vesora · 6 months
There is no desired reality (DR) or current reality (CR). These terms are seen a lot in the shifting community and it is because of the misidentification that who they are is the person trying to go somewhere else.
In nondualism we see that this is false as there is no difference between cr or dr because there is no going anywhere, this is all there is. And by this I do not mean the illusion / hallucination (that by default cannot exist without awareness), I mean the "screen" against which seeming images are set, but honestly even that can't explain it quite well.
To sum it up,
There is no going from point A to point B, there is only the illusory appearance of it. Point A = Point B because they are made up of the same thing, SELF / THE VERY BEING.
As the extremely popular example goes, water can take form of any-thing. Water can be made into ice, it can be boiled, it can be used to make sculptures but it is still just water.
The same way, Self can take form in the seeming appearance of a world with animals and people or it can be a world with centaurs running about; there is no difference. If you see what is appearing as an apple and an orange, there is no difference except what thought "says". Without labels, what is happening?
Lastly, " " is anarchy as said by many blogs on here. There is no second power and there is no listening to anyone or anything because well there is only oneness going on. There are no rules, there is ESSENTIALLY NO-THING, IN THE MOST LITERAL WAY POSSIBLE. Who is there to say NO NOT LIKE THIS when there is just ONENESS?
Whether you like it or not, this is IT. There is no going anywhere, there is no reaching anywhere, there is no reading 5 more books (although you can, i enjoy it personally) & there is definitely no trying to get something. It is your perception that what you "want" isn't "here". Everything already just is.
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dustykneed · 9 months
mckirk time !! oh boy do these guys make me feel things,,
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(bonus kirk being very suave and bones just blanking completely ^^ imo whether its romantic or platonic mckirk this has absolutely happened before. theyre best friends of course they play gay chicken. except they live in a post bs world so its just chicken i suppose! good for them
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if you thought i was done-- nope absolutely not. surprise mcspirk jumpscare ft kirks new favourite boob window shirt. boo (can you tell i have a huuuuge backlog of trek doodles because i really really do)
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frogayyyy · 6 months
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ratohet · 2 years
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remholder · 1 year
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hands you a Them
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drewlyyours · 1 year
ND #12 (w/ spoilers)
Emily Crandall - Kaitlyn Dever
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Jane Willoughby/Marion Aborn - Angelina Jolie
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Jim Archer - Patton Oswalt
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Richard Topham - Michael Keaton
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Carson Drew - Dennis Quaid
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of course it tastes bad, Clarence, it's a pine cone
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OFMD Thruple ships that (I think) deserve more attention than Steddy Hands
I just think they should kiss
They are also all more canon than Steddy Hands but that's none of my buisness
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retiredgremlin · 1 year
literally cannot believe that Star Trek: Ongoing co-opted the inherent eroticism of TOS Jim/Spock playing chess and having Jim beat Spock at chess to create the crux of whEN SPOCK FELL IN LOVE WITH UHURA to promote the herterosexual agenda
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cleradinel · 2 years
Michael Byers and not William Wheeler because Mike deserves to become an official member of the best, most loving most supporting family in the history of Hawkins
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avvrice · 2 years
constantly thinking about that old post a creator made where they defended their decision to not make white male ocs not because they even hated white men but because they knew that one white man in a story doomed the rest of the characters to be irrelevant in the audiences eyes and it just gets more relevant with every passing fandom i see. like full offense but if i was a creator who spent years pouring passion and creativity into a project only to watch fans cling to a white male side character in favor of more fully developed and better written female and nonwhite characters i would actually strangle someone i’m not kidding
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
Kung Fu Panda:
Honestly iconic. The progression of story, the message, the acting.
The way this movie balances tone is nothing less than astonishing to me. It's funny and lighthearted but also intense and dramatic and neither ever take away from the other. Every joke and emotional beat lands excellently. Not to mention. The fight scenes SLAP. And so does the score!!
