#negan smith x plus size reader
Could I possibly request a little Negan x hispanic!Reader? Reader has 3 kids from before the apocalypse and the toddler seems not to be scared of Negan?
Wandering Babies
Negan x plus size reader
When the ruthless leader of the Saviours bumps into a lost toddler in his city, his life gets changed forever, especially when his protective mother shows up.
Warnings: Negan being Negan, swearing, implied future relationship, fluff
WC: 1.3k
A/N: Hi nonnie! I don't usually write y/ns with a specific race since I like to remain as open as I can with them but I did give her kids traditionally Spanish names so I hope that was ok!
Minors DNI
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“Well well well, what the fuck do we have here?” The sun shone brightly behind the giant of a man, casting his face in shadow. To any normal person, it would have scared the absolute shit out of them, especially with the looming threat of Lucille across his shoulders, but the toddler in front of him was smiling the whole time.
His big brown eyes focused on the man in front of him, looking at him in a way that only babies could. Kneeling down, Negan came face to face with the child. “The fuck do you want?” He said like he was addressing someone below him but the two year old just burst out into giggles, obviously finding this whole thing hilarious.
“I think that’s the new-comer’s kid.” Simon chose that moment to speak up and caused Negan to roll his eyes.
“Yeah I fuckin figured that.” He growled, not taking his eyes off the kid who was now inching closer. He wasn’t quite steady on his feet and wobbled dangerously with each step he took. Unconsciously, Negan’s free hand shot out and held the surprisingly plump belly of the child, keeping him upright. Tiny hands grabbed at his wrist but didn’t attempt to push him away. Instead he touched Negan's arm, pulling at the sleeve of his leather jacket. 
“I’m just wondering how the fuck someone could lose a goddamn kid.” The toddler continued to fiddle with the dark fabric, Negan only stopping him when he tried to put it in his mouth.
Simon shrugged behind his boss. “I mean she’s got three of em and she’s working in the kitchens and the infirmary.” That shocked the older man. Working two jobs was unheard of in the Sanctuary, one job could provide more than enough for someone and their family.
The kid suddenly released his wrist and raised his arms over his head, opening and closing his chubby hands in a clear sign. Releasing a deep sigh, Negan relented. He shoved Lucille into the awaiting arms of his second in command and picked up the child with an ease of someone who has done it many times before. His little head tucked into the crook of his neck, his fluffy brown hair tickling Negan’s nose.
“How about we go find your mother huh.” The toddler nodded. Just as Negan took a step forward, already planning a very angry speech to the boy’s mom, a woman ripped out of the building and his breath caught in his throat.
Her eyes were wide with panic but that wasn’t what caught his attention. She was gorgeous, all thick curves and fat like a Greek goddess. She blazed with anxiety and rage, poised for a fight against anyone that might have taken her child. “Tomas!” The child’s head shot back, clipping Negan’s chin as he did.
“Mama!” She spun and locked eyes with the big bad leader of the Saviors and shamefully, he felt his knees buckle. Tomas squirmed in his hold, eager to reach for his mother but Negan was frozen in place. Two other children trailed behind her like ducklings, a pair of twin girls that looked to be 8 or 9 years old. 
As she drew closer, he could see the details of her face, the scars and blemishes but more importantly, the huge dark circles that marred her otherwise perfect visage. She stopped a yard away from him, quickly shoving her girls behind her back. “Thank you for finding Tomas, he has a bad habit of wandering off when I’m not looking.” Her voice was steady, he supposed from years of practice.
“He is a very sweet fucking kid.” One of the girls gasped, her hand coming up to her mouth in a comical expression of shock.
“He said a bad word, mama.” The other whispered just loud enough for Negan to hear. 
“You shouldn’t let your fucking kids run around without supervision, that’s how they get killed.” Her murderous glare set itself on Simon as she took another step forward. Negan could see what she was planning to do, grab Tomas and then go after the tall man. 
But before she could make her move, Negan did. “How about you go and fuck off, I need to have a fucking conversation with this lovely woman and you are really killing the mood with your fuck ugly face.” There was a brief moment of tense silence before Simon thrust Lucille into his free arm and turned with a huff to walk away, muttering under his breath.
The woman breathed a sigh of relief, her walls crumbling slightly but they were quickly built back up. “Could I please have my son now?” Tomas was lifted from his arms but Negan realised he missed the weight of the toddler against his chest. He suddenly felt a hell of a lot colder than he did before.
The boy gave out a great big sigh as he settled into his mother’s bust, utterly exhausted from his escape attempt. Two little heads poked out from behind her legs, studying the man that had been holding their brother. “Well who are these two pretty girls?” Shyly, they clung to their mom’s jeans, not answering him.
“Isabella and Lucia.” She responded for them.
“Two fucking gorgeous names for two gorgeous girls.” They smiled bashfully but didn’t try to hide again, he took that as a win. “And which one of you are going to tell me your mama’s name? I bet her name is just as beautiful as her.” He raised his head to look at said woman, expecting her to be as flattered as her daughters but instead he was met with a glare even dirtier than the one she gave Simon.
“Oh now that is a dirty damn look! And I would be lying if I said it didn’t turn me the fuck on.” Her jaw ticked with annoyance but that only made his smile grow wider across his stubbled cheeks. He gave an exaggerated shiver which made the girls giggle. “Wowie your mother is goddamn scary.”
“Yeah! Once she kicked Derek’s dad in his private place because he said something mean to her.” Isabella finally spoke up, her little voice gaining confidence. Lucia nodded along with her sister in agreement, still too shy to say anything yet.
“Well Derek’s dad deserved it for being such an asshole to your lovely mother. Now how about we go have some fucking dinner and keep disguising how amazing she is.” Those seemed to be the magic words because the twins emerged fully from behind said woman’s legs and ran at him. With absolutely no hesitation, Negan dropped Lucille beside him, kicking the bat away so neither of the girls would accidentally hurt themselves. 
Just like their brother, they each took hold of one of his jacket sleeves and yanked. “Can we have spaghetti?” “Do you have ice cream?” “Mama, can we go with him?” “Mama please!” “Mama!” They screamed in quick succession, not giving either adult any time to answer before asking their next question. Negan gave her a victorious look. 
He could tell she wanted to say no but her girls had finally opened up to someone new for the first time since the world ended and, even though she loved them, she could use a break from their clingy behaviour. “Fine but no complaining about an early bedtime tonight. Remember mama has to work early tomorrow.” They exploded into excited shouts and began tugging the older man forward, eager to talk to him.
Negan let them pull him along but he looked back at the woman that had so entirely captured his attention, throwing her a wink. “We’ll stay up as late as you want and don’t worry about your job mama, I’ve got that all covered. You just need to sit back and relax tonight and let me do all the work.”
Her eyes widened and then darkened with a barely hidden lust at the double entendre and he just chuckled deep in his chest. He’d gotten her and maybe, just maybe, a new chance at life with this little family, all because Tomas liked to wander.
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spncupcake · 1 year
The Walking Dead Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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(not my photo edit!! found on Google under TWD aesthetic)
Daryl Dixon Masterlist
(not my photo edit!! found on Google under TWD aesthetic)
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thefreakydeaky · 10 months
Loving is Easy
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Part Seventeen: Touch
Negan Smith x Reader
Rick Grimes x Reader
Summary: Life becomes complicated as you try to maintain relationships with two older men, your boss and an old family friend.
Warnings: Angst, smut
"Yes. I've been following your advice to a T. It just isn't working." Rick told her, frustration in his tone.
There was a long pause.
"I need someone whose ready to fill the role of being my wife and all that that entails."
Your eyes widened.
"You said she would want this. You were wrong."
You let go of the breath you hadn't realized you were holding and backed away from the door.
Maggie's attitude and odd behavior was beginning to make sense. She had made some kind of agreement to marry you off to Rick. You couldn't understand why she would do such a thing. What could she possibly get out of it?
And Rick. His territorial behavior, his jealousy, his declaring that he loved you. Was it all for show? He had an end game in mind all along. The betrayal and underhandedness of the entire thing aside, if you had known he was looking for marriage you never would have gotten involved with him in the first place.
Your eyes began to fill with tears as you made your way back to your office. You didn't even know who to go to with your heart ache. You couldn't go to your friends, because Maggie was one of them. You couldn't go to your mom and Simon because their views were old school.Fuck. What could you do?
You texted Negan asking if you could meet him at the bar after work.
He replied with a, Sure thing, Doll.
You knew he was far from neutral, but you felt so alone. You needed someone who was on your side. You needed to feel supported and understood.
"I'll kick his ass."
You shook your head.
"That won't solve anything. He and Maggie still went behind my back regardless. Nothing can change what they've done."
You asked for another gin and tonic.
"This is some fucked up shit. How long have you known this girl?"
You sighed.
"Ten years."
He shook his head.
"What did you say to him?"
You took a sip of your drink.
"Nothing yet. I was too upset. I would have caused a scene and for now, it's still my place of employment."
"I am so sorry. This is a really shit situation they put you in."
You shrugged.
"I should be used to shitty things happening to me by now. The whole thing with Harlan, losing my job. I probably only got hired at GHN because Maggie sold him on marrying me. I have got the worst luck."
"Come on now, Babydoll. It ain't all bad. You've got your health, your smarts, your looks. You've got people that love you.You can get another job."
You struggled to accept that he was right for a second. You also had a place to stay in case Rick fired you before you could quit, you realized. Some people weren't so fortunate.
"I guess you're right." You polished off your drink and asked for another.
"What about your friend? You're gonna have to face her eventually."
You frowned.
"I don't even know what to say to her. I'm so fucking mad. I just don't know."
A drink later, you were making out with Negan in the back room. His hands were under your shirt kneeding and groping your tender breasts. Your hands on his chest felt his coarse dark hair and lean muscled body.
"Let's go back to my place and get you out of that skirt." He panted into your ear.
You didn't hesitate to take him up on it. You barely allowed his front door to close behind you when you started shedding your clothes as fast as you could. You didn't want to miss a second of being skin to skin with him. You got onto the bed, He followed.
Negan's hand splayed over your throat. He squeezed gently, his lips pressed kisses along the side of your face. His other arm curled around your side, holding you against him, your back to his chest. You could feel his hard dick against your ass.
"How do you want me?" His nose nuzzled your ear.
You turned your head and kissed him deeply, your tongue running along his.
"I want you in every way I can have you."
He laughed and it was such a full and beautiful sound.
"Saying a thing like that is dangerous, Babydoll."
You smirked at him and moved forward onto your hands and knees.
You felt him move into position behind you. His hands glided along your sides stopping at your hips. With his right hand he reached down and ran his fingers over your lips. When he reached your vagina he dipped his first finger and middle finger into you and found you weren't quite ready for him yet. His fingers caressed your labia, flirting with your clitoris in very light touches. He leaned down and pressed gentle kisses to your lower back.
Then he dipped his fingers into you again he withdrew them slowly. His minstrations were teasing and arousing at the same time. As your wetness increased so did the speed with which his fingers fucked you. Before you knew it you were clenching around his digits. His breathing had picked up just from hearing the sounds you made, from feeling you get so wet.
He took himself in his hand and aligned the head of his dick with your vagina. The slight stretch as he pressed forward into you was delicious. You made a little humming sound of pleasure. He moved his hips back slowly and then in toward you again. It felt good, but it wasn't what you wanted. You looked back over your shoulder and called his name.
"Negan, harder, please." You requested.
The way he looked at you. His gaze laden with veneration and desire, made you yearn to kiss him.  He adjusted his balance and then his hips snapped into you.
You moaned deeply.
Negan held onto your hips as he thrust into you then pulled out, increasing the pace. Your body bounced as you quaked from the force of his movements. Your harsh breathing and his was in your ears. The squelching sounds your body made as he fucked you turned you on even more.
You moaned his name. You began clenching around him, holding it for a few seconds, then unclenching. You repeated the act as he continued to give it to you rough and fast. It was all that you wanted. He was all that you wanted. His hands at your hips gripped you tightly almost enough to hurt. Your walls were so lusciously stimulated by the feeling of his long hard cock moving in and out of you.
Your fingers curled into the bed clothes as he went even faster. You felt it, your nerves reaching the end, all you needed was one final... You reached down and pinched your clitoris.
You cried out. Like a tidal wave, taking you away from the shore of your consciousness your orgasm came crashing down on you. Your very skin sang with overwhelming pleasure. Your world for the moment was all sensation, all fiery passionate sensation. You felt Negan go tense behind you, his hips stuttering as he came inside you. You went down onto the mattress together a second later. You held each other as you caught your breath. The rest of the night was full of heated kisses and frantic love making.
In the early morning hours your phone rang. You looked at the screen. Rick was calling you. You sent it to voicemail.
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
Good Girls Go To Heaven
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Negan x Plus sized reader
Negan Smith x Plus sized reader
Summary: If there is one thing you have never been accused of it's being good. And while Negan finds this entertaining at first, the day comes when he reaches his limit.
*Not Beta read (but when is my shit ever beta read? if any body wants to the position is open 😉😛 message me/send an ask)
Warnings: Smut, Unprotected Sex, Dub-Con, Strong Language
"What did you do?"
