#nelvauris worldbuild
monorayjak · 2 days
Schedule Minor Alteration
After some thinking, I decided that I’m going to make a small change to the schedule: Magic Mondays – Remains the same. Off-Topic Tuesday – Remains the same. Worldbuilding Wednesday – Instead of having a “major post” each Wednesday, I’ve decided instead to have a “Building Nelvauris” release each week. Topical Thursday – This will largely remain the same as it is, that meaning a day off. I’m…
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monorayjak · 1 month
Worldbuilding Nelvauris: Gods and Creation
Gods Gods in the universe Nelvauris resides in are complicated. This is because Gods were the very first entities created in Nelvauris (cosmologically speaking, not creatively or conceptually), and they created the universe Nelvauris resides in. But, those same Gods are also subject to the belief of the people(s) they created. A kind of consensus reality. Gods began as, for lack of a better…
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monorayjak · 13 hours
Worldbuilding Nelvauris: Technology Level
(This one also ended up shorter than I wanted, I promise the next one will be longer) Nelvauris is a world with a past filled with amazing magic and impressive technology, but in the modern world of Nelvauris, only the surface has been scratched since the collapse of the Lost Empire. It is only within the past few hundred years that large empires have reforged themselves on Nelvauris, and many…
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monorayjak · 8 days
Worldbuilding Nelvauris: The Lost Empire
(This ended up way shorter than I wanted) Nelvauris is an ancient world, with a history spanning millennia at the very least. During that time, countless empires have risen, fallen, been forgotten, and rediscovered – but one empire in particular, the one that everyone knows as the “Lost Empire” was the single largest in Nelvaurin history. It spanned the globe countless ages ago, it was the…
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monorayjak · 2 months
Worldbuilding Nelvaurnis: Cosmology and Exploration
A minor mention before I dive in. For anyone reading through these pieces, if there are any, it should be somewhat apparent I’m developing this world as I go, so sometimes newer additions may add contradictions to older posts. In that case, the newer post will typically take priority. I mention this because now we’re beginning to cross that threshold, where contradictions will most likely start…
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monorayjak · 2 months
Starting Over
“There’s no feeling more intense than starting over. If you’ve deleted your homework the day before it was due, as I have; or if you left your wallet at home and you have to go back after spending an hour in the commute; if you won some money at the casino and then put all your winnings on red, but it came up black…starting over is harder than starting up.” Bennett Foddy, Opening Monologue of…
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monorayjak · 2 months
Worldbuilding Nelvauris: Species
Connections Humans, elves, dwarves, and orcs are all related species, because they are all in the same genus; homo. Specifically, all four began as a single ancestor species; what that species originally was is unknown, but it most likely looked similar to the normal human with more variance in qualities and odd quirks between groups. Over the centuries, the first split occurred: the ancestor…
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monorayjak · 19 days
I genuinely have no idea what to talk about today. I don’t have anything to say about anything going on in the world that hasn’t been said already; I’ve not consumed any media that I want to talk about. I was planning on posting another post in the “Worldbuilding Nelvauris” series-thing, but I got a little lost in the details and, well, that post will be coming eventually, just not today. I’m not…
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monorayjak · 2 months
Worldbuilding Nelvauris: Goblins
“Goblin Javelineer” by Mike Jordana Description The goblins of Nelvauris come in a few different varieties, depending primarily on where you are. All goblins originated on Hollitysa, specifically the desert on the eastern portion of the continent that surrounds Holliview Bay. All goblins stand around four feet tall, give or take two or three inches. They can range in weight from around sixty…
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