#neil josten kinnie
detectivebambam · 3 months
Neil Josten kinnies I am aggressively recommending Goodnight, Texas to you. they are one of my fav bands and you should check them out
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sugaroto · 2 years
The other day while I was thinking about the fact that aftg was set in 2007 I noticed that something that happened at Neil at 2007 same thing happened at me in 2008
Kinda funny, we're twining ✌
Ok the details were different but the main point was the same... I guess?
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mdoesitmatter · 27 days
I don’t understand, it is not Kevin Day of me because I failed or it is very Kevin Day of me because I failed just one step from success ( I failed one out of 19 subjects, I got A+/A for every single one of them, but then GEOGRAPHY. WTF!!!)
Here are some memes from Pinterest for the vibes
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the-gay-cousin-666 · 2 years
I couldn't sleep again so here are
three reasons we kin Andrew so much:
"Your lines are not his lines" is way too relatable for any traumatised and/or neurodivergent person
We all sometimes get the urge to threaten people with a knife.
We also struggle to believe that someone would love us unconditionally, with all of our broken bits and pieces.
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lemon-shark04 · 10 months
There are people saying they’re Neil kinnie bc “i’m fine” but where’re people who kin Neil bc their father is a mobster and they running from mafia and have terrible taste in fashion?
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xmelimelonx · 2 years
Neil's quick acceptance of his sure death will never stop being absolutely devastating to me. He was so tired if running, so tired of being alone yet so scared to let people in.
The moment he decides to stay with the foxes, the first time, after the banquet will forever be bittersweet to me: he's starting to care about them; he also knows that this will kill him. And he stays because, according to what he said to Kevin, he'd rather spend his last few months happy than playing the waiting game by running away, if he'll die either way, he doesn't want to do it in an unfamiliar place while being completely alone.
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dweepgwooves · 8 months
Yes I have an unhealthy attachment to characters with family issues. (Daddy issues the most)
Yes I will write about them all the time.
Yes they are my kinnies.
Yes I have issues at home.
Fuck you.
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kevindavidday · 10 months
mama's boy by dominic fike dedicated to the neil josten (and aaron minyard) kinnies
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1991river · 1 year
I FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS WAHH, BUT TY!! <3 nd yes i love neil josten and i am a kinnie
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marryme-reneewalker · 2 years
aftg brainrot has amounted to my hair now being orange
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sugaroto · 2 years
@myrtot have you realized that our last-year German teacher must be a Neil Josten kinnie, because she too, is a pathological liar
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sasgfs · 3 years
kevin day is asexual and biromantic and is non-binary and uses he/they pronouns because i said so
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meatiors · 3 years
thinking about sex repulsed neil josten
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3am-reader · 3 years
Ok ok, but hear me out
Neil Josten and the song Me and My Husband by Mitski
These are most of the lyrics:
“And then I'll be nothing forever
And all of my memories
And all of the things I have seen
Will be gone
With my eyes with my body with me”
“But me and my husband
We're doing better
It's always been just him and me
“So I bet all I have on that
Furrowed brow
And at least in this lifetime
We're sticking together”
“But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved”
Anyway, I’m gonna go cry now, thanks
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kevindavidday · 3 years
i like that every single one of the foxes is kinda a little bit (a lotta bit) of an asshole but also lowkey lowkey trying to be nice to at least SOMEONE in their life cuz like i genuinely have no patience left in me to be present and perfect for everyone i encounter!!! sometimes when you meet someone who sucks you just gotta call them out on their daddy issues and tell them to fuck off! that's okay! i am tired of being nice! i will be going apeshit, thank you!
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meanminyxrd · 4 years
that was enough (andreil)
i decided to write a short little blip based off of some photos i took of myself and of course, as an andrew kinnie, it became andreil focused. the pictures will be attached at the end of the post! (btw this was not proof-read at all and it's really just a mess pls forgive me.)
after a rough game of exy, neil and andrew are the last ones in the locker room to shower. it was against a difficult team; they had won, but it was a close call. all of them had been exhausted after the game but neil and andrew had both been on press duty that night and it had been rather lengthy. the foxes had offered to stay and wait, but neil waved them off. he didn't mind dealing with the publicity. of course, with the way neil's mouth tended to get away from him, andrew decided it might be smartest if he stuck around, even if he didn't particularly want to. someone had to limit the amount of senseless shit that neil spilled to the public; although it was rather funny.
the foxes knew that, quite frankly, andrew didn't care if they stayed or not. they were also aware that even if invited to celebrate their win, the two boys most likely wouldn't join them. they preferred to spend more time with each other than the foxes. well, at least andrew did. neil sometimes was able to convince him to come socialize with them instead because it was 'interesting' and 'made them a better team'. to andrew, it was laughable, but it was always worth it to see the soft smile on neil's face whenever he agreed to something slightly outside of his comfort zone.
by the time the boys were done with the press and moving on to get cleaned up, the rest of the team had gone back to fox tower and most of the stadium had cleared out as everyone tried to avoid rush hour at the same time. only wymack and abby were waiting for them, and after a gruff reminder for them to lock up and a softer reminder to stay safe from the both of them, they were gone. just like that, it was only the two of them.
