#blades and magic
psyoniks · 5 months
Okay this has been eating at me while I've been studying. Is the Blade's and Magic academy a high-school, or a college setting?
Neil and Max were in the same year together, assuming Max is in the highest year if we're going by standard four year high-school, so they'd be around the same age. Neil seems a little older than maybe 17-18 imo, but maybe its just because he has a stable job or smth idk. Lasitc has a job too, but maybe its more situational than age-based in this universe. Iirc Rylan was too young to get a job to help out their grandmother, but Rachel was old enough.
So that means Neil is definitely older than Lastic then since Max and Neil were in the same year? This is pretty flimsy logic but I don't have a lot to worth with here. Actually, let me explain how I think classes work out of the way, since it's possible Lastic could be the same age instead of being younger by a large amount.
I actually don't think the classes are necessarily separated by age, like a traditional high-school. Since Rylan and Lastic share a class, unless Rachel is older than the both of them. Or maybe the Blades and Strikers just have shared classes and there wasn't enough for a separate class. It might be technically possible that someone in the same age is in a higher class based on skill level? This is where I'm questioning if the academy is more like a college, in the sense lots of different ages share classes rather than separated by age. Lastic scored the highest ever in the entrance test, I can't remember her exact number but she blew up the fountain. So if it was based off skill, she would still be a trainee, since her amount of magic doesn't equal skill. I don't actually know if its confirmed Blades and Strikers have magic, but I think it only really matters for the entrance exam.
All we know is Rylan is definitely the youngest and he honestly seems around 15-16 imo but this is just all speculation. As long as anyone passes the magic scaling test and has 100 coins, its possible that some younger students could enter if the academy was more of a college setting. I wish we got canon ages or a little more information/lore on the school/what the characters were taught, since I just find it the most interesting.
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serelyly-hikari · 3 months
I know I’m late by like day…but I had to…I had to process things…at least a bit…
I had accepted I would never get this series back…any of them…and I was fine with it…
I had made peace with it…
And then this video gets recommended to me and suddenly I’m thrusted back and I’m here questioning if I’m dreaming.
No. I wasn’t.
And I’m so glad I wasn’t. That I am NOT.
MyStreet, Minecraft Diaries, and Blades and Magic (a MC roleplay uploaded by Dollastic) are the reason why I write today. My first fic…my very very first fic before I even knew what fanfiction WAS, was a “sequel” to Blades and Magic that mixed in elements of Diaries. Dude I’m obsessed with the supernatural because of these series.
Now? That first fic, I haven’t touched in…forever but I haven’t abandoned it. I have branched out to many other fics, from Blades and Magic to Sailor Moon to Pokemon etc, etc, etc. And I now have like a whole multiverse of interconnecting stories.
I am not sure if my stories will ever see the light of day but…at the very least creating them has brought me so much joy and…it has helped me a lot in my life.
I discovered my love for writing because of these three MC roleplays. And I’m thankful to their creators for sharing such wonderful stories. No matter their state right now, they inspired me and I still hold them dear to my heart.
With that said, I’m so fucking ready to follow Season 7 of MyStreet. Will I rewatch the entire series? Yes. Yes I will. And no one will stop me.
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Him ♥️
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uselessbiscuitsoul · 2 months
I have something I'm ashamed to admit
i was so obsessed with this guy as a kid that I used to keep these screenshots of him on my phone to randomly look at
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school-of-all-time · 1 year
School of All Time Qualifiers
Ban Ard from The Witcher
Magnostadt Academy from Magi
Blades Academy from Blades and Magic
Bronson Alcott High from Clueless
Moroboshi High from Megaranger
The top two schools will advance to the bracket rounds. The third place winner could possibly advance as well if it gets a large enough number of votes.
