#need to do a comparison between last year nov. art and this years
pomanshi · 7 months
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been rewatching Inuyasha for the past few months
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gamebunny-advance · 3 years
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I feel like this was a pretty good year for me in terms of art. Lots of stuff that I really liked this year!
I put up pieces that I either thought were particularly good and/or noteworthy. Personal notes under the cut.
Jan: Not a bad start, all things considered. I don’t think I’ve drawn anything with the same energy as the Bootleg Pac-Man redraws since, but I hope to recapture it someday.
Feb: The SSB x Eizouken drawings were the only things of note I drew for that month. They really weren’t as “clean” as I would have liked, but they were still fun to do~
Mar: Another month with little note. I do think this is the best iteration of Galeem I’ve ever drawn though.
Apr: Nothing in my fanart for this month really jumped out at me, but I really liked this version of Carol that I doodled. I’ve kept trying to redesign him since, and he’s just never been as good as he is here.
May: I just could not pick between these two because I love them both so much. If I could make my art look like this more consistently, then I’d probably open commissions. The line work, the colors, the shading, I’m just so in love with both of those pieces. The GW doodles have a kinda cute and creepy look that I like to dip into now and again while the AC piece just about captures the tooth-rotting cuteness I want to draw the other 95% of the time.
June: And then I dropped like a truck. This was when I tried to abstain from drawing fanart to focus on my original stuff, but nothing great came out of it. Best I could find to put there was a sketch of the “Pack Rat” enemy for the RPG I stopped working on~ Not a great start to being 22.
July: This is another piece that I think really captured the kind of look I’m going for. I feel like I’ve been trying to replicate this specific look ever since, but to little success.
Aug: Another drop-off month. This was when I was really getting into the Mahou Smash Project, but I never finished anything for it because I thought the designs were all kind of lackluster. I do hope I find the confidence to come back to it though. I still really like the concept.
Sept: And thus the NSR-pocolypse began. In terms of actual art quality, this is probably the worst piece I’ve ever called “finished”, but it is the most notable work I made that month and its popularity has affirmed to me that even through the weakness of my art, if the writing is good, then it’ll still resonate. It really reinvigorated my confidence and I’ve been drawing a lot more ever since (even if it is mostly NSR). I always tell myself that I don’t need praise to be happy, but this is proof that it does motivate me at least~
Oct:This is the month where I think I was the most consistent with my style. There were definitely a handful of pieces that I really liked, but I think “Capsule Prison” is one of my favorites!
Nov: Another pretty clean month. Since the pieces were kinda consistent I don’t have much else to comment on, but I picked this piece because it’s one of very few totally original ones that I’ve completed in a while. (”Capsule Prison” was designed by my buddy Lex, so she’s only a semi-original character).
Dec: This is probably the month where I’ve made the most “complete” pieces, and that’s mostly due to the followers celebration. It was this month that I also decided to start actually using references in my work again. I think it’s working out for the better, and this one is a stand-out example for me. I still get kinda lazy about that kinda stuff and slip into my old habits, but I hope this will mark the start of me improving again instead of staying in this comfortable lull.
Overall, it’s kinda hard to tell if I’ve actually “grown” any, especially since I don’t have a comparison for last year, but I feel like I’ve been happier with more of my pieces, so I’m gonna call this an improvement. Maybe next year I’ll draw more characters facing right instead of left XP.
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I was asked and ask, and in my flu causing feverish state, I deleted it. So if you’re out there and recognize this question (and I’m paraphrasing) please reblog and @ me. 
So If i remember, the question was along the lines of 
“Why isnt there huge amounts of stuff, for shows like She -Ra and TDP, are they not as popular?” 
Lets go for a ride...
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I think the reason why we dont get the same amount of content generated for shows such as The Dragon Prince and She-ra, say in comparison to shows like RWBY. 
And by content, I mean, theories, memes, art and in depth analysis, boils down to 3 things.
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1) Time to Generate.
Both The Dragon Prince and She-Ra have only recently dropped their first season. Now both have their second season coming rather swiftly, esp in the case of The Dragon Prince. Season 2 is dropping tomorrow: Feb 15 2019 over on Netflix. 
She-Ra’s is set to be released April 26th 2019, again on Netflix. 
The Dragon Prince S1 was released on Sept 14th 2018, and She-Ra: Princesses of Power, Nov, 13th 2018. 
In TDP case, that is a 5 month and 1 day turn around and SPOP, 5 months and 13 days turn around. 
It is rather unheard of for an animation to have their Second season be ready in under 6 months. Usually it is anywhere from 10 months minimum to a year or in some cases, even longer. 
I put this down to the success of the two series and how the audience received them, and Netflix wishing to capitalize on it, and the hype generated. 
Lets just hope that the both properties dont feel rushed as a result. 
So with such little time, and a very short hiatus in terms of tv shows, (which is when most of fandom generated content tends to be created), that gives very little time for their respective fandoms to leave their senses and devolve into some sort of animeesque Lord of the Flies in a matter of weeks, in a bid to cope.
(RWBY FNDM, I’m looking at you with your ‘Beehaw’s’ and YORSE, and ‘Scheehaw’s’. I still cant believe you made Arryn read that with her own eyes!!) 
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(You can tumblr search Yorse yourself, I aint making anyone look at that cursed image without their consent. You’ve been warned! ;p @hammertime-rwby  i shake my head in your general direction... ;D ) 
Time to generate can also be reflected in how long a show has been on air, thereby garnering a wider and much larger fanbase with a broader set of creative skills, which in turn results in more fandom content generated, esp if there is the potential of shipping. 
And bloody hell does SPOP have some crazy potential on the shipping front, 
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2) Time to Mature and Fandom Engagement. 
As a show matures and the audience leans learn more about the characters and the world that they inhabit, the nature of fandom created content evolves. It also depends on the verve of the show itself. 
The way in which a show is presented, the topics and themes they cover, the way the characters and the world are presented, can vicariously dictate how the fandom engages with the property, go forth and multiply.
For example:
Sherlock is very meme worthy and that tends to be reflected in the content that is generated by the Sherlockians. 
RWBY has been out for 6 volumes and has a very dedicated and passionate FNDM, but it is also broad, large and incredibly diverse.
 It is also rather vocal and has very strong differing opinions from one end of the spectrum to the other, which in turn creates YT reviews, reactions and rebuttals and heated retorts. 
These polarising pov’s can then go on to permeate to other branches of social media, such as twitter, tumblr, discord etc etc 
Same with fandom accepted headcanons and lore... 
(I’m still on the fence about you Renora Rodeo Round up... You’re on thin ice! ;p ) 
But it has taken a number of years to cultivate. 
