onomastic-dustbin · 1 year
Some names created by replacing the letter H in familiar given names with the letter Y:
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natyanindiasia-blog · 6 years
Sei la Figlia che non ho! 
La scelta di essere solo mi dona le due inevitabili facce di ogni medaglia…
Mi regala libertà e privazioni…
Quando ti incontro per strada, sei per un attimo la figlia che io non ho…
Ed è certamente un bene per te… per me… che tu abbia genitori migliori…
Ti avrei straviziata senza sosta, se fossi stato tuo padre…
Non avrei potuto resistere di fronte ai tuoi occhi, al tuo sorriso, al tuo sguardo…
Con troppa facilità avresti potuto strapparmi promesse, regali, perfino richieste impossibili, come quando un poeta si rende disponibile a catturare la luna, credendo di poterla sorprendere, pur di far felice l’Amata…
E guai a chi ti avrebbe torto un capello…
Guai a chi ti avrebbe dato torto pur avendo tu torto…
Non sarei stato obiettivo, perché l’Amore emotivo protegge ad occhi chiusi, senza calcoli, senza logica… e ti avrei cresciuta sbagliata…
Mi sarei sentito fragile di fronte alle tue malinconie…
Impotente, di fronte ai tuoi dolori sui quali non avrei potuto avere alcun controllo…
Avrei sofferto terribilmente nel vedermi incapace di renderti davvero felice…
Così ti incontro per strada… per un solo attimo… per pochi momenti… per donarti la miseria di un sorriso… di una piccola emozione…
Per poi vederti allontanare con la speranza che tu abbia un padre migliore di quello che avrei potuto essere io…
A volte vorrei perfino fermarti di più…
Regalarti davvero la Luna per ringraziarti per avermi donato il tuo sorriso… il tuo sguardo… i tuoi occhi…
Ma non arrivo mai ad essere così crudele con me stesso… da permettere che un soffio di malinconia…
Diventi una tempesta nostalgica…
Ti lascio allora con il ricordo di un mio sorriso che…
Anche se solo per un attimo…
E’ stato il caldo e amorevole sguardo di un genitore immaginario che ha fatto breccia nel tuo Cuore… in un momento di solitudine…
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suryagayatri · 6 years
She is Bright! - natyan Studio Gayatri Monza
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yel-halansu · 4 years
Can you share some of your favorite teachings of Surak, please?
-Dakh pthak. Nam-tor ri ret na'fan-kitok fa tu dakh pthak. (Cast out fear. There is no room for anything else until you cast out fear.)
-Shiyau thol'es k'thorai ri k'ahm. (Nobility lies in action not in name.)
-Nufau au sochya - yi dungi ma tu sochya. (Offer them peace, then you will have peace.)
-Spunau bolayalar t'Wehku bolayalar t'Zamu il t'Veh. (The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.)
-Tilek svi'khaf-spol t'vathu - tilek svi'sha'veh. (The spear in the other's heart is the spear in your own.)
-Nam-tor ri thrap wilat nem-tor rim. (There is no offense where none is taken.)
-Ri vath kau eh ri vath rok nam-tor na'etek hi etek kau-tor. (There is no other wisdom and no other hope for us but that we grow wise.)
-Ma etek natyan teretuhr lau etek shetau weh-lo'uk do tum t'on (We have differences. May we, together, become greater than the sum of both of us.)
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flewis · 3 years
Natyan dyed her hair. She looks so pretty 🧡🧡🧡
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heylogoinspirations · 5 years
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👈 Nicolas Alexander by Scott Natyan (Tag if known) - 👉 www.logoinspirations.co/learn - ✅ LEARN LOGO DESIGN👇👇 @learnlogodesign @learnlogodesign https://www.instagram.com/p/BzKyre8l_nV/?igshid=103yc32vabiw8
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speakvulcantome · 6 years
Ma etek natyan teretuhr lau etek shetau weh-lo'uk do tum t'on.
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We have differences. May we, together, become greater than the sum of both of us.
