#neo magazin royale
Da ist so viel chemistry zwischen Jan und Katrin
Katrin ist eh die beste ich liebe das Video
Guckt es euch definitiv an wenn ihr es noch nicht kennt
Ich hab’s auch nochmal angeguckt und gemerkt, dass ich das neo Magazin echt vermisse
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boomerman110 · 2 months
Darüber denk ich viel zu oft nach
Das Lied ist übrigens „Jemand stiehlt die Show“ von Herman van Veen
Das Lied haben die beiden oft bei Sanft und Sorgfältig am Ende gespielt
Leider gibt es nur diese ganze Aufnahme von dem Lied
Ich brauch unbedingt die richtige ganze Aufnahme davon
Btw ich vermisse Albrecht Schrader beim rto
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scarefox · 1 year
Klopse vs. Klopse – BÖHMI BRUTZELT mit Jurassica Parka
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shi1498912 · 14 hours
Wie Rechtspopulisten die Krise des Lokaljournalismus’ ausnutzen | ZDF Magazin Royal
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fernsehn · 2 years
Ich verstehe diese Böhmimann RTO Ehrenfeld Liveshows nicht. Muss ich auch nicht. Vollkommen ok. Will jeder Person das lassen, wenn ihr das was gibt. Aber ich frag mich warum ich es weder verstehe noch fühle. Ich glaube ich komme mit der aufgeblasenen Ironie nicht klar. Wie diese Zeiten in den Nullerjahren, als snark irgendwie das non plus ultra war und es sonst nichts gab? Das ist wie die Live Musikshow Ausgeburt davon. Es ist so komisch. Ich glaube ich hab es nicht in mir, mir eine Show anzugucken, die eigentlich 100% dekonstruierend gemeint ist, mit tollen Arrangements und musikalischen Performances aber trotzdem letztlich dekonstruierend. Aber die Schlüsselperson ist wahrscheinlich einfach froh auch mal vor so vielen Menschen Musik machen zu können. Was echt cool ist. Go for it. Aber.... Ich glaube mein Problem ist, dass ich das Gefühl habe, dass Jan zwar gelernt hat all diese Lieder toll zu singen und auch alles gibt auf der Bühne und so aber.... Irgendwie ist er null vulnerabel mit all diesen Dingen. Er kann sich super leicht hinter all den Rollen der Songs verstecken und ... ich find das sau langweilig.
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allthingsgerman · 9 months
To celebrate the government planning to finally kick useless shaken placebo sugar pellets homeopathy off insurance, here is Neo Magazin Royale's classic piece on why it's bullshit.
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yuri-for-businesswomen · 11 months
theres this german tv show i really like but they have one episode i despise because it is basically a pro prostitution propaganda piece.
in this episode, a brothel owner is murdered. during the investigation, the female detective goes to the brothel to talk to prostitutes and the other brothel owner who is still alive. the owner guarantees that all the women in the brothel are there completely voluntarily, „they fuck to afford an extra vacation“. he also tells the DETECTIVE she would make a great addition, he could use a blonde. this is treated as a joke and not like, sexual harrassment and highly inappropriate. while searching the rooms, the detective also interrupts the former chief of police in the middle of having sex with a prostitute. this again is treated as a joke and not as problematic. and you know who did in the end? a father whose daughter is prostituting herself in that brothel. we dont really get to hear his perspective by the way, the episode is almost entirely focussed on the brothel owner, with the prostitute whose father turns out to have murdered the dead brothel owner (because he thought he groomed his daughter) being a side character with like two lines where she emphasises she is there completely voluntarily and is treated well.
in the episode, the brothel owner is presented as a charming man while the critics of prostitution are represented only through the murderer, and thereby villainised. parents who worry about their daughters are portrayed as irrational. voluntary prostitution is presented as a neutral job choice where women can make some money on the side - the fact that only women „work“ in the brothel and both owners are men profiting from that remains completely unchallenged. the message could not be clearer: prostitution is normal and theres nothing to worry about but its critics.
coincidentally, this episode first aired in 2008 - the law liberating prostitution in germany started applying in 2002. the show is produced by german public broadcast, which means the german public pays for it. its symptomatic of the way our media has been corrupted by liberals. ive said this before when i talked about neo magazin royale.
an odd thing is that this show‘s target audience is like, german normies. the most normal people you can imagine. its not a hip young show or anything. its one example how powerful the prostitution lobby and their narratives are in germany, which some nickname „europe‘s biggest brothel“.
the show is called „mord mit aussicht“, episode „waldhaus amore“
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colourprinter · 2 months
The mysterious royal scientist Gidget/The beloved superstar Gittaton
As always, lore below the read more!
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*Note, this uses feminine pronouns to refer to Gidget, this is factored into the story*
The most beautiful in all the underground, publicly Gidget is a superstar, covering TVs, all over every poster and magazine. Fans gather for autographs and the waiting lists to appear on her show are years long! A bright smile a cheerful tone holds everyone's attention.