Neither The Dragon Prince or She-Ra has had the time to do that, yet! 
But I’m certain that will change in the coming future. 
 She-Ra has already generated quite the buzz on both the positive and negative sides, due to being based on a much loved, older, property, ‘She-Ra 1985′, but that is a mine field which I covered on my previous blog before some asshat decided to axe it. 
Also, the themes that Netflix She-Ra seems to be covering, which helped generate a lot of the negative backlash towards the show, will most definitely continue to be polarizing... So I would keep an eye out if YT and people picking stuff apart is your jam. 
On the other side, what SPOP seems to be trying to deliver will also generate lots of awesome content. Just look at how this took off,
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“Hey Adora”��
And this cinnamon roll’s preoccupation with ‘force captain orientation’,
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The Dragon Prince strikes me as a show that would generate deep reflective analysis of world and characters as well as theories, much like its older cousin, Avatar Last Airbender, once there is more to comb over and speculate on.
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These two shows are presented differently and they way they are tackling certain themes in their respective narratives are also vastly different, which could also have a lot to do with their respective target audience and intended demographic,  so it stands to reason that the results of fandom generated content would be different. 
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3) Platform and Format. 
This I believe is one of the most important aspects which ties the previous points above.
If a property is delivered week by week, such as RWBY, there is time, for the FNDM, after they make amazing screen shots and insta analysis and excited speculations, to go over it again and allow the episode to sink in. 
(which both TDP and SPOP could do, as they have episodic episodes but that is an entirely different post)
There is time for the fans to go sit back and react to what they have seen, whether that is creating beautiful fan art, crafting in depth theories, character analysis, extrapolate potential world building. 
A week by week delivery culminates in an emotional impact that is allowed to foster and grow, thereby gives space and time for the individual to go off and create content for their respective fandom. 
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Fanart takes time, fics take time. 
The not knowing what could happen next opens up the avenues of thought out speculations. 
Having a week to go over everything to that point and process new info. Being able to take your time to research and prep before you put it out there, results in good, in depth analysis and well crafted work. 
Time gives breeding ground.
(Some wait years for lore.. Overwatch fandom, I dont know how we do it! But we all cant be Tracer!) 
Because, we are so salivating at the the mouth for insta gratification and ‘binge’ culture has become so prevalent where media is concerned. 
When a property is delivered all at once, it gives no breathing space for speculation and wild theories.
For a particular scene or interaction between characters to have an emotional impact and thereby create emotionally significant fan art, that is reblogged and shared in that moment, give it time to resonate with its respective fandoms.
And there for have time for other members of the fandom to be inspired to go off and create their own stuff in what ever medium is their forte. 
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Because we are on this fast paced ride, not only from the start of the chapter 1 to end of the first ‘book’, so to speak, but also the social media need to be the first to create the content for the fandom, the type of content generated, how and why, is hugely different and may not at first glance look like it is forth coming.. 
It just takes time to sink in.. To go back through and re-evaluate. 
Being inspired by a particular interaction between two characters , or a certain facet of the world that an fan may have noticed and wishes to expand on, art wise, fic wish or theroise, loses its validity when you know that the next episode could answer your burning questions in less than 5 seconds. 
And so you stave off for the dreaded nine episode when your eye balls are nearly gumming together and you know you have work in 4 hours but you need answers to the burning questions.. 
and so results.
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This is not the content creators fault, in anyway. This is quite literally the way in which it is delivered. 
Its is pretty much, 
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II) However, in Conclusion 
The perceived lack of fandom interaction/generated content, in the social media platforms that a fan chooses to  consume, or is available to them, does not mean that a show isn't popular. 
The ties to previous projects, such as SPOP to She-Ra 1985  and The Dragon Prince to Avatar Last Airbender are vastly different. 
Expectations are vastly different.
 Fandom interaction and generation of fandom content, is not a measure made of how popular a show is.  
Also, politely, remember the demographic of which these shows are aimed at. 
Be respectful of the show creators, the property, the characters and the narrative that the show creators have painstakingly crafted and put out into the world. 
The story that they want to tell. 
 a reminder, 
Tomorrow, 15th Feb 2019 , Season 2 of The Dragon Prince. 
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(im gonna go back into my fluey coma now)
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nyrator · 4 years
Random Ny updates on Ny things
lots of photos, cosplay progress, ffxiv stuffs, life feelings and rotten nyan bleh feelings of insecurity
bought myself a new friend on a whim while shopping with friends about two weeks ago
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the costume so far
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still need to add fur to the bottom, but apparently I still remember how to sew by hand- need to figure out the best way to attach it, though. The collar I put on like a dress shirt kind of collar, but I don’t think I can do that for the bottom part (other than just sewing the fur backside to the shirt frontside, which almost seems too easy to be right- the cuffs I put front-to-front and folded over afterwards, giving them that flat edge on top, but not sure if I want that flat edge for the bottom...)
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the tights, I made a mold of my leg out of duct tape (what a silly idea), but only had enough for one go around, so it was very flimsy after being removed. I decided the smarter method would be to fold the mold in half and cut the shape out of cardboard, which I did.
I don’t think I’ll have enough turquoise paint for the stripes, so I ordered more about a week or more ago... except it was undeliverable, because they sent it to Florida, and now they’re reshipping it, and estimated date was anywhere between the 23rd to Nov 5th, so yeahhhh. Last I checked, it got to the right place (PA), but then ended up in Delaware? so we shall see what happens
Haven’t even worked on the skates at all, which worries me, but the party is planned for Friday roughly (getting my friends together is always a thing). I notice distancing tends to be pretty lax around here, they deal with people on cash registers all day though so they’re used to being exposed and I don’t need to protect my mother anymore so hm (should get a blue mask and put some graffiti on it, though)
Tomorrow sounds like it’ll be friend-crunch-day, helping another friend with their costume and such as I try to fix mine. Haven’t worked on mine in a few days because dealing with blehs, but should get back to work on it (only a few days left...)
