#nepu nepu
Y’all need to learn what nepotism means.
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fukigen-na-kanojo · 1 year
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nana makes mistake -> mamiya shields her from embarrassment 🫶
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moth-tea-merchant · 7 months
Finding out Febe was not only Peitha's teacher but also uncle gets me. Like it makes sense now when Peitha talks about Deimos hesitation. Eparch was having him kill his own uncle. We can assume Peitha either watched or heard that her brother killed Febe. The only family member Peitha had that we can assume truly cared for her. Who was there for her to teach her how to survive in the hellscape that is nayos. It makes her desperation to have Heitor join them make sense. She has NO family left. She must have felt so utterly alone in this. We can see her confidence and certainly sway at times, namely after killing Heitor or when she talked about Febe's death. Nepus scolds her that she needs to make up for how much blood is on her family's hands. How much does that weigh on her?
Throughout this whole EP Peitha is confident and firm as we've known her most to be. But at the end of the chapter Peitha's plan fails, she's yelled at that she's been reckless and cocky. She defeatedly admits they aren't ready, and goes to the cliff to focus on the king's palace. She wants so desperately to do what her uncle couldn't, she wants so desperately to free her people and prove to them she can help them succeed. But she's not yet strong enough. And we can see that that gets to her. The lack of control frustrates her. It hurts her deeply.
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l1ttlepup · 8 months
hey um, this might be silly but, can you do wilford warfstache?
It's not silly at all. I LOVE WARFSTACHE and Mark in general.
I made a moodboard bc i didn't know which one u wanted hope this is OK :3
Wilford warfstache moodboard
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I'm gonna add it to the list but I will HAPPILY do any marksona and and all just ask.
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s0ftware · 11 months
Here was that LED wall from
Map: MMD World Home Nepu ^ ^
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roman-empire357 · 11 months
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It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-Nepu!! Another fun crossover art. Yugi and Neptune would be very good friends
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gameindestrilusting · 2 years
Neptune, Noire, Blanc, and Plutia. Trip to the onsen for fun, nakey flirty time.
Initially you had four tickets to the Onsen. They were going to invite Vert alongside them but unfortunately she had 4 Goddesses online to take care of due to a raid.
So now only Plutia, Blanc, Noire and Nep decided to go. Nep of course could not keep her hands off of Noire and Plutia followed along both girls smothering Noire rubbing her all over her smooth stomach, her round large breasts and even her perfect ass. Of course Noire's body was the most defined of all of them present
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"These morons I swear.. you also have mature bodies in your HDD forms, why don't you touch yourselves instead!" Noire was a bit annoyed from having both girls on her and then yelped from being suddenly groped by Neptune from behind
"Nonsense! It's not the same as playing around with your buddies huh Plutie~?" And right at the moment when Neptune asked that question and turned around she saw something that made her shiver in terror "NEPU!?" This only meant one thing...
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Of course
SHE was here
"I agree, why don't we play a little game? I miss having my little pets around~" Iris Heart says with a rather twisted expression causing Noire to shiver as well
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And then you had Blanc...
Blanc was in the back seemingly annoyed at all this flirting
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"Do these bitches ever shut the hell up?"
