#needless to say this took a lot of back and forth comparing photos in my drawing program and then adjusting and then comparing again
narsh-poptarts · 9 months
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The Hex
woodcut of my MoTW character !!!!! really happy with how this came out ^^
some struggling process under the cut
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EDIT: had to revamp this whole thing, hopefully it shows up now
169 notes · View notes
syms-things-5 · 4 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Sixteen
Previous Chapter Here
Warnings: Language, scenes that are NSFW, angst, slightly annoying people
Tags: @kelbabyblue​ @jennmurawski13​
Notes: I am so sorry for being rubbish in posting this. I started writing it weeks ago and then work took over my life. Thanks for sticking with me and I hope this was worth the wait (somewhat).
Chapter Sixteen
“So, what do you want to do now?” Audrey asked, hands firmly planted on the Diner table in front of her. She had the same careful posture and look on her face as when she had to relay bad news to a family. It certainly wasn’t providing much comfort now. 
She tilted her head to one side and offered a soft smile to try and assuage Sarah’s anxiety but it was no use. This kind of information wasn’t deserving of a casual reaction. She’d pretty much dropped a bomb on her friend and she was expected to deal with the fall out. To Audrey’s credit, though, she appeared to be taking it in her stride which was a bit surprising to say the least. 
“Honestly? I have no idea.” Sarah shook her head despondently before her forehead connected with the table. 
Three Days Earlier… 
The convenient thing about being a nurse and working long and tiring hours, Sarah found, was that you almost always had the perfect excuse for getting out of plans. Or not replying to messages you were deliberately avoiding. “Sorry I didn’t reply earlier, I lost track of time” quickly becomes an acceptable code for “Sorry I didn’t reply earlier, I didn’t have a clue what to say.” 
No one would ever dare call you out on it. 
It had been almost a week since Sarah had arrived home and the questions from her family had yet to subside. For someone quiet and relatively lacking in a desire for attention, people sure did have a vested interest in her whereabouts. They wanted to know about the exam and when she was likely to hear the outcome. They wanted to know what would happen next and whether she could appeal it if she didn’t like the results. They wanted to know whether she would try again or if she was just happy doing what she was doing now, and please can you call your grandmother because she wants to hear about it, too. 
She was exhausted. 
But dealing with those messages was an absolute dream compared to messages Chris was sending her. She could copy and paste generic responses to all of the above but with Chris? That was going to take some more thought. 
Chris: You’re so pretty. I miss your face so much x 
Chris: …..And so many other things x 
Chris: It’s not the same waking up without you x Chris: Do you remember me waking you up last week………? 
Chris: Did you pick up my sunglasses?? I cant find them anywhere…….. 
Chris: Just found them! Duh! 
Chris: Have you seen the Last Week Tonight? I think you’d love this one……. X 
Chris: I’m thinking of getting a dog x 
Chris: Can you just tell me ur OK so I can stop worrying?
After coming home late one evening following a long shift, she found herself face-to-face with the most beautiful array of flowers she had ever seen. Sunflowers, glorious white roses, gerberas, tulips, peonies… Truly, indescribably beautiful. 
“Someone sure is popular.” Shanna called from where she was sat at the dining table. “They got delivered earlier today. I don’t mean to be a bad feminist but you should probably think about putting out for Greg ‘cos if you don’t, you can let him know that I am definitely up for it.” 
Sarah side-eyed her friend and tried to locate the card in amongst the substantial spray. “I can’t remember the last time someone bought me flowers that wasn’t my Dad.” Shanna barked out a laugh as Sarah pulled the card out, recognising the handwriting instantly. 
I really miss you x
Now she felt bad for her lazy response to him earlier that afternoon. The second-hand embarrassment was creeping up on her after she tried to casually allay his concerns with an “All good!! x” and regretted the double exclamation marks. That was bound to give the game away. 
She regarded the flowers standing proudly on ceremony and waiting for her to smile at them in utter joy so they knew they had done their job. They deserved that at least, but all she could manage was a sigh and a somewhat reluctant smile at their glowing beauty. 
“I mean there’s certainly no denying he likes you a lot.” Shanna crept up behind her and narrowly missed Sarah scrunching up the card in her hands. “You don’t buy flowers like this without making your intentions clear.” 
“Who says he has intentions?” Sarah playfully jostled with Shanna. “This isn’t Downton Abbey.” 
“Oh, come on!” Shanna regaled in disbelief, running her fingers over the large, open sunflowers. “You can’t fool me, Bernette. These are statement flowers if ever I saw them. He wants you baaaad.” 
She walked back into the kitchen and Sarah could hear her locate and clang the only two vases they owned in the apartment. Neither of them had much need for vases and even if they did, one thing that made them good flatmates was their mutual distaste for needless crockery lying around the place. Neither appreciated dusting as a chore; it was much easier this way. 
“Fuck. I’ll have to ask Mom to bring one over.” Shanna said. “We’re gonna need more to cope with that.” 
As expected, Chris was pretty proud of himself. She couldn’t deny him that as he saw the flowers blossom in and around her apartment. He had popped by under the premise of annoying his sister for the evening but flirtatious glances across the lounge gave away his true intentions. 
“You should be flattered, I don’t normally do flowers.” He joked when he sidled up next to her in the kitchen, tossing an apple back and forth between his hands. 
“You don’t “normally” do anything.” 
“Not true. I once sent a girl a peace lily that came in that nice, tall glass vase. That big blue thing.” 
“Wasn’t that just to replace the one you smashed at her mom’s place when you were trying to sneak out?” 
Chris froze on the spot, staring at her. “I actually can’t remember now, was it? Scott ordered it for me.” 
Sarah rolled her eyes before continuing to tidy around him, Chris evidently deciding not to make her job any easier by moving out of her way. It was the equivalent of him lazily lifting his feet off the floor while she tried to vacuum underneath. 
“Seriously, though, did you like them?” 
“They’re lovely, thank you." Sarah moved to the other side of the kitchen as she continued to dry and place back some wine glasses in the cupboard. “You really didn’t need to do that. It was kinda hard to explain them away.” 
“What did you say?” He rubbed at the back of his neck, turning serious for a second. 
“I didn’t really say anything. She just assumed they were from Greg.” She leaned against the counter across the room from him. He could make out the worry in her eyes. “Which makes me feel like I’ve lied to her twice.” 