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they sent that shoulder piece fast, like super fast- It was here by the 21st, mann- this is the piece they sent, arm and everything
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First I thought, okay, just remove the jacket and put it on the other one- but then I realize, oh, wait, no that won’t work, it won’t stick, and this new jacket is glued on. I thought to super glue it on, but trying to remove it started to tear the peg, so I decided, okay yeah no leave it alone and figure out how to remove his torso
so I removed his torso, which took a bit of force, but now he’s back together and much looser but looking good, godd
also I turned 29 on the 11th, a pretty uneventful day all things considered. Friends came over the other day to deliver gifts (though one forgot his, twice, somehow), the other was a purple DDLC girl plush and pin because she’s purple (I should probably play that game to completion), the photo I have would dox me though and too lazy to get another photo at the moment
Otherwise playing a looot of FFXIV recently, beat the main story (first one at least), got the DLC and doing the Red Mage things (as a former fencer I am down though critical of my lalafell’s footwork), slowly trying to make glamours for every class, and the latest mission thing I’ve done was fighting Moogles to knock-off This Is Halloween, what a great fight (somehow managed to get like 8 unique moggle weapons and it makes me happy they exist), mainly a BLM/WHM/RDM/Weaver though Ninja was also fun (white mage is scary but Kresna is very good at doing crazy pulls when he’s the tank and I somehow help people survive by the skin of our teeth)
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the crew (myself, Kresna aka Kure, my friends Spired aka Yomi, and James aka Sebastian, who only plays FFXIV in order to play mahjong with us), we all really enjoy mahjong now if you couldn’t tell (also Kresna’s character is great and now he’s making a Rivers Cuomo lalafell and we’re all going to be bards in a Weezer cover band, also shout outs to how cute Yomi is and the magnificent pompadour and sideburns Sebastian has)
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But now to the less nice things
So, hmm. Still dealing with depression, a lot of it caused by interpersonal relationships, I suppose- My flaws and anxiety-induced communication issues make it really hard for people to feel like I care or am interested in them, I think. Seeing how I hurt people, and being powerless to help people on the verge of collapse or even suicide, it eats away at me. I can’t just leave them to their depression, and I want to stay connected and I genuinely value them in my life, but it’s taken such a toll on my own mental health and I absolutely cannot leave them alone, either- the type who can and would genuinely go through with taking their own life if left with absolutely nothing. I’m not sure what to do to help them or myself, but it’s hard just watching and being the only one who can listen.
Finally drew a Rotten Nyan picture today, but not that happy with. My feelings keep swaying between good and bad, and I think I’ll add more bad in a follow up doodle as well.
I worry I speak my mind too much- to other people, with these tumblr rants, with my tweets, I feel like I talk an unnecessary amount, mostly about myself, but never about what’s important to other people. I feel I make other people feel less appreciated by how little I talk to them or about them in comparison.
I feel like what I want to make makes me a creep, and that the people I consider friends, or at least close followers, would slowly vanish on me if I keep making it. Or I risk getting labelled as something, or being mocked for my creations. It’s a weird paranoia.
I’ve had some good talks with some friends this week that helped me feel more productive, watched some artist stream and forced myself to join another discord for that artist to try to interact with other artists, as well as trying to force myself to communicate and compliment their art as much as I reasonably can. It’s hard, very hard for me, but I need to treat people better and gain more connections.
But these things have been lightening my mood a bit, and trying to inspire me to draw more. But the uncertainty still lingers- Middle Lave for example, all I think of anymore is being mean to them, or remembering the bad or the humiliating instead of making more cute things. Any time I think of any scene, it just gets twisted. I can’t think of any good scenarios, either. Thinking of all the situations that make MLave cut themselves, or cry, or how frequently MLave had restroom issues (I could write pages and pages on that nonsense alone at the risk of it becoming some fetish work or something, I already feel like I’ve written too much about it), nonsense like that. Which, is it fine to just write about that anyway? I don’t know. I’m told there’s an audience for anything, and if people want to read it, they will, and if they don’t they don’t have to, but I’m still scared of pushing away an already existing audience- Followers are one thing, I don’t expect people to keep following something they don’t enjoy, but I guess just people I’m closer to, followers who take the time to interact with me frequently, I worry what they think of me and losing them (though I don’t want to be clingy or guilt-trip anyone either).
I also think of some of the word choice I’d use- it’d be accurate and authentic, but I worry with how people will take it (for example: Lave’s nickname growing up was “retard” or “r-tard” by their sister, and “faggot” by their father, and I know that kind of language is frowned upon even more so these days, but it’d be a disservice not to include it I’d think)
I have a separate twitter for Rotten Nyan though, I just haven’t used it, so maybe when I finally update the comic I can just keep all the twisted stuff locked away on it and the tumblr accounts.
There are lots of weird things I worry about, since on the topic- I feel like I’m just very naive. I see a lot of people enjoy “bullying” my character Dolly, and at times I wonder if I should encourage it, or speak against it, or what. I don’t know if it’s right or wrong, and it makes me wonder if I’m a creep for enjoying tormenting Lave, enjoying portraying self-harmful or humiliating or self-deprecating scenes and wanting to talk about them or draw them, it feels wrong. I think of Suicide Boy, where I feel it takes it a bit too overboard, but I wonder if I’m any better.
Other things I see, say, pacifiers for example, I see them a lot in my pinterest feeds and some artists I follow. First I worry they’re some kind of kink I don’t know about, and if I had them to my character it’ll sully my art somehow unexpectedly, but then I see Animal Crossing add them, so there must be some fashion trend or something to it, maybe? I probably wouldn’t actually draw art of one honestly, but it’s a weird trend I don’t understand I guess, and I wonder if I’m weird for thinking it looks cute sometimes and weird at others.
I guess overall, in short, I’m just afraid of making something that drives people away from me, or being known for something I don’t want to be known for, or something. At the same time, I feel like worrying about it and talking about it so much also makes me a creep, somehow.
Anyway, if you couldn’t tell I’m just rambling at this point, but I should change subjects.
I did lose 10 lbs / 4.5 kg since I officially started my diet two months ago, which is nice. I still am too embarrassed to say what my weight actually is (gained a little bit of weight during quarantine), but I’ve basically lost what I gained this year and am almost halfway to a healthy BMI. Afterwards, I see no reason to change my diet (other than maybe how little energy I feel eating less than 1500 calories a day), so I’ll see how far the diet takes me before it plateaus. If I can be a bodyweight to cosplay Kuja by the time I’m 30, that’ll be ideal (of course, I’d still need to put in effort to get rid of a belly and eat healthier foods, but yeah). Still surviving mainly on 100% whole wheat bread, skippy peanut butter, and kraft mac and cheese / spaghetti with meatless sauce, but in measured portions at least with three meals a day.
Also, mann, between depression and FFXIV, I’ve really been neglecting ACNH- still try to play it every day, but usually only late at night when everything’s closed, so missing out on a lot of Halloween stuff I feel.
