#need to package up my blankets/pillows and also the entire mattress tomorrow morning
quicksilversquared · 9 months
I'm down to just the last-minute stuff needing to be packed and I am so glad that my mom said not to bother with my winter coat, she has a spare, because now I have just enough room in my luggage for stuff.
....thankfully there are multiple things that will not be making the return trip back (ornaments that are being given as gifts and leftover cranberry-nut bread from the staff party because almost no one had any because everyone brought desserts; my mom was super excited to hear that I'm going to be bringing it, though lol; also materials to knit/crochet several cat blankets that I will leave with my parents to give to their cat-fostering friend), because otherwise I would have concerns about having enough space for gifts.
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toevenexist · 6 years
Lights Pt. 13
HELLO HELLO HELLO. Here is chapter 13! so I think I’ll be closing this one up in a couple of chapters! And I’m also getting back to the Darkening! Sorry for my absence, I’m trying to get acclimatised to a new way of living right now, No longer a student and its fucking me over, so bear with me! 
I hope you like this, PLEASE REBLOG AND LET ME KNOW!
Here is a link to chapter 12 
Here is a link to my masterpost
Enjoy xxxx
“Addie’s coming to visit” Amelia said, dropping her phone onto her lap.
“Addison, really? Oh lovely” Mrs shepherd smiled genuinely, cupping her hand around Amelia’s knee and rubbing it.
“She’s mainly coming for a visit but she said she’d take a look at everything, just as a second pair of eyes” she said, looking up to Owen, finding his face tired and weathered.
“That’s great” Owen leant down and dropped a kiss against Amelia’s temple. She was sleepy, her limbs heavy against the soft hospital mattress.  They’d been set up in the hospital room for the whole day following Amelia’s appointment and all night. They were waiting on the OB’s rounds to see how things were looking.
Amelia lay on her side, a pillow between her knees, and one against her back, another under her bump. Owen had joked she’d taken the entire hospital’ supply. Wiring spread across the pillows, and across the mattress like roads on a map, from her bump, to the machines.
“She’ll be here tomorrow” Amelia uttered, reaching for Owens hand and pulling him to sit behind her on the bed. “Lie down with me O” she muttered, eyes flitting closed. Owen had slept in the chair beside her all night. Her mom had gone back to theirs, to feed and water Jilly, returning back in the morning.
Owen settled down behind Amelia and arranged himself around her, being careful to not dislodge any of the transducers from against her stomach. Mrs Shepherd watched in quiet awe, pleased to see her youngest daughter so well loved. She settled back in the chair and inhaled deeply, eyeing the monitor that indicated the contracting activity, steady and uneventful.
A nurse entered then, smiling sweetly, a bottle of something in her hand, a package in her other hand.
“Alright, I’ve spoken with your OB, she’ll be around in about twenty minutes to speak with you, but before then I’m to administer some progesterone, to hopefully stop your cervix from shortening.”
Mrs Shepherd shifted her chair away from the bed to give the nurse room to work.
“In the arm?” Amelia asked.
“We can do…” the nurse nodded. Pulling the syringe from the packet and inserting the needle into the bottle.  Owen dropped a kiss against Amelia’s scalp as he pulled up the sleeve of her hospital gown to expose her shoulder.
“Okay, Dr Shepherd, a sharp pinch, and then Owen with massage the spot, alright” the nurse nodded to Owen and he nodded sharply in reply.
“Okay” Amelia mumbled clenching her fist and closing her eyes, not wanting to see the needle.
She focused on the sensation of the babies, fidgeting and twisting inside her, and winced as it plunged into her arm. She gasped as it receded, breathing ’ow’ as a bandaid was placed over it and Owen’s hand began to massage the area.
“That’s great, all done, the doctor will be with you in a little while, just take it easy till then” The nurse said, discarding the needle into the sharps bin as she left.
“That was sore, you do the next one” Amelia said, closing her eyes again, trying to derive some relief from Owen’s massage. “I will” Owen said, kissing her again.
“I want to go home”
“I think soon, you haven’t had any contractions, I’m thinking it’ll just be shots and bedrest”
There was a knock at the door, and all three of them glanced that way, eyes landing on Meredith, Alex and Maggie. They entered tentatively, with cautious but warm smiles.
“Hey, oh hi Mrs Shepherd” Mrs shepherd stood and greeted Meredith with a hug.
“How are you? How’s everything, the babies are alright?” Maggie said, approaching the bed.
Owen sat up slightly, resting his head on his hand, leaning on his elbow. “Both babies are big and healthy, Amelia may be going on bed rest however”
“My cervix is non-existent” Amelia muttered, rolling her eyes, sighing.
