wolf-haten · 6 years
New Map Content
On the news post listing the new mods, we were also informed that new map areas were added. I intended to talk about this before but it slipped both of our minds.
First of all it's hilarious that these maps were made by Thomassen the infamous mini-modder and self proclaimed best role player, the rest of you are scum. A user who's not on the staff team, not even in a honorary position, and she's making the maps now? Does your laziness have no limits, Karlos (Azul)?
The two new areas are Caves and Mini Sahara. The latter just being the desert from the previous version's map, with all of the old desert animals finally back. So half of this "new" content is just content that went missing between version "upgrades" that is finally being added back. Like the majority of updates Wolf-Haven gets.
The Sahara is extremely small and leads nowhere. The only good thing about it being back is that this area is the only area with animals that give (relatively) good experience for higher lever players. Something that has been severely neglected and leaves most players only doing PVP for levels and ignoring the map entirely.
The Cave is hilarious because it introduces new animals. That have no art... They are Baby Bat, Brown Bat, Vampire Bat and Black Bear (pretty sure this one is new). And none of them have art. Why would you introduce a new map that has new animals if you don't have the art ready yet? It's maddening and senseless to see how consistently incompetent Karlos (Azul) is.
Cave is also wonderful because there is a second entrance/exit to the Under Woods (the one closer to the Sahara exit, next to the bolder between the two bridges) that is bugged. If you exit back to the Under Woods, walk a few squares and then reenter the cave, you end up in a different location than where you had exited before. To your back is a random cave in instead of where you exited a moment before. Great bug testing, Karlos (Azul).
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wolf-haten · 6 years
Let's all just take a quick pause to appreciate the irony of a news post saying 'stop doing sexual shit' on a site run by someone who gets creepy with his female staff (and maybe other users who just haven't come forward) and tried to get Sheri to buy back her staff position with a tit pic.
Anonymous said:N00b here. Can someone explain the dirty roleplay situation? Saw a news post about it ;^;
Combined these two because they're about a similar topic.
Second anon: "Dirty" aka sexual role plays are likely a constant problem on Wolf-Haven and staff just needed to post a reminder about that. The site is filled with immature teens and creepy adults, so it's no surprise. If something more serious happened recently, we're just not privy to it.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
Serg's name is changed to 'Liar' and I think he left the site. Does anyone know why? And what's this about him and Zimrah dating while he was underage and she was in her 30s?
From what we understood, Serg aka Sergeant has been gone from the website for a long time and his account named that for at least a year or two. Only a staff member could confirm that probably, though. Not sure why he left but we welcome anyone to submit what they know.
Zimrah is in her late 30s, when Sergeant and her began dating she was around 35 and he was 17 at the latest. This is corroborated through screenshot proof of him posting his age on Wolf-Haven around that time and testimonies from users. We’re current working on putting together a post about Zimrah and this situation along with other legitimate complaints that aren’t about her owning several custom accounts. 
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wolf-haten · 6 years
What are you opinions on all of the staff? I’ve seen “reviews” on several staff members, and user in the community, but what is your overall view?
Beyond the ones that have been directly mentioned, none of them are particularly great. Wolf-Haven hires an excessive amount of moderaters for how lowly populated the website is - since the amount of the things they can do is next to nothing besides moderation - and almost all of them end up leaving or getting fitted for being inactive. Jekyll/Karlos/Fang have become really effective at hiring lazy, inactive or really immature staff every time. None of them actually act their age and usually have an undeserved chip on their shoulder over being a mod.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
Oh, we just love it, Karlos. You took the game time off your steam profile! Feeling self conscious now that we called you out for it? See you drawing vore related art on your Twitter, too... Sure is hard to take five minutes and address your website about why you've been inactive for years. Or do you think so little of your users, and think they're too stupid to have noticed that all of a sudden you're online every day? Stop being such a non-confrontational child. Eat your pride and stop treating the people that give you money and kiss your ass like they're stupid.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
Wowzer! You fixed the ban page, Karlos! It still looks ugly and unprofessional, but the broken lines of code are gone! Tell us, how long did that take you? After reading our post that mentioned it, that is. Oh, wait. Don't tell us. You've been working on it for three years and happened to finally figure out what was wrong during the month of April, 2018. It's just a coincidence that it was still broken when we mentioned it, right? You deserve a round of applause, Karlos. You even figured out to ban our original email! We've really spurred you into a roll, haven't we? Feel free to ship us some nice flowers anytime you'd like.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
I like wolf-haven. This is the site I started building characters on and it's very dear to me. That being so, I love this blog. I think it sheds light on important things and it's comfortable to not be in the dark about this stuff. Thank you, anonymous blog managers.