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mattgambler · 6 years
Status Report
TLDR: The big Dad cannot support me financially for much longer and I explain what exactly that means for us. I disclose how much I have earned in the last year, paint a best case as well as a worst case scenario, explain how you can help if you so desire and talk about my overall business philosophy. I also included a FAQ section in the end. Ladies and gentlemen, we hoped the day would never come. But last week the big Dad told me that he sadly couldn’t do it anymore. For the past two years he generously backed me every month, while I streamed 6 days a week, 6-10 hours a day. I will be forever grateful for how much he has done for me, allowing me to chase this dream of mine. But he had a tough year and me constantly draining his wallet every month hasn’t helped.  We both hoped I would grow quicker than I did, but that doesn’t mean that I’m giving up here or that my chances of ever making it are all that slim. Let me show you the numbers. Here is what I earned last year, every month, including subs, bits, and donations: Jan 17__________ 210,34 €      (I had two donations of 100€ each that month) Feb 17__________ 31,74 € Mar 17__________ 28.1 €          average income 1st quarter:  90,06 € Apr 17__________ 50 € May 17__________38,28 € Jun 17__________ 59.41 €         average income 2nd quarter: 49,23 € Jul 17___________ 27,43 €         Aug 17__________ 324,49 € Sep 17__________ 243,91 €       average income 3rd quarter: 198,61 € Oct 17__________ 112,39 € Nov 17__________ 199,42 € Dec 17__________ 114,88 €      average income 4th. quarter: 142,23 Jan 18__________ 191,54 €
I am showing you this because a) I think it’s interesting and b) because I want to show you that the curve is clearly going up. I don’t have the numbers for 2016, but it looked pretty much like February to May, I probably made less. The big jump in August can be explained by the fact that I got my sub button in June and Twitch keeps the money for 2-3 months in case of refund requests or whatever else can happen to that money. Looking at these numbers I can’t predict the future, but I want to believe. I want to look back at where we were a year ago and where we are now and hope that a year from now things are looking even better. I’m not sure if the channel grew at a slow pace or at a quick one, I have no idea what the average growth rate for streamers like me is and how big of an issue it would be if others grew quicker than me. I don’t really care either. What I do care about is that the past two years were the best of my life and I would absolutely passionately hate to ever stop. Even the thought of streaming less makes my heart cramp a little, because I’m worried that only 4 hours per day or only 3 days a week (or whatever else we might end up doing if we have to) would turn the steady growth of our community into a slow decline. Is that likely? I wouldn’t know, I’ve never tried streaming less before. So - what now? The big Dad was kind enough to ease me into it instead of suddenly cutting off all support. What that means is that according to my calculations I will need to earn about 600 € per month starting in March. 900 € starting in June. 1500€ starting in October. Clearly that is not gonna happen just by streaming, I’m not about to ask you guys to suddenly give me 10 times as much money as you have so far. As a matter of fact I will have to find a dayjob, no matter what happens. However! I still have about 2000€ saved up. The big Dad took care of rent, insurance, etc over the past two years and provided 500€ per month on top of that for me to spend on food, energy drinks, etc. Given that I have money leftover I clearly don’t need 500€ per month, but I felt it would be better to calculate with those numbers instead of shaving off every last cent and then having to realize after 6 months that I was too optimistic. I bring up those 2000€ because that effectively means that I can keep streaming for at least another two months, no matter what. Of course I will. However, sooner or later I will run dry and have to find work. I’m not afraid to not find anything, I’ve done a hundred jobs before I started streaming and I’m confident I can find something immediately if I have to. The question is how much the schedule will suffer because of that. Worst Case I have to take a fulltime job. 40 hours every week, it pays enough for me to get along, but I come home tired everyday and then maybe sit down and stream for 2-3 hours, possibly not even everyday. Even in that case I will live just fine. I won’t go hungry and I won’t have to sleep under a bridge, but I will miss you guys like hell. And worst case many of you will eventually stop missing me and the whole thing dies a slow and painful death. Best Case I have streamed for another three months - and with your support maybe even 4 or 5 - and since then the community has continued to grow and I can now comfortably work for only 30 or even 20 hours per week and still stream a good amount, most people don’t even notice that my dayjob makes me stream a little less. We continue like that for another year or two and eventually I quit my dayjob again because by now I don’t need it anymore. Realistically speaking we will probably end up somewhere inbetween those two extremes. I have always strongly believed in the way I run my stream and that includes how I treat financial support, subscriber goals, etc. This blog entry on its own is already almost violating those beliefs. Accept gratefully what you are given, do not ask for more. I have seen too many people try to milk their audience at one point or another and I would absolutely hate to have any of you feel like I’m doing the same now. So if you are even the slightest bit unsure if you want to support me or not, please don’t. The Donate-Option is only for those that want it, and always will be. However if you always felt like “nah, his dad is taking care of it anyway.” - Well the times of milk and honey are sadly over. Glhf to all of us. :P FAQ “So basically you are asking us for money because you don’t want to get a proper job like the rest of us?“ Yes and no. Obviously I want to keep streaming as much as possible and having a job at the same time makes that impossible. However I never wanted to ask people for money, I even refused to get a donation button for the first 4 months because I felt like I “wasn’t good enough yet”. Even now writing this is something I do because I have to, and be it only because if I dont explain it right away, I will have to do it anyway once people start asking why the schedule got butchered and left to die in a corner. However there is no reason to approach me and explain why sadly you cannot support me. I completely understand. Please don’t try to help if you can’t easily afford it. If you really want to, however, then you can. “I really want to help more, but sadly I can’t.” As I just said - I completely understand. However - there are many ways of helping me out that don’t include money at all. KittyTwo and Monokilho only found me because JohnyEdx told them about my channel. Kaioner was then dragged along by those two (I think). Even more importantly, simply watching the stream is by far the best way to support me (apart from straightup buying my soul with money). Not only from a channelgrowth-perspective but more importantly because I love to have you in chat when I stream. I have no idea how likely this is, but by far my biggest fear for the future is that a radical change in schedule could turn a slow and steady growth into a sudden decline alà “well, he’s gonna stop soon anyway, might as well find a new guy to watch”. Some of you might smile right now and think that I’m an idiot and that I worry too much. Others might have already left, it’s not like I can tell. “I am a subscriber already, and I watch a lot, I’m somewhat surprised your income isn’t already higher given how many subs you have.” You are forgetting that the sub button, while certainly effective at killing aliens, comes with it’s downsides. Twitch and I have a 50/50 split, so for every 5€ that you lose, I get about 2,50. Possibly less, there’s no easy way for me to tell if there’s additional fees, I just get for example 120€ at the end of the month and I have to assume that subs and bits added up to that amount. In comparison, if you give me the same amount using the donation button below the stream, I receive between 4,30€ and the whole 5 €. Even though I’m not sure how that is possible, but my Paypal history shows me that that has happened every now and then. Maybe Paypal had a Happy Hour at some point. Of course - if you use the Donation Button instead of the Subbutton, you don’t get the emotes, and the sub streak message, and the fancy subbadge, etc. It’s your call, but if you want me to keep streaming, one option helps more than the other. “Matt, I read through all of that and you should really do X. We need to raise more money, I recommend you ask for donations every 20 minutes and sell nudes on Discord. Also host more Girlstreamers, and you definitely need to upload more to Instagram.“ Your help is greatly appreciated and I am happy that you are so invested in my stream. But backseating is still a no-go. I have thought about this for two years and I will stick to my ideals, for better or worse. If you are convinced that you have it all figured out better than me, feel free to start your own channel. There are a few rare people that have mastered the fine art of suggesting ideas to me without making it feel like a command, but I am seriously touchy when it comes to how I run my stream. “Matt, will you play X if I give you enough money?“ Depends on the amount and the game, but in 99% of all cases, no. “Matt, will you sleep with me if I give you enough money?“ Depends on the amount and the dickpic, but in 99% of all cases, no.
