#needless to say lovely piece op 10/10 as always
reuska · 5 years
What tag comments mean to me
Posts have been made, talking about how people on tumblr stopped reblogging and that it suffocates smaller artists. I’ve noticed that trend too, less and less people willing to reblog, hitting only the like button. I can understand that though. If you see way too many things you like but don’t want to spam your followers with everything, that’s perfectly understandable. I myself had to unfollow few people who frequently went overboard with reblogs (and inconsistent ones too) because it made my dash a mess and I often missed the content I really wanted to see.
This is not what I want to talk about today, though. It’s about the comments in tags. If 15-30% of notes are reblogs, approximately 50% of those are tagged and of those 50% 10-20% people spare the time to add a comment. Of this small number, vast majority is somehow possitive (in my case at least).
I breathe for these comments. You have no idea how important they are. Yes, every like is nice. But we live in an era when Like is the lowest tier of one’s attention. It takes little to no effort, it’s often used to say “I’ve seen this and I’m not displeased”. It is a positive feedback, it works well with personal text rants (such as this) but as a motivator, encouragement for an actual picture/fiction... it doesn’t work. When I need a push to keep going with my art, looking at one Like doesn’t help me much. (There are exceptions of course, like someone who discovers a new artist, goes through their whole art tag and likes 5+ pieces, that is a clear message.) It’s too anonymous, I have no idea what message it holds.
Reblogs are better. Why? Because there is more than just one click behind that. Even though you say nothing, hitting the reblog button means that you like the particular post enough to want to save it for easier access or show it to your followers - or both. Reblog helps both to spread the content, which is so very appreciated, and it is a form of feedback that has a motivating and encouraging value. If one Like is like one cent, Reblog is one dollar.
Now to the comments in tags. As you can see, just typing some stuff under the reblog is way more time consuming than just clicking on buttons. Sacrificing the few seconds to express your opinion of the piece you just liked enough to reblog, it matters so much to the artist. I ALWAYS check EVERY reblog I get for ANY of my pictures. Even if it’s that rare occassion where I get 60+ reblogs overnight, I do carefully go through all of them. If one of them has “I love this!” or “Great job OP!” under it, it’s worth million likes to me. (Needless to say that actually adding a positive reaction in the reblog itself is even more amazing ♥).
I’ve developed a habbit of screenshotting every one such comment on my phone to have an easy access to them. And I keep looking at them over and over the next few days because of the flood of motivation it brings. Just recently five such screenshots (four tag comments and one lovely, wholesome reblog comment) saved me from starting to hate a picture of mine because of a discouraging comment I got. That’s priceless to me. These five people who gave me few seconds of their life saved me from a small breakdown. (After 10 months of a serious art block my artist’s confidence is crawling underground.)
I’m not saying this to be ungrateful about likes. This is addressed to the few among you who are willing to make positive reblog/tag comments under someone’s creation - to assure you that this small extra effort of yours can have much more impact than you realize. Please stay awesome, stay supportive, artists need you, thank you for everything ♥♥♥
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otome-reviews · 6 years
SLBP: “Falling for You, Always and Forever” Event Mitsuhide+Saizo+Kojuro Review [SPOILERS]
Hello, friends! Do you feel like you don’t have enough stress in your lives? Want to add a crap ton more? Well then... these event routes will definitely do the job!
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“I could make my little lady into quite the fine little ninja, you know.” ​
This is how Saizo’s route begins: ...after pulling back for a moment, [Saizo] plunges into me even more deeply. “I’ll give you something even better.” ...Anyways. Interesting moments between Saizo and MC aside, the meat of this route focuses on revenge: Akane, a lady ninja in town/maid-in-disguise, is hell bent on finding - and killing - the man who murdered her first love. Hint: it’s Saizo. He doesn’t really take her threats all too seriously, until MC gets pulled in (“I wonder if you would still be able to look at me this way if I killed MC?”). Shaken, he breaks up with MC, harshly (“The world you and I live in will never be the same. Just deal with it and move on”). And then offers himself up to Akane on a platter, in exchange for MC’s and Yukimura’s safety. Needless to say, Akane and her merry band of ninjas are all too happy to oblige...