It was like a scene right out of a cartoon. At the sound of Negan's raised voice every wife and savior in the room froze.
You knocked back the shot of rum you were holding.
"What the fuck did you do?" Negan seethed.
"I do a lot of shit. You'll have to be more specific." You began pouring yourself another shot.
You heard his foot steps coming up behind you, they picked up speed as they got closer.
You were quick to lift both your glass and the bottle. A second later Lucille came swinging over the table. Tanya cried out in surprise. Glass and liquor went flying, splashing you and the other people sitting on the sectional.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
"I said, be. more. specific."
The growl he emitted would have set a wise man to asking for mercy, but you had never been accused of being wise.
His hand seized the back of your neck. You bit back a gasp as he forced you out of your seat and onto the floor. The bottle you had been holding went rolling across the floor.
"This is not a fucking game." He thrust Lucille in front of your face. "I'm only gonna ask you one more time. What did you do?"
Having no idea which thing you had done to piss him off, your only option was silence. You didn't lift your gaze from his boots. Seconds ticked by and you remained stoic.
"Not so mouthy now, are ya? Get up!" His large hand grabbed hold of your arm.
He hauled you to your feet. Negan led you away from the drawing room, his hand at the back of your neck like you were a misbehaved puppy. You passed the bewildered faces of some of the other wives before he shoved you into the bedroom ahead of him. You would have thought they would be loving it, seeing your day of reckoning had finally come. You tripped and landed on your knees on the rug. You heard the door slam and thought back on your offenses.
There was the pair of earrings you had taken from Tanya's room. They were pretty and she didn't wear them often. Why shouldn't you enjoy them?
The four oxycontin pills you had pinched from Carson's cabinet. You still had two. You were saving them for a rainy day.
There of course was the game of cat and mouse you had been playing with Simon for a while now. You weren't on the short list of girls that was allowed to indulge on those free pass days, but you flirted anyway. From that flirting came the gift Simon had given you, a rechargeable vibrator. That contraband was wrapped in a bandana you had taken from Negan's sock drawer and hidden in the one place it would never be discovered, behind that very dresser in Negan's bedroom.
If it was none of these then someone told him about your recent altercation with Frankie. The bitch was talking shit. Slapping her was technically self defense.
"Hey!" He snapped his fingers in your face.
You blinked up at him.
"Where do you get off cheatin' on me?" He hissed. "Do I not provide for you? Do I not dick you down often enough?"
Your brow furrowed.
"Answer me!"
"I'm not."
He held his hand up to his ear as though he couldn't hear you.
"I didn't."
His hand closed tightly around the neck of his bat.
"I didn't cheat on you."
He lifted the bat higher off the ground and you flinched.
"I haven't cheated on you. I don't know why you think I did, but I'm telling you, I didn't."
"I heard him, your loverboy talking about how hot you sound when you cum."He said angrily.
You sifted through his words to try and make sense out of them. You hadn't slept with any man, but Negan since before you ended up in the sanctuary.
"If it was any of the other girls, I would know it was him at fault, but you? You're an evil fucking mastermind. Nobody can harass you into doing shit you don't wanna do."
You eyed Lucille, swallowing nervously.
"You're the only man here I've fucked. If anyone says otherwise they're lying."
Negan's dark brow raised.
"Is that so?"
"And knowing what the fucking punishment for an offense like this is, why would someone lie about that?"
He was right. What kind of crazy asshole would put themselves in danger of getting their face melted or worse, having their head bashed in? Unless...
"Did you ask him?"
"Excuse me?"
"Did he actually say he had sex with me?"
"He didn't have to." Negan scoffed. "How else would he know what you sound like when you cum?"
It hit you and you experienced about thirty seconds of relief before you realized your saving grace would also be your downfall.
You let out a sound of frustration.
"I masterbate sometimes." You mumbled.
You hated having to admit such a personal thing to him, but it had to be done.
Negan pursed his lips.
"You what?"
You took a deep breath and let it out. Your face heated with shame.
"I touch myself sometimes. Maybe he heard me."
Negan's jaw clenched.
"He didn't see me and he sure as hell didn't touch me." You added in desperation.
"Hmm..." He mulled it over. "So you're sayin' he didn't fuck you, you fucked yourself."
"Yes and that's the only way he could have heard me."
"And just how often do you fingerbang yourself?"
You stared at him.
His eyes narrowed as he peered down at you suspiciously.
"It would be one hell of a coincidence for him to hear you the one time in a blue moon that you-"
"I do it all the time."
"What?" His expression quickly went from surprised to offended.
"A couple of times a week." You admitted through gritted teeth.
Negan laughed darkly.
"Well hell, honey. Am I just not doin' it for you anymore?"
You looked away from his piercing gaze.
"Get on the bed."
You sighed.
"I'm not a fan of fucking repeating myself."
You got up off your knees and went to the bed. With all the enthusiasm of someone waiting in line at the dmv, you crawled onto the bed.
"Stop." Negan commanded. "Turn around."
You got onto your back, but kept your eyes on the ceiling.
His hands slid under your skirt and up your thick thighs. He found the waistband of your panties and tugged them, you lifted your bottom so he could take them off.
His big fingers fumbled with the straps of your heels as the satin fabric got caught around your ankles.
"Fuck." He gave up on it and lifted your dress. He spread your legs as best he could. Negan leaned over you and cupped your sex.
"Look at me." He ordered.
You looked him in the eye.
"This is mine. Nobody can fucking touch this pussy, but me."
Your eyes widened when he gave your pussy a light smack.
"Mine." He said and smacked it again. "Do you understand?"
"Yeah, but-"
"Wrong answer."
He spanked your pussy. His hand came down over and over on your sensitive flesh.
Your breath hitched.
This time when he swatted you his hand came away wet. Negan looked at his glistening palm and then at your pussy.
His eyebrow raised.
"Damn, you're gettin off on this shit aren't ya?"
You turned your face away.
"You dirty girl." He chuckled. "You like it when Daddy gets rough, like it a whole damn lot, don't cha?" He slipped his index and middle fingers through your labia then brought them to his lips. He sucked his fingers clean.
You clenched and more of your cum seeped out of you.
Negan managed to untangle your panties. He spread your legs wider.
"Maybe I've been a little selfish lately." He mused. "Maybe you need something different than what I've been giving you? Hmm?"
You shook your head, unwilling to find out what fiendish ideas were on his mind.
"Why else would you need to touch yourself?"
His whisky and olive eyes were fixed on your nervous gaze.
"I want you to show me." His serious expression made you gasp.
"Wh-what? No, I-I can't."
"I wanna see what you've been doing that makes you cum so good people can hear you moaning in the next room."
You turned away.
Negan took hold of your wrist and set your hand down over your pussy.
"Show me." There was still anger in his voice and though you knew you would hate every second, you forced yourself to accept what you had to do.
You couldn't bare being watched this way. You closed your eyes. Hesitantly you ran your index and middle fingers through your folds. You repeated the same motion twice more. Then ran your finger tip lightly over your clitoris. You alternated between caressing your labia and stimulating the slowly engorging bundle of nerves at the apex of your sex. You breath quickened as you touched yourself, but Negan was dissatisfied.
He stopped you mid-motion, touching the back of your hand. You opened your eyes and looked up at him questioningly.
"I'm not saying I don't enjoy watching you rub one out, but that's not what I asked you to do. I told you to show me exactly how you touch yourself when you are alone. I wanna see everything you do just the way you would do it if I wasn't here."
Wasn't it enough to humiliate you the way he already was? You thought about what you would normally do and though it wasn't the sort of step by step process it sounded like he wanted, you knew how to get yourself there.
Then a problem occured to you. You tried to keep the panic off your face as you remembered what exactly it was that reliabley made you cum. The vibrator.
You sat up, but he was standing close, keeping you from raising.
"I-I need to get something."
He backed away just two steps, but it was enough for you to stand and go to the dresser. You could feel him watching you carefully as you bent down and retrieved your contraband from behind the piece of furniture. Before you got back onto the bed you undressed completely. You unwrapped your small vibrator and held it in your palm. Then you lay back and closed your eyes again.
You pressed the button for the lowest setting, it buzzed to life in your hand. You pressed it lightly to your folds, You moved it slowly across your pussy, circling your clit with it before taking it lower again. It felt incredible. You released a moan at the sensation. With your other hand you caressed your body, running your fingertips over your hip, your belly and then your breasts.
"Open your eyes." His voice had taken on the husky quality it had when he was turned on.
You obeyed. Your eyes were on his as you touched the vibrator to your clitoris this time. You pinched the nipple of one breast between your fingers then the other. You were breathing harder as you massaged your breasts in your hand.
You noticed Negan palm his erection through his pants. His eyes roamed slowly over your body. You whimpered as you reached down and slid your index and middle finger into your warmth.
"Oh fuck." Negan murrmured.
Slowly you began sliding your fingers in and out of your wet hole. You moved slowly deliberately drawing out your pleasure until you could feel yourself tightening around your fingers, clenching around them.
The sounds coming out of you now were beyond your control. You circled your clitoris with the vibrator before pressing it directly to your tender flesh. Your vision blurred. You squeezed tight around your fingers as an intense wave of pleasure coursed through you. Closing your eyes, you held the buzzing toy to your tender flesh as you reveled in the moment of exhaltation.
When it began to fade the stimulation became too much. You removed the vibrator and turned it off. You lay there panting, enjoying the feeling of lightness even as it ebbed.
You heard the clink of Negan's belt as he unbuckled it, heard him pull down the zipper. When you felt him brush against your thighs, you looked up at him.
The hunger in his eyes ate up his irises, pupils wide with lust. The head of his thick hard cock pressed into your entrance. You spread your legs wide and let him sink into your sopping wet heat. A pleasured sound, purr like in nature came from you as his length stretched your walls.
"Fucking heaven." He groaned as he buried himself in you.
He started moving in and out of you at a leasurely pace. From the half dazed expression on his face you knew he was enjoying every second of it. You rocked your hips toward him, meeting his every thrust as he began to speed up the pace.
A breathy groan fell from your lips as his curved shaft began to hit that particular spot inside of you that started a wave of heat radiating through your body.
He fucked deeper into your dripping pussy. You cupped your breasts with your hands and began massaging the soft skin, your nipples stiff against your palms. Negan's large palm stroked your skin, his finger tips skimmed over your round belly.
You could hear the suction noise of your pussy clenching around his cock. It made you whimper. He pulled one of your hands away from your breast. He leaned down covering your nipple with his mouth, lapping at the tight bud, sucking on it. The pressure building within you seemed to reach an impossible amount.
You whined with need. Negan pumped into you grinding his pelvis into yours, again, and again, and again. One more stroke of his shaft against your g spot set stars to bursting in front of your eyes. A sensation a kin to electricity shocked your senses, filling you with the sweet euphoria you craved. Negan continued to fuck you until he shuddered, reaching his peak and spilled into you.
Your breathing was harsh as you lay there with him bent half over you. You were startled to feel him brushing his lips against your breast. The gentle kisses he placed along your chest, bewildered you. Your eyes were trained on his face. With a satisfied sigh, Negan pulled out of you and stood. He straightened his clothing and you kept looking at him, staring, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"I won't ask where you got this." He picked up the toy from beside your thigh. "because I get the feeling, I won't like the answer. I don't want to ruin the good mood I'm in." He observed the object in his hand for a moment and then he placed it on his night stand.
You rose and picked up your panties and bra with the intent to redress.
"Give them to me." He held his hand out.
You hung your panties and bra on his fingers and went to pick up your dress instead.
"And the dress."
You gazed warily at him, uncertain of his intentions.
"Hand it over." He said again.
Hesitantly, you held the dress out toward him. He took it, draping it over his arm.
"You don't need these anymore.This is how you're going to stay."
Your eyes widened.
"For how long?" You asked forlorn.
"Until I say otherwise." He grinned, a wide entirely too pleased with himself grin. "You are gonna wait here for me all day, every day. And I expect you to be ready for me whenever I feel like fucking you."
Your eyebrows raised, your mouth falling open as you understood your punishment.It seemed your sins had finally caught up with you after all. You were no longer his wife, you were his whore.
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thefreakydeaky · 10 months
Loving is Easy (Part Ninteen)
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Negan Smith x Reader
Rick Grimes x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Reader finds herself exploring a new type of relationship with an old family friend of questionable morals.
Warnings: None
You didn't hear from Negan for two weeks. He didn't come to brunch. He didn't answer your texts. You were beginning to think he was ghosting you until he finally called you. He asked you to meet him at the cafè and you were happy to.
When you arrived you saw him sitting on the patio waiting for you. He wore a black tshirt and jeans, baseball cap low casting a shadow over his eyes. Negan looked uncomfortable as you walked up to him. Up until this point the man had dealt with difficult situations in his calm unflappable way that made you think nothing could shake him. Seeing him out of sorts made you uneasy.
He was bouncing his leg nervously. You sat down beside him and reached a hand under the table, placing it on his thigh.
"What is it? What's wrong?" You used the calming tone you usually reserved for clients.
Negan took a deep breath and let it out, but it didn't seem to ease his tension.
"I don't wanna put anything on you, 'cause I know you're going through a hard time right now. I know it, but I realized something and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since."