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weightlossfitness2 · 4 years
Coach of the Decade: Greg Glassman, CrossFit’s Founder
  In an interview with CNBC, Greg Glassman, the 63-year-old founding father of CrossFit, stated that CrossFit’s success occurred with no marketing strategy, with none advertising and marketing. Dave Werner, the founding father of CrossFit North, the primary affiliate.
    Talking to Box Pro Magazine, Werner recalled how Glassman’s first response to his utilizing CrossFit as a reputation for his gymnasium was, “No, no, no, I’m not taking any money from you.” From unintentional beginnings, CrossFit grew to develop into essentially the most influential drive in power and conditioning, and health coaching over the course of the final decade.
  This is why, within the early days of CrossFit, it was touted as an open-source mannequin for health coaching. Many of the primary CrossFit associates started as storage gyms that developed into the “boxes” that we see right this moment all around the globe. That is why, even to at the present time, the phrase neighborhood is commonly used as a manner of referring to the followers and members of a CrossFit gymnasium.
  Breaking Muscle began across the time CrossFit was a handful of associates, earlier than the fast progress in CrossFit gyms that occurred within the early a part of this decade. To be slightly cliché about it, CrossFit was a breath of contemporary air in a health trade that was moribund with virtually no true innovation in coaching methodologies fluctuating between bodybuilding and aerobics with nothing a lot in between.
  Greg Glassman must be acknowledged for taking a seemingly ragtag mixture of concepts and placing them right into a format that has ended up changing into the de facto commonplace group coaching in power and conditioning.
  If it wasn’t for CrossFit, would we now have seen the identical curiosity in Olympic weightlifting, kettlebells, and now, gymnastics? Everything that went right into a CrossFit coaching routine was already there earlier than Glassman got here alongside. However, he managed to do numerous issues concurrently that helped outline a era of coaches and trainers and altered the face of gym-going perpetually.
  First, Glassman popularized a degree of depth and coaching that didn’t shrink back from its intentions: to depart you completely spent, as should you had been within the combat of your life, on the finish of a brief, intense session. The high-intensity interval coaching of CrossFit appealed to first responders, the army, fighters, and varsity athletes, all with a vested curiosity and want to carry out underneath huge stress.
  Secondly, Glassman’s persona and presentation have been a template for coaches and trainers who, up till he got here alongside, couldn’t actually level to as charismatic a guru, and one who managed to keep away from making a dogma for coaching routines whereas on the similar time managing to stamp them together with his model
   Because, on the finish of the day, Glassman by no means informed his coaches and trainers what they need to do. He offered a framework, and he did present instance exercises day-after-day on CrossFit’s web site, however each affiliate was freestyling their very own coaching applications.
  Thirdly, Glassman was ruthless is defending his model, and selling CrossFit with out ever having to personal something aside from the logos and licenses of his enterprise. There was no legal responsibility, no precise product, no uniforms, no property or something of substance that would drag the corporate down. There was solely the CrossFit manner and the parable of CrossFit, ending with the last word accolade of, Fittest on Earth, on the CrossFit Games.
    CrossFit doesn’t have the identical luster and attraction because it did at first of the last decade. It is rising internationally, however it has had its fair proportion of criticism within the US, and plenty of associates have come and gone, by no means to get replaced.
  CrossFit has most likely solely ever managed to penetrate 10% of the gymnasium going public. The common affiliate membership is over $100 a month in comparison with the common gymnasium membership of $20 a month.
  It extra resembles the martial arts studio mannequin than a gymnasium franchise enterprise and as such calls for a faithful, motivated coach/coach/proprietor to work. But, all these items don’t matter when you think about how CrossFit’s vernacular has discovered its manner into standard tradition.
  I bear in mind at my first certification this laid-back, virtually nonchalant man who didn’t in any respect appear like any type of health guru. And but there was a degree of confidence and internal realizing that he had.
  Like, for instance, the primary time he launched the work out “Helen” – he did so in such a straightforward, relaxed tone, with a slight smile, as if he knew one thing that the 5 of us that have been there for the primary time didn’t. He knew regardless that we’d have performed it already at residence, it will be totally different right here, and he knew he didn’t need to do something to drag our greatest effort out of us. He additionally knew the extent of “whoop-ass” it will unleash on us.
  Up till that second, I actually had no concept. My model of CrossFit by myself was fairly subdued, comparatively. I additionally bear in mind the primary time I labored on my squat with him. I had been a squatting and coaching purchasers for years at that time, and he stated, “Give it about 5 years, kid.”
  I assumed he was nuts… 5 years?! But he was 100% proper. I turned a believer (after which an affiliate) after doing my very own check of CrossFit. I used to be knowledgeable, sponsored endurance athlete on the time, and right here was this man saying I may construct endurance with quick, intense exercises utilizing calisthenics, weights, and slightly cardio. I assumed it was nuts.
  But I made a decision to present it a attempt, by myself (all my pals thought I used to be loopy), in a small private coaching gymnasium and surrounding neighborhood. No one in that gymnasium had ever seen something like what I used to be doing earlier than. I need to admit, it did seem loopy. I plotted out and ran a 5k. Then did nothing however CrossFit exercises (per the principle website in 2004) for 3 months.
  After that point, I ran the identical 5K course and was virtually Three minutes sooner in my time (from 22:00 down to simply over 19:00). My coaching quantity had dropped dramatically. From like Eight-10 hours per week to beneath four hours per week. My power had elevated dramatically, and I had develop into extremely able to excessive quantity body weight motion. I turned an enormous believer! Shortly thereafter, I attended my first Three-day cert and affiliated proper after. I opened the doorways of CrossFit LA in Nov 2004.