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webshood · 5 months
imagine being a villain magic user and you find the last remaining member of the All Caste, the guy who's borderline immortal and carries centuries of tradition and magical practices with him, you think this is your chance, you'll fight him fair and square, depending on the outcome you'll be able to beg him to teach you the ways of All or fight till death
you approach him, ready to fight, you expect a spells, you expect flamming swords, but what he does instead is break off a steal pipe, barehanded, and beat you with it
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the-nothing-maker · 2 months
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Holy blemishes
(Mel is my main D&D guy from @luposlipaphobya's campaign, Val Cardinal !)
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adorkastock · 2 months
AdorkaStock Through the Years
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justaz · 4 months
merlin (immortal) giving arthur (pendragon) the only blade that could kill him
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garfieldluvin · 5 months
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Finished it!!!!!
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psyoniks · 5 months
"who was your childhood crus-" this guy
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geekynerfherder · 9 days
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Rhonda Libbey.
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A=AFFECTIONATE(How affectionate are they?How do they show affection?)
Neal wouldn't be the most physically affectionate person but he'd definitely praise his partner and would be comfortable with affectionate from his partner if they're the affectionate type.
B=BEAUTY(What do they love most about their S/Os body?)
S/O's eyes, would be the type to just randomly stare into his partners eyes with 0 explanation no matter if they're the most boring eyes in existence or the most beautiful eyes to ever exist.
C=CUDDLING(How often would they cuddle with their S/O?How would they act when cuddling?)
He'd probably not initiate the cuddling very often unless he's feeling drained and clingy but he would cuddle anytime his S/O wants to as long as he's free.
When cuddling he would simply be silent, soaking up the moment and holding on tight to his partner. If his S/O falls asleep he'd avoid moving for as long as possible and if he has to go to work he would try so so hard to not wake them up.
D=DOMESTIC(Do they want to settle down?How good are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Neal secretly yearns to settle down in a small village and live a relatively mundane life, similar to how we see him living in the beginning of B&M.
#1 MALE WIFE!!!!!!! The BEST when it comes to cleaning and cooking(he might use a tad bit of magic for difficult tasks) He wouldnt enjoy having either him or his partner taking care of all the chores and would make sure everything is split evenly.
E=EMOTIONS(When upset how to they express their feelings?How do they deal with their S/O being upset?)
He'd be the type to bluntly state it if the problem is with his S/O and try to talk it out, if he's upset about something else he would try to avoid his S/O until he's cooled down in fear of blowing up at them which he'd be extremely empathetic if he does.
Overall he would try to fix the issue as quickly as possible for his S/O, if his S/O is the type to shutdown and bottle it up he'd make it clear that he's there for them, but with a S/O who blows up when upset he would give them time to cool down before having a conversation about expressing emotions better.
F=FIANCEE(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Hesitant about commitment, it'd take a good few years before he's completely ready to get married especially if we're talking pre-series or during the series it would be completely off the table until things are more stable.
G=GENTLE(How gentle are they both physically and emotionally?)
He's incredibly gentle with his partner and would rather die than hurt them in anyway, emotionally he's a bit tough on the outside but would be careful about his words when talking to his S/O.
H=HUMOUR(Do they like to make jokes? How often do they do it? What are their jokes like?)
Fsss dry humour/sarcasm rather then full out jokes, bro is THE sassiest man alive 24/7.
I=I LOVE YOUI(How fast do they say the L-word?)
Would end up saying it during a random moment of vulnerability like when cuddling or during a nice date, it'd be quite a while into the relationship but when he says it he means it with his full heart.
J=JEALOUSY(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He wouldnt be in a relationship where he feels unsecure and would be very hard to rile up, when actually jealous he'd get kinda pouty but he would also make his protectiveness clear verbally or not.
K=KISSES(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses would be soooooo soft and gentle but also a bit desperate(man's a lil touchstarved) Placement wise he'd be a palm and neck kisser cuz I said so, he'd enjoy face kisses in general so a forehead,cheek,nose, or a lip kiss would work.