Have I mentioned just how stressful some of these event routes are, yet?! This route...yikes. There’s a ton of blood. The blood is Saizo’s. And then there’s this: “...Thanks...little...lady...” The smile turns gentle, one last time, that smile that was just for us. So...yeah. In any case, this was definitely my favorite of the three or four Saizo ES’s I’ve come across thus far. The plot and tension are great. Saizo and MC share some awesome moments together. Akane’s a strong and interesting character (although ninja poofing is OP and SLPB needs to nerf it). And finally, for once, Saizo’s angst makes some amount of sense, and he comes across as broken yet lovable. TL;DR this route is good!
Personal enjoyment: 8/10. minus points for blood 😂
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“I know you told me that you are in love with someone else, but if he is that someone else, I will die before I see you with him.”
Next up, we have Kojuro. His route’s a little different from everyone else’s in that instead of him being the one who pulls away from MC, it’s the other way around. The reason? While protecting MC from a post-battle ambush, Kojuro isn’t able to stop Masamune from getting shot (non-fatally) by a sniper. He’s wracked with angsty guilt, and MC, in a misguided attempt to prevent future similar incidents, decides the best course of action... is to break up with him. She makes up all sorts of grievances about his living habits, and even claims that she’s in love with someone else. But Kojuro doesn’t buy any of it (“I cannot part from you when you are not yourself”). Heartbroken but resolute, he, Masamune, and Shigezane head off to a battle, which they win with some clever strategizing and misdirection. In the meanwhile, Kojuro saves MC from generic brown-haired villain #3234, and they reunite (“MC...will you be my precious girl again?”).
So Kojuro was flawlessly amazing, as he usually is, in this route. And I enjoyed all the lovely second leads (hi Shigezane). But I had a lot of trouble following MC’s rationale - for starters, I’m not sure why that final battle suddenly changed MC’s mind about being with Kojuro? In any case, I’m generally not too fond of routes that feature that brown haired guy who always turns out to be evil. It’s such a spoiler, haha.
Personal enjoyment: 5/10.
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“From today, I give half of my life to Lord Nobunaga...and half of my life to you.”
Last but not least... MITSUHIDE. Oh my GOD. Guy really reveals just how little sense of self preservation he has in this route. Long story short, the Oda clan is being attacked in two locations. To buy time for Nobunaga to defeat one side, Mitsuhide volunteers to defend the other location with his retainers for as long as possible, stalling for time. It’s a suicide mission: they all plan to commit seppuku before the enemy storms the castle to deny the enemy the glory...
IMHO, the plot was decent enough. But the writing and the little details were really elevated things! Some highlights:
The slap heard round the world. Followed by MC really letting M have it.
Mitsuhide’s side piece Nobunaga really letting him have it (“MOVE! Where in all the HELLS are you, you witless coward?! You still refuse to face me, Mitsuhide?”)
M’s seppuku sleepwear </3
The loyalty of his retainers
That moment when the last bullet is fired, and they’re out of ammo
By the way. In terms of stress levels, this one’s off the charts. But it’s definitely worth it!