You reached for his hand and took it gently between both of yours.
"It's going to be okay. Just take your time. I'm listening."
He chuckled a bit, it only sounded half hearted.
"That's the thing. I don't think it will be, but I gotta say it." His hazel eyes looked directly into your eyes.
He spoke your name softly.
",I love you. I fucking fell in love with you and I think I've been in love with you for a while. I just didn't realize it until a few weeks ago."
You stared at him, shocked.
"And I think, we're meant to be together, because there isn't a thing about you that I don't love. Be honest, have you ever had that with anyone before? This, this thing where you don't get tired of each other, where you just get each other, where you don't find it hard to forgive them because none of the little shit matters. All you want is for that person to be safe, healthy, and happy. Do you, know, what I mean?"
You found yourself nodding and sniffed. Negan reached over and wiped a tear from your cheek. You hadn't known you were crying.
"I'm not asking for anything, but I have to tell you how I feel, because you deserve to know, no matter what you choose to do about it."
Your heart felt full of emotion, full enough to burst. You leaned in and pressed your lips to his. He kissed you despite your tear streaked face and trembling hands. His lips kneaded yours tenderly. You kissed him back for a moment and then he gently broke away.
"What about Olivia?"
"I ended things with her last week. You're the only person I want to be with. So tell me, is this it? Is this goodbye?" He asked, his eyes trying to read your face.
You shook your head.
"No." You looked down at his hand in yours.
"I won't lie. I'm scared. Really scared, but I can't deny that I love you and I want to be with you."
He leaned forward and took you into his arms. You held onto him.
"If we can go slow and I mean, really really slow. It would give me time to work on my fear. Could you be okay with that?"
He moved back just enough to look into your eyes.
"We can go as slow as you need to. As long as we're together. That's all I want."
He kissed your cheek and pulled you closer into his embrace. Although it had been a long and winding path to get here, you knew that you were in love with him and from the beginning you had been running from those feelings.
The snow that winter was fluffy, you got an inch or two every couple of weeks from November to Christmas. That Christmas eve you and Negan were the last to go to bed again though this time, you would be sleeping together in the guest bedroom. Your spot in front of the cozy fireplace was too good to give up and so you stayed snuggled up on your parent's sofa, Negan's arm around your shoulder, staring into the flames. After a while you could feel him looking at you and turned toward him.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asked for the third time that day.
You laughed softly.
"You tell me all the time."
Negan tweaked your nose.
"Good. I'll make sure to keep telling you everyday."
You kissed his cheek.
"There's something I've been wanting to talk to you about." You told him, gazing into his honey dappled olive eyes. "I've been thinking about it and I'd like to move in together." You held your breath, taking in the widening of his eyes and the dropping open of his mouth.
"I would love to have you move in with me Doll! Are you, ready?"
You nodded.
"Are you sure?" He asked again.
You nodded.
"Yes, If I've learned anything in the last six months, it's that you are nothing like Harlan. You are a wonderful boyfriend and a kind person. I believe this is going to be good for us.Since I don't start teaching until mid January, I figured we could start moving me in after Christmas. If that's okay with you."
He leaned in and began peppering your face with kisses.
"Doll, you have no idea, how happy this makes me."
You threw your arms around him.
"It makes me so happy to think about getting to wake up next to you each morning." You pecked his lips. " So unbelieveabley happy."
He chuckled.
"Same here, Doll. Same here."
You served yourselves another glass of wine and sat sipping them in front of the fireplace until you were ready to go to bed. Hand in hand you walked slowly down the hallway and into the guest room.
After all you had been through, you no longer wanted to be anywhere that he wasn't. You no longer felt you were being caged in. You felt safe with a man you whole heartedly knew you could trust and would love for the rest of your life.
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thefreakydeaky · 10 months
Loving is Easy
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Part Eighteen : Lover,Lover
Negan Smith x Reader
Rick Grimes x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Life becomes complicated as you try to maintain relationships with two older men, your boss and an old family friend.
Warnings: Angst
The usual knock on your door came. Rick entered even though you didn't say anything.
"Sweetheart, are you mad at me?" He asked.
You didn't look up from your laptop.
"Are you acting this way because I told you I love you?"
"That's not a conversation I think we should have here."
You continued typing as he observed you.
"Well I called you yesterday, you didn't answer. So, when will we talk about it?"
You looked up then. He was making sad eyes at you, a thing that had worked on you before, but not anymore.
"Let's talk after work."
"Carl's staying at Lori's tonight. We can talk at my house."
"Yeah, sure. See you then." You said offhand, trying to keep your attention on your work.
He stood there. Waiting.You were not going to let him guilt you into spending more time with him than was absolutely necessary.
When he still didn't leave, you told him you had a lot of work to get done and didn't have time for lunch today. He sighed, an all suffering sigh and left.
Standing outside of Rick's ostentatious house, your stomach felt queesey with anxiety. You rang the doorbell. You waited. After a minute or two he opened the door.
"Hey," He hugged you, but you did not return the hug. "Come on in."
You walked in ahead of him through the hallway into the living room.
"Can I get you anything? Do you want some water-"
"I heard you talking to Maggie the other day." You interrupted. "I know what you two have been up to."
Rick kept a neutral expression.
"I don't understand."
"You want to get married. You want a wife and Maggie talked you into thinking it would be me."
"Now, wait a minute. You're makin' it sound like there's some kind of conspiracy-"
"Isn't there? Didn't the two of you conspire to manipulate me into marrying you?"
He crossed his arms over his chest.
"All Maggie did was give me advice on wooing you. What's wrong with that?"
"But you do want to get married?"
"Yes, but-"
"To me?"
"Of course to you. I am in love with you!"
You glared at him.
"I think I understand why you're so angry with me." Rick came and sat next to you. "You're in love with me too and that scares you." He took your hand in his. "You don't have to be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you, Sweetness. I'd never leave you."
You looked into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. You weren't the least bit conflicted.
"I don't know what you overheard, but I was probably anxious because you've been pushing me away. Maybe I was even frustrated, because I see my future so clearly with you and I worry that you don't see the same in me."
He caressed your cheek and jaw.
"You are so vital to me." He squeezed your hand lightly.
"I love you."
There were those words again. The last time you heard them they had made you want to run. This time however they made you want to punch him in the face.
"I'm offended that you thought that would work on me, Rick. I know I can be a mess, but I'm still a fucking therapist and I know manipulation and gaslighting when I see it." You stood up.
After meeting with Daryl and realizing how much pain you had caused him the guilt and shame you felt were immense. You had promised yourself that if anyone ever entrusted you with their heart again you would treat them better than you had treated Daryl. Now, seeing this man use love as a way to get what he wanted out of you was making you sick.
"I know what Maggie is capable of and I know damn well what I heard. Lori was right about you. You are a condescending manipulative asshole. I mean, really, did she ever really say she slept with Negan or is that another lie?"
"You have got to be kidding me. You can't take anything my exwife says seriously. She's bitter. She doesn't want me to be happy. Look at how she's coming between us -"
"You can go fuck yourself. Consider this my two weeks notice. You'll have an official letter of notice tomorrow morning." You turned your back on him and made your way back outside.
You didn't bother with a hello when Maggie finally picked up.
"What the fuck did I ever do to you?"
"What? Who is this?" She asked, confused.
"What's a matter? Try to manipulate the lives of too many people lately to remember which is which?"
She said your name.
"That's right. Now where the fuck do you get off trying to maipulate me into marrying some guy?"
She huffed into the phone.
"I wasn't trying to manipulate you. I was trying to help you sort out your life. It's a mess. If you keep going the way your going your gonna end up heart broken and alone. I don't want that for you."
You clenched your fist.
"That wasn't for you to decide. You know I hate it when my mom oversteps. Why would you think it was okay for you?"
"Look, Rick isn't a bad guy. He's supportive, he's honest and kind. Why wouldn't I want someone like that for you-"
You cut her off.
"He's not honest and he's not kind. I trusted both of you. I told you things about me that I don't go around sharing with everyone. You ignored what I wanted and tried to decide on my future for me. This isn't something I'll just get over, Maggie. You betrayed me."
"I'm sorry you feel that way, but someone had to do something. You needed an intervention." She didn't sound sorry in the least.
"I can't trust you. So, I won't let you be a part of my life anymore. Good Bye Maggie. Even though you back stabbed me, I still wish you and Glen the best." You told her.
"Wait. You can't be serious? I'm your best friend-"
You hung up on her and blocked her number. You didn't care what else she might have to say. There was no room in your life for people that weren't going to respect your boundaries
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thefreakydeaky · 11 months
Loving is Easy
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Part Sixteen: The Fade Out Line
Negan Smith x Reader
Rick Grimes x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Life gets messy as reader explores a new relationship with two older men, a friend of the family, and her new boss.
Warnings: Luke warm angst
You stood waiting for your impartial judge under the biggest tree in Eastlake Park. You were half worried he wouldn't show up and half worried he would. You hadn't seen him in years and apart from an annual happy new year and happy birthday the two of you hadn't had a real conversation in years. Until the other day.
     Despite what had transpired between you in the past, He had listened to your entire drama and your crying and told you everything would be okay. It had been his suggestion that you meet in person. You were desperate for the input of a sane person and so you had agreed.
You looked left. The park was beautiful green and serene. Then right and caught the unmistakeable sight of his long hair and familiar gate as he came down the walkway.
"Daryl." You spoke his name as he walked up to you.
"Hey," He said in greeting.
You hugged briefly.
"I wasn't sure you would show up." You admitted.
"Wasn't sure you'd be here either."
You laughed softly.
"Well, we were both wrong."
He nodded.
"To be very honest, I'm out of options and I'm desperate for some sensable advice."
You nodded.
"Then you're asking the wrong person.".
You raised your eyebrows.
"Am I?"
"Yeah. You remember why we broke up don't you?"
You stared at him.
"It was on accounta me telling you I loved you and you freaking out and not being able to handle it."
You swallowed nervously.
"You can't keep running from hard conversations. It ain't right. It does a lot of damage to the other person. If you care at all about this guy you're seeing you'll have an honest conversation with him about how you feel."
You averted your gaze.
To your surprise he reached over and tilted your chin up.
"You ran out on me. It hurt like a bitch, but I got over you. If you had been honest with me, it would of caused me less pain though."
"I'm sorry." You said earnestly.
"I used to want an apology from you. Now, I just want to keep you from doing this to someone else."
"I-I don't know why I did it, why I do it." You told him. "I get so anxious and overwhelmed I can't even think straight."
"If one of your clients told you they were experiencing that, what would be your advice to them?"
You sighed.
"I'd tell them to step away for a minute, to do some grounding exercises and then deal with the problem they were facing."
"There you go." He said, like it was the simplest thing in the world.
You took a deep breath then slowly let it out.
He watched you, warily.
"Thank you for doing this. For helping me."
He nodded.
You stood there in the quiet for a minute. The only sounds made by the ducks and the fountain.
"I better get going." He held up his arm and you hugged his side.
"Alright. Take care."
"Yeah, you too." He walked away, but you saw him look back over his shoulder.
You felt guilty. He said he was over it, but he still seemed effected by what had happened between you and that made you wonder whether you should of involved him in the first place.
As far as mature reasonable advice went, Daryl's input made the most sense to you. While part of you acknowledged that your place of employment was not the right place to address the situation with Rick, another part of you needed to get through it as quickly as possible. That was how you found yourself standing outside the door to his office.
You lifted your hand to knock, but lost your nerve. You turned to leave.
'Get it together. We're doing this!' You motivated yourself.
You brought your hand up to knock, but as you did the door opened just a crack.
"Let's be real here, Maggie. I've done everything I can do short of shower her with gifts."
You held back the gasp in your throat.
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
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Part Thirteen Fourteen : Lovedrunk
Negan Smith x Reader
Rick Grimes x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Life gets messy as Reader explores a new relationship with two older men, an old family friend and her new boss.
Warnings: angst, fluff
"What the fuck?" Simon's surprise was directed at you the second Negan, Olivia, and Rick left.
You kept a neutral expression.
Your mom and Simon shared a knowing look.
"You and Negan making eyes at each other was bad enough, but now you're making eyes at each other in front of the people you're dating."
You could feel your face heating with embarassment.
"H-He was looking at me?" You asked sheepishly.
"Neither one of you even bothered to try to hide it." You mom shook her head at your behavior.
"I couldn't help it. It was hard seeing him with her." You admitted and served yourself another cup of coffee.
Simon's snort of incredulity drew even your little sister's attention.
"He said you were the one that invited her."
"Well, yeah. I guess I did."
"And you're dating your boss?" Your mom's disappointment was evident in her voice. "Don't you think that is a little unprofessional?"
You shrugged and took another sip from your mug.
"You're a fucking therapist for christ sake. You would think, you'd know better than to get tangled up in a mess like this." Simon admonished. "What happened to, "I'm not gonna date him?" He raised one bushy brow as he looked at you.
"You don't have to worry, I put in an application at an apartment complex closer to work. So, I might be moving out soon and maybe then it won't be so awkward for you guys."You had been waiting for the right time to tell them, but since they found out about you and Negan you figured it might as well all come out.
