#you can see how many phases the hand holding the lantern went through
narsh-poptarts · 9 months
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The Hex
woodcut of my MoTW character !!!!! really happy with how this came out ^^
some struggling process under the cut
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EDIT: had to revamp this whole thing, hopefully it shows up now
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melzula · 4 years
hi ! i don’t know if this counts as a whole prompt, but could i request some iroh ii ? maybe their reunion when kya’s daughter went back with bumi to the fire nation and their whole reunion to wedding story ?
a/n: I just did the reunion part of this because it would be hard to cram the whole timeline into one piece aha but nonetheless enjoy!
*based off of these hc’s
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The cool breeze of the ocean air does little to calm your nerves as you fidget with the beads that wrap themselves neatly around your wrist and stare out into the open water. The Fire Nation docks are fast approaching, and you foolishly wonder if everything will be the same as it was when you left it behind all those years ago. You wonder if he is still the same, fearing for a moment that perhaps he has forgotten you after being apart for so long, but you don’t have time to dwell on your anxieties when a firm clap on your shoulder breaks you from your thoughts.
“Why the long face, kiddo?” Your Uncle Bumi grins. “I thought you’d be happier to be back here.”
“I am,” you reassure him, “it’s just I’m a little nervous is all. I haven’t been here in so long...”
“Well I’m sure the royals will be happy to see you,” he says. “You were Lord Zuko’s star student after all, and General Iroh is always asking about you.”
“He is?” You gasp, doing your best to quell the excitement that bubbles up inside of you at the news. You always brushed off your infatuation with the General as a silly childhood crush, but if that were the case then the mere mention of him shouldn’t have made you as cheerful as it did.
“Of course! Why do you think I brought you out here with me? Some good old nostalgia would be perfect for you!”
“Uncle,” you say with a pointed look. Bumi grins sheepishly.
“You could use a friend, y/n. And so could Iroh.”
You don’t get the chance to argue or insist that you’re fine, that you’re perfectly okay with the fact that your best friend is your Gran Gran, as the ship pulls into the docks and Fire Nation guards arrive to escort you to the palace. None of them are familiar to you, most of the men you’d known as a child having retired by now, but they still greet you with the same kindness as always, a perk of being the Avatar’s granddaughter and the Commander’s niece.
“I have to prepare for the meeting,” your uncle says as you reach the front gates and are permitted entry to the palace, “but if you want to head off and look for some old friends or even just explore your old playing grounds go right ahead.”
“Good look with the meeting, Uncle Bumi,” you reply before gifting the man a kiss on the cheek and parting ways with him for now.
You find yourself wandering into the gardens, admiring the blooming fire lilies and enjoying the refreshing breeze that blows cooly against your face as you reminisce on the memories you hold in this very spot. If you look hard enough you can almost see yourself sitting underneath the shade of the tree with Zuko and his grandson studying fire bending scrolls and enjoying cups of tea. Life had been so quiet and simple then, so peaceful. Maybe Bumi was right about needing a friend; you’d never felt lonelier in your entire life than you did now looking upon old childhood memories.
“Y/n?” A voice calls almost hesitantly, void of the confidence he’d always held, and despite the fact that your heart catches in your throat at the sound of his voice you will yourself to turn around and face the man you never stopped thinking about.
You can’t help the way your mouth hangs agape at the sight of him; he’d always been a good looking boy, but over the years Iroh had grown into the handsomest man you’d ever seen. He was beautiful with his strong jaw and shimmering gold irises, and despite how much he’d changed over the years he still held that same boyish grin you’d taken comfort in many times before.
“Iroh,” you finally say, heat crawling up your neck as you smile shyly. He’s rushing towards you in an instant, pulling you into his chest for a tight hug and laughing with pure unadulterated joy.
“I almost didn’t recognize you,” he admits with a sheepish grin, hands resting on your shoulders as he pulls away and looks you in the eyes. You don’t know it, but he’s just as taken back by your beauty. He was used to seeing you running around in your pigtails with your wide smile and a few teeth missing; you were absolutely radiant, your features maturing with the time that had passed, but your eyes still held that same twinkle they always did.
“It’s so good to you, old friend,” you say, smiling fondly as you rest a hand upon his cheek. “I’ve missed you.”
“So have I,” he replies, and you don’t miss the way he seems to melt into your touch. “I have a meeting to attend to, but perhaps you’d like to accompany me to dinner tonight? I want to hear about all of your adventures.”
“Dinner sounds lovely.”
“Perfect,” Iroh grins, “I’ll see you then.”
He parts from you then with a kiss on the cheek, leaving you with a dazed smile alone in the gardens as you watch him walk into the palace.
“We’re having dinner,” you murmur quietly to yourself, an excited smile pulling at your lips as you rush towards your assigned quarters to prepare.
“A date with the General, huh?”
“It’s not a date, Uncle Bumi,” you remind him as you sit before the vanity and slip on your favorite pair of earrings, a pair your mother had bought for you once during your travels, “it’s just dinner.”
“Sounds like a date to me,” he teases with a knowing grin. “You know, I always had a feeling about you two.”
“You said the same thing about Uncle Tenzin and Aunt Lin,” you retort only for Bumi to grimace.
“I never said it was a good feeling.”
“It’s not a big deal,” you shrug nonchalantly. “We’re just two old friends who want to catch up with each other.”
Oh, but it actually is a very big deal for you. You can’t remember the last time anyone has taken you out to dinner or the last time you had actually dressed yourself up for someone else, and frankly you don’t know why you’re so nervous. It’s Iroh, after all, your childhood friend, why should you be nervous?
“Oh, I’ll walk you out!” Your Uncle exclaims excitedly once you put the finishing touches on your ensamble, and before you can even get up from your chair Bumi is yanking you onto your feet and dragging you out of the room towards the front gates where Iroh is presumably waiting for you. “I only wish your mother were here to see this!”
“Uncle,” you groan in quiet embarrassment, “you seem more excited than I am.”
“What? That’s nonsense!” Bumi scoffs. “Can’t I just appreciate the romanticism that comes with seeing old friends?”
“I see you’re a poet much like your father,” a third voice intrudes, a smiling Iroh startling both you and your uncle. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”
“No, not at all!” Bumi says before you can so much as open your mouth to reply. “In fact I was just leaving. You kids have fun! Oh, and uh, bring her back home safe and sound and all that protective Uncle junk I’m supposed to say.”
“Of course, Commander,” he says with a slight laugh before turning to you. “Are you ready?”
“I am,” you smile, making sure to give your Uncle a chaste kiss to the cheek before taking Iroh’s outstretched and following him out the front gates. Your Uncle watches your retreating forms with a faint smile and a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Phase one of my matchmaking plan is complete.”
The royal plaza is beautiful at night. Lanterns hang from the skies and bathe the streets in their golden hue. The restaurants and shops are bustling with customers as lovers, families, and friends all spend their evenings out on the town. No one seems to notice your presence— Iroh had insisted that no guards were needed to escort you both— and for that you are grateful.
“Hungry for anything in particular? I know you were especially fond of dumplings when we were children,” Iroh notes with a chuckle.
“I’d love anything spicy. As much as I enjoy sea prunes and seal jerky, nothing in the south really has that same kick to it that Fire Nation food has.”
“I know the perfect place,” Iroh says, and you have to fight against the way your stomach seems to summersault when he takes your hand in his own and weaves you through the streets.
You end up in a quiet little restaurant together where the food is fresh and the hostess is the sweetest little old lady you’ve ever met, though she brings you way more food than you ordered. You’re eager to scarf down the spicy noodles and steaming buns, so eager in fact that you don’t notice the love stricken way in which Iroh watches you practically inhale your food.
“How’s your family?” He asks behind his cup of tea.
“Good. Gran Gran has been training the new Avatar and my mother helps where she can. My Uncle Tenzin and Aunt Pema just had a new baby not too long ago, a son named Meelo.”
“That’s amazing,” Iroh smiles, “congratulations on your new cousin.”
“Thank you. Our family is certainly growing,” you say with a slight laugh. “And how are things with you and your family?”
“I have to admit, I haven’t really been home much to know,” Iroh chuckles. “This visit is also my first time back in a while. Mother is a gracious ruler and the people love her, my sister is still living her quiet life with her husband out on the farm, and my grandfather comes back and forth all the time. Everyone seems to be happy.”
“And are you happy?”
“I like to think so. I’m the youngest General in the United Forces which is a great accomplishment, and I’m having dinner with a friend I thought I’d never see again, so yes, I’m very happy,” he notes with a wink. You can’t help but roll your eyes at his slyness, a small huff blowing past your nose.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” you tease.
“Really, y/n,” Iroh says, all features void of his previous humor as they morph into a more tender nature. He reaches across the table and rests a hand across your own, a faint smile on his lips. “I’ve missed you, and I’m so happy you’re here.”
“Me too,” you admit with a tiny smile. “It’s been hard without you, friend.”
“Friend,” Iroh repeats with a small sigh, but his smile never falters. He pays for your meal and offers you his arm to guide you back to the palace; you talk about old memories and new ones, your adventures during your time apart, and your excitement to create new ones together. You’ve never been happier, and for the first time in a long time the loneliness that normally gnaws at your spirit is nowhere to be found.
“Can you find your room okay?” Iroh asks as you reach the front doors of the palace.
“I can,” you nod with a smile. “I’m actually staying in the room I had when I was a kid.”
“Go figure,” he laughs softly before gracing you with a sweet smile. “Thank you for accompanying me to dinner tonight. Will I see you tomorrow?”
“You will.”
“Good. I look forward to it,” Iroh says. “Sleep well, y/n.”
“Goodnight, Iroh,” you utter with a small smile, making sure to gift him a kiss on the cheek before disappearing inside. Stunned, the General stands frozen in place with a dazed smile on his face. He hasn’t felt this way about anyone in such a long time, hadn’t felt such genuine excitement and joy, and he had to admit that it somewhat intimidated him. He’d always seen you as the girl he’d grown up with, the one he’d spent his time with stealing desserts from the kitchen and running through the hallways, but now...
“Spirits,” Iroh exclaims with a breathless laugh. “I think I’m in love.”
In the gardens sits the trio of adults who watch the scene unfold before them, knowing looks exchanged among them as they sip their tea and watch Iroh disappear into the palace.
“They make a handsome pair, don’t they?” Zuko notes offhandedly to his daughter. “I give them a month.”
“A month?�� Bumi snorts. “No way! Three weeks maybe, but not a month.”
“I have more faith in my son than that,” Izumi says with the shake of her head. “One week.”
“One week?!” The Commander exclaims with a laugh. “Oh, you’re on!”
“Betting over the love life of my grandson and my former student was not how I pictured spending my retirement,” Zuko sighs, but there’s a smile on his face as he considers his grandson courting the granddaughter of his best friend. Life has a funny way of working out sometimes.
And it was going to work out for you and Iroh.
| iroh/atla tags: @nataliahaslosthershit @zukh03s @rainteslerrrr @simpinforsukka |
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May I politely request some Lillia cute and NSFW? If not, then perhaps Ori or maybe Ahri
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Since I'm in the mood for writing and I have some free time tonight, I'll get this request and maybe write one more - or just continue with the Blood Moon Jhin AU or something else I have catching dust around.
Hope you'll enjoy this, dear anon! I know it's taken a long time but maybe it will be worth the wait.
Note: This will take place in the Spirit Blossom universe. I'll also write Ahri, Yone and Yasuo in the Spirit Blossom!
- As a priestess of the Spirit Blossom festival, you knew many things - things hidden from the eyes of the common folk.
- The path of the spirits was a dangerous one, full of hardships but deeply rewarding. You felt that aspect very deeply with each passing year. Every festival was marked by a moment that should be forbidden to any mortal - a chance to slip into the world of spirits, unseen and unknown.
- It wasn't out of your own choice, of course. There were many dangers hidden in the shadows of this world, a dreamy realm that left you yearning for more. It was almost an addiction, a pull that had always proved itself difficult to fight against.
- As one of the youngest priestesses, still new to the craft, you were sent into the spirit realm to reinforce the barriers separating the two worlds. Difficult work that attracted the attention of unwanted beings - but something that had to be done.
- Like the previous two years, you stepped into the spirit realm with trembling hands and a startled heart. Your right hand gripping the lantern tightly, your left hand holding the basket, filled with calming incense and ancient scrolls. Some would call it witchcraft. In some ways, it was.
- You would always wear a purple kimono and a detailed, horned mask to blend in with the spirits and to remain hidden to the demons lurking in the shadows. It made you look ethereal, just like one of the spirits you'd hear stories about as a child.
- Under any circumstance, you'd feel pleased by it. But now... Now it only made you uncomfortable. You considered it bad luck - looking and acting like a spirit. You were alive, after all. Living flesh. A beating heart. Running blood.
- The demons' favorite prey.
- And you'd do anything it takes to avoid becoming their prey.
- You steadied your trembling fingers, your wildly beating heart while you studied your surroundings. They were different from the last time you've seen this place.
- They were always different. The place was alive. Always changing. Completely unpredictable and thus dangerous. Your fingers tightening around the wooden curve of the lantern, you took a few cautious steps into the gloomy forest. A purple haze was floating around, making your mind feel hazy and slow.
- You were aware of the effects this place could have on the human mind. It still didn't prepare you one bit for the whole ordeal.
- With a deep inhale, you started walking. Small steps - one at a time. You could do it. You could reach the main shrine and enforce the barriers in less than an hour - you'd be back in your world before midnight, if everything went well.
