#nct dream space au
thatsatricky1 · 5 months
𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Angst, Fantasy, Fluff, Gaming, Humour, Sci-fi, Thriller.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 5,4k+
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Swearing, character death, angst, anxious scenes, break down scenes, if you have a fear of space dni.
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: This does not depict an accurate picture of Nct Dream and this is strictly fantasy/fiction for entertainment purposes.
Author note: Hey hey, while everyone is waiting on chapter updates for my fic series’ here’s a little angsty fic :)
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The constant hum coming from the ship had become a barely noticeable background noise to the crew onboard the ship after two years in space.
Light steps tapped against the metal corridor floor heading towards the main area of the ship. Where their makeshift living room,kitchen and dining area was. It also happened to be their meeting room too.
Seven people already waited in the meeting area, seated at the metal table. The gravity was turned on and usually stayed on if they could. Floating around wasn’t always the most practical way to get around or live. All seven heard the familiar footsteps coming their way from their eighth crew member.
Y/n’s figure appeared as the metal doors opened with a quiet whoosh. Freshly bathed as her hair was still damp, but not damp enough to need a towel. Her pace was average in no rush as she made her way towards the meeting area, sitting between Renjun and Donghyuck in the last spot left.
Mark stood up as soon as she was seated to officially start the meeting, a weekly report meeting.
“Since everyone is here we can start the meeting. It shouldn't take too long.” He explained. A sentence he said quite often to start the meetings enough the Chenle had mouthed it silently toward Y/n who just shook her head amused.
Mark moved to sit back down at the head of the table looking around at everyone. Each person reports briefly on their assigned expert area’s. The last report to be spoken on was Y/n’s.
”Everyone already reported what I’ve observed for the week so I’lol just report on my specific area.” She offered while tapping against her tablet to bring up her brief notes.
Y/n was specifically chosen as the medically licensed doctor on board, but was also picked to help out in all areas when a second or third pair of hands were ended due to her excelled studies in basic area’s outside of her specific area.
“Alright, from casual week progress everyone is in the green zone with minimum injuries this week.” Y/n read off her notes, eyes scanning their latest vital signs. No one particularly intensely on this note as it happened every weekly report.
“Though I should remind you all that the physical check ups are next week.” Her words finally catch their attention.
Physical check ups happened every six months, as it was a requirement during their time onboard. This specific check up was overdue by three months, meaning they hadn’t had one in nine months due to schedule conflicts.
“What day?” Chenle asked out curiously, leaning forward in his seat, his chest abdomen touching the cooled metal table.
“Everyone will get a check up on different days, since the check up was delayed they will take longer than normal. Starting in two days we’ll go from oldest to youngest, one a day for seven days.” Y/n replied to his question smoothly as she placed her tablet on the table.
Chenle let out a whistle at the fact it would be long physicals to the point Y/n wanted to only do one check up a day.
“Alright, I think that’s a good way to go about it. I’m the oldest so I’m first up on Monday.” Mark agreed to her structure on the situation.
The crew never stopped going by the week days, dates, time and calendar overall. It was the way they could keep a little sanity stuck in a metal box up in space. Keeping a somewhat good sleep schedule for most of them, but a few suffered through insomniac tendencies.
“Don’t forget to fast the afternoon beforehand as well, we will be doing blood draw tests too.” She added on as a reminder since certain crew members tend to be ‘forgetful’ about that. Jisung looked away as her eyes met his when she spoke, one of those crew members she’d been mentioning.
The meeting continued for about thirty more minutes nearing the end of it.
“I just think we should change up the group music playlist when we play it over the intercom. I'm tired of hearing the same songs over and over again.” Donghyuck groaned, clearly pressed about it.
Y/n sighed refraining from pinching the bridge of her nose instead standing up needing to stretch her legs from sitting still for that long, Renjun’s hand absentmindedly following her as he fiddled lightly with her combat pants pocket.
“It’s an open playlist Donghyuck, you can add and remove songs anytime.” Y/n explained slowly as he looked up at her about to open his mouth to say something only to be cut off abruptly before he could even start.
A large sharp groan came from the as something hit the side of the east wall. The ship shifted and jerked at the sudden impact with no warning.
Y/n’s eyes widening as she lost her footing feeling her body jerk in the direction of the table, Renjun’s grip on her pocket not being tight enough in that moment to help as his fingers were ripped away from it with force as her side made harsh contact with the metal table side.
A pained noise escaped her lips at the sudden brutal pain shooting through her ribs as it spread around her side.
“Damage detected on East wall, Bay c. Object unknown, damage warning, immediate attention required.” A robotic voice alerted over intercoms.
“Y/n-” Mark stood up once the ship stilled, eyebrows creasing in worry for her but was cut off as she stood up straight holding one hand against her side and the other up to stop him.
“I’m fine, we need to check what that was and why the warning system didn’t pick it up in time before it hit.” Y/n brushed off her pain holding back a wince, slightly winded.
Mark stared at her for a second but the robotic intercom repeated what it had said beforehand and that’s all it took for Mark to nod at her and start blaring orders left and right.
“Renjun, Donghyuck you're with me, we will go to the controls. Chenle and Jisung go down to the panels to make sure everything is still working. Jeno, Jaemin and Y/n suit up, you’re heading out. We’ll need all three of you out there to see what damage was dealt to the east wall.” The orders were flying from his mouth naturally.
“Hang on would it make sense for me to go out, Y/n just got her ribs crushed by metal if you forgot.” Chenle argued, glancing over at where her hand was subtly still rubbing soothing circles into her side.
“Chenle you’ve been outside once, it’s too risky for you out there in an emergency, Jeno and Jaemin can’t be distracted. Y/n has more experience.” Mark denied his suggestion without a second of hesitation focused on the state of the ship.
Chenle bit back a retort grabbing Jisung hand to tug him away down towards the panel room, the two not exactly okay with it since the panel room was furthest down and was a black spot, no communications got through down there.
Jisung hand lightly grazed Y/n’s shoulder as the two passed in a silent way of worrying over her without having to say anything. She patted his back as he passed in return.
With that Y/n stood up fully from her slight bent form ignoring the sting against her side in favour of grabbing Jeno and Jaemin’s hands, tugging them away. Their feet heavy against the metal corridor floor as they rushed off.
“Suit up at Bay c, I’ll do the perimeter check.” She suggested letting go of their hands, turning to go down the opposite corridor only for Jeno to grasp her hand again, pulling her to face them.
“You just got injured, you shouldn’t be out alone on the west wall, go with Jaemin to Bay c. I’ll do the perimeter check.” There was no room for argument in Jeno’s voice and time was ticking.
Jeno and Jaemin had more say in it than she did as they were specially trained for this compared to her with basic knowledge and half the amount of time of outside experience.
Y/n stalled for a few seconds before agreeing. With that Jeno didn’t wait longer, jogging towards the west wall area while Jaemin and Y/n turned, racing now towards the east wall.
“Mark we’re here and suiting up, Jeno’s heading to the west wall to do a perimeter check to make sure there’s no hidden damage on the other side.” Jaemin called over their earpieces, their earpieces crackling to life as Mark responded immediately his breathing rushed from also racing to the control room.
“We just got here too, you're clear, suit up.”
As the two suited up Y/n frowned as she saw her fitted suit pack had fallen during the abrupt hit to the ship. Instead of double checking it she rushed to put her suit on because of the time crunch.
Moving to place her helmet on letting it click into place, too busy to notice the slightly delayed click.
“We’re suited.” Y/n called out as Jeno followed up “I am suited too on the other end.” From the west wall.
“Alright. We’ll depressurise the room and unlock the gates on both ends, get yourselves ready, gravity is going to be turned off.” Mark announced as he watched Renjun and Donghyuck go to the controls.
Y/n moved to clip her float safety belt to her suit before grabbing onto one of the metal bars on the wall. Jaemin, not looking at his float safety belt as he clipped it onto his own suit.
Without a second to waste Y/n’s hand grabbed at Jaemin as the gravity was turned off their bodies naturally floating.
“Gates opening in 3… 2… 1.” Donghyuck warned them with a countdown as the door released open. Opening them up to the wide, truly beautiful yet terrifying sight of the ever expanding space.
Y/n took a breath in as her suit filtered oxygen through, barely noticing the moistness of it.
“You ready?” Jaemin asked Y/n glancing at her eyes flickering down to her side covered in the suit. Only getting a nod in return, his eyes crunching in wonder when he sees her breath fog the slightest bit against her helmet but chalked it up to her temperature being higher from running.
Both grabbed at the walls as they floated carefully out of the ship into the dark abyss of space. Only stars faintly shining against the dark area. Both clipping the other end of their safety float belts to the sides of the ship.
Once the two had made it outside, Donghyuck closed the gate turning gravity back on for the ship, his feet hitting the ground. Jaemin and Y/n glancing at the east wall. There was thankfully no severe damage to the ship wall, mainly things that would be fixable with time.
“What could hit the ship with that amount of force without severe damage to the ship?” Jaemin wondered out loud as he scanned the area again trying to make sure he wasn’t missing anything.
As the two broke off from one another floating, Y/n’s eyes fluttered after taking in a deep breath, feeling as though she was sweating even if it was cold.
“Y/n, your vitals are stable and slowing down, they were in the orange zone before.” Renjun called out as he glanced at Jeno, Jaemin and Y/n’s vitals on screen.
“Most likely from getting winded and running before.” She explained the orange zone reasoning while hanging onto the side of the ship.
Green zone was good, orange zone was worrying, red zone was emergency levels and black was the zone no one wanted and feared for themselves and their crew members.
“Damages are luckily minimal on the east wall, bay c will need repairs but there’s no time pressure or too concerning signs.” Jaemin reported, satisfied with the outcome compared to what he’d previously thought would happen before seeing it.
“Good… that’s good.” Mark muttered yet their earpieces picked it up as he asked out “Jeno how is the west looking?”
“She’s looking gorgeous as ever on this side.” Jeno replied on the outside of the ship on the west wall as he moved slowly and steady along the side of the ship keeping his eyes peeled.
Y/n shivered feeling as though her suit temperature had dropped. A funny feeling in her gut just as a wet drop slid down her nape.
Renjun scanned the screens, but his eyes locked on to a small warning sign that suddenly popped up coming from Y/n’s suit, with her body temperature on her vitals screen dropping further.
“Y/n it says your liquid oxygen tank is having a delayed reaction and trouble processing fast enough, what is it looking and feeling like in there?” Renjun asked out, referring to her suit. Mark walked up behind Renjun to look at the screen himself.
Jaemin turned his floating body with his arms holding onto the ships side to look over at her, they were separated but not too far apart.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jeno asked from his side of the ship in worry after hearing Renjun’s words.
Y/n cracked her neck from habit as she felt a few more drops slip past the back of her nape.
“I think it’s letting liquid slip, because of the slow processing.” She replied to Renjun a shiver running down her spine from a particularly large drop down her nape once again.
“Oh fuck that.” Jeno nearly hissed out, not at all comfortable with her outside with a faulty suit, the feeling mutual for the others.
“Alright, Y/n I’m not letting you stay out any longer, especially with a faulty suit.” Mark decided easily it was a massive safety risk for her and was a no go.
“Make your way back towards the gate, I’m going to open it.” Donghyuck moved his hands over the control panel.
“Y/n I-” Jaemin started to speak as they shared a look right as Mark saw a warning pop up yelling “Take cover and hold on! Object incoming!”
All three outside tightened their grip on the ship on instinct, pressing their bodies against it as well as they could with the sudden warning.
The object slammed against the side of the ship so fast no one could see what it had been or how it disappeared. But it was the least of their concerns and problems because of what was to come.
Jaemin’s float safety belt that held him in place as a safety measure from floating too far away had been damaged and went unnoticed when they’d first went out. Through the blunt force his float safety belt had snapped though his grip on the ship kept him steady.
“Is everyone okay?” Mark called out as Jeno confirmed his safety from the other side having felt only a slight tremor in comparison to the other two who’d taken the direct hit.
“My safety belt snapped, I’m holding on.” Jaemin grunted out, mind spinning from the sudden impact.
“Y/n make your way over to him and grab him, the both of you are getting back inside.” Mark ordered not caring if any additional damage had been done to the ships side, he wasn’t risking his crew, his friends, at this moment.
“O-one second.” Y/n gasped out as her mind spun trying to keep a hold on the ship.
“Shit.” The curse flew out of his mouth as Mark heard the warning ping from Y/n’s suit on screen. The screen showed a massive break in her oxygen tank.
Renjun swallowed as he gazed at Y/n’s vitals slipped getting into the orange zone.
“Guys, I don’t know if you’re s-seeing it on screen, but I’m losing air, my helmet is flooding.” Y/n managed to get out, crushing their hopes of it being a false warning.
She cringed at the feeling of dangerously cold liquid starting to pool against her neck at an alarming rate.
“No, they need to go back inside right fucking now, Donghyuck open the gate.” Jeno called out feeling helpless on the other side of the ship, going against protocol as he started making his way up the ship wanting to get to the east side.
“Y/n you need to conserve your air. I need you to try grabbing onto Jaemin before Donghyuck opens the gate.” Mark instructed trying to sound calm and steady for reassurance but inside he was screaming, frightened at his friends state.
“Okay.” Y/n managed to huff out as the cold temperature started getting to her, staring to climb back towards Jaemin trying to ignore the slosh of liquid against her neck.
“Slow and steady Y/n.” Jaemin called out watching her stiff figure, his stomach tightening at the sight, being able to see the liquid filling her helmet now.
Jaemin knew he was in a shitty position, if he let go or lost grip on the ship it would be hard to grab back on and not float away from the ship, isolated. But as he watched her making her way over as the liquid pooled around the helmet at its alarming rate he couldn’t stomach the thought of how suffocating it must be.
Jaemin winced his hands releasing the hold he had on the ship to cover his helmet from damage on instinct when a stream of hot steam flew towards him from the ship not to get his suit damaged though his hands scrambled to grab onto the ship again. His fingers grazed the side of the metal but his body was forced away from it by the pressure of steam.
A curse flying from his mouth as he felt his heart drop. Y/n’s hand swiping towards him but he was just out of reach. A frustrated cry leaving her mouth as she started tilting her head up liquid reaching her chin now.
”Fuck Y/n jump for him, your float safety belt is okay.” Mark ordered body tense watching now from a window, eyes glazed in worry seeing Jaemin’s form better than Y/n’s.
“No stop Mark she’s got no more time left open the gate, she’s going to drown.” Jaemin called out gazing at Y/n as the liquid in her helmet was leveled with nearly her bottom lip.
“GET HER INSIDE! I’m almost there, I'll grab Jaemin.” Jeno practically yelled as he made it to the top of the ship only to curse as his float safety belt got caught, turning to tug at it wondering where it had snagged onto.
Donghyuck did not need to be told twice as he slammed the button with his finger but panicked as nothing happened, repeatedly pressing down on the button.
“Error too much damage on East wall, bay c gate, gate release denied.” The robotic voice announced at Donghyuck yelled, as he continued pressing the button as Renjun rushed over to try overriding the command.
Everyone outside hearing the access denial, Y/n’s eyes shifting to look over at Jaemin, liquid sloshing over her mouth, having to breath through her nose now with restricted air flow.
“Fuck I’m stuck somewhere! Hang on!” Jeno yelled out as he had to float back down a bit to unhook where his float safety belt was stuck.
Jaemin locked his eyes onto Y/n barely making out her helmet now that he was floating away, the distance far but his heart belated faster at the glint of liquid filling.
Y/n knew with the door being jammed on this side there wouldn’t be any time for her to get back to the next closest gate, Jeno wouldn’t make it in time to Jaemin, his belt wouldn’t be able to extant as far as where Jaemin would have floated off to by the time he got there. She had to make the obvious decision.
Y/n took one more sharp deep breath in as the liquid filled past her nose right afterwards. Everyone hears the sharp inhale.
“Y/n no!” Jaemin yelled out desperately as he watched her push with force against the wall with her feet to float outwards towards him.
“Tug yourself back with your belt right now Y/n that’s an order!” Mark stressed out as his hands flew to the press against the window.
Y/n ignored his order, something she never did before. Concentrating on keeping her body steady as she floated her way towards Jaemin.
Jaemin spread his arms to get ready to catch her as she finally got close enough to two, careful not to float any further. Jaemin’s heart rate spiking on vitals as he finally got a clear view of her helmet. The liquid had flooded past her eyes now yet she kept them wide open.
With the pure liquid most likely damaging her eyes permanently from keeping them open as Jaemin let out a sob. Mark, Renjun, Donghyuck and Jeno freeze at the sound of crackling and a weird noise fizzling from Y/n earpiece indicating her helmet’s fully flooded state.
“Hang on, just hang on!” Jeno yelled out as he’d started traveling back up the ship side.
Y/n tried her hardest not to shut her burning eyes, everything blurry as she unclipped her float safety belt from her suit movement slowing down as she shook her head inside her helmet to focus as her hand fumbled with Jaemin’s suit clipping her belt not him instead.
“Just hold on tight Y/n, don’t breathe in even if you want to, I’ll pull us back in, it will be okay, everything will be okay.” Jaemin was desperate at this point, denying the obvious, everyone hearing his words. Y/n couldn’t hear, her earpiece flooded.
Her eyes glancing at the ship as her lungs chest stung from managing to pick up the steam releasing from the ship, knowing there was no time.
Glancing back at Jaemin through blurred vision seeing him shake his head. Her grip traveling to his shoulder causing a small hope flicker in his at her listening to his please only for that hope to drop and get stalled by the pit in his stomach as he watched her fold her legs inwards.
Y/n pushing her legs out against the anti gravity against Jaemin’s suit causing Jaemin to start floating backwards towards the ship, his hand barely missing her leg in an attempt to grab her.
Jaemin screaming her name out as he traveled back towards the ship, watching her eyes flutter shut floating in the same exact place Jaemin had been stuck in previously.
Jeno had made it towards the east wall climbing down fast as he screamed in frustration at the sight in front of him.
Renjun finally overrides the gate denial as the gate slides open from Donghyuck’s constant button pressing.
Jeno grunting as Jaemin’s body hurdled into him pushing the two inwards, right back into the bay c room. The override lasted two more seconds before being automatically shut closed. Gravity turned on as the two landed harshly, falling against each other.
Jeno the first one up as he rushed towards the closed gate slamming into it yelling “Open he fucking door right now!” While Jaemin ripped his helmet off, eyes flying up to the vital signs showing on screen on the wall with the camera screen showing the outside of bay c.
Y/n was in the red zone, the numbers rapidly plummeting towards black zone, Jaemin’s eyes stuck on the screen watching her body floating.
“I SAID OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR SHE’S STILL OUT THERE!” Jeno roared out now, his body repeatedly slamming against the gate door with his shoulder in frantic desperation.
“I can’t, it’s not taking the override code anymore!” Renjun yelled back, reeking of anxiety and stress. While Donghyuck stared at the screen, hand still pressing down on the button, eyes locked on to Y/n’s vitals while Mark was at the window, hands still against the glass as he watched her figure.
Y/n couldn’t hold it any longer as she let her breath go, bubbles floating past her lips before her body automatically sucked in the liquid desperate for air, the liquid burning down her throat like melted metal into her lungs filling.
Mark couldn’t look away even as he saw her body instinctively flinch, suspended floating. He knew she’d finally breathed in, succumbed for her need to breathe.
Donghyuck moved his gaze away knowing he couldn’t stomach the sight of seeing her vitals reach the black zone as he hears Renjun’s frantic typing.
“Open it, open it, just open the goddamn gate!” Jeno yells his shoulder aching with the amount of force he continuously slammed against the gate.
A noise pinging through out the ship as Jaemin’s eyes stared at her zone level. Eyes never leaving it even as Jeno continues slamming against the gate door.
“Jeno stop.” Jaemin called out softly not looking at his friend, his crew mate.
Jeno didn’t. He wouldn’t give up. Not when there was even the slightest chance of getting her back inside.
“Jeno I said stop… it’s black.”
Jeno got four more hard shoves against the gate before his body gave in, knees dropping harshly to the metal flooring. Panting heavily as he raised shaky hands to release his helmet letting it fall loudly to the floor, moving to press his head against the cool metal gate.
“It’s not… it will never be.” Jeno denied trying to run from the truth, from reality.
Though Jaemin had watched it slip from the red to black, watched her heart rate go to 0, watched her body’s automatic flinch from drowning, suffocation on the liquid that was supposed to help her survive.
“Mark?” Donghyuck shakily asked out lost, not knowing what to do, not processing her vital signs properly.
Mark heard him, his hands sliding down to glass and to his sides. Swallowing as he turned around knowing his next words would kill them internally.
“It’s too risky to go out right now, all suits need to be checked for damages before anyone goes outside to retrieve..” Mark couldn’t even utter her name, it would make it real, it would show the reality no one was ready for.
“Fuck…” Renjun whimpered, letting his head slam down over the control panel he’d been typing on, the metal stinging him against the harsh drop on his forehead.
He’d not even 20 minutes ago had her sitting next to him, fiddling with her pocket and listening to her talk about their health check ups and know it would never happen now. she won’t be sitting with him at the next meeting, he won’t her her scold them, wouldn’t feel her play with his fingers in boredom, or fill his mug with coffee without a word noticing when it was empty for him, wouldn’t share midnight talks, feel her lips brush over his forehead when he missed home, none of them would.
Mark felt it in his stomach, the guilt pooling there just like the liquid had pooled in her helmet. If he had taken Chenle’s words she’d still be there. Chenle’s suit wouldn’t have been faulty like hers. He shouldn’t have told her to jump for Jaemin, it had stuck to her mind even if she’d done it without his orders, he should have been harsher with ordering her to tug back towards the ship with her belt then watch her continue her path towards Jaemin. Yet he’d just let it happen.
Donghyuck couldn’t bare the silence from his captain, nor the slighted cries of Renjun as he denied the truth. Running away from the problem as his hand left the control panel rushing out of the control room, shoving past Chenle and Jisung without even a word.
The two frowning having just come back from the panel room, the black out spot where no communications got through.
“Panels are all steady, no damage at all, not even one thing will need repair.” Chenle reported as the two made their way into the control room, only for Jisung’s hand to press against Chenle’s chest noting the tense atmosphere.
Chenle feeling his heart drop to his stomach as he watched Renjun look up his face soaked in tears, a rare and never good sight. Eyes shifting over to Mark’s figure who watched outside.
“What happened?” Jisung barely managed to get out his question yet no one responded.
Chenle took a deep breath in as he rushed over to Mark to push past him to see what he was staring at. It was Y/n, now safety float belt on, as she stayed perfectly still outside.
“Why is she out there without her safety belt, where’s Jaemin and Jeno, they need to get to her before she floats too far.” Chenle turned out of instinct to check her vital screen only to blank upon the sight.
Jisung had already looked when Chenle had been talking as he shook his head hands flying to his head gripping his hair tightly repeatedly saying no as his head shook. He’d eaten breakfast with her, she’d cooked, he’d touched her only 20 minutes ago. How could she be gone in just 20 minutes of last seeing her, it was impossible. His hands started to tug harder against his hair as his breathing pitched, desperately gobbling air into his mouth panicking.
“What the fuck did you all do! What the fuck happened!” Jisung yelled in panic as he felt his fingers pull a few strands of hair out as he lost it, something that hadn’t happened in a year.
“Get her back inside!” Jisung continued dropping into a crouch to hide away from his own emotions that gripped his tight.
“I already said we can’t not right now. All suits need to be evaluated before we can go back outside-” Marks words were cut off as Chenle shoved his hand against his captain's chest, a bold move.
“Are you serious!? By the time the suits get cleared she will be too far to reach!”
Jaemin finally stopped grazing at the dreaded screen looking down at his hands. He shouldn’t have let go of that stupid metal wall, he wouldn’t have floated off, she wouldn’t have had to grab him. Why didn’t she just listen and let him pull them back, it would have been a slim chance of her surviving but it was better than staying still and shoving him back, why did he let go of that metal wall.
Jeno stared at the metal gate as his head was still laying against it lost in thought. He remembered the times he would joke with Y/n outside, they’d become too used to it, to desensitised to it. To the danger.
His fists clenching as he remembered how he’d told her to go with Jaemin, if she’d followed through with her plan to check the west wall perimeter she’d still be alive, she’d still be here. Yet he’d thought he was in the right, putting her with Jaemin, safety in numbers. How could he have predicted the faulty suit, or the beltline snapping. He couldn’t yet he was desperate for something to blame it all on, blame it on anything.
So lost in his thoughts he didn’t even hear the shuttle shifting in the air vents, as Jaemin sat there unable to move just yet his eyes had gone back to the screen.
“You know… she once nearly drowned as a kid.” The thought slipped his lips before he could stop them as Jeno sent a sharp cutting glare his way at the inappropriate choice of words even if it was Jaemin’s way of processing the situation.
Back on earth the control center would find out about the loss of the main medical expert which would be unfortunate but to the crew, who’d known her since training even before getting on board two years ago, they’d lose a part of them.
5 had lost their best friend, one lost their best friend and unrequited love and one person lost their best friend who was their secret lover, their soulmate.
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @rotinyzen @wonyoungmywife @snflwrhaerecs4u @thegreenlynx @serinebsblog @delululi @bubusebu @hanniehq @molensworld @morkiee @marvelahsobx @kaciebello @kgneptun @bluedbliss @haechansbbg
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Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. Don’t forget likes, reblogs and comments are always encouraged and help keep writers like myself motivated to continue our stories.
See y’all next time
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ghostofhyuck · 6 months
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NCT Dream when you caught them cheating.
AN: Remember that this is a work of fiction and does NOT reflect the people mentioned. Also this is a college au so that it makes so much sense for them to be assholes, lol. (Let's not tolerate cheating!!! Some of these are emotional cheating, still considered cheating tho.) Mentions of insecurities and trust issues by the way. 
Mark Lee ; Met up with his ex-girlfriend.
You're still insecure about his ex-girlfriend and Mark knows that. So when your friends saw him on a coffee shop with her, they immediately confronted him and told you. Privately, you asked him about it, but he couldn't give you a straight answer. He wasn't looking at you properly and was being defensive. You can see tears in his eyes, but you know that there's a reason why he met up with her. Your thoughts are still clouded with your emotions, so you walked away, asking Mark to give you space. 
Huang Renjun ; Saw him holding hands with his 'girl best friend.'
You always have doubts with Renjun's girl best friend. When you first met her, she seems sweet but was a bit clingy to Renjun. So when you saw them together, holding hands, you feel weirded about it. Later on, you opened it up to Renjun and he becomes defensive about his best friend, and he told you that you're overeacting. You tried to defend yourself and wonder why your boyfriend is on his best friend's side. The argument stopped when Renjun walked away first, leaving you there to cry. 
Lee Jeno ; Found out that he slept with another girl.
It was his friend who told you about it. Your heart starting to beat fast and your hands became shaky when you saw the text. When you asked Jeno about it, the first thing he said was sorry. And it broke your heart because it was true that he slept with someone. You tried to be rational, even though your chest is starting to feel tight. His explanation was shallow, and he kept on apologizing to you numerous times, but you couldn't look at him the same way anymore. "I think we should break-up." 
Lee Donghyuck ; Drunk-called his ex-girlfriend.
Last night you had doubts because Haechan wasn't replying to your text when he said he's going out to party with his friends. Now a text from his ex-girlfriend popped on your messages. She explained it like as if she was girl's girl but you know that she's half-bragging at you that Haechan called him saying that he still loves her. So when you confronted Haechan about it, he'll be shocked, explaining that he was drunk and he thought that he was calling you. But you've passed the "I'm drunk" excuse, you called it off with him and while he was trying to win you back, you know that you can't trust him anymore.
Na Jaemin ; Drunk-kissed a stranger.
You saw it. You witnessed it, and you can't believe that you put so much trust on Jaemin. You saw how eager that kiss was and how he smiled at the stranger when the kiss broke. You felt your tears flowing and at that moment, Jaemin saw you. He was able to follow you when you walked out of the club, trying to explain to you what you just saw but you're not taking any of his bullshit. "Stop trying to make excuse about it Jaemin, I saw what I saw." you said with a gritted teeth. "Let's just break-up." 
Zhong Chenle ; Flirting with strangers in a club.
You two had a small argument before going to a club with your friends. You tried to loosen up but you didn't expect that Chenle would go around tables flirting with other girls. You felt your chest tightening at the sight of your boyfriend laughing with other girls while you two are not okay. You walked-out of the club, not even saying goodbye to your friends. You tried to wipe the tears away, typing "Have fun there because we're done," to Chenle before going home. The next day, he sent you tons of messages trying to explain himself but you don't want to believe him anymore. 
Park Jisung ; Has been venting to his 'girl best friend' instead to you.
Lately Jisung has been so distant with you and you tried to understand him given that college is really hectic. But when you found yourself in the middle of him having a conversation with his girl best friend and she slipped something out that you don't know, you started to have doubts. You confronted Jisung about it and while he explained that he doesn't want to burden you with his worries, you felt as if he doesn't trust you enough. You two ended up having an argument about it, making Jisung walk away. "Go! Go to your best friend and tell her that we had a fight! Might as well date her while you're at it!" you shouted even though tears are streaming from your eyes. 
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j0hnj4ej3n · 7 months
nct dream's reaction to you ignoring them after an argument
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word count: 1.4k 
warnings: slight angst but they mostly end with fluff heh, mentions of food, let me know if i missed out anything
notes: hii loveys! here’s a short post for the month of February <3 i know i said i’ll try to post monthly this year but i’ll be really busy from here on, mostly because of school but i will be working on a Jaemin AU really soon! that will probably be my next post, which i will try to get out by the end of April or early May! until then, please be well everyone, sending all my love <3
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He’s been trying to talk to you after the argument you two had last night, but he’s only been met with cold replies. You’ve also been keeping to yourself all day, clearly still dwelling over the argument last night. Mark hates this. He hates that you’re both not being able to be comfortable around each other. He wonders if you’re still mad at him, so he asks you the next time you walk out to the living room. “No…” you say quickly, before retreating back into your shared bedroom. Mark follows closely behind you, “Why have you been avoiding me, then? I thought we talked it out already, if you’re still upset just tell me.” “We did talk it out, and we’re past that argument. But I still need some time to myself… that’s all. I didn’t mean to avoid you intentionally, I’m sorry.” You tell him as you still can’t get over the emotions from last night. Mark comes to sit beside you on the bed, patting your head twice, “You should have just told me that, babe. I’ll give you as much space as you need, just know I’m still always going to be there for you.”
