#nemau megatron
trans-formers-n-stuff · 4 months
finally finished D-16, I couldn't be happier with what ive done LAWL
Disclaimer: im not sure which continuity introduced the caste system on cybertron, or if it's always been there. in the end i think ill have taken most of my inspiration from tfp anyway, so im not surprised if that continuity/show introduced that.
CW: minor blood! it is not colored and rather low in detail, but it's still there; it's a very small part of the drawing though.
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sooo megatron! d-16, rather, since he doesn't have a "proper" (legal) name. it's not even his name, actually! he stole it from the mech who owned him, or rather, the mine he belonged to. same thing, though, when you're a slave. he stole it by organizing a revolt in the mines and, in the process, killing the mech he stole it from.
the details are fuzzy to me right now, but he was arrested and then put into the pits? the arena? im not sure what to call it, as in, like, where the gladiators fight… gladiator pits? i really don't know what to call it.
i'm working on how he meets orion and all that stuff i promise
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