#neo trai is killing this role
heretherebedork · 1 year
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My favorite part here is that while Boston starts out playing innocent, like he has no idea, like this is all just something so easy that he did and that's over and now everyone can be happy, right?! Right!? That's all! No big deal!
But it's all a lie. Just a lie, lie, lie, lie.
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This, right here, is so important. Because Ray has fully accepted that Top and Mew are in love. He has. He had to. He knows that Mew loves Top and for all that Boston accuses him as wanting to be the rebound... Ray will actually go out of his way to insure that can't happen when he outs all of this in the bar. He goes out of his way to not set himself up as a rebound.
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I love how Boston changes tactics here. He's just trying to figure out what keeps this quiet and what gets Ray on his side (or at least gets him under Ray's skin so he can make this stop) at least enough not to bring this up to Mew. Boston is just trying to figure out which manipulation tactic will work. And he jumps between them so fast.
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Only to realize that Ray is on the attack and that his tactics aren't working because, this time, it's not about hurting Ray. It's about hurting Mew.
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Boom. The smile. The truth. Well, as much of the truth as Boston ever uses. Boston is going to drag Ray down to his level and he is going to force him to face that he is just as bad.
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Boston goes for Ray's jugular every single time. He knows his weakest spot and he has no hesitation to attack right where it'll hurt the most, where it's most likely to make Ray stop and shut down.
But he really misjudged this one. He pushed too hard and too far.
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And what he did here is set Ray up to raze the ground and burn it all done. Because if what he does doesn't matter and makes him evil... then he'll do it all.
Boston dug this grave all by himself and he doesn't even realize that when you push someone down to rock bottom... you have to fall too if you're gonna rub dirt of their face.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Who do you think are the best actors in gmmtv?
Oh Cheez Whiz on a cracker, what kinda ask is this, Anon?! Do you know what you have requested from me? The impossible! But I'm gonna make it possible with some strict criteria:
It has to be GMMTV's current roster, so actors like Singto and Toptap are out (😩)
I'm only choosing from the male squad because if I get the ladies involved, it'll never end so no Jan and Aye (😥)
They must have acted in at least three BLs under GMMTV, so people like Mond and Perth are out (😪)
I'm not touching on if they are problematic because I'm trying to be like Jesus's mom and forgive triflin' heifers
I'm capping it at ten because . . . damn, this is gonna be hard
Know that if this list wasn't exclusive to GMMTV, it would be only one name - MaxTul
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Okay, so working within these parameters, here are the actors I think are the crème de la crème of GMMTV in no particular order:
Ohm Pawat
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This man can do it all, and then some. He was in 2016's Make It Right which is required BL watching, he matched Singto's energy in He's Coming to Me, and he has my entire dash in a frenzy again over Bad Buddy.
Gun Atthaphan
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He has played multiple characters, at once, three times now, so at this point, he could be the entire cast of a show if GMMTV wasn't a coward. He is beautiful yet scrappy, and I truly believe he could beat any of these other men acting-wise and physically. In a street fight, my money would be on him every time.
First Kanaphan
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My babygirl only serves the best performance each and every time he is on the screen. 2022 finally gave him the spotlight he so rightfully deserves with Not Me (where he played with Gun) and The Eclipse, but he held down the wacky plot of The Shipper against Ohm back in 2020, and had me rooting for him, the square, in Moonlight Chicken. Stay hydrated, babe!
Sing Harit
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The Warp Effect and 3 Will Be Free added together equal one BL, so he has done more than the requirement, really, and he has been doing it almost a decade since 2014's Love Sick! Watch this man be a puppy in The Warp Effect, then play Todd in Not Me and tell me why a guy with this range hasn't been a main lead?! I DEMAND ANSWERS!
Neo Trai
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Neo is a mini Sing. He played a clown so well in Cause You're My Boy where he was a love interest to Phuwin only to play his clown brother in Fish Upon the Sky, and played another clown in Tonhon Chonlatee. So when he got serious in The Eclipse, he demanded my attention. He played two different characters in Vice Versa, and now he is about to enter his villain era in Only Friends. He kills every role he is in, and I'm sure him and his abs will kill me and my mutes by the end of the year.