- You met Lilia for the first time on the way to the altar.
- A scared, lonely being. She took a huge fright when she saw you - when she saw your mask - and you spent the next 20 minutes trying to convince her that you weren't, in fact, a demon.
- In the end, your fumbling fingers reached behind your head to take off the mask - an incredibly dangerous thing to do, of course, but you tended to be a bit more reckless than a priestess should probably be.
- As soon as your face came into view, Lilia froze. It's been so long since she has seen any humans here, so deep into the spirit realm. No soul ever ventured this far - either guided by the spirit fox or chained to the demon. You were...
- You were so beautiful to her. Wide eyes, fearful yet stubborn. Your hair was simply made, traditional flowers blooming from between the strands in a casual, almost natural manner - as if they belonged there. A straight posture, an elegant yet strong body covered in the sensual and luxurious silk that could only exist in the spirit realm.
- You were absolutely stunning to Lilia. And for a few long moments, she stuttered a question while cowering close to a nearby tree.
- "A-are you a human or o-one of them?" She needed to be sure. She couldn't trust you, not yet. What if you were a demon with a human face? What if you were one of the spirits, just trying to hurt her for your own amusement?
- You frowned for a short second before you gave her your answer: Human.
- And Lilia knew you were telling the truth. She could sense lies easily, her heightened senses capable of picking up every tremor in your voice, every skip of your heartbeat.
- You covered your face again before she could say anything else. There was an ominous sound in the air, a warning you could clearly hear.
- You've pushed your luck enough.
- With a curt nod to Lilia, you left her and continued on your way to the shrine.
- And Lilia remained there, shocked and flustered - feeling alive for the first time after so very long.
- Of course, you were just a human. But you possessed such confidence, such a stubborn aura around you. So different from her weak, sensitive nature.
- In the following 3 years, you would see her again and again. Lilia was a sweet thing, always waiting for you at the edge of the forest on that fateful night. It made your heart ache, the way her eyes would brighten with excitement and love - only to fill with tears when it was your time to go.
- Every year, you'd push the limit a bit more. Just a little bit more. Just 5 more minutes with the lovely fawn you've met in the woods. The one you've come to cherish more than anything the mortal realm could offer to you.
- You knew what feelings you had for her. You were also well aware of her feelings for you. It was hard to ignore them when she waited for you so earnestly. It was hard not to confess when she walked besides you, talking as you carefully listened - hands touching your back, your hands, wrapping around your waist as she nuzzled your hair and your masked face.
- She was warm and delicate - the soft smell of cherry blossoms intoxicating you in her presence.
- You encouraged her to leave her safe forest - to meet the other kind spirits of the realm. You knew they did exist. You've seen them a few times in your passing, but from a great distance. You had never dared to adventure closer, unwilling to show any disrespect to them - no matter how unintentional.
- Obviously, you were happy when Lilia made new friends. She told you about two brothers, about a lost princess. She talked about Ahri, the fox spirit of the realm. She mentioned so many spirits, always ready to share new information with you. It made your heart ache for her. So innocent and so willing to do the right thing.
- In your 5th year as a priestess, you arrived to the spirit realm prepared. Cherry blossoms bloomed in your hair, woven delicately into an elegant design. Instead of a purple kimono, you were wearing a red one, rich in gold and silver.
- You wore no mask - instead, a crimson veil delicately covered your face.
- You had offered yourself as a sacrifice to the spirits of the realm, to the unfortunate weeping of your fellow sisters.
- While they were crying in despair, you were crying out of happiness.
- You watched as Lilia froze in shock and recognition, followed by uncertainty and a brief moment of bursting excitement and happiness.
- "You'll have to accept me before someone else comes to snatch me away." You whispered softly when you came to a stop in front of her, your cheeky smile visible through the thin veil.
- She could only ask you why in a trembling voice.
- And finally, you were able to tell her. You loved her, of course. Why else would you do this?
- You told her you were sick of waiting one year to see her again. You told her that the mortal world was dull and lacking happiness in her absence.
- You told her you'd never been happier than in that very moment.
- And Lilia could only smile widely through the tears of happiness bursting from her eyes, shaking hands reaching for the veil to pull it off - before she pressed a soft, delicate kiss on your cold lips.
- Lilia isn't a very sexual being. She's more willing to please than be pleased. But, as your wife, she does make sure to satisfy you in every possible way.
- It isn't only about doing her marital duties, of course. As weak as she might seem, Lilia can become quite fierce. She knows how to say no when she feels uncomfortable - and that's mainly because she's so comfortable with you. She knows that you wouldn't force her into anything, nor judge her for saying no.
- Marriage in the spirit realm is different from marriage in the mortal realm. It's much more meaningful. As Lilia is a spirit - and you are to become wed to one, even as a human - sex takes on a much more meaningful touch. It's a bonding of your souls in more than one ways. It's the final rite in your marriage, after the bridge offering and the small courtship phase - which consists of Lilia offering you something to eat, something made by her, before taking you to bed.
- She's a gentle and loving partner. Honestly. there is no sex with her. There is only love making. She takes care of you better than any partners you might've had in the past, sensible and well aware of your needs.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Crossing Worlds
This all started because of this
Damian Wayne, age 18, son of Bruce Wayne the Batman. Was surprisingly walking aimlessly through the manor. He knew his father was in his study, Tim was in the cave, Jason, Dick, and Alfred were somewhere but that didn't matter to him. It was a rare moment where the manor was quiet, but his mind was anything but.
He found himself in one of the music rooms.
He went over to a blue and silver Stratocaster, what looked like two small earring hoops were pushed through the strap, the blue metal with each having three onyx bats shown against the matte strap. He plugged it in and begin to strum, after a while a melody was in his mind and he followed the song in his head. He was vaguely aware of his family coming in during the song, but he continued, his mind solely focused on the music.
"Wow I didn't know you could play Baby Bird" Grayson complemented after he had finished.
"Tt. I am proficient at many instruments" he responded calmly.
"Okay Demon Spawn is good at guitar" Todd started "Do you know any Jagged Stone songs?"
"Who?" he asked confused, this was apparently the wrong thing to say.
"What!!!" all three of his brothers shouted simultaneously.
It was Todd that spoke up again "We are totally listening to his albums now" Todd pushed and guided Damian to the game room and placed a CD into the player, tossing the album case to him. After a three full albums Damian spoke again "I've never heard any of those but they were good I suppose" again that was the wrong thing to say.
As all three yelled "What" again.
"How hard did Croc hit you yesterday?" Drake asked.
What I had a run in with Ivy. And that was just to help her find Harley.
He must have shown his confusion because his brothers were about to descend on him but then all of them heard a crash. That sent everyone into alert. Within a moment Damian took point his katana in his hands, Drake and Grayson behind him, and Todd brought up the rear a glock in each hand.
They heard a high pitched chirping from the music room, so it was as good a place to start as any. They opened the door to see a...is that a bat. The bat must have noticed them because they were now facing them just floating there.
"Wait why are you floating not flapping your wings?" Damian didn't realize he spoke aloud but he didn't expect it to answer back.
"I don't need to" it answered gruffly.
"It can talk. Why can it talk?" Grayson shrieked behind him.
"First off it has a name and it's Damon" the little bat, Damon, crossed it’s wings "and second I am a Kwami."
"And what is a Kwami?" Drake asked.
"Simply put Kwami are pocket sized gods bound to miraculous or jewelry." Damon explained "I am the Kwami of space, sorry for pulling you with me pup." By now the little god was floating in front of Damian.
That was when he realized he was talking to him. "What do you mean?" he asked and held out his hand and the Kwami hung upside down from his fingers.
"Essentially my miraculous was lost in space and ended up in your world. You unconsciously activated my miraculous which allowed me to come home but you were pulled into it with me." he explained.
"So this isn't Demon Spawn" Todd spoke the question on everyone’s mind.
"No. He is saying this Damian is from an alternate universe" Drake explained "its the multiverse theory."
"Exactly but unless you want to go back there are no consequences"
"There is always an effect with magic though." Grayson added intelligently.
"That is true for magic wielded by mortals" he answered "but I am not. My powers in this form are unlimited and volatile but not without balance. You pup exist in both so it has no consequence."
"Would this affect my memories?" Damian asked the god.
"Yes and no. Major events of an individuals past and character traits tend to stay the same. Smaller and more trivial events may be different" Damon explains. By this time Pennyworth and Father have been caught up and were listening. "More likely there are people added into this world who did not exist in yours."
"That would explain why you never heard of Jagged when we are always blasting his songs" Todd grumbled.
That was when an alarm sounded from Drake's phone.
"Speaking of which Jagged's concert is in two days and our flight to Paris is scheduled to leave in three hours." Drake informs us all.
"Shit" Todd yells as he runs out at the room.
"I'll bring the car around." Pennyworth spoke to no one in particular. Drake and Grayson followed him out. Leaving Damian, Damon, and Bruce in the room.
"Father" Damian didn't get to say any more before he was stopped.
"Yes" he answered.
"What? I'm confused. Father"
"Damon you may stay with Damian" he answered "Alfred explained a bit more about the miraculous and spoke fondly of one Duusu."
"So he was a past bird" Damon hummed "that would explain the trace magic on him." His father left and Damian was about to leave when Damon floated in his face "You might want to put on the earrings pup."
"Alright. Wait earrings does that mean" he couldn't help the shock in his voice.
"You need to get your ears pierced" Damon smirked, "seems so."
How can something so cute look so smug at his displeasure.
He could either do it in Paris or here in Gotham. You know what, why prolong the anticipation. So he went to find Todd. Granted he would never have willingly sought him out. But for this he trusted his brother's judgement. Surprisingly Todd didn't make a big deal of it. A quick shout to Pennyworth and they were out of the manor. Within 15 minutes they were in front of a Tattoo Parlor.
"Tt. I said I wanted a piercing, Todd, not a tattoo."
"I remember Demon spawn. You got the earrings."
Damian nodded and they went in. The whole process took about 20 minutes and was relatively painless. He got a double cartilage piercing on his right ear. He was given instructions for care and cleaning and a warning it would be sore for a while.
All in all, Todd isn't always an asshole and gave him some suggestions. Mainly that since he had wanted the cartilage pierced to only do one ear so he could sleep on the other until it is healed.
Back at the manor his bags were already packed. Whether it was Pennyworth or him from this world he didn't know but was grateful. Damon had taken to sleeping and hiding in his jacket pocket.
The airport and flight was uneventful. But it wasn't until they exited the airport when they noticed something was wrong. Well that wasn't hard when there was a giant baby on a rampage. Two figures one in red and one in black made quick work of the giant. A swarm of pink fixed the damage and were gone. Damian looked towards his father and brothers whose expressions mimicked his own shock.
He felt his phone vibrate, signaling a message. He was going to ignore it when he felt Damon poke him.
The message read :
Something is wrong, there are miraculous active.
Once in the hotel Drake went through the records from Paris while father went through the JL system. Damon had taken his phone and seemed to be writing, when he was done he flew over dropped his phone and shot him a smirk but his eyes were calculated.
"Damon" he called but the Kwami gone with only a salute and phased out of the room, so he opened the phone
If I'm not back in an hour get in uniform with the Big Bat and go to the inner floor of the Eiffel tower. I'm going to find the guardian to get a meeting with the heroes. To transform say or mumble 'Damon, Night Terror, to de-transform say 'Day Break' . Your weapons include dual swords and a grappling hook. Your powers allow you to open small pocket dimensions but in battle you can create shadows of yourself and whoever you want. Shadows are corporeal for about five minutes or until they receive enough damage to use it say, 'Shadow Runner'
Delete this.
Damian sighed, erased what was on the unsaved document and closed the application. He went back into the main room to see his Father in a meeting with Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, and Green Lanterns (Bravo and Foxtrot).
"We need to find out how we can help" Bravo, Hal Jordon, commented.
"All we know is that the miraculous are in play" Batman responded.
"Do we know which ones" Wonder Woman commented.
"Right now no."
"So asking for those of us who don't know, what is a miraculous?" Foxtrot, Jessica Cruz, asked.
"Essentially jewelry, like the lantern rings, but are powered by pocket sized gods"
"Heroes are called Ladybug and Chat Noir" Drake supplied from the other side of the room.
"The Ladybug and Black Cat then. Do we know who they are fighting?" Wonder Woman asked.
At that point in the conversation Damian noticed there was 30 minutes until the meet up so he went to get dressed in his Robin uniform.
"Honestly Bats if you don't like outside heroes in your city. How would they react to outside heroes who have never heard of them?" the Flash made a valid point.
Batman hummed and was going to speak, but Damian beat him.
"Then it is a good thing that Father and I are meeting the heroes in 15 minutes.” By now Damian was standing behind his father in full view of the league members. Everyone stared at him, he was pretty sure Superman was going to say something about his piercing. As the boy scout was pointing to Damian's right where two hammered platinum earrings were.
"Then we will give a report later then." his father signed off and turned to him expectantly.
"Damon" was his response.
'sigh' "Alright lets go."
The two of them slipped out of the hotel and made it to the Eiffel Tower unnoticed. They waited a few minutes until they heard what sounded like a grapple wire and a thump they couldn't place. Two teens no older than him were in front of them. The thump must have come from the baton the blonde boy dressed as a cat in leather was holding. The girl was in a red spotted spandex suit with hair so dark it shone blue.
"Pup" he heard Damon shout before flying over and hanging upside down from his bracer.
"Tt. At least you left a note before zipping off." Robin scolded the kwami.
"Yes and it worked out."
"You didn't know where to start did you?"