Personal enjoyment: 9/10
38 notes · View notes
gothify1 · 5 years
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Did you catch this post last time ? If so, feel free to skip below for this month's batch of Instagram-induced shopping inspiration. If not, you can still do that, but here’s the rundown: I love utilizing the "save to collections" feature on Instagram to flag anything from funny memes I want to show someone later to interestingly composed photos I might try for myself to fashion pieces I love and, naturally, want to buy . So much so, in fact, that I decided to start reaching out to my fellow Who What Wear editors every month to find out what they’ve been eyeing too. Needless to say, they deliver every time. From bags (both statement-making and simple) to summer-ready dresses to tops that are truly worthy of their photo ops, just keep scrolling to see the fashion items we currently have saved to our Instagram collections, and shop them along the way. "Not only do I need this top in my life, but we all do." "The above street style shot coupled with my firm belief that metallic accessories go with everything is really putting my desire to buy this bag over the edge." "This impossibly pretty pearl piece looks like it will stack so well with all the usual suspects in my all-gold necklace rotation." "The lime green color trend is over when I say it's over." "The blue is out of stock (sadly), but I'd take this little It bag in any color and carry it daily this summer." "Full disclosure: I just bought this in tiger's eye, but I'd like one of each." "I first learned about Strathberry because of Meghan Markle, but I think the brand definitely has staying power beyond its royal association. This sleek, new bag, in particular, is calling my name." "Gwyneth Paltrow's G. Label just launched swimwear, and I've got my eyes on this chic one-piece with a unique T-strap back. Good thing I slather on SPF 50 or else I would be worried about awkward tan lines." "My mind is currently on pretty, breezy, floral-print dresses just in time for summer. This romantic Dôen frock is high on my wish list." "It's officially time for a new swimsuit! I'm swooning over this charming floral-print one-piece. I love the square neckline." "I know a lot of people own these Orseund Iris tops, but once I saw this stunning IG of this velvet-trimmed one, I knew I had to have it."  "I think Joy styled this dress backward, which makes me love her even more. She's one of our UK editors, and I have always admired her style. I also am a huge fan of this summery yet polished Wandler handbag." "There are so many great designers coming out of Los Angles, and Altaire is one that recently caught my eye. Its bags look way more expensive than they are, which is always a good thing in my book." "This month, it's all about bags for me. Sant is another newcomer that's about to blow up the retail scene. My favorite pick is this caramel Japanese-inspired number." Up next: 10 outfits that really make me want to wear some color .
0 notes
ynnejwu · 6 years
Beijing during Spring Festival, is it a Yay or Nay? 
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Visited Beijing some time in February, not a good time of visit as it was during Chinese New Year, so just imagine the crowd! lol!
Needless to say that the most attractive seasons to visit are also the most crowded. But regardless of the time of the year, a visitor will always be rewarded with charming scenery throughout the country.
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The name Beijing means Northern Capital, and is intended to distinguish the town from Nanjing, the Southern Capital. The city has over 3000 years old history. It’s a fascinating city with some of the most famous landmarks of the Chinese history. And would you believe that it has 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites!?
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Though Beijing is a hustling and bustling capital city, it’s packed full of things to do and there are plenty of sites to see for a week long visit.
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Heading to China? Here’s my 10 best things to do in Beijing and top attractions that you should not miss on your visit!
1. Visit the Iconic site: The Great Wall of China
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The views were spectacular and you could see how the Wall snaked it’s way through the mountains.
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The Great Wall is the most famous site in China, and it is one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the World.
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About 21,196 km long wall surrounding Beijing. 
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A series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe.
Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BC; The majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (14th-17th century).
Beijing is a perfect base to visit the Great Wall of China.
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There are different sections of the wall which you can visit.
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The Badaling section, the most visited site of the Great Wall. I advise you not to go there especially during Chinese New Year or any other Chinese Holiday as it is really crowded. On our visit during CNY, not a good timing though but lucky enough that we chose to visit Mutianyu, a section of the Great Wall located 70 km northeast of central Beijing.
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The Mutianyu section is connected with Jiankou in the west and Lianhuachi in the east. As one of the best-preserved parts of the Great Wall, the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall used to serve as the northern barrier defending the capital and the imperial tombs.
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The Great Wall of China is indeed an awe inspiring human achievement.
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What an extraordinary experience to have visited one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the Medieval World.
Watch the video here:
2. Wander around Tiananmen Square
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Start your Beijing sightseeing on the Tiananmen Square, as this is the center of the city.
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It is one of the largest squares in the World being 500 meters wide and 880 meters long. The square, initially built in 1651, but was enlarged four times its original size during the leadership of Chairman Mao.
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Standing in the center of Tiananmen Square, looking around, you get a real feeling of where you are. Soldiers march through, flags fly high and tourists are snapping pictures everywhere. And on the square, visitors can see the Monument to the People’s Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong.
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The Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao Zedong is located on the giant concrete square. His body is embalmed and laid out for public viewing. Entrance is free but there is a strict dress code and photos are not allowed. An eerie experience though but definitely worthwhile.