It's just GOOD. I love how all of them were insanely genuine. Po genuinely wanted to be a Kung Fu master. The Furious Five genuinely wanted to be the very best like no one ever was. And Tai Lung genuinely wanted to kick the shit out of anyone that even looked at that dragon scroll. But seriously one of the best movies.
Treasure Planet:
The setting and focal relationship!
WHALES IN SPACE. Second best treasure island adaptation (#1 is muppets). The song The Song!!
Where do I begin with this movie? It blends CG and hand drawn animation beautifully. All of the backgrounds are gorgeous. There are so many cool alien designs. The score is absolutely perfect. The amount of detail put into the design and worldbuilding shines through. All of the characters are so much fun to watch, especially Long John Silver and Captain Amelia. This movie takes at least partial responsibility for my love of space/sky pirates. Also it was actively sabotaged by Disney so I need to vouch for it at every chance.
Space pirates in a classic novel. It's gorgeously animated with a blend of 2d and 3d. Also, LONG JOHN SILVER HAS A 3D HAND thats hecking impressive for a main character to be a blend of the two in 2002. Did I mention the twink protagonist and malewife for the rich halfwit son? The aliens are beautifully unique, and a mantis guy floats off into space. from a pirate ship. because they aren't just space pirates, they're aliens and cyborgs on pirate ships going through space. Which fucking rocks.
It's a genuinely creative adaptation of Treasure Island that has so much heart and incredible animation. It helped pioneer 3D animationa nd it was the first feature animated film to utilize both 2 and 3 D animation
The animation is so good, and the way that the antogonist isn't black and white, he genuinely cares for the protagonist <3
Pirate ships in space!
Watched this on loop as a kid, gave me solace for not growing up with a dad
It fucks
The ☆A n i m a t i o n☆!! And captain Amelia
It's so fun looking, cool character design. It's funny, it's emotional. I love it so very much please aaaaaaa
How this movie looks is absolutely amazing. A space-steampunk pirate story with fantastic visuals and (mostly) great characters. The vibes this movie has are off the charts. Jim is the bad-boy-good-heart kid, the doctor is a silly-goofy-but-oddly-competent support and Silver is a complex father-figure-who's-made-mistakes. Also MORT the cute little jelly that won me over in 0.5 seconds flat. I am also a slut for a good soundtrack and this one SLAPS. I will stand by my opinion that the Russian version of the song I'm Still Here did a better job of fitting the montage and the mood. That's a hill I will die on.
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st4r-fruitz · 4 months
for my next trick, i will explain boat boys as if youve never heard of them, but im sick and cant be botherd correcting my spelling mistakes:
boat boys forst origionated in this minhecraft server grian (their frined) amde called double life. double life is the thirud season of an on going sereies called the life series or, some poeple call it the traffic series bcuz the lifes u get go from 1-red 2-yellow green-3. anywasy so bopat boys are joel and etho(eefo). they wweere paierd in doubl;e life. on he first day they got to know eachother and they made some jokes and stuff, it was niv]ce. actuually they ar ecalled boat b hoys bcuz they went arounf the server in boats. like, on land. it was very funny. the seconf session joel made a big boat for them to live in called the "relation-shipo", (get iot, get it? nudge nudge). etho went tyo the warden and joel sount very concerned as he did so. i dont remeber much abouyt double life as ive been binging limited life for 3 months now. they died due to a trapped nether portal. the perotral had lava spilled aorunf it. it was very sad.