Fourth Nattawat
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This baby got in by the skin of his teeth based on his two-minute moment in Bad Buddy. I'm counting it because he deserves to be here. He acts with his entire physical body. When Uncle Jim told his character not to be poor AND a homo in Moonlight Chicken, Fourth's whole demeanor captured exactly how the audience felt. I can't wait to see what this tiny toddler does next.
Khaotung Thanawat
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I cannot write about this man and be rational. Just know he is pretty AND talented. I was rooting for him in A Tale of Thousand Stars and Moonlight Chicken, yet I don't even think they were actual possibilities. Once he starts to tear up, it's game over for these hoes. Cause understand, if Khaotung is acting in it, I'm supporting his character's rights and wrongs. BRING ME ONLY FRIENDS RIGHT NOW!
Fluke Pusit
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I've already stated my case for him, but let me recap the highlights: he kisses like his energy is restored with each lip touch, and he has kissed the most GMMTV's boys. He has acted well in even his smallest roles, so I remember him each time, and he carried his weight against Ohm and First in The Shipper. He has chemistry with anyone, and it's by high time he got a lead. The Warp Effect was sooooo close = Sing x Fluke, anyone?
Mark Pakin
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Look at at our man's resume: I Promised You the Moon, Bad Buddy, My School President, Moonlight Chicken, and The Warp Effect. Oh, and he is an actual world badminton champion. The directors I trust with my life, Jojo and Aof have each used him TWICE (Only Friends loading), and Aof is about to get him a third time in Last Twilight. He is being paired twice with Neo to prove they can hold their own against the OGs OffGun in Cooking Crush, which I have faith that they will exceed expectations. This man does not miss. Never. Not ever. Not fucking once.
Nanon Korapat
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Nanon may be a nepo baby, but nobody puts baby in the corner. This man can ACT, and he isn't afraid to look ugly doing it. The way his face contorts to show every single emotion as he is feeling it should be studied. The way he moves his neck, hands, and overall body to exude his character's thoughts is marvelous. Oh, and The Gifted? That series was gay solely because Nanon decided to make it gay. That's powerful acting.
Bonus round: Because they aren't technically under GMMTV, but I love older men who have done their duty.
Nat Sakdatorn
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Daddy. Sexually and figuratively. He played in 2016's Fathers about two gay men trying to raise their child in a country with no legal protections for queer folks, then he played Chopper's dad in Never Let Me Go. I want to see Perth act against him again because their emotions show on their faces so well, but first I want to see him kiss another man like Friend Zone or 609 Bedtime Story. However, if I'm being honest, I just simply want him to take off his clothes again like in Mama Gogo. God, this man is fine. Oh, and he can act.
Kob Songsit
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I can only see him as Kinn's manipulative ass father in KinnPorsche, but Kob has been acting for 34 years, and played in the queer staple The Love of Siam. He has played supportive fathers in Until We Meet Again, Chains of Heart, Don't Say No, and the ongoing Be My Favorite, and he played the older gay version to younger Khaotung's character in 55:15 Never to Late. He has gone on the record stating that he wants to show people being gay is okay and being SUPPORTIVE of the queers should be the norm. He earns his paycheck every damn day. Thank you for your service, sir!
I gave you a dozen amazing actors, but I would love to know who some of y'all consider the best of the best and why.
And also, remember, if my back is up against a wall, and I had to answer . . .
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qlventingspace · 2 years
The Eclipse ep 6 reaction sorta (beware the spoilers)
I can't believe Akk joined a cult for a crush, tsk tsk
Sani, honey I love you, but what are you doing in school so late? And you absolutely don't go investigate Alone to the room with creepy ass figurine just after hearing weird noise. You have no self preservation skills I swear...