  Andy Petranek of Whole Life Challenge
  You look on social media lately and the affect of CrossFit can’t be underestimated within the variety of individuals doing weightlifting, kettlebells, and handstand walks. Was there a burpee or a wall ball underground earlier than CrossFit got here alongside? Today, you will discover useful health areas in more and more extra mainstream gyms, a direct results of the affect of CrossFit. Lifting platforms, pull up bars, and field jumps, and kettlebells, and barbells, a lot of barbells.
  Glassman and CrossFit redefined power and conditioning. You usually tend to see individuals purse CrossFit-like train applications than bodybuilding. You will discover native gyms that concentrate on weightlifting, and even when a small, box-type gymnasium will not be a CrossFit affiliate, one can find somebody who began in CrossFit or was influenced by it.
  Greg Glassman and CrossFit helped modified my views on power and situation and traiing usually. I used to be collegiate athlete and efficiently coaching high-school and school athletes myself. In truth, I had an ideal profession.
  But Glassman created one thing particular. I felt that. I knew how modern it was, I used to be utilizing the identical rules and having success with my athletes. I needed to do the identical for as many individuals as potential.
  So, I assumed I used to be fortunate he additionally created a enterprise mannequin that has drastically modified my life. Before CrossFit, proudly owning a gymnasium was only a dream. It felt like it will be manner over the pinnacle of any coach or coach. It is a big funding connected to a singular modality of health.
  Yet, right here I’m with my very own CrossFit affiliate. I’ve been doing this for almost a decade. I’ve a small gymnasium stuffed with different nice coaches, a neighborhood that I cherish, and I really feel accountable to everybody. It’s very satisfying. I do not suppose it will have happend with out CrossFit.
  Michael Tromello, Coach and Owner of Precision CrossFit
  Greg Glassman has outlined health, power and conditioning, and the way in which individuals go to the gymnasium within the final decade. Whatever you might take into consideration the group that’s CrossFit, or the person that Glassman is, you’ll be able to by no means deny the affect each have had on this final decade.
  It has been unequaled because the seventies when Arnold formed the expansion of bodybuilding around the globe. There are plenty of explanation why Breaking Muscle can name Greg Glassman Coach of the Decade.
The post Coach of the Decade: Greg Glassman, CrossFit’s Founder appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/coach-of-the-decade-greg-glassman-crossfits-founder/
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optometrist0 · 6 years
How Long Is Optometry School
Eyes and applicable visual systems for
Estimate the cost
From the medical
Schools covers many countries
This program lasts four years
Optometry School Requirements FAQs for students applying to and/or enrolling in the UIW Rosenberg School of Optometry program. About; … How long are OAT scores valid?
Optometry students at Ferris State University are getting a chance to “see” just … a third year optometry student. “It’s life-long learning, it’s not just memorizing something for a test.” Performing eye exams on kids that are the same …
How long is optometry school? It usually takes seven to eight years before you become full pledge optometrists. Get started your optometry career now with our
Doctors of Optometry recognize that continued professional education is a life- long responsibility in order to maintain the full scope of optometric services for the benefit of the patient. All fifty states and the District of Columbia require Doctors of Optometry to take continuing education courses to be eligible for license renewal.
Considering Optometry School? … Doctors of Optometry recognize that continued professional education is a life-long responsibility in order to maintain the full …
Optometry is a health care profession which involves examining the eyes and applicable visual systems for defects or abnormalities as well as the medical diagnosis and management of eye disease. Traditionally, the field of optometry began with the primary focus of correcting refractive error through the use of spectacles. Modern day optometry…
Get answers to frequently asked questions about optometry school – expenses, GPA, OAT scores, undergraduate studies, prerequisite scores, the application process and …
Jun 12, 2017 … How long does it take to become an optometrist? If you had just completed your high school education, it would take you between 7 and 9 years to become a licensed optometrist. Here's the rundown of how many years of college needed to become an optometrist. Complete the prerequisite courses.
When are applications accepted? What is the application fee? How expensive is optometry school? Is financial aid available? How can I estimate the cost of my optometric education? Is there a minimum OAT score or grade point average? How long are the OAT scores valid? What is the admissions interview like at SCO ?
Jan 10, 2011 … easier school negatives not a lot of respect from the medical community having to sell stuff (ie glasses) I think optometry is trying to make itself more legit but it has a long ways to go. In the future it may be better. Still I think most MDs view optoms as mall cops in comparison to a real policer officer (M.D).
A Chicago college that calls itself one of the oldest optometry schools in the country plans to refinance … there’s going to be a need for more eye care,” he said. Yet despite its long history, enrollment at the college hasn’t kept pace with …
The following list of optometry schools covers many countries, although the list is not exhaustive. Internationally, optometry as a profession includes different …
Even before the construction of a $24.5 million state-of-the-art science center, and major renovations to its nursing and allied health spaces, Newman University was a leader … categories – medical, dental, optometry, pharmacy – and an …
How Long Does IT Take to Become an Optometrist? … Optometry Schools and Training Programs Read on to find out more about careers in optometry and the education …
Nov 20, 2003 … Why should optometrists know about their history? 1. Optometry is, and always … What school awarded the first O.D. degree, and what schools were the last to adopt the O.D. as the professional optometry ….. When and how did the optometry program at Indiana University begin? Discussions began in the …
Optometrists are not medical doctors and receive an “O.D.” degree; they attend optometry school for four years and are not required to undertake postgraduate … on the inadequacy of training and lack of public accountability and standards, compared with those that have long been in place in medicine and ophthalmology.
When a student is “pre-optometry”, he or she is not only taking the classes required for admission to optometry school, but also has a major in a specific subject matter area. A student can choose any major and still go to optometry school as long as he or she has 1) successfully completed the courses required for admission …
Persson, OD, MS, FAAO, of The Ohio State University College of Optometry, Columbus … The batters "kept their …
There are few emergency calls in optometry, and flexible hours allow for a personal life. How long will it take to obtain my optometry degree and what is the curriculum like? The doctor of optometry degree generally takes 4 years to complete. In a typical optometry school, the first two years are spent on basic science – gross …
Optometrists provide vision care for patients such as diagnosing vision problems, prescribing corrective lenses and testing for eye disease. All 50 states require licensure for optometrists to practice optometry. Optometrists are professionals who must go through extensive education to qualify for licensure. According …
Reader question: I want to be an eye doc, but I dont how much college is needed. Also, how long is optometry school? Can you answer my questions?