3. Explore the Forbidden City
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Just across the Tiananmen Square is the famed Forbidden City, home of the Emperor between 1420 and 1912. A UNESCO World Heritage Site today.
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Chairman Mao’s large photo greets everyone at the entrance of the Forbidden City. Here you can see beautiful, well-decorated palaces of the Emperor and his household
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The palace is a fascinating place to visit.
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It has 980 buildings and you could spend days exploring the grounds of the walled-off city admiring the colorful temples and the various deities dotted throughout the complex.
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Would you want to miss IG-worthy snaps of every corner?
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Ooops! I ain’t gonna miss any spot! lol! So let my photos do the talking :p
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Without visiting The Forbidden City, you’d definitely missed one of the most important parts of China.
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A stunning maze of temples and shrines.
 An absolute must see and a beautiful reminder of days gone by! 
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Surely you’ll be impressed by the size and grandeur of the complex. Though it is very crowded regardless of the season, it is very huge that even a day is not enough to explore. Uh-oh! Go get some comfy shoes!
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It’s a long walk through that reminds one of greatness and defeat all in one place, beautifully preserved. 
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Indeed you cannot go to Beijing and not go to the Forbidden City. 4. Be in awe at the Temple of Heaven
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It is built in one of the famous dynasties and it is truly a treasure.
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Another UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, and it is described as a masterpiece of landscape design and architecture.
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Be in awe of its beautifully decorated temple complex, which is indeed one of the most magnificent places to visit in Beijing.
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Truly a stunning piece of history. 
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It’s worthwhile to take a moment to read about the actual detailed history of what occurred at the sites for the history buffs as it is unlike many other sites one would study across the globe.
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Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid crowds in Beijing, so just go with the flow. You are in China and this is the part of it.
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Do not hesitate to visit this place just because it’s too crowded, mind you! The scenery and landmarks are really beautiful.
5. Ride a Trishaw and Explore the Hutongs
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If you are wondering what to do in Beijing after a day of sightseeing, check out the Hutong area, where you will be able to see how some Chinese people live in Beijing.
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The tour on a trishaw took us into the narrow alleys providing glimpses of life and reminiscent of another era. Here the locals live in small, garage like rooms, where they usually have a shower, but no toilet. Tenants of the hutongs use the public toilets on the street.
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The old houses, old streets, with not so much crowd of tourist brings a different vibe. Some people allow visitors inside their house to see and feel that ancient atmosphere. And in our case, we’re able to get in plus we we’re taught how to make dumplings! Yay!
Watch Video here:
6. Don’t miss the Summer Palace
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A vast ensemble of lakes, gardens and palaces.
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One of the best things to see in Beijing is the Summer Palace that dates back to 1153. Three-quarters of the area is covered with water. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, and it was declared “a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design.
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The natural landscape of hills and open water is combined with artificial features such as pavilions, halls, palaces, temples, and bridges to form a harmonious ensemble of outstanding aesthetic value.
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The first thing that struck me as soon as I entered the Summer Palace grounds was the massive lake that greets you at the entrance. The lake itself is huge – it’s hard to believe it was dug by hand.
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What a lovely place indeed! A masterpiece of romantic renditions of Chinese legendary history. All the gates are attractive and the lake itself provides a charming setting.
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The Summer Palace was the getaway and escape for the Emperor whenever it gets too hot in the Forbidden City during the summer. And Just like the Forbidden City, this place is massive and involves a lot of walking.
It’s hard to take solo pictures though, because there’s always a constant stream of people so be prepared to have almost all your pictures photobombed by random locals and other tourist. Any tourist site in China is always crowded, but as soon as you can get your head around the fact that any tourist site in China is going to be mind-bendingly busy, you can really appreciate the beauty of the Summer Palace.
7. Never leave Beijing without eating the Peking Duck
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The Peking Duck is the most famous specialty of Beijing, and it has been prepared since the imperial era. The dish is served with small pancakes, veggies and hoisin sauce. It is a tasty dish and a must try when you visit Beijing.