Simon's eyes widened.
You felt guilty about the wounded look on your mom's face, but it would not sway your decision.
"You are doing this, because you are involved with Negan?" She asked suddenly.
You hoped the offense you felt showed in your expression.
"I'm moving out, because I need my space. I never planned on staying here long. We talked about that when I moved in, remember?" You kept your tone calm and even.
Your mom's eyes welled up with tears.
"Save your therapist voice for your clients." She huffed and left the room.
"Where do you want the couch?" Rick asked as he and Glen reached the doorway.
"Over against that wall, please." You pointed.
You had finally found yourself a decent priced apartment. It had faux wood flooring,refridgerated air, and wasn't too far from work. What more could you ask for?
You continued to put dishes into your cabinets as they set the sofa down. Negan and Simon carried your mattress in.
Your gaze followed Negan, his biceps bunching as he lifted the mattress over the thresh hold.
Sasha elbowed you playfully.
You giggled, your eyes still on Negan as he passed by on the way to your bedroom. He winked at you just before he disappeared down the hallway. You had been living a month of bliss. Time with each of them was time well spent. Rick had a quiet confidence about him. He was serene and noble. Negan was dependable, candid, and had an intriguing magnetism about him that had you spellbound. They were opposites in some ways, but equally pleasant to be around.
     You finished with the box you were unpacking and began to dismantle it. Ideally, your current arrangement would remain as it had been, long term. However there was already something new happening, a jealousy you had been choosing to ignore.
You set the cardboard box aside and decided to leave Sasha and Maggie to finish the kitchen. You went to get the box with your bathroom items, but Rick stopped you. He picked up the box for you and let you lead the way to the bathroom.
"Those shorts look good on you." He commented, putting the box on the lid of the toilet.
You narrowed your eyes.
"You mean, my moving clothes? What are you trying to butter me up?" You asked mock suspiciously.
"Not at all." He came toward you in the small space. His hands went to your hips and he tugged you toward him.
"Oh, not at all, huh?" You teased.
He leaned in and kissed you slow and deep. The sensuality of the kiss surprised you.
He touched his forehead to yours.
"What are you doin' tonight?"
You smiled faintly, tracing his jawline with your finger tips.
"Probably still unpacking.Negan is going to stay and help."
You caught the scowl on his face though it only appeared for a second.His lips descended on yours again. He took your lower lip between both of his and sucked at it. The sound of foot steps in your hallway motivated you to break the kiss. His arms went around you, not letting you move very far away.
"Honey," You put a bit of chastizement in your tone, "Please."
His eyes smoldered with wanting you.
"Please, what?"
You felt your face heating. You felt very much aware of the other people in your apartment.His hand slipped down and squeezed your backside.
"Rick!" You squeaked.
He laughed, seemingly unashamed.
You ducked your head, your cheek against his shoulder.
Simon appearing in the doorway prompted Rick to step back out of your personal space.
"Where do you want the bed?" Simon inquired, tiredly.
"Will you start on this for me?" You asked Rick, pointing to your box of bathroom items.
"Sure thing." Rick started removing the tape.
You followed Simon back to the bedroom where Negan stood waiting.
"I was thinking that wall, there." You pointed, only to realize the bed frame had already been set up in that very spot.
"Great minds think alike." Negan quipped.
"You sure you want it there?" Simon asked uncertainly.
"Mhmm." You nodded.
He and Simon manuevered the box spring and then topped it with the mattress. You stood by the foot of the bed, trying to deicide if you liked how it looked.
"Don't worry, Doll." Negan put his arm around your shoulders. "We'll try it out tonight. If you don't like it we can always move it later."
"Hey man, I ain't tryin' to hear all that." Simon complained.
"He didn't mean it that way." You said apologetically.
"No, He's right. That is exactly how I meant it."  Negan nipped at your cheek playfully.
Simon winced.
"You're sick." He groussed walking away.
"And twisted." Negan said over his shoulder.
He tried to kiss you.
You shot Negan a reproving glance.
"I was just bustin' his balls." He said with a smirk.
You frowned.
"He knows I was kidding."
You ducked underneath his arm and headed back to the bathroom.
"Aw come on, it was just a joke." He called after you.
You shook your head.
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
Loving is Easy
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Part Eleven: My story in your hands
Negan Smith x Reader
Rick Grimes x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Reader finds herself exploring a new type of relationship with two men of questionable intentions
Warnings: A little angst, Mentions of smut, some butterflies
In the end, you got tired of trying to sort it all out yourself. You dressed up in a form fitting peach and cream colored outfit. A slit in the side of the skirt and a low neckline were necessary to you on this occasion. Your beige heels clicked on the pavement as you made your way to the doors of The Sanctuary.
The music was bumping. The place was packed. You had to force your way through the sea of people as your eyes scanned the crowd for Negan. Finally you reached the bar. You ordered a whisky sour and asked for him. The bartender pointed to the other end of the bar.
Your eyes widened. He looked nothing short of amazing in a white button up shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. What surprised you was the bespectacled brunette who had her hand on his arm. Her red lips held something of a sultry smile. She said something into Negan's ear and he laughed. He finished off his drink and just as he was about to say something to her, his gaze happened to fall on you. He stood straighter. When he didn't look away, you smiled, a tight lipped imitation of a polite smile. You turned your attention to the bar tender as he put your drink down in front of you. You paid in cash. Then you downed the thing. You ignored the slight stinging of your throat telling you that you shouldn't have done that and began to push your way to the exit.
You felt suffocated by the press of the bodies around you. Once you got outside you high tailed it back toward downtown, where you had parked. You were a block and a half away from the bar when a hand took hold of your upper arm. You turned, bewildered until you realized it was Negan.
You sighed out a nervous laugh.
"Thank God it's you."
His lips parted as his gaze roamed over you.
"Didn't mean to scare you.You look amazing tonight, Doll." He moistened his lips with his tongue. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
Your eyes shied away from his hazel gaze.
"I should have. I..." You shifted weight to your other foot. "I didn't think. I just really wanted to talk to you."
He stuck his hands in his pockets.
"Thought you weren't talking to me."
You looked up guiltily.
"I didn't mean to make you think I was mad. I was just feeling kind of overwhelmed."
He pursed his lips.
"This about what happened Saturday?"
You nodded.
He sighed.
"Look, I've been like an uncle to Carl since he was little. Things are tense right now, but it'll get better with time."
"So you're saying my only choice is to be uncomfortable everytime you and Rick are in the same room?"
Negan laughed nervously.
"That's not your only choice.You could stop seeing him..."
"Like that would fix anything." You scoffed.
"It might." Negan shrugged.
"It's not like you're not seeing anyone else." You pointed out.
He took a deep breath.
"I hope you're not mad. You did say we weren't exclusive." He reminded you.
You nodded.
"No, I know. I'm just making a point."
"Alright. I understand what you're saying. It was just a thought."
You tried to decipher his emotions from his expression, but his face gave nothing away.
"So, I'll see you at brunch tomorrow?" He prompted, his lips forming a smile.
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."
He hugged you and placed a kiss on your cheek before he left. Embarassment and regret made themselves at home in the front of your mind as you continued the walk to your car.
You encountered another bar on your way to the parking lot. The name seemed to be the theme of your night, Pour Judgement. Walking less tall than you had been fifteen minutes ago you entered the doorway.
The vibe in there was different than you expected. The walls were in Millenial pink except for the far wall which was white brick. The couple of neon signs along the walls weren't advertizing beer. You frowned. Your eyes traveled the walls from the pair of violet lips, the Xo xo sign, and the deep purple "Bitch don't kill my vibe".
Women mostly in their early twenties, seemed to make up the majority of the patrons. You went to the bar, finding space between two seperate sets of girls doing shots, you ordered an Adios Mother Fucker. At hearing your drink order one of the girls turned around and gave you an appraising look.
"Fuck boy problems?" She asked, nearly shouting to be heard over the music.
"Kind of." You managed a small smile.
"Her too." She said, pointing at the pretty girl in the black skirt, the one of her friends who seemed to be enjoying herself the most.
You took hold of your drink a second before she took hold of your other wrist.
"Come on, you're drinking with us." She sounded completely decided on the matter.
You didn't fight it. Anything was better than being alone with your thoughts.You joined the circle of young women.Some of whom looked to you curiously.
"This is," Your new friend nodded at you.
You said your name.
"She's with us tonight."
and just like that you were accepted into their group.
After three shots of tequila, you were singing along to the music with them. Some song by Pink that you weren't sure you liked, but was so popular it was practically impossible not to know the lyrics.
At two you started to order an uber home when an idea struck. The bent of your thoughts must have showed on your face, because the red headed girl you now knew was named Frankie, released a resounding "Nooo." and put a hand over the screen of your phone.
You laughed it off. Pretended she was wrong about what you had been about to do.
"I'm just getting a ride home."
She shook her head , but let go of your phone. The knowing smirk on her face didn't stop you, but it did awaken a warning voice in your head. Drunk texting always gets you in trouble. It chided. Don't do it.
But buzzing hard, half drunk you were feeling over confident enough to ignore it. You texted Rick. Before you had time to start doubting your word choices and judgement, he texted you back.
Went out drinking with Shane. Just got home.
You typed out a response. Asking if you could go to his place.
I'd love to see you Come on over.
You told him you were on your way, changed the address and ordered the uber.
You rang the doorbell and waited the hum of excitement within making you impatient.
It felt like you were standing there forever before he opened one of the tall double doors.
He stepped back to let you in, but you followed him, your chest pushed up against his as you kissed him, pouring all the heat and frantic need you felt into it. Your tongue found it's way passed his lips and into his mouth. Both hands at his neck, your fingers sliding into his curly hair, you left no space between you. You didn't miss his gentle sigh of relief, but forced yourself not to think. You commited yourself to being in the moment.
His arms were around you, holding you to him. His kiss was filled with an eagerness that matched yours. Your tongues entwined and parted, entwined and parted. You gasped at the sudden loss of contact when he pulled away from you.He gestured for you to come inside and you did as you were asked. You paused by the glass topped entry table as he closed and locked the door. Then followed him further into the house. At the door to his bedroom you were unable to resist the impulse you leaned into him and brushed your lips along his jaw. You kissed the space where his sideburn ended and then his earlobe before he stopped you, his wide hands taking hold of your shoulders.
"How much have you had to drink?" He asked.
"Probably as much as you." You smirked up at him.
He said your name on a husky whisper.He felt your small surprised intake of breath against his lips and savoured your wonder. You spent the night exploring each others bodies, kissing, caressing, and tasting. You took your time, relishing the quickening of his breath when you touched him just so. You watched his face as he came, his head thrown back his mouth open on a moan, his eyes half closed, pupils blown wide with pleasure. The intensity of the experience made it even better than you imagined it would be.
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
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Part Twelve: Little Ways
Negan Smith x Reader
Rick Grimes x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Life gets messy as Reader explores a new relationship with two older men, an old family friend and her new boss.
Warnings: angst on low, anxiety on high
You woke up to your phone ringing loudly. You groaned and reached out fully expecting to smack the screen of your phone on your nightstand, only for your arm to fall through the air, the force behind the movement pulling you side ways, making you lose your balance partly off the mattress.
There was movement beside you which startled you. Until a pair of strong arms went around you, tugging you back into bed. Memories of the night before came back to you and you settled comfortabley against his bare chest.
"What happened, Sweetheart?" He asked his voice thick from sleep.
"My phone."
Your phone rang again. You groaned and started to rise.
"Don't worry. I'll get it." He threw back the covers and got up. He found your phone on his dresser and brought it to you.
You rubbed at your eyes before you tapped on the screen. Blinking away your bleary vision, you read the notification. Three missed calls from your mom.
You yawned and hit her number to call back.
"Where are you?" Your mom demanded angrily.
You were not going to answer that.
"Why?" You asked, losing your patience.
"What do you mean, 'why'? You never got home last night. You didn't call. You didn't text. How am I supposed to know whether or not you're still alive?"
There was worry in her voice, but you refused to feel bad. You were an adult. You had survived just fine in a different city without her knowing your whereabouts at all times. This recently formed bad habit of hers needed to be broken.
"I'm fine. I'm safe." You said placatingly.
"Yes, but where?"
You sighed.
"Mom, you have to stop doing this. You have another daughter who needs your worry more than I do." You rubbed at your temple.
"I have two daughters and I will always worry about you, both." She asserted.
"The important difference here is that she is a child. I am an adult. Just because I moved back home, doesn't mean I've lost my good judgement." You pointed out.
Rick moved closer to you, pressing kisses to your shoulder and then your chest.
"Are you coming to brunch?"
You sighed.
"You and Negan said you were going to do the cooking this time." She reminded you.
"Right. Yeah, I'll be there. Okay, gotta go now, bye."
You hung up before she could say more.
Rick kissed his way up your neck to your lips. You kissed him back for a moment enjoying the tenderness of the embrace.
"Mmm, I have to get ready to go."
"No, you don't." He mumbled against your mouth.
You smiled at his petulant tone.
"Yes, I do." You ran your fingers along his curls. "I have to get downtown and pick up my car."
He pecked your lips once and again.
"I'll take you."