But... She is also the identity of the royal scientist, a role that is filled but no one knows by who, only that they work hard. The only person that knows that Gidget is the royal scientist is Cecil who found out by pure accident while running an errand.
As Gittaton, she looks like herself mixed with Mettaton EX with a fully robotic body. As Gidget, she has shorter hair (closer to the post act 5 cut version), high heeled feet are replaced by trainer feet and she wears a lab coat that hides her figure.
Publicly is outwardly upbeat, walking with a spring in her step and an always uplifting tone in her voice. She moves with confidence and grace, always taking time to take pictures and sign autographs. Though privately, she's a lot less cheerful, keeping to herself and throwing herself completely into her work, constantly being reminded to look after herself by Cecil.
Much like in Undertale, the true lab does exist, despite having everyone calling her beautiful, amazing, a superstar... She feels wrong, like something is missing. That doesn't be possibel, she put together her own body to be perfect, how could she not feel good about it?
So, she decides that her problem must be that her body is one of metal and not of flesh and blood and she does what she can do to make a new body. I think the details are best left to it's own post but the previous fake Iggy post shows some details after the initial experiments. One thing I will say is that what she created was not meant to think at all, just a body for her to use.
Towards Iggy, she sees him as a chance, an opportunity for many things. His appearance on her shows could boost ratings, she could use his wish to fix her or she could use his attention. Besides, to her, he's real easy on the eyes.
In the story, both sides of her are shown to Iggy, the more recluse side through the social media notifications and the superstar side through Mettaton silliness.
For the neutral/pacifist fight in the CORE, she starts in her scientist form, explaining how she feels wrong for the start. Then she suddenly closes the distance between herself and Iggy and pins him to the wall behind him. She makes an advance even she wasn't expecting, progressing the fight requires using a "Push away" act. She sees him as a coward and he doesn't deny that feeling, unlocking the yellow SOUL as Gidget transforms into her superstar form.
Lights, camera, action!
The fight goes similarly with the ratings based system for pacifist. At the end of the ratings victory, Gidget explains her desire to be more beautiful and to use the wish for it but callers pour in that care less about what she looks like and more that she's always so cheerful and personable. One final call from Cecil (or Genzou if Cecil is... Not around) to wish Gidget good luck if she gets what she wants and not to forget her friends. She finally gives up, wishing Iggy the best and letting him continue with a word of warning about the queen.
If she is fought, she will eventually sustain a critical wound across her stomach, wires falling out and sparks flying. Her eyes lose their confident light before she collapses onto the ground. While is appears that she is dead, leaving and re-entering the room will have her body disappear.
For the murder route, the fight opens the same but instead of pushing her away, Iggy attacks her causing her to go all out as much as she doesn't want to critically harm him. She puts up more of a fight than Mettaton NEO, using mechanical themed attacks that hurt very much (who wants to be hit by a sawblade?). At the end of the fight, she's sliced in half. Unlike in the neutral route, she does not disappear after leaving and returning to the room.
For the true pacifist ending, you take some data from Cecil to the lab, have an extremely awkward hangout in a place that "Cecil's brother says is private" (it's the dump still) where you get interrupted by Orlam which cares Gidget and causes her to flee. Again, true lab will be focused on later
For the design, I replaced the heart on the belt with a watch to represent her friendship with Cecil and the pink with a soft purple (her text colour in OW).
The main standout thing in that, she's not human at all here! Going from a ghost to a feminine robot to achieve her goals even though she doesn't feel great about it, she feels like she has to do it to be happy. But without someone to focus that energy into (Iggy, of course), she starts to snap about her body but that is true lab stuff (I'm building this up but it's not the biggest shock I don't think >.<)
Gonna be honest, I didn't feel good about drawing Gittaton, not used to drawing them with long hair! And look at Iggy finding the camera outside the Ruins door!
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
Okay. Random thoughts and notes from Lovers Naoto au! I'll just lay out the team roles here again for clarity as this post goes on.