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The chef serves thinly sliced duck and crispy skin at the guests’ table. I actually don’t eat duck in Singapore or even back in my country PH, but when we visited Beijing, hmm., let’s give Peking Duck a try!
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Darn! I didn’t expect it to be that good! Seriously! There was no smell, the skin was so crunchy with its fats, Urgggh! melts in the mouth! :p
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Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant is one of the best restaurants serving Beijing Roast Duck. It has a history of nearly 150 years, and today there are many chain restaurants of it around the city.
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Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant, really a must eat here —> Peking Duck!
8. Qianmen Street: Get a feel of shopping in ancient architectural buildings
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Qianmen Street has history of more than 570 years.  It is composed of buildings whose styles resemble the late Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911).
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A modern shopping in ancient architectural buildings and streets. 
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The layout is simple, there’s a main street with branches on both left and right. One side is full of small shops and the other side is food shops.
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The ideal trip here is to plan Forbidden City in the morning (about 2-3 hours), then do a photo-op across the road in Tienanmen Square, then continue walking south (keeping Forbidden City behind you) and you’ll reach Qianmen subway station. Cross the road to pass the arch and you are in Qianmen street.
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Here’s a short vid of Forbidden City down to Qianmen street:
9. Stroll around the Famous Egg Building: National Centre for Performing Arts
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Set in the middle of a lake, one enters the complex from an underground entrance, underneath the water, to emerge into the theaters. It can be regarded as the opera house of the city. It contains several concert halls and theaters within.
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It’s more than a Theater. Perhaps many tourist would have given this venue a miss. Its logical when the other bigger known places in the vicinity would have taken up all their sightseeing times. But If you are into exploring awesome architecture then you will love this place. Truly an astounding architectural wonder.
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10. Visit Olympic Park
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Beijing hosted the Summer Olympics in 2008, and it is going to host the Winter Olympics in 2022. It is the only city that will host both the Winter and the Summer Olympics in the history.
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The Olympic Park is on the outskirts of Beijing with many futuristic buildings and modern stadiums. The Beijing National Stadium was constructed for the game. It is also called as the birds nest, and it can host 91,000 people.
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Beijing is a great city that has a lot to offer to its visitors. You will surely enjoy this diverse and fun city, whether you come for cultural exposure, history, or shopping. Make sure to spend more than just a few days in the Chinese capital to be able to visit all the famous sites above to get a proper Beijing experience.
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Let me know about your Beijing trip.
Drop some love below. ❤
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Heading to China? Here’s my 10 best things to do in Beijing and top attractions that you should not miss on your visit! Beijing during Spring Festival, is it a Yay or Nay? Visited Beijing some time in February, not a good time of visit as it was during Chinese New Year, so just imagine the crowd!
0 notes
ynnejwu · 6 years
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Beijing during Spring Festival, is it a Yay or Nay? 
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Visited Beijing some time in February, not a good time of visit as it was during Chinese New Year, so just imagine the crowd! lol!
Needless to say that the most attractive seasons to visit are also the most crowded. But regardless of the time of the year, a visitor will always be rewarded with charming scenery throughout the country.
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The name Beijing means Northern Capital, and is intended to distinguish the town from Nanjing, the Southern Capital. The city has over 3000 years old history. It’s a fascinating city with some of the most famous landmarks of the Chinese history. And would you believe that it has 7 UNESCO World Heritage Sites!?
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Though Beijing is a hustling and bustling capital city, it’s packed full of things to do and there are plenty of sites to see for a week long visit.
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Heading to China? Here’s my 10 best things to do in Beijing and top attractions that you should not miss on your visit!
1. Visit the Iconic site: The Great Wall of China
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The views were spectacular and you could see how the Wall snaked it’s way through the mountains.
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The Great Wall is the most famous site in China, and it is one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the World.
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About 21,196 km long wall surrounding Beijing.
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A series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against the raids and invasions of the various nomadic groups of the Eurasian Steppe.
Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BC; The majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (14th-17th century).
Beijing is a perfect base to visit the Great Wall of China.
