as she padded towards you. She always had this way about her—this quiet, almost timid energy that made you want to take care of her, tease her, ruin her. “Sure,” she agreed, pushing her glasses up. “What are we studying?”
You smirked, eyes narrowing as you slid your textbook to the side. “Human reproduction.”
Her blush deepened, but she tried to play it off, oblivious to the trap you were setting. “I’m not sure I can help with that. I mean, I’m more into poetry than—”
You smirked, your eyes tracing the length of her body, admiring the way the fabric of your shirt hugged her frame. “Oh, I think you can. In fact, you might be the perfect study partner.”
Her eyes widened slightly, her lips parting as she fumbled for words. “W-what do you mean?”
You caught her by the hips, guiding her until she stood between your legs, her lithe form pressed against your knees. Her blush deepened, her lips parting as she looked down at you, curiosity and nervousness swirling in her eyes.
“I can show you,” you whispered, running your hands up the sides of her thighs, pushing the hem of the oversized shirt higher and higher, revealing the fabric of her boxers. Your fingertips traced the outline of her bulge, feeling the warmth of her body beneath the thin fabric. Natasha gasped softly, her breath hitching as you palmed her gently.
“See,” you murmured, your hand cupping her clothed bulge. “This is all part of the reproductive process.”
Natasha’s eyes widened, her breath coming out shaky as she looked down at you. “I-I know that,” she stammered, but the way her legs trembled betrayed her completely.
“You didn’t expect to be part of the lesson, though, did you?” you teased, your fingers moving expertly as you tugged her boxers down, letting them pool around her ankles. Natasha whimpered softly, her hand clutching the back of your chair for support as you wrapped your hand around her fully. “So sensitive,” you cooed, stroking her with deliberate slowness, your thumb teasing the tip just enough to make her gasp.
Her entire body tensed, hips instinctively bucking into your hand as you increased the pace slightly, watching her lose composure. "Y-you're—," she tried to speak, but her voice faltered, her body betraying her with every twitch and pulse of her length in your grip.
Natasha's breathing grew more ragged, her chest heaving as she clutched the back of your chair, her knuckles turning white from the grip. Her hips twitched involuntarily into your hand, every stroke sending ripples of pleasure through her body. You could feel her getting closer, the way her length pulsed in your palm, the faint whimpers that escaped her lips.
“Y-you’re gonna make me—" Natasha’s voice was barely a whisper, her words tumbling out in a breathless stammer as she squirmed in your grasp. Her face was flushed, cheeks burning with embarrassment as she tried to hold back, but you had no intention of letting her.
"Let go," you murmured softly, your voice thick with dominance. Your hand worked her faster, the slick slide of your palm coaxing her to the edge. "Come for me, Natty."
It was all she needed. With a strangled moan, her body tensed, hips jerking forward as she came, her release spilling over your hand. Her eyes squeezed shut, her lips parting in a silent cry as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her. You watched her, captivated by the sight of her completely undone, trembling in your hand as she rode out her orgasm.
But you weren’t done yet.
Without missing a beat, you leaned forward, your lips brushing against the tip of her sensitive length, tasting the remnants of her release. Natasha shuddered, still trying to catch her breath, but when your tongue flicked out to lick her clean, her whole body jerked, a soft gasp escaping her as you took her into your mouth.
“You taste so good,” you murmured against her, the words muffled by the weight of her in your mouth. Natasha's hips bucked again, her hands gripping the chair for dear life once again as you began to work her with your tongue, teasing her back to hardness.
Natasha's body was still trembling from her first orgasm, her breath coming out in shaky gasps as you continued your slow, teasing licks. She tried to steady herself, gripping the back of your chair harder, but the sensations were too much. Every flick of your tongue made her hips jerk forward involuntarily, and before she even knew it, she was starting to harden again.
You smirked against her length, feeling her twitch as she became fully hard in your mouth. "That's it," you murmured, lips brushing against her sensitive skin. "You're already ready for more, huh?"
Natasha whimpered, her face flushed as she bit her lip, too embarrassed to answer. But you didn’t need her to. You wanted to drive her over the edge again, and this time, you were going to take your time. Wrapping your hand around the base of her cock, you began to stroke her in tandem with the slow, deliberate bob of your head.
The warmth of your mouth surrounded her, your tongue pressing against the underside of her length as you took her deeper, inch by inch. Natasha's knees buckled slightly, and her hands flew to your hair for support, fingers tangling in the strands as she struggled to stay standing. Every moan she tried to stifle only grew louder as you picked up the pace, the wet, obscene sounds of your lips moving over her driving her wild.
"S-so good," she whimpered, her voice barely a whisper, shaking with each breath. "P-please, don’t stop."
You had no intention of stopping. Your hand continued to pump the base of her cock while your mouth worked the rest, hollowing your cheeks as you took her deeper. Natasha's hips bucked forward again, her body betraying her as she chased the pleasure. Her breaths were ragged, and you could feel her getting close again, her thighs trembling as you sucked harder, faster.
She didn’t last long. With a strangled cry, Natasha came, her entire body trembling as her release shot into your mouth. You didn’t falter, swallowing around her, not giving her a chance to recover. Her grip on your hair tightened, her whole body buckling as she tried to remain upright, but the sensation of your tongue still working her through her second orgasm made her lose control completely.
But you weren’t finished.
As soon as you felt her begin to soften slightly, you pulled back just enough to take a deep breath before plunging your mouth down again, taking her all the way to the base in one fluid motion. Natasha let out a strangled moan, her hips jerking as your throat constricted around her. She was completely helpless now, every thought leaving her mind as she lost herself in the feeling of your mouth wrapped so tightly around her. The wet, gagging sounds you made as you deepthroated her pushed her over the edge once again, her body trembling violently as she came a third time, filling your throat with her release.
"Fuck," Natasha gasped, barely able to stand as her legs gave out beneath her, her knees buckling. "I-I can't…"
But the way her hands tightened in your hair told you that she didn’t want you to stop.
As Natasha trembled before you, utterly spent and flushed from her release, you pulled away, wiping your lips with a satisfied smirk. “I think we’re done here,” you said, standing up from your chair, feigning a tone of finality.
The look of disappointment that flickered across her face was instant, and though she tried to hide it, it was exactly what you wanted. A small, embarrassed frown tugged at her lips, her hands fidgeting at her sides, but she avoided meeting your gaze.
"Something wrong?" you teased, letting your words hang in the air. Natasha’s face flushed a deeper shade of red, her mouth opening and closing as if she wanted to respond but couldn't find the words. You grinned, taking a step closer, deliberately invading her space.
"Aw, poor baby," you cooed, running a finger along her cheek, your touch feather-light. "Were you hoping for more? Did you think I was really going to leave you like this?"
Natasha’s breath hitched, her eyes darting up to meet yours, wide and vulnerable. Before she could react, you pushed her down onto your chair, her body falling back against the seat as you straddled her in one swift motion. Her cock, still hard despite her exhaustion, slid inside you with ease, stretching you as you sank down on her with a satisfied sigh.
"Fuck," Natasha gasped, her head falling back against the chair as her hands instinctively grabbed at your hips, trying to ground herself in the moment. Her eyes fluttered shut, overwhelmed by the sensation of being buried inside of you, your warmth enveloping her completely.
Without missing a beat, you turned the chair to face your desk once more, your movements deliberate and controlled as you positioned yourself. Natasha’s grip on your hips tightened, but she didn’t dare move. Not yet.
You settled yourself, leaning forward slightly to grab a pen, pretending to return to your notes. Natasha’s eyes, however, were drawn to your cleavage, the way your breasts were just inches from her face. Her restraint shattered as her hands moved up from your hips, one hand slipping beneath your shirt to cup your breast while the other wrapped around your back to pull you closer.
She began to worship your breasts, her lips eagerly pressing against your skin, kissing and sucking, leaving wet marks along the curve of your chest. The soft weight of your breasts in her hands made her lose all sense of control. Her hips bucked slightly beneath you, the friction sending shocks of pleasure through both of you. You couldn't help but smirk, knowing full well what was coming next.
Natasha’s breathing grew more erratic, her kisses becoming more desperate, and before she even realized what was happening, she was coming inside of you. Her hands stilled, her body tensed beneath yours, her hips jerking up as she filled you with her release, barely fifteen seconds after you’d settled onto her lap.
“F-fuck!” Natasha gasped, her face flushed with shame as the realization hit her. “I—oh god, I didn’t mean to—I’m so sorry, I didn’t know—”
Her words were cut off as her eyes widened in panic, suddenly aware that you hadn’t put a condom on her. Her hands gripped your waist, frozen in place as she stammered out apologies.
"Shh," you murmured, cupping her cheek with a soft smile, brushing her lips with your thumb. "It's okay, Nat. Don't worry." You leaned down, kissing her forehead softly. “I wanted this.”
Natasha looked up at you with wide, bewildered eyes, her blush intensifying as she tried to comprehend your words. “But I—”
You cut her off with another kiss, silencing her before she could spiral further into embarrassment. “I said, it’s okay,” you repeated, your voice firm but gentle. "You did nothing wrong."
Despite her lingering guilt, Natasha nodded, her breathing still unsteady. Her body relaxed beneath you as she wrapped her arms around your waist, resting her head against your chest, her blush deepening as she continued to mumble soft apologies.
For the rest of the day, you stayed that way, continuing to study while cockwarming her, her cock still snug inside you. Every half hour, like clockwork, Natasha’s body betrayed her once more. She’d shudder beneath you, gripping your hips as another orgasm washed over her, filling you again and again.
And each time, her face would flush with embarrassment, her whispered apologies slipping from her lips, but you simply smiled, squeezing her tighter, grounding her in your warmth as you reassured her again and again: this was exactly what you wanted.
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a/n again- oops? i'm going back to studying again, see y'all! (no taglist for drabbles, unless y'all want one i suppose)
854 notes · View notes
koosuvi · 6 months
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⋆ ✿ ⁺ ∿ sugarcoat . . .
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2K notes · View notes
prael · 8 months
Red Wine - Karina & Natty
Aespa Karina x Kiss of Life Natty x M Reader smut
thanks to @capslocked & @passingnotions & @friskyriskywhisky
Masterlist word count: 9,957 Kofi
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A new girl every week.
Not like you mind it. As long as Karina is having a good time, then that's enough for you. She meets them all at work, and they're all equally pretty.
Of course they are—it's part of the job.
It's just how Karina is—she has always been a fountain of charisma and that's part of what drew you to her—some call it rizz. So, you know all too well how these girls feel when Karina cranks up that natural charm and it leads to her inevitably inviting them over on a Friday evening, an offer they can’t refuse.
A girl's night in. That's what she always calls it—truth or not.
It's a funny thing to call it, given that you're always there. Not that any of them ever complain. You're there. That's okay. You'll join in the chat or stay out of the way—it's all very casual. Most of the time, it’s just that—casual.
Most of the time.
"And then I told him: 'Look, this dress is Dior, and it's worth a year of your rent. So if you think, even for a second, that it's going to end up on your bedroom floor after you buy me a couple of glasses of bottom-shelf whiskey then you can Johnnie-Walk-the-fuck-on-out-of-here because there are a thousand more ways I can spend my night than wasting time on you.'"
The two girls break out into some sort of intoxicated, riotous laughter. The girl with the story? They call her Natty, and she is the latest of Karina's new friends to visit. This one sporting almond skin, eyes with an inky rich hue, thick lips and a smug look on her face that could melt the paint right off the wall, or the clothes off any man.
She has one leg crossed over the other, sitting at an angle towards Karina. The slight canting of her head, the way her black hair cascades over a bare shoulder, all of it conspires together in order to fully reveal her neck line where the loose t-shirt drapes from shoulder to shoulder.
"Yeah, like any dude's got enough bank to buy himself to a night with you." Karina laughs again before taking a drink from her wine.
You are trying to watch the TV, vaguely—your favourite team is on and it's a bit of a ritual for you.
You will never even know we're here. That's what Karina told you. Yet you’ve spent the better part of the last hour listening to them. We’ll be quiet.
As if that's ever true.
They've been reeling off anecdotes all the while, and if you've learned one thing about Natty, it's that she has a lot to say, and a lot if it comes down to either the pleasures, profits, or travails of her career. The stories just keep coming. And each and every one is punctuated by that same laugh from Natty. You have never heard anything quite like it before, and it's that which keeps drawing your attention back to their end of the couch. Much like her voice, it's high pitched, a little nasally and utterly adorable.
Karina laughs along as well; more than a few times a drink threatens to spill onto the carpet because one of them has laughed a little too hard or bumped into one another. Now that would be a disaster: red wine and a white carpet.
"So I got this really nice pink one. It's really pretty, a little sexy, but it's so comfy too." Natty is talking but you don't have a clue what about and Karina, turned away from you, is nodding her head, the ponytail on the back of her head shaking a little as a result.
You don't need to see Karina to know how she looks—as beautiful as ever. That same sharp jaw, high cheekbones and lips glistening pink, hued darker by her drink of choice. Those eyes. It’s always her eyes that captivate.
Her beauty and grace are two things she truly does share with Natty. All the women that come over are all part of the same constellation. Stars in their own right, but Karina is a supernova—or something equally poetic.
Karina says something, but the voice is soft and muffled and lost to you among the animated exchange.
"There's also this blue one. But I don't wear it nearly as much as the others, but it cuts real low. Nearly shows my, you know..."
That lowered voice draws your gaze right over to them both as Natty leans in towards the woman next to her. A gesture and the shape of her voice, the lilt of her accent, makes it sound as if she is being discreet even though you can clearly hear every single word.