also inportant fact: ther forst time etho and h=joel ever in terected on the whole entire life series they were in boats. they were both riding in boats. are u joking me. THATS SO FUCKING POETOIC WTF CHBFSHVBSHJBJHVKS
onto liml li9fe. they firat saw eachorther in the forst session. etho said "oh so ur gonna make a boat with a new friend now huh?" bcuz joel and jimmy had planned to live in the water. etho was very jealous ogf this, it made me sad. then joel saw etho ina boat with a co2w and joelk saidn "CANT BELEIVE YOUVE REPLACED ME WEITH A COW EEFO!!!" and etho responded with "he keeps me company atleats" AHAHDBFBHVBHWJJVSB JKSNNOOO. anyways in session 4, etho KILLDED JOEL!?!?!?11?!?!??! it was vwery cool actually. joe, clutchedf a fall, and etho landed in huis clutch water and saidf" YOU SAVED ME. YOU SAVED ME JOEL, SO NOW I CAN KILL YOU" that was very cool of etho. even joel daid himself to etho "the fact you landed in my own water bucket trick" i thionk thats everything improtant in liml life?
then serect life. oh, secrect life. my beloved. my onbe treu savior. save me secret life, save me. so, the two sigificant events of secrect life between bgoat boys i can remeber are 1: joel and ehto hop in ab baot otghter and joel goes "we cant do tjis ehto, the fandom will go crazy" (true( then vthey go for a lottle ride untill they are fiorced to stop by a blcok in. their way and ehto goes "well tjis is where the relatiopnshoip ens" HDGBDFISBFCHBES 2: scott is talk9ng abt his task for the sessions=] which is "say i love you to three plkayers and get them to say ot back" so rheyre discussing who would say it back, andf scott goes "i love yoy " to etho and he goes "thank you?-' HAHAH ayways so one thing leadfs to another and etho is on joels front door stepo saying to joel "i loive you" and joerl responds "uhh ok eefo i know youre obbesed with me i saw u made me the thiumbnail for ur fist bvidoe but cmon ehto calm donw" and etho is sad NSJDWBHJSDCJH im sad jusbjbfdn. its alot.
and now the decked o0ut stream. (ik th9s. was before secret life SHUTUPSHGUTPU) so, jimmy askes for a kiss from joel before he does his decked oyut run. joel goes "yeah sure. on the neckk" and jim goes silent till joel goes "WAIT NO ON THE NECK- I MEANT THE CHEEK IM MEANT THE CHEEK" nd it li9ke this hwole meme for the whole event. jimmy startes sing "etho and joel, sitting in a baot" and etho goes "kissing on the neck"!!!!!GSUGDEGUSDVJ!!!!then when they are at rens ice biat thgingy joel and wehto are sitting nect to eacher in thjeor boat s and etho goes "AWH GOTTA COVER UP MY NECK " joelsays "I DONT KISS [PEOIPLES NECKS!!!" then joel scooches up to etho in his boat and joel goes "schooching up to ya etho " and etho goes "his hand slowly reaches into my hair" LIKE EHTO IS HEE WRITING A WHOLE FANFIC OKKKK ETHO I SEE YOUUU. anyways rhat was very funny.
anyways. hermitcraft. oh boy. theres a lot and i will prpbaly misss a lot too but oh well its later and im sick and tired so SUCK IT UP. ill just do dotpointrs of the things i remeber.
etho sees jols banners and really like sthem and asks j]him for trhe pattern, whoch leads to many books which may or may nboit have been signed with neck kisees.
etho makes statues of jpel them pretemds oit wasnt him. joel rrqally liukes the statues and adds thjem to the front of hios nade awith his tori gate
etho so happens to be talk9inmg abt joel and joel hears him and goes "alsways talking abyt m,e eefo"
joel and etho are talki9ng and theres a camle and etho goes "joel mjust reallt like camels ciuz they goit the loonnnggg necks" and joel syags "oh for goodness sake" (ilobve when joel says oh for goodness sakes its like one of his mottos ayt tjis poibgt it so funny )
thatys all i camn remeber i migjt add mre when i thin k of it
thanks for taking the time to read this if u did (and u even could, oops) i doubt many people will make it down this far with reading it, so congrats i guess!! you get.. nothing-
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letsgetrowdy43 · 11 months
She even made this man a ballet fan and everything, fuck hockey he would prefer recitals any day of the week.
please i just imagine that one day one of the boys comes home to surprise ellen’s nd jim, and they come home to just ellen
“where’s dad?”