“Amelia, it’s not quite that bad” Owen retorted. Mrs Shepherd rolled her eyes too, Alex chuckled. Maggie sank down beside Amelia’s bed and placed her hands on her bump, giving it a kiss.
“Oh hello there everyone, hi Amelia, sorry for my absence yesterday. I’ve looked over everything, you’ve had no contractions, only braxton hicks,  and having checked your cervix again and found no change, I’m happy to send you home on modified bedrest. Meaning, you mustn’t be on your feet for longer than five minutes and just where necessary, bed to couch, couch to toilet… and you get the jist. Stay off your feet, lying down as much as possible, bed or couch, as long as you’re resting. No exercise, no lifting, no sex…” She smirked at the last one, looking around at her captive audience.
Amelia chortled at that, “No problem” she said. Yawning, rubbing her face with her hands.
“Contact me if anything changes, and I want you back here in a week, and then weekly from now on” She said, smiling, pursing her lips.
“Okay, thank you” Owen said, sitting up properly to shake the doctors hand.
“Wheelchair out of here, and here, this basically just sums up everything I’ve just said in more detail” She said, handing Owen a pamphlet, eyeing Amelia as she pushed herself up to sitting, eager to get going.
“Slow down Shepherd” Alex chuckled, stopping Amelia’s movements. She groaned and tipped her head back.
“Do you need any help to unhook from the monitors?” the OB questioned, knowing the answer before her question reached its end. Amelia had already started to untangle the wires. Owen shook his head, smiling.
“Amelia lie back, i’ll get them” Maggie said, directing Amelia back down onto the bed.
“I’ll meet you out front with the car in ten?” Mrs Shepherd said, standing up, feeling somewhat useless.
She and Amelia locked eyes and Amelia nodded, “Thank you mom” she said, with a smile.
“There’s a change of clothes there in the bag, I wasn’t sure what you would want so… well, I put a few options.”
“Mom, I’m sure they’re fine, thank you for your help” Amelia grunted her breathing at the end of her sentence as Maggie and Owen sat her up to unstrap an elastic band that was wrapped around her. Her mom nodded and left.
“So your mom is here…?” Meredith queeried, eyebrows raised quizzically. Amelia twisted her lips, nodding, letting Meredith take off the blood pressure cuff. “Thats new, I bet she was shocked”
“Oh she was, you would have loved it”
“Alright, here…” Maggie said, pulling a striped top from the bag and a pair of maternity jeans,
“That’s fine, is there a jumper or something?”
Owen chortled, stepping forward, catching sight of one of his flannel shirts. He pulled it out. “That’ll do perfectly” Amelia smirked taking hold of it and piling it atop of the clothes.
“We’ll stop by in a few days, give Owen a break. I’m off on thursday?”
“I’m off on friday” Maggie said, brushing Amelia’s shoulder. Amelia nodded, moaning softly as she threw her legs over the side of the bed. She sighed “okay” and smiled at the pair, and their pitiful expressions.  “I’m okay” she told them.
“Yeah well I don’t envy you, but you’re doing great” Maggie said.
“Okay, couch or bed?” Owen asked, guiding Amelia across the lounge. Jilly had her head buried in her toy box, quickly pulling out a bundle of socks she’d been given, bringing it over to the couple, bounding around them excitedly.
“Couch, but with more pillows” Amelia said, leaning into his side, wrapping an arm around the underside of her bump. “They’re starting to feel so much heavier in my pelvis” Amelia said, closing her eyes and letting Owen lower her down onto the couch.  She turned and put her feet up, leaning back into her maternity pillow.
“They’re running out of room in there” Owen said, smoothing his hand across the expanse of her bump.
“I don’t understand how I’m tired”
“Do you really not?”
“Okay well yeah, I do… but you know”
Owen watched her sigh and close her eyes, breathing deeply. She moved her hands from her bump as Owen pulled up her shirt. He ran his fingertips across the surface and then smiled, pressing his hands firmly against her, feeling the strong, slow, turnings of their babies. Amelia’s eyes fluttered open and she took in her husband with lidded eyes. They smiled, and Owen laughed in disbelief and stooped to press a firm kiss to her bump.
“I love you” Amelia said, reaching and running a hand through his hair. He held his lips against her bump, squeezing his eyes shut, feeling them burn with tears. He turned his head side on and pressed his cheek against her, inhaling her smell. “I love you” Owen said sitting and and walking his hands either side of her, hovering above her, kissing her lips, warm and giving.