"...you know." Natty then tugs a little at her own shirt.
The two giggle again as if they're not grown-ass women; two women who have admittedly drunk quite a lot.
"He loves this one I have, it's part of a set, and I picked it up in Paris last month,” Karina says. “Black and lacy. Super expensive, but it's so worth it."
"That pair would look good in anything," Natty lets out that same laugh again, if a little softer this time, as if the mood shifted a little. You felt this coming all along. If you're honest, sometimes as soon as Karina walks through the door with a girl on her arm, there’s a certain vibe that hangs in the air that tells you it’s one of those nights.
You're stealing glances at the two of them, and it's Natty who's looking towards you, over Karina's shoulder. Your eyes are caught in this awkward collision. Natty holds the stare, her smile shifting subtly from innocent to devilish.
She's a stunner. Even from the angle where you're catching glimpses at her, a glance out of the corner of your eye, there is something seductive and hypnotising.
"He's a really lucky guy." She says to Karina, keeping her eyes fixed on you.
That is usually the cue, one you're very familiar with. A flirty little comment, maybe an innuendo, something meant to test the waters—see where the land lies, the rocks you can stand on before stepping any further out into the surf. It's how so many of your Friday evenings play out. You are just that—an object of curiosity and interest to Karina's friends, and you have to credit the sales pitch she must deliver about you.
"You're damn right," Karina replies with a chuckle as she tilts back the remainder of her drink.
"Do you think he would like mine?"
"Of course, he would. But if you want, I can be the judge." Karina takes Natty's almost empty glass and sets both down on the table. Her expression and attitude—lips and body language—communicate her invitation far more eloquently.
Karina is reaching over and Natty's meeting her hands with her own at the hem of her shirt. A teasing lift and you can already envision what she's about to show. See, Natty's a dancer—you know that much, and a good one at that. That kind of talent comes with the blessing of a body that turns heads. Your girlfriend knew that well too when she had invited her back home.
"Go on then."
The shirt lifts off Natty's skin, with the help of Karina’s hands running up the side of her body, exposing a pierced belly button. You try, very valiantly, to pretend not to be watching, but you can't help it. Natty raises her arms and lets Karina pull off the shirt fully revealing her in her lace bralette. It's pink, it's pretty and a little sexy—just how she described it.
"They really are nice, wow," Karina leans in close and for a moment you think she's going to start kissing Natty right then and there.
Natty doesn't say a thing. She lets the next moment happen, and with their bodies so close you can feel the anticipation, there’s an agonising pause, but, just a moment later, Karina is running a hand up along her belly, cupping a hand over one of her breasts.
"Really nice," Karina repeats the compliment.
And you're all in now. Fuck the TV. You can't peel your eyes away from whatever the hell your girlfriend is about to do.
"Thank you," the girl purrs as she arches her body to push herself against Karina's hand.
A flirtatious hand and those slender fingers of hers begin to move delicately over the fabric. It's a good touch. You've experienced first-hand all the wonderful things Karina can do with it. She touches how she dances—passionate and precise.
"What do you think?" Karina's finally acknowledging you over her shoulder—your official invite to the fun.
"Gorgeous," you mumble, and Natty's smiling like a minx as Karina continues in a way that you should probably be offended. Your girlfriend runs her hands down to the girl's waist, round to the small of her back, and then all the way back to where she starts again.
"Come, take a closer look. What do you think?" Natty follows her words with a wink and a flick of the hair.
"Fuck yes." You whisper under your breath.
"What was that?" Your girlfriend's smirking to herself as you rise from your seat.
"Yes." You take a step towards them both.
"Yes?" Natty repeats, one of her dark brows arching.
"He thinks you're fucking beautiful, sweetheart. Gets a little lost in the moment sometimes." Karina is leaning her head in close, one arm around the girl. She has a finger running up along Natty's slender back as she pulls at the clips holding her bra together. "Isn’t she perfect, babe?"
"Something like that," you confess. You're standing in front of the girls, looking down at the topless Natty, at Karina who's still snaking her hands around her. And Natty looks up at you, eyes wide, inviting, smouldering with passion. She really is something else.
She peers beneath those bangs of hers with a look that says: why don't you sit right here beside me?
"There we go," Karina says and there's suddenly some slack. The weight of her pair is taken by gravity and Natty catches them into folded arms. She sinks back into the couch. You take a step, and taking her lead, you sit by her side.
Karina reaches down, pats you on your leg, then turns back to face Natty. "You were saying you thought he was pretty cute too, weren't you, Natty?"
"Pretty cute, yes. Hot too. Moreso now that he’s up close." Natty says while Karina's got her hands on her shoulders, taking the straps of her bra between her delicate fingers. And then her bra is gone—the last semblance of her modesty lost along with it. Her small nipples jutting, stiffened with arousal, ready and waiting.
"God, he's practically drooling."
"That's hot," Karina comments as her lips descend onto Natty's shoulder and she starts laying kisses up and along her neck, trailing all the way to her ears.
"Sit behind her, babe, let her make it easier for you," Karina says. There is something entirely different and erotic in the way your girlfriend commands you. It’s so often like this, the dynamic, the guest and you are equals but Karina? Karina is a level above, the one in control and setting the pace.
You move yourself further onto the sofa and seat yourself back, then Natty slides over your lap. She takes her place, just as Karina wants, in front of you. The look in your lover's eye tells you exactly what to do, while her hands give Natty some hands-on guidance. Holding her shoulders, she’s placing Natty’s back against your chest. 
You lay your own touch on the starlet’s waist, coiling them around her body. Dragging them up towards her smooth tits causes her to respond with a shudder. You keep your touches slow, leisurely, tentative and exploratory, but with no lack of appreciation.
Natty refuses to shy and settles firmly into your body. Karina, meanwhile, sets herself in front of the two of you, resting her hands on Natty's knees. Your beautiful guest parts her legs a little as Karina slips her hands between them, urging her thighs to open wider. Wider until she has to lift her legs over yours.
"Is this okay with you?" Karina is looking up into Natty's face and the woman simply nods."How does she feel?" Karina's asking you now, placing her hands on the back of yours, guiding your touch over her breast into a rougher pace.
"Perfect." The word slips from your mouth, followed by a throaty groan. Among all of this, Natty's ass is against your crotch, the weight of her pushing your manhood to swell and strain against your clothing. You are thankful she's wearing a thin enough pair of yoga pants that enhances it all.
Karina has planted her knees between yours and Natty's legs. She's pulling her own shirt over her head and you already know what's beneath. For all the talk earlier about bras, Karina isn't wearing one; she never does. "Fuck, Karina," Natty coos at her bare chest. "He likes it too. I can feel him twitching."
Natty’s hands are all over Karina as she pulls her in. There’s grace, there’s tension and there’s a coy giggle from Karina as their lips are only inches apart. The hammering of your heart echoes within as you take a front-row seat to their show. It always triggers something inside you when she first lays lips on someone, it always heightens that delicious, tingling, primal feeling.
"Oh shit, girls..."
Your girlfriend's the best kisser and you love watching her like this—exploring another woman's mouth. Natty is matching her tempo beat by beat, kiss by kiss. Her body arches as you squeeze her breasts. You swear Natty's making little whimpers as the two make out.
Her body is all action against you: ass grinding back, rolling slowly and languidly as your hands pull at her breasts—squeezing them together and then apart. You dip into her neck with your mouth. The sweetness of her skin fills your mouth and the richness of her perfume fills your nose.
You lower your lips and gently nibble at her neck, dragging teeth over her flesh until she gasps from a gentle bite and you work your lips on her skin. Tongue roaming as you feast on her taste. Karina's pushing forward now, Natty sandwiched between you, their pairs of tits pressing together with your hands somewhere between.
They break, and Natty naturally moves to your girlfriend’s neck. Karina has her sights set on you, prying your mouth from Natty's shoulder and catching you in a deep kiss. Tongues battling, clashing. There's the familiar fading taste of red wine in her mouth, and the unmistakable flavour of something foreign to you, the lingering taste of Natty.
She pulls away from your lips, staring down the two of you. There's dissatisfaction on her face. "Why aren't the two of you naked yet?"
She pulls at Natty's hips, relieving your cock of the pressure of her sitting on it, and you hold Natty so as to not let her slip too far away. You and Karina work Natty's yoga pants, and her panties, from her hips. They slip effortlessly down to her ankles, leaving her decidedly bare.
No one speaks and you all know this isn't the time to explain anything or ask questions. When her clothing is out of the way Karina descends upon Natty again, kissing her hard and you catch the dying whimpers of Natty's moans into Karina's lips. Karina's hand is snaking down Natty's back, reaching for your crotch. She unbuckles and opens your belt all the time fighting against Natty's movement as she tries to grind her ass back into you.
"Stop moving." Karina giggles into their kiss as her hand delves beneath your trousers. She breaks her kiss again. "Need some help."
Natty's peeling herself away from you, turning to face you. Natty's naked, Karina's halfway there, you're the one slacking. Not for long. Soon the two are tugging away all the unnecessary clothes until all three of you are equally exposed. Your cock stands heavy and ready under their gaze.
"Woah, you weren't lying." Natty's figuratively licking her lips, hungry and wide-eyed, and you'd bet your last dollar she's got an idea in mind. "Can I...?" Natty turns to ask Karina.
"I'd hate to be selfish." Karina shrugs her shoulders and winks. You're transfixed. There's natural magic about the way they move as if it is rehearsed; the way Natty sinks to her knees and the way Karina pulls your hips to the edge of the seat, then rises above you.
Karina hovers and watches, Natty leans in, and then your balls disappear into her mouth. She’s handling them with her tongue expertly as she takes hold of your cock.
"God, what a pro. She wasn’t lying when she told me she knew her way around a cock," she exclaims, savouring every second as the air rapidly leaves your lungs.
It is beyond explanation, the way Natty's tongue is dancing along the underside of your balls as her lips caress each one. Her eyes occasionally flick up and flash mischievously—it's the kind of look that means she could get away with absolutely anything, and there is no way you are going to stop her.
"She's got the face for it, doesn't she? Like she just gives the most amazing head." Karina's on her knees by your side, sliding a hand between her thighs.
"Y-yeah." You manage to reply. "S-so... ahh! Good."
Karina leans forward, cupping one of your cheeks as she looks into your eyes.
"He's speechless!" She laughs, moving a hand to the back of your head and tugging gently at the strands. "Natty baby, give him a few words or something, will you? If you can?"
It's hard to look at her, but you crane your neck and you catch her looking at you again—one hand upon your inner thigh, the other wrapped around your shaft. "That's a good boy," Natty murmurs.
She teases a thumb over the surface of your glistening wet tip. "She loves that shit. Watch her..." Karina explains, smiling, the delight on her face all you can look at for a moment or more.
She guides your chin and you follow your girlfriend's direction, then you see, Natty's taken her mouth from you for a second and she's licking your pre-cum from her thumb; her gaze on the pair of you. She repeats her motion once more and the grin on her face grows bigger as you leak another pearl for her.
"How does he taste?" Karina asks for both of you.
"Delicious." Natty answers—now she's literally licking her lips.
You'll believe anything this woman tells you.
She's running a teasing tongue along the underside of your shaft, and as she reaches the peak, she catches the snow-white trickle you drip right there. You close your eyes in ecstasy, but before long, you’re feeling a finger poke against your lips.
You part them open, letting Karina's two fingers inside, and she's running her digits over your tongue as you suck her fingertips. The taste is so undoubtedly her, nectar straight from her source, your mouth salivating for more.
The feel of Natty's soft plump lips against the end of your cock is incredible as she moves them in an inch, teasing, testing, and then she withdraws just the same and you want to cry out. But you can't, Karina still lubricating her fingers, your tongue swirling around the digits.
She withdraws and your eyes open. And as much as you wanted to see Natty ready to settle her mouth around your cock, she's got something else in mind. She has her tits in her hand. "Are they still gorgeous?"
"Yeah, totally," you sputter.
"Natty girl, let him fuck them." Karina tells her and then she turns to you, mouth to your ear. "You want your cock between them, don't you? Tell her." Karina's not leaving this up to interpretation. "Tell her you want them."
"Oh yes..." you blurt out, without even really thinking. Karina giggles—it's her sign of approval, a tick. "Your tits, Natty. Fuck. Please."
It's not something you haven't done before. You love Karina's pair too, after all. It would be hard for anyone with a dick to resist a pair of round tits like hers. Luckily for you, tonight she's brought you a girl with a pair to match her own.
"He asked so nicely."
"He's a real gentleman," Natty teases and she raises her breasts a little, then pushes them together. As your head slides into her cleavage, she puts her hand around them, and as the skin squeezes the sides of your member, you are reduced to shuddering. Karina knows exactly how this gets you, knows just how this can bring you undone. It doesn't even matter if the actual thing feels nothing like sex—you'll always go crazy over a great pair of tits.
As the tip of your manhood peeks out through the crease between them, Natty lowers her tongue to it and you swear you nearly cum right then. Then the words echo inside your brain: he wants them, Karina's voice and as soon as she says it, your subconscious concedes to the reality.
"Look how easy and willing he is," she says to Karina and both girls giggle, then Natty forms a mock pout. "Such a good boy. I really want to make him feel good."
"He does deserve something." Your girlfriend runs her fingers into your hair as Natty plants a soft kiss onto your cock-head. Instinctively, you reach out but before you can touch anything, Karina's hand finds your wrist. "Tell her what you want."