Wildcard - Kanji
Magician - Rise
Star - Teddie. Still
Chariot - Yu
Priestess - Yosuke
Emperor - Yukiko
Lovers - Naoto
Fortune - Chie
Alright. Time to just. Lay a bunch of them out! Putting a cut here cause it'll probably end up long, don't wanna clog any tags with Long Post :)
So the idol group Naoto's in, Royale, they're all pretty close. Naoto, Prince, and the member called Knight were the first two chosen for the group at age 12, with the last being the member Dame at 13. They're all the same age, Naoto being the oldest by like. A week, and Princess pouts about it all the time
They have assigned colours! Naoto, Prince, is Blue. Knight is Yellow. Princess is Pink. Queen is Purple. And Dame is Red. They're like, the rising group at this time and, it's causing stress for poor Naoto
The girls call him Naonao, but not Knight. She only calls him Naoto, they're the closest of the group. She's always been his number 1 supporter, and. They're in the same boat, kinda. She's, very gay. Having to pretend to be into Prince, is hard
Queen's changing room is the one that they find the camera in. That's what sparks Naoto into having his breakdown that forces their rest period. Idiot was pushing himself
When Naoto renegotiates his contract, the agency reluctantly agree to stop forcing him to keep his T doses cut in half, to keep his face pretty and shit. And, surgery dates. And, when he returns after his recovery from top in Inaba at age 17, the agency. Realize they can actually use this
He's got very minimal scars, and it's rather easy for them to cover them for music videos and shows. So, they have a party themed album. Night life theming or something. All that matters is they're covered in glow paint handprints, and Naoto is in a mesh shirt
Rise. Buys that poster immediately. Hangs it in her room and longingly stares at Naoto. Maybe she has a cardboard standee of him that she talks to like a therapist. Very "oh Ariana, we're in it now" energy. Except that's her boyfriend
Naoto gets it done in Okina, so the gang is there to have a boobless and high Naoto handed over to them by the idol girls. He's. Very giggly. Slurring his words as he talks at length about Neo Featherman on the drive back in a van borrowed from Junes
Rise and Kanji stay to help him heal. Kanji is there for just a few days to carry the drowsy Naoto around, and. Rise stays the whole time and longer. She missed him. Also, someone needs to make sure he doesn't overwork himself again
He's real sweet the whole time, cuddling and smiling all gooey at her. He missed her! And he feels a lot better now. Back feels better, he can breathe better, he feels, more himself. He's glad he got a whole month to recover with Rise
Naoto with. Face scruff. None under his nose, but. His chin gets real scruffy before he notices. And man, Rise loves it. His fans don't get to see him in the morning when he's unshaven, that tickly blue scruff on his chin as he shuffles around the kitchen making breakfast. That's for her eyes only
For the final Royale shoot, right as theyre going to all retire at age 20-21, their agency ends up doing a whole special photo book and magazine. A special farewell to the group, as it were
There's a few pages for a beach spread of course. The girls in, revealing suits. And Naoto, both surgeries over with and healed, is handed some flattering shorts
He feels good. They make him shave all over so he's. Smooth. But, he mentally notes to get the IT together for another beach trip again
...Rise also buys these
Now. Back to their first meeting
Naoto: ...uhm. hi? Could you step aside? I have to run an errand for my grandfather and. You're standing in my way
Rise: ...*oh my god I got in his way I'm going to die.* hahaha sorry!
Naoto: ...now you know what I'm truly like... I'm sorry you had to see that,
Rise: we all have our things we hide,, it may change some things about the way I see you, but, overall, I think I'm still your number one fan. Both as Prince, and, as Naoto
Naoto: ...*fierce blushing*
Rise likes to pinch at his cheeks. He's still got a little of the Roundness that first year, and, she loves how flustered he gets when she just. Does something so simple
She starts taking photos of their friends making fake angry faces and adds the caption "are you binding safely"
He finds them. Somewhat amusing. But also the one of Kanji is. A little scary
Naoto's bedroom starts off real plain. The one in Inaba. To the point where when the team goes there to get clues, there's. Nothing. But slowly, as his break progresses, he gets more little decorations
So when he goes to stay during his recovery, it feels a little like coming home
Princess: I think your little girlfriend hates me
Prince: hi this is Rise!! And yes I do <3
Princess: lmao I like her!! Don't mess this up
Dame: if you don't marry that girl I will
Dame: she's cute, and remember, we have the same type, mister. Treat her right or I'll make her *my* lady
Knight: buddy she's teasing you
Prince: ...
Dame: HAHA
Queen: leave him alone he's gone through enough this year
Princess: lmaooo I bet he's bright red! Cherry flavoured Naonao!
Dudes who like Royale: man that Prince is lucky, being surrounded by those four pretty girls all the time
Naoto: I miss my wife, Tails. I miss her a lot
The big thing that doesn't change is that Rise still stares at the fire alarm every damn day
Kanji and Rise doing each other's nails, Naoto hugging Rise from behind and rambling about Phoenix Ranger or something
Kanji: they really don't take advantage of your collarbones dude! Tell your stylist they need to highlight them more, you've got manly ass collarbones
Naoto: ...thanks, I think
Kanji: yo, do you two wanna have a first years sleepover?
Rise: ooh! That sounds like so much fun!
Naoto: I mean, I don't see why not,
Kanji snoring on his bed with Naoto and Rise passed out on the futon, some romcom still blasting on the TV
Rise: Naokun and I will help you find a boyfriend!
Naoto: we will?
Kanji: you will?
Rise: yup!! A manly man, someone perfect for you!!
They do not succeed.
Naoto: what about Yu?
Rise and Kanji: he's gay for Yosuke
Naoto: ...is. Yosuke not straight?
Rise and Kanji: he isn't. Hadn't figured it out yet
Naoto: ah
Naoto: sorry, Kanji
Rise: yeah,, we're sorry,,
Kanji: dudes, I knew this would be the result. Thanks for trying. You're my best friends
Kanji: wassup little dude
Kanji: wait why are you in Kyoto
Kanji: hell yeah man true love
Kanji sobs the whole time. And at the wedding. He just loves their love okay?