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Renjun knows you’re doing this on purpose. He’s asked you the same question twice, and you are basically refusing to answer him out of spite. The argument is still fresh in both your minds and Renjun is trying to get over it by offering to go get take-out for you both. But since your petty ass is ignoring him on purpose, he wants to be petty right back. “I’m asking you one more time baby, do you want me to get you anything for dinner? I’m about to leave.” Silence. “Fine, I’m leaving.” Renjun storms out of your shared apartment, almost slamming the front door behind him. He doesn’t understand why you’re ignoring him after the two of you already talked it out. You always do this and he doesn’t get it. He’s frowning the whole way to the restaurant but when he leaves, he carries a plastic bag containing food for two.
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“Baby… won’t you talk to me?” Jeno is not new to this treatment from you. Everytime the two of you argue, he’s met with the cold shoulder. It’s like he suddenly doesn’t exist, even if he’s standing right in front of you. You’re just avoidant, and you promise you’re trying to be more communicative but it’s still a work in progress. Jeno has an evident pout on his face, it genuinely makes him sad when you do this. He sighs at your silence, “Okay, I’ll leave you be… I’ll be in the room if you need anything okay? I love you.” Your heart flutters and you try not to show it, you hear Jeno shuffle into your room and the door closes behind him. You can’t ever stay mad at Jeno for long, and this sounds ridiculous but you miss him already. You’re still feeling a little upset and you don’t have anything to say but you just miss being close to him. So you drag your feet towards your shared bedroom, opening the door and walking to where Jeno is on his gaming chair, wordlessly. He quickly turns around, eyes wide and about to ask if you need anything. But before he gets to open his mouth, you crawl onto his lap and drape yourself over him. You can hear Jeno chuckle to himself and feel how quickly he wraps his arms around your torso. He knows well enough that this means you’re okay, maybe still a little bothered but you just want to be near him. And he allows it, so he only pulls you closer because Jeno would choose this over you ignoring him any day.
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“Are you really ignoring me right now?” Haechan stands in front of you with his hands on his hips, blocking your view of the TV. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” He says as he waves his hand frantically in front of your face. You only glare up at him and swat his arm away. “You’re so childish…” “You’re childish.” “Oh? So you respond now…” You just cross your arms and nudge Haechan aside with your feet. You honestly don’t even know what show is on right now, you just need the white noise to drain out your anger. “If you’re still upset about something, just tell me. How am I supposed to read your mind, baby?” “Okay, fine. I’m upset with you.” Haechan sits beside you now. “Okay, that’s obvious… May I know why?” “No.” “Baby.” “I’m not calm enough right now to tell you.” You let out a breath, it comes out like a huff. “Do you always look this cute when you’re angry?” You give Haechan the nastiest side-eye and he just giggles. “What? You’re just so cute.” He says as he reaches out to pinch your cheeks. “Stop it!” Haechan only laughs. “Sorry, sorry…” He replies trying to hide his chuckle behind his hand.
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This doesn’t happen often, at all. Jaemin and you have been rather calm every time you’re met with a disagreement. But this escalated really quickly and caught both of you off guard. You two ended up arguing over something so silly, saying unkind things in the heat of the moment, and worse still, in public. You got so emotional about it, so quickly. And you feel like you’re being dramatic when you begin to walk away from Jaemin to cool down. He’s calling out for you immediately. He catches up quickly, reaching down to try and hold your hand. But you wrestle to get your hand out of his grasp. “Honey, please… just listen.” But you cross your arms so Jaemin can’t get a hold of your hands and starts to walk more briskly. You don’t look at him, don’t say a word. You hang your head low, staring only at the ground as you keep walking wherever your legs take you. Jaemin isn’t beside you anymore but you can hear him trailing just behind you. He watches your small figure in front of him. He knows you just need time to calm down and he lets you be, staying close until you’re ready to face him again. After another 10 minutes of walking to god knows where, you stop in your tracks and Jaemin walks to stand in front of you. “Are you feeling a little better now?” You nod, now a little embarrassed at the act you pulled. “I’m sorry…” you mumble out and Jaemin only hugs you, “I’m sorry too.”
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“Look at this, it’s so funny…” Chenle shoves his phone in front of you, laughing at the tiktok that’s playing. When you don’t respond, Chenle’s stops laughing and his attention shifts completely to you. You’ve been ignoring him for about 2 hours now, unbeknownst to him. “Hm? Is it not funny? You usually like this stuff.” Chenle mumbles to himself, pulling his phone back in front of him. He’s so oblivious sometimes you want to scream at him. A few minutes later, he’s cackling at his phone and shoving it in front of you again. But this time you nudge his arm away, and Chenle slowly stops laughing. “What’s wrong with you?” And instead of replying to him, you turn, facing away from him. “You’re ignoring me?? Fine, I can do it too!” Chenle says before he turns away from you, curling into himself on the sofa as he huffs.
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Jisung is honestly freaking out. You’re not talking to him and he knows it’s because you’re still upset. It’s a mess in his mind, do you hate him now? Are you going to break up with him? He has no idea what to do. “B-baby, I’m really sorry…” He tells you again as he pokes your shoulder to try and get your attention. Honestly, you’re not that upset anymore, it’s just that the argument just ended. It’s awkward to just pretend like nothing happened and go back to normal, just like that. “It’s okay…” And you don’t say anything else other than that. The silence is deafening, it’s literally eating away at the both of you. You hear Jisung gulp before he speaks again, “You’re not going to break up with me, are you?” You frown. “Why would I do that?” “You haven’t said anything… It's worrying me.” You shake your head, a small smile forming subconsciously. “I just need some time to get over it completely, I won’t break up with you over something like that, silly.”
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neocrias · 2 months
making out with NCT 127
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warnings: slightly suggestive; some of the stories may be longer than others (we got a bit carried away lol sorry); MK and HC are included in the dream version
pairings: 127 and reader
gender/aus: fluff; established relationships (or not); casual fling;
other units: dream II wayv
You were sitting next to Johnny while some of your mutual friends chatted and joked with each other, yet you couldn't focus on anything but Johnny's large hand against your thigh. Your eyes lingered on his profile, noticing the defined line of his jaw, the bridge of his nose, his eyes that were a little heavy from the alcohol, his lips… especially his lips.
Johnny realized that you were looking at him with desire, and he wanted you in the same way. When the group was dispersed enough not to pay attention whether he left or not, Johnny patted your thigh twice before getting up and leaving, giving you a look over his shoulder so that you would follow him.
You looked around, wondering if you should leave or not and, obviously, the thought of Johnny spoke louder as you went after him. Johnny was leaning against the kitchen counter when you arrived, arms crossed over his chest, staring at his sneakers, completely bored.
When he heard you come in, he lifted his face and placed his palms against the counter he was leaning on before.
— I thought you weren't coming, pretty.
You didn't answer, you just walked over, biting the inside of your cheek expectantly. Johnny adjusted his posture, closing what was left of the space between you, his head tilted back to continue looking you in the eye and he gave an arrogant smile as he towered over you.
You gently slipped your arm over his shoulders, trying to pull him down, but Johnny resisted, laughing at you. In retaliation, you began to deliver small kisses on his neck and jaw, feeling the taller man's body tense up.
He kissed you with anger and desire. You let out a grunt of satisfaction and surprise as you felt him bend down and thrust his body upwards, picking you up on his lap; instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his waist.
Johnny placed you on the counter and you used your legs to pull him against you more tightly, feeling him press your body against his as his hands went down to your thighs, squeezing them and holding them open. When you broke off the kiss due to lack of air, he moved his kisses and bites down to your shoulder and neck.
— You're no good. Do you know that, right? — you asked, pulling the brown hair at the nape of his neck, making him grunt against your neck.
Johnny smiled teasingly when he noticed the small red mark he had left on your shoulder and replied mischievously:
— And neither are you.
You loved Taeyong with all your heart - and he loved you too. In fact, he tried hard showing you this every day, whether it was with words and declarations, or with little gifts out of season and kindnesses throughout the day. Taeyong went out of his way to assure you that you were the only person who made him feel that way, and you felt like the luckiest person in the world, which clearly fulfilled his goal.
That's why, every time he kisses you, you feel almost revered. Taeyong is delicate with his lips and a prince with his hands. Of course, he can be rougher when he needs to be, but overall, in those moments when he is overwhelmed with love for you and wants to demonstrate the purity of that feeling, you can guarantee that there will be butterflies.
And today was no different. When Tae saw you, sitting on the sofa with an empty mug in your hands first thing in the morning, intently watching whatever was on TV, he was gripped by a tightness in his heart as he realized, once again, that he loves you too much. And to express this feeling, your boyfriend walked slowly over to you and looked at you with those big, bright eyes that are your whole world. He sat down next to you and smiled, gently asking you what you were watching. Accustomed to Taeyong's sensitive side, you just answered his question and listened as he quietly murmured:
— I love you. — And although you'd heard it several times from him, it never sounded robotic or habitual. He really meant it.
Taeyong then brought one of his hands to your chin, holding it with his fingers full of sweetness. With his thumb, he slid down the side of your mouth, giving space between your lips so that he could fit his own in, enveloping you in a warm, soft kiss. You followed his rhythm, feeling your heart overflow with tenderness and wrapping your arms around Taeyong to bring him closer. One thing led to another and, well, what was supposed to be a good morning kiss ended up becoming so much more between the two of you. Wow, you really were the luckiest person in the world.
You were lying on Yuta's bed, waiting for him to get home from practice so that you could enjoy the evening together since you hadn't seen each other for a few days. You'd already prepared the snacks and sorted out the movies you were going to “watch”, so there was nothing else you could do to occupy yourself.
Since it was past ten o'clock and he still hadn't arrived, you decided to fiddle with your cell phone until he got back. You were so distracted by the videos you were watching on your phone that you didn't notice when the bedroom door was opened by Yuta who, noticing your distraction, sneaked over to the bed and snatched the phone out of your hand, scaring you.
— What a great way to welcome your boyfriend — He implied, sitting on your hip to hold you against the soft mattress.
— It was you who took so long to get here. — You retorted. — It's your fault!
— You're right… How can I ever repay you for that, huh?
Yuta ran his index finger along the length of your jaw with a cheeky grin. When you tried to lift yourself up to kiss him, the hand that was caressing your face held your neck tightly enough to keep you where he wanted you without hurting you.
He was amused by your distress, always coming close enough for your lips to touch slightly, but without kissing you as you wanted. Yuta stayed like this, teasing you, for as long as he wanted, only when his urge to kiss you became unbearable, he used the hand that was holding your neck to pull you closer, kissing you fervently.
You didn't let it go and bit his lower lip. Yuta smiled between kisses at your boldness and increased the strength of his grip around your neck, making you sigh at the slight shortness of breath. Then, suddenly, he pulled away.
— Put the movie on, kitten, I'm just going to take a shower first. —
You blinked, stunned by the sudden change, missing the warmth of your boyfriend's body on yours. After a few seconds, you let out a breathy laugh, unable to believe it, and complained:
— I hate you!
Yuta came out of the bathroom shirtless with an arrogant smile, finding your irritation amusing.
— No, you don't — he replied, cocky as he is, and blew a kiss to you, who were now sitting down, tidying up your messy hair. — I'll be back for you in a few minutes, kitten. Don't miss me too much!
You threw a pillow in his direction, but it only hit the bathroom door, which he closed just in time. You snorted in annoyance when you heard the Japanese's loud laughter.
You felt trapped between the group of noisy friends in the middle of that get-together. Doyoung's hand was resting on the wall behind you, and you were sure he wanted to put it on your shoulder, but he hadn't yet gathered up the courage to do so. The boys were talking loudly and you just stood there, impatient and with your arms crossed.
The truth was that you had only gone to that stupid little party because you were sure that Doyoung would finally kiss you there. Your mutual friends had tipped you off, and confirmed several times that he was going too, only with the intention of finally fulfilling that absurd spark that burned every time you two met in public.
But so far, nothing. Doyoung didn't seem to be the shy type - he was quite talkative, even, and had flirted with you a few times - so you didn't understand why it took him so long to kiss you right away. At this point, it seemed as if he was procrastinating kissing you while chatting in the circle of friends.
After a while, Doyoung leaned over to say something just to you:
— Let's go grab some water? — He wanted to say it quietly, but everyone in the group of friends stopped to listen, curious, which made his speech sound a little louder. Everyone there knew what would happen after that, and it made you blush a little as you sent a questioning look to the taller one, “grab some water? really?”.
You nodded silently and Doyoung began to guide you out of there, towards the kitchen of the house you were in. As soon as you arrived, he pressed you down on the nearest worktop, eager for that.— I'd been trying to get you out of there all night. — He seemed to explain himself, with a playful smile on his lips.
— And the best excuse you could come up with was “to drink water”? — You let out a weak laugh and tapped him lightly on the chest, still a little embarrassed by his lack of discretion.
— It doesn't matter now. — He changed the subject, shyly. Doyoung finally leaned towards you and you could taste the lips you'd been fantasizing about all this time. Doyoung's touch was delicate, but his grip on your back was firm, and it didn't take long for the kiss to heat up.
Before you could realize, you were sitting on the kitchen table and Doyoung's hands were on your thighs. His lips were warm against yours, but suddenly they stopped.
— I… I think we should come back in a while. — He said between tired sighs. — So they don't annoy us with this.
— They can't be that bad. — You let out a giggle and try to continue the kiss, thirsty for more, but Doyoung seductively rests his long index finger on your lips, staring at them intensely before whispering “later…”.
And of course the boys were that bad. After all, when the two of you returned to the room, Doyoung was greeted with a chorus of giggles and terrible imitations of his incredible phrase: “let's get some water?” shouted by Johnny and the others.
It was a tiring day at work and all you could think about was snuggling with your really handsome boyfriend. You opened the door with the extra key Jaehyun gave you when you made your relationship official, left your shoe by the door and threw your bag on the sofa, walking to the bedroom where he might be.
You were treated to a breathtaking sight. Jaehyun was sitting on the end of the bed, drying his wet hair with a towel, small droplets of water running down his neck and chest.
Jaehyun saw you standing in the doorway, eyes heavy and lips parted, shoulders heaving with panting breath. He tilted his head to the side when your eyes met, with one hand he supported the weight of his body by leaning back, then smirked and patted his own thigh.
It was as if a magnetic force pulled you straight into his lap. Not that you'd complain, you'd never turn down an invitation like that.
— Rough day? — Jaehyun asked when you sat down, one leg on either side of his hip. He circled your waist with his arms, holding you against him. You nodded, pouting at him.
— Poor thing… — he commented condescendingly.
You rested your forehead on the curve of his neck, distributing small kisses on the pristine white skin. You slowly moved up to kiss his cheek, the corner of his lips and smiled when you felt Jaehyun squeeze your waist in anticipation.
It was you who took the initiative to bring your lips together in a tender kiss - at first - but for Jaehyun it wasn't enough, he wanted more. So he took control and deepened the kiss, pressing your hips against his, and you could imagine the marks that would be left on your skin from how tightly he held you.
— Why do you have to be so hot? — You asked as you pulled away for air.
With his forehead still pressed to yours and his eyes closed, he replied: — Why do you have to be so hot?
That back and forth between you and Jungwoo worried you. It was clear that you both had feelings for each other, so why the hell didn't anyone have the courage to make the first move!? It was so stupid!
And at the same time, all the intimacy and strong companionship you had developed since the beginning of your friendship so far spoke for themselves, and comforted you every time you felt unsatisfied with the stillness of your relationship. Maybe Jungwoo wouldn't confess to you or ask you to date him after all this waiting, but look! Here he is, sitting in an armchair in your living room, going through a box of childhood photos of you and smiling broadly, his eyes full of love.
— Oh my God! Look at this one! You were so adorable… — he said, pointing to the photo in his hands. You just smiled, stepping closer to stand next to him.
The approach shouldn't have surprised Jungwoo, with whom you'd already exchanged hugs and snuggles, but you still felt him gulp as he saw your legs uncovered by the shorts right at the height of his torso, bent in the armchair.
Insecure, you take a step back, wanting to give Jungwoo room to look at the photos freelly. However, you were surprised when Jungwoo's arm reaches for one of your thighs, squeezing it lightly before bringing you closer than before. You would have lost your balance if Jungwoo had been a little rougher, but the gentleness with which he guided you was incomparable, and caused a heat to rise in the pit of your stomach.
— Don't go... — he murmured sulkily when he had finally placed you, still with his hand on your thigh, until you were facing him in the armchair. Jungwoo raised his head to look at you and rested his chin on your torso, staring deeply into your eyes. A mischievous smile appeared on the face of the sweet boy you had known until then, and he interrupted himself by biting his lower lip.
When you least expected it, Jungwoo stretched out his neck, leaning closer to you - and you took the cue right away, bending towards him until your hands sought the sides of his face. Jungwoo finally initiated the kiss, circling your waist with both arms and squeezing lightly, making you let out an involuntary grunt - which he seemed to love, because he cracked a smile in the middle of your delicate kiss.
After the prolonged kiss, Jungwoo pulled away a little to look at you.
— Fucking finally. — He smiled, pleased that your first kiss had come after so much waiting.
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neopuppy · 1 year
Walk You Home (M)
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pairing. jaemin x female reader
genre. baseball AU, pwp…what plot, explicit smut, M/F, dom Jaemin, established fwb(maybe feelings)
warnings. pet play, nicknames: kitten/kitty, use of a furry tail butt plug, degradation/praise, unprotected vaginal sex, owner/pet roleplay, soft moments. minors DNI.
wc. 4k+
now playing. Walk You Home//NCT Dream
a/n. I did not abandon this series🗿
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“Whad’ya wanna do later?” Jeno bumps into your side in casual greeting, distractedly tapping away at his phone screen.
Pink fluffy triangular ears blend with highlights of white, lit up bright against the dark interior of your locker. “Uh,” hiding them beneath your bag swiftly, you turn to face him, pressing your back into the hollow space as if he may see the incriminating costume piece. “Later?”
Jeno peers up at you slowly, half-focused on whatever discussion he’s attempting to catch up on in one of the various group chats he’s been forced to join. “Why do you sound confused?”
“Right,” nodding, you sneak a glance past his shoulder in search of a round set of diabolic eyes. “I can’t today.”
“What, why??” Jeno says, clearly lost before trailing your gaze across the hall. He sighs, muttering ‘dick’ under his breath. “Fine, he’s really stressed out about this next game. Huge scouts coming to watch him play.”
Jeno’s hand waves haphazardly, continuing on about how Jaemin better start acting grateful that he’s lucky enough to have a best friend who cares for him this much.
‘Does kitty want to play?’ Jaemin’s eyebrows raise, meeting your line of sight; silently repeating the scribbled note attached to the ears in your locker. One side of his face picks up, the poor effort to full on smirk brings to light how badly he needs this.
Of course kitty wants to play.
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Jaemin’s walking extra slow, each step more purposeful then the last as he enters his neighborhood and spots a familiar figure sat in front of his house. A tickle of excitement grows within him with each pass of another house.
Cement ground beneath his sneakers is still wet from odd weather blooming into Spring, the puddles of leftover morning rain reflecting back how drained and exhausted his sunken eyes make him appear.
It’s been a long month, too long, long enough that he’s hardly had the time or energy to bother you; which he’s sure Jeno is more than happy about. He sighs, flicking away strands of loosened hair from his forehead upon taking in the cute way you sit with your ankles crossed together, ears perched on your head perfectly out in the open where anyone can see.
“What’s this?” He hums, gliding closer to pinch your chin between his thumb and index finger. “Did my kitten sneak out again?”
“Jaemin..” you say demurely, lowering your gaze as his other hand reaches for your cheek to keep your attention on him.
“What was that, kitty?” He asks, a rasp lingering in his tone with more intensity behind his large glossy eyes. “You know better than that.”
His lips twitch, tongue flicking out to moisten them as he watches you intently awaiting for your next move, knowing well which way this can go depending on your mood today.
A satisfied smile stretches his lips with your heavy set gaze blinking upward, a pleading expression and a light vibration emitting from your throat, cheek finding a hiding space in his palm to nuzzle into.
He lets out an exaggerated tired sigh, bending at his knees to cup your cheeks and stroke along the warmed up flesh, lips pouted together by the weight of his palms pressing in. “Such a naughty kitten, after all I do for you..”
Jaemin’s thumbs dig into the meat of your bottom lip, pressing until your mouth gives in, allowing the tips of his fingers to reach inside and apply pressure on your tongue. “Do you even know how dangerous it is for a pretty pretty little kitty like you to be out here alone?”
He shakes his head, pushing harder on the center of your tongue until drool spills out past the corners of your mouth. “I do my best to take care of you, don’t I?”
He has to hold back a chuckle when you nod, the desperation loud enough even without words, making your best effort to lap at his thumbs despite a wad of saliva collecting at the back of your throat causing you to gag.
“You don’t take me serious enough,” He scolds, pushing his digits against your cheeks until the fat squeezes between each. “I do this for your own good, kit. How long have you even been out here, huh? Showing off your shiny coat for anyone to admire?”
Releasing his grip on your face he latches onto your waist, pulling you to sit on his lap; immediately smothered by his biceps that seem to expand endlessly in mass.
“You know what I have to do now, don’t you?”
Jaemin’s smooth forehead gathers down the middle, taut skin wrinkling up as he smirks, smoothing a thick palm up your thigh to feel under your skirt; his pearly front teeth poke out with tight cheeks to hide a smile as his fingers skim higher and higher until they stroke between the crease your upper thigh creates.
“Bad bad kitty,” he tsks, pushing between your squeezed legs to cup your center. “Sitting out here for any nasty dog to come find and fuck, you want me to punish you that much?”
Jaemin knows you’ve been on edge ever since opening your locker, probably squirming your way through class picturing the different ways he’d play with you today, it’s not as if he’s ever been one to go easy on you.
“I’ve been so stressed lately, you know..” leaning forward he whispers, the tip of his nose pressing to yours as his fingers work to spread your folds open, letting out a soft pleased sigh at the first touch of wetness he finds. “When I really can’t handle it all, I think about you.”
The pads of two digits roll in a circle tracing over your entrance accompanied with a loud nearly embarrassing sound of arousal pushing out against his teasing touch, he breathes heavier over your parted lips, a minty aftertaste of mouthwash he swirled after practice tickles between each puff of air meeting yours. “Think about how you always know exactly what I need.”
Jaemin’s lips part between yours, skimming back and forth as he proceeds to murmur incoherently, adding pressure with each press of his digits against your entrance until your hole gives and allows him to slip in to the first knuckle.
“Mmmphh..” moans come out more struggled, trapped in your throat as you attempt to calm enough to keep up this act, nuzzling into his nose with parted lips for him to suck at different areas inside and out.
“My kitty likes that,” he says, gliding in further with more strength in seek of the pleasure point inside of you. “Your owner knows how to take care of you best.”
Jaemin’s lips slot against yours with a firm press, tongue slipping in past the gasp you let out when his thumb makes contact with your clit, the thick pad of his finger rubbing back and forth while the two filling you up pick up speed; each thrust reaching deeper and deeper echoing vulgar sounds of wetness from between your thighs.
“Don’t cum.” Jaemin pants out, lapping at your tongue falling from your lips to chase after more of his soft rapidly swelling lips. “You don’t get to get to cum like this.”
He grunts, pumping his hand faster, the fat of his palm smacking loudly upon contact with your core, thumb relentlessly rubbing your clit to a stiffened little point. “Bad kittens don’t get to cum this easily.”
Jaemin knows by the way your teeth bury down and the whined whimpers stuggling to escape from the back of your throat that you’re close, trembling against him from the force of his fingers working in and out of you faster and faster. “You’re gonna be a good little kitty for me, right? Do what your owner tells you to do for once.”
A small helpless nod is the best you can do to answer, clenching down on his digits to slow his rapid motions, useless as his bicep only rounds out more, the muscles fully bulged up; a smile stretching his lips lifting up the sharpened outer corners. “Bad kitty thinks she deserves to cum? After breaking my rules and sneaking out.”
“N..nu..” your lips tighten into a thin line as Jaemin’s smile only grows more menacing, itching for you to break and beg, a satisfied gleam taking over his gaze as he feels you clamp down around him repeatedly; quelling your orgasm away with tears burning down your cheeks. The pain of stifling your climax tingles through your stomach, aching it’s way up to your chest unhappily.
Jaemin’s fingers slide out messily, leaving your hole gaping open and shut expecting more to get you off properly. The two digits coated in your arousal as he lifts them between your mouths and smears the excess of it across your lips and chin.
“Come on, my good little pet” he moves to stand, gaze locked on yours, motioning his eyebrows upward as he steps back. “Now kitten..”
Jaemin’s tone falls into a low growl, half-threatening as you begin to get up, staying put with your knees bent and a confused tilt of your head. “Hmm?”
“Since when do kitties walk on two legs?” Tilting his head to the side in the same manner to mock you, his arms come up to cross over his chest, the bulk of muscles thick and corded on top of each other causing you to gulp as you return to your knees and set your palms flat.
A chill of breeze runs across the backs of your bare thighs, skirt lifted up higher in a bent position leaving the tail plugged inside of your ass exposed. Jaemin knows the neighborhood’s mostly calm and empty at this time of the day, but the idea of anyone spotting you in this position shoots straight to his cock nonetheless, biting down on his bottom lip as he ponders how shameless you can get.
“Come on kitten, it’s dinner time.”
Jaemin takes steps back, heading inside without stumbling once, even with his trained gaze focused on your hips swaying side and side and the grimace hidden behind your pursed lips with each hard press of your knees to the floor. He stops just at his bedroom door, crouching down to smooth your hair away from your face and sets a gentle peck on the bridge of your nose, petting the ears clipped to your crown softly. “Such a good kitty.”
Hands make way to your throat, encasing you snuggly as his eyes begin to roam over your chest and smushed together thighs. “I got you something, a surprise.”
He stands back up, finger curling in, motioning for you to enter his bedroom. “Something that should help when you try to run away again.”
Jaemin grins, nodding to a pink bowl neatly placed near a cage just large enough to fit yourself into. Hesitation halts your movement, glancing back and forth from the cage to his smug face, remembering the last time he’d left you locked up for hours until you cried enough to be let out. “What’s wrong, kit?”
Moving behind you he pats your butt right where the tail disappears inside of your rim, pushing a hiss from your lips as you continue to crawl forward, glancing over your shoulder when you reach the bowl.
“Dinner first, then I’ll give you your gift.”
Jaemin sits down, unbuttoning his jeans as he leans back into the gamer chair in front of his computer screens; his gaze staying trained on yours continuously glancing back and forth between him and the bowl of milk beneath you. The only way to properly pick any of the creamy liquid with your mouth requiring to get further down, jutting your round hips out further. The postion giving him a perfect view of your waist disappearing into your heart-shaped bottom, tail popped up high with your buttcheeks split open ready for the taking.
“Eat up kitten.” Jaemin beams, shifting from side to side in his chair, one of his palms finding a place to rest between his thighs. “It’s your favorite.”
Jaemin’s favorite.
Watching you struggle to stay bent with your back arched in deep, on all fours unable to use anything but your tongue to lap at the sweet cream. Most of it ends up on your chin and chest, dripping down your neck, drying up similar to his cum pouring from your chin while you take his cock in every hole.
Hooded eyes peer up between kitten licks of milk, dribbling out past the corners of your lips, Jaemin focused as he intently watches the clear white droplets pour down your throat and ripple their way between your breasts.
He hums, satisfied, palming his crotch roughly over his jeans while you continue to slurp. “Tastes good kitten?” Jaemin asks, voice gone husky with the need to fuck you.
The sound of his palm slapping against his jean-clad thigh halts your action, gazing up dumbfounded to Jaemin leaning back, legs spread open beckoning you to come to him. Without cleaning your mouth off, you begin a short crawl to nestle against his inner thigh on your knees with your chin perched on his knee, the sound of his tongue clicking on repeat accompanying your walk over.
“So pretty when you listen..” Jaemin cooes, swiping his thumbs beneath your damp eyes. “My good little pet.” Your thighs pinch together the more he drawls on, stroking up your triangular ears, manipulating the fur in different directions while your cheek nuzzles against the inside of his thigh akin to a kitten scenting their owner.
“Remember what I’ve taught you?”
Without allowing you more time to even think, his hips slide forward, forcing your nose to crush against the seam lining the middle of his crotch; heavy balls smothering hot along your face permeating a mixture of musky arousal. The hidden smell of raw sex emitting from the confines on his covered groin is enough to have you gasping for air, dizzied by the heady thick aroma filling your senses.
Jaemin’s reaches past your waist, large palms closed over your torso sliding down hotly, tugging your skirt completely up to unveil your ass. “Fuck.” He growls, hips pushing forward roughly, digging your face to smash higher against the damp cloth of his briefs, thick cock throbbing heavily against the middle of your face. He bends closer, the first thwack of weighty palm colliding with your ass jolts you leaving a stinging sharp pain the harder he lands, gnawing at the insides of your cheek to contain a pitiful cry.
“So slutty,” Jaemin says, throatily groaning between gritted teeth. Two of his fingers trace the plug pinching in and out against your rim, still wet from the lube you used to stretch yourself open. Tail swaying cutely behind you the more he slaps his free hand on your hip, gripping at the meaty flesh on your bottom with a tight squeeze. “Dirty kitty, fucking your hole open just to let me play with you.”
Jaemin rarely breaks character until his arousal consumes him, evident in the way his hips haven’t stopped rocking against your face, congesting your air flow with the underside of his clothed cock rutting over your gasping mouth. Another succession of smacks has you drooling, incoherent sounds of pained moans and mewls lost between the heap of heavy cock and and cotton suffocating you; distracting enough to miss one of his digits sneaking in beside the plug.
“So tight, so warm..” Jaemin licks over his spit slick lips, finger nudging alongside the cool metal shape filling your hole. An exerted groan wishing to exit your lips the more he adds to the stretch, burning around your rim as he tugs to watch your hole pinch around him. “It’s my fault you ran off kitten, I’ve been too busy as of late, right?”
Jaemin knows you won’t answer much other than a pathetic mewl you try to force down, mouthing at his crotch like the thirsty pet you are, leaving copious patches of drool behind, enough to darken the material and perfectly outline the shape of his fat hard cock.
“I need to make it up to you..” his finger releases, lifting to his mouth to smear the leaked out lube across his plump lips, the gleam too vulgar to possibly be legal as he sucks in a breath with his mouth popped open. “Is that what you need?”
Jaemin’s big round eyes shine from where they peer down at you, damp fingers trace across your face smoothly gliding over the definition of your cheekbones. His touch feels gentle, petting you with light strokes and tapping the tip of your nose. The answer a lazy nod with your mouth latched to his clothed size.