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helpforneedyy · 4 years
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Thanks to Mr. Satnam Singh Natyan Sir and Ajit Singh Natyan Sir for Donating today's Food For Needy On the occasion of "shaheedi diwas of Guru Arjan Devji" Join Us To Help Needy FOOD FOR NEEDY Every Afternoon and Evening feeding 200+ people near Civil Hospital, maternity ward, Belgaum From 2018 EDUCATION FOR NEEDY We started Free Education Classes for students of Government School's every day morning 8:30 to 9:30 for Mathematics, Science and English HELP FOR NEEDY The first who gives free transport for Dead Body from hospital to home in Belgaum. From 2019 If anyone is interested they can join us! Or contact to the below mentioned number. Food For Needy 8618993767 Food for NEEDY helping as per its capacity so those who possible can join hand by donation. On 9880089798 vai Googlepay. Thank you (at Civil Hospital-ER) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAshMAEJI7D/?igshid=g13eq8g9f124
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logodesignr · 7 years
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Iwy Babies logo by Scott Natyan
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logocorellc · 7 years
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Iwy Babies logo by Scott Natyan Source: Tumblr | Curated by logoCore
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natyanindiasia-blog · 6 years
Perché Poesia? 
Per non cadere nella tentazione di parlare di cose che non so…
Per non essere così stupido da condividere il veleno degli ignoranti…
Per difendere me stesso dalla noia di colui che copia notizie dal vicino di banco…
Con il rischio di copiare un compito errato…
Per non cadere nella trappola degli ammalati di complottismo…
Nell’oscuro bisogno di vittimismo…
Nella presunzione orgogliosa di pontificare, predicare, incitare e fare guerre per la pace nel mondo…
Mi rifugio così nel nulla dei miei pensieri…
Nella melodia del vivi e lascia vivere di antica memoria…
Tenendomi fuori dal ridicolo del fanatismo…
Dall’imbarazzante pretesa di coloro che proclamano di voler risolvere i problemi del mondo…
Quando non sono nemmeno capaci di illuminare il tetro buio che hanno in se stessi…
La brutta razza non dipende da questioni etniche…
Dipende piuttosto da che razza di robaccia ti porti dentro tutti i santi giorni…
Di qualunque colore tu sia…
Ecco il motivo per cui amo rifugiarmi…
Nella vacuità solare di un’innocua Poesia…
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suryagayatri · 5 years
Programma Settimanale Studio Gayatri da: Lun. 01 Aprile a Dom. 07 Aprile 2019
dalle 18.00 alle 19.30 In Forma con la Voce con Valeria https://www.studiogayatri.com/…/voce-canto-armonizzazione-…/
dalle 20.30 alle 21.30 Riflessioni Meditative con natyan https://www.studiogayatri.com/incon…/riflessioni-meditative/
Martedì dalle 18.30 alle 19.30 Yoga Integrale con surya https://www.studiogayatri.com/c…/corsi-orientali/yoga-monza/
dalle 20.00 alle 21.00 Yoga Terapeutico con surya https://www.studiogayatri.com/…/cor…/yoga-terapeutico-surya/
dalle 21.15 alle 22.15 Yoga Integrale con Ilham https://www.studiogayatri.com/c…/corsi-orientali/yoga-monza/
Mercoledì dalle 10.00 alle 11.00 Yoga Integrale con surya https://www.studiogayatri.com/c…/corsi-orientali/yoga-monza/
dalle 20.00 alle 21.00 Yoga Integrale con Ilham https://www.studiogayatri.com/c…/corsi-orientali/yoga-monza/
Giovedì dalle 10.15 alle 11.45 Marketing Etico con natyan https://www.studiogayatri.com/…/comunicazi…/marketing-etico/
dalle 18.30 alle 19.30 Yoga Integrale con surya https://www.studiogayatri.com/c…/corsi-orientali/yoga-monza/
dalle 20.30 alle 21.30 Meditazione con surya https://www.studiogayatri.com/incont…/meditazione-di-gruppo/
Sabato dalle 09.30 alle 17.30 Corso Shiatsu con Ilham https://www.studiogayatri.com/…/corso-pratico-shiatsu-esse…/
dalle 09.30 alle 18.00 Autostima con surya https://www.studiogayatri.com/…/autos…/fiducia-in-se-stessi/
Domenica dalle 09.30 alle 12.00 PNF con natyan https://www.studiogayatri.com/…/pnf-diventa-consulente-fil…/
dalle 10.15 alle 12.00 Emotional Yoga con surya https://www.studiogayatri.com/…/corsi-orien…/emotional-yoga/
Grazie di Cuore per l'Attenzione <3 Studio Gayatri
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automaticvr · 6 years