Amelia’s kisses were slow and lethargic. Owen kissed her hard once more, “Have a sleep, I’ll wake you for lunch” he said, punctuating with one more kiss before pulling back, taking in her pale taught bump. Amelia fell into a slumber during the process of pulling her shirt down, only managing a quarter of the way. Owen sat at the end of the couch, still taking her in, a soft smile resting on his face. Mrs Shepherd stepped into the room from the kitchen then, silently hovering at the door, catching sight of Owen gazing, with so much love, at her daughter.
She cleared her throat, her smile widening slightly when she met Owen’s eyes. She moved forward and picked up the blanket that rested over the back of the couch, passing it to Owen and watching as he covered Amelia with it. In her sleep Amelia sighed and pushed it down until it only covered her legs.
“Would you like a coffee Owen?” her mom uttered softly. Owens eyes drifted up to her, and he pressed his lips, nodding his head.
The air felt too thick to Amelia when she drifted back to consciousness. She felt too hot and the air was heavy with moisture. She opened her eyes, the windows were open, sunlight staining the curtains and lurching in through the gaps. A light, warm breeze flowed through the room and Amelia groaned, blinking slowly, unimpressed with its lacking of any cooling qualities. She inhaled as deep as she could and moved a hand down to her exposed bump, palms shushing against the surface. She could hear voices drifting in from the kitchen, or maybe the garden. One of the babies turned inside her and Amelia shifted her pelvis, trying to find a way of lying that would make their movement less uncomfortable.
She heard a dragging against the carpet beside the sofa and froze, “Jilly?” she said, her voice coming out husked. Jilly quickly shifted up to sitting and rested her head on the couch cushion, sniffing loudly, nudging her head forward, kissing her wet cold nose against Amelia’s arm.
“Hey bub, what are you doing in here with me? I’m just sleeping. Hmm” Amelia reached and scratched her head. Jilly’s eyes drooped at the sensation.
“I’m thirsty Jilly, where is your dad? Is he in the garden?” Amelia asked, knowing where he was from the sound of his voice.  She looked down at herself and whined as another breeze swept in, inviting her outside. She lay contemplating whether to go or not, knowing she wasn’t supposed to move unnecessarily.
Pushing herself up, she decided she’d rather be outside in the sun, in hopes that the air wouldn’t be so humid. She sat up for a moment, feeling the carpet under her feet. Jilly jumped up immediately and sat beside her, looking to her with expectant and wide eyes. One of the babies, the one with their head pointing down, kicked up, their head pressing against her bladder. Amelia hummed, squeezing her eyes closed, she soothed her hands across her stomach. Jilly huffed, settling down beside her, resting her head in the tight space between her bump and her thighs.
The movement of one baby sparked the movement of the other and Amelia sighed, dropping her head back, moving one hand along Jilly’s back, plucking up the strength to stand.
“Right, I need to pee first” Amelia spoke, shifting to the edge of the sofa and slowly, unsteadily, standing, tightly gripping the arm of the couch to support herself. Jilly jumped down and walked slowly by her side. Amelia smirked at her, she’d become so clingy, choosing to stay at Amelia’s side over almost anything, often even food, which was her favourite thing.
Jilly stayed with Amelia the whole time, lying down on the bath mat as she used the toilet, sitting against the fridge in the kitchen as Amelia poured herself a glass of water. She’d casually get up and wander slowly along side her as Amelia waddled. It was Jilly’s arrival out onto the patio that announced Amelia’s presence to Owen and her mom, Jilly’s claws clattering against the tiles.
 They both eyed her and stood, “Amelia, what are you doing? you’re meant to be sitting down”
“Well I can’t magic myself onto the toilet, plus its too hot, why is it so hot?” Amelia replied, moving to the sunlounger letting her mom take her glass from her so that Owen could help her sit and then lie down. “The AC’s stopped working”
“What, a… why?”
“No idea, I called and they’re sending someone out here tomorrow”
“Tomorrow!? Damn” Amelia exhaled lengthily, shifting onto her side.  Owen stood up and moved the umbrella over to cast shade on Amelia.
“Mom, I’m sorry you aren’t having a more enjoyable visit, you really don’t have to stay”
“Oh Amelia, stop that, I’ll book my flight for a couple of weeks, like I said I would, and… and I’ll book a hotel, so I’m not… up in your business so much” she smiled, chuckling.
Amelia shook her head, “Mom, you can… “ she met Owen’s eye’s for confirmation, and found it, “You can stay here with us, I mean, we could use the helping hand”
“I’ll stay tonight and then Addison can use the bed, she’s a more helpful hand than me with her expertise” she said finally, folding her arms.
Amelia twisted her lips, knowing, with some regret, that she would rather Addison be at her home than her mom.