Ayan that was quick thinking but suspicious non the less
Chadok what are YOU doing in school so late?!
Sani is too inteligent for her own good, I'm scared for her.
AAAAAAAAA curse maker
THE ACTING! Man, First and Khao just !!!!!! Akk's mask slipping away and his prefect band becoming shackles. "Everyone will be disappointed with me" God, why do I identify with these sort of characters lately, it's making me feel raw....
"You're allowed to be weak" GODS!!!
I love that Ayan starts seeing the real Akk, not just the front he's putting up for everybody else. I soooo love when characters are vulnerable.
I'm still not sure if it's just Akks agenda or if he's covering Chadok. I think he's covering him, judging by the look on his face, just slipping the mask back on, trying to do the "right" thing.
WAT MY BABY, FILMING GENIUS, CUTIEPIE, LOVE OF MY LIFE, being alone??!?!?!?! The disrespect! I like his conversation with Sani so much, at least somebody is interested in his passion :))
"Actually we're nutheads" xDDD
Sani you better not fall for Wat, I swear. I didn't see anything. Let it stay like that in the future (seriously, staph)
I need to know exactly what is the issue between Thua and his stepdad, cause I'm uneasy...is it BAD bad? or just a misunderstanding? does the dad want to communicate but just doesn't know how, or is it smth different?
AkkAyan the whole eating scene !!!!! Food is a love language y'all <3
The three cutiepies with their bfs? AAAAAAAA <333 Our two dumbasses lying in the sand?!?!?! asdfsdfasdfasdf
*diamond heist in progress* xD
the FREAKING CAT, I got scared too Akk, don't worry
staaaaph, you just want an excuse to touch him xDDD
why is school stuff ALWAYS INTERRUPTING THEM????
Akk just always walks into Ayans trap, doesn't he? xDD
Not hiding under the covers xDDD
god, Ayan seeing his uncle die is heart wrenching
The Absolute Masterpiece of the after nightmare cuddle! The Kiss!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SOFT!!!!!
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain:  Chapter 808:  Coffee:  Part III / III
"So tell me?," Taj asked from the cockpit, "what is your plan, here?"
Both Mercury and Emerald looked to Cinder. "Oh?" Cinder asked, "Find a place to disappear."
"Well, Vacuo is certainly the place for that." Taj stated. "You're headed for the lower Athabasca, which is even easier to hide in."
"And that means?" Mercury asked.
"Badlands." Taj replied.
"What's it like in Vacuo?" Emerald asked.
"Oh?" Taj asked, hit a couple buttons, and turned back, "Where did you grow up, again?"
"Vale." Emerald quietly voiced.
"Growing up as a street rat in Vale might seem like it's rough, and the end of the world, but Vacuo is SO much worse. The government of Vacuo has two purposes, keeping armies out, and keeping Grimm out, and for the latter, they just help pay for Grimm bounties. If things get a little hot, they might send out a lawman to calm things down. You might think your life didn't mean much in Vale, but in Vacuo it means zip."
"Strength is the only thing we have." Mercury added.
"Good thing we have enough to spare." Cinder said with a bright smile that Emerald got lost in.
"Problem, though," Taj said, and they turned to looked at him, "you guys don't look like your the type to build your own home."
"If?.." Emerald nervously asked, "the Kingdoms doesn't... how do they feel about drugs, prostitution, theft?.."
"Oh, well, in theory," Taj stated, "it's all illegal. Well, except the prostitution part. The most they really do for the others is pay bounties." Emerald looked down until something occured to her. She then looked at Cinder whom had a wicked grin looking at Mercury. Emerald looked to Mercury who had the same look.
"Is that what we're doing?" Emerald asked. "We're going to be bounty hunters?"
"We kill the drug lord," Mercury stated, "take his money. Take the body into the authorities and get more money. Everything we do is nice and legal."
"Then all we'll have to do," Cinder added, "is find someone to build us a nice, lovely, giant house."
"I recommend you go underground," Taj stated, "Vacuo can get pretty hot during the daytime."