It was hard to sleep that night. Chris had somehow got her to agree to meeting him the next day so they could talk some more but she refrained from agreeing to meet him at his place after work. She knew how that was likely to end and she couldn’t face being with him in that way right now so he had finally relented and agreed to a simple coffee at lunch instead. He was less than pleased when he left and Shanna spent half an hour complaining through the bathroom door about his “issues” as Sarah was trying to clean up before heading to bed. 
“He’s always been an entitled asshole.” She started before ending with a one-two punch of “He’s not happy unless he’s in control” and “I wish for once he would experience being told ‘no’” She wasn’t wrong but she also didn’t need to hear just how right she was in this moment either. 
A couple of things happened in relatively quick succession. 
The coffee was every bit as awkward as she knew it would be, only not exactly for the reasons she had anticipated. It was times like this she relished Chris’s ability to have it all figured out and to be able to express himself clearly and succinctly, but she should have known better. As a result, Sarah was left more anxious and unsure of what it was she was feeling. Guilt she figured, not just for the knowledge that she was lying to her best friend but also for leaving the man sat in front of her looking like he had not slept properly in days. 
He cleared his throat and shifted to sit up straighter in his seat. They were sat in the corner of the diner, as always, and barring a couple of people having a relatively animated conversation a few booths away from them – relatives of patients, she figured – it was pretty quiet for this time of the day. 
“So, time to be honest but there was a reason I sent those flowers.” He had the look of someone who had just been told off by a teacher. “I sort of thought you might have seen something but I guess it went away. I think Matt dealt with it OK.” 
Sarah put her cup down and looked at him quizzically. “What do you mean?”
“OK, don’t get mad but there may have been a photograph.” He barely looked up as he spoke. “Of us at the hotel.” 
Her eyes widened at him and she was about to panic out loud until she realised where she was. “A photograph?” 
“Well, technically a photo of me and an ‘unidentified female companion’.” He deadpanned making air quotes like it was nothing before finally making eye contact with her. He frowned but she knew it wasn’t directed at her. He looked down at the table again and then back at her when he realised she hadn’t said anything. “Don’t worry. It’s sorted. I explained things. I just figured someone might have put it on social media or something but I guess I owe him one this time, which he’ll love no doubt.” 
“Oh.” She knew it was a pathetic response. “What do you mean you explained things?” 
“It looks like a fan spotted me and took a picture at the right time. For them, obviously, not for me. Or us. A magazine picked it up. You actually look a little blurry so technically it could be anyone.” 
“Unless you know me. It’ll probably be really obvious then.” 
“Well now you don’t need to worry because it’s gone away. We’ll call it one of our nine lives.” He sipped his coffee again, slowly regaining his confidence now that he knew she wasn’t mad with him. She began rubbing her temple, a predictable move for when she was feeling stressed out and he realised he’d crossed a line. “Sorry.” 
“Maybe I should seek a career in espionage. Clearly I can hide in plain sight.” She finally spoke and he smiled softly at her in a way that would unnerve her under certain circumstances but for obvious reasons wasn’t having that same effect right in this moment. 
“Trust me, OK? I know how these things play out and people forget quickly. I’ve done this hundreds of times.” He was about to sip his coffee again until he was met with a sterner look from across the table. “That was supposed to sound reassuring but I, er, misjudged it.” 
“Does Matt know about me?” 
A few seconds of silence passed between them, Chris looking slightly to his left before making eye contact with her and pursing his lips, giving her the answer. 
He leaned in and spoke as quietly as he could manage. “But he won’t say anything. He’s a good guy and he looks out for me.” \
“Yeh, I know.” She nodded. “Just doesn’t feel great at the moment.” 
“You know I would love it if you talked to me about this.” He lowered his head so much he was now practically touching the table with his chin. “I feel like ever since we got back from New York things have been really weird and normally I would think I was overthinking things but I don’t think I am, am I?” 
She turned her cup a few times before she felt his hand connect with hers. She saw how small she looked in his and when she looked back up at him, she was met with his doe-eyed expression. The expression which all you could do was smile back, which she did, and she was glad she did because he seemed to lose some weight from his shoulders at that point. His fingers lightly rubbed across hers and she enjoyed the warmth spreading across her skin and up her forearms. 
“I’m sorry,” She spoke after a minute. “I didn’t mean to cause you any stress.” 
Surprised by her apology, he leaned back in his chair. “You don’t need to apologise to me, Bernette. I get it. It’s strange.” 
“I guess I just didn’t know where things would go after, y’know, everything. I wasn’t sure what to say.” 
“Well, I know where I want things to go but something tells me we’re not on the same page.” 
More silence. 
“Look, I get it, OK? Nothing about this is straight-forward.” He rubbed a hand over his beard and over the back of his hair. “But we’re doing OK, right? I mean, I don’t think this needs to end any time soon. We don’t need to make any rash decisions just yet.” 
“But how do you see this ending?” 
She missed his hands when he pulled them back and let them rest on the table in front of him. “Umm…” 
“Because truthfully, I figured it would have ended as soon as it started. You might have got bored or maybe you got a job and you left for months and we’d just…forget about it.” She shrugged back at him. 
“Forget?” He tried to mask the disbelief creeping into his tone. “I don’t think either of us could forget about this.” 
“But you think about our lives and how different we are and even if we take the family out of the equation, like, it was always going to be tough, right? We would have to figure these things out eventually. It would be naïve to think we could carry on as we have done without feeling guilty and…” 
“I don’t feel guilty. Do you feel guilty?” 
“Well, yeh. From time to time. It’s not so bad when we’re at yours because it feels like it’s out of sight, out of mind, and-” 
“-then we’ll just have to stay at mine more.” He raised his eyebrow at her in an attempt to bring some playfulness back to their conversation. 
“That’s not what I’m getting at.” She shook her head at him. Now it was her time to pull back as her head connected with the headrest. “This isn’t gonna last forever, is it? We need to be more rational.” 
“And it’s only going to get harder and feel more…stressful.” 
Chris narrowed his eyes at her. “Why now?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, where is this coming from?” he asked. “We seemed to be OK and I thought we had a good time in New York. Then it’s days of near silence and now I think you’re trying to end this but you don’t have the guts to say it out loud.” 
He had her there. She didn’t feel particularly offended or caught off guard by his assumption and he saw that because, truthfully, he’d finally put a name to her thoughts. He wasn’t giving her a way out as such but he was at least addressing the elephant she had planted between them. 
He looked away from her and took in a sharp breath. “Look, I don’t want to have this conversation here, OK? I think we should have taken up my idea and spoken about this later at mine and in private. Will you please just come and see me later?” 