Dedicated to the Wonderful Chany - natyan Studio Gayatri Monza Dedicato alla meravigliosa Chany e al suo piccolo angelo di nome Kanoon. Chany lavora nelle vicinanze di un grosso centro commerciale di Bangkok. Ha poco tempo a disposizione, perciò ci diamo appuntamento proprio lì dove, per amor di cronaca, pur essendo molto più grande di quello di Orio al Serio, sono stato autorizzato a scattare tutte le foto che desidero e a video-riprendere qualunque cosa. Siamo tutti visibilmente emozionati ma il bimbo di Chany non è abituato a vedere stranieri perciò è impaurito. Metto allora in atto tutto il mio “infantilismo” per poterlo conquistare e tranquillizzare: “Non ti voglio portare via la mamma!” Al termine dell’appuntamento Chany è commossa, vorrebbe vederci ancora ma è impegnata con il lavoro. Niente paura! Per Amore questo e altro! Così andiamo a farle visita, due giorni dopo, dove presta servizio. Sono i momenti in cui vorrei che le distanze si annientassero e che tutti i Mondi si incontrassero nella realtà come avviene nel regno virtuale. Dedicated to the wonderful Chany and her little angel Kanoon. Chany works near a large shopping mall in Bangkok. We have little time available, so we meet right there where, for the sake of news, despite being much larger than that of Orio al Serio, I have been authorized to take all the photos I want and video-resume anything. We are all visibly excited but Chany's baby is not used to seeing strangers so he is scared. Then I put in place all my "infantilism" to be able to conquer and reassure: "I do not want to take away my mother!" At the end of the appointment, Chany is moved, she would like to see us again but is busy with work. No fear! For Love this and more! So we go to visit her, two days later, where she serves. These are the moments when I would like the distances to be annihilated and that all the Worlds would meet in reality as it happens in the virtual realm. #Bangkok #Chany #Kanoon #thailand #natyan #studiogayatrimonza natyan http://bit.ly/2TzegQn
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flewis · 3 years
Head is only full of thoughts of Natyan
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Help me. I'm so in love
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lazarusisgogo · 8 years
The chronology of Star Trek absolutely makes me want to die because while in terms of episode order This Side Of Paradise is right before Devil In The Dark, the actual order is City On The Edge Of Forever, then a number of episodes including Return Of The Archons, Errand Of Mercy, and Devil In The Dark, all episodes in which we see some of the best teamwork and camaraderie between Jim and Spock, and then Operation Annihilate. 
Okay, so we have City On The Edge Of Forever, where Jim falls for a Spock surrogate, where Jim talks to Edith about how helping others and the phrase “let me help you” is more powerful even than “I love you” and then chronologically we have several episodes in which Spock literally embodies the concept of “let me help you” because we have all these episodes that are totally centered on the teamwork between Jim and Spock, culminating in the episode that actually aired next, which is Operation Annihilate where Spock literally says the words “Jim, let me help” even as Jim is mourning Spock’s blindness, the thought of losing Spock, of having hurt Spock, caring more about Spock than his own family, etc. Okay, great. 
So to recap: in The City On The Edge Of Forever, Jim falls in love with a surrogate for an unavailable Spock, worries that he and Spock won’t end up together, and Spock struggles with his feelings for the captain (”Captain -- even when he doesn’t say it he does” hmm I wonder what else is going unsaid). Then technically there are two episodes in between Operation Annihilate and Amok Time. 
One of these is Metamorphosis, in which Jim and Spock encounter Zefram Cochrane and the Companion, a sentient creature composed largely of electricity that has a “female” personality and is in love with Cochrane (to Cochrane’s dismay). Jim spends the episode trying to convince the Companion to let Cochrane go. He argues that Cochrane and the Companion are too different. He argues that humans need obstacles to overcome. Meanwhile, the Commissioner who is down on the planet expressed confusion over Cochrane’s attitude -- that someone would reject love when it is offered to them. Jim argues that if the Companion loves Cochrane, it will let him go -- a sacrifice of its happiness for his. But the Companion is what has been keeping Cochrane alive all this time. Without the Companion, he will die. Ultimately, the Companion inhabits the body of the Commissioner as she finally succumbs to her illness. The Companion now has a human form with which to love Cochrane, and the two of them stay on the planet. 