Kanji: congrats on the dick surgery man.
Like. Maybe a week into bottom recovery for Naoto and-
Naoto: thanks,
Kanji: I brought over my Play Station so we can game in your room. I bought Phoenix Featherman Arena too, it was supposed to be your birthday gift but I suppose it works as Penis Gift
Naoto: if I wasn't straight for Rise I'd kiss you
Kanji: ...I'm good without a kiss man
Rise sits behind Naoto and massages his scalp as the boys play. She. Tried for a bit, but she isn't too good
She prefers to dote on her boy
Rise: med time!
Naoto: noo, they make me sleepy,
Kanji: it's cool man we can play tomorrow!
Rise: we'll both be with you, all night
Naoto's soft snores, Kanji sounding like a fucking. Chainsaw level of snoring. And Rise occasionally humming softly
Naoto: ...babe why is there a poster of me from the party album on the ceiling in your room
Rise: you looked really good
Naoto: ...please take it down while I'm here
Rise: fine,
Remember, this is Navi Naoto
Naoto: Rise, you're low on health! Make sure to get some healing!
Naoto: ...when did I ask?
Yu: if I had a healing move I'd heal you Yosuke
Yosuke: thanks bro
Rise: apologize to Naokun and I'll heal you too, Yosuke
Yosuke: WHAT
Yosuke is surrounded by queer people.
Cause. Kanji is very gay, Rise is bi, Naoto is bi and trans, Yu is gay, Yukiko and Chie are both gay-
Yosuke: I'm the only straight one...
Yu: ...we just made out. You're not that straight
Yosuke: we're wearing socks, it's not gay
Yosuke getting saved by the fucking. Rainbow parade that is the starting trio in this au
Rise rejoining Naoto at the like entrance TV set every time with a big leaping hug
"you did good,"
"Thank you!! It's cause our Navi always has my back~"
Yosuke: I hate them
Yu: ...you did wonderful
Yosuke: I wish Rise jumped at me like that-
Ten seconds later they all hear Yosuke shout in pain cause. Yu jumped on him
Naoto: ...ignoring them-
He's cut off by a kiss
Rise: sorry!! You're just, too cute with those glasses,
Rise always wears flats. Especially since it makes her just short enought that with Naoto's platforms she can be under his arm
They're awful during the ski trip. Naoto and Rise. Always trying to sneak kisses but they're not sneaky at all
Yosuke: guys. Where are Rise and Naoto
Chie: probably making out
Yukiko: probably
Yu: they bought hot chocolate, I saw Naoto in line there
Kanji: they're probably making out yeah
Yosuke: damn, I'm so jealous of Naoto!
Yu: ...
Yu: we were making out the other day. Your hand was in my pants
Yosuke: yeah, the back. That's not gay man!
Chie: okay, let's bet. How far until Yosuke admits its gay? I'll say. Pants off, both sides
Yukiko: hm, hand in underwear
Kanji: both butt naked
Yu: ...full on. Actual gay sex.
Chie: ...dude,
Yu: ...why do I love him
They're not usually the couple to make out constantly. Typically it's, sweet kisses. Spending hours together, Rise napping while Naoto watches Featherman. But. They do occasionally get carried away. It happens more as Naoto gets his T increased. But that first year? They're not too much
Rise: *giggling* your hair is so soft, I could play with it for hours,,
Naoto: sjfjfufhfj,
Rise: awe!! You're all blushy,, gosh, now I *have* to kiss you
He just. One hand in her back pocket, the other, palm flat on her back, fingers just under the hem of the comfy T-shirt she stole from him
Rise trails her kisses up towards his ear, sucking a quick mark right under it, where she knows Naoto's weak. He's a puddle on the couch, and she can kiss down to those Very Nice collarbones before he'll recover enough to pull her back in for some proper kisses
Naoto: I wanna, flip
Rise: go for it, big guy~
Naoto: its a thin couch, babe. I. Both of us need to work this out
Rise: ...oh, right
They awkwardly shuffle, until it's Rise lying back on the couch
Naoto: ...did you leave a hickey on me again?
Rise: *giggling* maybe~
Naoto: grandfather is going to so kill me...
Rise: well, as pay back, you can give me some?
Naoto: what do you mean some? Is there more than one? Rise-
She quickly pulls him down for another long kiss
After his bottom surgery, the rest of Royale just drive him right to his place in Inaba where he has three months off to heal and be with his friends. It went a little rough this time, he reacted weird to the anesthesia and his legs are. Wonky for a bit
Naoto post surgery just talks the other idols' ears off about how he can't wait to see Rise again
Knight: Im driving so someone else please LIGHTLY poke at his side for me
Dame: DIBS
Knight: anyone but Dame.
Naoto: I mish her so much,,,, wanna. Kiss her, and snuggle, and, maybe take her shirt off-
Princess: oh my god I'm going to do it. I'll tape his fucking mouth shut-
Queen: I'll be giving your recovery care package to that Kanji boy, right?