“I know what will make you happy.” He grins devilishly, appeased by how happy he will feel as well. The slide of his drawer catches your attention as he reaches to pull out a rectangular velvet box, snapping his fingers for you to sit up on your knees properly.
“That pretty neck..” he reaches, locking his heavy palm around the expanse of your throat again. The grip tighter this time, using his thumb to push under your jaw and keep your lost gaze on him. “Could use some decoration.”
Jaemin snaps open the case displaying a pink vinyl collar, the center decal in the shape of a heart with a kitten paw adorning the plaque and a little silver bell attached to the tip. His smile grows along with the size of your eyes as he discards the box to fit the collar around your neck. “Tight?” He whispers, moving to the very first hole when you gasp and nod, the material digging into your throat just enough to add to the lightness that’s begun to take over your mind.
“So pretty,” he bites down on his lip, pinching your chin to turn your face side to side, admiring the veins pulsing up the sides of your neck beneath the collars constraint. “Now I’ll always be able to find you kitten.”
Jaemin flicks the bell, chiming obnoxiously against the dip between your collarbone. The sound of it rings like a bell instinctively straightening out your spine to stand alert.
“One more thing..”
Pushing his chair away, he stands, hand dipping into the back pocket of his jeans to pull out a thin leash, dangling it in the air slowly as he takes in your eyes nearly going cross eyed. “Not typical, but a bad bad kitty like you can’t be trusted..”
He clasps the leash and collar together, wrapping the leash up tight around his fist, hand coming down to pet your head in a tender manner. “The cage wasn’t enough..”
Jaemin’s fist rips back, lunging your body forward back onto all fours, his free hand coming down to smack your ass again. “Up.”
The leash tugs harder, leading you to the edge of his bed until you manage to lay your upper half stomach flat between coughs and choked breath, his hand landing like a snapping whip against any bare skin. “Do you even realize how wet you are right now?” He sneers, hot palm lodging between your thighs to cup your core, shooting your spine into an arch.
“Such a fucking slut, getting off from being treated like this.” Jaemin’s hand glides down to your knees, wet slick that won’t stop bubbling from your hole reaching its way down to the tops of your thigh-highs. “What did I do to deserve such a naughty kitten?” The sudden pull at your neck jolts your head back, panting short breaths of air in a panic the less oxygen reaches your brain.
“I’ll teach you once and for all to listen.” Jaemin pulls at your tail, the thickest part of the plug stretching you apart as he lays it upward on your back and tugs his cock free to swipe between the mess covering your inner thighs. “You’ll be a good kitty for Nana from now on.”
The tip of his length nudges against your folds side to side teasingly, causing your thighs to shake in anticipation, hours passing since excitement for this moment brings you to the edge faster; biting down on your tongue to not shout out ‘fuck me please!’.
“There it is..” he groans, cockhead dipping in and out of your pulsating entrance. “Exactly what I needed.”
With held breath Jaemin pushes in finally, the size of him thick in all the right places, girthy and hard pushing your walls open forcefully with a rough rock of his hips. The belt hanging from his jeans clapping againsts the back of your thighs as he crashes down on you, expelling a low growl from his chest. Quickly tugging off his shirt he leans in, crushing his chest and weight against your upper back, hips grinding down to make you feel every inch. “So tight for me kitty, so fucking wet and tight.”
Jaemin’s energy matches yours, immediately jerking back into a quick thrust forward, the restriction on your neck never letting up even as his pace builds and slams into you harder. The sound of his ragged breath circling your head along with the chime of your bell collar shaking with each collision of his hips against your ass. He’s always rough, more desperate than usual as he grips your hair at the scalp and shoves the side of your face against his bed.
“My kitten, so pretty, fuck.” He spews through gritted teeth, nose shoved into your cheek, breaking a sweat the more he forces his length deep inside of you. “Feel good, yeah?”
“Jaem—ughhh” his tongue drags across your face, nastily licking up the sweat and tears that have slidden down. Digging his cock inside of you with another deep thrust until you scream, feet kicking against the floor.
“Doing so good for me kitty.” Jaemin’s hands splay down on your shoulders, pushing you deep into the bed to pull himself out, the loss of his length throwing you into a fit. “Shh, shhh, I said be good.” He rasps, pulling on your shoulders to manhandle you higher onto the bed, knees digging into the backs of your thighs.
“Jaemin.. please please..” your voice cracks from lack of use, squeezing your eyes shut as his nails dig into your back and claw down, ripping the tail stuffing your ass suddenly.
“Fuck.” Jaemin spits, licking up the sweat on his upper lip as three fingers shove into your open rim, cock pushing back inside of you all at once. “Nasty filthy slut, so fucking tight kitten, wish you could see how good you take it.”
His pace accelerates, slamming in faster than before, hand jerking where he continues to stretch your ass open, his other finding your hair once again to hold onto. “That’s right, take it like the fucking slut you are.”
Jaemin thrusts turn merciless, messy and offbeat reaching closer as he continues to babble nonsense. “My little f-fuck toy, dirty.. dirty kitty, letting me—use you.”
“Jaemin! Ah, Jaemin!!” Thick muscles circle your neck, using the leverage to thrust in past your orgasm locking your pussy tight around him, growling brokenly while you whimper and beg for him to cum.
“Please, cum, w-want please—please!”
Jaemin cries out a growl, pulling out of you to press into your ass, cock throbbing with release pouring inside of your neglected whole. Panting curses as his thighs tremble, cock twitching, pushing out the last few spurts of cum into your ass.
His eyebrows stay twisted, teeth grinding together hard enough for the sound to carry and vibrate near your ear, his wet spent cock slapping down on your lower back. “Stay still… good little kitten..” he mumbles, voice coming out more dry and raspy, lazily gripping one of your buttcheeks to hold you open.
“My sweet kitty listened well today,” he sighs, pushing the tip of your plug to scoop up any cum that’s begun to drip out. “Earned a treat.”
Jaemin shushes the groan you let out as he stuffs the plug back inside of you, extra lubricated by his release only partially dripping out past the toy. Clicking his tongue he strokes your tail, smoothing the ruffled hairs down until it sits pretty above the backs of your thighs.
“Stay.” He whispers, nearly too quiet to decipher with lips pressed along your nape.
“Don’t want you to leave yet.” Jaemin litter’s featherlite kisses against your shoulder blade. “Stay for the night.”
“I can’t..”
“Please?” He sounds mildly desperate, built arms circle your waist from behind with a soft squeeze, suggesting an offer of unusual cuddling. “..Walk you home in the morning.”
“Promise?” You smile to yourself, eyes lazy as the warmth pressed to your body begins to feel too good, adjusting against his bed to lay comfortably. Jaemin hums, nuzzling into the crook of your neck with breathy groans buzzing against your jaw.
“Of course kitten, anything for you.”
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jaelvr · 7 months
Just friends
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Home | NCT Dream masterlist |
Requested : no
Prompts ; 78. “Hold me. Don’t ever let go.”  + 26. “You keep saying that we’re friends but you look at me for a moment too long for that to be true.” 
Pairing : best friend! Jeno x reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff
Word count : 675
Warnings : mutual feelings, friends to lovers, college au, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
It was the usual college party, the room swarmed with bodies, people drinking or flirting with each other, having fun for the night. To say it wasn't your thing was an understatement. Your friends had dragged you out for the night, claiming it would be good for you to relax. All these people here, and yet you couldn't keep your eyes off a certain person - Lee Jeno. You'd been friends since you were kids, with your mothers having been good friends. The two of you had slightly drifted in high school before reuniting in college, both friend groups connected through mutual friends or partners.
He was stood with Jaemin and Haechan, talking about whatever it was - he didn't seem too interested. His hands were in his pockets, somewhat smartly dressed and his natural hair fluffy, claiming he was taking a break from dying it too much. A small smirk on his face as he realised you watching him, giving you a small nod in acknowledgement. A soft redness rose to your cheeks as you just about made out the marks on his neck, a reminder of the night the two of you had spent together.
There was a somewhat silent agreement between the two of you, wanting to keep it on the low from the others for now, enjoying the secrecy and privacy of whatever was happening between the two of you. It was slowly becoming more unbearable for both, having to control the urge to hold each other's hand or greet each other with a form of affection after a long day, having to wait until the early hours of the morning, just to ensure that no one else would find out.
At some point in the night, you'd excused yourself to get some air, only to end up getting dragged back into the house by Hana to come join in with seven minutes in heaven. The sigh of relief you'd been holding in all night finally released as you watched Jeno pull out your keychain from the hat before being ushered into one of the bedrooms and into a tight closet with him. The pair of you moved around in the dark, trying to fit comfortably. "Sorry." you whispered as you felt yourself gently nudge into him, a chuckle coming from Jeno as he fumbled for his phone, turning on the flashlight and setting it down on a box of something.
"it's okay." he assured, sitting down against the wall, and patting the space next to him. You sat down, cheeks a soft red, slightly thankful it wasn't too noticeable. Another chuckle from Jeno broke you out of your thoughts, realising you'd zoned out while looking at him. "Just friends, huh?" he questioned, a small smug grin on his face, quoting your words from the night you'd agreed it was just friends having fun together. "We are." you mumbled in response, eyes trailing to the ground, voice wavering slightly as his hand gently travelled to your back.
“You keep saying that we’re friends but you look at me for a moment too long for that to be true.” Jeno sighed, his other hand running through his hair. "You don't have to keep denying your feelings, sweetheart." he assured, moving his arm around you and pulling you into his lap, his forehead against yours. He didn't say anything more, but his feelings were clear - the love and pure adoration in his eyes were evident.
He broke the silence after a few minutes, unable to contain his desire. "Can I kiss you?" he whispered, his face soft and the genuine emotion clear in his voice. You didn't respond, simply leaning forward and meeting his lips as your hands gently cupped his face. He kissed you back softly and lovingly, arms gently wrapping around your waist with a slight possessive grip to it.  “Hold me. Don’t ever let go.”  you whispered once the two of you had broken apart, a small grin on both of your faces.
"Wouldn't dream of it, my love."
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juyeonszn · 1 year
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PAIRING ₊˚⊹ lee juyeon x f!reader
GENRES ₊˚⊹ fluff﹒crack﹒angst﹒slice of life
WARNINGS ₊˚⊹ mature language bc even on a different blog i won’t ever change, uni!au, reader is a matchmaker, juyeon plays baseball, lots of kys and kms jokes, sunwoo is an incel, a bunch of lesbian jokes, um one sided pining for a while, like i am absolutely ruthless to reader for a Hot Minute i am so sorry, but it’s okay!!! bc then i’m also ruthless to juyeon, the unrequited love in this series goes crazy, it wouldn’t be a fawn smau without a second lead — so there is a small second lead moment, most of the written parts are full of sheer Angst and i’m not sorry about it, there’s like idol shipping in here ? but it’s for the sake of the plot i swear i don’t condone idol shipping 😭 it’s literally in my carrd, the bullying in this smau goes even crazier, ummm for some reason there are a lot of barbie references towards the end
FEATURING ₊˚⊹ the rest of tbz, soyeon + yuqi from (g)-idle, seonghwa from ateez, lee know from skz, sakura from le sserafim, dahyun + tzuyu from twice, jaehyun from nct and mingyu from seventeen
SUMMARY ₊˚⊹ all is well in the business of matchmaking. except it’s actually not, because lee juyeon, the school’s star baseball player, has just come to you for help in obtaining the girl of his dreams. oh yeah! and he happens to be the guy you’ve had a crush on since your first year of university.
STATUS ₊˚⊹ complete!
BEGINNING ₊˚⊹ august 1st, 2023
ENDING ₊˚⊹ october 19th, 2023
MORE ₊˚⊹ HIIIII hello!!! my first smau on another blog this is crazy ?!!2!!22!!2 fun fact; in case the plot seems familiar, it was an old wip for yeonjunszn that i had for jake from enhypen and decided to scrap for reasons that i do not remember LOL but then it came back to me and i decided to redo it for juyo bc it was so juyo-coded and now we’re here 🤗 send an ask to join the taglist (bc note and dm notifs get swallowed up with the ones from my other blog)!!
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PROFILES ₊˚⊹ realize real eyes real lies | ball hitters + the token lesbian | ouran high school host club (+ tzuyu)
ONE ₊˚⊹ i’m the ceo president and chair mama
TWO ₊˚⊹ the hwang yeji incident
THREE ₊˚⊹ i hide and u seek therapy!
FOUR ₊˚⊹ /s or /j
FIVE ₊˚⊹ setting virgins up with other virgins
SEVEN ₊˚⊹ #mancrushfriday #mrstealyogirl
NINE ₊˚⊹ the start of a W matchmaking season
ELEVEN ₊˚⊹ Just Like A Doughnut (2.04k)
TWELVE ₊˚⊹ need a comically large piano to fall on top of me
THIRTEEN ₊˚⊹ hit tweet follow me 🙌🙏
FOURTEEN ₊˚⊹ what the bell are u talking about
SIXTEEN ₊˚⊹ chest heavy eyes misty
SEVENTEEN ₊˚⊹ they laugh at me cause i’m emo
EIGHTEEN ₊˚⊹ sangyeon boyfriend material era
NINETEEN ₊˚⊹ Blocked and Reported for threatening language
TWENTY ₊˚⊹ A Hole In The Shape Of You (2.17k)
TWENTY ONE ₊˚⊹ men against song yuqi
TWENTY TWO ₊˚⊹ i thought we were friends.
TWENTY THREE ₊˚⊹ u think i’m pretty??? 🥰
TWENTY FOUR ₊˚⊹ for research purposes
TWENTY FIVE ₊˚⊹ The Middle Of My Heart (1.60k)
TWENTY SEVEN ₊˚⊹ to me it was
TWENTY EIGHT ₊˚⊹ clown to clown communication
TWENTY NINE ₊˚⊹ A Space Just For You (2.05k)
THIRTY ONE ₊˚⊹ is this pic AI generated
THIRTY TWO ₊˚⊹ i’m gay…
THIRTY THREE ₊˚⊹ 11:11 make a wish
THIRTY FOUR ₊˚⊹ Our Love Loop (2.62k)
THIRTY FIVE ₊˚⊹ graduated from bitchless university
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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ning2lilac · 7 months
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TAGS: fantasy, guardian angel au, angst, fluff
SYNOPSIS: just different stories with them as guardian angels
WARNINGS: none at the moment
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🪽 angel 01: Coming of Age
synopsis: Better be safe than sorry, that's Mark's favourite quote, specially since he is a guardian angel. Is that why he always has to keep holding YN's hand all the time?
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🪽 angel 02: Tsundere Angel?
synopsis: YN tends to make really bad decisions and do stupid stuff, she can feel that her guardian angel must hate her. What happens if he suddenly appears because he has had enough?
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🪽 angel 03: Oh My Angel
synopsis: A guardian angel, a spirit that is thought to watch over and protect a person or place. So why is YN's one so lazy? Maybe is time to try to get a new one.
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🪽 angel 04: Someone Else’s
synopsis: YN does have a guardian angel, he's great and gives her all the space she needs. Then why is she always spending more time with her roommate's angel?
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🪽 angel 05: Angeleyes
synopsis: Being the clumsiest person on earth has its perks, like being protected all the time by your guardian angel, Na Jaemin. YN does give him too much work, but he loves it.
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🪽 angel 06: Wrong Side
synopsis: YN always thought that the guardian angel's main and only purpose is to protect their designated human... So why is hers being aggressive every single time she needs to be rescued by him?
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🪽 angel 07: Training Wheels
synopsis: After YN's guardian angel resigns somehow, she gets paired up with the most inexperienced one. It clearly shows that Park Jisung is still in training.
110 notes · View notes
sixzeroes · 2 years
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moon taeil’s basement is where dreams come true. at least, that’s how it goes for no celestial, a pop rock band on the rise. part-time students, full-time artists—the four of them are booked and busy, their entire souls poured into their musical careers. but what the quartet want more than just fame is a taste of love—something taeil’s basement can’t exactly fulfil.
maybe, college might offer some help.
alternatively, a retelling of my college experiences through a not-very-researched band au because i’m desperate for band!nct </3
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TRACK #01 _ is this song about us?
► eight years ago, you decided to end things with your first boyfriend after agreeing that the relationship wasn’t working. it was heartbreaking, but you got over him with time—or so you thought. your heart is starting to run at an all-too-familiar erratic pace. perhaps, your feelings for him never went away. and perhaps, he’s in the same predicament as you, considering that the band’s latest album is allegedly dedicated to his first love.
pairing. vocalist!renjun x psci-major!reader(f). genres. exes-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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TRACK #02 _ the mundane things in life.
► you’re a little plain, but it’s not like you really care. there’s nothing wrong with simply living life on do not disturb, low power mode, silent mode on. but some alarm begins ringing in your monotonous lifestyle—and all of a sudden, you’re out on your very first clubbing night, drinking your very first cocktail, listening to a live band for the very first time, and having your very first kiss with the hot drummer in the restroom.
pairing. drummer!jeno x art-major!reader(f). genres. strangers-to-fwb-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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TRACK #03 _ keeping tabs on lee haechan.
► this is the first time you’ve seen your best friend in love, and to be frank, it’s kind of scary. she’s developed a crush on some guy she slept with who just so happens to be a student in your faculty, too. so, you’re tasked with keeping tabs on her newfound love. no biggie, except for the fact that you’re starting to fall in love with the guy who was lowkey an asshole at first but is now caring and gentle and—wait, he has a twin brother?
pairing. guitarist!donghyuck x bio-major!reader(f). genres. (one-sided) enemies-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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TRACK #04 _ ditto (hope you feel the same).
► one month, and not once have you seen the face of your student’s guardian. you’re more of a babysitter than a tutor at this point, teaching the teenage girl a few basic survival tips. when you begin to doubt the existence of her uncle, he comes stumbling through the front door, reeking of alcohol. you aren’t sure who you had been expecting, but nothing would’ve ever prepared you for the sweet family guy no celestial’s bassist is.
pairing. bassist!jaemin x econ-major!reader(f). genres. acquaintances-to-lovers, pop rock band au, university au, non-idol au, tbd.
status. unreleased.
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IN A CERTAIN SENSE, MOON TAEIL IS A FATHER TO FOUR YOUNG ADULTS. In the same vein, he’s basically the manager of a pop rock band. Don’t ask him how or why; he’s not too sure either. At one point in his life, he ended up babysitting his younger brother and three of his friends. They must’ve had one hell of a time because afterwards, four little gremlins would show up at Taeil’s bedroom with expectant eyes.
Those four little gremlins are the same ones that have now established a band and utilise Taeil’s basement for all sorts of things. Not only is it their studio, it’s also become their makeshift living space. At least they pay rent through the revenue their gigs bring in.
Club Moonlight is located at the edge of Neo Culture University, amidst a plethora of restaurants that close by ten p.m. It’s a sensation on campus, a must-go-to-at-least-once-in-your-life sort of place. With the nightclub alone, Taeil rakes in a good amount of money. But when No Celestial performs, the income is outstanding.
Taeil, to be frank, is a little worried for the boys. He can’t even refer to them as ‘boys’ anymore, either. They camp out in the basement and live off of cup ramyun whenever Taeil forgets to feed them. But then again, it’s not like they lack survival abilities or social skills. Perhaps, Taeil is just overthinking as a result of practically raising them for nearly fourteen years.
He sighs, setting down the cup he’d been drying for the past ten minutes. In thirty minutes, the club is to open and No Celestial is planning to play a few songs. Taeil looks over at the stage, where the DJ set had been pushed aside for the band’s equipment.
Huang Renjun, the lead vocalist and keyboardist, is busy messing around with his electric keyboard, adjusting the volume to his liking. Taeil is the least worried about him; he’s quite the competent kid who has demonstrated independence on many occasions. Renjun is just…a little too mean to people with his blunt truths. Taeil fears he might end up creating several enemies here and there without actually meaning to.
Lee Jeno, the drummer, is flipping through his music sheets with his lips pressed into a thin line. Taeil is very, very worried about him—not that Jeno is incapable of surviving, but as his older brother, Taeil can’t help but feel nervous at the thought of allowing the kid to live all on his own with no adult supervision. Additionally, Jeno likes to sleep around. Taeil respects the game, but he’s concerned about, you know, STDs and the like.
Lee Donghyuck, the rhythm guitarist, is off to the side with his guitar, plucking the chords and fixing the tune. Taeil is also very worried about him. He’s a smart kid and will probably survive just fine, but he comes from a rich family who are rather dead set on making him a doctor. Donghyuck is also an alcoholic, although the kid firmly denies the accusation. Taeil just hopes that the habit of downing soju will disappear soon.
Na Jaemin, the bass guitarist, is nowhere to be seen. Taeil technically has nothing to worry about as Jaemin is already a legal guardian and has been taking care of his niece for three years now. But the kid is overworking himself to provide for the girl, and it’s evident that the hours spent doing physical labour is taking a toll on his body. Taeil can only pray that graduating will allow him to land a stable career with a hefty income.
The clock strikes ten forty-five. In fifteen minutes, the nightclub will be in full swing, with No Celestial on stage and his employees running around to keep things in order. Taeil scans the bar, ensuring that everything is tidy. He clasps his hands together.
It’s time for another night of fun.
now playing ► no celestial by le sserafim.
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nabi’s note | whaaaat a pop rock band au when i have zero clue as to how bands work??? (dawg could i even count this as a band au it just feels like a college au,,) n e ways i am so so excited to start this series bc it’s a mix of my fantasies and my irl experiences lol we’ll see where this goes 👀 ngl this was supposed to be a university/college au but i really felt the need to make it a band au so i decided to shift some things around to make them a band 😹😹 i am a sucker for rockstar!00line so it was about time i made a cute lil bad boy rockstar band au for the dudes that i’m obsessed with ^^ ik i’ve been lowkey uploading a lot of stuff but i just have sm ideas rahhh i need to get them out asap! also yes this is inspired by le sserafim!! i don’t really listen to them but this song is so good i just had to <3
btw | i’m not too sure yet but depending on the flow of my feelings, these works may contain smut! for now, the series is definitely suggestive, but i might write smut if i feel brave enough lol ^ 
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taglist | @strangevante @bockhyun @matchahyuck @ablackbtsstan @jlsavy @thesunsfullmoon @hwanunjin @loveazri @sundamariis @just-michell @mora134340 @haechology @leleluvss @loevngyuno @rum-gone-why @dandelionxgal​ @byungbyungbaek @littlestarjasmine @iheartchoerry​ @ldhstrap @wonforgyu @lovesuhng @schwizhies @ahnneyong @jenyoonoh @patitotodd @eaglesnotravens @sukistrawberry @haedgaf @vivisoni @shentlngz @haechoshi @minkyuncutie @maeyoung @carelessshootanonymous @hibernatinghamster @1oving-j4em
please send an ask or comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list! <3
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669 notes · View notes
kdyism · 2 years
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pairing. renjun x reader
genre + themes. fluff, idiots-to-lovers, friends-to-lovers, fake dating!kind of, college!au kind of, suggestive.
wc. 8.398k / warn. mention of food/cooking, mild cussing, making out, tiktok ref (im sorry)
synopsis. enlisting you as his "someone i'm seeing" excuse, renjun tries to get his mom to stop asking him about his date for his cousin's wedding and in turn, it puts your already tired feelings for him in a loop.
yunn's text. when this happened so fast, it took a day and a half. reblog + comments are appreciated! hope you enjoy it, happy reading! (not proofread yet)
suggested music to listen along! hello, sunset by red velvet. 247 by stayc. it's yours by nct dream. prada by fr:eden. kiss kiss by shinee.
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Your eyes following Renjun as he argued with his mother regarding the same topic every time had become routine by the time a month was left for his cousin's wedding, you always hear the excuse, "I am seeing someone, I swear! but it's still not serious enough to bring them to a wedding!" he grumbles, kicking your poor carpet but you know there wasn't any mal intent because he was the one who painstaking went through all the reasonable options at Ikea to get you an aesthetically pleasing carpet without breaking your bank's back.
Renjun paces across your living room angsty with a deep frown on his face, nodding frustrated and you almost were curious about what his mother was saying for him to suddenly shut up and listen to her despite the begrudging expression he wore. He would often tell you about how much he loves his mother and how fighting with her always made him feel like he had to be showered in holy water to feel forgiven but when it came to his love life, no one is excused, not even the first love of his life.
"I know, I know, but come on you know I don't want to bring just anyone to this. If I introduce someone to you guys and break up before—like the fifth anniversary, I won't ever come back home," he sounds exasperated, locking his eyes with yours and you smile because you think he might stick to his words if he ever did, he had always been a stickler to what he did in front of his family's eyes.
The Renjun his family sees is a precious son, he drunkenly said one time and destroying that image of him would kill the innocent, law-abiding son in him forever and he would try to take over the world if that happens.
"I feel like taking that backpacking trip you were going on about now..." Renjun throws himself beside you on the sofa and you laugh at him, pushing yourself to the side to make space for him and he screams into your shoulder, quietly of course.
"When's the wedding?" you pass the flier you had bought from the tourist agency, pulling out your phone and opening up your gcal.
Pouting subtly at the flier, Renjun narrows his eyes at the cost of the trip and gasps, "Can you afford this trip? This is absurd—I retract my statement, I am not taking this trip," he crumbles the flier tossing it away and you inhale, stopping yourself from screaming and glare at him.
"That's my flier, you asshat!"
"I know you can't afford that, stop killing your savings!" he shouts back, holding his hands in front of him and pushing your clawing hands away, "I can take you to my hometown for cheaper than that," Renjun rolls his eyes, cleverly tossing out a suggestion that had been brewing in his mind for some time now.
It was maybe two weeks ago when he was on a call with his mother at home that he thought it up. What if he just took you to the wedding since his mother already suspected that something was up between the two of you. Lying to his dear mother does break his heart but his mother thinking he doesn't attract anyone breaks his own heart, for god's sake, she should know that all her good looks went to him.
Flitting your lashes at him, your lips apart and churning your entire face to express your disbelief, you added a scoff. "Um... would you mind, I don't know, speaking up,"
"I was only thinking," he quickly says, "You want a trip away from here and I need a person to show up with me in a place away from here," shrugging his shoulder nonchalantly, he takes your phone from your hand and scrolls down to December.
"You're going to visit your parents' house the last week of this month and I am leaving the first week of the next— You could just join me," he explains, pressing the 3rd of December and passing the phone back to you. "Our schedules line up—just the way you like it,"
Dropping your jaws at his insolence, your heart races at a speed you hate. His gorgeous face was already a challenge for you and now him asking this of you makes your heart's love cloud heavier. Renjun is skilled at adding more, and more, actions for you to misunderstand and your naïve heart just keeps taking them all, unable to commit to whether you should give up on him or just let your feelings rain on him, just the way he drowns you with his thoughtless actions.
"I will only pay for my food..."
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"Wait up... you're going on a trip...Alone with Huang Renjun, the Subject of your affections, Causer of your tantrums, Disturber of my peace?" despite being on call with Jisung, you sigh seeing him roll his eyes wearing a disgusted look on his face in your eyes.
Humming in response, you aren't sure why you even tell him about what's up in your life when all he does is rub your bad decisions on your face—he has a point because you always end up in his apartment, eating your emotions away by downing two buckets of vanilla and strawberry ice cream followed by Jisung's signature strawberry milkshake that he specifically bought a blender for; it never sees the light of day when he doesn't make the strawberry milkshake that you very often crave.
"He gave a compelling reason why this works for the two of us," or maybe you are easily convinced, something that only happens when it involves the said person.
Groaning into the speaker, Jisung begins his usual lecture. "I don't know who is the stupid one here, me or you—But, didn't you say you were going to get over him? What happened to putting some distance between Renjun and you? What happened to going to the cinema with me today? Didn't you see me rush through my assignments to spend time with you?" pausing for dramatic purposes, you bite your lips inhaling heavily. "...Are you saying I did all that for nothing?" Jisung always had your back, when your back was against Renjun.
"Jisung," you said sternly, rolling on your side when you heard your name faintly through your slightly open window.
"You need to shut up,"
Smiling softly, you shake your head getting off your bed. "Chenle told me you were going over to watch the Halloween reruns on his subscription," and as if it were magic, Jisung hangs up on you and you can see him fuming at Chenle already.
For as long as you have carried your feelings for Renjun, Jisung has been on the receiving end of it.
Peeking through your window, you study Renjun's outfit to match with him and you note how cool he looks standing without a care in front of your apartment, scrolling on his phone and the sun looks so good on him, it makes you somewhat jealous how even the environment around him makes your heart go ba-thump when all he did was breathe and the sound of your heart gets louder when you recognize the sweater he wore; he had gotten you matching sweaters when he went on a trip to the Disneyland in Japan with his friends, you were a good minute from melting at his feet when he gave it to you and ran off to his next class.
Quickly grabbing the same sweater from your cupboard, you decide it looks okay with your current outfit and swung your side bag on, rushing out to meet Renjun at the front. Today, you and Renjung were going shopping for something decent to wear for his cousin's wedding. You thought you already had something that would work but Renjun said you should match with his suit which in turn matches with the rest of his family because they decided for each of the families to match colours for the wedding—you wanted to laugh at how committed Renjun must've been to go as far as make you match with his family when you were a pretend date.
"Renjun!" you slap your hand on his side, announcing your arrival and he nods, "My mom said I should buy it for you because I am bringing you," he said, glancing at your face to gauge your reaction and much to his expectation, you vigorously shake your head.
"No way,"
Ignoring you, Renjun leads the way to the mall you decided earlier on and you groan, knowing that once Renjun says okay, he rarely ever changes his mind. Yes he buys you a lot of stuff without asking you but when he does it in front of you, you always end up fighting about how you can pay for your stuff while he says, he invited you so it's only reasonable that he pays. You think that if you ever do date him (in your dreams at least) you'd probably always have petty fights about it.
Following him around the store, you try on many clothes to which he shakes his head for different reasons, "This one looks too tacky," "Ehh, don't you think this makes you look off?" "The shade is wrong," and by the time you tried on your twentieth one, Renjun groans sprawling on the sofa in the dressing lounge and you sigh, taking a seat beside him.
"This is the right shade now Renjun," you shake his side, trying to get his attention and he flails around, "Just...Just do this yourself—shopping for formal wear is too hard,"
Slapping his forearm, you flinch away when he springs up with a glare. "That hurts!" he rubs his side, eyes drinking you in, slowly widening. "This is it!" he jumps, quickly making you stand and he claps his hands in victory, not noticing your flushing cheeks when he pushes your hair up and closing the distance between your faces, his breathe on your side as he checks out your dress closely with a thoughtful expression.