neil was now comfortable enough around andrew not to be ashamed of his body and it’s numerous scars. andrew had been seen by neil a few times now, and though it was still new, andrew wasn’t as afraid of it anymore. both boys undressed openly, seeing as though they were the only ones there. neil finished undressing first and went into one shower, and shortly after, andrew knocked lightly on the door and asked, ‘yes or no?’
neil smiled slightly to himself. they’d showered together before; well, he had showered, and andrew had showered afterwards, not keen at first on taking his clothes off in front of neil. on one hand, it seemed weird that the first place to shower together would be in the foxes locker room; but at the same time, it couldn’t have been more fitting.
he gave his affirmation, and andrew slipped into the shower with him. it wasn’t spacious by any means, and they were rather close together, but neither of them seemed to mind. neil was careful of his hand placement, and kept them to his sides while andrew just stared at him for a moment. neil was content to do the same. every time neil opened himself up to andrew like this, his boyfriend got the same exact look on his face; the same warm look in those dizzing hazel eyes. he developed this stare that at first glance would seem blank and empty; but underneath, neil could tell that andrew was taking a moment to appreciate him. he was appreciating the trust given, and cradling it to his chest like it was the best gift he’d ever received. and even though andrew would deny it, and even if neil wasn’t quite sure it was there, he still swore that he saw something akin to love in andrew’s eyes when he looked at neil like that. but what would he, neil josten, know anything about that?
little did neil know, he looked at andrew much the same way. eyes full of admiration, gratitude, and trust. it was easier for him to show it with his soft smile and bright blue eyes, and it never failed to take andrew’s breath away. which, of course, he hated. he not-so-gently cupped neil’s face and awaited a nod before kissing him. it wasn’t long, by any means; they were both really too tired to get anything serious going right now. plus, they were in the foxes locker room. but andrew couldn’t help himself when he saw neil bite his lip like that, and the latter wasn’t complaining.
at first they continued the rest of the shower in comfortable silence. andrew helped wash neil, with consent first, of course, before moving on to himself. neil, knowing better than to touch without say, was content to watch. however, andrew sent him a look as he grabbed the shampoo and paused, staring for a moment. he then suddenly handed it to neil. neil blinked emptily, not really understanding, but taking the bottle anyways. andrew mumbled out with an impatient breath an explanation.
‘you said someday you’d like to wash my hair. now’s as good a time as any. my arms are tired from playing and getting you clean.’ he kept it brief and to the point, and neil knew he shouldn’t, but he still allowed that big grin to slowly cover his face anyways. he almost couldn't believe andrew had remembered him saying something as casual as that, but he also knew about that eidetic memory of his. andrew rolled his eyes, but there wasn’t any malice in it as he closed his eyes and let neil wash his hair, relaxing against the soothing scrubbing motion he picked up.
neil finished washing his boyfriend's hair and left him to rinse it out, getting dried off and dressed. he decided at the last minute that instead of wearing his own sweatshirt, he was going to steal andrew’s, and so that's exactly what he did. he checked his phone as a few drunken texts were starting to pile into his inbox, mostly from nicky. he browsed his text messages feeling mildly amused while he waited for andrew to come out, and a few seconds later, the water shut off. neil instinctively looked up when andrew exited the shower, and his heart leapt to his throat. yeah, he’d just seen andrew, but he hadn’t seen him. it was one thing when they were pressed close together in the dim light of the showers, and another thing all together when he was just… there. almost sparkling under the bright lights of the locker room, water droplets trailing down his skin and falling into crevices such as his abs or making little puddles in his collar bones.
neil was very obviously entranced. he snuck his phone up and snapped a picture of andrew drying off. he smiled fondly at the image before secretly catching another, but it didn’t go unnoticed for long. he giggled childishly when andrew noticed, and playfully told him to, ‘smile!’ andrew responded with quite the sneer and flipped him off, but again, there was no negativity behind the action.
once andrew was dressed (now wearing neil's sweatshirt instead of his own) they locked up the stadium and headed back to their dorm. everyone was down in the basement partying still, as they hadn't been absent long, so andrew and neil had the dorm room to themselves. both of them being absolutely exhausted from their long and well fought win, however, simply headed to bed. they curled up to one another; not quite touching, but close enough to feel each other's presence. with the fatigue of a long day of exy setting in and the smell of the vanilla body wash neil kept stealing from him, andrew was fast asleep in minutes. it was surprising to neil, as usually he was the first one asleep, but he wasn’t complaining. with a crooked smile at his sleeping boyfriend, he took a couple last photos to remember the night. maybe this night hadn’t been a big thing to andrew, but to him, every little moment meant the world. every little bit of trust handed over was like winning a thousand exy games all in one sweep. and even if it wasn't all of andrew's trust, it was some. it was progress. and to neil, that was enough.
when i say i wrote all of that just for these 5 pictures i'm not kidding. the sleepy andrew photos were kind of second thoughts, but i literally just wrote a whole ass one-shot solely because i'm a raging kinnie who looks like andrew minyard and also happens to kin him. well. i hope you enjoyed, and as promised, here are your pictures! (don't worry, all very sfw unless ur triggered by collar bones or shoulders)
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