He didn’t give her the softer, more pleading tone she was normally used to when he was trying to make an appeal to her. She wasn’t expecting it given the circumstances but…it would have been nice. How was she going to get through the next few hours of work if she had this struggle to look forward to? 
“Because if you’re gonna dump me, I’d rather have a whiskey in me than whatever crap this is.” He flicked his cup away from him on the table and smoothed his hand over his beard again, still not making eye contact. “I’m gonna go. Just text me when you’re on the way, yeh?” 
So that was that, then.
She could have cried, it felt so good. 
She didn’t intend to let things get as far as they did. She was trying to figure out what to say to him. She spent a good portion of time standing outside his front door building up just enough nerve to knock. When she saw him, in a slightly-too-tight sweater, sweatpants hanging loose on his hips, eyes glossy from the alcohol she suspected he had started drinking as soon as he had arrived home, she couldn’t help herself. 
He looked gorgeous. He looked warm and comforting and soft and hot and…all the things that had become so familiar to her now. And when he held his hand out to pull her in, she willingly went to him. 
One thing that struck her as he was entering her over and over again was how tightly he held on to her. After she had finally managed to catch her breath from the onslaught of kisses and touches all over her body. His hands held hers firmly above her head as they fell onto his bed. God knows how they managed to make it that far. 
He hadn’t let her up for air as soon as his lips connected with hers. He pulled her inside his apartment and pushed her towards his bedroom. She knew the layout of his home like the back of her hand, knowing exactly when they passed his kitchen as he dragged her jacket from her shoulders and left it by the table. She felt the curtains in his hallway brush passed her hair and the breeze from the skylight in his bathroom reach the base of her spine, his hands having pushed up her t-shirt and exposed her skin to the brief chill. His arms wrapped around her and held her like he was scared she was going to fall away from his grasp. She can’t remember connecting with anything else after that point; she was focussed solely on the way he was loving her. \
Clumsily, he used to his leg to kick the bedroom open so she wouldn’t bang into it and he got her flat on the bed with minimal effort. He carefully removed clothes until she felt his hot skin smother hers and she realised she made the right decision in just going with it. There was a sweet hint of whiskey to his breath but she didn’t much care. As he looked into her eyes, resting deep inside her, she didn’t much care for anything. This was the power he held over her.
She could tell he was thinking of something to say. Something he had probably practiced in the few hours since they last saw each other but now was coming up short. She instinctively placed her hand gently over his mouth, an acknowledgement of sorts, and asked him to move again, slower this time as he made sure she could feel all of him moving inside her. 
She was on the edge of her orgasm for a long time. His breathing grew laboured, his hot breath fanning over her face and surrounding her before, without warning, he shifted them both in one fluid move so she was lying on top of him. 
“Ride me,” he whispered, a softness belying his request, and she complied.
She gripped at his upper arms so they would hold her weight as she moved purposefully on top of him. It was bliss. She couldn’t look away from him as he struggled to keep his eyes open, taking in everything she was giving him. They had experienced a few moments like this, moments that felt so tender if it wasn’t for the way his hands were gripping her hips to keep her going. 
After they had both come together, she collapsed down over him, her head resting over the top of his chest, him still inside her. She felt sure she had accidently bumped his chin but couldn’t quite manage the energy to vocalise an apology. He wrapped his arms securely around her to hold her in place when he thought she would try and move away from him. They’d slept like this in New York and he had decided he liked it more than the alternative. 
“If that’s the last time we do this, at least we went out on a high.” he sighed. 
“True.” She replied, equally as breathless.
He turned his head to look down at her, stroking a hand over her hair and the side of her face. “It doesn’t feel fair, though. Life’s gonna be a little bit shitter without you to look forward to.” 
“We’ll still see each other. We’ll find a way to make it work.” She shifted her legs from off his before turning slightly to take the rest of her body away from his and he reluctantly let her go. 
“Do you think we can?” He asked as he stared up at the ceiling. He already knew the answer in his mind but he wanted to hear her try and convince him. 
“We have to.” 
“That’s not what I asked.” 
She sighed heavily and rubbed a hand across her forehead, letting it rest it in her hair. “She’s my best friend. You guys are my family. We have to at least try.” 
Chris turned to look at her just in time to see a tear form in her eyes. She gently blinked and sniffed it away not realising he had already seen. 
“You’re gonna be a hard act to follow, Bernette.”
“So you slept with him again?” Audrey worried. 
Sarah nodded carefully, holding one hand in the other. “I know, I know…but when I saw him I just couldn’t help it. I couldn’t pull away from him, it’s like he-” 
“Oh honey, listen, I get it. Completely.” Audrey’s eyes widened and she had to stop herself laughing. “I can imagine he’s been very supportive to you with everything that’s been going on but I think when all is said and done, maybe you both needed this?” 
“I wish it was that simple, Audrey. It’s not just the two of us that needs to consider things. Y’know, Shan actually apologised to me, saying she’d been a bad friend and that she would try to be more supportive from now on and…it hit me. It just knocked me for six that I’ve betrayed her completely and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know how to go back.” 
“It’s obvious this isn’t just sex. I mean, he drove to see you in New York and fucking…” She waved her hand around at nothing in particular. “…fucking tested you on fucking blood diseases and ECGs. Michael doesn’t even do that and I fucking married that guy! Come on, Sarah. If this was just sex, it wouldn’t be an issue, would it? You’d be able to close the book and move on. End of story. The only reason this is causing you strife is because you have feelings for each other. And very serious ones at that I might add.” 
“Ah well, that’s easy. You don’t go back. You don’t just forget the last few months. What’s done is done now and maybe there’s a better way out of this.”
“Oh Sarah, I love you but you really are friggin’ naïve sometimes.” Audrey pointedly rolled her eyes for the tenth time since they sat down. It wasn’t something Sarah was appreciating right now, this feeling that she was continuously missing the damn point. 
If this was Oprah, the audience would be clapping and whooping loudly right now and Audrey would do her finger-snap that she reserved for drunken arguments in bars with ladies that pushed in line for the toilets. Instead, she took a sip from her sparkling water and raised an eyebrow at her, content in her response. Your move, she was saying. 
Sarah rubbed her eyes and painfully pulled at the skin on her eyelids. “I should have told you about this sooner. I’m sorry, Audrey. I’m sorry I’m landing this on your now.” 
“Well, while we’re being honest, I guess I should tell you that I kind of already knew.” 