"No, but..."
"It worked"
That was when they noticed the two Parisians laughing and giggling respectively. A small smile, not smirk Damian can tell the difference, played an Batman's lips.
"So Monsieur Robin, you are the pup this one spoke of" Ladybug finally pushed past the giggles.
"Tt. you didn't introduce your self" he scolded yet again.
"Nope" Damon smirked popping the 'P' "that's why I have you pup." he flew up and landed on his head laying down.
"Tt. This" Robin pointed to the crown of his head "is Damon, Kwami of space" said Kwami lifted a paw and dropped it again.
"Why come and offer help now when you hadn't responded to our pleas before." Chat Noir seemed to bite out.
"Damon noticed the miraculous were active so we dug into it." Robin shrugged.
"Because a kwami tells you you believe it, when we have been asking the Justice league for help these past five years." Ladybug tried to remain calm, but there was a hard edge to her voice.
"The aren't any records for Paris from the past five years" Batman stated.
"What!" both Parisians yelled.
A chuckle escaped Damon, as he floated in front of the Parisians. "Its because of you little bug."
"What! I didn't do anything" she shook her head.
"Not consciously. You subconsciously erased those videos to avoid an akuma that was already empowered before turning. The same goes for the news outlets. You are unconsciously restricting the news of akuma to prevent already super powered threats." Damon explained.
"Oh" was spoken so softly Damian saw more than heard her say it.
"Robin why don't you transform and LB can catch Batman up on the situation while we patrol." Chat Noir attempted ease the group of the revelation Damon provided.
He looked to his father who gave him a nod. In a flash of indigo blue he transformed. A charcoal loose shirt, pants, and gloves. Black reinforced boots, vest, and greaves. The vest had a dark blue center, like the boots across the top of the foot. The greaves had a shocking blue cuff matching the blade edges of his twin swords, and the bats on both his boots and belt. A navy blue cape hung at his shoulders ending at his knees was held in place by two shoulder plates. A black mask covered the bottom half of his face, his hair turned midnight blue, and his eyes a haunting icy blue.
"What should we call you?" Ladybug asked him.
"Bat?" he answered slightly unsure.
"Maybe add a descriptor." his father stated a smirk on his face.
"Blue, no Nelly." He decided. "My name is Nelly Bat." His father nodded and Ladybug gave a wave as Chat Noir dragged him away to patrol.
This was shaping up to be an interesting world he fell into.
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write-ur-wrongs · 4 years
I can’t thank you enough for you kindness and patience with this request! I was nervous to write a HoH reader, but I truly hope I’ve done them justice. Please let me know what you think :) 
Hi could I request a Geralt x hard of hearing (HoH) reader? Could be hcs or maybe reader is nervous that they'll be a burden for geralt & jaskier to travel with? Ty!
The sun was about to set as you reached your destination, and while your feet throbbed angrily, you were glad to have powered on earlier in the day. You weren’t afraid of the woods at night, but you weren’t willing to fight for free. If you were going to kill, you were going to collect.
As you entered the town, you took note of its state. Multiple villagers were milling around the alleys, chatting under lanterns and clearing out their market stalls for the day. You were happy to see that this village was busy; villages with plenty of children and elders often had plenty of jobs needing to be done.
Your optimism was quickly dampened though, when you saw that there were only three signs on the notice board. Letting your bag drop to your feet with a huff, you massaged your shoulder as you scanned the board for anything worthwhile.
“Oh, thank god!” you muttered, upon seeing the first ad. It was posted by the town healer who was looking for an extensive collection of herbs – a collection you already had in your pack. Plus, they lived just off the town square, so you could drop off the herbs on your way to the inn.
The next ad was from someone begging for an exorcism for their child, who had apparently become possessed by a devil. You skipped it quickly, screwing your face up in disgust. You weren’t about to try that again.
The final post was from a local farmer requesting assistance in dealing with a banshee – this caught your attention. You felt like you’d struck gold here; there was no creature better suited to your abilities – or as some might say, lack thereof.
You were a little bitter that half the post had been torn off, so you had no idea who you were looking for, only where to look; the pub.
You hated a lot of things and many places, but if there was one thing you really couldn’t stand, it was small enclosed areas where hoards of people went to get drunk and shout. Between the collective shouting and slurring, you could never make heads or tails of what anyone was saying.
Sighing through your nose, you tore the rest of the ad off the board, picked up your bag and made way for the healer’s house before seeking out the pub.
Fortunately, the healer was beyond grateful for your herbs, and paid you handsomely for them. Weighing your bag of coin roughly in your hand, you contemplated whether or not a visit to the pub would be worth it.
While the healer paid you really well, that was no guarantee of long-term comfort. In the last village, you ended up paying more for a room at the inn than you’d made slaying two of their local terrors. You knew ridding someone of a banshee would pay well, but gods, you hated pubs.
It seemed fate made the decision on your behalf, however, as the pub and the inn were in the same building – you’d have to go into the pub to get yourself a room for the night.
Well, fuck, you thought, hiking your bag up higher on your shoulder, readying yourself for the dull and disorienting drone that awaited you inside. Here goes nothing. 
It was loud; so loud in fact, that you could feel it. You looked around hoping that the person you were looking for would somehow make themselves known, but all you saw were groups of rowdy men shouting and shoving one-another around the crowded space.
But just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, you spotted a bard. And he was really putting it on for the crowd.
Rolling your eyes, you pulled your bag up closer to yourself, conscious of the limited space, and plowed on. Once at the bar, you took a moment to lean up against it and tried to get your bearings. You’ve been living with your condition for most of your life now, having lost the majority of your hearing after an accident, but you didn’t think you’d ever get used to the overwhelming buzz that surrounded you in loud spaces. There was no discernable sound per say, it was all just noise.
You were lost in your discomfort when you felt someone grab at your elbow. You whipped your head around and found yourself face to face with a drunk woman.
“’e’s been askin’ ya a question!” she shouted at you, nodding to the bartender.
“Oh,” you exclaim, “thank you.” You say, pulling your arm out of her grasp and turning to face the bar, and impatient bartender.
“As I’ve been sayin’, ’ow can I ‘elp ya?” he says, leaning towards you to be heard above the noise.
“I need a room,” you said, leaning in yourself, “and I need to find the person who posted this.” You slam the torn ad on the bar and slide it towards him.
“Up the stairs, first door ‘o the left,” he says, sliding you a key, “and no need to worry ‘bout that lass, ‘e’s taken care o’ it, yeah?” As he said this though, he turned his face away from you to gesture towards the man in question.
Unable to read his lips, you looked to where he pointed in frustration, but all you saw was an over-confident bard strut around like a fool. You scoffed and turned back to the bartender to ask him to repeat himself, but he’d already walked off to serve someone else.
Scoffing, you grabbed the key to your room off the bar and stalked off in the direction he had pointed. You really hated pubs.
Seeing a new face, the bard danced his way over to you and blocked your path, clearly trying to make an impression. You pushed past him, rolling your eyes and muttering expletives. Despite his quick recovery, you could tell your dismissiveness stung him by the way his eyes fell, but you had no patience for bards.
With the flamboyant man behind you, you took another look around the space, meaning to head upstairs to your room, but that’s when you spotted it. A wolf-head medallion, glimmering under the low light of the pub.
And the man wearing it? The White Wolf himself.
You knew this is who the bartender was referring to. There was definitely no one else in your line of sight who could handle a banshee and then settle into a pub like it was nothing.
And the most frustrating thing? He looked bored. Bored! This man just robbed you of your livelihood then settled into the local pub like it was nothing?
The whole ‘hero’ narrative that was used when referring to the White Wolf definitely made sense now that you saw him. He was broad and brooding. Like, exceptionally broad. And extraordinarily brooding. Like nothing could phase him; but Gods, you were going to try.
Another slew of expletives left your lips as you charged up to him. The man didn’t even look up when you arrived at his table. It took you slamming the add down on his table for him to put down the tankard and look at you.
“You stole my job”, you said, putting your bag down and sitting across from him.
“Excuse me?” he said, he said in a low, gravely tone, fixing you with his intense stare. You’d never met a witcher before and his eyes caught you off guard.
You tapped your fingers against the torn piece of paper on the table and said, “Maybe next time, take the whole add down so others don’t get their hopes up?” You pushed the paper towards him with emphasis as you punctuated the last word.
He quirked up a brow, leaned back into his seat, and smirked a little as he sized you up.
“Tearing down posts to prevent competition,” he said, “is that your move?”
You tilted your head at him with furrowed brows. While you were relieved to that he spoke slowly and deliberately, so you could read his lips with ease, his devil-may-care air was pissing you off.
“It’s common curtesy,” you said, “if you’re taking care of it. You take it down.”
“Hm.” He said, behind his pint, not that you could hear him. He took a sip of his ale with curious, raised brows. “And if you fail to take care of their problem?”
“Wouldn’t be the end of the world,” you said, crossing your arms. “Besides, I always follow-through.”
“Always, hm?”
“Yes, witcher, always. And would you like to know why that is?”
The corner of his mouth curled up into another smirk as he gestured you to continue.
“I only take jobs,” you tap the piece of paper between the two of, holding his gaze, “I know I can do.”
You saw something in his face change as he considered your words. Slowly, he set his drink down and leaned forward, connecting the dots.
“So, you’ve been the reason every town I’ve passed has had nothing to offer,” he said, “no monsters anywhere for weeks – or so it seemed. I was beginning to think the world had sorted itself out.”
As he spoke, you looked from his mouth to his eyes quickly, following every word. He noticed this but said nothing, and for that you were grateful.
“Now witcher, please,” you said, feeling bold, “don’t tell me you’ve gone your long life having never encountered competition in your line of work?”
“None like you.”
You sat together in silence for a few moments, a strange comfort settling in.
You weren’t used to having such quick banter. Normally you missed half of what people said and got too frustrated to ask them to repeat themselves. It was nice to be fully engaged in the conversation for once. It was such a small thing, but you found yourself fighting back a wave of sadness as you realized how much you missed these moments of connection.
“Well,” you said, breaking the spell and moving to get up, “just, um, take down the posts in the future, alright witcher?”
“Yes, Geralt,” you smile, “of Rivia, the White Wolf, the butcher of Blaviken.” You count the names off your fingers one by one as you get up from the table, making Geralt fight back a smile himself.
“Wait – what’s your name?” he says a little too late, you already had you back turned. Hesitantly, he reached his hand out towards you and caught your hand in his, letting go the instant you turned back, looking down on him curiously.
“Sorry – I, hm, what is your name?”
“Y/N” you state simply.
Geralt quirks up a brow, waiting for you to go on. When you didn’t, he cleared his throat.
“Y/N… of?”
“Of nowhere of importance,” you say, “it’s just Y/N.”
“Hm.” He nods at you in an unspoken understanding, holding your gaze as you took a few steps backwards and away from him.
Just as you turn to make your way towards the stairs, you find yourself face to face with the bard. He’s looking from you to Geralt with eyes wide in confusion and curiosity. You smile to yourself as you push past him to the stairs.
You’re about to unlock the door to your room when you feel the floor vibrate beneath your feet. Someone of substantial weight was running up the wooden stairs behind you.
You turn quickly, your hand finding the hilt of your sword. But you release your grip when you see it was Geralt. Behind him you saw the bard craning his neck to stare through the bannisters, now looking positively concerned.
You thought you heard Geralt say something while you were looking down at the troubadour. Quickly, you brought your gaze back to him, looking from his mouth to his eyes. He was looking at you expectantly, so he was probably waiting for a reply. Fuck.
“Sorry,” you say, gesturing to your ear with your free hand, “I can’t, I mean, I didn’t hear you.”
Something seemed to click in his mind, because he took a step closer to you before repeating himself.
“What if there was no competition?” he said, thankfully at the same tone as he spoke to you downstairs. Once you registered his words however, you squinted at him playfully.
“Are you threatening me, Geralt?”
“Hm,” he bit back a smirk and shook his head, “No, Y/N. Travel with us, we will split the coin, double our workloads.”
“Us?” you had never heard of the White Wolf travelling with a group. Thinking you might have heard him wrong, and tired of needing to reply on lip reading; you unlock your door and push your way in, nodding for Geralt to follow you.
“Sorry, I don’t think I heard you right.” You say, dropping your bag on the bed with a thud.
“I’m asking you to join me on my travels, we can work together and split the coin.”
You took in his words slowly, drinking them in. Down in the in the pub, you could see his words, at times, feel them; but hearing them? That was something you truly weren’t expecting. Geralt had what might be the deepest voice you’ve ever heard.
“You said, ‘us’, before,” you said, sitting on the chair in the corner and removing your boots, “isn’t that what you said?”
“Hm,” he hummed, you watched him closely. Oh, the things you missed when you couldn’t hear, you thought sullenly. “You’re right, I did. The bard, Jaskier, he’s with me.”
“The bard?!” you laughed, finding it impossible to picture the broad brooding man before you with the man you saw downstairs. “And you tolerate him?”
“Hm,” he laughed through his nose, “I’ve learned to tune him out.”
“Hm?” you repeat, teasingly, picking up on his verbal tick, “Is that so?”
He squints at you in mock contempt, and makes a scene of standing up from the edge of the bed where he’d settled.
“I take back my offer,” he states, turning his head so you could see him say as well as hear him, as he makes his way for the door.
“Geralt, wait,” you exclaim through what was left of your laughter, “you really want me to join you? Despite my…” you gesture vaguely to your ears.
The witcher stopped in his tracks and looks down at you meaningfully.