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444namesplus · 5 months
Acbu Acfuk Acloppuk Acmiciogfu Adcoglogbyq Addoippu Addopfu Addopfyj Adfux Adgyk Adliwopguq Admoppuk Adpu Aduj Aduq Adwodoux Alcifu Alcofy Aldifyz Algu Algyx Alloogfu Alpy Alvu Ambu Amby Amdofyk Amgyk Awcipy Awcoobbyx Awdoux Awfuk Awpu Ecbu Ecby Ecfuq Ecogyq Ecpu Ecuk Ecux Ecyj Ecyq Edbyj Edcopy Eddimilobbuz Eddoglify Edfy Edfyk Edfyq Edguk Edpu Elbu Elcifuz Eldolodiuq Elgy Eloggu Elvux Emcodovuq Emfy Emlocivu Emlodiby Emmopuk Empy Emuj Emvu Emvyk Emwigby Ewbu Ewbuq Ewcolidifyj Ewgyq Ewmipu Ewwobpyj Haccobu Hacoffyz Hadiby Hadiuk Hadiwilify Hafu Haguq Hagy Haldidogu Halgux Halibuj Haliby Halifu Halimopby Halovy Halpyx Hamvy Hapu Hapuk Hapux Hawfuk Hawfuz Hawicopgy Hawiuk Hawmimolibfy Hawodofu Hawux Hayq Heby Hebyx Hecguj Hecgy Hecigu Hecpy Hediflopy Hedigu Hediyj Heduq Hefu Hefy Hegu Heguq Hegy Helcoby Heldifgyk Helgu Helifcogwopuj Heligy Helivwipu Helivyj Helmivfy Helpu Hemdigmigu Hemdopu Hemliby Hemlimifu Hemvuz Heobpy Heux Hevu Hevy Hewby Hewfu Hewocifyz Hewwofu Heyj Nabyk Nacfy Nacibfu Nacomobyx Nacovloyq Nacuq Nacyq Nadcifbuz Naddibu Nadigy Nadipogvu Nadlibfy Nadofyk Nadogiplifyx Naduq Nadwifyx Nafy Naibgu Naiggu Naliciuk Nalobuq Nalopvy Nalyj Namciibyk Namibwipyj Namifdifuz Nammilipgu Namogfuj Napu Napuj Napux Navy Nawdofwiux Nawipdogpy Nawlipy Nawuk Neby Necdoopmopy Necivoppy Necivpu Necpuq Necux Nedgu Nedibdoyj Nedibfux Nedivguq Nedivy Nefu Nefuq Nefy Negu Neguk Neibpyq Nelcofgy Nelipu Nellofy Nelmiuk Nelobby Nemogfy Nepu Nepyj Neuj Neuk Nevu Newdicovovvu Newfu Newligyz Newogux Newovy Newvy Neyj Of Rabyq Raciopfy Racyk Radifux Radlodigyq Radofivyq Radoliuj Radvy Rafu Rafy Ragu Ragy Ralcofuk Ralifuk Raliobgu Ramibfyq Ramify Ramigu Ramivyx Ramoyq Ramyx Raovgyq Rapu Rapy Raux Ravu Rawifcicobvu Rawvu Rayk Redgu Redgy Redipy Redofcodogy Redopdiifgu Refu Refy Reguz Regy Reldilofpy Relivyx Relobwovyk Relwibvy Remicocoffu Remogciux Remopuk Repu Repuj Rewfy Rewgu Rewifmimifuz Reyk Sacgyq Saciby Sacivivuk Sacofy Sacoplobyx Saddiguz Sadfu Sadodigyj Sadoobwibu Sadovy Sadpuq Sadyj Safu Safuk Safyx Saguk Sagux Sagyj Salifyz Saligpy Salogyz Salpuj Samby Samigcogofbyx Samlimipyj Samofuz Samovuz Sampuk Saobdoliuq Sapuk Sapyj Sauk Savu Savux Sawogyx Sayj Sayk Sayq Sebuq Seby Secby Secidovu Secobmobvyz Secofvu Secovvu Sedbu Sedcopuq Seddifux Sedfu Sedvyq Sedwogyj Sefuq Sefuz Sefy Seguk Segyk Seldodobu Seldomify Selipdiuj Seliwovyz Selyq Semidivuk Semlivy Semliyj Semlolify Semoblipy Semobuj Semofu Semouk Sepu Sepy Sewlovmolipfux Sewpuq Sewvuk Sewvyk Tabu Tabyk Tacocibuk Tacofpy Tacoloyq Tacoofby Tacopu Tacovu Tacpu Tacuj Taddogguk Tadfuq Tadobpu Taduq Tadyz Tafu Taguj Tagy Tagyk Taifbuj Taiggyk Taipvy Taivvy Talbu Talbyq Taldowofuj Talfuz Talifyq Tamfu Tamiuk Tamoux Taobdobmopy Taovpu Tapu Tapuj Taux Tauz Tavu Tavy Tawcowilovfu Tawdipcivfu Tawipfy Tawiplobciuj Tawlivogdifuq Tawomoofbu Tawpy Tebux Teby Tecbu Tecfu Tecgu Tecomigy Tecowopu Tedfu Tedfuq Tedopofwovuj Tedoyx Tedpyk Tedyk Tefyz Tegyk Teibuk Telivfu Telmoifdopfu Telofpu Tembuz Temdopy Temfu Temibmivuj Tepu Teuq Teux Tevu Tevy Tewcopy Tewiwiwifgy Tewopby Tewowodifu Teyz Yx
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aeriavelocity · 1 year
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crimechannels · 1 year
By • Olalekan Fagbade Nigeria 2023 Election: Only way the South-East can win Presidency – Former Minister opens up A former Minister of Aviation, Osita Chidoka has explained why the South-East lost the 2023 presidential election. Chidoka, who spoke in Umuahia during a live program on FLO 94.9 FM Umuahia, said the only way for the region to win the country's presidency is for the people to engage in political alliance and build a strong coalition with other geopolitical zones. He noted that the present approach being applied by politicians in the zone cannot guarantee a victory for a presidential candidate of