"Maybe something hidden in a badlands?" Cinder asked, and Emerald looked at her with shock. She breathed in deep.
"Of course you had this planned." Emerald shyly said to her, "You're plans always work."
Cinder gave her a bright smile for a moment. "Thank you. They do." she said, and Emerald gave her a shocked look. "The only question was what I wanted?"
"Apparently a mansion in the Vacuan badlands." Taj added.
* * *
Yang and Weiss walked down the stairs. "Nora, Ren." Weiss greeted, and Nora jumped up. Ren quickly stood up behind her.
"I believe it was going to be Blake and Weiss?" Ren asked.
"They had to do... something?.." Yang asked. "Instead of Ladybug you got Freezerburn." she stated, and Neo looked at her questioningly.
"Ruby and Blake are Ladybug." Weiss stated as they walked up, "Yang and myself are Freezerburn."
Again, Neo looked at them questioningly. "Because I'm hot," Yang said, and looked at Weiss, "and she's..."
"An ice queen." Weiss said neutrally, causing Yang to develop a surprised look. Weiss was flushing both light and dark blue. "I have learned to accept my role as the team's wet blanket."
"You're RWBY's Jaune!" Nora exclaimed, and Weiss looked at her with uncertainty for a moment.
"Yes?" Weiss asked.
"Someone has to keep us from jumping in head first." Yang said.
"If that is at all possible?" Weiss neutrally asked.
"So?" Yang asked, "Anything interesting happen?"
"Oh?" Nora asked, "Jaune came in, hugged Neo, and told her how he feels her pain or something."
Weiss lookded at Neo, "Indeed?" she asked. Neo glared at her for a few moments before finally nodding.
"That does sound like him." Yang added.
"He did walk in and just pull my sister into a hug." Weiss said.
"That does sound like Leader." Nora added.
"Really makes me jealous." Yang stated.
"Of Jaune or Winter?" Ren asked, causing Yang to flush orange. "We will take our leave." Ren finished, and then grabbed Nora's hand, gently tugging her to a stairs. Yang walked up to the hole in the cell while Weiss walked over to the crates before elegantly sitting up upon one.
"So, tell me?" Yang eagerly asked, and Neo looked at her curiously. "Jaune's hug. I know they can come and go in an instant, but in that time, it feels like time stands still, doesn't it?" she asked, and Neo's face softened. "So, warm, wrapping all around you, firm, but yielding, like it knows what you want."
Neo started to shift about.
"If he talked about feeling your pain," Weiss stated, "he probably meant to try and take it away. He has made all of our burdens so much lighter. And you would be mayhap not the first ne'er-do-well we've reformed."
"That's a fancy way of saying," Yang added, and Neo sneered at her, "he likes helping the helpless" Yang paused and hung her head, "Like me." This caused Weiss to let out a loud scoff. Yang turned her head up to look at her. "Let's face it, you're an ice queen, but I'm just broken." Yang reached her left hand over to grab where the right had been cut, but couldnt' seem to find the place. "The hell?"
"It seems your break has been mending." Weiss said, and when Yang looked over, Weiss was standing right in front of her. She grabbed Yang's hand and looked up into her eyes, though a couple of things did make that a bit difficult. "Despite my flaws, I find myself getting lost in you, and I can assure you that you are the same. We are not one, but five." Neo gestured with her hand to make fun of the blather, and Weiss turned towards her. "Oh, really, you have not found anyone to lose your flaws in?" she asked. Neo blushed and then looked around. She looked back to Weiss, giving her an evil gaze. "Glower all you want, it simply proves my assertion to be true. I assume that when Jaune ripped the bars off of your cell, he was expecting to no longer need them." Neo jumped up to the other side of the opening, and stood Augustly. Unfortunately, her minute frame was not especially intimidating.
"Uh-huh?" Yang asked, as she stepped up, "Look me in the tits and say that."
Weiss let out a scoff, and Neo developed a neutral expression as he looked between the two. "Must you be so crass?" Neo developed a mild smirk before quickly quashing it.
