#needle’s commentary
needlewind · 2 years
You know I truly believe more cats would willingly become medicine cats if the no mate/kits rule wasn’t a thing.
Like, if someone told me I could live a life caring and healing the people around me while being able to avoid fighting and having to hunt and go out and face horrible dangers I would go running at the opportunity.
But if they added on that I could never act on a relationship or have a family?
I’m just going to say it, Mothflight’s decision to make that rule was selfish. I get that she struggled but those were due to her own awful circumstances and she had no right to demand others give up their rights to have love and families just because she couldn’t handle it herself.
I think everyone has already said this but I think this is truly the main reason why nearly every medicine cat is forced into the job (other then the Erin’s being ablest). Very few would willingly give up their ability to have love and a family for the sake of a job that really isn’t as respected as it should be.
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snackugaki · 2 years
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... y’all gonna look at my tags is2g
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royalreef · 2 months
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"Whatever do I have to do to find a single eldritch entity that is capable of respecting boundaries?"
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buckleydiazmp4 · 12 days
ariana grande on violin still does not beat pitbull though. carriage scene remains on top
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kavaeric · 2 years
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EMT and GP, from 2020. Gift art for Siphran and DocWolverine. Commentary below.
There's not much to honestly say about the motivation I had to draw these—I think it's readily apparent given what started in 2020.
I suppose in lieu of that one can do a bit of a reflection as to where things have gone since then, but if I'm honest, I don't think that'd be very productive either. We all kind of know the mess the world is in know. A prof told me that the pandemic didn't so much break society as it did simply sweep the layer of dust off the top that had accumulated over time to reveal that the cracks did run deep.
There is one thing that these two pieces reminded me about Tumblr, though: I used to have a mutual here, I can't remember her name, really, but I do remember we actually got along really well. I remember a couple years ago, not too long after the pandemic started, in the midst of the NSFW ban and the subsequent bot dark age, and I checked up on her for some reason—there she was, kind of talking anti-vax stuff.
I don't know her handle now so I don't know what she's like. But really I don't think I want to find out.
There's a weird bitterness to this place. I do want to shake it off.
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thornilee013 · 5 months
another needle au??
prev | Needle AU | WW 3.1.2024
Dan Wilds had never been a savior in Jean's eyes. She had, however, provided him with a lifeline—a way to escape and find others who could help him. He'd reached out to Renee and Kevin a few weeks later, when he'd come up short on the bills for that month and had been told to move out of his apartment.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 3 months
Responses to this post:
@chatcambrioleur said: she's INNOCENT, she blames usopp for starting it 😭 @gxdmade said: Usopp has done nothing wrong in his life ever.
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"Oh, of course, because you two aren't a couple of lying liars who sit on thrones of lies. And really, if you think Law's being creepy and chaotic now, just wait until he starts playing Leg Jenga. Or juggling gallbladders. He's gotten pretty good at that."
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gremlinwithakeyboard · 8 months
random rant about a post I saw earlier saying bee and wasp stings don't hurt
My only experience being stung by something was when I was like 7 and despite knowing that bees and wasps liked to live in bamboo tubes stuck my finger down there like the dumbass I was anyway. And let me tell you that shit really fucking hurt. I woke up in the middle of the night unable to sleep because of how much pain I was in. It was not just a couple hours and it's done type deal. So I hope it is at least somewhat understandable that when I have no idea what the hell stung me there I just really don't want to get stung like that again, so I don't really like wasps.
Idk I guess it's a similar thing to why it irks me when people say you shouldn't be so afraid of needles because they don't hurt. Some people get more pain from stuff than others and I happen to be in the camp who ends up in pain from stuff that normally wouldn't hurt someone. Also like with needles I get I shouldn't be afraid of them and need to work on not screaming and fleeing the area, but my only memories of both needles and stinging insects are of a whole lot of pain so please come up with a better reason than "they don't hurt that bad".