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There are different sections of the wall which you can visit.
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The Badaling section, the most visited site of the Great Wall. I advise you not to go there especially during Chinese New Year or any other Chinese Holiday as it is really crowded. On our visit during CNY, not a good timing though but lucky enough that we chose to visit Mutianyu, a section of the Great Wall located 70 km northeast of central Beijing.
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The Mutianyu section is connected with Jiankou in the west and Lianhuachi in the east. As one of the best-preserved parts of the Great Wall, the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall used to serve as the northern barrier defending the capital and the imperial tombs.
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The Great Wall of China is indeed an awe inspiring human achievement.
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What an extraordinary experience to have visited one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the Medieval World. 
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2. Wander around Tiananmen Square
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Start your Beijing sightseeing on the Tiananmen Square, as this is the center of the city.
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It is one of the largest squares in the World being 500 meters wide and 880 meters long. The square, initially built in 1651, but was enlarged four times its original size during the leadership of Chairman Mao.
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Standing in the center of Tiananmen Square, looking around, you get a real feeling of where you are. Soldiers march through, flags fly high and tourists are snapping pictures everywhere. And on the square, visitors can see the Monument to the People’s Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong.
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The Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao Zedong is located on the giant concrete square. His body is embalmed and laid out for public viewing. Entrance is free but there is a strict dress code and photos are not allowed. An eerie experience though but definitely worthwhile.
3. Explore the Forbidden City
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Just across the Tiananmen Square is the famed Forbidden City, home of the Emperor between 1420 and 1912. A UNESCO World Heritage Site today.
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Chairman Mao’s large photo greets everyone at the entrance of the Forbidden City. Here you can see beautiful, well-decorated palaces of the Emperor and his household.
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The palace is a fascinating place to visit.
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It has 980 buildings and you could spend days exploring the grounds of the walled-off city admiring the colorful temples and the various deities dotted throughout the complex.
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Would you want to miss IG-worthy snaps of every corner? 
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Ooops! I ain’t gonna miss any spot! lol! So let my photos do the talking :p
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Without visiting The Forbidden City, you’d definitely missed one of the most important parts of China.
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A stunning maze of temples and shrines.
 An absolute must see and a beautiful reminder of days gone by! 
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Surely you’ll be impressed by the size and grandeur of the complex. Though it is very crowded regardless of the season, it is very huge that even a day is not enough to explore. Uh-oh! Go get some comfy shoes!
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It’s a long walk through that reminds one of greatness and defeat all in one place, beautifully preserved. 
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Indeed you cannot go to Beijing and not go to the Forbidden City.
4. Be in awe at the Temple of Heaven
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It is built in one of the famous dynasties and it is truly a treasure.
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Another UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, and it is described as a masterpiece of landscape design and architecture.
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Be in awe of its beautifully decorated temple complex, which is indeed one of the most magnificent places to visit in Beijing.
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Truly a stunning piece of history. 
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It’s worthwhile to take a moment to read about the actual detailed history of what occurred at the sites for the history buffs as it is unlike many other sites one would study across the globe.
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Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid crowds in Beijing, so just go with the flow. You are in China and this is the part of it.
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Do not hesitate to visit this place just because it’s too crowded, mind you! The scenery and landmarks are really beautiful.
5. Ride a Trishaw and Explore the Hutongs
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If you are wondering what to do in Beijing after a day of sightseeing, check out the Hutong area, where you will be able to see how some Chinese people live in Beijing.
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The tour on a trishaw took us into the narrow alleys providing glimpses of life and reminiscent of another era. Here the locals live in small, garage like rooms, where they usually have a shower, but no toilet. Tenants of the hutongs use the public toilets on the street.
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The old houses, old streets, with not so much crowd of tourist brings a different vibe. Some people allow visitors inside their house to see and feel that ancient atmosphere. And in our case, we’re able to get in plus we we’re taught how to make dumplings! Yay!
Watch Video here:
6. Don’t miss the Summer Palace
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A vast ensemble of lakes, gardens and palaces.
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One of the best things to see in Beijing is the Summer Palace that dates back to 1153. Three-quarters of the area is covered with water. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998, and it was declared “a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design.