Sarah looked at her incredulously. Audrey didn’t bat an eye and just sat looking back at her. 
“How long? When did you…?” 
“It’s not every day a movie star wanders into the reception of a crumbling ER department.” She said, matter-of-factly. “Plus, I saw you both outside the diner. Aaand I’m guessing the accident you had recently was because of him as well?” 
Sarah awkwardly bit at her bottom lip. She didn’t need to confirm anything; Audrey knew full well. She was astute as hell and while it didn’t feel like it right in this moment, Sarah was quietly relieved. 
“What do I do, Audrey?” 
She sipped her water again. “If you insist on being serious about this, you can’t let yourself be in a room with him alone. You know that much, hun. The rest is day by day. Maybe he’ll make it easy on you.” 
She nodded in understanding. Audrey took that at face value, giving her a sympathetic smile in return while mentally making a bet with herself about how well things would turn out. 
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florencefallons · 4 years
Life and Stuff
August 10, 2020. The the first day of the most insane month of my life. Of course it would happen in 2020. I hope you’ll forgive me for using this platform as a means to get the thoughts jumbled around in my head out into a more organized form. I rarely ever even use this platform anymore. When I do, it’s to reblog pictures of Carol Burnett or Barbara Stanwyck. The occasional Emma Thompson photo. Never to sit down and spill out everything on my mind into what, very likely, will become a novella on its own.
I’m not a prolific speaker. I trip over my words. I say “um,” and “uh” a lot. My brain is moving at twice the speed of my mouth and my poor mouth can’t keep up. Therefore when I have things on my mind, like I do today, I can’t just talk about them. A) Who would I talk about it to? and B) Even if I had a place to talk about these thoughts, it would come out all jumbled up and I’d end up sounding totally ridiculous and having said nothing I wanted to actually say.
When it comes to expression, writing is where I’ve always excelled. Excelled is a strong word, but when you compare it to other forms of self expression, it’s the only form I am able to use proficiently. I don’t have a vlog or a youtube channel. I don’t have a blog that reaches people. I have no voice. No influence in this world. But I have this platform and it allows for posts like this, and for once, I’m going to use it.
As I said, August 10, 2020 was the first day of the most insane month of my life. More has happened to me in this one month span than has happened to me at any other time in my life...and you’re hearing from a person who was injured on the job and has had a fractured spine and 13 surgeries. I’ve been through some stuff. Nothing with the intensity and frequency this month has thrown it at me though. This month has resulted in seven major events that have deeply impacted my life in some way. Nobody is being forced to read this. In fact I expect most will see its length and scroll past it faster than a fundraising ad for Donald Trump. I do hope SOME of you will take the time to read it though. I’m mainly writing it for posterity. To have a place where this month is recorded, so I can come back someday and remember it. So, with that being said, here are the things that have happened (or are soon to happen) in this 1 month span. Listed in chronological order.
1) August 10, 2020. I was in my 2nd week of work at the new clinic our hospital opened. Working for the largest hospital and clinic system in the state, sometimes our clinics outgrow our ability to contain them. My job was in the neurology clinic. I worked as the nurse who took care of all the multiple sclerosis doctors and nurse practitioners, while answering all the patient questions, emails, and voicemails. We’re looking at about 2,500 patients on the generous side of the estimate. Needless to say, I was busy. It was said many times by coworkers, by the doctors I worked with, and--admittedly--by me, that the job was a two-person job. It was too much for one person to handle. I was drowning fast in a mountain of paperwork that needed to be filled out, messages that needed to be answered, phone calls that needed to be returned. I’d accomplish finishing, say 25% of the work, and 50% more work would come in. I was at the end of my rope. 
--Let me interject here by saying that, over the course of the 16 months I worked this job, I had to start seeing a psychiatrist, I had to start psychological therapy with a licensed therapist, and I was started on no less than 5 new psychiatric medications. Once the correct balance was found, I was reduced down to only 2, but regardless, I think this fact alone proves the point that the stress of the job was getting to me.--
I finally looked at the mountain of work in front of me and I broke. I set up a meeting with my boss, the director of nursing for all of the neuroscience service line (that covers 6 clinics). We met, and I told her “You told me to be open and honest, and to come to you whenever I have an issue.” She agreed. I went on to tell her that I was losing my mind. The workload was entirely too much to hold over one person and needed help. Desperately. I was constantly being interrupted by people needing help with this or that, which was fine. I don’t mind helping anyone, I love it...but it took away from the time I had to do my already overwhelming job. I may have cried some, I don’t remember. 
Her solution was probably the worst idea ever put forth, but I was so devastated and down and overwhelmed, I didn’t really even hear anything she said after I spoke my piece. Her suggestion was that, if our clinic was too hectic for me, I needed to transfer to the new clinic. It was an epilepsy clinic but we had 2 multiple sclerosis providers there too, so I could go there and be the MS nurse there. At that moment, that sounded like a great idea. Fewer people=less stress. Yeah, no. Once she sent me over there, she decided with me being there, they had no need to keep our patient care tech there. So she took her away and made her work at the main campus, where they have tons of patient care techs. That left me and another nurse who, due to a bad knee, did very little that tinvolved getting up off his ass and helping out with goings on in the clinic. He much preferred to sit in his fancy chair and delegate duties to me from there. I was younger, I was newer, and he was--in his mind--the charge nurse.
So, thus began the saga of my doing at the new clinic, the job that THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE did at the main clinic. I was forced to triage (get into a patient room and go over everything to make sure it was up to date) every patient, draw labs on every patient, all while trying to do the job I was ACTUALLY hired for, which was answering phone calls and returning messages. Which was a full time job on its own. Needless to say, my “new’ duties took all that time away and all my stuff went unanswered. I kept getting harassed by patients and managers that stuff had been sitting waiting too long to be done. 
Mr. Charge nurse, from his chair he never left, didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. “It’s not that bad here” he’d say. Sure, if you never have to get up and do anything, but for me, it’s very hard. I have to do all the job of a PCT (getting paid nurses’ wages by the way) along with a job just as busy as the one you’re having to do. I’m expected to do as much if not more in the computer as you do, yet I never have time to touch it because I’m always triaging patients (half of which are YOURS) and drawing all the labs. Well of course he disagreed and said he helped and I was overreacting. By that he means he maybe got up once or twice a day because someone needed attention and I was still busy in another patient’s room.  My boss would berate me, asking why my inbox was sitting there so full and nothing was being done. 