Cool, so we have a direct fucking parallel to Jim and Spock: the refusal of love freely offered out of fear of what is different, strange, and unknown; love bridging difference and species; conforming and sacrificing an alien identity for the love of a human; etc. Also, in this episode Jim is hung up on ideas of femaleness, arguing that maleness and femaleness are universal constants that seek each other out in love. Clearly Jim is still hung up on Edith -- more accurately, what Edith represented to him i.e. an attainable love that reminded him of his relationship with Spock -- and deals with this by projecting his loss onto Cochrane, urging Cochrane to leave the planet, to reject the Companion’s love. Which, of course, Spock sees, and interprets as Jim rejecting the idea of love, rejecting the idea of a love that is foreign, not human, sees Jim emphasize the importance of femaleness in love and knows he can’t have Jim. Meanwhile, the episode ends with Jim, referring to the Commissioner’s death, saying "I'm sure the Federation can find another woman, somewhere, who'll stop that war." Hmm, I wonder if Jim could be referring once again to Edith, once again to the idea that he will find a woman who could stop his internal war, his feelings for Spock.
And then, finally we have Amok Time. Jim shocked to discover that Spock is engaged, and to a woman no less. Jim, shocked by Spock’s vulnerability, rawness, emotion. Jim, willing to do anything for his friend. Spock, fighting the pon farr that very obviously wants Jim. Spock, letting Jim in, as hard as it is. Spock, whose plak tow vanishes after his “fight” with Jim. Who cares far more about Jim than about T’Pring’s rejection. Spock, who says “having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting.” Spock who finally “had” his captain....and killed him (or so he thinks.) Spock, who perhaps is thinking about Jim and Edith, about Jim’s heartbreak. And then, of course, learns that Jim is alive and well, shows his true emotions, his joy and love.
But wait! It doesn’t end there! Because, chronologically, Amok Time is immediately followed by This Side Of Paradise. Where Spock is affected by spores that make him happy, emotional, loving. He “falls in love” with Leila Kalomi, who he had met several years before the mission, who loved him and who he had feelings for but could not reciprocate her affections. Leila, who is honey blonde with soft eyes, much like someone else we know. Spock tells Jim that the planet it “a true Eden” and Jim once again retorts (just like in Metamorphosis) that without struggle and challenge, humans stagnate. “I don't know what I can offer against paradise” Jim laments in his Captain’s Log. What could he possibly offer Spock that is better than this untroubled euphoria? So Jim has to break Spock out of his bliss, attacking him, insulting him, insulting his heritage, calling him a half-breed, a computer, telling him he could never truly love Leila, telling Spock that he is a freak who belongs in a circus. As Spock is about to kill Jim in his rage, Jim’s touch on his bare wrist stops him. A direct parallel to Amok Time. Spock tells Leila that he cannot stay with her, that he has a duty to the ship and his captain. “I am what I am, Leila. And if there are self-made purgatories, then we all have to live in them. Mine can be no worse than someone else's.” 
In fact, let’s break down some exact quotes from this episode:
1. “Emotions are alien to me. I'm a scientist.” - Spock
Spock, deep in denial about his emotions, despite the fact that his clear emotions for Jim were made clear in Amok Time, preceding this very episode.
2. When Spock is in pain after being hit with the spores Leila says: “It didn't hurt us.” Spock replies: “I am not like you.”
Spock, who is in pain as his emotions are ripped from his control and forced to the surface, all the pain, rejection, disappointment, and loss he’s felt associated with attempts at love and happiness.
3. “I love you. I can love you.” - Spock, to Leila, after the spores
Spock, shocked to realize that he feels no shame in his emotions, no impediment to his ability to feel love and, moreover, to feel loved. Free from repressing himself, from hiding, from shame.