As you were getting dressed, your phone began to ring. You answered, cradling the phone between your ear and shoulder to continue dressing.
"Good Morning, Babydoll." Negan's voice brought an instant smile to your face.
"Good Morning."
"So, I know we said we would make breakfast for your folks today, but ,uh, Liv's car wouldn't start this morning. We got it towed to the mechanic down the street and she says it won't be ready until three..."
"Oh." You took a breath.
You reasoned with yourself, that this shouldn't be so weird.You had expressed to Negan that you didn't want things to be so awkward when he and Rick were in the same room, shouldn't you lead by example?
"Well, why don't you bring her over?" The words jumped out of your mouth.
There was a long pause before he answered.
"Really? You don't mind?"
You forced cheerfulness into your voice.
"Yeah! That will be fine. Besides, I'd like to meet her."
"Oh, okay." Negan replied, surprised.
"Great! So, I'll see you later?"
"Ye-yeah." Negan agreed. "See you later."
You hung up, stunned by your stupidity. What the hell had you been thinking? This meal was going to be weird and uncomfortable not just for you and Negan and "Liv", but also for your mom and Simon.
You held hands with Rick through out the drive downtown, but your mind was on the event you were dreading.
You heard Rick say your name and turned to look at him.
"Hey, are you alright?"
You shook your head.
"I made a mistake and now it's messing with my head." You admitted.
You pointed toward the next turn and he took it.
"Are you regretting coming over last night?" He asked, his voice laced with worry.
"No, not at all." You squeezed his hand lightly.
"It's just, there's this thing we do every other sunday, a family brunch with my parents and Negan, he called this morning to say he couldn't come because of something involving this woman he's seeing and I am a total idiot because I told him he could bring her to brunch and now it's going to be the most awkward thing ever and it's all my fault."
While Rick quietly digested your spouting of words, you directed him to the right parking lot. He parked behind your car and turned, a contemplative look on his handsome features.
"I can come with you, if you want."
Your eyes widened.
"That would be so great. I could really use a friend right now. Are you sure?"
He nodded.
"You won't be too uncomfortable with Negan there?" You asked, concerned.
"No and he's a part of Carl's life. I'm just going to have to get used to him being around."
You threw your arms around him, pecking kisses on his cheek.
"Thank you! Thank you so much."
His soft huff of laughter reassured you that he would be okay.
You opened the front door of your parent's house to find the woman you had seen last night sitting on the love seat playing dolls with your sister. It made your heart clench, fist like in your chest. You weren't sure what it was you were feeling, but it wasn't good.
Rick followed shutting the door behind him.
"Hello." You greeted her politely, skirting the leather recliner to come closer to her.
She glanced over her shoulder. You saw her shoulders tense, a nervousness in her caramel brown eyes. She quickly stood and came over to you.
You started to introduce yourself, but she interrupted.
"Yes, I've heard so much about you. I feel like I know you." She laughed, putting the doll she was holding down on a red mahogany end table.
You forced a smile to your face.
"And you're, Liv, right?"
"Yes, well technically. I go by Olivia. Liv is just what Negan calls me."
You bit down on the inside of your lip.
"Right, right."
Rick put his arm around your tense shoulders reminding you to relax.
"This is, Rick Grimes." You told her.
Rick reached out and shook hands with Olivia.
"Nice to meet you." He said flashing his gorgeous smile at her.
You almost melted right along with Olivia.
When you heard your mom's laugh coming from the kitchen, you excused yourself and followed the sound.
"There she is." Simon said leaning against the island."Finally."
You shook your head, but went and gave him a hug anyway. Then you hugged your mom. Negan was already cooking eggs at the stove, his back turned to you.
"Mom, Simon, this is, my friend, Rick."
He shook each of their hands.
"Rick Grimes and I hope to become much more than that." He said chuckling.
Simon's eyebrows lifted at the comment.
Your mom laughed it off.
"What, don't I get a hello?" Negan asked his tone teasing.
You went to him. He surprised you, hugging you to him tightly, like he hadn't seen you in a long time. He pecked your cheek before he let you go.
"Rick." Negan said and gave a nod of acknowledgement to the other man.
"Negan." He returned evenly.
"Babydoll, you wanna start making the bacon?" Negan gestured toward the red packages on the counter. You nodded and went to work.
Your mom and Simon started setting the table in the dining room since it was getting colder outside. Rick offered to help, but ended up being sent to the living room with Olivia and your sister.
You and Negan worked well together. Not getting too much in each other's way in the open kitchen. Quiet moments shared between you were not usually uncomfortable, but this time, there seemed to be an odd strain keeping him from speaking to you that was making you anxious.
"Were you already planning on bringing him when we spoke this morning or was that a decision you made afterward?" He inquired so suddenly that you jumped at the sound of his voice.
You put another two cinnamon rolls in the toaster oven and put the dial to three.
"Why did you tell me to bring her here?"
"What?" You were taken aback by his chagrin.
"Obviously," He started putting the eggs and bacon in a serving dish, "The idea of Liv being here made you so insecure you felt the need to try and make me jealous."
Your eyebrows came together as you looked him in the eyes.
"Rick wanted to come and I thought that if it was okay for Olivia to be here then the same went for Rick. Was I wrong to think that?"
Negan hummed low in his throat.
"I suppose not."
"Well, okay then." You replied. You tried not to sound too terse.
You placed the last few rolls into the bread basket and took them to the dining room. Two carafes of orange juice and a pot of coffee were already on the oak table. It looked nice, almost commercial worthy. You went and got the creamer, half and half, and splenda and placed them by the coffee pot.
You heard your mom go and get everyone to come into the dining room. So, you chose a seat and settled into it. You smiled at Rick as he came to sit beside you.
Contrary to your worry that the situation would be extremely awkward for everyone, Rick seemed to be getting along fine, your mom seemed more at ease than you had seen her lately.If the situation bothered Olivia at all, she didn't show it.
Simon asked the usual questions of Rick. What he did for a living, did he have any children and the like. Rick answered everything smoothly. There was an ease in his posture, in his actions that calmed your nervous heart. His quiet confidence was becoming a quality you admired in him.
Negan talked quietly with Olivia. You tried not to focus on how often she touched his arm or his hand. Attempted to ignore them when he whispered in her ear and she giggled. You mustered up the strength to keep a neutral expression, but Rick seemed to notice your discomfort.
He reached over beneath the table and laced his fingers with yours, holding your hand. You shared a look, in his sky blue eyes there was a serenity that grounded you. You took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds before letting it out slowly.
"Drink your juice, Pumpkin." Your mom told your sister.
"Sweetie-" She tried again, but your sister wasn't having it.
"I want chocolate milk!" She demanded.
Your mom sighed and you knew she was giving in.
"I'll make it. You finish eating." You offered, already beginning to stand.
"I'll help." Negan was quick to say.
Simon looked to you his eyebrow raising at the strange suggestion.
Your eyes flicked over to Negan, but before you could protest he was standing. So, you went to the kitchen, Negan not far behind.
You took your sister's my little pony cup out from the cupboard as Negan grabbed the milk. He brought it to you, placing it on the counter next to the cup. Your eyes met. The heat there was palpable, filled with a yearning that made your breath catch in your throat.
You moved quickly away, using the task of getting the tub of chocolate powder as a distraction. Negan didn't allow it. He followed you, his large hand alighted on your bare shoulder, the other on the curve of your hip.
In the span of a few seconds all that work you had done to maintain calm was blown away.Negan's hand glided across your neck, settling at your jaw. He angled your face toward him and leaned over your shoulder, kissing his way along your cheek. When his lips found yours, your heart seemed to feel lighter, as if it had grown wings and was flying, floating on air.
The sensual press of his lips, the warmth of his proximity intoxicated you like nothing else could. You found yourself turning in his arms, pursuing the desire within him. You pushed more firmly against him.
He did not resist the temptation to slide his tongue between your lips. He embraced the heat of your mouth. His tongue delved beneath yours, it curled and unfurled, pulling a moan from you.
The reunion, ignited the fire you had very nearly forgotten in your anxiety. It reminded you that your connection to Negan was real and passionate and undeniable. His beard scratched at your chin. Your hands reached up and cupped either side of his jaw.
"Hey, Negan. Did ya find the nesquick?" Simon called from the dining room.
You parted reluctantly, still wanting. Sending Negan back to the table, you set about your task. When you returned you set the cup in front of your sister. She took a sip and immediately began to complain that the milk wasn't chocolatey enough. You laughed and went back for the nesquick.
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
In the woods somewhere
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Part 2
Stalker!Negan x plus sized reader
Summary: Spongebob narrator voice "One year later" Stalker!Negan smut
Warnings: stockholm syndrome, dub-con, smut, a couple of 'fucks'
You love him. The thought that you shouldn't buzzes at the back of your mind like an errant bee. But why not? He says you're his angel. He says you saved him. His thanks is whispered between reverent kisses languid and lush. All that he does is for you. He feeds you, bathes you, dresses you, and fills your nights with sweet pleasure.
You are stirred from your thoughts by the sound of his sensuous voice.
You close your book and set it aside.
"How are you today?"
You smile at him and watch as the traces of anxiety leave his face.
"I missed you." You tell him. You rise and saunter to him.
His arms encompass you. You hear his sigh of relief.
"I brought you somethin'."
He reaches for the bag he brought in with him. You watch curiously as he sticks his hand in. When he brings it out, he is holding luminous white satin. He hands it to you and when you hold it up, you find it is a nightgown. You pinch the material between your thumb and forefinger. It will be so soft against your skin.
"Thank you."You give him a gentle kiss on his stubbled cheek."But where are my wings?" You tease.
He smiles faintly. His eyes roam your face as though he has not seen you for days rather than hours.
You take a step away from him and lift your dress. He helps you remove it, his large hands skimming the bottom of your arms before he pulls it over your head and off.
He gasps at the sight of your bare body. You don't understand why. He has seen you naked so many times, but he always looks at you with such adoration and longing in his honey-dappled hazel eyes.
He ducks his head and presses a necklace of kisses along your chest. You shiver. There is a slight chill in the room that has settled on you. The sensation of his warm lips is a pleasing contrast.
He bunches up the night gown to make it easier to put on. You lift your arms and allow him to slide the fabric over you. It is sumptuous and feels silky against your skin.
He turns you so you face the full-length mirror opposite the bed. From behind you, he brushes his lips at the downy skin just below your ear and whispers, "You look breathtaking."
His hands wander over the rolls on your sides down to your hips. He crushes the fabric in his strong grip. Then slides it up so he can see your pussy.You watch your reflection as his hand glides down to your sex. His fingers pass into the cleft below your mons and begin to stroke your lips.
"I didn't mean to love you this fucking much." His middle finger dips into your moistening hole. The tip of his finger spreads some of your cum along your tender flesh.
"I tried to stay away. I tried not to need you." He brushes over your slowly engorging clitoris. "It didn't fucking work."
His finger probes, he pushes it into you and slips it out of you. His lips feather the side of your face in his affection as he steadily repeats the action. Your breath quickens in response to his touch. His finger tip ghosts over your clit.
Your arousal soon coats his hand. His other wraps around the front of your neck as he half drags you backward to the bed.
His directions are clear. You are to position yourself on all four. You do as you are bid. His lean muscular body is revealed to your eyes in quick movements as he undresses.
His heavy cock hangs low as he maneuveres his way behind you. You flinch at the unexpected feeling of him sliding his cock through your folds. He takes hold of your hip and smoothly moves his shaft through your labia again, covering himself in your cum. Then he brings the head of his cock to your entrance and pushes into you to the hilt. After much love making between you, the ensuing stretch is no longer uncomfortable. He withdraws nearly all the way only to glide back in a moment later. The skirt of your night gown is hanging above your hips, it shifts with his increased pace. The material rubs lightly at your breasts. Between the cool air and the friction, your nipples begin to harden. You rock backward into him and he moans.
The sound ignites a hungry desire within you. You need to make him feel good, need to hear the music of his rapturous cries. You continue to rock into him, taking him deep. You clench and let go, clench and let go. He groans, a husky erotic note. He buries himself in you. Your enticing natural scent is all around him intoxicating him.
You are all softness and grace and you are letting him have you, letting him taint you with his ravenous need. You skin dimples around his fingers in his rough grip. Your delicious little moans and sighs drive him to thrust harder. He draws more of your slick juices from you. The wet slapping noises your bodies are making pulls him toward the edge. He reaches around you and pinches your clit. A whimper escapes your lips. You clench around his cock. Sweet rhapsodic heaven. His hips grind into you as he fills you to the brim with his seed.
He pulls out and asks you, breathlessly, to roll onto your back. His stubble scratches slightly at your inner thighs. With soothing tongue, he lathes your dripping folds in a mixture of cum and saliva. His lips come together to kiss an apology to your stiff throbbing bud.
“You were so good for me, My angel.” He murmurs. His tongue swirls around you, making your back arch. He massages your labia between his lips. The heat of his breath on you provokes you to break out in sultry moans.
“Negan, oh Negan.”
He nips gently at your nub, circles it with his tongue then nips again. You grind on his face seeking the last bit of needed friction. You cry out. Your vision goes misty as your body comes alive, an unfurling of sultry pleasure. Your muscles seem to go slack as you float dreamily in exultant feeling.