“WHEN DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THESE THINGS *Insert her name here*??? I spend my entire day, I mean my ENTIRE day, doing the job of a PCT and you’re paying me to do the job of an RN. “Well, *insert his name* says he helps you.” That’s a damn lie and he knows it. He thinks that he’s the charge nurse, he’s older, and he has a bum knee (mind you I have my entire lower half of my spine fused so don’t give me that “I have hardware in my knee” bullshit. I’m full of titanium too. Fight me.) Well, help was refused, the other nurse was just told to try and help more and that he was not the charge nurse, that our clinic didn’t HAVE a charge nurse since there were only 2 of us. Well, he got so butthurt over that, he interviewed for a new job in the same building as our main clinic. He was offered the job. He was getting ready to give his notice and I was literally at the end of my sanity. So I turned in my notice to my manager on August 10, 2020. I told her I couldn’t keep doing the job of 3 people by myself and it was too much I was through. My doctors begged me to stay. She asked if I was sure that’s what I wanted. I said it wasn’t what I WANTED, but I can’t keep working like this. So I really don’t have a choice. “Well we don’t have the staff or money allocated to give you a tech if you’re over here.” So I shrugged, said I was giving her 4 weeks notice and I’d have to leave.
This was a Monday. On Wednesday, she came back and not only gave our tech back, she gave (*insert his name here*) everything he wanted, because she’d caught wind he was getting ready to leave too and she’d have no nurses at the clinic. I told her I’d retract my resignation if she would let us keep our patient care tech, because with her, I have time to actually do my job. She all but said “OK” and to give her a definite answer on Monday. So I did. Monday I told her I’d stay since we had adequate help. Well apparently she discussed thsi with her boss and came back at me with “Sorry, but all we can accommodate is an as needed position or you can extend your leave date and stay on full time until your replacement is hired and you can train them to make the transition easier.”
Are you freaking serious, bruh? “As needed” meaning “free reign to fire you with no consequences when we don’t want you anymore, plus all my benefits would be taken away.” Or, I could “stay and help train my replacement.” Are you out of your mind? Then what? Fuck off into the sunset, your job here is finished? I think I’ll take a hard pass on both those options. My last day will be September 4.
So, while going through all this I was being tested and was diagnosed with not one, but two life-altering disorders.
2) First, I was diagnosed with severe attention deficit disorder. I was told I’d actually had it my whole life based on testing and had never been evaluated or treated. This would have been the 1990s when this started, and I found out my parents were approached about the possibility I had ADD. I made excellent grades, but had major problems with impulse control and talking too much and paying attention. My parents dismissed this suggestion. They did not--and to this day still did not--believe ADD was a real diagnosis. They said ti was nothing more than kids who needed their asses beat and they’d learn to behave. I could not possibly be one of those hyperactive kids who suck in school and just all-around do poorly. I did too well in school. I was told to pay attention more and stop goofing off. I was threatened with spankings if I messed up. So I worked really hard to stop my impulses from taking over. And I did, some, but not always. I got punished quite a bit for things I did in school. Not on purpose, but it’s how I was. And now, as an adult, I was still struggling with impusle control and with paying attention. I still struggled in prioritizing tasks and organizing things. I could never figure out why my brain wouldn’t let me do those things. My PCP said I had ADD--he KNEW it--but I had to be diagnosed by a licensed psychotherapist. So I went and was diagnosed. And it changed my world. It was a lot to process, knowing what I went through as a kid and knowing the punishment I went through for something that was not my fault. I wasn’t abused, I wasn’t mistreated. If I’d been treated for ADD as a child though, I might not have just done well in school, I might have kicked ass. I might have been valedictorian rather than 6th in class to graduate. That was hard to swallow. Yet a relief at the same time.
3) Went to the sleep clinic and got a take-home sleep apnea study kit. It came back positive for sleep apnea. My oxygen was dropping to 70% at night, which is basically hypoxic, and the reason I’m probably so sleepy all the damn time. As soon as I get home from work and get settled, I fall asleep for at least an hour, maybe 2. I haven’t always done that. I used to have trouble sleeping to the point I needed Lunesta for help (although the taste was so bad I rarely took it).Sure enough, I need CPAP when I sleep to help keep my oxygen over 92%. They told me I’d feel better almost instantly. So I’m hoping to go see them next week about getting my machine. 
4) My friend’s little 4-year-old niece died. She was a special, miracle child who touched so many lives it’s insane. She was a beautiful soul. I never met her but her death affected me profoundly because her aunt posted so many photos and videos online. I felt like I lost one of my godchildren or something. It hurt. I can’t imagine what they are going through.
5) My uncle Jerry died. The day after the little girl I just mentioned. I can’t even attend HIS funeral due to COVID and the risk of contamination. My mom is  on a chemo drug for an autoimmune disease that destroys her immune system. So we’re trapped away from everyone (if I want to see my mom that is). 
6) My last day of my job was today, September 4, 2020. It finally came, my time there is done. 16 months of hard work down the toilet. Because of poor management, shitty leadership, lack of care or respect for employees, etc. I offered to stay, but my offer was rejected as it was given. It just served to remind me I made the right decision, even if it was a bit rash. Several others have quit or gotten fired so staffing will be interesting. My old “charge nurse” is about to learn what getting off your broad butt and helping is all about now. They aren’t sending him ANY nurses to help him next week. I’ll be honest, I hope the whole thing blows up in (insert name here)’s (my director’s) face. she is trying to run the neuro clinic like she runs her other clinic--which is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. I thought she’d be good for the clinic, turns out she wants to get rikd of EVREYONE who has FMLA-Anyone who has permission to be off work without fear of repercussions. She wants a bunch of “as needed” staff so she doesn’t have to hire full time people, she doesn’t have to pay anyone benefits, and she can get rid of them whenever she likes “your as needed position is no longer needed,” without going through all the bullcrap red tape the state puts you through to fire anyone. Anyway, bottom line, today was my last day at a job that--the job itself--I loved. The patients I loved, the doctors and nurses I loved, and my coworkers I loved. I have never left a job I loved. It was 100% management. My main doctor, the medical director of the service line, did not want me to leave and keeps asking me to say. I had to explain to him I tried, but they refused. Broke my heart. He’d take me back in a minute though, if the situation at the clinic ever changes. I hope it does. He was the most brilliant, kind, generous, respectful, patient, and dedicated man I’ve ever met. He taught me a lot. I’ll take a lot of what I learned from him with me wherever I go.
