#ned is a suprisingly difficult character because there is so many optio
spideymichelle · 2 years
I have my theories but I must know yours moochie what is the dream for MCU peter from now on
seek, my beloved my dreams are big too big for the mcu so here is what i hope and actually can see happen going forward if the mcu writers use their brains
spider-man 4
i need peter to go back to the basics and fully focus on being a street vigilante that focuses on street crime but who does help other vigilantes in new york but with a whole lot of attitude (think the defenders/cloak and dagger etc) but overall is just a pretty lonely and sulky dude who is very much failing as a human being
the main villain will probably be scorpion who is being assisted by black cat trying to build his own criminal empire a la kingpin having learned a lot from toomes and prison.
the main villain is indeed kingpin who has grown way more powerful than his d+ appearances with scorpion rising fast in his ranks so he is forced to team up with matt and has to learn that he needs help/people in his life
and maybe a side plot about numerous bodies turning up in new york which spider-man thought had something to do with scorpion/kingpin but finds out, in the end, they knew nothing about.
the overall theme is that peter parker needs people/spider-man needs people and he cannot continue living like this and that he needs to reach out to people which can be any of the new or old characters introduced or have michelle show up at his doorstep ready to raise hell
(if we go the kingpin route then mj will be reintroduced as a party girl who likes to dance at kingpin's clubs but is actually doing the groundwork for nelson and murdock investigator/lawyer mj so true)
the black suit is introduced in the after credits with johnny dropping it off after reed promised to fix it again depends on whether sm4 is after secrets wars and if he even makes an appearance in the show
for spider-man 5
peter and mj are desperately trying to fix their relationship but isn't really working because they don't know how to interact anymore because it is not like they had a regular break up and they don't know how talk without feeling like they are crossing boundaries
it is made worse because mj hates the black suit and feels like peter changes when he wears the suit and that he is way more aggressive wearing it but mj doesn't know how to fully address it because maybe he just changed during the time they were apart and when she does talk about he disagrees (and so does venom) and just have a huge fight and maybe his new friend felicia thinks he is just fine in his black suit ;)))
venom and mj hating each other is so important to me and the spider-man lore
but after overreacting to small time criminal peter realizes that mj was right and that he needs to get rid of suit which makes it end up with overworked bugle employee eddie who needs to needs to get dirt on spider-man/or if we go the kingpin route in the first film scorpion is the one who gets the symbiote
depending if they will push the ned is magic storyline i can see them going "the magic can bad" narrative with ned possible doing something detrimental for him and mj to get their memories because ned basically at best 5 years of memories and at worst over a decade of memories like that is gonna have some sort of reaction and we know memories are connecting with dark side so ned losing something to a devil/demon and we get hobgoblin for like a minute again it all depends on how we get memories back
spider-man 6
kraven the last hunt : the live action like i need panel for panel, word for word translated on screen like the impact that would have like i would commit multiple crimes to see that on screen
the spider-man loves a good parallel and throwback so i expect sm4 to be like homecoming and sm5 to be like far from home
this is probably way longer than you asked but spider-man makes me go brrrr
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