“I love you,” You whisper when he holds you in his strong arms.
“You are my everything.” He says softly. His kiss is claiming. His lips frame your bottom lip, then mold to fit the contours of your lips. What bliss could there possibly be for you than this?
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
Loving is Easy
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Part Ten: Little Sister Don't Ya
Negan Smith x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Reader finds herself exploring a new relationship with an older friend of the family.
"He said 'yet'. He said she's not my girl 'yet'." Your voice was tight with anxiety as you relayed the events of Saturday to Maggie, Sasha, and Rosita. Maggie took a sip of her mojito, her appraising gaze on your worried expression.
"Maybe he mispoke?" Sasha posed.
"Maybe he didn't feel comfortable getting into it in front of his ex." Rosita added.
"I don't get it.What's so wrong with what he said?" Maggie asked cooly.
You were taken aback by her attitude.
"I've only been hanging out with him for a few weeks."
"And it sounds like he's looking for more than just, you know."
Maggie sat up straighter in her chair.
"No, I don't know. What do you want?"
You mirrored her posture.
"I don't know! Just to, like, hang out and maybe, like, make out and stuff."
Rosita slid her sunglasses off her eyes and up onto her head.
"That is the most cringey high school way you could have described a friend with benefits."
Sasha shook her head, amused.
Maggie touched your arm.
"It's been two years since you broke up with Harlan and yeah, he was an asshole, but that doesn't mean there aren't good men out there and it doesn't mean you have to give up on finding love."
"Love?" You repeated. The word felt foreign to you, strange on your lips from how long it had been since you last used it.
"Take Rick, for example." Maggie said. "Look at everything he went through with his divorce and he hasn't given up on finding the right...Well, my point is you shouldn't give up on love."
Your eyebrows raised.
"I'm not even sure I'm ready to date. Love is the furthest thing from my mind right now."
A cool breeze blew through the patio. You sat back and enjoyed it for a moment.
"Love finds you when you least expect it." Sasha said quietly. Your eyes turned to find her with the softest look on her face.
"I take it things are going well with Ryan?"
Sasha smiled.
"We're moving in together."
You congratulated her, but you couldn't help the unease you felt. You felt you could never trust someone enough to share your space with them again.
You were hiding. Negan had texted everyday over the week and you had yet to respond. Whenever Rick approached you at work you pretended to be too busy, apologizing and assuring him you would make time for him soon. You had snuck out of the office an hour early on Friday afternoon to avoid him.
The weekend could not have come soon enough. You rolled your shoulders back and let out a deep sigh. Then you put your heather gray robe on over your shorts and tank top and headed for the kitchen.
Everyone was already up. You said good morning as you went straight for the coffee maker. You pulled out a big mug and poured yourself a cup as you stewed over the nightmare you had woken up from.
It had been an anxiety dream in which you were still in the toxic relationship you had left two years ago, Harlan giving you shit over every little thing you did and you scrambling to "fix" everything in a desperate attempt to please him.
"Ugh..." You muttered as you stirred your coffee.
You took a sip and swallowed the warm liquid. The effect of the caffeine hitting your system was like a balm to your aching weary soul.
"Hey," Simon called over the back of the couch.
You took another sip of coffee.
"Hey." You repeated.
"Negan was asking about you last night."
You scowled.
"He did what?"
"He asked me how you were doing."
You huffed, an exasperated sigh. "I hope you told him I'm doing great."
Simon's brows drew together.
"I told him the truth.That you seem like something's bothering you, but you haven't said anything about it yet."
"Wh-why would you tell him that? He's going to think-"
Simon's eyebrow raised.
"Oh nevermind." You grumbled and started off for the privacy of your room.
"Sure." You heard Simon say as you reached the hallway. You closed the door to your room and sat on the bed.
The truth of the matter was you didn't know what was going on. For a while you were hanging out with these two amazing men and having a great time then all of a sudden you were in a cluster fuck of relationship drama feeling guilty for things that weren't even your fault. Should you be mad at Negan for taking you to Carl's game? It wasn't really his fault it had devolved into shouting.
Then there was Maggie's advice that you not give up on love. You had been hopeful once. You had wanted the whole happy family, white picket fence, kids and all thing. It wasn't your fault your dream died. It was Harlan's. That bastard had fucked with your head for the duration of your relationship and now the ghost of him was living rent free in your mind and still wreaking havoc.
The last thing you wanted was for either of the men you were seeing to be wondering what they might have done to upset you. It felt manipulative to leave them guessing, but you had never asked to become a new facet to their fucked up love triangle that never was bullshit. Your phone rang on your night stand. You looked at the screen and saw Rick's picture. You sighed. The phone made a buzzing sound as it vibrated. You watched it ring but didn't pick up.
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
Loving is Easy
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Part Six : Like Me Better
Negan Smith x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Reader finds herself exploring a new type of relationship with an old family friend of questionable morals.
Warnings: None
Rick knocked twice on your open office door to let you know he was coming in. He visited two times a week. Though it had started as just his wanting to look out at the skyline, it now included in depth conversations about what was currently going on in your lives. You'd become a sounding board for his troubles and he'd become a voice of reason to your over analytical mind.
"Good Afternoon." You looked up from your laptop and smiled.
"Hey." He graced you with a small smile of his own. He had a parfait cup in each hand. He set one on your desk.
He sat in one of the chairs across from your desk as you finished up the notes on your last patient's session.
"So, how did your meeting with Hershel go?"
"Not at all well." Rick detached the disposable spoon from the side of his cup and frowned. "He didn't like the idea."
You locked your screen and set your laptop aside.
"But it would help them stay open."
Rick sighed in frustration.
"He knows that, but you know Hershel, he doesn't much like change and becoming part of Grimes would be a big change."
You nodded.
"Plus having to answer to me about the decisions he makes in running his clinic would be a big blow to his pride. He may even have thought of my offer as an insult."
You winced.
"Think he'll get over it soon?"
"I hope so."
You tasted the yogurt and fruit. It was sweet and fresh. It didn't have the artificial flavors that often were added to strawberry flavored yogurt.
"So, how is it going with the guy you're seeing?"
As usual you felt a little guilty about with holding some of the details when Rick seemed to share everything so freely with you, but the situation with you and Negan was a little unorthodox and you were worried he might judge you for it.
"It's going."
"That doesn't sound good."
You released a nervous breath.
"It's just that a mutual friend warned me about getting involved with him.They might be wrong, but what if they're right?"
Rick's clear blue eyes became full of understanding.
"You're afraid of getting hurt."
You nodded.
"Things with this guy aren't serious though, are they?
You shrugged.
"No, not really."
You frowned. You hadn't tried to make anything more of dating him, but then again neither had Negan.
"Maybe all you need is to get your mind of this. You're young-"
"I'm not that young."
"-You're single. You should be having fun not stressing about some guy."
You considered his words for a moment. He wasn't wrong. You and Negan were dating, but it was very casual. You had been overly focused on the unsolicited advise Simon gave you. Meanwhile Negan probably didn't give a second thought for what was going on between you. He was a go with the flow kind of guy.
"You know, you're probably right."
The corner of Rick's mouth was up turned in a lopsided smile.
"And on that note, I'm going to a charity dinner this Friday. Would you want to come along?"
Your eyes widened.
"Just as a friend. I'm not asking for anything more." He assured you.
"Uhm, Sure." You replied and ate a spoonful of yogurt, trying for nonchalant.
"Great. I'll pick you up about six thirty?"
"I'll text you my address."
You exchanged phone numbers. You spent the rest of the lunch hour talking about Hershel and Rick's latest ex-wife drama.
Friday afternoon your mind was on the dress you would be wearing to the charity dinner. You were crossing the parking lot when your phone rang.
"Hey there, Babydoll."
"Negan, hey."
"You have been on my mind all day."
"Have I?"
You could feel your cheeks heating with a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure.
"Can I see you tonight?"
You wanted to say yes.
"Oh. Uhm, actually I have plans."
"I was thinking we could spend some time together later tonight. I won't be home until after midnight..."
You chewed your lower lip as you pondered.
"Twelve thirty should be okay."
"Sure, Doll. Whatever works for you."
You were served a plate of shrimp pesto pasta. It looked fancy with asparagus mixed in and arugula and watercress garnishing the top. You looked at Rick. He was deep in conversation with the man beside him.
You had to admit he was handsome in his well tailored navy blue suit and bow tie, his hair slicked back (as much as his curls allowed it to slick anyway). You took a bite of your food. It looked better than it tasted.
"We pay for the plate to give charity, dear, but we don't have to eat it."
You raised your eyes from your plate to your neighbor, an older woman in a pant-suit and pearls.
"The food only gets worse every year." She confided. "I'm Deanna. Deanna Munroe and you are?"
You took the hand she offered you.
"I'm -"
"My date." Rick cut in.
You told her your name, perplexed by Rick's behavior.
"Your date?" Her brows lifted in mild surprise.
A look passed between them, one you didn't understand.
An anxious looking woman came up to your table looking for Deanna and the awkward moment passed.
"I'm sorry about that. Most of these people aren't used to seeing me without Lori." He admitted.
"Oh." You frowned.
"I can't thank you enough for coming with me. I hate these things."
You gazed into his eyes, a challenge in your own.
"If you hate it, why don't we leave?"
"Just like that? We just ...leave?"
You nodded.
"Why not?"
He seemed to think it over.
"You know what, you're right. Why not?" He reached for your hand and you gave it willingly.
You heard the sharp feedback of a microphone being turned on, but together you stood and walked away.
Emboldened by your great escape, you sped through the night, taking different routes through out the city. You stopped for burgers and shakes. Then you directed him to one of your favorite spots, a scenic view of the city off of a trans mountain road.
The experience was exhilarating and some of the most fun you'd had in years. You almost didn't want to go home at the end of the night.
"I had a really nice time with you tonight." Rick told you as he walked you to your door.
You grinned.
"Me too."
"We should do it again sometime."
You didn't see it coming. One second you were agreeing to hang out with him again and the next his lips connected with yours. His kiss was not hesitant. Gone was the charmingly awkward shy man you had come to know. In his place a man sure of what he wanted, full of confidence. His index finger and thumb framed your jaw.
The pressure of his lips along yours was firm, the glide of his tongue past your unsuspecting lips skillful. Suspended in his moment of amative inhibition you held still, experiencing rather than reacting; bemused yet intrigued by the curling and unfurling of his tongue around yours. Soon his mouth relinquished your own. He touched his forehead to yours, his eyes closed, his breathing harsh. His large hand slid gently down your neck, resting in the curve and at the base.
"I would blame this on how unbelievably beautiful you look tonight, but to be honest, I have wanted to kiss you for a while now."
His eyelids slid open. His glacier blue eyes looked deeply into yours.
"I hope that doesn't upset you." He probed.
You laughed shallowly.
"I'm too surprised to be upset."
Seemingly reluctant, he moved away, giving you some space.
"I didn't think you would be surprised."
You looked to the rose bush on your right then back at him.
"I really did have a good time tonight."
You shared a small smile.
"I'll see you at the meeting, Monday?"
He nodded.
You opened the screen door and unlocked the wood one. You looked over your shoulder at him.
"Good night."
"Good night." He replied looking at you with enough infatuation in his gaze to fill your tummy with butterflies.
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
Loving is Easy
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Part 9: Ready to Run
Negan Smith x Reader
Rick Grimes x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Reader finds herself exploring a new relationship with an older friend of the family.
Warnings: some smuttyness, some angst, sponge-gar reader
"Did I tell you to stop?" Rick panted.
His hand came down hard on your ass cheek. You were embarrassed of the surprised squeak you emitted.You hid your face in the crook of his neck.Your hips rocked back and forth as you grinded against his clothed hard on.
His hands moved to your hips, gripping you firmly as he pressed up against the apex of your thighs.
"You're doing so good, just like that."
You kissed your way up his neck, brushing your lips over his jaw.The deep groan you elicited from him spurred you on. The stimulating friction had you wet and clenching around nothing, aching to be fucked.
He led your lips to his, his large hand cupping the nape of your neck. His tongue ran along yours, his kiss sloppy with need. You sucked on his tongue and he moaned deeply. He reached up your shirt and began massaging your breasts through your bra.
You could feel your nipples stiffening. You needed to be touched, skin to skin. You covered his hand with one of your own and directed it beneath the cup. The tips of his fingers grazed the underside of your breast. His index finger drew a line along the side of your breast following along your bra to the clasps at the back.
His hands had begun working the small metal hooks through their loops when you heard sounds of movement in the hallway. You removed yourself from his hips and worked on straightening out your clothes. He sat up, watching you with amusement. The beginnings of a grin pulling at his lips.
"It's alright. The door is closed. He won't-" A knock interrupted his placating speech.
He ran a hand through his mussed hair. Then he got up and went to the door. He only opened it a little, keeping you out of view. Carl told him about baseball practice and Rick listened attentively. You felt you had done something wrong. So wrong. He had told you Carl would be home from practice at seven. You shouldn't have let things get out of hand. You definitely shouldn't be sitting here listening in on their conversation.
You swallowed nervously.