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
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"Why are you freaking out, Rashid? You deal with your own victims in very gory, bloody ways too."
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"Those fangs are like giant needles!!"
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knife-drawer-rp · 9 months
👉🏻👈🏻 "Flattered as I am, that's three versions of the same lady that wanna sleep with me. I'm sensing a pattern," It's cuz you're blonde and cute, buddy!
Not complaining, just an observation! Each is scarier than the one he knows though! But they all seem to be a similar, good person so :)
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needlewind · 1 year
Saw you were taking writing requests. I have a request for a Tawnypelt x Feathertail one. Maybe an AU where Tawny stays in Riverclan or just them meeting up after hours
They shouldn’t be out here, that’s a fact. The clouds drifting along the sky only serve as an unnecessary warning to the information Tawnypelt is all too aware of: this is a horrendous idea.
If it were just her, she’d never have dreamed of sneaking out of camp to go play like some kit in the river. Despite her role in the Sundrown mission, Leopardstar and by extension Riverclan had yet to trust her. According to them, Tawnypelt was a so-called ‘clan-hopper.’ Earning her clan’s trust now would be harder then ever before.
She has Feathertail to lean onto when the judgement gets too much though; the only cat left she can truly rely on. Were it not for her, Tawnypelt thinks she would have made do in Shadowclan, even with all the untrusting glances and never-ending feelings of not belonging. Here, with Feathertail, Tawnypelt doesn’t have to worry about any of that. Feathertail has always made sure she feels included, has always looked and treated her like she’s just as worthy as any other cat.
Which is why Tawnypelt is out here despite her better judgement. Feathertail had insisted they go out to the river alone tonight, to loosen up and spend some time together like they had back on the journey. It can only be described as mousebrained but... she’s never truly been able to say no to Feathertail.
She hears the river before she sees it, rushing and roaring past. There’s the subtle chirping of crickets and the small splashes of fish jumping out of the water. Part of her still prickles with anxiety at the thought of going in, ingrained in her from moons of being warned away. Thunderclan cats were made burly and with heavy coats, perfect for blending into the woods and fighting, but nothing more than a sinking stone in the water.
Feathertail is built similarly though, with broad shoulders and a soft silver pelt that Tawnypelt has buried herself in a number of times. Despite this, the molly shows no hesitation, racing off to the river as soon as she sees it. Water launches upwards as she jumps in, reaching up to splash Tawnypelt across the face. “Sorry!” Feathertail calls as she resurfaces, but the laugh in her mew suggests she isn’t very sorry at all.
Whiskers twitching in amusement, Tawnypelt finds herself relaxing in the face of her mate’s joy. She supposes it’s alright if she let’s loose for once, it’s not as if anyone will find out. And really, can her reputation get any worse than it already is? Feathertail is the only one she truly has left and if goofing off makes her happy then by Starclan Tawnypelt will gladly toss all caution to the wind.
Sneaking up close to the edge of the river she turns to the side, keeping eye contact with Feathertail as she carefully dips her tail into the river and then whips it up, sending a wave of water crashing over the silver molly. Sputtering, Feathertail resurfaces wet but pleased. “Don’t think I’m going to let you get away with that!”
And the game begins.
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chromedomeshome · 1 year
I know i did NOT just read Duracell Dukes with my own two optics. I know i promised Rewind to give up mnemosurgery but i think this qualifies as an emergency. I don't need those words banging around in my brainpan.
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jainenkept · 1 year
iggy: i think your abilities sound quite useful.
morrigan: oh? you're simply full of surprises, little man, aren't you?
iggy: :)
morrigan: :)
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royalreef · 9 days
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Don't ask how she doesn't know how to cook or prepare any kind of food of any definition, but knows immediately how to kill, bisect, and clean a crab in under a minute. You won't like the answer.
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pinene · 2 years
they are giving people the mpox vax in the forearm? oh hell no ..
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
haven’t even started sewing anything yet but i am cursing so much at this machine
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