astrcthesiai-archived · 11 months
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
💻 ― excellent writing
🌼 ― creative headcanons
🥇 ― well-developed oc
😍 ― admiring from afar
I'm going to do this correctly this time! 💪👁👄👁💪
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
@phytonomy has some really good graphics for their promotions and blog. @sozokami just came out with a new theme for their blog as well.
💻 ― excellent writing
I think everyone on my followers' list has amazing writing and the potential to go even higher with their craft.
🌼 ― creative headcanons
@whiskeysmulti has really funny shitposts they get for their characters. They write up some nice headcanons, especially for their Banana Fish muses. @queenharumiura just came out with some cool metas about Haru.
🥇 ― well-developed oc
I think you have a well-developed oc. @heartsglass has some well-developed oc's as well. @sozokami goes wild with a few oc's too. . o .
😍 ― admiring from afar
There are a lot of people I admire from afar for this one. @skytired, @angelictyphoon, and @drowninliquor are just a few.
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brokerofsecrets · 11 months
@nephytale liked for a thing
Generally, he was confident in his ability to get in and out of locations without being noticed. Even if that location was a ship. He had practically made a living out of it, after all. It would seem this time, however, he had mistimed his snooping. Teague was aware of the person approaching before he fully registered the sound of footsteps- inconvenient, as he slid a bit of paper into his pocket. There wasn't really anywhere for him to hide, which was even more inconvenient. He was also generally confident in his ability to talk himself out of trouble. He was charming enough, what could go wrong? "Afternoon."
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Happy Birthday Ryoko 2023 [from Sanji]
cc-one-piece-grand-adventurers Sanji went all out on Ryoko’s birthday, creating a life size version of her made out of premium chocolate, soon rolling it out in front of her, and her old and new crew alike!
nephytale answered:
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It was hard to believe what was in front of her eyes. Ryoko had mixed feelings. On the one hand, she felt flattered that someone had wasted so much time of his life to give her such a gift, but on the other hand… it was… awkward. The red-haired woman placed her hands on her waist, letting out a small laugh. "Something of this… magnitude… wasn't necessary… but thank you Sanji-kun… it's… adorable of you."
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"Rather, I would say… psychopath… are you sure he's harmless, Ryoko?" The first officer was certainly bewildered, slowly approaching the chocolate statue to touch it with the tip of his spear.
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"Don't touch it!! It's perfect! He caught every detail of Ryoko-sama!! We have to keep it" Kurayami mentions with the usual cheerful tone of his, coupled with a glint of adoration in his eyes like every time he talked about his captain
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Instead, Ryoko's brother remained with his arms crossed, until he let out a deep sigh "And where is my chocolate statue? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOO!" he complains
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“My dear Ryoko-chan deserves nothing but the best-<3” Sanji replied, swooning over Ryoko like he did every other female. While the commentary seemed typical from her crew like his own, he was annoyed at Kosei complaining. “Who the hell are you?!”
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“Black Leg, this is Ryoko's twin brother Kosei. You both need to calm down, you’d be surprised how much you two have in common,” Kaito commented in between Sanji and Kosei before things got too heated up.
“I haven’t forgotten about you Kosei, so we tried to make our own version, please try not to make comparisons. They are as different and similar as you and Ryoko are twins,” he added as Shiro the Mink wheeled out a chocolate statue of Kosei in a princely attire, clearly focused more on in contrast to Sanji evidently prioritising on Ryoko’s body.
“Sorry this doesn’t seem much in comparison, but I made cookies for you and your crew by extension,” Kaito soon showed Ryoko a tray of cookies, in the middle was a big one of Ryoko with smaller ones of her crew around her. It was notably evident that Ronin’s was done last and at the last minute, like Kaito almost forgot about him. "Happy Birthday."
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Resting Parents [RHP Kaito x Ryoko]
@nephytale asked // March 27
"Hey, handsome" Ryoko gently approached from behind Kaito who was sitting, her arms gently wrapped around his neck, her hands casually resting on his chest "Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk again?" She let out an amused laugh, considering that not only had they been together for a while, but they were already married and had a little girl. Leaning a little closer, she leaned close to his ear to whisper "Baby is asleep with uncle Kosei, we have a couple of hours just to ourselves…" // KaiRyo
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Kaito was resting by himself, having spent time with his daughter before Ryoko took over. He soon felt her embrace, opening his eyes at her teasing. While they did get married and started a family together, a part of him did miss the old days sometimes.