"You look amazing in this," he concludes, nodding while checking the price, and Renjun holds his shock at how expensive it is but the way the dress hugged you made him think this was made just for you, he had to buy it for you—wedding or no wedding. Looking up to face you, Renjun felt the first pang in his heart that would slowly be the undoing of his heart, he thought he felt the last of it a long time ago.
A momentary crush that faded away when he got comfortable around you, Renjun absolutely hated how clammy his hands got when he was around you at the beginning and he also hated the way a single smile from you could render him goo in a single second.
Renjun pushes himself away, his ears burning and the characteristic sweat forming on his palms. "Do you l-like this dress?" unable to face you in fear of a blushing expression, he turns away to call the salesman.
"Yeah... you seem like it a lot," you offhanded said, confused at his awkwardness as he rubs his hand on his jeans; something you thought he got out of a long time ago, and you watch him, getting the salesman to scan the code of your dress and going up to the front to make the payment leaving you to change into your normal clothes.
To be honest, before deciding to get over Renjun, a part of you thought he was interested in you too. From the way he has been sticking with you since your first year in university, despite how he has always been cramming with assignments to the way he has always been buying things for you as if to say he thinks of you all the time even when you are apart. 
"Should we head out?" you stand beside him, your shoulder brushing against him as you take the bag with your new dress in it from the counter.
Seeing over your head, Renjun thinks for a minute. His eyes go back and forth from you to behind you until he says, "Go ahead, I need to get something," leaving you rattled. 
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Renjun doesn't feel bad towards Jisung most of the time when you choose to hang out with him over your friend it made him feel more special even if it meant you were constantly changing your plans with Jisung. According to you, Jisung always leaves you unconfirmed until the last minute because he has grown used to you changing your mind whenever you decided your assignments are more important than watching ep 8 Brooklyn 99 just because Jisung wants to understand what all the memes are about. 
However, this time, Renjun did feel bad for Jisung. 
"I was waiting at the train stop... for almost two hours!" the younger boy had tears rolling down his side, his face threading the line between anger and frustration. 
"It's my fault..." Renjun sheepishly says, scraping his original idea of just getting Jisung back to his apartment. "My mom bought an early ticket and came over while she was at my place. You know how my mom is," 
Rolling his eyes, "Are you saying me that you left her alone with your mom?" Jisung scoffs, throwing his hands to his mouth, letting the seat belt he pulled sling back and hit his shoulder.
Jisung hurriedly plugs in the belt, turning his torso to face Renjun who begins driving and repeats his question. Raising his brows in disbelief, "How...no, why would you let that happen?" 
Renjun too honestly regrets having you meet his mom before talking about the whole plan with you, being in a pretend relationship that works would need the story to match on both sides. Renjun has no idea what his mom would ask and how you would reply, he trusts you completely yes, but he also knows how nosy his mother is when it came to his love life because he never tells her anything (because there is always nothing to say) and you, oh god, he knew you were nervous enough meeting his entire family at the wedding but this, you didn't even have time to dress properly when you opened the front door to his mom wearing his faded Ravenclaw sweatshirt and basketball shorts that Chenle left in his apartment a while back.
"Do you plan on ever telling her the truth?" Jisung asks out of the left field as the car drives into the curb near his neighbourhood, a shiver runs down Renjun's spine at the thought.
"No way,"
"Heh, Chenle was right about the two of you being idiots—You're meant to be," 
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Careful not to chop your fingers as you slice the onions for Renjun's mother, you couldn't help being on guard as she floats around you. Nothing could've prepared you for this. Renjun for one wasn't lying when he said he inherited his mother's good looks because as soon as you opened the front door and let your eyes fall on the grace of her face, you blew a fuse. 
"Darling, where is the cream sauce?" she asks, sweetness laced in her tone, scanning through the refrigerator.
"It must be in the drawer—Renjun might’ve stuffed in there last time," 
"Ahah, here it is. Does Renjun eat homecooked often?" she leaves the sauce out to cool, standing beside you on the kitchen counter and begins to work on the chicken. 
Nodding in response, you slide the sliced onions onto a plate and grab the mushrooms next, smiling fondly as you remember the first time Renjun had cooked for you and added mushrooms sliced too thin. "Renjun and I take turns cooking during the weekends. That's more homecooked meals than what most of our friends have,"
Smiling gently at you, "That's nice to know, I am always worried he isn't eating properly," goosebumps run down your back as she says that while she pulls out the bones from the chicken. You never wanted to cross her, hearing stories from Renjun about how scary she gets and the sight of her sweet smile combined with the deboning has solidified your fear. 
But as nervous as you are, you are quick to realize how sweet his mother is. Lathering him in affection as soon as her eyes set on him, Renjun flushed so deeply that you felt your heart swoon with adoration due to how docile he had turned in front of his mother, his ears turning red and whining at her to stop rubbing his head. She immediately asked you how you were and if Renjun was ever mean to you, you could've yes but you didn't. You said he's always very blunt, instead. 
Though, despite how unnerving it is that you eased around her, you remembered that you had plans with Jisung and Renjun left to get him. The nerves shot up again, you did not want to mess up for the sake of Renjun and you think his mother caught onto how tense you had become because she started talking more than she had earlier, asking you questions about Renjun and how he's been doing far from home—what you've been fearing for though had yet to appear until she finally let the stove do the cooking and the two of you settled on the stools at the kitchen. 
"You're the one coming to the wedding right?" she trails, her eyes blinking at you and studying your features, you nod apprehensively, unsure what she would ask next. "Is my son lying to me or are you two actually seeing each other?" 
Ahah, that question. 
You didn't know how to reply. Yes, your son is lying to you but no, I might also be the reason he isn't seeing someone because he spends all his time seeing me instead—you awkwardly nod though, "We are still at the talking stage... I don't know whether that qualifies," you said, your thumbs fiddling and you pray, Renjun please come home already.
As if on cue, you hear the jingle of his key chain and you spring up from your chair to go greet him, "You're back!" you smile in relief, clinging onto him and poor Jisung, getting left behind. "What are you doing here?" jutting your lips out when you see the other boy, you glance from him to Renjun for an answer. 
"I felt bad..." Renjun pushes you aside, removing his coat and you take it from him naturally, Jisung watching you act so routinely with his friend as if you live in his house. You put away his coat and hang up the keys, following him into the kitchen and Jisung follows you without a word, only opening up to greet Renjun's mother who he has met before. "This is Jisung, you know him," Renjun says anyway.
You grab two cups of water for the boys and walk to them, finding them in a conversation with his mom. "Ah! Yes, yes I remember now—Didn't you have a partner or something for that?" his mother laughs at the memory Jisung had recalled, the topic: Cross-dressing Renjun. 
"I was his partner for that," you giggle, loving the blush that overtook Renjun's face as you add, "He wore my clothes and I did his make-up, I was so sure he'd win," you said frowning. 
"Well, that senior Jungwoo looked very pretty," chugging down the water you brought, Renjun leans into your side when you sit, sending your heated blood upwards. Before you had become close to him, he always gave you incessant headaches from blushing, you had enjoyed the dizzying feeling he created and the conundrum your stomach would get up to, suddenly, you think, what if this wasn't a lie?
"Your mother asked me if you were lying," you whispered to him, your eyes plastered on Jisung and his mother reminiscing all of Renjun's embarrassing first-year stories. 
His jaw slackened, "What did you say?" he asks, eyes as wide as saucers and his breath brushing on your side, "Did she ask anything weird?"
Shaking your head, you tilt to face him. Your lips so close yet so far, you pull away and reply, "I said her we are still in the talking stage, I have no idea if that's even a thing for us—"
"—We've been in the talking stage for four years then," Renjun smiles, nudging your side and getting up to follow his mother into the kitchen when she announced she was going to check on the stove.
Letting out a ragged sigh, you groan quietly and roll to Jisung's side who looked at you disgusted, "You traitor, you liar, you asshat, I am never making plans with you again—"
"I didn't mean to ditch you." you cuddle into his side, comforting him by patting his side and he pouts, "I was there for two hours, you don't know how scared I was,"
"Yes, I know... I am sorry, I'll make up to you for sure," you try to put on your best puppy eyes, sure that Jisung would try to take revenge on you and he nods, "I hope you are ready to stick to your words this time," he says, dropping octaves to scare you.
"You have my word, sir,"
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Before Jisung pointed out, you never noticed that you've been having the boyfriend experience during the recent two years in your relationship with Renjun. 
Currently 3 am, you shudder as the cold night air chips away at you while you wait for Renjun to pick you up at the nearest fast food chain for an early breakfast and head off. Jisung said, how many people do you think have a meet-up spot at the unholy hour? Not many, mainly people who are dating or flirting—people don't go see people at 3 am unless they have something going on. You had never really thought of it like that, you thought that Renjun was a night owl like you. It made sense to call up the other person you were sure would also be awake. 
"You are stupid—you should know better than everyone else, Renjun wakes up early—"  it then clicked in your head, "Because he goes to bed early, what the hell," you blush. 
The sound of your name pulls you from your mind and you grin, waving slightly as his car stops in front of you. Waddling over to the passengers and getting in, you pull your phone from your pocket and thrash it into the holder, getting comfortable to wear the seat belt. "Hey," you finally said, pushing your hair away. 
"Did you place the order?" Renjun drives, his eyes glancing at you to see you nod and you open your phone, "It says it’s ready—Whose going to get it?" your brows immediately furrow, groaning at the idea of having to get off the car and you say, "I got it last time, you should do it this time,"
"Uhuh, no way," 
"Come on, that's fair! Plus I paid because I called you out!" you whine, wriggling into the seat, you hear Renjun chuckle and your eyes catch his eyes in the rearview mirror when he suggests, "Let's just do rock, paper, scissors,"
A grin flashes on your face, Renjun always loses rock, paper, scissors with you—the only he won was at a club when he was drunk off his ass for the first time in your friendship and you let him win because he has begun to tear up at his losing streak. 
Fisting your hand, Renjun imitates you after setting the car in park at the traffic light and you chant, "Rock, paper, scissors—Shoot!" Scissors and your eyes move to Renjun's hand but his groan reaches your ears first, earning a laugh from you. He had thrown out rock and you felt a zap through your body in excitement—now this is what you call a serotonin boost. 
"Ugh, you are such a cheat," he grumbles, the traffic light turns green and you scoff, " Jealousy is not a good colour on you,"
Rolling his eyes, Renjun contradicts, "Shut up. I am pretty sure you said green was made for me,"
"I only said that because it compliments yellow and yellow looks great on you—" "Same difference," Renjun says indignantly and you pout, rolling your eyes. You won, he has to go get the take-out whether he likes it or not because as you know, Renjun is a man of his word. 
The rest of the ride was quiet, it wasn't an awkward or uncomfortable one but it was one where you could hear your heart's pacing sound and Renjun's soft humming, you especially loved going on a drive at these wee hours because while the whole world was asleep, the sound of Renjun's voice is the only thing you could hear aside from your own heart that always sounds to the beat of him. 
Looking outside of the window, Jisung's words keep replaying in your mind. You couldn't disagree that you are indeed having the boyfriend experience. 
Whenever someone hits on you, you get to say you are with someone and it's Renjun. Whenever you wear something nice, you get to say it’s from Renjun. Whenever you are apart, people ask if you fought with Renjun. Everything nice reminds you of him. Your every day revolves around matching with him, like he said, you just like it when your schedules line up—even your beloved gcal has an assigned colour just for him. 
He knows about your bank details, and your class schedules, he knows your mom and now you know his, you know how he feels about his family and he knows everything there is to know about you daily—hell, you even have a spare key to his apartment that even his mom doesn't have as you found out recently.
If this wasn't the boyfriend experience, you don't know what having a boyfriend is supposed to be; aside from the obvious making out and such, which to be frank, you're open to if he is too.
Right now, as Renjun parks outside the fast food place and grabs your phone like it’s his and goes off to get your take-away, you realize he even knows your phone password and you want to sling Jisung outside a window for making you think about this.
You want to kiss Renjun now—that's what's missing. 
That's something you could ask for if he was your boyfriend but he's not, and this is all just pretend. In the two years, you've grown closer than before and the few days leading up to your trip to his cousin's wedding as well. This is all a lie because, for one, a kiss is something that isn't meant for you, who is just a friend.
Your eyes can't help burning, tears flooding and your nose heating up at well. This isn't a thing to cry about—you already decided to give up on him, you remind yourself, feeling utterly stupid at how easy it is for you to make yourself cry.
"Oh my god! Why are you crying?" you hear the panic laced in his tone, shoving the take-out bag carefully to the back and shutting the door behind him.
Renjun leans in, pushing your hair away from your moist face now that you began sweating from all the heat that rushed up to your face and seeing his worried face, you can't help crying harder. "I hate you! you are so baaaad!" you complain, slapping your hands on his chest and he shushes you, patting your sides calmly, "Why am I bad? Is this because of the rock, paper, scissors—I know you won fair and square," he rambles, his hands delicately wiping away the tears on your face.
"You're bad because you are like this! You are so confusing!" you sob, putting your hands up between himself and you. 
If it wasn't enough that you made yourself cry, your heart almost caught up to your neck. The usual ba-thump louder than ever and racing at the speed you didn't think was possible, if your chest breaks and your heart gets out, you wouldn't be surprised.
On the other hand, Renjun barely had any idea why you were suddenly crying and he does what he knows calms you down. Unplugging the seat belt you had on, he snakes his arms around your neck and pulls you into him, of course, he hopes you can't hear his loud heart beating like crazy but right now, he shushes into your ears and says all the nice words you like to hear. "It's okay, I am right here if you need to cry—take your time," he says like a chant, a mantra that he knows works on you because you taught him these words when he really needed to cry.
"Renjun..." you call, sobbing more gently now after a few minutes has passed. Craning your neck up to face him, you ask, "Hic—Why is your h‐ick—eart bearing so fast?"
Making gibberish noises, you try to make out what he says and he shrugs, "Um because you scared me... by suddenly... crying?" he sounds unsure and you narrow your eyes, leaning over to which he pulls away in response. "Why do you—hic—sound unsure?" you ask through your hiccuping. 
"I don't know, I don't know—don't ask me this," Renjun feels the back of his burning up and the clammy hands return, he pushes you off and turns to get the food from the back. "Let's just finish this before it becomes even colder than it already is," he says trying to distract you, your glare though keeps following him as he hands you your meal.
If you ever ask him this again, Renjun thinks he might just run away from you then come out with the truth now that he has (if he is assuming correctly) become the reason you had a mental breakdown at almost 5 am with the sunrise as the backdrop on his car.
Whatever it might be, he hopes it has to do with the rock, paper, scissors and not something more serious.
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While you were away at your parent's house for a week, you became sure that it was Jisung's revenge to have you think about the nature of your relationship with Renjun.
You hate him, you cut him off for three days now and suddenly, you are at his apartment unable to keep to yourself. 
"You cried in his car?" Chenle repeats, munching on spicy chips and intently listening to your retelling of the most embarrassing thing you have ever done. "YES!" you nod exasperatedly.
"I was god awful—I think I might have got his shirt snotty and also, Jisung is so evil like why would you tell something so crucial at a time like this?" dropping your head on the pillow placed on your lap, you scream into it.
"Um. What's the crucial time?" Jisung tilts his head confusedly, looking like an adorable puppy but his actions have made him look like the most annoying creature on earth in your eyes, a scoff escapes you before you could stop it which in turn earns you a gasp followed by a resentful scoff. "Leave, just leave my house if you are going to behave like this," Jisung stretches out his hands towards the door and you cry, "I am sorry! You know I love you!" 
"Anyways," Chenle pops up, "What's this crucial time? Even I want to know,"
"Guys, do you ever listen to me?" you weakly accuse them, and Chenle shrugs, "We are right now, aren't we?" to which Jisung nods. 
"I am going on a trip with Renjun today—like in a few hours... My suitcase is already in his trunk and he is just getting things in order with his landlord since he won't be here for three weeks—and you know what? he says if the room isn't aired out at least twice a week, he'll die," 
Dropping his jaws, "Ah, the crucial time," Jisung laughs sheepishly, apologising for his awful timing and you nod, "Yeah, yeah you asshat. Be sorry for me,"
"What are you doing here if you are leaving today?" Chenle as always, always asks ‘the important questions’. 
"This is why you're my favourite," you giggle at him, throwing a chip in his mouth as a reward and Jisung rolls his eyes, because if Chenle was your favourite, why are you always calling him in distress and disturbing his peace?
"I didn't wanna leave with bad blood." closing your eyes for dramatic purposes, you place your hand on Jisung's shoulders and say, "You know I love you right? You are such an important, irreplaceable person to me. Chenle, you need to keep him safe while I am away," 
Rolling his eyes, "I am glad to know you feel guilty for ghosting me for two days," Jisung grins, even if he doesn't say it, you know deep down he appreciates how much you put into words your affection for him. 
Though he wishes you just do it with Renjun and get over this whole unrequited love situation.
Laughing at the exchange, Chenle says, "I take care of him all the time, don't worry," and you sigh, to show that you now feel at peace, you place a hand on your chest and look afar. "I can finally rest in peace,"
"Why are you acting like this, just go home,"
"You're gonna miss me when I am gone," 
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It was just a two-hour ride on a single train that makes about three stops along the way, the only thing you is that your time of arrival would be late at night and you felt awkward enough pretending to be asleep, cuddling into the side of your seat and bringing your knees closer to your chest—you had a reason, your knees keep brushing with his and your heart couldn't handle any sense of contact thanks to your cry fest, though Renjun fails to bring it up whenever you think he might, you know it must he bothering him just by knowing is personality.
To say the least, Renjun's hometown isn't too far.
"Can you please stop pretending?" Renjun pokes your arms, his eyes staring daggers into your head and your body clatters, you didn't think you could face Renjun.
Fluttering your eyes open, your breath hitches. "Give me some space," you choke out, putting your hand up and Renjun hums, "You've been so quiet—are you worried about that breakdown?"
"If you know, you shouldn't ask me about it," you hiss, sitting up straight and sinking into the seat to make sure he sees your annoyance. You aren't actually annoyed, you didn't know how else to be normal though.
Renjun is probably familiar with your bouts of "Leave me alone," over the time you've been friends and each other’s confidants. He has never been the cause of your tantrum but he knows you'll come around. "You can keep pretending like you hate me. But right now, I need to know if you'd like to stay at my family home or a hotel?" crossing his arms causally, Renjun glances at you and you quirk your lips downwards.
"Shouldn't you have asked this earlier?"
"I was discussing with my mom," you were starting to grow suspicious of how much of his decisions are his and how much of it was his mother—"My mom says I should bring you home,"
"Will you be comfortable with me walking around your family home?" you pursue your lips trying to imagine what he would be like with family around, no matter how awkward you get, he'd probably be even more so. Thinking a second, "I'd rather not pay for lodging, so yeah, stay over," he shrugs.
"Even if it means I have to stay in your room?" you lean into his side, locking your eyes and tying your pinky with his.
Playing along with you, Renjun grabs your hand and asks, "Didn't you hate me a second ago?" earning a subtle smile from you.
"I can't be mad at you for so long. And I swear, I didn't cry because of you, you did nothing wrong, you didn't make me cry," you softly said, your fingers rubbing circles on his hand as you bring it over your lap. "Jisung is the one to blame,"
"Huh? At 3 am, Jisung made you cry?" Renjun furrows his brows at you, watching you firmly nod, "Yes, Jisung makes me cry no matter the time of day—he just like onions,"
"I am sure he'd love to know you're comparing him to onions too now,"
Giggling weakly, you roll your eyes. "Don't you dare tell him," you glare playfully, you surprise yourself with how fast Renjun lifts your mood. With your previous embarrassment behind you, you somehow end up lifting the armrest between you and Renjun, snuggling into his shoulder, and snoozing away for the two hours to his hometown.
Much to your dismay, his mother had prepared you the guestroom.
Apparently, she had cleaned out the guestroom a few months ahead in case family comes over because of the wedding being nearby and you didn't get to force Renjun into proximity, not that you don't do that either way but something about going to bed together makes your heart flutter, you know Renjun must look pretty lying down, resting his eyes and lulling into sleep.
"Knock, knock," Renjun's voice entices your skin, goosebumps rising across your arms while you stretch.
"Ugh... Good morning," you beam at him, your hair looking like a bird’s nest and Renjun hides a smile, pulling you up from the bed. "It's just me and you today, there's no food," he informs you, guiding you by your shoulders into the bathroom to let you freshen up.
"Are we getting take-out?" you sputter, trying to stretch the coldness away from your body. "Umm... wash up and come down, let's decide later," he shrugs, leaving you to yourself.
The kitchen he grew up around isn't the same anymore, the cabinet he had always opened to find cereal boxes and ramen packs now housed many types of tea and biscuits, clearly, his mother made the house her own once there wasn't a kid around anymore. Knowing his father, he probably just goes along with whatever his mom does.
Scanning through the options, Renjun flicks the kettle on to heat the water and grabs the packet of black tea, moving swiftly to the fridge to take out the milk carton. "Nothing better than milk tea for breakfast," he says to himself, prepping for it.
You always had milk tea in the morning when you woke up, you said it clears your bowels before you had to leave your house. Something you picked up from your family routine and he finds it endearing, you still did many things that you'd attribute to being childhood habits such as greeting him at the door and always leaving folded clothes at whoever bedrooms instead of just putting them away in the cupboard.
You also always waddle into the kitchen with your pyjamas on, not ready to change and begin your day just yet. "It's already 10 in the morning, why are you still being lazy?" Renjun nags, sliding your cup of tea towards you.
Rolling your rolls, you pout your lips out. "We are staying in today,"
"I don't need to look presentable in front of you, you don't even care what I look like," your tone had changed from normal to whinny, catching him off guard. "What do you mean? Of course, I care how you look," he threw out defensively.
"Yeah? I don't see you checking me out whenever I come over," you point, sipping the tea he made you and humming in appreciation, he makes it just the way you like it and you only had to tell him one time. "No one checks anyone out obviously, that's just... that's like telling the world you think someone's hot," nodding curiosity at his audacity, you ask.
"So you're saying I am hot and you check me out secretly?"
Renjun gapes, blinking at you indignantly. "P O V, you are delusion. Why are you putting words in my mouth,"
"I think I remember what you just quite clearly," you spit out, peering over at him with a look of victory. "You can admit that you think I am hot,"
"As if—I know you think I am hot, I can see you checking me out all the time. I also see you trying to match with me through the window. You think I don't see you?" Renjun coughs, leaning against the kitchen island and you kick his leg, washing your now empty tea cup and you hear a grumble from him.
"At least I am not denying it,"
Narrowing his eyes, the fresh sunlight dazzling through the kitchen windows shines on your face. Extenuating your features and making your face look gentler than it probably was, Renjun cages you to the sink and scoffs, "Oookay," he drags, his eyes dropping to your lips, the sound of his heart clouding his reasoning and he asks, "If I agree that you're hot, can I kiss you?"
As if time could stop, your eyes widened, even the dust in the air becoming visible suddenly and Renjun's breath on your nose makes your chest tighten, heat spreading through your face and head, "What...?" you echo your mind, Renjun doesn't like you.
"If you don't say no, I'll take it as a yes," Renjun says, his head leaning towards your lips and your fingers betray you, curling around his collar, you grab him first and peck his lips. It felt like this dream would shatter if you kissed him any harder, a peck was enough, that alone was a dream come through and it felt so real, your body shudders under his grip. 
But this is real, you say to yourself. Renjun needs an answer too, "Yes, yes, you can kiss me," you quickly said, eyes burning up due to the flame on your face, you feel the dizzying feeling back with the throbbing pain that always accompanies it. "Hurry and kiss me," Renjun chuckles, nodding sweetly at your words.
His hands cup your cheeks, brushing his lips against yours and your lips are as soft as he thought they'd be, you were always fussy about moisturising them. Not as patient as him, you lean forward and kiss him, his lips smiling into the kiss and his hands move back to cradle your neck, to hold you in a more comfortable position. Your lips taste like your favourite strawberry toothpaste and the scent of your cheap lavender soap bar intoxicated his movement, his fingers running through your face, feeling out your features and your lips keeps chasing his, the sound of your quiet sighs enticing him but he knows better.
"Stop," he says, his head digging into your neck. His lips brush against your collarbone, and he feels the shiver that runs down your back because he felt that too, the headache this heat gives him never felt this satisfying. "If you kiss me again, I'll take you straight to my room," he laughs, hearing your sharp gasp.
"That's not very filial son of you, you shouldn't do naughty stuff in your parent's house," you tease, your arms snaking around his torso, gripping him for dear life because if this was a dream, it feels as real as it could get and Renjun sighs, his breath tickling your neck.
"What are we now?" he asks, "Actually, did you even know I like you?"
"Huh, I would've never guessed." you bite back, pushing him off you and just now, you felt the back of your shirt moist from leaning on the sink and you release a groan, "Ugh! My shirt is wet,"
"My master plan." Renjun beams, sitting down on the kitchen stool. "Now you have to get changed into non-pyjamas."
"You asshat," you slap his head, running upstairs to change and your hand flies up to your lips, you cried last week about kissing him.
Your body felt like a fever, his body was just melting into yours and now, you've just been kissed and your brain might’ve melted, you think. You change out of your pyjamas, wearing what are "decent clothes" according to Renjun and hurry down, his side profile making your heart shake. Jisung was right, you couldn't think of anything you wanted to do with Renjun for a date that you haven't already done. Even meeting his family is a thing that should've come after he was your boyfriend—You've had all of the typical boyfriend experiences and yet, Renjun...
Biting your lisp, you just had to ask, "Are you, my boyfriend, now?"
"Huh?" he blinks, looking away from his phone and you ask again, "Are we a thing?"
Shrugging, this is the first time you've seen a blush on his face that you've caused. His ears glow, and it spreads to his cheeks. Lips quivering, you could tell he was trying to contain a smile. "If you'll have me, yeah," he nods, his eyes looking anywhere but at you.
"Heh," you giggle, skipping down the stairs to his side and you fling yourself at him, "I guess how you actually have a date for the wedding tomorrow,"
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Crossing your arms and propping yourself on the table you've been assigned to, you understand now, why his mother was adamant about having a date.
Renjun has always been popular, even though he only attempts blind dates out of peer pressure and rejects everyone left and right, Renjun's popularity hadn't ever dwindled not even when he went missing doing his mid-term senior assignments. You should've known it was the same case back home, your eyes follow him as he greets people from his past with his mother and you can tell by the subtle blush on his face, the apologetic look as he points at you that they were asking about his relationship status again.
You even saw someone give him a gift when they should be gifting the people getting married instead.
"He's too popular, right?" Jisung huffs, stuffing his cheeks with the chocolate nuggets on your table. "I always knew," you shrug.
"Why didn't you tell me you were invited as well?" you glare at him, when you saw him as you entered with Renjun a while back, you wanted to cry in relief that there was someone you knew other than Renjun and his parents.
Forcing down the nuggets in his cheeks, he chokes out, "I didn't know if I was gonna make it—Renjun's cousin is kind of obsessed with me." He points at the groom and says, "I met him with Renjun a few years back and he clicked with me immediately, I don't even know why,"
"Damn, glad he didn't steal you from me," you nod, impressed by the reach of Jisung's charm.
"What happened with you and him though?" he asks, his eyes following Renjun now just as yours were and you grin, "We are now officially—I don't even know,"
"He acts just the same, I mean I guess we started dating yesterday but god, he is so awful, I didn't know how awful he was before," you complain, remembering how he woke you up last this morning when you would've taken more time than him to ready but he was sweet, he said he wanted to let you sleep in, though it still pissed you off that you had to rush getting ready.
"You were just enchanted by him before, now you'll see his true colours in their true form," Jisung concludes, sleeking back his hair as he stands. "I am gonna congratulate them and leave, see back you home," he pats your shoulder, Renjun appearing in front of you.
"Jisung's leaving?"
"Yeah," you stare up at his gorgeous face, his lips tinted with your lipstick but you didn't tell him that, you wanted everyone to know he was yours. The deep raspberry red that faintly stuck to him after you kissed him made your chest tremble, and you intertwin your hand with his. "You polish up nicely," you tell him again.
"You look nice too," he replies, a blush forming on his face and you grin, "You know, your mom was right,"
"There are way too many preying hands here, how did you manage to have only one girlfriend before me?"
Renjun thinks, humming at your question. "I was a bigger nerd back then,"
"But your cute even when you're nerding out," you blurt out, whether he was singing his favourite songs word to word or he was making fan art for a game he was obsessed with, he always looked cute when his focused expression; furrowing brows and a deep frown.
"You are the only one who thinks that,"
"You just don't know how many people think the same, you just don't know better," you shrug. You had already seen the Renjun fanclub at university to think otherwise. The only other time you cried about Renjun was the time they tried to make you stay away from him.
"I am just realising you'd be an awful boyfriend," you chuckle, you are ready to face whatever he might be behind the Renjun you know. "I am glad I didn't go on that backpacking trip,"
"Be grateful, I saved you so much money and you got a boyfriend."
"It's unfair though," you mumble, Renjun raising his brows at your statement. "What's unfair?"
"You've done all the boyfriend things with me, what else is left for you to do with me?" you ask, heat rising in your cheek because you can only think of one thing and Renjun giggles, it is an evil giggle.
"We both know what's left,"
"Shut up, I am just saying it's unfair that we've been on hundreds of dates already, we take pictures where ever we go, I met your parents, I have your apartment key, we cook for each other, we have matching stuff—"
"Wow, now that you're listing it, we've actually done a lot together,"
"Exactly! You stole my boyfriend experience—I've never even had one before you,"
"W for Renjun, L for you,"
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anothershorthuman · 6 months
Stay Alive Pt. 8
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pairings: nct dream x platonic!reader, afab!reader (you wear a skirt, but they/them pronouns are used), ??? x reader x ???
genre: zombie apocalypse au, high school au, angst, fluff, humor, not really horror but it's zombies ya'know
word count: 3.0k
series warnings: blood, injuries & fighting, suicide, character death, swearing, again... zombies.
chpt warnings: medical malpractice, mentions of dead parents, swearing
summary: nobody was ready for a zombie apocalypse. you were definitely not ready for a zombie apocalypse. while contemplating just giving up and accepting your fate, you meet a group of boys. life may seem pointless now, but at the very least, you now have a reason to stay alive.
previous: masterlist: next
The camp isn’t as full as Jaemin thought it would be. Sure, there are several hundred people, but there are plenty of empty beds. The camp is broken up into several buildings: 4 housing lodges, 3 bathroom lodges, 1 cafeteria, the 2 medical buildings near the entrance, the staff entrance building, and a giant courtyard in the middle. 