She's leaning in closer again and Natty looks up from where she's teasing your tip, sucking, tonguing and lavishing affection and attention. "Ask Natty nice. Tell her you want a blowjob. Tell her you want to cum. Tell her what you want," Karina purrs her words.
And god, if anything makes it impossible to think straight, it is Natty's gaze up at you. She wants to make it easy for you, impossible to do anything but give in to your wishes, whether it’s her intention or your deep-seated desire making it seem so.
"Natty... can you suck my cock?" Your mouth's dry and the words grate in the throat.
"Anything," she says with a twinkle in her eye. And now it's all one motion. Her tits clamped against the sides of your length. Your cock drives between them and into Natty's waiting mouth. She's all tongue, bobbing her head a little and taking the tip of you in and out of her mouth.
Karina's all over you—kissing your neck, holding a hand behind your head, caressing, squeezing. "Aren't I just the best? Always doing this for you with all these girls." She's muttering away in your ear. The heat of her breath is constant and burning. She continues with sweet nothings in her deep, sultry voice.
You're sinking deeper into the couch, like you're laid on the shore and the tide is enveloping you. Wave after wave crashing against you, rolling, engulfing you and drawing you out further and further. Natty is pulling you under; every time she takes you into her mouth, wrapping her tongue around you, it's another wave over you. Karina is a life rope. You're grabbing onto the strands of her ponytail, trying to keep your head above the water. All her touches, her words, her encouragement, that's the air you need.
But the torrent grows ever more intense and powerful and the riptide is too great, Natty's drawing the last vestiges of resolve from you. You lose grip of everything—of reality.
You're lost.
Lost in her mouth, lost between her tits.
Karina knows it, she's seen it all before, so many times, for her and others. "Feel like you're gonna cum?" Karina's in your ear asking you the obvious.
Your answer's a growl.
"Cum!" It's a low-roar in your ear.
You don't say a word.
"All over those perfect fucking tits. Her mouth, her face, look at her," and then that's it. You're drowning in pleasure. Every sense abandons you—hearing, touch, and sight, all surrendered.
You can't think or do anything, because every fibre of your being is focused on a single action—pouring out cum. You're rigid and straining.
Your eyes regain focus and you see it all. All of it smearing her tits and just a little on her face, and then more streams erupt. Natty doesn't shy and she doesn't stop. She is milking you for every single drop.
And Karina's ever the encourager, ever full of pride. "Just like that, yes. Empty all of it right there on her chest."
This is her thing now. Has been for a while, ever since she convinced you to try it just one time. Her imagination was fueled by all those dirty little stories she read online about voyeurism and the like. It opened her eyes and redefined your relationship. It started with an experiment. With her best friend, Winter, all those months ago. It was the first time she took enjoyment in her friend getting you off.
Now it's a regular surprise. Sometimes they're girls you met many times before, almost like she was dangling them in front of you, teasing you. Other times it's just like Natty. You barely say a few words to them and before you know it, you're covering them in your cum.
Truth is, you always get the gut feeling when it's one of these nights, as soon as Karina and whichever girl it is start their first drinks of the night; you know it's one of those nights. Then it's just a case of waiting.
Natty didn't take long to get on her knees—she must have been excited.
And lucky for her, you're nowhere near being finished.
Karina is prowling and on the move, towards Natty, and she reaches her with both arms as she locks her into her grasp. A kiss, deep, hungry. All tongue. Seeing is believing; some of you ended up inside Natty’s mouth and now she’s sharing, distributing to Karina. Back and forth it goes between their mouths, with some spilling from their lips. As it’s shared, it’s swallowed bit by bit between them.
"Your turn Natty. I want to watch you cum for me." Karina announces she breaks away, then lapping up what remains on her lips and she has a hand on Natty's chest, playing with the mess you made of them.
You're lying there, spent and watching, as Karina guides Natty to her feet.
"There you go," Karina is pushing the girl towards the couch and she gets to the edge, then places a knee on it. Your eyes drift over her body as Karina bends her into place, her sticky chest planted against the cushions. Her juicy ass is in the air and the light in the room highlights every line and contour. Her flawless curves are accentuated to their perfect best.
"Legs wider, yes, yes. That's perfect," Karina's voice cuts through the air. She's behind her, hand on the small of her back, urging Natty into position. Lower and lower, Natty's head pressed into the cushion; she's turning to look at you, face full of excitement, of yearning.
A quiver passes through her entire body as Karina's lips descend upon her lower back.
Then lower, kissing her tailbone.
Her ass.
Lower and lower, peppering her skin along the way, Karina finally nestles between the two cheeks. Then she places her hands on Natty and starts parting them. "Perfect. Isn't that so perfect?"
Karina doesn't wait for any reply from you.
She doesn't need to. You are fixed there, utterly mesmerised, entranced and completely undisturbed, watching this gorgeous woman lay tongue on her newest conquest. Karina, meanwhile, can't contain her excitement. She's feasting on Natty, lapping at her sex, diving lower and lower with her tongue. "Oh yes. You taste so good."
Everybody's taste is unique. Just as her aroma earlier was something you couldn't put into words or compare, you can only imagine how sweet Natty must taste. And as if she reads your mind, Karina adds to the narrative, "So sweet."
And the sounds.
Fuck. The sounds. 
Natty moans, loud, sharp and high. You should have known it, her voice being what it is—the tone; so unique, so unmissable. You should have expected the melodic composition. The pleasure is pure, crystal-clear music. It's perfection in sound. It's the kind of musicality people work their entire lives to compose, to play, to express.
To do all without a care in the world.
With as much freedom, spontaneity and energy as possible.
The tone shifts, and the octaves change. And it's Karina, playing her, burying a pair of fingers into Natty.
There is no question here. The two are in sync. Karina, a performer by profession, plays your guest as if Natty is merely an extension of herself. Your girlfriend, in her element, her playground, her stage and her domain. You are her audience. And she has never sounded, looked, or acted so majestic in her role.
Natty sings a string of profanities, nonsensical and fragmented phrases.
"That good?" Karina exclaims, teeth digging into her butt cheek as Natty spills into the cushion. Her legs quiver. Karina smiles into her ass, nipping her a second time and then she turns to you, staring at you with the same dark hunger, the same thirst, you always see.
"You still with us, babe?" she asks—rhetorical, she know’s you’re fixated. There's no question in her mind. She can read you and she knows how captivating this performance is.
"God yes," you whisper in reply. She's smiling wide.
"Good." That one word response, so laden with meaning.
It's a dangerous smile. It means only trouble. Good trouble.
"Come here," she's beckoning you behind Natty. Your legs feel weak and like jelly, yet you crawl up and behind her, your hand slips up to her thigh, pressing, pawing and grabbing her flesh. She purrs at your touch, and Karina, too, responds with delight.
"Natty," you begin, feeling her ass under your touch. "Do you want me inside you?"
"Mhm. Yes."
Karina slips a hand around your erection, her wet, lubricated fingertips meet your skin and when she says, let me get you ready for her. That alone could have done the job. But, damn, her hand feels so good as it strokes. The motion's just the right pace and when her grip gets tighter, a tremor courses through you.
"You did such a wonderful job already." Her praise is just as nice as her tongue running along the side of your length and then her lips, pursed, locking onto the tip.
"Karina..." it's a long-drawn groan. She lets her tongue swivel over you, each stroke lasting longer and longer. The more she continues, the more feels you grow and get hard—she works you until the last ounce of sanity leaves your brain.
Then she draws away and finishes her sentence, "I told you, you're the best. Now look at her, look how needy she is." Karina's still got a hand on your cock and the other caressing Natty's cunt.
Natty’s now the girl in the center of it all. Her beautiful face turned, eyes closed. She's twitching, aching, longing. She whimpers, and then gasps in desire as you angle your cock at her slit. Her folds open gratefully and the wet warmth of her sex embraces you. Her groans rise again, heightening ever more in the satisfaction as she backs herself further onto your length.
You move, thrusting into her, and she breaks into a tempered moan.
"Oh yes! God, yes."
And you feel a hand grab at your backside, encouraging, guiding, demanding more of you. She partners her touch with an all-telling grin. Karina's about as happy watching you fuck someone else as she is being fucked.
"That's it... You like it like this Natty? Does this feel good to you?"
It's a silly thing to ask, but it still makes Natty stir. It makes her hot—burning hot. As soon as the words are out of her, and she follows with a moan, she becomes tighter around you.
"Ah! Yes, yes, yes..." she trails into several more repetitions as you angle deeper into her.
Your girlfriend is dancing her fingertips over her skin. "So amazing," your lover is still muttering her words. "So fucking hot," Karina says as she tracks her kisses up Natty's back. Gentle kiss after gentle kiss to her glistening back as Natty keeps driving her ass back against you. 
There is the unmistakable look of an idea forming in Karina's mind. She's climbing onto the sofa, crawling past Natty onto the back of it, where Natty's head is pressed against the fabric. Natty grows hesitant at the expectation of what's to come, and it allows you to take over. A hand on either side. You're gripping her hips and really fucking her, pushing your cock fully into her and stretching her.
You see Natty's fingers wrapping around the bottom of the sofa cushions in an iron grasp, trying to bear the surge of bliss. She shudders and clenches up as Karina runs a set of nails up her back.
"Yes, baby, you take her, don't be afraid," Karina hisses her words, raking at Natty's back with her claws. "Harder." Karina demands and you pull on Natty's hips, pulling the gorgeous young woman into your hips as you fuck.
Karina's sliding into where she wants to be, right in front of Natty's face, sitting where she rests it. She's handling her like the toy she currently is, pulling her head exactly where Karina wants it, and coercing Natty's mouth onto her. To bury her in and make her satisfy Karina's craving.
And Natty wastes no time, sliding her lips onto Karina, exploring her core the way she has explored her mouth. "Just like that," your girlfriend cries as she rests a hand on Natty's head and rocks back against her. "See, I knew you'd be perfect for us."
You have to admit, Karina nailed it with this one. Before any of the girls even step into the apartment, they know why they're there, but none of them are as ready for it as Natty. It must be a deep, dark fantasy of her own, maybe something she's played out in her mind over and over. It must have been burning inside her before even that first taste of red wine.
Red wine.
That's it. That's how you knew it was always going to end up like this. Fuck, you must be a fool for having missed it all those times before. It's so obvious now that it's when she drinks red wine with them—that's the signal of how the night's going to end. Your subconscious had made the connection, now you realise.
You smile to yourself in the moment of clarity and Karina has noticed, breaking through her moans to ask, "You look a little lost back there, babe. Something funny?"
She's got a coy grin on her lips and her hand gripping Natty's hair, grinding the woman's face further into her pussy. It's a stream of muffled moans from Natty between her hungry licks of Karina's cunt. She's all action between you and Karina's stare. "Nothing."
You raise a hand and spank Natty's ass; the echo fills the air and her cheek ripples. Karina flinches with surprise and she's drawing the young woman further into her body. "Jesus, fuck. Again."
Again and you lay your palm on Natty. Harder. She mewls in pain and Karina shivers in bliss. Her fingertips dig at the younger woman, grabbing her by her scalp and pushing her harder.
A final time you spank her ass, planting your hands and digging your fingers into her soft flesh. Using the strike on your mount to signal one thing; faster.
You're reckless now—manic. Grab her ass and pound; that’s all that is on your mind. You're rabid—not holding anything back. This is the sole reason that girl's here tonight and you're not letting her down, nor Karina.
You hammer against her body, deep into her depths. Her cries echo over Karina's. Each hit a satisfying smack to Natty's cheeks. Slaps and claps and cries. Sounds fill the room. The wet squelch, the grunt of every stroke to the backing track of Karina's rich mewls.
It's a symphony, eroticism on an epic scale.
Your eyes roll upward, over Natty's body and land on Karina. She's bouncing on Natty's tongue. Head back, face creased with pleasure. A grimace so beautiful that you swear it is the definition of raw sexuality.
Natty's struggling; her legs are giving way and she keeps reaching with her hands. To the couch, the cushions, Karina's legs, to anything. There is no steadying her, and it looks like she's barely clinging on for dear life. She has only her waning strength and determination holding her together.
You think she's cumming. But fuck, it is hard to be sure. Maybe you should slow down, but if she is cumming once, better to make it twice. Or thrice. So, you pick up the pace instead. You become wilder, stronger, faster, more forceful.
She's not even eating Karina's cunt anymore—she just can't. You grab Natty's arms and pull her upright so she doesn't slip. Chest to back now—she’s against you and your thrusts drive upward into her.
Natty wails and all the while, Karina is sliding down the couch onto her knees, face to face with Natty. She brings a hand to Natty's throat, grabbing and pushing to pin her against you. And her other hand is sinking between Natty's legs.
Karina's teasing Natty's cunt with the soft caresses of her fingers, and you're sliding between those fingers and into the girl. "Look at you," Karina's saying between clenched teeth, then a loud hiss passes her lips. "Oh, fuck."
A fire blazes across the brunette's eyes—you swear it is an inferno. Fingernails and knuckles are going white in her grip of Natty's neck, and the same could be said of yours holding her arms.
"Oh, Karina!" Your newfound fuck toy screams your girlfriend's name out at the top of her voice.
Karina responds by rubbing her fingers on Natty's clit, then pressing hard, strumming it at a maniacal pace. She's whispering into Natty's ear, words only the girl can hear, coaxing something out of her.
Natty screams again and again. Your name then Karina's.
She's cumming. 
Not just that, she's fucking squirting.
Her body's a boneless jelly in your arms as it spasms. And your girlfriend just won't stop her mischievous act, not a single pause until she's dragged more from the young beauty. She's dragging her second and then a third eruption.