“Well all I know is that you look even more beautiful than the first time I laid eyes on you,” Kaito replied with a smile, eyes widening some at what she whispered in his ear.
“Really? Your brother is the best,” he spoke gratefully, well as long as it was not Shanks. “Now the question is, what should we do?” Ironic while he was busy he would think of things he’d rather do, and now he had that freedom, especially with Ryoko too, his mind hit a blank.
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hunting-songs · 6 months
"Oh?" A big smile appears on the redhead's face when she hears the sweet melody "My... my..." She quickly took her sketchbook, her charcoal pencil and at a safe distance she began to draw. Not a portrait itself, but what the sweet melody played by the woman with her flute made her feel and imagine, more of a drawing of a meadow full of blooming flowers. Then she simply tore off the paper sheet carefully and folded it. Ryoko climbed to the top of a tree and moving from branch to branch between trees, she finally dropped the paper sheet next to the other woman before walking away, still staying at a safe distance to see her reaction.
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She had set up her camp not long ago. Now there was the cracking sounds of a campfire, the gurgling of water in a kettle just about to start broiling, the rustling of the grass beneatht that she had trampeled down when putting up the campfire and rolling out her sleepingbag slowly reaching up again and spreading thir green straws like small hand against the warm sunlight falling through the forests branches. And between all this melodies, Senritsu had sat down on her rucksack, her feet tapping on the ground and her flute playing a song in the tact of her small camp around her until the glade was washed over by a orchestra only she could hear. And between this orchestra mixed the sound of someone climbing through the branches above her head. In any other situation the musician might had turned to see the stranger. In any other situation the Musician might had stopped playing the song. In any other situation the Musician might had reacted defensive. Yet the heartbeat of the stranger above in the treebranches was curious and friendly. So Senritsu was just as curious and friendly. So Senritsu opned the folded paper just as curious and friendly. "...and I was just in the mood for art." the woman hummed quietly, then a little louder she added: "But it is lonely playing music and enjoying art alone. Would be nice if somene gives me company." There was no answer and Senritsu just laughed, shaking her head in honest amusement. She could hear the stranger not far away as easy as if they were standing beside her. The fingers that had started to tap a small melody against her chin became palyfully: "Would be nice if someone would also sign this artwork." By thecampfire the water had statred broiling, added another instrument into the orchestra that was already the quiet glade around her: "Would be nice if someone joins me for tea." [ @nephytale ]
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cpirits · 9 months
(( @nephytale wanted a Vaan starter
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"The sandsea is really somethin' else." He said as he looked across at the expanse of sand that tricked the eye to resemble water. "If someone fell in, I doubt they could be helped."
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otulnlwnafh · 10 months
@nephytale liked for a thing
The... Thing before him had been slain in self-defense. To be fair, he might have intruded on its territory first, trying to follow some lead that had been found back in town. Regardless of the reason, he was currently butchering it- it seemed close enough to some sort of fish, despite him never having prepared a fish to eat in his life. He was, however, well versed in anatomy. That was close enough. Definitely. Never mind that it was specifically human anatomy he knew.
Bits of the creature were soon put over a small fire- with clear thought put into avoiding it flaring out of control- to start cooking while he went back to butchering the thing. "Unless you plan on attacking first, I have no interest in fighting. You can come out from hiding." As he paused, turned his attention toward a spot in the trees.
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whiskeysmulti · 8 months
Drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! Let's spread a little sunshine ☀️ Yipee!
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Random Mun Ask!- Always accepting!
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.Whiskey. Thank you!
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seaoftales · 8 months
Intimidation Meme
😊 - I think you are a really friendly person.
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// Thank you and right back at you! I know we haven't talked all too much but you're a delight to talk to and I can't wait for us to explore Ryoko and Shanks' friendship/relationship!
@nephytale / intimidation meme.
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themultiversemercs · 4 months
When the clock struck midnight, the fireworks began to light up the sky and the silence was soon replaced with their roars. Raising her glass of champagne, Ryoko toasted "To a new year without dying" She clinked her glass with his and took a sip, then lean towards Arch and kiss him, placing a hand on the back of his neck
"To another year of kicking arse."
His smile was full of warmth as they clinked glasses, looking back to the fireworks for just long enough to fail to spot her closing the distance, but soon picked her up as they kissed, effortlessly lifting her up to allow them to express their passion in the middle of the party.