The boys were given a tour after all of their medical examinations and given color coded wristbands in order to place them in a lodging house. Mark and Chenle were put into the green house, Renjun, Haechan, and Jisung in the yellow house. The remaining two houses were blue and red, but the wristbands given to Jeno and Jaemin were orange. 
“What the fuck is orange?” Jaemin asks the guard giving them a tour. 
“The two of you were uncooperative when you were found. Think of it as your first warning.” 
They were instructed to stay in the red lodging house. Apparently, that is where all of the uncooperative residents stayed, as well as off-guard security and military. Jeno assumed that this is similar to what being in prison was like. Uncooperative residents were only allowed in the red lodge and other communal spaces. People placed in other housing lodges were free to enter any building except the staff building. There was a curfew, everyone was to be in their housing lodge at midnight.
The boys sat together at the outskirts of the courtyard. Jeno was glaring at anyone that stared a little too hard. They had tried looking for you, assuming that your medical examination must have gone by quicker than theirs considering you were by yourself and yet, you were nowhere to be found.
“What if something was wrong with them?” Chenle asked. The implication was understood by everyone, what if you had been infected?
“Don’t say that.” Renjun is quick to shoot him down. “We asked the guards if they were fine and they said they are so… they’re fine.”
Jaemin is picking at the skin around his nails, “Fine my ass. We should find them and get out of here.”
“Maybe we should leave without them.” Everyone's heads whip to look at Jeno in surprise. He shrugs a bit, “Don’t look at me like that. If the government wants to keep them for whatever reason, maybe we should let them. I mean, it's the government! What the hell are we supposed to do against the government?”
Haechan is the first to defend you, “We’re not supposed to abandon our friends.”
Jeno shakes his head, “I’m glad you could find comfort in them after what happened with your mom, but they aren’t the only ones wanting to help you through that. We need to be realistic, okay?” When an uncomfortable silence follows his statement he continues, “This isn’t me not wanting to be their friend. This is me prioritizing the friends I have in front of me right now.”
Jeno’s a bit out of breath after his outburst and his eyes flicker between all of the boys trying to gauge their reaction. 
“Maybe he’s right.” Jisung says softly. He’s ripping up the blades of grass in front of him as he talks, avoiding eye contact with everyone else. “If something were to happen to them, or anyone of us, they wouldn’t want the rest of us to be hung up on it, right? We can’t just sit around and do nothing. If something happens to me, I want you guys to make a run for it. Keep living.”
Chenle stands up and speaks as he dusts off his pants, “I don’t give a shit what you guys say. Leave for all I care, but I’m not leaving without knowing why they’re being so secretive about keeping my friend isolated and away from us.” And with that he left towards the green lodge. Mark is quick to run off after him, assuring the others that he’ll be back after making sure that he’s okay. Jisung follows.
Renjun sighs, this really wasn’t how he thought this conversation would go. Jeno has been nothing but candid with his distaste for you, even if he’s unwilling to explain where these feelings originated. He’s also noticed the complete opposite with Jaemin. All of the second years know that Jaemin is a flirt, often taking people out on dates. There were rumors about how he would sneak his arm around his dates shoulders, his other hand maybe wandering. But Renjun knows that despite Jaemin’s flirtatious persona, those rumors were only rumors. Jaemin hadn’t been interested in anyone for years, but he wonders if maybe he’s interested in you now. Renjun glances at him, only to realize that Jaemin is already looking at him intently.
“What?” Renjun asks.
Jaemin shrugs, “You didn’t say anything earlier, I was just wondering what you’re thinking.”
“I’m worried about them too. But if everyone else wants to leave, then I’m okay with that too.”
Jaemin lets out a dry laugh, “So you don’t actually have an opinion?”
Renjun can feel his eyebrows rising, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’re taking the easy way out. Would it kill you to be divisive?”
“I’m divisive when I need to be,” Renjun is quick to retaliate, “I care about the entire group and I understand that not everyone will agree with me, something that you don’t seem to understand.”
“Oh, I understand. I really just don’t care. If I’m right, I’m not gonna go along with everyone else because they agree. They’re still wrong.”
Renjun leans forward, challenging him, “So you’re never wrong?”
Jaemin sends him a lazy smile, “I’m never wrong.”
Sure, Renjun is annoyed with Jaemin’s answer, but it’s Jeno that scoffs in disagreement.
“I can name 5 different times you were wrong right now.” Jeno says.
“Do it.” Jaemin challenges.
“The time you told Haechan that Chaeyoung was into him and he should confess to her.”
“I knew she would reject him. But he had been doing unnecessary favors for her and Haechan was being used. She needed to straight up reject him so he could move on.”
“What?” Haechan exhaled in surprise, “You couldn’t have just told me she wasn’t into me!” He shoves Jaemin and Jaemin shoves him back and snickers.
“The time you stole Yangyangs money.”
“I saw him take it from a freshman. I gave it back to them.”
“When you skipped Chemistry for an entire semester.”
“That was the semester Yuna would not leave Renjun alone unless he had people around, I’d skip class so he wouldn’t be alone during lunch.”
“That’s why you’d eat lunch with me?” Renjun interrupts. 
Jaemin nods his head. “That girl was so fucking clingy, I figured you would like having a guard dog around for one period.”
Jeno laughs, “You did not just call yourself a guard dog.” Haechan starts to jokingly bark at Jaemin.
“I am one.” Jaemin smiles. “But see, I’m always right. So, we shouldn’t leave until all of us can leave together, okay?”
“Fine by me.” Renjun sighs.
Jeno is looking at his hands in his lap, smoothing out the wrinkles in his pants. “I don’t know, man.”
Jaemin scooches closer to Jeno, putting a hand on his knee. “Please, dude. For me?”
The breeze picks up, and Renjun can feel the hairs in the back of his neck sticking up. The wind rustles the trees surrounding the camp and the leaves fall into the camp. 
“Okay.” Jeno says.
Haechan interrupts the moment with his loud voice, “No one’s gonna ask me what I think?”
Mark watches Chenle pout and whine to Jisung about how unfair everything is. If the circumstances had been different, Mark would probably have even thought that Chenle looked cute. He would have leaned over and squeezed his cheeks affectionately, teased him about his complaining. Sadly, they were still in the middle of the first zombie apocalypse known to man, so the temper tantrum was more annoying than cute.
“Can you chill out, man?” Mark asks.
Chenle’s mouth opens in an “O,” seemingly shocked by Mark's statement. “I can’t believe you just said that to me!” he complains.
Jisung is trying his hardest not to laugh. Really, he is. He knows that there isn’t anything funny about Mark reprimanding Chenle or having an argument about potentially leaving someone behind to die, and yet he can’t stop the giggles that leave his mouth. This, in turn, prompts Chenle to start giggling too. Soon, they are both cackling, leaning onto each other for support. Chenle is doubling over in laughter and Jisung is hitting him on the back as he starts to wheeze. 
Mark can’t do anything else but watch. His face expression is contorted into one of confusion, his eyebrows pulled together and his mouth slightly open as if to ask a question. His face only makes the other two boys laugh harder. Mark sighs deeply and leaned back on his two hands. 
“Okay, okay,” Jisung says, wheezing between laughs, “We’re done.”
Chenles laughing lessens when he sees that Mark didn’t seem amused by their outburst. He didn’t mean to be annoying, but it felt like all his repressed emotions were starting to catch up to him. 
“This is serious,” Mark said.
Chenle scoffed, “You think I don’t know that? Tell me why I’m the only person that gives a fuck as to if one of our friends is okay?”
“Are they really our friend?” Jisung asks.
“Are you seriously asking me that right now?” Chenle says with eyebrows raised.
One of Mark's hands came up to rub his face, he really was struggling to keep his frustrations at bay. “We met them a couple days ago, Chenle. And they held a knife to my neck!”
“Maybe you only met them a couple days ago. But they’re in Jisung and my homeroom, they’re my friend.”
“Friend is a stretch, don’t you think?” Jisung says, “I mean, they sat all the way in the back and barely talked to anyone.”
“They’re my friend, okay?” Chenle was clearly becoming more irritated by their line of questioning, “Just because you didn’t talk to them doesn’t mean that I never did.”
Chenle was on his own. Usually, he and Jisung would sit outside their homeroom before class started, talking about basketball or the latest anime episode they had watched. But, Jisung was sick and wouldn’t be at school today and Chenle didn’t feel like talking to anyone else. So he figured he would walk into class early that day and just wait in his seat for the day to start. He figured that he could use some peace and quiet and he hoped to spend some time alone.
Except, he wasn’t alone. When he walked into the classroom, you were already in your seat. You barely acknowledged him as he walked to his seat in front of you, but he noticed the way your lips twitched up when he greeted you. 
The two of you coexisted for a while. Chenle had even pulled out some homework to do. He was erasing something when his arm bumped into his pencil and it fell onto the floor. When he bent over to pick it up, he noticed your own paper. Instead of working on homework, you had been drawing. There were swirls and geometric shapes intricately drawn across your paper. In the center there was a jellyfish.
“I, uh, like your drawing.”
Your head snaps up, not having realized that he had turned around and was watching you. You put your pencil down and rest your hand on your desk, covering up the majority of your drawing.
“It’s nothing.” You mutter.
Chenle shakes his head, “It’s not nothing. I think it’s cool. Do you like jellyfish?”
“It’s not a jellyfish,” you say rather dryly, “It’s a man-o-war.”
His head tilts to the side, wanting to get a better look at the drawing, “A man-o-what?” He’s still trying to look at the drawing when he hears a small laugh. His eyes drift upward towards your face, and he catches a glimpse of amusement on your face before it disappears again. A small smile spread on his own face, he was starting to like talking to you, even if you thought he was sort of dumb.
“A Portuguese man-o-war. Don’t worry, I’m not good at drawing and it gets confused for jellyfish all the time.”
Renjun, Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin are now laying side by side on the grass. They assumed that the other boys would join them when they finished having their own discussion but they had been laying there for a while. They were getting some looks from the people that would walk past them, but they don't mind. 
“Our lives are ruined, aren’t they? Renjun asks softly. The other boys don’t have an answer for his question but when he peeks at them from his spot on the ground, he can tell they’re thinking about what he said. It really did seem like their lives were over. All of their dreams and aspirations were thrown out the window. Renjun would never get to have a display of his art in a museum and his parents would never see why he was so sure about moving to Korea to work on his craft. In fact, he might not see his parents ever again. 
He blinked away tears before the boys could see them well up in his eyes.
You wake up feeling incredibly sluggish, fighting to keep your eyes from falling shut once again. You instinctively try to rub away the tiredness from your eyes but find that your wrists have been secured to the hospital-like bed that you are lying in. 
Memories start coming back to you: arriving at the camp after being attacked, being separated from the boys, and weird doctors and nurses. There is a faint beeping to the left of you, presumably some sort of machine that takes your vitals and an iv that is attached to your left arm. Your arm feels tired and sore and you begin to wonder if they have something else dripping into your bloodstream. 
Now, feeling more aware of your surroundings, you realize that you are no longer in the same room you were last in with the nurse. Although this room is similar, with the general feeling of being in a clinic or hospital, it is bigger. There is a curtain that blocks your view of half the room and you wonder if there is anyone in the room that isn’t visible to you. The room is devoid of any furniture, with the exception of your bed. There's a cabinet against the wall and a manila folder on top of it. Your fingers twitch, maybe you could figure out what these people wanted with you if you could just read that file that they had made about you. 
Your train of thought is interrupted by the sound of a door suddenly opening. The door is behind the curtain, so you aren’t able to see who has walked into the room, but you can see their feet from below the curtain. They are presumably a man wearing dress shoes, some sort of loafers. They are polished and squeak against the floor as he walks across the floor. A big hand reaches around the side of the curtain and pulls it back. You are faced with a middle aged man, wearing a white lab coat over a navy blue sweater and beige dress pants. He’s got glasses on and his hair is the only part of him that doesn’t look put together, like he’s been running his fingers through it too many times. 
He smiles when you make eye contact, an attempt to be polite, you presume, but do not give him the courtesy of smiling back or speaking with him. You stare at each other rather blankly for a second before he starts speaking. 
“I’m sure you must be very confused right now. My name is Lee Changsub, I'm the camp's main doctor.”
You continue to stare blankly at him. If he’s the main doctor, it’s likely that it’s his fault that you’re in this position to begin with. If he’s in control, there’s no use in trying to communicate with him, he’s only speaking with you because he wants something and the camp had made it very clear that they were willing to take whatever it is they wanted without consent, it was the government, of course.
He looks away for a second, wiping his palms on his coat and then awkwardly putting them into his coat pockets. How funny, a doctor made uncomfortable by a teen. 
“Do you, uh, wanna know why you’re here?” 
He fidgets as he waits for a response from you. He looks at you expectantly, but only receives a nod from you.
“Will you not speak to me? I’ve been told that you’re a bit abrasive.”
“Who told you that?” You ask sharply, “Miss Kang?”
His eyes widen a bit and his mouth opens and closes a couple times.
“Do you mean Dr. Kang?”
You roll your eyes, “Yes, Dr Kang.”
Changsub is clearly floored by your mockery, but it leaves you feeling confused. Are you the first person that they have strapped down against their will? Had he expected you to be in a good mood after what happened?
“What time is it?” you ask.
“I'm not sure,” Changsub says as he walks over to the cabinet, looking through the file. He seems to only skim the pages, glancing at you every once in a while. You revert back to silence. 
He leans a bit on the cabinet, suddenly becoming very comfortable. He puts his weight onto his arm that's on top of the counter and crosses his feet casually. You’re pretty sure you even see his lips twitch into a brief smile.
“This camp has been tasked with finding a cure to this spreading disease and you’re going to help me find it.”
tagging! @staysstrays, @caspervoid, @alyselenai, @lethephin, @leechipp, @rkiveruinz, @butterfliesinthenightsky, @olxviaaaa, @kikookii, @shley-chan, @kodzukena, @everytimeicrymytearsdonteverdry, @cocoishere
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a/n: hello,, thank you for reading this chapter! things are really gonna start picking up soon and im excited for you guys to read it! This chapter may feel like a lot of nothing lol, but i promise it's heading somewhere
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runariya · 3 months
Drive to Survive (JJK) • Chapter 3 “Lights out”
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pairing: F1driver!Jungkook x female race engineer!reader genre: colleagues2L, formula1!AU, racing!AU, drama, kind of fantasy/cyborg!AU fic rating: 18+, MDNI warnings: slight cursing, jealous Jungkook, heavy drinking, blacking out because of heavy drinking, sweaty Jungkook, word count: ~5.820
a/n: This work is purely fictional. All characters and events are entirely imaginary and do not reflect reality. Content errors related to the sport of Formula 1 are not excluded. Please do not use this story as your own. No translations are allowed without permission. Thank you for understanding! 💕
🎵 NCT DREAM - Fire Alarm 🎵
01 • 02 • series masterlist • 04
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The day after the successful race is crisp and bright as you arrive at the Mercedes headquarters in Brackley. The air hums with the post-race buzz as you settle into your new office, surrounded by the sleek, cutting-edge design typical of a top-tier Formula 1 team. Screens flicker with data and analysis, and the faint sound of engines testing in the distance reminds you that this is where champions, such as Jungkook, are made.
You immerse yourself in analysing the weekend's performance, taking detailed notes for the debriefing with Jungkook. This is a crucial part of your role, ensuring every aspect of the race is dissected and understood. With the next race weekend in Singapore just two weeks away, there’s no time to waste.
The office is still new to you, the polished surfaces and state-of-the-art equipment a constant reminder of the high standards expected here. You’ve agreed to meet Jungkook half an hour ago for the debrief. Confident he knew where your office was, you start to feel the gnawing of time slipping by. Since you don’t have his phone number or any other means to contact him, you decide to grab a coffee from the nearby kitchenette to pass the time waiting.
As you make your way there, Engineers and other team members hustle by, engrossed in their tasks. You walk with purpose, the sound of your heels clicking against the tiled floor, as you greet your new colleagues. As you approach the kitchenette, you hear a familiar deep, hushed voice and a high-pitched giggle. Rolling your eyes, you don’t quicken your pace. It seems Jungkook's propensity for unprofessional behaviour is a habit reserved for you only. 
Stepping into the open area of the kitchenette, you find Jungkook casually leaning against the counter, Trish by his side. She leans slightly towards him, her laughter filling the small space. Jungkook is clearly enjoying the attention, his posture relaxed and flirtatious.
You don't let your irritation show as you stride towards the coffee machine, your professional smile firmly in place. "Good morning," you greet them both with the same friendly demeanour you extend to everyone else in the team.
Jungkook looks momentarily startled, his easygoing facade slipping, while Trish’s expression shifts to one of thinly veiled annoyance. Understanding that you need to get to the coffee machine, Jungkook moves slightly aside.
As the silence stretches, you don't let it affect you. Instead, you focus on making your coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air as the machine whirs and hums. "We’ve been scheduled for the debrief half an hour ago," you say evenly, not breaking your stride. "I’m free for the next twenty minutes until my next appointment. You know where to find me until then."
Trish’s annoyance deepens, but you ignore it, keeping your focus on the task at hand. Jungkook frowns, "What's in twenty minutes?"
You remain professional, maintaining your composure. "I’m meeting with Joongki to optimise the power unit, and if we have time, also the breaking.“
Jungkook's expression darkens at the mention of Joongki, but you don't let his mood swings bother you. The coffee machine beeps, signalling that your cup is full. You take it and turn to face Jungkook and Trish.
"I'll be on my way," you say, your smile warm and genuine as you address Trish. "It was nice to meet you again, Trish."
With that, you walk back towards your office, the smell of coffee trailing behind you. As you move through the hallway, you hear the sound of footsteps following closely. Glancing over your shoulder, you see Jungkook trailing behind, his expression unreadable. You keep your pace steady, determined not to let the previous conflicts shake your confidence.
This is your professional environment, and you intend to handle it with the competence and grace that brought you here.
You don’t look back again as you enter your office first. The room falls into an uncomfortable silence, as the lock of your door clicks shut. You and Jungkook sit down across from each other, the desk between you strewn with your tablet and some papers regarding RPM, fuel consumption and clutch performance data, and some reviewed strategy plans of the weekend. The tension lingering between you since day one is palpable, but you maintain your composure, establishing a professional atmosphere for the task at hand as good as you can. 
"Let's review the race," you begin, your voice steady and soft. "Despite the win, we need to understand exactly where we can improve."
Jungkook nods, leaning forward slightly. "Did you find the problem from qualifying?"
You meet his gaze, confidence in your eyes. "Yes, I did. It was an issue with the KERS and the engine. There were short miscommunication between the two that caused the loss in performance."
Jungkook sighs, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "Good to know we have it figured out. That was frustrating."
You nod. "I understand. The issue has been logged and will be addressed before Singapore."
Jungkook shifts in his seat, an uneasy expression crossing his face. "About the qualifying... I, uh, wanted to apologise. For my behaviour. I shouldn't have yelled at you or accused you of nepotism."
You wave a hand dismissively. "It's okay. It's understandable to react emotionally, especially under the pressures of qualifying. We all have moments like that."
He looks relieved until you see him rethink your words and the subtle jab. 
Sensing his growing annoyance, you offer a smile as distraction. "Apology accepted. Let's focus on moving forward and making sure we don't encounter similar issues again."
Jungkook nods reluctantly, still thinking about your words. But then his eyes narrow slightly. "Wait, are you meeting Joongki alone?"
You raise an eyebrow at the unrelated question, sensing the shift in tone. "Yes, I am. We need to go over some technical details. Why do you ask?"
He shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant but failing. "Just curious. Is he... your type?"
You sit back, folding your arms. "I'm here as a professional, Jungkook. If I were to have affairs left and right, I wouldn't have made it this far in my career." Your eyes flicker with a hint of challenge. "I think we both know that professionalism is key in this environment." 
Jungkook's expression tightens, catching the second jab about his behaviour with Trish now clearly. He opens his mouth to respond, but you cut him off.
"Look, the point is, we're here to work. And I expect everyone, including myself, to act accordingly." You glance at your watch and then back at him. "I have to go. Joongki and I have a lot to cover."
You gather your notes and stand, ready to leave. Jungkook's jaw tightens as he watches you, clearly frustrated but unable to argue.
"Fine," he mutters, standing as well. "We'll talk later."
You nod once, professional and composed. "Absolutely. Let's ensure we’re both getting ready for Singapore."
With that, you leave the office, your heels clicking against the floor. As you walk down the corridor, you can feel Jungkook's eyes on your back, his irritation palpable. But you don't let it affect you. You have a job to do, and personal feelings shouldn’t have a place in it.
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The week flies by, each day packed with activity. You find yourself holed up in your office, immersed in data analysis, simulation sessions with Jungkook, and car development tasks. Collaborations with other engineers, especially with Joongki, to optimise the car’s performance and strategy meetings consume your time, leaving you barely enough hours in the day.
Your schedule is overflowing, the demands of your job unyielding. More often than not, you find yourself retreating to your hotel room only to catch a few hours of sleep before diving back into work. Even when you should be resting, your mind races with calculations and strategies, the pursuit for perfection driving you to hunch over your laptop well into the night. The glow of the screen and the endless flow of data are both comforting and consuming.
As the newest team member, you are determined to prove your worth, so the loss of time for personal relationships or socialising beyond your job doesn’t bother you. Despite the relentless pace you set for yourself, Jungkook’s playful shenanigans provide a refreshing break you’d never openly admit to enjoying. His antics, from flirty to cheeky remarks, manage to loosen your usually upright demeanour. You find yourself responding to him more casually than professionally, the light-hearted exchanges becoming a welcome contrast to the intense, high-stakes environment of your new role.
One evening, after hours of fruitlessly searching for Jungkook, you make your way to the drivers' gym. The sound of weights clinking and the rhythmic pounding of feet on treadmills fill the air as you step inside. Your eyes scan the room and quickly land on Jungkook by the dumbbells, his shirtless form instantly drawing your attention.
His torso glistens with sweat, every muscle defined and rippling with each movement. His right arm, covered in intricate tattoos, contrasts starkly against his muscular back and flexing arms. The low grunts he emits with each lift send an involuntary shiver down your spine. You can’t help but stare, nearly drooling over the sheer physical perfection before you. 
Jungkook catches your eye in the mirror, a smirk forming on his lips as he winks at you. Your face flames up, and you quickly avert your gaze, internally scolding yourself for the lapse in professionalism. You take a deep breath, steadying your nerves, and stride towards him and Trish, who is standing nearby, her posture leaning slightly towards him but not quite touching.
“Toto has scheduled an extraordinary meeting regarding a rival driver in half an hour,” you say, keeping your voice steady and authoritative. “He sent me to inform you.”
Jungkook, not missing an opportunity to tease, smirks and says, “Caught you staring, huh? Enjoy the view?”
You wave off his remark, trying to maintain your composure. “I’m here to deliver a message, not to ogle,” you respond curtly. “Make sure you’re there on time.”
Trish’s glare is icy, but you don’t let it affect you. Her hostility towards you is barely contained, but you refuse to let it dictate your actions. Turning on your heel, you walk away, determined to stay focused on your professional responsibilities after this slip-up.
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As every meeting, this one is also held in the sleek confines of Mercedes' briefing room. You settle into your spot beside Jungkook, a habit that has become ingrained in the past week. As always, his knee bumps into yours like clockwork, something you accepted faster than you would have liked. You quickly realised that Jungkook wasn't responding to your pleas. 
Toto stands tall at the head of the table, his expression serious as he delivers news that sends a ripple of disbelief through the gathered team members. "The FIA has reached out to me," he begins, his voice sharp. "Max Verstappen, Red Bull's lead driver, is injured. And they allowed his points to be transferred to his replacement, Kim Mingyu."
The announcement lands like a thunderclap. Murmurs of discontent sweep across the room, eyebrows knit in frustration and confusion. Jungkook, normally composed, visibly bristles at the news. His hands clench into fists on the table, his jaw clenched.
You sense his tension and instinctively reach out, placing a calming hand on his forearm. Jungkook startles slightly, his gaze flickering to your touch. For a fleeting moment, your eyes meet, and in that silent exchange, a wave of reassurance passes between you. His rigid posture eases, shoulders relaxing as he leans back in his seat again. 
Toto, ever the diplomat, concludes solemnly, "There's nothing we can do but accept this decision. Jungkook, you're still leading with 393 points, and as a team, we're at 574 points." The weight of these numbers underscores the gravity of their implications, and the room falls into a reflective silence. Red Bull as a team is currently slightly behind Mercedes in points, but if Max's points are transferred to Mingyu, there's a possibility that not only Red Bull could surpass Mercedes in team points but also Mingyu could overtake Jungkook individually, costing the victory. 
As the meeting winds down and colleagues begin to disperse, you turn to Jungkook, noting the furrow in his brow. "You're the best driver out there," you affirm quietly, your voice a counterpoint to the residual tension in the air. "We need to stay focused on your performance, regardless of the challenges thrown our way."
The intensity in Jungkook's gaze softens, replaced by a warmth that momentarily catches you off guard. Before he can respond, you make a quick excuse and slip away, seeking respite from the emotional currents swirling between you. In the quiet solitude of your office, you take a moment to steady yourself, the weight of Jungkook's unspoken gratitude lingering like a bittersweet echo. You physically try to shake those thoughts away, but it’s fruitless. Taking a deep breath, you do what you know best and immerse yourself in the gearbox data in preparation for the upcoming race, doing everything in your power to distract you from Jungkook’s haunting expression. 
The week leading to the nineteenth race continues in a similar fashion, each day clocked with high-intensity tasks and moments of personal challenge. You delve deeper into simulation sessions with Jungkook, his feedback sharp and insightful, pushing you to refine your strategies further.
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It's Saturday, the day of qualifying in Singapore, and the atmosphere at the track is suffocating with its intense heat and humidity. The circuit itself winds through the city, illuminated by bright lights as dusk begins to settle in, creating a dramatic backdrop against the gleaming skyscrapers and the distant Marina Bay Sands. 
You arrived yesterday morning, hastily dropping your luggage in your hotel room before rushing straight to the track. Yesterday's training session went smoothly; all necessary data were gathered, allowing for final adjustments ahead of today's crucial qualifying and tomorrow’s race. 
Mingyu performed admirably, matching Max Verstappen's talent, a surprising feat given his unknown status in the racing world. 
The evening training session was a strategic move to avoid the blistering daytime heat, leaving you drained and collapsing into bed upon return, jet lag adding to your exhaustion.
Now, in the early evening, the paddock is bustling with all teams and personnel gearing up for the qualifying rounds. Over the past two weeks, you've made significant strides, proving to yourself that you're capable and competent. Feeling more assured during your second racing weekend, you take a moment to appreciate the vibrant atmosphere around you. Amidst the activity, your gaze settles on Jungkook, deeply engrossed in conversation at the Ferrari paddock with none other than their second driver’s race engineer, Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung notices you and breaks into a wide grin, waving you over eagerly. A reciprocal smile lights up your face as you make your way towards them, though Jungkook's expression betrays surprise at Taehyung's apparent familiarity with you.
As you approach Jungkook and Taehyung, Taehyung's warm greeting and enthusiastic hug catches you by surprise, but you return the embrace with equal delight. "It's so nice to see you again!" Taehyung exclaims, his smile infectious as he congratulates you on your new position. You thank him graciously, genuinely happy by his kind words.
Jungkook, standing nearby, wears a puzzled expression, clearly taken aback by Taehyung's familiarity with you. His annoyance is palpable as he listens to your exchange. When Jungkook finally interjects, his tone edged with confusion, "Where do you two know each other from?" Taehyung chuckles lightly before responding, "Miss Genius and I shared some classes, and she used to come by the racing club this one time when I needed help." His playful nudge at your shoulder elicits a laugh from you, and you nod in agreement with Taehyung's recollection.
Jungkook's brow furrows deeper as he tries to recall, "I don't remember you being at the club." Taehyung pauses for a moment, a mischievous glint in his eye, before offering with a grin, "Ah, that must have been around the time you were out with that illness." His teasing jab is met with an apologetic shrug from you, even though you’re not at fault, but Jungkook's mood visibly sours even further. Sensing the tension, Taehyung smoothly transitions the conversation, asking about your role with the team now.
Just as the atmosphere starts to lighten, Jungkook abruptly interrupts, his patience obviously wearing thin. He firmly takes your arm and guides you away from Taehyung, back towards Mercedes’ paddock. Over your shoulder, you shoot Taehyung an apologetic smile before focusing on Jungkook's irritated expression.
Stopping abruptly, Jungkook turns to face you, his annoyance still etched across his features. Before he can speak, Toto strides briskly past, his voice cutting through the bustling paddock, "Get ready for qualifying, everyone!" His reminder snaps you back to the impending reality of the day's events. The paddock buzzes with activity as teams make final adjustments, and drivers mentally prepare for the qualifying rounds ahead—all except you and Jungkook.
“Shit.” Jungkook mutters, shaking his head as he turns towards the car to prepare. You watch him briefly before moving to the pit wall to settle next to Joongki.
“Everything alright?” Joongki asks as you adjust the headset.
You hum in response, reluctant to dwell on Jungkook’s mood. While you should be used to it, his downturns still affect you deeply.
“Radio check, Jungkook, can you hear me?”
“Yes, loud and clear,” Jungkook responds, his tone tinged with something indiscernible, adding to your unease. If Jungkook feels off, it could impact his performance during qualifying. You search your brain frantically, trying to come up with something that could help his mood just a tiny bit. 
“Great! Remember, in qualifying, no pressure—just think of it as a really fast sightseeing tour!”
Jungkook’s laugh crackles through the radio, and as everyone else listing in also chuckles, you know it’ll be all you could have done.
As Jungkook sets off for his qualifying run, the atmosphere grows serious once more. By the time he finishes, he secures the pole position so far, setting an impressive time.
But as Mingyu begins his final round, the paddock falls silent. Despite Jungkook’s stellar performance, Mingyu manages to surpass his time by a significant margin, leaving everyone baffled.
Jungkook’s voice filters through the radio, his confusion evident as he enters the pit stop, “Why is it so quiet? What happened?”
Automatically, you reply, “He beat your time by five seconds.”
Silence follows.