Thank you for understanding out intentions. We have no problem that people have a place in their heart for Wolf-Haven. We do too. We only want people to understand that there are important issues with the website that are being ignored, or swept under the rug. And to show Karlos how you feel by potentially finding another role-play website to occupy until he shows that he is going to actively make changes and fix these serious problems.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
What happened was some user was having a roleplay ring about child torture and demon sex and tried to convince an underage girl to go meet him if the details aren't evading me
Oh, that’s wonderful if that’s true. Not all that surprising, which is the worst part.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
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Oh Karlos. You cheeky little liar.
Our thoughts on this topic will be included in a post about the recent updates. We just want the screenshots just posted to have front and center for some time.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
Hi guys! I was a staff member of Wolf-Haven from 2011 to 2016, although I was not very active for the last two years because that’s around the time Karlos lost interest in WH. It was very frustrating to work for someone who did not care to be an administrator of his own site, and you can only preach to someone so much before you realize that it is a lost case and your time is better spent elsewhere.
I want to preface my statement by saying that I am not here to slander the site, spread rumors, or bash it for no reason. I am here to share facts – events that really happened – and my recollection and opinions of those events. I will probably be banned from WH if Karlos sees this, but I obviously stopped playing the game years ago and I no longer interact with the community.
Seeing Karlos’s activity elsewhere bothers me to no end. I asked him to work on things several times; he always claimed that he was going through a lot or that he was very depressed. I completely understand, and he really did experience life-changing events that affected him and forced him to step away from WH for a month here and there. That being said, these events did not last for years, which is how long it’s been since he’s given a flying fuck about the site. He has had enough time to bounce back and readjust. He has gone to furry conventions, dated multiple people, moved, etc. I think what many people failed to realize (even myself) was that Karlos was not absent; he knew exactly what was going on. Staff can see the last time a user logs on, and his timestamps were always recent. He visits the site, and he has an extensive knowledge of web coding and design. He showed me the dozens of textbooks that he read on coding and web security. Perhaps it was a lack of motivation? I’m not really sure; he definitely had the capacity to fix many of the issues that occurred.
I think that when WH was hacked in 2013, he lost a lot of confidence in himself. I don’t think the site truly ever recovered from the hack. We lost many of the most well-known members simply because of the way Karlos chose to handle the events after the hack. He banned users who disagreed with his decision to not restore XP (the site had to be reverted to a previous backup, which was at least a week or so old). He claimed that they were trashing the site and being mean to him but in reality, they were just expressing their opinion. By the way, it’s beyond me why WH wasn’t backed up more frequently.
Out of the many users that he banned, I feel that the most notable ban was Stormgaze. Stormgaze was a notorious member who knew a lot about web design and… well, he wasn’t a moron, so he could see past a lot of Karlos’s BS. And he was vocal about it. Stormgaze ran a blog where he voiced his opinions about current WH happenings, which inspired me to create my own (this is important later). Stormgaze didn’t always see eye to eye with Karlos and was willing to point out his mistakes. I don’t feel that Karlos takes criticism well because Stormgaze eventually got a permanent ban. Stormgaze was a very matter-of-fact person who held an elitist view on the site and his own choices, but he knew his shit. Looking back now, I feel that a lot of his rudeness was just him being an honest person. He saw past the façade that blinded many of us.
As for Karlos’s creepiness? I mean, I can see where you’re coming from, though I don’t think I particularly experienced any of it. I joined the staff team when I was 14 but I lied and said that I was 16 because that was the minimum age requirement after the site’s renovation. (Karlos, if you’re reading this, I’m a really shitty person and I apologize for lying to you. Regardless, I did my job and I did it damn well.) He Skyped me once out of the blue which I found a bit odd, and he had his webcam on and was showing me stuff around his room. I definitely glorified him a lot back then, so I was just excited that the site owner was talking to me personally. I don’t think he meant anything of it but it came across as really weird, especially given that I was only 16 when that happened, and he was at least 21 or 23.