7) The final thing has not happened just yet, but it will be very soon and I’m already dealing with it. So September 7 is the 1 year anniversary of the death of my best friend. I still miss her like it was yesterday. Time has, as they say, healed some of the wound, but not all. Every now and then I get slammed with the realization she’s gone. I’ll never see her again. Talk to her. Hug her. Laugh with her. Ever. Again. And I cry and suffer with it all over again. That is happening less frequently, but it has picked up again now that 1 year is approaching. I can’t believe it. My best friend has been dead for 1 year. The 1 year anniversary of the last time we spoke was August 20. It hurts so much. But slowly, over this year, I’ve started dreading getting up in the morning a little less, I can breathe again, a little. I can laugh again without feeling guilty about it. I’ve finally hit all the 1 year milestones with her death (well, as of 9/7). I’m going to her grave this weekend to place some special things I purchased in honor of her 1 year anniversary since her passing. Damn I miss her so much.
So, this month--this whole year technically--has been a lot to process. A lot to find out, a lot to digest, and a lot to grieve through. I keep thinking “it can’t possibly get any worse, maybe things will get better now” and it always does. That trend for 2020 doesn’t bode well with the election coming up. That makes me so nervous I feel sick. But I refuse to get political here. If you’ve stayed with it this far, you have tremendous stamina and I salute you. It’s taken me hours and several breaks to write thanks to my ADD and just being sleepy and falling asleep in the middle of typing. But that’s it, my month inside the year straight out of hell. 
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orengjijyuusu · 5 years
A Story of Me and You
A Ren x Kat fic (self insert)
(Sidenote: Inspired from the Sweet Dreams/Be my Partner photo shoot in SL. And in honor of Jinguji Ren's birthday. Happy birthday, you flirty orange ♡ Enjoy~)
Kat felt seriously out of place in this magical realm of bubbles and...magic. All throughout the dance hall, ball goers were casually mingling in their fancy attire, either on the dance floor or scattered around the vicinity. 
Compared to her, everyone looked so refined, bright, and many other captivating adjectives she couldn't form off the top of her head. She wasn't exactly sure how she got here in the first place. One minute she finds an invitation to a party and the next she suddenly finds herself in this world.
Kat stands off to the side as she watches everyone dance. She grips the skirt of her dress, not sure what to do. Should she dance? Should she go outside? CAN she go outside? Needless to say, Kat wasn't very good at partying. Especially at fancy galas such as this one.
Overtime, she catches glimpses of the 11 hosts who graciously held the party for the guests. There were some floating on bubbles, standing on chandeliers, and others simply overseeing the party from the balconies.
Occasionally they would start dancing with some of the ladies on the floor when a certain song from the orchestra began to play.
They all look so graceful, Kat thinks, trying her best to balance in her own shoes, makes me wish I took dancing lessons beforehand.
She looks up at the grand staircase to see if she can make her way to another level. However, her attention is drawn to the man leaning against the railing.
He is one of the hosts, Ren, as Kat recalls. Definitely one of the pretty boys of the bunch, alright.
His blue eyes scan the ballroom a couple of times before his gaze settles on Kat. He obviously catches her staring and throws a playful wink her way.
She bashfully looks away as to not be rude and leans against a pillar. Great, it totally looked like I was gawking just now, she thinks and pinches the bridge of her nose.
Kat looks up again at the staircase and sees that the host was no longer there. "I scared him off. Way to go..." she grimaces quietly to herself.
"Quite the opposite, my lady." A voice hums right beside her ear.
Kat nearly jumps out of her skin and whirls around to find Ren peering out from the other side of the pillar. She places a hand over her chest and exhales, "Ahaha...you scared me."
The princely host frowns, "My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you." He takes her hand, "I just had to come and rescue this lovely lady standing all by herself." Ren raises her hand to his lips and places a tender kiss on her fingers.
Kat gulps nervously and tucks some hair behind her ear, "It's fine, really. Erm, not being lonely I mean--about the scaring thing. Um...I was-I was daydreaming."
Ren releases her hand and smiles, "About what?"
She blinks, trying to think of an answer that would make sense, "The party...I think. How great would it be to dance so beautifully. The irony of handsome men being your dance partner." She laughs nervously at her last sentence, "Oh, I should not have said that..."
Ren's smile turns into laughter, "You're hilarious. But it sounds to me like you need to get out more."
Kat fidgets in place, "Well I--Yeah pretty much. I just...I don't know how to party...ballroom style."
She nervously looks back out at the dancefloor to avoid any awkward eye contact.
Ren hums in amusement before extending his arm, "Would YOU care to be my dance partner, lady?"
Kat's pulse quickens at the offer, "Oh I uh... I can't- I mean I can!" She reaches out and hooks her arm under his. He pulls her toward the dance floor for a moment until she recoils and jerks back. 
"But I suck!" Kat fumbles with her words, "I mean I-I can't move in heels that well and..."
Ren looks back at her in surprise before giving her a strangely devious smile, "I... never did ask for your name, lady~"
She blinks at the sudden change in topic, "Well, my name is Kat. I mean--unless you want my real name. Ah! But we just met. So uh...just Kat for now." Ahah kill me! Kat cries in her head, why am I so awkward!?
Ren's smile grows, "You're adorable. But I'll take that invite as a challenge."
Kat's eyes flash over to her strangely attractive host, "...You what?"
"I'll guess your real name. I'm confident I can."
"Tch, bet." She scoffs under her breath, barely hiding an amused expression.
"Alright." Ren chuckles.
Kat freezes, "Oh wait, I didn't mean-"
"If I guess your name before the end of this party, then you have to dance with me, in front of everyone." The idol says with a devious grin.
Kat feels her cheeks flare at the thought, "Oh no. I don't-"
"I won't force you." Ren's gaze softens slightly, "Not very gentlemanly of me to treat a lady as such. And everyone else will be minding their own business. But I do encourage it."
Kat feels her heart thud in her chest, "Why do you want me to dance so badly?"
The host glances at the dancefloor for what seems like the umpteenth time since the two began conversing, "Hm, I DO wonder why." He muses, "Maybe I see something hiding behind those pretty eyes." Ren leans in and gives her a pressing smirk. "Such as a secret desire to dance with the way your foot is tapping the floor." 
Kat purses her lips together in embarrassment before sighing, "You're right, I do." 
Ren holds out his hand, "Then we understand our little game. Besides," his eyes shadow over slightly, "You won't be seeing any of these people anytime soon after the party, so go with no regrets."