Naoto: mmmmmyewh,,, him. Him and, and my Rise are gonna watch over me,,,, *little giggle* I'm gonna get to see Rise again!!
Knight: yeah. Give it to the big guy. I think Ms Rise is gonna be a bit occupied with this one
The van isn't even parked and Rise is running up to open the back door
She gives him a tender smooch, ruffles his hair
"hey, Handsome. You're looking so good!"
"Youre soooo pretty,,,,"
Knight: where's Kanji? We were told he would help get Naoto inside
Kanji comes out in a little pink apron with kitties on it, ready to carefully carry Naoto up to his room: sorry, I was making him his favourite ramen
Kanji: hey little man, feeling okay?
Naoto: I got. Dick. I'm, great,
Kanji carries him up all slow and gentle, Rise with his blue duffle over her shoulder, getting hugs from the rest of Royale. They've come to adore her through Naoto. The photos, the way his face would always light up at her texts,,
The others come by to visit Naoto who. Has been coming down from the pain meds and is less than happy his friends are around while he's stuck lounging in bed in just his boxers
Naoto: I wish I could put pants on
Rise: I don't
Yu: ignore him. We're happy you're feeling more like yourself, Naoto
Naoto: I'll feel better once I'm healed. Looking down and seeing. Unhealed surgery results. Can be horrifying
Rise: the first time he got up to piss in the night on his own he screamed and fell over
Kanji: Yeah I thought he was being attacked so I grabbed the chair
Naoto: it was very embarrassing
Kanji: okay, you're healed enough for a bath. You've got three options: you bathe alone, you have one with me, or one with Rise. Either way, I have to help you into the bath
Naoto: ...no offense, but. Kanji. Why would I choose to bathe with you over my girlfriend?
Kanji: we're bros
Naoto: I'll share with Rise, thanks. But. I'll have a towel around my waist until I'm in the water. I'm sure Rise can help me to get that resorted afterwards
Kanji: whatever you say man. I'm game to keep my eyes closed
Naoto: do not handle me with your eyes closed. Please.
Rise: I'll be there to help guide him though!
Rise slips into the tub behind Naoto, helps him remove the little waist towel, and then they're just. Relaxing in a warm bath
Rise: I have to sponge you down, but. I think we'd both prefer some skin time first
Naoto: mm. I've missed you so much,
Rise: I know. But, this is your last year. After that, we can do whatever! I can move to Tokyo with you if you want to continue being an idol, or you can move here with me, and we'll take over the tofu shop, or do our own thing
Naoto: I love you more than I. Ever imagined I'd ever love someone. You're truly special, Rise
She presses little kisses along his shoulders, hands tangled with his under the water
Rise: I understand, cause I feel the same about you!!
Naoto: this is gonna be the best three months ever ...
Rise: mm~ you just worry about healing, mister. Then we won't have to rely on Kanji to carry you around like a little doll
Naoto: yeah that's. Embarrassing.
Naoto: I'm 19,,, I'm a man, right Rise?
Rise: ...hm? Yeah, yes of course, you're my man too.
Naoto: ... are you thinking about the scruff?
Rise tracing on the light hairs on his chest, smiling as she trails down to the patch growing just under his belly button
Naoto: uhm. Babe?
Rise: sorry, got distracted. Do you need something?
Naoto: ...please move your hand. *Please*.
Rise: ...OH IM SORRY
Kanji: hey I made cookies!
Kanji: ...why are you both blushing like that
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Aus jans insta stories
Schon ein paar Tage her
Ich finde es sehr süß, dass er wieder sowas macht
Ich finde in letzter Zeit seit er im ZDF Hauptprogramm ist gibt es immer weniger Zuschauer Interaktionen
Es gibt auch keine richtige Twitter Community mehr wie früher, deswegen ist es schön mal wieder ein paar interaktionen zu sehen
Ich vermisse Ralf kabelka als sidekick
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scotianostra · 7 months
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On March 3rd 1792, Robert Adam, the Scottish architect, furniture and interior designer, died.
Born in Kirkcaldy, Adam is regarded as one of Europe's great architects. Now I'm not one for visiting Stately homes and the like, give me a castle ruins any day of the week, but Adam designed some of the most admired houses, not only in Scotland, but throughout the British Isles, he didn't just work on buildings, he was also a furniture designer, I have added a couple of his pieces in the pics.
After his death some of his structures were remodeled as tastes and styles changed, some of his best surviving work in Scotland can be seen at Hopetoun House, Register House and The former Royal Exchange, now the City Chambers in Edinburgh, Trades Halls Glasgow and the mock medieval Culzean Castle in Ayrshire. Down south in England my favourite of Adam's work is Pulteney Bridge which crosses the River Avon in Bath Somerset, I lived in Somerset for a few year and loved visiting Bath. Over in Ireland he designed the Templetown Mausoleum in County Antrim, his style was copied extensively and is described as "neo-classical"
Adam was a success in part because he insisted on designing everything himself, down to the tiniest detail. The result is work that has a sense of overall unity, or flow. He moved beyond the Roman classical style, and borrowed heavily from Greek, Byzantine, and Italian Baroque influences.
