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Young Indigenous Film Maker, Shaandiin Tome (Navajo), will have her film, Mud premier at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival. Its inspiring to see our young people dream big and make their dream a reality, no matter what they may be.
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Summer session has begun and now it’s human anatomy. 😅 My study areas are not terribly glamorous, mostly because we have little room after housing the family. I do what I can.
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Repost @_kittykill_ #internationalindigenouspeoplesday #worldsindigenouspeoplesday #internationalindigenousday #worldsindigenouspeople #indigenouspeople #indigenous #internationalday #international #indigenousrights #humanrights #indigenousrightsarehumanrights #indigenousrising #strengthnpride #strengthnprideapparel #strengthnprideapparel #strengthnpridewarrior #warrior #strengthandpride #strength #pride #resiliance #native #nativewoman #navajo #navajowoman
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Painting By: Jaque Fragua 
Desert Woman (1986)
desert women know
about survival
fierce heat and cold
have burned and thickened
our skin. like cactus
we’ve learned to hoard,
to sprout deep roots, 
to seem asleep, yet wake
at the scent of softness
in the air, to hide
pain and loss by silence,
no branches wail
or whisper our sad songs
safe behind our thorns
don’t be deceived.
when we bloom, we stun.
-Par Mora
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Two weeks left of the spring semester. I’m feeling it. Mostly I’m focusing on Chemistry because that’s the most important grade.
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I am sooo surprised that I still remember this stuff.
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Sigh. I have so much to do and not enough time. I can’t cut sleep or running or working. So I do the best I can.
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Something lit me on fire.
I decided to post. Presently, I’m taking four classes, all prereqs: Nutrition. Chemistry. History. Cultural Anthropology. Not even going to entertain the wisdom of going full time and working full time. Can’t imagine it’s any less stressful or easier than the first year of med school.
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