"She's the one trying to eye me down from tit-height." Yang said to her.
"Perhaps we could talk about this?" Weiss said to her.
"Over coffee?" Yang asked.
"That does sound lovely."
"I didn't mean..." Yang said, but Weiss had moved in to kiss her on the cheek. Before Yang knew it, Weiss was back up the stairs.
* * *
"Weiss?" Jaune asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"We have decided to discuss this over coffee." Weiss stated, and Jaune stepped back to let her pass.
* * *
Weiss walked out of the kitchen with tray with coffee in hand.
"Are you not concerned?" Ren asked, and Jaune turned around to pull him into a hug.
"This is fantastic!" Jaune exclaimed.
* * *
Weiss placed the tray on a crate, poured two cups, before elegantly sitting up on another crate. Yang sat on the ground with her back to the crate, and they both momentarily enjoyed their coffee. Neo tried to give them an evil look, as satisfied looks appeared on their own faces, but instead it came across as jealous. "Did you want some coffee?" Weiss asked.
Yang took another sip, "It's really good coffee."
Neo continued to look on them with jeaslousy.
"You simply have to ask." Weiss simply stated. Neo looked at them for a moment longer before turning around, sitting down, and crossing her arms in a huff.
Yang moaned as she took another sip. "Really good coffee." Neo briefly looked over her shoulder before looking back.
"The way I look at it," Weiss said, causing Neo to look over her shoulder, "you could either let Jaune-dear hug you, or spend the rest of your life in prison." Neo turned her upper body to glare at her. "Oh, feeling agrieved are we?" Weiss asked, "Then why exactly are you here?" Neo turned back away. "You could have gone anywhere. You could have done anything, but instead you hired mercenaries and came to join us here?"
"We could have turned you over to General Clank, and you would probably be put in a hole, never to be seen again." Yang said, and then took another sip of her coffee and letting out another moan. She then turned to Weiss, "You really make good coffee, Linnet."
"Thank you." Weiss replied, and Yang leaned over to kiss Weiss' leg. She then turned to Neo, "Remember, you are here because Jaune-dear thought it was good to do so. General Ironwood would have simply had you tried, and with the plethora of evidence, no doubt convicted."
"You know why you're in a cage, don't you?" Yang asked, and Neo turned to glare at her. "Because you wanted to. Ladykiller gave you a choice, and you wanted to hide back in your little box."
Neo turned to give them a questioning glare. "If you are wondering why we are guarding you is because you made the choice to stay our enemy." Weiss simply said to her.
"If you want to come out, we'll give you some of Linnet's wonderful coffee." Yang said enticingly.
"Or, perphaps?" Weiss asked, "We could call the General?" Neo huffed and turned away, every few seconds turning back to glance at them. She eventually breathed in deep, walked over to the hole in the cell, and just stood there. "Yes?" Weiss asked. "Did you want something." Neo crossed her arms with a huff, looking away. Eventually she looked Weiss in the eyes, nudging her head to the coffee. "Very well." Weiss stated, and jumped down from her crate. Weiss poured the coffee and looked at Neo, "Cream or Sugar?" Neo nodded and held up two fingers. Weiss stirred them into her cup and then walked towards the hole in the cell. "Now, if you promise to be on your very best behaviour..."
"No stabbing." Yang stated.
"Then we can let you out of your cell."
Neo looked at her questioningly for a moment before looking at and reaching for the coffee.
"Very well." Weiss said. Neo grabbed the coffee and turned back into her cell.
* * *
Hildegard Bont walked into James Ironwood's office. Ironwood stood up and rushed over to close the door, "Do you have any idea how inappropriate it is for you to see me outside of the council?"
"Does the chair of the judiciary have any idea how inappropriate this is?" Hildegard asked, "I'm here because I have something important enough to say." James walked back around to the other side of his desk, and sat down, leaning hard upon his desk with both of his hands. "Easy, James." she said to him. "You've had to have seen this coming?"