Before I forget about Karlos’s extensive dating profile, remember how he used the donation money to visit his girlfriend in the United States in 2011 or 2012? The donation money that was supposed to partially be donated to a local animal shelter, and the rest was supposed to go towards hosting the site? Yeah. I can tell you now that WH has had an immense profit and it STILL somehow makes a profit because people upload multiple characters to the site. Customs cost around $10-12 and there are over 3,000 of them on-site. Many members also purchased Points to spend on leveling up their wolf and to buy artwork from other members. Do the math, and Karlos makes a royal shitton.
But does anyone remember how he put the website up for sale a few years ago and immediately removed the listing when users found out? He later denied any allegations, but I think selling the website would have been his best bet.
I’ve saved the best content for last, which is the knowledge that I have because I was a staff member. I have never kept my opinions a secret, and I’ve always been honest. Here’s where my blog becomes important: I had a WH blog where I discussed what was going on with the site after updates, gave opinions on community events, and so on. After 1.3, Karlos asked me to remove an article that critiqued his inactivity because it made him look bad. I obliged, but I felt that it was majorly fucked up. I knew that if I didn’t remove the article, he would remove me from staff. I was a new moderator with 1.3 and it was something that I worked hard for, so I was not willing to give it up.
I’m not really sure where to start. I hold a personal grudge against Karlos because I was on staff for the longest time, yet three other moderators received promotions to admin before me. Sheri was one of my good friends and she did the job well, and I’m not sure how Fang still manages to have so much passion for the site, but I respect her immensely for that (although I don’t know why she’s still wasting her time; WH is not a relevant website at this point). I always amounted their promotions to personal bonds that they had, and I was never that upset because I can entirely understand why someone would want to promote a friend. What I will never forgive Karlos for is making Jekyll a mod and an admin and choosing her to run the site. Jekyll was a rude member before she became a mod, and she was even ruder with a blue name. I turned in complaints about her behavior numerous times, and other members came to me because she was so awful to them. He always claimed that he would talk to her about her behavior but he never did. I later found out that Jekyll and Karlos were so close because Jekyll was working on Cervidae with him. Instead of creating art for WH, they made art for Cervidae. We had a staff forum where multiple artists, including Jekyll, claimed different animals to work on. Miraculously, they were never finished. Jek and Karl (more like Jekyll and Hyde) were pouring all of their energy into this deer RPG thing that never actually opened up to the public. Amazing concept, but it was executed poorly. And instead of ending WH or passing it on to someone who was capable of handling it, he put Jekyll in charge. She is the most unprofessional person that I know. Have you read the news posts? Her grammar is absurd, she unnecessarily capitalizes random words, and she just… oh my, it irks me to no end. The FRONT OF THE WEBSITE is unprofessional. Who wants to join a website where the news is updated after months and it isn’t even typed correctly? Having someone represent your website who can’t even hold a normal full-time job is really embarrassing. But maybe that’s why they got along so well! /shrug
Jek was awful with how she treated the members. We never had any protocols to follow when giving users PM warnings or mutes or bans; there was no structure so we were all doing different things. Jek would mute someone for having stolen artwork on their profile, whereas I would PM the user, explain why the artwork was considered stolen, and add it to their user notes. I brought this issue up multiple times and was told by Fang that I was actually the one in the wrong. ??? That’s so corrupt that it’s ridiculous. None of these people knew how to be a moderator. It is beyond me why someone should be muted because they broke a rule they probably didn’t even understand. The point of being a moderator is to help users to understand the rules, not to be Hitler and swing your banhammer around willy-nilly. That’s probably why I never got along with anyone on the staff team, though.
Oh, and the staff panel was broken for years. When a post was reported and you clicked on the post link, you’d get “HTTPS” in the URL bar twice, so the link would be invalid. I’m sorry, but as a staff member, I should not have to manually type in a reported post just to handle it. The fact that he couldn’t even add a simple fix to the mod CP was really offputting and made me realize that I was working for someone who didn’t care about me. We didn’t get any compensation for our work until someone suggested it in 2013. Our compensation was 5 free customs because we were staff. Cool.
It was a very hard decision for me to leave the team, but I realized that WH was not the site it once used to be and it was never going to be fixed. I was not comfortable working for Jekyll because I don’t think she has a thousand competent brain cells and she’s just not an enjoyable person to be around. It was exhausting to work for a website and try to make progressive movements, only to be shot down and ignored. I begged Karlos to get new animal artwork. I begged him to update the mod panel. To fix the referral system… nothing was ever done. I had to accept with a heavy heart that he was never going to change, and the website would never amount to much. The community is dead. All of my friends left or were banned after the hack. I hated the people I worked with; there was nothing to keep me there.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
Right off the bat, let's get this out of the way.