Kat oversees this expression and gives him a firm handshake, "You are a very persuasive man, you know that?"
Ren lingers his gaze on her with an unreadable expression before smiling, "I get that a lot. But for you," his voice lowers an octave with a strange yet exciting look in his eye, "it's a challenge. And I DO love a challenge."
His words send goosebumps up her arms. Dammit! He got me again! She screams at herself. Why is he so good at this?!
"To start," Ren chirps to change the mood, "why don't we take this somewhere a little quieter, eh?" Ren turns on his heel and leads his guest by the arm to the grand staircase.
Kat stumbles a couple of times as they go up each step, "Uh, where are we going? Hold up I can't keep...up..." Her voice fades when Ren releases her arm once they reach the top.
He walks towards a pair of double doors and opens them to reveal the night sky. Then he turns to Kat and beckons her to join him outside.
As if charmed by a spell, or by the gorgeous blue color in his eyes, she walks to him without a second thought.
She obviously wasn't doing a very good job hiding her flushed facial expression when Ren cups her cheek with one hand to prompt a reaction out of her.
"Well aren't you as red as a strawberry. It's a cute look for you, lady~." He says as she shyly averts her gaze. Ren chuckles amusingly and gives her head a small pat.
Why am I allowing this to happen? Kat questions, He's a total stranger but...I feel like I can trust him. I feel like logic has taken a backseat because of it.
The two walk out onto a spacious balcony, away from the bustling party and under an endless starlit sky. Ren turns to Kat expectantly, as if waiting for some kind of answer to a question he never asked.
She crosses her arms, "If you think I'm going to tell you my name just like that, you're sorely mistaken."
Ren shrugs with a smug grin, "Worth a shot, Katlynn."
He snaps his fingers in frustration, "Ah I'll get it at some point." Ren glances over towards the orchestra playing inside. Almost immediately, he gets that same scheming look on his face, "And I know the perfect way to start thinking about it."
Approaching Kat, he extends his hand, "Want to practice a bit before you lose, lady~?"
She raises an eyebrow,"You are awfully cocky, you know that?" The only response she gets is a wink, "Plus what about our deal?"
"I don't intend on losing. And I said in front of everyone." Ren slips his left hand around Kat's waist and pulls her close, "Out here, it's just you..." He gently takes her other hand in his, "and me. I promise."
Kat makes eye contact upon hearing the insistent tone in her escort's voice. 
Quite clearly, for the first time, his gaze comes across as earnestly kind and soft; completely the opposite of that flirtatious front he had on earlier. She almost feels compelled to do anything he says with a look like that. 
Something about him, at this moment, allowed Kat to trust him. She didn't know what kind of voodoo charm-like hypnosis Ren was using on her, but damn it! His tactics were working too well. In response, all she can do is nod in agreement. She places her free hand over his shoulder.
"I'll take that as a yes." Ren hums as he begins to sway her back and forth, "Don't worry, we'll take this nice and slow." He nudges her foot carefully, "This is typically the simplest kind of dance. Left, right, left..."
Kat's eyes drop down to her feet as she tries to follow Ren's instructions to the best of her ability.
"Now let's try turning in a circle." Ren guides her back as they advance from just stepping left to right, "Just go back and forth, like a rocking chair."
Kat sees the pattern rather quickly, however she fumbles in her heels and nearly trips over her dance partner. 
"Ah, I'm sorry." She abruptly stops their movement, "I just can't do it right in these shoes. I'll lose my balance."
Upon saying that, Kat starts noticing the growing soreness in her soles from standing too long.
"You CAN do it." Ren calmly places his hands on her shoulders, "Just without the shoes."
Kat blinks, "You want me to dance barefoot?"
"If it helps you, then yes."
Staring down at her feet, she slowly replies with, "Well, I suppose..."
"Do you want me to take them off for you?" Ren asks teasingly. He stifles a laugh when Kat sputters out her objections.
"I can do it myself." She huffs and kicks her shoes off. Immediately, the soreness in her heels almost dissipates completely. Her feet feel much better than before. In fact, she felt better in general...also shorter.
With the shoes, the heel portion added 3 extra inches to Kat's overall height. Now, she had to slightly crane her neck up to look at Ren.
"You are...tall..." she mutters.
"You forgot exceedingly charming." He replies before resuming the dancing position they were in before.
While Ren continues to lead, Kat significantly notices her dancing becoming more fluid and confident. Much better than that stagnant stilt dance she was doing earlier. Not to mention, she was...also enjoying herself.
After a moment of silent dancing, Ren clears his throat, "My lady, I know you are trying to watch where you step, but try looking up at me."
"I don't think I'm confident enough to look away yet."
"I won't step on your feet." He pleads.
Kat keeps her eyes glued to the ground, "I know YOU won't."
Ren let's out something along the sound of a whine, "Please? I won't be mad if you do."
After a bit of prodding, Kat pries her eyes from the ground...and nearly ends up bumping foreheads with her dance partner. She yanks her head back, face completely flushed, "Ah shi- I'm sorry! I wasn't concentrating."
But all he does is smile. "Don't be," Ren spins Kat out gracefully, "I'm quite the fan of-" he pulls her hand to reel her flush against his chest, "close proximity."
"You know the flirty remarks you keep making are only throwing me off." She mutters through gritted teeth.
"Oh? Would you like me to stop, Katrina?"
"No that's not it either. I mean No...maybe? It's complicated."
Ren stops their dancing, "How so?"
I should have kept my mouth shut, Kat thinks as she clicks her tongue, "I uh, well..."
"Again, if my nosy-ness rubbed you the wrong way, I'm not forcing you to admit anything." The host responds, removing his leading hand from her back. 
The second he let go, Kat could feel a cool spot spreading in place of his warm fingers. Honestly, she wished he hadn't done that.
C'mon, be bold for once, she urges herself, adrenaline now, breakdown later. Her left hand lurches forward and catches Ren by the retreating arm.
"No, you're okay!" She blurts, allowing her brain to block off any feeling of regret she might have later. With a nervous gulp, she looks up into her captivator's eyes and tightens her grip on his arm. "I just, I tend to take flirts rather seriously and if that's not the kind of guy you are I don't want to assume-"
"But I am being serious."
"But why me?" Kat fires on instinct, "What makes me so special? You're this," she gestures to his entire body, "beautiful hunk of a man and I'm...I seem like a nobody compared to you."
"That's just it, lady." Kat feels the warmth of his hands place themselves on her shoulders. Ren squeezes them lightly for reassurance.