"I was just doing..."
"What you thought was right, yes." Hildegard said to him. "What you could to save Remnant, and by closing the borders, you made yourself vulnerable to everyone who's ever had a grudge against you, and to everyone that you're in the way of."
"Do - you think I?.." James asked.
"If you will let me say what I came here to say?" Hildegard asked, and he breathed in deep.
"Go - on." James stated.
"There's no way that Bluebonnet did not know what was going on."
"Do you think I don't know that?" James asked.
"No." Hildegard replied, "But now you know we're on the same page."
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daniellehelenamusic · 5 years
Being Green
I love that the world is starting to care about the world again. Remember when our ancestors respected land and let it rule them, rather than the other way around? I mean…nature still has its way of raining on our parade, but we shit all over it, so a few major hurricanes is karma these days. I, however, do not wish to repeat the mistakes of the 1900s that have severely impacted our ability to survive on this planet, so it is my responsibility to educate myself on ways to be nicer to Earth. I am learning more everyday, and I hope those around me make an effort to spread their knowledge, because the more we know, the more we grow. I propose we water each other and be green together.
That being said, I sell products on this site and ship them everywhere I can, and there is nothing green about that, as shipping involves lots of environmentally destructive things. Aside from the air pollution caused, packages often contain non-renewable materials like bubble wrap and tape…and styrofoam? Ugh… It is appalling that it is still legal to sell food in foam trays at the grocery store, so imagine my disgust when I order supplies and they arrive in a box filled with styrofoam. Gross. Before I opened my online store, I spent hours researching eco-friendly options, and I am offended that much larger companies have not put forth the effort to do the same when they are catering to a much wider audience. They. Ain’t. Shit. I won’t call those companies out, but I am thankful that most of my vendors are fairly green. Except that one time when I went viral, and everything went out the window.
I had a little less than 100 boxes when the madness hit, and enough “eco-friendly” bubble wrap for all of those boxes, as I had been selling my candles online for almost 9 months when my store went viral. I was prepared for business, but not hundreds of orders worth. I had to scramble to find boxes and shipping materials locally, so I settled for Staples on 125th, because I ain’t shit. Did they have the green bubble wrap from U-Line? Nope. Which is fine because the family that owns U-Line funds Neo-Nazi politicians and does not have black friends…(found that out after I bought it…whoops…used it all…won’t buy again…deal?). Staples did have those biodegradable packing peanuts (which annoy me as much as the styrofoam version), but they did not have any other option…so I basically said Father forgive me for I have sinned and proceeded to cop all the bubble wrap because my bath teas come in a glass jar (that I hope you reuse) and I do not want the glass to break before it arrives at your door. In the future, they will probably come in compostable bags but I’m still shopping around for the best options (and message me suggestions if you have favorites).
I kicked myself the whole way home for being a hypocrite…but then I projected that anger on society; WHY IS IT HARDER TO FIND HEALTHIER SHIT? If plastic is killing life in the ocean, why is it everywhere, and why are we still producing more of it? After the holiday rush was over, I fell in love with a green shipping supply company called Eco-Enclose, and the game changed a little. I finally used up my rolls of tape that I purchased out of desperation, and I have transitioned to paper tape (which is quite effective and far more attractive on a box). I still receive ingredients in the very packaging material I try to avoid, but I am committed to reusing them to cut costs (so if your goods ever come in bubble wrap or biodegradable packing peanuts, that is why).
Where do we go from here? I’m only one business and one person, so my role in the madness is minimal, but I figured it would help if I used my platform to spread awareness. So, in true spread love fashion, I have curated a marketplace to find green products to help guide you to a more sustainable life with far less waste. Many of these basic products you will find in my home, and through Amazon, they can be delivered directly to your door. (And Amazon will probably slide me some spare change for spreading the love). And I know Jeff Bezos is not the best human, but a lot of these brands are doing awesome work, and I highly recommend supporting them. Cheers to being green…or at least trying…
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