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The natural landscape of hills and open water is combined with artificial features such as pavilions, halls, palaces, temples, and bridges to form a harmonious ensemble of outstanding aesthetic value.
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The first thing that struck me as soon as I entered the Summer Palace grounds was the massive lake that greets you at the entrance. The lake itself is huge – it’s hard to believe it was dug by hand.
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What a lovely place indeed! A masterpiece of romantic renditions of Chinese legendary history. All the gates are attractive and the lake itself provides a charming setting.
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The Summer Palace was the getaway and escape for the Emperor whenever it gets too hot in the Forbidden City during the summer. And Just like the Forbidden City, this place is massive and involves a lot of walking.
It’s hard to take solo pictures though, because there’s always a constant stream of people so be prepared to have almost all your pictures photobombed by random locals and other tourist. Any tourist site in China is always crowded, but as soon as you can get your head around the fact that any tourist site in China is going to be mind-bendingly busy, you can really appreciate the beauty of the Summer Palace.
7. Never leave Beijing without eating the Peking Duck
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The Peking Duck is the most famous specialty of Beijing, and it has been prepared since the imperial era. The dish is served with small pancakes, veggies and hoisin sauce. It is a tasty dish and a must try when you visit Beijing.
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The chef serves thinly sliced duck and crispy skin at the guests’ table. I actually don’t eat duck in Singapore or even back in my country PH, but when we visited Beijing, hmm., let’s give Peking Duck a try!
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Darn! I didn’t expect it to be that good! Seriously! There was no smell, the skin was so crunchy with its fats, Urgggh! melts in the mouth! :p
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Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant is one of the best restaurants serving Beijing Roast Duck. It has a history of nearly 150 years, and today there are many chain restaurants of it around the city.
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Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant, really a must eat here —> Peking Duck!
8. Qianmen Street – Get a feel of shopping in ancient architectural buildings
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Qianmen Street has history of more than 570 years.  It is composed of buildings whose styles resemble the late Qing Dynasty (1644 – 1911).
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A modern shopping in ancient architectural buildings and streets. 
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The layout is simple, there’s a main street with branches on both left and right. One side is full of small shops and the other side is food shops.
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The ideal trip here is to plan Forbidden City in the morning (about 2-3 hours), then do a photo-op across the road in Tienanmen Square, then continue walking south (keeping Forbidden City behind you) and you’ll reach Qianmen subway station. Cross the road to pass the arch and you are in Qianmen street.
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Here’s a short vid of Forbidden City down to Qianmen street: 
9. Stroll around the Famous Egg Building in China: National Centre for Performing Arts
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Set in the middle of a lake, one enters the complex from an underground entrance, underneath the water, to emerge into the theaters. It can be regarded as the opera house of the city. It contains several concert halls and theaters within.
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It’s more than a Theater. Perhaps many tourist would have given this venue a miss. Its logical when the other bigger known places in the vicinity would have taken up all their sightseeing times. But If you are into exploring awesome architecture then you will love this place. Truly an astounding architectural wonder.
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10. Visit Olympic Park
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Beijing hosted the Summer Olympics in 2008, and it is going to host the Winter Olympics in 2022. It is the only city that will host both the Winter and the Summer Olympics in the history.
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The Olympic Park is on the outskirts of Beijing with many futuristic buildings and modern stadiums. The Beijing National Stadium was constructed for the game. It is also called as the birds nest, and it can host 91,000 people.
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Beijing is a great city that has a lot to offer to its visitors. You will surely enjoy this diverse and fun city, whether you come for cultural exposure, history, or shopping. Make sure to spend more than just a few days in the Chinese capital to be able to visit all the famous sites above to get a proper Beijing experience.
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Let me know about your Beijing trip.
Drop some love below. ❤
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  Heading to China? Here's my 10 best things to do in Beijing and top attractions that you should not miss on your visit! Beijing during Spring Festival, is it a Yay or Nay? Visited Beijing some time in February, not a good time of visit as it was during Chinese New Year, so just imagine the crowd!
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