“Okay” Amelia said, closing her eyes, attempting to find a comfortable position.
“Jilly is obsessed with you” Owen declared, pulling a chair up beside Amelia. The dog had settled down beside her too, eyes up and around, watching the birds and the trees.
“She knows” Mrs shepherd said, smiling. Amelia just groaned, fidgeting.
She turned onto her back and sat up, supported by her her arms behind her.
“O will you sit the back of the chair up a little more please?” she said, tilting her head back, taking a deep breath. “I’m too hot, and big” she complained, as Owen sat up the chair back. She leaned back, bringing her knees up so her thighs brushed against her bump.
 “I’ll get you some things to help” her mom declared, standing.
“Something to speed up the pregnancy, and lower the temperature would we great” Amelia quipped, humming in delight when Owen moved behind her and pulled all of her hair back, reaching for the hair tie on her wrist.
“You are doing amazing Amelia”
Amelia remained quiet, she bit her inner lip, and breathed in through her nose. Owen wrapped the hair tie around her hair, and frowned, spanning the chair and sitting down on the edge of the lounger. Amelia avoided his eyes, biting her lip harder. She swallowed, arched her back slightly. Owen could see that her eyes were pooling with tears and he cupped her knee. “Amelia...”
He squeezed her knee and said her name again. She met his eyes and smiled sadly. A lock of her hair lifted from her forehead in the wind and danced. “Owen, I feel like I can’t do this. I can, I know I…. I just, I’m scared and, I’m so uncomfortable” her voice became raspy with emotion as she spoke, a few tears falling slowly.
“You’re over half way through, you got this, just order me around, I am your humble servant”
“So am I sweety, here” Amelia’s mom approached, carrying arm loads of stuff. Owen pulled Amelia’s maternity pillow from Mrs Shepherds arms and helped Amelia sit forward, sliding it in behind her.
Mrs Shepherd dropped all of the things down onto the chair, pulling a navy cotton dress from the pile.
“Here… I thought you’d be cooler in this” she said, holding it up. Amelia eyed it and nodded, bun bobbing on her head. She sat forward and pulled her shirt up, and over her head. Her mom slipped the dress on, smoothing it down her daughters back.  
“Alright, stand and we’ll get your pants off” her mom said, standing up straight. Amelia chuckled, taking both of Owen’s hands, “I never imagined a team effort between my husband and my mom trying to get my pants off” she said, stepping out of her trousers. They both laughed, helping Amelia to get comfortable again.
“Alright?” Owen asked, smiling down at her, eyes wandering about her figure. Amelia just nodded, preoccupied with getting Jilly settled on the ground beside her, atop a blanket. Her mom moved around the the back of the sun lounger and better arranged the the pillows. Amelia finally looked up, meeting Owen’s eyes. She took in his loving smile and smiled back, asking him “What?”
He shook his head, smile tightening. “It’s nothing, it’s... you just look beautiful, I haven’t seen you in that dress before.”
Amelia chuckled bashfully, feeling her mom’s hands on her shoulders, rubbing in sunblock. “Maggie bought me it, and… thank you” she said, reaching for his hand to hold for a moment.
“Amelia…” Amelia roused slowly from sleep. She felt soft fingertips trace lines on her face, around her ear. “Amelia… come back to me” the voice was warm and familiar, circling her increasing consciousness, dancing around her. She felt those same fingertips drawing patterns on her stomach and she shivered.
Amelia smiled, eyes still closed. “Addie” Amelia whispered. Addison’s smile widened and she ran her open hand along Amelia’s side.  It was early, early for Amelia.
Owen had been called in to work just as Addison had arrived and let her in, quietly guiding her across the house with a beaming smile, ushering her into the bedroom where Amelia was still sleeping.
Addie took a nap beside her for a while, and read an article on her phone, before she decided her friend had slept long enough.
Addie watched as Amelia slowly gained awareness. She opened her eyes and found Addison lying right beside her.
“Hi” Amelia whispered, smiling, eyes glittering with the reflection of the morning sun.
“Hey, you look adorable”
Amelia grimaced, shaking her head with a chuckle. “Because it’s you, i’ll allow that”
“Allow what? You do!”
“Ugh” Amelia grinned, stretching haphazardly where she lie.
“You are also huge, are you sure they got the due date correct”
“I mean I think so, but I guess you can tell me. I need to pee but I don’t want to move”
Addison just continued to smile, taking Amelia in, lying her hand against the bump, finding very slow, strong nudges.
“How was the journey? Why are you so early? Wait…” she shifted, perching up on her elbow, reaching for her phone. “What is the time?”