L=LOVE LANGUAGE(Whats their love language?)
Acts of Service 100%, just helping with little things like cooking food or helping with absolutely anything his S/O asks for(he might complain about it but he loves helping his lover out)
M=MORNINGS(How are mornings spent with them?)
Wakes up way to early, some days he'll carefully escape the bed to go run errands and some days he'll just bask in the moment and just lay there as his S/O sleeps.
N=NIGHTS(How are nights spent with them?)
Seems like the type to read before bed and doesn't go to bed super early but also doesn't go to bed super late(the mysterious healthy sleeping schedule) Tries to make sure his partner also goes to sleep at a good time, will smother them if not 👍
O=OPEN(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes a longgg while for him to open up, if it's pre-series then he'd be EXTREMELY hesitant and he would avoid even being in a relationship during the series. After the series he'd open up a lot quick but would still be closed off
P=PDA(How open to PDA are they?)
He doesn't personally care for it but he definitely won't stop his partner from doing things like holding hands or quick smooches here and there, if someone is visibly flirting/checking his S/O out he'll most likely confront them head on but if his S/O doesn't want that he'll just be grossly touchy w/ them.
Q=QUIZZES(How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers every little detail they tell him even if it's a offhanded remark, if they mention their favorite flowers are roses or something he'll end up getting them roses for dates even if it was a extremely small mention.
R=REMEMBER(What is their favorite moment in the relationship?)
Sweet little moments when comfortably just being in the presence of eachother or moments that are more domestic like baking together are his quilty pleasure.
S=SECURITY(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Mf is a guard dog, would confront anyone who makes his partner uncomfortable and if someone tries to physically harm them you better believe hands are being thrown. He wouldnt exactly want to be protected in any way since hes the type to try to carry all the burdens but he'd secretly like his S/O being protective.
T=TRY(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He'd make sure to have regular scheduled dates often, anniversaries are planned out weeks in advanced and are always special, the most thoughtful gifts to ever be gifted, he'd do a bunch of little things for his S/O daily.
U=UGLY(What would some bad habits of theirs be?)
He hides secrets in order to protect the people around him but it usually ends up with then being more hurt than they would've originally been if he was just honest.
V=VANITY(How concerned are they with their looks?)
He likes looking put together but thats about it for him.
W=WHOLE(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He'd be wayyyyy to stubborn to admit it but after a breakup he'd be constantly thinking of his ex and how their doing but would never admit it to anyone and would act completely unaffected.
X=XTRA(A random headcanon for them)
Wants a cat, absolutely would become a cat dad with 29229921 cats of he had the option to.
Y=YUCKY(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Judgemental people/bullies is a big red flag for him due to his experience being a diviner.
Z=Zzz(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Has a death grip when sleeping and will cling to his partner obsessively. You need to get water? Good luck prying yourself outta his hold.
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uselessbiscuitsoul · 2 months
Random Blades and Magic fanart I made when I was 12
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I used to follow those ibispaint "how to paint the skin" "how to paint the hair" tutorials and trace bases I found on Pinterest and somehow got this
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kottkrig · 1 month
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This stubborn old hag isn't worth the trouble
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raiko-maneko3 · 3 months
So with this Miquella consort situation that is going on in Shadow of the Erdtree and my obsession with Dungeon Meshi I had to draw a Chimera Radahn-Mohg in the style of chimera Falin
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Also bonus :
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This would be an AU inspired by dungeon meshi where some demigods would team up for various reasons (ie. searching for their brother, stopping Miquella, ect) and the Tarnished and Melina would join them in their journey in the Realm of Shadow.
I tried to match each characters to the members of Laios’ party less by personality and more by role, though it’s mainly headcanon (Malenia-Shuro, Ranni-Marcille, Morgott-Izutsumi, Melina-Chilchuck, Tarnished-Laios) and I’ll surely change stuff in the future.
Feel free to give feedback or headcanons you think could fit ! :D
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