#needed to type this out so i don't start thinking about mc rp instead of chemistry
psyoniks · 5 months
Okay this has been eating at me while I've been studying. Is the Blade's and Magic academy a high-school, or a college setting?
Neil and Max were in the same year together, assuming Max is in the highest year if we're going by standard four year high-school, so they'd be around the same age. Neil seems a little older than maybe 17-18 imo, but maybe its just because he has a stable job or smth idk. Lasitc has a job too, but maybe its more situational than age-based in this universe. Iirc Rylan was too young to get a job to help out their grandmother, but Rachel was old enough.
So that means Neil is definitely older than Lastic then since Max and Neil were in the same year? This is pretty flimsy logic but I don't have a lot to worth with here. Actually, let me explain how I think classes work out of the way, since it's possible Lastic could be the same age instead of being younger by a large amount.
I actually don't think the classes are necessarily separated by age, like a traditional high-school. Since Rylan and Lastic share a class, unless Rachel is older than the both of them. Or maybe the Blades and Strikers just have shared classes and there wasn't enough for a separate class. It might be technically possible that someone in the same age is in a higher class based on skill level? This is where I'm questioning if the academy is more like a college, in the sense lots of different ages share classes rather than separated by age. Lastic scored the highest ever in the entrance test, I can't remember her exact number but she blew up the fountain. So if it was based off skill, she would still be a trainee, since her amount of magic doesn't equal skill. I don't actually know if its confirmed Blades and Strikers have magic, but I think it only really matters for the entrance exam.
All we know is Rylan is definitely the youngest and he honestly seems around 15-16 imo but this is just all speculation. As long as anyone passes the magic scaling test and has 100 coins, its possible that some younger students could enter if the academy was more of a college setting. I wish we got canon ages or a little more information/lore on the school/what the characters were taught, since I just find it the most interesting.
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
Hey :) what OC are you working on right now? What inspired them?
Oh, hello! This was so nice to see in my inbox. Hope you're doing well! :-D
What aren't I working on? Let's do something old and something new, because my brain is actually active of late.
1- Something Old
Kendis: I'm currently working on them re: a multiverse storyline that's been recurring in the RP I have her in, and there's a current event up.
What Inspired Kendis?: I honestly don't remember what inspires half my characters 1234ew. I DO recall, wanting - as most desires usually strike me - to make a sibling for my friend's character, Ben. And I definitely wanted that teenaged energy (og Kendis - as Kendis, and not my first incarnation of Ben's baby sister - was 18). A lot of what influenced Kendis was wanting to catch that 'drunk girl you meet in the bathroom and becomes your strongest advocate' energy.
I like to sometimes dip into canons I know, so I'd say some of Cordelia Chase influenced Kendis (in the blunt aspect, in the seemingly shallow/egotistical, in the 'wtf is the supernatural ... well, fuck I guess I'm going to help you fight after all, ugh', in the being a lot smarter than you might think, in the unexpected vulnerability), especially Cordelia vis a vis Buffy in Buffy's vulnerable moments (never over Cordy, for all that wish-verse existed, being the one continously to have Buffy's back when shit was rotten).
Buffy herself is a factor, especially for Kendis as I play them now. And Caroline Forbes. (All these white women qwerwawq lmao) But Cordy was the OG.
2 - Something New (RP Style)
Ori Zhou: I mostly finished his app. But I haven't played him yet. I've dipped him a little bit into the RP canon, woven his past life and abilities into the plot I am working on for Kendis, but I haven't written him written him yet. But he counts, because I'm going to send his app soon ... and because I love him so much already.
What Inspired Ori?: So many things. This is easier because I started his app like two weeks ago. So, okay. OG Autumn Grove had a group of teens to mid-twenties called GAS (Gender Agnostic Sisterhood) and AG 2.0 doesn't have many YouthsTM, so I was like OG GAS characters have either grown or moved away, but I miss them. So, let me try my hand at another youth (because I TOTALLY need more characters that I don't play because Kendis has been loud and obnoxious lately).