Rick turned back to look at you then said something to Carl that you couldn't make out. He closed the door and came to you.
"He hasn't had dinner. So, I was thinkin', we could go out for pizza?"
"Oh, uhm, right. I'll get going so you can do that." You started looking for your shoes.
He stopped you, his hands on your shoulders as he looked you in the eyes.
"I was hoping the three of us could go together?"
"Oh." You tried to hide the shock you felt.
He waited expectantly.
"Sure?" You said uncertainly.
His bright smile made you feel shy. He straightened himself out a bit as you found and put on your shoes.
You walked down the hallway hand in hand, you following behind him. When you reached the living room, Carl got up from the sofa. He didn't seem surprised to see you.
"Carl, this is," Rick introduced you.
You shook hands with the teenaged boy.You smiled politely, but didn't say anything.
"This is the part where you say, your dad's told me so much about you." He suggested conspiratorially.
It only took you a second to recover.
"Oh no. Rick doesn't talk about you at all. You're his, nephew, right? What was your name again?"
Carl smirked.
"Ha. Ha." Rick narrowed his eyes at you. "You two are gonna be trouble together. I just know it."
The rest of the evening went well. You had pizza at a place Rick and Carl liked and shared lots of laughs, a few at Rick's expense, but that was the boy's humor. Carl didn't seem to have a problem with his dad dating.The dreaded awkwardness was nonexistent for the moment.
Negan invited you to a baseball game on Saturday and while sports wasn't really your thing, you didn't want to pass up a chance to spend more time with him. The day was warm, but the light breeze made it pleasant to be sitting outside.
You'd dressed in a pair of blue jean capri pants with silver thread work along the cuffs, buff colored sandals, and a white off the shoulder blouse. You were surprised when Negan pulled up to a parking lot behind a high school, but you didn't question it. You just went with it.Hand in hand you walked across the loose gravel and over to the stands.
As Negan looked for an open space for you to sit, your eyes drank in his face in profile. The straight line of his nose, his soft lips, salt and pepper stubble along the line of his jaw. He turned back to say something, but stopped.
"What's that look you're giving me?" He asked. You shrugged.
"You're just really nice to look at." You teased.
He emitted a light chuckle, but seemed charmingly flustered for a second. You kissed his cheek.
"Come on, Baby." He directed you toward the stands. "There's space on the end over there."
You walked past a long row of people, your eyes ahead, but your focus on Negan's hand at your lower back. You sat and Negan beside you.
As you watched the next player go up to bat you cocked your head to the side unsure why you felt the boy was familiar. He set his stance, aligning his position with the pitcher's. Your eyes narrowed as you tried to get a better look at his face. The pitcher threw the ball. Though he swung the bat, it went whizzing past him.
A man a couple of rows behind you called out.
"Come on, Carl. You've got this."
Your head turned. While you didn't recognize the dark haired man who had spoke, you recognized the man sitting beside him instantly. Rick's gaze was on Carl. You turned back around quickly. You looked to Negan, but he was watching Carl take his second swing.
There was a cracking sound as ball met bat. The ball rose high. Carl tossed the bat aside and ran for first base. The ball hit the ground and the team scrambled to get it. By the time they got it, Carl was on second base. You clapped for him and the same man from before cheered loudly.
You had never been so invested in a sports game. You didn't know more than the basic rules, but knowing one of the players made it more interesting.Towards the end of the second hour, the teams were tied. The home team one home run away from winning.
As the next batter came up to bat there was a feeling of anticipation in the air. He took his stance. The pitcher winded his arm back and hurled the ball. The umpire caught it and called the first strike. The pitcher took the ball, pulled back his arm and threw. A glorious crack rang out as the hit landed. The player took off full speed to first base. The ball sailed further out field than any of the previous had done.Leaving the two outfielders to run after it. Carl left third as the other player ran for third. The opposing team threw the ball too late as Carl slid into home base winning the game.
Cheers and applause rang through the stands. The kids lined up to shake hands with their opposing team mates at center field. Negan grinned at the excited expression on your face.
"Did you enjoy it?"
"Surprisingly, yes, I did." You giggled.
The parents started to disperse standing and taking cushions, coolers, and their younger children with them. Negan stood and you followed suit. Together you made your way down the stands to the petite brunette you now knew to be, Lori Grimes.
"He did damn good today." Negan commented. "Damn good."
Lori beamed with pride. You were taken aback by how different she appeared when she smiled.
"He's been practicing hard. He wants to make Varsity next year-"
"Well ain't this a pretty picture." The man who had been cheering for Carl came walking up behind you, Rick in tow.
"Shane." Rick tried to call his attention.
"She cheated on you with him and thought it would be a good idea to invite him to Carl's game?"
Your eyebrows raised.
Lori glared at the man.
"Nah, man. Shit is twisted. You're a real piece of work, Lori."
Negan didn't even look at the man.He just sighed and shook his head.
"What the fuck you gotta say about it? Ain't it enough you ripped their family apart?"
Negan's jaw clenched at the accusation.
For a minute you thought he was going to tell Shane off, but all he said was, "Carl asked me to be here."
Shane snorted.
"Yeah fuckin' right."
"That's enough." Rick stepped forward, putting a hand on Shane's shoulder.
"Let's not do that here."
Lori crossed her arms over her chest and looked away.
You wanted very badly to get the fuck out of there and put a hand on Negan's arm to suggest you do just that, but Rick's eyes met yours and you froze.
He said your name. The corner of his mouth tucked up into half of a smile.
"Hey." You turned and gave him a hug.
He kissed your cheek. You could feel your face heating as you felt the stares of the others.
"Wait..." Shane repeated your name slowly. "The hot piece you've been seein'?"
You cringed.
Rick cleared his throat.
"Uh, yeah." He introduced you to his friend.
You held your hand out to him, but the man's dark eyes narrowed in disgust.
"What in the fuck is your girl doing here with him?"
Negan ushered you behind him as he came to stand between you and Shane.
"She's not exactly my girl yet." Rick explained.
Your eyes widened. Had he really said "yet"?
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Lori scoffed.
"Do you always have to start shit?" Negan's disapproving tone seemed to agitate Shane.
He threw his shoulders back, chest puffed out.
"Seems to me like you're the one keeps startin’ shit with Rick."
Negan snorted derisively.
"You are-"
"Carl, Honey!" Lori called in greeting and you noticed Shane take a step back.
You and Negan turned to face Carl.
After Lori hugged him, Negan patted his shoulder.
"That was pretty damn awesome, kid." He told him.
Carl grinned, accepting the praise.
He went to Rick and Shane. Rick gave him a hug.
You looked up at Negan, more than ready to leave, but before you could voice it, Carl said your name.
You smiled at him.
"Hey, you were great out there." You tried to maintain an air of normality.
"Did my dad invite you?" He asked, his eyes on Negan's arm around your shoulders.
You swallowed nervously.
"Negan invited me."
"Oh." He said and gave you a strange look.
"Hey, we'd better get outta here if we're gonna get started grilling." Shane told Rick.
You were so thankful for the distraction.
"Right. Well, let's get going. See you on monday." Rick told you smiling faintly at you. Rick, Carl, and Shane went off together leaving you with Lori.
"You're dating my ex-husband?" She started in almost as soon as they were out of ear shot.
You nodded.
"Why in the hell wouldn't you tell me this?" She demanded of Negan.
"I already knew how you'd react." He said simply.
She shook her head.
The three of you walked to the parking lot in relative silence, which was, oddly less uncomfortable than the other interactions you'd had.
"I am just gonna say one more thing about this and after that I'll keep my peace." Lori said.
Negan frowned, but didn't stop her.
"Rick Grimes is a manipulative condescending asshole. Lord help any woman who takes on that man's issues."
You read the sharp bitterness of her tone loud and clear.She took off in the direction of her car and didn't look back.
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
Loving is Easy
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Part Seven : Attention
Negan Smith x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: The perfect end to a great night.
Warnings: language, s m u t, unprotected seggs
You changed into something more casual and packed an over night bag. You called to let Negan know you were on the way. By the time you pulled up to Negan's it was almost two thirty.
Just after he pulled the door open, You threw your arms around him and kissed him soundly. His nose bumped yours as he took the unexpected impact. You could feel him smirking.
"Missed me, did ya?"
You giggled.
"A little."
"Well I missed you a lot." His hands slipped down to your ass and squeezed.
You gazed into each others eyes for a long moment. You could see the same fondness and attraction in his eyes that you felt.
Once he had locked the door, he took your bag from you. You followed him down the hallway to his bedroom. Your eyes were immediately drawn to the king sized bed. The chocolate colored wood of the four post bed frame matched the night table and chest of drawers. You walked around the room, pausing to examine a thing or two. You ran your hand over the dove gray coverlet as you went to his nightstand. There you found a black metal lamp with a white drum shaped shade, an old alarm clock, and an ipad.
You turned find Negan watching you.
"What do you think?" He asked quietly. "Does it pass inspection?"
You went to where he stood, by the foot of the bed.
"It's nice. Very nice."
"Hmm." He ran his palms up the sides of your arms. "Compared to other guys bedrooms?"
You nodded.
"Much neater."
His hands squeezed your arms gently.
"And just how many men's bedrooms have you been in?"
You raised your eyebrows at his question.
"You sure you want to know that?"
He smiled faintly.
"I'm not gonna judge you, I just wonder how...inexperienced you are."
You couldn't help the little trill of laughter that left your throat.
"Inexperienced is not a word I would use to describe me."
He regarded you with doubt. You leaned forward and kissed him.
"Don't worry. If you lead I'll follow."
He took off his shirt.You divested yourself of your blouse and bra. His heated gaze made your heart beat skip. He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Your hands traveled over the hard planes of his lean muscular chest. Negan lay hot hungry kisses along your neck as he pushed your leggings down over your hips. You disconnected briefly to remove your shoes and step out of your pants and underclothing.
The second you were completely bare you were all over each other. Your lips molded to fit the contours of his. Your fingers ran through his short hair as you attempted the impossible, to be even closer to him.
You went down onto the bed together, Negan above you. Everything he did turned you on from the touch of his hands to his heavy breathing. He nuzzled your breasts, the sensation of his stubble against your soft skin made you moan.
He drank up every gasp, every whimper, the slightest change of expression on your face as his long fingers probed your wet heat. The pad of his thumb teased your swelling bud with light grazes, just the slightest bit of the friction you craved.
When his hot tongue replaced his hand you cried out. He lapped at your labia. His slick tongue delved into your vagina, undulating, making you clench. Your arousal seeped out of you. You had never gotten so wet for someone before.
You trusted him implicitly. He guided and you followed without hesitation. Negan directed you to lift your right leg, bending it at the knee. You did as you were asked. You felt the head of his cock at your entrance. He sunk slowly into you, his thick cock stretching your walls.
"Feel good, Baby?" He asked, his voice rough with desire.
He withdrew. A shiver of pleasure moved through your body as he pushed back into you. With each thrust he sent your senses higher. Your body hot and needy accepted every inch he had to give. He moved so deeply in you and still you longed for more. You wanted him deeper, harder, to unify with him in some strangely irrevocable way that you didn't have the capacity or care to analyze in that moment.
He thrust into you, increasing the pace.
"Fuck." He murmured as you clenched around his cock. "You're taking my cock so well."
His mouth fell open as he fucked you harder. The wet sound of your bodies joining together, the harsh breathing and moans only heightened your pleasure.
Negan's hand traveled from your hip, up the rolls on your side to caress your breast. His thumb and forefinger rolled and tweaked your nipple as he continued to move in and out of your pussy. The flesh stiffened under his ministrations.
You fondled your other breast. His eyes fixated on your actions while his hand continued to massage you.
"I'm so close, Baby. Where do you want it? Fuck."
You thrust your hips up to meet his thrusting.
"I want you to cum inside me."
Negan pumped into you, the delicious feeling of his shaft along your walls made you clench down harder around his cock. He sank into you once more and then his hips stuttered as he reached his peak. You felt his release coating you from the inside.
"Negan" You moaned his name as you came.
Everything around you going blurry as your back arched and your mind cleared of all but world shaking delight. Your orgasm rose and shone over you like brightest sunshine over dead of night. Your body hummed with euphoria. Gradually it waned, leaving you feeling gratified and alive.
You woke to Negan covering your neck and shoulder in slow sensual kisses.His hand slid over your shoulder and down your arm in a light caress. The room was warm, but not uncomfortably so. From the amount of daylight coming in from the window you guessed you had slept in.You turned onto your back.
"Good Morning, Babydoll." He leaned down and kissed you.
"Good Morning."
"How did you sleep?"
You smiled.
"I slept well."
"Good." He gazed into your eyes and there was something in their depths that hadn't been there before, something new. You tried to name it, but couldn't.
Your lips met again in an affectionate embrace. Negan laid back sinking deeper into the covers. He slipped his arm under your neck and curled up even closer to you. His lean body firm against your softness.
"What time is it?"
He lifted his head and looked to the night stand.
"A little after ten thirty."
You started to rise, but he stopped you.
"It's Saturday. You don't really have anywhere important to be, do ya?"
You smiled at the hopeful look on his face.
"I don't."