"And might I say, looking incredible doing it, darling." He spoke softer as they broke the kiss but for a moment.
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lostxtosunlight · 6 months
Yuki would be crazy to turn down the opportunity to kill a prince. When he was offered a large payment, he accepted it on the spot. But now came the hard part--plotting and carrying out the assassination.
He knew many people were unhappy with their prince. Yuki hadn't felt any sort of way about him, mostly forgetting he existed, but he was among the minority. It seemed people either loved or hated him. He was doing some of them a favor, and some of them a great disservice.
Something about the whole deal soured his stomach, but money was tight these days.
He tracked the guards' movements for weeks and finally snuck in without much resistance. He knew he'd find the prince in his rooms at this hour, and though he could've relied on a shift change, assassinating the guards assigned to Kosei would give him a little more breathing room.
And so, after the bodies were hidden from view, he opened the door without a sound.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 11 months
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:: continued from here ::
ᴍɪʏᴜᴋɪ sᴍɪʟᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴅᴅᴇᴅ.  "His name is Mr. Eel or Unagi-san," she started to fawn when the giant snake screeched at them.  It was not a good time to talk.  They needed to get out of there and in one piece. 
Miyuki looked at the scales of the snake down at her swords.  Would they be able to cut the snake open?  She was not sure.  They had no clue if the snake was venomous or not.  If it was venomous, what would happen if that venom made contact with skin?  It would be a shame to kill such a beautiful creature, but it was either them or the giant snake.  
"It'll just retaliate," Miyuki agreed.  Miyuki also had haki, but only the observation and armament haki.  Ryoko probably meant the third, which her captain, Mira had.  "It's worth a shot.  Plus, if we do get it docile, we could perhaps ride it outside the forest?"  The last resort is attacking it. 
It was getting closer, it could smell the women, so Miyuki followed after Ryoko.  She lay on the ground and took deep breaths to calm herself.  The snake moved closer to them, perceiving the two on the ground.  Miyuki kept still.  It scanned over the two women, closely after sticking its forked tongue out.
Miyuki kept still, she could see in her mind's eye the haki of the snake in front of them.  She could see how large the ripple was in comparison to them.  One wrong move and things would get worse.  I am one with the ground...  
She could feel its breath as it examined them both, closely.  She was sure the snout was just a few feet and its breath tickled.  Miyuki was determined to keep still and hoped Ryoko would as well.  Soon it slithered away...
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sarcasticmercy · 7 months
Ryoko's fingers tapped her sketchbook thoughtfully for a few moments, then the charcoal pencil danced between them. She looked up and finally made up her mind. Completely silent, she looked at Law for a few moments and then simply began drawing lines in her notebook.
He hadn't expected to be joined while reading. Considering her silence, he wasn't going to complain about it though. The feeling of being watched, however, did draw his attention after a few moments. Law raised a brow, flicked his attention over. Ah. Not like he cared to stop her, as he reached for his drink before returning to his book. He had no intention to actually pose either.
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New Spade Pirate (Ace & Ryoko)
(Spade Pirate) Ace: "Oh? Do you really want to join my crew, Ryoko?"
[ SMILE ] : sender begins to grin at something the receiver is saying, like a big unstoppable grin.
@nephytale answered:
sexual tension prompts. Noticing Ace's grin, Ryoko almost did the same out of inertia, as if through that smile they could communicate, like some kind of code that only they could understand. A knowing grin. The redhead placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head slightly, in a gesture of self-confidence.
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"Of course!" A soft breeze made the strands of their hair dance, her sais hanging on the sides of her hips reflecting a shine from the sun. Ryoko looked for a moment at the immensity of the sea, it was captivating, like a silent call that told her that she had to move on "You didn't think you'd get rid of me so easily, did you?" She jokes "What do you say? Do I meet the requirements to be your crew member, Captain Ace?"
They have been friends and travelling around together for so long, Ace could even say Ryoko was his best friend, whom he could talk about anything with, especially pirate things since they both were rookies.
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“Nope! Well the fact that you haven’t ran away or got lost despite tagging along with me, I say you meet the requirements to be under my captaincy,” he answered, keeping his grin, almost giddy. “Man, Captain Ace really has a nice ring to it haha!”