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This evening, after the second qualifying-fiasco and subsequent meeting ,you’re finally completely settled in your luxurious hotel room in Singapore, a high-end suite that epitomises modern elegance and comfort to it’s finest. The polished marble floors gleam under the soft ambient lighting, casting a warm glow that complements the sleek, minimalist decor. Floor-to-ceiling windows offer a breathtaking panoramic view of the glittering city skyline, and the king-sized bed, draped in crisp white linens, gives you an unparalleled comfort. The bathroom is a spa-like sanctuary with a rain shower and a deep soaking tub, providing a perfect retreat from the day's stresses.
Clad in your cozy pyjamas and wearing a green, glibbery face mask, you lie sprawled on your plush hotel bed, absently chewing on gummy bears, the sugary sweetness a mere backdrop to your thoughts. Beside you, an ocean of papers—all copies of yesterday’s training session and today's qualifying—scatters across the bed. Yet, your focus remains firmly on the laptop perched beside you. Initially, you intended to review Jungkook's previous races in Singapore for obvious reasons, but the incredible work of his fans soon led you down an unexpected rabbit hole.
One particular fan-made video has captured your attention for the last hour. It showcases Jungkook's most triumphant moments, and now you're utterly engrossed. The scene playing on repeat shows him leaping out of his car after the last season’s win at Abu Dhabi, though you're not interested in this fact anymore. In this particular scene, he rips off his helmet and balaclava, revealing a face and neck glistening with sweat. Each droplet catches the light, highlighting the contours of his strong jawline and cheekbones. His dark hair, damp and wild, sticks to his forehead, giving it an almost raven-black sheen.
The raw intensity of his emotions is palpable, radiating through the screen. He looks euphoric, his eyes sparkling with triumph and relief. The crowd's roar seems almost audible through the speakers, merging with the distant hum of the A/C in your room. You watch as he throws his helmet aside to his prior race engineer, runs a hand through his wet hair, and flashes a dazzling smile that seems to light up the entire scene.
You've replayed this exact moment countless times, captivated by the sheer charisma and raw, unfiltered passion he exudes. Each time you watch, you notice something new—the way his chest heaves with exertion, the slight tremble of his hands from the adrenaline, the way he looks at his team with a mixture of pride and gratitude. 
Lost in this mesmerising moment, you forget the professional distance you're supposed to maintain. The line between work and personal interest blurs as you continue to watch, absently reaching for another gummy bear. The screen flickers slightly as you rewind once more, unable to tear your eyes away from the screen. Jungkook's presence, even through a video, is magnetic, drawing you in deeper with each viewing.
As you lie there, the taste of gummy bears mingling with the taste of infatuation, you find yourself marvelling at the complexities of the man behind the race car. The dedication, the intensity, the sheer human spirit he displays—it's all too captivating. Your professional resolve wavers slightly as you hit replay yet again, surrendering to the magnetic pull of Jungkook's victorious moment, wishing you could have been there to witness it firsthand.
As you reach for yet another gummy bear, you let the scene come to an end and let it transition into an obvious vlog cutout. The gummy bear slips from your fingers, landing on the bed with a silent thud as your mouth hangs open in disbelieve and astonishment. Leaning closer to the screen, you watch, entranced, as Jungkook steps out of the shower, his dripping wet upper body visible. He looks directly into the camera with a momentary expression of surprise before resuming his post-shower routine. As he applies cream to his face and then dries his wet hair with a towel, his tattooed biceps flex vigorously, the sheer display of muscle a captivating spectacle blessing your eyes. Heat rises within you, and you find yourself inching even closer to the screen.
Just as you’re a breath away from the paused image, a sudden knock at the door startles you to the brink of a heart attack. „Shit, shit, shit, shit,“ You hurriedly close YouTube and shut your laptop, feeling as though you've been caught doing something forbidden. With a racing heart, you glance at the door, nearly convinced you imagined the sound. But when there’s another set of knocks, you compose yourself and stand up with a groan, wondering who could be bothering you at this hour.
Pushing aside your papers, you rise from the bed and make your way to the door, curious yet apprehensive. As the door swings open, you're greeted by Jungkook in the soft light of the hotel corridor. His striking yellow jacket glows warmly against the neutral backdrop, while a fitted black shirt peeks from beneath, adding a touch of sleek elegance. The crisp white pants complete his look, their clean lines providing a perfect contrast to the bold hues above, creating a sophisticated yet relaxed ensemble. Jungkook's hair is styled neatly, slicked back with a touch of shine, yet a single rebellious strand falls into his eyes, adding a hint of effortless charm to his polished look. The scent of his cologne—a blend of cedarwood and something subtly spicy—hits you, making your heart skip a beat.
You’re momentarily struck by his appearance, unable to form a coherent thought. Jungkook’s eyes, however, roam over you, taking in your pyjamas and face mask. His expression is a mix of mesmerised and slightly repulsed amusement.
“What do you want?” you manage to ask, snapping out of your daze.
“We’re going out,” he replies with a casual shrug, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“I’ve got work to do,” you say, gesturing to the papers and laptop strewn across your bed.
“Work is over for tonight,” he insists, stepping past you into the room. As he passes, he glances down at you. “Were you always this small?”
“I’m not that small,” you retort, a pout forming on your lips, though you know that without your heels, you’re significantly shorter than usual.
Jungkook’s gaze lingers on your lips, making you school your face into a neutral expression. He continues, “Mingyu is hosting a party tonight. We’re going to attend it, and you’re going to get close to him and figure him out. The ultimate masterplan.”
You stare at him incredulously. “You can’t be serious.” His annoyed look prompts you to shake your head. “I’m not going. Why isn’t Trish doing this?”
“Why would she?” The confusion is clearly written all over his face. “And of course you’re going with me.”
You groan, looking at the cream coloured ceiling, massaging your neck. “Jungkook, please. I don’t even have any clothes for a night out.”
Jungkook is persistent. “That’s an excuse. You’re coming. Now, let’s see what you have in your closet.”
He strides over to your wardrobe without asking and starts rummaging through your clothes. You rush over, trying to stop him. “Stop! Hey! Hands off my clothes! Jungkook!”
He momentarily pauses his rummaging, looking back at you and pointing at your face. “You’re not going to go out like this. What’s that you have on your face?”
“It’s a face mask,” you say, exasperated, not understanding what got into him.
He touches it, then recoils dramatically. “Ew, I got it on my finger. Make it go away! Oh my god, make it go away!”
You grab a tissue from the sideboard nearby and halt his hand. “You’re unbelievable. Unbelievable and insufferable,” you mutter under your breath, carefully wiping the mask off his finger. You can’’t believe how he acts this childish and careless, not only rummaging through your closet like a kid on a sugar rush but also sticking his finger into your mask. Yet, he manages to be a full-grown man, exuding professionalism and maturity in every aspect of his career. It’s baffling how those traits seem to vanish whenever he interacts with you leaving you to deal with his perplexing duality. 
As you finish, you look up, and your eyes lock with his. Time seems to stop as you get lost in his dark eyes. Both of you lean in slightly, the air between you charged with an almost palpable tension, crackling like static electricity. Your breaths synchronise, each exhale a whisper of unspoken thoughts, as if the very atmosphere is holding its breath. The room seems to shrink, the world narrowing down to just the two of you, every detail of his face magnified—the intensity in his dark eyes, the subtle curve of his lips, the way a single lock of hair falls across his forehead. It feels like time has slowed, stretching this fragile, suspended moment into an eternity. You can almost hear the rapid beating of your own heart, a drumbeat echoing the anticipation that pulses in the space between you. Then, abruptly, the spell shatters as your phone pings with an incoming email, the sharp sound slicing through the tension like a knife.
You lean back abruptly, reprimanding yourself for being so utterly stupid. What were you even thinking? You excuse it on the hours spent watching his earlier races and the fan-made videos that highlighted his every triumphant moment. You tell yourself it’s only natural to be curious about your team’s star driver, but deep down, you know you crossed a line. You shake your head subtly, trying to rid yourself of the chaos within you.
Awkwardly, Jungkook turns back to the closet and pulls out a black dress. “This one could work if we cut it shorter.”
“No way,” you protest, the moment before forgotten in an instant. “That’s my favourite dress. I’m not letting you cut it.”
“I’ll buy you another one,” he counters.
“Why don’t you buy me a new one now and leave my dress alone?” you challenge with a fake smile.
He pushes his lips to his nose while shaking his head, looking down at you. Sighing in defeat, you grab the dress and head to the en-suite bathroom to change, yelling after the door is shut, “We’re NOT cutting it!”
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When you step out, ready for the night, you find Jungkook sprawled face down on your bed, snacking on your gummy bears. His broad shoulders and muscular back almost take up an entire half of the bed, his dark hair falling messily over his eyes.
“Why does your bed reek of you? You’ve only been here one night,” he asks, his voice muffled by the pillows as he inhales deeply again, thinking you didn’t hear it.
You sigh and shake your head in annoyance, too fed up to answer him. Slipping into your heels, you mutter, “Let’s get this over with,” and head for the door, trying to put a semi-professional mask on despite the absurdity of the situation.
Jungkook springs up and rushes after you, catching up midway to the elevators. “Okay, so here’s the plan, we go into this party” he begins, raising one finger in front of you to count the steps. You look on with a bored expression. “And than you befriend Mingyu.” he continues, lifting his second finger, as you both enter the elevator.
After a moment, you turn to him as the elevator descends to the lobby. “And what are the other steps of your ‘master plan’?”
“That’s it,” he responds, his tone nonchalant.
You gape at him. “Did the G-forces mash your brain?”
“Pardon?” you parrot him, massaging your temples. “Jungkook, you can’t just crash into my hotel room and drag me along for a ‘master plan’ that’s neither a plan nor a good one.”
“No, you don’t understand,” Jungkook says, gripping your shoulders, shaking you lightly. “You know as well as I do that something’s fishy. And we’re going to figure it out.”
You sigh, your head still being wobbled by Jungkook’s shaking. You swat his hands away, crossing your arms over your chest with furrows eyes. Looking into his pleading eyes,you reluctantly agree, blaming the videos you watched earlier for softening this much. “Okay.”
“Perfect! I hope you can handle your liquor,” Jungkook beams, turning to face the door as it opens on the ground floor.
“Of course I can,” you scoff, exiting right behind him. 
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In fact, you absolutely cannot. 
Later that evening, you find yourself drunk to the bone, slouched next to Mingyu on a couch. The open rooftop party offers a breathtaking view over the Singapore skyline, with the soft hum of conversation and laughter mingling with the distant sound of traffic, creating a vibrant, pulsating atmosphere that intensifies your buzz. The rooftop is adorned with elegant string lights, casting a warm, inviting glow over the sophisticated crowd. Potted palms and lush greenery add a touch of tropical elegance, while a sleek, modern bar stands at one end, serving an array of colourful cocktails, one of which Jungkook is sipping while leaning against the bar, his eyes constantly darting towards you, an eagle eye on your every move.
Your head swims from the cocktails you consumed, but you know you need to befriend Mingyu. His P1 position in qualifying has made him a prime target of Jungkook and you, and your mission is to get close. 
Mingyu, tall and confident, sits beside you, his summer scarf draped loosely around his neck. He looks at you with a hint of interest, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“You were incredible today,” you say, leaning in closer, your words slightly slurred. “How did you manage to stay so cool under this heat?”
Mingyu chuckles, his eyes twinkling. “It’s all about focus and practice. But you—what brings you to these races?”
You giggle, resting your hand on his shoulder and inching closer. “I’m here for the thrill, the excitement…“ You’re not sure if the suppressed gag reflex is due to your excessive flirting or the alcohol swirling in your system, „and maybe to meet interesting people like you.”
He raises an eyebrow, clearly amused by your forwardness. “Interesting, huh? Well, I’m glad you think so.”
Feeling emboldened by the alcohol, you reach out to play with the hair on the back of his neck. He subtly dodges your hand, but not before you feel something metallic under his scarf.
“Hey, what’s that?” you ask, your curiosity piqued, no filter in your words.
Mingyu's smile falters for a split second. “Just a necklace. Nothing special.”
You laugh, not entirely convinced, but too intoxicated to pursue the matter. Instead, you place your hand on his thigh, only to be met with an unusual hardness.
“Wow, you must work out a lot,” you murmur, your vision starting to blur.
Before Mingyu can respond, he places his hand on your thigh, and you barely register the gesture before Jungkook appears out of nowhere, his expression unreadable.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Jungkook says, his voice firm. “But I need to take her. Now.”
Mingyu looks mildly surprised but doesn't protest, holding both his hands up as if to say „She’s all yours“. Jungkook helps you up, and you stagger slightly, clinging to his arm.
As you walk away with Jungkook, you start to giggle uncontrollably. “Jungkook, you’re so hot. Did you know that?”
He looks flustered, his usual composure slipping. “Yeah, okay. Let’s get you back to the hotel.”
„No, I’m serious. You’re like really, really, super hot. And so funny.“ 
You abruptly stop and look up at him with the most serious and sober expression you can muster, but the hiccup betrays you. “Let me feel your thigh,” you declare, dropping to your knees.
Jungkook’s eyes widen in shock, and he quickly pulls you back to your feet. “This is not the time for that,” he says, trying to hide his embarrassment.
„No you don’t understand. Jungkook, let me feel…“
„NOT THE TIME,___!“ He practically carries you back to the hotel, your drunken state making you increasingly unsteady and bubbly. As you near your room, the world starts to fade, and you black out, barely aware of Jungkook’s arms around you, supporting you through the haze.
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01 • 02 • series masterlist • 04
a/n 2: lmk what you think in any way you like! please send me a message, ask or comment if you would like to be tagged for upcoming chapters 💕 also - character asks and drabble requests are open
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taglist: @jksusawife
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woorphic · 2 years
nct recs
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i do not own any of the listed works. all credits go to the original poster.
i’ll update this post as i read.
(m) - mature // (s) - suggestive
last updated 16 nov 2022
just to preface: i do not enjoy reading smaus. works i recommend are (usually) long oneshots with quality writing.
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。° glossed over by @gyukult (m) II 18.2k
yuta x fem reader
childhood friends to lovers, best friend's brother, college au
times in your life where you thought nakamoto yuta was just your best friend’s older brother, a guy you had a little childish crush on. but little did you know, there was more than what meets the eye.
。° 5 minutes by @doiefy (s) || 26.7k
yuta x reader
angst, sci-fi, dystopia
The year is 2463. Seoul is an infinitely-expanding metropolis, the centre of modern infrastructure and development. An undisputed powerhouse in technological advancements, Seoul promotes diversity, inviting people of all backgrounds, cultivating rare talents and providing them with the space to flourish. You live amidst it all, sheltered comfortably by the prestige and wealth of your family, sheltered from the darkness that thrives in the deep underbelly of the city. That is, until Yuta pulls the ground from your feet and shows you what lies beneath the capital’s smooth pavements, crystalline glass and liquid gold. Uncovering secrets, wandering off with him where you know you shouldn’t—you’ll pay for it dearly.
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。° before i go by @yutaholic (m) II 19.8k
prince!doyoung x fem reader
arranged marriage, fluff, angst
The day has come for you to marry Doyoung and life as a princess is not what you expected. Your new husband is distant and there is trouble stirring within the monarchy. Now more than ever, you are determined to kindle a romance with the prince, but you soon learn that your marriage will be put to the test in ways you could never have imagined.
。° marriage of inconvenience by @lucaswithnoshirt (s) || 22.5k
writer!doyoung x reader
victorian, arranged marriage, strangers to lovers, fluff
you had thought love was easy: find a man you like and who likes you, marry him, then spend the rest of your lives together. except it never really is that easy, not when things go wrong.
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。° and stupidly, us. by @choerrypuffs (s) || 5.5k
vigilante!sicheng x nurse!reader
your boring, routine life takes a turn when you find a man bleeding to death by your apartment.
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。° pincushion by @jungwooisms (m) II 20k
tailor!jungwoo x fem!bookbinder!reader
historical, fluff, angst, unrequited love
a quiet life shaken up by a new face that appears in the tailor shop down the street. little did you know on your first meeting how lovely and bittersweet your love for him would become.
。° strawberry flavored basorexia by @multihoe-net (m) || 7.6k
jungwoo x fem reader
friends to lovers, smut, college au
you’ve been feeling some kind of way towards your friend, who’s always been insanely gorgeous in your eyes… but fuck, those lips look so nice, and you just want to kiss him until they’re red and swollen.
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。° sunday kind of love by @smileysuh (m) II 35.7k
fratboy!mark x fem reader
fluff, college au, slow burn
Mark is fine with having a crush on the girl in the library. He’s fine watching her from afar. And he’s fine with never speaking a word to the girl who he spends many nights chasing in his dreams. But fate, and a few nosey frat brothers, think Mark would be much better if he was forced to talk to the cute girl from the library that he can’t seem to get out of his head. 
。° skinship - kisses by @honeym4rk II 4.2k
mark x reader
in a relationship where your boyfriend finds physical affection rather awkward, you’d best believe it would’ve taken some time for him to warm up to the idea of skinship- skin to skin, a hand on his, cheeks crashing together as close as possible. but the patience comes at a good cost- mark has several ways to close the distance between you.
。° missing person by @kyufessions || 7.1k
mark x gn!reader
warning: mentions of knives, blood and physical violence
you’ve been happily dating your boyfriend, mark lee, for the past two years. but what happens when all of a sudden your best friend sends you a missing persons article and your boyfriend is listed as missing for the past three years?
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。° cherry-flavored kisses by @deardejun || 2k
xiaojun x reader
fluff, short college au
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。° mine for the summer by @the32ndbeat (s) || 26.7k
hendery x fem reader 
time travel!au, angst, fluff, fantasy
what would you do if you are given a chance to revisit the summer that changed everything? to relive your youth, rekindle old friendships and perhaps… resurrect the one that got away?
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。° my words, your thoughts by sundaysundaes (m) II 36k
haechan x fem reader
soulmate au, college au, fluff, slow burn
As an introvert, you are familiar with the silence. Drowning yourself deep in your thoughts has been a habit you’ve become addicted to. Your life begins to change, however, ever since the day you turned twenty. Suddenly, there’s this song that’s stuck in your head, and no matter how much you yearn to hear your thoughts or be comforted by the silence, it keeps on playing. You only get to find the answer to your problem when a young, cute barista hands you a cup of coffee one day, with that song’s lyrics written on the side. And you realize that you’re not the only one who’s been hearing voices in your head.
。° if i lose my mind by @slightlymore (m) || 14.5k
dream sorter haechan x dreamer fem reader
fantasy/tim burton-esque, romance, smut, angst, fluff
you’ve never cared much for your dreams. they were always confusing nonsense you forgot in the morning. this until you started to have the same dream again and again and again: a lobby, pleasant elevator music in the background, many golden doors, a handsome young man welcoming you and asking where you wanted to go that night. his name was haechan and apparently you weren’t supposed to know that, let alone fall in love with him.
。° better than gold by @cherryeoniis || 16.4k
nobleman!haechan x fem!reader
historical, fluff, angst, childhood friends to lovers, forbidden love
His family comes from old money, and you’re nouveau-riche. Unfortunately for them, Haechan’s never been one to listen very well, especially when his parents tell him to stop fraternizing with you. Because for all the flamboyant dancing and endless alcohol at his parties, nothing makes Haechan dizzier than your smile.
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。° the new cupid by @lunena (s) II 8.6k
renjun x fem reader
fluff, college au
Just when you begin to think cupid forgot about you once again, you suddenly meet Renjun, who’s been thinking the same exact thing. After your paths collide under abrupt circumstances during your friends Valentine’s Day party, you seem to hit it off amidst conversation and cocktails. This new friendship appears to be blossoming fast however, and you look to confide in your friend in search of some guidance through this new bond. What you haven’t realized is that Cupid has been working hard under your nose the entire time.
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。° sleepless cinderella by @starlightkun (s) || 12.9k
racer!yangyang x journalist!reader
in which you get a lot more out of this interview than you’d planned for
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325 notes · View notes
vad-hander · 2 years
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pairing: Jaehyun x reader x Yuta
others: SM Rookies, multiple SM and JYP idols
genre: series | idol!au | smut | angst | fluff
warnings: smut! (read if you're 18+ only), idol!nct, idol!y/n, from SM Rookies till today, readers mom is degrading, love triangle
words: 14k
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
Why did life feel so overwhelming? Why did it feel like you were stepping on your own throat when you were just trying to chase after you dreams? 
Why were you avoiding contact with outer world for the past three days if what you were doing was for your own good? Why were you hiding in your room and chocking on your tears instead of spending your last minutes with the people that became your family?
”You should only do what’s best for you.” Your mom stated plainly, placing chopsticks in front of you. 
”Is it best for you to move there?” your dad asked softly.
”Maybe?” you looked up to the ceiling with a spoon in your mouth.
”It is. As long as they’re going to put money on your bank account and give you success they are much better than that company that left you caged in.” 
”SME is still probably the best out there.” You sighed.
”If they did not put you into that group, they are most definitely are blind for talent. What was the name of the group? L-red? Whatever it is, even the name is tasteless.” you paused, glitching with your mouth open as the chopsticks were about to deliver food on your tongue. What-, was your mom blaming the company? Was she not eating your brains out for not being enough- ”What are you staring at? Eat! Eat!” She hurried you suddenly, making you choke on sprouted beans.
”Did you hear that?” You whispered, following the figure of your mom with eyes. ”She tried to… cheer me up?” You squeezed your face in confusion.
”We’ll always be on your side, child. Now eat, you’ll need a lot of strength to show your best in the new place.” You nodded, wishing you could just give up the feelings inside you.
The moment you stepped out of the meeting room all the confidence faded and it became harder to walk, to breathe even. You got back to your room in dead silence as the SME employee dropped you off in front of the dorm and haven’t gotten out since, unless it wasn’t for the bathroom or the fridge or the lunch to tell your parents the news. 
It was hard to come out and look at the people you were about to abandon. It was difficult thinking of the unknown that was on your path as soon as you left the comfort of the company, the dorm that became your home. Were you selfish? Is the wish to be famous even pure? Were you just dying to be on stage because singing is your dream? Were you just an egoist and next steps would be walking over people just because you wanted to reach something else? 
A single thought of Yuta hurt your insides. He’s going to be pissed, he’s going to scream and probably will not talk to you ever again and to be fair, you’d probably do the same. You felt anxious because you knew there was no reason for him to happily accept the news, to let you go and wave as you exited the dorm and a huge part of his life. What would it be like to not have the safe space where you could see each other whenever? What would it be like to have to put in real effort to make it possible to see each other? The thoughts were just giving you anxiety, you were anxious before, when the word of NCT debut spread, but that feeling in the past was nothing in comparison to what you were feeling now.
You knew Jaehyun would at least try to understand, it is so him to try and put in effort to make everything better. You gulped and sat up. He would put in so much effort to make you feel better even now and you could feel it with your whole being, he had that utter believe in you and it would help him understand where you were coming from. He’s probably going to be upset and hurt but he’ll take the news because he’s the soft-hearted boy you love dearly and he would never want anything less than the best for you. 
Koeun would just cry, you knew that and knew that you would cry too so it’s probably the easiest to tell her. You almost jumped up to go and find her but you couldn’t. You couldn’t risk saying it all to anyone because saying it would make it real.
You knew that it was pretty real, there was an article prepared by the management already to announce your parting from SME activities starting Monday after you signed the contract and you could only wonder when will someone at the dorm see the article, you wanted them not to at all, but it was kind of inevitable to get attention from everyone at the company at least. You almost hit your head on the wall, realising that every one of your friends would understand everything even before the article, when you’ll move out.
Your phone made a sound that made your insides flip. Getting notifications became a disturbing thing, living a cave life. 
from: Jaehyun. 
“i have a very important question.”
to: Jaehyun
“go ahead”
from: Jaehyun
“are we still getting drunk on your birthday?” 
to: Jaehyun
“trying to back off?” 
from: Jaehyun
“you were silent I got confused” 
“tbh I wonder what to buy”
to: Jaehyun
“ask Yuta?” 
from: Jaehyun
“he’ll ask why I’m asking and would want to come too” you smirked.
to: Jaehyun 
“I won’t mind” 
from: Jaehyun. 
“I thought it’s just you and me.” 
It took less than a moment for a message to follow up. 
“I mean, if you want other people then that’s cool.” 
to: Jaehyun
“No, you’re right. Just you and me.”
“Just get sojus and beers.”
”And you should buy a lot, I’m sure I have great alcohol tolerance kkk”
“I want to be real drunk”
”Like real-real.” To tell you, that I’m not going to be here anymore, you swallowed. 
from: Jaehyun
“is everything okay?” 
to: Jaehyun 
“It’s our first time drinking!!!”
“we’re going to a safe place, I trust you. I want to have fuuuun”
from: Jaehyun
“no twister then…?:(“ you laughed at the message
to: Jaehyun
“if you’re not scared to break your skinny legs then why not kkkkkk”
You stared at the phone for a while, but Jaehyun seemed to be off the chat already, putting your phone away too. 
What exactly did your plans for the future sound like? Not the future future, but at least a couple of days before you’re leaving? 
Well, they were vey unclear to you. One thing was set for sure - on Friday you’re signing all the official papers, right after you turned of age. 
Your breath hitched when you realised. 
“My parents.” you mumbled and looked at your phone to see what time it was. Not that late to give that JYPE woman a call, you reckoned and ran up to the jacket you wore on the day of meeting, fishing a card out of your pocket. 
“Lee Soonhyuk, I’m listening.” she picked up the phone quicker than you built up courage, her voice already was filling the line as your brain was coming up with words to say. 
“Mrs. Lee Soonhyuk, it’s Y/n, we met at SME.” you gulped. 
“Oh, Y/n! How are you doing? Nice hearing from you, I hope you’re not calling me to say you’ve changed your mind.”
“No, no.  Mrs. Lee, I wanted to ask you questions, and you’ve told me to call you if I have anything to ask. Actually….” you realised that maybe you should’ve not taken her words literally “maybe you could give me your colleagues contacts, I could ask them.”
“No, no, no. Y/n, darling, you could ask me, it’s fine. We’re going to work together, I have to make sure you understand perfectly how the work flows at JYPE.” You nodded and then realised that she wouldn’t know if you did so or not. ”Go ahead, you can ask.” She broke off the silence that suddenly hung between you.
“Right, do I need my parents with me at the signing this Friday?” 
“How old are you, again?”
“I’m 18 this Wednesday.” 
“No, you’re legally okay to sign these papers yourself, but if you want to, they’re more than welcome to support you through the journey.”
“I… okay, thank you.” 
“For sure. Anything else?”
“Yes. Can I move to JYPE dorms this Friday?”
“Can I ask if everything is okay between you and your friends?”
“Yes, yes. I just hoped I could start adjusting to my new home quickly.” 
“Oh… oh… sure, if that’s what you want I’ll happily arrange everything.”
“Thank you.”
“Thank you for calling! And have a great birthday! See you on Friday.” 
“Yes, Mrs. Lee, thank you, goodbye.”
“Koeun?” you called out when three knocks on your door disturbed the silence. There was no response, just three more knocks that kind of made you mad. “Yes?” you called out once again and finally stood up. “What is it?” you sighed and opened the door. “Oh…”
“Happy birthday to you!” A loud group sang in front of your door. 
“Wha-, what are you all doing.” you smiled shocked, suddenly feeling like you could cry right this very moment. You were trying to abandon these people, pack your bags and runaway without a notice and they were in front of your door singing a happy birthday and caring for you. You hid your mouth in your palms staring at each of your friends.
“Blow the candle!” Jaehyun exclaimed and you finally focused your eyes on his face. Your best friend held the cake, smiling all too widely showing off to you his dimples. You smiled too, finally, holding your palms under your chin to make a wish. 
“Make it a good one.” Yuta’s voice stroke through your body right into your heart. You grinned widely noticing the boy you were missing terribly due to your recent life decisions. 
“I will.” you nodded and closed your eyes before you could blow out the candles. 
“Hey.” Yuta called out for you after the hugs and birthday wishes from all your friends were finally given and wished, as you stood in the corner of your room with Jaehyun glued to your side by wrapping his hand over your shoulders. You were trying to discuss quietly the plans for your secret party while others were too preoccupied to share the cake equally. “Can you help me?” he walked up to you two closer, running his eyes visibly over your hand that was entwined over Jaehyun’s waist. 
“Yeah? How?” 
“We need plates for the cake, can you show me where you keep ‘em?”
“Yes, sure.” you smiled at Yuta and untangled yourself from Jaehyun, leading the way to the kitchen. “We keep th- Ugh, ouch.” you cried out and ran your hand over your mouth immediately. “What are you doing?” you giggled, wrapping your hands over Yuta’s neck, as he turned you around to face him. 
“I wanted to wish my beautiful girl a very happy birthday.”
“You already did.” you teased. 
“I did, but it’s not everything I wanted to do.” he walked you slowly backwards over to the countertops.
“Yeah? What else is there?” you couldn’t stop smiling even for a second with the way Yuta’s eyes burned holes into yours. You licked your lips as your back hit the countertops. 
“A lot was planned, but since we’re short on time…” Yuta placed his hands on the back of your thighs, helping you to jump onto the flat surface. 
“This is… new.” you chuckled, as he pulled your body closer to the edge, forcing you to allow him stand between your legs. 
“There’s a lot of things that are going to be new to you in the nearest time.” he chuckled and made your heart miss a few beats. He didn’t even know how right he was about it. “I’ve got something for you.” 
“You do?”
“Yes.” he reached out to his back pocket and showed a fist in front of your face. You caressed the skin of his fingers with yours and he opened them up. 
“Are we getting married?” you joked before you could think, you didn’t mean to be mean towards Yuta’s gift. 
“No, but these have your birthday and mine engraved.” you grabbed the ring and did see it for yourself, there was a heart engraved on the outer side of it as well. 
“This… must’ve cost a whole lot.” 
“It wouldn’t matter even if it did.” 
“Yuta.” you sighed and placed the rings back into Yuta’s palm. Your eyes met his and you got emotional. 
“This is getting heavy…” he paused “I’m into you, I hope you know that, but the job is getting heavy on me, not letting me see you, be with you, take you on open dates, kiss you when I want to, tell the whole wide world I’m in love with the most talented, beautiful, outstanding girl in the world. I know these rings won’t help much to stop missing you when we’re not together, but… just by looking at it I’ll remember I have you during hard times… Will know that I have someone to hold and love, and I want you to feel the same way when you’re having a hard time, or if you just miss me suddenly. This,” he held the ring with his birthday engraved between his fingers, putting it onto your finger. “goes onto your finger, and this one, is supposed to go on mine, but…”
“But…?” you asked still smiling.