South-East extraction. He informed the South Easterners that the South West geopolitical region, which was always in the opposition, realized the need to be in the centre. He explained that such realization by the South West was them appropriating the strategy of alliance with the North, which in return, had made them relevant since the return of democracy in 1999. Chidoka, who recalled how the NCNC/NEPU, NCNC/NPC and NPN/NPP accords saw the South East playing important political leadership roles in the past, advised his kinsmen to revisit the approach for their own benefit. He made it clear that no zone can achieve the task of producing the President of the country just by counting only on votes or key candidates from her area, as obtained in the South East during the presidential poll. According to the former Minister, votes from the South East are always in bloc for a particular candidate which entails that any perfect alliance struck by the zone with other power blocs could land a man from the East in Aso Rock. He further suggested that the PDP could have won the 2023 Presidency if it zoned the ticket to the South East with a Northerner as the running mate. He pointed out that the South West was fast taking charge of coalition and alliance game plans which put the zone at a better political position. “The South East should return to the coalition and negotiate with other regions to win the Presidency. It is something we can’t go alone”, he maintained. On the issues of insecurity, he sympathized with governors in the South East, saying that the failure in security architecture across the country has worsened the South-East case. He therefore advised the governors to regularly and properly utilize security votes.
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grad604-melody-tan · 1 year
SDL: Pohewa Pāhewa: a Māori design kaupapa
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Desna Whaanga-Schollum
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The way Desna's work approaches and discusses national identity ties it together. She works on projects with people from many different communities, business and design professionals, artists, and academics to get results that improve people, practises, and places. Desna is involved in Mori identity design, discourse, and stakeholder involvement in Aotearoa through design consulting, study, exhibitions, wnanga, speaking engagements, and governance roles.
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Tyrone Ohia
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Tyrone Ohia is a designer working out of Tmaki Makaurau. He is of the Ngti Pkenga and Ngi Te Rangi iwi. He grew up in Whanganui but was born in Tauranga, and now he runs the award-winning design business Extended Whnau out of Tmaki Makaurau. The studio is motivated by the desire to elevate and promote all parts of Te Ao Mori through design and, as such, works on a wide variety of projects with a wide variety of collaborators.
Graham Tipene
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“I grew up in Auckland at a time when the only place to see Māori representation in art was in the museum or the statue in downtown,” he says, referring to Molly Macalister’s 1967 bronze sculpture A Māori Figure in a Kaitaka Cloak. "I thought it wasn’t good enough and we needed to do better for our kids who don’t see themselves in their environment.”
Graham Tipene's art can be seen all over Tmaki Makaurau, from the impressive concrete panels in the Waterview Tunnel and the beautiful Tirohanga Whnui walking and cycle bridge in Albany to the Central City Library and the Te Ao Mrama (South Atrium) at the Auckland War Memorial Museum Tmaki Paenga Hira.
The carving behind him shows Kane Nepu Paora, the grandmother, and Mere Paea Tipene, the granddaughter, coming together in a hongi. This shows the tuakana-teina bond between the two women.