This obituary appeared in the March 1792 edition of The Gentleman's Magazine:.....
"...... Mr Adam produced a total change in the architecture of this country: and his fertile genius in elegant ornament was not confined to the decoration of buildings, but has been diffused to every branch of manufacture. His talents extend beyond the lie of his own profession: he displayed in his numerous drawings in landscape a luxuriance of composition, and an effect of light and shadow, which have scarcely been equalled...to the last period of his life, Mr Adam displayed an increasing vigour of genius and refinement of taste: for in the space of one year preceding his death, he designed eight great public works, besides twenty five private buildings, so various in their style, and so beautiful in their composition, that they have been allowed by the best judges, sufficient of themselves, to establish his fame unrivalled as an artist."
He left nearly 9,000 drawings, 8,856 of which (by both Robert and James Adam) were subsequently purchased in 1833 for £200 by the architect John Soane and are now at the Soane Museum in London.
The pics are odf Adam and some of the interiors with his designs,
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
The Anti-Defamation League has called Mohammed El-Kurd an “unvarnished, vicious antisemite.” Yet in spite of widely available evidence attesting to his prominence as a hatemonger, Mount Royal University in Canada chose to award the writer with the 2023 Calgary Peace Prize.
Now the International Legal Forum (ILF) has sent a letter urging the reversal of this decision.
It said: “His past statements go above and beyond any acceptable criticism of Israel, principles of free speech or the advancement of Palestinian rights. Instead, they represent an unhinged display of bigotry, use of antisemitic tropes and both the incitement and glorification of violence.”
ILF further pointed out how El-Kurd’s statements violated the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.
Some of the statements El-Kurd has made over the years include calling Zionists “sadistic barbaric neo-Nazi pigs” who have “completely internalized the ways of the Nazis.” He also said that he fantasized about this fate: “I hope every one of them dies in the most torturous & slow ways. I hope that they see their mothers suffering.”
El-Kurd is a Palestinian writer and poet based out of Sheik Jarrah in eastern Jerusalem.
According to the Calgary Peace Prize site, in 2021, He was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by TIME magazine.
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bathoarchives · 6 months
Backyard Stories: Conversations With The Performers
In collaboration with Backyard Stories for their 'Neo Soul vs Splash' Jam session, we interviewed the event's main performers to learn more about their interests, journey as musicians, and experience with Backyard Stories.
Backyard Stories was founded in 2017 by Thoriso Bogwasi and John Swaki Lechiile through their love for music and desire to create and provide a platform for artists to share their experiences and creativity in an intimate environment. The first edition of Backyard Stories took place in John Swaki Lechiile's backyard. A very important aspect of the music show is that the use of alcohol and drugs is prohibited to ensure people fully enjoy the show. (source: meraki magazine)
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What is your favourite song to sing/perform?  
Ayanda: How does it feel by D’Angelo
Miss OJY: Titles ( it’s an original song that hasn’t been released yet)
Ame Royal: My favorite song to sing, Make Me Cry by Pip Millet...challenges my vocal range
What do you do to calm yourself down if get nervous right before a performance?
Ayanda: PRAY
Miss OJY: I pray and ask the Lord to take over because truthfully speaking, I can’t do any of the things I do without him. I take deep breaths too and remind myself that I’m going to nail the performance and that I am worthy of being on that stage
Ame Royal: Deep breaths, self-affirmation
How would you describe your experience at the neo-soul vs splash jam session event?
Ayanda: It was absolutely amazing I struggled at first because getting to work with a lot of new people is quite hard for me as I’m a shy and introverted person by nature but they were all amazing people who really made it easy to work together and enjoy so it was definitely worth all the anxiety.
Miss OJY: It was amazing probably one of my best performances so far. I had so much fun dancing with everyone and geeking over my fellow artists’ performances. Every single thing about the jam session was amazing truthfully speaking. I can’t wait to attend another one of Backyardstories’ events.
Ame Royal: It was really fun, it felt like one big family at a get-together, the audience was interactive, and the atmosphere too was so surreal..my favorite moment was definitely after singing the first song of the set..my anxiety was high at first but the reception I got from the crowd was amazing...the dancing with the audience too, it was more than evident that everyone was having fun
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How did you discover backyard stories?  
MJ Austin: Backyard stories discovered me honestly..But I often heard that there was some kind of event that’s alcohol-free that took place in a backyard
Sarai: I actually didn't know about it until I was inboxed to be a part of the show by the page manager.
Tsholo: They contacted me the end of last year to be a part of the show, which is how l got to learn about them properly.
Which performance would you say was your best and you felt like you outdid yourself
MJ Austin: It would be my rendition of Mon Soleil by Princess lover It was in french and inside, I incorporated a poem and from the planned execution to the real one,i must say,i went all out in pouring out my emotions into that one And the crowd’s response to the performance wrapped it all up
Sarai: I wish-Carl Thomas
Tsholo: My performance of strange by Celeste has to have been my favorite. It was such a magical moment on my end. The crowd seemed to feel the song alongside me. I believe it was good performance and l enjoyed every moment of it.