“Y/N,” he says, “you said it yourself, you and I are currently fighting for the same work, and you’ve proven yourself to be an extraordinary fighter – villages up and down the continent has benefitted from your work.”
He takes another step closer to you before finishing his thought.
“Despite your…” he mimics your previous gesture with a small smile.
“I really don’t want to be a burden to you,” you say, in a small voice, “or Jaskier, the bard, or anyone.”
“Impossible.” He states firmly, leaving no room for argument, but his eyes betrayed a gentleness.  
You had to admit it was an amazing offer. To no longer be alone. To be with someone who spoke to you with respect, not yelling at you or mocking you for your condition. Working within a team would also allow you a sense of security you haven’t known for, well, far too long.
Geralt must have sensed that you were nearing a decision because he placed his hand on your shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze, eyes never leaving yours.
“I was planning on leaving this village tomorrow…” you start, “and if you’re certain –”
“– I am.”
“Well, then I guess we leave tomorrow.” You say, putting your hand over his, and returning the comfort he had given you.
“Perfect.” He says, gentle eyes holding yours for another moment before he cast them downward and pull his hand away.
Once he was well out of your room and you had made your way to bed, you finally began accepting the reality of what you had agreed to.
After years of living in the shadows, ashamed of who you where and what you couldn’t do. You’d be a part of a team. One that would value you and lean on you for support as much as you did them.
You settled into your bed and closed your eyes, letting the welcomed silence wash over you. You supposed you’d have to learn to tune out the bard too. At least you had an advantage.
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jawabear · 4 years
Feelings are hard (Mandalorian x Reader)
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Not my GIF
A/N: I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for ages and finally decided to post it because I kind of like it. Sorry for any mistakes.
Genre: fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, Soft Mando, Mando really wants some love, but poor boy is so awkward, Pedro Pascal comes with his own warning
Summary: As a Mandalorian, Din doesn't have much grace when it comes to feelings but maybe he has another way he can express himself 
Feelings were not something the Mandalorian knew well. He had blocked most feelings off from himself. He couldn't have feelings of compassion, love, sadness or anything else like that with the job he had. He felt felt guilty after every bounty he went after, he would be no good at his job. He probably wouldn't even be a Mandalorian if he had any such feelings lingering in his body.
But since meeting the child, his feelings were slowly sinking back into his life. He felt protective over the small creature. The thought of loosing him made the Mandalorian sad beyond belief, he desperately cared for the child, he was defiantly becoming more human with each passing day. 
This child of his had been a sort of charm for Mando. A bad luck charm in the sense that where ever they went, trouble was sure to cross their path. There were still people looking for the child and Mando would do anything to stop them, to get him and the child to safety as quickly as possible. But a good luck charm in the sense that if it weren't for the trouble the child brought with him, Mando would never have met the woman who made him feel what love is.
Their first meeting was a blur. A gang and pinned Mando and the child in a corner, seeing no escape, he held the child protectively close to him as he waited for the shooting to start. And it did. But he ever seemed to get hit. She had come to their rescue, effortlessly shooting down the gang members without breaking a sweat. She had introduced herself as (Y/N) and asked why those people why shooting at him. He explained his situation and she offered them a safe place to sleep for that night, fit with food, water and any fresh supplies they may have needed.
Since that meeting, the three of them had traveled that galaxy together. She had agreed to go with him, saying that she had nothing left on that planet anyway. She wanted to see what other planets there were in the galaxy, she wanted to live a little. He was happy to take her on board, he knew he could use someone of her skill to help him out on difficult bounties and he could use an extra pair of hands to help look after the child.
Currently, the two bounty hunters walked through the bustling streets of the cities market. Mando wasn't phased by what the stalls had to offer, he had seen countless market stands in his time, some far better than this, and some far worse. But what he enjoyed about it, was seeing how (Y/N)’s face lit up with every stall she stopped at, even if it wasn't selling anything interesting.
She was a person deprived of any sort of experience of the outer worlds. Only knew the sands and hills of her own planet, she had probably never seen so many people in her life, let alone all the bright colours, exotic foods, music and dancing. He was in awe at her expressions as she took her time to take in everything she could before moving onto the next stall. Mando was patient with her, he was thankful his face was covered, he probably looked like a dazed idiot, he was smiling like one at least.
His heart swelled when she would speak to the person behind the stall to ask them about an item in their table, hearing her voice filled with gratitude when they would offer her a taste of a food, whether that be from her obvious excitement about the new world she was discovering, or intimidation from her bounty hunter demeanour and outfit. He kept a slight distance between him and her, wanting her to experience it fully without his input to tell her what was what, but he would step in when a dodgy guy would approach her, her innocence of the world making her and easy target, even more so, the fact that she had the child in her arms.
"You don't seem to be enjoying this as much as I am, Mando" she pointed out, her eyes scanning over the various jewels and precious stones that laid out on the stall in front of her.
"I'm enjoying watching you" he mumbled, she looked at him over her shoulder and laughed slightly "that came out a little creepy. I meant, I'm happy seeing you so excited by all this. I know what it's like to experience things like this for the first time" he tried again.
"Am I waisting your time?" She asked him nervously "you can go if you want, if you've got somewhere else to be, we can meet up later"
He shook his head, walking closer to her and looking over the table himself "I'm not leaving you out here alone. And you're not wasting my time. I came here for you. I wanted you to see all this" he admitted quietly.
She looked to him with soft eyes, he felt like he was melting under her gaze. "Thank you Mando" she smiled to him. He nodded and looked back over the table, as did she. Her smile remained on her face as the Trader would offer her to hold the stones, he watched as she ran her hands over each stone, memorising the smooth or rough texture of each one she was handed. He took further notice of how she seemed to hold one in her hands for longer then the others. It was a white stone mainly, however, it was in necklace form. It was the shape of a crystal he figured, but it shone differently to the average crystal he was used to. It seemed to glow with a bold line of light blue, it looked like a tiny galaxy inside it, only it wasn't black like he was used to. He saw how it reflect the own galaxies in her eyes. How she stared at it with such amazement, she seemed to get lost inside the crystal, taken by its beauty completely. Now she knew how he felt each time he looked at her.
Reluctantly she handed it back to the Trader who gently placed it down in the table. She thanked the Trader for her time and heard the child coo in her arms. (Y/N) looked down to the child "I think he's hungry" she observed "I'm pretty hungry too" she laughed.
"Right. I think I saw a Cantina down that way" he said pointing back the way they had come. "You go ahead down there with the Kid, I'm going to stock up on some supplies before we head back to the ship" she nodded and turned from him, she began making her way to where he had pointed.
After they had all eaten, they found theirselves back on his ship. It was dark now, the child was sleeping after the big meal he had eaten, leaving Mando and (Y/N) awake alone with each other. Mando had landed his ship up in a ridge that looked over the city square. (Y/N) sat in the gateway of his ship, staring out into the horizon in awe. She could see colourful light of lanterns and fires, she could hear the soft sound of music, singing and laughter from the residence down there.
"Mind if I join you?" Mando spoke suddenly from beside her, making her jump slightly and look up at his figure. She nodded to him with a soft smile. He settled on the floor next to her and looked out over the city as well.
"I've never seen anything like this before" she whispered, she hugged her knees close to her chest as he chin rested between them. "All the colours, all the people. I've never heard such music or laughter before. I've really been missing out"
"I'm happy I'm able to show you the universe (Y/N)" he nodded.
"I'm thankful for you Mando. For everything you've done for me. For bringing me with you, for getting me off the planet, for showing me all this, for giving me a purpose"
He was silent for a moment before taking in a deep breath "Din" he finally said.
"What?" She asked as she turned to face him, but he wasn't looking at her.
"My name...is Din. Din Djarin. When we're alone, call me that"
"Okay...Din" he liked the way his name sounded on her lips. He liked hearing his name again. It had been so long since he was called anything other then his job title. He was slightly surprised he still remembered his own name.
"I uh.." he paused for a moment as he reached into on of his many pockets and pulled something out of it "I got you something" he held up the necklace she had admired earlier, her eyes widening at the sight of it again.
"D-Din" she stuttered as she reached out to gently take it from his hands to admire it again.
"I saw the way you looked at it earlier. I loved the way you looked at it, I wanted to see it again. I want to see that look everyday, so I thought I would get it for you" he admitted sheepishly.
She was speechless. Her eyes flicked between him and the necklace, she didn't quite believe what was happening. She felt like the luckiest girl in the entire galaxy. To anyone else, it wouldn't be that much, but to her, someone who had been so deprived of the world, it was everything. "Thank you" she whispered. She could feel tears forming in her eyes. She handed it back to him "can you put it on me?" She asked quietly. He nodded, she turned slightly so that her back was too him. She lifted her hair to allow him better access to her neck. He placed the item around her neck, securely fastening it at the back.
"There" he muttered. She dropped her hair and returned to her original position, looking down at the crystal and smiling. "(Y/N)..." he began "I need to tell you something" she looked at him with worry. She pressed a gently hand against his thigh that made his heart flutter.
"What is it?" She asked him.
He looked at her for a moment, getting lost in her eyes. He blinked a few times before speaking again "I...I haven't know feelings in a long time. My way of life denied my of any. But...my life is different now. Now I have the kid, and I have you. Feelings have snuck their way back into my life. Thanks to you and the child, I have recalled the feelings of compassion, happiness, sadness, comfort, anything like that. But thanks to you...I've began to feel something that I never have. I think I'm madly in love with you. I'm in love with your innocent. With your wonder. I'm in love with the way you care for the child. I'm in love with the way you are able to so effortlessly handle any situation, how easy you make taking down twenty men look. I'm in love with you face, your smile, your eyes. I'm no good when it comes to feelings or words, so this probably didn't come out how I wanted it to. But I don't think I understand how much I love you yet, but I know that I do. And regardless of whether you feel the same way for me or not, I don't think I could live without you"
She shuffled closer to him, a smile once again on her lips "I'm awful too when it comes to feelings. But I love you too Din. I love the way you make me feel. I love the way you protect me and the child, how safe you make me feel. How you'll hold me after a tough mission. How you take me to places like this so I can get a taste of what the galaxy has to offer. And I too may not understand her how much I love you, but I love you. And I can't live with out you, I wouldn't be alive without you"
He brought a gloved hand to her cheek and she leaned into the touch. "Close your eyes" he ordered softly as he removed his hand. She nodded as did as she was told. She was confused at his sudden request, even more so when she heard a slight hiss. The sound of metal hitting the floor had her slightly worried.
"Din, what are you doing?" She asked.
"Just keep your eyes closed, okay?" He said "do not open them until I say" she nodded again, her eyes tightly shut. The feeling of his gloves were once again against her cheeks. She then felt something warm against her face, it felt like warm air, coming out in steady beats. She was about to talk but all knowledge of words slipped from her mind the moment his lips pressed against hers.
She didn't know how to react at first. Her heart rate increased, it pounded against her chest so hard that she was sure he would be able to hear it. The kiss was gentle, it was soft, it was something ten times better then what she could ever imagine kissing him would feel like. He hands slowly raised to his cheeks, resting against them. She basked in the feeling of his skin under her fingers, it was slightly rough, not as smooth as she had imagined but she didn't care, she could feel him. The real him. Her thumbs traced over his cheeks as their lips moved together in perfect sync. They had fit together perfectly. They were two halves of one piece.
The need for air was calling and caused the two to part from each other, they stayed in close proximity, their hands did not move from each other. "Wow..." she breathed quietly with a smile on her lips. He didn't respond at first. He looked over her face, seeing how her cheeks were dusted with a light shade of red. A dazed smile on her rosy lips. He wanted to see her eyes. He wanted to see if they showed the same amount of love and adoration as his. But he didn't know if he could allow her to see his face. No living creature was allowed to see him. That was his code. But if he put his helmet back on he couldn't kiss her again.
"Open your eyes" he whispered.
"But...I'll see you"
"I know. I want you to"
"A-are you sure?" He nodded and saw her gulp. She pulled her head back and slowly she opened her eyes. She drew in a sharp breath when her eyes met his. He wasn't anything like she had imagined, he was so much better. She fell instantly in love with his dark eyes, his sloped noise, his scruffy facial hair. She felt her eyes brim with tears but her smile was bright. She pulled him in for another kiss. This one was different. It was better because she had seen that face of the man she loved.
Suddenly, there was a massive bang and burst of bright colours that made her jump and curl herself around his body in fear at the sudden noise, he managed a soft laugh as he slipped his arms around her waist "what was that?" She asked, her voice small and timid.
"Nothing to be afraid of" he assured her "they're fireworks. People set them off at festivals and special occasions. Another reason I wanted to bring you here. I thought you might enjoy the show" she heard another bang and quivered "it's okay (Y/N), it's nothing to be scared of. It's quite beautiful to watch, you're safe"
She slowly pulled away from him and he nodded in reassurance. She didn't move far from his body but she turned her head to look back out over the city. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. Her face framed by the beautiful explosions of vibrant colours that filled the night sky. She let out soft breaths of amazement with each one. She held onto his hand tightly, his eyes were fixate on her, watching as her face lit up.
He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek making her smile ever brighter. She then rested her head on his shoulder, his head resting against her. They both let out sighs of content as they relaxed in the comfort of each other's hold and enjoyed the dazzling display of colour that felt as though it were put on just for them.
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sinnamonn · 3 years
Now and Then, Here and There
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The Secret Society free a former member of the Justice League, one who has seen multiple worlds and have lost just as many.