Below them are two manaia who live in the water on either side of the Tmaki Isthmus. Their names are Kaiwhare and Horotiu. They show an old, intangible link between each river and the value of the two waterways for getting from east to west. They are guardians, or kaitiaki, who keep us safe and help us understand their job through stories.
Johnson Witehira
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Johnson Witehira is of Tamahaki and Ngi T-te-auru origin. He is an artist, a designer, and a professor. He helped start both Waahi Wairua and Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa (IDIA).
Since he got his PhD in Mori Visual Art in 2013, Johnson has been on a journey to bring Mori culture into every part of life in New Zealand. He was responsible for developing Mori designs for the Auckland City Council, TVNZ, the Auckland International Airport, and Waka Kotahi, the New Zealand Transport Authority. Other essential design projects include making the first set of Mori alphabet blocks, co-designing the PAKU gardening tools for kids, and making the first usable Mori-specific typeface.
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Zoe Black
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Zoe Black is the deputy head of Objectspace in Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand. She is Ngpuhi, Ngti Hine, and Pkeh. Since 2008, she has been working in art spaces. Her organising work has been mostly about building up communities and speaking up for craft and object art forms that don't get enough attention. She is the director in residence at Norwegian Crafts (2020–2022), where she works on projects that bring together the ways that Indigenous people in Aotearoa and Sápmi make things. Zoe Black helped put together the Embodied Knowledge issue of The Vessel, which was the third issue.
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thewritinglemons · 2 years
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Getting a job to work over in the Arctic was like a dream come true. The wild life was something that most people hadn't gotten to see up close, and you were dead set on documenting it all. There was just one issue about what you were doing.
It was him.
He kind of just showed up at your doorstep one day, intrigued about the office now being there when weeks ago it didn't exist. You had tried shooing him off, wondering what he was even going out in the cold so far from town. That's when he introduced himself as Nepus; a last name was never given, but you also didn't care.
You had work to do, but this man decided he needed to visit you almost daily. It was almost endearing.
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Nepus is a mermaid from the Arctic Sea and takes after a Greenland Shark with his mer appearance. His skin has a slight yellow tint to it that turns more green in his mer form. His eyes are an electric blue that are slanted upwards with thick eyelashes. His emerald green hair is often combed off to the side when he's on dry land, and flows like seaweed underwater.
His mer form is rather large, reaching around 10 feet in length total. In his human form he can still be a bit imposing at 6'1". Nepus is known for being pretty, even for sea folk, and he embraces it with his subtle smirks.
Nepus is an enigma, a curious boy who seems bratty and spoilt. He's interested with land, but holds a lot of secrets. Nobody knows who he truly is...most don't even know he's mer.
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Say My Name | Story
Nicknames | Drabble
Are You Sure? | Drabble
What I Am | Story
Prove It | Drabble
Slitted Scales| Drabble
A Two For One Deal | Story
Apologetic Tongues | Drabble
Weighted Blanket | Drabble
Café Vibes| Story
Bath Asks | Drabble
An Actual Date | Drabble
Caving | Story
Spend the Night| Drabble
Unexpected Visit | Drabble
Communication | Story
Breakfast | Drabble
Possessive Fish | Drabble
Who We Are | Story
Parental Issues | Drabble
Guppy Making | Drabble
A Royal Love | Story
Morning Beams | Drabble
Sweet Talk | Drabble
Seeing Double | Drabble
Fish Fillet | Drabble
Our Castle | Story
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go-ro · 2 years
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Really interesting that the Tijaniyya has these roots, but also has adherents like Abdullahi Bayero and Sanusi Lamido Sanusi who represent the elite. How did yan NEPU, who were mostly Tijaniyyah, perceive this?? Or did they convert afterwards, which would mean Tijaniyyah had a top to bottom spread. 
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s0ftware · 11 months
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Really cool music vid effect
Map: MMD World Home Nepu ^ ^
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ladycroftpr · 4 years
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Throwback to the late 90s
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hefkamazer · 2 years
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Nep sisters.
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