How would you describe your experience at the neo soul vs splash jam session event?
MJ Austin: Everyone was so friendly and easy to approach The amount of work,dedication,every artist and instrumentalist put into this,is immeasurable and I honestly can’t wait to be part of Backyard stories again
Sarai: Intimate, enjoyable and fun
Tsholo: It was definitely an interesting and exciting, mostly because of the other amazing artist who would give input in the creative process which kept things flowing and interesting. The genres were something new and fresh especially splash being a genre that is as popular amongst young people. It was a beautiful experience overall, everyone from the directors, fellow artist ,the master of ceremonies, the bands and all the behind the scene people really outdid themselves.
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What did you think of the theme neo soul vs splash when you heard of it for the first time?
Simon's playground: It was very interesting concept. Honestly i scratched my brain on how its going to work but i made a interesting comparison, being that splash is basically trap but for Africans. The way the beat and bass is arranged simply gave me that vibe. That just made it slightly easier for me to visualize.
Mohau:I thought "oh that's something."I was a bit sceptical of the concept because i had never seen these two genres put together before.
Lemo and Gole: Because we mainly perform pop & mainstream pieces, we were excited for the challenge. To be honest, we had no idea what neo-soul nor splash sounded like so we were definitely in for a shock the first time we heard the music being provided for us
Your favourite performer of all time?
Simon's Playground: Jimi Hendrix
Mohau: Yebba!!!
Lemo and Gole: The both of us listen to very different genres of music. Lemo listens to a lot of mainstream, hip hop- G Eazy being her top pick. Gole listens to indie, the likes of Far Caspian 
How would you describe your experience at the neo-soul vs splash jam session event?
Simon's playground: it was inspirational and such a good learning and teaching curve. it is quite rare to get musicians who sing and play for themselves. it gives one the power to control musical narrative which was definitely the fun part for me. not to mention the many wonderful artists i got to work with. people who definitely made my dream come true.
Mohau: Very exposing - but in a good, growth, leaving the nest kind of way.
Lemo and Gole: It was definitely one we wouldn’t mind experiencing again, minus the heat of course. But we love musicians. That was the best part, networking.
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ame royal
The neo-soul genre is slowly emerging in Botswana, who is your favourite neo-soul artist in Botswana and why? : Mpho Sebina..her voice is so angelic and captivating..a lot of emotion goes into all her music..how she excels in other genres too, the versatility is beautiful.
Are you currently working on releasing any music any time soon?: Yes, I've been working on a song titled 'insan3'..it will be released in a few months
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You’ve performed at quite a handful music events, which one would you say holds a special place in your heart? :So far backyard stories tops the chart by a mile
Are you currently working on releasing any music any time soon?: Yes I am
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miss ojy
You are performing for the second time at backyard stories, how was your experience performing for the first time there and when was it? My first time performing for Backyard Stories was during their Harmony Chapter late last year. It was honestly a beautiful experience for me. Having people who barely knew who I was, enjoy my performance to the extent that they did , brought me joy. The backyard stories team made sure that everything pertaining to my performance ran as smoothly as possible which made my job easier. Being able to perform my original song “Titles” for the first time made me very nervous but I got the chance to share my story through the song and I believe that helped me connect better with the audience
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MJ Austin
We learned that you participated in my star, which year did you participate and how has your participation in the competition benefitted you as a musician?: Both 2020 and 2023 and from the experience,I’d say i grew vocally,gained exposure and also received opportunities to perform in open mic sessions and of course Backyard Stories
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We've learned that you incorporate RNB soul and gospel music, who or what would you say has influenced you to get into these genres: My upbringing as well as cultivation from my own personal experiences which have caused me to desire to incorporate 2 of my most preferred genres. My biggest influencer is my mother. Rnb has just also been one of the genres I've gravitated to the most from songs I've listened to growing up.
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simon's playground
You are part of a collective called Calluses, how did that come about and what do you want to achieve with lebeko panashe and malum carlie in the future? we are musicians with the love of self-expression through our instruments. we are interested in making feel good music that might literally just be instrumentals relative to neo soul jazz vibes. alternative music of sorts. we plan on achieving a place where live music is adored by all. especially underappreciated genres such as jazz, rock, funk, neo soul, etc...
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you are only 17, one would say you are quite early in your journey as an artist, what hopes do you have for yourself as an artist in the future?
I hope to have my music being listened to by different people around the world, not just my music but other projects as well because I want to touch people's hearts with the work of my hands.
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lemo and gole How long have you been performing together and what is your favorite thing about performing together?:
We used to sing at our parents’ tuckshop when we were younger But together, with instruments was around 2013 when Lemo learned to play the ukelele
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Are you working on releasing any music anytime soon? I wouldn’t say very soon but a song is in the works.