Warnings: Uhhh suicidal ideation towards the end
“...If I could do that for her,” Grodd gestured to Giganta, “Imagine what I can do for you.” The ape set down the picture frame. Clay face wondered if it was worth it for a minute, sure he wanted to be normal again, but the idea of keeping his powers plus being normal was too good of an offer. it’s not like Sinsetro, Killer Frost, Shade, and Parasite would just follow any villain blindly. He had to have been offering them something just as good.
“I’m in.” He replied, normalcy, sweet normalcy, Clayface could almost taste i
“Perfect. But to do that, we need to pick up one last friend.” He said.
“Wait a minute! You never said anything about another member.” Parasite exclaimed,
“I’m getting impatient, Grodd.” Sinestro added, “Just how long until we take down the league?!”
The group began to become restless, but Grodd remained calm. He was smarter than this whole group combined, after all, he could control them.
“Now, now, If we want to bring down the league she is integral to that.” Grodd said.
“She?” Killer Frost repeated.
“I can see you’re curious. Standing here arguing won’t get her here faster, now, let's take a little field trip to CADMUS.” Grodd started towards the exit. The others held back, exchanging looks.
But Grodd hadn’t lied to them.
So they followed.
“So how are we getting in exactly? CADMUS Labs aren’t exactly a cakewalk.” Shade asked, squeezed into the back seat with the others. Giganta’s car was spacious enough, but it was no minivan. Shade had been sandwiched between Parasite and Sinestro with Clayface and Frost at either windows.
“I’ve been sending out waves to a security guard there, he’ll let us in easy.” Grodd replied
“You really thought of everything, huh?” Giganta smiled at him.
“Of course.”
The lower levels of Cadmus were creepy. Lit by red LEDs and metal walls, the group’s footsteps echoed within the hallways. The red also illuminated...things, dead things preserved in formaldehyde. Aliens maybe? Failed experiments?
“The one we’re getting is alive right?” Shade asked, “ I’m good with a lot of things but carrying around a corpse isn’t one of them.”
“Not to worry, our new friend is very much alive, she’s just sleeping.” Grodd answered.
“That’s what my folks told me when my dog died when I was a kid, you sure about that Grodd?” Clayface questioned him.
“I’m absolutely positive, why would CADMUS keep a dead body under lock and key?”
A door with a passcode lock, reinforced with steel.
“Frost?” Grodd said, not taking his eyes off the door.
“On it.” She placed her hand on the lock ,freezing and then destroying the keypad. With the security system broken, the inner locks released, revealing a small room. It was barren save for a few small tables towards the back surrounding a single cryogenic sleep container.
“Is that a kid in there!?” Clayface asked, squinting into the chamber’s small window. He was correct, floating inside the chamber was a small girl with an oxygen mask attached to her face. What had to be the most eye-catching thing about this girl was her hair, vibrant orange floated around her face, but the roots and bangs were a stark white in comparison.
“They just locked her up and left her here?” Giganta turned to Grodd, he nodded, a grim look on his face.
“Unfortunately yes, probably for years, the extent to which CADMUS is willing to go is horrifying.” He explained, “But before we free our new friend, it’s imperative that from now on we call the Justice League the Justice Lords.”
“Justice Lords?” Shade repeated, “Why the change?”
“You’ll see.” Grodd simply replied, inputting the code to the container's keypad. The sound of air letting out of the container filled the room, opening and fully revealing the girl. She looked so fragile and pale, her skin nearly pure white from the lack of sun .
Giganta was the one to catch the girl before she hit the ground, gently removing the oxygen mask from her face.
Oh, she had freckles.
Still, the redhead didn’t move and for a moment Grodd though that she was actually dead. Maybe CADMUS really did keep a dead body under lock and key?
The girl’s sleep-filled groan proved otherwise, and once again Grodd was right.
“Wha…?” Bleary, half lidded eyes scanned their surroundings. Seemingly upon realizing the company, the girl yelled and scrambled out of Giganta’s hold, shakily getting to her feet. “Who are you!? What world is this!?” Her eyes shot manically around the room, “Where am I!?”.
“Hey, calm down! What are you talking about?” Parasite said.
“ What’s happening in this world!?” She reiterated, only to be met with silent confusion. She sighed, “Are Themyscira and Atlantis at war?”
“Uh, no?” Clayface answered.
“Is Darkseid on earth?”
“Nope.” Shade replied
“Is Superman a communist?”
“Wha-? I don’t think he’s a communist?” Parasite answered confusedly.
“I’ll take that as a no, what about the Justice League? Are they still the league or are they a crime syndicate?” The redhead pressed.
“No, they don’t call themself that.” Grodd replied before anyone else had a chance to, the girl let out a sigh of relief.
“Ok, good, The Flash in that world was a major creep.” She replied, the soft smile she held faded when she saw Grodd’s expression.
“They don’t call themselves the Justice League either…” He trailed off. A manipulation tactic meant for the girl to fill in the blanks herself, and it worked.
“No...they’re calling themselves the Justice Lords, aren’t they?” She raked a hand through her hair, “ Damn it! I was so close this time…”
Grodd nodded, “I’m afraid so, they’re also the reason you were held by CADMUS.”
“Checks out. So I take it you guys are a resistance group now?” She questioned, turning her attention back to the others. The gorilla smiled down at her,
“You catch on fast. We call ourselves the Secret Society, I am—“
“Gorilla Grodd,” She interrupted and turned to the others, “and you’re Giganta, Shade, Parasite, Clayface, don’t know you but judging by the uniform you’re a red lantern, and Killer Frost. Some of us have met in other worlds.”
Awkward silence, the society looked between themselves, not knowing how to react to that.
Shade cleared his throat, “well, you seem to already know us, that just leaves you then.”
The girl chuckled dryly, “The only thing that truly stays consistent...Call me Illusium. Now let's get out of here before those fascists realize I’m out. ”
As if on cue, an alarm went off.
“Little late for that.” Giganta stated, looking from the door to the girl. Illusium merely smirked.
“CADMUS’s foot soldiers are no problem.” Illusium’ s hospital gown rustled as she walked out, facing the coming security officers, “Thought you could keep me locked up?” She glared at them, pupil’s beginning to glow red, “Idiots.” A simple wave of her hand, the guards stopped, looking wide-eyed at nothing. At least, that’s what the rest of the society thought. To Illusium and the guards, in front of them was one of Darkseid’s paradooms. Of course, only Illusium knew it was an illusion, what kind of League member would she be if she didn’t have control of her powers?
Besides, paradooms didn’t scare her anymore.
Yelling, blind shooting, bullets flying in the opposite direction; the guards were distracted, giving the others ample time to escape.
“Let’s go before they realize it’s a fake!” The redhead called back to the others before taking off.
“What did ya do to em’!?” Clayface asked, Illusium laughed.
“Made ‘em see something scary!”
They burned rubber speeding out of CADMUS, the first phase in Grodd’s plan going smoothly and with no interference from the League. This time around, in this world, the Secret Society was practically guaranteed to win.
“This is familiar.” Illusium stated, walking around the Society’s base; taking in all the computers and tech they had managed to compile. She had changed out of the hospital gown, now wearing a comically oversized sweater originally belonging to Giganta.
“So you’ve been here before?” Killer frost asked, Illusuim only shook her head.
“Not here exactly, but similar.”
Shade chimed in, “I gotta know what you did back there, you made those guards look terrified of thin air.”
“It’s a part of my power, I can project pieces of my memories onto whoever I choose to,” She explained, “the other part of it is immortality through quantum death. You guys know what that is, right?”
“Familiar with the concept, but who am I to explain your power?” Grodd replied.
“‘Kay...So it’s like this: you’re sitting on the ledge of a cliff, you decide whether or not to jump, but in the end you jump. The very moment that decision is made, a parallel universe where you didn’t jump is created, and here’s where my ability comes in,” Illusium swallowed, “Everytime I die I’m transported to a different world, all my memories of the previous one stay intact.”
“So that’s why you were freaking out about what world this was?” Parasite asked, she nodded.
“Yep, I call it the Death Loop.” Illusium.
“That sounds...intense.” Gigianta said, “How did you even figure that out?”
“Well, At first I thought I could temporarily shift to parallel realities. In that first world, myself and the League went to fight Darkseid, but little did we know he had planted spyware on one of us and...he...he killed everyone.” She scratched at her wrist, laughing nervously, “Including me. One minute I’m being torn apart by paradooms and the next thing I know. Amazons and Altlantians are killing each other and Wonder Woman is running a sword through me!”
“It was so weird. Sometimes it was minor changes, the league was fully intact except for a different Green Lantern or different Flash, and other times it was completely haywire, like they weren’t the Justice League at all but instead they were a crime syndicate and everyone looked and acted so different. The worst part was constantly seeing people you’ve known most of your life look at you like an enemy, or even worse a stranger.”
Killer Frost put a hand on her shoulder, snapping her out of her manic talk. “Don’t worry, this world’s gonna be different , for everyone.”
“Yeah, we’ll make it right!” Gigianta added.
Grodd and Shade stood away from the group, both of them watching as Illusium chatted away with the rest of the group.
“What’re you planning?” Shade asked, looking to the Gorilla
“Oh, it’s nothing elaborate. Illusium is a former league member, she knows how they think, how they fight. With her thinking they’re the bad guys our victory will be as easy as taking candy from a baby.”
“True, someone from the inside gives us an advantage, but what if she realizes that you’re lying.”
“She won’t. She’s lost so many worlds that she’ll cling to the first semblance of allyship offered to her.” He turned to rejoin the rest of the group, “So make sure all of you play nice.”
That night, Illusium lay on top of the Society’s hideout. They couldn’t sleep, probably because they’d been in cryogenic sleep for god knows how long. The stars were different here, they were always different depending on the world.
She wondered what the stars would look like in the world after this one?
Illusium could find out if they were to jump. It would be easy, they’d die from shock before hitting the ground and—
She shook her head, no, no suicide. Illusium needed to stay here, she needed to help the Society , she needed to find a world without losers and this one had barely even started. She needed to fight.
“Hey there.” Without noticing Killer Frost had taken a seat next to her, “Couldn’t sleep?”
“I’ve been asleep for god knows how long,” Illusium replied, not taking her eyes off the sky, “what about you?”
“Curious, I wanna know the dirt you have on the others. You know, from the other worlds?” Frost elaborated.
Despite looking different, Frost still acted the same as she did back in Arkham. Illusium gave them a half smile,
“Looking for dirt on the rest of the Society or just other villains in general, ‘cause I’ve seen so many versions of everyone.”
Killer frost shrugged and Illusium took that as the latter.
“Well, for starters, the two of us met back in Arkham.” Illusium started, “We were on Task Force X with Quinn, Copperhead, Deadshot, and some other guys.”
“Task Force X?” Killer Frost repeated.
“A suicide squad.”
“Oh. So we…”
“Yeah, we died.”
“I know right?” Illusium chuckled, “ but that world was fun. You and Harley made it fun.”
The two stayed up for hours, talking about the past worlds Illusium had been, how in one Harley Quinn had her own villain league, the “superman is a commie” world, and one where there was a new Batman, one that was much more spry than the original.
Illusium had to stay here. Stay and fix this world, maybe once they had taken out the Justice Lords she could find a way to prevent Darkseid from coming here.
She wouldn’t let this world end in tragedy like the others.
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alwaysfoolsparsley · 4 years
Harvest Moon
(For the theme: “Destiny”; 1,931 words; no warnings; Tumblr safe version below, slightly more smutty version on AO3 available HERE if you prefer)
They stopped when they reached the dense tree cover of the woods. Her hands found him instantly; one hand on either arm, her slender fingers exerting a grip that was forceful, possessive. She marveled at the feel of his arms beneath her fingers, soft to the touch, but solid too.  
He responded to her touch with his own: one hand at the small of her back pulling her into him, and the other holding just under her jaw so he could turn her head to bring her lips up to meet his.  His kiss was soft at first. His lips barely pressing against her own - like a scent on the wind, enticing her, drawing her in. He lingered, waiting for her response.
She was not so timid - she knew what she wanted and that she would get it, there was no point in playing shy.
Geralt didn't like human festivals. A witcher was not always a welcome interloper amongst humans, and so a gathering of a large number of boisterous, drunk humans was not his ideal setting. But the Alderman had insisted Geralt attend the harvest festival to collect his reward for slaying the bruxa. So, here he was.
Dusk was falling; the sky alight in orange and deep purple. The little clearing by the town mill was lit up with lanterns and a merry bonfire, merchants had stalls selling pumpkin soup, dandelion wine and autumn wildflower garlands. In the middle of the clearing was a musical troupe ready to delight with songs of love, heartache, and warm autumn nights. A cheerful crowd of townsfolk had gathered, merrily eating soup and exchanging stories of the harvest. In front of the band, the young ones twisted about each other in formation, dancing well worn-steps, occasionally catching the eye or the hand of an admirer.
He scanned his eyes over the crowd, looking for nothing in particular, as the scene was utterly ordinary. And then he saw her.
A black diamond glittering among gray pebbles: Yennefer stood out wherever she went. While the young women of the town wore bright colors - reds and yellows, the colors of autumn leaves - Yennefer, as always, wore black - a long sleeveless dress that was covered entirely in shimmering black crows' feathers. The young women of the town sought to be admired and plucked, like harvest wildflowers. Yennefer demanded to be revered and feared, like a bird of prey.