 We aren't the same people as @wolfhaten. We know who they are. Sometime in the future there will be a post about them.
 We won't be posting about the same trivial things like old customs that wouldn't be accepted right at this moment. The only mention of customs and custom acceptance will be complaints regarding the actions of current and past staff.
 We will mainly focus on why the site is awful from a management perspective and how no one cares about the crumbling infrastructure. This will include our personal observations and experiences, along with any current/former users and staff that wish to talk about their time on the website.
 We will accept anonymous submissions but would prefer anyone claiming to be a staff member or previous staff member prove their identity &/or position. This information will not be posted publicly and will only be for our benefit so we know we're not posting potentially false information.
Stay tuned.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
On the recent updates
Screenshots to accompany later as we’re having some issues with the tumblr phone application.
1) Message bug - Positive change. The only complaint we have is that this has been a known bug for years. Staff knew a very terrible work around that involved guessing the ID of the message that was unread, which they passed to users having the problem. This should have been fixed 4 or more years ago.
2) Guides forum - Positive change. This helps a little with our complaint that there are too many stickied topics in the forums. It doesn’t entirely fix that particular problem and we still stand by our previous suggestions. This is a great addition for the simple fact that the topic about Premium subscriptions that we had mentioned in our original post about Karlos - and that was mentioned by Krasus/Gren - is now more obviously still available for viewing.
Don’t bother trying to delete it now, Karlos, we took screenshots.
3) Pack Renaming - Positive change, but still another “Why wasn’t this done years ago?”. We won’t harp on this too much going forward because a lot of these changes are going to be ones that should be have been done ages ago.
4) Deleting posts alert - Positive change. According to Meraki aka Laney in the comments of the newest news post, there is now a confirmation alert when you try to delete a post. Great. Quick question? Why wasn’t this in the news post, and why is a member of Art Staff having to put this in the comments? Is it really that hard for Jekyll to edit these news posts? I swear we’ll both scream at the top of our lungs if we find out that news posts can’t be edited after they’re posted on site. At this point we really shouldn’t be surprised if that were the case.
5) Mod applications opened - Oh, boy. We don’t discourage anyone from applying but we would ask that anyone interested keep in mind the things discussed on this blog from former staffers. Our suggestions for anyone that wants to be a mod while being aware of the problems presented are this -
Always stand up for yourself.
Don’t let Karlos, Jekyll or any staff member bully you into things you aren’t comfortable with. Your position as a staff member isn’t worth it. If you feel like disagreeing with something will mean you’ll be demoted, let them demote you. Stand up for yourself and your beliefs.
Always take screenshots.
If something happens or something is said that you feel is inappropriate or unprofessional, screenshot it. Not because we want more content, truthfully. Should anytime in the future you want to confront any of these dimwits about something that was said or done, you need to have proof. Even if you just want to share with others. Make sure you get proof. If you have solid evidence, no one can discount your experience.
This goes double for anything Jekyll says to you, because she apparently cannot remember anything she said two minutes prior. Show her proof it happened so she can’t act like it never did.
Don’t work yourself into the ground.
This especially goes for anyone who becomes a staff artist. You’re not being paid, this is a volunteer position. If you’re dealing with so much as a moderator that you feel stressed about it, you’re working too hard. If no one else on staff is helping you, there is a problem. Leave.
Karlos won’t help you.
It’s very evident from numerous accounts that Karlos, the owner of the website, won’t do jack shit for you. And from what we’ve seen, if it involves Jekyll, Fang won’t stand up for you either. This goes back to the first suggestion - Always stand up for yoursef.
Interesting note that two moderators - Kiev and Faren - have stepped down recently. Their profiles claim this is due to school and finals coming up in the next month and that they might return. This is fine, but we’re curious why they stepped down. In the past and honestly currently, inactive staff members is just a part of Wolf-Haven. We almost never see LunaLuna or Laomi online or actively moderating, but they’ve been steady staff members for years. Now the staff list is comprised majorly of staff members that are usually inactive, which is quite funny. We’re confused why Faren/Kiev didn’t stay on as staff as finals can’t really take up more than two months of inactivity. That’s really nothing compared to the records some staff members hold.