“But to not draw attention, will go onto my neck.” he reached out to the chain he wore and made the ring go through it and put the chain back on his neck. 
You reached out to play with the ring hanging over his chest, before you hid it under the shirt, reaching out to caress Yuta’s cheek and then leaning in more to kiss his lips softly. 
“I really-really do love you.” you mumbled into his lips. 
“I love you too.” Yuta’s hands held your head, pulling you a little back. “Let’s spend some time alone.” you nodded excitedly. You would spend all the time you had alone with Yuta, he didn’t need to ask. “Tonight? Or tomorrow night?”
“Oh, no…” 
“Mmh?” Yuta pecked your jaw and made you shiver. 
“I can’t tomorrow.” 
“Something exciting?” 
“No…” you shook your head. “Just agreed to hang out with Jaehyun earlier.” 
“Will I ever be the first one to ask you to hang out?” 
“Mmm… no?” you squinted your eyes. “He seems to always be one step quicker.” you teased, Yuta moved his palm onto your jaw, squeezing it between his fingers. 
“You’re mine anyway even if he’s 10 steps quicker with invitations” he tried to sound serious but his eyes gave him away. Yuta pulled your face closer to his, peppering kisses all over your face all of a sudden. 
“Yuta.” you cried out for mercy, holding onto his wrist as he didn’t leave a single inch of your face, finally being done with it and moving his lips onto your neck, to hide his face in the crook of it, holding your body tightly with his hands. 
The sudden silence dropped over the room, you ran your hands over Yuta’s back a couple of times, finally setting them over his nape. 
“I really want you to stay when everyone leaves.”
“Why?” he raised his head a little to see your face. 
“To… I don’t know, maybe just do the same thing but horizontally.” 
“Okay.” he chuckled, and bent his neck weirdly to be able to kiss you. You quickly kissed him back, pressing onto his body with yours. Your fingers ran over his nape soothingly, while you asked for permission to enter his mouth with your tongue. You haven’t kissed Yuta for so long, you haven’t touched or seen him at all for so long you were not able to possibly detach yourself from his body. 
Of course, if only the situation didn’t ask for it. The little screech your door always made was inevitable for you to miss, and even though just a moment before the sound flooded your mind Yuta rocked his hips into yours and turned you into a flooded pool, your hands were quick to push him off and your feet were even quicker to jump off that countertop. 
“Shit!” you exclaimed, hitting your foot as you jumped off on one of the handles. 
“Are you okay?” Yuta squatted in front of your seated body, reaching out to your cheek. 
“Are you guys okay?” Jaehyun asked concerned and Yuta moved his hand away. 
“I hit my toe!” you cried out.
“H… how?” he asked confused. 
“This stupid door, ouch.” 
“I’m at a loss of words.” Jaehyun smiled a little. “I could not possibly imagine hitting your toe on the door handle of a cupboard.”
“What do you want?” you hissed. 
“Plates, people are starving in your room.” Jaehyun’s eyes ran over the kitchen. “Where are they? I thought you went to get them.” 
“Yes.” you sighed, still holding on to the toe you hit. “Yuta, they’re in the cupboard on the left.” 
“Okay.” the boy stood up to finally get the plates. 
Jaehyun watched you sit on the floor and when his eyes focused too much on your probably way too swollen lips, you reached out a hand to him, and his eyes moved to it.
“Please, help.” you whined and reached out your other hand too, so Jaehyun could pull you into the standing position. “Thanks.” you pecked his cheek as the pulling motion he made forced you too close to him. 
“I’m taking these back to the room.” Yuta shoved the plates between you two. 
”Okay.” You nodded. 
“Did you cry?”
“Mmh?” You asked confused.
“You’re flushed like you cried or something.”  
“No.” You quickly replied, slowing down with your words to not seem weird. “Blood rushed to my face after I hit my toe.“
“Okay.” he chuckled. 
“Do you plan on staying for long?” you asked hesitantly as you two walked back to the room. 
“Everyone else.” 
“Do you-, I mean, should I tell everyone to go?” 
“Yes, please… I’m a little tired.” 
“Okay, I’ll tell everyone to go.” 
“Thank you.” you raised your head to take a look at him, caught with Jaehyun’s stare as he was already looking at you.  
“Of course.” his hand ruffled your hair, before opening the door. 
“I think, we should head back.” Jaehyun stretched out his arms, acting tired not much later after the two of you returned. 
“Yeah, you’re right, I have school tomorrow.” Mark put the plate on the floor. 
“Me too.” Koeun jumped up next to the boy.
“Let’s call it a night then.” you pursed your lips, catching a glimpse of Yuta. He sat in the corner quietly, not attracting anyones attention. You wondered if it really would work out like that, moving your gaze from him to not give him away. 
“You know… I thought…”
“Mmh?” you raised eyebrows at Jaehyun attentively. The others were leaving your room but Jaehyun was slow and almost teasing with the time he took to leave. 
“I wanted to make your birthday special. Can we have the whole day tomorrow together? Like a birthday breakfast, then we could do something fun and have our little party afterwards? What you think?” Jaehyun bit onto his lower lip while expecting the answer. You smiled at him softly, he couldn’t look any cuter than that. 
“Do you not have schedules and other things?”
“I really don’t.”
“Let’s see in the morning, parents probably will call me.”
“Okay.” he nodded and sat a little away from you. “Ugh, Yuta?” you almost swore loudly in distress. “Is he asleep? He sleeps with his eyes open sometimes.” Jaehyun looked at you confused.
“I don’t know… should we just let him be?” Jaehyun chuckled at you. 
“Yuta?” The boy called his friend, calling his name once again when Yuta didn’t react. 
“Let’s go, the party’s over.” Jaehyun stood up and looked at you as a goodbye. 
“Go ahead, I’m catching up.”
“I’ll wait, it’s fine.” Jaehyun walked to the door and turned around to face both of you. “We’re going to the same floor anyway.” he looked attentively at you. 
“I was actually planning to go to a convenience store.” Yuta stretched out his body nonchalantly.
“At this hour?” you held back to not make a joke about Jaehyun’s nerd antics. 
“Yes, I’m craving a lemonade.” Yuta shrugged and walked up to Jaehyun. You watched the figure of the older guy pass you quickly confused. He must’ve gotten an idea on how to trick Jaehyun out of your room. “Want to go with me?” Yuta turned around to look at you, ignoring Jaehyun’s presence in a weird attempt to hurt him, probably. 
“She’s tired.” Jaehyun stated sounding tired himself. “And asked me to make everyone go.”
“Including you.” it wasn’t a question, Yuta stated the obvious to Jaehyun’s face for no reason. 
“I know.”
“Honestly.” your heavy sigh broke off their head butting. “You two should probably leave already.” 
“I’m sorry.” Jaehyun lowered his eyes to the feet like he was scolded. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, you two.” 
You sighed once again, as the boys closed the door behind them. 
Jaehyun needed to know the status of your relationship with Yuta, you thought to yourself undoing the sheets of your bed. If he did know he’d allow the private space between you and Yuta to at least exist. The frustration bubbled up in your stomach. You just wanted to hug Yuta’s waist and feel his hands cover you like a shield, feel his hot breath and listen to whatever he had to say. Probably something that would make you chuckle and blush. 
You dropped the pillows onto the floor with force. 
”I should not be mad at Jaehyun. He meddles unknowingly.” You started talking to yourself in an inner battle, probably looking insane to everyone on the outside. ”Maybe he gets in the way just because he doesn’t understand how it is when you want to spend time one on one with someone you love?” With a pyjama set in your hands you grabbed a fresh towel to shower. 
The best way to get over your frustration and longing over Yuta’s touch was to just get to bed quickly and wake up fresh and happy tomorrow. 
A knock on your door though invaded your loneliness and your eyes focused on the door expectingly. It didn’t open, you voiced out what you thought. ”I’m in bed already.” You lied tired, someone probably forgot their belongings in your room, but you were not in the mood to give it back even if their life depended on it. Another knock followed and you threw clothes in your hands onto the bed, fiercely walking up to the door.
”I’m sleeping, who are you?” You turned off the light on your way to the door to make it less obvious you weren’t in fact yet in bed. 
”I thought you wanted to see me.” Yuta smirked as you opened the door, being swayed away by his hands, that pulled you swiftly away from the door to lock it from the inside. He then quickly pushed you against the door before you could even come up with any words, all sorts of emotions circulating over your body. 
”I messed with Jaehyun.” Yuta chuckled, pressing his fingers onto your cheek. You leaned in to capture your boyfriends lips in a kiss, holding on to the hem of his shirt. Yuta let go of your face, keeping the eye contact with you, his fingers trailed down to your shoulders. You felt heated just by being close to him, standing next to the door of your pitch black room, not even a dim street light inside with your black out curtains. Was it normal to feel so heavy in your lower stomach from this brief interaction? 
Yuta pressed on your shoulders, making you lean against the door. His lips followed yours, and when you were about to open your mouth to talk, Yuta laid his lips atop of yours. ”I thought you said you were in bed already, these seem to not be your sleeping clothes.”
”I lied because I was frustrated.” Yuta tried to talk more, forcing you to wrap your arms over his neck so the boy in front of you would not be able to move away anymore. You tried to kiss him slower, savour the kiss, make him stay for as long as possible because actually, you didn’t know for how long was he planning on to stay with you.
You opened your mouth and Yuta slipped in his tongue, pushing your body more against the door. You pulled him in closer too, Yuta pushing his thigh between your legs. 
”I actually came here for a reason.” he pressed your head to the door to not let you follow his mouth for more kisses. 
”Yeah? What is the reason?”
”To spend time with you. I’m not sure you’ve been missing me, but I obviously miss spending time with you. Now that you’re going to spend an entire day with Jaehyun, not just a day - your birthday, I thought we could at least be together at night.” You pouted slightly at your boyfriends face expression. “In case your brain wonders if I’m playing or not, I am not. I might be a little hurt at the fact he’s ahead of me.“
”If only Jaehyun knew, it’d be so much easier to reject him.” Yuta pushed himself off the door, walking over to the bed. You followed behind. ”Now if I’m going to tell him I can’t see him during the day, he’s going to ask why and I’m terrible with lying.” You kneed your mattress next to Yuta, wrapping arms over his shoulders. ”I think I’m going to tell him tomorrow night.” You attracted Yuta’s attention. 
“I think I’m at the state where I don’t really want to stop you from telling him.” you nodded your head in agreement, wrapping your hands tighter. 
”Since you’ve began debut preparations we barely interact.” You gulped, kissing Yuta’s temple. ”Maybe later on we won’t be able to even have this.” There was only so little time to tell Yuta you were moving out and you were wasting it, tip-toing over the topic like a fool.
”Don’t.” his arm wrapped your body, pulling you down onto the mattress with him. ”When we’re going to Japan next-”
”I’m not going to Japan this time.” You didn’t let him finish feeling full on ashamed. The damned SMTown in Japan that you completely forgot about. 
”I was told I’m not, I didn’t ask any further questions.” you cringed at your own lying. You were terrible, indeed. You hid your face against Yuta’s chest.
”I’m sorry.” Yuta pulled you more onto his body, running his palm over your cheek. ”I wanted to say since last time we didn’t get the chance, I wanted you to meet my family this time, but-.”
”Oh, Yuta.” You felt more upset than you probably should’ve in Yuta’s perspective, but in your perspective - when would you get a chance to visit Japan next time at all?
”It’s okay, it’s not your fault, baby.” It is, in fact, you sighed. ”Next time they’ll visit me here you’ll come with me to meet them, okay?” You nodded, Yuta capturing your lips with his. 
“I wish I could meet your sisters.” 
“Momoka probably will come to Korea with my parents and Haruna… I’m not sure.” he suddenly thought too seriously of it. 
”Do you think you’d want to meet my family…if we had a chance…?” Yuta paused his breathing. 
“Mmmh, yes baby.” He nuzzled his nose against your cheek, pressing your side against his body. “This makes me feel so happy and calm. I want to sleep here with you every night until we’re moving somewhere else.” 
“Is that happening soon?” 
“The date’s not set, but, probably, yes.” 
“We’ll still be able to see each other, right?”
“Of course, baby, I’ll make all the time in the world to see you.” 
“I worry… sometimes… how will it be when you’ll debut.” 
“We, debut.“ He corrected you “First we’ll have to get used to the new reality in front of us and then… we’ll have each other and will be happy.”
“I wish it’d be like you describe it.” you turned more onto your side to rub the back of your hand against Yuta’s cheek. 
“We should not be sad about us on your birthday. It’s better we have some fun.” you smiled at the boy. 
“How?” His hand pulled your face in front of his. “In that way?” you whispered. 
“I didn’t bring condoms.” 
“Why? I thought you came here for that.”
“No.” he chuckled at you fully amused. “I came back without a second thought. Just to have time with you, sleeping is also good, we can do just sleeping.”
“Okay.” you stretched out a smile. “I’m going to shower first, though.”
“Okay, I’ll be right here.” he smiled and you smiled back, pecking Yuta’s lips quickly. 
“Hi.” you said quietly, clearing up your voice as you tried to sound more cheerful. 
You couldn’t work out what time it was but the sun was already beaming behind the curtains, you could tell. Your body still felt genuinely tired and you wished it wasn’t too late into the day. 
“Honey, are you still sleeping?” your dad asked softly. “It’s midday.” Oh fuck, you thought. So it is pretty late in the day, you tried to move yourself in bed but Yuta’s deadly grip on your body was of no help. 
“Yeah, I got to bed pretty late last night.” You didn’t actually know what time you got to bed even. It was hard to tell since after you got out of the shower Yuta felt like taking a quick shower too and when the both of you got in bed the time stopped moving in the little universe you were in when you were next to Yuta. You talked and kissed, embraced each other and then just quietly laid next to one another, before everything turned out a little more heated than you expected, finally being completely tired and unable to keep on functioning. “Don’t tell mum.” you chuckled.  
“Happy birthday, baby.” your dad finally said what he planned to start the conversation with.
“Thank you.” you smiled. 
“I love you very much, I hope you know that I’m always on your side, I’ll always support you and do anything for you. I hope you’re healthy and happy.” he paused for a moment before you could get too sentimental at his words. “I know you’re going to achieve in life everything you wish for. Just, please, be happy, healthy and eat well. I love you.”
“Dad.” you gulped. “I hope you’re not crying.”
“I’m a though cookie baby, I’m not.” a breathy laugh left his lips.
“I love you too, thank you.”
“Of course.” the line went silent, you heard a little shuffle next to you, feeling Yuta’s lips land over your pulse point. You smiled at the boy, squeezing his fingers under the blanket. “Your mom called you earlier but you didn’t pick up and now she’s running around the house preparing a grand dinner for us. Would you… mind join? Of course if it’s not conflicting your schedule.” he added awkwardly in the end. 
“Dad, it doesn’t. I would love to come home and eat moms food. Maybe I could even stay to sleep home?”
“That would be absolutely great.” your dads voice brightened up. Your stupid brain suddenly remembered you can’t, you had to go see Jaehyun in the afternoon. 
“Yes baby?”
“Can I bring a friend?” you took a look at Yuta, the boy moved his head from your neck, hiding his smile behind your shoulder. 
“You mean Jaehyun-ie?” You almost chocked on nothing at his tone.
“No, not Jaehyun. You’ve actually never met him before.” 
“Okay, is he-.” you cut off your dad mid-sentence. 
“He’s maybe a boyfriend.”
“Maybe?” his voice didn’t change one bit in concern or fear or anything you imagined he would feel after you told him you had a boyfriend. 
“I mean, just a boyfriend, not maybe.” you expected too feel more cringed while talking about this to your dad. 
“Okay, of course you can.” he seemed… to not care, your insides finally were able to function again.
“Can you please-“
“Talk to mum about it?” now it was your dads turn to cut you off. 
“Yeah, please. I’m worried about her…”
“Yes, baby, me too. I’ll talk to her, don’t worry. You can bring your boy over, I’ll tell your mom to set one more plate for him.”
“Thank you.” 
“See you, then?”
“Yes, bye.“ You dropped the phone onto the night stand. 
“I didn’t know your parents loved Jaehyunie.” Yuta teased the very next moment. 
“Me neither.” you turned your body on the side to face him properly and move your limbs from the numbing position “Good morning.” you smiled. 
“This feels nice, right?” 
“What does?” 
“Waking up and seeing you.” 
“It sure does.” he grinned, sucking on your lower lip. 
“Oh, by the way.”
“You’re kind of invited to the dinner at my place tonight.”
“What time? I gotta check my schedule.” You pushed his body off you, his morning husky voice filling the room with a chuckle. “I should probably look presentable and shit to sweep your mom off her feet and satisfy your dad?”
“Hmm…” You made a thinking face. “My dads probably going to be fine but my mom… oh, you might have to fight for her liking.” 
“Just for reference, are you teasing or for real right now?”
“Come and find yourself.” you giggled, kissing Yuta on the mouth. 
“Are you upset with me?” you stared at your feet like a scolded child standing next to Jaehyun. 
“No, I’m not.”
“For real?” you raised your eyes relieved. “I stupidly overslept and then my parents called and now I’m going to see them for dinner and I promise I’ll be at yours as early as I could possibly make it.” 
“Okay, okay.” you grabbed onto his wrist, making sure he did actually mean what he was saying. 
“I swear it’s fine, we didn’t set on hanging out for the whole day anyway.”
“You know that I love you a whole crazy lot?” you smiled. 
“I actually do.” he smiled a little. 
“Okay, then I guess I’ll see you at your place, right?”
“You’re the very best, see ya!” you waved your hand at him as you ran out of the boys apartment, counting down the stairs as you paced down to your own floor to get ready. 
You wanted to look pretty, you wanted to feel that it was your birthday, spend the day with a light heart and go into the night with a heart even lighter. 
“I might sound rude.” you immediately turned your head to face Yuta. The two of you were in a taxi on your way to the birthday dinner with your parents. The air in the car was thick as hell, you wouldn’t be able to cut through it even with a saw, thanks to you, not Yuta. You were just the tiniest bit nervous and even the taxi driver could probably sense that. 
“I don’t think you will, go ahead.” You squeezed his fingers that were laying lifelessly on your knee. 
”Can’t get the feeling off my chest that you’re dreading inviting me to come home with you.”
”No I’m not.” You immediately protested making it sound weird, like you were dreading but tried to hide it. 
”It doesn’t even seem like you’re breathing with how tensed up you are.”
”Yuta, it’s definitely not about you.” ‘It’s about me, the fact that my mom doesn’t love anyone in this world, most likely the list is including me and she wouldn’t act nicely to you at all and I already have the image in my head and most likely, which is almost the worst part, she’ll start talking to you about my company transfer and the next second you find it out in such a dumb way you probably wont ever talk to me ever again.’ You wish you could add all of the words that bubbled in your head to your sentence but you just couldn’t. You still had a little hope and that hope was your guiding star. A simple wish to get this dinner over with and go see Jaehyun, tell him everything you are too scared to tell Yuta and hopefully get accepted and possibly get advice on how to tell Yuta. 
”What is it then? It’s your birthday, please smile just a little.” Yuta pulled onto the seatbelt to be able to reach out to your face in a soothing manner. “Will you?” He smiled and you couldn’t hold back the butterflies inside your stomach at the proximity and warmth that he radiated. “Yeah, that’s much better” he chuckled, seeing the smile rise up on your lips. “I’m with you so you don’t have to be scared of your mom or anything else.” His lips pecked the corner of yours, making you melt completely, making the nerves bubble inside of you untangle. “I love you, you know that? Your mom won’t change that.”
“I know… And i love you too. And I do really hope you mean what you just said.” You kissed him too, on the cheek, wrapping your hands over his neck as much as possible in your position to give him a hug. 
“I am.” He nodded, rubbing your back with his palm.
“I’m sure next turn is where my house is.” You suddenly gulped, being able to see outside the window while hugging.
“Is it?”
“Yeah.” You nodded
“Should we run away?” He chuckled obviously amused, moving your head to watch your face. You felt like your body got electrocuted, fully understanding what he said was a joke but somehow still wishing to catch the bait. 
“Shall we? Can we? Do you want to? I mean we can if you want to. I could tell we have to practice and can’t make it.” You suddenly moved very quickly, looking for your phone. Yuta watched your sudden burst of energy confused. “I can text my dad right now.”
“Baby, baby.” He called out multiple times to catch your attention. 
“Yeah?” You looked at him, slowing down.
“I thought this will make you laugh, I didn’t think you’ll actually get hooked on the idea.” 
“We’re here.” Taxi driver announced before you could tell a thing. 
“Mean.” You squinted your eyes, pecking Yuta’s lips afterwards just so he knows you’re not mad at him, finally getting out of the car, and walking around it to watch Yuta get out too. 
“Darling.” Your attention was attracted in a different direction though as soon as you heard your fathers voice. 
“Dad!” You ran up to your father. 
“Happy birthday, baby.” 
“Dad.” You rubbed your face against his chest a little. “Thank you. Were you waiting by the door? How did you know it’s us?” 
“I was, it was about time you two arrived. Will you, by the way, introduce me to the someone that came with you today?” He chuckled, brushing your hair with his fingers. 
“Oh, I sure will.” You smiled and straightened your back. “Dad, this is my boyfriend Yuta. He used to be a soccer player before he came to Korea and now he’s already fixed to be in a boy group, so you can brag to your friends you met an idol.” You teased a little.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Yuta bowed awkwardly you almost cooed at how well behaved he suddenly got. 
“It’s great to finally see who my daughter spends time with.” you nodded, ungluing your body from the hold of your father that you missed so much to stand next to Yuta, hold his hand in the nerveracking event of meeting your mother. “Shall we go in? Your mom made an excessively massive dinner, so I hope Yuta you have a great appetite.” your dad patted Yuta’s shoulder. 
“He doesn’t, idols have to keep in shape.” you chuckled. 
“No, no. I do” Yuta immediately corrected you, nodding his head and threatening you with a finger. “I’m sure I won’t be able to stop once I try the food.” your dad nodded satisfied, finally walking inside the house to find his wife. 
“You’re such a well behaved cutie.” you stood on your tiptoes to mumble into Yuta’s ear so your father wouldn’t hear it, pecking his cheek afterwards. 
“Honey, look who’s here.” 
“Y/n!“ She exclaimed loudly, making you jump. It’s not that you hated your mom, it wasn’t the case at all. The case was that it seemed like she only cared for you to make you achieve goals that she wanted you to achieve and once you drank in a life without her it felt even more wrong than before. You never really wanted to get in contact with her because she would nag, critique or point at your flaws and ‘obvious’ to her eyes reasons you were lacking in something. You had a feeling Yuta wouldn’t like her the minute he hears any of her casual rants and the realisation made you worry even more. Now, besides all other things you were scared of, you feared Yuta would want to fight your mom, which you could only pray for not to happen. “Oh, my child!“ She exclaimed, taking your face in her hands. You expected a snarky remark about your appearance. “You’re too early for the dinner. Go upstairs, the kitchen is a whole mess!“ She pushed you back to the corridor, so your feet wouldn’t pass the threshold of the kitchen. Yuta’s fingers brushed against your back as he caught you.  
“Mom, it’s my birthday.“ You chuckled pissed. “You could’ve said happy birthday.“
“I’ve called you in the morning.“
“I was asleep.“ 
“Exactly.“ She nodded and walked to the stove as if there was no further explanation needed.
“Can you pay attention to the person I brought with me?“ You gulped to not get furious. Yuta sensed that you were on the verge, caressing your shoulder. Why did she have to be like that on your birthday? Why the day when she decided to act sweet wasn’t on your birthday?
“Let’s go upstairs, let’s wait until everything is done.“ He tried to keep his voice low.
“Yes, listen to the boy.“ Your mom nodded and gestured with her hand for you to disappear. 
“Dad!“ You hissed. 
“Honey, please go upstairs. I’ll have a word with your mom.“ You grabbed Yuta’s hand, storming to your room. 
“Hey, hey.“ He caught your shoulders with his palms as soon as you entered the room.
“That’s exactly why I was nervous.“
“I don’t care.“ Yuta said softly, you turned around to see his face. “I don’t care if she for a weird reason doesn’t want to acknowledge my presence, if you’re worried about it. It only matter to me that you wanted me to come, share this with me. It only matters to me that I can spend my time with you and see what you had to live through your entire life.“ you sighed, lowering your head onto Yuta’s chest. “I wonder though, do you not have anything from your mom or will it poke out as you’ll get older and I will have to deal with you.“ He chuckled, pressing you more onto his chest. 
“Straight up just choke me then.“ You chuckled. 
“I kind of fear you would enjoy it much.“ 
“What?“ Your lips raised in genuine amusement now. 
“Would you find it weird if I told you I really want to have you right now. Like, for real fuck you.“
“Yuta.“ You gasped a little scandalised and at the same time, maybe, turned on at the idea. 
“I don’t know about that.“
“Okay.“ He chuckled as if he didn’t suggest a thing. “Come here.“ He pulled you by the hand onto the bed, sitting down. “I just want to kiss you. Can I?“ He snorted at your mortified face expression. 
“Yeah.“ You gave in, allowing him to pull you in. Yuta’s hands roamed over your body softly, pressing you onto his lap. The position wasn’t comfortable one bit and even though you really didn’t want to, you crawled a little onto his lap, forcing your knees onto the mattress. Yuta didn’t just leave you be, as soon as his lips were able to reach yours, his hands crawled under your legs, pushing you more on top of him, dropping his back onto the mattress and making his butt sit further on the bed. “Yuta!“ You broke off the kiss to scold him through laughter. 
“Yes, baby? You’re so pretty when you’re smiling. Thats exactly what I wanted to see on your face.“ His hand brushed your hair behind your ear. You dove into the kiss, caging his head between your elbows. Yuta touched up your body, running his palms firmly against your sides, caressing your jaw and cheeks with his thumbs, almost tickling your thighs with how lightweight his touches were at first, making a loud and very unexpected moan leave your lips as his fingers kneaded your thighs roughly, lifting up the dress you wore as the touch went up your legs. You pulled onto his lower lip, pulling away as his head tried to follow your lips up.
“You wanted just to kiss.“ You reminded him of his words.
“I still just kiss.“ He smiled innocently. “Or… do you somehow want more now?“ He chuckled, trying his best to act surprised. You squinted your eyes at him. “I do have the condom.“ He whispered more seriously, your breath hitched at the baldness of the suggestion.
“I can’t, you know that. It’s the birthday dinner.“ 
“I know. I really do. You don’t need to worry.“ He added softly, running his fingers over your cheek.
“Why did you bring it then?“ You smirked.
“Now that we don’t have any legal restrictions between us I just feel like I’m obliged to have it with me at all costs to secure your happiness.“  
“You’re such a fool.“ You cackled. 
“Can I please have my tongue in your mouth now?“ 
“Mmh…“ you thought for a minute. “Yes…?“ You made it seem you were unsure. Yuta took your head in his hands, rolling you on the bed so he’d be on top. “What is this?“ He pulled one of your legs onto his waist, rolling his hips right against your clothed centre. “What are you doing?“ You mumbled into Yuta’s lips as he smashed his lips against yours. 
“I forgot to mention that the other part of my gift besides rings was an orgasm.“
“Yuta.“ You hissed for him to keep his voice quiet. “That is not funny.“ he pressed against you once again with his hardening length. “You’re insane.“ You gasped. “We’re not having sex.“
“We’re not, I know.“ his lips trailed a line from your chin to the ear. “But you’re going to cum.“ Yuta mumbled into your ear, biting onto your earlobe.
His hands little by little closer to your clothed heat, the dress you wore already was pulled up your thighs, making it much easier for Yuta to touch you. His thumb ran up your clothed slit and your leg got tighter over his waist. “I’m not going to stretch you out, okay? Just your clit, we have to be quick.“
“Yeah.“ it sounded more like you meowed. 
“Try to hold back the sounds.“ You granted him with another weak reply, before Yuta’s fingers crawled behind the thin fabric. “Shit.“ He gasped at the feeling of your completely wet folds. “So wet.“ 
“I know, so please be quick.“ Yuta smirked at you, kissing your lips while his middle finger rubbed into you. It didn’t take him much time before the pleasure started to build up in your lower stomach. It really didn’t surprise you at this point how quickly he took you to the peak and even higher than that. Both your hands wrapped his neck tightly, pressing his chest flush against yours. You wanted to whine but his lips swallowed every sound that came out of you or just tried to. “So, so close.“ You managed to let him know. “Yuta?“ you asked sheepishly, even his hand slowed down to pay attention. “I kind of want the sex.“ you felt terrible by admitting. 
“Are you sure?“ He asked clearly not believing the words that left your mouth.
“Yes, is it weird that now I can’t think how would it feel to cum with you inside of me?“ You asked innocently.
“Fuck.“ Yuta cursed under his breath and moved away from you. You felt like you scared him away for some reason and already were ready to take your words back if it would make him feel better. “Does your door have a lock?“ 
“It does, but why?“ Yuta rushed to the door, locking it immediately. You almost asked why he didn’t find it important to lock the door when he was doing what he was doing before. “This is so fucking not how I actually wanted to have real sex with you for the first time.“ He mumbled as he got closer back to you, gesturing for you to crawl to the headboard and lie down. His hands quickly took off the plain white shirt he was wearing, undoing the pants with the same pace.
“You’re going to undress yourself completely?“ 
“Yes, and you should take your dress off quickly.“
“Okay.“ You nodded, pulling the material up your body. “Come here.“ You whispered with trembling hands. You wanted him terribly, the orgasm that almost washed over you was of no help to stop staring at Yuta that was visibly hard even through his underwear. You had seen his cock before, you’ve touched it even, but never with the idea of him getting in beetwen your legs and inside of you.
“Are you scared? Or nervous?“ Yuta asked carefully, as he crawled over you.
“We don’t have time for that.“ you gulped slightly upset. “I am literally about to have my first time while my parents are downstairs about to call us to have the birthday dinner.“ 
“You’re crazy for that.“ 
“I am, and you’re with me.“ You smiled, catching your breath at Yuta’s fond smile. “But please be quick.“
“I’m sure I’ll be, no worries. I haven’t been in a pussy for a really long while.“ you chuckled a little at him. “Just if it hurts, I’m going to have to stop.“
“Yeah.“ You nodded and spread your legs for Yuta to get between them. His fingers quickly pulled down your underwear, lowering his head suddenly to move his tongue against you. “Yuta.“ You pushed him away by the shoulder when he seemed to forget what you were about to do, you were almost cuming from his tongue.