“he’s watching a recital at the theatre”
like he loves going when sunny’s in them, but then she leaves and he goes because he misses her
Au Masterlist!!
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Jim especially loved the open practices where parents and friends could watch them perfecting their craft.
He was a coach, and seeing the transition from unpolished to flawless was one of his favourite parts of being a coach, so he loved watching how she received criticism and how she applied critiques to her techniques.
He learned that it's less of dance and more of an art, it's elegant and poised and that's why he loved it so much, it's so unlike anything he's ever witnessed. And it's his little girl up there dancing her heart out, his little Ray of sunshine, shining on stage.
It makes him almost emotional to think about it all.
And then she finished her final recital with the company she grew up in, and Jim was heartbroken cause his little girl wasn't so little any more.
He thought that chapter of her life closed when she transitioned from high school to University until one day he got a call asking if he wanted to take a day trip up to Ann Arbour just to see the open practice for the Nutcracker.
Jim sat in the crowd, off to the side, just far enough to be away from other viewers but close enough to see Sunny in the spotlight, silent tears welling in his eyes as Sunny spun across the stage, his little girl shining once again
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ratohet · 1 year
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fandom · 8 months
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Week Ending January 29th, 2024
Ryan Gosling +2
Walker Scobell +2
David Tennant +2
Toby Stephens
Jim Henson
Margot Robbie +6
Michael Sheen +2
Leah Jeffries
Cary Elwes
Pedro Pascal -8
Jacob Elordi +2
Greta Gerwig
Neil Gaiman -3
Hugh Dancy
Virginia Kull
ND Stevenson
Mads Mikkelsen +1
Renee Rapp -4
Jensen Ackles
The number in italics indicates how many spots a name moved up or down from the previous week. Bolded names weren’t on the list last week.
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novacorpsrecruit · 3 months
The Missing Poster
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This image is making rounds on Twitter and having people arguing Eddie’s age again so I want to throw my head canon out
This is ignoring flight of Icarus because I haven’t read it.
T | wc 1,903 | tw: death/murder, abuse
Wayne had prayed he’d never have to make another missing poster again.
In 1984, Eddie went off on a bender. It was a series of unfortunate phone calls that fell like dominoes.
First, the school.
His grades were low. He’s failed too many classes. He wasn’t going to graduate.
Then, Eddie’s dad, Ricky.
He was in the Marion County jail. Waiting to be processed. He had two charges: manslaughter and second-degree murder. He had no bond. He was to be kept at Marion County until his court proceedings take place.
Then, the coroner’s office.
Ricky failed to mention to Wayne who was dead. Who he killed. If Wayne knew Ricky had strangled Elizabeth, he would’ve told Eddie not to answer anymore phone calls.
But the third call came, Eddie already on his breaking point. He picked it up, and was met with the terrible news, given to him by someone so mechanical with their words. As if they were telling him that there was a coupon for milk in the grocery’s ads.
His mom was dead.
The coroner’s office needed to know which funeral home to send the body to. Not her body. The body.
Eddie dropped the phone, taking off outside. Wayne was quick on his heels for someone who complained about how his knee ached.
“Eddie! Eddie!” Wayne called, following after him. “Eddie, boy! C’mon home.” Wayne reached out, gently touching Eddie’s arm to lead him back to the house. Eddie snatched his arm away, as if Wayne’s touch was hot like fire, turning around tears streaming down his face.
“She was supposed to be okay!” Eddie shouted. “She wasn’t supposed to be around him! She was supposed to get clean! She promised! She promised!”
“Eds —“ Wayne started, a soft sigh and he reached back out. Eddie took a step back, shaking his head.
“No — no, I —“ he shook his head again, running his fingers through his hair. “Fuck this. I gotta — I gotta go.”
“Go where?” Wayne asked, taking a step towards Eddie like a baby deer. Eddie shook his head, taking two steps back.