Karlos’s topic on Account Standings
This goes back to a post we made earlier calling Karlos a liar at his opening line -
“I've been messaged by a number of people who are unhappy with how the standing system is set up, the biggest issue seems to be that it's far too difficult to both get back to neutral from a negative standing as well as it being difficult to get a positive standing from either neutral or negative standing. These are fair complaints.” (Can you write a more annoying run-on sentence, might we add. Have you ever heard of commas? Or did you let Jekyll write this for you, Karl?)
Oh, no you have not be messaged by anyone. Except maybe your own staff as they linked you this blog, which you check daily. The only reason you’re bringing this up is because Sheri came and mentioned account standings in her submission, along with us touching on it. Don’t act like you’ve suddenly decided to listen to random users. You’ve got your pride hurt because there is a blog out there, that people actively are reading, that don’t buy your lazy brand of bullshit.
Oh, well. On to the topic contents itself.
1) Negative Standing showing on profiles - Positive change. This needed to happen when negative standing was first put into place. Outside of moderators happening to notice someone with a negative standing trying to sell things, users have no idea if the person they’re commissioning or buying a design from has a negative standing. We imagine this has led to many users being scammed by someone well known for scamming.
2) Negative Standing = Last Warning - Conflicted/confused change. We’re confused because we wonder why this wasn’t already the protocol for moderators. From what we understand, receiving a warning - not a verbal warning, but an actual warning issued by some kind of automation triggered by a moderator - should give a user a negative standing. Do moderators not issue bans already to users in this situation? 
The other conflict we have is wondering if a user has a negative standing for art theft, if they are then banned because they did an entirely different rule breaking offense. If so, that’s a bit stupid way to do things. Most websites work on a step system in terms of discipline for rule breaking. Verbal Warning -> Official Warning -> Mute/Suspension -> Ban (set time) -> Ban (longer time/permanent). If you stole art and received a verbal warning, and did it again and got an official warning but then spammed the forums, you should receive a verbal warning for spam. Not a ban. Each offense has its own steps that are followed. This of course may change depending on the situation, and perhaps sometimes a ban would be warranted.
3) Negative Standings have a “cool down” - Positive/conflicted change. Conflicted only because there are no doubt some users that should have a negative standing for longer than the “cool down” period. This is situational and a moderator would need to make a case by case evaluation. No doubt Karlos will not think of this and will not code an override for moderators. We would suggest this on the topic but that would lead to Karlos discovering one - or both - of our identities. We know he reads this blog so he’ll probably see this! If you choose to ignore it, it’ll only be at the suffering of your website, and the buffering of your pride.
4) Negative Standing “cool down” periods are paused during bans/mutes - Positive change. Not much to say about this, it makes sense.
5) Commendations for users  - Conflicted change. This goes back to what Sheri was talking about, that staff are too lazy &/or inactive to notice when users do things that should deserve positive standing. This is just Karlos coding the current the nomination topic into the site. This doesn’t fix the problem that roots with staff performance.
The other issue we have is how staff are supposed to validate these commendations. If someone is nominating another user for something they did and it wasn’t public, they could just be lying. Is staff expected to investigate these commendations and make sure they’re real? Do you really expect your staff to put time into that, when they won’t give out positive standings on their own?
6) Users who lose positive standing, will have perks revoked - Neutral change. Removing the profile icon makes sense, removing a custom only fit for a positive standing account we’re iffy on. Customs rules are such a asinine nightmare that something as simple as not having horns cut off in as many emotes, could be grounds to having a custom stripped. Custom rules desperately need to be revamped by someone who isn’t Jekyll before we’d be more on board with this. Removing customs that are very clearly not wolves is an entirely different matter. There are, however, many customs that bend the stupidest custom rules and are so minor that most users wouldn’t even realize it required a positive standing to upload. If this is supposed to be about not visually “promoting” these users anymore, this needs to be done with a great deal more scrutiny.
That’s really it. The positive changes are things that should have been dealt with years ago. They are so few we wonder if Karlos just coded a couple of things in five minutes so it looked like he was doing something. Some of these things are so minor they really should be included in a huge changelog of other small touchups that needed to be done. Alas, as we’ve said many times before, Karlos only cares about his public image. Not his website.
Oh, before we forget, Karlos! Did you know that if you spam click the “## Comments” link under each news post, it drops down several instances of the comments in succession? Maybe something you should consider fixing!