He was excited, setting up a proper crew would enable them to do more, and survive more for that matter as they go into the more dangerous seas. “Guess that makes you my first mate then huh,” Ace realised, since Ryoko was the first.
// ooh, (early) Erza and Katarina could work, coz Miss Fortune is also more pirate like too lmao. Actually, I should go cap early Spade Pirate Ace too haha.
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Red Easter [RHP Kaito x Ryoko]
cc-one-piece-grand-ocs “Happy Easter, Ryoko. You are obligated to take one of these chocolate eggs from the basket,” Kaito greeted Ryoko in front of their room, having not gone to bed with her the night before as he would usually. He was in a certain costume, and looked tired too.
Kaito was technically kidnapped by Shanks and Yasopp before he could go to bed last night, forcing him to put on an Easter Bunny outfit and write a note to Ryoko that he would be away from the night. Now apparently, he could only take the suit off when he has given every crew member a chocolate egg, including their newest members of Ryoko’s crew too.
@nephytale answered:
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One… two… three silent blinks were her first reaction to the image in front of her. Was it Kaito's voice… inside a rabbit costume? She stood with her mouth half open for a few moments and then simply frowned, ending with a deep, exhausted sigh, even if she had slept well that night.
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"I won't ask questions… I can already imagine the answer." She reached into the basket and pulled out an Easter egg. "Damn, darling, aren't hot inside there?" Just as a precaution, and knowing who was the mastermind of all this, she left the egg far away, lest there be one with a trap and it would explode in her face. "I'm going to kill him for doing this to you… or at the very least, throw him overboard." Ryoko crossed her arms, shaking her head "Finish this quickly and take a bath… I'll be waiting for you with coffee and cookies, today we'll take a well-deserved nap together, okay?"
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“I’m pretending I am wearing weighted clothing for training, but..." Kaito admitted, he was enduring but it was definitely getting hotter and more uncomfortable as this task dragged on. “Thanks dear, I just have your crew left so…”
Kaito was efficient as he would any other task, wanting to get it over and done with for the theme of the Easter Bunny leaving everyone chocolate treats on Easter Sunday. As he wrapped things up, he just left a chocolate at each of Ryoko’s crew members’ quarters. He wouldn’t mind the doctor Nozomi seeing him in passing, but definitely not Ronin who he was still taking his time to warm up to.
“Finally…” Then it was time he got out of the ridiculous suit, and Shanks and Yasapp had no means of punishing him for cheating for taking it off early. Kaito was just so exhausted from the night to morning’s events, that he dozed off once he got into the bath, slumped over to the side harmlessly.
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hunting-songs · 6 months
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Send SOAKED for your muse to find mine standing out in the rain. Storms in the harbourtown felt as if the whole town had been wrapped in a thick, black blanket of water that kept on falling, falling, falling. The ocean in the bay had rose until up to the streetlevel , licking on the cobbled stone like dark green tounges that were waves. Rain ran in a steady river down the roofs and the wooden walls had turned as black as cole from the steady rainfall, the only colour in the almost drowning city were the warm lights in the windows that were yellow and orange, a stark contrast to the deep black and green wood and ocean. The usually so lively tradingtown was quiet, silent, still; the people had fled into the houses as if they had been washed inside the houses by the rainfall. 
Except for Senritsu who had stepped outside of the small hotel and sat on the stairs leading up to the entrance hall with her hat pulled deep into her small face and her drenched coat laying around her like a weight weaved of metal. The storm was loud, howling, screaming; the rain was crushing down on her cold, hard, icy; and she was quiet. She was quiet because she enjoyed listening, she was queit because she enjoyed listening for the sticky tensed voices inside the hotel had given her a migraine, she was queit because she enjoyed listening for the sticky tensed voices inside the hotel had given her a migraine and the storms screaming was washing the migraine away brutally.
"I can still hear you sneaking up on me." Senritsu, massaging the still aching side of her head, hummed more amused than anything else, evenif her voice sounded tiered. Her short fingers danced through the air to the tact of the rainfall, thick drops of water fell from her hands and drenched sleeves, shimmering golden like coins in the warm light of the nearest window. "And also the rain is not loud enough for me to not recognize a familiar walkingpattern. Hello Ryoko. Don´t sing me that worried song, I can handle myself out here well enough. I am much too small to be hit by anything. You however-" She pointed a short finger at the other woman, winking up at her friendly: "-you should go back inside for shelter."
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