“9.30, but I got here an hour ago, just as your boo was leaving” Amelia chuckled at that,
“My boo… To the hospital?”
“Yeah he said he’d be back this afternoon.”
Amelia’s smile lingered and she closed her eyes, inhaling deep and blowing it out through pouted lips. Addison swept Amelia’s hair from her face and spoke, “you have a lovely house, and dog and husband, it’s all so delightfully ordinary”
Amelia laughed and took hold of Addison's hand, clutching it against her side.
“Will you help me up? Please”
“Of course” She said, rolling off of the bed and coming to stand at Amelia’s side.
“I’m so glad you’re here, I’m starting to get so bored, I don’t know what to do now I’m not working, and I’m so tired and hot, and so damn immovable. I do is sleep and watch crap on the TV” Amelia spoke breathlessly, squeezing both of Addison’s hands as she stood up.
“I’ll do my very best to entertain” Addison said, walking slowly with her to the bathroom.
“My mom is here” Amelia said, pulling down her shorts and dropping onto the toilet. Addison sat down on the edge of the tub,
“Wow, how’s that going?” she chuckled, analysing Amelia’s bump.
“Fine, it’s actually okay, we talked about everything, and she’s been staying here helping out... But she’s going to a hotel today, so you can stay”
“You talked about everything?” Addison’s brows raised.
“Pretty much Addie, I mean I didn’t go into many details but she knows everything, she knows about my unicorn baby” Amelia said, finishing up and heaving herself up. Addison watched her move to the sink, waiting for any sign that she needed assistance.
Amelia took in her complexion and sighed, shaking her head, “Jeez I look like crap, I look like a whale, and I feel like a whale. I’m scared that my upper body is just gonna absorb my legs” Amelia moaned, walking slowly from the bathroom. Addison followed her, laughing at Amelia, bending and running her hand along Jilly’s back.
“Amelia, stop where you are and go to the couch, I’ll get whatever you’re going to get” Addison said, lunging to catch up with Amelia at the kitchen door, stopping her with her hands on Amelia’s shoulders.
Amelia dropped her head, sighing, “I forgot for a second, I’m sorry”
“Amelia, you don’t need to apologise, it’s okay, just come and sit down, is your mom still here?”
“Yes” her mom answered, stepping out into the room, smiling, greeting Addison with a hug.
“It’s lovely to see you dear” She said, running her palms along Addison’s forearms.
Amelia’s pained gasp interrupted them and they both turned to her, finding her sitting with her hands pressed against her sides, and her face contorted.
“Amelia is it another braxton hicks?” her mom asked, moving to her. Addison dropped to her knees in front of Amelia and pushed her hand under her T-shirt, palpating the surface. “Ow” Amelia jolted and Addison felt a baby move sharply.
“Was that me pushing causing the pain?”
“No, it …” Amelia cut herself off trying to stand,
“Amelia, no, you are on bedrest, and this is a prime example of a moment you need to be lying down.” Her mom scolded her, sitting her down.
“No I need to stand, I just, they... Mom, no…”
“Amelia, just lie down, I’ll check you?” Addison helped Mrs Shepherd to guide Amelia down, and she relented with a sigh, surrounded by the two of the bossiest women in her life.
“I’m so sick of getting told what to do all of the damn time, I get it okay! It’s a braxton hicks, and…” She puffed, closing her eyes as the two women fussed around her, “transverse baby is turning” she continued. Addison nodded slowly, listening as Amelia’ panted her words.
Addison sat down beside Amelia’s legs on the couch, uttering “okay,” soothing her hand against Amelia’s lower back.
“I’ll get you some water” her mom told her.
“It’s too hot in here, god I can’t Addie, this is too much, why is this all so hard? My last pregnancy...”
Addison rubbed her back harder, pressing her lips together and inhaling steadily through her nose. “Your last pregnancy was different, your body is facing different demands, plus…” She put her hand against Amelia stomach, eyes still fixed to Amelia’s, “You have two in here.”
Amelia held her breath, looking up to the ceiling, trying to gather herself. Addison watched, rubbing Amelia’s stomach and her back.
“We can wait for this contraction to pass and then head outside? I’ll get some ice water, I’ll do your hair and paint your toenails” she suggested, smirking.
“Will you shave my legs? I haven’t been able to reach” Amelia wept, meeting Addison’s eyes. Addison just smiled wider, feeling a little teary herself. “Of course I can Amelia, now breathe, and try to relax, and soften all the muscles that you can.”
Amelia nodded, pursing her lips, bottom lip rolling slightly as she inhaled and consciously tried to relax the tense muscles.  
Thank you for reading! 
Please please Reblog and let me know what you though xxxx
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