Geralt could not imagine what she was doing here, though it hardly mattered. They had been driven back into each other's lives by chance or destiny countless times before, against both of their wills and better judgment. No matter how many times their coupling ended in heartbreak and tumult, it was always the same. Like the passing of the phases of the moon: she would shine brightly for a time in his night sky, illuminating everything she touched; but all too soon she would retreat, leaving his world dark, longing for her return.    
She kissed him forcefully. He responded in kind, his grip on her jaw tightening as he pulled her mouth against his. She felt the scratching of his stubble against her cheek, as he dragged rough, messy kisses along her lips, to the corner of her mouth, across her cheek and down to her neck, becoming more forceful and fervent with each touch. She lent into him;  she could feel her body being consumed by a familiar hunger - every fiber of her being aching with a desperate need to have him, completely, as soon as possible. She drew him to her with reckless abandon.
He moved his hand from under her jaw to the nape of her neck, tangling his fingers in her hair. With his other hand at her back, he pulled her body against his with a satisfying thud. The contact sent sparks shivering across her body. Everywhere their bodies touch felt like it was pulsating with its own chaotic power. He kissed her jaw, her neck, down to her collar bones. She gasped with pleasure, her lips just above his ear. His grip on her tightened in response.
She slipped her hands under his shirt, her palms pressing against his hard stomach, then moving up, across his taut muscles to his chest. His lips against her neck, he bit her playfully in response.
A smile flickered across her lips as their eyes met, before she looked away, pretending not to notice him. She wouldn't approach him, he knew; he would have to come to her.
Geralt weaved his way through the crowd, moving smoothly left and right to avoid the dancing young ones as they twirled about the field. Yennefer looked utterly radiant - her dark tresses shining like spilled ink down her back, her skin glowing in the light of the bonfire. He didn't take his eyes off her for a moment. She steadfastly pretended to look away, but Geralt could see a glint of violet under her long lashes, as she watched him from the corner of her eye. She could be so childish and coy, even though they were both far too old for such games.
When he reached her, she was standing by the little flower stall selling garlands, intently examining the flowers. "Geralt," she greeted him, without looking up.
"Yennefer," he replied. "It's nice to see you."
"Is it?" She asked, her eyes darting sharply to meet his. "Strange that you would say so, since you couldn't wait to get away from me the last time we met."
"Yen, don't-"
"I know," she cut him off, looking away. "I shouldn't spoil it. It's a lovely evening, and here we both are. There's no need for me to be sharp with you."
Geralt shifted uncomfortably. He was desperate to reach out and hold her, to touch her hand, kiss her fingertips, press his cheek against the top of her head and breathe in the scent of lilac and gooseberries in her hair; but he was afraid of driving her away. Like a bird, she was liable to take flight if he got too close.
She turned to look at the flower garlands again, brushing her slender fingers over the delicate petals of a vibrant red bloom. The young men of the village were jostling nearby, hurrying to buy crowns for the village girls who received them with giggles and blushes.
"Shall I buy you a garland?" Geralt asked.
Yennefer smiled and withdrew her hand from the flowers to touch her hair, where a mesmerizing flower crown of black roses and purple lilacs materialized by magic. "I don't need you to give me things," she said.
He laughed, by Melitele she was stubborn. "That I know well, Yen." He took a step closer to her; close enough that he could feel the crackle of energy that always sparked between them; close enough that when she looked up at him he could see every shade of violet in her incredible eyes and every crease of her pink lips. "Why don't you give me something then: a dance?" he held out his hand for her to take.
"I thought you didn't like dancing," she said.
"I don't," he said. "But I like to see you dance."
She tugged his shirt off over his head, bearing his skin to the warm autumn night air. He moved forward to grab her again, but she put a hand against his chest to stop him and pointed to his pants. He dutifully removed them with a grin, along with his britches. Then he pulled her close again, and moved his hands to the back of her dress and released the corset strings. The dress slipped off her like water, pooling on the ground at her feet.
They fell together onto the soft forest floor and were instantly covered in fallen autumn leaves. She laughed: a warm, honest laugh that she felt only when she was with him. He held her close, and kissed along her neck, to her shoulder, down her arm, and then pulled her hand up to his mouth to kiss each one of her fingertips. She held his gaze as he did, fascinated by the way his amber eyes flickered in the moonlight.
They moved together as if to music; their own private dance.
She placed her cool palm against his outstretched hand. Reflexively, he clasped her fingers tightly so she couldn't slip away. "I will dance with you, Geralt," she said, "and then I will kiss you and follow you into the little forest by the stream so that we can make love there on the fallen leaves, but after that, I will leave."
Her words burnt him like embers from a fire; enticing and painful all at once. "You don't have to leave."
"But I do," she said. "That's our fate, Geralt. That's our destiny. A twisted curse where we are forced to repeat the same motions, each time to be drawn together and then drive each other away." Geralt felt his ribs constricting, crushing the air from his lungs. He wanted to say something, to convince her otherwise, but he knew by now that arguing with Yennefer was pointless.
"Come, don't give me that pained look," she said. She took him by the hand and pulled him out into the autumn field among the other dancers. "We've many pleasant things to enjoy before all that. I thought you said you liked to see me dance?"
"I do," he said. He spun her around in time with the other dancers, then pulled her close and wrapped her in both of his arms. She rested her head against his chest, as they swayed slowly, completely ignoring the proper steps and dancing quietly in their own world, while the rest faded into nothingness.
They lay together on the fallen leaves, catching their breath. She rested her head on his chest, and counted his slow, heavy heartbeats; one beat of his heart to ten of her own. He ran his fingers through her hair, gently picking out the little twigs and leaves that had tangled there from the forest floor. She let herself enjoy his touch, the feel of his skin against hers, for one hundred of his heartbeats. And when her time was up, she stood up to leave.
"Yen-" he said, as she slipped back into her dress.
"Don't," she said. "Don't spoil it. It's a lovely night. Let me just remember us here, in the light of the harvest moon."
He fell silent. She summoned a portal: to where she neither knew nor cared. "Until we meet again, Geralt."
"Until we meet again, Yen."
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starlitsummermoon · 5 years
Hey there~! Hmm Can I request a ikesen Mitsuhide romantic/surprise date please? I really love your writing! Thank you~
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@mikablazen @nad-zeta (A/N: This one is a bit longer mostly because of how many requested it~)
All day, the girls at work have been bragging about their dates their boyfriends were taking them on after work. Each time they giggled about what they were expecting, my eyes would roll. With enough practice, I would probably be able to see my brain by the end of the day.
Some of them tried to pry and ask about what my boyfriend had planned for me and all I could muster was a fake smile and say, “Gee, I don’t know! Hopefully nothing too crazy!”
I did my best to match their same level of excitement and enthusiasm, but I kept my expectations low. Not that Mitsuhide didn’t spoil me enough already, I just wasn’t the biggest fan of Valentine’s Day. In fact, I disliked the “holiday” so much that I never even told him about it. He’s been in my time with me for just about a year or so, leaving his wartime life behind. If anything, I should be the one spoiling him for giving up his entire lifestyle just for me.
The minute the clock struck the right time, I bolted out before I could hear anymore girls losing their minds about date night. Even the men in my office were getting out of control, bragging about the night they’re about to have, mainly the after-date activities.
“Now let’s see,” I whipped out my phone, pulling up my list of groceries I needed to pick up. Although I had no faith in this greeting card holiday, I was subtly planning on making Mitsuhide a nice dinner “for no reason,” but I had to act fast if I was going to get it ready before he came home.
I blindly started walking towards the sidewalk when I suddenly felt someone grab my arm. Startled, I turned, ready to punch, but then I found myself frozen stiff. It was Mitsuhide, in the flesh.
“My, that’s quite the greeting,” he smirked, “is it one I haven’t learned yet? Seems fascinating.” He knew full well it wasn’t a greeting at all and that it was just me reacting to suddenly being grabbed, but I was still struggling to find my words for I was still shocked to see him in my front of my work. I wasn’t expecting to see him for several more hours.
“Mi-Mitsuhide!” I gasped, finally finding my words. His hand loosened from my arm only to have his arm wrap around my waist, guiding me down the sidewalk. “Wh-what are you doing here? I thought you were working until 6 tonight?”
“It’s a special night,” he said, casually leaning over to press his lips against my ear, “By your surprise, may I assume you are indeed surprised?”
Special night? My heart sank into my stomach as I came to the realization that he found out about Valentine’s Day. Whether it was the media or maybe even his co-workers, I’m not sure, but one way or another, he knew and thought he got the upper hand on me.
“Surprised, yes,” I shrugged his arm off, trying to be serious, but he kept placing his arm around me, passive-aggressively guiding me down the street, “special night? I don’t know about that one. Mitsuhide, if you want to do something for tonight, we can do it in the privacy of our own home! So will you please just-!”
“Don’t be absurd,” he boasted, my struggle with his arm didn’t seem to phase him as he suddenly stopped, “tonight is a special night to celebrate our love, wouldn’t you agree?” I didn’t even notice there was a black luxury car right in front of us. He opened the door for me and urged me to go inside; I didn’t protest. The minute he closed the door behind him, the driver at the front took off. He must’ve already had a destination for us.
“Mitsuhide, please!” I begged, keeping my voice low enough so the driver couldn’t hear, “we can celebrate our love any and every night, we don’t need one day out of the year to give us permission!”
“Reservations have already been made, my dear,” his smirk somehow got sneakier than normal, “and I’ve already paid for everything.” I huffed in dismay, accepting defeat. He took notice to my soft grunt and pulled me into his arms, nuzzling his face into my hair, murmuring, “Just relax and let’s enjoy our evening together.”
I knew he was right. There was nothing I could do now except enjoy our “special night” and hope I could squeeze in something about not doing anything for Valentine’s Day in the future.
It didn’t take long to get to our destination, or least it was hard to tell since all my attention was on snuggling my man in the backseat of a luxury car. We were brought to a seaside restaurant just on the outskirts of the city. Exiting the car, I could already see the long line of couples waiting to be seated, but Mitsuhide escorted me directly to the hostess who immediately directed us to our table.
My concern escalated when the seating hostess weaved through the maze of booths and tables, dimly lit with kerosene lanterns and candles to fit the mood of the evening. The further back we went, the more expensive the tables looked as they were decorated with little lights and bushels of roses, and yet we still get going.
At last we arrived at a door, which the seating hostess happily opened for us. I couldn’t help but smile as I stepped onto the sandy beach. The sound of the ocean waves and the smell of the sea breeze simply swept me off my feet. Our table was at the very end of the perimeter, closest to the beach, but furthest away from any table. The timing was perfect as sunset was just beginning over the ocean.
We got comfortable in our over-sized cushioned wicker chair, large enough for just two people, and the hostess finally left us alone with one menu. I didn’t even get the chance to pick it up before a waiter came swinging around with two glasses of champagne.
“Mitsuhide,” I sighed happily, picking up my ice cold glass, “color me impressed and wee bit speechless!”
“Only the best for you,” he winked before taking a swig. I sipped at my beverage, glancing down at the menu before me, pretending to read it. Knowing him, he’d see through me in a heartbeat if I tried to act like nothing was on my mind. In fact, he probably already knows.
“How did you find out about Valentine’s Day?” I asked nonchalantly, holding my glass up to the sun setting on the glittering horizon, watching the bubbles rise up as I awaited his answer. There’s no point in beating around the bush with this man, asking him straight up was the best strategy.
“I’ve heard my co-workers mention something like that,” his arm once again wrapped around me, holding me close to him, “but after a little digging, it didn’t seem all that interesting to me.”
“…wait, so then-” my words trailed off as I snapped my gaze up at him, his profile lit by the harsh light. Dumbfounded, my gut wrenched at the reason we’re here, unable to understand, “if we’re not here for Valentine’s Day, then… why are we here?”
It had been way too long since I’ve seen Mitsuhide this puzzled, his eyes wide with curiosity for he, too, wasn’t understanding something, which only made ME more confused. I refused to believe this “special night” was just a night he had planned for us that coincidentally landed on every single couple’s “special night!”
“Have I done something wrong?” Mitsuhide scratched the side of his head with his long finger, genuinely baffled. “I’m sure I did my investigation carefully and got all the facts-”
I tuned him out when he trailed off like this. Ever since arriving in the modern day, he’s done anything and everything to learn modern customs. In fact, he almost lived at the library for two weeks when he first discovered it. Now we just have a mountain of books in a corner of our apartment; his research corner. He’s always interested in seeing what he’s learned “in action” so we’d go out see if it really played out the way he expected it to. If it ever didn’t, he always got like this, explaining his research and investigations. Whatever he thought he found in his “modern domestic research,” he misunderstood something.
“Slow down,” I soothed, trying to hold back my laughter as I set my glass down so I could face him fully, “slow down, slow down! Now, skip all the mumbo jumbo about investigating and tell me what this special night really is about?”
His gorgeous golden eyes faced me completely, stealing my breath away. There was a small moment of silence between us, most likely him trying to figure out the best way to tell me without explaining everything from the beginning.
“One year ago, on this day,” the seriousness in his voice kept me on the fine edge of anticipation, “I arrived here in this time with you and we started our modern lives together. I read that it’s customary for couples to celebrate anniversaries like this. Am I… incorrect?”
Not only was he correct, but he was 110% correct and I was 110% moron. I couldn’t believe myself! I completely forgot that we arrived one year ago today!
The day we arrived, we were both sent to the hospital, mostly thanks to Sasuke, and after that it was nothing but hard work to adjust him to modern life and for me to pick up where I left off. THEN, with all this craziness about Valentine’s Day that I’ve been blocking out of my mind, our anniversary of our lives together didn’t even come into mind.