It pours. It flows. Eruption is exactly the right word. 
Natty's spraying onto your cock— 
onto Karina's fingers— 
down your legs— 
on the couch— 
You've got an ardent geyser in your grip and her voice cracks, the climax too much for her, for any of you.
In a flurry of a moment, Natty falls, slipping from your grasp and collapsing and sinking against Karina's chest. Limp. Saturated and dripping, sweat and cum.
The girl has come undone.
You've slipped out of her, set her free, but you're ready to burst. Staggering behind her, a mess and almost drunk on sex, you catch your breath. "Karina... I..." you begin.
"Look at the mess she made." Look at the mess she is. 
Karina's laying the girl down to the side; Natty is almost lifeless aside from the aftershocks still tearing through her.
"Karina..." you try again. "Karina, please..."
"Come here sweetie," and that's enough. You sink to your knees on the edge of the seat. Karina's in front of you, grabbing at your erection and lying back. You're collapsing over her, propping yourself with an arm. She's pulling at your cock. It doesn't take much and you're about to fire.
"Please Karina, please" you growl and Karina whispers back the sweetest reply, 'I love watching you do this'.
She's tugging your cock, aiming it at her wet cunt, freshly eaten.
Then your legs grow heavy and stiff, it's impossible to move, muscles tense, locking your body in place. Karina's jerking your cock and it's impossible to hold it.
It comes.
You can't explain, words can't describe it, the sheer, earth-shattering and mind-numbing rush as it pours. Spurt after spurt, you feel it all come out, and through your hazed vision you're watching it pour over her cunt. Some on her abs, some on her thigh, but most of it coating her pussy. It is all you want to see before you fall, slipping onto her, your head in the nook of her neck. Her words are just a noise in your ear.
"Stay with us," it's her soft voice that you feel vibrate in your ears as her chest rises and falls beneath you. "Natty? Darling, you too."
There's this moment of near silence. Three sets of heavy breaths.
There are things you know to expect before long, but in this space between you don't really know where it'll go. It’s all wild in the night.
"That was... fuck. Intense," you begin, laying the seeds to push the three of you to the next course, "Wasn't it?"
Karina's responding with a push at your shoulders, making you look at her. Her features, still so sharp, she's still so elegantly composed, the dark and playful look hasn't left her eyes. Her smile endearing. "We're not done," she begins, a whisper into your mouth as you lean over her.
Hand grasping your cock, firm, and she’ squeezing a drop or two more out. "I want you inside me." She demands it of you, of your spent dick. This is always the danger. You're just a single cock in a game that demands more.
It hurts as she rubs your cock. No matter how gentle her touch, it feels rough and you wince in her hold, it's raw pain and all you want is to draw back, but you stay. You have to stay. You want to stay. Refusing to let the pain, the momentary sting and discomfort end it. "Give her what she wants," it's Natty's voice, from beside the two of you. Who knows where the young girl even got the strength?
“Please,” It’s rare that Karina pleads, but her mouth is on your ear, nibbling softly. Her hot tongue traces the shell of it and the whole motion gives you a shiver that makes the hair stand on end. "Come on." She coaxes in a sultry, yet playful, sing-song voice. It makes her intentions unmistakable.
You draw your body back and rest on your knees, looking at the two girls, side-by-side, one melting and the other keening. Your heart is still trying to get out of your chest, but somehow the sight of them has calmed you. They make it all feel a little easier.
"I'm sure your cock can still work for me," Karina's words are undisguised lust.
Natty reaches a lazy arm, working her fingers into the cum you left on Karina's body, playing with it. She begins painting Karina's belly, streaking it over her skin. "So much," she purrs, adding a moan as a compliment, her tone soaked in desire.
Karina takes her own finger to it too, dousing it in your fluid before taking it to Natty's lips. It's a question that goes unspoken, not one word, one command, just a mere motion. Natty's reply is perfect; she opens her mouth and accepts it eagerly, slipping her tongue onto Karina's digit and suckling it. 
Natty returns the favour, her finger into Karina's mouth. They're both sucking, tasting, swirling their tongues as you watch, drinking the liquid, gulping it down, savouring the taste. Their eyes locked in an impossibly sinful gaze. Neither can bring themselves to break it.
They only give in and finally end it when their bodies move instinctively, rolling in to a desperate kiss. Mouths together, sharing the fluid back and forth in a series of dirty, noisy kisses.
Natty's running her hand down Karina's body, running it through your cum and heading right for her cunt. One finger sinks inside, met by a silent whimper from Karina and a second finger joins the first as the girl's now twisting inside your girlfriend. She draws in and out, each time pulling more of your cum into Karina's hole.
And your cock, exhausted moments before, now wants to wake. It's stiffening, not too far from hard once again. You're a moth to a flame and Karina's burning brighter than ever. 
Natty's insatiable thirst is getting the better of her and her finger fucks your lover relentlessly.
Karina's mewl of satisfaction turns into a blissful howl. And when you climb between the girl's legs, finding them parted, you grab her behind the knees. Karina moans once more when you move to slip her ankles over your shoulders and Natty is forced to concede. Your stiff shaft, the one Karina has yearned for, drives into her.
Karina absorbs you, clinging, squeezing, and she holds you, embracing you. Her body is soft against yours, yet inside she's hotter than molten iron. She's even wetter, every slick and intimate part of her is grinding against you. "Yes, fuck yes," she's slurring, muttering nonsense.
She's a fucking mess between her legs—there's some of Natty's, there's some of hers, and there's a lot of yours down there, and you're fucking it all into her as lubricant. Natty's forced to watch as you're pressing Karina's knees up to her chest. She's riding the edge between pleasure and pain and enjoying every bit of it.
And there's no better feeling than when you press her even closer, and now her ankles lock at the back of your neck. Every thrust from you forces her ass to rise from the cushion and her cheeks meet your hips in a way that resembles Natty not long ago. Her tits are pressed almost flat under the weight. She is so open to you—so, so willing. 
Her thighs tremble. Her hands claw. She's losing everything inside herself, everything but the one thing she wants most, a violent orgasm.
It's Natty's turn now, a role reversal, as she tries her hand at the encouragement, the guiding partner, "Harder," her first order. "Deeper," her second. Both punctuated with her nails scoring along your flesh. And in an act that's so entirely Natty, she's now spanking your ass and laughing as she does it. She's playfully flirty and full of giddy enthusiasm.
"Faster." Natty's clapping her hands and she's watching your thrusts drive Karina wild. Every stroke, every strike, all of it Karina is crying out for. Every push forward makes her twinge, a sensation, a mix of pleasure and pain, each jolting through her. "God, isn't she great to fuck?"
"She's the best," you groan, struggling to reply with the only response you can formulate. She is, of course, better to fuck than anybody else. There's no question about that.
"And you," Natty turns to her, "are you going to cum for us now?" Karina's hair sways. Her mouth is full of cries and whimpers. Every roll of your hips, every pull back and every plunge into her pussy steals every breath.
"Yes," she says. "Fuck yes. Right there, baby. Don't stop."
Natty relaxes to enjoy the show. She can see your shaft thrusting. She can see it when you withdraw, almost the full length and then every inch into Karina. Each time, your girlfriend's body jiggles and twists and writhes.
Karina's face grows contorted. A contortion of pure delight.
It's what Natty's been waiting for. Watching. The expectation she couldn't express. The feeling inside her core growing.
"Oh. God!" Karina squeals. She's seeing white spots explode in her vision. A flash of colourful patterns swirl in her head. The white heat rises higher and hotter, so high and so bright it consumes her. She's gone in it. Next comes a sound following a deafening gasp that stops the air dead in her lungs, the release as an equally loud scream.
You hear it, and the heat burns inside your ears, as if sound could cauterize. Every cell of your skin sizzles. It's electric, this passion.
Her cunt turns to water and floods. Your cock is saturated. That's all the reason you need to lose yourself. To slip back and slide yourself deeper into her, pumping. Her eyes squeeze shut and a loud, sonorous gasp is swallowed by her lips. She's never seemed sexier. She is utterly engorged with desire.
"Ah! Ah!" 
You know Karina's at her limit. A dire need for respite, for air to fill her lungs—for relief.
You know what you're going to do. Natty is oblivious, so when you pull out of Karina, and slide over Natty—who's lying on her side facing Karina—it catches her by surprise. One that brings a look of elated shock to her face. You push up one leg and mount her from the side, driving your cock into her.
Karina's drowning in air as she opens her mouth to take all she can. Her vision clears. It focuses on Natty.
The young woman is caught, once again, and in the best way possible; she's lost and helpless beneath you, she has to clutch and clasp whatever's available—the cushions, her own arms—and take it. She's face down to the couch; her body twisted. Her tit's pressed underneath her but her waist rotating, one knee pointing at Karina and one leg straight between your own.
And Natty has taken this all in stride. She's dug her nails into her own scalp, grabbing at her hair. And there is no uncertainty or indecision within her body, nor in her mind. She revels in her vulnerability. She loves the feel of you inside her. Loves the thrill that floods through her entire being as you dominate and ravish her.
Karina makes her move. To join Natty, she slides in on her side, lifting Natty's leg over her own hip, turning Natty fully onto her side to face her. You relent for a moment and Karina does what she needs to. She pulls her own leg up under Natty's and hooks it around her ass. The girls pull each other close. Pull each other into a kiss. Their mouths together. Their breath shared.
Karina whispers, but loud enough you can hear her, and says, "Told you," and her words are all wrapped up in a smirk, the smile of satisfaction.
You slap the length of your cock against Karina's ass; teasing her but not sliding into her. And only when Karina has worked herself up even higher do you lower yourself and slide in, penetrating, filling and stretching.
You're fucking in and out of her. This might be a new favourite of yours. The girls tangled together, sharing kisses and bites and tongue. Both their holes are there for you—each available whenever you want it, and each is only a hair width apart.
It's hard for you to keep a focus on everything like this. But you fight through, burying your shaft inside Karina. Once, and twice, and a final time again. And it's ever so easy to just drag yourself out, driving it between their cunts for a few short pumps and then slip it up into Natty.
"Fuck. I wish we'd done this sooner," Karina is mumbling more, but her words are rolling together and coiling into nonsensical verbal splashes of pure want and need.
Natty strains a response, "I'd... love... to... join you. Often."
"Perfect." Karina is happy as she shifts, arching her body to make a point, to tell you who to fuck now.
And you slip, and then you're inside Karina. As easy as that. Buried as deep and hard as you can, she's mouthing a silent cry and her hair falls over her face.
Natty's got a handful of Karina's tit now, caressing her nipples. It's hard not to envy the beauty that's in her hands. Soft, round, pert, perfectly curved, her breasts are works of art, beautiful beyond anything you could ever put into words.
And all of a sudden, Natty has shifted from Karina's mouth, planting her lips on Karina's soft pillows. Natty is suckling at them and Karina's mouth is twisted open in a soundless gasp, then she speaks, "I could do this forever."
Her arms draw along Natty's body until she finds her ass, slipping down and around, and then her fingertip sinks between her cheeks. It makes Natty lurch as it caresses her taint, presses lower, and touches her tight rear entrance.
Then she does it, a manoeuvre only the confident would have considered, a twist and she's pushing a slender finger into Natty's ass and causing the girl to nip at Karina's breast. "Fuck," Natty hisses, giving a breathy shudder. And her reaction draws a grin onto Karina.
And they keep going like that, they are perfectly attuned to each other. And you swap again, seeing the opportunity to really punish Natty. You're angling towards her again, sliding into her soaked cunt.
You push up inside her. With no time or inclination to start gentle, you're instantly fucking her fast. In and out, hard and deep, over and over, you hammer her cunt. She's muffled with a mouth full of Karina.
"How's that Natty? Both your holes are ours." It's Karina, whispering her dirty words again, "tell us you're going to join us again. Tell us."
Natty nods her head against Karina's chest. It's not a verbal answer. But it's an affirmation that, fuck, yes, she'd like that—as would you all. You could have this again, and maybe soon, a replay with a fresh twist.
Maybe next time you can be the one inside Natty's ass. For now, it's Karina's finger working her, and it looks fucking amazing as it drives into her and withdraws in the exact same rhythm that you're giving her.
You both keep the pace, driving Natty into nirvana, and at some point, it's clear when the climax hits. But it's an awfully hard thing to gauge the passage of time while being wrapped and caught and tangled with these two vixens. All you know is that all too soon, your balls are beginning to churn.
And that's when you switch back again, driving into your girlfriend's cunt with no time for a rest.You're going for broke. Slamming yourself fully inside and Karina knows the instant you do what your fate has become. She laughs and squeezes Natty, pulling the girl tighter.
It's only natural that the rising tide, the bubble of the climactic force, grows and grows and grows. Your ears pound in the beat of the blood racing and your breaths come in fits and starts. The noises escaping your three mouths become louder than before, more frenetic, more unchecked. More lustful.
"Karina— I— Natty—" You're losing the fight against your own body. The rush, the pressure, all the sounds, sights, and smells have put the signal in the green. There is no stopping it. No controlling it. It's all building, coalescing, into one pinpoint of space and time, right there between their legs.
Karina's pulling Natty into position as you're pulling out of her cunt. They both turn to face you, their cheeks pressed together, tits too, and their legs in a knot. They're lying in such a manner that they feel to you like an oasis in a hot desert, inviting, like a promised paradise, and it's calling you, tempting, and you can't hold yourself any longer.
You're rubbing yourself over the edge, and they're calling out to you in a desperate tones, still riding some faint traces of orgasms, "On us."
"Go on."
"Please cum on me, on us."