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wolf-haten · 6 years
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Ah. A virtue signal so bright it can be seen out at sea on a foggy night. 
We would like to note that we do respect anyone that doesn’t wish to contribute to the blog. That is your choice. It’s okay if you don’t agree with us, as well. We’re really quite happy to talk with you about what you have problems with. We’ve already done so several times and they’ve been very productive conversations.
We’d respectfully like to disagree with these sorts of responses, that being said.
“All websites have issues! Talking about them does nothing!” Sure is true that indeed, all websites have problems. The difference between Wolf Haven and Deviantart is size. If we made a blog complaining about things DA does badly, you’re right it probably wouldn’t get any attention or fix anything. DA is a corporate company that will have to do something major to lose users to the point that they stop making money. They don’t really care if a few users are vocally upset. Wolf Haven is small, with a very general concept and loads of competition. If they don’t pay attention to what people are complaining about they’ll lose their entire userbase. At this point they already have for the most part.
Karlos reads this blog daily. We’ve already mentioned that since he first became aware if it, he’s been acting very different. He cares about this blog - even if he won’t admit it - and is changing because of it. I’d say we’re on the way to fixing problems!
“You just sound like a troll blog!” You can try to deflect our impact as much as you want, but it doesn’t alter the truth.
“You need to give CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM to the people who can make changes!” We have three ex-staff who tried to do just that on several occasions and it did nothing. Pass.
If this “trolling hate blog” is what it takes for Karl to care about his website, that’s just fine with us. It speaks more to his character than it does to ours.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
The Plan
Our next couple of posts will be us speaking personally about our opinions and experiences about particular people on Wolf-Haven. Staff and members that we feel are the biggest problem with the website and subsequently are the leading factors in the site's slow, painful death.
Posts will be tagged appropriately per the person in question, along with their relevant social media accounts. Anyone who wishes to add something about a particular subject is welcome to submit us something.
We will accept submissions both in defense and against these people. If you're defending someone, however; if you come off too much like a blind, white-knight your submission may be deleted. Respond specifically to issues that are brought up.
Do not simply say that they are a nice person and everything being spoken about is untrue. Bring proof if you feel like claims are inaccurate.
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wolf-haten · 6 years
Since you guys are finally talking about @wolfhaten and @vomltbreath, I'd like to bring attention to this post. ^
Candid accusing VictoriaDB for tracing because she was a new user with nice art? Bitch, what? Sounds like someone is jealous because a new user happens to have better art than her. It's fine I guess to be suspicious of tracing, but why put heat on someone when you don't even have any examples, let alone proof. Please post this anon, if you can.
Btw full support from myself and others for outing [REDACTED] as the other owner. Nasty piece of filth, just like Candid. Toxic backstabbers who can't stay out of drama.
Posted anonymously as requested. Here's an archive of the above post in the event it gets deleted. - http://archive.is/Le3Y5
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wolf-haten · 6 years
I do not post as often as the other person running this blog. I just do not care anymore and want to get this out there.
Candid [ID # 15120] DA: https://dloxlde.deviantart.com FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/666kps/ TUMBLR: https://vomltbreath.tumblr.com
Was Mod Piyavkax on http://wolfhaten.tumblr.com
This can be supported by these facts - 
Piyavka is Russian for "Leech". This is a nickname that Candid has and does use. The x is random but the connection sans the x is too large to ignore.
Around the time the blog went up, was when Candid was publicly and obviously having trouble with the A/R system. This included making passive aggressive comments on the now gone A/R thread. Because their art is so tryhard edgy and gorey, artists were taking issues with their fucked anatomy and frankly ugly attempts at customs. So they decided to pick on very old customs that also had fucked anatomy.
This was confirmed to us by the other person who ran the blog. Who I will not disclose because they seem generally ok and no longer involved with Candid.
Candid persistently uploaded and posted artwork on Wolf-Haven that was far too inappropriate for the PG13 rating, and previously could be seen acting out when told to take things down. This has changed, but only recently. Both myself and other users that submitted to this blog noticed them advertising role plays that involved underaged characters from animes / tv shows / etc in romantically suggestive plots. This was a few years ago.
It was so obvious to myself and others that I've spoken to, I don't know how staff missed it. Wolf-Haven has never had a large group of super individual users that it would make it impossible to tell who was running a very sloppy attempt to hide their personal vendettas. But I guess that just further proves our point that Wolf-Haven administration team are just as woefully incompetent as the mods they hire.
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