“No, Mitsuhide,” I lowered my head, hoping to give myself some time to stop the tears threatening to flow, “You’re right, you’re absolutely right. Today is a very special day and I’m so very happy that you-”
“You forgot, didn’t you?”
I didn’t have to see his face to know he was smiling that awful, teasing, evil smile!
“Of course I DIDN’T!” I scoffed, hitting his shoulder. “I was just shocked that you even cared or that you even wanted to do anything like this on today of all days!”
“Leave it to you to forget the important things,” he teased, pretending to defend himself from another hit. Our playful banter went on until the waiter came over to take our order. I couldn’t stop smiling throughout the entire dinner and even on our way home, my heart nearly bursting knowing that this day will mean something completely different to us, something that we have for ourselves, nobody else.
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loridrabbles · 5 years
Imprisoned | Dogma x Reader (Part 26)
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Dogma and (Y/n) do some wholesome stuff together with Saoirse. The night ends with a serious conversation.
Somewhat short, but the story will pick back up after the next chapter.
     (Y/n) woke to the bright morning sun streaming in through the windows of the bedroom. It was pleasant. The light was softened by the sheer curtains and illuminated the room in a cheerful glow. She stretched, kicking the blankets off of her and noticed that Dogma's side of the bed was empty. She assumed he had gotten up a little earlier to spend some alone time with Saoirse. She swung her feet off the edge of the bed and walked to the dresser, pulling out some warm socks to protect her from the freezing floor. She made herself look at least halfway presentable and, still in her pajamas, opened the door of the bedroom to see what Dogma had been up to. As soon as the door opened she was hit with the smell of something burning. She quickened her pace and made it to the kitchen to find Dogma, scratching his head, standing over a smoking pan.
     "What happened?" (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh as she spoke.
     "I tried to make you breakfast since you do so much for me." He said, picking up the pan and scraping the contents into the trash, then sticking the pan under the cold faucet, causing an uprising of steam. 
     "Aww. That's really sweet of you." She said, placing a hand on his shoulder while planting a kiss on his cheek. "Where's Saoirse?"
     "In her bassinet in the living room. I think she fell back asleep. (Y/n) looked in her direction and smiled.
     "How about...I teach you how not to burn breakfast." She said with a laugh.
     "Ok, sounds good." He agreed.
     Dogma and (y/n) were finishing up breakfast as Saoirse cooed and kicked her legs in her bassinet which sat next to the table. She smiled and grabbed her little foot, trying to stick it in her mouth.
     "You're such a silly girl." Dogma said, smiling at her as he picked up his and (y/n)'s plates to put in the sink. "Did you have anything planned today? Or, are we spending the day in?"
     "Well, I was thinking of going to shop for some new nursery furniture. Everything that's in there is quick secondhand furniture my friend Mia found the first few days I was home. I wanna make it really cute in there. But, if you wanna stay in today that's fine! We can go another day."
     "No, that sounds like a good idea. Did you have a design in mind?" 
     "Well, I was thinking about either pink walls with white furniture, or yellow walls with natural wood." She said, picking up her communicator to pull up the design ideas. "I can't decide."
     "I really like the yellow." He said, scrolling through the pictures. It'll make it brighter in there."
     "Ok. Let's go with that. I think it'll match the living room if we got a wooden bassinet."
     Several hours had passed and the sun was setting on Coruscant. Saoirse was fast asleep in Dogma's arms and (y/n) was about to fall suit. They had picked out all the new furniture for the nursery as well as the paint, window treatments, artwork for the walls, stuffed animals and decorations for the shelves, and even picked out some more baby clothes. They were beat. 
     "I forgot to tell you earlier." (Y/n) said with a yawn, leaning on his shoulder in the taxi cab. "Ruwee is coming by tonight to pick up Saoirse. I figured we could have a little date night and grab a cup of coffee or tea or...something."
     "Are you gonna be able to stay awake for it?" He chuckled.
     "Yes." She said, nuzzling into his shoulder. "There's something I wanna talk about."
     "Oh...ok." Dogma said, petting her hair with his free hand. 
     The remainder of the cab ride was peaceful and silent. Saoirse's quiet little breaths and the whirr of other speeders passing the cab was relaxing and if it weren't for the driver slamming on the brakes, laying on the horn, and yelling at the driver in front of him, (y/n) would be fast asleep. Somehow the sleeping baby managed to stay in dreamland through it all. 
     (Y/n) and Dogma were dressed in some of their comfiest clothes on their way out to spend a night at a quaint café together. The two of them ordered their coffees after (y/n) helped him pick something new to try and picked out a little pastry for them to share, before sitting in the cushioned nook in the recessed window sill. The place was lit by tons of tiny lanterns all around them, casting the entire cafe in a warm, fiery glow. 
     "I feel a little bad leaving Saoirse with the sitter overnight, but," (Y/n) said, wiping her mouth after eating the last bite of pastry. "I feel like it's a good thing sometimes."
     "How so?" He asked.
     "We never got to do things as a couple that are important. We went right into having a kid and I think it's just important for us to do things husbands and wives or boyfriends and girlfriends normally do. Even if it's just mundane everyday things like grocery shopping or going for a walk together."
     "I never thought of that, but I guess it is a good thing for us to do. We never did go through the dating phase."
     "I"m not sure many other people are in our situation." She said laughing. 
     "Is that what you wanted to talk about?" Dogma asked, sipping the foam from his drink.
     "No." She sighed. He noticed her shoulders slump a bit and felt a tinge of panic flow through his chest as he wondered what could be wrong. She silently placed her soft hand over his that was resting on the table. "I'm a little worried about you." She said.
     "Why is that?" He asked furrowing his brow, a confused look in his eye.
     "I've noticed you having some anxiety lately." She said, a bit of sadness in her voice. "I noticed you getting nervous in the supermarket and fidgeting uncomfortably at lunch earlier. You haven't been sleeping through the night either." 
     He sighed and pushed her hand off his so he could hold it. He rubbed his thumb across her hand as he spoke.
     "I guess I haven't really realized what it is, but I definitely haven't been feeling myself. "I thought that we were bred to withstand stress. Maybe I'm defective..."
     "According to the Kaminoans' standard, your all defective." She said cupping his cheek for a moment. "I know they've been able to do a lot, but they can't get rid of your feelings. What's worrying you?"
     "Saoirse. And you, I suppose." 
     "What do you mean?" 
     "I've never been responsible for anything besides my blaster before. I'm about to head back to the battlefront, and I have to leave you two behind. What if something happens and I don't come home?"
     "I'm...not worried about that right now." She said. "I can't be." She took his hand and pulled it to her lips, kissing his knuckles. "I have faith that you'll come home time after time. "
     "What if someday I don't?"
     "I won't worry until it happens, then."
     "(Y/n)...if something does happen...and I don't come back home...I want you to move on. Find someone else, fall in love again."
     "I don't know if I'll be able to." She said nuzzling his hand as he caressed her cheek.
     "Why not?"
     "How am I supposed to fall in love again if I've already met the love of my life?"
     His concerned, worried look turned to a soft smile.
     "I love you." She whispered, closing her eyes, intertwining her fingers with his as his hand still cupped her face. 
     "I love you, too."
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yeniayofnymeria · 5 years
Arya Stark and Braavos “Moon” and “Water”
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Arya Stark and Braavos “Moon” and “Water”
First of all, I apologize for my bad English. I hope you understand what I wrote.Since the beginning of the story, there are many signs about Arya’s Braavos adventure; Needle, Water Dance, Jaqen, Syrio Forell are just a few signs of them.We know that GRRM uses myths. First, I want to give a little information about moon and water.
In myths, the moon is sometimes considered a man and sometimes a woman. For example, the moon has an important place in Turkish myths. Cosmologically, the first dead and resurrecting god in the sky is the Moon; 3 days is not seen in the sky and then reborn. In the first period, people perceived this as ‘the death of the moon.. The narratives of heroes ’in all myths of the world have been constructed over‘ Moon.. Moon eclipses in myths have been associated with the belief that the dragon (the wolf-dragon in the Turks) ate the Moon. In the Viking myths, the eclipse is due to the wolves eating the Moon. The same logic exists in Turkish myths; The wolves eat it by attacking the moon and so the moon is kept. According to Eliade, most of the myths about the flood mention that a single human survived the flood and that the surviving man married a ‘moon’ animal. After all, this animal becomes the ancestor of that nation; In the Turks, this month’s animal is Gökbörü(grey wolf). Gökbörü is also associated with the concept of wolf-dragon. The ancestor of tribes is a moon animal that causes flooding. Turks often envisioned wolves and dragons together. (The information in this paragraph is quoted from Nuray Bilgili’s Turkish Mythology.)
Of course, since the GoT series is inspired by western culture and myths, it is not right to act with a direct reference from Turkish myths, but we can continue by taking elements that are ‘common an from the authors. In fact, Scandinavian myths and Turkish myths have some things in common. The Wolf and Moon section is an example.Those who are interested in astrology know that the ‘moon’ is associated with the water element, and you are all familiar with the wolf-moon relationship in both world myths and legends.A post about the relationship between the moon and the water from Hermetics site.
“Water … Its characteristics are opposite to fire. It contains the female element. In ancient times, life was believed to start from the sea. The sea was seen as the womb of a mother goddess who ruled the moon. Because of the reflection of water, the ancients considered her as a symbol of wisdom, privacy and privacy. The fire element represents the consciousness and the water element the subconscious, the fire contains the sun, the ruler of the day, the moon contains the moon, the water rises to the sky, the water falls to the ground, and melts all kinds of matter within the water. So it can be life-giving, it can be poisonous. It can be clean, it can also be polluting. But it is purely life-giving and purifying. Its astrological features are sensuality, sensitivity and intuition.
Summary: Moon + Water (Ice) + Night + Wolf… all connected. Remember, ice and snow are frozen water.After seeing the relationship between the moon and water and its meaning in myths, let’s start to look for traces of it in the series.The youngest of these cities, Braavos(moon and water) was founded by escaped fleeing the grasp of Valyria the Freehold( sun and fire). According to the histories of Braavos, it was a group of slave women from the lands of Jogos Nhai, the moonsingers, who predicted where shelter could be found. Thus, the slaves travelled to the distant lagoon, hidden away from sight of the dragonlords by the wall of hills covered with pine trees and the fog covering the lagoon. The largest temple in the city is the Moon temple.
"The Moonsingers led us to this place of refuge, where the dragons of Valyria could not find us,” Denyo said. “Theirs is the greatest temple.”
On many sides of Braavos you can find some signs of the moon / crescent; For example the Moon Pool is one of the quite popular spots. Moon Shadow; Moon Goddess, Moon Temple etc.
“Sealords,” said Yorko. “The Isle of the Gods is farther on. See? Six bridges down, on the right bank. That is the Temple of the Moonsingers.”
It was one of those that Arya had spied from the lagoon, a mighty mass of snow-white marble topped by a huge silvered dome whose milk glass windows showed all the phases of the moon. A pair of marble maidens flanked its gates, tall as the Sealords, supporting a crescent-shaped lintel.
The temple of FM’s that attracts my attention the most. What were they doing there for the gift of mercy? They were dying by drinking poisoned ‘sweet’ water. What did say the text about water? “So it can be life-giving or poisoning.”
At the top she found a set of carved wooden doors twelve feet high. The left-hand door was made of weirwood pale as bone, the right of gleaming ebony. In their center was a carved moon face; ebony on the weirwood side, weirwood on the ebony. The look of it reminded her somehow of the heart tree in the godswood at Winterfell. The doors are watching me, she thought. She pushed upon both doors at once with the flat of her gloved hands, but neither one would budge.
Even in the temple’s chairs, there are faces this moon.The apprentices were holding jugs of wine in their hands, but Arya was holding a water jug. If you remember, when she first came to this house, she had someone drink poisonous water with her hands.Since the first book, Arya interacts directly or indirectly with the moon / water and its associated Braavos / FMs.In the first book, Jon gave Arya an assassin sword of Braavos, and then she was trained by a teacher to become a WATER DANCER. Even water dance is a fighting technique used by Braavos warriors. His father also referred to her as “MOON…“ Also, remember that she lives in a cold geography covered by ice / snow.Wolves are a moon animal and she has a direwolf. Also she likes cats and Braavos a good place for cats. (Cats are moon animal too. Cats are associated with the Egyptian goddess Bastet.)
Bastet is the Egyptian goddess of the home, domesticity, women’s secrets, cats, fertility, and childbirth. She protected the home from evil spirits and disease, especially diseases associated with women and children. As with many Egyptian deities, she also played a role in the afterlife as a guide and helper to the dead although this was not one of her primary duties. She was the daughter of the sun god Ra and is associated with the concept of the Eye of Ra (the all-seeing eye) and the Distant Goddess (a female deity who leaves Ra and returns to bring transfromation).  https://www.ancient.eu/Bastet/  
"Just so. Now we will begin the dance. Remember, child, this is not the iron dance of Westeros we are learning, the knight’s dance, hacking and hammering, no. This is the bravo’s dance, the water dance, swift and sudden. All men are made of water, do you know this? When you pierce them, the water leaks out and they die.” He took a step backward, raised his own wooden blade. “Now you will try to strike me.”