My friends wanted someone with a magical girl past life. And I really wanted to create a storyteller sort (think Henry from OUAT, think Scheherazade), so I'm going to work on smashing that. I'm really proud of his powers tho. I'm also trying to challenge myself to play a himbo. I haven't before, so in his current life, my baby is a himbo with self-worth issues. A lot of his vibes is inspired by the quote 'how am i going to be an optimist about this' and the song '100 Bad Days' by AJR. So many little things went into this beeb, but Ima stop here. His pb/fc is Chella Man because Chella is deathly too cute (and I need more trans mascs in my roster. Like wtf Nat. MOAR!!!!)
3 - Something New (IF Style)
Isidor "Izzy" Sero: I can't say I'm working on Iz so much rotating him (and my other Wayfarer MC) in my head like a pig on a spit and very, very occasionally poking him with a stick. Izzy is present in the background in my mind but he's not active. Still, he's here because my Wayfarer MCs, like my Speaker and Bloomic OCs, are OCs that I definitely want to do more with and be current on but I don't have that strong a spark on yet. So I work on them passively.
What Inspired Isidor?: MOSTLY my desire for a Sero kid but also him coming out to be the 'opposite of Peitho' (my other Wayfarer MC). Basically, sometimes when I play an IF and I have a vague desire for another MC, a concept will solidify from the Choices Not Chosen. And that is how Izzy came about. A lot of 'what if I had chosen this instead' created more of a tortoise than a hare type of character. He's very slow going to start, but when he starts he goes. I also like to play gender roles with certain IFs -- particularly with fantasy/supernatural sorts. So, though he's very strength based, he's - as mentioned - not the first to jump into the fray with fits flying. Though he may seem the quiet, "stoic" sort, when he does speak he's spoken directly to -- yet he is also highly fucking sentimental. And though that governs so much of his credo, bein a Sero kid he apprecites adaptiblity and resourcefulness. (Actually that's one of the things I like about Wayfarer, so much of the in game lore and character backgrounds help inspire and shape your OCs as you go along. So, where I'd be a little more set with an OC in another IF, here there's a lot more wiggle room).
Thank you for the ask @worldstogetlostin! Sorry for the tl;dr but you've given me stuff to ponder :-D
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RFA + minor trio... MC with anorexia? I'm sorry if this bothers you, you don't have to answer, I'm just going through a rough patch and it would help. Thank you.
***I am not bothered, although, I am very concerned about you anon, please make sure that you eat and if you are having trouble, there are many anonymous hotlines you can call for help. Take care of yourself please T_TAlso, reminder, it is always best to seek professional help, the RFA characters are just normal people at the ebd of the day though and I have to work with *their* personalities not necessarily what is best for you. They are not perfect, but they try really really hard. ~Let’s Connect! FFC***
Characterbreakdown: Good ending canon characters, Secret ending 02 Saeran, V from theoriginal routes with no operation, my version ofVanderwood as seen in my VanderwoodBackstory Fanfiction
His first indication that something was wrong was that you wouldn’t eat dinner with him
The one time you had eaten dinner with him, he’d questioned you time after time as to why you only picked at your food rather than truly eating. He’d noticed how you shrunk into yourself when he asked, but he wasn’t sure
As time went on, he saw how thin you were getting, the way you seemed to be so wispy and weak
Jumin immediately began researching all of your symptoms, at first coming to the conclusion you had cancer, thanks WebDoc, but upon actually confronting you, the truth came out
His face had a total change. “MC. You should have told me much sooner.”
He was somewhat business like, getting you the best of doctors and therapists, but whenever you were alone he was so gentle, offering you small portions of snacks that he even had made himself instead of calling for the cooks
Every step of the way, Jumin was there with a gentle or a tough love manner as needed, reminding you just how beautiful and loved you were, especially when healthy
With his own eating habits and sleeping schedule, it takes him a long time to notice that you were eating like a rabbit, very little and not nutritiously whatsoever, but what was he supposed to say that wouldn’t make him hypocritical?
He figured that you were just like he was, an irregular lifestyle that still kept you healthy, right up until he rolled over to pull you close and he felt just how thin you’d gotten
Seven recoiled from you, staring at you open mouthed for a while and you kept asking him what was wrong and what had gone wrong, but he played it off as everything was fine
The next morning, for some reason, Vanderwood was there cooking small snacks and marking them
Seven came up to you and pulled you into his arms, all pretense of joking gone as he told you that everything was okay, and you were both going to do better from here on out
He would tell you how amazing you looked with every pound you gained, making a nifty little scale that would count downwards the amount of pounds you needed to gain rather than showing a scale that went upwards so as to help your psyche handle it
You were both able to eat healthier, and the small meals with an actual schedule really helped Thanks to Vanderwood’s cooking.