4. “Man stagnates if he has no ambition, no desire to be more than he is.” - Jim, talking to Spock about the drawbacks of an “Eden”
Jim, referencing the fact that he needs Spock and Spock needs him, that they are better together, challenging each other and bringing out the best in one another. Sounds familiar: Ma etek natyan teretuhr lau etek shetau weh-lo'uk do tum t'on // We have differences. May we, together, become greater than the sum of both of us. (Surak)
5. “And you've got the gall to make love to that girl!” - Jim, mid-rant, taunting Spock into violence
Why would Jim bring this up in his criticism of Spock, in trying to make Spock angry, if not in reference to Spock being a traitor? He refers to Spock being sub-human, and implies that such a lowly being should not be with a human, but reading between the lines clearly indicates that this, to Jim, is a betrayal as much as Spock’s mutiny.
6. “I have little to say about it, captain. Except that for the first time in my life, I was happy.” - Spock, when Jim asks him about the spores and the experience
Spock, acknowledging that he understands what it is to be happy; that is, he understands what it is to be able to express him emotions, to love and to be loved without judgment or shame. Spock has experienced happiness before, although he would not allow himself to experience it for long, or to enjoy it, but this particularly is a form of happiness Spock has never known. The spores did not make him happy, but they allowed him to experience the happiness that he has so long denied himself: love.
So, to recap: Jim and Spock both fall in love with surrogates for each other that are ultimately ripped away from them and they return to the ship and to one another, realizing that no one can replace or be an adequate substitute for each other while simultaneously feeling more than ever like love is out of reach for them, an unattainable fantasy.
There is.........so much more to discuss but the arc from City On The Edge Of Forever to This Side Of Paradise is extremely and absolutely cursed thank you for your time.
@spoko @swishyspock i blame these blogs for making me think about this last night and type up this cursed post this morning
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batexamin · 7 years
Interesting Facts about Tamil Nadu
Tamilnadu General Knowledge (GK) Questions and Answers 2018
  Brief Introduction about Tamil Nadu: About Tamil Nadu – The State of Tamil Nadu lies in the southern most part of India. Its official and widely spoken language is Tamil. There are 32 districts present in Tamil Nadu. Chennai formerly known as Madras is the Capital City of Tamil Nadu. Also, Chennai is the largest city of the state. Motto of the State is ‘Truth alone Triumph’. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people. This state is the largest producer of banana , turmeric , tapioca and second largest producer of Mango , Coconut and ground nut.
Interesting Facts about Tamil Nadu
  Government of Tamil Nadu: Governor          – Banwari Lal Purohit Chief Minister – Edappadi K. Palaniswami High Court       – Madras High Court
12 Interesting, Unknown, and Fun Facts About Tamil Nadu
  State Symbols : Dance   – Bharathanatiyam Animal – Niligiri Tahr Bird      – Emerald Dove Tree      – Palm Tree Flower  – Gloriosa Lily Sport    – Kabbadi
6 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Tamil
  Wildlife sanctuaries: Grizzled Squirrel Wildlife Sanctuary Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary Kalakaadu Mudanthurai Wildlife Sanctuary Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary Sathyamangalam Wildlife Sanctuary   National Parks: Indira Gandhi National Park Mudumalai National Park Mukurthi National Park Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park Guindy National Park Kodaikanal Wildlife Sanctuary   Biosphere Reserves: The Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve Agasthiyamalai Biosphere Reserve   World Heritage Sites in Tamil Nadu: Brihdeeswarar Temple at Thanjavur Gangaikonda Cholapuram Temple at Jayakondam Airavateswara Temple at Darasuram Monuments of Mahabalipuram at Chennai   Rivers and Dams: Aliyar Dam                                  –  Aliyar River