When Arya had to leave her identity behind, she threw all Arya belongings (except the needle) into the water. We can see this action as an attempt to throw the Arya identity into consciousness. Remember, water represented the subconscious.On his journey from KL to Braavos, Arya meets Jaqen, an FM who is also from Braavos, and is directed by him to Braavos / FM. While Arya was serving there, she was sent to a man selling seafood to learn the Braavos language, but also returned from time to time to bring her knowledge to FMs. When’s she coming back? When the darkness falls and the moon comes out. (dark moon)
Cat would always find the kindly man waiting for her when she went creeping back to the temple on the knoll on the night the moon went black. “What do you know that you did not know when you left us?” he would always ask her.
“All men must serve.” And so she did, three days of every thirty. When the moon was black she was no one, a servant of the Many-Faced God in a robe of black and white. She walked beside the kindly man through the fragrant darkness, carrying her iron lantern. She washed the dead, went through their clothes, and counted out their coins. Some days she still helped Umma cook, chopping big white mushrooms and boning fish. But only when the moon was black. The rest of the time she was an orphan girl in a pair of battered boots too big for her feet and a brown cloak with a ragged hem, crying “Mussels and cockles and clams” as she wheeled her barrow through the Ragman’s Harbor. (See? When the moon was black for 3 days. ;) )
“The moon will be black tonight,” she reminded him.
“Best you pray, then.” Brusco shoved the boots aside and poured out the coins to count them. “Valar dohaeris.”
But before the waif could answer, the kindly man stepped into the chamber, smiling. “You have returned to us.”
“The moon is black.”
“It is. What three new things do you know, that you did not know when last you left us?”
If you noticed that they are saying “the moon is going to be black” or moon is called black, we usually say “there is no moon in the sky today". But they call the moon is black. This is remarkable. In addition, Arya often calls himself NIGHT WOLF. And there is moon of course.
She was the night wolf. But only when she dreamed…Not for me. Her nights were bathed in moonlight and filled with the songs of her pack, with the taste of red meat torn off the bone, with the warm familiar smells of her grey cousins. Only during the days was she alone and blind.
“How long must I be blind?” she would ask.
“Until darkness is as sweet to you as light,” the waif would say, “or until you ask us for your eyes. Ask and you shall see.”
She took a breath to quiet the howling in her heart, trying to remember more of what she’d dreamt, but most of it had gone already. There had been blood in it, though, and a full moon overhead, and a tree that watched her as she ran.
We can give an example of the wolves’ relationship with the moon in Jon’s dream.
The white wolf raced through a black wood, beneath a pale cliff as tall as the sky. The moon ran with him, slipping through a tangle of bare branches overhead, across the starry sky…  In another place, his little sister(Arya-Nymeria) lifted her head to sing to the moon, and a hundred small grey cousins broke off their hunt to sing with her
Wolves always sing to the moon. Why? Because they are moon animal, like dragons are sun animal.The wolves ‘connection with the moon and the wolves’ connection with the Stark children are remarkable. Especially Braavos is the city of the moon and water, this is the symbol. Arya also interacts quite closely with this city. So, what the point? Easy. Remember my theory about “the campions” :)  https://yeniayofnymeria.tumblr.com/post/190156637641/hello-everone-i-want-to-share-my-own-theory-about
Thank you for read.
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the-royal-courier · 7 years
Celebration of Night Warrior’s Embrace
By Risri Elthron
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Kaldorei and their allies gathered together in Tel’anor Sunday evening to celebrate the eclipse of the White Lady over the Sun. Various individuals spoke on their experiences, on Kaldorei history and on the event those gathered were about to witness. Each person present was able to construct a lantern by adding a piece during each speaker’s part. At the end hundreds of laterns were released into the sky toward the moon to honor Elune.
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Priestess Roraelis was the host for the evening directing those entering the pavilion to gather supplies as they took their seats. “Today's ritual to honor the Night Warrior will involve each of you to construct a lantern alongside our speakers. As you do, I encourage you to think of those who you have lost, those who have fallen in battle, those who have given their lives so we may live to see another day.”
She opened the event with quiet words that resonated throughout the crowd gathered. “Many know of the celestial event known as the Embrace, in which the White Lady and Blue Child appear in rare conjunction in our skies every four hundred and thirty years. But a more common event is the Eclipse, a time when the Night Warrior obscures the sun, cloaking daytime in night, and bringing our dead to rest in the sky beside her. Many of us witnessed such an event last year, when she appeared to carry the fallen form of the Dreamer into the heavens. To physically /see/ her lift such a spirit aloft in the sky is truly an honor, and one that words can often fail to describe. Tonight, we are honored to watch our Night Warrior in this Eclipse once more, to behold her beauty and power even in harsh daylight. In her light we will honor her duties, and those we have lost that now reside beside her in the heavens. We honor her in this ritual, and in the speakers that represent each aspect of the Night Warrior’s children- The Fallen who gave all, The Sentinel who protects, the Druid that balances, and the Priestess who guides. Please give them your respect and attention.”
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The Death Knight Xaesha stepped forward then, as the embodiment of The Fallen who gave all. Her words spoke of those who have sacrificed so that others might not have to do so. “From the War of the Ancients, to the Third War, and even now, our people have fought to keep Azeroth from the Legion's grasp. We have lost so much in this time, we have seen our homes swallowed by the waves, our loved ones slain, and perhaps worst of all, those we cared about corrupted and turned against us. But we have always remained strong.” She spoke of the Kaldorei’s firm believe in Elune and the power she grants us. “We are the Night Warrior's children, and she has given us the strength we have needed to carry on. Every one of us who falls defending what we hold dear is taken into her embrace. Those who are corrupted are given a chance at redemption, and those who corrupt our homes are made to pay with a pound of their flesh.” Elune as the Night Warrior is what every warrior strives to be, “She is merciless to her enemies, for she represents the savagery in our hearts. The ferocity that each of us feel when we see our homes tainted...But most importantly, she represents something that many of us forget. She represents the love we feel for our comrades. She -never- abandons her children, no matter what taints them. Be it sickness, fel magic, or the nightmare, she continues to love us all so long as we seek her favor. And she proved this when Ysera, corrupted by the foul energies of the Nightmare, was purified, and laid to rest.” With those words, the Death Knight instructed those gathered to add the rice cake to their lanterns, “The purpose of this is to nourish the dead, but it is not the cake itself that nourishes them. It is a sign that we remember them. We honor their memory. We still love them...And we will avenge those who were taken from us.”
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Former Sentinel, Priestess Merethyl Amrallatha representing all those who protect in the name of Elune, “For ten thousand years, the Night Elves and their allies have defended Kalimdor, risking everything—humility, sanity, livelihood—to see our villagers safe and smiling instead of cowering in fear as they are forced to leave their homes, in flames, behind. In war, we must make difficult choices every single day. Many times, even the right choice has its price, and even after making landfall in the Broken Isles, we all have lost something dear to us. None of us are strangers to sacrifice. We pledged to be heartened by the price paid by our fallen heroes, so that we could live on and not to let their deaths terrorize us. As they cross over to join Elune, we pick up their torch. Their legacy is not lost; their lives are not wasted.” She turned to her owl, searched it for a feather about to molt, and collected one. Feather in hand she tied it to the lantern's chime. “As long as we remember, as long as we venerate them, our honored dead, they have not left us. In our hearts and minds always, just as is the case with Elune, we must never forget that our togetherness with those who have passed is eternal.” Her attendant then passed out rice sake to the crowd. “Please, drink, and briefly contemplate with me their journey into the stars. Just as we tie the feather to the chime, the great owl spirit gives wings to the brave and guides them to the heavens. With a belly full of sake, we feel for but a moment the bliss that our heroes feel as they embark on their last journey to collect their just reward: an eternity at rest in the arms of the Goddess.”
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Druids and balance are synonymous, to represent them Lyenna and Noelina came forward to speak of Ysera, Cenarius and the Emerald Dream. Lyenna spoke first, “Elune sent us her son, Cenarius, raised by Ysera in the Emerald Dream, to teach us the ways of nature; the cycle of life and death in all things.Just as the moon's cycle through their phases, so too must all things come to an end, that new beginnings may emerge. Tonight, we prepare for Elune to eclipse An'she, shrouding Azeroth in Her shadow and Her love, and reminding us of those who have fallen.”
Noelina stepped forward next, “Who are the dreamed, and who is the Dreamer? I did not know her as well as probably most of you. In the short years I worked with her Flight, I came to respect, honor, and love Ysera as not only a stalwart ally, and a wise mentor, but also as a friend. Many mortals… have come to forget what the Dragonflights have done for us. They do not remember the countless sacrifices dragonkind have made for all of Azeroth. Ysera’s is possibly the single greatest in all of history. We will not forget. She lives on forever in the sky…In our memory… In our hearts… And in our dreams...now, she is the Dreamed, and we are the dreamers. Ysera, Dreamer, patient and wise… You’ve earned your place upon the skies… Among the stars and pale moonrise… We yearn to gaze into your eyes. We who dreamed with you, We mortals who love you, Now will dream for you, And forever dream of you.” She began to sing then, “♪ When the cold of winter comes ~ Starry night will cover day ~ In the veiling of the sun ~ We will walk in bitter rain ~ But in dreams ~ But in dreams ~ I can hear you name ~ And in dreams ~ And in dreams ~ We will meet again. ♫” As the woman sang, Lyenna sent a faintly glowing green mist swirling through the crowd.  When it touched each lantern, miniature moonpetal lilies sprouted along the lanterns' viny struts.
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The last speaker of the ritual was Priestess Elliistra Thera’dorei. She greeted the crowd and spoke of the origin of the Kaldorei, “A long, long time ago, a wandering tribe happened upon a pool of great power. Exploring these waters, a powerful yet invisible entity sought to befriend them. Seeing how this was beyond anything they've ever known, they settled upon its waters. They grew to know the woman who 'lived' in this well. As She made herself more known, this small tribe grew in numbers. And they grew more in likeness of this great woman. They began to learn the powers of the arcane, magics not known to any other being on Azeroth at the time. They grew strong and fierce, yet kept to themselves, to live in peace and to worship who they came to know as Elune. As they kept expanding, they were finally discovered. The Gurubashi and Amani troll empires had found these upstarts...and sought to destroy them. What they found were warriors who had never been seen before. Possessing great physical strength, but also devastating magics. The trolls could not stand before them. As their empires were crushed, and they had to bow before the Kaldorei, they went on to possess two thirds of the ancient land of Kalimdor. Their majesty and wisdom spread, as did the glory of the Goddess.”
Throughout history the Kaldorei have been guided by Elune, “From there, the Night Warrior has guided her children through many wars...not only the war to end all wars, but also many others, against the Satyr, against the Qiraji, and also joining the humans to fight the orcs. Throughout our long history, many Kaldorei have not only died, but also been separated from their kin.”
The Priestess spoke then of Argus, “And now...the painful change and growth that the Kaldorei have experienced in such a short time now brings us to why it had to happen. The Night Warrior gathers her army. Three times, the demons of the Burning Legion tried to take this world. Three times, it failed. And now...the Night Warrior mobilizes Her children. It is time for us to march on them. It does not matter who you are...Kaldorei, Highborne, Illidari, Ebon, Shal'dorei. The Night Warrior is all our divine General, and we all must now unite under her banner...the reward? The retaking of a fallen world, and the destruction of a foe that has ripped the cosmos apart. And the past has taught us harsh lessons. It has taught us to hate. To despise. To cast kin away. But no more...now, we unite. As we march upon Argus, remember that we are all under our grand General. The Night Warrior marches ahead of us...what demon will stand in our way?”
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With a cry of "Zin'al Elune!" Glory to Elune, the lanterns across the crowd flickered and flared to life, a brilliant pure white light glowing within them with seemingly no source.
Priestess Autumnsong spoke once more, “Zin’al Elune. Blessings, and gratitude to our wonderful speakers. It is through their words, their kindness that our ritual is nearly complete. The Eclipse is nearly upon us- come, let us gather at the precipice and witness the Night Warrior’s beauty.” She directed those gathered to the balcony overlooking much of Suramar city where the White Lady could be seen moving closer to the Sun.
“With these offerings, may we remember and honor our fallen, and set them free into the sky to rest with our Goddess. Their memories are dear to our hearts, and we will never forget their sacrifices. Andu-thoras, mashar’alarion.” With that the Priestess directed all to loose their lanterns to the sky and she began to sing.
“Night Warrior, Night Warrior- Your arrows pierce the night sky, Send terror into the foul, and peace to the fallen souls. Night Warrior, Night Warrior- We pray for a victory, To fight with your viciousness, To protect those we hold dear. Night Warrior, Night Warrior- Be with us in this battle, Guide our Glaives, Bless our arrows, May we enact your justice. Night Warrior, Night Warrior- When we all fall into night, Let us do so in your name, Take our enemies with us, And carry us home on silver wings.”
As the priestess sang, the moon moved before the sun, cloaking the daytime sky in darkness, sending the stars alight across the heavens. The petals on the lanterns begain to fall off, cascading and raining down like drops of moonlight as the glowing lanterns continued their flight, like thousands of stars. As the song ended, the moon moved away from the sun, slowly revealing it’s harsh rays once more. Once daylight had returned the priestess bowed her head, touching her heart, then her forehead. “Goddess, Night Warrior, Mother, thank you for this sight. We praise your love, and thank you for giving our souls a place in your celestial kingdom. Goddess bless and keep you all. Thank you for giving us your time to honor the Night Warrior. Thank you to Xaesha, Merethyl, Lyenna, Nina, and Ellliistra for speaking this day. Go with the Goddess, and serve her word. Zin'al Elune!”
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Many thanks to Priestess Roraelis for the evening and sharing the ritual of the Night Warrior’s Embrace with all present.
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