starsterek · 1 month
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self-indulgent jock/nerd sterek AU
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 8 months
Sure thing!
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Come Along Because I Love Your Face by cardel
(1/1 I 1,035 I General)
Derek doesn’t mean to stare, he knows it’s rude but he can’t seem to help it. The guy has been talking to his circle of friends for the better part of the lunch period and they’re all listening, riveted, just like Derek.
Hot Nerd Alert by alisvolatpropiis
(1/1 I 4,537 I Not Rated)
Derek can't believe he's actually doing this: taking a selfie snap of the guy he’s been crushing on for weeks to prove to Danny that one, yes, he really does exist, and two, he really is that hot and thus he is totally justified in being too scared to make a move.
Or you know, even talk to the guy outside of the class they share.
In his defense, this isn’t just any guy. This THE guy. Hot Nerd. The utterly adorable but still somehow insanely sexy freshman in his twentieth century American Lit class who he’s been lusting over since the first day of the semester. If there were ever a time for him to be that person who tries to be subtle while taking snaps of other people, this is it.
Game On by stilinskisparkles
(1/1 I 6,391 I Teen)
Derek first sees him from across the quad four days into fall semester. He’s sitting on one of the long benches, a marker pen in his mouth, grinning at something the kid lounging on the bench beside him is saying. When he laughs properly he pulls the pen out and throws his head back, his neck a long, lean line Derek is entranced by. He flicks the page in his book and highlights something, tossing the cap up in the air and catching it with his teeth.
Playing Hard To Get by stereksterek
(3/3 I 6,911 I Not Rated)
“Is that your best pick-up line?”
Derek was taken aback by the blatant call-out from his clearly intelligent mate, but if anything it just made him grin.
“I can do better.”
“Then why would you start with something that wasn’t your best? Maybe you’re not really that interested in me and could go and reflect on that somewhere else?”
Before Derek could refute his mate’s doubt with all the ferocity of his wolf, Stiles turned back to the bookshelf and continued searching for the book he'd been looking for. Apparently his mate wanted to play hard to get, but that was fine with Derek. He didn’t mind a challenge.
“Trust me. No one could be more interested in you than me.”
living in a movie i've watched by thoughtsandthings
(13/13 I 20,995 I Teen)
Stiles scrambles to his feet and holds his hand over his heart like he’s about to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. “I solemnly swear I will try my damnedest to woo the crap out of Derek Hale.”
Scott laughs and tosses a couch pillow at his head. “Deal."
Stiles and Scott shake on it.
But Then What... by Stoney
(3/3 I 24,343 I Explicit)
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He's someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn't like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn't attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
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clueindonut · 7 months
I'm aware there are likely many thousands of people that have made this comparison already but I thought I'd put in my two cents as this is the second show of Jeff Davis' that stole my entire life
message I sent to my sister
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ssaseaprince · 1 year
Can we talk about how Derek obviously has a type because Spencer and Penelope are so similar.
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hotgirlstiles · 5 months
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sappy derek time
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josephine-futturwoman · 4 months
Couldn’t even edge to this, I exploded immediately!!! Clean up on aisle MY PANTS🤣🤣🤣🤣💦💦💦
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nataliedoesnotlie · 5 months
it’s always “i love nerds” til i pull out season one spencer reid
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pkrosche · 3 months
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Nerd!Stiles trying to get Jock!Derek excited about passing physics, tell me I'm wrong 😆
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coppertophomegurl · 1 year
"Yeah of course you can copy my homework, just don't make it too obvious"
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differenteagletragedy · 9 months
I bet when Cove was little he would pout if you pulled the best Pokémon card but when he got older he’d hype you up so much if you got a good pull and that’s growth.
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blurillazsironman · 16 days
I have something inappropriate (and violent) to say
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axelwolf8109 · 4 months
I will always love the shy nerd x confident hot person trope
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criminal minds biggest mistake is that reid doesn't get any
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hoechlinsdicksblog · 11 months
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Follándome al nerd 👓
Trás informarle que reprobará una materia,a Stiles se le asigna un tutor sumamente nerd como descaradamente sexy.
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nezmar13 · 9 months
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cmincorrrctquotes · 2 years
Reid: Regular soda is too sweet!
Garcia: Diet soda has a weird after taste!
Reid: No! Ugh, oh my god. Diet soda is THE BEST! It doesn't have sugar! It's SPICY!
Garcia: It has other weird stuff in it! I'll take REGULAR sugar in my REGULAR soda!
Reid: It's SO SWEET like it's a dessert though! Diet feels more like a drink!
Garcia: I'm going to physically attack you.
Garcia: Which is better, my chocolate thunder?
Morgan: I usually drink water.
Garcia: Wha- NO!
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