"Cum for us."
You barely hear their calls, and there's no fucking way you know who is saying what. It's just words of need spilling from two filthy mouths.
It takes only a handful of seconds, and then it happens. 
With a harsh spasm from head to toe, you feel it shoot forward, ripping free from your body, and pulsing as you paint their flesh. Spurts and ropes and slivers shoot up and over the girls. A little on a thigh, on their bodies, over their tits and all the way to their pretty little faces.
They're smiling like idiots as you cum. They're proud of it. They relish it. Natty's tongue moves around inside her lips, just getting another taste—a droplet or two. Karina's teasing as always, "Is that all?"
You're still forcing every drop out you can, the final bits dropping to their thighs.
"There's no way that's all of it, huh," Karina continues to tease. And then it ends, and your body lets go and you fall beside them. You simply can't stand any longer.
"I think that's all of it, Karina," Natty's giggling to herself. She's twirling her fingers over Karina's nipple, playing with the rope of cum that landed there. And Karina is humming out an almost silent cry, twisting under the touch. "Here, taste," and the offer is clear, and again Natty is surprising you.
She offers her own tit to Karina, willing her to lick your cum from it. And the act brings a gleam to Karina's eyes as she cups it, bringing it to her mouth to taste. She's sucking and licking and Natty's gasping at the sensation, and at the way Karina nibbles just a little—just a little too much for it to be painless.
You're laying and watching in awe at the debauchery of the scene and wishing you could watch it forever, or at least capture it. The girls are just lapping at each other now, filling their mouths with your seed and swallowing. Laughing. Panting. Moaning. Sighing. Gasping.
Their limbs tangle. Their tongues too. And it's then you realise, no matter how drained you are—completely fucking bone-dry—these two aren't even close to finishing. There's still a show to be enjoyed yet.
You shift just a little to find the most comfortable view, and Karina's taking control now. Slowly she rolls Natty onto her back, their legs still tied, in such a way that Karina can mount her. Natty's got a playful smile across her lips, looking up, seeing the glistening of cum and sweat shining against Karina's neck and cheeks and mouth, her entire gorgeous face soaked in the stuff.
Karina's getting rougher, her nails cutting into Natty's skin. A hungry bite here, a nip there, another scratch here. She's threatening to draw blood as red as the wine she drank. Right on the edge of true pain, but Natty's relishing it. Her eyes roll back, and she lets out a small squeal. And you watch her buck and writhe. 
Karina grows ever more forceful—pinning her and keeping Natty in place. She's starting to drive her hips against her. The desire is clear; she wants Natty to a delirium.
You can do nothing but marvel at the sight. You may be raw, you may be sensitive, but you're here to enjoy the show that may yet last a whole night.
"Me and you now, Natty. Are you ready to cum for me?"
"Yes," the whimper slips out of Natty. "Yes, anything for you."
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smutoperator · 6 months
The Midas Touch
Ahnatchaya Suputhipong (Natty) x Male Reader
Tags: anal teasing, choking, CMNF, cum on tits, dirty talk, hair-pulling, (lots of) jiggling, massaging, pervert, photographing, pounding table, spanking, stress relief, (lots of) titfucking, wet
Word count: 5004
Natty needed some stress relief. She was finally happy that after such a long career of tribulations and failed attempts, she had finally got the recognition she had aimed for so long. But that came at a cost, as she seemed very tired after so many performances and yet another comeback preparation. Therefore, she decided to book a good Saturday morning pre-comeback massage.
As Natty arrived at the massage clinic at your home, she asked you a very unusual question: "May I use the shower?". "Sure," you replied to her.
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Natty took off her shirt, unveiling her triple-D cup pink bra that could barely hold her tits in place as you set the table, before taking them off and exposing her massive boobs in the shower. As Natty slowly got fully naked inside it, you could see her body in full glory. Her thick thighs, her sexy back, and, of course, that amazing pair of boobs of hers.
You hid yourself behind the wall and started watching every sexy move she did in that shower while spraying lots of soap and shampoo over her fit body. The little massages she gave to her boobs and butt caught the most attention from you, especially how she poured the soap all over them. Soon, you were secretly filming Natty, taking pictures of her amazing body behind her back as she showered, waiting for the perfect moment where she would turn around and let you see those beautiful tits, but just her thighs and ass were already great enough for you to admire.
Natty only turned around by the time she had finished the shower, taking one of your towels and wrapping it around her wet body, making sure to hide her boobs as much as she could while you scrolled over the pics you had taken of her. Natty caught you by surprise, walking towards your massaging table, ready to start her session, forcing you to hide the phone.
"Hi," you said to her. "Hi," she replied back. "Make yourself comfortable," you continued, as you prepared the table and grabbed the lotion in your hands. "Thank you," Natty kindly replied. "We can start whenever you're ready," you told her. Natty was ready, as she dropped the towel on the floor and shocked you with a close view of her huge boobs. She lied on the table with her back facing you as you picked another towel and hid her toned, naked ass out of your sight.
"How are you feeling today?" you asked her. "I'm feeling well, but with a lot of tension, especially in the nerves of my back, especially on my lower back," she replied. "Alright," you said, rubbing your hands, picking up the lotion, and starting the massage on her back area just like she asked. "It's going to be a little bit cold," you told her as you poured the lotion over her back. Natty felt the shivers on her spine as the cold liquid hit her soft but sore skin, laughing a bit.
You started slow, getting Natty comfortable as your hands ran over her back. "God, I'm so tired," she said. After a little shoulder massage, you rested your hands on Natty's lower back, close to her hips. "You're such a good masseur," Natty told you, praising your work over her back. "There it is," she said once you landed your hands at her sorest spots.
"You must be busy with these magic hands," Natty said. "Well, I wish, but I only have 3 more clients for today besides you," you told her, now starting to massage Natty's sexy thighs as well. "How are those legs? Are they sore today? They seem so strong," you asked her. "Very," Natty replied, as you started pouding the lotion on her legs now. "That feels so good," she said, praising you once more.
You lifted the towel on Natty's butt a little to start massaging her ass, even though you looked sort of embarrassed. "You can massage there; it's fine," she said, giving you the green light. "Your cheeks are very toned," you told her. "Thanks," Natty said, her holes winking as you placed your hands over her butt. Still, you were a bit shy, even though you had done massages on many women's intimate parts before, but Natty just seemed different. Most of your clients were rather flat and skinny, but she was so fit and thick.
"You can go higher; that's fine," she authorized. It turns out your massage was a huge turn-on for her. "Okay, if you say so," you told her. "It's very sore; it needs a good massage," Natty said about it. "All that sweaty, physical work you do while dancing takes a huge toll," she continued. "For sure," you agreed. 
"It's perfect," Natty praises your lower body massage, enjoying a deserving rest. You take advantage and take pictures of her ass while her eyes are closed. "Go higher; massage my ass cracks," she demands. You started doing so, being careful not to touch her pussy or asshole. Natty sleeps a little as your hands get close to her holes, her pussy spreading as you reach under her ass crack.
"Could you please turn over?" you ask her. Natty follows as you cover the area around her pussy with the towel, moving up to massage her neck and shoulders while pushing her body up. You add more lotion to massage those areas before Natty intervenes. "That feels so good, but these are very sore too, ahhh," she says, moving your hands straight into her big tits and moaning as you touch them.
You continue to give Natty's boobs a good massage. Your erection is getting uncontrollable as you do so. Natty's tits are so soft and so massive that you slowly start losing your composure, giving them a desrving erotic massage and groping those massive pair of honkers of hers. You add more lotion to make it easier to slide between them, sensing that Natty finds it the most enjoyable part of your massage as her nipples harden. "You touch them so well. You really do have magic hands," she says as you keep circling them around her huge boobs.
"That's exactly what I need," Natty says. You grab both of her melons and start jiggling them like jelly. At this point, you're just fascinated by them, getting closer to watch them move freely with your touch and groping them. As you keep moving, your bulging erection accidentally touches the top of Natty's head, leading her to react.
Natty gasps as she feels the hard cock under your pants. "Is that what I think it is?" she asks as you now press her nipples. "I'm sorry," you say to her, feeling embarrassed. But Natty is ready to spice things up, using her hands to reach into your pants. "That's exactly what I want," she says, pulling them down, making her gasp once again as she gets shocked by the size of your throbbing cock, licking her chops straight into your veiny shaft.
"Oh, it's perfect," Natty says as she lines up your cock in her mouth. You get even touchier with her big tits as Natty starts sucking that throbbing tip. "Oh yeah, baby," you say as Natty sucks that pole hard and you start massaging her pussy now. "That's so good, my mouth and pussy getting massaged by that big cock and magical hands," Natty says as you poke the entrance of her vagina.
You put extra pressure on Natty, fingering her clit as her mouth still engulfs your cock. "Just like that, keep touching me right there," she says as she now jerks your cock off and slaps it all over her face. "You want a massage from this fucking dick?" you ask her, popping it in and out of her mouth. "Yes, please," she begs.
"There you go," you slowly thurst your dick up Natty's mouth while diving your own mouth straight down her boobs, motorboating her. "Open your fucking mouth," you tell Natty, trying to fuck her face, but she struggles with the girth of your cock, only letting the tip in as she spits on your cock.
"You know what? Give me those tiddies," you tell her, pacing your cock right between them as Natty squeezes them around your shaft. You take the towel off her body, getting Natty fully naked on your massaging table as you grab her waist and slide your cock between her huge tits. "Fuck those titties just like that," she demands. You barely hear her as her face is now between your legs.
"Give me your mouth; get that cock wet to fuck those beautiful big tits," you demand, groping them as Natty bobs her head on your shaft and jerks it off. "Fuck," you groan as she does so, covering her boobs to tease you as you move your hands down her pussy. "That feels so fucking good," Natty says about your magic hands working her already wet cunt.
"Keep taking that fucking dick," you tell her as you place more lotion between her boobs and some more around her pussy, getting on top of her as Natty grabs her boobs and pushes them close to each other to squeeze your shaft. "If your pussy is as tight as this, I'm gonna love it," you tell her as you fuck her tits in full swing and give her pussy a hard massage with your right hand.
"OH RIGHT THERE," Natty screams soon after you start that vaginal massage. Her tits get pounded nonstop as you treat them as a warmup for that wet hole, increasing the speed even further as you spread her pussy lips, only pausing when you need some extra spit on your dick, and loving the way her boobs jiggle once Natty starts to suck your cock more aggressively.
"Tell me you're a fucking whore, bitch," you say to her as you grope her tits. "That's what I am," Natty says. "A dumb big tit whore," she finishes. "Yes, you are," you tell her as you now spank her right boob, loving the way it jiggles every time your big hands slap those huge milk bags.
"Give me those fucking tits," you tell Natty, who moans hard. More titfucking ensues as you firmly grab her waist and treat her like a toy, before you turn her around and start choking her. "You want this dick, bitch?" you ask her as she puts her tongue out. "Oh, I want it; give it to me, please," she answers. Shortly after, you kiss her, your hard shaft still pointing to Natty's big honkers.
You grab Natty by her ass and bend her over the table, spreading her cheeks as you start tonguing her asshole. "OHHHHH," Natty moans as your tongue sweeps her anal folds. You then push her legs up and get Natty on her knees on the table, massaging her pussy with your right hand while you kiss her fit butt. "Uhhhhhh, yesssss," Natty approves, flipping her hair as you touch her. You then increase the intensity, your hands warming up Natty's cunt while your tongue eats out her anus, both at very high speeds. "It feels so good," Natty says.
"Give me that fucking pussy," you demand of Natty as you sit her ass up against the table before sliding under it and penetrating her from behind. Natty sexily moans as you insert your cock in her pussy. "Ahhhh, fuck," she moans. "You want that so fucking bad, don't you, whore?" you ask her, jerking your cock off as you adjust it to her pussy.
You start very slowly, letting Natty ease her way into your long and large cock. That doesn't last for very long, as just a few seconds inside Natty's cunt give you an increasing urge to fuck her harder. You slowly pick up the pace, and her moans are now music to your ears.
"God, you're so fucking big," Natty moans, her tits starting to jiggle as you get deeper inside her. You firmly hold her waist and appreciate her amazing boob-bouncing. "Take that big cock in that fucking pussy," you tell her, pushing Natty closer to you as you kiss her neck in between thrusts, her boobs turning more and more into a bouncy pair of jellies.
Natty swings her hips on your cock as you take your shirt off. She's finally ready for the massage she needs most: a deep, hard, vaginal massage. As soon as you finish pulling your shirt away, you grab her ass and push your cock harder, making her cheeks clap. "Oh, keep doing that," she approves.
And indeed, you kept doing that, now grabbing Natty by her hair. "Make me cum all over that big cock," she told you as you manhandled her. Natty didn't want you to stop, loving every second of that hard massage you were giving her as you now gave some kisses to her shoulders. "Is that what you want?" you asked, pushing your cock faster into her cunt. "AHHHHHHHHH!" Natty screamed shortly after. "I'm going to take it as a yes," you laughed.
You had never seen boobs bounce the way Natty's did; it seems like they want to split out from her body every time you hit deep inside her pussy, and more so now as you loudly clapped your balls on her cheeks, getting Natty out of breath. You slowed down a little, adding more lotion to spread around her ass, but still with that long shaft buried deep in her cunt, using the lotion like a lube. "Do you want more massaging in those fucking holes?" you ask her.