Photos are courtesy of @princemarguson, @saigotheeditor and @backyardstories
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mhanevision · 1 year
Mother's Love
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Day two of @usamamoweek2023 : Royalty
"In this (lovely!) Crystal Tokyo exclusive of Sailor Moon Magazine, we're having a lovely feature on Neo Queen Serenity - about balancing her royal duties and motherhood. Also, we're catching up with the pretty Small Lady! Grab this special issue in your local bookstores and newsstands for php 80 ($1.5)!"
If you're asking for King Endymion's whereabouts, he's currently on a secret state visit in Manila and Singapore (according to reliable sources). Oh, and watch out for his solo cover soon!
Background story: This very prompt reminded me to repost my art challenge piece for a small local art group I've belonged to. In that art challenge, we were asked to make a faux magazine cover depicting an anime mother of choice. And you know what, the first person that came to mind is Neo Queen Serenity, aka the future Usagi. I even included Small Lady in the mix, too!
(Originally made on 21 May 2022, but process video has posted on Instagram and Tiktok on June 2023)
Materials used: alcohol markers (Copic and Zig Kuretake), Tachikawa spoon nib, Copic multiliners, and Sakura gelly roll in white on Deleter Type B paper
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luxurybrownbarbie · 8 months
I never put two and two together on why I was seeing some random British princess we've never given a fuck about on 5 out of 7 of the magazines at my local Publix! There are still magazines talking about "Christmas at the Palace" with her face on it 3 weeks after the fact as of yesterday.
But no, you and anon are so right. The lack of empathy for MM and her family is crazy. Even with evidence in everyone's face (arrests of white supremacists and police speaking up for them and paparazzi gushing about getting the last pictures of her and her husband alive and literal social media evidence of crazies) that she should not overexpose herself, they don't care. They would rather see her out and about to gush about her hair and her outfits and her awards than to know she's safe and feels safe. Esp the ones who just want her to have an Instagram or Twitter (especially those loonies, knowing that Twitter is a bedrock of her hater foundation). Like...y'all want this lady to have even more stalkers (like the one that was arrested outside their home conveniently when they were getting chased in NY last year) trying to triangulate her location or hack her accounts to get to her? Y'all want her to sacrifice her health and wellness for a fucking GRWM or day in the life? Electric chair 😭
(caveat that she does need to update and streamline the Archewell online presence though...through her team)
No literally, that lady is everywhere. Even in places where I’ve never even looked at anything but Forbes and FT. It’s irritating and completely transparent. And I’m trying so hard to be respectful (rare for me) but I need them to cool it on the purchased tabloid stories.
The way Meg is treated is just so dehumanizing!! (And if we talk about the racial aspect of this, people will swear it’s overblown or unintentional.) People are treating her and her children like prey who should be offered up to them at their leisure.
What do people really need to see from her? GRWM as a former British royal, mom of two, with occasional severe suicidal ideation?? A day in the life of a duchess avoiding neo-KKK domestic terrorist stalkers?? Get unready with me as I try to regulate my nervous system despite feeling unsafe in my own skin for nearly a decade??
People just want to consume her, and that’s not any better than the people who want to destroy her. She’s not human to either faction of people.
Both sides want a tragedy, one side is more actively seeking to make it happen.
Appreciate her cute photos when she goes to her concerts, Lakers games, and when she and Harry promote the Invictus games. Then let her live, please.
(I feel like Archewell was a cute project, but I don’t think either she or Harry have the bandwidth to handle it in any capacity and we should probably let it go.)
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dojae-huh · 1 year
When you take a look on nct acc tagged posts, you will see tons of complain from ten fans regarding sns coverage from SM. They comparing the numbers of post and igs of ten dy jh during fashion week. Another case from another subfandom is about media coverage for yuta, no departure live report from kmedias like newsen, dispatchㄷ
These are exactly what im feared when neos has the same job at the same time, nctzen will make it a competition. They compared anything, acting like a victims, then throwing hates to the other parties, without realise these event were arranged by respective brands.
Each members accompanied by manager, sm sns/content staff, hair makeup stylist team, they are allowed to make contents and posted real time as long as it has consent from the brand. Its business partnership, each parties have a right to asked for coverage, like some d&g staff reposting dy fans igs, posting a sneak peek of photoshoot for magazine. Some members like to take a nice pics, posting right away, make a tons of material for vlog, some are not.
I lost count how many twt acc i had blocked in span of a week. We still have one more week for pfw praying for my sanity cuz its wishful thinking no ones will coming for doyoung especially from ais and tyf these subfandoms already had a beef with doppus
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It doesn't matter if neos get similar jobs at similar time. When there is desire to compare, people will remember stuff from years ago.
Yes, this comparison of numebrs is a plague. It's not only solo stans who do that, but group stans as well. Sometimes it as ridiculous as comparing yt views under fancams.
I've been listening to a lot of talks from different people (age, race, nationality) recently, and it looks like this "victim mentality" and "desire to be a victim for pity points/attention" has spread everywhere. I mean, if real royal princes do it, why mere kpop fans won't, heh. We see the result of accumulated changes for the worst.
"People are not thinking, they are emoting" (c)
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