So this may come off as troll-like or inflammatory, but please excuse my ignorance. I just met a first year optometry student and talked a little…
A person may also perceive the damage as “waviness,” said Bisant Labib, assistant professor at Salus University’s Pennsylvania College of Optometry … With an eclipse, it is unclear just how long a person would have to look to …
Feb 21, 2017 … Offering a four-year Doctor of Optometry degree. The School of Optometry was established in 1969 and has held accreditation from the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education of the American Optometric Association for the past 40 years. The University of Alabama has been consistently ranked by …
Celia Hinrichs is a doctor of optometry and a fellow in the College of Optometrists in Vision Development … behavioral optometrist and I discovered behavioral optometry. Q: How long have you been practicing behavioral optometry? A: I …
How to Become an Optometrist. … Most optometry schools require coursework in biology, … It sounds like a long time, …
You'll need to complete a four-year Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) program that combines classes and supervised clinical experience …. I concurrently learned how long it was going to take me to achieve my goals of becoming a surgeon, yet as an optometrist, I would be out at a younger age with a great career ahead of me.
In addition to our doctor of optometry program, the College of Optometry offers residency programs in multiple specialties and a master of science in vision science program, and a PhD in Vision Science program that prepare students for teaching or research in the ophthalmic industry. We also partner with the College of …
I'm a junior in college and a Pre optometry … Is it worth the amount of schooling to … I think optometry is trying to make itself more legit but it has a long …
Typically, 6% of children Evie’s age will be long or short-sighted. But for children with Down’s that proportion shoots up to 60%. Until a dedicated unit was established at the university’s School of Optometry 25 years ago, very little was …
Before making any decisions that have long … to get optometry services on the cheap. But if optometrists are wanted, quality cannot be compromised. Kaphle …
ALDI is paying university graduates more than dentists … According to Graduate …
"Kiplinger" magazine chose optometry as one of the 13 best careers for the decade of 2010 to 2020 because of the job's high wages, prestige and generally successful patient outcomes. Optometrists check vision, prescribe lenses and care for patients before and after surgery, but they do not perform eye operations.
Admissions FAQ – Michigan College Of … as long as it does not have a lab component … of Arts and Sciences and the Michigan College of Optometry, …
These schools offered diplomas in optometry courses of two years duration validated by State Medical Faculties. Subsequently, four more schools were opened across India situated at Sitapur Eye Hospital, Sitapur in Uttar Pradesh, Chennai (formerly Madras) in Tamil Nadu, Bengalooru (formerly Bangalore) in Karnataka …
But are there any serious, long-term dangers associated with digital screens … an associate professor and researcher at the State University of New York School of Optometry. “A lot of people don’t realize this, but when you’re viewing …
How much optometry school should cost. Prices paid and comments from CostHelper's team of professional journalists and community of users. Public optometry school tuition , sponsored in part by state tax dollars, runs $10700- $20200 for residents annually or about $42000-$74800 for the complete program .
The UAB School of Optometry is preparing our students to be the nation's leaders in providing comprehensive, evidence-based eye care and discovering new principles of vision science.
You will find a world-class education at the Indiana University School of Optometry, IUSO. Our rigorous, four-year professional degree program will equip you with the academic and clinical skills you need to achieve your goals as a practicing optometrist. In addition to our renowned Doctor of Optometry program, we offer a …
Because the number of optometrists is limited by the number of accredited optometry schools, licensed optometrists should expect good job prospects.
Optometry Council of India (OCI) will visit these identified schools and their well-qualified Optometrists …
After that, you'll begin your optometry program. this program lasts four years and results in a Doctor of Optometry degree. As of November 2013, there were 23 schools accredited by the American Optometric Association, the accrediting body for optometry schools (www.aoa.org). Classes you're expected to complete in …
Optometry Test Contents Applicants' potential for success. the Respond under normal seeing conditions. however Measure general academic ability and comprehension Oat test preparation with Annual schools for And yearly checkups problems The Optometry Admission Test, or OAT, is the exam that anyone who wants to study for a career as an optometrist in America must take as Dr Of Optometry Salary Contents Optometry degrees. these programs charge annual Schools for optometrists Salary canada. see Vision problems and yearly checkups Problems like farsightedness and nearsightedness Elite School of Optometry offers Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Optometry and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD … "An optometrist can start his job as a trainee with a salary package of Rs. 7,000 Doctor Of Optometry Course Contents Was … each candidate The standard for all other Requires four years And canada for those Optometry Today Jobs Contents Insurance and are more likely And debunk the notion that retail Opticians and more through optometry today Care products eye care professional and Jobs 1 – 15 of 1892 … Find all Optometrist jobs at iHireOptometry.com. All Optometrist jobs available. Dr. Bordwell said about 60 percent of people today have eye insurance and are
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vpvbelen7877-blog · 6 years
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ainosalms · 7 years
11/26/2017: Studying China’s educational system
Date and time: 11/26/2017, 2 hours
Activity: I read and wrote about China’s educational system for Intercultural Workshop and compared it to the Finnish one using Hofstede’s country comparison framework.
Language focus: Reading comprehension, writing about a topic I don’t know much about using different sources and in my own words. Planning and writing a coherent text that’s pleasant to read.
Reflection: This was interesting but also very demanding. I didn’t really feel like writing, but I noticed that it became easier when I didn’t stop to think about the quality of my work too much and just went on. And I’m somewhat proud of the text now that I’m finished! I used some sources on the Internet but also the work I had already done on the Hofstede’s country comparison, so I think that in addition to learning about the educational system in China, I also brought something new to the table. Here’s what I wrote:
Education in China
I became interested in the recent incident in a Chinese nursery where parents claim their children have been abused by the teachers. The children had been fed mysterious white pills and spiked with needles, for example. The nursery is run by a company called RYB Education, which is listed in New York stock exchange. The children in the nursery are from upper middle-class families. The Guardian reports that after two days of high-profile coverage of the incident, there are no longer any mentions of this in Beijing’s main newspapers. They suspect it’s because the Communist party is concerned for a political backlash from China’s middle-class. The main newspapers are party-controlled. The incident got me thinking about China’s school system in general, how it differs from the one in Finland and whether there are some similarities. Here’s what I found out:
The idea of a company-run nursery sounds weird to a Finn, but in China it’s fairly normal for kindergartens and primary schools to be run by private enterprises. Tuition fees are high and admission processes are competitive, as is the education system as a whole.
In primary school, 60 per cent of the time spent at school is dedicated to studying Chinese and math. Other subjects include moral and society, nature, music, art and practical work classes. Some schools also offer foreign languages and different kinds of extra-curricular activities.
Public secondary schools are divided into junior and senior middle schools, each of them three years long. Only junior middle school is mandatory. After completing it, students can choose whether they want to attend senior middle school, a vocational school or a secondary professional school.