"Yes, please, don't stop massaging me; tease my holes," Natty begged as you started fingering her asshole. "It feels so good.". So you like how I tease that fucking asshole?" you asked as you rubbed your tip into her anal entrance. "Yes, I'd let you in there if it wasn't going to make me unable to walk before my next schedule," Natty said. "Well, I'll make sure that's true for that fucking pussy then," you replied.
You impaled Natty with full force, almost making her slide off the massaging table. Hard and fast, it was the only way a meaty pussy like hers could be massaged from her lips to her cervix. Your thumb poked under her tits before you slid them to grope her bouncy melons. "Fucking whore," you degraded her. "Yes, I am, and that's what I fucking want," Natty said. "Let's see those tits in full swing," you told her as her knockers just couldn't stop bouncing.
You put Natty in a standing position and tied her arms behind her back, giving even more wiggle room for her tiddies to jiggle, while placing your hands on her shoulder and massaging them, turning Natty into a defenseless fuckdoll only worth as a sleeve for your huge cock. "YES. YES. YES. AHHHHH!" Natty screamed as her boobs felt more and more like they were about to pop out of her body.
"Don't you stop, baby," you told her. "FUCK YES. I'M NOT STOPPING," Natty moaned. "Good girl, worship that dick," you told her, pressing Natty's chest against the table, then reaching under to kiss and grope her tits. "You gave me the kiss of life," Natty said, referring to her group. "More like I'm sucking those tits for life," you replied.
"Are you ready for more of this dick, baby?" you asked her. "Always," Natty said. Shortly after, you got back to pounding her pussy fast, making it more difficult on her as you choked Natty hard. "Keep doing that, please; choke me like a whore," Natty begged. "Treat me like a useless fucktoy," she continued. "Shut up," you told her as you pushed her face close to your mouth and kissed her lips.
"Good girl," you told her as you pulled out and gave Natty a couple spankings in her butt. "Tell me how much you want this fucking dick," you said. "More than I want to breathe," Natty said. "Then come here," you said, doing a ponytail on Natty's hair and pushing her head slowly down your shaft. "Fucking whore sucking that dick like her life depends on it," you mocked her, slapping her ass soon after.
"Umm, yes, thank you." Natty enjoyed the spanking, jerking your cock more intensely after it, adding some extra spit. You reached under her to massage her tits while her mouth massaged your shaft, leading Natty to gag even with just half of your length inside her mouth. "Show me how much of a fucking whore you are; come on, take that big cock deep in your throat," you told her. Natty wasn't accustomed to sucking cocks bigger than 6 inches, but dove to take all of your 8 inches in her mouth, gagging shortly after as you spanked her again.
"You like being a fucking whore?" you asked her. "Yes, baby," she answered. "Then jump on this fucking dick and bounce all over that cock," you demanded of her. Natty nodded positively, her eyes glowing as she stared at you, licking her chops, and you groped her boobs. "But first, let me massage more of those tits; let me see them shake," you told her, pouring more lotion into them.
"Come here," you told Natty, your hands all over her big tits. "Oh yes, please, fondle those titties; they are still sore," she said. "Dirty whore likes to be massaged on her tits?" you rhetorically asked her. "Yes, I love the way you touch my big tits," Natty replied. 
You finally got fully naked, as Natty couldn't take her hands off your cock, lying on top of that table. "Sit on this fucking cock, right now," you ordered her. "Yeah!" Natty got excited as you lined your cock into her entrance, screaming as soon as you got it back inside her: "OH FUCK!". You gave her no room to breathe, pumping as soon as possible and making her boobs jiggle nonstop. "OH MY FUCKING GOD," Natty moaned as you destroyed her pussy and her boob bouncing got out of control.
"That's what I want," you said as Natty settled down and started herself bouncing on your dick. "Yes," she sexily said, her tits turning more and more into a pair of jiggling pinballs. "That's it; make those fucking tits bounce," you kept telling her. "Holy fuck, God, that cock is so big." Natty started feeling that hit as her pussy kept getting impaled by your massive length.
"Damn it, fuck," Natty moaned. "If you want it, then take it," you said, pushing up her pussy. "PLEASE MAKE ME CUM ALL OVER THAT BIG COCK!" she screamed shortly after. "Ride that fucking dick," you said, grabbing her waist and pushing Natty's body down, making her cheeks clap hard each time she descented into your own body. You could only get a side view from it, but you knew her boobs were getting bouncier and bouncier.
"I love the way your cock fucks me," Natty told you as you gave her tits a little groping. "That's perfect, baby; get that fucking cock deep in that pussy," you told her as Natty sat on top of your body, and you reached to finger her cunt as she did. As soon as Natty recovered from your finger-fucking, she got back to bounce even harder on your cock and set those big tits free. "Do you like to bounce on that big cock?" you asked her. "Yes, baby, I love it," she responded.
"I won't stop until I... FUUUUUUCK," Natty couldn't finish the sentence as her legs started to close with your dick buried deep in her pussy. You took the opportunity to pound her fast and deep, sending Natty to the heavens as she got weaker and weaker. "Oh, I love it," she said, as you gave her butt a little spanking in approval.
"Spin around, baby; I want to see those tits bouncing," you told her. "Put those fucking tits in my face," you told her, sucking them while you aligned your cock back inside her pussy, pushing it up inside once again, and letting her boobs freely hit your face. Down low, your balls slapped Natty's cunt nonstop while your hands grabbed her ass hard. "I'm gonna fuck you until those boobs fall out of your slutty body," you tell her as gravity pushes her tits increasingly down and closer to you.
"Tell me when you fucking cum on that dick," you tell Natty as you choke her. Natty's boobs are so hanging so low they now bump against your chest. You keep hammering her cunt as Natty's moans grow softer. "Just like that," she whispers, squealing as your cock hits her harder and harder and your mouth is all over her tits. "Holy fuck, you do it so well; fuck me, daddy, please," Natty says as she goes back to bounce on your cock. "Yes, baby, I'm your daddy," you tell her as you slap her ass hard.
Natty twerks on your cock and enjoys getting stretched out balls deep. "It feels so fucking good," she moans. "Ride me harder," you tell her, giving her more and more spanks. "If you don't, I'm turning this ass red," you said, but that would be true regardless. Natty tilts her boby against yours and keeps working on that cock. "That's it, use that fucking dick," you tell her as her cheeks make an increasingly loud sound with her riding going on for long minutes.
"I want you to bury this fucking cock deep inside me," Natty says as she lies sideways on the table, allowing you to take her in spooning and make very romantic eye contact with her. "Come here, baby; I'll show you who owns this fucking pussy," you tell her. "Yes, baby, you own that fucking pussy," Natty responds as you passionately pump her and give her hot kisses.
"My pussy feels so good," Natty tells you as your balls clap hard against her entrance. "Are you ready to cum again?" you ask her. "YES, BABY, KEEP USING MY FUCKING PUSSY, PLEASE," she begs. "Come on, baby, let's go." You incentivize her and increase the pace. "YES. YES. OH MY GOD, DON'T STOP!" Natty screams as she gets closer to her orgasm. "CUM ON MY FUCKING DICK!" you order her. "YES, I'M CUMMING, I'M CUMMING, FUCKKKKK," Natty says shortly after.
As the pounding goes on, you get more and more addicted to Natty's pussy; you just can't stop going, hitting her throbbing hole full force. Natty is just a bystander who lets you give her the best vaginal massage possible. "Fucking whore," you spit at her. "Yes, I'm a fucking whore, and that's a good fucking cock; you go so fucking deep; don't fucking stop; pound my little pussy," she moans as you reach to grope her bazookas in between your hard thrusts.
"That's it, baby, turn around," you say to Natty. "Wrap your fucking tits right on my dick," you command. "Yes," she says, entushiastically spitting on her big boobs as she sandwiches them between your throbbing pole. "Ooooh, yes, baby, fuck these tits," Natty says as she gives you a naughty smile, but it's her tits fucking your big cock, actually.
"You like the way they feel wrapped around your cock?" Natty asks. "You don't even need to ask me, whore; of course I do. Give me more, please," you answer back. Natty picks up the remaining of your massage lotion and covers her tits full of it, quickly sliding her melons around your shaft. "Is that what you fucking need?" she naughtily asks. But this time, you can only groan. "I'll take it as a yes," Natty says, laughing and twisting your cock all over her big tits.
"How do those tits feel, baby?" Natty keeps asking as her voice gets even sexier. "OHHHHH!" you scream to her. "They feel good, I see," she answers back. "This cock is fucking perfect, made to fuck my tits." Natty keeps singing praises of your throbbing member, sending you over the moon. "Hmmm, you like how I worship this cock?" the questions continue. "Oh, yes, baby, yes, everything you ask me, I'll say yes, you got the best fucking tits in the fucking universe," you keep going. Natty loves it and just keeps playing around, hitting your cock with her tits from every possible angle.
"May I fuck you again?" You grab Natty by the neck, then draw her closer to you. "Yes, yes, please," she gleefully answers. "Pound you hard again until I cum all over you," you continue. "Yes, please, I know that big cock can shoot a lot of cum all over me; that's what I want," Natty says as she kisses you.
You put Natty's back against the pounding table, already signaling you're about to go HAM on her. But before, you tease her, using your magic hands to massage her throbbing pussy, making Natty drop her head into the table and moan hard. "Oh, yes, yes, yes, use those magic hands all over my pussy," she says. "I'm going to use much more than my magic hands," you tell her as you spit in her needy cunt and masturbate yourself in anticipation.
"Take this magic wand instead," you tell her. "Oh yes, AHHHH," Natty moans. "I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you and only stop when I cum," you tell her. "Yes, please," Natty says. Soon enough, you turn Natty into your personal fleshlight, manhandling her pussy as you go more and more insane. "I'm ready to use that fucking pussy," you tell her. Natty can only watch now. Her boobs get crazy bouncy, and her pussy cums all over your dick. She just wants to be used like a whore.
"Just like that, don't stop, please, AHHHH" Natty begs you as she whispers in your ear between thrusts. But you were never going to stop. As Natty collapses onto the table, her nipples get erect, her boobs become just a pair of bouncy balls at each thrust, and her neck gets veiny just like your cock buried deep inside her. You inch closer and closer to that orgasm. Natty is now just a shaking mess born to get pounded like a dirty whore. 
"Come here, watch that fucking pussy get destroyed," you tell Natty, pushing her body back up. Better yet, Natty gets a privileged view of her tits becoming more and more jiggly. "Keep going, baby, make my tits bounce," she begs. You get more feral, grabbing her by the head, as Natty sticks her tongue out to lick her own tits every time they get in her vicinity. "Please, please, cum all over me," she begs, becoming a sweaty mess to the point where she'll need another shower.
You slow down and put Natty's legs over her head, teasing her holes a little as she begs for more. Your tip pokes her clit and asshole, getting Natty even more anxious. "Oh my God, the way you tease me, such a bad boy," she tells you. "Well, that bad boy is going right back in, then," you tell her, pointing to your cock as you slide it straight back in her cunt. You can't hold for much longer, grabbing her waist and enjoying her pussy knowing each thrust could be the last.
"Give it all to me, baby," Natty says. "AHHHHHH!" you scream as you fuck her pussy full of rage. Your mind is free of any thoughts. All you see now is Natty's sexy body and her tight pussy. "I want that cum; give it to me," Natty whispers in a manner that makes her sound like the dirtiest slut ever. "I want to taste. Every last drop," she continues. "I want to be your little cumslut; please cover my tiddies full of it." She keeps going as you play with her boobs, and she keeps talking dirty to you.
And indeed, it doesn't take long for you to fulfill her wish. You were so eager to cover her body with your seeds that you missed the first shot, which landed at the edge of the table, but you have room to spare as the remaining geysers of jizz land all over Natty's whore face and huge milkers.
"You said you wanted every last drop, then clean this before my next client comes," you say, pointing to the semen sprayed all over the table. Natty indeed wanted all of it, as she licks it and swallows all the cum you fed her, scooping the sperm that landed on her tits and pushing it straight into her mouth.
"Good girl," you praise her, feeding Natty's mouth with your big cock one last time for her to lick it. Natty's head and your cock are standing side by side as she admires your huge length, wishing your massage went for even longer, but you already have a client who's already arriving at your house. "So, would you be in for another massage on a different day?" you ask her. "Absolutely," she answers, heading to the shower to clean herself up.
You get your clothes back on just in time for the next client, a little Hawaiian girl, who notices Natty showering.
"Do you know her?" you ask the girl.
"Yes, she's my groupmate Natty; by the looks of it, she had a great massaging session with you," Julie says.
"Wait, groupmate?" you say, confused.
"Yes, we all booked the massage together; Belle and Haneul will come next," Julie continues.
"So, how do you want me to massage you?" you ask Julie.
"I think you can start massaging my ass; it's feeling really sore these days." Julie takes her shorts off and spreads her butthole right in front of you.
It turns out your day of special massages has just begun.
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xshadowdelta · 1 month
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Natty x Male Reader x Soyeon (3.8K Length)
Tags: Rough sex, anal, titfucking, blowjob, facial, choking, nipple play, creampie, dirty talk
You were lying on the sofa of your apartment, overwhelmed, jaded, and abhorred due to the suffocating heat. According to the weather girl on the news, you were experiencing one of the worst heat waves in history, and she wasn’t wrong. The fan wasn’t nearly enough to combat this sunny attack on your person.
You zapped through the different TV channels searching for something to distract your mind, if you didn’t think about the heat it would disappear for sure, delusional.
You found out that on one of the channels they were playing the Olympic Games, which was definitely a good distraction. You kept watching the sports for a while, at that precise moment of the day, the swimming competition was taking place.