Amaravathi Dam                        –  Amaravati River Bhavanisagar Dam                     –  Bhavani River Grand Anicut Dam (Kallanai)  – Cauvery River Mettur Dam                                  – Cauvery River Sathanur Dam                              – Pennaiyaru River Pechiparai Dam                           – Kodayar River Mukkadal Dam                            – Vambaru River Vaigai Dam                                   – Vaigai River   Famous Places in Tamil Nadu: Marina Beach, world’s second largest beach is located in Chennai the capital of Tamil Nadu. Meenakshi Amman Temple is a Hindu temple located on the southern bank of the Vaigai River in the temple city of Madurai. It was on the list of top 30 nominees for the “New Seven Wonders of the World”. Kanyakumari beach has its own importance were Bay of Bengal, Arabian sea and Indian ocean meets. Vivekananda Rock Memorial, Gandhi Museum, Thanjavur Temple are other famous places.   Famous Dances: Bharat Natyan is the popular traditional dance of the state. Kolattam, Karagam, and Mayilattam are famous folk dances.   Famous Personalities in Tamil Nadu: Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam, 11th President of India was born and raised in Tamil Nadu. Sir C.V Raman was a known Indian Physicist, won Nobel prize in Physics. The Great Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan who made significant contributions to mathematical analysis, number theory, and continued fractions was born in Erode,Tamil Nadu. M.S. Subbulakshmi was a famous carnatic vocalist belongs to Tamil Nadu. She was the first musician to be awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honour. Viswanathan Anand origin of Tamil Nadu, is an Indian chess Grandmaster and former World Chess Champion. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan is an Indian structural biologist, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry MS Swaminathan, Father of Green Revolution in India, belonged to Tamil Nadu. AR Rahman or the Mozart of Madras, the Academy Award Winner, is also from Tamil Nadu.   Nuclear Power Stations: Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam. Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, Kudankulam   Thermal Power Stations: Neyveli Thermal Power Station, Cuddalore. Mettur Thermal Power Station, Salem. Ennore Thermal Power Station, Chennai.   Other Facts Major Ports – Madras & Tuticorin Tirukkural, which was written nearly two millennia ago portrays a universal outlook. Tamil is the first Indian Language to attain Classical Language Status Tamil Nadu is often referred to as ‘a land of temples’ and Tamils are proud of the religious traditions and follow them strictly. The World’s First Granite Temple is the Brihadeswara temple at Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The M. A. Chidambaram Stadium or Chepauk Stadium is a cricket stadium in Chennai. The stadium was established in 1916 and it the oldest continuously used cricket stadium in the country.  
TamilNadu General Knowledge Questions and Answers
We have compiled some important frequently asked questions related to Tamilnadu GK with Answers 1. Which Chief minister have been appointed maximum number of times ? (A) M Karunanidhi (B) M G Ramachandran (C) J Jayalalithaa (D) C Raja gopalachari (Ans : A) 2. Tamilnadu Capital City Chennai is formerly known as ? (A) Madras (B) Chennapur (C) Chennapatti (D) None of these (Ans : A) 3. What is the area of Tamil Nadu? (A) 50,215 sq. mi. (B) 77,857 sq. mi. (C) 36,523 sq. mi. (D) 28,412 sq. mi. (Ans : A) 4. Total Number of Districts of Tamilnadu state ? (A) 34 (B) 32 (C) 28 (D) 30 (Ans : B) 5. Number of International Airports in Tamilnadu ? (A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 2 (Ans : C) 6. Which water body is to the east of Tamil Nadu? (A) Gulf of Kutch (B) Bay of Bengal (C) Gulf of Cambay (D) Arabian Sea (Ans : B) 7. Which state is to the west of Tamil Nadu? (A) Orissa (B) Kerala (C) Maharashtra (D) Nagaland (Ans : B) 8. Which ocean is to the south of Tamil Nadu? (A) Atlantic (B) Pacific (C) Indian (D) Antarctic (Ans : C) 9. Which strait separates Tamil Nadu from Sri Lanka? (A) Cook (B) Torres (C) Davis (D) Palk (Ans : D)