"That's the reason we held this event. At this party, no lady or gentleman should have to feel like a nobody." He lifts a hand and smooths down flyaways on her head, "You're always somebody to someone, regardless if it's here, or where you come from." One of his hands travels downward to cup her cheek, "And tonight, you're someone to me."
Kat feels a strong pang strike her heart, a feeling of affection. She forces it down by enveloping Ren in a hug and buries her face in his tuxedo.
"I...didn't think I'd need to hear that from someone like you." She mutters, voice slightly muffled through the fabric, "Thank you."
Ren's arms wrap themselves around her shoulders as he returns the embrace with a squeeze. "When we go back in and dance, I'm going to make it look like I'M the nobody compared to you."
"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves." Kat pulls away with a hard-to-contain smirk, "Bear in mind you are still far more attractive than I am."
"Au contraire," Ren notches a brow and bends down to meet her at eye level, "I have to argue that you are even lovelier than what you say about me..." He leans into her left ear and says a name. Her name.
Kat's mouth goes agape with confusion. But before she can question anything, Ren darts forward and plants a kiss on her cheek, "Mwah!" He vocalises so she can be extra embarrassed.
Kat's cheeks flare like fire, "Ahaha...how the-the...my name...wha...??" She chokes out, completely flustered beyond comprehension.
Ren pulls out a small placement card from his jacket pocket, "I saw the table you sat at, before I met you, I happened to take a glance."
"So you were just...PLAYING with me?" Kat's flushed face snaps to shock, no longer embarrassed. Traitor! "Well then what was the point of this game?" She exclaims.
"Nothing, I just wanted to spend more time with you. You're fun, Kat." He smiles gently, "And I want to get to know you more."
Kat shifts awkwardly, "I assume you decided this after I neglected to dance with you."
Ren shrugs, "Like I said, I do love a challenge."
"Well," Kat exhales, "You did it, that's for sure. So…"
"So…?" The host repeats with a teasing undertone. She knew what was coming next so might as well get it over with.
"So I'll hold up my end of the deal." She throws her hands up and makes her way to the door, "Whisk me to the dancefloor, good sir."
Ren moves in front of her, momentarily blocking her from going inside, "You don't sound too enthusiastic about it. What about our dance lessons together? Didn't they help?" He asks, surprisingly worried.
Kat stops abruptly from maneuvering around him but doesn't look at his face, "No they did! And I'm so grateful you helped me. I'm just...nervous. But I don't want your lessons to be for nothing. So…" Her voice catches, "I want to get out there with the confidence I have right now. Before I burn out."
Kat gulps and clutches Ren's arm, "Tonight, if I don't dance, then I have a feeling I will regret it for the rest of my li-wah!!"
Before she can get the last syllable out, Ren kicks her feet up and catches her in a bridal hold. "Then I suggest we get to the dance floor before it's too late. Are you ready, lady~?" His face holds a fiery look of determination.
"I'm going to have a nosebleed with all the stunts you are pulling, I swear." Kat wraps her arms around his neck, "But, yes. As I'll ever be."
Ren smiles and moves briskly towards the staircase. Before Kat can question why he wasn't slowing down to descend the staircase, Ren hops onto the railing and slides down with her balanced on his arm.
Kat inhales sharply and tightens her grip around Ren's neck, not noticing that she was also pressing her bosom right into the side of his face. But HE wasn't about to tell her that.
When they reach the bottom, he places her on her feet with a slight pink hue over his cheeks. "That was fun." He says while dusting his tuxedo from the back.
"I think my soul just left my body." Kat squeaks hysterically.
"Oi! Ren, don't be playing extra with the guests!" Yells another host, the one with silver hair. Kat kept forgetting names.
Off to the side, a host with blue hair, Masa...Masa-something could be seen rolling his eyes at them.
"Don't listen to them, I'll go all out to impress a pretty lady~" Ren retorts, pulling Kat to the dance floor where other people could be seen mingling and dancing to the orchestra.
They stop in the center of the dance floor and face each other. Ren bows to her with a smile and proceeds to hold his hand out expectantly. "May I have this dance?"
Kat takes his hand without hesitation and does an awkward, yet rather adorable curtsey to Ren, "Just like we practiced, right?" She asks, voice trying to hold steady.
"Just like we practiced." He repeats, taking her by the waist. This prompts her to position her hands appropriately, and then they begin to move. 
For a while, they do simple back and forth movements to get Kat comfortable with the setting. Then, she notices something horribly wrong...and lacking.
"Ren, I-I forgot my shoes!" She whispers frantically, trying to stop their movement. But Ren doesn't budge.
Instead, he pulls her hand to his lips and presses a sweet kiss to the back, arm tightening around her waist. "Kat, you don't need them." He says reassuringly, "Just look at me, and only me. Don't worry about anything or anyone else."
Kat's cheeks flush for about the billionth time, eyes helplessly locked on to his blue ones.
"This...may be selfish of me," Ren says hesitantly, "but I wanted you to show me, and only me, that special side of yourself. The side no one gets to see." They carefully switch into a swaying dance when the music changes, arms wrapped around each other's neck or waist. "I want you to be mine, just for a moment." His forehead comes into contact with hers, a warm spot that brought comfort with their slow dance.
As their faces come dangerously closer to each other, Kat mutters out, "Ren...thank you. For everything."
Ren shakes his head slightly, "No, thank you. For giving me the opportunity to dance with you…" His lips press themselves against hers. Gently, Kat can feel a soft yet passionate feeling embed itself into their kiss. She loses all awareness of her surroundings, even after they part.
Kat, utterly entranced by her prince of the evening, reaches up to stroke his cheek and searches his eyes. Then she realizes something after a moment,  "I-I'm not going to see you after tonight, am I?" She asks quietly.
Ren nuzzles into her touch with a sad look in his eyes, "I am uncertain…time works strangely in this realm. And that's what makes me long for more of it. With you..." His eyes suddenly turn fierce, "But I'm NEVER going to forget this night. The night I got to spend getting to know you."
He presses a kiss to her forehead gingerly, "It's time to go, my princess. Let's meet next time in a dream."
Kat envelops him in an embrace, "Stay like this...please. For as long as possible." She whispers with tears in her eyes.
Ren holds her tightly as the world of magic begins to glow white all around. Despite the ballroom, the people, and the hosts disappearing, Kat could still feel his arms around her until the very end. And that was all the comfort she needed to know that he would be with her. Someday.
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