Within a couple of hours, the day’s competition had ended with Katie Ledecky winning, what? her 20th gold medal? That woman is the goat of swimming, was your thought.
However, that made a bulb light appear above your head, giving you an interesting idea. Maybe going out and spending some time in the public pool, soaking to cover yourself from the heat, could make you enjoy this day. You didn’t think twice and in just minutes, you had everything ready with your pool bag, towel and swimsuit.
You took your car and drove to the pool area, and as you first guessed, there were a lot of other people affected by this infernal heat.
You managed to visualize a free spot in the grassy zone, and although there wasn’t much shade, it was the best you had found, so you placed your pool bag and towel on it, smeared some sunscreen on your arms and shoulders, and walked towards the pool.
The freshness sensation when your body came in contact with the water was simply unbeatable, you were sure you could stay here until you were forced to leave to close. You approached one of the corners of the pool, resting your arms on either side of the edge as you looked around.
There was a little bit of everything at that hour of the day, children fluttering around playing with balls and water guns, their parents running after them trying to scold them, people like you enjoying a refreshing break, others taking the opportunity to do some exercise and swim, and a bunch of crazy people lying on the hammocks sunbathing, masochists.
Your eyes focused on an extravagant orange hair in the distance, which captured your attention immediately. It was a girl who was wearing a fairly short jeans and a small white tank top that left her belly visible, where you could read “Lifeguard”.
She was small, but, being honest, she commanded respect. You knew it by the way she was scolding grumpily at everyone who tried to exceed her pool’s rules, but on the other hand, with the kids, she always offered a beautiful smile.
That girl had a nice body proportions, maybe not too voluptuous on her chest, but her butt shined incredibly, especially with those tight jeans, it was hard to look away. She was certainly sexy, and…
“Looks like Soyeon caught your attention.”
A voice brought you out of your thoughts, and you noticed a feminine figure standing just to your right. How did she get so close to you without you realizing it?
“Excuse me?”
Smiling, she pointed with her head at the girl whom, until recently you were devouring with your gaze.
“Soyeon, the lifeguard, everyone will think you are a stalker or something if you keep looking at her like that.” She pointed, laughing loudly. Your face turned all red, and your body again felt so hot, not because of the heat now but because of shame.
Then you focused for the first time on that strange girl with black hair and tanned skin. She was wearing sunglasses on her forehead and a white one-piece swimsuit with different color details. She seemed like a very smiling girl, her smile seemed to never disappear, and her laugh could be heard in every corner of the pool.
“Oh no, I was just observing distractedly, I have no weird intentions, was looking to deal with this damn heat.” You explained with a little smile.
“Really? Too bad.” She pouted. “I’m sure she would give you a blowjob in the locker room if you ask her.”
“W-W-What?” Your confusion and nervousness ripped another laugh out of her.
“Yeah, she looks so rude now, but she is a slut who loves cocks.”
That little conversation was making you so hot that it seemed like the surrounding water was boiling. Then the girl moved closer to you, standing in front of you, blocking any other view you might have but hers. Her hand moved underwater to touch your penis, which had acquired a considerable size.
“And me too.” Your body tensed at her touch, and you looked nervously to each side without stopping. You never experienced something like this before in view of everyone, afraid that anyone or even worse, that lifeguard would find out what was going on.
“What are you doing? Anyone could catch us.” With her other hand she placed her index finger over your lips to shut you up.
"Shhh, trust in me." She put her whole hand into your swimsuit to grab your cock, masturbating you with slow movements.
"My name is Natty by the way. Nice to meet you." Her smile was cute, but at the same time, you can see in her that she was enjoying so much watching how you react to every step she took.
"Same here." You replied slowly and haltingly to avoid letting out a moan due to her fantastic touch.
She got even closer and caught your lips in a soft kiss, which you really enjoyed until you noticed how she used her thumb to play with your tip. She gave you a smirk and another kiss, masturbating you again, this time increasing the speed. You bit your lip, refusing to emit a moan as you grabbed her hips to help her use her body as a shield so that no one would notice that situation.
The palm of her hand was playing again with your tip, rubbing with fast movements, making you grab her hips harder. She playfully smiled at you for that. But she suddenly stopped, took his hand out of your swimsuit, and stepped away from you a little, still smiling. You looked at her with a clearly disappointed face.
“If you cum here in the water, we will have some problems, you should cum in another appropriate place, my face, for example.” She couldn’t say that kind of thing with a big smile and laughing, she was crazy.
“I will wait for you in the locker room, don’t make me wait, yes?” She came back to you to whisper in your ear. “I’m so fucking horny…” You hard swallowed saliva.
You saw her get out of the pool and head toward the changing rooms, she was totally fucking crazy, and the worst part is that you were following that crazy girl.
You waited until your erection subsided and became less noticeable for the rest of the people there before you could leave as well. You followed Natty way to the locker room, looking one last time at the lifeguard girl now sitting on her chair. She was looking directly at you too, and it gave you goosebumps.
As soon as you entered the locker room, Natty cornered you against one of the walls, looking at you with lust. She smiled playfully, going back into your swimsuit to make your cock hard again.
Now you didn't control yourself, and you let out a couple of moans that were quickly silenced by Natty's lips, who desperately searched for your tongue. Your hands traveled to her cheeks, fighting fiercely in that kiss but keeping enjoying her masturbation.
You placed your hands on her shoulders, and with a quick twisting motion, she was now the one pinned against the wall.
She left your penis for a moment to take her huge boobs out of her swimsuit. You salivated when you saw them free, and you threw yourself on them to put them in your mouth.
Natty moaned non-stop, enjoying how you licked and sucked her tits, imprisoning her even more against the wall, making her rise a little so that she could surround your waist with her legs.
"It seems I have unleashed the tiger." She smiled, burying your head further into her breasts, rubbing them over your face, and in response, licking and playing with her nipples.
You stopped then, taking some air, breathing heavily, taking her hands and taking her to the other end of the locker room, telling her with a nod to sit on the bench. She did so, and before she could blink, you guided your cock towards her boobs. She understood your intentions instantly and laughed at this.
She put her hands on either side of her tits, trapping your cock in the middle of them, moving them at a frenetic pace, making you moan non-stop.
"You like my titfuck right? I'm an expert."
"I fucking love it, so good." You said, slapping one of her tits, drawing a moan from her.
In response, her tongue began to lick your tip as her tits continued to be dragged along your entire length. Your cock sank between her tits and reappeared again and again, making everything start to get wet.
"More." She moaned, but you didn't know what she meant. "Spank my fucking tits harder, fuck." She asked desperately, and you wouldn’t say no to that.
You slapped her tits again, this time continuously, the sound of your palms hitting her meat echoing through the place, now joined by her screams.
"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, YEEEEEES." She screamed without holding back in the slightest.
She stopped her titfuck and then grabbed your cock, using it to slap her own tits and even rub your tip against her now hard nipples.
She stood up and, still holding your penis in her hand she dragged you to one of the bathrooms, closing the door.
"Sit down." She ordered, pointing to the toilet, and you obeyed immediately.
She pushed aside the part of her swimsuit that connected to her pussy, giving you a perfect view of it, dripping intensely. You started to masturbate yourself admiring her.
"Look what you've done, I hope you're proud." She said, stroking herself a little bit.
"I am." You responded in a mocking tone.
You kept your cock erect as you watched her approach you, straddling you, connecting your cock with her pussy and slowly starting to lower yourself, taking it all in.
"So big." She whispered, caressing your chest.
"So tight." You responded in kind, moving your hands to her butt.
And so Natty began to ride you, raising her hips until she left only the tip of your cock inside her pussy and then lowering herself abruptly, obtaining it whole.
Your cock hit Natty's depths again and again, and your moans were drowned in insatiable kisses that were continually cut by the pleasure you felt.
On one of those times when your lips separated, you took the opportunity to catch one of her boobs that was bouncing non-stop, with your mouth, sucking hard and biting her nipple.
Feeling uninhibited by the pleasure, she increased the pace with which she rode you, while with your hands now on her hips, you helped the movements become more ferocious.
"I'm fucking cumming! I'm cumming!" Natty moaned without stopping her pace until she finally stood over on top of you, cumming.
With hardly any time to waste, she got off of you, kneeling on the floor in front of you, masturbating your cock quickly, and sticking out her tongue.
A few threads of semen were shot straight from your cock towards her face, staining it completely.
"Fuck." You gasped, tiredly watching her try to collect most of the cum from her face with her hands, bringing her fingers to her mouth and licking them.
At that moment, the bathroom door opened with a loud slam. You both turned around startled, looking at the little orange-haired lifeguard who was looking at you very angry.
Your pulse stopped for a moment, you could see how she looked at you, at the pitiful appearance you had at that moment lying naked and exhausted on the bathroom.
"Really Natty? That's the third time this week." She commented, looking at the girl on the floor, who was smiling nervously.
"Sorry, Soyeon, I couldn't resist."
"I've told you, I have no problem with you doing these things, but not on days like this, with so many people, what happens if they catch you?"
"I know, I know, I'm so sorry." She apologized continuously, putting all his clothes back on properly.
"I'll make it up to you, okay? I will invite you to dinner tonight, okay? Okay, bye!" She said, running out of there, fearing her friend's anger.
You took advantage of that moment to stand up and try to leave the bathroom in search of your clothes, but Soyeon's arm prevented you.
"Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you."
With a little push from her, you backed away and fell back onto the toilet. You noticed how she was still glaring at you.
She switched her gaze to your cock, you tried to cover yourself with your hands, but a slap from her made you move them away again in pain.
"Shut up," she said, closing the bathroom door behind her. She kneeled where Natty had been minutes before and grabbed your limp cock, still covered in cum.
"What a waste." She whispered, starting to lick your entire cock from top to bottom, cleaning it.
It wasn't something you had expected, and that made you horny again, fattening your cock until it regained its full state again.
Soyeon lifted your cock and captured one of your testicles with her mouth, holding it there for a few seconds and repeating the action with the other one.
"You better have saved something more." She threatened, still angry.
"I can get an extra special load for you." You said, making her look at you.
Without saying anything, she opened her mouth wide and inserted the entirety of your penis into it. You gasped and by reflex you brought your hands to the back of her head, burying it on your cock.
Soyeon didn’t protest about it, on the contrary, she began to move her head uncontrollably, making a lot of erotic sounds during the blowjob.
"Shouldn't you be alert for someone drowning?” You asked curiously.
She let your cock escape from her mouth, completely covered in saliva, and spit on it.
"It's Yuqi's turn, now the only one who's going to choke is me on this damn cock, so shut up and show me why Natty was screaming like a whore."
She resumed the blowjob, using her hands to play with your balls at the same time.
You brought your hands to her head, grabbing a fistful of orange pigtail hair in your fist to help her swallow your cock.
She continued sucking you with just her mouth, taking off her lifeguard top with her hands, and you took the opportunity to touch her small tits.
“They aren’t as big as Natty, but I will treat them the same.” You squeezed her nipples with your fingers, surprising her and making her gag on your cock.
You took advantage of that sign of weakness, and using your fingers, you started to stretch her nipples a little bit. She closed her eyes while she kept taking your cock. As she didn’t stop you, you kept stretching her nipples more and more, they were turning really hard and red under your fingers.
Soyeon reached her pain limit and caught your wrists with her hands, stopping the process going. She lifted her head to look at you with her mouth filled with your cock. After a few seconds, she lowered her head back to the base of your cock and released your hands that were still gripping her nipples, giving you permission to continue, and you did, applying a new wave of pressure to her nipples.
She tried to resist the pain combining with the pleasure she was having sucking your cock, making your dick reach deeper in her throat, in an attempt to silence her screams.
Her nipples were released from the pressure, telling her to stand up, and when she did, you pulled her towards you, sitting her on your lap. Her lips were swollen from the treatment she had given to your cock, and a trail of saliva came out of her mouth.
You touched her tits again, caressing her sensitive nipples that reacted under your palms. Soyeon made a small moan, they were so red and itchy that even the slightest touch bothered her.
Once again, her nipples were your objective, this time licking with your tongue one of them while the other one was being pinched by your fingers. Your mouth started to suck her nipple. You looked at her, but her face didn’t change at all during this time. She was still looking angry at you, so you decided to bite her nipple, making her scream.
Your hands grabbed her nipples in a quick move, but she reacted fast and stopped you again. Both of you were looking at each other, the challenge was being sent, and she had to make a decision.
She removed her hands, accepting the challenge, and you smiled, raising your hands with her nipples held. Her arms surrounded your neck, and at the same time, she began to rub herself on your cock, masturbating you.
The higher you raised her nipples, the faster she moved, and you could notice how her pants couldn't retain the liquid that was beginning to drip from her pussy.
You gave her nipples one last thrust, digging your thumbs into them as if they were a button. Her movement stopped instantly. She opened her mouth, but there was no sound. You got as close to her as possible without letting go.
“Slut.” You were smiling, she was furious.
Soyeon got off your lap and turned around, you thought she was going to leave the bathroom, but no, she bent over to show you her impressive ass and gave herself a spank on the cheek before taking off her jeans.
"Really?" You asked excitedly. She looked at you over her shoulder, supporting her hands on the bathroom door and raising her butt for you.
You stood up from the toilet holding your cock to bring it closer to her ass, when Soyeon felt the touch of your cock she began to move her hips, twerking with her ass.
You massaged her ass, giving her a couple of kisses followed by a hard spank on her butt cheek, making her grunt, a grunt that gave way to moans as your tongue began to delve into her rear hole.
You savored every corner of Soyeon's ass while she continued to move it on your face. You separated her ass cheeks with your hands, being able to see perfectly how her small hole contracted uncontrollably.