She was constantly trying to offer you more food when you would just pick at your lunch at the cafe’
Jaehee, being the person she is, simply just let it be, thinking you must have just been one of those people who ate very little for lunch and more for breakfast and dinner
It became more concerning as you began to collapse during your shift from fatigue and general lack of energy
“MC, this is it. We’re going to see a doctor.” Not only was not being able to complete your shift inappropriate, but she was also really worried about her partner
Once it became apparent that you were anorexic and had become intensely underweight, cue momma Jaehee mode
It was almost like having your own personal assistant as she took charge of your needs and vetted the proper therapist/nutritionist for you
Even though it was an added expense: “It’s best to leave this to the professionals.”
She would reward you with Zen movie marathons when you made healthy choices, and who’s going to turn that down?
He notices almost immediately that you’re losing weight. Not that he’s constantly looking at you or anything
Zen continues to try to get you to be honest about why you were losing so much weight, but it wasn’t until he found the size 0 ‘Goal pants’ in your closet along with a number of women’s magazines all based on the ideal body type that he understood
Once he confronted you, you revealed that you felt inadequate next to him, even more so when people were criticizing your appearance online
Cue Zen taking cooking classes just so he could make you healthier meals, becoming your personal trainer to teach you how to properly work on your body, and praising you constantly, even more than he ever had before, my beautiful Babe~
This boy was making you food constantly for your dates, but you always seemed to not have much of an appetite, and it made him think you hated his cooking so he just tried harder!
It wasn’t long before he noticed the way his hoodie seemed to swallow you up when you’d wear it at his place, and…snuggling you seemed to not be as cozy anymore
As a vet medicine student, he confronted you and demanded you see a doctor because he was afraid you were ill. Your refusal and eventual breakdown that you were just anorexic made his violet eyes go wide
“But MC, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen…” His astonishment quickly turned to determination. “My precious girl won’t be allowed to suffer any longer!”
Along with his vet homework, Yoosung takes it upon himself to study how to help people with eating disorders and even goes to group meetings with you to make sure you’re comfortable and feel safe
Thanks to his loss of vision, he can’t see much of you to begin with, so he doesn’t notice the weight loss or really how little you eat until the two of you start to get physical with each other
It’s only all too apparent to him that you’re severely underweight, and he asks for Jumin’s help in getting you appointments with the best doctors in town
He knows all too well at this point that he can’t expect to heal your problems with love and pretty words, so he makes sure to enter a program for enablers as well so that he can be of most help to you
His insistence on checking your waist line all the time is somewhat unnerving at first, but you soon find it to be a comforting part of your relationship and sweet how he is checking on your progress
Expect many compliments once you’re at a healthy weight
It’s not like he was the proper weight when he got out of the hospital, but his wasn’t because of an eating disorder
He simply couldn’t understand why you would turn down food when he’d grown up being denied of food
Eventually, he couldn’t help but snap at you over it, causing a big mess of tears as you told him the truth
Saeran felt so horrible after the truth came out, wanting to lock himself up in his room for hurting you so badly, and he did there for a little while, which only made you eat less. It wasn’t until Seven came to check on you and found you passed out and impossible to wake that you were taken to the hospital
Your boyfriend just felt even worse now, but Seven was able to shake some sense into him that the reason it had gone so badly wasn’t because he had hurt you but was because you needed his support and him by your side, which helped to get him to break out of his own insecurity that you hated him for snapping at you
It was very touch and go, but the two of you learned to be more patient with each other through the entire ordeal
Your refusal to eat the portion he’d made for you was immediately met with irritation. “This is the right portion size for a woman of your age and height.”
He was smart enough to realize that once you mentioned eating less because ‘I’m so fat’, despite being quite small, that you had an eating disorder
Vanderwood started to make smaller meals more often during the day, tricking you at first into eating properly until you had a breakdown on the scale because you’d gained weight
After that, he simply disposed of the scale, convincing you that you had a problem and needed to see a doctor not long after
He worked tirelessly to make sure you were getting proper activity and meals, letting your doctor take care of the emotional aspects associated with your disorder
The way he saw it, you’d helped him through his problems, so to make you happy like you made him, he would do whatever it took
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