“I gotta get out of here —“
Gravel crunching under tires pulled both their attentions back to the trailer house. Wayne recognized the Chevy Blazer immediately. Chief Hopper has made stops to the Munson home a few times since Eddie moved in with Wayne in ‘79. Eddie always seemed to find trouble. Or trouble always seems to find the Munson’s.
“Eds, we should —“ Wayne turned to look back at Eddie, already taken off into the woods. Wayne sighed and approached Chief Hopper.
“Wayne,” Hopper said, taking off his hat and holding it to his chest. He nodded at where Eddie once stood. “I’m guessing Marion County called.”
“My boy answered the phone,” Wayne supplied. “So I’m not sure what was said, but the way he was talking ‘bout his momma, I can assume the earlier call from his daddy was related.”
Hopper nodded, glancing towards the forest where Eddie disappeared. “You know where he took off to?”
“Nope,” Wayne said. “He’s got friends in town, and a few spots near the lake ‘nd the quarry.”
“He take off like this before?”
Wayne let out a half laugh. “A few times. Usually back in the middle of the night or by mornin’. Never gone for a full day.”
Hopper let out a hum. “He ain’t back by sunset tomorrow, give me a call.”
Wayne gave a nod, looking out towards the forest. “He’ll be back by mornin’.”
Hopper nodded. “Sorry about Elizabeth. She was a kind soul.”
“Just kept findin’ that trouble named Ricky,” Wayne sighed. “Thanks, Jim.”
Hopper started back towards his car, stopping in his place. “Hey, uh, I wouldn’t … be surprised if they called your boy to testify.”
Wayne wrinkled his brow. “What do you mean? He was here.”
“Character witness,” Hopper supplied. “He — I remember those bruises and cuts he had when we dropped him off on your porch a few years back. The prosecutor might call ‘im up to recount Ricky’s abuse.”
Wayne let out a deep sigh. He remembered that night all too well. Eddie had always been tall for his age, even at 13. But scrawny teen looked small with his arms crossed over his chest, more purple bruising on his body than his pale skin, standing behind Jim Hopper. It didn’t take much for Wayne to connect the dots, and it didn’t take much convincing when he called Ricky a week later to let Eddie stay with him in Hawkins permanently. He watched that buzz cut kid grow into his larger than life personality, leaving his hard edges back in Indianapolis with his father. But now, Ricky came crashing back into Eddie’s life, knocking the walls of security down.
“Thanks Jim,” Wayne said. “We’ll keep that in mind.”
Hopper gave one more nod before climbing into the Blazer and driving off. Wayne sighed, walking back to the house and sitting on the couch outside. He pulled out his cigarette pack from his shirt pocket and lit a cigarette between his lips.
Wayne wasn’t sure how long he waited outside for Eddie. Longer than he should’ve. He finally moved inside when the sun started to blush the sky. He crashed on the couch, hardly sleeping as he waited for the sound of the trailer creaking with Eddie’s heavy footsteps.
But it never came.
The day came and went, and Eddie was no where to be found.
Wayne tried his friends, calling down the list of the guys who played Eddie’s dragons game with him. No one had seen him since yesterday. He tried the Library and the Hideout. No luck. Wayne went through Eddie’s little black book of phone numbers. Hell, he even tried a few places in Indy. The more numbers he called, the more he grew wary.
What felt like hours later, he called Hopper.
He told him to come down to the station, bring a recent photo. So Wayne grabbed the one off the fridge — the one he took at the beginning of the school year. It was way too hot for Eddie to be wearing his long sleeve under the t-shirt, but arguing with Eddie on what to wear was like arguing with a wall. The sun was in Eddie’s eyes. Eddie barely wanted to take the photo in the first place. Wayne made him. Said they would send the photo to his momma. To remember senior year.
Fucking hell.
When he got to the station, he was directed to one of the administrative ladies. She took the photo and took information about Eddie. His height. His weight. His age.
He was turning 18 next week.