You slowly approached your cock towards her ass, first rubbing it and then playing with it until finally you slowly entered his hole. Soyeon let out a little scream when she felt the entirety of your penis delve into her small hole, feeling a little dizzy as it continued to grow inside her, stretching her ass.
You grabbed her wide hips to start thrusting into her, Soyeon clung harder to the door, moaning uncontrollably, and with each thrust, your hand collided with her cheeks, making her clench her teeth.
She grabbed your hands from her hips and brought them to her breasts, in a clear sign that she wanted more. Without hesitation, you squeezed her nipples again.
“Destroy these little nipples.” She moaned, provoking you to give her a harder treatment.
Your cock went in and out of Soyeon's ass without rest, everything felt so good that it was even difficult to maintain composure and balance. You leaned on her back, completely cornering her against the bathroom door with your body, placing your hands on either side of her head.
Without warning, you took a few steps away and put one of your arms around her stomach and the other one around her neck, pulling her towards you, something that made your cock move even further into her ass, causing true fear in Soyeon.
"What the hell are you doing!?" She protested annoyingly, holding on with both hands to the arm around her neck.
You noticed how she tried to free herself from your grip, however she was clearly smaller than you, so you had her completely dominated under your arms. Your hips continued to move, and ramming her without stopping, you lowered your head to whisper in her ear.
"Be a good slut for me." You said, applying a little force to your grip, and in reaction to that, she couldn't help but scream a loud moan, curling her body under your arms, cumming intensely.
"Fuck, what was that?" You asked, surprised by the puddle that had formed at your feet, loosening your grip on her as she couldn't stay upright and fell to her knees on the floor.
"I didn't think you were that weak, I guess it was all a facade." You fell silent when you saw her, still on the floor, she placed her own hands on her ass, opening it for you, inviting you to enter again.
You didn't hesitate for a second to crouch down next to her and reinsert your cock inside her, making her scream again.
"FUCK, YES, PLEASE, FUCK MY ASS HARDER." Soyeon begged, totally vulnerable.
"That's right, Soyeon, you're being a good slut." You said, ramming her from behind with all your strength, that she automatically bounced her ass against your cock again.
"Yes! I'm a slut, please use me!" She screamed as a result of your thrusts and spanks on his completely reddened asscheeks.
You continued pounding herself that hard for a few minutes until you unloaded a new shot of cum directly into her ass, driving her completely crazy.
You kissed her shoulder without her being able to stop panting with her tongue hanging out, you took your cock out of her ass that was now dripping with your cum.
You left the bathroom to get dressed in your swimsuit again and looked back one last time to see a new stream of fluids coming out of Soyeon's ass uncontrollably, unable to get up from the floor.
"I have to visit more times this pool.”
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natti-ice · 6 months
18+ mdni
Me: “fuck, I need his cock”
Him: *is literally just words on tumblr*
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filmauteur · 27 days
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Caravaggio (1986) Directed by Derek Jarman
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dailyworldcinema · 6 months
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Dante's Inferno (1911) Directed by Francesco Bertolini, Adolfo Padovan & Giuseppe De Liguoro
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earth4angels · 3 months
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OH, it’s like that.
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coldfanbou · 2 months
Showing Some Skin
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How about a little vacation with Natty. I wonder what the first day will end with.
Natty X Mreader
Length 2.2K
In the morning, you grabbed Natty some coffee, waking her with the smell. Her hand reaches out, trying to grab the cup as she slowly stirs from her sleep. “What are we doing?” She mumbles, her eyes still shut as she finally grasps her cup. 
“It’s the first day of our vacation; let’s go to the beach.”  Natty takes the smallest possible sip from her cup and nods her head, placing her cup on the nightstand. She lays her head against her pillow and tries to drift back off to sleep. You put your drink down and shake Natty, but she keeps her eyes closed. She’s on the verge of laughing. 
“Wake up, Natty.” You tell her as you continue to shake her.
“The princess needs a kiss to wake her.” Natty mumbles under her breath. You stop shaking Natty and sigh, staring at her as she opens one eye before quickly shutting it. You shake your head at her before leaning in and pressing your lips against hers. Natty’s lips curl, smiling as she finally awakens.  “You’re a real handful.” You tell her as you get off the bed, grab your coffee, and change into your beach clothes. Natty struggles to get out of bed but becomes a bundle of energy once she's fully awake. She rushes into the bathroom, changing into her swimsuit, putting on a pair of shorts over the bottom because she knows she’ll be running around. 
You drive down to the beach with Natty after packing everything you’d need. The plan was to spend the day here, relaxing and maybe playing a few games. The first thing Natty does when you arrive is ask you to cover her with sunscreen. She lays on the towel you had just laid down and gives you a sly smirk. You pull out a bottle of spray-on sunscreen and spray her back. The coolness of it makes Natty jump. She tries to argue with you about the spray-on screen, but you don’t listen, covering her entire body in it as she complains. “I wanted you to massage it onto me!” She whines, burying her head into her arms and kicking her feet like a bratty child. You pat her back briefly before spraying yourself and beginning your vacation. 
The two of you enjoy the sounds of the beach, with waves constantly going in and out. You play a few games together, enjoying your time as the sun comes and goes. Then, you head into the water, dragging Natty along before splashing her with the cold water.
As you splash her with water, Natty shakes her head with a toothy grin. “Hey!” She shouts, pushing her hands into the cold ocean water as she returns the favor. The two of you continue to splash each other in the late afternoon sun, the sound of the waves providing a soothing background. Natty backs down, with your last splash knocking her down. “Okay, okay, you win,” Natty says, leaning on her arms as the seawater rushes over her body. You extend your hand for her, and she takes your hand and rises to her feet. Natty looks down; her swimsuit and shorts are utterly drenched. She runs her hands under her straps, letting them smack her chest when she lets go.  “I think I’m done here.” Natty walks back to your little space, lying on a towel and taking a deep breath as she relaxes. 
You sit beside her, handing her a water bottle from the cooler. Natty sips on it, shuddering as the coldness hits her. “Thanks.” She turns onto her side, looking your way as her finger traces the spiral patterns on the beach towel. “Hey, it’s getting pretty late, and we’re all alone here.” 
“No.” You reply, knowing exactly where she’s leading the conversation. 
“Don’t you think it would be fun?” Natty asks, her voice filled with excitement and a hint of mischief, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
“I don’t want to get in trouble. Even if we are alone, someone could come by. The beach closes in an hour.” You explain, your cautious nature coming through.
Natty pouts, her cheeks puffing out as she fills them with air. “But it would be so exciting,” She whines, her feet kicking up sand in a playful manner.
“I know, but it’s too big of a risk,” You say, staring into the ocean. “What about the balcony of our room instead?” You suggest, trying to find a compromise that would satisfy both of you.
You glance at Natty, seeing the sparkle in her eyes and a giant grin on her face. “Let’s do it!” She yells, her enthusiasm contagious. “Come on, let’s go to our room.” She says, bouncing from one foot to another, struggling to contain her excitement. You grab the cooler’s handle and pull the umbrella out from the sand, carrying them as you make your way to the car. “Come on, slow poke!” Natty says as she runs ahead, 
“At least towel yourself off before getting in the car!” You yell as she opens the door. You watch Natty tilt her head back and sigh before walking to one of the outdoor showers. She lets the water run over you, giving you a deadpan expression as the sand slowly falls off her. You can’t contain your laughter as you get closer to the car. You put everything in the back and wash yourself off, drying yourself as much as possible before hopping in with Natty. 
You drive to the hotel; Natty taps her feet against the floor, excitedly waiting. Once you arrive in the parking garage, Natty wastes no time getting out of the car. She goes as far as opening your door and pulling you out. “I’ve been waiting all day; come on, let's go!” She says, pulling you into the elevator and hitting the button to the ninth floor. Natty grabs your arm, pulling it to your chest and giving you a mischievous grin. “This is going to be great. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” The elevator doors open soon enough, and Natty scurries to your room and drags you along. Her giggles fill the hallway as she reaches the door. You scan the key card, and you’re whisked inside with her in a moment. 
Natty leads you to the balcony, turning around and wrapping her arms around your neck the moment you’re both outside. She steals a kiss before moving her hands down to your shorts, feeling a bulge. “Ooh, looks like someone’s ready,” Natty says as she reaches into your shorts, pushing them down as she grasps your shaft. The cool evening air hits you both, making you shiver. 
You lean in and kiss Natty, slipping off her strap and pulling her swimsuit down until her breasts pop out. You both giggle. “I think you are, too.” You whisper into Natty’s ear before kissing her neck. Her light moans fill the open air as you reach up and cup her soft mounds, shaking them in your hands and watching them jiggle before squeezing them. Pressing your lips against Natty’s, you stare into her eyes. “Are you ready?”
“Ready,” She says as she pulls your shorts down, leaving you naked. She kneels before you, her hand slowly moving along your shaft as she takes gentle licks at the head. You place your hand on her head, guiding her. Natty presses her lips together, letting your cock split them apart as she takes you inside her mouth. You watch as she grabs one of her tits, kneading it as she bobs her head. Natty’s tongue moves along the sides of your shaft as she bobs her head; small groans escape her lips as she grows more aroused by the second. Natty places her other hand on your thigh, resting it there for support as she takes you into her throat. She constricts it around your cock, letting you enjoy the tightness before relaxing it and pulling away. As Natty catches her breath, she makes sure to keep you pleased, stroking your cock quickly before eventually taking you back in. “Do you like my throat?” She asks when she has the chance.
“It feels great,” You moan as you push your cock back into her mouth, Natty’s warm tongue teases you, wiggling along your shaft and flicking the head when you pull out. You smile at Natty before your eyes move lower.
“Oh, you want these?” Natty asks, pressing her tits together. “Let me get them ready for you.” Gathering her saliva, Natty spits between her breasts and pushes them together. The soft flesh melds together as she spreads her saliva and makes them glisten. “All set, baby,” Natty says with a smile. You push your cock between her soft mounds, thrusting between them as Natty presses them against your shaft. She takes small licks at the tip, enjoying the heat coming from you as you move between her tits. Natty adjusts her hands as you thrust, giving herself the space to pinch her nipples. Small moans escape her lips as she enjoys herself. “Keep going,” Natty moans as your cock begins to throb between her tits. She puts her head down, taking you into her mouth as you blow your load. Her hand cups your balls, massaging them as she gratefully accepts every drop of cum you give her. Her tongue moves along the tip, swirling around it as you finish giving Natty her treat. She licks her lips, ensuring no drop escapes before taking your hand and getting to her feet.
“It’s time for you to make me feel good.” She says, turning around and leaning against the railing.  Natty unbuttons her shorts and pulls them off. Her legs shake as the cold air hits them. She looks over her shoulder at you, “Could you help me?” You press your body against hers, slipping your hand under her swimsuit, snaking your way down to her slit. Natty’s body jerks as she feels your fingers tease her. “That’s- not what I meant,” Natty moans as you push your fingers inside her warm cunt. You grab one of her tits with your other hand, squeezing it as you rub your cock against her ass. 
“You wanted me to make you feel good. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing the swimsuit or not.” You whisper as your fingers in deeper. Natty’s whines grow louder; she turns back around, seeing the distant lights of the homes below for the first time. Her walls grow tighter around your fingers. You slow down, massaging her tits and pulling your fingers out of her. As Natty is about to complain, you move them around her clit, making her knees go weak. 
“I need you,” Natty whines, shutting her eyes as she focuses on the pleasure she gets from your fingers. “I need you inside me.” Your hands leave Natty’s body as you pull down her swimsuit, letting it fall on the floor and leaving her naked. You reach back between Natty’s legs, tapping her cunt with your fingers and making her gasp.”Please,” She begs, pushing her hips against you. 
You press your cock against her entrance, aligning yourself and slowly pushing inside. Natty’s warm walls cling to you, and she lets out a long groan. Natty isn’t satisfied yet; she moves her hips back, forcing your length inside her, impaling herself on your cock. “Good girl,” You groan before pulling out and ramming your cock back in. Natty throws her head back and leans her body against yours, turning her head slightly. You press your lips against Natty’s, your tongue exploring her mouth as you grab her tits and begin thrusting. Her muffled moans are quick and constant as your cock stretches her out, filling her pussy. Natty places her hands over yours; her eyes are shut as she revels in the pleasure. 
Once you break the kiss, Natty begins moaning loudly, every thrust making her moan louder. “You’ll get someone’s attention if you keep doing that.” You groan, picking up your pace. Natty’s eyes open slowly, growing wider as she feels her orgasm coming.
“It feels too good!” Natty cries as she places her hands on the railing. You move your hands down to Natty’s waist and move faster, with each thrust you’re striking against her womb. Her grip on the railings grows tighter as she comes closer to her climax. Natty’s walls clamp down on your cock, squeezing you tightly, desperate for your cum. You continue thrusting, planting desperate kisses along her back before driving your cock deep into her cunt and cumming inside her. Natty’s cries of pleasure reach their peak as your cum pours into her. The lights beside your balcony flicker on, and you quickly drag Natty inside. Your cum sloshing around inside her as you remain connected. You shut the door and place yourself on the bed, Natty sitting on your lap. She turns her head, and you kiss her; your hands wander her body, leaving loving touches on her as you both calm down. 
“So, how was that?” You ask her as you move your hand around her clit.
“Great. I want more…let’s go another round.” Natty says breathlessly as she turns around and straddles you. You smile and spank her, “Is that a yes?” She asks before kissing you as your night of passion continues.
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