"Well then, come back here." He held out his arm to you.
"I should text my mom."
Negan's eyebrows raised.
"I know, but she still gets worried if she doesn't hear from me."
You pulled on the clothing you had been wearing last night.
Negan's disappointed sigh made you chuckle. You found Negan had set your purse on the chair in the corner of his room. You rummaged through it until you felt your phone. You gasped at the feeling of Negan's arm pulling you back against his chest. He was standing just behind you. You hadn't heard him leave the bed. He gave your hip a little squeeze.
"If you insist on getting up I gotta have coffee."
"Mmm... Make me one too please?"
He placed a kiss on your cheek.
"Sure thing, Baby."
After you texted your mom to let her know you were okay, you went to the kitchen.Much like the living room it was lacking decoration. The cabinets were a deep cherry wood the appliances stainless steel. His few kitchen towels were black.
"Where'd you tell her you were?" He asked as he filled the coffee machine.
"Your mom. What did you tell your mom?" He repeated.
"Oh. Uhm, I just checked in and let her know I'm okay."
Negan got the creamer from the refridgerator and started adding it to your mugs.
"Ever since I moved back she's been acting different."
"Different how?" He asked bringing both cups of coffee to the small round table.
"Like she's extra worried about me. Like mother of a teenager level worried." You picked up the cup he had set down in front of you.
"Hmm, that's odd." He commented.
"Out of curiosity, when did you realize you were into me?" He asked, changing the subject.
You looked to the table top as you took a sip of your coffee.
"Last winter." You told him.
"Mmm...Since the first time you kissed me, you mean?"
"Well I realized it a minute or two before I kissed you. What about you? When did you know?"
He smiled softly."Ever since we slow danced at Simon's wedding."
Your eyebrows raised.
"That was years ago."
He nodded.
"You never said anything."
"Didn't think you felt the same. To be honest, I can hardly believe this is fucking happening."
"Neither can I."
His hand reached for your hand over the table. You placed it in his.
You talked of things you had yet to discuss and of things you simply enjoyed discussing. You were curious about Negan's dating history. It turned out that the only real type he had was anyone with whom he felt a mutual attraction. He didn't feel the need to label his sexuality and you respected that.
"What do you think your folks would have to say about us?" He asked suddenly.
You considered his words for a moment.
"I think, my mom will be disappointed in me and Simon is gonna say something like, 'Don't say I didn't warn you."
Negan shook his head.
"Oh he warned you about me did he?"
You nodded.
"It was really awkward. I understand that he cares, but it seemed overprotective, you know?"
"I feel like I gotta point out the obvious here. Where do they get off scolding you? You're a grown ass woman. They shouldn't be treating you like you're a child."
You laughed humourlessly.
"That is an ongoing arguement I have with my mom. I mean, I lived on my own in another city. I support myself financially. I can handle my own shit, but ever since I moved back in, it's like..." You sighed. "Anyway I hate arguing about it so I figure, for now I have to think of it as, my mom loves me and she means well. Besides, I've been looking at apartments and I found one I think I'm going to apply for."
Negan nodded.
"Let me know when you're moving and I'll help you."
"I will." You took a sip of your coffee, it was exactly to your taste.
You spent the rest of the day curled up on Negan's couch together watching tv and making out. He tried to convince you to stay the night, but he had work and you reminded him you would be seeing him at brunch the next day.You were filled with a renewed sense of joy.
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thefreakydeaky · 2 years
Loving is Easy
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Part 8: Just Friends
Negan Smith x Reader
Rick Grimes x Reader
Modern AU
Summary: Reader explores a new kind of relationship with an old friend of the family.
Warnings: Language, a little angst
On Monday afternoon you found out that nothing in your life would be going back to normal any time soon. Rick approached you after the weekly meeting. He led you not to your office, but to his. You felt keenly aware of the side long looks you were getting all the way there.
You stepped inside ahead of him. He followed shutting the door behind him. The sight of the big wall of windows overlooking the North side of the city had you in awe at first. Then you became confused. Why would Rick want to come to your small office when he had this view? You turned to ask him just that, but instead were bewildered to find him invading your personal space.
His sky blue eyes were alight, his expression eager as his index finger and thumb settled just below you chin to tip your face up. Your eyes widened as he leaned down and kissed you.His lips pressed against yours. They molded to fit the contours of yours. The tip of his tongue quested past the seam of your lips. You parted them and allowed him to taste you. His tongue caressed yours, gliding slowly over, then under your own. His other hand snaked around your side.
He seemed to savor the little gasp that escaped your throat when he tugged you a couple of inches forward, pulling you against him. His hand drifted lower down your back. You drew away before it could become more intense.
He sat at the edge of his desk giving you a little more space, but took your hand in his.
"I thought about you all weekend. I couldn't wait to get here to see you today." The smokey quality of his voice made your face heat with pleasure.
"That was some 'Hello'."
He smiled gazing at you with such warmth that you found you had to look away.
"Go out with me."
You giggled at his over eager tone.
"Whenever you want to." He lifted your hand and pressed a gentle kiss to your palm. "I mean it. You just tell me when and I'll make it happen."
His alluring eyes were hypnotic. You found yourself lost in his gaze again.
"Well, I am going dancing with some friends Thursday night. Would you like to come along?"
He didn't even stop to consider it.
"Absolutely. Sounds like a good time."
"Will you stop by to pick me up at eight?" You asked letting him guide you back toward him.
"I'll be there." He promised.
Thursday night you dressed as close to the style Sasha had described of the night club as you could, with blue jeans, a white blouse and a pair of heels. Rick's eyes slid over you appreciatively as you got into his car.
You were surprised to see him dressed in a light blue button up shirt, a pair of wranglers and boots. It made you wonder if he frequented places like the one you were going to and you asked him as much.
"Used to, but it's been a while." was his response.
You looked up at the sign as Rick pulled into the parking. A neon depiction of a cowboy hat sat between the words : Stetson Saloon. The place wasn't crowded, but half of the parking lot was full. The two of you entered the building.
You caught sight of Sasha at the bar, Her grin was wide as she smiled at her new someone. She noticed you just as you walked up.
"Hey!" She hugged your side for a second then her attention turned to the man beside you.
"Sasha, this is-"
He held out his hand to shake hers and she took it.
"The guy you can't stop talking about?"
You felt it would be unkind to correct her in front of him. So you just smiled.
Rick chuckled, pleased by the revelation.
"Nice to meet you." He replied.
Maggie and her fiancé, Glen walked up then and you turned to greet them.
"Hey, Maggie."
"Rick, Hi." A look passed between the two of them that you noticed, but didn't understand.
He shook hands with Glenn.
It was amazing how he fit into your friend group seamlessly. He held his own in conversation and seemed totally relaxed around them. You watched him laughing at something Glenn said as you were talking with Sasha. She looked over her shoulder, following your line of sight.
"You really like this guy, don't you?"
You laughed lightly.
"He's a nice guy."
"And a good looking guy."Sasha pointed out.
You made a noncommittal sound of acknowledgement.
"Do you wanna dance?" Rick came over, already reaching for you.
Grateful for the opportunity to escape the conversation, you accepted and let him take you to the dance floor. He took your hand in his, his other went to your waist. He led you in an informal waltz. It was strange to think of him as graceful, but the way he moved had an elegance to it. His eyes kept sweeping over your face some mysterious emotion in their depths and you had no idea how to feel.
You allowed him to set you up into a spin then guide you back into his arms. He looked even more handsome in his jeans and boots than he usually did in a suit and his cologne, a spice and citrus scent drew you in. Another song played and his arm around your side pulled you a little closer.
The song was slower than the one you had danced to before. Rick's hand at your back, slipped lower. He led you into a different step, a box turn. It was all ypu could do to keep up. You started to take notice of the lyrics of the melody playing around you.
They're all watching us now,
They think we're falling in love,
They'd never believe we're just friends,
When you kiss me like this,
I think you mean it like that,
If you do, baby kiss me again,
You could see it clearly now, the intense desire in his eyes. You didn't know what you could have done to inspire such a look. To be seen in such a way effected your pride. You could practically feel your ego swelling.
The feeling was so heady, you wanted more. You dared to lean in, you were nearly dancing cheek to cheek by the time the song ended. His lips ghosted over your cheekbone as he neared your ear, trying to be heard over the music. You agreed that you should take a break to get a drink. You left the dance floor arm in arm.
As Rick ordered you a drink you turned and surveyed the people around you. A pair of hazel and honey eyes met your gaze head on. You were sure your eyes were deceiving you. It couldn't possibly be.
You didn't know if he heard you over the music, but he came to you. He looked rather out of place in his black baseball cap and sneakers. You went into his arms without hesitation. You kissed his cheek.
"What are you doing here?" You asked.
"Friend of mine owns this club. I was just stopping by." His eyes narrowed as he looked passed you. "Saw you out there." He nodded toward the dance floor. "Who are ya here with?"
You blinked twice, suddenly remembering you had turned away from Rick with no explanation.
"Oh, uh," You stepped back and turned to find Rick glaring at Negan. "This is Rick. He's a friend." You cleared your throat nervously. "Rick, I'd like you to meet-"
"I know who he is." He cut you off, his baritone voice going even deeper with anger.
Your eyes widened. You looked to Negan for answers, but he seemed to be uneffected by the man's attitude toward him.
"I'll wait for you at the table." Rick told you.
He turned and walked toward the area your friends were hanging out in.
"So you and Rick seem to be real friendly." He commented.
"We're hanging out." You said and shrugged.
"And what are we doing?" Negan's eyes searched your face.
You felt your cheeks getting warm. "We?"
"Yeah. Are we hanging out?" He emphasized.
"Well, yeah."
His eyebrow twitched, but his expression remained neutral.
"I see."
You stood there for a long moment. Neither one of you seemed to be able to think of what you should say.
"Alright, Doll. Have a good night." He told you and turned away, heading for the exit.
You returned to your friends. Rick seemed to have gotten over the uncomfortable moment with Negan as he spoke animatedly with Sasha's boyfriend about an upcoming concert they were excited about. Although you wanted to know what had upset him, you didn't bring it up to him when he drove you home. You simply chalked it up to some out of place sense of loyalty. Maybe because of all you had discussed with him regarding Negan, he had taken to disliking him. Regardless, it was a problem for another time.
You and Negan hadn't made plans over the weekend. So, You had been eager for Sunday, but Sunday morning Negan texted you letting you know he wouldn't be coming over after all. You were a little disappointed, but you tried to shrug it off.
Come Tuesday, you received a surprise. When you arrived at work, there was a bouquet of wildflowers in a vase waiting for you at the front desk. Attached, a simple white card with the words, 'Good Morning, Beautiful' written on it, in Negan's long lettered handwriting.
You placed them proudly on your desk. Each time you looked at them, you thought of him and smiled. A knock sounded at your door just before your lunch time.
"Come in." You called out.
When the door opened, it was Negan who entered. You beamed at him. He hugged you and his lips pecked your nose.
"Hi." He grinned back at you.
"Thank you for the flowers. They're so pretty."
"Not as pretty as you." He told you and kissed your cheek. “Can I take you out to lunch?"
"Sure." You went to lock your computer screen and got your purse.
Negan held your hand on the way to the nearby café. He seemed reluctant to let go. Your sandwich and soup could have been in a commercial, from the perfectly toasted bread to the garnish atop your rich soup.You took a bite.Then looked up to find Negan staring at you. You chewed and swallowed.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
He wore a nervous smile as he shook his head in the negative.
He sighed.
"There's something I have to tell you."
You sat up straighter in your chair, preparing for the worst.
He cleared his throat.
"About Rick Grimes..."
"Okay." You gave him your full attention.
"So the woman you met at my place a while back,”
"Your business partner?"
He nodded.
"She was married to Rick. When their problems got out of hand, she confided in me. She started staying later at the bar to avoid him. She was going through it and really needed a friend." He swallowed nervously. "And that's all it was just a friendship, but one night Rick comes in and he's fucking pissed. He goes to the office and Lori and me, we're alone in there. She had been crying. I'd been consoling her and he walked in and got the wrong impression."
Your eyebrows raised.
"When you say 'consoling her' you mean, what?"
"I held her while she was crying that's it. He didn't believe either of us though. He wanted to throw down, but Lori got in the middle and talked him out of it."
You took a sip of your iced coffee.
"So what did she want that night she went over?" You asked, trying to read his expression.
"You don't believe me?" His brow furrowed. The wounded look on his face bothered you greatly.
"I didn't say that."
He sighed.
"You didn't have to." You put your hand over his on the table. "I'm just trying to understand." You assured him.
"Alright, well, she wanted to vent about the custody battle they're having and I told her off for being rude to you, told her it wasn't a good time. She got pissed and left. It really is a shit situation especially for Carl, but I gotta draw the line somewhere."
You nodded in understanding.
"You didn't have to get me flowers and take me to lunch just to tell me this." You said with a smile.
Negan laughed.
"I did those things, because I missed you, Baby."
You squeezed his hand lightly.
"Be careful. I just might get used to being spoiled like this."
He leaned over the table. Your lips met in a soft kiss.
"Go ahead and get used to it." The charming wink he gave you made your cheeks warm.
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