Secondary school students are under a lot of pressure, since the main goal of secondary school is to prepare the students for higher education. Getting into a university is hard as there are so many applicants and such a limited number of spots. Secondary school students also have to prepare for the National Higher Education Entrance Examination, Gaokao. It is the basis for admitting students to universities. The exam lasts for nine hours and tests the students’ skills in Chinese, math, a foreign language and optional subjects. Only about 40 per cent of students pass it on the first try. Based on their test scores students are admitted to top universities, regular ones or institutions that operate on a provincial level. Almost all students who graduate from university will have a thriving career.
Shanghai’s students came out on top in OECD’s PISA test in 2012, but in other provinces the scores must have been considerably worse since the government didn’t release their test scores. This lack of transparency has been criticized by OECD. Many schools in rural areas are understaffed and students have less opportunities than those in big cities, because the quality of education isn’t as high. The Chinese school world is also incredibly stressful and competitive. Depression is common among students. Many parents also emphasize the importance of well-rounded education, which means that on top of academic duties, children typically take part in a whole lot of extracurricular activities.
In my opinion, the general information and examples of the Chinese school system is in line with Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture. For example, China is a highly collectivist culture, which can be seen in parents’ need for their children to succeed and the shame that’s connected to failing and underachieving; students aren’t just failing as individuals, they’re making their whole family, school and country look bad at the same time. China is also a restrained society, and putting a lot of emphasis on leisure time isn’t common. Indulging oneself is seen as wrong. This explains why students, even ones who are just children, feel obliged to take part in extracurricular activities and spend their free time doing homework.
What strikes me as surprising and unexpected is how much similarities I was able to find in China and Finland’s educational systems, considering that the countries’ profiles based on Hofstede’s country comparison differ from each other significantly. Both countries score high in PISA tests, suffer from a high level of depression among students and put a lot of pressure on students as they have to choose their future occupation and go to a vocational school, or alternatively start cramming for a big test that will affect their educational future at a young age. This requires some further studying, as I think the similarities and differences are linked to other dimensions of the countries’ cultures, for example the political environment and the interest in long term orientation.
Similarities between Finnish and Chinese education systems: - People have the right to a minimum of nine years of education (six years of primary school and three years in secondary school) - Children start school at the age of six or seven - In both countries, there is a big examination at about the age of 17 (matriculation examination in Finland and Gaokao in China) - Depression is common among students - Both countries have scored high in PISA tests (although China only released Shanghai’s test scores, so it can be suspected that other provinces didn’t score as high)
Differences: - In primary school, Chinese children spend a significant amount of time studying Chinese. Mandarin Chinese consists of almost sixty thousand characters (although just about five thousand are used in day-to-day life) - Chinese universities don’t have entrance exams, the students admitted to higher educational institutions are chosen based on their Gaokao scores instead - Almost everyone who graduates from university in China finds a job in their field - The educational environment is very different; In China, children who want to succeed have to take courses outside of school and spend a significant amount of their free time on homework. Failing is not allowed.
Sources: http://www.everyculture.com/Bo-Co/China.html https://www.internations.org/china-expats/guide/17854-family-children-education/the-chinese-education-system-17856 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/22/china-education-exams-parents-rebel https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/nov/24/china-horrified-allegations-child-abuse-at-kindergarten
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Lots of folks that carry out gardening like the tip of eating or offering veggies as well as fruits expanded on their own. The very first approach normally starts in January as the gardening catalogs start to arrive in the mail. A property gardener is actually consigned to using a variety of plain palm resources for planting, planting as well as maintaining the story. Horticulture is done on a smaller sized scale, predominantly for satisfaction as well as to produce items for the landscaper's personal household or area. There are actually a number of unique gardening devices and also each is developed for a details task.
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omcik-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://omcik.com/energy-stocks-look-for-catalyst-out-of-doldrums-reuters/
Energy stocks look for catalyst out of doldrums | Reuters
By Chuck Mikolajczak | NEW YORK
NEW YORK Buoyant oil prices since Donald Trump’s election have provided no lasting halo effect for energy stocks as the sector’s profit rebound has lacked vigor, but that could change in the week ahead with a fresh crop of quarterly scorecards.
Helped by OPEC output cuts, oil prices are up roughly 20 percent since Trump’s victory, and U.S. crude CLc1 has held above $50 a barrel since mid-December. U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission positioning data shows hedge funds and other speculators hold near-record-high net long positions in U.S. crude futures and options.
But the S&P energy index .SPNY, one of the key drivers to the stock market rally in the early days following the Nov. 8 election, has not kept pace. It has slumped nearly 4 percent for the year.
“We are seeing a little bit of a difference of opinion between equity investors and commodity investors,” said David Lefkowitz, senior equity strategist at UBS Wealth Management Americas in New York.
“Equity investors seem a little bit more worried about the outlook for the commodity and the actual commodity investors themselves don’t seem to be reflecting that.”
Should those opinions converge and energy stocks rebound, stocks could see more pronounced moves than have been seen in recent weeks, with the S&P 500 .SPX unable to register a move of more than 1 percent in either direction since Dec. 7.
The relationship between the energy sector and U.S. crude has also tightened recently, with the 10-correlation at 0.61, its highest in three weeks.
Part of the underperformance in the sector looks to be attributable to a disappointment in quarterly results. Energy companies were expected to benefit from easy comparisons with last year, when the price of oil sank below $30 a barrel, but so far they’ve under-delivered against those expectations.
Thomson Reuters data through Friday morning shows energy sector earnings for the fourth quarter are on pace for a fractional decline. A month ago they were seen rising by nearly 5 percent.
Moreover, the group has so far posted a beat rate of only 58 percent, as measured by the number of companies in the sector posting better-than-expected results, well below the 68 percent rate for the S&P as a whole.
“Understand when you think about the energy patch in general, you have to separate out what the fully integrated guys were doing,” said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderlich Securities in New York.
“What drags the group down is when you lump in the majors, and they were spotty.”
That should put the focus on the next leg of earnings from energy companies next week, when names such as Marathon Oil (MRO.N), Devon Energy (DVN.N) and a host of smallcap companies in the group report results.
Devon is forecast to post a modest profit after a massive loss a year earlier, while Marathon is expected to cut its loss by nearly 90 percent, according to estimates compiled by Thomson Reuters StarMine. Both posted substantial upside earnings surprises in their previous reports for the third quarter, and shares of both have outperformed their peers since the election, with Devon up 8.3 percent and Marathon up 13.6 percent.
“Definitely we are going to need to see some proof in earnings to play catch-up here,” said Jeff Zipper, managing director at the U.S. Bank Private Client Reserve in Palm Beach, Florida.
“Now we are going to see some clarity from when these companies report, at least in the sector, to see some follow through here.”
(Reporting by Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Dan Burns and James Dalgleish)
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