Tamilnadu General Knowledge (GK) Questions and Answers 2018
  10. How was Tamil Nadu formerly known? (A) Madras (B) Ootacamund (C) Golconda (D) Vanga (Ans : A) 11. Which is the southernmost point of Tamil Nadu? (A) Blair Point (B) Cape Horn (C) Castle Point (D) Cape Comorin (Ans : D) 12. Which is the highest point in Tamil Nadu? (A) Kudremukh (B) Pachmarhi (C) Doda Betta (D) Guru Peak (Ans : C) 13. Which party came to power in Tamil Nadu in 1967? (A) CPI (B) TDP (C) PWP (D) DMK (Ans : D) 14. Who was Tamil Nadu’s first non-Congress chief minister? (A) C. Rajagopalachari (B) M. Karunanidhi (C) C. Annadurai (D) K. Kamaraj (Ans : C) 15. What is the state fruit of Tamilnadu ? (A) Banana (B) Mango (C) Guava (D) jackfruit (Ans : D)
TNPSC - General Knowledge Today
  16. Mid day meal scheme in Tamilnadu was Introduced by Which former Chief minister ? (A) K Kamraj (B) M G Ramachandran (C) M Karunanidhi (D) None of these (Ans : A) 17. The DANIDA-TNAHCP initiative of Tamil nadu is related to which among the following sectors? (A) Infrastructure (B) Health (C) Education (D) Industry (Ans : B) 18. Total number of Loksabha Constituencies in Tamilnadu ? (A) 42 (B) 25 (C) 36 (D) 39 (Ans : D) 19. In how many zones, the Greater Chennai Police Commissionerate has been divided in Tamil Nadu? (A) Three (B) Four (C) Five (D) Six (Ans : B) 20. In which of the following district Indira Gandhi wild life sanctuary & national park is located ? (A) Dharmapuri district (B) Coimbatore district (C) Karur (D) Theni (Ans : B) 21. From the following Which Public sector bank headquarters is located in Tamilnadu state ? (A) Bank of Baroda (B) Canara bank (C) Union bank of India (D) Indian Overseas bank (Ans : B) 22. In which year, name Chennai from Madras was officially changed ? (A) 1993 (B) 1995 (C) 1997 (D) 1998 (Ans : B) 23. In which year, Madras State was renamed as Tamilnadu? (A) 1960 (B) 1963 (C) 1969 (D) 1972 (Ans : C) 24. What is the name of seat of Corporation of Chennai? (A) Chelmsford Building (B) Ripon Building (C) Cornwallis Building (D) Dalhousie Building (Ans : B) 25. Vijayalaya Chola established Which of the following as new capital ? (A) Madurai (B) Thanjavur (C) Krishnagiri (D) Tiruchi (Ans : B) 26. Koodal is old name of Which city ? (A) Tiruppur (B) Tirunelveli (C) Madurai (D) None of these (Ans : C)
Tamilnadu General Knowledge-Current Affairs-Tamil Nadu State GK
  27. Which City is largest Knitwear exporter ? (A) Salem (B) Coimbatore (C) Andipatti (D) Tirupur (Ans : C) 28. From the following Which city is called “Manchestar of South India ” ? (A) Coimbatore (B) Chennai (C) Tirunelveli (D) Namakkal (Ans : A) 29. Which of the following state is North to Tamilnadu ? (A) Kerala (B) Karnataka (C) Andhra pradesh (D) None of these (Ans : C) 30. What is the Rank of Tamilnadu among Indian states by area ? (A) 14 (B) 3 (C) 9 (D) 11 (Ans : D) 31. Yercaud hill station is located in Which district ? (A) Tiruchirappalli (B) Salem (C) Erode (D) Tirunelveli (Ans : B) 32. Theni distict is split from Which district in 1997 ? (A) Madurai (B) Coimbatore (C) Tiruchirappalli (D) None of these (Ans : A) 33. In 1956 there are...................number of districts in Tamilnadu ? (A) 19 (B) 20 (C) 24 (D) 13 (Ans : D) 34. Whose nickname is “Mango of Salem” ? (A) K Kamaraj (B) PT Rajan (C) C Raja gopalachari (D) M Karunanidhi (Ans : C) 35. In which year Madras state was renamed as Tamilnadu ? (A) 1952 (B) 1962 (C) 1966 (D) 1969 (Ans : D) 36. “Amma Unavagam” scheme provides? (A) Subsidized fertilizers at low prices (B) Free Purified Water for families (C) Subsidized food at low prices (D) Free meals for pilgrims at Temples (Ans : C) 37. Who amongst the following is acknowledged as “king Maker” ? (A) M Karunanidhi (B) K Kamraj (C) C Rajagopalachari (D) None of these (Ans : B) 38. In Which year AIADMK party is founded ? (A) 1967 (B) 1974 (C) 1971 (D) 1972 (Ans : D) 39. Who is the founder of AIADMK ? (A) C Annadurai (B) M G Ramachandran (C) J Jayalalithaa (D) None of these (Ans : B)
Tamilnadu GK Quiz & Current Affairs 2018
40.Which of the following dam is built on Kaveri river ? (A) Mettur dam (B) Dudhawa dam (C) Almatti dam (D) Mullaperiyar dam (Ans : A)   Read the full article
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