The woman finished making the flyer, using the Xerox in the back to add Eddie’s photo to it. She handed him a stack of copies and the photo back.
“What now?” Wayne asked.
“We wait,” she said. “He’s officially a missing person. Officers know to keep a look out. We’ll let other stations know as well.”
Wayne nodded, taking a step back. Her words echoed in his head. We wait.
He took the flyers and hung them around town. Taking them to every business, every office, posting them on telephone poles. A few passbyers took it out of politeness, barely looking at Eddie’s photo as they walked by. At least, the woman at Melvard’s was kind, looking at him with sympathy and promising him he would turn up. Her own boy turned up last year, even after he was pronounced dead. Maybe she had enough hope to bring Eddie back safe as well.
But days past and nobody heard from Eddie. Wayne grew more and more worried, feeling like his all efforts of searching were going to waste. Wayne found it harder and harder to sleep at night, worried about his boy.
It wasn’t until he got that faithful call from Hopper.
“They found him.”
Wayne can’t recall the details or where they found him or what drugs was in his system. All Wayne could remember was Eddie lying in that hospital bed, paler than the sheets looking at Wayne like Wayne was Ricky.
Wayne sat in the chair next to Eddie, slowly and gently placing his hand on top of Eddie’s, running his thumb against his skin. “What a way to spend your birthday, huh?”
Eddie let out a wet laugh, relaxing against Wayne’s touch. “Sorry, Wayne, didn’t mean t’scare ya.”
“Don’t do it again,” Wayne said, leaning up to press a kiss against Eddie’s hair. “Please.”
Wayne doesn’t blame Eddie for this time.
It’s that Munson trouble that found him. He knew Eddie didn’t kill that girl. It wasn’t his nature. He’s not like Ricky.
Eddie isn’t like his father.
It’s been almost a week since he heard from Eddie. A few days since the teens were around the trailer park asking about him. Nobody has heard from Eddie. He knows the police are looking for him, placing him at that girl’s murder.
But it wasn’t Eddie.
Wayne had just hung up that missing poster this morning at the gym, where the City had called for a shelter. He went to the library and Xeroxed a couple of copies of the missing poster he kept folded up in his wallet. There wasn’t enough resources or time to make another. A quick change to the missing date, thanks to the type writer at the front desk. Wayne folded up the original, placing it back in his wallet. It served as a reminder of to keep his boy close. To make sure he felt loved.
And someone took a damn marker to it, vandalizing his boy to hell. Wayne pulled down the destroyed flyer, trashing it. He replaced it with the new one, feeling his heart ache as he looked at young Eddie, beginning of his first senior year.
Now, he didn’t know where he was.
“Mr. Munson?”
Wayne turned around to see a boy with curly hair, the same boy who stopped by the trailer park with the other teens, now sporting crutches. Another boy, about Eddie’s age stood behind him, with a red ring around his neck. He stood strong, almost like a soldier, holding something gently in his hand, as if he was afraid he would crush it.
The younger boy leaned forward, the older boy nearly shot out his free hand, grabbing the other to stabilize him. The younger boy lowered his voice. “We know where Eddie is.”
The older boy extended his bandaged hand, opening it to reveal Eddie’s guitar pick necklace.
And that’s all it took for Wayne to follow them to the old Hawkins lab. Wayne nearly jumped out of his truck as he followed the boys into the lab, down the hall and into a makeshift hospital room.
There laid Eddie, like he did not even two years before. His hair matted and dirty, his face and arms bandaged like he went through hell and back. He looked up at Wayne, his eyes watered. “Wayne —“
Wayne leaned down and buried a kiss into Eddie’s hair. “You’re safe, son,” Wayne whispered. “You’re safe.”
“I didn’t — I didn’t mean t’scare ya,” Eddie said with a lopsided smile. Wayne let out a soft laugh, relieved his boy was alive.
“Don’t do it again,” Wayne whispered into his hair. “I mean it this time.”
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