“Right, you’re right.“ He nodded and pulled a condom from the jeans he thoughtfully left laying on the bed. Yuta’s hand quickly lowered to his cock, freeing it of clothing and placing the rubber material onto it. You watched him do it closely, forgetting to say that you actually were deadly scared of getting pregnant even if he wore that. Suddenly your throat felt too dry because the whole thing felt too real to be right. This somehow made you feel like you were in a movie, an awkward teenage movie where the first sex was one of the disappointments in life. How long will it take? Will this feel at least a little pleasurable? 
“This is fucked up.“ You mumbled once again finally realising what you made you two do. 
“Shh.“ He was focused, lining up himself with your entrance. You gasped before you could even feel anything, swallowing loudly. “Okay.“ He gave you a nod, pushing little by little. You were just focusing on how you felt, how he was pushing inside of you more and the expression on your face probably made Yuta scared. “Are you… okay?“ 
“No, yeah, I mean I’m good, you can go deeper.“ 
“I don’t think I should if you want me to last for at least minute.“
“Why?“ You asked concerned.
“Too tight.“ He panted, sucking on your lower lip. It did feel too tight, he was right. Tight, but somehow, still right. Your face expression changed into a brighter one. Yuta moved back, going back a little further than before. You were so scared of all the things combined you didn’t even realise that having him inside of you didn’t actually hurt. He was moving his hips in and out of you now and the both of you breathed harder. “Is it good?“ He suddenly asked.
“Yes, so good.“
“Right.“ Yuta mumbled under his breath. “Can I go harder?“
“Please.“ You nodded, feeling Yuta’s hips slap against yours for the first time. The sound was so loud and nasty, you almost chocked out of fear. If your bed will start to creak you’ll most definitely die of shame. 
You felt a little stiff and you knew for sure Yuta couldn’t possibly not feel it. You wanted to tell him you were sorry and you couldn’t even focus on the feeling of him stretching you out so perfectly, making you feel so heavenly, you could only focus on all the little sounds you two made during the intercourse and it almost felt like your soul drifted behind that door to stay on a watch. 
Soon enough Yuta rubbed your clit again and you felt like cuming. You were already pretty much spent and when he got you clenching you moaned into his mouth, almost crying. It felt too good to wrap around his cock when your body was spasming, feeling him push your walls while chasing his own high. 
You couldn’t understand who came first and who chased behind, you just liked to think you were connected on so many levels your bodies made you do it at the same time.
You panted, Yuta dropped his weight over you. 
“You’re the literal best.“ He found it in him to raise his head and peck your cheek. 
“Thats not true. It’s like you fucked a brick.“
“No.“ He cackled, leaving kisses over you neck. “I don’t think we took more than like what… 10 minutes? Embarrassing.“ he chuckled “I wouldn’t cum this quickly if you were a brick.“
“Thanks.“ you forced a smile and Yuta shifted his body weight.
“I don’t want to pull out.“
“It doesn’t feel nice to you?“
“I don’t know.“ you told sincerely. 
“We’ll work this all out later when we’ll have real time to get into things that you like and don’t.“ Yuta pecked your lips, pulling out and standing up. You kind of immediately understood what he meant by not wanting to pull out. Could you possibly ask him to come back?
“Do you have a bin?“ 
“Yes, but isn’t it going to be weird if my parents found a spent lonely condom in there?“
“Do you want me to take it?“ He chuckled but then realised you were serious. “Well if you’re okay I’ll leave it here for the dinner.“ He chuckled again, wrapping it into many paper towels and placing almost under the bed. Yuta quickly put on his clothes and nothing in his appearance gave away he just came. “Are you okay? Can you move?“ You nodded quietly and moved forward, collecting yourself back together. 
“Wait, is that you?“ Yuta smiled widely, staring at one of your childhood photos. 
“It is.“ You walked up to him after cleaning yourself up and getting your clothes back on. “Why are you laughing?“
“Can I steal this? You’re so cute.“ He cooed, caressing your cheek.
“No, its mine.“
“But please?“ He whined and you stared him in the eyes, getting scared when you heard knocks on your door. 
“Yeah?“ You replied as your dad already walked in. 
“Dinner’s ready. I hope you two didn’t get too bored while waiting.“
“No, I was looking at her baby photos.“ Yuta smiled.
“Okay, come downstairs.“ Your boyfriend nodded and grabbed your hand in his and walked you behind him. 
“Mom,“ you cleared your throat. “This is Yuta.“ The dinner was going relatively well with your mom keeping herself quiet. You thought that this maybe was a great opportunity to introduce Yuta properly, since she paid him hardly any attention for the past 40 minutes. 
“Yuta?“ She finally raised her eyes at the boy next to you. Yuta, who was pushing chopsticks full with meat and rice into his mouth pulled them away, making all the food drop into the bowl mixed. 
“Yes, Mrs.Y/L/N.“ He stretched his lips in a polite manner. 
“You’re a foreigner?“
“That’s right, I am Japanese.“
“You speak Korean well for a foreigner.“ She sighed, chewing on her rice. Her manners gave off royalty out of nowhere. 
“I learned it thoroughly.“ He bowed. 
“And your ancestors didn’t try to do the same when they occupied our country.“ A cold sweat ran down your spine. What the actual fuck was all this.
“Mom?“ you chuckled awkwardly.  “Why suddenly?“ 
“Maybe you need a reminder what your great-grandparents went through because of Japanese?“ 
“I don’t, I know it way too well.” Your eyes ran from your dad to Yuta. ”I just don’t understand what this has to do with Yuta.“ 
“I’m not sure now that you’ve brought him to the house where people that suffered from his countries’ hands lived.“
“Honey, I’m sure Yuta’s ancestors didn’t take part in the terrible things that happened to our people.“
“Are you so sure? Or trying to pretend like you are?“ She looked dissaprovingly. 
“Mom, you don’t even care about it.“ You bursted. ”You had too much to drink already, dad. Take the soju from her.”
“Y/n, it’s fine.“ Yuta squeezed your palm under the table. “I will ask my grandparents if they have any knowledge on how their parents lived during the occupation of Korea. I’ll give you my deepest apologies, Mrs.Y/L/N, when we’ll see each other next time if I’ll learn something regarding their relationship with Koreans.“ 
“Sure.“ She gave him a careless nod and the topic seemed to be closed, for now, thankfully. “That is exactly why you’re still a trainee while other girls get to debut.“ She didn’t let you to just have a conversation with your father about his co-worker.
“Yes?“ You stretched out your lips in a thin line and blinked.
“If you gave all of your attention to work, instead of boys, maybe you would’ve debuted in that girl group.“ 
“Honey.“ Your dad sighed. “It’s our daughters birthday.“ He finally grabbed the glass from his wife’s hand.
“Yes, and I’m wishing her to focus on work in her next year of life. First that sweet boy Jaehyun, now Yuta.“ Her voice shown disgust when she said your lovers name. “What happened to Jaehyun?“
“Nothing, he’s my friend. Always has been.“
“Thankfully you’re transferring to that other company, I hope they’ll take better care of your free time. When is your first day there, by the way?“ She raised her head to look you in the eyes. Your head turned to Yuta in fear, you almost cried in an instance, seeing his head low, focused on the rice bowl. “Y/n.“
“I’m moving on Friday. From the dorm and from the company.“ Yuta’s head flew up to see you with confused eyes. 
“Will you need any help with moving?“ your dad asked. 
“Yes, I guess I’ll need your help.“ You gulped, feeling a buzz to your butt. You almost didn’t understand what it was but remembered you sat on your phone. Jaehyun’s name and face lit up the screen. You almost declined the call but felt like you needed an excuse to leave the room that suddenly became so sickening. You hated your mom now for sure, you wanted to cry and throw up and never stay alone with Yuta because you were scared. Jaehyun’s voice would make it so much better, you gulped and jumped up. “I need to pick this up.“
“Hey.“ Jaehyun smiled and you could hear it through his voice. 
“Hi.“ You tried to smile but couldn’t at all.
“I’m at the store, I was thinking of cooking something for you.“
“Yeah?“ You were just lost.
“Please don’t get too full at the dinner.“ His voice turned into a whisper with a cute undertone. You wondered why would he whisper in the grocery store.
“Thank you.“ You smiled.
“What for?“
“For making me smile with your call.“
“Is everything okay? How’s the dinner?“
“You know what my mom’s like.“
“Yeah…“ he sighed.
“She said I should’ve brought you.“ you tried to smile.
“Yes you should’ve.“ He chuckled.
“You’re a fool. I don’t think I’ll be able to stay here for too long, so expect me to be early.“
“Okay, I’ll go back home quickly then.”
“Okay.“ You nodded.
“Wait, hold on.“ He suddenly rushed when you almost hung up.
“What are you favourite flowers?“
“Why you’re asking?“ you bit onto your lip to not smile too widely. 
“Just… for reference.“
“Well, for reference… you should know by now, are you my best friend or what?“ You scolded him playfully.
“You’re right.“ You could tell he was nodding.
“Okay, I’m going back.“
“Yeah, bye.“
“Love you.“ You hung up and dreaded the idea of going back in. You so wish you could just teleport to Jaehyun.
“Is everything okay?” your dads eyes trailed your figure as you entered the room. 
“Yes, yeah. Just a friend wished me a happy birthday.” you nodded, trying to see how Yuta was with your peripheral vision. 
“I think your mom unintentionally sounded like she’s too harsh on you, right, darling?” your dad chuckled, squeezing his wife’s shoulder. 
“On a brighter note,” your dad cleared his throat loudly. “Your mom baked an amazing cake, I, might I say, helped her decorate it. Will you blow the candles? Honey, shall we bring the cake?”
“Yes, yes. I’ll go light up the candles.” your mom jumped up with such a sweet tone to her voice like she was the most loving and caring mother. 
“Yay.” you faked a giggle, watching your dad get up and leave you alone with Yuta. 
You gulped, he seemed to be frozen for the previous couple of minutes. You were debating whether to touch his hand or not, would he shake you away in an instance or would he give you a chance. He broke off the silence first and you almost jumped up in your seat completely startled to hear him speak. 
“I think I should be going, will you excuse me to your parents?” those weren’t exactly the words you expected from him. You didn’t know what you expected exactly, but you wanted to talk. Yuta stood up and pushed the chair with his foot. 
“Please.” you mumbled almost inaudible. “I’ll blow those candles and tell them we have to leave, please stay.” 
“Why? To not ruin the picture for your dad?” Yuta spoke from behind you, there was no chance you would turn around and look him in the eyes so easily. 
“No! Not for that, I’m so sorry and embarrassed for what my mom said about your ancestors… I couldn’t even imagine she’d bring up something like that…She usually never drinks. I swear to god, I feel so sorry. And besides that I think we should talk about something else. We should’ve talked way before in fact.“
“I think we’ve been doing pretty good, fantastic even, without the aspect of sharing important things that happen in our life’s and talking them through. Aren’t we?” this stung. 
“Yu-“ you wanted to stand up and drop onto your knees to beg him. 
“Happy birthday to you!” distant singing interrupted you, a moment later your dads hand showing up to turn off the lights and then entering the room. 
“Yuta, sing along, aren’t you a singer!” 
“Ugh, yeah.” Yuta took a step back to the table, clapping rhythmically without making a sound. 
“Please wait for me.” you whined as Yuta’s feet were making around a meter wide steps. “Yuta!” 
“What?” he snapped and turned around, stopping. You finally caught up with him, lowering your eyes on his chest to not hold his piercing gaze. You could see the shape of the ring hanging on his neck through the shirt he wore.
“I wanted to talk to you earlier, about all this, but I was scared. I had a feeling you’ll be upset.”
“So you’re blaming me for this?”
“I’m not blaming you. It’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying I was postponing this conversation out of fear.”
“Fine.” he turned around and walked away from you, this time much slower, as if expecting you to walk side to side with him. This was a good sign, it was… a good sign… right?
“Will you not ask me where I’m going? Or do you not want me to tell you everything?”
“You’re going to see Jaehyun.” 
“You know I didn’t mean where I’m going like, now.” 
“I meant you’re going to Jaehyun after this, don’t ruin your mood and don’t bother and just go.”
“I-,” you chocked on air. “This is bullshit.” you hit his shoulder from behind and regretted the move a little. 
“Excuse me?” Yuta was scandalised. His eyes dilated to the state they might’ve popped out any second. 
“I know it’s the worst way to find out I’m going away from the dorm and the company… at this stupid ass torture dinner… from my drunk venomous mother. I-, Yuta.” you grabbed his palm with yours and he jerked away immediately. “I was scared to tell you, for your reaction, for the idea that telling you will make it real, and I’m still so scared to move somewhere else where I won’t have you.”
“Does Jaehyun know?”
“No, nobody knows. I haven’t told him either.” You couldn’t decipher what his face expression said. Was he relieved by the fact Jaehyun didn’t know too? “I really, Yuta, I don’t want to fight. I love you. We just did what we did in my bedroom couple of hours ago and now you’re looking at me like I disgust you.”
“Is that why you wanted sex?” he snorted and all your insides dropped.
“No-, NO!” you made it loud and clear. “I only wanted it because I wanted you.” 
“I need a minute by myself. Go to Jaehyun’s.”
“Can I say something else?” he gave a nod. “I’ve never loved anyone before you. I may be doing dumb and stupid things, I can make things harder, I can be closed off, maybe I should indeed share more, but… I was suffering so much. I was, I mean, I’m still depressed because people around me move forward and I stay just there and I kept things partially to myself because you’re in a boy group and I’m just there. I’m so tired of hearing words like you’ll do it, you’re great from people who actually do have a future. I didn’t have one before I got in contact with JYPE. Maybe that’s for the better I’m moving to a different company, if I’ll get to live my dream, wouldn’t you be happy?” 
“What about us?” his eyes dropped onto your face finally, inspecting it. You took a step closer. 
“Weren’t you just yesterday telling me how we’ll fight for what we have? What happened to that?”
“Nothing. It’s going to be different and that’s the thing.” 
“Are you mad because you’re worried for us?” you pouted. 
“No, I’m mad because you’re moving almost tomorrow and I didn’t hear a single thing about it until now!”
“Will you forgive me?” you blinked at him apologetically. 
“I don’t know.” your heart stung. 
“L-, like…like seriously don’t know?”
“Yuta.” you gasped, tears prickling your eyes. 
“I’ll get you a taxi, don’t cry and go to Jaehyun’s.”
“I-, I’ll cancel that. I want to be with you.” 
“No, I don’t want that. Go ahead and have all the fun you can.”
Yuta caught a passing taxi with his hand, forcefully pushing you inside. 
“Happy birthday.” he said without even looking at you and closed the door. 
“Where to?” the driver turned around.
“Hey-y-y.” you sung as Jaehyun was opening the door, you placed one of your hands on the hip, the other going up in the air with a bottle of strong alcohol in it. 
“Hi.” Jaehyun smiled, immediately after focusing his eyes on your hand in the air. “What’s that?” 
“I-I-It’s soju. I got it on my way here because I felt kinda bad for going to a party empty handed.” you puffed your cheeks, passing the threshold to wrap your hands over Jaehyun. 
“I’ve bought more than we could possibly consume, it’s fine.”
“But still, it’s a gift for you.” you moved back, pressing the bottle against his chest. Realising a moment later Jaehyun was wearing an apron, you couldn’t hide away the smile at how cute he looked wearing it. You let the bottle slide down his stomach, finally dropping into the pocket in the front part of the apron. “I actually have one more thing for you.” 
“Yeah, I might’ve opened the gift number one on my way here, sorry.” You pouted. ”The jelly’s. They’re completely yours.” you announced loudly and Jaehyun chuckled, placing the bag in the pocket as well. “So what are we doing?” you slid the shoes off your feet, quickly grabbing Jaehyun by the elbow. “I didn’t want you to put too much effort.” you said as the smell got into your nose. “We should’ve just ordered.” 
“It’s fine, I wanted to do something for you, you’re my best friend after all.” you felt goosebumps run over your body. 
“Your girlfriend will be the happiest girl ever.” 
“Shut up.” He rolled his eyes, letting go of you as the two of you reached kitchen. 
“Mmh, pasta?” you smiled widely. 
“Yeah, tomato sauce pasta with seafood.”
“Yummy.” you smiled. 
“You haven’t tried it yet.” he smirked lightly. 
“You made it I’m sure it’s bomb.” Jaehyun grabbed your hand, smiling at you. 
“Yeah?” you nodded at him, smiling playfully. “ I bought many snacks because I know what you’re like, will you help me put the chips in a bowl?”
“Mmh.” you let him part your hands. “Is that it? Pasta and snacks?” 
“No, I have a pizza in the oven.” Your mouth made an O. “Before you scream it’s a pre-made pizza, I just defrosted it.”
“Thank god.” you chuckled. 
“But it’s a cool one if it matters to you, a handmade.”
“Cool-.” you started, as your phone vibrated, making everything inside of you stir. You only expected it to be Yuta, your brains going in complete overdrive while you were trying to see. “God.” you sighed, dropping the phone on the counter. 
“What’s up?”
“Koeun lost her blow dryer and asking everyone in the chat.” 
“I think I know where she lost it.” he cackled, bringing to you a pack of chips with a bowl. 
“Donghyuck might’ve said he found a blow dryer that seemed to be no one else’s when he came to your floor to wish you a happy birthday.”
“He didn’t wish me a happy birth-.”
“He saw the blow dryer and ran away I assume.” you laughed loudly. 
“Okay, sounds like he’d do that for a blow dryer.” 
“Yeah.” Jaehyun made a breathy laugh. 
“And the weirdest part?“ you exhaled, lowering your hand a little as the thought drifted away from your tongue. What was Yuta doing at this very moment? Was he asleep, was he thinking of you? Was he mad at you? Or did he calm down a little and is ready to talk? Should you maybe call him?
“Wait, wait.“ Jaehyun grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand back up and getting your brain off the triggering topic. “You’re spilling on my jeans.“ you focused your vision on his thigh, the material turned darker than on the rest of the leg. 
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry.“ you finally let him take the glass from your hand. “We should go back inside and wash it.“ You turned your head back, staring at the sky for the last time. 
“It’s just a somaek spill, it won’t stain my jeans.“ He shook you off, grabbing onto your wrist once again as you tried to get into a standing position. “Sit back down.“ you disobeyed, causing him to pull onto you harder and force you to drop your body back onto the terrace with a loud thud. You fell onto your back, finding it impossible to not laugh. You were most definitely too drunk to even walk. “I’m sorry, did this hurt?“ You forced him on his back too, laughing still. “How drunk do you think you are?“ He asked as your laughter seemed to die a little. You turned your head for the slightest moment to take a glance at your friend and then turned back around to measure amount of alcohol you had by the empty soju bottles on your side, there were barely any. It hurt your pride a little, you expected yourself to at least go through three of these with ease. Was this day bound to be the day of disappointments and first times? You cackled.
“I consider crawling back inside.“ You looked at Jaehyun once again with a smile, taking a hitched breath as your eyes could take in his focused face expression. He must’ve looked at you the whole time, you thought and gulped with the unusual burdened feeling to it. His teeth nibbled on his lower lip and at this very moment he seemed to be completely sober. “I can’t walk.“ You added to make it more clear what you meant. Jaehyun’s eyes traveled all over your face, batting his eyelashes as his eyes paused on your lips.
“Want me to help you walk?“ he sighed, moving his head an inch closer to yours. Jaehyun caught your eye out of nowhere, you found your eyes focus on his face a little more than you usually did. Under the drunken spell his face looked a little funny to you and you pulled your head a little more toward him in hopes of focusing your eyes properly and unseeing the funny features that weren’t even there in the first place. Was that the reason he stared so thoroughly? Did you look too funny to him too, but in his case he’s just too well-mannered to point anything out. You gulped and stared down his soul to not laugh. 
“No.“ You smirked.
“What? What did you think of?“ You bit onto your lip, holding in the grin on your face.
“Should we crawl back to the kitchen?“
“Yeah, who gets there faster, gets to… hm…“ you ran your eyes over the sky.  “Let’s crawl and then decide.“ You suddenly turned around onto your stomach, getting on your knees and elbows, you false started in your silly competition, hearing Jaehyun’s protest and whimpers behind you. You crawled to the terrace door, getting onto your feet as soon as you got inside, sprinting back towards the kitchen island. 
“This was meant to be a crawling competition!“ Jaehyun whined behind you, getting on his feet, by the sound of it, too. The sudden reassurance that he indeed was on his feet took you by surprise, you gasped and grasped onto his hands that were now pressing your body against his, unable to make any sound as the air got beaten out of your lungs by the push. Jaehyun giggled next to your ear, dragging you the rest of the way to the island. “You’re a terrible cheater.“ You tried to turn your head but to no avail. “You should tell your manager you want to be an actress, you acted like a drunk naturally.“ He chuckled.
“I might be drunk but I would never allow myself to lose in a competition.“ you finally found your voice back, holding onto Jaehyun’s arms tighter, pulling for him to let go. 
“What was the point… of this, again? The competition?“ 
“Turn off the light and get on the floor.“ you gulped, not knowing if you were really not that drunk, if the alcohol faded away or you were shaken by something else that your senses began to come back to you. 
“Ugh… oh?“ Jaehyun malfunctioned. “Why?“
“I want to drink more… and maybe share a secret or two with you… I think I might’ve lost the drunken haziness after the sprint.“ 
“Me, too.“
“Hm?“ You got on your knees to plop on the floor next to the island.
“I want to share a secret with you.“ 
“You do?“ you lit up, unable to contain the smile. “My baby’s all grown up.“ You felt an excited shiver run down your spine. “Come on, sit down.“ You tapped the space next to you. Jaehyun walked over the light switch, turning the room pitch black. It was, to be fair, a little scary, the house was big and creeped you even in the day time, but when the lights were completely off you felt your palms get a little sweaty before you felt the warmth of Jaehyun next to your body. You squeezed more into his side, just in case. The boy gave you the glass you left on the island before the two of you got outside a good hour ago, tasting the drink with your tongue, you took a couple sips to build courage. Maybe, Jaehyun wouldn’t mind sharing his secrets first?
“Do you want to go first?“ Jaeyun broke off the silence. 
“Oh, man.“ You sighed and plopped your head on his shoulder.
“No?“ he chuckled. 
“Mmh, I’m kinda sober now… should we not?“ 
“No, I don’t think we’ll get any other chances like that.“ 
“You’re right, but-“
“If you’re shy and I’m shy too, should we tell each other on the count of 3?“ 
“That’s silly.“ You sighed, feeling Jaehyuns fingers brush over you in search of the glass. “But I agree.“ 
“Do you?“ 
“Okay, should I count down?“
“Yeah.“ You nodded, feeling your heart beat faster. Which secret exactly should you spill out first? You swore at yourself for having so many. 
“1… 2…3…“ Jaehyun counted down slowly, but still not slow enough for you to come up with words. “I l-.“ 
“Stop!.“ You cut him off before he could say any more. “I-, I wasn’t ready. Can you count down once again?“
“For real, this time?“ 
“Yes, I’m sorry. I was just unable to form words into sentences.“
“Okay, one.“
“Two.“ You said as Jaehyun took a longer pause. 
“Three.“ He almost whispered as he swallowed. “I am in love with you.“
“I am dating Yuta.“ You said loudly in unison with Jaehyun, blood pumping in your ears so loud you were not able to hear a single word Jaehyun said. 
“What?“ The face expression he made was visible even through pure darkness.
“Wait, did you hear what I said?“ You gasped, you didn’t think his words would be so quiet. 
“Yes, you’re dating Yu-“ he didn’t finish saying his friends name. “How? When… why?“ You could only imagine how betrayed and shocked he felt. And it wasn’t even the main news you wanted him to know. 
“But what did you say? I couldn’t hear.“ You whined, ignoring the boys’ questions completely. 
“I- It doesn’t matter at all.“
“It does.“ You touched his arm with your suddenly cold fingers.
“No, I- it doesn’t.“ Jaehyun chocked on his words almost for the first time in front of your eyes, he never felt this small next to you before. 
“Hey.“ You furrowed your eyebrows. “You heard mine, that’s unfair.“
“Yeah, that’s why we’re going to talk about yours first and come back to mine later.“ He spoke firmly, putting everything in him to hold back his true feelings. You wouldn’t know that, you wouldn’t know that the tremble to his voice wasn’t caused by the shocks of betrayal. Well, maybe, partially, betrayal too, but Jaehyun couldn’t come in terms with his feelings at this very moment to say surely what he felt. He wanted to get all the information he could from you first, he was focusing his brain on the possibility of you hearing him and immediately playing pretend just because it’s not what you expected. But what did you even expect? How could he be sure in anything if a big, no, a huge part of your life slipped from his attention. Was he not reading the room right? Yuta? For real? He wanted to smash his head into the wall. He wanted to smash Yuta’s head into the wall, to be exact, and tell him you two were meant to be together. No you and Yu-. Jaehyun suddenly found disgust in his friends name and wanted to fight with your boyf-. He swallowed again because even the thought of Yuta being your boyfriend made him gag. And then he swallowed again, realising that fighting and confrontation in general was so out of his character, and as Jaehyun took two steady breaths and the first aftershocks left his body he was able to focus his attention on you. You were trembling on his side, sobbing, even. Wait-.
“Are you crying?“ he asked, taking your face in his hand. “Y/n, I- I’m ha-.“ No, Jaehyun wasn’t happy and he couldn’t even lie that he was. “Are you crying because you’re happy that I finally know or because you didn’t want to tell me?“ 
“No.“ You sobbed, untangling your hand from Jaehyun’s to hide your face in your palms. You were crying because after saying the words you suddenly remembered what happened between you two, how he said he weren’t sure if he’d forgive you, and you questioned if there was even a point in telling Jaehyun about this if it’s almost over. 
“I don’t understand.“ He sighed lost.
“I am leaving SME and Yuta found out about it from my mother tonight in between her blaming him for everything that happened to our country. Now you found out about it in a fucked up way too. Jaehyun-ah, I’m so sorry, I’m such a terrible friend.“ You cried. ”I didn’t want to upset you and now I’ve ruined everything you prepared and I-” you broke down.
“You- you’re what?“ Jaehyun felt his own tears prickle his eyes. He had to swallow them harshly before you could sense that. “Leaving SME? Where to? Why? I mean, weren’t you happy here, with us.. you were-.“ He chocked as the world he built so thoroughly around you was shuttering terribly with every passing minute. He wasn’t sure what else could leave your mouth the next minute. Was there anything else that could hurt him more?
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jaelvr · 6 months
sunny days
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Home | NCT 127 masterlist |
Requested : no
Prompts ; 17. “Look at me. I love you.” + 23. “You are more than you think of yourself. You’re everything to me.” 
Pairing : best friend! Mark x reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type : fluff
Word count : 600
Warnings : mutual feelings, friends to lovers, idol au, fluff, slightly ooc
Have a great day !! 
"Hey.." you spoke softly, gently squeezing his shoulder. He'd called you over, feeling slightly overwhelmed from the past few weeks, needing some comfort. "Hey…" Mark replied back softly, looking up briefly at you. He was having a hard time keeping up with all the comeback after comeback too. He was feeling both mentally and physically exhausted from it all, and he had been trying hard to keep it all in until he finally decided to call you over for some comfort. "Talk to me, sweet." you murmured as you sat next to him on his bed, arms open for him.
Mark didn't waste any time, immediately accepting the offer of a safe space. He slowly crawled towards you, burying his face into your chest and letting out a long breath he'd been holding. "I'm just…tired…of everything," he finally uttered, sounding both tired and frustrated. "It's just been back to back, and there's no sign of it stopping anytime soon…" he frowned, his tone showing his slight agitation. You caressed the back of his head, kissing his forehead as you let him vent. Mark stayed silent as he buried further into your chest, enjoying the touch of your hands as you caressed his hair and kissed his forehead. He stayed still for a bit longer, taking a few deep breaths while trying his best to calm himself down and relax. "And it's all becoming too much to handle…" he finally continued after a moment of silence. "It's just tiring… having to keep acting, keep performing, keep practising, keep doing everything over and over and over again…"
"Hey, hey, hey.." you frowned, carefully wiping his tears away. It hurt to see him like this. There was no doubt that he was good at his job, but his company did overwork him, hardly giving him a break in between promotions with 127 and Dream. "They don't know when to stop…" Mark continued, still keeping his head burrowed into you as you wiped his tears away. He looked utterly drained, and his voice was also hoarse and tired as well. "They just push me and push me and they never let me stop… I'm so tired, Ruby." He muttered, finally lifting his head from your chest to look at you. His eyes were filled with exhaustion, and there was still a tear rolling down his cheek.
“You are more than you think of yourself. You’re everything to me.” you murmured gently, caressing his cheek and wiping the tear away. Mark froze for a moment as he felt your hand caress his face and wipe away the tear. He didn't know why, but he felt his cheeks warm up as he felt your touch, and for some reason, his heart felt like it was fluttering. "love…" he muttered quietly, and he didn't know what came over him as he did so. Perhaps it was the exhaustion, the tiredness of it all, and even the emotions he suddenly felt for you too.
“Look at me. I love you.” you assured, cupping his face gently. Mark did as you asked, lifting his head and meeting your gaze as you cupped his face. At this moment, everything seemed so surreal to him, from his exhaustion to the emotions he suddenly felt boiling up within him. "I…" he started before he finally stopped his own sentence, not sure what he should even say. It was still so strange and surreal to him to hear those words coming from your mouth and to see your gaze, looking at him with such warmth and affection.
"I love you too."
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sorryimananti-romantic · 11 months
Yena - Original Character [Take Me Home]
Lore - An Empire of Dreams and Illusions
[faerie prince!ateez au]
Tumblr media
Kang Yena Princess Yena of Space The Lost Twin
Kang Yeosang/ Prince Yeosang of Spirit (twin-brother) Park Seonghwa/ Prince Seonghwa of Dark (husband)
Kingdom of Gemini (State- Castor) Kingdom of Aries (State- Hamal) (Status- as the Prince's wife)
Alhena (Capital) Castor Wasut
The Pearl Sea
[Court members]
NCT 127 + Dream (Taeyong as Right Hand, Jaehyun as Captain of Guard) Loona (Haseul as 'Left Hand', Chuu as Head Healer)
Dimensions of Space Dimensions of Time Portals Healing and Reversing Wounds Time Travel Visions of the Past Foreshadowing Future Astral Projection
[Animal Form]
Platinum blonde hair Grey eyes Light skin Pale red birthmark on left shoulder blade (like Yeosang's) Mole on the bridge of nose Pale scars around both wrists the shape of shackles
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